Friday, August 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 25 2018

Health Network, For Public Health

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10 acne cure cold

Currently, influenza is generally threatening many countries in the world, including in Vietnam, the risk of outbreaks of influenza A / H5N1 is very high.

What to do to prevent influenza in general, or A / H5N1 flu?

In addition to vaccination, western medicine, please introduce to readers, a method of massage acupressure prevention, for you to read references as needed.

Huyet nghinh huong..

With this disease, patients mainly have symptoms in the head, face and neck, so we can sit in front of the mirror, choose the appropriate position, in turn do the following:

1. Mites along the nose:

Patient sat straight for a warm hand, using two fingers pointing lightly from the acupuncture point,

(the tip of the eyebrow bow), down the nose 20 to 30 times, to increase the amount of heat for the nose,

To stimulate blood circulation, stimulate nasal mucous secretions, protect the respiratory gate of the body.


2. Daylighting:

Using the middle finger or index finger, press simultaneous two points of incense for 1 minute,

To feel the tension, both the nose and cheeks are okay.

Location of grave incense:from the foot of the nose to the nose, acupuncture on the edge of the nose.

3. Rubbing the neck and pressing the pressure point:

Hold the palm of the palm of the nape of the nape of the nape of your neck.

Next, use two thumbs, press simultaneous both points of the room for 1 minute,

with a relatively strong force, so that the tension, both the neck and the back of the head.

Cymbal position:in the cavity below the occipital, outside the block of muscles floating behind the neck, when pressing feeling heavy, each side a point.

Mites along the nose.

Use both hands in the middle of the forehead (at the point of pressing the road), then the two sides of the temples, close the eyebrows and hair before the front and back, making 10 to 20 times.

4. Day of the temples:

Using the middle finger, press simultaneously two temples, from mild to severe in 2 minutes, so that the feeling of tension is.

Position of the temples:at the tail of the eyes measured after 1 month.

5. Day acupressure:

Point with gentle finger point acupuncture with deep penetrating force, from 1 to 3 minutes, with the purpose of increasing the air permeability welding, active hemorrhoids headache.

Locates the intersection, the main line between the body, and the connecting point of the highest point of the ear.

6. Indentation:

Use a small finger or middle finger, press the pointer with a relatively strong force for 1 minute, so that the feeling of tension spread down the hand is okay.

The position of the intestinal grasp:the forearm to the arm, hand to the upper chest to clearly fold the elbows,

mark the top of the crook fold, to determine the position of the grave, then put your hands, forearm perpendicular to the arm to press.

7. Point of pressure cup:

Using your thumb, press the cup on each side, each side for 1 to 2 minutes, so that the feeling of tension spread to the little finger is okay.

Graveside position:in the indentation between the first and second finger bones (thumb and index finger)

Use the thumb to press the second hand bone, find the point when the most painful feeling, and spread to the little finger, it is the location of the point.

8. Acupuncture and acupuncture points:

The patient is sitting neatly, with two palms in the palm of the kidney and the subject.

Rub several times with opposing forces, so that the waist warms up to be okay.

Position:horizontal ribs ribs back, under the spines living belt 2, measuring 1 to 5 horizontal, in the center of the subject.

Cross the nose

9. Day pulsed acupressure:

Use your index finger or middle finger, many times, many times to reach the tension that is.

For the purpose of heat bar, lower fever inflammation, and so on.

The position between the toes 1 and 2, measured to 1, 5 th, acupuncture in the indentation, made up of 2 toes 1 and 2.

Note:To achieve effective prevention and treatment, need to intervene early, gentle manipulation, slow penetration deep, do not do the speaker in general, persist in daily work.

After the massage, can combine the bowl of porridge onions (whole roots), hot sherry, and then rest in the wind, to improve efficiency.

In the daily diet, it is possible to add spicy, hot, essential oils and antiseptic ingredients such as ginger, garlic, lemongrass, mint and so on.

Nasopharyngitis every day, with physiological saline 0.9%.

It is best to dilute the raw garlic juice.

Veterinary medicine:Chu Van Tien.

The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> 10 acne cure cold - Duration: 5:50.


Mi Opinión Sobre - Chasm - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Mi Opinión Sobre - Chasm - Duration: 4:45.


Abus: Une victime irlandaise exhorte le pape à se débarrasser des « pommes pourries» - Duration: 7:33.

 Marie Collins n'avait que 13 ans lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre en Irlande

Alors que le pape visite ce week-end son pays, cette septuagénaire le conjure de débarrasser l'Eglise catholique de « toutes les pommes pourries »

 « Pendant que (le pape) est en Irlande, où nous avons une telle histoire d'abus, et où tant de gens ont vu leur vie détruite, il est important que cette question soit abordée frontalement, et que nous entendions des paroles claires sur ce qu'il va faire », a-t-elle déclaré, en marge de la Rencontre mondiale des familles à Dublin que le souverain pontife doit clôturer ce week-end

14.500 personnes victimes d'abus sexuels par des prêtres en Irlande  Depuis 2002, plus de 14

500 personnes se sont déclarées victimes d'abus sexuels commis par des prêtres en Irlande, et selon Marie Collins, nombre de catholiques en Irlande « attendent que cette question soit traitée comme il se doit »

Dans le cas contraire, « il y aura davantage de personnes qui abandonneront tout espoir, et s'éloigneront (de l'Eglise) », a-t-elle mis en garde

 L'année dernière, Marie Collins avait démissionné de la commission anti-pédophilie chargée de conseiller le pape en raison de son inaction

Cette semaine, elle a accueilli favorablement une lettre du pape François condamnant les «atrocités» commises en Pennsylvanie sur plus de 1

000 enfants par des centaines de prêtres pendant des décennies, révélées récemment

 « La lettre du pape mentionne pour la première fois l'abus sexuel comme un crime, une atrocité, et fait référence aux pratiques de dissimulation », a-t-elle souligné

« Mais elle ne donne aucune indication concrète sur ce que le pape souhaite réellement faire pour que les responsables rendent des comptes », a-t-elle regretté

Cette « réticence à bien examiner les choses (…) trahit une peur (de voir) toute l'étendue du problème »

« Il y a cette idée erronée que si nous ne regardons pas (le problème), il disparaîtra », a-t-elle insisté

« J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait »  Marie Collins venait de fêter son 13e anniversaire lorsqu'elle a été violée par un prêtre, selon un récit qu'elle avait fait lors d'un symposium du Vatican sur les abus en 2012

Le prêtre - « un agresseur d'enfant chevronné », selon ses termes - avait commencé à lui rendre visite le soir à l'hôpital, à Dublin

 « Quand il s'est mis à pratiquer des attouchements, en prétendant au début que c'était par jeu, j'ai été choquée, et j'ai résisté en lui disant d'arrêter

Mais il ne s'est pas arrêté », avait-elle raconté. « Tout en m'agressant, il répondait à ma résistance en me disant qu'il était "prêtre" et qu'il ne "pouvait pas me faire de mal" »

 « Il a pris des photos des parties les plus intimes de mon corps et m'a dit que j'étais stupide si je pensais que c'était mal

Il avait du pouvoir sur moi. Je ne savais pas comment en parler à d'autres personnes

J'ai juste prié pour qu'il ne recommence pas, mais il l'a fait ». « Ces doigts qui abusaient de mon corps la veille étaient le lendemain matin à tenir et m'offrir l'hostie sacrée

Ces mains qui tenaient l'appareil photo pour photographier mon corps exposé, à la lumière du jour, tenaient un livre de prières quand il est venu entendre ma confession

 » De victime à militante  Souffrant de problèmes psychologiques causés par les agressions sexuelles, Marie Collins a suivi pendant des années un traitement médical

Ce n'est qu'à l'âge de 47 ans qu'elle s'était finalement décidée à en parler à un médecin, qui l'avait persuadé de prendre contact avec l'Eglise

 Elle avait alors rencontré le curé de sa paroisse mais celui-ci, a-t-elle affirmé, avait refusé de l'écouter, lui faisant porter le chapeau

« Il a dit qu'il ne voyait pas la nécessité de dénoncer (l'auteur des agressions)

Il m'a dit que c'était probablement ma faute. Cela m'a brisée », a-t-elle dit.  Son agresseur a finalement été traduit en justice, condamné et emprisonné, Marie Collins devenant elle une figure de proue de la lutte contre les abus sexuels en Irlande

Seul le pape peut mettre fin à la « résistance » du Vatican à régler le problème, croit-elle alors qu'aujourd'hui encore, « chaque jour, des enfants sont maltraités »

For more infomation >> Abus: Une victime irlandaise exhorte le pape à se débarrasser des « pommes pourries» - Duration: 7:33.


病入膏肓的快乐大本营,应该拿什么来拯救你? - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 病入膏肓的快乐大本营,应该拿什么来拯救你? - Duration: 0:58.


Serial killer - John Wayne Gacy - The Killer Clown - Duration: 45:52.

For more infomation >> Serial killer - John Wayne Gacy - The Killer Clown - Duration: 45:52.


沒有丈夫,卻意外生下孩子的5位女星,孩子生父至今還是個迷! - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 沒有丈夫,卻意外生下孩子的5位女星,孩子生父至今還是個迷! - Duration: 1:57.


DIY Eye Cream Homemade With Vitamins/ Crema De Ojos En Casa Con Vitaminas Tutorial - Duration: 2:46.

Hello my dearest, my name is Gabriela David and welcome to my channel!

Today I want to make a tutorial than how to make a home eye cream with vitamins

very cheap

Every can do it in his home

So let s start, fast fast..

I took a cream and I put in this little box

Two vitamins A & E

And Oil Castor

You can find in other box, I have this from my country

Let s start to mix them

So I have the E & A Vitamins

3 drops

And Oil Castor

A little bit more..

We have our homemade eye cream

That is very cheap

So my dearest I hope you enjoy my tutorial from today

The homemade eye cream with vitamins



To the next time!!!

For more infomation >> DIY Eye Cream Homemade With Vitamins/ Crema De Ojos En Casa Con Vitaminas Tutorial - Duration: 2:46.


Enfant-roi, mythe du Père Noël, bébés qui comprennent tout…Que reste-t-il de Françoise Dolto ? - Duration: 15:49.

