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Los Reyes se despiden de Japón y se van de vacaciones de Semana Santa - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
The Busters Concierto Entrevista TFKTV - Duration: 1:22:10.-------------------------------------------
Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Chicharrones en Salsa Verde | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Recupera la energía con este superdesayuno - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
"La Flia", la nueva productora de Marcelo Tinelli, está en problemas - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
¿La décima es la vencida? Niegan libertad condicional al asesino de John Lennon - Duration: 3:01.En 1980, ocurrió una de las tragedias –e ironías– más grandes dentro de la historia de la música: John Lennon, un músico promotor de la paz, fue asesinado de un balazo
El responsable, un hombre llamado Mark David Chapman, fue arrestado y condenado a 20 años como mínimo y una máxima de cadena perpetua… este 2018 se cumplen 38 años desde que Lennon fue asesinado y la décima vez que le niegan la libertad condicional a Chapman
Mark Chapman, ahora de 63 años, ha intentado 10 veces convencer a los miembros del consejo de libertad condicional, que le den una oportunidad para salir bajo palabra; sin embargo, esta junta de Nueva York, se ha negado ante el caso de un hombre que, de alguna manera, cambió la historia de la música y la concepción de la violencia cuando disparó a quemarropa a Lennon fuera de su departamento en Nueva York el 8 de diciembre de 1980
¿La razón de cometer el crimen? Ser famoso… De acuerdo con la junta del Wende Correctional Facility de máxima seguridad, le han negado la libertad a Mark Chapman por "haber admitido que planeaste y ejecutaste cuidadosamente el asesinato de una persona famosa sin ninguna otra razón más que ganar cierta notoriedad
Mientras la vida de una persona no es más valiosa que la de otra, el hecho de que hayas elegido a alguien reconocido en el mundo y amado por millones, sin importar el dolor y sufrimiento que pudiste causar en su familia, amigos y muchos otros, demostró una cruel concepción de la vida humana y el dolor de otros"
En 2007, el actor y músico Jared Leto, protagonizó el filme Chapter 27 en el que se presentó la idea de Chapman alrededor del asesinato de Lennon
Quizá el asesino quería fama; sin embargo, el libro que llevaba consigo al momento del crimen, la novela El guardián entre el centeno (The Catcher in the Rye) de J
D. Salinger, ganó más popularidad cuando fue considerado como el "culpable" de llevar a Chapman a cometer el crimen
Ahora bien, ¿la décima es la vencida? No, en dos años, Chapman tendrá la oportunidad de apelar por su libertad de nueva cuenta
Cada dos años, este hombre ha intentado salir de la cárcel; a penúltima vez que le negaron su petición, fue en 2016 sumada a la de este año
Algunos rumores indican que Yoko Ono, viuda de Lennon y madre de su segundo hijo, ha hablado, o mejor dicho escrito varias cartas dirigidas hacia la junta, para que le nieguen la libertad a Chapman al citar como premisa que su vida, la de su hijo Sean y el primer hijo de Lennon, Julian, podrían estar en riesgo
How to fix a clothesline. Falling wheels and unsoldered bars. - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Principales Causas De La Infección De Oído - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Casiraghi inspire Noé, le fils de Gad Elmaleh -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Casiraghi inspire Noé, le fils de Gad Elmaleh (photo) - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Opel Agila 1.2 Blitz 16V AUT - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
মিথিলা তুমি কোথায় | BEST VLOG | SHAPON KHAN VLOGS | BANGLA NEW VIDEO 2018 - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
Maldives vs Bangladesh || SAFF U18 Championship 2017 || All Goals & Match Highlights - Duration: 9:45.Subscribe our channel for more videos
Tây Hành Kỷ Tập 8 Vietsub - Duration: 15:54.-------------------------------------------
Eight signs that may be early symptoms of kidney failure | Natural Health - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! Airco | Navigatie - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Temptation Island Vip, Ursula Bennardo contro tutti: 'Voglio vivere la vita al meglio' - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
La verità di Nicolò Brigante su Marta e Virginia: non c'è stato nessun ritorno di fiamma - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
🤩💥If you stop singing you lose level K-pop 2018💥🤩 - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Whatsapp Funny Videos 2018 😍 Indian Pagla Boy& Girls p11 - Duration: 3:13.New Funny Videos 2018
Volkswagen Tiguan (3) Tiguan (3) Comfortline Busin - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
"Cara Maria".Clamoroso Uomini e Donne: lei è pronta a lasciare. Colpa di Giorgio - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Audi A1 Sportback Basic Adrenalin 1.0TFSI 95pk LEDR+STOELVERWM. - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Free Piano Lesson (45), "Innocence", by Burgmüller, Michelle Lin Piano Studio Presents - Duration: 2:58.
Hi, everyone, this is Michelle. We will continue to learn music by Johann Burgmüller who was born in 1806 died in 1874,
a Romantic period composer.
Burgmüller's works such as opus 100, 109 and 105 are standard works for students.
We will learn his "25 Progressive Pieces, op. 100, no.5, "Innocence".
"Innocence" is in 3/4 time.
The key is in F major.
The tempo is "Moderato", which means medium speed.
The musical form is binary AA'BB.
The texture is homophonic, which is melody with accompaniment.
The melody must play louder than the accompaniment.
The term "grazioso" in bar 1 means gracefully, and "leggiero" in bar 9, means to play it lightly.
The section A has 4 descending 16th notes in patterns.
The section B has 3 or 4-note ascending patterns.
Please follow the slur signs to lift fingers on time.
Observe the rest signs in bar 8, 8-1, 14 and 16 carefully.
This is a piece to work on your fingers agility.
Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk Greentech Ambition - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
dairy goods made more compatible 🐄🥛🧀 Biogena LactroZym® - Duration: 1:23.Milk and dairy products contain many valuable ingredients and
diversify our menu. Yoghurt, cheese, etc. taste delicious and
provide high-quality protein, vital vitamins and important
minerals such as magnesium, zinc and Calcium.
However, milk also contains lactose, the so-called milk sugar,
which makes milk so tasty.
This lactose must be split in the small intestine first,
before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
This is done by the enzyme lactase.
Unfortunately, the amount of lactase enzymes decreases for most people with aging.
Many adults therefore have problems with the digestion of milk.
The lactose is not split up any longer, cannot be resorbed
and reaches deeper sections, where bacteria reacts excited
to this unexpected dessert.
The consequences are embarrassing flatulence and diarrhoea.
How much dairy products we can digest, differs from person to person.
Do we not have enough enzymes for carefree milk enjoyment,
we can simply add the missing lactase to every lactose-containing meal
in the form of a capsule. lactase improves the lactose digestion for
persons who have problems with the digestion of lactose.
Therefore we can draw on unlimited resources again when it comes to our favourite diary products.
Biogena LactroZym
dairy products made more compatible.
[AG 리뷰] '종료 직전 PK 골' 일본, 말레이시아 1-0 제압... 사우디 나와! - Duration: 7:48.일본이 말레이시아에 종료 직전 페널티킥으로
말레이시아에 신승을 거뒀다.
일본은 24일 오후 9시 30분(한국시간) 인도네시아 브카시
패트리어트 스타디온에서 열린 2018 자카르타-팔렘방
아시안게임 남자축구 16강에서 후반 44분 우에다의 페널티킥
골에 힘입어 말레이시아 1-0 승리를 거뒀다.
8강에서 사우디아라비아와 맞붙는다.
