Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 24 2019

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2001: María presenta a Roberto y Álvaro se declara a Elsa

Mientras María presenta a su gran amigo Roberto Sánchez, Álvaro acepta la oferta de Carmelo pero confiesa a Elsa que teme enamorarse de ella. El viernes, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

Este viernes 25 de enero, Antena 3 estrena el último capítulo de la semana de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

su exitosa ficción para las tardes que, tras superar la barrera de los 2.000 capítulos, deja nuevos frentes abiertos de cara al próximo lunes.

Mientras en la entrega del jueves, María abraza a un desconocido que ha venido de visita,

el viernes, María le presenta al recién llegado a Fernando: es su gran amigo Roberto Sánchez.

Se corrobora que es alguien muy querido para María cuando Esperanza y Beltrán muestran su alborozo por la llegada del "tío" Roberto.

El recién llegado explica a Raimundo y Francisca cómo consiguió seguir el rastro de María y los niños, a quienes se daba por muertos.

Cuando éste pregunta por Gonzalo, María evita dar explicaciones.

Francisca confiesa a Raimundo que el tal Roberto no le ha caído en gracia, pero promete no malmeter ni hacerle la estancia desagradable.

Pero cuando María le explica al cubano cómo Gonzalo se ha marchado, éste reitera la pregunta que una vez le hizo Fernando: ¿quieres que me quede?

Por otro lado, Álvaro muestra interés en aceptar la plaza de médico en el dispensario de Puente Viejo.

Más tarde, Elsa le confiesa a Marcela que le encantaría que Álvaro se quedara en Puente Viejo. Mientras, Álvaro da por buena la oferta de Carmelo,

pero duda si aceptarla porque teme enamorarse de Elsa… y se lo dice abiertamente a la joven que queda muda.

Entretanto, la tensión en el colmado es patente porque no dejan de aflorar malos recuerdos entre ellos.

Los dueños de la Casa de Comidas también tienen malos recuerdos por culpa del brebaje Mirañar.

Igualmente afecta a una disputa entre don Berengario y Carmelo… todo el mundo parece afectado por los efectos secundarios negativos del brebaje.

Finalmente, mientras se ha relajado la protección a Julieta y Saúl dado que los Molero no han dado señales en este tiempo después de la boda,

Irene cuenta a Adela que Anacleto la ha llamado: quiere verle.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2001: María presenta a Roberto y Álvaro se declara a Elsa - Duration: 3:47.


"10 GATITOS" Tina & Tin 🐱 (Música Para Niños) 🐱 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> "10 GATITOS" Tina & Tin 🐱 (Música Para Niños) 🐱 - Duration: 2:44.


"Séneca, después de abrirse las venas" de Manuel Domínguez con comentarios en latín - Duration: 11:37.

Again we shall speak about death.

Here we have another picture I love,

The Death of Seneca.

The title is actually much longer,

because the painter, Manuel Domínguez, liked to give his paintings very long titles.

Domínguez reached all his splendour in the late 19th century.

That was when this painting won him the National Award for Painting.

He normally focused on historical topics, and this is the only one in which he depicts a classical ancient topic.

In my opinion, now it is necessary to describe the picture.

Later we'll go back to the subject matter in greater detail.

The scene takes place in the bath.

It is a circular hall featuring many beautiful ornaments, including columns.

We are at Seneca's home, because he was a wealthy man.

Let's pay attention to the light. It fades away slowly

as Seneca exhales his final breath.

The hall is getting darker,

making it a dark scene, because all those present are overtaken by grief.

We notice a sharp contrast between the men who are standing, the columns

and the tub in which Seneca's body lays. The tub somewhat goes across the painting

and immediately draws the viewer's eye.

Aside from Seneca, five of his disciples are shown in the painting.

They are Seneca's disciples, therefore they are stoic philosophers

whose main doctrine is 'living according to nature'

and not allowing feelings to overcome them,

but in the picture we find that some of them are more affected than others.

On the left there is a group of three men,

he oldest of whom is quite elderly and hides his sadness,

being a man of integrity, most likely well-versed in stoic philosophy.

Another man is shown from the back,

and beside them there is a younger man who is beating his fist against his chest,

he is angry and voices his hatred of Nero and his intention of avenging the death of his master.

On the other side of the painting we see a man whose head is almost covered

and who has crossed his arms in front of him;

he looks down on Seneca's face, for which he seems to be wailing in a low voice.

In the centre of the painting another disciple is shown, leaning on the tub

and weeping by his master, covering his face with his hand

because he does not want to show his feelings openly.

The robe worn by this disciple stands out because of the red colour.

Now let's say something about Seneca himself. As we mentioned, his body is in the tub,

he is lifeless; he is dead. His head is fallen back and the body is cold,

you can tell by the lack of colour in his skin, he is emaciated, he is dead…

but why did Seneca die? Because he himself chose to die.

According to the stoics, sometimes suicide, death, was preferable to impudence,

infamy, shame, crime or dishonour.

Seneca himself said that "We must not always cling to life.

Wise men will live as long as they should, not as long as they can."

I like to recall this principle elsewhere.

Here the author deliberately painted a wreath and a vase.

I'll go back later to the wreath,

but the vase may depict money, riches, luxury and even lust,

one of Seneca's weaknesses and something for which he was criticized and attacked in his day.

Now what can we say about the situation, the historical context?

Why did Seneca die?

Tacitus, the great historian, tells us about it.

Seneca, as we know, was Nero's preceptor.

He not only oversaw his education

but also saw to affairs of the state.

So Seneca was a mentor worthy of Nero's esteem.

As time went on, Nero's character became untamed.

He moved away from the principles taught to him by Seneca.

He was always scheming, having people killed, including magistrates,

friends, his brother and even his own mother.

Christians too had to look out for their lives.

from his position and return to public life.

Nero, however, regards him with hostility

was already scheming and accused Seneca of participating in the

conspiracy organized by Piso against Nero.

Seneca was sentenced to capital punishment.

One of the centurions approaches Seneca and announces Nero's orders.

Seneca must thus prepare for voluntary death.

First he asks for slabs to write his last will, benefiting his wife and friends.

The centurion refuses to heed the request, so Seneca understands that he can only

leave them the example of his death.

He wished to offer his friends and wife the example of his stoic death.

His friends cry out in outrage, and his wife, Paulina, wishes to commit suicide with him,

but Seneca demands that they keep calm and says:

Have you forgotten the principles of philosophy? Now is when you must uphold those principles.

We must exercise restraint because we are Stoics." And he goes on to his death.

How does he take his life? First he cuts the veins in his arms,

and to speed up the process he then cuts the veins in his legs.

Even so, tormented by the prolonged wait for death, as death may not come quickly,

he then asks for a poison, in the Socratic way, since the poison was hemlock.

Still death does not come upon him, because, as we said before,

his blood does not flow smoothly. Finally Seneca gets into a hot water tub.

The steam suffocates him (look at the vapours, here you can see them) and he finally dies.

This is the moment that is depicted in such masterly fashion in the painting. This pleases us.

What about the wreath? Seneca wears the wreath. The wreath is often a sign

of those who are victorious. They can win a wreath in a competition.

It might be a symbol of Seneca's status as the best philosopher of his age.

There are others who say that Seneca was thirsty for power,

and that is why he took part in Piso's conspiracy to do away with Nero. Thus the wreath may symbolize

the emperor's power that Seneca coveted. This is the reason for his death, but we are not certain

about how much truth lies behind this. Be that as it may, he did leave behind striking works,

plenty of knowledge, many quotes and proverbs.

In one of his works he quoted Hippocrates: "Ars longa vita brevis".

His example lives on in art and literature and will always accompany us and we can always enjoy it.

We are reaching the end of our visit.

Eloísa and I have enjoyed showing you these exemplary paintings.

We believe that this is the reason why it is worthwhile going back once and again

to ancient authors and read them once and again.

Their examples are still valid, they still refer to us, and they still have something to teach us.

The words of the classics grip us and their examples are so moving. Thank you.

For more infomation >> "Séneca, después de abrirse las venas" de Manuel Domínguez con comentarios en latín - Duration: 11:37.


Curso Online. Pintura e ilustración realista con Procreate - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Curso Online. Pintura e ilustración realista con Procreate - Duration: 3:05.


Acacias 38 avance 936: Samuel, agrede públicamente a Lucía, ante la mirada atónita de los invitados - Duration: 1:57.

Acacias 38 avance 936: Samuel, agrede públicamente a Lucía, ante la mirada atónita de los invitados

En la chocolatería se celebra el triunfo de Tito que vuelve a gozar de popularidad en el barrio;

Iñigo reparte las ganancias obtenidas del combate, el futuro se presenta alentador para todos.

Samuel, agrede públicamente a Lucía, ante la mirada atónita de los invitados y de Telmo que está a punto de intervenir.n Trini se siente mal repentinamente,

el medico diagnostica que tiene un grave problema con la tensión, hay que mantenerla vigilada en todo momento.

Celia se ofrece para ayudar a Trini que se compromete a cuidarla hasta que tenga a su niño.

Liberto amonesta a Samuel por su comportamiento en la iglesia y le aconseja que lo solucione cuanto antes, pero su orgullo le impide disculparse.

Jimeno Batán se presenta en su casa, amenazándole con dejarle impedido, quiere que salde su deuda cuanto antes y le exige que venda su casa y las joyas.

Samuel se compromete a hacerlo, pero le suplica que le dé tiempo.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 avance 936: Samuel, agrede públicamente a Lucía, ante la mirada atónita de los invitados - Duration: 1:57.


Tratamiento de la hipoglucemia: causas y peligros - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Tratamiento de la hipoglucemia: causas y peligros - Duration: 10:01.


La vergonzosa visita secreta y a puerta cerrada de Begoña Gómez con sus hijas al Palacio Real - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> La vergonzosa visita secreta y a puerta cerrada de Begoña Gómez con sus hijas al Palacio Real - Duration: 2:58.


