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the treacherous | tiger vs phoenix - Duration: 1:07.a tiger and a phoenix
seduce each other before me
a will award the winner with the loser `s pretty head
tired alredy?
i`m dead, i`ll lose my head!
Cara paling mudah menambah internal Android yang Sempit menjadi 32Gb 100% works No Hoax!!! - Duration: 11:19. For more infomation >> Cara paling mudah menambah internal Android yang Sempit menjadi 32Gb 100% works No Hoax!!! - Duration: 11:19.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift 1.2 Comfort Automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:07. For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.2 Comfort Automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
"Cosa è successo a Romina Jr.?" E lei spiega la sua dieta "forzata" - Duration: 3:05. For more infomation >> "Cosa è successo a Romina Jr.?" E lei spiega la sua dieta "forzata" - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Vídeo 9 - Vedação das frestas entre os troncos e acabamento do chão - Duration: 2:44. For more infomation >> Vídeo 9 - Vedação das frestas entre os troncos e acabamento do chão - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani "deve smetterla di farsi trattare male": il consiglio inaspettato - Duration: 2:41. For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani "deve smetterla di farsi trattare male": il consiglio inaspettato - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Analista menciona armas da Rússia e China que podem destruir porta-aviões dos EUA - Duration: 3:22. For more infomation >> Analista menciona armas da Rússia e China que podem destruir porta-aviões dos EUA - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: ELIANA, ROLLEMBERG E ROSSO ESTÃO EMPATADOS NO DF - Duration: 2:28. For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: ELIANA, ROLLEMBERG E ROSSO ESTÃO EMPATADOS NO DF - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Por que contrato da Crefisa é vitória de Galiotte e Leila e nova derrota histórica para Mustafá - Duration: 6:54. For more infomation >> Por que contrato da Crefisa é vitória de Galiotte e Leila e nova derrota histórica para Mustafá - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
Neymar volta a se manifestar por rede social e ataca 'haters': 'Ninguém consegue impedir' - Duration: 2:48. For more infomation >> Neymar volta a se manifestar por rede social e ataca 'haters': 'Ninguém consegue impedir' - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
Forze armate e Servizi segreti, Conte alle nomine più delicate - Duration: 5:09.Si va verso una stagione di avvicendamenti in alcuni posti chiave delle forze armate e dei Servizi segreti, i cui vertici potrebbero essere sostituiti entro l'autunno, forse già a settembre
Ferma restando la guida dell'Aisi, il servizio segreto 'interno', in mano al generale dei Carabinieri Mario Parente, confermato a giugno dall'attuale governo per due anni, sono imminenti i cambi all'Aise e al Dis: il generale Alberto Manenti, capo del servizio segreto 'esterno', e il prefetto Alessandro Pansa, direttore del Dipartimento che coordina l'intelligence, i cui incarichi sarebbero scaduti ad aprile e a maggio, hanno ottenuto a marzo un'estensione del mandato fino ad un anno dall'ex premier Gentiloni, subito dopo le elezioni
Tecnicamente non si tratta di una proroga, ma di un modo per prolungare l'incarico dando al nuovo Governo il tempo necessario per scegliere i successori
E quel tempo ormai è arrivato, tenuto conto anche dell'imminenza di alcuni appuntamenti importanti, e cruciali per gli 007, come la conferenza sulla Libia che si terrà a novembre in Sicilia
La scelta spetta direttamente al premier Conte, che ha tenuto per sé la delega sui Servizi
È una decisione che prenderà dopo aver sentito in primis i leader della maggioranza, nonché vicepremier, Salvini e Di Maio, ed aver informato le forze di opposizione e il Copasir (il cui parere non è vincolante)
Al Dis i nomi che circolano come possibili successori di Pansa sono quelli di uno dei due vicedirettori - il vicario Enrico Savio e il generale Carmine Masiello - e quello di una esterna, Elisabetta Belloni, segretario generale della Farnesina
Lo stesso Masiello (che è stato consigliere militare dei premier Renzi e Gentiloni) viene dato in corsa anche per l'Aise, dove al posto di Manenti potrebbe finire uno dei vicedirettori: il generale dell'Esercito Giovanni Caravelli, impegnato in prima linea sul dossier Libia/migranti, o il generale della Gdf Luciano Carta, candidato però anche al vertice delle Fiamme gialle, in scadenza il prossimo anno
Una nomina imminente è poi quella del capo di Stato maggiore della Difesa. Il generale dell'Esercito Claudio Graziano, attuale capo delle Forze armate, assumerà il 5 novembre a Bruxelles l'incarico di presidente del Comitato militare dell'Unione Europea
Sarà dunque uno dei prossimi Consigli dei ministri, probabilmente già a settembre, ad indicare il successore
Il candidato più accreditato, salvo sorprese, è l'attuale capo di Stato maggiore dell'Aeronautica, il generale Enzo Vecciarelli
Secondo una regola non scritta ma finora quasi sempre rispettata, infatti, il capo di Stato maggiore della Difesa viene scelto a turno tra i capi di Forza armata, e questa è la volta dell'Aeronautica che ha già "saltato" un mandato
Nelle settimane scorse è circolata anche l'indiscrezione che vedeva il generale dell'Aeronautica Carlo Magrassi, attuale Segretario generale della Difesa e direttore nazionale degli armamenti, in pole position tra i possibili successori di Graziano al vertice delle Forze armate
Il problema è che il Codice dell'ordinamento militare prevede che "il capo di Stato maggiore della Difesa è scelto tra gli ufficiali in servizio permanente", mentre Magrassi si trova in "ausiliaria" per motivi anagrafici
Si è anche scritto che il ministro Trenta avrebbe pensato ad un suo intervento per modificare questa norma, ma il Codice dell'ordinamento militare è una legge e può essere cambiato solo dal Parlamento
Magrassi, peraltro, è prossimo alla scadenza del mandato: da ottobre, al suo posto, a ricoprire questa cruciale casella della Difesa, potrebbe andare il suo vice, il generale Nicolò Falsaperna
Per quanto riguarda le altre Forze armate, nessuna novità è prevista al vertice dell'Esercito (il generale Salvatore Farina si è insediato lo scorso febbraio), mentre quello della Marina 'scadrà' a giugno 2019
Il capo della Polizia, Franco Gabrielli, è stato di recente confermato dal Governo nell'incarico (il decreto non ha una data di scadenza); il comandante generale della Guardia di Finanza Giorgio Toschi, terminerà il mandato a maggio dell'anno prossimo, mentre il comandante generale dell'Arma Giovanni Nistri rimarrà al suo posto ancora per due anni e mezzo
Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 22 de agosto de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:43. For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 22 de agosto de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:43.-------------------------------------------
OLIVE OIL TREATMENT ON NAILS | Stop Nails from BREAKING! - Duration: 1:10.one of the causes of nail breaking is dryness in the nail that's why it is
important to rehydrate the nails in order to have a strong long and not
breakable nails if your nails are looking like the one I'm showing you
here is a natural nail hardener using olive oil vitamin E and lemon juice you
need to add three spoons of olive oil in a small container open to vitamin E
capsules and add it to the mixer and then add 1 spoon of lemon juice shake
mixture a little bit remember you need to mix it very well every time you apply
apply olive oil mixture in the entire nail cuticles and skin around the nails
every day for about 30 minutes to see nail growth strength and hydration each
ingredient has great properties to help it to regenerate breakable and peeling
nails olive oil with deeply moisturize nails and cuticles which it will
strength and hydrate your nails vitamin E will protect the nail and the skin
around the nail from damage and encourage healthy growth lemon juice
will get rid of the yellow nails and promote strong nail growth thank you so
much for watching subscribe if you want to be part of this organic family and
share this video with your friends if they're looking for a natural nail
treatment to stop nail breaking I hope to see you on Friday PURA VIDA!