 Quel héritage gardons-nous aujourd'hui de Françoise Dolto ? La pédiatre très populaire continue régulièrement de faire parler d'elle, même 30 ans après sa mort, le 25 août 1988

Que penser aujourd'hui de ses théories ? Pour y voir plus clair, franceinfo a soumis à deux spécialistes actuels des affirmations attribuées – à tort ou à raison – à la psychanalyste

 Didier Pleux est psychologue, il a notamment écrit La Déraison pure : Dolto entre Freud et Pétain (Autrement) et Génération Dolto (Odile Jacob)

 Daniel Olivier est psychanalyste, il a fondé et préside l'association Françoise Dolto, ici et maintenant

Françoise Dolto, c'est la fin de l'autorité parentale Didier Pleux : Je crois que oui

Elle ne le voulait pas, mais c'est la fin de l'autorité, dans le sens où pour elle, l'autorité, c'est une castration

Ce que je ne pense pas du tout : pour un tout petit, les règles du coucher, d'alimentation, de politesse etc, ce sont des bonnes règles

Ce ne sont pas, comme disait Dolto, des règles qui ne servent à rien. Daniel Olivier : Je ne crois pas du tout

Je pense qu'elle fait des adultes ce qu'elle appelait des adultes tutélaires, c'est-à-dire des gens qui vont aider à faire grandir un enfant et donc de fait, ils doivent faire autorité mais pas être autoritaires, c'est peut-être la nuance qu'il y a à apporter à cette phrase

Françoise Dolto, c'est "l'enfant roi" Didier Pleux : Pas exactement, elle n'a jamais dit que l'enfant devait être au centre de la famille

Mais par contre, ses hypothèses de travail en éducation sont permissives. Donc c'est vrai que si on suit Dolto à la lettre, l'enfant risque à un moment donné de prendre le pouvoir, de devenir tout puissant

Elle défendait le fait que l'enfant puisse transgresser, c'est un signe de sa personnalité, il peut être grossier, il peut agresser, il peut désobéir

C'est ce qu'elle voulait. Mais c'était le contexte des années 50, où l'enfant était plutôt malmené

 Daniel Olivier : Il faut vraiment ne pas avoir lu Dolto pour penser une seconde qu'elle puisse faire de l'enfant un enfant roi

L'enfant roi, c'est tout, tout de suite, tout le temps. Dolto, c'est tout l'inverse

Les choses se conquièrent et pour y accéder, il faut accepter de lâcher un certain nombre de choses

Pour Françoise Dolto, ce que dit un enfant est toujours vrai Didier Pleux : Non, absolument pas

Un enfant peut parfois inventer des histoires. Si on croit que chez l'enfant, il y a un sens profond derrière n'importe quel acte, le parent va marcher sur des œufs, il va se dire mon enfant exprime encore quelque chose

Non, des fois il ne dit rien du tout, si ce n'est je veux jouir de la vie et je n'ai pas envie d'avoir d'autorité qui me frustre, tout simplement

 Daniel Olivier : Cela dit toujours quelque chose de lui. Après, que ce qu'il dit soit toujours vrai, bien évidemment que non

Mais même si c'est une parole apparemment fausse, il faut garder à l'esprit qu'il nous dit quelque chose de sa véracité à lui

Il faut entendre ce qu'il dit, mais aussi peut-être entendre ce qu'il ne dit pas

Françoise Dolto est contre le Père Noël Didier Pleux : J'ai vu des tas de parents de ma génération qui disaient qu'il fallait très vite annuler cette histoire de Père Noël, parce qu'à ce titre-là, il fallait dire tout le temps la vérité aux enfants

C'est le fameux mythe des secrets de famille. Encore une fois, en psychanalyse, il ne faut pas mentir, l'enfant doit tout savoir

Si l'arrière-grand-père a été pétainiste, il faut le dire à l'enfant, sinon il va avoir des boutons partout

Moi je ne crois pas du tout à cette transmission-là d'inconscient à inconscient, d'esprit à esprit

Mais Dolto y croit beaucoup. Daniel Olivier : Absolument pas. Dire la vérité dans certaines circonstances, ça ne signifie pas tout dire

Un enfant doit savoir d'où il vient, mais il n'a pas à tout savoir de l'intimité de ses parents par exemple

Par ailleurs, que l'enfant soit construit dans des mythes, des croyances, comme le Père Noël, qu'il soit amené à en rêver, que ça construise son imaginaire, bien sûr qu'elle n'était pas contre

Le Père Noël est une invention merveilleuse.Pour Françoise Dolto, le bébé comprend tout ce que nous lui disons Didier Pleux : C'est ce qui séduit dans la pensée de Dolto

Quand on voit les pédiatres qui touchent un enfant et qui lui parlent pour lui dire que sa maman va revenir et que l'enfant se tourne, on se dit qu'il comprend

Mais non, il ne comprend pas. Il entend la voix, il entend une musique et l'enfant répond à ça

Mais de croire qu'un enfant a la même maturité cérébrale qu'un adulte et qu'il comprend tout ce qui se passe au niveau de la communication et du langage, là aussi c'est une sorte d'aberration

 Daniel Olivier : C'est un point tout à fait essentiel de l'œuvre de Dolto. Il faut nuancer le terme de "comprendre"

C'est-à-dire que le bébé va faire immanquablement quelque chose de tout ce qui lui est dit

Avec cette parole qui s'adresse à lui, il va identifier à quel point il est pris comme un sujet à part entière

Après, qu'il en comprenne le texte de façon précise, certainement pas.Françoise Dolto, c'est tout expliquer par la psychanalyse Didier Pleux : Derrière un comportement, il y a parfois un sens, effectivement

J'ai vu des tas d'adolescents qui travaillaient mal parce que leur frère avait fait Polytechnique et qu'ils se sentaient dévalorisés, donc il y avait bien un sens

Ce qui ne va pas, avec Dolto, c'est ce que j'appelle la psychanalisation de l'éducation

C'est-à-dire que tout est langage, tout a un sens. Quelques fois, un enfant s'habille d'une telle façon non pas parce qu'il exprime sa crise d'adolescence, mais parce qu'il préfère le rouge au bleu

C'est là que ça ne va pas. Daniel Olivier : Résumer Françoise Dolto à cet exemple serait une injure et un peu caricatural

Elle essayait de décoder le sens que peuvent avoir les choses, de décoder ce qui peut se jouer devant nous et qu'on ne comprend pas toujours

On peut penser qu'il y a toujours une explication, après, est-ce que c'est nécessaire de toujours la conquérir ou l'épingler, je n'en suis pas sûr du tout

Françoise Dolto, c'était bien dans les années 70, aujourd'hui c'est dépassé Didier Pleux : Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec ça

Moi j'aurais souhaité que mes parents lisent Dolto quand j'étais petit, mais c'est vrai que maintenant, c'est anachronique, c'est hors contexte

Les enfants, au milieu du 20e siècle, étaient souvent des enfants pas écoutés, voire malmenés, voire abusés

Mais maintenant, pour les enfants du début du 21e siècle, on a un contexte socio-économique avec beaucoup de consommation, beaucoup de plaisirs, un contexte psychologique avec beaucoup d'attachement, de respect de l'enfant

On a été un peu trop fort là-dedans. Les enfants de maintenant ont davantage besoin d'autorité, de contraintes, de frustration

 Daniel Olivier : Il y a un avant et un après Françoise Dolto. Dans les écoles, dans les maternités, dans les crèches, je pense que les adultes ne s'adressent plus aux enfants de la même façon depuis le travail de Françoise Dolto

Si on lit Dolto (comme La difficulté de vivre par exemple), vous verrez qu'elle est d'une extraordinaire actualité, notamment sur les affres et les limites que représente l'école aujourd'hui, dans sa façon de ne pas accueillir les sujets

Je pense que sa pensée est d'une actualité tout à fait effervescente.Françoise Dolto a été pétainiste Didier Pleux : Oui, bien sûr

Je me suis fait critiquer parce que j'ai abordé ça. Ce n'est pas moi qui ai découvert ça, c'est Annick Ohayon, une universitaire, qui a simplement regardé dans les archives

Selon elle, Dolto a été embauchée de 1941 à 1944, sous l'autorité d'Alexis Carrel, qui est un eugéniste

C'est une partie de sa vie qui est complètement censurée dans notre culture. Dolto a aussi été trotskiste en 1946 et très 68 en 1968

Je crois que c'est quelqu'un qui a une intelligence d'opportunité. Mais ça ne blesse pas toute la réputation qu'elle a, c'est une femme qui a fait beaucoup de choses sur la défense de l'enfant, mais il faut faire attention

 Daniel Olivier : Là on sent des paroles trimballées par des détracteurs. Je me suis toujours demandé s'ils avaient déjà lu Dolto ou s'ils étaient de mauvaise foi, je suis arrivé à la conclusion qu'ils devaient être un peu les deux

Ça ne fait pas partie de son histoire, cette remarque historique est complètement invalide

Elle ne nous intéresse pas du tout. S'intéresser au travail de Dolto, ce n'est pas du tout répondre à ce type de question, ni faire bouillir la marmite de conflits complètement insipides et inféconds

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For more infomation >> Enfant-roi, mythe du Père Noël, bébés qui comprennent tout…Que reste-t-il de Françoise Dolto ? - Duration: 15:49.


Quick & Easy Makeup Hacks | Beauty BFF | DIY Beauty Hacks At Home | MissMalini - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Quick & Easy Makeup Hacks | Beauty BFF | DIY Beauty Hacks At Home | MissMalini - Duration: 1:53.


8/24/18 5:21 PM (7800 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 13:25.

For more infomation >> 8/24/18 5:21 PM (7800 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 13:25.



For more infomation >> OST NHỮNG CHÀNG TRAI SÂN CỎ: TIẾN LÊN VIỆT NAM | ASIAD 2018 | U23 VN | NHỮNG BÀN THẮNG ĐẸP - Duration: 2:25.


夜市黑心攤販「小碗麵線一碗1000」韓國妹被當盤子氣炸!吳宗憲曝高價原因:是有可能 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 夜市黑心攤販「小碗麵線一碗1000」韓國妹被當盤子氣炸!吳宗憲曝高價原因:是有可能 - Duration: 5:33.


Trump says Mike Pompeo won't go to North Korea - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Trump says Mike Pompeo won't go to North Korea - Duration: 3:01.


Paul George reveals how Lakers reacted to missing out on him in free agency - Duration: 5:25.