Cómo imprimir fotos desde Windows 10 | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Cómo imprimir fotos desde Windows 10 | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 1:43.


Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.


#wearecmz | Trailer | CMZ, fabricante de tornos CNC - Duration: 0:27.















Family philosophy

The work of my whole life

Sacrifice and effort

Where people are not another number

For more infomation >> #wearecmz | Trailer | CMZ, fabricante de tornos CNC - Duration: 0:27.


Michel Drucker dérange, un faux pas qui fait jaser - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Michel Drucker dérange, un faux pas qui fait jaser - Duration: 1:33.


Vanessa Paradis jubile, Johnny Depp lavé de tout soupçon de violence - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis jubile, Johnny Depp lavé de tout soupçon de violence - Duration: 1:41.


Why Elon Musk Turned to Stainless Steel for SpaceX's Starship Mars Rocket - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Why Elon Musk Turned to Stainless Steel for SpaceX's Starship Mars Rocket - Duration: 5:40.


William et Harry, c'est compliqué, des photos qui en disent très long - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> William et Harry, c'est compliqué, des photos qui en disent très long - Duration: 1:25.


La fille d'Alain Delon au mieux, Alice Taglioni lui remonte le moral - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> La fille d'Alain Delon au mieux, Alice Taglioni lui remonte le moral - Duration: 1:33.


Special Agent OSO Dye Another Egg Part 2 - Millie Benson - Duration: 3:59.

Sorry Bufo it's all part of the plan more or less

Special Agent Oso, mr. Dose here. It's an extraordinary situation

Kiara and Gabriel want to die Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt tomorrow

But they don't know how your special assignment help Kiara and Gabriel die Easter eggs. Sure thing. Mr

Dose. I think I could use a little help. Will you lend a paw or hand?

Great top pilot. What special steps will I need for this assignment?

That's all you need

Feed your specialist I'm gonna start and now three special steps will show you

You need just

A real soul Chiara and Gabriel need to finish dyeing Easter eggs before bedtime. I'm on my way

We're going to room good and the way we call

What's the code name for today's special assignment pilot special assign


Thanks paw pilot special assignment die another egg accepted

Seat belt first before you go

Salsa song which is good luck in from

Special Agent Oso. Hi Gabriel. Hi Kiara ready to die some Easter eggs. Yeah

Pilot what's our first step step 1 put food coloring and water. You'll need to put the water in bowls

First we have 6 different bottles of food coloring. That means we'll need 6 bowls. How many bowls do we have?

Let's count together





5 we have five bowls, but we need 6 how many more bowls do we need to have 6 bowls?

let's see five balls plus 1 Bowl makes

6 bowls

Sure thing now to pour the water into the bowls

For more infomation >> Special Agent OSO Dye Another Egg Part 2 - Millie Benson - Duration: 3:59.


Meghan Royals Es - Elie Saab se tomó muy literal el Pantone del año 'Living Coral' - Duration: 2:33.

 A finales del año pasado, la empresa estadounidense de predicción de color, Pantone, anunció el color que protagonizaría el 2019, y lo bautizó 'Living Coral'

Este color coral es un tributo a la magnificencia de esta fauna marina en alarmante decremento; y ha sido descrito como una mezcla de naranja con matices dorados que resulta vibrante y optimista

 Ahora, para su colección de Alta Costura primavera/verano 2019, el diseñador libanés Elie Saab ha tomado el 'Living Coral' como base cromática, pues se ha inspirado precisamente en el mar

Propuso vestidos fluidos que evocan la marea y aplicaciones que emulan el coral, elevando la feminidad y haciendo lucir a la mujer como una sirena

 Con el claro objetivo de celebrar la magia de la feminidad, el creativo interpretó el color y movimiento del mar a través de vestidos con una cualidad casi líquida, que al ser llevados, se mueven como el oleaje

Con diferentes tonalidades de azul y complejos bordados y aplicaciones iridiscentes, Elie Saab ha traducido la naturaleza del mar a la Alta Costura

 Una colección de Elie Saab no está completa sin dos elementos fundamentales a su identidad: propuestas en tonos dorados nude y un despampanante vestido de novia

El último bloque de la colección presentó estos elementos, pero sin dejar de lado la influencia marina; con detalles azules y sinuosas ondas bordadas sobre el vestido nupcial del cierre

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Elie Saab se tomó muy literal el Pantone del año 'Living Coral' - Duration: 2:33.


La maquinaria de propaganda de Maduro sale en tromba a defender al dictador: "La derecha desea ..!! - Duration: 6:49.

Ni cambiando las reglas durante el partido - con su nueva Constitución y sus constituyentes a la carta -

ha podido mantener Nicolás Maduro detener la crisis que arrastra desde hace décadas y que lo mantiene en una situación desastrosa y que ha llevado al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional,

órgano creado precisamente por la reforma constitucional de Maduro, a tratar de tomar el control.

¿Qué decía Venezolana de Televisión, el canal público de Venezuela? Pues que se ha producido un malvado golpe de Estado fascista (en esta TV hablan tanto de golpes de Estado que es difícil saber cuáles son reales y cuáles se inventan).

ordenado por la derecha, término que era repetido reiteradamente por los presentadores de VTV y ordenado por Donald Trump.

Y lo mismo TeleSur, la cadena de televisión internacional que emite para Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y Nicaragua (y en su día también Argentina), copiando el estilo de Al-Jazeera,

se ha demostrado una vez más como una mera cadena de propaganda chavista, repetía las mismas consignas de VTV y que 'la derecha' deseaba la guerra civil al tiempo que aseguraba que no podría detener la revolución bolivariana (forma en la que se refieren al régimen vigente).

Lo curioso es que los voceros de VTV y TeleSur se hacían un lío al decir a la vez que había que ilegalizar a la Asamblea Nacional,

pero al mismo tiempo que no había que convocar nuevas elecciones para esa Asamblea porque eso es lo que quiere la derecha.

Y la parte más divertida era oír a comentaristas de TeleSur como Marco Teruggi al culpar de todo a potencias extranjeras añadir junto al tridente del mal habitual (Estados Unidos,

Brasil y Colombia), también a España (sí, sí, España) como instigadora del tema.

¡Qué disgusto le van a dar a Pedro Sánchez! Hasta el momento (noche del 23 al 24) los países que han reconocido el intento de la Asamblea Nacional de reconducir al país son Estados Unidos,

Colombia, Brasil, Chile, Perú, Canadá, Argentina, Guatemala y Ecuador, pero España no ha dicho oficialmente ni pío, ni parece probable que sus socios de gobierno le permitan hacerlo.

¿Y qué dicen los medios? ¡Todos los medios manipulan!, grito Nicolás Maduro a sus partidarios esta noche complicada identificándolo una vez más como su enemigo.

¿Pero han tomado partido estos medios? El Grupo Globo, grupo líder en Brasil, a pesar de su enfrentamiento con Bolsonaro,

era uno de los primeros en posicionarse y respaldar la decisión de su presidente Brasil hace bien en apoyar gobierno transitorio de Venezuela se leía en su sección de opinión.

En su diario se leían opiniones de apoyo al pueblo venezolano frente al régimen. El Grupo Clarín, grupo líder en Argentina también parecía esperanzado.

Y varios de los comentaristas de TodoNoticias, el canal 24 horas del Grupo Clarín se escuchaban opiniones de apoyo a la Asamblea Nacional: Estamos cerca de conseguir la libertad, vemos luz al final del túnel.

Una posición editorial adoptaba El Mercurio de Chile y Radio Caracol (RCN)en Colombia, donde hicieron amplios despliegues sobre el tema.

En RCN la política Margarita Restrepo era quien más se esmeró en defender a Juan Guaidó, aunque también hubo algún comentarista en sentido contrario (Tanto Globo, como Clarín, como El Mercurio, como RCN son vapuleados habitualmente desde TeleSur).

Donde mientras el oficialismo se ha volcado en apoyo a Maduro, los medios privados, bastante castrados por el oficialismo en las últimas décadas optaban por no tomar partido.

Diferente es la situación en Venezuela. Ni Venevision, ni Globovision, salvo un editorial para pedir que no haya violencia.

EL PRECEDENTE DE 2002; Es inevitable recordar los sucesos de abril de 2002, cuando el presidente de la patronal venezolana, Pedro Carmona, se proclamó presidente frente a Chávez,

los medios privados de Venezuela encabezados por Venevision de Gustavo Cisneros y seguido por Radio Caracas Televisión, Globovision y Televen.

Tras frustrarse la operación y huir del país Carmona, el Gobierno chavista cerró Radio Caracas Televisión al no renovarle su licencia de emisión y logró, en parte, castrar editorialmente a los restantes con distintas medidas.

En 2002 todos los medios privados tanto venezolanos como españoles se volcaron en apoyo al primer intento de derribar a Hugo Chávez, que se apagó a las 48 horas.

Algo similar ocurrió en España, donde los cuatro periódicos españoles, El País, El Mundo, La Razón y ABC, publicaron editoriales de apoyo a la caída.

Si los de PRISA celebraba el 'golpe contra un caudillo', los de Vocento se satisfacían de que Venezuela dijera basta a Chávez.

La Razón celebraba que el pueblo derribara como Fuenteovejuna al dictadorzuelo más zafio de Iberoamérica.

También La Vanguardia dirigida por José Antich (hoy activista ultraindependentista) que escribía eufórico que había caído Hugo Chávez

y que sería juzgado por crímenes y animando a los venezolanos a volver a empezar. 48 horas después todos ellos tenían que tragarse su ilusión.

Aunque el más ridículo fue Gustavo de Arístegui desde El Mundo que publicó un artículo de apoyo al golpe cuando parecía que este había triunfado para, tras consumarse su fracaso, publicar un segundo contra-artículo nuevamente en El Mundo rectificando su opinión anterior.

Habrá que ver si ante la proclamación de Guaido, los medios españoles optan por ser más prudentes de lo que lo fueron entonces.

For more infomation >> La maquinaria de propaganda de Maduro sale en tromba a defender al dictador: "La derecha desea ..!! - Duration: 6:49.


