Saturday, August 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 25 2018

Hello, my name is Henrik Jönsson.

The other day, green party MEP Karin Svensson Smith delivered a proposal

together with council representative Emma Behringer, to tax car travel for shopping

They are instead suggesting for people to use cargo bikes.

It is easy to envision ten thousand frustrated families soaking in the rain

with their rain coats flying in the November wind on their way from kindergatern pickups to the local supermarket.

I want to use this as a starting point for a discussion on the right of politicians to determine how citizens ought to organize their lives

and what actually constitutes a result oriented envorinmental policy.

Stay tuned!

In the 18th century, enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jaques Rousseau proclaimed

an anti-civilization ideology, today known as the ideal of the "Noble Savage".

Rousseau viewed science and technology as destructive

claiming them to sever main-kind from its natural habitat in nature

The Roussean teaching was also adopted by the luddites

who fought the industrial revolution

that created the prosperity of our modern civilization.

Large parts of the modern green movement are influenced by the ideology of Rousseau.

and defend an ideological conflict between the modern civilization

which is said to constitute a violation of the natural order of things

"I wanted me some of that"

Civilization becomes the enemy.

The abstract, and mythical state of naturalism is viewed as a given norm that humanity is violating.

"Good work, Bob!"


Let us first establish the fact

that human production, resource extraction and waste production

all are processes deserving long-term responsibility.

Modern manufacturing and utilization processes have all also become drastically more effective

than they were just a few decades ago.

For instance, a car from the 1970's release more heavy metals when parked

than what a modern car does when it is on the road.

From a sustainability perspective, the discussion on the environment is therefor dominated by two perspectives:

those who want to make resource consumption more efficient

and those who want to prevent resource extraction altogether, and favor Rousseaus "natural state"

In relation to this, it is important to understand the concept of "alternative cost"

This is a term used by economists to describe different outcomes based on economic decisions.

For instance, the alternative cost of preventing a few thousand airplane flights each year

carries a cost of a few hundred million Swedish crowns in loss of efficiency and production - but releases a little less carbon dioxide.

The alternative cost calculates what these hundreds of millions

could have achieved of deployed in a different part of the economy,

For instance, in sustainability research or in other types of climate-improving policies.

Here is a concrete example:

In 2017, Sweden produced 159 Twh, 98% fossil free electrical power

If we increased energy production by 1% and exported it to Poland

which is chiefly run on coal power, Sweden would help Poland ro reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 1,4 million tonnes annually.

This is the emission rate as 600,000 cars in a year.

These resources have instead been used to provide electrical bikes to Swedish urban areas

with little or no benefit for the environment.

The alternative cost is massive.

It is a question of priorities.

The Green Youth organization representative Hanna Lindström displayed a flagrant lack of knowledge on Instagram

of both economy and alternative cost

when reviewing an environmental report with the words: "in a hundred years, ALL climate policies are effective"

This transcends naivety

and shows a lack of recognition of economy as a relevant factor for the ideology purporting a return to Rousseau's natural state.

Without economic growth neither manufacturing nor research can maintain development of better resource utilization.

It is is just one theoretical step from forcing competent citizens to ride a bike

to force them into making their own butter and sewing clothes for their children by candle light.

"You may think us Amish are strange and old-fashioned folk"

The Green Party, which today represent around 4% of the Swedish population, and who are ideologically dominated by this regressive nature-philosophy

exert a disproportional influence on government policy.

Their term in power has been characterized by reneged promises to their voters, and by being over-run my the Social Democrats.

When they manage to get their motions into policy, it has mainly been posing symbolic politics.

I have assembled a collection of examples of this.

..and how it is a recurring theme in the Green camp.

You're welcome.

During 2016, Sweden was extremely close to closing down half its power supply

due to the Greens ideological objections to nuclear power. There was no alternative power source in place.

The consequences would have been disastrous

with power outages and energy having to be procured from Russia and Germanic fossil fuel to compensate

The motion was rejected at the last minute and an agreement was made that steered clear of disaster.

Carbon dioxide emissions have increased with the greens in power!

A more aggressive taxation on aviation sounds resolute and is in line with the ideal of the Noble Savage:

...less travelling, fewer meetings and less cultural and economic collaboration as a result.

The new aviation tax has also impacted "green aviation" - which relies on more expensive and more environmentaly friendly fuel.

by taxing it hard along with the rets of the aviation industry.

Increasing numbers of Swedes are now choosing to fly from Denmark and Norway on their long-haul flights, to avoid the expensive new Swedish aviation taxes.

As a southern Swede, we send many thanks to the government for relocating several important international airlines to Danish airport of Kastrup.

However, it remain unclear how the environment is to benefit from extensive connecting flights from Stockholm to Denmark before the lang haul flights.

Ethanol was a few years ago considered the preferred green fuel.

and the Greens drove a hard campaign for making every single gas station in Sweden mandatorily ethanol compliant.

This incredibly costly program forced many smaller gas stations into closure

resulting in both a loss of jobs and availability of places to fill up your car.

Unfortunately politicians have lately decided that ethanol was not such a great alternative after all

...but we can console ourselves ieth the fact that it is now available everywhere.

...and by the fact that the hybrid cars running on both ethanol and gasoline maintain their tax breaks

even though they are now almost exclusively using gas and not ethanol.

Not only are the Greens trying to end carbon neutral nuclear power

they also fought for a heavy tax on solar cells

and by implementing extensive and bureaucratic permit policies forced a profitable hydroelectric plant to close down.

These polices have been extensively criticized by scientists.

The expert group for public economy determine that fossil fuel that affect the atmosphere

are most efficiently counteracted by international measures to replace old coal based power plants in other countries.

...rather than implementing extremely expensive and marginal adjustments of Swedish environmental laws.

Even the state run and independent Financial-Political Council is voicing grave criticism against the environmental policies of the government.

...and state that Sweden as a result is lowering their ambitions in terms of international climate investment.

They state that "It is neither responsible for the state finances nor for the environment"

"to prioritize a reduction of oil usage in Sweden, rather than reducing global coal power usage."

Does this make you anxious?

You're in luck! The Greens have spent tax payers money on

"climate change anxiety therapy"-programs, whose participants are taught mental exercises to reduce their climate-anxiety.

If you wanted to make fun of them, you'd say spending your climate budget on combating climate anxiety the environmental equivalent of consuming your own fecal matter.

But it is all utterly tragic.

