Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 24 2019

The mystery of rebar

For more infomation >> Тайна строительной арматуры - Duration: 4:59.


プリプリヒップをドアップで!ダレノガレ明美のトレ動画が「反則モノ」 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 2:06.

  肌見せの多いウェア 艶っぽいトレーニング動 を何度も公開してきたダ ノガレ明美。その極めつ とも言える"極艶トレ動 "を披露し、驚きと絶賛 声が上がっている。   話題となったその投稿は 月21日のもの

3枚の写真と2本の動画 公開されている。どれも レノガレ明美の大きくみ となヒップを写したもの 。上半身には胸用の肌着 ようなタイプのスポーツ エア、下半身は派手な柄 スパッツと、体のライン よくわかるスタイル

  その動画と写真の で特に注目を集めている は2番めに公開されてい 動画だ。彼女がスクワッ している姿を後ろから映 たもので、彼女のド~ン したヒップが上下に動く 子をとらえている

 「腰を上げ下げする に合わせて臀部の肉が躍 し、渓谷が左右に開いて くんです。スパッツの布 が薄いので、凝視してい とその中心部が開くのが えるんじゃないかという がしてきますね

わずかに見上げるような ングルでヒップににじり っているのでとても艶っ い」(芸能ライター)  3番目に公開されてい 動画は背筋トレーニング 映しており、こちらも背 のつややかな肌が見え、 ツバものとの評判だ

  ダレノガレによる 、ただ痩せるのではなく 部に丸みを出すトレーニ グを続けてきたとのこと その成果がこのまんまる ップということだろう。  〈丸みがずっと欲しか たから本当に嬉しい 嬉 くてたくさん写真載せち う〉   と書いている

今後もいいトレーニング して素晴らしい体を作り 喜びのあまり、というこ での艶っぽすぎ動画をど どん公開してほしいもの 。

For more infomation >> プリプリヒップをドアップで!ダレノガレ明美のトレ動画が「反則モノ」 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 2:06.


Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:12.


Conte sfida Parigi sull'Onu: «E ora serve un Europa del popolo» - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Conte sfida Parigi sull'Onu: «E ora serve un Europa del popolo» - Duration: 6:41.


Passos para pôr a energia da sua casa e da sua vida a fluir - S1E02 - Duration: 7:55.


Hello everyone,

I hope you are well We are still in January and in Challet

Fonte Nova in Alcobaça, in this beautiful space and in the past video I told you about the importance

of liberation, on how to put energy flowing, on setting it free.

And it's about how to put the energy flowing in your home and your life that we are going to talk about today.

There are many steps you should take throughout the year, not only in January, and that

they are very simple to do on a daily base.

Let's start with the houses.

Throughout the year, it is important that keep the energy of your home flowing, ventilating it

letting the sun in.

Because the sun and the new air will regenerate this same energy.

Another aspect to take into account is also to do the bed every day.

The shaking of the cushions, from time to time move your mattress, rotate it

and flip it, to use the vacuum cleaner on it.

At the level of cabinets keep what makes sense, what you use.

And do not have them overfilled with things that it no longer makes sense to use.

Also, inside your home, in addition to to keep it clean, organized and tidy, keep

the principle of throwing out the old to enter the new.

Another situation that you should also apply is the use of plants that are great for

regenerate the energy and so does the music playing.

These simple little steps applied daily throughout the year will allow for the

energy to flow in your home.

And when you feel the energy flowing in your home You will start to feel something awakening too.

in your life, in your inner Self.

And it is in your inner Self that the next change It will happen.

Many of the people end up having attitudes less positive, negative thoughts,

conducts less beneficial.

And my challenge is that you change this paradigm.

Instead of having these kinds of thoughts replace them by positive thoughts, by positive attitudes,

apply your love in the things you do, dedicate yourself whether it be to people or to their lives,

or to your place of work.

Also at your place of work, when you are to carry out your tasks, carry them out with

dedication, with professionalism.

Do not do things just for doing.

Because then this is the type of energy that You'll find. We call it

the law of return.

So if you do not like what you do, then either find something that you truly

like to do, or else, in the things you do try to make the most of it.

Surely if you look for the positive side of the things that will find him.

Another situation that many discolour is our car.

The car represents the dynamics of life, and now I ask you: Are you one of those people

that has the car completely packed and that is no room for anything else?

Or when people come in, you even feel, Shame on me, I got the car so dirty,

I have the car so messed up.

Well, as I told you, the car represents the dynamics of your life, so if you have

your car full, dirty, namely with empty packages of your children's cookies, drawings,

bottles of water, anyway, rubbish so to speak, please know that this can somehow disturb

the goals you are seeking, because the car also takes us where we want to go.

And in the same way that this path toward, whether to our place of work,

or to our day-to-day life, or even to those challenges that we have, if the car is clean, tidy,

in the sense of not having garbage, you will see that even the route will be much more easily

without traffic and who says until the end of day of work, without discussions among children.

Another detail that I also usually notice are the ladies' bags.

Tell me one thing, Are you one of those that, when the phone rings, or when you need the keys

you stress up to the point you have to dump the full bag to search for

what you need?

Find out that bags or wallets that are too full, such as purses filled with

pay stubs, full of things that represent expenses, represent, or are the perfect

cocktail to see your money run away.

