Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 24 2019

Marco Bocci e Laura Chiatti, le dolci parole per Enea Ritenuta una delle coppie più salde e autentiche dello spettacolo italiano,

Marco Bocci e Laura Chiatti, vivono il loro amore in maniera assolutamente normale.

Il tutto è ben condito dai due bambini che hanno messo al mondo. Una famiglia modello, insomma. Enea e Pablo.

Infatti, sui social spesso appaiono foto e video dei figli della coppia.

L'armonia che li unisce, la complicità, l'affetto e l'amore sembrano essere molto evidente.

L'attore e l'attrice dai lunghi capelli biondi stanno ormai insieme dal 2014.

I due si sono sposati mentre Laura era in attesa del loro primogenito: Enea.

Il bambino nasce il 22 gennaio del 2015 e, appunto, per festeggiare il compleanno del loro piccolo,

mamma e papà, oggi, hanno scelto di postare dei meravigliosi scatti accompagnati da commoventi e toccanti messaggi.

Ecco le parole di Marco Bocci e Laura Chiatti per Enea.

Gli auguri di mamma e papà per il compleanno di Enea Proprio nelle scorse ore sia Bocci che la Chiatti hanno pubblicato sulle rispettive pagine Instagram dei messaggi per i quattro anni del bambino.

L'attore che interpreta l'agente Solo nell'omonima fiction, scrive: "Auguri amore mio. Ogni giorno mi insegni a stare al mondo".

Segue poi il lungo testo della mamma che recita: "Spero di poter essere per te ciò che la mia mamma è per me.

Sei la parte migliore di me mio amato Enea..che tu possa guardare il mondo con la convinzione che sia sempre la bellezza,

Buon compleanno amore mio. il bene e l'onestà a vincere su tutto. Ti amo, la tua mamma!".

La dolce famiglia di Marco e Laura La semplicità dei loro gesti lascia chiaramente intendere quanto,

la loro, sia una famiglia con dei sani principi e valori.

Seppur personaggi dello spettacolo, Laura e Marco pare siano restati sempre con i piedi a terra,

senza mai montarsi la testa a causa del successo e della fama ottenuta negli anni.

I loro figli sono l'emblema del forte legame che li tiene uniti.


For more infomation >> Marco Bocci e Laura Chiatti: i commoventi auguri per il figlio Enea - Duration: 2:47.


Camping Gear - PART II – Tent & Etc | Acampamento Parte II - Barraca e Etc Cicloturismo - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Camping Gear - PART II – Tent & Etc | Acampamento Parte II - Barraca e Etc Cicloturismo - Duration: 7:44.


Jojo Maronttinni emagrece para o Carnaval e fala de mudança no manequim do sutiã - Duration: 2:54.

Jojo Maronttinni está em uma rotina séria para o Carnaval 2019. A cantora do hit 'Que tiro foi esse?', que bombou na folia de 2018, está fazendo dieta, parou com bebidas alcoólicas, começou a malhar com disciplina e personal trainer e fazer massagens para arrasar na folia deste ano

"Quero ficar mais gostosa, mas não tenho intenção de ficar magra", diz Jojo. Com seis quilos a menos em quatro meses de exercícios, a cantora - cuja marca são os seios bem fartos e a autoestima elevada - fala sobre mudança no manequim de sutiã: "Peito a gente não perde, nem quero

Mas o tamanho do sutiã diminui porque eu perco aquela gordurinha nas costas". Jojo Marontinni não quer diminuir o tamanho da sua 'marca registrada': os seios — Foto: Augusto Wyys / Divulgação A mudança – principalmente na alimentação - é grande

Com acompanhamento de uma nutricionista, ela cortou açúcares, farinha branca, industrializados e está consumindo mais frutas, legumes, verduras, alimentos integrais e gorduras boas

"Não é fácil, principalmente na hora do churrasco do final de semana com os amigos", exemplifica ela, que completa com uma daquelas frases motivadoras típicas de Jojo Maronttinni: "Mas nada na vida a gente consegue alcançar sem foco e perseverança"

Jojo tem curtido fazer exercícios e ver os resultados que está alcançando com os novos hábitos — Foto: Reprodução / Instagram "A gente vai vendo as mudanças no nosso corpo e isso serve de incentivo para continuar no foco"

E toda essa dedicação é para aguentar firme a maratona no Carnaval e também brilhar mais uma vez como destaque da Beija-Flor de Nilópolis, escola campeã de 2018 e que busca o bi em 2019 com um enredo que fala da própria escola