It is tragic for the productive economy

which is losing resources in the form of taxation to these self-indulgent futilities

It is tragic for the climate

which is deprived of resources and optimizations

but most of all, it is tragic that the legacy of the Novle Savage

is still causing people unnecessary psychological maladies.

To conclude, it is important to remember that the human faculty which has best served mankind is reason

...the capacity to determine and evaluate what actions produce the most desirable outcome.

A marshmallow-test for adults, if you will

Can you stay focused on the reasonable decision

or will you succumb to what feels right at the moment?

In a liberal, free-market democracy, you can do perfectly well living as a savage.

as long as you buy some land and don't disturb your neighbors.

Regardless of being noble or ignoble.

Do you prefer environmental polcies that are rational and efficient

...rather than posing and symbolic politics with marginal effect?

Please share this video, and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Have you been affect by environmental policies?

Please write me a comment, I appreciate all respectful commentary!

If you enjoy my videos please feel free to support me

using Patreon os Swish, there are links for that purpose in the video description.

I am Henrik Jönsson, and I am neither noble or a savage.

Thank you very much for listening.

For more infomation >> CLIMATE POLICY & THE POLITICAL CLIMATE - Duration: 12:03.


GT-Rとイタルデザイン──伝説と伝説の邂逅に刮目せよ - 日産物語 - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> GT-Rとイタルデザイン──伝説と伝説の邂逅に刮目せよ - 日産物語 - Duration: 13:52.


RET tram 4: Soetendaalseweg - Molenlaan 2018 - Duration: 11:44.


For more infomation >> RET tram 4: Soetendaalseweg - Molenlaan 2018 - Duration: 11:44.


Nissan GTR / Dodge Viper - Duration: 22:33.

For more infomation >> Nissan GTR / Dodge Viper - Duration: 22:33.


Aprender Alemán B1: DA + Preposiciones: darüber, dafür, davon, daran, darauf, dabei... - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> Aprender Alemán B1: DA + Preposiciones: darüber, dafür, davon, daran, darauf, dabei... - Duration: 10:56.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 1:06.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 0:52.


Anemia – O que é, principais causas e seus sintomas - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> Anemia – O que é, principais causas e seus sintomas - Duration: 13:05.


(DST's) – O que são, como se prevenir e tipos de tratamentos - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> (DST's) – O que são, como se prevenir e tipos de tratamentos - Duration: 13:16.


Ginecomastia – O que é, como age e meios de tratamento - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> Ginecomastia – O que é, como age e meios de tratamento - Duration: 13:11.


Tricomoníase – O que é, causas e formas de prevenção - Duration: 13:24.

For more infomation >> Tricomoníase – O que é, causas e formas de prevenção - Duration: 13:24.


La lepre e l'elefante - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> La lepre e l'elefante - Duration: 2:28.


Uomini e donne, nuovi tronisti e opinionisti: forse ci sarà Lara Zorzetto - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, nuovi tronisti e opinionisti: forse ci sarà Lara Zorzetto - Duration: 4:11.


Conheça a história de como William e Kate se conheceram - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Conheça a história de como William e Kate se conheceram - Duration: 2:27.


Entenda o motivo de as princesas Eugenie e Beatrice não usarem tiaras - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Entenda o motivo de as princesas Eugenie e Beatrice não usarem tiaras - Duration: 1:50.



Jens Weidmann studia da una vita per diventare presidente della Bce. Ma il capo supremo della tedesca Bundesbank rischia di restare a terra anche al prossimo giro di giostra, quando nell'ottobre 2019 andrà a scadenza il mandato di Mario Draghi

Sembra, infatti, che Angela Merkel abbia dirottato le proprie attenzioni sulla poltrona di numero uno della Commissione Ue, che Jean-Claude Juncker occuperà fino al novembre del prossimo anno, scaricando in pratica il pur fidato Jens

Così almeno rivela Handelsblatt. Mutti pensa - non a torto - che dal punto di vista delle decisioni politiche Bruxelles sia più importante rispetto all'ottenimento della leadership dell' Eurotower, considerata più di rappresentanza

In questo modo, la Merkel pensa di poter arginare i movimenti populisti e sovranisti, verosimilmente destinati ad avere una maggiore rappresentanza dopo il voto del prossimo mese di maggio

Weidmann diventerebbe una pedina sacrificabile anche per non creare tensioni con i Paesi del Club Med, che in tutti questi anni hanno mal digerito l'avversione del banchiere tedesco verso le politiche di allentamento quantitativo

A cominciare dal nostro: «In Italia rispondono lui, mai a ogni colloquio», cita il giornale vicino alle imprese

Il numero uno della Buba continua tuttavia a comportarsi come se fosse il presidente in pectore della banca centrale di Francoforte

In un discorso tenuto ieri a Berlino, all'Associazione della Stampa estera, ha spiegato quali dovrebbero essere le coordinate dell' azione della Bce una volta finito sul binario morto il quantitative easing

Sul finis vitae del Qe, Weidmann non ha dubbi: deve chiudersi in dicembre, così come concordato

«Nelle loro proiezioni di giugno - ha ricordato - , gli esperti dell' Eurosistema hanno previsto che l' inflazione annua sarà all' 1,7% fino al 2020

Se lo chiedete a me, questo è ampiamente coerente col nostro obiettivo di stabilità dei prezzi di medio termine»

Quindi? «Per questa ragione - ha proseguito - è anche tempo di iniziare a uscire dalla politica monetaria ultra-espansiva e dalle misure non convenzionali, soprattutto se consideriamo i possibili effetti collaterali»

Parole dal preciso peso politico: sbarrare la strada alla possibilità di una prosecuzione del piano di acquisto titoli significa mettere sull'avviso Draghi, che invece ha sempre mantenuto in vita quest'opzione per far fronte a eventuali emergenze

Inoltre, si tratta di una presa che assume ulteriore spessore nel mentre l' Italia è già alle prese con la risalita degli spread, sotto schiaffo da parte delle agenzie di rating e nel mirino della speculazione internazionale

Insomma: Weidmann lascia cadere l'invito a prolungare il Qe rivolto alla Bce nei giorni scorsi dal sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio, Giancarlo Giorgetti

Sulla condivisione dei rischi il presidente della Bundesbank ha d'altra parte, e non da ora, un' idea molto precisa: «Coloro che la chiedono dovrebbero essere preparati a rinunciare a più diritti sovrani a livello europeo»

Magari accettando l'idea dell' istituzione di un super-ministro dell'Economia a trazione tedesca, ruolo che Weidmann potrebbe voler ricoprire se non riuscirà a diventare il successore di SuperMario