If you want to have more money, if you want more prosperity, take what you need with you,

and let the new enter, namely in your purse. Do not have a wallet full of papers.

receipts, of expenses, but rather leave space to let the money in, and of course if you

can put a couple of money notes, even better to attract them.

Finally, I need to talk about the technologies.

Your phone, your tablet, and your computer.

How many of us do not have the mobile phones, or tablets, or computers full of

messages, full of emails, full of folders and files that are no longer needed,

that have passed, that it no longer makes sense to keep.

Your phone and tablet and computer, these technologies represent communication.

Not only does the way we communicate with others but also how others communicate

with us.

So if you want to close a deal, have invitations to go out with your friends,

if you want other people to be available, if you want to communicate well,

cleanup you technologies and have in them what in fact makes sense to save.

Now, by applying all these simple steps, in all these areas that I have just told you,

You will notice that the energy of your life, your house, your car, your

work place will start to change, will begin to break free and the events

will start to happen. And remember that a house with good energy, brings health, quality of life

and allows you to materialize your dreams.

Also at this time we are coming, at the end of January and the beginning of February,

as I already told you, we will enter the spring according to the Orientals, and at this time of year

You'll start to feel that little and healthy excitement. So, we will take advantage of the

energy of the season to give you motivation to keep you in shape, more fit

and healthier.

Find out how in the next video.

See you later...


For more infomation >> Passos para pôr a energia da sua casa e da sua vida a fluir - S1E02 - Duration: 7:55.


Tração 4x4: não caia nessa de acioná-la no asfalto - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Tração 4x4: não caia nessa de acioná-la no asfalto - Duration: 1:01.


Taylor Grand Pacific spiegata da Andy Powers - ANTEPRIMA (sub ITA) - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> Taylor Grand Pacific spiegata da Andy Powers - ANTEPRIMA (sub ITA) - Duration: 17:55.


"Isso não se faz", alfineta Diego sobre beijo de Hana e Alan - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> "Isso não se faz", alfineta Diego sobre beijo de Hana e Alan - Duration: 6:00.


Conserve de citrons fermentés sous sel | Fermentation lactique - Duration: 6:33.

Hello everyone.

Salt-cured lemons are an exquisite Moroccan specialty dish.

They use beldi lemons, a variety that is not available in my region.

I will use these instead.

This is a strong-scented, small variety.

Classic method: quarter the lemons from the top to within 1 cm / half a inch of the bottom.

Add salt.

Recommended method: cut the lemons this way.

Cut from the top and from the bottom, like this.

With this second method it will be easier to extract the juice.

Pack the lemons tightly into a jar.

Press them down to release their juices.

If needed, let rest for 1 day and press them down once more.

The juice must cover the fruits.

Close the jar and store it in a dark place.

You can start eating this preserve after about 4 weeks.

Here is the result after 4 weeks (19 °C / 66 °F).

I used thyme to make sure the lemons are covered with lemon juice.

The lemon is extremely tender.

The juice is quite thick.

The left jar has less salt than the right one.

I used the same method with about 10% of salt.

Remove the thyme.

The flavor is stronger and it needs more time to ferment.

I tried out another method just for you: whole lemons preserved in brine (12% salt).

Here is the result after 4 weeks.

Before putting the lemons in the jar I stabbed them repeatedly with a knife.

I must say that the results of all methods are absolutely amazing.

You can use these preserved lemons to season your meals.

If you appreciate my culinary philosophy, support my project on Tipeee. Thanks, until next time!

For more infomation >> Conserve de citrons fermentés sous sel | Fermentation lactique - Duration: 6:33.


"FRANCO CFA: In Africa, per la Francia è finita! - Mohamed Konare" - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> "FRANCO CFA: In Africa, per la Francia è finita! - Mohamed Konare" - Duration: 9:26.


Simona Ventura e Giovanni Terzi: arriva la prima foto di coppia sui social (con dedica) - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Simona Ventura e Giovanni Terzi: arriva la prima foto di coppia sui social (con dedica) - Duration: 3:36.


Gostoso veneno - Alcione - Ao vivo 2 - Duration: 3:13.

This love poisons me

But any kind of love Is worth while

Fainting with pleasure Dying of pain

It doesn't matter I want to love again

This love poisons me

But any kind of love Is worth while

Fainting with pleasure Dying of pain

It doesn't matter I want to love again

Drinking water from the spring From your hands

A rose opening up The petals falling on the ground

Who hasn't seen or tasted it

Never lived, never loved

If life is short And the world too small

I live, dying of love, oh!

Sweet poison

If life is short And the world too small

I live, dying of love, oh!

Sweet poison

This love poisons me

But any kind of love Is worth while

Fainting with pleasure Dying of pain

It doesn't matter I want to love more

This love poisons me

But any kind of love Is worth while

Fainting with pleasure Dying of pain

It doesn't matter I want to love more

Drinking water from the spring From your hands

A rose opening up The petals falling on the ground

Who hasn't seen or tasted it

Never lived, never loved

If life is short And the world too small

I live, dying of love, oh!

Sweet poison

If life is short And the world too small

I live, dying of love, oh!

Sweet poison

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Gostoso veneno - Alcione - Ao vivo 2 - Duration: 3:13.


