Thursday, August 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 24 2018

*Muffled discussion*

PRESLEY: *Groans* SESH: All I'm saying is that there is a small chance

SESH: A very small chance, almost non existent PRESLEY: No! No chance!

SESH: I'll admit, but a chance all the same PRESLEY: Nil chance. Zero out of zero chance.

SESH: that there could be other species of werepeople in the world!

SESH: I mean, it makes no sense for there to be thousands and thousands of animal species

SESH: on the planet but for no reason whatsoever

SESH: wolves are the only animal humans can transform into PRESLEY: Um, I'm sorry, the reason is "wolves are awesome"

SESH: It just-- It-- No. It makes no sense.

PRESLEY: Ok. Three things.First; there's no such thing as "werepeople".

"Were" is the Old English term for "Man" so "werepeople" is just... "Man-People".

Second; werewolves are a staple of multiple folklores and mythologies from MANY different cultures

So if there are other wereCREATURES out there... Where are their stories? Hm?

And third; God. Mother Nature. Evolution. Whatever.

would never be so cruel as to create a wereblobfish!

SESH: Ok, I just used that as an example!

SESH: It doesn't mean I actually believe that there are wereblobfish in the world-- WILLIAM: Hey girls...

SESH: *Surprised squeak* WILLIAM: Sorry, what is this I'm hearing about a wereblobfish?

SESH: *Strained* Hey, Will! WILLIAM: William.

SESH: Look, Pres! It's Will! Here... Again. WILLIAM: William.

PRESLEY: Uh, *awkward laugh cough* yeah. Showing up unexpectedly is kind of becoming your calling card

PRESLEY: innit it Billy Boy. WILLIAM: William. Can-- can we please just call me William?

SESH: Sorry. William. We just-- Uh,

didn't realise that you thought this was a, um, regular thing.

Coming here to OUR bunker that WE pay for...


Sorry, yeah, I just, um...

Don't exactly have a lot of werewolf friends or...

Another bunker to go to during the full moons. But, um...

WILLIAM: Yeah, no, fair enough. I can go if youse want me to. PRESLEY: *Relieved sigh*

PRESLEY: Great! That's-- Thank you so much for understanding! SESH: Presley Esmeralda Jones!

SESH: Don't be so rude! PRESLEY: REALLY not my middle name

SESH: *Saccharine sweetness* Of COURSE you can stay! Yep! Just, um...

SESH: Pop your bags over there.


SESH: Presley.

PRESLEY: Can I have a word. With you. Over here. SESH: Mmkay. Sure. Why not.

PRESLEY: Why are you allowing a random weirdo into our werewolf den? Again?

SESH: Well... He may be weird but he's not exactly random anymore, is he?

He's already... He's spent one moon with us, so...

A-And it was fine! I mean, awkward as hell. But fine!

PRESLEY: Shyeh, that's the trap. Lures you into a false sense of security.

First time he's all nice and normal. Second time! That's the time that he tries to murder us in our sleep!

What are we gonna do then, huh? Tell me that!

SESH: Well, if that DOES happen, we'll just...

Tear him apart!!

Y'know, we will have transformed into ravenous, bloodthirsty beasts.

PRESLEY: Ok, yeah,good point. But we still don't know anything about this "William".

I mean, shouldn't we have a more formal vetting process or something?

SESH: We literally found Nix on Facebook. PRESLEY: Yeah, and look how that turned out!

PRESLEY: He ghosted us and then sent Norman Bates our way. WILLIAM: Alright! Bit harsh!

SESH: Look, Presley, do you really want to send him out now? I mean, the moon is about to come up

SESH: Do you want him out there when things start getting hairy? PRESLEY: Eulchh! EURGGH!

PRESLEY: Was THAT pun deliberate or accidental? Coz I don't know which is worse. SESH: *Warningly* Presley.

PRESLEY: *Deep, deep sigh*


*Presley clears throat*


If you... Betray us. Try to kill us or tell a single soul about what goes on in here,

I will skin you alive and wear your pelt as a coat.

I don't care if it's human skin or wolf skin.

PRESLEY: I. Will--

WILLIAM: William.

WILLIAM: Sorry. Uh... Habit. Continue.

PRESLEY: I. Will. Coat. You. Got it?

WILLIAM: 100% crystal clear, got it.

WILLIAM: Pringle?

WILLIAM: Pringle?

SESH: What are you wearing?

*Spooky groove theme music*

For more infomation >> Oh... You're Back || Wolfgang Ep. 25 - Duration: 5:09.


Assembly Tutorial and Review of Racing Style Leather Gaming Chair from Amazon - Duration: 24:33.

For more infomation >> Assembly Tutorial and Review of Racing Style Leather Gaming Chair from Amazon - Duration: 24:33.








e-book Guia do Mercado da Cerveja Artesanal - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> e-book Guia do Mercado da Cerveja Artesanal - Duration: 1:00.


Festa de São Bartolomeu, Apóstolo (Homilia Diária.394) - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Festa de São Bartolomeu, Apóstolo (Homilia Diária.394) - Duration: 5:38.


Isofix ou sistema convencional: entenda a diferença - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Isofix ou sistema convencional: entenda a diferença - Duration: 1:00.


✅ Na luta contra o câncer, Ana Furtado muda a alimentação e começa dieta - Duration: 3:04.

 Ana Furtado segue batalhando para vencer a luta contra o câncer de mama. Por conta da doença, a apresentadora do É de Casa teve que mudar seus hábitos alimentares e resolveu compartilhar um pouco de sua rotina saudável com seus seguidores do Instagram na noite desta quinta-feira, 23 de agosto

 Segundo Ana Furtado, ela eliminou café, lactose e até comida japonesa do seu cardápio diário, já que ela cortou alimentos crus

""De volta aos Estúdios Globo depois de liberação médica (uhuuuul!!!) e para o trabalho, a gente traz o quê, minha gente? A boa e velha marmita

Comida saudável, feita em casa, bem higienizada e com tudo de que eu preciso. Hoje foi arroz integral, feijão, salada, brócolis e frango orgânico", escreveu ela

 "Quero aproveitar pra dividir um pouco da minha rotina alimentar aqui com vocês também

Para começar quero dizer que não pulo e nunca pulei refeição. Os médicos sempre me orientaram a comer de 3 em 3 horas e agora não poderia ser diferente