Comunque, anche un'eventuale condivisione dei rischi non porterà a una mutualizzazione dei debiti: «Il pesante fardello del debito pubblico deve essere spezzato

Ma sono sfide che ogni Stato membro deve affrontare individualmente». Mentre la cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel avrebbe rinunciato a conquistare la presidenza della Banca centrale europea del dopo Draghi, puntando direttamente sulla Commissione Ue, Jens Weidmann, numero uno della Bundesbank, ha rilanciato il teorema tanto caro ai falchi tedeschi

Quanti si aspettano di condividere il rischio a livello europeo debbono prepararsi a cedere sovranità

«Coloro che chiedono esplicitamente una maggiore condivisione del rischio», ha puntualizzato il presidente della banca centrale tedesca, «dovrebbero essere preparati a rinunciare a più diritti sovrani a livello europeo»

A questa cessione di sovranità, almeno per noi, dovrebbe cominciare probabilmente dalla stesura della nuova legge di bilancio

La premessa a questo nuovo altolà di Francoforte non è meno pesante per noi della conclusione

«Il pesante fardello del debito pubblico dev' essere spezzato», ha dichiarato Weidmann nel corso di un intervento pubblico a Berlino, nella sede della stampa estera, sottolineando poi che il taglio al debito, assieme al miglioramento della competitività e dei fondamentali di crescita, nell' Eurozona, «sono sfide che ogni Stato membro deve affrontare singolarmente»

E la cuccagna monetaria è agli sgoccioli. «Nelle proiezioni di giugno, gli esperti dell' Eurosistema hanno previsto che l' inflazione annua sarà all' 1,7% fino al 2020

Se lo chiedete a me, questo è ampiamente coerente col nostro obiettivo di stabilità dei prezzi di medio termine», ha chiosato il banchiere centrale tedesco, «e per questa ragione è anche tempo di iniziare a uscire dalla politica monetaria ultra espansiva e dalle misure non convenzionali, soprattutto se consideriamo i possibili effetti collaterali»

Da tempo i tedeschi chiedono la fine del Quantitative easing. Ora ci siamo.



Cuidado Com O Slenderman ( Beware the Slenderman ) Documentário Legendado - Duration: 1:54:49.

For more infomation >> Cuidado Com O Slenderman ( Beware the Slenderman ) Documentário Legendado - Duration: 1:54:49.


Polish pickled tomatoes recipe ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 5:15.

Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.

I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!

If you have already prepared tomato juice, ketchup, adzhika or simply marinated tomatoes,

then I recommend to cook tomatoes in Polish.

This is a salad of tomatoes with onions and greens.

For the recipe, we take (per 1l jar): 500g tomatoes (you can have different varieties),

1/2 bunch dill or parsley, 1-2 onions, 1.5 tbsps sugar, 1/2 tbsp salt,

1 clove garlic, 1 bay leaf, 5 black peppercorns, 1 tbsp 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

The jars need to be sterilized beforehand.

The last jar is sterilized.

The lids are boiling too.

Put in each jar the black peppercorns,

bay leaf, garlic clove (sliced).




Vegetable oil.

We will fill all the jars.

Cut the onions into half rings.

Chop the greens finely.

Slice the tomatoes.

Into 6-8 parts.

Remove the stalk.

Place the tomatoes in the jar.

Make a layer of tomatoes.

You can make 2-3-4 layers of tomatoes, as you like.

You can shake the jar to make the tomatoes more compact.

Spread a layer of onions.

A lot.



Layer of tomatoes again.

Add the dill.

The last layer should be onions.

Water all the jars.

Pour hot water into the jars.

It's good that the onion is on top, not the tomatoes.

Pour the water not to the very top.

You need to leave a place to boil the brine.

Cover the lid.

Take a pan with warm water.

Put a rag on the bottom.

Place the jars in the pan.

The water in the pan should reach the shoulders of the jars.

Bring to a boil over medium heat.

Cover with a lid or bowl.

Sterilize the 1 liter jars for 15-20 minutes.

I have a new LED lighting in the kitchen.

It has a dimmer that adjusts the brightness of the lighting.

The brightness of the lighting changes when the hand is brought to the dimmer.

It is very convenient in the kitchen, when the hands are dirty with flour, fish, minced meat.

Link to the shop - in the description under this video.

The jars were boiled for 20 minutes. Now they can be closed.

Turn the jars over, wrap and left so until completely cooled.

Cooled jars are turned back and stored at room temperature in a conventional pantry.

If you liked this recipe - subscribe to my channel.

Do not forget to click on bell, so as not to miss new interesting videos on my channel.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy!


For more infomation >> Polish pickled tomatoes recipe ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 5:15.


Recensione di Soluzioni Solari, parla un cliente - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Recensione di Soluzioni Solari, parla un cliente - Duration: 0:39.


Hollow Man: Anatomy of a Thriller (2000) - Subtítulos en Español - Documental Completo - Duration: 15:05.

For more infomation >> Hollow Man: Anatomy of a Thriller (2000) - Subtítulos en Español - Documental Completo - Duration: 15:05.


How to Burn 300 Kcal - Intermediate | GiuDiCorda - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> How to Burn 300 Kcal - Intermediate | GiuDiCorda - Duration: 12:20.


드디어 완성된 아시안게임 남자 축구 8강 대진표. - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 드디어 완성된 아시안게임 남자 축구 8강 대진표. - Duration: 2:46.


BUFFY MILAFFY AND DRAWINGS FROM SUBSCRIBERS! KIT BABY or Super cat fell in love with Lady Baf - Duration: 6:14.

Hello, you on the channel Come on. Come on.

And today we, as many guessed, the rubric "drawings

from subscribers ".

And on a visit we have the dearest Buffy.

By the way, Milaffi. what?

In the past video I asked with whom to look drawings

and the guys chose you.

Oh, that, right?

I am very pleased!

And yet, it's nice when they draw from the heart, and not

in order to get in the video.

Therefore, we hope no one not upset that his

the drawing was not shown.

After all, we try to make video interesting and cheerful

for all.

Well, let's start already!

Anyut, Come on, already.

I already turned it on.

Oh, wow what ears and I'm so skinny.

Maybe I should lose weight?

Do not, You're super Great are looking!

Come on, Do not embarrass me.

Oh, Mom ... who's this? so hungry?

It's you.


Oh, yes, it's me after diet.

Well, this same happens.

All Enough to Look, Come on farther.

Well, it looks like? A?

I'm the same model as on Drawing?

Of course!

Only t-shirts are blue not enough only.