Porsche 718 VS Audi A6 Avant in Pista - Autodromo del Levante VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 10:05.

Hello dear We Drive friends, and welcome to a new video!

As you just saw, we're at the Autodromo del Levante circuit, in Binetto

Another automotive Sunday, last Sunday we went to see Alfa Romeo 916 Spiders & GTVs

Link in the up corner right here

Yeah, exactly there

How fun would it be if it was the opposite corner?

I think it's here

No it's here

Later we'll see who won

Anyway, this Sunday will have more sports cars

Not that the Alfas were not sporty, but on track is another experience

We came here because today's track day is dedicated to racing cars and sports cars

Right now a 718 Cayman S is going around the track

A random Audi A6 Avant TDI is going, too

But it's fine, everybody can race

Giuseppe would be happy, hear this

The hero with the Renault 5 just came out of the track

Look how amazing it is

And its sound was amazing, too

He went around the track for more than half an hour since we're here


Enzo, what do you think about the smell in the air right now?

One of the best perfumes in the world

You see those tires on the floor, down there?

That wet surface will host the new drifting zone

In a bit we'll show you some drifting cars having fun

Good thing about this circuit is that even in quiet Sundays like this, there's always something interesting

Right now on track a Radical and a deafening yellow Honda CRX

CRX Del Sol*

Yeah, CRX Del Sol, sorry Honda fans

It's amazing

Hear it right now, on the straight

My ears are exploding

And the good thing is that every Sunday there are such things

If you didn't know this circuit, is a little racetrack near Bari

It's a little circuit because its length is just 1.5 KM

The most amusing cars to drive here are not the usual Ferrari and Porsche we filmed before

...This was the Radical

The best laps are made by Civics, Lupos, Saxos

But also old Fiat 500s and 126s

This is spectacular

And it's also the culture of this circuit

Super modified tiny racing cars making record laps on track

God bless loud sounding racecars that cover the music

And keep our video monetized without copyright infringement!

What you're about to see is a very interesting and particular car

That's the Radical

And you can keep calm, we're not going away without showing you the drift

Go, Enzo, I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Before we were up there

These are the stands, and that's the straight part of the track

And this is the wet zone for the drift exhibition

Before they start I show you a cool thing

Look at the handbrake lever


I hope you can see it, this BMW retired for a little wheel problem

The cars are still drifting, I found myself a shadow place because

Even if today is 20th of January, is super hot

All day under the sun with black pants, now shadow!

Ok, we're at the end, a more shadow-ish place, on the stands

Super fresh, finally

CRX Del Sol, Radical and BMW are still racing

You always have to change experiences in life

We can already breath news here at the Autodromo del Levante

Yeah, in the upcoming months we hope we can show you some new stuff, such as drift courses

This was a very different vlog from the one we made last Sunday

Let us know your thoughts about this experience, in the comments below

Give us a thumbs up if you liked this vlog

Subscribe to We Drive and turn on notifications by clicking on the little bell button

By the way

The Honda CRX just stopped behind us

Take a look, too, at our Facebook and Instagram accounts

See you in the next video, ciao!

For more infomation >> Porsche 718 VS Audi A6 Avant in Pista - Autodromo del Levante VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 10:05.


Fedez e Chiara Ferragni, la madre Marina Di Guardo: "Condividono dei valori" - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Fedez e Chiara Ferragni, la madre Marina Di Guardo: "Condividono dei valori" - Duration: 3:00.


Comment GAGNER de l'ARGENT avec YOUTUBE ? - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Comment GAGNER de l'ARGENT avec YOUTUBE ? - Duration: 7:43.


Тайна строительной арматуры - Duration: 4:59.

The mystery of rebar

For more infomation >> Тайна строительной арматуры - Duration: 4:59.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova - Episode 17 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.

I will do such a thing that I will finish him.

It has been haunting me day and night.

He said: "You have welcomed me with open arms..."

" have accepted me as your son" to people in Adana. I want to see him lose face before them.

I want him to be a laughingstock.

Because, whatever I do to him, I won't feel satisfied.

Your father has given up on me, son.

He has given up on me.

Where are the horses?!

Where are my horses, Gaffur!

This man has only one thing in mind; revenge!

Revenge is taken by forgiving, Mrs.Yaman.

It is taken by forgetting what was done.

Taking revenge is the act of those who does not have strong faith.

However, you should know already that..

...I have strong faith.

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova - Episode 17 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


Cani che mangiano l'erba - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Cani che mangiano l'erba - Duration: 4:59.


Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.


AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 223 - Duration: 24:45.

For more infomation >> AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 223 - Duration: 24:45.


Actualité TV - Alexis Saelemaekers, nouvel ambassadeur d'Adidas... qui présente sa nouvelle offre E - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Alexis Saelemaekers, nouvel ambassadeur d'Adidas... qui présente sa nouvelle offre E - Duration: 3:31.



Hi boyz and girls

whats up?

i´m etiandro sardinha and welcome to new video

For more infomation >> RACISMO EM PORTUGAL PASSOU DOS LIMITES (+14) - Duration: 12:59.


Snog/Marry/Kill? The Flunk Characters - FLUNK Life - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Snog/Marry/Kill? The Flunk Characters - FLUNK Life - Duration: 1:44.