E embora não esteja com a fantasia definida, o desejo de exibir mais o corpo na Avenida é real

'É verdade! (risos) Mas quem decide é o carnavalesco", pondera. A cantora será destaque pelo segundo ano na escola de samba Beija-Flor — Foto: Augusto Wyys / Divulgação E antes que as críticas cheguem dizendo que a cantora de 'Joga sem parar' não é mais a mesma ou está insegura com o seu corpo, Jojo tem a resposta na ponta da língua: "Eu sou feliz de qualquer jeito! Sou muito bem resolvida, sempre fui! Mas melhorar tem que fazer parte da nossa evolução

O ser humano tem que andar para a frente. Isso também faz parte de ter uma autoestima elevada

Se o que eu faço me faz feliz, sigo em frente. Simples assim". Recado dado! 👊 saiba mais Jojo Maronttinni fala sobre autoestima no 'Encontro': 'Nunca me senti inferior a ninguém' JoJo Maronttinni canta 'Que Tiro Foi Esse?' e celebra sucesso no 'Encontro'

For more infomation >> Jojo Maronttinni emagrece para o Carnaval e fala de mudança no manequim do sutiã - Duration: 2:54.


Scopri Digifattura PRO, il servizio di fatturazione elettronica di Intesa Sanpaolo - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Scopri Digifattura PRO, il servizio di fatturazione elettronica di Intesa Sanpaolo - Duration: 2:44.


Scopri Digifattura START, il servizio di fatturazione elettronica di Intesa Sanpaolo - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Scopri Digifattura START, il servizio di fatturazione elettronica di Intesa Sanpaolo - Duration: 5:27.


Lory Del Santo si racconta: 'Sono finita in carcere e ho rischiato di morire' - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Lory Del Santo si racconta: 'Sono finita in carcere e ho rischiato di morire' - Duration: 3:32.


Chef Rubio: età, altezza, peso, fidanzata Tutte le curiosità, la carriera e la vita privata dello ch - Duration: 4:46.

     Chef Rubio, All'anagrafe è Gabriele Rubini ma tutti lo conoscono come 'Chef Rubio'

Fratello del rugbista professionista Giulio, ha praticato il rugby a Roma fin dalla giovane età, esordendo in Super 10 nel 2002 con il Parma; divenuto atleta di interesse nazionale, la Federazione ne bloccò il trasferimento per la stagione successiva fino a tutto il 2003-04; tornato nella capitale, è stato al Rugby Roma fino al 2005 con 12 presenze in totale in serie A

 Poi l'avventura in Nuova Zelanda, reclutato dal Poneke RFC, un club della provincia rugbistica di Wellington e da quel momento è iniziata, parallelamente all'attività rugbistica, anche quella culinaria

Nel 2007 rientra in ma nel 2011 è costretto ad abbandonare il Rubgy a causa di un infortunio al crociato

Nel 2010 si diploma alla scuola di cucina italiana all'ALMA. Si trasferisce in Canada e inizia a lavorare nella ristorazione, ma nel 2013 torna in

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)      Diventa conduttore del programma "Unti e bisunti" per il canale tv , "Il cacciatore di tifosi" e "Rugby Social Club", programma ideato durante il Sei Nazioni

La rete lo conferma alla conduzione dei programmi "I re della griglia", "Il ricco e il povero" e "È uno sporco lavoro"

Il 10 maggio 2018 torna su NOVE con un nuovo progetto dal titolo Camionisti in trattoria: sei puntate basate sul mito per cui nei ristoranti in cui si fermano i camionisti si mangia bene

Grazie al buon successo riscosso dalla prima stagione del programma, a partire dall'autunno 2018 va in onda Camionisti in trattoria 2, sempre su

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)     Nel 2015 Chef Rubio è diventato uno dei supporter di "Never Give Up", un'associazione che si occupa dei problemi legati ai disturbi alimentari

Per due anni ha supportato la campagna per il cinque per mille ad Amnesty International per i diritti umani contro ogni discriminazione, poi sospesa a fine maggio 2018 in seguito ad alcune sue dichiarazioni definite misogine dall'ONG contro Selvaggia Lucarelli

Rubio è un single convinto, non ha mai avuto una relazione duratura e ha sempre dichiarato che il matrimonio non fa per lui

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) "Non ho una vita, figuriamoci se posso averne una sentimentale

Non bevo e non mi drogo, nel pochissimo tempo libero coltivo le amicizie. Una fidanzata mi farebbe pesare l'assenza

Morirò zitello come Alberto Sordi". Come raccontato a Vanity Fair nel suo futuro non vede una famiglia: "Ho sempre detto che il matrimonio o anche la coppia duratura non mi interessano

I figli mi piacerebbero di più, ma non credo ai figli al di fuori della coppia. Quindi niente"

Chef Rubio è nato il 29 giugno del 1983 a Frascati, è alto un metro e 93 centimetri e pesa circa 100 chili


For more infomation >> Chef Rubio: età, altezza, peso, fidanzata Tutte le curiosità, la carriera e la vita privata dello ch - Duration: 4:46.