Ah, well, it can be fixed.

Will you do me this? I do not promise anything. okay

Now, now I am also so know how!

It's here ...

So ... .eee .... and this is here!

Or not?

An, how do they do it?

From plasticine, silly.

Ah, I think then why not go out.

But this is a masterpiece of some kind.

Even with highlights with such blinded. very beautiful


I have quite large eyes to be so

Cute as in the picture?

By the way, but you do not think that now is the time

to push a button to subscribe?

And here this drawing is direct at least now print and hang

in the frame to the gallery Come on.

Buffy, but we do not have one gallery.

I think it's time to create such a gallery.

Hmm, What, that's a good idea. then I have one more

drawing for the gallery.

Well, everything!

Now you are definitely indebted open channel gallery

Come on, come on. and she will ... about...

In my room!

who is this?

It's you, in a red suit The superhero.

Without shoes.

Although, maybe you're Santa Claus. In my opinion it seems more like

on the emperor lama, who ate something bad.

By the way I really love this cartoon.

What an Iridescent I am.

It is me?

Ha ha ha, of course you are.

There is even a signature: "my the most beloved hero of the channel

but come on, let's go. "

Oh, I?

Most lovely?


By the way, it seems to me this the drawing is made in style

color graphics.

Probably some very modern style.

Oh, and this is such a miracle.

It's me, from the rubber bands!


And this picture on motives video, which was almost

a year ago.

There Anyuta cut out of a pumpkin muzzle of the seal!

And then there was the video Reaction cats and another experiment with pumpkin

Here. " In general, I advise everyone to see.

And this is probably my twin brother.

Because we are one with him face.

And here we have Buffy the rabbit Chews a leaf.

An? What?

Give me the leaf, ah!

Well, I know you have. Oh please!

Well, hold on.

Well, just like in the picture.

And who is this we have here cutie?

Where is the cutie, something I her I do not see.

Aw-Cute are you there?

Maybe she hid here?

Oh, how now it's all aligned.

Ah, here She is, in the drawing.

Anyut, I found a cutie.

Yes, I talked about you Milaffi.

Oh, I'm here I wanted to clean up a little bit.

Who scattered this towel?

Baffyush ?!


And drawing to you how?

Haha, beautiful.

Yeah, then it means Buffy is drinking juice through a straw, we'll see.

I thought you were going to juice through to drink it.


Ha ha ha.

So, stop laughing at me like!

I had a second twin brother.

Well, are they alike?

Yeah, I'm afraid to confuse you.

And here I am in soap bubbles rezvellyus.

Ha ha ha.

Oh, baby, wow, Thank you.

Oh, what an adult I am here.

High, fashionable and eyes hefty.

Oh, and here I am.

Yes, very similar, a bunny my.

Such a sweet, kind, real.

I also really like this figure.

So, I have to you Serious conversation.

Here you have it, sit, sit here again

And it became boring?

It happens!

And I'm talking about!

For such cases you need subscribe to our channel

and be sure to click on bell.

Let's go now!

All who are not signed, we press on the button!


And now the bell.

Well, now we can continue!

Then I'm walking on the street and a little bit smeared.

That's all, washed!

By the way, the coloring is very even similar to mine!

Well, in the last drawing You're so beautiful with a carrot.

and a banana.

You know Anyut, I liked so much all the drawings that I decided

also something to draw.


Oh well.

Well, But today it's were all sketchochki.

And which ones did you like you?

Write about it in the comments.

Well, if this video is typed 20,000 likes, there will be 3 part

pictures from subscribers, but only with Murochka.

And Anuta is preparing for you interesting video from

preparation for school.

Everything, do not open mine secrets ahead of time.

Well, for today, everything, to everyone until And to the sooner meetings.

For more infomation >> BUFFY MILAFFY AND DRAWINGS FROM SUBSCRIBERS! KIT BABY or Super cat fell in love with Lady Baf - Duration: 6:14.


毒遊深圳?Ep17︱深圳焗油初體驗︱Shenzhen Oil treatment vlog︱Ashley - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 毒遊深圳?Ep17︱深圳焗油初體驗︱Shenzhen Oil treatment vlog︱Ashley - Duration: 3:58.


Scandalo Bennett, Asia Argento si ritira dal festival musicale "Le Guess Who" - Duration: 1:41.

Sono giorni intensi e colmi di apprensione per Asia Argento, al centro dello spinoso scandalo Jimmy Bennett, sollevato dall'autorevole New York Times e avallato dal sito scandalistico TMZ che ha diffuso un selfie a letto e alcuni messaggini risalenti al presunto incontro hot nel 2013 in un albergo della California

La giudice di X Factor inizia ora a sperimentare sulla sua pelle le prime prevedibili conseguenze delle accuse di molestie che l'attore – oggi 22enne – avrebbe subito quando era ancora minorenne

Asia Argento, infatti, si è ritirata dal festival musicale 'Le Guess Who' per cui è stata curatrice

Alla manifestazione che si terrà a Utrecht dall'8 al 10 novembre prossimo, parteciperanno artisti scelti direttamente dall'attrice e cantautrice, tuttavia la sua presenza non sarà più necessaria

Foto @Kikapress LEGGI ANCHE: -- Audizioni X Factor: Asia Argento si presenta in studio e lascia tutti senza parole

Cosa ha fatto

For more infomation >> Scandalo Bennett, Asia Argento si ritira dal festival musicale "Le Guess Who" - Duration: 1:41.


Where we came from? What are we? - Duration: 1:47.

Where we came from? What are we?

We're not from here on this planet, we've all come from somewhere else ...

Some questions, sometimes very intimate, challenge our minds ...

Where we came from?

What are we?

What are we?

And it is in the deep silence of our consciousness ...

That we intuit our true answers ...

Words do not define the true existence and feelings do not define the reality of everything.

In fact there is no time or place and being is much more than feeling, much more than living, much more than having, much more than dreaming ...

The truth that you believe and cling to causes you to be unable to hear anything new.

By Ianê P. Bezerra Lameira

Ianê Lameira Channel - Sign up.

For more infomation >> Where we came from? What are we? - Duration: 1:47.


Leucócitos na Urina – O que são leucócitos, eles em nossa urina, valores, problemas - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Leucócitos na Urina – O que são leucócitos, eles em nossa urina, valores, problemas - Duration: 8:42.



Hello, my name is Henrik Jönsson.

The other day, green party MEP Karin Svensson Smith delivered a proposal

together with council representative Emma Behringer, to tax car travel for shopping

They are instead suggesting for people to use cargo bikes.