Тайна строительной арматуры - Duration: 4:59.

The mystery of rebar

For more infomation >> Тайна строительной арматуры - Duration: 4:59.


プリプリヒップをドアップで!ダレノガレ明美のトレ動画が「反則モノ」 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 2:06.

  肌見せの多いウェア 艶っぽいトレーニング動 を何度も公開してきたダ ノガレ明美。その極めつ とも言える"極艶トレ動 "を披露し、驚きと絶賛 声が上がっている。   話題となったその投稿は 月21日のもの

3枚の写真と2本の動画 公開されている。どれも レノガレ明美の大きくみ となヒップを写したもの 。上半身には胸用の肌着 ようなタイプのスポーツ エア、下半身は派手な柄 スパッツと、体のライン よくわかるスタイル

  その動画と写真の で特に注目を集めている は2番めに公開されてい 動画だ。彼女がスクワッ している姿を後ろから映 たもので、彼女のド~ン したヒップが上下に動く 子をとらえている

 「腰を上げ下げする に合わせて臀部の肉が躍 し、渓谷が左右に開いて くんです。スパッツの布 が薄いので、凝視してい とその中心部が開くのが えるんじゃないかという がしてきますね

わずかに見上げるような ングルでヒップににじり っているのでとても艶っ い」(芸能ライター)  3番目に公開されてい 動画は背筋トレーニング 映しており、こちらも背 のつややかな肌が見え、 ツバものとの評判だ

  ダレノガレによる 、ただ痩せるのではなく 部に丸みを出すトレーニ グを続けてきたとのこと その成果がこのまんまる ップということだろう。  〈丸みがずっと欲しか たから本当に嬉しい 嬉 くてたくさん写真載せち う〉   と書いている

今後もいいトレーニング して素晴らしい体を作り 喜びのあまり、というこ での艶っぽすぎ動画をど どん公開してほしいもの 。

For more infomation >> プリプリヒップをドアップで!ダレノガレ明美のトレ動画が「反則モノ」 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 2:06.


Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:12.


Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.

For more infomation >> Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.


Millennials Aren't Having Sex - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Millennials Aren't Having Sex - Duration: 1:37.


Matthew McConaughey Doesn't Remember Going Full Frontal - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Matthew McConaughey Doesn't Remember Going Full Frontal - Duration: 8:27.


NA IS SO HARD, I COULD BE BANNED FOR FEEDING - Cowsep - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> NA IS SO HARD, I COULD BE BANNED FOR FEEDING - Cowsep - Duration: 10:49.


Ross Hebden lost over 5 stone and is Slimming World Mr Sleek 2019 - Duration: 2:17.

Me and Amanda were both very comfortable

and yeah, sort of enjoyed food together

so, you know my waist size did kind of expand a bit.

One more senior colleague, higher up the chain

had emailed another colleague about me

and had put in the subject 'Fat and ugly bloke'

but had accidentally copied me in on the email,

It was quite damning to take.

2017 I signed up for the Tewkesbury half marathon,

yeah I totally did my left knee in, it was really sore.

So I realised I needed to look at my food diet

and that was when Amanda, had our third child

she wanted to rejoin and I said

'Yep instead of just kind of following it in and out with you as I did before'

and you know, lost some weight so I kind of knew it worked

'I'm gonna go full throttle and take, you know control of it for me.

So I started with you know 2½lbs, 3lbs losses at the start,

and the key for me is going to group every week.

And it's expanded my cooking horizon

so I'm not just stuck to three or four dishes that I can cook

and Amanda does all the rest.

In terms of the sporting side you know, my running minutes per mile

was so much lower than it ever was before,

I set up a little gym in my garage.

American football had been a big part of my sporting life for the last ten years

and when I was big I could only play offensive lineman,

now I've lost all the weight I've been able to adapt to other roles.

Running around with the kids, going to the park, running around after them.

When I got the phone call from my Consultant

to say 'You've won the national Mr. Sleek',

I had to ask her 'Can you say that again?' Just to check, I was really chuffed.

I couldn't wait to get home to tell Amanda.

You know I'm ecstatic to carry the flag for men for Slimming World

and hopefully to help inspire and encourage more men

to go along to their Slimming World group.

It's the best thing I ever did.

For more infomation >> Ross Hebden lost over 5 stone and is Slimming World Mr Sleek 2019 - Duration: 2:17.


(Eng/Indo Sub) Korean Reaction BangtanTV EPISODE BTS (방탄소년단) @2018 MGA Watch with Me! - Duration: 36:12.

For more infomation >> (Eng/Indo Sub) Korean Reaction BangtanTV EPISODE BTS (방탄소년단) @2018 MGA Watch with Me! - Duration: 36:12.


3 Minutes of Funny Cutest Baby - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:35.

Thank you for watching, subscribe to the channel to see best video

For more infomation >> 3 Minutes of Funny Cutest Baby - Funny Baby Video - Duration: 3:35.


Royal Az - Prince William and Prince Harry 'haven't spoken' for 250 days - Duration: 3:59.

