Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 23 2018

Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made

Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made.

  St George's Fine Foods said apart from removing Adam Catzavelos from the board of directors of the family-owned business‚ a settlement is being negotiated on his 33% stake in the business.

The family made this statement following the fallout‚ which has included death threats‚ after a video which went viral showed St George's Fine Foods director‚ Catzavelos‚ who has since been dismissed‚ uttering the k-word on a beach.

In an earlier statement on Wednesday morning‚ the family said it rejected racism in any form.

It also said Adam had been dismissed with immediate effect from the family business‚ St George's Fine Foods‚ and his minority shareholding would be unwound as soon as practically possible.

In an updated statement‚ the family and St George's Fine Foods said Adam had no operational involvement in another family business‚ Smokehouse and Grill restaurant.

It said his passive 25% interest in the restaurant was also being unwound.

  "On behalf of both businesses‚ we apologise unreservedly for the hurt and the harm his words have caused‚" the company and the family said in the updated statement.

They said the family was devastated.

"We fully understand the outrage his words have rightly caused.

We cannot speak on behalf of Adam‚ who will need to face the consequences of his actions on his return to South Africa." The family appealed for some measure of calm.

It said members of the extended family and some of its staff and business associates had been threatened and intimidated‚ with death threats made.

"Our primary concern‚ therefore‚ right now‚ is for the safety of the extended family‚ and that of our staff and associates.

As stated before‚ we reject racism and seek‚ in our own small way‚ to work for the betterment of this country‚ for our immediate families and for our communities."   Following the airing of the video‚ a number of companies have cancelled their relationship with St George's Fine Foods‚ including the restaurant chain The Baron Group.

Meanwhile St.

John's College in Johannesburg declared Catzavelos persona non-grata at the school.

The council and executive management of the school informed him that he was "not welcome on campus until further notice‚" said chairperson of the school council Dr Jon Patricios.

Businessman Adam Catzavelos took to social media to boast about a beach holiday where 'not a single k****r' was around.

Here's how social media reacted.

For more infomation >> Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made - Duration: 3:49.


the lonely shepherd (TMSC Remix) - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> the lonely shepherd (TMSC Remix) - Duration: 5:04.


County Leaders Hear Opinions Surrounding E-Bikes On Open Space Trails - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> County Leaders Hear Opinions Surrounding E-Bikes On Open Space Trails - Duration: 2:19.


Fruitas e legumes / Fruits and Vegetables - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Fruitas e legumes / Fruits and Vegetables - Duration: 3:21.


Namoro de novo? Kevinho e Flávia Pavanelli postam fotos juntos na cama - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Namoro de novo? Kevinho e Flávia Pavanelli postam fotos juntos na cama - Duration: 2:11.


Igor Rickli e Aline Wirley renovam votos de casamento com presença de Sabrina Sato - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Igor Rickli e Aline Wirley renovam votos de casamento com presença de Sabrina Sato - Duration: 2:15.


Bruna Marquezine é comparada com celebridade internacional e semelhança impressiona - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine é comparada com celebridade internacional e semelhança impressiona - Duration: 3:31.


Irmã de Neymar, Rafaella Santos abre o jogo e diz se ficaria com Chay Suede e Cauã Reymond - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Irmã de Neymar, Rafaella Santos abre o jogo e diz se ficaria com Chay Suede e Cauã Reymond - Duration: 3:06.


Tumi Amar chad Ami Chader-e Alo | তুমি আমার চাঁদ আমি চাঁদের আলো | সাকিব | বুবলি | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Tumi Amar chad Ami Chader-e Alo | তুমি আমার চাঁদ আমি চাঁদের আলো | সাকিব | বুবলি | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 4:30.


Namoro de novo? Kevinho e Flávia Pavanelli postam fotos juntos na cama - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Namoro de novo? Kevinho e Flávia Pavanelli postam fotos juntos na cama - Duration: 1:22.


Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 33 | Entretenimiento - Duration: 21:10.

For more infomation >> Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 33 | Entretenimiento - Duration: 21:10.


.25ctw Colored Diamond Square Cluster Sterling Silver Ri... - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> .25ctw Colored Diamond Square Cluster Sterling Silver Ri... - Duration: 3:56.


L'Artico si sta sciogliendo, anche l'ultimo baluardo del ghiaccio cede al riscaldamento globale - Duration: 4:21.

Il riscaldamento climatico sta facendo sciogliere il ghiaccio dell'Artico. Anche il ghiaccio marino più spesso e vecchio ha infatti iniziato a rompersi

  A Nord della Groenlandia, dove le acque sono sempre coperte da una lastra bianca, quest'estate si vede per la prima volta il blu del mare

Un evento finora mai visto, immortalato dalle immagini satellitari, che ha portato gli scienziati a lanciare l'allarme anche per gli orsi polari

Il mare sopra la Groenlandia è definito come «l'ultima area ghiacciata» e «l'ultimo baluardo» contro il riscaldamento globale e lo scioglimento dei ghiacci

Ma quest'anno, per due volte, il ghiaccio marino si è staccato dalla costa e le acque si sono aperte, in un spettacolo inedito dagli anni Settanta, cioè da quando c'è l'occhio del satellite a monitorare

La colpa è dei venti caldi e delle ondate di calore che hanno interessato la parte più settentrionale del Pianeta

Ne sono una prova anche i dati diffusi dalla Noaa, l'agenzia americana per la meteorologia, secondo cui quello appena trascorso è stato il secondo luglio più caldo di sempre in Europa, e il più rovente in assoluto nei Paesi scandinavi