It is easy to envision ten thousand frustrated families soaking in the rain

with their rain coats flying in the November wind on their way from kindergatern pickups to the local supermarket.

I want to use this as a starting point for a discussion on the right of politicians to determine how citizens ought to organize their lives

and what actually constitutes a result oriented envorinmental policy.

Stay tuned!

In the 18th century, enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jaques Rousseau proclaimed

an anti-civilization ideology, today known as the ideal of the "Noble Savage".

Rousseau viewed science and technology as destructive

claiming them to sever main-kind from its natural habitat in nature

The Roussean teaching was also adopted by the luddites

who fought the industrial revolution

that created the prosperity of our modern civilization.

Large parts of the modern green movement are influenced by the ideology of Rousseau.

and defend an ideological conflict between the modern civilization

which is said to constitute a violation of the natural order of things

"I wanted me some of that"

Civilization becomes the enemy.

The abstract, and mythical state of naturalism is viewed as a given norm that humanity is violating.

"Good work, Bob!"


Let us first establish the fact

that human production, resource extraction and waste production

all are processes deserving long-term responsibility.

Modern manufacturing and utilization processes have all also become drastically more effective

than they were just a few decades ago.

For instance, a car from the 1970's release more heavy metals when parked

than what a modern car does when it is on the road.

From a sustainability perspective, the discussion on the environment is therefor dominated by two perspectives:

those who want to make resource consumption more efficient

and those who want to prevent resource extraction altogether, and favor Rousseaus "natural state"

In relation to this, it is important to understand the concept of "alternative cost"

This is a term used by economists to describe different outcomes based on economic decisions.

For instance, the alternative cost of preventing a few thousand airplane flights each year

carries a cost of a few hundred million Swedish crowns in loss of efficiency and production - but releases a little less carbon dioxide.

The alternative cost calculates what these hundreds of millions

could have achieved of deployed in a different part of the economy,

For instance, in sustainability research or in other types of climate-improving policies.

Here is a concrete example:

In 2017, Sweden produced 159 Twh, 98% fossil free electrical power

If we increased energy production by 1% and exported it to Poland

which is chiefly run on coal power, Sweden would help Poland ro reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 1,4 million tonnes annually.

This is the emission rate as 600,000 cars in a year.

These resources have instead been used to provide electrical bikes to Swedish urban areas

with little or no benefit for the environment.

The alternative cost is massive.

It is a question of priorities.

The Green Youth organization representative Hanna Lindström displayed a flagrant lack of knowledge on Instagram

of both economy and alternative cost

when reviewing an environmental report with the words: "in a hundred years, ALL climate policies are effective"

This transcends naivety

and shows a lack of recognition of economy as a relevant factor for the ideology purporting a return to Rousseau's natural state.

Without economic growth neither manufacturing nor research can maintain development of better resource utilization.

It is is just one theoretical step from forcing competent citizens to ride a bike

to force them into making their own butter and sewing clothes for their children by candle light.

"You may think us Amish are strange and old-fashioned folk"

The Green Party, which today represent around 4% of the Swedish population, and who are ideologically dominated by this regressive nature-philosophy

exert a disproportional influence on government policy.

Their term in power has been characterized by reneged promises to their voters, and by being over-run my the Social Democrats.

When they manage to get their motions into policy, it has mainly been posing symbolic politics.

I have assembled a collection of examples of this.

..and how it is a recurring theme in the Green camp.

You're welcome.

During 2016, Sweden was extremely close to closing down half its power supply

due to the Greens ideological objections to nuclear power. There was no alternative power source in place.

The consequences would have been disastrous

with power outages and energy having to be procured from Russia and Germanic fossil fuel to compensate

The motion was rejected at the last minute and an agreement was made that steered clear of disaster.

Carbon dioxide emissions have increased with the greens in power!

A more aggressive taxation on aviation sounds resolute and is in line with the ideal of the Noble Savage:

...less travelling, fewer meetings and less cultural and economic collaboration as a result.

The new aviation tax has also impacted "green aviation" - which relies on more expensive and more environmentaly friendly fuel.

by taxing it hard along with the rets of the aviation industry.

Increasing numbers of Swedes are now choosing to fly from Denmark and Norway on their long-haul flights, to avoid the expensive new Swedish aviation taxes.

As a southern Swede, we send many thanks to the government for relocating several important international airlines to Danish airport of Kastrup.

However, it remain unclear how the environment is to benefit from extensive connecting flights from Stockholm to Denmark before the lang haul flights.

Ethanol was a few years ago considered the preferred green fuel.

and the Greens drove a hard campaign for making every single gas station in Sweden mandatorily ethanol compliant.

This incredibly costly program forced many smaller gas stations into closure

resulting in both a loss of jobs and availability of places to fill up your car.

Unfortunately politicians have lately decided that ethanol was not such a great alternative after all

...but we can console ourselves ieth the fact that it is now available everywhere.

...and by the fact that the hybrid cars running on both ethanol and gasoline maintain their tax breaks

even though they are now almost exclusively using gas and not ethanol.

Not only are the Greens trying to end carbon neutral nuclear power

they also fought for a heavy tax on solar cells

and by implementing extensive and bureaucratic permit policies forced a profitable hydroelectric plant to close down.

These polices have been extensively criticized by scientists.

The expert group for public economy determine that fossil fuel that affect the atmosphere

are most efficiently counteracted by international measures to replace old coal based power plants in other countries.

...rather than implementing extremely expensive and marginal adjustments of Swedish environmental laws.

Even the state run and independent Financial-Political Council is voicing grave criticism against the environmental policies of the government.

...and state that Sweden as a result is lowering their ambitions in terms of international climate investment.

They state that "It is neither responsible for the state finances nor for the environment"

"to prioritize a reduction of oil usage in Sweden, rather than reducing global coal power usage."

Does this make you anxious?

You're in luck! The Greens have spent tax payers money on

"climate change anxiety therapy"-programs, whose participants are taught mental exercises to reduce their climate-anxiety.

If you wanted to make fun of them, you'd say spending your climate budget on combating climate anxiety the environmental equivalent of consuming your own fecal matter.

But it is all utterly tragic.

It is tragic for the productive economy

which is losing resources in the form of taxation to these self-indulgent futilities

It is tragic for the climate

which is deprived of resources and optimizations

but most of all, it is tragic that the legacy of the Novle Savage

is still causing people unnecessary psychological maladies.

To conclude, it is important to remember that the human faculty which has best served mankind is reason

...the capacity to determine and evaluate what actions produce the most desirable outcome.