Mas é claro que tive que mudar um pouco a minha alimentação, inserindo e também evitando determinados alimentos durante o tratamento", explicou a apresentadora

 E prosseguiu detalhando: ""Algumas das recomendações que venho seguindo: Evito a lactose, porque costuma dar um enjoo danado; não como comida crua, principalmente na rua, por conta da higiene; cortei também alimentos ácidos (o café, que eu amo, é um deles

Tive mucosite no início da quimioterapia por conta disso. Bebo muita água (de preferência muito alcalina), por volta de 3 litros por dia

É fundamental para desintoxicar e limpar o organismo".  "Além de água, procuro beber também chá verde e chá de hibisco

O risco de um paciente oncológico ter desnutrição é três vezes maior que em portadores de outras doenças

Por isso a alimentação saudável é nossa grande amiga e aliada na oxigenação e no fortalecimento do nosso corpo

Eu sigo todas as recomendações e tenho me saído muito bem, apesar de ainda ter uma leve anemia (aliás, por isso bastante feijão na marmita de hoje!!)", completou

For more infomation >> ✅ Na luta contra o câncer, Ana Furtado muda a alimentação e começa dieta - Duration: 3:04.


Simaria desabafa sobre fase complicada com doença perigosa e critica excesso de trabalho - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Simaria desabafa sobre fase complicada com doença perigosa e critica excesso de trabalho - Duration: 3:10.


Horóscopo Sagitario Amor | Conversación Importante con Pareja Septiembre 2018 - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Sagitario Amor | Conversación Importante con Pareja Septiembre 2018 - Duration: 12:36.


Silvia Poppovic emagrece, perde 35kg e surge completamente diferente - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Silvia Poppovic emagrece, perde 35kg e surge completamente diferente - Duration: 3:20.


Atriz revela aborto aos 17 anos, conta detalhes de procedimento e dispara: "Lembro a dor até hoje" - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Atriz revela aborto aos 17 anos, conta detalhes de procedimento e dispara: "Lembro a dor até hoje" - Duration: 8:43.


Ex-BBB Jéssica deixa Kaysar de lado, assume romance e vai para o exterior - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Jéssica deixa Kaysar de lado, assume romance e vai para o exterior - Duration: 2:35.


Após 7 anos longe da TV, atriz retorna, sofre com grave doença e revela seu atual estado de saúde - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Após 7 anos longe da TV, atriz retorna, sofre com grave doença e revela seu atual estado de saúde - Duration: 4:15.


JLPT N5「日语的寒暄语」③【日本语能力测试 N5】 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> JLPT N5「日语的寒暄语」③【日本语能力测试 N5】 - Duration: 7:21.


Phim Ca Nhạc Em Đừng Diễn Nữa | Hồ Gia Hùng Nhóm HKT , Đường Hưng, Su Any | Phim Ngắn Ca Nhạc 2018 - Duration: 23:05.

For more infomation >> Phim Ca Nhạc Em Đừng Diễn Nữa | Hồ Gia Hùng Nhóm HKT , Đường Hưng, Su Any | Phim Ngắn Ca Nhạc 2018 - Duration: 23:05.


Após ser cortada de foto de Dira Paes, Fernanda Gentil toma atitude e 'se vinga' - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Após ser cortada de foto de Dira Paes, Fernanda Gentil toma atitude e 'se vinga' - Duration: 3:05.


Eat some easy food and grow your health .kuch aasan chije jo aapko rakhegi hamesha healthy - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Eat some easy food and grow your health .kuch aasan chije jo aapko rakhegi hamesha healthy - Duration: 4:36.


Selfie tra le stelle, con un'app della Nasa - Scienza & Tecnica - Duration: 2:13.

 Tutti potranno sognare a occhi aperti di essere stati nello spazio grazie all'app della Nasa che permette di scattare un selfie tra gli ammassi di stelle e pianeti

L'agenzia spaziale degli Stati Uniti festeggia così i 15 anni dal lancio del telescopio Spitzer

 Lanciato il 25 agosto 2013, Spitzer avrebbe dovuto funzionare per quasi tra anni, ma è ancora in ottima salute e nel corso della sua lunga carriera ha catturato spettacolari immagini nell'infrarosso, come quelle che a partire dal 2005 hanno mostrato la luce di pianeti esterni al Sistema Solare

 Spitzer ha inoltre permesso di definire in modo più chiaro la forma della Via Lattea e di scoprire l'anello più grande di Saturno

Le straordinarie immagini di Spitzer diventano ora lo sfondo dei selfie grazie alla app della Nasa: basta posizionare il ritratto al centro di una cornice per inserirlo in un casco da astronauta e poi scegliere lo sfondo preferito tra i tanti fotografati da Spitzer

Dopodiché non resta che salvare il selfie sul proprio smartphone.  Si possono anche caricare foto da una propria fotogallery e condividerle con l'hashtag #NASASelfie

Un'altra app della Nasa, infine, offre una visita guidata ai pianeti del sistema Trappist-1: le immagini sono bellissime ricostruzioni artistiche, ma le conoscenze su cui si basano sono scientificamente corrette

For more infomation >> Selfie tra le stelle, con un'app della Nasa - Scienza & Tecnica - Duration: 2:13.


Oh... You're Back || Wolfgang Ep. 25 - Duration: 5:09.

*Muffled discussion*

PRESLEY: *Groans* SESH: All I'm saying is that there is a small chance

SESH: A very small chance, almost non existent PRESLEY: No! No chance!

SESH: I'll admit, but a chance all the same PRESLEY: Nil chance. Zero out of zero chance.

SESH: that there could be other species of werepeople in the world!

SESH: I mean, it makes no sense for there to be thousands and thousands of animal species

SESH: on the planet but for no reason whatsoever

SESH: wolves are the only animal humans can transform into PRESLEY: Um, I'm sorry, the reason is "wolves are awesome"

SESH: It just-- It-- No. It makes no sense.

PRESLEY: Ok. Three things.First; there's no such thing as "werepeople".

"Were" is the Old English term for "Man" so "werepeople" is just... "Man-People".

Second; werewolves are a staple of multiple folklores and mythologies from MANY different cultures

So if there are other wereCREATURES out there... Where are their stories? Hm?

And third; God. Mother Nature. Evolution. Whatever.

would never be so cruel as to create a wereblobfish!

SESH: Ok, I just used that as an example!