일본은 하타테-마에다를 전방에 배치, 초반부터 공격적으로 나섰다.
점유율을 높여갔고, 동시에 라인도 올리며 상대를 몰아쳤다.
문전까지 잘 도달하고도 결정적 슈팅을 만들지 못했다.
말레이시아는 한국에 그랬듯 전략적으로 전방에 한두 명만 남겨둔 역습을 펼쳤다.
전반 14분 바드롤의 결정적 오른발 슈팅이 일본 골키퍼에게 막혔다.
일본은 말레이시아의 밀집 수비를 뚫는데 어려움을 겪었다.
계속 두드리더니 전반 30분 기회를 잡았다.
마에다가 빠르게 문전을 파고들어 슈팅했지만, 득점되지 않았다.
34분 하타테의 슈팅은 골키퍼에게 걸렸다.
38분 마에다가 박스 안으로 침투, 오른발 슈팅을 날렸다.
득점 없이 45분을 보냈다. 부임의 기가 올라갔다.
후반 들어 말레이시아의 공격이 위력을 더했다.
후반 11분 역습에서 볼을 잡은 라시드의 왼발 슈팅이 골문을 벗어났다.
12분 압둘 라시드의 슈팅으로 일본을 위협했다.
일본은 후반 19분 측면 플레이를 통한 크로스 공격이 무산됐다.
27분 스기오카의 슈팅은 골키퍼 품에 안겼다.
시간이 흐를수록 말레이시아의 스피드가 살아났다.
후반 31분 빠른 역습으로 일본을 압박했다.
35분 라시드가 측면에서 시도한 왼발 프리킥이 골대를 맞았다.
2분 뒤 라시드의 통쾌한 슈팅이 또 골대 불운과 마주했다.
일본도 반격했다.
후반 38분 하타테의 슈팅이 간발의 차로 골문을 비껴갔다.
치열한 흐름 속에 기회가 왔다.
43분 이와사키가 박스 안을 파고들다 수비수에게 걸려 넘어져 페널티킥을 얻었다.
44분 키커로 나선 우에마다 오른발로 마무리하며 극적인 승리를 거뒀다.
Toyota Auris 1.8 Full Hybrid Aspiration - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Temptation Island Vip, coppie e tentatori: nel cast Andrea e Nicolò di U&D | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Nilufar e Giordano in viaggio per Temptation Island Vip, lui si sfoga: 'Sono impreparato' - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Should I work at McDonalds to Save for Real Estate? - Duration: 6:01.Hey, friends what's up Kris Krohn here. And today I'm parked outside of
McDonald's because I got a question asked me recently which said, "Kris, I want
to invest in real estate but if all I can do is work at McDonald's, should I
work at McDonald's to save money for real estate?
Okay, first of all, great question. I'm really glad that you asked it because
you know what? First of all, I can tell that your priorities are in the right
place. You're understanding that maybe you would even be willing to get a job
at McDonald's if that's what it took to be able to invest in real estate. That is
the same mindset I had at a job where I was barely paying my bills. In fact, I
wasn't covering all my bills. I was getting behind and yet, I was trying to
figure out how do I get into this game of real estate and so I did what I would
call the necessary evil. A lot of people would just not have a job and try to
figure out how to do real estate and that could work for some. It really
wasn't my style certainly not my brand new wife style. She's like, "hey, can we
have some security along the way while we do this?" So I took a job and I
learned how to make some okay money there and in time the money got better
there. But I never lost sight of the goal and the goal was invest in real estate.
Now, I can tell you that I had been there for at my job for less than a year and I
was considering quitting. And I was sitting down with my brand-new mentor
and I said, "listen, I want to invest in real estate. I'm not really liking this
job. I'm not going anywhere." And he sat me down, he had a conversation
that basically said, "Kris, if you will stay here at this job for 14 more months
you will have the necessary work history and credit to be able to buy a house. And
all of a sudden I'm like, "really?" He said, "yep." And I said, "okay". All of the sudden, I had a
different reason. I had a different goal for coming to work. That might be your
way. That might be your golden arches, golden ticket if that's what it takes.
Because in the beginning, I didn't make a lot of money. I didn't feel like I could get
that great of a job. But I'll tell you something happened. I stuck with that job
my mentor also said establish your credit, got 3 credit cards that you
use and pay off and use and pay off. Stay at the job, save up 5 grand. I followed
all 3 of those for 14 months and my job that I didn't like all of a sudden, I
learned to love it because it became a means to an end. And all of a sudden when
I bought that first house, I felt grateful for that job. And then I stayed
at that job and then something happened. As my real estate grew, I started asking
more of my job and I started growing in both my portfolio. Started growing and
and then the day came when I could leave my job to just do real estate and of
course that was like the kiss of freedom. It
freaking awesome and amazing. So when he asked this question, "should I work if
McDonald's if that'll help me fulfill my plan of getting into real estate?" Then
you know my answer would be. My answer would be yes. Heck yeah. I would in fact
if I were you I would work any kind of job whether you felt it was a great job,
a menial job, work a job. If there's a way that it can help you get in the game of
real estate. Because it did it for me and it was entirely worthwhile and I will
tell you that there's some people they don't know how to move backwards. There's
some people that won't take a certain type of job or a certain level of job
but you know what? Take your pride and bench it. And you got to figure out
what's really important to you? For me, I was practicing this thing that I needed
to be really good at in the beginning called "delayed gratification". Which meant,
"hey Kris, this time in your life it's not about having a dream job or a dream
house or a dream car, this is the time to be smart with your money. Scrimp and save
what little you can and you put that into a property. Friends, when you buy
primary residence, do you realize that it could be just 3% down and on $150,000
house we're talking about you know $78,000?
do you know that less than 10 grand, can get you into a home
and if you buy it smart, with equity or maybe with the basement apartment you
can run out or some type of big benefit that the year or two or three of saving
and scrimping might be completely worth it in the end? Because check it out when
I bought my first house, my net worth went up 40 grand. That was more than
double what I made in an entire year at my job. You just think about that for a
second. That was a lot of sacrifice until a gratification to create that. I'm so
glad I did because I did that for the next 4 years and then all of a sudden
now, I had delayed, delayed, delayed. I hadn't increased my lifestyle, I hadn't increased
my spending and now all the sudden I had a residual income of six figures. Over
10,000. It was actually $12,000 a month and that 12 grand a
month, do you know what it meant? It meant that I had a lot of freedom and a lot of
options. It meant that I could quit my job. So in the end, it was a necessary evil
except I never looked at his evil eye. I looked at it as I was man enough
to sit my pride on the side and do whatever it took to make stuff happen.
And that's what I'm talking about. The real answer to the question is no you
shouldn't work at McDonald's. It should be you should do whatever it takes to
get where you want to go in life as long as that it is a
moral integrity and an uplifting and doesn't hurt other people. And that's
really what worked for me. So by the way, if McDonald's is your plan then you know
what? Then get a job there and then work that plan and then stick with it until
you get the gold. Hey, thank you so much for watching today's video. Listen, you
don't have to wait 14 months, you don't have to wait 2 years, you don't have to
be at that job longer than you think. What you need is a mentor that can show
you the smarter path. If you click the link in the description below, I'm going to
show you how to get into real estate with no money and no credit. I will be
honest, some deals take 3 grand, 5 grand, 7 grand, 10 grand. But instead
of 20% down which can be 40 grand, I want to show you often how to do real estate
that doesn't even necessarily require money.