初登場!!ちゃま『黒髪デコラメイク』 - Duration: 12:35.

Hello, I'm Chama

I am usually working as a shop staff for ACDC RAG

Today I'm introducing dark hair decora makeup.

So let's start

I will start with the contact lens.

The contacts are Jill Rodeo in Apricot

and the size 14.5mm

These color contacts have unique rims

It's quite vivid so it makes the eyes look round which makes the eyes look bigger

Next is the base makeup

The makeup base is ettusais oil block base

in color cool

I have oily skin, so I use this to block the glare

Especially my nose shines too much

so adding to the bridge of the nose

and to the Tzone as well.

Spreading with the fingers

The next base is INTEGRATE Air Fill Maker

This base holds the sebum down

and hides the pores as well.

It has a light touch

The places to add it is on the forehead

Cheek and chin

I will add some under my nose as well

and spread it to the whole face

The next one is the concealer

The concealer is the tip concealer from the SAEM

This concealer covers really well

Since I have terrible acnes and dark circles under the eyes,

so I will apply the tip

to the red areas point by point

When I apply too much, it will dry out

so I will just add a little and spread it with my fingers

Continuing on to foundation

The foundation is Revlon Colorstay UV foundation

This foundation covers really well

The touch is light as well

It's very easy to use

Next is the eyebrow color

The eyebrow is CANMAKE natural chiffon eyebrow in 01

Using the light brown of this eyebrow pencil

Using the cosmetic chip and filling in the needed part

and adding lightly on the outer corner

Next is Chifure eyebrow pencil 22 light brown

With this eyebrown pencil, fixing the shape

Adding on parts which I was not able to color

and create the eyebrows

Next is the lip care.

The next is Etude House Kissful Lip Care


The package of this lipstick is really cute

It moisturizes well

And the scent is that of strawberry

Adding to the whole lip to moisturize

Next is shading

Cezanne face control color

no.4 matte brown

I am adding this contouring to lightly color the face line

If you put too much

the color will change, or look strange so I try to be careful

Next is eyeshadow

LACOLORS 16 color eyeshadow palette

I'm using this light pink color eye shadow first

I'm coloring from the inner corner to the middle of the pupils

What I used next was

I'm using the light purple color.

I'm starting from the middle of the pupils,

Not keeping it light, but adding heavily is the key

Since it's Decora makeup this time, I'm matching with the outfit

and using pink and purple

Next is KATE Double Line Faker 01

This eyeliner goes to the double eyelid

By using this, the double eyelid is enhanced,

and the eyes become bigger

Right now, it looks like I've really drawn it

so I try to blend it in with the fingers.

The eyelash curler

CANMAKE eyelash curler

This curler is quite cheap

and it raises the eyelash well.

Using this curler, I will clamp the eyelashes

and raise it with force

Raise it 1,2,3

Next the eyeliner

Flowfushi Moteliner in brown

This is very easy to apply

You can hold it like a pencil, and easy to use.

I am adding this only to the outer corner side

I am starting from the end of the pupils

When I use eyeliner, my eyes become smaller

so only adding on the outer corner.

Next is the eyelash base

CANMAKE quite lash curler ER 01

This raises the eyelash very well

It extends it very well even before using the mascara

It's a bit white,

but it turns transparent so it's easy to use

Next is mascara

Maybelline Lashionista N02 brown mascara

I have used this mascara for nearly 4 to 5years now

It's very easy to use

and even when you sweat or cry, it doesn't come off

I'm adding this mascara in a zig zag way

Going back to the eyeshadow again

Adding this light orange color to the eye bags

It gives a bit of bloated look

Next I am adding light pink

and make the eyes look like it's a bit bloated

The next eyeshadow is CLIO pro single shadow 10

This eyeshadow gives so much shine

so it's a very useful eyeshadow

I am adding this eyeshadow to the whole eyelid tapping it in

Giving it glitter to make shiny eyes.

Next is Idol Make Bible for eyes

I am adding this to the eye bags

It's a very shiny eyeshadow

It's very useful and cute

I am adding little bit to the eyebags

Tapping it in to give it some glitter

A small amount will make it useful

Next is KATE double line faker LLB-1

Making the eye bags

I am adding to the line which appears when I smile

I will add this, and blending it in with a cotton swab

Next is the blush

CANMAKE juicy lady liquid cheek 01

This blush gives bright color so with small amount, it spreads well

It gives good color

I will add about three dots of these above the cheekbones

and blend with the finger

The lipstick

Etude House Dear Darling Water Gel Tint

OR 201

This is TINT so it lasts long

and doesn't come off

and I'm adding this to the inner part of the lips

Next is L'Oreal Paris huile caresse 806

I bought this lipstick recently

It was really cute, and I thought I can use on different lips so I bought it

I am adding this over the lipstick I had added before

As an addition, after the Etude House lipstick

I had added this lipstick

Flowfushi Lip 38 C

I am adding this over the lipstick I used before

This is a lipstick base, and when I add this during makeup

the lip color will stay, or moisturizes well so I use it often

Adding the glitter

What I use is, Mentholatum Lip Care

in color BFG

I am adding this to the cheeks. The place I am using it on whole cheek area

Next is things I bought at DAISO

The glitter of nails or stars

added to the face

For the hair, I am making a pig tail

but not making it all in pig tail

but make a ball

and make it in the size you like

The leftover hair will be a ball and make some braids afterward

I am adding the rubber extension

With a pin, trying to hide the tied knot

I am adding the decora pin

The pin is adjusted to keep balance

and the key is to keep the color from not overlapping

Black hair decora makeup is done!

How was it?

The key for the black hair decora makeup is,

There were parts I used a lot of pink

and with shiny glitter, I made the cheek really cute

I selected the accessories to give bright colors here

and made the pins matching the outfit was the key as well

There is an announcement

I am doing a live on the 14th of May at Zepp Tokyo

If you check the discription, you'll find the info on my SNS

Please check the newest information there

There are many types of makeup videos on Kawaii Pateen

so please subscribe to the channel

This was Chama. Bye bye

For more infomation >> 初登場!!ちゃま『黒髪デコラメイク』 - Duration: 12:35.


Renaud intenable et furieux après son accident, sa fille Lolita n'arrive pas à le gérer - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Renaud intenable et furieux après son accident, sa fille Lolita n'arrive pas à le gérer - Duration: 1:20.


【ダイエット】くるくる運動法応用編【diet】 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 【ダイエット】くるくる運動法応用編【diet】 - Duration: 2:39.


[베트남 vs 일본] 박항서와 베트남, 일본 상대로 새 역사 도전 - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> [베트남 vs 일본] 박항서와 베트남, 일본 상대로 새 역사 도전 - Duration: 11:16.


Cambodia Story Book, វិធីធ្វើ ផាកឡូវ - Duration: 1:10.


- 1 kg pork or meat - 5 lemons

- Dig a piece as long as a thumb - Garlic 5 cloves

- 2 tablespoons palm sugar - 1 teaspoon bach

- half a teaspoon salt

How to do

First place the pot on fire and place the palm sugar on the stalks (red), put the daisies

in and place the garlic and salt mixed together.

Leave it red and press it out.

For more infomation >> Cambodia Story Book, វិធីធ្វើ ផាកឡូវ - Duration: 1:10.


Gods woorden 'God Zelf, de unieke VIII God is de bron van leven voor alle dingen (II)' Deel twee - Duration: 31:51.

For more infomation >> Gods woorden 'God Zelf, de unieke VIII God is de bron van leven voor alle dingen (II)' Deel twee - Duration: 31:51.


The Life of a US Open Ball Boy: Tour Tales From Our Summer Intern - Duration: 6:31.

That's what The Action Network analyst (and avid tennis bettor) Michael Leboff said when social media director Connor Nolte showed him my resume

Leboff wasn't wowed by my academic or work credentials, but rather by the fact that I was a US Open ball boy in 2013 and 2014

I never thought it would lead to an internship, but that is how I ended up at The Action Network for the summer

I'm sure you have questions and I think I know what they are — even if it's been five years since I've been grilled about my time at the US Open

I can't imagine the experience varies too much over time. Let's do this! >> Sign up for The Action Network's daily newsletter to get the smartest conversation delivered into your inbox each morning

Tryouts. About 80 people are chosen from approximately 400 aspiring ball persons

Everything is relative. Is Jordan Clarkson a good basketball player? There are two ways to answer that

One being "no" and the other being "well, he's in the NBA." So is it hard to be ball boy? Relative to the population, yes

Most people can't bend down to pick up a tennis ball while running full speed — and do so successfully 15 times without error — but that's not the most difficult part

A US Open ball person has to accurately throw a tennis ball the length of the court on one hop

There's about 15 feet separating the back wall from each baseline. Now, I know you're rolling your eyes, but tennis balls are light and very susceptible to windy conditions

The throw would be a piece of cake with a baseball or football, but not with a tennis ball on certain days

I mean, we aren't a bunch of Bo Jacksons out there, but it's not as easy as it sounds

Note: Starting in 2018, US Open ball people will join all the other ball people in the world and roll balls across the court

With the throw eliminated, a ball person's job should get much easier. Yes! One of the greatest perks of ball boying is the free Ralph Lauren tennis gear

The shoes, made by New Balance, are awful, though. During one of my first shifts, my shoe fell off as I ran to snatch a ball

I didn't want to halt play so I picked up my shoe and carried it to my position in the corner of the court before placing it by my side

"Umm put your shoe on," said the chair umpire. Great, now it's a whole scene that delayed the match as the players waited for me to put on my ugly New Balance kicks

You had to ask, didn't you? During the first shift of my sophomore year, I hit the chair on a throw across the court

It felt good out of my hands, but then I saw the umpire duck right before I heard the ball plunk the awning on top of the umpire's chair

It made a sound that I was certain echoed all the way across the grounds of Billie Jean King National Tennis Center

Again, I'm not Bo Jackson. I still remember everything about that throw under the lights on the first Monday of the qualifying rounds