💮☣Иностранец реагирует на TumaniYO - Dance Up - Duration: 6:44. For more infomation >> 💮☣Иностранец реагирует на TumaniYO - Dance Up - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
Renault Twingo - Duration: 1:01. For more infomation >> Renault Twingo - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
IN PARROCCHIA PIACE LA PANNOCCHIA - NEL VIBONESE UN COLLABORATORE DI UN SACERDOTE RACCONTA DI ESSERE - Duration: 6:13.Un presunto scandalo in canonica, al centro della vicenda un additato di averci "provato" con un suo collaboratore
Il tutto - messo nero su bianco in una denuncia sporta ai carabinieri di un comune del vibonese - racconterebbe, per bocca della presunta vittima - di una vicenda surreale: "Incontrai per la prima volta il parroco lo scorso anno … pochi giorni dopo la festa padronale
Rimasi lì alcuni giorni e notai che qualcosa non andava quando al termine della celebrazione di un matrimonio, un altro giovane sacerdote ci raggiunse nella casa parrocchiale proponendo un rapporto a tre"
"Idea - racconta ancora il diretto interessato - che respinsi con fermezza, al termine del quale andò via imbronciato
Non ne parlai con il parroco, con cui collaboravo, per pudore e dopo pochi giorni andai via, ritornando in Campania"
Due mesi dopo il denunciante, un giovane che risiede in Sardegna, si sarebbe tornato nuovamente nel vibonese per aiutare il sacerdote che, sostiene il ragazzo, "iniziò ad alzare le mani toccando le parti intime
E, come se non bastasse, l'altro sacerdote volle andare a fare un giro su Lamezia Terme utilizzando un'applicazione per incontri omosessuali, chiamata Grindr"
Le settimane successive le avance si sarebbero fatte più pesanti: "Il si prodigò per trovarmi un lavoretto da aspirante giornalista, mi regalò un cellulare nuovo dal prezzo modesto
Iniziai a chiedermi il perché e lo scoprii poco dopo, quando nuovamente mi toccò i genitali chiedendo "come sta Gigino?"
Toccamenti che si ripeterono anche in altre occasioni e che sarebbero stati chiesti "per sdebitarmi del suo attivismo, fintanto che persi la pazienza dandogli un ceffone all'interno della sacrestia"
quell'episodio, ci sarebbe stata poi un'escalation di torti e vendette da parte del sacerdote: "Per due giorni - racconta il giovane - mi lasciò nella casa parrocchiale privo di acqua e cibo, fintanto che tentando un rappacificamento per la debolezza fisica sempre più consistente, svenni a Vibo Valentia in un'altra struttura della diocesi di Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea"
"Una volta accompagnato in ospedale dal 118 - aggiunge - stetti solo per diverse ore, fintanto che il parroco portò due persone del luogo che mi annunciarono di aver portato i miei beni quali indumenti e pc nella casa in cui svenni e che non dovevo far ritorno nella casa parrocchiale"
Infatti, prosegue nel racconto la presunta vittima, lì avrebbe trovato lavoro, nel santuario del paese, dato che "il parroco tentando di mettermi a tacere chiese al Comune un contributo di 1
000 euro che sono stati accreditati al santuario e che personalmente non ho mai ricevuto nonostante la mattina andavo ad aprire e chiudere la chiesa
Mi disse di non dirlo in giro poiché in paese si sarebbe scatenata una rivolta visto che non ero del luogo"
Una volta dimesso avrebbe però chiesto che gli venissero restituiti i suoi averi, così da poter ritornare in Sardegna, dato che aveva lasciato la Campania per la Calabria
"Questo – aggiunge il giovane - non avvenne e al contrario venni minacciato dal sacerdote, da un ex fotografo e un veterinario della zona"
rosario Allora contattò il 112 "che mi aiutò – racconta - e l'indomani contattarono per ben due volte il parroco che non si presentò alla Stazione dei carabinieri
Così decisi di tornare in Sardegna con solo gli indumenti che portavo addosso e privo del restante materiale che mi è stato restituito in questi giorni, benché manchi ancora una cartella clinica indispensabile per poter curare una disfunzione alla gamba"
Della vicenda, lo scorso 15 giugno sarebbe stato informato il vicario diocesano che avrebbe a sua volta riferito al vescovo, monsignor Luigi Renzo
Nonostante la querela composta da sei pagine, nessuna azione sarebbe però stata intrapresa, almeno per il momento
Il giovane si dice rammaricato e allo stesso tempo sereno, conscio che le "autorità troveranno conferma alle sue parole, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo di applicazioni non proprio in linea con i dettami della Chiesa Cattolica"
Jess Glynne - All I Am [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:40.Jess Glynne - All I Am [Lyrics]
Bancários paralizam as atividades por 1 hora visando melhorias - Duration: 2:28. For more infomation >> Bancários paralizam as atividades por 1 hora visando melhorias - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Tipos de Fita de LED - Duration: 1:34. For more infomation >> Tipos de Fita de LED - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
Alessia Marcuzzi e Nicola Savino sono i nuovi conduttori de Le Iene: è ufficiale - Duration: 3:08.Ilary Blasi e Teo Mammucari lasciano le Iene: chi sono i nuovi conduttori? Alessia Marcuzzi e Nicola Savino Né Belen Rodriguez né Melissa Satta per sostituire Ilary Blasi: la nuova conduttrice de Le Iene è Alessia Marcuzzi
A dare l'ufficialità è Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, che rivela che accanto alla bella romana ci sarà Nicola Savino
Dopo un'attenta analisi, dunque, la produzione del programma di Italia Uno ha deciso di lasciare spazio a chi ha già condotto il programma in passato
Per la Marcuzzi si tratta infatti di un ritorno a casa: ha presentato il format già anni fa, dal 2000 al 2005, subentrando all'epoca a Simona Ventura
Savino, invece,è stato protagonista dell'ultima edizione insieme a Nadia Toffa e Giulio Golia nella puntata della domenica
Dal prossimo autunno Nicola, con la Marcuzzi e la Gialappa's Band, sarà al timone della puntata del martedì sera
Quella della domenica resterà ben salda nella mani della Toffa e di un altro gruppo di Iene
Perché Ilary Blasi ha deciso di lasciare Le Iene Ilary Blasi ha deciso di abbandonare Le Iene per dedicarsi esclusivamente alla terza edizione del Grande Fratello Vip
Dopo un'estate intensa in tv – tra Balalaika e Wind Summer Festival – la moglie di Totti ha scelto di concentrarsi su un unico progetto televisivo
Un modo anche per non trascurare la famiglia, visto che per Le Iene era costretta a fare la pendolare tra Roma e Milano
Allo stesso modo, Teo Mammucari ha voluto dare la priorità a Tu si que vales, dove è stato riconfermato in qualità di giudice
Alessia Marcuzzi torna in tv dopo un'estate di relax Trascorsa l'estate in famiglia, Alessia Marcuzzi è ora pronta a tornare in tv
La conduttrice ha volutamente rinunciato al Wind Summer Festival per stare più vicino ai figli Tommaso e Mia ma pure al marito Paolo Calabresi Marconi
Oltre a Le Iene, Alessia è stata riconfermata anche all'Isola dei Famosi, nonostante le recenti polemiche sul canna-gate
Il reality show tornerà su Canale 5 a gennaio 2019.