SESH: It doesn't mean I actually believe that there are wereblobfish in the world-- WILLIAM: Hey girls...

SESH: *Surprised squeak* WILLIAM: Sorry, what is this I'm hearing about a wereblobfish?

SESH: *Strained* Hey, Will! WILLIAM: William.

SESH: Look, Pres! It's Will! Here... Again. WILLIAM: William.

PRESLEY: Uh, *awkward laugh cough* yeah. Showing up unexpectedly is kind of becoming your calling card

PRESLEY: innit it Billy Boy. WILLIAM: William. Can-- can we please just call me William?

SESH: Sorry. William. We just-- Uh,

didn't realise that you thought this was a, um, regular thing.

Coming here to OUR bunker that WE pay for...


Sorry, yeah, I just, um...

Don't exactly have a lot of werewolf friends or...

Another bunker to go to during the full moons. But, um...

WILLIAM: Yeah, no, fair enough. I can go if youse want me to. PRESLEY: *Relieved sigh*

PRESLEY: Great! That's-- Thank you so much for understanding! SESH: Presley Esmeralda Jones!

SESH: Don't be so rude! PRESLEY: REALLY not my middle name

SESH: *Saccharine sweetness* Of COURSE you can stay! Yep! Just, um...

SESH: Pop your bags over there.


SESH: Presley.

PRESLEY: Can I have a word. With you. Over here. SESH: Mmkay. Sure. Why not.

PRESLEY: Why are you allowing a random weirdo into our werewolf den? Again?

SESH: Well... He may be weird but he's not exactly random anymore, is he?

He's already... He's spent one moon with us, so...

A-And it was fine! I mean, awkward as hell. But fine!

PRESLEY: Shyeh, that's the trap. Lures you into a false sense of security.

First time he's all nice and normal. Second time! That's the time that he tries to murder us in our sleep!

What are we gonna do then, huh? Tell me that!

SESH: Well, if that DOES happen, we'll just...

Tear him apart!!

Y'know, we will have transformed into ravenous, bloodthirsty beasts.

PRESLEY: Ok, yeah,good point. But we still don't know anything about this "William".

I mean, shouldn't we have a more formal vetting process or something?

SESH: We literally found Nix on Facebook. PRESLEY: Yeah, and look how that turned out!

PRESLEY: He ghosted us and then sent Norman Bates our way. WILLIAM: Alright! Bit harsh!

SESH: Look, Presley, do you really want to send him out now? I mean, the moon is about to come up

SESH: Do you want him out there when things start getting hairy? PRESLEY: Eulchh! EURGGH!

PRESLEY: Was THAT pun deliberate or accidental? Coz I don't know which is worse. SESH: *Warningly* Presley.

PRESLEY: *Deep, deep sigh*


*Presley clears throat*


If you... Betray us. Try to kill us or tell a single soul about what goes on in here,

I will skin you alive and wear your pelt as a coat.

I don't care if it's human skin or wolf skin.

PRESLEY: I. Will--

WILLIAM: William.

WILLIAM: Sorry. Uh... Habit. Continue.

PRESLEY: I. Will. Coat. You. Got it?

WILLIAM: 100% crystal clear, got it.

WILLIAM: Pringle?

WILLIAM: Pringle?

SESH: What are you wearing?

*Spooky groove theme music*

For more infomation >> Oh... You're Back || Wolfgang Ep. 25 - Duration: 5:09.


Assembly Tutorial and Review of Racing Style Leather Gaming Chair from Amazon - Duration: 24:33.

For more infomation >> Assembly Tutorial and Review of Racing Style Leather Gaming Chair from Amazon - Duration: 24:33.





Don't bet against Emery 'winning' this year's Premier League sack race - Duration: 5:00.

Once upon a time the sack came at Christmas.Now the wolves are howling for the heads of Premier League managers and August is not yet out

Arsenal fans, who mostly stood four square behind Arsene Wenger for what seemed like an eternity, are looking askance already at new man Unai Emery

The West Ham faithful are similarly restless about Manuel Pellegrini.Hello and goodbye? Only two games into the season? Most heated of all is the turmoil surrounding Jose Mourinho at Manchester United

Is third-season syndrome about to strike down the Special One again? Do not bet hard-earned wages against any of the above being the first big boss to get the boot

For my money Emery is the most at risk.The Spaniard was at his most effective during his moderately successful year of 2014 with Sevilla

He can point to a bauble or two at Paris Saint-Germain but one Ligue 1 title is scant return on the massive fortunes invested

More damning, especially in the Arsenal context, is his failure to deliver the prize most coveted by PSG's wealthy owners

Like Wenger in North London, Emery fell short of that ambition in the suburbs of Paris

Given the cost and quality of the PSG squad, I would venture to suggest that Wenger would have won his European title there

There is no doubt that Emery talks a good game and apparently the Arsenal directors were said to be most deeply impressed by his detailed knowledge of their players

Presumably, then, he knows why they lost to Manchester City and Chelsea and played so woefully in the process

Whether his research includes information which can effect the necessary improvements remains to be seen but for the moment at least it is looking like the same old Arsenal

Pellegrini is a dreamer and as such must have appeared ideal in the eyes of a West Ham board keen to satisfy the desire of the fans for a return to the stylish football of yore, but his best years appear to be behind him, way back in South America, while City was his Indian summer

One of Pelligrini and Emery can come away from their match against each other this weekend with a respite, although a draw would do nothing to ease this instant pressure for either

Mourinho cannot afford to follow a gut-wrenching defeat at Bournemouth with a loss – but Tottenham will not make it easy for United

Old Trafford supporters plan to show their support for him by flying a flag over the stadium fluttering the blame towards director Ed Woodward, but with Mourinho at odds with not only Paul Pogba and Woodward but seemingly himself, the Theatre of Dreams is a more a Snake-Pit of Horrors right now

With the stakes raised by City, Liverpool and Chelsea, with their new manager, getting off to flying starts the heat is on in these dog days of summer

Too early? Unfair? Not given the enormous salaries as well as the wide-open cheque books, even though Mourinho clearly believes Woodward did not give him enough to spend at this time when he badly needs a rock solid centre back

If any big name gets his comeuppance this Friday, the consolation would be that he lasted a day longer into a new season than the quickest Premier League manager ever to bite the dust

Paul Sturrock was booted out of Southampton on August 23, 2004 – after the first two games of that season, even though he had won the second

Could it conceivably be three strikes and out – as in baseball – in 2018? Well, patience is no longer part of the football results lexicon

Perhaps with one exception.One famous quotation reads: 'Patience is a virtue seldom found in woman, never in man

' Maybe the presence of Karen Brady on the West Ham board will afford Pellegrini a longer period of grace

For more infomation >> Don't bet against Emery 'winning' this year's Premier League sack race - Duration: 5:00.