Football News24/7  It didn't take Paul George long to come to a decision on his future this summer as he quickly agreed to re-sign with the Oklahoma City Thunder as soon as free agency began on July 1

 The franchise took a huge gamble by trading for the small forward last year knowing that he could depart and leave them with nothing after 12 months

 But general manager Sam Presti rolled the dice and it paid off as they did enough to convince PG13 to commit his long-term future to OKC

U-turn  When he chose to leave the Indiana Pacers in 2017, he informed them that his preferred destination was to return to his hometown of Los Angeles and sign with the Lakers

 It was widely believed that he had his heart set on a move back to California and L

A. tried to use this to their advantage.  The Lakers front office decided not to pursue a trade for George last summer as they were confident that they could land him as a free agent

 But this backfired horribly on them as the five-time All-Star didn't even take a meeting with the franchise

 In a recent appearance on Chris Pfaff's Short Story Long podcast, the 28-year-old revealed how the purple and gold were angry that they weren't given a chance to hold talks with him

 "L.A. was pissed at me," he said. "I didn't give Magic [Johnson] a [meeting], which I understand

 "But at that point, I knew I wanted to give it another shot. I didn't want to prolong it and waste people's time

"  The All-NBA forward was born in Los Angeles County and went to college at Fresno State

L.A, therefore, looked like an obvious destination but the Thunder made a huge impression on him

 He credited Presti for taking a risk and he also developed a close relationship with Russell Westbrook

 Ultimately, it was an easy decision for George to make and he told Pfaff he "just felt comfortable" during his one campaign with the team

 "Coming down to free agency, I didn't want to waste any time," he said. "I wanted to give it another shot

 "I gave them one year. We played well against the best teams. I wanted to give it a real shot

"  The veteran signed a four-year deal worth $137 million to remain in Oklahoma City and he'll hope to make a better attempt at competing for a championship next season

 The Lakers did still end up as the big winners in free agency, though, as they landed LeBron James, so their anger couldn't have lasted long having attracted the best player in the league

 CLICK HERE to listen to Episode Two of the new GiveMeSport NBA podcast, featuring New York Times senior writer Marc Stein

Subscribe for all future episodes.

For more infomation >> Paul George reveals how Lakers reacted to missing out on him in free agency - Duration: 5:25.


ヤングなでしこ、スペイン下しU20W杯初優勝! FIFA史上初の快挙達成 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> ヤングなでしこ、スペイン下しU20W杯初優勝! FIFA史上初の快挙達成 - Duration: 5:26.


HARDTAIL TOUR VLOG - 3 Länder Trail - Reschenpass | Roadtrip day6 - Duration: 11:10.

6th day... chilling today

well no lift accesed trails. trying to get up there and then back to the mutzkopf

first to the reschensee

hardtail time!

oh yeah

there we rode yesterday

this road is nice .. maybe one car every 10minutes

I don't understand... the lift is called "Schöneben" (nice&leveled) but it's pretty steep!

this uphill is chill

the traverse is quite long

nice here I can get used to the hardtail

back in austria .. I assume

shredding hardtails!


biking prohibited?

that "biking prohibited" sign on an official bike trail :D ...

haha saw that too

the route was different in the past

tree.. did I take a wrong turn??

yeah this way! - thought so...

now the trail starts

ok I better not brake that much... got a strange rebound setting...

swimming at your own risk..ok

these hiking /biking signs are completely the same by colour..

can't read that when coming up fast

bummer the sun was gone but the lake was pretty warm.. wouldn't guessed..

going to remember that place... hopefully next time it's even warmer

interesting trail!

good hardtail practice

I'm so smart.. want to give my hands a rest.. riding this trail full of roots on a hardtail....


glad it's dry

gnarly trail!


better taking the top line

I have to admit... AWESOME!

here we go again

afraid of snakebites

also beautiful

a hill moor lake... the black lake

nice place

now lets head back down

same as before

sick to ride through the moor

now I'm at the Kreuzmoos trail

can't remember how the trail was

forgot about that

that was way easier on the full suspension

big hit on the backwheel

that is way different on the hardtail

I'm a genius.. taking a day off to give the hands a rest.. now this trail on the hardtail... I am genius...

haven't noticed all the brake bumps yesterday

that's the ultimate challenge for this 20€ brake...

I should have taken the last uphill to the top...

started somewhere in the middle... could have had more downhill like the upper gerry trail or the green trail

going to link it top right... it's probably already online when this video is airing..

would have thought I get a flat with the single ply backwheel on that rocky trail

but I guess I was lucky

a last steep section... ouch that was probably a flat

nice and chilled day... saw some more of the area and trails

nice riding area

haven't ridden the haideralm over there in italy there seem to be more cool trails

not enough time yesterday and today..well..

didn't want to buy a single lift ride ..

cool place... if the weather would stay the same I could sleep ontop of the mountain the day after tomorrow

For more infomation >> HARDTAIL TOUR VLOG - 3 Länder Trail - Reschenpass | Roadtrip day6 - Duration: 11:10.



For more infomation >> RECEP TAYYİP ERDOĞAN'I ÇOK SEVİYORLAR (TACİKİSTAN) #16 - Duration: 9:04.


COWSEP VS. THE WORLD - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> COWSEP VS. THE WORLD - Duration: 10:44.



Hey guys! It's Jana! And today is a grocery haul.

Emma is home sick from school today she has a little bit of a fever

so I don't want her to spread her cooties

so she's just relaxing and hopefully getting better

and I have already taken Quinny to school and I went to the bank and got some cash

and I went and picked up my groceries because I shopped online last night

I love the click list so my budget is $200 and when I was going to check out

we were at like 266 so it was over budget obviously but we were getting

medicines and vitamins and juices and stuff for Emma so I was kind of

justifying it but then I was like you know what I want to stay in budget so I

changed some stuff I omitted some things I got a you know less of one

particular thing and I even changed brands to try to save so our grand

total was two hundred dollars and some change so I guess I did go over like a

little bit let's see

2 hundred dollars and 11 cents not bad so go ahead and hit

subscribe thumbs up check all the links below.

let's get everything out and I can show you what I got

so we got a bunch of fruit this time and there was one sales happening so I took

advantage of that so we got peaches red plums black plumbs I got an onion I making

meatloaf tonight and we got apples I got broccoli because I am making that

Tater Tot Casserole that I showed you guys I will link that down below but I

I'm using fresh broccoli this time because it's a little soggy with the frozen so

we're gonna do that I got pineapple green onions because we just

put them on anything and everything got bananas and some potatoes because you know

you always need potatoes are easy we got green beans to go with the meatloaf

I grabbed some macaroni and cheese for the kids I usually get the Kraft but I was

budgeting so we're gonna try an Annies it was on sale for a dollar and I had a

coupon so I think they ended up being like 50 cents so who cares right

we got blueberries and strawberries and look cutest thing ever I got free candy

look it says look how sweet your personal shopper was today hope you had

a highly satisfied checklist experience and I got free candy

oh it's almond too even better oh Emma is already snatching it we got some tea

here Quinny is loving on the tea and I like it too so we share that I've got black

beans for I guess Mexican food night you know make tacos or whatever make it easy

cream of celery for that broccoli and tator tot bake I got green chilies that I

like to put in my meatloaf YUM the kids wanted some frosted flakes so

frosted flakes we got just pineapple juice I got two of those they don't last

very long but since there's little cooties happening right now this is

actually really really good for coughs and stuff it clears out all that yuckiness

at least that's what the internet told me we all know how that goes

and then I get the kids the emergency gummies it has all the immune support

with the vitamin C and stuff and they actually taste good so the kids actually

like that needed some more pledge of course run out of that I usually always

get 3 18 cartons of eggs so I boil one and we go through them very quickly

because husband and I always have eggs for breakfast or like an egg

burrito or whatever so we go through pretty fast so I'm gonna boil some of

those up today look at all this tape supplies of course our own super duper

sale so these were a buck we go through tape like crazy and on with all of her

crafts and I can never find any tape for my self so there's that got some toilet

paper haven't used Cottonelle before but like I said savings moolah so I changed

that up and we'll see how this is it was on sale so that's cool had some claritin

for the kids just to clear up their nose issue fried onions for my tater tator bake

and Cruiser got addicted to wet food of course so we mix this with a little bit

of dry food ever since he was a little sick he wasn't eating so I got him this

stuff and now he won't stop but he's feeling better but he still has to have

his good food

got some large trash bags for the garage gotta have some hot dogs so those are

easy dinners the ham sandwiches Quinny loves the ham sandwiches we got bacon

because Emma requested breakfast for dinner that's like the best so we're

gonna make some bacon obviously and we're gonna make some oh there she is

coughing then we're gonna make some Belgian waffles so that will be good

got a couple of bags of salad I love love love love this salad

they're like nice small pieces it's kind of even close to like a like a coleslaw

but it's so easy to eat it's so super yummy so we love the sunflower crunch

and I got the Caesar which will do to some Italian this week also

Got some sandwich cheese cheddar and Swiss I got some mozzarella for some meatball

grinders Quinny has requested he loves meatball grinders so I just make my own

meatballs and throw some sauce on there with some mozzarella so we're just gonna

do that later on in the week I'll have to run to the store and just get some

nice fresh buns from the bakery and then just some cheddar okay cheddar is better

I don't know you always get cheddar we got three gallons of milk I always get

three gallons me and Emmy Lou Who get through so much milk it's crazy we drink

milk for like almost every meal right Emma oh my baby

we got some English muffins me and Emma really like those hot dog buns to go

with the hot dogs of course some sandwich bread we got pasta we got

spaghetti and penne red sauce and white sauce because Quinny likes red Emma likes

white mom and dad like anything because we like food

Quinny really likes these saltines which is awesome and the pretzels got a couple cheese it's

the regular whole grain and the snack mix which Emma and I just love already a

couple weeks into school already running out of peanut butter and jelly so I grab

some of that tater tots for the casserole french fries to go with the

meatball rinder's and just some breakfast stuff we like the french toast

and the waffles

alright guys that was everything I got at the grocery store done and put

away so I just pretty much have to boil some eggs and wash the fruit and we'll

be good to go

so hopefully miss Emma start feeling a

little better today and so I think I'll just relax for the rest of day and snuggle

hopefully I don't get it

thank you so much for watching

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> ONLINE GROCERY HAUL // SHOP WITH ME CLICK LIST // STAY AT HOME MOM - Duration: 11:31.


Chelsea news: Maurizio Sarri demands Ruben Loftus-Cheek proves his worth - Duration: 4:26.