«In passato la maggior parte del ghiaccio marino nell'Artico era pluriennale, ma adesso la quasi totalità si riforma ogni anno

L'unica zona in cui è rimasto il ghiaccio pluriennale è a Nord della Groenlandia, ma questo ultimo baluardo si è staccato e si allontana dalla costa» spinto dai venti, ha detto Peter Wadhams, a capo del Polar Ocean Physics Group dell'università di Cambridge, al giornale inglese Independent

Il fenomeno potrebbe avere conseguenze «gravi» per l'orso bianco, che caccia sul ghiaccio marino

Gli orsi, ha spiegato Wadhams, «non possono spingersi molto lontano a nuoto. Se la lontananza del ghiaccio dalla costa diventasse una caratteristica permanente, non avrebbero più la superficie su cui cacciare»

L'anomalia di quest'estate è fotografata anche dai dati della Noaa relativi al mese scorso

Le temperature sono state ben superiori alla media in Scandinavia, dove a metà luglio il termometro ha raggiunto i 30 gradi in diverse località del circolo polare artico

La Norvegia ha vissuto il suo luglio più caldo di sempre, con 4,3 gradi sopra la media

Record anche per la Svezia e la Finlandia, mentre nel Regno Unito è stato il secondo luglio più bollente dopo quello del 2006

For more infomation >> L'Artico si sta sciogliendo, anche l'ultimo baluardo del ghiaccio cede al riscaldamento globale - Duration: 4:21.


Após rumores de fim de namoro, Bruna Marquezine posa com look ousado e repercute - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Após rumores de fim de namoro, Bruna Marquezine posa com look ousado e repercute - Duration: 3:37.



Salvini è l'uomo politico Italiano più affidabile. Durante la sua carriera ha commesso un solo errore: nel 2008 votando a favore della " Salva Benetton " Valter Coazze Cari Dago, Autostrade per l'Italia conferma di poter ricostruire il ponte di Genova in 8 mesi, in acciaio

Si dice che Di Maio sarebbe favorevole se lo fornisce l' ILVA. BarbaPeru Caro Dago ci vorrebbe un Arbasino: signora mia,usare un morto per giustificarsi,what a shame GP Caro Dago, Niente di nuovo sotto il sole

40 anni fa De Gregori cantava "Povera Italia, assasinata dai giornali e dal cemento" Glinder Dagovski, Se Trump non e' un Presidente credibile, allora che dire di Orfini?  Aigor Scusa, Preclaro, cosa c'entra la "epoca fatta di Trump, Putin, Salvini" (come scrive un certo Sagramola) con le verità su e di Asia Argento? Se fosse l'epoca di Clinton, Renzi e  ?????? ????????? ???????? sarebbe diverso? Giuseppe Tubi Caro Dago, il Venezuela sarà anche sull'orlo di una crisi, però con un terremoto del 7,3 non è crollata una casa e non c'è stata una vittima

Cosa sarebbe successo se fosse avvenuto da noi, nazione civile e stabile ? Recondite Armonie Caro Dago, i responsabili del crollo con 43 morti del a Genova sono due

Chi non ha fatto la manutenzione dovuta e chi, pur sapendo di tale mancanza - che era nota a tutti - ha lasciato che i cittadini continuassero a transitarvi sopra

Entrambi meritano la galera. Claudio Coretti Se a 17 anni una Asia Argento 37enne mi avesse 'violentato' le avrei fatto causa solo nel caso avesse smesso

Dino Manetta 0 Se guardate il cappello indossato da Toninelli è addirittura di una motovedetta della Capitaneria di Genova (sic!), la CP311, che nei mesi scorsi ha operato in in trasferta a Lampedusa per il servizio di salvataggio dei migranti

 Su internet trovate foto e vicende recenti della CP311. Buon lavoro. NN 1 Esimio Dago, il Trinity College di Oxford pubblica un annuncio di lavoro per una cattedra in cui i candidati devono essere preferibilmente neri, donne o minoranze etniche

Bene. A parte le implicazioni razziste di tale annuncio, per cui nella nostra quotidiana ipocrisia del politically correct non si riesce ancora a capire perchè precludere una posizione ad un nero, una donna, una minoranza etnica (o ad un under 30, come succede in Italia) sia razzismo e discriminazione ma precludere la stessa posizione ad un maschio bianco (o ad un over 30, in Italia) non lo sia

Esattamente la "reverse discrimination" di cui parli nel tuo articolo, che è di fatto "discrimination", senza "se" e senza "ma"

Ma dal punto di vista di quel nero-donna-minoranza etnica-ecc. che riuscirà a vincere quella cattedra, non trovi sia alquanto umiliante ed offensivo (razzista? discriminante?