A marshmallow-test for adults, if you will

Can you stay focused on the reasonable decision

or will you succumb to what feels right at the moment?

In a liberal, free-market democracy, you can do perfectly well living as a savage.

as long as you buy some land and don't disturb your neighbors.

Regardless of being noble or ignoble.

Do you prefer environmental polcies that are rational and efficient

...rather than posing and symbolic politics with marginal effect?

Please share this video, and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Have you been affect by environmental policies?

Please write me a comment, I appreciate all respectful commentary!

If you enjoy my videos please feel free to support me

using Patreon os Swish, there are links for that purpose in the video description.

I am Henrik Jönsson, and I am neither noble or a savage.

Thank you very much for listening.

For more infomation >> CLIMATE POLICY & THE POLITICAL CLIMATE - Duration: 12:03.


Mercedes C Class 2019 NEW Full Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> Mercedes C Class 2019 NEW Full Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 12:33.


GT-Rとイタルデザイン──伝説と伝説の邂逅に刮目せよ - 日産物語 - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> GT-Rとイタルデザイン──伝説と伝説の邂逅に刮目せよ - 日産物語 - Duration: 13:52.


RET tram 4: Soetendaalseweg - Molenlaan 2018 - Duration: 11:44.


For more infomation >> RET tram 4: Soetendaalseweg - Molenlaan 2018 - Duration: 11:44.


Nissan GTR / Dodge Viper - Duration: 22:33.

For more infomation >> Nissan GTR / Dodge Viper - Duration: 22:33.


Aprender Alemán B1: DA + Preposiciones: darüber, dafür, davon, daran, darauf, dabei... - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> Aprender Alemán B1: DA + Preposiciones: darüber, dafür, davon, daran, darauf, dabei... - Duration: 10:56.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 1:06.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL ELEKTR. PAKKET - STUURBEKR. - D-RIEM RECENT - V.V. - Duration: 0:52.


Funny Tema ride on Sportbike Power Wheels Tractor and Pretend Play with Magic Toys - Duration: 3:34.

Funny Tema ride on Sportbike Power Wheels Tractor and Pretend Play with Magic Toys

For more infomation >> Funny Tema ride on Sportbike Power Wheels Tractor and Pretend Play with Magic Toys - Duration: 3:34.


The Myths of Owning a Bird - Duration: 3:13.

There's too many toys in that cage, it's the perfect breeding ground for mites and

lice- actually there can never be too many toys in a cage and secondly birds get mites

and lice from other animals, like wild pesty birds such as sparrows.

You can have as many toys in your cage as you like, as long as you clean the cage and

the toys thoroughly, I also recommend that when you clean your cage out (which should

be around every two weeks) Birds love ALL Fruits and vegetables they

form a very important part of your budgie's diet.

There are some fruit and veg that can KILL your birds, be sure to check out what your

birds can eat before feeding them anything.

Things budgies can NOT eat: Avocado- the pit of an avocado contains a

toxin which it leaks throughout the fruit.

avocado is especially harmful to birds such as Lovebirds,Budgies and Cockatiels.

Onions- onions in all cases are a no no, it can cause irritation in the mouth, and in

some cases ulcers.

Garlic- garlic contains the same chemical compounds as onions and produces the same

reactions in birds.

Mushroom- mushrooms have been known to cause digestive problems

Birds are so much easier to care for than a cat or dog- to demonstrate i'm going to

put our daily routine.

First up is getting up when the birds rise so you can uncover their cage

Secondly I take all the food and water dishes out of the cage and scrub them until they

sparkle, then refill and put them back in Then I chop up a small amount of fruit and

leave it on a platter on the base of the cage Then there's the weekly cage scrub

The daily training, step ups play outside the cage

Most bird owners bath their birds Shopping for new toys

Finding treats they like Making sure they have all their vitamins and

stay clean, happy and healthy Cleaning up all the mess they made

Cover cage and repeat the next day As you can see there is more to it than you

would think.

Birds require time and effort and if you don't have that birds aren't for you, get a snail

or something.

For more infomation >> The Myths of Owning a Bird - Duration: 3:13.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Business Executive Sport - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Business Executive Sport - Duration: 0:55.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T EXCLUSIVE ( Navigatie - QV Line - 18 Maanden Garantie) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T EXCLUSIVE ( Navigatie - QV Line - 18 Maanden Garantie) - Duration: 1:14.



For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T PROGRESSION NED.AUTO, NAVIGATIE, CRUISE CONTROL, CLIMATE CONTROL, LED VER - Duration: 1:07.


Celebrity MasterChef: Gregg Wallace and Josh Cuthbert get into spat as judge claims star CAN'T sing - Duration: 3:05.

Celebrity MasterChef: Gregg Wallace and Josh Cuthbert get into spat as judge claims star CAN'T sing

He rose to fame on The X Factor in 2012 with his band Union J, who finished in fourth place.

Yet Josh Cuthbert was left unimpressed on Friday's episode of Celebrity MasterChef as he jokingly got into a 'spat' with judge Gregg Wallace after he insulted his singing skills.


During the episode, the singer, 26, had rustled up an impressive and tasty-looking Tarte Tatin.

To which Gregg quipped: 'Josh, you couldn't sing, but you can cook.

With Josh responding with: 'You haven't heard me sing, don't act like you have.

He continued: 'You have no idea who I am!' .

Gregg and his co-judge, John Torode, were left awkwardly laughing over the scenes, as he cheekily added: 'He's got a point!'.

And the 'spat' didn't go unnoticed by viewers at home who took to Twitter to share their thoughts over the blunder.

One person said: ''You don't know who I am' Go #josh! #CelebrityMasterchef that told you @GreggWallace4.

A different user put: 'Josh: "You don't know who I am!" Gregg: "He's got a point.

" And so, the celebrity reality TV format is broken forever #CelebrityMasterchef.

Another show watcher commented: 'Well said Josh! Vs Greg - hahahaha #CelebrityMasterchef.

While a different viewer added: '"You have no idea who I am!" Okay, that made me laugh.

through to the next round! #CelebrityMasterchef.

And despite the awkward 'spat', Josh sailed through to the next round with rugby star Martin Bayfield, with Lily Allen's father, Keith Allen, and T'Pau singer, Carol Decker, being sent home.

Celebrity MasterChef continues on Thursday at 8pm on BBC One.

For more infomation >> Celebrity MasterChef: Gregg Wallace and Josh Cuthbert get into spat as judge claims star CAN'T sing - Duration: 3:05.