 Prince William and Prince Harry have always been mates. Since high school, they have been regularly spotted side-by-side, two cheeky, grinning blokes with receding hairlines (Hazza is follicly challenged too, sadly) popping along to the polo together or rolling up to aristocratic weddings for school friends named something like Rupert or Bunter

 The shared tragedy of losing their mum when they were so young forged a hell of a bond that was plain to see and extended to their royal lives, joining forces on official trips

(A personal favourite: When they went to Pinewood Studios outside London and played around with lightsabers

) They even started a charitable foundation together. But that is all in the past

 While the brothers and their wives, the Duchesses of Cambridge and Sussex, were photographed walking not-totally-choreographed-at-all to the church at Sandringham over Christmas, it was meant to finally put the kybosh on any lingering stories about the frostiness between the women

 However, while Kate and Meghan amiably chatted on the walk (was Meghan trying to get Kate to try a dream journal again? Was Kate telling Meghan her secret recipe for Pimms?) their blokes smiled at the crowd and ignored one another

 Not once were the Princes spied chatting to each other. Now it has been reported by The Sun that things are so frosty between the brothers that they are barely speaking and have not spent any time on their own since Harry's wedding day last year

 For those counting, that means that for the last 250 days William and Harry haven't flopped down on a sofa at Kensington Palace for a cup of tea to shoot the breeze, catch up on horse news or joke about Princess Anne's penchant for mustard suits

 For two siblings who used to be so close, it has been a hell of a big year to not have each other's support and brotherly love

 There was the newlywed's trip Down Under and then the announcement that Baby Sussex (the first royal baby who will ever grow up with their own yoga studio) was on the way

 It also means that for much of Prince Louis' young life, Uncle Harry (whose 'I've got your nose' game would be STRONG) has been, very sadly, absent

 While there have been various reports suggesting the Wales boys' rift can be traced back to William voicing his disapproval of Meghan and word of that getting back to Harry, this has never been confirmed

 Another theory is that Kate and Meghan's alleged Dallas-esque feud is to blame for the boys' estrangement

(Side note: If only Kate and Meghan knew how to fight as well as Kyrstle and Alexis Carrington

Kensington Palace would never be the same again. Nor would the royal fish pond.) But again, they are only rumours

 In any case, if reports of the brotherly rift are true, it is a tragedy for two men who have already dealt with so much heartache to lose one another at this crucial time in both their lives

 Boys, it's time to work it out.

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Prince William and Prince Harry 'haven't spoken' for 250 days - Duration: 3:59.


døves & fish narc - open - Duration: 3:03.

Dark medicine, black magic Resurrection, hands are bound

Unholy, scattered ashes Drowning in salt and sound

Scars on my arms, I might open that up I might take another just to try my luck

I've been holding my head, I've been holding my tongue I've been drinking so much for

too long

And did you put it to your temple or the back of your throat?

I just want to talk, compare some notes but I really want some closure, will you think

of me before you go?

Or will you leave me all alone?

Will you tell me when you're gone?

Will you tell me if you don't know?

Don't know If I could die slow

I just want to have a home I just want the wound to close

Scar tissue, black holes, I know I know I know I know I know

Scars on my arms, I might open that up I might take another just to try my luck

Dwelling on a dream I can't even speak

I can hardly breathe, all I want to do is leave

Like I'm lost in the trees, hard rain, cold sleep

Half sleep What's wrong with me?

A shattered heart and codeine Bad dreams, on me

It's on me I'll die in my sleep

I'll die by my hand My heart, my sleeve, my peace

In dreams, bad dreams One me, it's on me

For more infomation >> døves & fish narc - open - Duration: 3:03.


CAPTAIN LOOK 🔥| MEMES COMPILATION 2019 | ArtOfFun - Duration: 4:56.



We have so much holy fuck


Yeah, yeah

Fucking said yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah



This president that I see

Has to be no Ostra as my usual color style new attribute to honesty

verification business

veritasium national monogamous amalgam

At the astonished theory that I see there on Grandview was not quite yet is captured. Yeah. Yeah


For more infomation >> CAPTAIN LOOK 🔥| MEMES COMPILATION 2019 | ArtOfFun - Duration: 4:56.


Sean Payton said Saints-Rams refs admitted they missed pass interference no-call - Duration: 2:37.

 It's difficult to pinpoint the outcome of an entire game on a single call, but the blown uncalled pass interference in Sunday's NFC Championship absolutely kept the Rams' Super Bowl hopes alive

 With the Saints driving deep into Rams territory, a third-down pass to Tommylee Lewis fell incomplete because, well, the Rams' Nickell Robey-Coleman destroyed Lewis before the ball arrived

It should have been a textbook pass interference and possibly a personal foul. Yet, no flag was thrown on the play

This wasn't called for pass interference by the way  — NFL Humor (@NFLHumor) January 20, 2019    Saints coach Sean Payton was furious and justifiably so

 The uncalled penalty forced the Saints to attempt a go-ahead field goal with time remaining on the clock

The Rams got the ball back, forced overtime and won in overtime. Had that penalty been called, the Saints would have been able to run out the clock and take the game-winning attempt in regulation

It decided the game.  So, Payton didn't hold back when it came time to discuss the massive blown no-call

"It was simple, they blew the call."  Saints head coach Sean Payton discusses the explanation he got from the officials about the controversial pass interference no-call  — CBS Sports HQ (@CBSSportsHQ) January 20, 2019    Payton said the refs admitted they missed the call:  "It was simple, they blew the call

They said, 'There never should not have been a call.' They said not only was it interference, it was helmet-to-helmet

They couldn't believe it."  In that situation, you'd want to see the officials convene and make the correct call

Someone on the field had to see the penalty — it was that obvious.  Admitting the mistake won't make Saints fans feel any better

The Rams are off the to the Super Bowl because of it. More NFL!A Patriots LB explained why he called Tom Brady an 'idiot' the first time he met himNFL fans roasted the Steelers over their tweet about arriving at the Pro BowlPhoto shows the Patriots weren't in an illegal formation on Dee Ford's offsides  

For more infomation >> Sean Payton said Saints-Rams refs admitted they missed pass interference no-call - Duration: 2:37.