) impedire o comunque scoraggiare fortemente la partecipazione di maschi bianchi al concorso/colloquio citato, quali potenziali minacce al successo di sopramenzionate "categorie protette" o quantomeno considerate tali? Quasi come a voler dire: "Siccome siete 'inferiori' (o molto probabilmente meno competenti), vi mettiamo nelle condizioni di poter 'vincere facile', altrimenti col cavolo che ce la facevate da soli"

Alla faccia della meritocrazia, di una sana competizione volta al progresso ma soprattutto alla faccia del politically correct (mi balena in mente l'immagine di uno scorpione che si punge da solo)

Saluti disgustati Timbrius 2 Caro Dago, Facebook rimuove 652 profili "fake" legati a Russia e Iran

O Mark Zuckerberg è totalmente cretino o pensa che lo siano gli altri. 2,2 miliardi è il numero di utenti che utilizza il social e lui vuol far credere al mondo che siano tutte "pecore" che si fanno influenzare da 652 account? U

Novecento 3 Caro Dago, "Il mio pensiero va alla tragedia avvenuta nei giorni scorsi in Calabria nei pressi del torrente Raganello dove hanno perso la vita escursionisti provenienti da varie regioni italiane"

Non si capisce quale sia l'utilità di questi annunci del Papa. Ormai è risaputo che lui prega per tutti, come è altrettanto risaputo che con questa attività non ottiene alcun risultato concreto

  Marino Pascolo 4 Caro Dago,  per decenni la pseudosinistra ci ha distratti, gridando "Attento, guarda là, sta tornando Berlusconi!", mentre con l'altra mano ci sfilava il portafoglio

Deficit Spending 5 Caro Dago, fa benissimo Salvini a non far sbarcare i  clandestini dalla "Diciotti"

Ottima anche l'Europa che tace. Se tutti continuano a mantenere la posizione, tra qualche giorno i migranti potranno essere riportati in Libia e avrà finalmente fine questo vergognoso traffico  di esseri umani

Bobby Canz 6 Caro Dago, Asia Argento: "Tutto falso, mai fatto sesso con quel ragazzo"

Ma chi si crede di essere? Bill Clinton con Monica Lewinsky? N.Caffrey 7 Mitico Dago, vista la vocazione cinematografica/documentaristica dell'attuale premier del PD, avrei un suggerimento per il nuovo nome del partito: Viale del tramonto

Stefano55  8 Caro Dago, alle infrastrutture abbiamo avuto due pippe come Del Rio e Toninelli

Fosse stato ministro il poliziotto eroe che sulla  A14 di Bologna ha fatto sgomberare le persone prima dell'esplosione dell'autocisterna, sul di Genova avrebbe fermato tutto e non sarebbe morto nessuno

Servono individui svegli e capaci. Lucio Breve 9 Caro Dago, Asia Argento dice che il suo compagno defunto, per non avere noie per la sua notorietà, abbia voluto pagare l'attore sedotto; poiché i morti non parlano, l'ex compagno non può né affermare né smentire le parole dell'attrice

 Ma un'onorevole dubbio mi assale, perché pagare per un fatto che non era avvenuto? Cordiali saluti

Annibale Antonelli 0 Dago darling, e se Asia Argento fosse una "buona samaritana"? Pochi sapevano (non certo le vecchie come me e suppongo anche Natalia Aspesi) che a Hollywood c'era un giovane attore di nome Jimmy Bennet

Ora tutto il mondo sa che c'é. Ora pioveranno su di lui offerte per libri, film (ovviamente Netflix in primis), apparizioni ben pagate in TV ecc

In fondo ci vuol poco per ragranellare (e risarcire Asia nella silenziosa Chiasso-Ch o in altri paradisi del segreto) i 380

000 spesi per avere notorietà.  In un mondo dove tutto é Pub & News pilotatissime (specie dal potentissimo FMI) e "mix" ben confezionati delle due cose, le vie della visibilità sono infinite

Come diceva Sabelli Fioretti, l'importante é che se ne parli, non come se ne parla

Se poi Jimmy sostenesse di essere "somehow gay", il successo globale (con piangini inclusi, "I was truly devasted", ecc

) nel mondo occidentale sarebbe assicurato e magari gli arriverebbe anche un'offerta per essere protagonista di un prossimo film del rampantissimo Guadagnino

Segreto di "stato" sulla qualità del presunto "blowjob". Ah sapere se era alla maniera di quelli praticati dalla compianta Linda Lovelace

Ossequi  Natalie Paav 1 Caro Dago, ma tu guarda se mi tocca "difendere" i Benetton! Volevo già scrivere, per smentire quanto scritto dal quotidiano La Verità in alcuni passaggi

Ma causa caldo e voglia di non occuparmi per alcuni giorni di lavoro avevo soprasseduto

Ma, visto hai lettori attenti, come il "precisino" che smentisce il quotidiano (detto naturalmente con simpatia), mi ritrovo a smentire la smentita, e scusa il giorco di parole

Mi spiego meglio, per non toglierti tempo ed energie preziose: il superyacht Tribu (senza accento sulla U), costruito in Italia, nel 2007, per Benetton (Luciano) e bla bla bla, è stato venduto dalla Fraser Yachts di Monaco nell'agosto 2014, ad opera di un broker Italiano

Quindi la notizia presa dal tuo lettore dal sito web  è sì aggiornata ad oggi, e spiega che il super yacht batte bandiera Maltese, ma non dice assolutamente chi è il proprietario

Ma, e qui sta il punto, non essendo più di Benetton, chi se ne frega dove paga le tasse l'attuale proprietario? Quella era, non a caso, la barca usata dalla famiglia Benetton, venduta la quale è stato acquistato il Codecasa Nanook attuale, visto in Sardegna

Questo per la precisione nelle informazioni che contraddistingue il nostro amato sito

E per dare a Benetton colpe sue ma non quelle di altri. Buon lavoro a te Fonte: me stesso, che faccio questo lavoro da 30 anni

Ry 2 Gentile Convenzione Autostrade "Art. 9. Il Consessionario avrà diritto, nel rispetto del principio di affidamento, ad un indennizzo / risarcimento a carico del Concedente in ogni caso di recesso, revoca, risoluzione, anche per inadempimento del Concedente