It certainly doesn't require credit. It is legit. It works. I've been doing it for
years and if you want a shortcut, I can give that to you just check the link in
the description below. Aside from that, make sure you're a subscriber because
every day guess what? Videos popping up, ding that bell so I can notify you and
share more of this knowledge that I hope will create massive value and get you
where you want to go in your life.
I SWIM WITH MY PONY 💦☀️ [Summer Vlog #1] - Duration: 3:51.Swimming in the Loire
I'm very reassured
False ! It's the first time I've driven the van
Linda discovers the river for the first time !
Oh, she made bubbles !
It's gooooood !
Look Noune, I have a lot of seaweed on feet !
Thanks to my parents and my darling to accompanied us, and to film and photograph us during this afternoon. More pictures on my Instagram : @linsa_libertedegaloper
Always Never - Canadian Dubai - Duration: 3:34.It's mad city vibe right now Canadian dubai right now
She rode on the 501 To queen and young
To say a couple words to me Before I run, I know she's mine
Oh girl, don't let it run wild That wild, imagination
I just hope you know I care I hope you know
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Woah, this feeling ain't fun Cause lately I'm feeling numb
From moon to sun I'm falling to pieces cause I think it's done
Oh is she mine?
Oh girl I let it run wild, that wild imagination I just hope you know I care
I hope you know
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Need a sign now, oh ya Do or die now, oh ya
Rode the 501 to queen and young To say a couple a words to her
Oh woah Oh girl I let it run wild, that wild imagination
I just hope you know I care I hope you know
I hope you know Oh woah
I hope you know Knah ah ah
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
I'll get you on a flight to the city It ain't the same at all
when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Oh L-A Tokyo and then to Sydney
It ain't the same at all when you ain't with me, when you ain't with me
Private Jet to My Show - Duration: 9:25.- So, I just took a private plane
from Salt Lake City to Santa Monica Airport
so that I could arrive in time for my show.
A client wanted me to come give a speech today in Salt Lake.
I was like, sorry, I can't do it because I have this show
that I'm doing on Friday nights.
And they were like,
well, what if we got you a private plane?
And I was like, yes.
I'm just gonna tape my set list onto here
so I don't knock it off and so I can sit on the stool.
My parents were very strict growing up.
Did any of you grow up with strict parents?
Yeah, cool, awesome.
What was the craziest rule that you guys had in your family,
anyone with strict parents?
- Don't bring home
a C on a report card ever.
- Don't bring home a C on a report card ever.
I don't know like how...
well, do you look back and you're like,
that's crazy, all I wanted to do is have Cs?
We're always more likely to laugh at things
that we perceive to be spontaneous.
I don't know why,
it's just a human psychology thing.
That's why it's great to be interactive with an audience.
So, there was this girl in my geometry class.
Super hot.
Her name was...
- Taylor?
- Taylor, exactly, nailed it.
I like how you asked it as a question.
Was it Taylor, is that right?
So, I like to put things like that in the show.
So, I have people name the characters in my stories
instead of using their real names.
Partly for their privacy but also just
'cause it's kind of fun to see what names people say
and then use those names
through the whole rest of the show.
And her name was...
- Courtney.
- Courtney, yeah, Courtney.
Her name was...
- Gladys.
- Gladys, yeah.
Now, her name was...
Wait, did you say Beyonce?
- Yes.
- Cool, so Beyonce...
Tonight after the show, actually, a couple came up to me
afterwards and were like,
were there any plants in the audience?
And I was like, what do you mean?
They were like, well, the interactions
with the crowd were so good.
We thought they were in there as plants.
Are there any children here?
- Yeah.
- How old are you?
- 10.
- I don't think I can say it.
What would you rate your maturity level as?
- I think it'll probably get an F.
- Wait.
Do you mean my joke?
We'll see, we'll see.
I'll tell you afterward
if it impresses me.
- Josh has evolved as a performer
from when he was a young boy.
He had a radio show
and he broadcast throughout our house
by speaking into the vents.
- Back into place,
so I was just like kickin' this tree.
Sorry, George.
- When he was on chemo in the hospital,
he went over
and gave a magic show
to all the other kids.
- They paid me $10.
It was pretty awesome. - Yeah.
His first paid performance.
- Have any of you ever had a grand romantic gesture
that was done for you?
- Someone wrote me a song.
- Someone wrote you a song?
- But in a poem form.
- I don't under...
- The lyrics to a song without music.
- Wait, wait, they were like, this is a song.
I know it just looks like a poem,
but actually it's a song.
That's like if I gave you a raw egg.
I was like, I know it looks...
it's an omelet.
- As a junior in high school,
he organized a motivational speech
for middle schoolers.
And I went to the first one
and it was not as good as he does now,
but he had...
- That's the most negative thing you're ever gonna get
my Mom to say about me.
It was horrible.
I had two assemblies and they canceled the second one.
That's how bad it was.
Literally, they canceled it
and said that my content was disturbing.
And my Mom says, it's not as good as it is now.
Yeah, so this is my best friend, Brad.
We met in freshman year of college,
15-16-ish years ago.
It's funny having Brad here
'cause he knows a lot of stories.
I did mention him but I waited until the very end.
I was out with some of my friends
pretty soon after that in Washington, DC, where we live,
and we were out dancing, as we did at the time.
Yeah, this is pretty much how I dance.
And so this girl
walked up to me on the dance floor
and she's like, you're awesome.
And I was like, what?
She's like super hot and thinks I'm awesome already,
and I haven't even said anything to her yet.
To be clear, these are thoughts.
I didn't say that.
I learned, so I played it cool.
I was like, thanks.
Brad was there when Ashley and I met,
and could reasonably take credit,
like a butterfly effect thing for how we met
because we got to the bar and waited in line
and Brad was the last person in our group,
and then didn't get into the bar.
A bad attitude...
- I had a conflict with the bouncers.
It was like various reasons.
- Had he gotten in we wouldn't have been standing
in the same place and I would never have met Ashley,
so thank you.
But later I found her again.
I was like, hey, were you the girl
that said I was awesome earlier?
And she was like, yeah.
And then right at that moment,
her best friend who was there
with her ex-boyfriend had come to the bar
or someone else was wearing her outfit or something.
She's like, we have to leave right now!
And she's literally dragging her away,
and I was like, no!
What's your name?
I'll Facebook you.
And she's like, Ashley Nolan.
And so I turned to my best friend, Brad,
and I was like, you remember Ashley,
I'll remember Nolan.
This is Brad, he was actually there.
I feel like we made a moniker for it.
We were like, Nolan like baseball,
like Nolan Ryan,
just to make sure we didn't forget.
- So, I was sleeping on the couch that night
and Josh was basically up all night Facebooking
Nolan Ry... Ashley Nolan, I still call her Nolan Ryan.
So I'd wake up every hour and he's still on there,
like, click click click,
and then I'd go back to sleep,
wake up again, click click click,
and then finally he went to sleep.
- The next morning I woke up and five Ashley Nolans
had accepted my friend requests.
At some point the real Ashley Nolan
accepted my friend request
and she goes to my profile
and my activity feed says
Josh Sundquist is friends with Ashley Nolan,
Josh Sundquist is friends with Ashley Nolan,
Josh Sundquist is friends with Ashley Nolan,
Josh Sundquist is friends with Ashley Nolan.