The umpire was a brunette woman, and a supervisor watched it all unfold. Here's what you need to understand: Supervisors basically court-hop around the grounds to scout ball persons' performance

During qualifying rounds, you probably get watched for a grand total of 15 minutes

Our primary job was to not screw up during those 15 minutes. Well, I failed and didn't get put on a TV court during the main draw, which was really the main perk

Let's be clear. I've ball boyed for nobodies (juniors, qualifiers, low-ranked doubles teams)

We're talking about people who should, in theory, have no ego whatsoever. However, in my two years as a ball boy, only two players ever said, "Thank you

" They were American brothers who've won a combined 28 Grand Slam doubles titles: Mike and Bob Bryan, the nicest players I ever came across during my experience

I was unfairly yelled at once by a player, but I won't call her out by name. She's retired so I don't need to bug her on a beach somewhere in Italy

I'll tell you what was challenging, though: ball boying for then No. 12 in the world Tommy Haas — who was known for his fits of rage

Haas had no problem with my ball-boying skills, but he was a bit frustrated that he was having so much trouble with Yen-Hsun Lu in the second set

Oddly enough, Haas would always choose someone to make eye contact with during his tirades

On that particular day, he looked right into my eyes and shouted, "einz f**ing ditty shpleck!" That's right, he mixed in English curse words with his German curse words, making it 10 times funnier

It was terrifying and hilarious all at the same time. One of my greatest achievements as a ball boy was holding back laughter as Tommy Haas screamed expletives at me while making direct eye contact

No, I was only 15 years old, but I know I would've snagged a Rafael Nadal future in 2013, which would have cashed

Well, that's what I like to tell myself, anyway

For more infomation >> The Life of a US Open Ball Boy: Tour Tales From Our Summer Intern - Duration: 6:31.


Арендный бизнес. Сдаете недвижимость посуточно. Увеличит ваши доходы система RealtyCalendar - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Арендный бизнес. Сдаете недвижимость посуточно. Увеличит ваши доходы система RealtyCalendar - Duration: 1:11.


Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.

For more infomation >> Revolutionize Your Productivity By Reducing Labor Costs & Decreasing Primer Dry Time.


What equipment and skills will I need? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> What equipment and skills will I need? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:28.


BREAKING: I Was First To Prove Onnoghen Has Money He Can't Explain, Says Sowore - Duration: 2:12.

BREAKING: I Was First To Prove Onnoghen Has Money He Can't Explain, Says Sowore

Omoyele Sowore, presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC), says he was the first person to expose Walter Onnoghen, the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), as possessing accounts containing unexplainable funds.

Sowore said this on Wednesday night while featuring at a town-hall meeting tagged 'TheCandidates', broadcast live on the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) with the support of MacArthur Foundation.

He made the statement while answering a question on how his administration would tackle corruption, if elected. He explained that for any anti-corruption war to succeed, it must be fought indiscriminately.

"There must be consequences, you know. for people to know that it is not alright to be corrupt and still get a chieftaincy title," he said.

"Look at the judiciary. Look, Nigeria has been playing around with crruption for a long time, but you know, as an individual, I have been fighting corruption for the last 12 years with SaharaReporters.

"The Chief Justice of Nigeria who is under trial now, I was the first person on SaharaReporters to put out his account that he has money that he cannot explain.

Do you know what happened when I did it? The EFCC issued a statement that I was wrong. Now, when it is politically expedient, he is underoing trial.".

Onnoghen is currently being tried at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) for fraudulent asset declaration, with latest revelation about his bank account detailing a series of dubious payments to the tune of bundreds of thousands of dollars.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: I Was First To Prove Onnoghen Has Money He Can't Explain, Says Sowore - Duration: 2:12.


How will I interact with my lecturers? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> How will I interact with my lecturers? | Studying online with Deakin - Duration: 1:06.


Trip to Korea with O-Lens + trying on BLACKPINK's lens! - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Trip to Korea with O-Lens + trying on BLACKPINK's lens! - Duration: 11:11.


The Penguins of Madagascar I Was a Penguin Zombie Episode 1 - Madison Bell - Duration: 3:31.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!

and now DreamWorks the Penguins of Madagascar

cute and cuddly boys

nice and easy Rico remember condiments are more scared of you than you are them

onion skipper no thanks I'm after the big catch the elusive Polish sauerkraut

sorry crap you win this round salad route are you hurt

sweet naive private I would be where I am today if I didn't know how to take a

fall well that was a lucky bread broken broken broken what this it's just a

sprain skipper I don't think that's just like spraying you you need to see the

doctor doctor that needles sticking diamond no thank you

skipper look at it wings don't burn that way

maybe I'm double-jointed oh that makes sense

great then we won't have to miss our volleyball game

how many away skipper all right then skipper devil join it great that we

won't have to miss the armwrestling tournament yeah that wasn't even in our

skipper there's your double-jointed wing turning a little swollen II great then

we won't have to miss hard five practice

okay says well we need practice oh look at that wing that's gotta be infected


well it's definitely broken

For more infomation >> The Penguins of Madagascar I Was a Penguin Zombie Episode 1 - Madison Bell - Duration: 3:31.


Meghan Markle dobrze ukrywa swój sekret! Prawda w końcu wyjdzie na jaw?! - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle dobrze ukrywa swój sekret! Prawda w końcu wyjdzie na jaw?! - Duration: 8:02.


占卜揭秘:你的隐藏天赋是什么?其实你一直小看了优秀的自己 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 占卜揭秘:你的隐藏天赋是什么?其实你一直小看了优秀的自己 - Duration: 6:07.


[ENG SUB]뚝배기시리즈! 흰 쌀밥에 제육뚝배기 왕창+된장찌개까지 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:10.

Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !

Peek a boo !

Today, I'm going to eat is ~

(There are a lot of hop pots on the table..)

It's ttuk-bae-gi series (Spicy stir-fried pork in a Hot Pot)

I craved Jeyukbokkeum (Spicy stir-fried pork in a Hot Pot)

so, I ordered 1,2,3 Jeukbokkeum and

Soybean Paste stew with Seafood

They deliver all kinds of foods in a plastic container even you orders at Kimbap heaven.

I was very unhappy about it.

anyway, I'll enjoy it !

[Let's eat first a side dishes]

No1. Spicy stir-fried pork in a Hot Pot

a lot of pork here

WHOA (Too hot)

This pork is thick.

put some pork on the rice

I've paid 31,000 won

(Is that a Stir-fried Fish Cake ?)

(Let's try Soybean Paste stew with Seafood)

Oh It's big one

I'll try the soup first !

"it was a little strange"

Soup position changed…

I felt something strange lol

(it would be nice to stir-fry rice with sauce..)

Jeyukbokkeum is always delicious…

it tastes different …


has a lot of sauce !

This tofu looks very tempting.

Lately, my appetite changes..

Before I like Kimchi stew a lot

but these days I like to eat Soybean Paste stew more

[she finished 1Jeyukbokkeum]

[Still steaming]

it would be super good for wrap with lettuce


it has a deep taste like cheonggukjang

Aeyyong 's… near my feet lol

I would like to try eat some fat ! but…

(Carefully choosing)

it's almost lean meat..

Soybean stew is better than Jeyukbokkeum

(She cleared the whole thing)

[Speechless ~]

[enjoying the soup]

I would've ordered 2 portions of Jeyukbokkeum …

the amount is bigger than I thought .(embarrassed)

When I eat stew,

I prefer to eat thick cut slices of tofu than thinly sliced tofu.

That's my best way

it taste like cheonggukjang

(the portions were so big…and )

lean meat..

I want to eat the fat !

I found it !

[she excited after eat it. !]

it's spot on !~



it looks like the Dried squid

(She can't stop eating…. Rice->Jeyukbokkeum->Soybean stew..)



( put rice in and mixed...)

[One last bite…]

[finished it]

(Why is it so big ?)

I love tofu ~ ^^*

I enjoyed it ~

Bye ! See you tomorrow ^^

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]뚝배기시리즈! 흰 쌀밥에 제육뚝배기 왕창+된장찌개까지 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:10.


Sjuksköterskeutbildning - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Sjuksköterskeutbildning - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 1:54.


Co było pierwsze – kredyt czy depozyt? #ZapytajBankiera | - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Co było pierwsze – kredyt czy depozyt? #ZapytajBankiera | - Duration: 6:10.


Systemarkitekturutbildningen - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Systemarkitekturutbildningen - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 1:00.


【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i'm going to use just this hot plate...

to make a really simple recipe, it's like an individual party

let's see that a now

let's put on the oil... ah! that's wrong !

let's put first the oil on the hot plate

and we cook the minced meat

when the color change, we add some mirin sauce

and soy sauce

with miso

and mustard

and we mix it

and after that we take the meat

in the same hot plate we put a layer of cabbage

and we use this canned white sauce

and after that we put the cooked meat again

and we put another layer of cabbage

white sauce again...

and the rest of the cooked minced meat

we done by adding cheese on top

we put the lid, and we wait for 10 min

aah, the smell is so good, let's open the lid


cheese is so melty

jaaan, and by that we made Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate

and for today, i made Chicken Meatballs soup

waa, look at this, it looks so tasty


waa, this cheese is so stretchy

looks so yummy

and because we are using in this lasagna, cabbage instead of noodles, it's so healthy

waa, cheese is so melty

it looks so hot


this is like cheese fondue

the cabbage goes so well with cheese


the texture of the cabbage still crispy and this is so good


and the taste of meat is strong and notable and this is very delicious


this cheese is so stretchy, isn't that ?

it's so hot

and this taste of the miso sauce is so good too

and if you want to add some sweet taste to it, you can add honey

mmmm, with a strong and tasty taste

and cheese is so thick and stretchy


the flavor of the minced meat is so good

and because the taste is so strong and thick, it goes so well with the rice

waaa! so hot

really hot !

and now with the chicken meatballs soup


this chicken meatball is so fluffy

and this melty cheese is the best

mmmm, it's so stretchy in really amazing way

and the miso sauce goes so well with cheese too

and the strong texture of the cabbage is so good

the juices flow as soon as you bite the cabbage

mixing white sauce with cheese made it so thick and heavy

anyone can make this dish

ah, now it's warm


the last bite, itadakimasu



Cheese Cabbage Lasagna was so tasty

we used plenty of cheese, and mixing that with white sauce, made it so thick and heavy

and the taste of the miso and the minced meat was so good

and the soup was so delicious too

and because this was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.