11 alimenti che parlano al corpo - Duration: 10:03. For more infomation >> 11 alimenti che parlano al corpo - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : COMEÇA A BAIXARIA JUDICIAL CONTRA HADDAD - Duration: 3:33. For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : COMEÇA A BAIXARIA JUDICIAL CONTRA HADDAD - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Meghan Markle zostawiła księcia Harry'ego! Brytyjczycy nie mogą wyjść z szoku || LVTszok - Duration: 3:59.Meghan Markle zostawiła księcia Harry'ego! Brytyjczycy nie mogą wyjść z szoku
Meghan Markle zadziwiła brytyjską opinię publiczną.
Księżna opuściła bowiem swojego męża i udała się w nagłą podróż do Kanady.
Europejskie media podejrzewają więc, że między małżonkami musiało dość do sytuacji konfliktowej.
Jakie jest oficjalne stanowisko rodziny królewskiej w tej sprawie? .
Markle bez wątpienia nie może cieszyć się przy boku partnera, którym jest książę Harry, dużą wolnością oraz swobodą.
Życie członkini monarchii jest bowiem połączone z wieloma nakazami oraz zakazami, do których amerykańska aktorka musiała się zastosować.
Co się dzieje z Meghan Markle? Właśnie zostawiła księcia Harry'ego i wyjechała sama do Kanady.
Co ciekawe, księżna opuściła jednak właśnie męża i udała się w samotną podróż.
Markle o dziwo poleciała tam zwykłym samolotem rejsowym do Toronto, a jej obecność na pokładzie maszyny potwierdziło kilku świadków.
Brytyjczycy bardzo szybko zaczęli więc podejrzewać, że między księżną oraz jej mężem doszło do poważnej kłótni, przez co postanowili od siebie odpocząć.
Sprawę dodatkowo skomplikowało oficjalne stanowisko rodziny królewskiej, według którego podróż Meghan była powodowana „nagłą sytuacją".
Dlaczego Meghan Markle opuściła księcia Harry'ego?.
Ostatecznie fani monarchii zaczęli się jednak zastanawiać, czy Markle nie udała się do Kanady, aby po prostu odwiedzić swoich przyjaciół.
Niezmiennie zastanawia ich jednak fakt, dlaczego nie poleciała tam prywatnym samolotem, a maszyną rejsową, co miałoby wskazywać na szybkie tempo podjęcia nagłej decyzji.
Inna teoria mówi o tym, że z Toronto Markle poleci do Stanów Zjednoczonych, aby… pogodzić się z ojcem.
W tę wersję zdarzeń najtrudniej jest chyba w obecnej sytuacji uwierzyć.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique trekhaak R-link - Duration: 0:53. For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique trekhaak R-link - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : COMEÇA A BAIXARIA JUDICIAL CONTRA HADDAD - Duration: 3:33. For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : COMEÇA A BAIXARIA JUDICIAL CONTRA HADDAD - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Margonem Łaźnia 59, Classic #34. Jak wygrać łaźnie? + Odpowiedzi na wasze pytania :) - Duration: 4:56. For more infomation >> Margonem Łaźnia 59, Classic #34. Jak wygrać łaźnie? + Odpowiedzi na wasze pytania :) - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Bihar Intermediate Fee Structure 2018 | Fixed Fee Of Science Arts & Commerce | Include Exam Fee - Duration: 4:05.Hello frnds, How are you
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the treacherous | tiger vs phoenix - Duration: 1:07.a tiger and a phoenix
seduce each other before me
a will award the winner with the loser `s pretty head
tired alredy?
i`m dead, i`ll lose my head!
Cara paling mudah menambah internal Android yang Sempit menjadi 32Gb 100% works No Hoax!!! - Duration: 11:19. For more infomation >> Cara paling mudah menambah internal Android yang Sempit menjadi 32Gb 100% works No Hoax!!! - Duration: 11:19.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift 1.2 Comfort Automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:07. For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.2 Comfort Automaat 5drs - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
HOW2: How to Control Your Anger - Duration: 2:58. For more infomation >> HOW2: How to Control Your Anger - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12. For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T 165pk Automaat Bus Exec | Premium Leder | LED | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T Progression - Duration: 1:07. For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T Progression - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
One big negative drag is Fed trying to raise interest rates: Fmr. BB&T CEO - Duration: 5:57. For more infomation >> One big negative drag is Fed trying to raise interest rates: Fmr. BB&T CEO - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Don't Peek! Don't Peek! - Duration: 2:04.Don't Peek! Don't Peek! Uselessly
Watch Live: Cristhian Rivera, suspect charged in murder of Mollie Tibbetts, appears in court - Duration: 13:31. For more infomation >> Watch Live: Cristhian Rivera, suspect charged in murder of Mollie Tibbetts, appears in court - Duration: 13:31.-------------------------------------------
Pressure in the fitness industry, relationships + life update - Duration: 18:15. For more infomation >> Pressure in the fitness industry, relationships + life update - Duration: 18:15.-------------------------------------------
New Lego 14 Jurassic World Knockoff Fallen Kingdom and Original Dinosaur Toys T-Rex Vs Indoraptor - Duration: 17:19.Wow guys keep watching as we put together the original and the knockoff
lego jurassic world fallen kingdom dinosaurs including in the Raptor and
t-rex from these giant surprise eggs keep watching ok guys today we are going
to take these giant surprise eggs and we're gonna pull out regular Lego in the
raptor and the knock off in the raptor from china the regular Carnotaurus and
the knockoff Carnotaurus from china the regular Velociraptor and the knockoff in
the regular Pteranodon in the knockoff and then we're gonna build all the rest
New Lego 14 Jurassic World Knockoff Fallen Kingdom and Original Dinosaur Toys T-Rex Vs Indoraptor
Wow awesome let's get started okay from our giant gyrosphere surprise egg we are
going to pull out our knock off in the raptor from china and then we will build
the original and compare the two awesome okay so so far it looks cool let's see
let's go ahead put this guy together
go ahead and put the original together and then we will compare them okay so
here is the original cool okay then here they are side by side guys usually I
could recommend the China knockoff ones because most of them are pretty good
quality but in this case I cannot recommend the guys I mean it is it's
terrible I mean I I don't like it at all I mean if it's something you're
interested I put a link below the video but you know it'll be cheaper if you
just want like an indoor after buy I do not recommend it first of all it's not
even the end the Raptor body then the Raptor body is like thin it's like a
tack slim this is just a t-rex painted black and you know with the striping is
stuff so the teeth are all black they did not even bother painting the teeth
or the original the teeth or why the arms they don't click into places their
flimsy the hands do turn like the original but this is one of the actually
one of the cheapest ones I've put together the legs do not lock into
different positions everything's just painted the same black
they did include the gold stripe plot that's pretty much the only thing that's
close I mean it's got like white eyes where the original has red original is
nicely painted the arms moves buthe the hands do turn like I said very
streamlined shape the legs lock into different positions and the tail is
really long so you can see this one's a total different mold the one from China
is t-rex mold so I do not recommend that one and then our next one's gonna come
from this giant Jurassic world egg with Velociraptor blue popping out okay and
here it is actually this one is not a Carnotaurus I seen it quick in the
package I thought it was a Carnotaurus this is a brown Tigre so same company so
I don't know I'm kind of skeptical what kind of quality we're gonna get here
anyways let's go ahead put it together
okay and there it is once again this one is really cheap in it it's come
scratched up I mean it's like what I don't know I mean if you want a
different color t-rex go for it but I definitely don't recommend it well let's
put together the original t-rex from fallen Kingdom and compare them
okay so here is the two side-by-side like I said once again I cannot
recommend this unless you want a different color because it's just it's
just really cheap quality and I mean even putting it together it's it's hard
to push the pegs into the holes and stuff is okay it is a new color mold so
that's kind of cool but they just painted the teeth they put its like
dropped like a chocolate brown color with the dark brown with some yellow
accents the arms are really cheap the legs are cheap they don't lock into
different positions so unless you're looking for different colors I don't
recommend it at all but anyways the one from LEGO the head
locks into different positions it locks and clicks side by side the teeth that
are actually painted this is a new color scheme by Lego for fallen Kingdom so it
is cool the arms move and the legs lock into different positions so definitely
if you're gonna go for it try to get the original plot you can't just buy them
separate they are included in sets okay and our next long we're gonna get from
this Jurassic world popcorn egg this is from the original