Cristian Lay y David Francés - Perla Líquida Miguel Ángel Leal - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Cristian Lay y David Francés - Perla Líquida Miguel Ángel Leal - Duration: 1:36.


3 rzeczy jakich nauczył mnie miliarder Peter Hargreaves - Tajemnica Miliarda Dolarów - Duration: 18:22.

For more infomation >> 3 rzeczy jakich nauczył mnie miliarder Peter Hargreaves - Tajemnica Miliarda Dolarów - Duration: 18:22.


Hanoi n U - DaFame & Daeron ( bản full chính thức ) - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Hanoi n U - DaFame & Daeron ( bản full chính thức ) - Duration: 4:36.


강렬한 귀파기와 잔잔한 토크의 온화한 조화 ASMR귀파기1시간[스텐귀이개,면봉](Eng sub) - Duration: 1:11:57.

hi. do you want to talk to me?

today is

clean your ears while talking

i am

there wasn't talking wideo except for roleplay..nowadays

so i am shooting.

of all th things i've been asked to do,

cotton swab and

stainless earpick

i will proceed with these two tool.

will use cotton swabs for about 30min.

the other half hour

stainless earpick will use


first one by one ear . next both sides ears


stainless earpick .. the same way!


because the cotton swab is more rough, i will use it first!

i'll put the stainless behind the timeline.

so, now

lets do this

at first, gently..

at first, like an appetizer~

there was a cushion under the mic a while ago.

a raspy noise and i cleared it off

again earcleaning

instead, the mic isn't fixed. hold it firmly by hand.

from now on,i'll draw a circle

opposite side ears

today, i promised talking


i'll tell you something that won't disturb your sleep


what is my favorite kind of eartool?

are you curious?


among the tools i have

tweezers and

iron earpick

and the first ear-cleaning video i saw

fluffy earcleaning

the soud of the fluffy earcleaning is..

a general recording divice sounds better than a 3dio mic

oh, hurt?

oh i forgot

i was supposed to talk a lot...

ironically, the comments say that too many words can't sleep.


it is the most difficult thing to do 'properly'

i'll do the opposithe side

from now on, i'll scratch it roughly.

you'll hear a different sound than before.

an example...

like this

before.. i didn't have any strength in my hand

but now,

powerful hand! videos can hear that background sound

that soud is the sound of an elevator :<

i guess someone got out of the elevator

my room is

it's not soundproof.

i can't hel it.i'msorry

now time is 1:30 am!


there must be alot of peple coming home

ok.. other side

i'll do this

so, i use two cotton swabs?

now, i'll prick your ears .. like this


in the ear and the earwheel

if it sounds good, i'll make a video later

two? ok. at the same time

um..can't hear the sound of an earwheel.

let's dot like this

someone asked me to point out ears.. that's why i'm doing it.

isn't there two versions of doting?



i don't know what it means.

what do you want to sounds?

i hope making sound, whatever you want.

everyone. if the video is too long, i will separate it..maybe

i'm afraid it'll take too long.

next, i'll clean your both ears at the same time!

that sound great

it's done. i will stainless earcleaning

i'wll go do this

currently,one by one, ok?

in the last sequence, both sides earcleaning, ok?

i made a timeline.

these are only different colors.

i'll talk to you from now on.

this purple earpick are

that's what i had. along ago

blue earpick is purchased. 2days ago

is this(purple) a familiar sound? right?

the blue one

sounds are similar.

oh very good

it's soft,

and blue one.


really ,really

there are a lot of things i want to trial sounds

there are over 10 lists.

be piled up

about 1 month ago..

a foreigner commented my video.

he says "i love stainless(blah blah)

he commented it twice

he told me twice that "l lkie stainless"

'i found out about your video because of a stainless'

'one more stainless...' it was like this

since then, i filming this..late

this tool appears in various my videos

however, there is no single shot

but when i think about it..

the video of stainless that the foreigner saw was sr3d microphone...

it's not this mic right now

come to think of it.. it was an old mic(sr3d)

i don't know if he likes this video..:<

sounds are diffenent

in the upper house, turned on the water..