Opel Zafira 2.0 T Executive 7 persoons. Met panoramadak! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.0 T Executive 7 persoons. Met panoramadak! - Duration: 1:08.


Opel Insignia HB 1.4T 140pk Cosmo Navi Leer 19inch - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia HB 1.4T 140pk Cosmo Navi Leer 19inch - Duration: 1:13.


미의회, 단종위기인 패트리어트 PAC-2 GEM-T 미사일을 유지하려는 방안을 모색중 - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 미의회, 단종위기인 패트리어트 PAC-2 GEM-T 미사일을 유지하려는 방안을 모색중 - Duration: 8:56.


Opel Insignia 2.0 T COSMO Automaat, Cr. Control Navi+BT Ecc-Airco Stoelvw. 18" LMV - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 2.0 T COSMO Automaat, Cr. Control Navi+BT Ecc-Airco Stoelvw. 18" LMV - Duration: 1:12.


Infinix Note 5 Review: best value for money? - Duration: 12:59.

2018 has been a great year for smartphones especially for budget

smartphones but it's easy to get lost among this crowd and Infinix is one of

those brands where they have made a lot of phones but they've gotten lost among

the xiaomi x' and the honors I think that's about to change right now because

here is the Infinix Note 5 a phone with gorgeous looks Android one branding and

a price tag that doesn't justify how good this is

it was Sreehari from mr. phone and this is our full review of the Infinix Note 5

before jumping into the video don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and

hit that Bell again so that you get notified for all the cool tech videos

that we put out the Infinix Note 5 actually impressed me with the design a

lot and it is probably one of the first Infinix phones where I have more than

two lines to talk about the design of the phone the back looks so gorgeous I

mean it's not glass but it's only looks like one and it looked so good that we

had to confirm with the team if it was actually glass or plastic with a glass

finish and this is a plastic with glass finish but it actually looks good

quality and gives it a premium feel although even in this limited amount of

use the back has gotten some scratches but you do get a case inside so you

don't really have to worry much about that the frames are made of plastic and

it's quite sturdy the plastic does try to deceive you with the matte look but

there's no getting away although I think the quality of the plastic isn't really

anything that bothered me and I'm pretty happy with the way it felt the buttons

also feel clicky and sturdy as of now I haven't had any problems there to the

one tiny design decision I don't like at all is the fact that the frame and the

back haven't been seamlessly fused it almost feels like the back has been

sucked into the frame what this does is it leaves a very sharp edge and all

around the frame you can feel that sharp edge and it's especially noticeable when

you are trying to juggle such a large phone with one hand the weight

distribution feels on point to the glossy finish gives me a very grippy

feeling and I'm I have really not had much problems with the ergonomics the

camera module is slightly raised but I'm sure the glass on it will make sure that

there are less scratches on it the bottom has a microUSB port and while a

lot of consumers might be like we want us PC well it's not easy

to suddenly ship to another standard it's not just a simple code there are

manufacturing method and entire testing methods that go behind this so it's

difficult to change the standard but at this price I am more happy that I got a

micro USB cable with fast chatting and that is what we get here you get an 18

watt charger we talk more about that in the battery section but yes you do get a

good port and good charging there is also headphone jack and a speaker grille

on either sides of the micro USB port both of them are pretty standard

there was no distortion at higher volumes and I was pretty happy that even

at this price you're getting quality components inside a phone the note 5 has

a 5.9 9 inch display with a full HD plus resolution at 500 nits brightness I mean

how well has the pricing come down we are getting to see quality good products

and good parts at such low and affordable prices

the Infinix implements a very good LCD display and I am really happy to see

such a good quality display on a phone that costs only this much the colours

are good-looking it isn't by any means a desaturated

display the colors would look very vibrant most phones in this price range

while had good looking displace they mostly all of them had ugly color shifts

that even a general consumer would have noticed the Infinix Note 5 does not have

that so good quality display all through its also clearly visible in bright

daylight I never had to peep through or keep my hand as a shadow to see anything

on the screen so I think you get a pretty good screen here and you also

have the option to hide the knotch forever because it doesn't have an arch

and I'm very glad to see that here it just looks cleaner and more premium than

a lot of ugly notched phones this is an LCD display so there isn't any worrying

about bernal's I don't think anyone should have any complaints with this

display on the contrary this could be one of the best features of Infinix Note

5 now coming to the software the Infinix Note 5 comes with Android 1 branding

Android 1 is a program that even know cares wasn't all of their phones into

and you get clean stock Android and you get promised software updates for the

next two years so I mean Android one is a great initiative from Infinix and I'm

sure this makes it one of the best phones to buy at this price and

especially at this price it's very difficult to get the most powerful

processor and when you put colorful looking custom way in roms it just bogs

the whole performance down this is where pure stock Android thrives it is the

lightest Android it's impossible and with the Android one branding you get

the short software updates as I said earlier talking about stock Android you

have all the standard stuff there are still two or three pre-installed Infinix

apps but they look quite promising my favorite one here is the Cal Care app

here you can look up service centers you can make repair appointments or even

look up prices of spare parts there is also a feature where if you've given

your phone to repair you can scan the bill that has been given to you and

you'll get to know what the repair status is and when your phone will

finally be repaired and returns back to you so I mean a lot of good features

some of these service features that I've never seen any other brand take it there

seriously so it's really cool that you have only two or three apps and even

they are very useful the rest is pretty standard you get the same Quick Settings

panel no extra settings or anything everything is just your stock Android on

the left of the home screen you do get a seamless integration of Google now page

for you to keep updated with the world it also comes with Google ends

integration in the camera we will talk about it in the next section and the

settings also has a lot of standard tabs under this plane you also have an option