movie and this one is aa new colored Velociraptor okay so let's go ahead and
check it out it also looks like this one includes Owen so I don't know this
supposed to be hustler after blue except he's red and black so if it is they've
definitely changed it I do
so here is our new Velociraptor I think we're gonna have to change it from
Velociraptor blue to Velociraptor red I don't know why he's red and black I
guess they don't want to get in licensing troubles but they still did
call it in the Raptor and t-rex so I don't know but anyways I do like this
color this is probably the coolest color scheme Raptor I ever seen so it's like
red and black with like grey and black accents the mouth opens the arms move
once again really cheap quality it does have the third call claw but when you
put it together you could feel the quality of the piece so like I said
unless you want new color schemes and then this is Owen doesn't look like Owen
at all only fan looks like Owen is the best and he has some type of Ninjago
type axe or something so that's weird I'm just gonna try to kill blue or
something okay but anyways here is the Velociraptor blue that came with the
okay so we could go ahead and compare the two well I mean one of the first
differences is the color Velociraptor blue here is like a light green he's got
his blue stripes and he's got like a grayish brownish legs and like light
brown arms moth toes open and close you could feel that difference in quality
right away I mean the Lego one went together super smooth this one you
really had to fight to get it together so unless you're looking for new color
scheme Legos try to stay away and then over here we have the generic printed on
the came in the same package see who is included in here okay so let's put it
okay so here is generic TriNet on all put together I actually like how the
wings go on this they move smoother actually than the original ones because
it locks into the top and the bottom so that's kind of cool the color is a
little different it's like a dark grey orange once again maybe they didn't want
to get into licensing troubles and then this one comes with some type of
scientist I don't know who it is he's got like a beaker here of some type of
blue fluid okay and then here we have our original Pteranodon
okay so here is a difference between the two the original you got like a dark
gray like a reddish color goes together super smooth super smooth movement on
its head and everything the knock off the leg the wings do move smooth is like
a dark gray orange and the mouth doesn't really go back and forth very smoothly
not too bad so there is a difference between the two and then we have our
next one which is the original Carnotaurus I do not have generic one
and like I said the original ones they go together a lot smoother than the
generic ones and they're just so much better quality this one you've got the
head the locks in two different positions it does click and turn the jaw
does open you have like the horns on its head arms move the legs lock into
different position so a really cool Lego Carnotaurus okay and then our next one
is the t-rex
and there is the original t-rex that came this is the same looks like the
same t-rex that came with Jurassic world one saw the drastic world fallen Kingdom
one is very similar mouth does open and closed head locks into different
positions legs click and lock into different position and like I said Lego
goes together super smooth and there's a lot more durable and then our next one
is the original Lego sneaking Milad okay so the original Lego one great head
movement the mold looks awesome arms move legs move very good quality Lego
sticky Mohawk okay and then from this giant freaky Velociraptor blue egg we
get our next one this is a legacy edition velociraptor
hey legacy a little ASSA raft very similar to blue but this is like light
brown dark brown coloring with yellow eyes mouth opens closes arms move leg
moves got a nice colored third cloth really cool looking okay and our next
one is lego original Dilophosaurus lego original Dilophosaurus if you had the
jurassic world one set this is the same coloring for the Dilophosaurus the head
does move the arms I mean the mouth opens and closes the arms move the leg
moves so cool-looking little Dilophosaurus okay then our final one is
a velociraptor this is also one of the legacy edition velociraptors they came
in one of the legacy Jurassic world Jurassic Park set it's for Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom but it's the Jurassic Park anniversary set so arms
move mouth does open and close the head turns the legs turn nice color third
claw really cool
majority are dressed world jassie Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power
Rangers need to turtle Scooby to end a lot more check out the playlist on my
channel there wait to this video ends for more Jurassic world
fallen Kingdom videos that's awesome and I will see you in today's secret word is
the word
go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I know you
remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video
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click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more
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Top 5 Mario Boss Fights - Duration: 8:57.What is a game without boss fights?
An unstructured mess usually, especially when the game we're talking about is a mario
Imagine playing a mario game, going from level to level and then, at some point the credits
just roll, no bossfight at all.
Let's talk about that, a top 5 mario boss fights!
Just to be sure, I'll only look at platforming games here.
So while the mario and luigi series has a good amount of fun bosses, they won't be
on here, maybe they'll get their own list at some point.
Bouldergeist - mario galaxy Starting off this list we have an entry that's
mostly here because of aesthetics.
I just like the concept and the idea of this guy.
A dark shadowy ghost hiding inside a rock formation.
At the end of the day it's just a variation on the " hit the hands" boss which nintendo
is well known for.
Pretty much every mario game has some version of this but mario galaxy gives us the bouldergeist.
Of course there is some build up, he doesn't start out with his hands, maybe to give us
the impression he is not the "look i'm a face with floating hands" boss of this
Anyway, this build up in the fight is well done, the curve is just noticeable enough
that you feel the difficulty go up with each time you hit him but not so difficult as to
make it feel unfair.
This guy of course tries to hit you, that's the easy part.
Then he also creates walls of stone which you have to break to get to safety and lastly
he summons black boo's.
The black boos are different from normal ones.
When you spin close to him you grab them by the tongue, YES BY THE TONGUE!
Then, you have to keep swinging them until you slam them into his body.
Here we see the hands also work very well as shields since there's a good chance you
hit the bomb boo into the hand instead of the body.
This complicates the fight a little.
Of course there's also the daredevil comet, where you have to fight this boss with just
a single HP, no mistakes are allowed and let me tell you, most daredevil comments aren't
that bad but this one is absolutely brutal!
Since you have to get close to him to deal damage you also give him the opportunity to
hit you, usually not a big deal, there's even coins you can pick up to heal but as
soon as you only have 1 HP, those coins become useless and this boss becomes just that much
harder to defeat.
All together I think this is the best bossfight of it's sort nintendo has made to this day,
although the spin mario odyssey gave on it is certainly a close second.
Mummipokey - new super mario bros The boss by itself is....
Just ok but it represents something bigger.
In new super mario bros there's 8 world int total but some worlds are on split paths.
This boss is the first to be at one of these split points.
If you fight this guy the normal way you'll go to world 3 but if you manage to get to
this fight and then win it with a mini mushroom you fall down through the floor and suddenly
you find yourself in world 4!
The boss does get a lot more interesting if you're so small though because usually you
just jump on his head a couple of times and you win but now you have to ground pound,
which means you have to line you mario with the boss in the small amount of time you have
with him above the ground.
If he just pokes out his head, just ignore him, there is no way in hell you're hitting
If you comes out halfway, you have to be quick but you can hit him with a well placed ground
pound but if you comes out all the way you have plenty of time, issue being, you can't
jump that high so you have to wall jump to be able to hit him.
Even with the extra time you get when he comes up all the way this isn't easy to do as
you have to still line up the small mario with the boss and then ground pound.
Then again, you could also get a mini mushroom stored in you inventory and use it after you
beat the boss to unlock the next world, it's not in the spirit of the game if you ask me
but the fact that you can do that more or less kills the fun for me, why handicap myself
while the game offers you an easier alternative?