Destroy your limits //BEST MOTIVATION// realize your goals - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Destroy your limits //BEST MOTIVATION// realize your goals - Duration: 1:40.


Porsche 718 VS Audi A6 Avant in Pista - Autodromo del Levante VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 10:05.

Hello dear We Drive friends, and welcome to a new video!

As you just saw, we're at the Autodromo del Levante circuit, in Binetto

Another automotive Sunday, last Sunday we went to see Alfa Romeo 916 Spiders & GTVs

Link in the up corner right here

Yeah, exactly there

How fun would it be if it was the opposite corner?

I think it's here

No it's here

Later we'll see who won

Anyway, this Sunday will have more sports cars

Not that the Alfas were not sporty, but on track is another experience

We came here because today's track day is dedicated to racing cars and sports cars

Right now a 718 Cayman S is going around the track

A random Audi A6 Avant TDI is going, too

But it's fine, everybody can race

Giuseppe would be happy, hear this

The hero with the Renault 5 just came out of the track

Look how amazing it is

And its sound was amazing, too

He went around the track for more than half an hour since we're here


Enzo, what do you think about the smell in the air right now?

One of the best perfumes in the world

You see those tires on the floor, down there?

That wet surface will host the new drifting zone

In a bit we'll show you some drifting cars having fun

Good thing about this circuit is that even in quiet Sundays like this, there's always something interesting

Right now on track a Radical and a deafening yellow Honda CRX

CRX Del Sol*

Yeah, CRX Del Sol, sorry Honda fans

It's amazing

Hear it right now, on the straight

My ears are exploding

And the good thing is that every Sunday there are such things

If you didn't know this circuit, is a little racetrack near Bari

It's a little circuit because its length is just 1.5 KM

The most amusing cars to drive here are not the usual Ferrari and Porsche we filmed before

...This was the Radical

The best laps are made by Civics, Lupos, Saxos

But also old Fiat 500s and 126s

This is spectacular

And it's also the culture of this circuit

Super modified tiny racing cars making record laps on track

God bless loud sounding racecars that cover the music

And keep our video monetized without copyright infringement!

What you're about to see is a very interesting and particular car

That's the Radical

And you can keep calm, we're not going away without showing you the drift

Go, Enzo, I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Before we were up there

These are the stands, and that's the straight part of the track

And this is the wet zone for the drift exhibition

Before they start I show you a cool thing

Look at the handbrake lever


I hope you can see it, this BMW retired for a little wheel problem

The cars are still drifting, I found myself a shadow place because

Even if today is 20th of January, is super hot

All day under the sun with black pants, now shadow!

Ok, we're at the end, a more shadow-ish place, on the stands

Super fresh, finally

CRX Del Sol, Radical and BMW are still racing

You always have to change experiences in life

We can already breath news here at the Autodromo del Levante

Yeah, in the upcoming months we hope we can show you some new stuff, such as drift courses

This was a very different vlog from the one we made last Sunday

Let us know your thoughts about this experience, in the comments below

Give us a thumbs up if you liked this vlog

Subscribe to We Drive and turn on notifications by clicking on the little bell button

By the way

The Honda CRX just stopped behind us

Take a look, too, at our Facebook and Instagram accounts

See you in the next video, ciao!

For more infomation >> Porsche 718 VS Audi A6 Avant in Pista - Autodromo del Levante VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 10:05.


Funny Husky Puppies Dogs Video Compilation #2 - Cute Dogs Video - Duration: 11:05.

Hi Guy!Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe, like and share our video

For more infomation >> Funny Husky Puppies Dogs Video Compilation #2 - Cute Dogs Video - Duration: 11:05.


What equipment and skills will I need? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> What equipment and skills will I need? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:28.


Gili Islands Bali 🇮🇩 Is Gili Air the Beach Paradise of your Dreams? - Duration: 7:54.

Good morning a beautiful day to you and welcome to the beautiful small island of Gili Air

Welcome to Gili Air

Now Gil Air is the quietest of the three

Gili Islands

it is the least developed has the least people so gives you, in my

opinion the most relaxing experience

there's some beautiful beaches there's

still lots of activities to do if you want to get busy and active but I would say

it's great if you just want to chill, sit by the beach, and enjoy the beautiful sea

beautiful blue sky

let's show you around a little bit

Coming to Gili Air from either Gili Trawangan or Kuta you will immediately

appreciate how quiet Gili Air is, so if you're looking for a tranquil island

paradise to relax and get away from the crowds then Gili Air is perfect for you

Oh walking along the front it's a bit windy today, so sorry about that.