to turn on or off the notification LED lights so a lot of control good features

not too many features which may affect the performance of the phone it's just a

clean stock Android experience and I think probably the smoothest experience

that you can find in this price range now coming to performance before we go

to the camera let's go to the performance once inside the Infinix Note

Phi you get a Helio p23 chipset which is an octa-core chipset within which you

get three or four GB of RAM on 32 and 64gb of storage respectively now these

are on paper specs of this phone and I want to get that out of the way because

I'll be doing injustice to the experience this phone provides if I talk

only about the specs and judge the phone on the basis of those specs because the

experience on this has been very slow it's quite snappy and I have not

experienced lag more than once or twice it's a very clean experience and I'm

happy with how this product performs every day uses a breeze every app opens

up quite quickly I'm coming from reviewing the honor play with the kitten

970 I use the 1 + 5 t with the Snapdragon 835 as my secondary phone and

using the Infinix Note 5 I never felt like I was using a slow phone and that's

the biggest compliment I can give this for

the analyst code for the people who want to know for the Infinix notes I was

around any 1000 although I'm not a big believer of scores now talking about

gaming it's good obviously not meant to play very heavy games but even they are

playable at lower settings I mean I'm not a big gamer so I enjoyed my time

with it and honestly speaking if you are a heavy heavy gamer then this probably

is not the device but if you are anything lower than that then this

shouldn't create a problem for you and should be perfectly enough for playing

light games or even medium games on it finally coming to the cameras the

Infinix Note 5 has a single camera on the back and the front the back has a 12

megapixel camera with a 16 megapixel camera at the front now the pictures

look quite good they'd come out with good colors in broad daylight and

details are also not bad looking at some daylight close-up pictures I

deliberately chose difficult colors for the camera and the Infinix did not

disappoint yes there isn't much detail but it still was able to separate the

petal borders even in this vibrant red color let me put it out that this is not

comparable to a me a2 or even a Nokia 6.1 Plus when it comes to cameras but so

the price crazy good I think here are more pictures and I'm sure that

you can see how good it looks here is an on HDR shot and here is an

HDR shot so here also it has done a very good job although the one thing I

noticed is the inconsistency so some shots would go bizarre on exposure and

then the next ones would be perfect so this is something you need to keep in

mind it's mostly a good camera and even the portrait mode doesn't look bad there

are inconsistencies but overall the image looks good moving towards self is

the performance is a mixed of that the dynamic range is completely off when the

subject actually doesn't look that bad so if you're not against bright sunlight

it should look good plus the subjects are very well focused there is slide

over sharpening but I mean selfies don't look bad and when you look at that price

they look even better here is a video clip this is probably one of the worst

parts of the camera it's not that good a lot of focus on doing a lot of exposure

problems that are going on the sound is also not very good and as you can see

this is the video quality please let me know what you think I'll obviously put

it on the see what I think but let me know what

you think of the audio quality and the video quality and how well it is able to

stabilize that video so basically this is not the best part of that phone but

yes you do get the option to shoot video you also are capped at 1080p at 30fps

from the Infinix Note 5 but yeah video is not that good pictures actually not

bad when you get it right coming to the camera application it's

not from Google and it's still the Infinix app but I think it's good

because you get a whole lot of features the whole UI is quite intuitive and well

design on top you have targets for HDR flash and even by 9 aspect ratio option

and the filters settings lets you play with grids a leveler which actually

tells you the correct orientation you also have google lens integrated

into the camera which is so cool yesterday i had to scan a QR code and

for that for any other phone i would have to download a QR scanner or look

for a scanned of inside it for this phone I opened up the camera I fired

google lens and here I was reading the QR scanner this is one of the cool

features that is very undermined right now but I think it's gonna be big and

I'm really glad the Infinix Note 5 has that well integrated very seamlessly

integrated in the camera app even and you can turn that off so a lot of

features and a lot of control you also have a lot of modes like this bouquet

mode beauty mode panorama and a pro mode so the pro mode lets you manually change

exposure shutter speed ISO white balance focus and also the metering so spot

metering Center evade or matrix so you can change all of these things and if

you are someone who knows how to handle a manual camera then you have that

option too basically coming to the camera I did not expect the camera to be

so good it's still not comparable to phones that are priced a little higher

but it's still in this price range a very good camera and let us know if you

want to see a camera comparison of this and now the battery isn't great it's

awesome that's how good it is I mean the battery life on this is crazy good you

get a 4500 mAh battery inside and the phone isn't that sick too you can see

it's not really that thick a phone and you know what the screen on time is go

around this was 7 freaking arse on a phone on an Android phone and and I'm

speaking at this high tone because I want you people to

how good the battery life on this is and how well it has embraced me even the

standby time on this during the seven hours of screen on time was three days

so I usually charge this phone only once in two days and I get very good screen

on times it also comes with an 18 watt charger which is a fast charger by the

way so at 10,000 rupees there is probably no other phone that gives you a

faster they tell me if I'm wrong in the comments but I think this is the only

phone that gives you a fast charger at this price so the charging speeds were

also not bad I actually got from 0 to 56% in around 1 R so it's for a 4500 mAh

battery that's a really good speed so you get fast charging you get a very

long battery life so I think at this price with that great beautiful 18 by 9

aspect ratio display this is one of the best multimedia devices also that again

buy at this price now coming finally to the conclusion should you really buy the

Infinix Note 5 well to answer that let's look at who's the biggest competitor I

think the biggest competitors are the redmi note 5 and the redmi by 2 now

looking at other phones maybe the redmi Y 2 has a better camera

maybe the redmi note 5 is completely built out of metal but coming to all the

other things this has one of the best battery life so you can't beat that

battery life even going to a higher price it has a good camera you get

Android 1 software inside this phone you get a gorgeous 18 by 9 aspect ratio full

HD + display it's a great package even coming to the chipset the helio p23 is

actually quite powerful even more powerful in most cases compared to the

snapdragon 625 and not when it comes to the GPU the GP of the 625 is more

powerful than the mali d 71 but the Helio P 23 is much more powerful at this

price so I think it's a very good value for money package at this price and if I

personally had to recommend a phone to anyone at this price I think I would

recommend that the Infinix Note 5 so with that we come to an end of this full

review let us know if there are any feedbacks any comparisons that you want

to see of this phone in the comment section below I guess that's it for this

one thank you so much for watching this is Sreehari with the Infinix Note 5

and I'll catch you in the next one

For more infomation >> Infinix Note 5 Review: best value for money? - Duration: 12:59.