Kandidatprogram i Textilt Management, inriktning Mode och Handel - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kandidatprogram i Textilt Management, inriktning Mode och Handel - Högskolan i Borås - Duration: 0:56.


What Koreans Think About BTS, Why BTS Become Popular ㅣ한국인이 생각하는 BTS ,성공이유 - Duration: 3:02.

Hello everyone!

Today, I will talk about BTS!

Why I am so excited...? LOL

With 3 stage, How Korean have changed their thoughts about BTS~

1) Debut

When they first came out , Nobody paid attention for them

Many people would think they will be disappeared soon

They debut at 2013

At that time, there are many new idol groups in korea

And plus their agency is BigHit Entertainment

Now It's really big and famous

But before It wasn't big agency like SM, YG, JYP

So Korean don't get attention about them much

2) Getting popular in the world

I heard that BTS use social media a lot

To protome them and connect with their fans (ARMY)

I am an army too ! haha

Usually, Agencies like SM , YG, JYP control IDOL groups about their private life and social meida

To keep their image or concept of the group

Big Agencies might think they don't need to make idos contact with fans directly

Agencies do promote them

they are already popular right after the debut

It's like Did u heard about there will be a new group from SM entertainment ?

I am acting right now hahaha

But BTS , They didn't get attention much at first

So They use social media actively

No idol group use social media like bts before

BTS tried to connect with fans directly

It gives special bond between BTS and armys

It spreads to people to people

based on social media

But even that point, while getting popular in the world,

Korean people didn't understand why they are popular to foreigners

It's like "I heard they are getting popular in ther world, But Why..?"

3) Become a world wide boy band

Since last year, We've started listen to the news

BTS is ... con..ce....rr??

BTS is conce..r..?

I think My tongue doesn't like english hahaha

They are opening a concert all europe and america

Go to a talk show like ellen / UN Speech

NY metro is even extending the operating time for the bts concert ?!!! WHAT????

I wish They would do the same When I travel to New York.... hahahaha

Then Korean people are starting to be surprised

How can they get into that?

We are even talking about that should we make them to go to an army or not ?

Cuz What they do is like a representative of korea

There was a documentary about bts

They said They have a message for young generation

With all album, There is a message, "Love Yourself"

And using social media is like following the way of interacting with young generation

I think they are right

Of course they are good looking and amazing skills of singing and dancing ~~


So far, We talked about How Korean people think about bts

Hope it was useful information

Don't forget to subscribe my channel and thumbs up!

For more infomation >> What Koreans Think About BTS, Why BTS Become Popular ㅣ한국인이 생각하는 BTS ,성공이유 - Duration: 3:02.


TechDays 2018 - VR AR MR where are we going ? - Duration: 52:47.

we're supposed to get started I should say so we'll do this in English I hope

that's fine for everyone really happy that so many came to join us so the plan

is to actually have a sort of an informal formal discussion or interview

with tell me about where VRA are and Mrs heading so if you have any questions

please don't hesitate to raise your arm and I will try to bring it up but first

let me introduce Tommy pop yourself okay yeah well so my name is Tom palm I met

you one back here when I studied at Kota who I think relates to technology back

in the mid 90s I should say just makes us sound real oh yeah I've been

passionate gamer and started out programmer making games on a hobby basis

for quite some time I started my first company back in the late nineties called

jade stone focused on on making mobile games and since then I've started five

companies my latest company is called resolution games and we focus on making

and what we call visual computing which is basically a more so augmented reality

and virtual reality gaming content primarily and yeah that's that's what

we're here to talk about sure so the idea is actually to discuss what Tommy

and his company has had for the experiences they've had building games

and virtual experiences for these types of devices and experiences and also

bring that into like how we can actually build apps similar features such so if

you are interested in those types of questions if you're interesting game I

know that Tommy will be happy to answer those questions as well so but just to

get started so that you mentioned VR Mr and AR those are three definitions of

not the same thing but kind of different so what is your definitions of like VR

MRNA or well I think virtual reality is the

one that may be easiest to to define that's when you are totally emerged in

something that you don't see the real world you only see the virtual world

that we built and right now we're very far long as science on visual and audio

but the idea is to trick your senses and we have five there's a lot of research

going on on smell and touch and taste as well but well yeah you don't really need

them always you don't wanna maybe smell dork dungeon

win something creepy in it and it's also very difficult the smell particles tend

to clump together and form what they refer to as brown smells which is not

for about a sense yeah touch is one very very important thing they're a bit alone

on trying to simulate your hands so you can use your hands in in virtual reality

some people have even recently shown gloves which has proper haptic feedback

so you can touch spider and actually feel get resistance when you see it

which is incredibly exciting but there is no commercial products out there yet

there are some haptic pens and things like that but not connected to your at

this point but a lot of exciting research is happening so that's the the

virtual reality field and that's the one that I would say has come the fodders it

still isn't a market that is really big enough to to allow for commercial

success it's it's still in its infancy the first commercial hardware for

consumers came out in 2016 so it's it's quite a new field and there is some very

exciting progress especially coming out during next year

so there is among other things something called oculus quest which is a headset

and that is untethered so it doesn't have any cables and it has everything it

needs to run and in the headset you strap on and you have to kind of

joysticks for your hands you can use your hands and pick virtual objects up

in as well so that I think is going to be very important for the virtual

reality market being untethered being

allowing these untethered advices to have what we call sixth off six degree

of freedom for both your head means you can lean in and look at things closer

and for your hands so we can know exactly what position how far away your

answer from each other there's a lot of three-door initiatives right now so

there's something called oculus go among other things where where you can you can

look around but you can't lean in and the controller is the same thing we

don't know where it is exactly what we know what direction it's pointing to so

you can use it as a laser pointer it works well for that so that kind of

together yes and of course there's a lot of initiatives from Microsoft here's

well they were announced last year I think and they kind of sneaked rollout

we haven't seen a lot about it here in Sweden at least I think it's been they

focused more on the stores Microsoft stores in the u.s. yes the biggest the

bigger market yes so how many of you in here have tried the Microsoft's new your

stuff okay couple of very few hands so it hasn't had a really wide penetration

I don't think that's that's safe to say but I think that more people has tried

the Augmented version that though the mixed version the hololens

then actually the immersive experience is like there's Samsung or the del Oro

search can we have a race of hamster who tried hololens just together Wow

um I guess you probably tried it at a conference or something like that folder

them you have one at home and you'd play it it's still pretty pricey right yes

yeah I brought a magic clip with me here today you can come up and touch it first

I don't think we have time to for everybody to try it out unfortunately I

have a few tried up so we recently released a game here called Angry Birds

first-person slingshot for this top advice yes on that this is augmented

reality head-mounted augmented reality I like to defer from mobile augmented

reality ok cuz iPhone and Android phones now support your kit in a or core which

is libraries for finding surfaces with the more modern phones and you can make

games or experiences there there's a few nothing that is really a huge commercial

hit yet but I think there is a lot of interest in this field and people are

investing a lot in trying to make it happen one of the great things

oh man Ted reality can bring to to mobile applications is a very good way

of navigating 3d space say that you have

skiing resort for instance and you have quite a complex map over where all the

different systems or that's typically something that's very hard to represent

in 2d but in 3d it's much easier to actually draw the whole system and then

you can move around your camera or your phone in order to to see a real

representation of it in a very intuitive way you could of course do that in 2d to

by moving your finger over the screen but it's very hard to do that so people

understand what's happening it quite easily becomes very complex this is

typically stuff that we as game developers work a lot with

trying to make complex interaction simple so it's fun shirts one of the key

things so that's that's on the augmented reality field so we have two major

things that's head-mounted a or which basically haven't really come yet we

have hololens and we have magiclip which just released a month or two in u.s. yes

and mobile AR there's much more and then Microsoft has this definition of mixed

reality like trying to bring these two together do you agree with that

definition saying that we have an augmented we have an immersive

experience with real-life objects represented into this virtual experience

yes so there is a lot of different definition being thrown around XOR is

another definition that they say these all refer to the same thing one thing

you can have for instance is a virtual reality headset and use those cameras

yes to get a see-through image and then you have augmented reality again or or

or mixed reality or if you want to call it so the definition hasn't really set

yet okay since Microsoft is now calling it a more then you can bet that Google

and Apple won't call it that's why we at resolution we refer to it as visual

computing instead and the reason for that I think that this is a very very

big shift actually this is similar to what we had with personal computers in

the 80s or smartphones in the early 2000s it's a paradigm shift where

eventually these type of glasses will be light enough for us to want to replace a