" Ma se, non uno studente in legge, un qualsiasi pincopallo avesse redatto, firmato ed approvato una tale scemenza ora dove sarebbe? in manicomio? Chi ha redatto, firmato, approvato questo schifo di contratto? E i vari professori e parrucconi di stato nulla hanno da dire a discolpa? Pincopallo 3 Dago, ti ci metti anche tu contro Asia Argento? Lascialo fare agli stronzi maschilisti, stanne fuori

Io non so se sia vero o no quanto avrebbe raccontato il "molestato" Bennett. Intanto tra il caso ASIA e Weinstein c'è una bella differenza

Primo. Weinstein è accusato da DECINE di attrici, ASIA da una sola persona. Secondo

Le attrici che accusano Weinstein sono quasi tutte di successo, ed avevavno ed hanno tutto da perdere se le cose vanno male

Il Bennett (senza lavoro ed a corto di soldi) è nessuno, ed non ha niente da perdere

limona con un cane in go go tales Terzo. Le attrici sono andate o dalla polizia o dai giornali a denunziare il produttore, il Bennett è andato da Asia a ricattare chiedendo soldi (3,5 milioni la richiesta iniziale, poi ha fatto lo sconto del 90%, stile outlet)

Quarto, last bat not least. Se una donna, bella, come Asia ti si infila nel letto e ti fa un servizietto, a 17 anni non resti turbato; a 17 anni ringrazi il cielo della fortuna che ti è capitata, e, per ringraziamento, fai il Cammino di Santiago, altro che andare a lamentarti! Quinto, e chiudo

Ammesso e non concesso che Asia abbia "violentato" il giovane (un giovane), non è che questo assolve il porcellone Weinstein che ha violentato decine di attrici

Colpevole l'una e colpevole l'altro: il mio delitto non cancella il tuo. Ciao Asia

Io sto con te. Gaetano Il Siciliano 4 Qualcuno mi spiega come cazzo fa una donna a violentare un uomo? L'uccello non si addrizza con la forza, ma con l'esatto contrario

 La fica si può anche penetrare brutalmente, ma un cazzo, perchè si ecciti, ha bisogno di essere blandito, altro che violentato!  E a 17 anni, se una 37enne ce la da o ci fa una pompa (fate voi) non si può essere che strafelici

Quante stronzate! La Argento è una svalvolata, come dite voi, ma questa accusa non sta in piedi ed è solo figlia, paradossale e assai contorta, della presunta parità tout-court tra il maschio e la femmina, per cui se esiste la violenza maschile allora simmetricamente esiste anche quella femminile

Il  femminismo senza limitismo si sta dando la zappa sui piedi da solo. Gli sta bene

  AP 5 4 Caro Dago, mi era ripromessa di stare zitta sull'accaduto, ma tant'è… davanti a tanta faccia di bronzo e di argentea convinzione mi cadono le braccia e qualcos'altro fossi stata uomo

 Il punto non è tanto se ha scopato o meno un 17enne: cosa illegale qui e in California

(Una sola rapida domanda: ma se Asia Argento con quello aveva lavorato e si faceva chiamare "mommy" da lui, non aveva davvero la più pallida idea di quanti anni avesse quello?) Il problema è un altro: se fai bere uno o una per portarlo o portarla a letto è da delinquenti

Che tu sia donna o uomo, maggiorenne o minorenne.  In più mi pare ingenuo (e mi fermo qui con gli aggettivi) che qualcuno non pensasse che il vecchio produttore potente (addirittura definito il terzo uomo più influente di Hollywood) sarebbe rimasto a guardare mentre lo processavano

Ovvio che ora risponde con tutti i mezzi che ha, già soltanto per dimostrare che chi lo accusava di essere un porco non è certamente meno porco e laido di lui

Chiudo facendo notare che Argento nega tutto, ha foto abbracciata alla sua presunta vittima, accusa tutti e tutto di far parte di un mega complotto, ha pagato "hush money" per chiudere eventuali faccende ma solo per generosità e non certamente per chiudere la bocca a qualcuno

Esattamente pari, pari al porcone Weinstien.  Saluti dal pari, pari Lisa



KhoiLe Studios & Sony Alpha VN - Series "Bí mật nhiếp ảnh gia" - Tập 4: Thủ pháp phản chiếu - Duration: 1:33.

Keep discovering Da Lat homestays, I've found out 2 interesting corners,

at which one of my usual techniques can be applied – the REFLECTION technique

At each location, I always look around to find any kind of reflective objects,

such as water's surface, mirror, glass etc.

Here I notice a mirror hanging on the wall,

so I immediately think of capturing the subject using REFLECTION and FRAMING.

I'll have the couple stand right here, posing if they're good at it,

or I can have a little interact with them to create more emotions.

Photos using reflection may be very interesting and mischievous.

For more infomation >> KhoiLe Studios & Sony Alpha VN - Series "Bí mật nhiếp ảnh gia" - Tập 4: Thủ pháp phản chiếu - Duration: 1:33.


Nico Santos - Safe [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:25.

Nico Santos - Safe [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> Nico Santos - Safe [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:25.


Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made - Duration: 3:49.

Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made

Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made.

  St George's Fine Foods said apart from removing Adam Catzavelos from the board of directors of the family-owned business‚ a settlement is being negotiated on his 33% stake in the business.

The family made this statement following the fallout‚ which has included death threats‚ after a video which went viral showed St George's Fine Foods director‚ Catzavelos‚ who has since been dismissed‚ uttering the k-word on a beach.