 Loftus-Cheek was left out of Sarri's squad altogether for last weekend's win over Arsenal, and was only on the bench for the opening-day victory at Huddersfield

 The 22-year-old had a good World Cup with England, starting three games as Gareth Southgate's team reached the semi-finals

But he could find himself out of contention when the England coach names his squad for the games against Spain and Switzerland next week because he has not played since

 Loftus-Cheek even returned early from his holidays after the World Cup to try to prove himself to new manager Sarri, but has so far found himself squeezed out

 Clubs in Germany, France and Spain are all watching his situation but Sarri, as he prepared his team to face Newcastle at St James' park on Sunday, insisted the midfielder would be staying until at least January

 And he laid it on the line for Loftus-Cheek as he said: "I am not able to promise anything to anybody

It's up to him. "I usually look at training and then I decide on the team. So it's up to him only

 "I can understand his frustration. But I have to decide. "The problem in England is the bench

In Italy, the list for the match is 23 players. Here it is only 18. So every match I have to decide who is on the bench

Sometimes I want to have two wingers. Other times, I want to have two midfielders

 "Last week Ruben was not in the squad because it was a decision about the positions

I chose to put two wingers on the bench and only one midfielder. "I have spoken with Ruben twice this week, after I spoke with the club

I think he will remain with us. We can speak again about his situation, but only in December

 "For me, it's very easy. I have to look at the training and then I decide. It's not so easy for the players in this period because we play only once a week

 "I told the players that, this month, they have to be patient. In the future, starting from September, three times we will play three games in a week, so there will be space for everybody

" Loftus-Cheek spent last season on loan at Crystal Palace, where he first caught Southgate's attention

 England defender Gary Cahill, yet to play a minute under Sarri and a target now for Turkish club Galatasaray, is in the same position

 Sarri said: "For a defender it's more difficult to play in my team after only 20 days of training

It's easier for an offensive player. At the moment, he needs to have a lot more defensive training with us

 "I told him that needs to be patient, but that he is very important for us." Last night, Sarri's former employer at Napoli, club president Aurelio Di Laurentiis, once again took a swipe at his ex-manager, saying: "We gave Sarri everything and in three years we didn't win anything

" Sarri grinned: "He is talking about me because he is missing me. Do I miss him? No

 "I am not disappointed that he says things like this. He is used to doing it."

For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Maurizio Sarri demands Ruben Loftus-Cheek proves his worth - Duration: 4:26.


沒什麼心機,容易被算計的四大星座女 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 沒什麼心機,容易被算計的四大星座女 - Duration: 5:28.



Hey everyone! excuse for my brows I'm just experimenting my own full bushy brows!

So we gonna put the primer to the areas where we tend to get oily

Then mixing this foundations

and applying it in a dabbing motion

This is my favorite drugstore concealer it's from maybelline

Then I'm gonna bake because your girl likes baking

Then don't forget to put powder on our face on the area where we used to get oily

so i primed my eyes using concealer and then setting it with a translucent powder

In case you're wondering here's the powder side and here's for the concealer side

So this is important because this will gonna give you a life or a dimension if you get what i mean

For the nose contour I'm using the hoola light

Then blending it so that it won't leave you a very harsh line

For the shadow i bring the transition shade higher up since i have hooded eyes

And of course we need to wipe away the powder that we baked

Finishing my makeup with a finishing spray and a lip balm before lipstick

so I'm just gonna add some lashes curl&mascara and i'll be back

For more infomation >> EASY PINK SMOKEY EYE MAKEUP TUTORIAL | NIKKI - Duration: 6:11.


Trump says Mike Pompeo won't go to North Korea - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Trump says Mike Pompeo won't go to North Korea - Duration: 3:01.


The Chainsmokers ft. NGHTMRE - Save Yourself [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.

The Chainsmokers ft. NGHTMRE - Save Yourself [Lyrics]

For more infomation >> The Chainsmokers ft. NGHTMRE - Save Yourself [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.


장윤정과 한나라당. - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> 장윤정과 한나라당. - Duration: 11:39.


Toy Cars Small and Beautiful Review in Dump Truck - Duration: 6:13.



For more infomation >> Toy Cars Small and Beautiful Review in Dump Truck - Duration: 6:13.


Starbucks Caffe Verona Coffee Review - Duration: 5:59.

hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews

today's coffee is neither a Capulet or Montague so today we are reviewing

Starbucks caffe Verona I think it's caf-f-fe yeah it does have 2 Fs

yes Verona and it's a dark roast it's supposed to be roasty sweet and dark

cocoa right yeah so Starbucks for us is kind of hit or miss yeah really morning

Joe is the only one that we were like good stuff yeah we like this coffee but yeah overall it's

just you know not not my favorite I mean and a lot of people have said that in

the comment section like yeah Starbucks was kind of like bitter or just not that

good which is interesting because I do like an occasional Starbucks like to go

pick one up yeah but we get them differently if you go to Starbucks it

you know you're not getting a black coffee or whatever that is true I'll take a breve latte

please it is - yes espresso and so it is

different but anyway you do get rewards which we never redeem which we

should but 50 cents off a bag of coffee that you don't really enjoy so

you know so anyway how much did we pay for this 6 49 at Walmart right physical

Walmart not I think you can get it at for $6.99 same

size bags so certainly cheaper than what we pay normally at Publix

I really didn't realize how much we were paying for coffee at Publix until we

started going at Walmart when we started RVing it's like we're constantly at

Walmart so then you grab coffee while you're there yeah and it's much cheaper

that way so let's give it a swiggety swiggety so Verona is Italian and we're also at

Venice Beach in Florida not in Italy unfortunately but still Venice Beach

Florida is beautiful beautiful

it's ten minutes to 7:00 in the morning that's why it's so deserted calm yeah and

beautiful okay so so this coffee to me at like the first time we drank it was

bitter like like ridiculously bitter tasting for whatever reason but what I

have noticed with other Starbucks too- is it seems like the first thing we drink

of it is like powerful tasting but then if you let it mellow for a few days it

kind of loses some of that bitterness right or whatever it kind of has to air

out maybe I don't know but it seems to make it taste a bit better

that's what I think certainly drinking this now compared to was it two or three days ago

a drink our first bit of it yeah then I was like I don't want to drink this I really didn't even want to drink the

whole cup I mean it was that kind of like oh yeah

this is not now it's better so I mean so I would say you know if you're gonna try this one kind

of give it a few days to air out if you don't like it at first yeah but you

could open your bag up and spread all the coffee grounds out on the countertop

I'm just kidding don't do that but just we opened the bag and of course we had

two or three cups each out of there prior to the review right now and this

is the best that it has tasted yeah I think but still there is a bitterness

there that I don't really enjoy I'm not getting any of the sweet I'm not getting

roasty sweet and dark cocoa roasty I mean maybe well maybe roasty but yeah

roasted almost too much like because it's almost like almost like burnt

tasting over roasted I don't know that's not the term but yeah I don't know I was

I was thinking I kind of tasted some nuttiness but maybe just a tiny little bit

I think it's more cocoa-y I kind of gotta get the cocoa but I don't really

get the the sweetness they're talking about mm-hmm so overall that's like

okay yeah I would say it's like a doughnut rating well

after you let it go for like when we first drank it I might have been down at

like a two and a half yeah but now it may have come up a full doughnut I

don't know maybe maybe yeah I was gonna say three and a half with this one I

yeah but yeah yeah yeah yeah because that's not so bad

650 a bag yeah but if you're spending $10 a bag or whatever you have to pay

for your starbucks coffee you know if you're paying a premium for it then I would say

yeah I would say yeah yeah three and a half I would have been a lot lower the

first day I would have been a two and a half yeah this might be a coffee that if

you have a friend who says that they have to drink Starbucks because it's you

know like on that movie return to me when the lady in the restaurant said I

have to have this kind of water and this and this this and then Minnie Driver

goes and fills it up with tap water and then she's like oh this is so amazing

if you have to if you have a friend like that who has to have Starbucks coffee

this could be one right yeah just open it up a couple of days before hand if you can't find morning Joe if you can find

morning joe then just drink that one good yeah Cafe Verona does sound more sophisticated it really does but

anyway if you've had this cafe Verona please let us know what you thought

about it in the comments below our faces on the screen or on your phone or

wherever and any other Starbucks this one was recommended to us

unfortunately I can't remember who it was on YouTube that said to try it but I

will find that and pop it up on the screen yes and thank them for that because

after all it was a three and a half that's what we said right so let us know

what you thought about it or if you plan on getting it and thanks for joining us

here at Venice Beach and until next time keep grindin

For more infomation >> Starbucks Caffe Verona Coffee Review - Duration: 5:59.


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcome NEW MEMBER to Royal household - Duration: 4:11.

 The Duchess of Sussex is a well-known animal lover and had two dogs, Bogart and Guy, before she moved to the UK ahead of her Royal Wedding in May

 However, only one of her four-legged friends was able to join her in London, with Bogart moving in with a close friend in Canada

 However, now, it is thought to Royal couple have decided to take in another dog to keep Guy company

 A Royal source told the Mail: "The dog is already happily ensconced at their cottage

 "Like the Sussexes, the dog will divide its time between the palace and their country home in the Cotswolds

" It is currently unknown what name has been given to the purebred. It is also unknown if the dog was adopted from a recuse sanctuary

 The Duchess has a president of taking in rescue dogs, having saved both of her two previous pets from rescue centres

 Speaking of her love for her first two dogs, a source told The Sun: "She is very close to those two dogs

 "She lets them sleep on her bed and they eat only the highest quality organic food

 "She bought them Union flag dog jumpers to keep them warm when they were puppies

" It was reported that Bogart was considered too old to adapt to the big move from Toronto to London, and that is would be kinder to let him continue to live in Canada

 Columnist for The Sunday Express, Adam Helliker, revealed shortly after Meghan and Harry's engagement the Prince was set to give his bride a new dog as a wedding gift

 He wrote at the time: "Harry intends to find her a second canine companion, not least because he's always wanted one himself

" Explaining his love for dogs, Prince Harry's biographer, Penny Junor, said: "He loves them, but I suspect the reason he doesn't have one is because his life, until now, has been too peripatetic

 "I don't know why he didn't have one when he was a child, maybe because there were too many in the house already

 "His father had Jack Russells and William had a Labrador, which he gave to the Van Cutsems when he went to university

 "It was only when William and Kate settled in Anglesey that they got their cocker spaniel Lupo

Harry has been waiting until his circumstances made it practical to have one."