For more infomation >> SUPER STICKY & CHEWY KOREAN RICE CAKES MUKBANG 🍡떡 먹방 - Duration: 22:59.


Top 10 Most Beautiful Sexiest Hollywood Actresses Right Now - Duration: 3:25.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Sexiest Hollywood Actresses Right Now

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Beautiful Sexiest Hollywood Actresses Right Now - Duration: 3:25.


Bill Maher Throws $1M Political Gauntlet To Hollywood Elite - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Bill Maher Throws $1M Political Gauntlet To Hollywood Elite - Duration: 2:09.


Save Money On Practically Anything With Honey - Duration: 0:50.

Honey finds the best promo codes on almost anything.

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For more infomation >> Save Money On Practically Anything With Honey - Duration: 0:50.


What teeth should look like - VPRO Metropolis - Docu - 2012 - Duration: 30:06.

For more infomation >> What teeth should look like - VPRO Metropolis - Docu - 2012 - Duration: 30:06.


MLB Star Mike Trout Wears Late Brother-in-law's Name on Jersey a Week After He Dies at 24 - Duration: 2:51.

 Los Angeles Angels star Mike Trout is honoring his late brother-in-law Aaron Cox

 The 27-year-old athlete, who hasn't played since Aug. 1, stepped out on the field Friday at home against Houston Astros wearing a jersey with "A

Cox" on the back.  Cox, who was a former minor league pitcher in the Angels organization, died on Aug

15. He was 24.  Just the day before, Trout opened up about Cox's sudden death with an emotional dedication on Instagram

 "Aaron, words can't describe the emotions that I've been feeling the past week and a half," the outfielder captioned a photo of himself and Cox sporting black suits

 "You were more than just my brother-in-law… you were my best friend," he wrote

 "You made such an impact on my life since the day I first met you. You were an amazing person inside & out that showed us all how to live life to the fullest

Seeing and hearing about your impact on other people are all things that made me a better person every single day," Trout continued

 The Angels star later recounted the many memories he and Cox shared.  "The things we have done together like hunting trips, family vacations, golfing, fishing and all the fun times we had together I will cherish forever… you brought so much happiness and joy to my life every time I was with you," he said

 "You were a great kid and it kills me to know that you are gone… I can't thank you enough for what you have meant to me over these last 11 years

I know you will be watching over me and now that you are gone, I promise to take care of your sister and watch over your whole family

"  "Heaven got a great one and I know I will see you again some day… I love you bro!!!!" Trout concluded

 Funeral services for Cox were held Wednesday in the Dorchester section of Maurice River Township

 Cox's cause of death is not clear at this time.  Cox is the brother of Jessica Trout, who married Mike in December 2017

For more infomation >> MLB Star Mike Trout Wears Late Brother-in-law's Name on Jersey a Week After He Dies at 24 - Duration: 2:51.


Peppa Pig Back to School Shopping w/surprises and blind bags SCHOOL SUPPLIES George goes missing!! - Duration: 14:54.

welcome to Viztastic Toy Show

Peppa and her family are going shopping

everybody in peppa and her family are going to the fruit and veg section first

can I go in the trolley daddy pig me to of course you can

but first let's open the seat

I want to jump up

I want to jump up too

This is so comfy lets get shopping!!

one of the family's favorite stores they love all the different vegetables and

all the different fruits you can get what would you like peppa and George

I would love some pineapple I would love some watermelon

In they go

I'd love some cherries and I would love some coconuts

Here they come

we're very low on vegetables we need some broccoli some peas some asparagus some

onions some corn and some celery here comes all the vegetables

this section is amazing it's one of my favorites it's so cool

next we're going to the bakery can we please go to the bakery I really want to

go to the bakery okay daddy pig yay let's go to the

bakery the bakery the bakery

WOW there are so many options there's amazing cakes

cupcakes tarts muffins bread and pies delicious I want to get this one and

this one this one and this one let's get them alll

Absolutely not it would be so unhealthy your only allowed one thing

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig Back to School Shopping w/surprises and blind bags SCHOOL SUPPLIES George goes missing!! - Duration: 14:54.


Crispy Chicken Burger Recipe | Mcdonald Style Burger | Chicken Patty Zinger Burger | Kfc Burger - Duration: 6:35.

crispy chicken burger

For more infomation >> Crispy Chicken Burger Recipe | Mcdonald Style Burger | Chicken Patty Zinger Burger | Kfc Burger - Duration: 6:35.


The Tech Thieves - Fake [Cover Art] - Duration: 2:22.

Please don't fake it, show me what you're all about

I got wasted, learning how to let it out

I can't take it, kiss me with the lips of doubt

Please don't fake it, Fake it, fake

Please don't fake it, show me what you're all about

I got wasted, learning how to let it out

I can't take it, kiss me with the lips of doubt

Please don't fake it, Fake it, fake

Please don't fake it, Fake it, fake

For more infomation >> The Tech Thieves - Fake [Cover Art] - Duration: 2:22.


Benni McCarthy reveals his plan to beat Mamelodi Sundowns - Duration: 3:02.

Benni McCarthy reveals his plan to beat Mamelodi Sundowns

Benni McCarthy reveals his plan to beat Mamelodi Sundowns.

  Benni McCarthy reckons keeping Mamelodi Sundowns at bay and looking to frustrate them is going to be key on Saturday when his Cape Town City host the league champions in the first leg of their MTN semifinal.

"They want to control the pace of the game‚ dictate and of course put the game to bed as early as possible so we are going to have to keep them at bay‚ because we don't give them them the luxury of dictating the game and being in their comfort zone‚" said the City coach.

"That is when they are at their most dangerous.

The more you frustrate them‚ the bigger your chances of getting a result." McCarthy said that Sundowns might be able to refresh their side with fit players for Saturday's clash but it makes no difference for the planning.

"They might have different players from Wednesday but they don't really ever change the way they play.

They have the same system‚ the same tactics and that is attacking football.

"It's our home game and we must give ourselves a good enough result to go away to Pretoria in the return leg and have a fighting chance.

"If we don't concede‚ or if we go a goal or two ahead‚ it will make the second leg so much easier‚" he said.

"I want to put the game to bed at home because Sundowns at home‚ with all their fans‚ are a different animal." McCarthy said the MTN8 offers a chanced for the club and him to get a trophy early this season.

"We'll be waiting because we've done fairly well in this competition.

It's time for us to make another challenge like we did last season." City got to last season's final in only McCarthy's first six weeks in the job but allowed SuperSport United to come back and take the trophy on post-match penalties in Durban.