big screen that you have in your pocket or a big screen that yeah there is a lot

of super interesting use cases for this type of technology that is outside of

games games is one of the things that always take trailblazing and it's an

early use case for technology that people are willing to pay

a little bit for so it's that sounds it's very fun to be a software

development company focus on games so you brought up mobile because your

history was earlier in mobile and you saw you should saw similar trends to

mobile and now into VR and these type devices so being I know that how big is

resolution games now if 50 people or something yeah 1440 okay so it's kind of

a big company for being a Swedish standard at least so and you're betting

all of this company for these type devices which is trying to make it on

the market that's kind of brave so well I think that's the startups you know you

have to you have to do something unique so we typically want to do something

that bigger companies are slower to embrace I there's this talk about blue

ocean and red ocean scenario where the blue ocean is is somewhere where there's

plenty of fish for everybody in red ocean is colored by the blood of the

fishes and there's a lot of sharks hunting in that space and I think that a

lot of the other mobile games perfect example of a red ocean scenario where

it's very very hard to enter that market and try to compete with the super cells

and the kings of the world they have tremendous marketing budgets and budgets

behind making game there which is kind of interesting because mobile games used

to be the simpler way of getting into the games market where the consoles were

a much tougher competition space but I think that there's a shift now I think

PC is again the more innovative yeah okay cool so any questions so far okay

we've talked to like the the definitions of VRA or and well mr XR when notice on

you and being early in the market actually giving you a key position you

have you just raised some money yeah we just traced 7.5 million dollars at the

evaluation of eighty-seven point five million so

very high evaluation for a company that is still in its infancy in terms of

making revenues so but I think that's showing that there is a lot of belief

that this is going to be a paradigm shift in the different things that you

can do on this platform it will be valid for games I mean from a gaming point of

view it's fantastic to finally be able to be inside the game world

that's a as somebody who loved video games since donkey kong and this type of

experience back in the 80s I saw there was a pacman up here on the arcade

machine this allows you to actually be inside a completely virtual world and

then do things in there which is extremely immersive and I think and hope

that it will also open up for much more people than traditional gamers which is

a very very small part of the population

probably some of you here in my age enjoys playing video games in a console

I know you do now but but there's still a lot of people that's not in that's

where that feels at video games is a waste of time or it maybe is too complex

they don't feel that it's not for them but I hope and think that that's

something that's gonna change a lot I think that a lot of a lot of content

both having to do with things like education for instance where you're able

to experience you know Greek dinner 2,000 years ago and really feel like you

were there and be extremely inspired and instead of reading about it which has

not so good impact on your memory and your ability to to learn things you'll

be able to experience it on your own which is very very very cool that brings

up a photo question because when when V RNA or NMR was announced for

games specifically there was a lot of traction a lot of different experiences

being implemented almost at the same time was like a lot of different engines

were available and a lot of different games came up and it has been sort of

stalled I think the last six or to nine months it's like everyone is waiting

from the next step I think there has been a lot of disappointment from from

many sources that people thought that this 2016 wave of virtual reality was

now it was going to take off and we were a little bit cautious having gone

through this cycle with mobile games this time I realized I won't happen

directly I left role if due to technology I didn't finish my studies

there I went home my parents and said I have to quit

instantly mobile games is about to happen I need every second I can

yet ten years later the iPhone came along and have made it economically

viable to make living out of my games so this time I was way more cautious and

one reason of racing quite a lot of money is to be able to to take the easy

and be able to accelerate when the right timing is there which is very always

very difficult to see in advance so do you think there are some experiences or

games that is available now that like shows a hint of where we are going like

there are some some new s new aspects or some cool games and such that really get

some traction like beat Sabre is one of them that's a great example

so in bid Sabre you are hacking along with your lightsabers on objects that's

coming towards you and you have to do that in man have you seen beat Sabre and

one scene that okay if you haven't you should really try it out on a demo

somewhere it's also something with I I think it's in force is what you meant

talked about earlier with the touch or the scenario of getting feedback because

if when you put these you have two handles then you have the

two late light sabers within the game but when you cross the beams you

actually get a vibration sense in in the handle in the controller's meaning that

you get a physical representation of crossing these light sabers which is

really cool and it gives you an impact of like I'm really there yeah yeah no I

think it's a great example of something that is rather casual and fun to do and

you get a little bit of an exercise doing it but I think that the most

obvious if you want is really understand how incredibly powerful virtual reality

can be trying something horror related is way too efficient I am I'm not big on

horror myself but it becomes very very clear to your brain that you believe

that this is true if you try to be in a dark dungeon somewhere and things jump

out or there's things that you're scared you like there is no nothing in your

body that doubts that this is hunter central which is very interesting with

the first games that we started out making we've been very much focused on

doing more accessible experiences so we knew we didn't want to do horror and we

said one of the first things that would be amazing is to have this really nice

nature experience where you're on a peak of a hill and you look out and you have

a lot of wonderful view but that is extremely complex to trick your brain

into believing that you're actually outside and it's that it's that it is

something I'm beautiful so we focused our first game around that type of

experience was a fishing game experience where you are in beautiful nature

experience and you fish which is simple to do and so it's great first game for

us to do and this is now one of the biggest VR games out there with 2.5

million downloads on on oculus alone so that's been that's been very helpful for

us but but to the horror things it's much easier for your for your brains to

to believe them and in general darker sins or easier to

to make that's a really interesting thing with both virtual reality nor

mental reality that a lot of it is about tricking the brain into believing that

the objects are there and of course making things realistic it's incredibly

difficult especially some objects like humans it's something that a very large

part of our brain is trained on looking at faces and instantly seeing if there

is something wrong if somebody is not responding the way you're thinking there

they would do you get very uneasy there's this uncanny valley that we

speak a lot about in game xi one you're almost there

with a the closer you are to a real human the more important it is that

every single detail is is correct so it's much easier to do a cartoon

character with very few human things like just an eye and two eyes and a

mouth you'll have an easier time to believe that that's not creepy so I

definitely think that there is a lot of things that the gaming industry is doing

on a research field that it's very relevant to to other companies whatever

you are working with what if you were interested in the or ray or because that

is a great way of teaching new employees how to to do complex tasks or we're just

getting them to understand the bigger picture yeah we had a short discussion

earlier with another partner here talking about like if I want to learn

something new which I am not capable of today I can purchase that that

educational material through and augmented stores and for all method

reality experience like say I want to fix a motorcycle or something like that

I want to learn how to pick up a pick down the end

and then put it all together doing it by myself could be hard I can read about it

but doing it augmented must be not easy I should say but easier helping me say

tell you this is the noblest you should start with and put these details over

there and this object must be very easy to identify as well yes that's

especially true once mounted reality is at the state where computer vision can

identify the objects that you are looking at here that's something that is

ongoing big companies like Google they have a project called lens for instance

when they are trying to figure out what it is that the computer is see in the

world so that's why they have Google photos for free because they are

collecting images from our weddings and Christmases and just crunching numbers

on trying to figure out what what is it and you can follow this quite close as a

consumer because you can you can use Google photos and you can search for

very abstract things there like wedding or handsome or and and you will see that

it's much better at identifying things that is common in and household pictures

wedding for instance is a good example of something that people take a lot of

pictures so there's a lot of material to train AIO whereas a hallway for instance

almost nobody takes pictures in the hallway so it's much worse at

recognizing that she's interesting and if you use google photos both on Android

and iPhone you can find lens it's hidden inside it and it's very expensive but it

can help identifying for instance famous buildings in a photo or if you have a

business card it can identify the text again with one click call the person on

that business card it's cool but it's it's you have to know that it's there in

order to find it but eventually I think idea is that you will then utilize

Google's massive engines and integrate this into your

in order to recognize for instance text or or common date objects sure so you

also talk about well step back and if you want if you haven't really tried out

virtual experiences or augmented experiences there are actually two at

least least two companies in Stockholm I'm not gonna say their names because

it's being recorded and that would be like commercial but there are

experiences where you can actually visit them and play around with virtual

experiences in in a fun environment and you will immediately notice that you are

really tricked by what you're saying with with being like in in a dark room

and something comes out to the walls and zombies and you have to shoot them as

such but also that as we mentioned that that you you can look down the floor but

if there is no floor you will actually get like sort vertigo and I have a

friend we did this last week in in Roma and I was standing on a flat like a what

you call it at home oh yeah and it was flying over it with really abstractness

we were flying on a piece of piece of rock but there was not nothing behind us

and I just did this on him he's still

complain yeah it's your your body is very primitive and a lot of these ways

and you're very easily if you stand up and put on a virtual headset and you

look down and don't see if it's it's very easy to lose your balance there's a

lot of these things that you have to figure out one of the things that's

super interesting is that this is about tricking the brain right and as a

species we still don't know how the brain works properly there's a paradox

there if the brain was simple enough for us to understand it we wouldn't have

enough brain power to to fully understand it yeah we can more or less

understand that the brain of a banana fly or something I think that's the

stage we're on it's a extremely complex thing so you have to kind of test things

and see what happens when you do it which is slightly terrifying when you're

for instance if you have kids they are under 12 they probably shouldn't play a

lot of video games just yet until there is proper research quite sure because of

reasons that your eyes are developing until a certain ages I find that kind of

sad because my son that's the only exercise is getting currently it's just

standing around beat Sabre or the job simulator he's sweating all around so we

can't use the system's after him because it's not nice you're doing the research

down so we know it's messed up around 18 is my fault okay so we talked about some

some examples with some of the games and we talked about some of the different

devices something that we also briefly touched upon it's like these physical

aspects like you talked about we have their controls the pointers in in the

experiences we have gloves coming up so other other interaction patterns they're

interesting like speech yes definitely I think speech is one of these things that

is there is a revolution happening there a little bit in parallel and of course

using natural language is very core to to us as beings so that is something

that I hope will will advance quite quickly now and I think this Google home

and Alex and these are great because they're they're getting a lot of

training and they will rapidly become better and better and then hopefully we

can use them in games for instance like I would love to have virtual characters

kind of understanding what what you're saying that's something the first

Swedish video games TV on those made in 1978 that's when we're typing

instructions very simple instructions and been a dream of a lot of game

developers active one day you would be able to very freely say whatever you

want understand it it also comes into play

when you're doing social experiences one of the really powerful things around

both the or na or is being there with somebody else who is not in the same

room as you were not in the same country but being together for the fact that you