Stunning tiny house Horse Shoe Park Model with Virtual Tour - Duration: 2:15.

Stunning tiny house Horse Shoe Park Model with Virtual Tour

For more infomation >> Stunning tiny house Horse Shoe Park Model with Virtual Tour - Duration: 2:15.

------------------------------------------- - Phân tích và đánh giá dự án (Best ICO 2018) - Duration: 9:12.

Hi everybody

I'm Hieu, I'm from Vietnam

I like reading and learning about blockchain technology

Today, I introduce a very great ICO project, and that project is Börser

I made a video Project analysis and evaluation for the purpose of promoting to investors in my countries

And this video content is divided into 5 sections

Part 1: Introduction to Börser

Part 2: Problems

Part 3: Solutions

Part 4: White Paper

Part 5: Team and Advisor

Ok, next will be the details of each section

What's Börser???

Börser is a cryptocurrency backed by shares of Börser S.A, our holding company which offers you the exciting opportunity to take part in three different projects.

Börser S.A holds shares of three companies – Mi Wall Street,

a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform for investors all over the world, and X-Change, which enables clients to seamlessly transfer Börser's cryptocurrency into fiat currency for a very low fee.

Cryptocurrencies are on the rise but they're often surrounded by controversy

The main issue is that most cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, are not backed up by real-life shares. We at Börser aim to change that.

Part 2: Problems

for Start-up capital

Small Investor Services

Remittance Services

solutions of Börser for Problems

For example: Start-up capital

Coming up with a brilliant business idea is only the firs step of the long road to success: To make your vision a reality, you need initial capital.

More often than not, start-up companies fail because they simply cannot meet the righ investor on time and rise up the start-up capital

And solution for start-up?????



12,000 crypto transactions per hour

Global predictions for the crypto market in 2018: over $700 billion

Ethereum, the global standard, raised over $18 million over the course of a month

Funds raised in 2017 alone: $6,073,707,934

The first three months of 2018: $2,710,641,542 were raised thanks to 32 ICOs

Total amount of crowdfunding volume worldwide: $16.2 billion

Total remittance from the UK in 2016: $25 billion

20.6% increase in the yearly amount sent abroad since 2010

Core team for project?

Experienced in blockchain field

Why Invest in us?

Speed, security, transparency: enjoy faster blockchain transactions and unmatched security thanks to Börser's cutting-edge technology and expert team.

We offer the very first cryptocurrency backed up by shares of a holding company.

We are the first holding company to create its own proprietary cryptocurrency.

The three companies under our umbrella provide comprehensive solutions for start-ups, financial markets, traders and everything in between, as well as low-fee currency exchange services.

we can solve the issues shared by most cryptocurrencies, including speed and security, in addition to offering low-cost remittance services.


2018 Q2, Private Sale

2018 (Q2), Licensing of Mi wall Stress

Conclude: This is a great project, and Thank you so much for watching Video.!

For more infomation >> - Phân tích và đánh giá dự án (Best ICO 2018) - Duration: 9:12.


How to get free paypal gift card codes|free paypal codes 2018 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> How to get free paypal gift card codes|free paypal codes 2018 - Duration: 3:30.


Sciatica Pain Treatment at Home -How to Treat Sciatica Pain by Sachin Goyal (Hindi) #01साइटिका पेन - Duration: 1:24.

Namaste! I am Sachin Goyal and I welcome you to this program for public welfare.

Let me tell you a yoga mudra exercise and a home remedy to cure sciatica permanently forever.

To prepare home remedy for sciatica, you need milk, turmeric powder, cinnamon and honey.

Take 1 glass of milk in a pan.

Add 1 tsp turmeric powder and a small piece of cinnamon stick. Boil the milk properly.

Now let the milk cool itself.

When milk become lukewarm then add 1 tsp honey to it and mix it well.

Drink this milk 2 times a day i.e. morning and in evening.

Friends, drinking this turmeric milk improves blood circulation in back and leg muscles,

reduces stiffness of those muscles.

Cinnamon is not only a spice but it is also a natural pain killer.

Drink it daily for few days to cure sciatica permanently.

In yoga, Prana Mudra is one of the best exercises to cure sciatica.

Just touch little finger and ring finger with the thumb of your hand and keep it pressed slightly.

You can do it sitting in any posture.

Do it for 15 minutes.

It gives great relief in sciatica pain and cures sciatica pain completely.

Click above to Watch More videos

Click on My Photo in Center to Subscribe ME

For more infomation >> Sciatica Pain Treatment at Home -How to Treat Sciatica Pain by Sachin Goyal (Hindi) #01साइटिका पेन - Duration: 1:24.


Skin Whitening Tomato Facial | Get Fair, Glowing, Spotless Skin Permanently | Easy and 100% Working - Duration: 4:42.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that offers many benefits for

skin including protecting skin from UV rays, delaying skin aging and protection from skin


Applying tomatoes on skin is also as beneficial.

With such a wide range of benefits, tomatoes can be used for different skin types to solve

various issues.

To make the mask you need to grind a tomato and make it pulp.

You must be wondering how to make tomato face pack at home.

Here are some ways how tomatoes can be used for different skin types and issues.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

Dark spots are also known as age spots or black spots.

They are discolored patches of skin that can appear on your face, shoulders, arms, or back

and can be in shades of red, brown, or grey.

To remove dark spot with tomato, Take 2 teaspoon tomato pulp.

Add 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice.

Mix it well.

Apply the mask on the affected area.

After 5 minutes, wash off with water.

Take 1 tablespoon tomato pulp.

Add 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder.

And add a pinch of turmeric powder.

Mix it well.

Apply it on your face for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, wash your skin with warm water.

Sandalwood is often used in face packs to give the skin a radiant glow.

It removes any discoloration and makes your skin soft.

If you have oily skin and struggle to keep your face from shining like a fried papad,

tomato is the solution to your agony.

Take 1 tablespoon tomato pulp.

Add half tablespoon cucumber juice.

Mix it well.

Apply it on your face with a cotton ball.

Leave it 15 to 20 minutes.

After 15 to 20 minutes, wash your skin with water.

Dry skin occurs when skin doesn't retain sufficient moisture.

This can happen as a result of frequent bathing, use of harsh soaps, aging, or certain medical


And for those in colder climates, it can stem from cold, dry winter air.

Take 2 tablespoon of tomato pulp.

Add 1 teaspoon olive oil.