Now Gili Air is a nice small island

you can walk around it quite easily it will take

you maybe two hours to walk around the edge

you can walk across it easily you can also

what most people do is rent a bike

but if you do be aware that a lot of the

paths around an island, it's an island are sandy so you might end up pushing

the bike a lot more than you think

I opted just to go for my feet and explore

at the top end of the island, let's goooo

and for those who are worried about the earthquake that happened in Lombok in

2018 and want to know if it is, if it has affected the Gili Islands then

don't worry

everything is up and running and waiting for you to come and enjoy

Wow, a beautiful sunset to end a beautiful day wandering around some of

the beaches of Gili Air

now it's time to get some freshly cooked food and enjoy

it with a drink on the beach

and then afterwards let's go and check out some

of the Gili Air's nightlife

For more infomation >> Gili Islands Bali 🇮🇩 Is Gili Air the Beach Paradise of your Dreams? - Duration: 7:54.


Liverpool transfer news: Reds told Timo Werner price as prediction made over star's future - Duration: 4:03.

 That's according to German football expert Raphael Honigstein. The Reds have been linked with a summer move for the German international, who has just 18 months left on his contract with RB Leipzig

 The Bundesliga outfit have looked to to try and get Werner to commit to a new long-term deal but he has yet to show any sign that he is willing to stay at the club

  That delays in agreeing an extension recently prompted Leipzig CEO Oliver Mintzlaff recently declared to German publication Kicker: "Of course we have to know at the latest after the end of the season

A club like us cannot afford to go with Timo Werner in a final contract year." It had been suggested Werner - who has 13 goals in 22 games this season - might be available for a cut-price fee this summer given his contract situation

 And Liverpool will be in need of reinforcements up top come the summer after Dominic Solanke joined Bournemouth in a £19million deal this month, while both Divock Origi and Daniel Sturridge are expected to leave the club

 Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund have been linked with apparent interest in Werner but it has been said by German publication Sport Bild it is Liverpool and Bayern who are at the front of the queue

 But Honigstein, talking to ESPN FC, admits he is uncertain on the front-man's future

 "I'm not sure I've got the answer. I think he's still most likely to stay at Leipzig at this point," he said

 "I think Bayern and Liverpool are keeping him on the stove, keeping him warm, to see if they want to make a big move

  "What's happened is Leipzig have told him to hurry up and make up his mind.  "I'm thinking if he'd already got something lined up Leipzig would know by now

  "It seems as if things are going on but there's perhaps not quite that demand for a player who is going to command almost €100m in fees

  "So I think he might still stay." While Liverpool have made several big-money acquisitions under Klopp, with a club-record £75m spent on Virgil van Dijk and Alisson commanding £65m inside the last 12 months, the German boss recently warned it will not become a common approach for the Merseyside outfit

Trending  "We cannot do that constantly [spending big on players] and we will not do that constantly," Klopp told Sky Sports

 "The good thing was that, like most things in life, the timing was important. We had the money and the players were on the market

  "We didn't know exactly when Alisson was on the market and when it was clear that he was, we had to [sign him], even if we had to collect money somewhere

 "With the Neymar transfer, the whole world changed. Could I have expected someone would have made the move from Barcelona to PSG for that money? No

But then, we had a bit of that money because of Phil [Coutinho] so what do we do? "We don't build houses, we invest in this club and invest in players

The money was there so let's use it in the smartest way and that's what we did."

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news: Reds told Timo Werner price as prediction made over star's future - Duration: 4:03.


Liverpool transfer news: Reds told Timo Werner price as prediction made over star's future - Duration: 4:07.

 That's according to German football expert Raphael Honigstein. The Reds have been linked with a summer move for the German international, who has just 18 months left on his contract with RB Leipzig

 The Bundesliga outfit have looked to to try and get Werner to commit to a new long-term deal but he has yet to show any sign that he is willing to stay at the club

  That delays in agreeing an extension recently prompted Leipzig CEO Oliver Mintzlaff recently declared to German publication Kicker: "Of course we have to know at the latest after the end of the season

A club like us cannot afford to go with Timo Werner in a final contract year." It had been suggested Werner - who has 13 goals in 22 games this season - might be available for a cut-price fee this summer given his contract situation

 And Liverpool will be in need of reinforcements up top come the summer after Dominic Solanke joined Bournemouth in a £19million deal this month, while both Divock Origi and Daniel Sturridge are expected to leave the club

 Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund have been linked with apparent interest in Werner but it has been said by German publication Sport Bild it is Liverpool and Bayern who are at the front of the queue

 But Honigstein, talking to ESPN FC, admits he is uncertain on the front-man's future

 "I'm not sure I've got the answer. I think he's still most likely to stay at Leipzig at this point," he said

 "I think Bayern and Liverpool are keeping him on the stove, keeping him warm, to see if they want to make a big move

  "What's happened is Leipzig have told him to hurry up and make up his mind.  "I'm thinking if he'd already got something lined up Leipzig would know by now

  "It seems as if things are going on but there's perhaps not quite that demand for a player who is going to command almost €100m in fees

  "So I think he might still stay." While Liverpool have made several big-money acquisitions under Klopp, with a club-record £75m spent on Virgil van Dijk and Alisson commanding £65m inside the last 12 months, the German boss recently warned it will not become a common approach for the Merseyside outfit

Trending  "We cannot do that constantly [spending big on players] and we will not do that constantly," Klopp told Sky Sports

 "The good thing was that, like most things in life, the timing was important. We had the money and the players were on the market

  "We didn't know exactly when Alisson was on the market and when it was clear that he was, we had to [sign him], even if we had to collect money somewhere

 "With the Neymar transfer, the whole world changed. Could I have expected someone would have made the move from Barcelona to PSG for that money? No

But then, we had a bit of that money because of Phil [Coutinho] so what do we do? "We don't build houses, we invest in this club and invest in players

The money was there so let's use it in the smartest way and that's what we did."