really feel presence if if you feel like you teleported to another place and use

here and see you virtual representation of your friend or a family member that

is extremely convincing that you are in that space together and it's definitely

going to be very powerful social platform to collaborate on work or

eventually replace things like video calls but unfortunately they're the the

virtual representation of humans is one big obstacle that people are struggling

with so in the beginning it will be very cartoony versions of us and all the

micro movements in your face that is very important in for instance sales

meetings or just looking out in the audience here seeing if you're still

interesting and participating that's gonna be very that's gonna take some

time before it's it breaks so should we show the video that we talked about just

to see what type of experience itself yeah so this is an example of this is an

example of the game we we made most recently released this a couple of weeks

ago and for de magiclip and it's called Angry Bird first-person slingshot so

it's a collaboration it's obviously not our IP it's Rovio's

they are in Finland but this was developed in in Stockholm

so short trailer less than a minute showing what type of experience I have

to cancel this because something else gonna come up yeah but as you see it's a

little bit informative showing the ham set because it's so early in the market

so you can have to show people what is going on how will you experience this so

it's it's difficult to do this type of trailers because there is no great way

of recording the gameplay we have to fake a lot of the things and then put it

together so it becomes very similar to the type of experience you would have

but it's it's one way you can show a large group what this you're doing

otherwise there is no no other way than actually trying it out which is very

limited and take some set-up time for each person I know that's hololens has

this what you call it sort of portal where you can actually stream what it's

being projected to the computer screen and then you can show it that that is

pretty cool you can just see what the others are experience but that will

probably come here and I totally agree it's not the same but it's just seeing

what's getting rendered pretty much yeah cool so a lot of focus on games so do

you see trends moving into apps like for for a lot of these people in here and

not game developers they want to be everyone but applications or users we've

talked about educational yeah no yeah productivity is another huge

area so one interesting fact is that of the 40 people in our office in Stockholm

there are 40 people who are using virtual reality everyday and that's one

of the first use cases when you actually have people working in we are some of

them on the program inside they're mostly testing things they work the way

they were supposed to but on this 3d side we have 3d modelers that's actually

working in virtual reality and objects and of course some level design

that the person building these different levels that you saw that person is

inside virtual reality doing part of it and testing all of it so that's one use

case where it will start and there because you have new worlds that have to

be made the need for 3d assets is going to be bigger than ever so I think a lot

of that will also move over to user-generated content so minecraft is

one way a great example that when you have kids building their own houses and

places but you could easily imagine somebody building a chair for instance

and selling that in a marketplace there's several different marketplaces

already that it's doing that type of things but that's something that I think

will be more and more common and will be able to easily pull in assets to your

apps that you're creating because of course a key key component is building

virtual rooms and that will no matter I guess almost what type of virtual

reality or augmented reality app you need you want to build you need 3d

assets to do it so we talked you mentioned 3d the skills of making 3d

objects it's naturally important so are there other skills that is different

from being like an app developer or a game developer per say writing these

virtual experiences yeah I think I think there is shift going over to more that

you need more more people at in content illustrators sound voice acting

animation a lot of lot of skills that isn't in a traditional software company

today it's way easier to do 2d apps unfortunately it takes longer to make 3d

does that mean that there are so sophisticated engines that already do

this the infrastructure work and not having

to focus on the details instead just focusing on making actually experiences

yeah so yeah internally in our studio we use unity for instance and I heard from

unity speech earlier that seventy percent of everything made for virtual

reality doesn't matter if it's IKEA or ABB or whatever company 70% of them are

using unity as which is a game engine to create their assets and almost the other

30% is using Unreal Engine so so it's it's a big battle between two big

game engines I bet there's a lot of open source alternative as well but but these are

very simple to download there's a lot of online tutorial material it's quite fast

to get at least something up and running so just a quick comment there the Unity

engine if you haven't really tried that out it's free to download and

play around with and it's a c-sharp based or you can use c-sharp or

JavaScript I should say to build the code that is required for writing

components and logic Unreal Engine is a pure C++ engine instead so you have to

know C++ to do that so yeah you can also use their blueprints where you can

actually a drag and drop program so I have a few of the graphics guys that is

building games just by by using this BluePrint technology instead and unity is not only

free to download but it's also free to actually publish your stuff but you will

get the unity splash in the beginning okay so any questions okay you should really I

recommend that you should actually go and download unity at least because it's

it's a fun experience just to play around with it takes some it's

the first step is easy just to get into it then it gets harder to do anything

really concrete but if you get over it it's you can do a lot of cool stuff also

it's it's an it's an enabler of writing different types of apps and games I

should say it's not just for games as we've mentioned but you can do it for

different platforms it's the iOS and Android and Windows and web

there's a lot of different possibilities that you can use you really widen your

scope and I also know that a unity skill set is really required and asked for by

not just game companies such as yourselves but at other companies as

well so it's something you can really look into and this has been a big game

changer in the games industry in general with this game here that we showed

trailer on it was just four people who made the game in a very short period of

time from started in January and we delivered the game in September that's

quite cool quite fast and that's because you don't have to write all this things

yourself anymore which is great ok so

Sweden is big in in several areas even though we're not that's important too

for stores and being the first player when when new stuff is being launched

and introduced in the worldwide market but Sweden is ahead in several

areas like in games and in video and VR as well I guess so so why is that you

think I think atleast on the the game side Sweden has been extremely strong

and they've been out with figures that every 10th person in the world has

played a Swedish Swedish video game I think that's partially it's a lot of

different reason I think it's partially we have a strong engineering culture we

have very long cold winters where it makes sense to sit at home with your

friends to play video games instead of hanging out by the beach and learning

how to surf there was a at least an important factor in in my life we were

playing role-playing games and video games from an early age and that was the

way we were hanging out and back then the games you can learn to program

yourself was on par with the ones that you bought at Åhlens or where ever it was

very helpful and yeah that's now paying off

also had hem PC paketet back in the early 90s I think we actually had a

very important role to play for for early Swedish video game development

where people got powerful PC with a lot of graphical

power to them and I think that's parcel why they stopped with it is that

people got home entertainment systems instead of work computers which is a paradox now

because you know how much tax revenues haven't the Swedish game market

generated back obviously you can have a lot of cool effects of those type of

things that you don't think about when you make them happen so how big is

the market for game developers now how many people do you know in Sweden I

think we're about four thousand people working professional with videogame development so it's

still a rather small market in the sense of jobs a lot of the jobs you read from

factories that goes away then it's 15,000 people are laid off and the video

game marks are really small but the more interesting thing is how much money it

can do right when you have something like Minecraft being sold for 2.4

billion dollars I think which is was the work originally from just a single

person and this home hacking yeah ok anything else yeah I think we could

maybe mention one of the things that was very interesting working with with magic

Leap now was to to see how this 3d world really made a huge difference Angry

Birds was obviously very popular 2d game before and we had the opportunity to

take this into real life 3d so a lot of the game levels we decide

we designed so you would have to walk around them

and kind of find a good attack angle and once you had made a shot with your

slingshot from that angle you actually had to move around again so to kind of

remind people that you need like you are free in the physical world to to move

around it also has a really cool feature that if you place it on this table for

instance level and you shoot it you can see how objects drop down behind and are

obscured by the desk and they will bounce on you know you have a chair down

there identifies the chair in real time so you can shoot there and it

can bounce off that's really great features that is very very early yet so

even though you can do it now these things are gonna be way more efficient

in the future so now when we designed it we really had to make sure that the

rather low level of recognition it has it can't for instance recognize small

objects like coffee cups and things otherwise we would love to be able to

let the player be innovative and like please physical objects to interact with

world but that's just a matter of time ok maybe not for this device at this

point but maybe next generation of Holo Lens will support at least

smaller objects recognizing a chair is fairly easy right now horizontal

surfaces are much easier than vertical surfaces for some reason and when it

comes to walls they're very often white like these walls here and they have very

few objects on them that you can recognize but if you have paintings at

home it's easier if you have reflective surfaces such as glass or mirrors they

are terrible because that comes that makes the whole system very confused

where the depth layer actually is there's a lot of those super interesting

thing that you get to discover as a developer on a very early platform

so the commentaries that I remember when Microsoft released their Kinect it was also

like something that identified objects in your living room or where you

were playing it was really cool technology was based on really low cost

components was cheap to the manufacturer and also you can write some really cool

stuff with it it really didn't lift off not because the experiences were

bad you see but instead it was like because you needed so much space to play

around so you had to have like a dedicated room for playing Kinect

and there you had to have a TV and everything like that so do you see

similar like issues probably with this augmented experience as well like you

saying you you walk around this table to play this game properly you need you

need some space to do that yeah but in this case we got to design the

experience right so so with coffee tables and things like that you can

often walk around and and you don't have to in order to pass a level there's a

bit of luck involved as well okay that helps you pass something that you don't

can't figure out yeah and I guess you can also design the like you spin you

could spin the level if you have to be mobile

yeah you could but then you have this tricky thing that with another element

that you need to understand how to use so that's that's again comes back to

this trying to be very intuitive and in this case with a slingshot

so actually great because a lot of people rather quickly understand how to

use the slingshot look at the controller here it's a very simple

controller that has a trigger button here and that's the only thing we use in

the game and it's very precise so it knows exactly where in space it is

almost sub millimeter precision on on using it we don't need that for this

game because you pull back and you see a orange but it's quite nice to work

with I heard that it's better for right-handed people than for left handed

because the it's using something here on your right hand side so if your

left hand side your head is slightly in the way and

interfer a little bit that's just what I heard maybe

I shouldn't spread rumors that isn't true I'm right handed myself on them and it has never

problem for me oh cool yeah okay maybe we should don't overdo it and if someone

wants to come up and see how this Magic Leap at least looks like we

should give them some time to do that as well so if you don't have anymore

further questions I like to thank Tommy for coming yeah sure sure so so yeah

that's a good so the question was what's the price is the price points

to right now $2,300 approximately is only available

in North America do you have to be there to buy it so it's not a consumer

device it's what they've called a creators edition so it's for companies

that want to explore the space and they have said that they will make consumer

advice soon whatever that means nobody knows really

it is better I'm not sure exactly on the it's 50% or whatever at 50 degrees or

whatever it's called but um we can start it so you can potentially have a look if you're

lucky you're early enough in the queue the lenses are closer to you and the

game this game is designed so the field of view doesn't impact because we put

the level a little bit further away and that way the field of view is only a

problem if you go close enough so the virtual objects break and you actually

see the edges so that's a good trick that some applications might be able to

work with if you have smaller objects on a distance then they're not a problem

with the feel of wiew it's only when you have large objects that's to too close so it