Ashley's never seen the show before,
'cause yeah, between college, - Yeah.
she knows all my jokes
but she's never seen it kind of like
all pieced together in that narrative.
- I've never heard you share some of those stories
in the way that you did.
And I had this perfect vantage point,
and I was looking down and I was just like,
I can't... this is beyond my wildest dreams.
Everything you've worked so hard to put together
paid off and I was generally like,
my face hurt 'cause I was just
laughing really hard with everyone else.
All of us were in that room, in that moment with you,
and there were times where you paused and there was nothing,
and I am so proud.
I was speechless.
- In theater terms, this is called a one man show,
but the reality is
that this production is very much a team effort
between Ashley and I.
And I'm so lucky to have her on my team,
both in this show and in my life.
So, I'll close by saying
thank you guys so much for being here,
and we should hang out sometime.
Can I Do Bankruptcy Credit Counseling For My Disabled Dad? - Duration: 1:39.My dad needs to file bankruptcy but he's got Alzheimer's and he's not mentally competent
so I have his power of attorney.
I know there's a credit counseling requirement.
Can I just do the credit counseling for my dad?
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditors' rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,
and Virginia.
This is not good news because I feel bad for your dad, but the good news is that the bankruptcy
code contemplates situations like this, and if you can establish, when you file the bankruptcy,
that your dad (or you mom or whoever you have power of attorney for) is not mentally competent
to do the credit counseling course, the course can be waived, and courts are fairly generous
with that outcome so you shouldn't shy away from filing the bankruptcy case just because
of that one kind of unfortunate factor.
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditors' rights, and if you have a question
about whether someone you have the power of attorney for needs to do their credit counseling
or how that works, please pick up the phone and call me.
I would love to hear from you.
Woodturning a Maple Leaf Bowl - Resin Inlay - Duration: 12:39.this is a piece of figured maple 11 inches in diameter and 3 inches thick
and these are maple leaves from my backyard
and here I'm just drawing some reference circles so that when I place the leaves
I can determine if they're centered and evenly laid out
so once I had them placed where they looked right
I drew some reference marks
and then filled in the rest of the leaves
and once I have the pattern down
I can go ahead and get to work with my router
and the bit is a 1/8 inch by 7/16 inches long straight bit
and once I have the outlines done using this bit I'll
use a wider straight bit to remove the bulk of the wood from the leaf pattern
in this particular section there's a a wall that's gonna be between each leaf
to separate the resin, so I've got to be a real careful and go very slow and deliberately
it's important to have very sharp router bits when you're doing something like this
once the patterns cut out I made sure that the piece was level so that when I
poured in the resin it would not flow one direction or the other
and then I just pushed it around which caused some overflow but it wasn't a problem
I chose these colors because they're the natural color of the leaves
green in the summertime a beautiful red in the fall
and here I'm just using a heat gun set on low to bring out the bubbles
prior to turning on the camera I had marked
the four corners at 90 degrees
and then drawing those lines helps orient the faceplate because the holes for the
screws are at 90-degree angles so I have to do is run those lines right down the
middle of the holes on the faceplate and it centers the faceplate perfectly
and here those reference lines that I had drawn earlier come in handy again
I can use them to determine where the foot of the full is going to be
and they also tell me where the edge of the pattern is because I want the pattern at the very
base of the bowl
I've marked the tip of the parting tool that I'm using here at 3/16 of an inch
because the resin itself is only 7/16 inches thick I don't have a lot to play with here
so the mortise has to be very shallow
and I'll test it momentarily
with the four jaw chuck that I'm gonna use to hold this on when I reverse mount it
and there's the chuck... and you could see how shallow it was
I sanded the base of the bowl all the way to 500 grit and then I touched up the resin to 1200
in here I'm mounting the four jaw chuck
for jaws means it has four pieces that
expand out or compress in as you tighten or loosen it
in this case I'm using it
in expansion mode which is my preferred method and it expands the four jaws out
evenly onto the surface of the mortise to hold the bowl in place
and since the mortise was so shallow I'm using the tail stock to hold pressure up against
the bowl as I take out the bulk of the inside
and once I knew I was getting close to the resin I pulled back the tailstock
and pivoted the bowl outward so I could access it better
at this point without that extra support I had to be very
gentle just the slightest catch could send this bowl flying off the chuck
now that I'm down to the resin I know exactly how much material I've got left
at the base of this bowl
in the center I don't have more than a quarter inch to play with
spreading out to 7/16 of an inch
so once again ever so gentle... ever so gentle with the passes
and then once again I sand it to 500 grit and touch up the pattern up to 1200
and I'm very pleased with that
it turned out better than expected
the fiery figure alongside those leaves... the depth of the color
and I finished this with walnut oil
it's food safe good for dry goods, fruits nuts...and so on
this would look nice on a coffee table
or maybe the center of a dining room table
I hope you enjoyed the video
I sure enjoyed making this bowl
I'll be doing some more resin work in the future so stay tuned
to all my subscribers old and new I just can't thank you enough!!
you keep me motivated
close to 20k now
it just blows me away
thank you so much!
thanks for watching
and if you haven't subscribed please do
help me grow!
see you soon
Semper Fi
Evangelistic Outreach Ministries - 08/26/18 - Duration: 28:30.-------------------------------------------
Oahu Travel Tips: 10 Things to Know Before YOU Go - Duration: 12:34.-------------------------------------------
New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #121 | Style Beauty - Duration: 11:00.Hope you enjoy it
Help me share video
Thank you for watching!
3 Ways To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing 💦🙋🏿 - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
Rapper Bow Wow shares devastating news about his son - Daily News - Duration: 3:14.</form> US rapper Bow Wow has shared his devastating news that he lost a baby boy this year
The former child star, 31, appeared to suggest his girlfriend Kiyomi Leslie had suffered a miscarriage after posting a heartbreaking tweet
The hip-hop star, whose real name is Shad Moss, revealed he was feeling depressed in a lengthy post on Tuesday, which he has since deleted
He wrote: "Don't really care. The media crucifies me. I'm the most hated. Every girl I gave my heart to it failed
My dad is a alcoholic and is now sick. I lost my son this year. "I'm over everything
Mentally I feel detached I'm in so much pain bro…" The baby would have been Bow Wow's second child after his ex-girlfriend Joie Chavis gave birth to their daughter Shai in April 2011
He later clarified that he was still in a relationship with Kiyomi and that the "every girl" part referred to his exes
The rapper, who found fame as a teenager under the name Lil' Bow Wow, has been dating Kiyomi since January
The pair often appear in each others Instagram posts and previously sparked speculation they were married after Bow Wow called her his "wife"
Meanwhile, the rapper also referred to his estranged father Alfonso Preston Moss, whose battle with alcoholism has been referred to several times by the star over the years
It's not the first time Bow Wow's social media posts have concerned fans after he previously tweeted about dying young back in March
He wrote a series of messages, such as "sometimes I wish I wasn't here". When a fan asked him what he saw in his future, he replied: "Not far
Because my mind telling me I [won't] see 35… my whole life I been paranoid like someone out to get me
Which is crazy. I used to think I'd die in LA when I was younger because of Big (Biggie Smalls) and Pac (Tupac)
I used to be terrified as a child. Crazy thoughts."
Do I need to register? - Duration: 2:54.[ music ]
Are you asking yourself if you need to register
as a lobbyist under the federal Lobbying Act?
The Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying is here to help.