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcome NEW MEMBER to Royal household - Duration: 4:11.


Guest Vlog Jan-Bart Driving an Electric Car in Ireland "its a Zoe" 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 11:07.

welcome to this week's guest vlog this week's guest vlog is brought to you by

Jan, Jan lives in Ireland and he wants to show you what the infrastructure is

like that compared to England if you've got an idea for a guest vlog please

submit it below give me give me an email let me know what you want to do and

we'll put guest vlog together here's Jan.

morning everyone my name is Jan-Bart

I've been doing Renault Zoe videos for the last three and a half years or so

and thanks to Nicolas for actually allowing me to do a guest vlog on his

channel thank you very much and so basically what I'm gonna show you today

is how I use my Renault Zoe in my day to day as well as show you a bit about the

charging infrastructure in Ireland where I live so there we are 65% charged I'm

just about to drive off and to go and get my hair cut and I have a home

charger unlike EL who was on a previous video but I decided not to use it

because I knew I was gonna be filming this I'm gonna show you guys the one and

only charge point that I have here in a mallow in North County Cork that that

still works we used to have two one kinda got flooded in 2015 and it hasn't

really been replaced with anything which is annoying in Ireland we only have one

charge point provider at least for public charge points and they are

currently semi state-owned which is not something that should continue and it's

something that we're actively trying to change I'm part of the Irish EV owners

association and we're trying trying to push electric car ownership in Ireland

that is a slow tedious process so I will show you guys the one charge when we

have left so here we are this is Mallow train station

and this is a 22 kilowatts they're known as standard chargers over here or shorts

they're called SCPs standard charge points so this is the standard

installation that you'll find through most of Ireland they are 22 kilowatts

twin units and they can provide 22 kilowatts out of both sockets which is

great when you're driving a Renault Zoe not so great when you've got a leaf but

you know a charge point is a charge point one of our biggest problems is

that there's only about twelve hundred in the country not a lot and

geographically they're not exactly spread out to the best with regards to

Rapids as in their own as fast charge points here in Ireland 50kw

or over and there is only about a hundred of them in the country

you can all find them online at the website for ESP cars and all you need

to access them is one of these which is a ESP charge point access card in order

to get them if you ever want to take a holiday to Ireland you email and you request a card and they'll probably ask you for a few

bits of info and they will post you out a card all the charge points which is

probably the biggest reason to come to Ireland all the ESB charge points at the

moment are free as in free to use so one advantage of having an electric car

using the public charge points that they're not always conveniently

located so you have to do a bit of walking which helps with your general

fitness except when it's raining in when it's raining it's a pain in "you know"

so as a fully-charged car took a little longer than expected

as in my business in town took a little longer than expected so the car has been

sitting in your charge for the last twenty five minutes time to unplug and

continue my trip to my in-laws and I will show you some of the countryside as

well as the charger that I use to charge up about half ways

so there is my charge point and I sadly can't make use of it because there's two

normal cars parked right in front of it sadly is a problem that we have here on

a regular basis it's not like there's not enough parking in this particular

forecourt but somebody always seems to be finding this a convenient place to

park so my dear wife has gone down to the bathroom in the actual petrol

station so I think I'll just wait for about four or five minutes and see if

the owners turn up let's see if I can get a charge now two minutes later we are

charging there's an entire family with ice creams that came out and moved one

of the cars so that wasn't too bad but like I said it's a regular

reoccurring problem in a lot of the rapid chargers that we have here in this

country because they're generally in petrol forcourts or in things like

shopping centres very seldom properly marked and even if they're properly

marked you end up with say other cars queuing there is not a single location

where there is more than one rapid charger in one spot not a single one

except for Tesla superchargers anyway I am charging and I will probably need

about five or ten minutes probably more like ten cuz I'm gonna go in for a cup

of coffee and we will continue our journey to north Kerry now 86% that's

enough to get going to disconnect this guy still there

though now let's see how long we've been here 15 minutes that's all we need

so after doing our rounds with the in-laws we are now in the square in the stove

as you can see another charger actually fairly conveniently located essentially

one pace spent once let's try this again one space painted and so it's usually

free I have been known to park on the actual service sidewalk when it was iced

and we're gonna go for a cup of coffee my dear wife is already walking over so

I'll catch up and we're probably going to be about 10 minutes but no doubt the

car will be at 50/60 percent by the time we're back and we're going to make our

way back to Newcastle West where the fast charger was see you guys there

how we are just turn that down we are back at my house and we've done 228

kilometers average of 14 which is quite good considering that the air

conditioning was usually on 22 degrees automatic so that was quite good but it

was a very low speed run was only 56 point 8 km/h and we ended up spending

about 14 minutes in Newcastle list again so that was 14 minutes going up 14

minutes going down and about a ten-minute stop for a fairly bad

coffee in the stall which is usually how we do things minus the coffee and I don't

think I'll never ever ever go back there again and anyway um it is now what time

if we got it is 25 minutes past 7:00 it's time to pick up some takeaway okay

takeaway collected oh it's a long day to eat 8 o'clock and

we get to actually have dinner um that kind of concludes my day of just driving

to my in-laws and I think you think I will actually show you guys my home

charge point before calling it today so I will talk to you guys when I'm back

home and after I've had some food so here we are we're back home and this is

my home charger it is a eo mini 32 amp single-phase

charger and if you want some more info on that there's actually a video on my

channel where I explain more about it and but this is pretty much it so my zoe

is now charging it'll be charged well well before I go to bed and I don't tend

to charge this early in the evening mostly because I have no economy 7 it

doesn't really matter and what time I charge because it won't save me money

and so that's basically it and this was my guest vlog I guess and if you liked

it don't forget to subscribe to my channel and Nicolas's channel and I'm

sure he has some form of recommended videos over here and thanks very much

and thanks again for Nicolas and we will see you guys online

For more infomation >> Guest Vlog Jan-Bart Driving an Electric Car in Ireland "its a Zoe" 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 11:07.


T7 - How to perform Paul's crazy DMG Combos! - Duration: 1:33.

Two important tips for Paul's crazy dmg combo

First of all, you have to use qcf2 before the opponent fall down

that's the most important point for this combo

Let's see the combo first

As you can see, I used qcf2 at certain height

one more important thing is to input ff4 fastly but not too fast

This is failure case

if qcf2 hitted at low height

ff4 won't reach at all, even if you input fastly


same as the qcb4 counter hit combo

but you don't need to side step after the counter hit

This is failure case

qcf2 hitted perfectly

however, if you input ff4 too slow

It won't connect to a combo

also the failure case

if you input ff4 too fast

ws3,2 won't connect

So I've told you two important things

First, use qcf2 when your opponent is at a certain height

The second is the input speed of ff4. You should use it not to be too fast or too slow

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> T7 - How to perform Paul's crazy DMG Combos! - Duration: 1:33.


Fate/Grand Order Servant Summer Festival 2018 Chapter 17 18 English softsub - Duration: 21:05.

The Wonderful Märchen of the Wonderful Saint

Jeanne Alter:…….Let's take a short break here, Yuuki.

Jeanne Alter:What….Anything wrong with my face?

Jeanne Alter:…….My head's getting jumbled, that's why. I need a change of pace so join me to the beach, will you?

Yuuki:It's a light nest.

Jeanne Alter:It is like a tooth floating complaint.I wonder if you can not reply directly

Jeanne Alter:………..What's with that [She's gonna roast me whatever I say anyway] kind of face you are making?

Jeanne Alter:But yes, you are absolutely correct!

Yuuki:She actually admits it!?

Jeanne Alter:…..Well, our real problem basically lies in what's coming next.

Jeanne Alter:We'll fall into a slump if we just simply follow the storyboard.

Jeanne Alter:Even so…. We can't just cut off the length to add plot twists to compensate it

Yuuki:Can't we shorten the first half?

Jeanne Alter:I-It's the most vital part to explain the whole background of the story!

Jeanne Alter:…...N-now that I look at it again, it's mostly embarrassing stuff without anything important…….

Jeanne Alter:Guess we don't really need the whole creator of earth or God and stuff……

Jeanne Alter:But do you think it's going to be fine? I mean, don't you think we are in a slump on this? You sure we should be going ahead?

Yuuki:Pretty sure it's fine.

Jeanne Alter:…… If you say so.

Jeanne Alter:It sure is quiet……

Jeanne Alter:Did…..did I just hear a Dolphin's cry?


Jeanne Alter:It's not something we can see often. Let's go search for it!

Jeanne Alter:Should be around here…….

Jeanne:Oh, taking a night stroll, both of you? *Chuckle* That's so romantic!

Jeanne Alter: I'm going to fucking kill you.

Yuuki:Dōdō dō!

Jeanne:It's fine, Master.

Jeanne:I understand how she acts, knowing her. I'm her elder sister after all.

Jeanne Alter:Just who the hell is the elder sister here?

Jeanne Alter:………..And what the hell's with the dolphin? I mean, the one behind you.

Jeanne:You mean him? *Chuckle* Don't you think he's adorable?

Jeanne:It's actually----------

Anastasia:Thank you very much, O great Saint!

Anastasia:I did it! I took a picture with Jeanne D'arc!

Jeanne:Oh no no. The pleasure's mine.

Jeanne:Hm? That sound….?

Jeanne:Good morning, Mr. Dolphin. How are you?

Jeanne:That wound…….!

Jeanne:I understand…….

Jeanne:I shall make you my familiar in the name of the Lord.

Jeanne:Well then. Come with me-------


Jeanne Alter:Did you just recruit a familiar in such a fluffy atmosphere!?

Jeanne Alter:And what the hell is with that sly glasses!? You sure you aren't a princess from the planet of sly or something!?


Yuuki:So adorable

Jeanne:I actually still have another form.

Jeanne:I am not sure if the time to show you that form will ever come……..

Jeanne:But I will be taking on these coconut crabs with my familiar, Reese.

Jeanne:And our supper tonight is----- Coconut Crab Rice! Let's dig in!

Jeanne Alter:…….I don't think that will taste nice at all…….


Jeanne Alter:…...By the way, O Lord Saint. How's the progress of your book?

Jeanne:Awww, you are worried about me? That's so sweet~ Your old sister me is so happy to hear that.

Jeanne Alter:Who the hell is your sister!? We aren't even blood-related!

Yuuki:Pretty sure it makes less sense if you aren't blood-related.