Mega goomba - new super mario bros It's a goomba, but mega….
It comes as no surprise this is the boss of world 4, which is based on everything being
big since you're so small after entering it as a mini mario.
The reason I like this fight is the opposite of why i like final dungeons in a game like
final fantasy.
In those games you see things that used to be bosses as regular encounters.
In truth, usually these enemies are many times more powerful than the actual early game bosses
because those would be one hit kills by now.
So then, when you turn that idea around and make a bossfight out of the most basic enemy
in your game, you got my interest and honestly, it's a really enjoyable boss to play.
You have to jump around him constantly, trying to hit him but he moves surprisingly quickly.
Again, you have to ground pound this boss, not just if you're mini mario, you have
to ground pound him whatever you are, expect mega mario I suppose, I guess just jumping
would be enough in that case.
You trigger a switch which makes platforms appear that elevate you to the proper height
so you can actually jump on top of him to line up your ground pound.
While this sounds easy, doing this all while you're being chased by a gigantic goomba
is a little stressful to say the least.
In a way, you could say just scaling up an enemy isn't very creative but if you ask
me, the way you add mechanics and gameplay to such a scaled up enemy shows creative game
design and mega goomba is a perfect example of this!
This is definitely one of those bosses which you want a fire flower for to deal some easy
damage, or like I said before, a mega mushroom would make this ridiculously easy… then
again, mega mushroom one hits any boss in this game I'm pretty sure, it seems like
the proper way to take a out a mega goomba though.
Mecha wiggler - mario odyssey First off, anything with the word mecha in
it deserves to be on this list, robots are, by definition bad-ass.
But of all the enemies in the mario universe to be turned into a gigantic robot, the wiggler
wouldn't have been my first guess.
Lucky I don't' work at nintendo I suppose because it ended up being an amazing choice!
Also, this guy should have won the battle even before it started, throwing mario off
a skyscraper like that… how even do you survive something like that?!
Since wiggelers are segmented, it's a great way for some HP that works in a dynamic way.
It's more than just " hit the dude a couple of times.
You have to hit every segment on his body before he takes real damage.
So button mashing isn't as much of an option, you'll have to aim for this one.
Then there is the fact that you have to fight this boss as a tank, yes a literal tank!
I mean, I Don't know why you expect me to elaborate on that, I would think it's pretty
obvious, You're.
A. Tank!
Hsi attacks are actually pretty difficult to dodge and he uses the full 360 degrees
of the arena around you, making sure you never feel quite safe when you don't see him.
Which will be pretty often since being a robot apparently also comes with the power the create
instant wormholes.
As I said before, this guy is a real bad-ass.
And to think that this is only the end of the first half of the metro kingdom, after
this there is still a lot of missions to do.
It's a little strange having a boss near the beginning of a world instead of at the
very end but for some reason it just works in this case.
On a side note, it's interesting how good it looks to combine the colorful particles
this boss makes with the desaturated and bland background made by the fighting arena.
The only real issue I have with this fight is the field of view you get as the tank,
which makes it a little difficult to find the boss but that's more of an issue with
the tank capture, not with the boss.
Megaleg - mario galaxy Was this obvious?
Because if you know me this should have been obvious.
Well, because it's big!
I like big boss fights.
This guy is bigger than the planet you fight him on.
He has his own gravity!!
You jump onto his legs and run up his body, using it's own bullet bills against him
to break down the defences and get to the power star!
It's almost a little like shadow of the colossus, which I have to admit, I have still
not yet played but boss fights like these make me want to pick up that game and play
It just feels so good to beat a bossfight that's so large you actually can walk,run
and jump on it.
This is not a bossfight, this is a level!
Yet, you still kill it at the end.
I suppose seeing something is big means we all just assume it's powerful too, and killing
something powerful means we're powerful..
Is that the meaning of life?
Have we just found the meaning of life?!
Ok no, i'm just stalling for time at this point because the reason I like this boss
is just that easy, it's huge, and that works well for boss fights.
Nothing more to it really.
Funny really, how the reasoning for the number one spot is by far the simplest and shortest
of the list, makes you think about all the over analysing we do way too often.
Thank you all for watching this top 5, if you enjoyed it, don't forget to leave a
like and subscribe to keep up to date with all my new uploads, while you're' down there,
let me know what your favorite mario boss is with a comment!
And until the next time, BYE!
What kind of questions are these??? |fun questions to ask your boyfriend. - Duration: 14:20.hello everybody it is 2cutechati and I am here with my lovely fiancee
Kenny say hi hi okay anyways today we are
going to go online that's my watermelon fine just take a
did you get it out with your fingers?
I put salt on my watermelon apparently he doesn't like it mm-hmm
I just had too much salt
anyways we are going to go online and find those like packs of questions to
ask each other and yeah
okay so we are on self.com okay ideal odds and you knew even if you could meet
anyone in the world that are alive who would it be
jim Varney - piworld jim Varney what does friendship look like to you
sitting in the same room together not talking about anything but still
enjoying each other's presence brother trait you value move
I miss my mouth clumsiness does that count
I guess what do you consider your greatest weakness to be food how do you
think others perceive you when they meet you for the first time that's your
answer I don't know I don't know you can't ask I don't know
no I wasn't asking I was answering you can't answer I don't know well I just
did no yeah no yeah now next question try
again no it worked for me
early on what is your perfect day look like
my perfect day looks like
this actually I mean I'm sitting there eating it sounds perfect to me
so our dogs are playing ball in the background so you know he keeps kicking
my chair your turn Oh my turn I'm waiting on you what is
your biggest unacknowledged dream
if you could eat anything at all right now what would you choose hmm
rice chicken there you go chicken took more tries to figure that
out on the first one do you consider yourself a good friend I hope so
yeah I guess yeah what is your favorite thing to do
we're waiting lecture people okay yeah so my dad
brought this like my dad and his girlfriend I don't really know who
brought it I was asleep like this nail polish duo I'm so about
to use it over talking right here have you ever had your heart broken
yes that's why I said take it in there technical difficulties so apparently I
have been told to ignore it that it's just an air conditioner behind us it is
look air can air-conditioner right there
nothing but an air conditioner
with sound the light okay well we solved the lighting issue the other ones just
gonna have to week was it who's your favorite fictional character ever ever
is Africa I don't remember what her name was but she was in this book called
evermore Nevermore I don't remember that story no it was never more or evermore
but it was like a book about Edgar Allan Poe and she was like this teenager who
was like used to be a true leader in the blah blah so good but she's my favorite
would you rather be rich or famous depends why
how much rich or how much fame you're talking about are we talking
Bill Gates rich or just rich man are we talking Michael Jackson famous or just
famous just rich and just famous okay rich because you can make fame from
money when I would just not want to be famous it'll unless I become YouTube
how'd we get oh I already Ashley that return yeah if you had to save the world
by killing one person could you live with yourself
no I don't know that's a good question I like the question would I have to kill
like Hitler I don't know Saddam bin Laden I don't know because
like boy
what does love look like to you
I think you messed up my lipstick hey um so apparently love looks like a sloppy
kiss with lipstick on each other's face alrighty I don't know if that's love or
just kinky out I don't know cuz there's lipstick everywhere okay what is
something you would really like to get better at makeup I would really love to
be able to do makeup like Laura Lee or Tati Rus Brooke yeah
that's your favorite dessert banana split
I'm going to a desert island what three things people do you take three things
or people
desert island
I would take
a hammer
my hammer and weapon plus if I found coconuts then
you know I could crack them open for water
that's one yeah this is hard this is like water
this isn't like nail polish
a pot y-yeah a desert island if there's salt water everyone you can't drink it
okay so what's boiling it an idea wait a little bit of pot dude I'm just assuming
boiling but then you guys start a fire yeah it's called survival sweetie call
survival fellini okay this is what you do if you're in a desert island this is
what I would do three things I would bring a knife or a machete whatever
uh-huh rope
but why apart because if you find you are you just gonna go up to a random a
spawn you find in the middle of the jungle or whatever and just drink it
know exactly if you boil the water it kills all the bacteria in the passages
inside the water but it's still saltwater so just to hydrate you like
are you gonna set off the salt from the motor can't drink some water it's cuz
we'll do it you boil it and it kills all that bacteria well it's not bacteria
listen to me woman so difficult you know what next question yeah I ain't gonna do
this with you right now oh you know the patience to explain no not to you
you could choose any name beside your own my name would you choose
banana hammock no well you don't think speedo is a good name thought of BB when
you said that from friends that's what it what was the name no it was like
princess something something something banana hammock mm-hmm I don't know what
the name would be Xander from Buffy
sandir cage xxx
what makes you feel most loved
attention food flowers I would kill you know what
you people need to subscribe so we can make money I want to freakin candy boy I
want a candy bar here that's all we're going to look up a different one so I
was gonna finish painting my nails and then do the end of this video but I saw
like three miles left to go that's what we're gonna do
anyways once again my name is to cootie chatty cootie yeah this is Keaney
subscribe cuz he wants candy bar anyways I hope you all have a great day bye
Mindful Minutes - Long Deep Breathing! - Duration: 1:19. For more infomation >> Mindful Minutes - Long Deep Breathing! - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
JOURNEY TO HOME #8 | INSTALLING WOOD FLOORS | BASEMENT - Duration: 14:32.Previously on journey to home Dee painted this door in blue. I'll show you guys of before clip.