There are three main questions that help to determine
if registration is needed.
1. Are you paid to lobby?
A person must be paid to communicate with the federal government
to be a lobbyist under the Lobbying Act.
Volunteers and citizens acting on their own behalf do not need to register.
Other levels of government, including Aboriginal governments,
are also exempt.
There are two types of lobbyists:
Consultants are paid individuals hired by clients to lobby federal officials.
This could include those serving on boards of directors.
In-house lobbyists are paid employees of a corporation
or organization who communicate with federal officials
on behalf of their employer.
2. Are you communicating with a "federal public office holder?"
This group includes almost anyone
who works for the federal government:
employees in federal departments and agencies
members of Parliament and senators and their staff
officials appointed by the federal government, except federal judges
members of federal boards, commissions, and tribunals and their employees
members of Royal Canadian Mounted Police
and Canadian Armed Forces.
This communication can be direct, such as in writing or orally.
It can also be indirect, such as grass-root campaigns.
3. Are you communicating about changing the state of play?
This means communicating with
a federal public office holder about:
changing or influencing federal laws, policies, programs,
regulations or the awarding of federal grants
and contributions and other financial benefits.
Communicating for a client about the awarding of a federal contract
is also lobbying for consultant lobbyists.
Consultant lobbyists must also register if they arrange
a meeting between a public office holder and another person.
The requirement to register is triggered for the consultant lobbyist
as soon as they agree to any lobbying activity,
even if they don't lobby right away.
It does not include simple requests for information
or clarification of the application of an existing federal law, policy, or regulation.
If you answered "yes" to all three questions,
you may need to register as a lobbyist.
Remember you don't have to have lobbyist in your job title
or lobbying in your job description to have to register.
For example, an engineer who explains her employer's position
on a safety policy to federal regulators may be lobbying under the Lobbying Act.
If you still have questions
or are unsure whether or not you need to register,
please visit lobbycanada.gc.ca
or call 613-957-2760 for more information.
[ music ]
FalconEyes RX-29TDX review - Duration: 18:01.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - A Million Dreams - Duration: 3:45.This video includes lyrics on the screen
Scottish Girl Reacts to BTS (방탄소년단) 'IDOL' Official MV | Little Lemoney 🍋 - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
I BET YOU LOOK GOOD ON THE DANCEFLOOR (Arctic Monkeys) - 2 Guitars Version - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Should You Wear A Jacket Without A Tie? - Duration: 13:51.Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!
In today's video we discuss the question, can you wear a jacket without a tie or not?
It's a popular question that we could ask all the time and it's probably because you
see a lot of men wearing it yet it goes against traditional style rules.
And so in today's video we'll answer the question once and for all, definitively.
Can you wear a jacket without a tie?
Hell, yes!
In this day and age you can wear whatever you want and no one can hinder you.
Of course you know us, and the answer is, it depends.
Because historically men would not wear a jacket without a tie and we'll discuss when
it's appropriate to do so when you need a jacket and all the in-between situations that
you might encounter in your everyday life.
Also keep in mind just because you can whatever you want doesn't mean that it's always advantageous
to wear it and so it's always good to have the right purpose for when you dress.
For example just look at previous presidents Barack Obama or George Bush. They would often
be seen wearing a suit with a dress shirt but without a tie.
Now they did that purposefully because they wanted to seem more approachable to the common
man and at the same time be presidential.
For most other people this is a no-go because the business suit is simply too formal to be
worn without a tie.
That being said, if you dress on purpose and you know what you're doing, it's good.
Personally I break the rules from time to time wearing a jacket without a tie is not
one of them at least not very often.
But I'll explain to you when I wear a jacket without a tie and why I usually always have
a tie.
Here's some guidelines when you should or should not wear a tie with a jacket according
to traditional style rules.
An ideal jacket to be worn without a tie is one that is very casual and heavily patterned.
It could be also made out of a different material such as linen or cotton or a blend.
And they're just predestined because they're by definition more casual and relaxed.
Wearing a jacket without a tie is relaxed too and because of that they go well together.
I see a lot of men wearing orphaned suit jackets that are basically part of a dark business
suit but then paired without a tie, it simply looks odd.
A tie or a bow tie or maybe even an ascot adds a visual interest in your triangle below
your face.
If you wear a casual combination such as this sport coat with a pattern as well as a dark
blue denim shirt, it also creates some visual contrast and it still highlights my face.
So these are combinations where you can really forego the tie.
In terms of patterns include houndstooth or Pepita patterns, may be a larger Prince of
Wales check and even a smaller one, if you have bolder colors in your jacket that's all
a good indicator that it can be worn without a tie.
At the same time if you have a jacket that has stripes in it be it rope stripes, pinstripes
or chalk stripes, that always requires some form of neck wear.
That being said never wear a striped jacket without a matching pair
of pants because it will immediately look like an orphaned suit jacket which is not
very flattering.
Also a pinstripe suit for example is quite formal so pairing it with denim or chinos
makes it look quite weird.
Of course, if you have a coarser linen jacket in a solid color,
that can also be worn without a tie because the material makes it casual.
So you always have to take everything into consideration.
As a general rule, if you have peak lapels on your jacket you should always wear it with
a tie because peak lapels are always more formal than notch lapels.
The second instance when you should wear a jacket without a tie
is when it's rather casual.
Let's say you're wearing worn-out boat shoes maybe with some chinos in a color and a jacket
in that case it would look odd to have a tie because a tie is more formal and the other
end is quite informal and you want to avoid those clashes.
At the same time if you for example have loafers, a pair of chinos, a dress shirt and a blazer
you can definitely wear a tie with that because it's a little dressier.
One combination that I see men wear a lot is a blazer with denim.
In that case, denim is quite informal and so I suggest you skip the tie.
That being said don't wear black shoes with your outfit because black shoes are more formal,
denim is informal, blazer somewhat in between.
If you then wear a white shirt without a tie, everything looks off in terms of formality
and it's just not a pleasing look.
The third time that I don't wear a tie with the jacket is when you're at a moment's notice.
Let's say you're at the office and you just quickly learn that a customer came in and
you have a jacket hanging there. Yes, put on a jacket. It's more formal than if you had
no jacket at all and it's okay to skip the tie in that particular situation.
But ideally you just have a tie somewhere that you can put on when you're required to.
The fourth occasion to wear a jacket without a tie is when you go to a party and you don't
know the dress code.
In that case it might make sense to have a little bow tie tucked away or a regular tie,
maybe in the car so you can quickly put it on.
Alternatively though you can maybe even forgo the jacket because if you're the only person
there in a jacket and everyone else is in a Hawaii shirt it makes you look really weird.
Always keep in mind that piece of neck wear such as a tie formalizes your outfit and so
taking off your jacket but keeping it on your tie makes you look like a little flower boy
at a wedding and it's not a look you want to go for.
That being said it takes five seconds to take off a tie and you can learn more about how
to do it properly without damaging a tie in this video here.
The fifth occasion when you can forgo a tie is when you actually stain it.
It happened to me before, I stained my tie during lunch. Now it just looks odd so I just
took it off and it creates an overall better look than having a tie that is stained.
The sixth time you can wear a jacket but not a tie is when your shirt is quite casual.
By that I mean you have a summer shirt and of a linen blend maybe in a pink, orange or
yellow tone.
Alternatively it could be a shirt with checks in multiple colors.
Also the style of collar has an impact on it.