In an earlier statement on Wednesday morning‚ the family said it rejected racism in any form.

It also said Adam had been dismissed with immediate effect from the family business‚ St George's Fine Foods‚ and his minority shareholding would be unwound as soon as practically possible.

In an updated statement‚ the family and St George's Fine Foods said Adam had no operational involvement in another family business‚ Smokehouse and Grill restaurant.

It said his passive 25% interest in the restaurant was also being unwound.

  "On behalf of both businesses‚ we apologise unreservedly for the hurt and the harm his words have caused‚" the company and the family said in the updated statement.

They said the family was devastated.

"We fully understand the outrage his words have rightly caused.

We cannot speak on behalf of Adam‚ who will need to face the consequences of his actions on his return to South Africa." The family appealed for some measure of calm.

It said members of the extended family and some of its staff and business associates had been threatened and intimidated‚ with death threats made.

"Our primary concern‚ therefore‚ right now‚ is for the safety of the extended family‚ and that of our staff and associates.

As stated before‚ we reject racism and seek‚ in our own small way‚ to work for the betterment of this country‚ for our immediate families and for our communities."   Following the airing of the video‚ a number of companies have cancelled their relationship with St George's Fine Foods‚ including the restaurant chain The Baron Group.

Meanwhile St.

John's College in Johannesburg declared Catzavelos persona non-grata at the school.

The council and executive management of the school informed him that he was "not welcome on campus until further notice‚" said chairperson of the school council Dr Jon Patricios.

Businessman Adam Catzavelos took to social media to boast about a beach holiday where 'not a single k****r' was around.

Here's how social media reacted.

For more infomation >> Family sorry for hurt caused by Adam Catzavelos as death threats are made - Duration: 3:49.


the lonely shepherd (TMSC Remix) - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> the lonely shepherd (TMSC Remix) - Duration: 5:04.


Dethleffs Family 420 T - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Dethleffs Family 420 T - Duration: 0:41.


Volkswagen revela novos detalhes do T-Cross - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen revela novos detalhes do T-Cross - Duration: 2:09.


Big Brother - Vote For Zing - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Big Brother - Vote For Zing - Duration: 2:04.


Big Brother - Zing Bot Is Back - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Big Brother - Zing Bot Is Back - Duration: 2:03.


Just take the time to Stop and Think - Duration: 1:40.

Are you plugged in 24×7?

Never switch off your mobile?

Constantly check email?

Tell your customers they can call you whenever they feel like?

Then feel stressed out of your mind?

I have news for you.

No one can be productive if you don't have some downtime.

The world won't end if you don't answer that email immediately.

Going from meeting to meeting, fighting fires and being continually interrupted means you'll

never get anything really productive done.

And innovation goes out the window.

Most great ideas come from that quiet space in your mind.

Often in that period of Alpha Wave brain activity – when daydreaming, or between being awake

and asleep.

So you must take time to just sit, chill out and think.

If you work in an office, decree that you have quiet time between certain hours.

Switch of your email, divert your calls, put up a sign so co-workers don't drop in for

a chat and just think.

And if you're a manager, for heaven's sake don't make your employees feel as if

they have to look busy all the time.

Just because someone's starting into space doesn't mean they aren't thinking.

Some of my best ideas have come when I had bosses who recognised this and just allowed

me to be.

As an employer you should be measuring productivity and rewarding innovation, not being a time

keeper who makes your staff feel untrusted.

Yes it may take some practice and getting used to, but the results will be worth it.

For more infomation >> Just take the time to Stop and Think - Duration: 1:40.


Learn how to tell an interesting story... or make a boring story interesting! - Duration: 11:31.

Hi there. Welcome back to engVid with me, Benjamin. Today we are looking at the art

of storytelling. Who is this useful to? Well, you may find that in an interview situation,

being able to tell a good story could help you, as long as it's appropriate to the interview;

also, IELTS speaking, being able to sort of go beyond yourself and say more than you normally

would is going to benefit you in terms of sounding fluent; and also, conversational,

social skills - it's good to be able to tell a story.

Now, what I'm going to be sharing with you today has taken me a lot of time, a lot of

experience to figure out the truth of this, and I've basically worked out that this is

right. Okay? So, two parts in today's lesson: We've got basic storytelling; and then if

you want to be clever clogs, you can add in the extra elements.

So, a basic story has what Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, came up with 2,000 years

ago. It has three consistent things: It talks about place-okay?-it happens in a place; it

happens at a time, a certain time; and there are characters involved. And these should

be smooth. He talked about how we should have a clear story idea, it happens in time order.

So this relates to us today telling a good story. Okay? It should happen at a certain

point. We need to know where, okay? Place, setting, similar idea. Which characters do

you have in the story? A plot - there's got to be a reason for telling it: "Is it an unusual

story? Is it funny? Is it interesting?" What's the ending? You don't want to leave your audience,

going: "Oh", at the end of the story. You've got to think: "This story has got to have

a good ending." Okay? Otherwise you leave them with not a very good feeling. Okay.

So, if I'm going to demonstrate this, I will tell you a story. So, the time that this took

place. So this was last summer, and the place: I was trying to get to the airport. I was

trying to get to Gatwick Airport, just outside of London. To set the scene a bit, we've got

a friend's wedding happening in Italy. Taking my son and wife on a flight out to Italy.

Very important that we get there, lots of friends there, and traffic starts piling up

and it starts getting quite tight - the time. Are we going to get on the plane or not?