Hey everyone today is
Saturday and D is not here with me today, but my parents are so as for what we're doing today. We are mopping out
The basement because my dad wants to start putting down the laminate floors
So I pretty much been wiping up all the pain too that has dripped on the floor
The dust the debris from sanding the walls all that stuff
Mopping it down first making sure the house a nice and clean. And before you go ahead and put
Laminate floors on top of no dirty floors. So that's what we're doing today. I try to remember everything
I want to tell you guys I know yesterday
You guys won't see that footage because it doesn't have anything to do at the basement
But we were taking down some wallpaper on the main floor. So you guys will see that later on
I want to focus this series on the downstairs area. So my mom and I today we went out and we
Ordered the floors for the basement. We went with a little bit of a darker shade of gray
so one shade darker than the upstairs floor upstairs floors will be hardwood downstairs since it's a basement and
Usually well, not usually but sometimes basements flood so we decided to go with laminate. We ordered the wood today
We picked it up brought it home. My parents packed it into the garage and into the house and
We went to Home Depot got some cleaning supplies and mop a bucket all that stuff to clean
What else did we do Oh my mom and I went and ordered a couch for the basement. It's a really nice couch
It's not exactly the color that I was going for. I was going for a darker gray
I've gone to many different furniture stories and honestly hands down arrow furniture has the best
Quality best prices that's everything when it comes to furniture
So I went for a sectional that has a better net just because if I have guests I have a lot of family
So if I have guests I would like them to have a space to sleep beside the guest room
Because I would only hold one bed. So I would like the basement to also have a bed for more guests
It's a nice soft cream color very very comfortable
I'm getting everything sprayed so I know a lot you guys like why are you going with so much light stuff?
I'm gay everything sprayed the furniture comes with warranty everything in the house comes with warranty
So the spray is supposed to last five years the lady at the store was telling me that
If you were to spill wine on your couch, it would not stain it it would pretty much just run off the couch
If your kids were to get their little dirty fingers on the couch. It should just wipe out
There's five years on it
So if you can't get a stain out, they will come in and they will clean it for you if they can't clean it
They will replace the entire couch
We'll see I have that warranty. So if anything happens they will deal with it for me
So yeah, I'm very excited. The basement will be done very soon
Then I can start adding like little pictures and little pops of blue because we are going with a blue theme for the farmhouse
Basement. Oh one other thing quickly before I head over to the house. I bought this picture in
Winners for the basement so it looks like this
So it looks like this I know the lighting isn't the best but this is what it looks like
It says this family is built on friendship love and loyalty
So I bought this for the basement and I thought it would work
Perfectly down there because it kind of has that this faux wood going on and you guys know the basement is wood paneling
So this will go perfectly to four downstairs. So enough of the yapping. I will head over to my parents won't our parents
I'm already at my parents house head over to my place and
Start doing some work
Might I just took off the
Baseboards and he's gonna put on some new ones
Before he puts on the floors he has to put on some padding and he said that this is waterproof
So there's any type of flooding or anything?
This will protect the floors
I'm just taking a little break outside. I'm in the garage right now
This will be our project for next year because as you guys can see there's some old marks
dee will paint inside here and
My dog will make some new shelves because those shells are old
This is our table for the backyard
You guys saw this already. This is a nice little patio chair and I'm currently sitting on the laminate floors
It's a dark gray. You guys probably came until it looks Brown because it's in the plastic, but it's just a
Not really a dark gray a medium angry, but it looks really really dark. This is not doing justice
This is the old carpet that was in the farmhouse
Dan family room area
Took that out. Lots of garbage. My dad's gonna take all that away. Later
We got the old
baseboards right there
Got some plastic chairs. Yeah. Alright so my guys about to stick down the soundproofing
Plastic thingy
And it's
Done for me. So underneath this white paper is tape
or a sticky adhesive or this and then you
Put the foil on top
So this is to protect the floor so that I guess if water was just spilling
It's pushed up all the way up
Date before I head back over to my parents house. My dad went ahead and put down most of the
Waterproof material that you guys saw earlier and he also started kind of putting down
Some of the laminate floors. So this is what the room is looking like so far
So you can see some of the wood is down. You can see the shiny material is down. I forgot what it's called, but
It's to protect the floors from water. It keeps the floor is warm, and it also is soundproof
So this is what the floors look like on camera. They look really really dark
Also, the lighting in here isn't the best so it does look really dark but it's much lighter than this. It's actually
Pretty close to the color that's going upstairs that you guys saw in the previous
blocks, I
Did go ahead and get some white light bulbs. So I got some fur down here. I
Think that one might be yellow. I haven't changed that one yet and I did get some more four out there and around the hallway
So I
Just came back over here for my phone charger and my vlog camera because I forgot it so let's head back outside
We have some wood here I bought a little knob for here and a circle knob
It's in silver and my dad finished painting right here meat on the light
Nice and bright. Let me step back. So you guys can see
Nice and bright remember that this used to be brown like this
And now it's white and he painted all the doors blew
That one we're gonna paint this one blue and we're gonna paint this one blue
Update on the bathroom
The bathroom looks like this I still gotta change the bulbs because they're yellow
This wall is in like a salmon color
then this still needs to be painted and
Have to change the toilet paper holder
The theme for this bathroom is rose gold. So I already have the bath mats. The floor is kind of dirty because
We've been walking in here in which shoes
We're gonna put down some marble tiles in here. So this is gonna be gone so they don't worry about that
That I want to get a rose gold one
This vanity. I want to change get a bigger one because it's pretty tiny and its really low
So the store will be probably I don't know it might be blue on the outside on the inside. It will be white
So that is it for today, so see you guys in a bit next on journey to home
STYLING EACH OTHER | Eyewear Edition w/ Eye Buy Direct - Duration: 10:07. For more infomation >> STYLING EACH OTHER | Eyewear Edition w/ Eye Buy Direct - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
regina & emma (& hook) | he will love you more than i could. - Duration: 1:15. For more infomation >> regina & emma (& hook) | he will love you more than i could. - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
McDonald's Introduces INCREDIBLE New Menu Item - Duration: 3:11.Stop everything you're doing, mcdonalds just dropped a game changing menu item and
I am officially hungry.