For example a button-down collar is more casual and can be worn open very easily without a
Also there are shirt collars that are tailored to be worn without a tie and open and obviously
you should not put a tie on those either.
As a general rule the more casual your shirt is the better it is to be worn without a tie.
Of course other factors such as accessories in your jacket come into play as well but
just looking at the shirt that's the rule.
So if you decided to wear a jacket without a tie, here are a few things to keep in mind.
One, always wear either a pocket square or a boutonniere and you can even pull off both.
But you need something in your chest pocket that creates a visual element of interest
at the same time it makes your overall appearance look a lot more polished.
If you want to wear a boutonniere as well as a pocket square without a tie they have
to really work well together and balance each other out.
By that I mean, choose a flower that's very small and unassuming such as this small blue
boutonniere which you can find in our shop here.
You want to avoid bright boutonniere and pockets square colors because otherwise it's too flashy.
Also consider the size of your lapel, if you have a very skinny lapel, I'd probably skip
the boutonniere.
If it's medium to wide you can add one but always avoid a large boutonniere in bright
colors with a pocket square because it looks just odd without a tie.
Alright now that you know when you can skip the tie, let's talk about the occasions when
your jacket always requires one.
You need a tie whenever you wear a suit which means you wear a matching pair of pants and
a jacket.
It's made out of the same fabric
And to learn more about suits, how they should fit, suit lingo and all the details that you
need to look dapper, please check out these videos here.
A suit is generally quite formal especially when it's a darker business suit.
There may be exceptions to that for example if you have a tobacco Brown linen suit and
in that case you might forgo the tie but as a general rule if you wear a suit a tie is
always the best choice.
The reason is that the tie is a visual focal point that ties the outfit together.
Frankly I made this mistake once when I applied for law school.
I wore a dark navy single-breasted business suit with a red silk pocket square, a white
shirt and without a tie.
I thought I didn't want to be too formal and skip the tie but looking back I should have
just chosen a different outfit altogether.
At the end of the day if you wear a suit, you show that you respect traditional clothes
rules and because of that you should wear it properly with some neckwear.
The second occasion where you need a tie with your jacket is if you incorporate a lot of
traditional business colors.
Let's say you have a dark navy blazer with a pair of gray flannel pants, overall that
is a combination which is generally less formal
in a suit but it's a very business appropriate combination and because of that should always
have a necktie.
If you're not a friend of neckties or you want to be different you can also try to wear
an ascot or maybe a bow tie.
And to learn more about how to tie a bow tie, what to choose, please check out the video
And also for ascots we have tying instructions so they look neat and stay in place all day.
Of course if you want a great selection of quality men's neckties in different sizes
as well as bowties and ascots, please check out our shop here.
The third event where you should wear a jacket with a tie are very formal and dignified events
such as funerals.
At those events you never want to look half dressed and at the wedding some people might
forego the tie but at a funeral you certainly can never forgo the tie because it's a solemn
event that you attend because you want to show respect to the deceased as well as the
To learn more about funeral etiquette please check out this video here.
Of course, you guessed it!
We also have an entire series about wedding attire, do's and don'ts and you can check
that out here.
The fourth time you should always wear a tie with your shirt and jacket is if your shirt
collar is not conducive to being worn without a tie.
That's the case if your collar is too big and would collapse on itself without the stability
of the tie or if the shirt collar tips would make their way out on top of the lapel because
that's a very 70s look that makes it look pretty dated.
Likewise if you have formal collars with a larger spread I suggest you go with a tie.
At the same time if you have a button-down collar for example they're more conducive
to be worn without a tie.
Definitely always wear a tie with your jacket if otherwise your undershirt would peek out
from underneath your collar.
Some men love undershirts and that's fantastic and we even did an entire guide about undershirts,
the do's and don'ts but if your undershirt is really a t-shirt and it peeks out underneath
your shirt collar when it's unbuttoned it's simply a no-go and a fashion faux pas.
So you have two options, either you wear a tie or necktie or ascot or you get an undershirt
that has a deep cut out so it doesn't show and that way you can forego the tie.
The sixth time to wear a tie is when you have formal dress shirts.
What makes dress shirts formal?
We have an entire guides about that but in a nutshell if your dress shirt features French
cuffs for cufflinks, then it's formal and should be worn with a tie.
If your dress shirt is solid white and has French cuffs, the same is true.
Last but not least if you have a Winchester shirt which means you have either a contrasting
color which is usually white or a contrasting color and shirt cuffs then that makes it more
formal and you should always wear it with a tie.
In today's outfit I am wearing my jacket without a tie because I chose a casual blue and white
checked summer jacket from Gagliardi.
I opted for a dark blue denim shirt which is not ironed and therefore quite casual.
My slacks are baby blue and provide a visual contrast to my jacket as well as my olive
green suede tassel loafers.
The belt obviously matches the shoes and my pocket square really stands out because it
has this sunflower orange yellow yet it has a little paisley pattern that is larger than
my check but it picks up the color of blue from my shirt and from my jacket as well as
the green from my shoes and therefore it ties it all well together.
For socks, I usually wear over the calf styles from Fort Belvedere in this case I
went with a prototype for no-show socks which only works during this summer and I just want
to see how it feels and whether they stay up because it's a big issue with no-show
If you enjoyed this video definitely check out our guide on cuff styles as well as our
shirt series and our suit series I'm sure you'll love it.
Vintage Hawaiian Dress Transformation ~ Dress To Top, Skirt & Belt - Duration: 7:02.[Music]
Welcome to The Dress Up Mom.
In this video, I am going to show you how I took a beautiful, unique, vintage Hawaiian
dress and turned it into a two piece set, a top and a skirt that I can wear separately
or together.
But first, thank you so much for watching, I really appreciate it.
If you are a regular viewer or subscriber, I absolutely love you, thank you so much.
If you are new to the channel and you like what you're seeing please subscribe.
It's the button, it's here, it will mean the world to me.
I'm trying to grow this channel.
We are also on all of the social media outlets, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @thedressupmom
#thedressupmom and you can check us out there too.
I was recently at one of my absolute favorite places, Bad Madge in South Park here in San
This place is just a treasure trove of things, clothing, accessories, as well as home furnishing.
Tanya, the owner, and her staff are incredible pickers and just really find these incredible
She recently expanded out and now is double the size, so there are twice as many treasures
in there.
I just love going in there.
So, I was sort of roaming around and in the back of the outside area, Tanya has her sort
of Hawaiian section.
She has a Tiki party every year, she's getting ready for that and she has these incredible
Hawaiian dresses, tops, all sorts of stuff, and I'm really a sucker for those.
Especially the incredibly cool vintage ones that she seems to get.
Now, I have several of them that I incorporate into my wardrobe and wear quite often, so
it has to be pretty unique for me to sort of pick up on it at this point.
I saw this one in there that I could not pass up.
The sleeves of it are amazing.
I've not seen those before the way that they are, and the lining of them, the way
that they move, it's just incredible.
I don't think, you know, they don't make stuff like that anymore.
So, that's what really drew me to it.
And, I also loved the little butterfly type closure at the top of it, which gives it more
of an Asian feel as well.
And then the print of this dress is so cool, I love it.
It's so vibrant.
I like the scenery of it, so I was really drawn to this dress.
But, like I said, I have quite a few of these dresses, so I was really not going to get
it and then I came upon this idea.
Because the top of it and the sleeves are so cool, I through it would make a really
cool top, like a shorter top that I could wear with jeans or with other things and sort
of wear separately and show off the sleeves of it.