Jeanne Alter:Yes, I get it! Fine! I'm just ranting here ok!?

Jeanne:I'm fine here~ *Chuckle* It's going to be finished soon.

Jeanne:Thanks to Reese, I've got plenty of materials on dolphins. A story about the summer, the sea, and dolphins------

Jeanne:I am confident that this would be a great piece of work!

Jeanne Alter:Hmph. So you're not writing that story this time, huh?

Jeanne Alter:The story about the witch and princess and the monster, that one. And here I was looking forward to a sequel for that.

Jeanne Alter:Well, who cares. See ya, Lord Saint.

Jeanne Alter:Let's go, Master.

Jeanne Alter:We are going to catch up while this woman's still taking her sweet time at the beach!

Jeanne:Hmmm….. This is getting interesting!

The Day of a Certain King of May

-----------A manager's day starts very early.

Robin Hood:Phew, getting busy lately. Would have been dead if I wasn't a Servant.

At 5 a.m., he will start knocking Jeanne D'arc Alter's door.

Robin Hood:Here's some snacks for ya

Jeanne Alter:Just leave it there. Oh, and it's time for you to wake Master up.

Robin Hood:Would've been easier if you just called him up, ya know?

Jeanne Alter:W-well, it's true…. But, you know……..

Robin Hood:Yeah yeah.

Robin Hood:You are feeling guilty for making him help you making this manga during his vacation right?

Jeanne Alter:Shutup!

Robin Hood:Well, can't be helped then. I'll go wake him up for you then.

Robin Hood:Hey~ Master. It's morning~ Time to wake up, bro~

After waking Master up and cleaning the room, he proceeded to investigate other circles.

Robin Hood:Well then……..

Osakabehime:Ora Ora Ora----------!

Osakabehime:FUFUFUHAHAHAHA I have ran out of that so-called Doujin Booster!

Osakabehime:So exactly why did I still keep adding more pages at this point!? I shouldn't have done that out of whim!

Osakabehime:Please die, just die already! I will repent my sin with my life!

Kiyohime:Yes yes, repent repent. Ok, this part is done.

Osakabehime:Thank you----! Plus today, there's still 3 more days left!

Osakabehime:Let all the vacation die and let all the resorts crash and burn….. Guess that's not a good thing to say. Oh, I know.

Osakabehime:May the anomaly perish!

Kiyohime:But you sure have a unique taste to work on your manuscript while listening to the sounds of waves.

Osakabehime:You think I only did that for my taste!?

Robin Hood:(Okok, not progressing well, I see.)

Jeanne:Next one!



Sanson:Now that our diligent D'eon is not here, it really makes my job harder to look after your health, both of you.


Jeanne:Next, this one!

Marie:Leave it to me~!


Marie:What are you talking about, Sanson!?

Marie:You have a very important task to [Read our manga]!

Jeanne:She's right, Mr. Sanson. It's going to be done soon.

Marie:I wish to hear your honest opinion on it.

Marie:If there's anything bothering you, do not ever hesitate to voice it out!

Sanson:…...Can't be helped then.

Sanson:I can't really say much about art, but I am pretty confident when it comes to human anatomy.

Jeanne:Uugh, that's an embarrassing thing to hear now that I think back of it.

Jeanne:I'll die of embarrassment if you ever tell me the characters I draw have very distant eye-spacing.

Robin Hood:(Hmmmm. So these ones' working pretty well, huh…….)

As he's running around checking on various circles, an unexpected sound fell from the sky.

BB Channel

Robin Hood:I have a bad feeling about this!

BB Channel

Robin Hood:Exit! The exit! Of course there isn't any, this is the hotel hallway! What was I thinking!? Wait, the window------ Shit, it's the 20th floor!!!

BB Channel

BB:Yes~ To every users around, Good morning-chan☆

BB:It's BB Channel's Special Tour Short Cut Low Quality Version here~!

BB:And so, good morning, Mr. Robin.

BB:I know it's sudden, but I'd like to try some of the rumoured pancakes from Luluhawa's famous shop there!

BB:And I want it A.S.A.P. I will be waiting then☆

BB:And of course, that includes your report on Senpai and Miss Alter's progress.

BB:Do your job properly, ok?

BB:If not, an unpicturable punishment awaits you!

Robin Hood:Is there any punishment worse than turning into a pig!?

Robin Hood:…...Sigh, just exactly when have I ever get stuck with that kind of devil?

Robin Hood:I'll curse you, some me from another parallel universe…. If you were at it, why didn't you dispose of her when you had the chance, for real man………

-------It's the noon. Even managers are given a break.

Robin Hood:Well, anyway. Hey, that porridge house over there.

Kykeon Caster:I am not a porridge house! This is a kykeon house! A Kykeon house, ok!?

Kykeon Caster:So, what is up?

Robin Hood:One please.

Kykeon Caster:Which one?

Robin Hood:Which? Isn't this a porridge house?

Kykeon Caster:You are a helpless idiot, aren't you?

Kykeon Caster:There's still a lot of variation among the kykeons you see.

Kykeon Caster:And that is why I'm opening a kykeon house. You had better not look down on kykeon I tell you!

Robin Hood:Ah….. I see. So this must be a pro's insistence huh. (She's just the same as Medea it seems)

Robin Hood:Well I'll just take your recommendation then.

Kykeon Caster:Hehe. Then I'll present you with the kykeon inspired from a certain Buster Cafe!

Kykeon Caster:Kykeon Frappechino Garlic Soda Special, Kykeon Classic Extra Soy Meat Caramel

Kykeon Caster:Kykeon!

Kykeon Caster:HOW WAS THAT!? (Smug)

Robin Hood:HOW CAN I GIVE ANY COMMENTS ON THAT!? And more importantly, that name's long as hell and I also heard something that is never supposed to be in what you make!

Kykeon Caster:What a rude one! You want me to turn you into a pig!?

Robin:…..Oh wait, so that's your NP huh. That whole turn people into a pig thing.

Kykeon:Eh….Y-you are interested in pigs?

Kykeon:I see….. Well, humans differ to each other I guess…….

Robin Hood:That is a very severe misunderstanding, but I don't really have time for that.

Robin Hood:Hey hey, fairy-looking beauty. I'd like to discuss something with you if you don't mind…….

Jekyll:Welcome back, Mr. Robin Hood.

Robin Hood:Nah, you can stop with that, Jekyll. I'm never used to that whole Mr. thingy anyway.

Jekyll:Is that so? But it's not like you get to be a hotel guest everyday so why not enjoy it while you still can?

Robin Hood:Nah I'm fine. I'm having fun the way it is now.

Robin Hood:But well, I may have a few complaints with my job, but anyways, Luluhawa's morning is as good as ever. That goes without question.

Robin Hood:My chest gets stimulated by just walking outside. It's a pretty extreme experience for someone who lives in a forest.

Mordred:Oh, so that fake Tristan is back.

Robin Hood:…...Though I don't mind if you cast off the honorifics, but I do question if you have ever given me the minimum respect as a human that I deserve, Mr. Porter.

Mordred:Even if you say that. But you play with birds from time to time right?

Robin Hood:Like I said, I never played with that fat bird, it just follows me, ok!?

Mordred:Japanese spells bird as 'tori' right? So Bird-stan, Toristan.

Mordred:Perfect, ain't it?

Robin Hood:Speaking of birds, I saw some nice Aloha around the shops there.

Robin Hood:But, nah. Anyway, I didn't bring any luggage with me today so don't expect any tips, ok?

Mordred:Nah, screw the luggage just gimme the tip already.


Robin Hood:Come on Jekyll, what's wrong with your staff?

Jekyll:…….But I can't say I don't understand how Mordred feels though.

Mordred:Everyone here and there! Can carry! Their own! Luggages! Ok!

Mordred:Why? Cause we are all Servants that's why!

Mordred:And some army of man once tried to show off by helping Marie carrying her stuff and all.

Mordred:But well, I just Clarent all of their asses.

Mordred:And since I'm free and tipless, I couldn't get my hands on some of the kykeon and egg's benedict at all.

Mordred:I wanna I wanna~!

Jekyll:SIgh….. So she's at her limit already. Here's some allowance.

Mordred:Yay, time to have some fun then, yahoo!

Jekyll:Just when I wanted to tell her it's okay to hang out outside during break time though…..

Robin Hood:You seem to be in a tough time yourself, too huh.

Robin Hood:Ok.

Jeanne Alter:Just exactly where have you been!? Material! We need more material!

Jeanne Alter:We need more fight scenes! Go take Yuuki with you!

Jeanne Alter:Anyone will do, just pick a fight with someone!

Jeanne Alter:I'll be working on something else for now so Hurry hurry hurry!

Yuuki:Q is also a warfare

Robin Hood:Only for a Q bit though.

Mash:Q alright…….

Robin Hood:No choice then…

Robin Hood:Well, guess we can easily find a single or 2 Battle Manias around Waikiki Street if we just asked.

Mash:So how do you intend to engage them?

Robin Hood:Well, with our guts I guess?

Robin Hood:And since we are in a tropical island perhaps it's the best choice if we keep it simple.


Scathach:I'll kill you so let's make this quick then.

Hijikata:I don't get what's happening but you just need your head off right? Good, it's my specialty.

Yagyuu Munenori:Well then. We will see how far my skills could shred your life away…….

Beowulf:Never thought Robin would be the one to start this kind of event.

Beowulf:But well, it's a good opportunity. Show us what you have, Satsuki King.

Jing Ke:Hmm? Hmmm?

Jing Ke:So I just need to take his head off right? Ok!

Ushiwakamaru:…..Sigh, I joined the wrong side out of reflex. I'm coming to your side, so just wait a minute.

Robin Hood:Ok, so let's put Ushiwakamaru aside.

Robin Hood:………...Seeing how we are outnumbered, it's pretty much an impossible game for us so we'd appreciate it if you guys could keep it a 3 v 3.

Scathach:Mu, you have a point. Well, let's have a rock-scissor-paper before the fight then.

Scathach:The 3 final victors will get to fight.

Yagyuu Munenori:Understood.

Yagyuu Munenori:And I shall use Scissors then.

Beowulf:Hey hey, there won't be an end to it if we go psychological warfare so let's just keep it simple.


Scathach:And so, it will be me

Yagyuu Munenori:And I

Jing Ke:And me~ *Ick*

Yuuki:Face is dark

Robin:I thought so too.