Problem is, the menu item is not available everywhere and people are not happy about
Welcome back to Inform overload where we make the news more entertaining, I'm your host,
charlotte dobre.
If this is your first time here, smash the like, subscribe and turn on those notifications
so you can stay up to date with absolutely everything interesting going on on the internet.
And when I say everything, I mean everything.
And if you would like to connect with the creative team behind this video, all our links
to our social media accounts are posted in the description box down below.
McDonald's signature fries are one of the most popular items on the menu.
Sweet potato mcdonalds fries are officially a thing and my mouth is watering at the thought
of them.
I literally just drooled a little bit.
Sweet potato fries are one of the most delicious sides on the planet.
For those who have never had them before, the taste is hard to describe.
They are obviously sweeter than regular fries, and when you pair them with a garlic aoli
To top it off, sweet potato fries are actually a little better for you than white potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are higher in fiber, calcium and vitamin A whan white potatoes.
McDonalds have rolled out their new, somewhat healthier fry option at mcdonalds locations
in scandanavia.
More specifically, Sweden and Norway.
Unfortunately for the rest of us, the sweet potato fries are not a thing… yet.
But something tells me that if enough people wanted them, Mcdonalds would make it happen,
and heres the proof.
Social media is flooded with complaints about the lack of sweet potato fries in their country..
One twitter user tweeted at mcdonalds asking why every mcdonalds doesn't have them.
And when mcdonalds replied, Thanks for reaching out, menu items vary by restaurant and or
Let your favourite store know you want sweet potato fries on the menu.
Im going to take this as the go ahead for all of us to go down to our local mcdonalds
and demand they put sweet potato fries on the menu.
Mcdonalds actually did a trial run of sweet potato fries in Texas back in 2015, but not
enough people wanted them.
Dear Mcdonalds, 2015 was 3 whole years ago mcdonalds.
I did not fully grasp my love of sweet potato fries until recently, and I feel like I would
order enough of them to make them a permanent menu Item.
Go forth and tweet my little potatoes!
Tyler Spurling – can I have a gold star.
No, but you can have an invisible potato.
Mr.Christopher – why did you chose potato out of all things.
I did not choose potato.
Potato chose me.
Im broke af- you have no emotion.
Potatoes do not emote.
We potate.
Debbie Truman – HELP Ive been lost in the io rabbit hole and cant get out.
I mean, do you really want to get out?
Keep calm, and uhh, get off youtube for a bit.
But then come back and watch another IO video.
Welcome to the end screen, this means the video is over.
don't you worry, theres another great IO video right over here, or check out this playlist
for more videos just like this one.
Obviously if you enjoyed your time here, leave a like, subscribe and turn on notifications,
and I'll see you in a future IO video.
DIY Flaxseed Gel AMAZING For Natural Hairstyles - Duration: 4:13.Hi there guys welcome to our Channel today my mom is gonna be doing my hair she's
maybe using this weird gel called flax seed gel and it looks something like
this but it was so weird look so gooey liquidy and my hair was
not this long before and/or this curly it was always that long sweetie just not
that this defined and yeah so hold it back down and that's basically
smooth to put in
Republicans Say They're Gutting Social Security & Medicare To Pay For Tax Cuts - Duration: 4:24.Recent reports have shown us that the deficit is growing at an alarming rate.
In fact, the tax cuts that Republicans put in place at the end of last year have ballooned
the deficit by more than 20%.
Just that one piece of legislation, 20% increase in the deficit.
Now, Republicans, during the Obama years, were absolutely up in arms over the fact that
the deficit was getting out of control.
But, during the Bush years, when Dick Cheney said deficits don't matter, they believed
They're like, "Yeah.
Let's just spend all the money and not worry about it."
Obama came along, increased spending to help save the economy, which he did, and they were
But now, they're back in charge, so, once again, deficits don't matter.
To an extent, they really don't until that ballooning deficit is used to kill programs
that actually help keep American citizens alive, which, unfortunately, is the scenario
playing out right now.
Realizing that the deficit is growing at a rate that they cannot hope to sustain or even
pay down, Republicans have increased their calls to cut social safety net programs that
millions of American citizens have been paying into for their entire working lives.
They are, therefore, entitled to them.
That is why they're called entitlement programs.
We've already paid in all the money for them.
We just want to get our money back.
Republicans don't want to do that.
They want to take the money that we've paid in and give it to the wealthy elite, the top
1%, in the form of tax cuts.
Right now, we have Representative Steve Stivers.
He's the most recent one.
He is a Republican from Ohio.
He went on CNBC, this week, to say that, because of this deficit situation that is caused by
our tax cuts, we need to look at entitlement reform.
We need to cut social security and Medicare.
Paul Ryan made it very clear.
He stated specifically, at the end of 2017, that the next thing on his agenda, now that
he's passed the tax cuts, is cutting back social security and Medicare.
Senator Pat Toomey, Republican from Pennsylvania, said the same thing.
Senator John Thune, a Republican from South Dakota, also says that we've got to cut these
entitlement programs, because we just basically blew up the deficit.
Representative Republican Tom Cole, from Oklahoma, says that he doesn't know much about economics,
but we probably need to get rid of some of these entitlement programs or cut them down.
We have this idiot here, Tom Cole, who says, "I don't even understand the economy, but
let's cut these things."
This is what we're dealing with, with this particular political party right now, folks.
They gave everything that we had to the top 1%.
Studies, even studies by Republican think tanks have shown us that average American
workers will get zero dollars from this tax cut.
If we do get anything, it's going to take several years for us to even get that money.
Then, by the time that happens, the tax cuts for the underclass will have expired, so then,
we actually won't be eligible for it anymore.
The tax cuts for the top 1% are actually never set to expire, just the ones for us, the poor
folk, the people who live paycheck to paycheck.
Now, they want to take the money that we have been paying in for our entire working lives
to pay down the deficit that they created by giving tax cuts to the wealthy elite.
The Republican Party is pure evil, 100%.
There is no other way to slice it.
If you want to take money that poor people have paid into a program, so that they can,
maybe, one day retire or at least not be homeless when they hit age 65, and you want to take
that money that they've been paying into, most of them for 50 years, and give it to
billionaires, then, yeah, the only word available to describe you is evil.
That is exactly what we're dealing with, with Republican Party of 2018.
Robot Training「UNO 🎴」 - Duration: 45:32. For more infomation >> Robot Training「UNO 🎴」 - Duration: 45:32.-------------------------------------------
Get your cardio workout in without running a single step - New Day NW - Duration: 7:34. For more infomation >> Get your cardio workout in without running a single step - New Day NW - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
Alice Guy Blaché - The Greatest Filmmaker You Don't Know - Duration: 9:13.- [Mike] The most talented, the most important,
the greatest of all time.
Who is The GOAT movie director?
Spielberg, Hitchcock, Orson Welles,
Alice Guy, Christopher Nolan?
Or, wait, wait, wait, Alice who?
That's right.
For your consideration Alice Guy-Blache,
the greatest film director of all time.
We love Steven, Al, and both Daves,
and so many others that could be in the GOAT debate.
(reel clicking)
But, we propose someone who nearly disappeared
from the annals of cinema history
despite being arguably the first cinematic storyteller.
Repeat, the first cinematic storyteller.