Okay, so now we need to include some more plot elements. So, what was unusual is that

I told my wife: "Look, if we carry on like this, we're not going to catch the plane."

So we swapped over, and she started driving down the hard shoulder. It's not about your

shoulder; it means the side bit of the road that you're not really meant to drive on.

And kind of the funny bit is that we got through this horrendous traffic on the most nasty...

The nastiest road in the U.K., which is the M25, which is more sort of sitting around

than actually driving anywhere. We got through this nasty traffic. It looked like we were

going to catch the flight, and then we ran out of petrol 10 miles from the airport. Fortunately,

we did manage to get onto the flight eventually, after a few more mishaps. Okay? So we've got

a rough story there, which I can now make quite a lot better by adding in these elements.

First of all, if you're sat around with a group of people, you don't just suddenly start

telling a story, and you shouldn't really plan what stories you're going to tell. A

story could come out of what has been spoken, what people are talking about, otherwise it's

like: "Well, what are you talking about?" Okay? So there's got to be a link. So, if

I was telling this story, maybe I would be talking to friends about holidays, about getting

to planes, and I would say something like: "This... Yeah, I've had a bad experience before

of trying to get to the airport. I'll tell you about this time last summer." Okay? So,

linking it to the conversation. Beginning well. "I'll tell you a little tale", okay?

It's quite sort of soft and polite, but rather than being: "[Makes motorboat noise]", it

invites people to listen in. It kind of quietens things down, and people start listening.

There need to be things in the story that grab people's attention. So... And this kind

of links to this next point of embellishment and exaggeration. "Embellishment" means adding...

Adding a little bit of colour. Okay? So, if we've got someone's face... I'm not an artist,

but if we're going to embellish this, we're going to improve it by putting in some more

sort of details. We're going to give them some hair, we're going to give them quite

a thick neck. Embellishment: Putting more in. "Exaggeration", okay? So we're not going

to do an entirely accurate picture; we're going to say that actually the man has a wart

here, and we're going to find interesting details. For example, his tongue hangs out

of his mouth. Okay? The detail is going for more and more... It's not just information;

it's kind of layers to the story. So, let's put this into practice with the story I'm

telling about the airport.

Okay, so it was half past 4:00 on a Friday. We have to be at the airport at quarter past

5:00. The M25 is gridlock; it's standstill, and I was tearing my hair out-not literally-thinking:

"How on earth am I going to get to the airport?" Luckily, my wife can be quite James-Bond-like

and she... We swapped over, and she started tearing down the hard shoulder. She was...

Okay? So now I need to exaggerate a bit. She was slamming on the accelerator, she was hitting

60 as all the other cars were going just 5 or 10 miles an hour, and we were just sailing

past them, cruising past, thinking that nothing was going to go wrong. We were invincible

- we were on that plane. Okay? So I'm adding in a few details.

Now I need to add in some suspense. So, just as everything looked like it was going to

work out happily ever after, the car slowly came to a halt. And I don't know if you've

stood by the edge of the motorway before, but it's not the best place to be standing;

you've got tankers going past, your car starts shaking, you're worrying whether you're safe.

And at that point, we said: "Oh my goodness, me, what do we do now? Do we just abandon

the car, in which case we'll get a huge fine and lose the car? Do we try and fill up the

car with petrol? How do we do this?" Okay? So what I'm doing with suspense is I want

the people to want to know what happened in the story. Okay?

So, the next chapter. Along comes a taxi, I'm holding out a jerry can. Okay? A "jerry

can" means a tank for petrol, a jerry can. He stops, I jump in the taxi. We go fast,

fast, fast, fast, fast. We go to a petrol station, and then we are going the wrong way

up this motorway, and I can see the car over there. And the man says to me: "Well, it would

be quicker if you ran across the motorway, rather than going all the way back to the

M25 and back down again." What I'm doing here is I'm using dialogue; I'm using words from

a character to make us imagine the story a bit more. Okay?

And now what I want to be doing is putting it into the present tense, it helps us imagine

the story a little bit more. So I'm there, I'm standing on the side of the road and I'm

seeing these cars flying past at 70 miles an hour. I'm thinking: "You want me to run

across there? You must be joking." So I refused his kind offer, and we carried on going. At

that point I receive a phone call, a phone call from my wife, saying: "Honey, I have

left the car. You'll find a couple of things in the car. I'm in a lorry. It's fine. We're

going to the airport." I'm thinking: "What? You've left the car, you're in a lorry? What

on earth is going on here?"

I get to the car, I jump into it. I forget: "Oh yeah, I need to put the petrol back into

the tank." I say: "Good bye, Mr. taxi driver, thank you very much." And then I start tearing

it down to Gatwick Airport. Okay? I need to be aware that I can't go on, and on, and on.

If I speak for too long, the people I'm telling the story to are going to be like: "Benjamin,

boring", okay? I get to the airport, I take... Ripped off my jumper, I'm running through,

I've parked the car, and I... Running, running, running, running, running, running, running,

running, running, sweating, flying through. We all get on to the plane by the skin of

our teeth, which means we only just got there. I'll write that phrase out for you. "By the

skin of our... By the skin of my teeth". Okay? By the skin of my teeth we made it.

Then we need to link back into the conversation, okay? By the skin of my teeth. I need... It

can't just be all about me. Yeah? There are other people in this room that I've been sharing

this story to. Okay? It's not a performance. I'm not in the theatre, going: "Da-da-da-da-da".

We're talking; conversation is two ways. So, I need to say: "So, how about you, Jerry,

do you like airports?" Ask them a question. Put the focus back on the other person.