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news: Reds told Timo Werner price as prediction made over star's future - Duration: 4:07.


Superbug OUTBREAK warning: UK facing 'GROWING THREAT' from antibiotic-resistant viruses - Duration: 4:30.

 There is a huge lack of awareness of the danger of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Scottish hospitals, the study found

 More than 30% of nurses questioned in the nationwide survey by Glasgow Caledonian University were unaware of the growing risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria CPE

 In the survey, 450 nursing staff and 261 members of the public were asked what they knew about CPE and the acceptability of rectal swabs

 Almost 30% of those questioned thought taking rectal swabs — the best screening method — was unacceptable

 Lead study author Professor Kay Currie said: "CPE is a growing threat to our healthcare system and we really want to try to stop it becoming endemic in our hospitals because it's extremely difficult to treat and get rid of once it takes hold

"    These bacteria live harmlessly in the gut for healthy people, but can be extremely dangerous if they get into the bloodstream, urine, or wounds and causes infections

 Less than half of nurses questioned said they didn't know their hospital's action plan in the event of a CPE screening and didn't think it was a priority

 Almost 70% of nurses responding to the survey thought members of the public would be too embarrassed to have a rectal swab

 More than 80% of the public said they knew about the growing problem of drug-resistant bacteria, but less than a quarter had heard of CPE

Related Articles Fake 'Durex' factory recycling USED CONDOMS in £5.5m illegal racket triggers STI panic Student, 18, dies from HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS virus after 11 children killed in ONE hospital AIDS cure? MAJOR breakthrough as scientists succeed in destroying HIV-infected cells  Professor Jacqui Reilly from Health Protection Scotland said: "Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to our healthcare system

 "Early identification of those patients coming into hospitals who may be at risk of getting an infection, such as one caused by CPE, is critical to stopping the onward transmission of these infections to other patients

" A Scottish Government spokesman added: "Findings from this research have informed the infection prevention work within the Chief Nursing Officer's 'Excellence in Care' approach

" Although superbug rates are still relatively low in the UK, they are a massive issue in developing parts of the world

Related Articles Tropical disease spreading fast in Europe as heatwave triggers parasitic WORM epidemic Ebola outbreak: Disease 'SPREADING' claims as fresh case reported in neighbouring country Rare disease leaves children PARALYSED as victims hospitalised with POLIO-like symptoms  In November, Daily Star Online reported superbugs could kill 2

4 million people worldwide as they become more resistant to antibiotics. More than 90,000 Brits could be among the victims of these diseases over the next 30 years, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

 Currently, there are 44,000 death from sepsis every year in the UK — many of which are due to antibiotic-resistant infections

 While a staggering one in 30 people carry the infection MRSA on their skin. Related articles Twin girl, 18, heart-broken as sister dies after month-long battle with killer flu STI superbug UNTREATABLE: Disease that resists antibiotics spreading fast 'Threat to HUMANITY' fears as death toll SURGES from mystery disease with NO CURE

For more infomation >> Superbug OUTBREAK warning: UK facing 'GROWING THREAT' from antibiotic-resistant viruses - Duration: 4:30.


98% of Atoms in Human Body gets Replaced Every Year? | FUFA Full Facts - Duration: 0:51.

Did you know that 98% of atoms in human body gets replaced every year?

Zero Lies, Full Facts This is FUFA.

You are not the same as you were a year ago.

Well that's just another way to say that around 98% of the atoms in a human body

get replaced new atoms every year

This means when you consume food, drinks or even air

it leads to new atoms replacing the old ones that constituted your body

Hence you keep getting a new liver, skin, heart & everything else.

In short, you are almost a totally new person.

Now that's got to make you feel younger.

For more such Facts like, share, subscribe and don't forget to comment us in our comment section.

For more infomation >> 98% of Atoms in Human Body gets Replaced Every Year? | FUFA Full Facts - Duration: 0:51.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon A Time Çukurova - Episode 17 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.

I will do such a thing that I will finish him.

It has been haunting me day and night.

He said: "You have welcomed me with open arms..."

" have accepted me as your son" to people in Adana. I want to see him lose face before them.

I want him to be a laughingstock.

Because, whatever I do to him, I won't feel satisfied.

Your father has given up on me, son.

He has given up on me.

Where are the horses?!

Where are my horses, Gaffur!

This man has only one thing in mind; revenge!

Revenge is taken by forgiving, Mrs.Yaman.

It is taken by forgetting what was done.

Taking revenge is the act of those who does not have strong faith.

However, you should know already that..

...I have strong faith.

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