Then, I don't really have very many cool, sort of flowy skirts that are a little bit
longer and I though the bottom part could be made into a skirt and there was plenty
of room to do both.
It fits fairly well, so it doesn't require a ton of alterations everywhere.
I got this idea to turn it into two pieces, so I hope it turns out well.
I'm excited about it because I think I'm going to have a lot fun doing this.
I'm taking this over to Donna, my wonderful tailor that I love, if you watch this channel,
from Donna's Tailor Shop in Encinitas.
Let's see what kind of magic we can do to this gorgeous dress.
Rajka: Here we are with Donna and we are talking about making this into a two piece dress.
So, she pinned it here, right?
Donna: Yes, yes.
Rajka: Can you tell them what we're going to do?
Donna: Yes.
We make the length right there.
Rajka: Mm-hmm.
Donna: And the skirt, this will probably be the waist and we'll make the skirt for her.
Rajka: So, we're going to come back and she's going to cut and do all of that and
get the waist band started and they pick it up and get it all going.
All right sounds good.
Fitting number two, it's starting to look good, but we're going to take it in a little
All righty.
I picked up the pieces from Donna and I do like how it turned out.
I love that they're two separates now that I can wear together or pieced with other pieces
to make them look modern and different.
I really am happy that I did this.
So, you can see how it looks together now.
I think it's really kind of fun and looks a little bit more modern, or at least a lot
more me.
Now, I have to say, in full disclosure, what happened is, when I went the first time to
do this, I made the skirt a lot longer.
I had it more, sort of, ankle length and had it tapered in a little bit.
I thought it looked okay, you can see here, but something was off.
So, it just shows that I don't get these right 100% the first time, but I usually end
up going back and figuring it out.
So, I think with the skirt a lot shorter, it makes it look a lot cuter and more me.
And then, what I ended up doing is, with all of the extra length of the skirt that I was
cutting off, I had a really thick long belt made that I could use to sort of wrap around
twice and tie in a bow.
I can also use this around my head, I can use it as a wrap for a bunch of other things.
But, I like this belt, because with the elastic on the skirt, it made it look like I didn't
have a waist.
So, I really kind of think this belt makes me look like I have waist and gives me a little
more shape.
As you can see, I am wearing the top a bunch of different ways, with jeans, with other
I like that it's long sleeves, so I can kind of wear year around here in San Diego.
Then the skirt I can pair a bunch of different ways too.
I'm wearing it here for summer with just sandals and little tanks that I have.
But I can also see putting a sweater over it with maybe my Doc Martens or some sort
of fun shoes in the winter.
So, I think I'm going to get a lot of wear out of these two pieces and the best, so I'm
super glad I did this.
And, I love the print of it, it looks very Gogan to me.
That is what happened with this fun, cool, vintage Hawaiian dress from Bad Madge.
If you're in San Diego, go see Bad Madge over in South Park.
The cutest place with all sorts of fun, new and resale and vintage pieces and she's
got an unbelievable collection of all of the vintage Hawaiian stuff.
I've gotten some great pieces there.
And think about modernizing them, it's a really fun thing to do.
Thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed this.
Until next time, have fun and dress it up a little.
Class 10: Science (Chapter 6: Life Processes) Part - I - Duration: 9:24.-------------------------------------------
Shenmue Original Dreamcast Gameplay No Commentary - Duration: 17:03.-------------------------------------------
Conheça o possível substituto do lendário fuzil AK-47 - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
Quando o tanque supermoderno Armata será produzido em série? - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
'Esse aqui é o Lula, rapaz', diz Fernando Haddad em Salvador - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
LULA VAI AO TSE PARA EXIGIR COBERTURA DA GLOBO E DIZ: NÃO É A GLOBO QUEM DEFINE - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
Which Industries Should Trump Bail Out? | We The Internet TV - Duration: 3:23.President Trump has announced plans to prop up and bail out the coal industry.
Which is great, because how could America survive without coal miners?
The coal industry is the backbone of the American economy, 50,000 people strong.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
"50,000 people is actually not that many."
I mean, Arby's employs 80,000 people.
But American don't run on Arby's. America runs on coal.
And if coal falls, just think about all the other American industries it will bring down with it.
The Radio Industry.
When I'm deep in the mines, and my hands hurt so bad, and I can't see more than two feet in front of me,
the only thing that keeps me digging is waiting to be caller 100.
The radio industry is already facing competition from "podcasts" and "streaming services."
If coal goes, that means the livelihoods of 90,000 sound board operators
and washed up hair metal frontmen are in jeopardy.
"Livin' on a Prayer" ain't just a song no more!
The Bowling Industry.
The smoky air, the sticky floors, the screaming idiots:
Bowling alleys are the heart of American leisure.
Young people today have lost their way.
They aren't bowling at rates they once were.
And the bowling industry is relying on coal miners like myself to keep the lanes populated.
If the coal miners are rolled into the gutter,
who's going to teach thousands of skilled rental shoe counter attendants a new trade?
The J.C. Penney Industry.
I've earned the right to buy two pairs of jorts and get a third pair free.
My pickaxe, and thousands just like it, keep J.C. Penney in business.
Should we fall, this retail giant will be felled too.
Where else are Americans going to find the biggest sale of the year three times a month?
The Travel Agency Industry.
Internet booking sites are destroying travel agencies.
But there's no wifi down in the mines.
We need travel agents, and they need us.
Without them, who would coal miners call to plan the fantasy vacations they'll never be able to afford?
Those Drive-In Restaurants With The Waitresses On Rollerskates Industry.
If there's one person more iconically American than the coal miner, it's the rollerskate waitress.
But competition from newfangled drive-thru windows, and the lost art of roller skating,
threaten to make this way of life extinct.
Without drive-ins and girls roller skating in miniskirts,
where else is a 20 year old coal miner supposed to go through a mid-life crisis?
Guys Named Gary Who Sell Loosies Down By The Corner Store Industry.
There's nothing more American than starting your own business.
But Gary's had a tough time recently.
His costs have gone up, he faces competition from fancy vapes and e-cigs,
and the coal miners he used to sell to are dying from lung cancer
before he even has a chance to get them hooked.
Gary needs our help.
As long as I'm down in the mines, I won't fail him,
like my lungs are failing me.
So, what other coal-funded industries hang in the balance?
Do you work in one? Let us know in the comments.
And while you're here, go ahead and like the video and subscribe to our page.
Be sure to click on the little bell to make sure all our new videos show up in your notifications.
And if you're ever in mine country, holler!
Playing your part and helping the greater good before the clock runs out - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
মিথিলা তুমি কোথায় | BEST VLOG | SHAPON KHAN VLOGS | BANGLA NEW VIDEO 2018 - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
Małgorzata Rozenek: Zaszalała na Allegro - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
SUN BLUE, YELLOW, RED ... MIRACLE MEDJUGORJE ... JESUS HAS BLUE EYES ... - Duration: 2:16.By following, reading and applying the messages from Medjugorje ...
One day, I was surprised to read, in a message from La Gospa that Jesus wanted
to show ourselves to us ... As usual during the 30 days that
followed, I applied the rest of the message ...