And, really, this is the number one tip: You need to go with the flow; especially if you're

telling a story with someone else, if you're both telling it. Okay? One of you might go

more for detail, one of you might go more for exaggeration. It's okay to exaggerate,

as long as the story is recognizable. Find a way to tell the story together.

Hope you've enjoyed this video. Have the story, but have fun with it, too. Go tell some great

stories. Until next time, good bye.

For more infomation >> Learn how to tell an interesting story... or make a boring story interesting! - Duration: 11:31.


王菲为什么和李亚鹏离婚 - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 王菲为什么和李亚鹏离婚 - Duration: 7:01.


Baby Born In 24-Year-Old Uber Driver's Car: 'I Didn't Stop Honking' - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Baby Born In 24-Year-Old Uber Driver's Car: 'I Didn't Stop Honking' - Duration: 2:29.


[3x51] Mónica comforts Ámbar / Translation - Duration: 3:03.

Who let Sharon into the mansion?

Luna we don't know but I promise I'll find out

and I'll start with the security

Wait dad did somebody see her?

Maybe someone helped her to enter and hid in a car

The question is just who helped her


Why do you mention her?

Of course because I met her here yesterday

and she told me she heared strange noises

Maybe she can help us and she saw her

Hello. I'm sorry did something happen?


I have to ask you something


Did you hear strange noises when you were here yesterday?

No, no why?


Because this one belongs to Sharon

That's strange. But I didn't see her. I'm telling the truth

Ámbar are you sure? Yesterday you told me you heared a strange noise

that caught your attention. You have to tell us the truth

[Luna] If you saw her just tell us [Mónica] That's enough Luna, that's enough

Are you okay Ámbar?

I'm not like my godmother

We know that, really

Never in my life I would do what she has done

Ámbar wait. I'm sorry I didn't want to

[Luna] make you feel bad [Mónica] I'll go, I'll go

Luna don't worry

Ámbar wait

Don't feel bad okay? Luna didn't want to blame you

I know this is a difficult situation for you. I understand you

I didn't want her to hurt you guys Mónica, really

I know, I know

It's just that the situation is also difficult for Luna Ámbar

She is confused and afraid. We all are afraid

You know? But she trusts you

Mónica look

When I was a little girl I dreamed of being like her. I dreamed of that

I used her make up, I wore her clothes

I did my hair the same way and I repeted what she said

I had the feeling that was the only way she would love me

If I was just the same as her

She loves you Ámbar, in her way

But I'm not like her

No you aren't

You're a good girl. I know that. I feel it with my heart

We're all at your side Ámbar

For more infomation >> [3x51] Mónica comforts Ámbar / Translation - Duration: 3:03.


The Cousin Of Slain Mollie Tibbetts Just Blasted Pro-Trump Candace Owens For Smearing Immigrants - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> The Cousin Of Slain Mollie Tibbetts Just Blasted Pro-Trump Candace Owens For Smearing Immigrants - Duration: 3:46.


Goldeneye 007's Iconic N64 Multiplayer Wasn't Originally Planned For the Game - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Goldeneye 007's Iconic N64 Multiplayer Wasn't Originally Planned For the Game - Duration: 3:14.


S1E41. Double the Children - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> S1E41. Double the Children - Duration: 2:17.


Kim Zolciak Biermann Shares Sexy Pics of Kroy in a Speedo | - Duration: 2:41.

Kim Zolciak Biermann Shares Sexy Pics of Kroy in a Speedo |

Kim Zolciak Biermann isn't shy about the love she has for her husband, Kroy, and she often shares that love and affection with her fans.

Wednesday was no different for the reality star as she took to Instagram to share a couple of picture of her hubby wearing nothing but a Speedo.

In the photos, the former NFL player was rocking a pair of black skimpy bottoms that covered his goods and not much else.

He was rinsing off in an outdoor shower, and all of his muscles were on full display.

Zolciak Biermann simply couldn't resist taking a couple of candid shots — and sharing them with the world!.

"Yes please! For the love of God! Wet n Wild Wednesday! @kroybiermann Fun Fact: Today 8 years ago Kroy TRIED to break up with me.

That lasted only 24hrs.

Grateful for you baby! My ride or die, my rock, my heart, the best daddy ever and you are the hottest man I ever did see," Zolciak Biermann captioned the post, which you can check out below.

The Biermanns are currently filming Season 7 of their hit Bravo show, Don't Be Tardy.

Although there isn't an air date yet, the Biermann family has been working on edits and interviews to get everything ready to go.

In the middle of filming, Zolciak Biermann snapped a picture of a screen that Kroy was on and took the opportunity to share him with her fans.

"Eyes shut mid sentence but you are still the hottest piece of a** I have ever seen," Zolciak Biermann wrote.

She simply loves sharing her love for Kroy with the world — and that's just one of the many reasons her fans love her and her family.

For more infomation >> Kim Zolciak Biermann Shares Sexy Pics of Kroy in a Speedo | - Duration: 2:41.


LITTLE KITTY Boo Boo CHEF #1 play movie BUBU cooks in the RESTAURANT children's cartoon - Duration: 20:04.

For more infomation >> LITTLE KITTY Boo Boo CHEF #1 play movie BUBU cooks in the RESTAURANT children's cartoon - Duration: 20:04.


Creating design for charity program #Prayforlombok - Duration: 17:36.

meet me again Hery from

One of the most beautiful island in Indonesia..

..popular tourism island of Lombok.

Devastated by 7.0 Richter in Scale Earthquake..