Mix it well.

Apply it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.

After 15 to 20 minutes, wash your skin with cool water.

Tomato has a bleaching effect on the epidermis ad acts as a skin lightening agent.

At first take 1 tablespoon tomato pulp.

Add 1 teaspoon milk.

Add 2 tablespoon gram flour.

Add half teaspoon of honey.

Mix it well.

Apply it on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, wash your skin with cool water.

This helps in exfoliating the skin and eaves your skin supple and soft.

A blemish is a minor skin imperfection like big pores, marks, dark spots or pigmentation

and is not as severe as acne.

Tomato is a great ingredient to remove blemishes.

To make face mask for blemishes, Take 2 tablespoon tomato pulp.

Add 1 teaspoon honey.

Mix it well.

Apply it on your face for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, wash your skin with cool water.

For more infomation >> Skin Whitening Tomato Facial | Get Fair, Glowing, Spotless Skin Permanently | Easy and 100% Working - Duration: 4:42.


Intermittent Fasting Group for Weight Loss! | DAY 1 (Part 1) - Duration: 5:54.

Hey there!

Let's talk today about why you should even consider being an intermittent faster.

What are the benefits to this and is it tough to stick with it?

Now, intermittent fasting is a phenomenon that is currently a very popular health and

fitness trend.

It involves alternating cycles of fasting and eating instead of eating all hours of

the day.

And it's not a diet, but rather an eating pattern.

It doesn't include any rules about what foods to eat but rather when you should eat them.

Now, as quoted by Time Magazine, intermittent fasting is becoming so popular because of

one reason…It works!!!

It works whether you are trying to lose weight or just improve your biomarkers to achieve

optimal health.

Now, in a nutshell, it is the way we were designed to eat, because it allows us to use

fat as our primary fuel instead of carbohydrates by adapting to the way our ancestors used

to eat.

The majority of Americans do not intermittent fast.

And this could be coincidence but in 2014 the obesity rate among American adults hit


A 3% increase in just two years.

What we're doing is obviously not working.

One thing that I really like to dive into, are human studies and research done by scientists.

For instance, did you know that your metabolic rate actually increases short term after fasting?

Studies concluded, right after fasting, there's a metabolic rate increase of near 4-14% for

up to 48 hours.

This is because the body will actually release the stress hormone adrenaline to help sharpen

the mind and give us energy.

This hormone tells your fat cells to break down body fat and stimulate your metabolism.

Good stuff, right?

Another study that I found was that the average cost to lose roughly just 11 pounds ranges

from $755 for joining a group that counts points, to $2700 for the weight loss medication


Unfortunately, the end result for the majority of people on those diets is they end up spending

thousands of dollars pursuing weight loss without having any long-term success.

However, intermittent fasting has been proven to be a safe and effective approach that promotes

not just fat loss, but actually improves overall health in the ways that no other lifestyle modification

can do.

What differentiates intermittent fasting from any other diet is extreme abundance of high-quality,

peer-reviewed research to back up all of its claims and results.

It also serves as the way humans were physiologically designed to eat…period!

Mark Madsen, who is the senior investigator for the National Institute on Aging says this:

During the fast, cells are under a mild stress and they respond to the stress adaptively

by enhancing their ability to cope with stress and maybe to resist disease.

There's considerable similarity between how cells respond to the stress of exercise and

how cells respond to intermittent fasting.

That's exciting news!

We have long known that continuous fasting offers tons of health benefits, but realistically,

who is going to do this?

Who is going to do multiple days of caloric restriction to obtain such positive benefits?

I know I wouldn't.

What makes intermittent fasting so appealing is that it provides nearly identical health

benefits (and even better benefits in some categories) without being so difficult to

implement and maintain.

In a 2007 study out of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers divided

participants into two groups.

Each group consumed the same number of calories.

The only difference was that one group consumed all the calories in three meals spread out

throughout the day while the other practiced intermittent fasting, consuming the same number

of calories, but in a restricted timeframe.

What they discovered was amazing.

The participants who ate in a smaller window of time had a significant improvement in body

composition, including a substantial reduction in fat mass.

Personally, I'll do anything to simplify my daily life.

Intermittent fasting certainly does that for me.

I don't wake up in the morning and think about what to make for breakfast.

I just drink my coffee and I start my day.

The simplicity is the best reason alone to give this a try.

It provides countless health benefits without requiring massive behavioral and lifestyle


Here is a list of some of the health benefits intermittent fasting provides: massive fat

burning and weight loss, increased human growth hormone production...that's big...enhanced brain function,

insulin sensitivity, improved gut bacteria, reduction in cancer, leptin sensitivity, ghrelin

hormone normalization, elimination of sugar cravings, increased lifespan and longevity. Woo!

Throughout the two weeks, I promise to touch base on all of those benefits because I think

when you know why it is important to be doing something, it becomes a lot easier to implement.

Let's face it, not many people would exercise if they didn't know the benefits of it for

your health.

People probably wouldn't eat healthy foods either if they didn't know how necessary they

were to living a long healthy life.

So I don't know about you, but it sounds like intermittent fasting is a lifestyle we all need to adopt.

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting Group for Weight Loss! | DAY 1 (Part 1) - Duration: 5:54.


Safe Working Practices - Duration: 4:25.

Upon completion of this section the trainees should have a good

understanding of safe working practices safety and protective devices available

to protect against potential hazards aboard a ship precautions to take prior

to entering enclosed spaces familiarization with international

measures concerning accident prevention and occupational health

it is important to follow safe working routines and practices at all times

to assure both your and others safety on board the ship important elements in the