breaks I'm also thinking about the field of view because the field of view is

naturally one of the key problems atleast or the vulnerabilities with the

HoloLens is that you're actually obscured pretty much by these since

it's closer to your eye as well is that you're not maybe not really

aware of the the issue as much as we have this glass entirely you see

everything with the HoloLens you see around you that's true here you have to kind of

direct your head a little bit to look in a new direction

so it's a I mean it's a very interesting device because you can have

a conversation while you have it on you and comparison with virtual reality when

we show our virtual reality titles the journalists will go in there and you

can't communicate with them while they're there because they're

hearing others things and not seeing what you're saying so it's a much

much more social device and that's one of the things that I definitely think

that augmented reality is going to be much bigger than virtual reality they

will eventually kind of emerge and be more or less the same you'll probably be

able to have the same type of headset or glasses in order to do both but for I

mean for augmented reality something that you replace your smartphone with it will

have to be very light a similar form factor as a glasses some of the leading

scientists are saying that they think that's about eight to ten years away

that's the type of time frame where we're working with here okay

No this was something that we did because we were very curious

about the Magic Leap itself and wanted to to test something we also identified

that as a small studio we wanted to work with more famous IP to get more people

interested in testing it and seeing that that aspect worked really well we had

massive amount of journalists to try this in San Francisco when we had a event

there and they were all very positively so they all had played Angry Birds

before on their phone almost 10 years ago and now they got to experience it

again and that sense of sentimentality was very powerful for them to actually

write really good write-up about it and some of them came into the room saying

that we don't like Magic Leap and we don't like angry birds but here show me giv it to me and they

still went away very positive so that was a lot of funtsy yeah and I

definitely think one of the reasons why they did try the Magic Leap before and

then they tried it with something where you were looking at the larger object

where you saw the field of view problem much clearer where this game was more

designed on on working with the strength of the platform okay any more questions

okay with that we ended like 10 minutes earlier and I hope you maybe get some

time to play around with this yeah cool thanks thank you

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Imagine the following situation:

You're playing Jailbreak with friends when for some reason you look at the sky and...


At this very moment you start questioning the meaning of life and most importantly


Well, something like that actually happened back in 2009

At miked's "Ultimate Paintball" and a few other games

Why those games? Because those were the most popular ones at the time

And now stuff starts to get interesting...

During late March, a mysterious item popped up

It was named "Mysterious Purple Box"

It was free to take and nobody could possibly guess what it would do or be

As time went by, the box had its color changed...

Then a dog drawing was put on one of the sides...

and also an umbrella...

...a cake...

and finally a keyhole...

Nobody understood the meaning behind those: was it just another unsolved mystery?

Or perhaps, could it be a WARNING?


Now you ask me, what is the "EPIC DUCK"?


This was one of the BIGGEST ROBLOX MEMES EVER, long ago in the past

So long ago the word "meme" was not a "meme" yet

That's around 2009~2011

After EPIC DUCK's first appearance, lots of items were created to "celebrate" and to never let this legend die

Out of it we got a "Tale Book"...

...a motocross helmet...

...a cap...

...a fedora...

...a roped...

and last but not least...


Nope, that's just a rubber duck based off TEH EPIC DUCK

Then you ask me: where did that rubber duck come from?

It came out of that "Mysterious Purple Box"

now everything makes sense...

To give you an idea of how popular this meme was...

Roblox officially added a premade phrase to it's "safe chat system" that was "TEH EPIK DUCK IS COMING!"

That phrase is pretty much self explanatory because you know "it" will bring only doom once it arrives...

Those were some good times...

If you think the last time it showed up was in 2009, then you're WRONG

During 2013's Egg Hunt...


You would summon THE EPIC DUCK from the depths because...

... you wanted an egg

Yep, this time it would be just for an egg

Some people say that EPIC DUCK will return to Roblox one day.

Those people are quacks.

It will probably never happen.


For more infomation >> O MAIOR MEME DA HISTÓRIA DO ROBLOX [2009~2011] - Duration: 3:39.


ラファエルのチャンネルがBAN!?Raphael's Channel Gets Deleted - Duration: 3:23.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

it seems like Raphael's channel got deleted



Yeah yeah

His channel got deleted

Man, I feel like I becoming a YouTube news chan

You wanna get high?

We're not even talking about weed!!!!

To be honest I'm not surprised that his channel got deleted (judging from his titles his videos all seemed dodgey as fuck)


I'm surprised he wasn't able to get his channel back

I mean the cancer of youtube Onision got his channel back...



let's check out the video that he put out on his second channel (now his main channel?)

About My Channel Being Deleted

I Am Deeply Sorry


has to be his shortest video he's ever made

God they look so suspicious


who's this and this?

Also did he buy his suit 5 minutes before he started film

Dude, just play the video

Oh, okay

About the Raphael Channel getting deleted

to all of my viewers

and to all of the companies I work with

Don't you mean dodgey as fuck companies

I am so sorry for worrying you and causing trouble

From now on the Raphael channel will not cause trouble

and will not do sexy clickbait or dodgey sponsored videos

Get out a here!

and will not be making videos like Fighting A Bear

Getting Run Over By A Lamborghini

What Happens If You Smash Someones Head In With A Baseball Bat (Did he not watch that Walking Dead episode?)

What are these video titles!?

No wonder his channel got deleted

We will not make any edgey videos

and make family friendly videos that you can watch with your family over dinner

How long do you think it will take him to go back on that?

I guess

3 and half weeks

What do you think? XD

Dude, stop reading off the computer!

it's only a minute! Can't you even be stuffed to memorize that!?

From now on we will be posting to this channel

please subscribe

You're balding

I thought that too

wow could you have been any more wooden in the delivery of the punchline?


He's not even balding!!!

Raphael-san good luck on your new channel

I will continue

to not watch your videos

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Don't forget to subscribe!

Maybe click the bell icon to get notifications

PDR Sucks sweatshirts still on sale

What do you think about Raphael getting his channel deleted?

YouTube must really not like him

usually high profile channels

tend to get their channels back

so it's a bit surprising

Also check out yesterdays video


For more infomation >> ラファエルのチャンネルがBAN!?Raphael's Channel Gets Deleted - Duration: 3:23.


Curso Online. Pintura e ilustración realista con Procreate - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Curso Online. Pintura e ilustración realista con Procreate - Duration: 3:05.


054. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 054. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:47.


Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Cómo configurar una impresora inalámbrica HP desde Android | Impresoras HP | HP - Duration: 4:47.


VEJA SE VOCÊ ESTÁ SEGUINDO OS PASSOS DE JESUS - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> VEJA SE VOCÊ ESTÁ SEGUINDO OS PASSOS DE JESUS - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:46.


★JAZMYNE★ I need to be where it's warm at | Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size - Duration: 2:02.

★JAZMYNE★ I need to be where it's warm at | Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★JAZMYNE★ I need to be where it's warm at | Fashionable Curve Clothes | Trendy Plus Size - Duration: 2:02.


Co było pierwsze – kredyt czy depozyt? #ZapytajBankiera | - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Co było pierwsze – kredyt czy depozyt? #ZapytajBankiera | - Duration: 6:10.


[코브] 겉으로 보면 양산형 속은 씹갓겜ㅣ헌드레드 소울 리뷰 - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> [코브] 겉으로 보면 양산형 속은 씹갓겜ㅣ헌드레드 소울 리뷰 - Duration: 10:36.


3º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> 3º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 4:45.


다들 유튜브에서 돈버는방법 알려주는 진짜 이유, 정보가 공유되어야 하는이유 - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> 다들 유튜브에서 돈버는방법 알려주는 진짜 이유, 정보가 공유되어야 하는이유 - Duration: 7:45.


【MUKBANG】 Easy Melted Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate!! [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 5:59.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i'm going to use just this hot plate...

to make a really simple recipe, it's like an individual party

let's see that a now

let's put on the oil... ah! that's wrong !

let's put first the oil on the hot plate

and we cook the minced meat

when the color change, we add some mirin sauce

and soy sauce

with miso

and mustard

and we mix it

and after that we take the meat

in the same hot plate we put a layer of cabbage

and we use this canned white sauce

and after that we put the cooked meat again

and we put another layer of cabbage

white sauce again...

and the rest of the cooked minced meat

we done by adding cheese on top

we put the lid, and we wait for 10 min

aah, the smell is so good, let's open the lid


cheese is so melty

jaaan, and by that we made Cheese Cabbage Lasagna Recipe Using Hot Plate

and for today, i made Chicken Meatballs soup

waa, look at this, it looks so tasty


waa, this cheese is so stretchy

looks so yummy

and because we are using in this lasagna, cabbage instead of noodles, it's so healthy

waa, cheese is so melty

it looks so hot


this is like cheese fondue

the cabbage goes so well with cheese


the texture of the cabbage still crispy and this is so good


and the taste of meat is strong and notable and this is very delicious


this cheese is so stretchy, isn't that ?

it's so hot

and this taste of the miso sauce is so good too

and if you want to add some sweet taste to it, you can add honey

mmmm, with a strong and tasty taste

and cheese is so thick and stretchy


the flavor of the minced meat is so good

and because the taste is so strong and thick, it goes so well with the rice

waaa! so hot

really hot !

and now with the chicken meatballs soup


this chicken meatball is so fluffy

and this melty cheese is the best

mmmm, it's so stretchy in really amazing way

and the miso sauce goes so well with cheese too

and the strong texture of the cabbage is so good

the juices flow as soon as you bite the cabbage

mixing white sauce with cheese made it so thick and heavy

anyone can make this dish

ah, now it's warm


the last bite, itadakimasu



Cheese Cabbage Lasagna was so tasty

we used plenty of cheese, and mixing that with white sauce, made it so thick and heavy

and the taste of the miso and the minced meat was so good

and the soup was so delicious too

and because this was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

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