Scathach:But I don't mind holding back though. Just a tiny bit. Just a tiny tiny tiny bit.

Yagyuu Munenori:Same here.

Jing Ke:Okay, let's go~!

Yuuki:There is no choice but to do

Robin Hood: Well, not a choice I guess. It's an all-out war.

Robin Hood:I'm counting on your orders, Master!

Beowulf:Game set!

Robin Hood:Phew…. T-thanks Beowulf. We're saved…….

Beowulf:Yeah, glass' on you tonight.

Jing Ke:On you!?

Jing Ke:You are gonna treat us Robin!? Listen here, Robin, Luluhawa's filled with cheap and good wine around!

Beowulf:Hey, listen here everyone!

Beowulf:Our drinks tonight will be on the King of the May Moon, Robin Hood it seems!!

Yagyuu Munenori:Splendid. I shall have a taste of the tropical wine then.

Mash:W-will you be okay, Mr. Robin?

Mash:Just from a glance, it seems like most of them are heavy drinkers…..

Ushiwakamaru:I can safely say all of them are just an embodiment of a viper.

Robin Hood:Guess I'll go look for some part time jobs around…….

Yuuki:Here's some BB$

Robin Hood:………! Thanks a lot, Master!

Sorry no subs for this part on Anastasia doujin subs TBA

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order Servant Summer Festival 2018 Chapter 17 18 English softsub - Duration: 21:05.


Bihar B.ed 2018 Class Started | B.ed Class Attendance Submit By Biometry |Biometry Attendance System - Duration: 4:26.

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For more infomation >> Bihar B.ed 2018 Class Started | B.ed Class Attendance Submit By Biometry |Biometry Attendance System - Duration: 4:26.


Missing Toe Murderer and More - Duration: 42:15.

For more infomation >> Missing Toe Murderer and More - Duration: 42:15.


3 redenen waarom je moet CROPPEN!! (ENGLISH SUBS) - Duration: 5:29.


..that's cold..

..but nice!

What's up guys, Kevin here! Great seeing you again!

Today I'm with my buddy Sander.

We're gonna chill today..

..shoot some photos. The weather is great today. [we got some nice weather yes]

..crazy heat wave, but whatever..

And of course I wanna discuss something today..

Why you should CROP.

So I'm gonna give you my 3 reasons why you should crop your photo.

Well, in case you're not familiar with 'crop'..

..this is cropping!

So you're only using a part of the image.

You probably wondering why you should do this... only using part of the image..

..wasting good money ..wasting part of the image.

I'll show you why you SHOULD.

So todays were in Doesburg..nice and relax..

Look ..he's already doing some B-roll shooting..

..all into it..

[busy, busy]

..ahhh busy guy..

..busy with his b-roll..

Nice village ...aweful hot today, but as long as we're in the shadows... right Sander?


As long as we're in the shadows it's doable.

[Don't move too much] Indeed ..just easy.

Okay, reason nr 1 why you should use CROP is using your AF SYSTEM to the max.

[1. Use of AF-system]

This is more something for the cameras that don't have a widespread AF system, like the DSLR's.

So what you'll do is too much plan on taking a shot..


So you're framing your shot with the AF-point in the middle and then you're reframing the shot.. ...Let me demonstrate it..

There's Sander ..hopefully you can still hear me..

For instance I focusing with the AF point in the middle and then framing him to the right..

Then the focus isn't on the right what you want to do is.. wanna make sure your frame is like this and use the AF point on that very spot.

well..flip in over..

Let's assume you don't have an AF-point on the right spot.. advice is to choose the AF-point closest to that spot, take the picture and CROP afterwards.. you cut out the unwanted part and place the subject to the right or left..

..that way you used your AF-system the right way and you'll have proper focus.

Okay, reason nr 2..

Reason 2 ...when you're working with fast lenses, wide apterures of 1.8 , 1.4 or 1.2..

..then you still want proper focus.

So when I'm using the middle AF-point and reframe the shot really moving your frame..

..then you could get an out of focus shot, because the distance is changing.

Believe me'll will see this when you're using fast lenses.

So for that reasons alone I'd say..

..choose the closest AF point..or the middle AF point..

..and take that shot. Don't reframe, just shoot and afterwards you crop it.. you'll get the wanted composition and frame.

Okay and the last reason is, when working in lowlight, that the middle AF point is the most lightsensitive.

That makes it ideal to work with..

So when you want to frame your subject on the left or right, use that middle AF point..

..doesn't matter where the subject is positioned in your frame..

..focus on the subject, don't reframe and then you crop it afterwards..

That way in low light you'll have proper focus, AF speed, proper lightmetering ..and afterwards crop. Done.

This was my last reason. So there are three reasons.

Of course there are also reasons not to crop..

..but these my reasons why you SHOULD..

..of course you maintain the max resolution, but it also nice to see the other possiblities..

..what do you use? You have a large resolution, but only using a smaller resolution?

Then use a small resolution in which the focus is on the right spot...and you can speed up your work.

Cropping afterwards, super chill, I often use it and nobody complains.

Well that's it! A day shooting with Sander. super nice.

So that were my reasons.. you have other reasons yourself?

Or just oposite reasons?

Share them, always great getting input and feedback...just sharing thoughts.

These were my three reasons..

Stay tuned, follow my channel, great having you and...

..see you next time ...laterrr..

For more infomation >> 3 redenen waarom je moet CROPPEN!! (ENGLISH SUBS) - Duration: 5:29.


Agneepath Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:13.

Agneepath Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name

For more infomation >> Agneepath Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:13.


Hipertensão – O que é, como funciona e como se tratar - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> Hipertensão – O que é, como funciona e como se tratar - Duration: 13:52.


Impinge – O que é, como tratar e principais sintomas - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Impinge – O que é, como tratar e principais sintomas - Duration: 14:01.


Sarampo – O que é, como se prevenir e meios de tratamento - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> Sarampo – O que é, como se prevenir e meios de tratamento - Duration: 13:14.


Afta – O que é, sintomas e principais causas - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> Afta – O que é, sintomas e principais causas - Duration: 13:36.


Ebola – O que é, sintomas e formas de tratamentos - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> Ebola – O que é, sintomas e formas de tratamentos - Duration: 12:22.


Candidiase – O que é, sintomas e meios de tratamento - Duration: 14:52.

For more infomation >> Candidiase – O que é, sintomas e meios de tratamento - Duration: 14:52.


Hepatite A – O que é, causas e fatores de risco - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> Hepatite A – O que é, causas e fatores de risco - Duration: 11:19.


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For more infomation >> Serial killer - John Wayne Gacy - The Killer Clown - Duration: 45:52.


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For more infomation >> TYGRYSY – Ślepota młodej tygrysicy - Duration: 5:32.


Sử dụng trà giảm cân Vy Tea có thật sự hiệu quả không? LH 01666.268.689 - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Sử dụng trà giảm cân Vy Tea có thật sự hiệu quả không? LH 01666.268.689 - Duration: 4:09.


10 acne cure cold - Duration: 5:50.

Health Network, For Public Health

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10 acne cure cold

Currently, influenza is generally threatening many countries in the world, including in Vietnam, the risk of outbreaks of influenza A / H5N1 is very high.

What to do to prevent influenza in general, or A / H5N1 flu?

In addition to vaccination, western medicine, please introduce to readers, a method of massage acupressure prevention, for you to read references as needed.

Huyet nghinh huong..

With this disease, patients mainly have symptoms in the head, face and neck, so we can sit in front of the mirror, choose the appropriate position, in turn do the following:

1. Mites along the nose:

Patient sat straight for a warm hand, using two fingers pointing lightly from the acupuncture point,

(the tip of the eyebrow bow), down the nose 20 to 30 times, to increase the amount of heat for the nose,

To stimulate blood circulation, stimulate nasal mucous secretions, protect the respiratory gate of the body.


2. Daylighting:

Using the middle finger or index finger, press simultaneous two points of incense for 1 minute,

To feel the tension, both the nose and cheeks are okay.

Location of grave incense:from the foot of the nose to the nose, acupuncture on the edge of the nose.

3. Rubbing the neck and pressing the pressure point:

Hold the palm of the palm of the nape of the nape of the nape of your neck.

Next, use two thumbs, press simultaneous both points of the room for 1 minute,

with a relatively strong force, so that the tension, both the neck and the back of the head.

Cymbal position:in the cavity below the occipital, outside the block of muscles floating behind the neck, when pressing feeling heavy, each side a point.

Mites along the nose.

Use both hands in the middle of the forehead (at the point of pressing the road), then the two sides of the temples, close the eyebrows and hair before the front and back, making 10 to 20 times.

4. Day of the temples:

Using the middle finger, press simultaneously two temples, from mild to severe in 2 minutes, so that the feeling of tension is.

Position of the temples:at the tail of the eyes measured after 1 month.

5. Day acupressure:

Point with gentle finger point acupuncture with deep penetrating force, from 1 to 3 minutes, with the purpose of increasing the air permeability welding, active hemorrhoids headache.

Locates the intersection, the main line between the body, and the connecting point of the highest point of the ear.

6. Indentation:

Use a small finger or middle finger, press the pointer with a relatively strong force for 1 minute, so that the feeling of tension spread down the hand is okay.

The position of the intestinal grasp:the forearm to the arm, hand to the upper chest to clearly fold the elbows,

mark the top of the crook fold, to determine the position of the grave, then put your hands, forearm perpendicular to the arm to press.

7. Point of pressure cup:

Using your thumb, press the cup on each side, each side for 1 to 2 minutes, so that the feeling of tension spread to the little finger is okay.

Graveside position:in the indentation between the first and second finger bones (thumb and index finger)

Use the thumb to press the second hand bone, find the point when the most painful feeling, and spread to the little finger, it is the location of the point.

8. Acupuncture and acupuncture points:

The patient is sitting neatly, with two palms in the palm of the kidney and the subject.

Rub several times with opposing forces, so that the waist warms up to be okay.

Position:horizontal ribs ribs back, under the spines living belt 2, measuring 1 to 5 horizontal, in the center of the subject.

Cross the nose

9. Day pulsed acupressure:

Use your index finger or middle finger, many times, many times to reach the tension that is.

For the purpose of heat bar, lower fever inflammation, and so on.

The position between the toes 1 and 2, measured to 1, 5 th, acupuncture in the indentation, made up of 2 toes 1 and 2.

Note:To achieve effective prevention and treatment, need to intervene early, gentle manipulation, slow penetration deep, do not do the speaker in general, persist in daily work.