... and the aftershocks still counting till today (when i record the video)

.. just last few days ago in August 19th, 6.9 Richter in scale aftershock still trilling the island

and of course...

...peoples being the victim, hundreds lost their lives

...and thousands injuries along with many lost of their home.


...Thousands people evacuated and live in the shelter..

... and need out helps.

For that reason..

Me and Tride Industries, screen printing company based in Yogyakarta..

having collaboration project for charity.

I am here as a designer will donate my design..

donating my ability...

be a design for a t-shirt..

which this would be sell...

and 100% benefit are for donate...

to Lombok eartquake victim.

this design concept is quite simple..

there's a Lombok island map surrounded with...

some characters of Indonesia

Such as ...

dancer with Klana Mask of Cirebon..

Balinese dancer, Dayak people...


To depicted elements of society in Indonesia

Which is we together..

feel the same things.. and deep condolences..

for the earthquake victim...

of lombok.

i really need your support to successing this project..

by buying the t-shirt.

by buying this tshirt you also help...

peoples that affected to the earthquake of Lombok.

This tshirt...

will be sell via Instagram, please read the description for the link

Curious how to make it?

and how it gonna look? Let's get this started

okay, now i am in photoshop

i want to open the sketch...

that i already have it before

so here's...

would be 6 characters

ehm... i wanna make a new file first.

as usual it's gonna be huge...

42x60 cm at 400ppi... it's huge

I always working on the huge master file...

to avoid resizing problem at the future.

just drag it here..

i have planned to adding other characters..

so not only six...

i will draw the sketch here.

just rough..

copy this..

hmmm.... just make it later..

i would work on the inking instead

make the new layer, and don't forget to lower the opacity of sketch layer.

i want to pick the brush here...

usually i use Kyle Webster's brush pack..

if you're Adobe CC subscriber..

this brushes can be get free

i want to start the inking here... just follow the sketch

this characters...

i drew here are made by research first from google..

then i duplicate here like these.

i want to speed up the video from here.


now the inking has been done...

i want to go to the next phase...


This Topeng Klana have the bright red

the tips is each color...

must on different layer

everytime you adding new color...

you must make it in the new layer.

or if you're hesitate even it...

the same color, you better make it in the new layer

the important thing is to easier...

in next step it you want to change the color scheme.

i want to faster the video from here.

okay that's the design has been done...

hope you like it.. and also the video

don't forget to subscribe...

and don't miss this t-shirt

because you will helping the victims...

of the Earthquake disaster of Lombok.

if you want...

asking, commenting...

..suggesting.. or anything else...

please leave it at the commentary box below.

at the description i want to adding the link for purchasing the tees

if you want to get the new update please turn on the bell

see you next time... on my next videos


For more infomation >> Creating design for charity program #Prayforlombok - Duration: 17:36.


Videoanleitung Mixshirt HILDE - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Videoanleitung Mixshirt HILDE - Duration: 8:46.


Davis downplays impeachment potential during 'open office hours' - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Davis downplays impeachment potential during 'open office hours' - Duration: 2:22.


What really happened between Arsenal and Hamza Mendyl on transfer deadline day - Duration: 4:00.

Hamza Mendyl was not a player many Arsenal fans would have known prior to this summer's transfer deadline day but the young Moroccan defender ended up providing some late intrigue on a day that looked set to pass without incident

As the clock ticked towards 5pm on Thursday, August 9, supporters had accepted that the club would not be adding to the five players Unai Emery and Sven Milslintat had brought in during the summer at the Emirates

But a social media post then started doing the rounds from an agency called Collective Sports Management showing that someone from the agency had been at London Colney

The post, which included a picture from Arsenal's training complex, included a teasing caption saying 'what has been going on here today?'

As is the way on deadline day, fans on social media began going into overdrive and they soon started to go through the players who were registered to Collective Sports

As Sead Kolasianc had just picked up a serious knee injury in a pre-season game against Chelsea, Mendyl's name was soon picked out as a possibility as he was a left-back

And then news reports started to emerge that the 20-year-old had travelled to London to sign for the Gunners from French side Lille, but that the move had been delayed due to issues with the paperwork

As the transfer deadline then passed without any announcement, fans were hoping that Arsenal had submitted a deal sheet to the Premier League which would allow them a further two hours to get the deal done

But at that time sources revealed to that no deal sheet had been filed and that there would be no late additions to the squad

Mendyl's name has since been forgotten by most Arsenal fans, but the young defender has hit the headlines again having just sealed a move to Schalke

The Morocco international has signed a four-year deal with the Bundesliga outfit and on completing the transfer he has confirmed that there had been discussions over a possible move to the Emirates in the past

He said: "It's true: I was in talks with Arsenal and Newcastle. But as a Moroccan citizen it's not that easy to obtain a work permit

I would have trusted myself to play Premier League." Schake sporting director Christian Heidel is also on the record stating that his new signing could have ended up in north London

So what exactly happened with Mendyl in the build up to deadline day? Football.London has learnt that there was some interest in the defender but it never got as far as him travelling to London Colney

Initial discussions were held, but both parties were aware that it would have been almost impossible for Mendyl to obtain a work permit, so it was decided not to take matters any further

An employee of Collective Sports Management was at London Colney the day before deadline day, but it was nothing to do with a possible transfer for Mendyl

It was in fact to tie up some loose details involving Arsenal's deal for Matteo Guendouzi, who although ins't registered with Collective - does have links to the agency through his intermediary Philippe Nabe

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