And one day, while I was praying, I saw, in a flash, the hand of Jesus nailed to the cross
and then I looked at the face of Jesus, he had his eyes lowered and tired ... he
ended up looking up at me and I seen his look and to my surprise ... he
had blue eyes ... right after I stopped my prayer because I was
shocked ... I never imagined that Jesus could have blue eyes ... and
in addition it was confirmed by the message from Marie …
Sun blue, yellow, red ...
End 2017, at the end of the Italian Mass in Medjugorje, an event visible to the eye
naked, leaves all the faithful voiceless ... Indeed, on these outstanding images of the Sun one can
see the rainbow around the sun ...
If you want to see more miracles, it happens in the white area, by clicking on the image ...
Otherwise, in the red zone, you can see the last video ...
I publish 1 video every day at 18 hours, except Sunday ...
If it really interests you, you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
✅ Junior Lima brinca com o filho em raríssimo momento nas redes sociais: ''Todo desconfiado'' - Duration: 1:11.Junior Lima resolveu mostrar um pouco da rotina e da personalidade de seu filho com a esposa Monica Benini, de 8 meses de idade
Otto surgiu no Stories do pai, em um vídeo usando um filtro especial, que adiciona à imagem orelhas e focinho de cachorrinhos
De olho em sua própria imagem no celular, ele pareceu tentar entender o que estava acontecendo e o DJ se divertiu com a situação
"Todo desconfiado", escreveu Junior no vídeo. O irmão de Sandy já provou ser completamente apaixonado pela criança e mostra que o pequeno também já exibe uma certa identificação com a música
ANÁLISE: Desempenho do PSDB é o pior desde a eleição de FHC - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Irmão de Meghan Markle pede tratamento melhor da Realeza - Duration: 2:13.O irmão da Duquesa Meghan Markle pediu que sua família seja tratada pela Realeza da mesma forma que os parentes da também duquesa Kate Middleton, esposa de Príncipe William
"Eles já receberam famílias de fora no passado, como os Middleton, não vejo motivo para ser diferente com a nossa família", afirmou Thomas Markle Jr
em entrevista ao jornal Daily Mail. Ele e o pai não foram convidados para o casamento de Meghan com Príncipe Harry e desde então vivem criticando a Família Real
"O Palácio de Kesington poderia ter se envolvido assim que anunciou o casamento, eles poderiam ter procurado o meu pai e todos nós estaríamos felizes", disse ele
Thomas ainda contou que a fama subiu à cabeça da irmã, e por isso ela se afastou do pai
"Antes dela entrar em Suits eles estavam sempre em contato e ele tinha muito orgulho dela
Ele dedicava todo o tempo dele para ela, mas então ela não conseguia dar mais atenção para ele e ele ficou chateado", disse
Ele também afirmou que a irmã se sente melhor que os outros. "Ter-se tornado uma celebridade de Hollywood a fez uma outra pessoa, talvez ela ache que é melhor que todo mundo, ainda mais agora", disse
Jennifer Aniston umawia się ze swoim trenerem? - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Vrajitoarea Samantha vs. Veet Sensitive Precision Trimmer : 0 - 1 - Duration: 0:41.The recipe for the perfect disaster...
Your boyfriend surprises you with a romantic evening and you are, to say the least...
unprepared... You can wiggle your nose all you want
Samantha the Witch is off the clock.
Much easier and modern, go to the bathroom...
Veet Sensitive precision created especially for sensitive areas
is the practical alternative to classic hair removal solutions.
We wish Samantha a happy retirement and you can skedaddle because baby
is waiting for you in the bedroom!
VOCÊ TEM DIABETES, GORDURA NO FÍGADO, PROBLEMAS NA VISTA, PRECISA CONSUMIR ESTA FRUTA - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Wiedźmin rap 'Złodzieje mutagenów' - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
KARAOKE Tháng 6 Của Anh - Khói ft Two ( w/Mel ) - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Jak wymienić zawieszenie w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 6:38.Loosen the wheel mounting bolts.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Unscrew the lower fastener of the shock absorber strut.
Disconnect the fastener of the ABS sensor cable from the shock absorber strut.
Open the hood.
Use a combination spanner No.21. Use a nex key No.6. Unscrew the upper fastening of the shock absorber strut.
Remove the suspension strut.
Set the shock absorber strut on the spring compressor tool.
Use a combination spanner No.17. Use a nex key No.6. Unscrew the top fastening of the shock strut mount.
Remove the top mount, the support bearing and the upper spring cup.
Remove the spring.
Install the spring. Compress the new spring.
Install the top mount, the strut mount bearing and the upper spring cup.
Tighten the upper fastener of the shock absorber strut mount. Use a combination spanner No.17. Use a nex key No.6.
Install the shock strut into the wheel arch.
Use a combination spanner No.21. Use a nex key No.6. Tighten the shock strut top mount.
Use a drive socket No.18 and a combination spanner No.18. Tighten the lower fastening of the shock absorber.
Connect the fastener of the ABS sensor cable to the shock absorber strut.
Opposizioni, dove siete? Beppe Grillo scrive una lettera al Fatto: "Il Governo colma il vuoto e si f - Duration: 3:17.Dove siete? Questo chiede Beppe Grillo alle opposizioni in una lettera pubblicata dal Fatto Quotidiano in cui segnala che il Governo si trova "l'Europa dell'establishment contro, il capitalismo finanziario, i media pure e nessuno sembra mancare all'appello, tranne l'opposizione
Non c'è l'opposizione, sembra di essere circondati da un gruppetto di prefiche e non di costruttori di alternative"
Il fondatore del Movimento 5 Stelle prosegue: "Questo Governo sembra stia tentando di colmare il vuoto sviluppando una sua opposizione interna: nazionalizzare o fare delle concessioni con delle regole a favore dei cittadini? Non è un dissidio, è un semplice confronto" Grillo accomuna le strategie comunicative delle opposizioni a quelle del gruppo Autostrade nel caso del ponte di Genova
"In tv ripetono incessantemente di essere stati un po' distanti dalla gente . scopiazzando dalla conferenza stampa di Aspi, deve essere un mantra della comunicazione condiviso in qualche Think Tank interparassitario" C'è però un luogo, scrive ancora Grillo, in cui si può trovare ancora l'opposizione, quel Meeting di Cl a Rimini che sta per concludere la sua edizione 2018
"Se vuoi sapere come la pensano davvero, devi andare a Rimini dove, comunque tu ci sia arrivato, Autostrade per l'Italia non ti abbandona mai, eccola ad accoglierti insieme agli altri sponsor maggiori del Meeting di Cl
Furibonda, disperatamente alla ricerca di un eufemismo, Lucia Annunziata li aveva appena chiamati "conigli"
ma si sbagliava, sono lì, pronti a rilasciar dichiarazioni dall'alto di supersponsorizzati altari saccenti
È proprio fra le braccia dell'arroganza che ci si lascia andare più fiduciosamente ed esternare
E così le prime dichiarazioni politiche circa il disastroso stato delle infrastrutture del Paese le hanno fatte lì" [
] "Il tono è pacato, i fastidiosi pruriti e le timidezze si trasformano in una paternalistica posa di rimprovero contro chista lavorando per sistemare decenni di degrato strutturale e morale del Paese
Eccola l'opposizione, rinfrancata dal tono assolutorio della gran lobby: la fiducia nel confessionale della Compagnia Delle Opere non manca mai"
ALOK SUMMER MIX 🍓 Na Balada Jovem Pan 2018 🍓 Melhores Músicas Eletrônicas Mix 2018 🍓 - Duration: 1:56:08.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
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