formula for safe working practices include safe work analysis identifying

hazards that might occur making sure the personal responsible for the work is

aware of all its potential dangers preventing accidents there are various

safety and protective equipment devices available to protect against hazards on

board a ship safety and protective equipment must always be in good

condition and be stored in places where it is easily accessible all personnel on

board are obliged to use the protective equipment available on board the safety

and protective equipment can be divided up into the following categories

personal safety and protective equipment job-related safety and protective

equipment personal safety and protective equipment includes items such as helmet

safety boots gloves boiler suit safety glasses ear

protection job-related safety and protective equipment includes items such

as lifeline harness for arresters respiratory protection such as a dust

filter dust mask and breathing appliances it is important to know the

difference between when to use dust masks and when to use breathing

apparatuses it is important that all personnel on board are aware of the

dangers of entering enclosed spaces which precautions to take

and what safety equipment to use an enclosed space is one with restricted

access that is not subject to continuous ventilation and in which the atmosphere

may be hazardous due to oxygen deficiency or the presence of

hydrocarbon gas toxic gases or inert gas this definition includes areas such as

cargo tanks ballast tanks fuel tanks water tanks lubricating oil tanks sewage

tanks coffer dams etc many of the fatalities in enclosed spaces have

resulted from entering the space without proper supervision or adherence to

agreed procedures the procedure for entering enclosed spaces and which

safety equipment to use may vary from company to company and ship type to ship

type here are some important questions to ask before entering has the space

being thoroughly ventilated and oxygen level measured have arrangements been

made for continuous ventilation our rescue and resuscitation equipment

available for immediate use beside the compartment entrance has a system of

communication between a person at the entrance and those in the space been

agreed make sure you are familiar with your vessels procedures before entering

enclosed spaces in trying to reduce the number of accidents it is important that

not only accidents but also near accidents are reported accidents should

not have to take place before actions are taken to remove or reduce hazards

some accidents can be avoided if the possible hazard

is reported studies have shown that there is a close connection between near

accidents and serious or major injuries many injuries and accidents could have

been avoided if near accidents had been reported

For more infomation >> Safe Working Practices - Duration: 4:25.


Fire Outside Tesla Plant In Fremont Contained - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Fire Outside Tesla Plant In Fremont Contained - Duration: 0:55.


Emmerdale bombshell Charley Webb sizzles in nothing but a tiny t-shirt: 'So stunning' - Duration: 3:31.

Emmerdale bombshell Charley Webb sizzles in nothing but a tiny t-shirt: 'So stunning'

Emmerdale bombshell Charley Webb, who plays Debbie Dingle, painted the town red with some of her soap co-stars, as they posted snaps from their fun night out.  Emmerdale cast star Charley enjoyed dinner with Isabel Hodgins, Charlotte Bellamy, Laura Norton, Roxy Shahidi, and Emma Atkins, who play Victoria Sugden, Laurel Thomas, Kerry Wyatt, Leyla Harding and Charity Dingle.

The bombshell captioned the snaps: "Tuesday celebrations that we all live within 5 minutes of each other.

Beyoncé on repeat." Charley stole the show as she opted for a black t-shirt dress which flaunted her toned pins, leaving her fans drooling.

Related Articles   Has this major Emmerdale character been secretly KILLED OFF in ultimate twist?   Emmerdale's Rebecca White fate revealed in major INCEST shock?   Gemma Atkinson whips out 'calves of steel' in jaw-dropping body reveal.

They took to the post to compliment Charley, with one posting: "Fabulous pic of the dales ladies.

" Another added: "You look insane Charley.

" A third wrote: "What a beautiful photo.

A fourth chipped in: "You're so stunning." Charley's character Debbie has been having a tough time on the soap recently, as her daughter Sarah Sugden (Katie Hill) is gravely ill.

Sarah was diagnosed with heart failure after she collapsed, and was later told she needed a heart transplant in order to survive.

Related Articles   Emmerdale's Thomas Atkinson robbed at knifepoint in Paris   Emmerdale's Matty fuming after Victoria drops MAJOR bombshell   Emmerdale fans in uproar over major Lachlan plot hole: 'Giving serial killers a bad name'.

Debbie was also told Sarah would have a long wait for a transplant, as doctors thought she was too weak to live through the operation.

While Sarah was later given a heart, it was taken away from her in a gut-wrenching twist, as the doctor later told Debbie that the heart wouldn't take in Sarah's body.

Is Sarah going to survive? Emmerdale continues tonight at 7pm on ITV.

For more infomation >> Emmerdale bombshell Charley Webb sizzles in nothing but a tiny t-shirt: 'So stunning' - Duration: 3:31.


Budget Worksheet September 2018 - Duration: 4:01.

Better Life, Better Budget

Better Life, Better Budget

Better Life, Better Budget

Better Life, Better Budget

For more infomation >> Budget Worksheet September 2018 - Duration: 4:01.


DIY real fruit ice cream | xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:58.

DIY real fruit ice cream | xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> DIY real fruit ice cream | xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:58.


Suppose I am a repairman. | xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:36.

Suppose I am a repairman. | xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Suppose I am a repairman. | xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:36.


SECHSKIES Scanner Transition Tutorial - KineMaster Fandoms - Duration: 1:26.

Tap Media and add your video clips to the timeline.

Tap the transition icon (+ on iOS), then navigate to SECHSKIES Scanner. Choose the one you'd like.

Repeat the process with the rest of the transitions.

That's it! Let's play through and see our finished video!

For more infomation >> SECHSKIES Scanner Transition Tutorial - KineMaster Fandoms - Duration: 1:26.


How to get the best rate - Myth busting with Darcy Ungaro 6 - Duration: 2:09.

How to get the best rate! Really?! Well, if that's what you think it's all about

then you've just been sucked in by one of the best online marketing funnels

known to our industry! Now, focusing on the cheapest mortgage rate is just like

trying to shop around for the hottest wife. I did that and all I got was a

bunch of crazy! It's not about the rate that you pay after all, it's about the

rate at which you REPAY that really matters! If you get rid of your debt fast,

the interest bill is smaller so it's all about the speed at which you repay, not

the rate that you pay. So the secret is get rid of you debt fast and

do it by using a strategy that works well with your current money personality.

Don't try to put something else on. There are many ways to do this. Now I

need to stress to you again the secret that you may have just missed (maybe

you're still peeved at the fact that I sucked you in with that headline) but

it's all about the STRATEGY that you employ that works well with your

EXISTING personality you don't need a spreadsheet,

you don't need a personal financial coach, you don't need a cheap rate! Now

any decent mortgage advisor and anybody with half a brain, can actually get a

good rate if they just try hard at it - that's actually the easy part!

The advice that you get that we can provide, is the secret sauce. How can we

actually work how you already conceptualize money and who you already

are, to get rid of that debt faster and the options might surprise you. So saving

interest isn't about getting a cheap rate, it's all about the art of how to

structure it efficiently. Want to know more visit and thanks for watching this! So what about this myth - is it busted is it confirmed?

yeahnah it's kind of not applicable is it - sorry about that, but please subscribe anyway!!

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