She wrote and directed what many consider
to be the first fictional narrative film,
and she did it in the 1800s, over 120 years ago.
This person is the George Washington
to your Abraham Lincoln.
The Alan Turing to your Steve Jobs.
The Godfather of your Godfather Part II.
She is Alice Guy, aka Alice Guy-Blache.
She directed about 1000, that is not a typo,
1000 movies in her short 26-year directing career,
including 22 feature films.
As of the writing of this video,
Spielberg has completed 34 feature films,
but in a period nearly twice as long as Guy's.
Spielberg also produces and founded Amblin Entertainment,
turning his directing skills into a media brand owned
and operated by him, so did Guy.
She founded the successful Solax Studio in 1910.
That's 1910 in America,
seven years before women were even allowed to vote.
But can you compare achievements
of a modern director like Spielberg
to Guy's achievements from over 100 somewhat years ago?
Look, you're right.
We'll never see a prime Jack Nicklaus
versus a prime Tiger Woods nor a Michael versus Lebron.
But you can view Alice Guy's Falling Leaves
next to Jurassic Park
Eh, doesn't seem like a fair fight, does it?
So are newer movies better?
Well, yeah, in many ways they are.
They should be, shouldn't they?
Look at AFI's number one movie of all time,
Citizen Kane versus the most recent Marvel's Infinity War
which has more ratings on IMDB
and a higher overall rating already.
So as much as we'd like to see Sam Langford
duke it out with Sugar Ray Robinson,
any good GOAT debate must compare achievements
to their contemporaries.
We must compare the power of stories
and technical innovations to their own times.
With Alice Guy Blache,
you get both innovation of story and technology.
She's basically the James Cameron of her time.
She made movies with color, Pierrette's Escapades in 1900.
She made short musicals with sound, called phonoscenes,
like this one from 1906!
(singing in foreign language)
These phonoscenes work like modern day looping,
also known as ADR, where actors recorded their dialogue
and songs by lip-sync-matching in post-production.
The patent belonged to Leon Gaumont,
as in Gaumont Studios, where Alice Guy worked
and wanted the phonoscenes for her pioneer films.
She was making the very first of these
with the guy who owned the innovation.
There's her work like The Burglars from 1897
that predates the madcap comedies
of the Marx Brothers, Three Stooges, Benny Hill,
or every hallway scene from Scooby-Doo.
We only have an incomplete version of it,
but it's a complex theatrical set,
blocked and staged so that the police and burglars pop in
and out all over the set as the heist goes awry.
Then there's her movies with special effects,
advanced lighting, locations shoots, hundreds of extras,
and over two dozen sets like in her early masterpiece,
Vie du Christ, where her use of depth
and staging were groundbreaking.
And keep in mind, what you're seeing are films
that have been degraded for a century.
They didn't look like this to their first audiences.
Nor in HD, right, it's film.
Yet we can still see how innovative they were.
She saw into the future when it came
to working with actors too.
Her slogan in the studio was,
be natural regarding actors' performances.
All this is happened decades
before method acting became popular,
decades before Dorothy stepped into a colorful Oz,
or even decades before The Jazz Singer sang.
But let's put all this aside and remember
that she filmed her first fiction film in 1896.
Only the Lumiere brothers could argue they'd done it first,
but that was called The Waterer Watered,
starring the Lumiere brothers' actual gardener,
and in the movie he is, well, a gardener.
It's a great, funny scene, and we're not discounting it,
but Guy's movie was pure fiction,
staged with a set and actors, and done in 1896.
It's called The Cabbage Fairy.
It may not seem like much, only 50 seconds
in a single shot and it's a little weird.
It's hard to imagine the pitch between Guy and Gaumont.
What does she do with the babies
after she plucks them from the garden?
Oh, she plops them on the ground like any other vegetable.
Right, right, and we'll use real babies?
Of course.
Her later films are more advanced, of course,
but this YouTube style film lit the fuse
that put cinematic storytelling on a rocket's trajectory.
This trajectory, this steep curve, led to DW Griffith,
and Fritz Lang, and Coppola, and Tarkovsky,
and both Andersons, and everyone.
On top of all of this, while her famous contemporaries,
like Melies's, were making movies like Trip To The Moon,
where a bunch of white guys travel to a distant land,
beat up the natives, capture a couple,
bring them back home in chains
to parade them around as entertainment
while they throw a big party for themselves, sound familiar?
Guy was working for women's suffrage,
and made the first film with an all-black cast,
called A Fool and His Money.
In the movie, a poor black man falls in love
with a sophisticated, wealthy black woman.
Not exactly Griffith's portrayal
of African Americans in Birth of a Nation.
It's a comedy, and the poor lad ends up losing out,
but the performances are both as hammy
and serious as white-cast contemporary films.
While we see black cast-members
in other movies around this time and later,
they're typically stereotyped and put into servile roles.
Outside of Guy's work, it's not until 1919
that Oscar Micheaux's film Homesteader,
paves the way forward and his story
in cinema history is unfortunately similar to Guy's.
There's also Algie the Miner,
where queer cinema makes an early cameo,
and The Little Rangers, which is a pro-feminist movie,
as the Brooklyn Academy of Music describes it.
A quick IMDB scan of her feature-length films
is like shuffling through great log-line pitches.
The Great Adventure, for example, was a commercial success.
While it was not critically well received,
that's not much of a surprise,
'cause the main character is a woman
seeking success on Broadway.
And this is the battle both she
and her films are constantly waging.
Why should a bunch of male critics
and male-dominated society make any difference
on how the quality of her films are perceived?
One of our modern female filmmaker heroes
explains it well here.
- If there's not a person in the room who gets it,
then there'll be like, oh, she doesn't get anything on,
and it just perpetuates itself
and that why I feel the more diverse the room
in every way, the smoother sailing,
people behave themselves better,
different things, the cream will rise differently.
- [Mike] Essentially, without diverse voices
in every aspect of the filmmaking industry,
we all lose out on great content.
Like Guy's female protagonist films Barbara Frietchie,
House of Cards, Stronger Than Death, and others,
or what almost happened to Tina Fey's Kotex Classic.
Innovative technology, check.
Innovative technique, check.
Innovative storytelling, check.
Drama, comedy, frontline artistic social activism,
check, check check.
Unfortunately, as companies merged and grew
into the likes of MGM, Paramount, RKO, and others,
numerous women filmmakers were displaced
from their pioneering days.
Even Gaumont, the oldest film company still
in existence in the world originally left Guy out
of their 1930 publication of the company's history,
despite her having worked there
for over a decade and conceiving of
and founding their theatrical film department.
Even the Lumiere Brothers, the founders of cinema,
did not see the medium's future.
Guy was there, in 1895,
when the brothers exhibited their first films.
She saw their films, she saw their potential,
and acted on it earlier than any other filmmaker.
And when the brothers abandoned
what they thought was a novelty,
Alice Guy pioneered the future of film,
a future she was largely and unjustly cut out of.
After World War I and her divorce helped
force her out of the industry,
she returned to France where a similarly changed industry
would not let her back in.
Largely with the help of her daughter Simone,
her rightful place in history began to be restored.
At least in France, she received some recognition
before her death, The Legion of Honor,
France's highest civilian honor.
In America, there's a growing number of documentaries
and she's now in the New Jersey Hall of Fame,
but there's work left to be done.
We hope her rightful place will continue its deserved rise.
And if you have a box of very old films in your attic,
or know someone who has, or work in your film archives,
double-check your stock.
You might be able to reintroduce the world
to a lost work made by one of the most forward-thinking,
greatest of all time directors.
What do you think of Alice Guy-Blache's work?
Who's your favorite director of all time?
Let us know in the comments.
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