"This year I'm more determined because I want to get my hands on my first bit of silverware‚" the former FC Porto striker said.

City will be without injured winger Surprise Ralani and striker Siphelele Mthembu‚ hurt in the quarterfinal victory over Maritzburg United.

For more infomation >> Benni McCarthy reveals his plan to beat Mamelodi Sundowns - Duration: 3:02.



For more infomation >> LE CLIENT NE VEUT PAS PAYER LES FRAIS DE MÉNAGE ?! - Duration: 6:55.


'바르셀로나 유스' 출신 이승우의 환상적인 '고려청자 트래핑' - Duration: 2:17.

세계적인 축구 클럽 바르셀로나에서 '동양의 메시'라는 별명을 들으며 성장한 이승우의 트래핑은 남달랐다.

지난 23일(한국 시간) 김학범 감독이 이끄는 아시안게임 축구대표팀은 인도네시아 위바와 묵티 스타디움에서 열린 이란과의 16강전 경기에서 2대0 완승을 거뒀다.

이날 대표팀은 황의조의 선제골 이후 이승우의 쐐기골까지 터지면서 '숙적' 이란을 완파하며 8강 진출을 확정 지었다.

황의조의 골이 팀플레이의 결과물이라면 이승우의 골은 뛰어난 개인 역량으로 만들어진 것이었다. 중요한 순간 터진 두 골.

후반 9분 이란 수비수가 걷어낸다고 찬 공은 제자리에서 높게 솟아올랐다. 침착하게 공의 위치를 확인한 이승우는 수비를 등진 채 먼저 자리를 잡았다.

카메라 밖으로 나갈 정도로 높게 떠오른 공이었지만 '기본기'가 탄탄한 이승우에게는 간단한 볼. 그는 공중볼을 간결한 터치로 잡아내며 공을 자신의 발아래 정확히 내려놨다.

깨지기 쉬운 '고려청자'를 받을 수 있을 정도의 안정적인 이승우의 트래핑. 환상적인 '터치'는 결국 골로 이어졌다.

트래핑 이후 이승우는 자신이 잡아둔 공을 몰고 중앙으로 치고 들어갔고 깔끔한 땅볼 슛으로 대표팀의 두 번째 골을 만들어냈다.

경기 이후 외신들은 그의 완벽한 트래핑과 깔끔한 골을 대서특필하며 극찬을 보냈다.

특히 이란의 한 언론은 "이승우의 골은 그가 경기장에서 보여준 치열함의 산물이었고 한국과 이란의 역량 차이를 보여줬다"고 보도하기도 했다.

한편 이날 황의조와 이승우의 골로 승리를 거둔 아시안게임 남자 축구대표팀은 오는 27일(한국 시간) 오후 6시 우즈베키스탄과 8강전을 치른다.

For more infomation >> '바르셀로나 유스' 출신 이승우의 환상적인 '고려청자 트래핑' - Duration: 2:17.


¡Corran las apuestas! Banxico sacará un nuevo billete de 500 y puede cambiar de 'personaje' - Duration: 3:01.

Ahora sí, váyanse despidiendo de Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo porque Banxico anunció que este próximo lunes, los mexicanos estrenaremos nuevo billete de 500 pesos

La bronca es que no, por desgracia no nos toca uno a cada quien. El @Banxico anunció que el billete de 500 pesos cambiará a partir del 27 de agosto; ¿qué pasará con los del actual diseño? https://t

co/lv9jTI4cmQ — El Universal (@El_Universal_Mx) 24 de agosto de 2018 El banco central todavía se mantiene en silencio sobre quiénes serán los nuevos personajes ilustres —o si determinaron quedarse con los dos artistas mexicanos— pero sí es seguro que la familia de billetes tendrá uno nuevo en circulación

El nuevo billete va a debutar frente a las cámaras este lunes, 27 de agosto, en un evento en el Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE) pero todavía no confirman el día que estarán al alcance del público

Como ya nos urge que no acepten este billete en ninguna tienda porque no tienen cambio  conocer cómo es el nuevo billete de 500, ya hay hasta encuestas tuiteras para ver quién le atina al nuevo personaje ilustre

Hay algunas voces en redes sociales que afriman que Bomberito Juárez —perdónanos SEGOB— estará en el nuevo billete, y a su espalda aparecerán las ballenas de baja California Sur

Sin embargo, eso provocaría confusiones en el billete de veinte pesos y, por más que Benito Juárez esté de moda con la Cuarta Transformación, no se vale repetir

Los billetes de Frida y Diego que ya van de salida están en circulación desde el 30 de agosto de 2010

 O sea, tiene casi exactos 8 años que dejamos de ver al buen Ignacio Zaragoza en los billetes de alta denominación

Si son coleccionistas o simplemente quieren el recuerdo, es buen momento para guardar cuidadosamente el actual billete que de un lado —además de los artistas— la obra de "Desnudo con alcatraces" y del otro "El abrazo de amor del Universo, La Tierra (México), Yo, Diego y el Señor Xólotl"

¡Corren las apuestas! ¿Regresará Alf en forma de billetes?

For more infomation >> ¡Corran las apuestas! Banxico sacará un nuevo billete de 500 y puede cambiar de 'personaje' - Duration: 3:01.


"A Simple, Quiet Dream"- The Unsettled Serenade - Duration: 4:22.

Raised diamond fine Placed your dreams in mine

But what we wanted was forgotten, in time I'm not lost at sea, but

I know I can't be What you always wanted of me.

Oh, a vision of it there Dances on the stair

Bringing melancholy, bittersweet and warm.

Oh, a vision of it there Dances on the stair

And it lulls me As it softly calls me away.

But all that I wanted was your love, not to war or to covet

Just a place to serenely abide.

All that I wanted was your love, and a simple, quiet place in your mind.

All I ever wanted was All I ever wanted was

All I ever wanted was your love.

Raised diamond fine Placed your dreams in mine

But what we wanted was forgotten, in time I'm not lost at sea, but

I know I can't be What you always wanted of me.

Oh, a vision of it there Dances on the stair

And it lulls me As it softly calls me away.

But all that I wanted was your love, not to war or to covet

Just a place to serenely abide.

All that I wanted was your love, and a simple, quiet place in your mind.

Now I want, oh, I want To want your love

All I ever wanted was All I ever wanted was

All I ever wanted was your love.

Oh, my dear I was in heaven when I was with you-

Can't you see? Can't you see?

Why can't you see?

Why won't you see?

All I ever wanted was your love.

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