After the massage, can combine the bowl of porridge onions (whole roots), hot sherry, and then rest in the wind, to improve efficiency.

In the daily diet, it is possible to add spicy, hot, essential oils and antiseptic ingredients such as ginger, garlic, lemongrass, mint and so on.

Nasopharyngitis every day, with physiological saline 0.9%.

It is best to dilute the raw garlic juice.

Veterinary medicine:Chu Van Tien.

The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> 10 acne cure cold - Duration: 5:50.



Più si avvicina la legge di bilancio, più sale l'incertezza sugli obiettivi di deficit, più cresce la tensione finanziaria, più aumenta fra alcuni componenti del governo la ricerca di una via di fuga: un finanziatore di ultima istanza, al quale lo Stato italiano si possa affidare per sostituire gli investitori privati sempre più riluttanti a aumentare l'esposizione sui titoli di Stato di Roma

Uno dei segnali recenti di questa ansia di protezione dai mercati è arrivato giorni fa con un'uscita di Paolo Savona

Il ministro per gli Affari europei si è spinto a immaginare una «garanzia» della Russia sul debito pubblico italiano, se il sostegno della Banca centrale europea venisse meno

Non è chiaro cosa voglia dire Savona e come ciò potrebbe funzionare in pratica: per tutte le società di valutazione della sostenibilità del debito, il governo di Mosca ha una nota (il cosiddetto rating) più bassa dell'Italia e Standard and Poor's, l'agenzia più importante, la giudica addirittura come «non investimento» o «spazzatura»

Tra l'altro l'economia russa è più piccola di quella italiana di circa il 30% e ha entrate fiscali ancora minori in proporzione

L'uscita di Savona sembra dunque difficile da spiegare sul piano puramente logico

Interrogativi più seri sta sollevando invece nel governo giallo-verde un'altra opzione

Ne ha parlato Giuseppe Conte al suo ritorno dalla visita alla Casa Bianca di tre settimane fa

Donald Trump, racconta il presidente del Consiglio, avrebbe offerto all'Italia un aiuto dagli Stati Uniti per il finanziamento del debito pubblico nel prossimo anno (nel 2019 il Tesoro di Roma deve collocare sul mercato titoli per circa 400 miliardi di euro, di cui 260 a medio-lungo termine)

Che questa sia l'indicazione del presidente degli Stati Uniti a Conte lo riportano tre esponenti istituzionali italiani al massimo livello

Conte però non sembra aver spiegato in cosa consista esattamente l' offerta americana e se essa abbia alcuna possibilità di concretizzarsi

L'amministrazione di Washington non ha un proprio fondo sovrano e non ha un potere coordinamento su fondi o banche del settore privato

Quando a fine giugno la Casa Bianca ha riunito un certo numero di grossi investitori, in presenza anche del segretario al Tesoro Steven Mnuchin, secondo uno dei partecipanti l' Italia non è neppure stata menzionata

Non era un tema in discussione in quel momento per Trump o la sua squadra. Il presidente tuttavia sembra aver davvero segnalato a Conte questa disponibilità ad aiutare il governo sul debito pubblico

Ufficialmente i temi di quell'incontro bilaterale del 30 luglio scorso furono la Libia, l'Afghanistan e il gasdotto Tap dal Caspio

Al termine però Conte ha pubblicato su Facebook un breve video nel quale Trump invita a investire in Italia

Non è chiaro soprattutto se, in contropartita alle sue vaghe promesse, l'inquilino della Casa Bianca stia cercando di rompere il fronte europeo nella guerra commerciale che minaccia contro la Germania

Christopher Wood, analista della lettera finanziaria "Greed and Fear", osserva: «I populisti anti-euro e anti-immigrazione in Europa adesso hanno nella Casa Bianca un sostenitore che li incoraggia apertamente a perseguire i loro programmi»

E prosegue: «Trump non avrebbe potuto mettere più in chiaro che sostiene la causa di coloro in Italia che vogliono lasciare l'euro

Ciò non è senza importanza perché una potenziale decisione futura del Paese di uscire dall' euro potrebbe apparire meno rischiosa politicamente e finanziariamente se ha il sostegno del presidente americano»

Nel frattempo, è imminente il viaggio in Cina del ministro dell' Economia Giovanni Tria

Nei prossimi giorni vedrà il premier Li Keqiang e il governatore della banca centrale di Pechino Yi Gang



Té de menta para el dolor de cabeza y estómago - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Té de menta para el dolor de cabeza y estómago - Duration: 8:20.


Giorgia Meloni, ultimatum a Matteo Salvini: "Decreto dignità, come il peggio della sinistra" - Duration: 8:37.

 La leader di Fratelli d'Italia Giorgia Meloni sarà Verona per incontrare gli imprenditori veneti, i più arrabbiati con il governo per via delle novità contenute nel decreto dignità

«Ci confronteremo con quell'elettorato che storicamente sostiene il centrodestra

A loro avevamo promesso risposte sul tema del lavoro. Raccoglieremo le loro instanze e le trasformeremo in emendamenti da presentare in Aula, da aggiungere ai molti che Fdi ha già presentato»

 Domani Montecitorio inizia a votare. Di Maio sostiene che il decreto è molto migliorato rispetto alla prima stesura

È così?«Che dire: lo chiamano "dignità", io lo chiamo decreto "visibilità".».  In che senso?«Di Maio aveva fretta di dare un segnale di visibilità, di far sapere che al governo c'era anche lui

Ha partorito questa legge. Principi di base condivisibili da chiunque, modello "vogliamo la pace nel mondo", ma poi codificati in modo ridicolo o addirittura dannoso»

 Dov'è l'errore?«È un decreto pieno di divieti, l'Italia non ne ha bisogno. Serve invece libertà di crescere e produrre

Nel dl dignità c'è la riproposizione di visioni del mondo lontane anni luce dalla nostra e lontane da quello che pensa la maggioranza degli italiani che ha sostenuto il centrodestra in tutte le elezioni dal 4 marzo in poi»

 L'avete definito un provvedimento di sinistra. «Oggi nessuno pensa più di mettere il lavoratore contro il datore di lavoro

Entrambi sono esposti ai rischi della crisi economica. La sfida è che si tengano per mano, non che si facciano la guerra

Il lavoro non si crea per decreto, né il precariato si combatte per editto. Se tu rendi più gravoso il contratto di lavoro a termine invece di rendere più conveniente il tempo indeterminato, non otterrai la stabilizzazione dei posti di lavori, ma nuova disoccupazione o, peggio, nuovo lavoro nero

Queste cose le spiegavamo alla Cgil venti anni fa, le pare che oggi le dobbiamo far capire a Di Maio?»

 Hanno bocciato tutti i vostri emendamenti.«E lo hanno fatto alla cieca. Sulla ludopatia, per esempio

Abbiamo fatto della lotta al gioco d'azzardo una nostra bandiera. Avevamo proposto modifiche semplici, ma molto efficaci: incentivi agli esercizi che decidono di dismettere le macchinette o di non averle, norme rigide su dove posizionarle e a quanta distanza dalle scuole

È l'abc».  Salvini dice di aver incontrato solo imprenditori contenti. «Sono contenta per lui

Io ne incontro tanti e sono tutti arrabbiati, è proprio sbagliata la mentalità di questa legge, vede gli imprenditori come nemici, mentre sono gli unici che possono risolvere il problema del lavoro

È un punto di vista tipicamente grillino e marxista, non di destra».  Il leader leghista sta subendo l'iniziativa grillina? «Spero di no

I nostri elettori volevano vederci uniti. E, insieme, dare un segnale di discontinuità su queste materie

Invece oggi osservo continuità con la peggiore sinistra. Per questo capisco la rabbia e la frustrazione di questi giorni

Ed è il motivo per cui andiamo a Verona».  Approfittate di questo momento di tensione nella Lega? «Veramente diciamo le stesse cose da sempre, su questo e su tutto il resto

e quando abbiamo detto che conveniva un governo di centrodestra e che non avremmo fatto accordi con il Pd o con i Cinquestelle, era proprio per evitare uno scenario del genere

Quando sei costretto a metterti con qualcuno che è molto diverso da te, alla fine su qualcosa devi cedere

I Cinquestelle stanno sostenendo Salvini sulla politica migratoria in cambio vogliono qualcosa

Ma se la Lega cede sul lavoro, sulla produzione, sulla ricchezza, fa secondo me un tragico errore

E questo riguarda anche la Tav».  È il prossimo fronte pronto a esplodere. «Nessuna Nazione decide se fare o non fare un'infrastruttura in base a quanto gli costa la penale dell'Unione europea

Gli Stati fanno scelte strategiche. L'Italia ha bisogno di nuove opere. Al Nord come al Sud

Da Salvini mi aspetto che chiuda Askatasuna, non la Tav».  Berlusconi e Renzi condividono la previsione sulla durata (corta) del governo

«Io tifo sempre per l'Italia e spero che il governo faccia bene, indipendentemente da quanto questo possa essere utile al mio partito

Abbiamo detto sì alla politiche migratorie. Allo stesso modo non abbiamo problemi nel dire che il decreto dignità, così com'è, non lo votiamo»

 Il Pd fa appello ai partiti a non votare Foa in Vigilanza Rai. «Gli argomenti utilizzati dalla sinistra contro Foa convincerebbero chiunque a votarlo

Sentire il Pd che denuncia la lottizzazione del servizio pubblico è scandaloso. Sul metodo utilizzato per la scelta dei nuovi vertici Rai ho qualcosa da dire

Comunque valuteremo in Vigilanza Rai».  di Salvatore Dama

For more infomation >> Giorgia Meloni, ultimatum a Matteo Salvini: "Decreto dignità, come il peggio della sinistra" - Duration: 8:37.


La Mummia, cast e trama film su Italia 1 - Super Guida TV - Duration: 1:09.

Nel 1719 a. C. a Tebe in Egitto nasce un amore proibito tra il gran sacerdote Imhotep e l'amante del faraone

La ragazza per la disperazione si uccide e il sacerdote si lascia andare a gesti disperati suscitando l'ira degli dei

Le divinità gli infliggono una tremenda condanna: venire sepolto vivo nella città di Hamunaptra

1923: Rick O'Connell, giovane legionario, Evelyn, una bibliotecaria e Jonathan, suo fratello, sono alla ricerca del favoloso tesoro di Imhotep

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