now, motorcycle..

from the right

there is a windoe on my right.

and there is a wall in front of me

it is a wall with an elevator

it's not soundproof

i wanted ..nice sound

i heard i have to buy a soundproof booth.

the price $5000~$20000....i'm sad..

not even $5000.......haha

in the future..

if i will make a lot of money

i really want to hear a more perfect sound!

youtube which is very good as hobby.


nevertheless, i will upload as steadily as i do now..

i'll make some good sounds, so please love me.

even though there's something (2%)missing right now.

please pass it on even if there's any noise

other side

oh! many earwax, you see?

your earwax!

i keep moving the microphone, and it makes dust

so, scratch

every part of ear has a name

here is tragus?


i didn't know because i wasn't interested in piercing.

i found out yesterday!

this too

i looked through comments and searched

at the comment

was asked to tap on the tragus.

i will shoot

How about this?'cok cok'

its the sound of iron hittting each other.

it sounds similar to a chiropractor.


now, both earcleaning

are you okay?thinking is good?

it's done. how about this?

sounds good?

thank you for coming to your earcleaning today

please subscribe me :)

hear? this sound great!

look forward to it

next video!

bannight(ban boyoung night)

For more infomation >> 강렬한 귀파기와 잔잔한 토크의 온화한 조화 ASMR귀파기1시간[스텐귀이개,면봉](Eng sub) - Duration: 1:11:57.


SB (OnFleek Olaf) vs SKT (Clid Nocturne) Highlights Game 1 | 2019 LCK Spring | W2 D1 - Duration: 6:04.

SB (OnFleek Olaf) vs SKT (Clid Nocturne) Highlights Game 1 | 2019 LCK Spring | W2 D1

For more infomation >> SB (OnFleek Olaf) vs SKT (Clid Nocturne) Highlights Game 1 | 2019 LCK Spring | W2 D1 - Duration: 6:04.


Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI ultra Sport 190PK S-Tronic MMI Navigatie Google Earth Virtual Cockpit Sportst - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI ultra Sport 190PK S-Tronic MMI Navigatie Google Earth Virtual Cockpit Sportst - Duration: 1:25.


ENES BATURLA SONUNDA TANIŞTIM (MESAJLARIMIZ) *numarasını verdi* - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> ENES BATURLA SONUNDA TANIŞTIM (MESAJLARIMIZ) *numarasını verdi* - Duration: 7:09.


AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 224 - Duration: 21:14.

For more infomation >> AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 224 - Duration: 21:14.


Diego admite para Maycon sobre Isabella: "Está na tua" - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Diego admite para Maycon sobre Isabella: "Está na tua" - Duration: 6:00.


Intimado a prestar depoimento, Vanderson está fora do BBB19 - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> Intimado a prestar depoimento, Vanderson está fora do BBB19 - Duration: 12:05.


AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 225 - Duration: 21:00.

For more infomation >> AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 225 - Duration: 21:00.


Far crescere un piccolo canale YouTube - 10 consigli avanzati - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Far crescere un piccolo canale YouTube - 10 consigli avanzati - Duration: 10:51.


Kingdom Hearts : สรุปจักรวาล #8 (Kingdom Hearts 1) - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts : สรุปจักรวาล #8 (Kingdom Hearts 1) - Duration: 14:04.


Стрим mccd planet - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Стрим mccd planet - Duration: 12:26.


ArtCoMe PLN team | Cinemas in the interwar Warsaw - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> ArtCoMe PLN team | Cinemas in the interwar Warsaw - Duration: 1:13.


Massive Issue - Crosshairs

For more infomation >> Massive Issue - Crosshairs


Why You Shouldn't Drink With Your Crush | Love Playlist | Season3 - Special 3 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 5:38.


Good night.

See you!

(16EO8490. Get home safely...)

(Good night.)

Hey, Pu Reum.

Can I ask you something?

(Ha Neul's Story)

(Love Playlist, Season 3, Special Episode 3)

(January 2018)

Is that your lovely Pu Reum again?

What are you talking about?

Hey, do you really not have feelings for her?

Do you think I'm crazy?

You'd better be careful. She might take it the wrong way.

It might get complicated. Hold this. Let me show you.

If things get too complicated, you might even lose your friend.

Do we need anything else? This looks delicious.

(6 o'clock tonight! Don't be late!)

Do you know what I've been told so often lately?

People say I have feelings for you.

Do you have any plans for this weekend?

This weekend?

Nothing much.

Let's go watch a late-night movie.

Don't tell me

you also think that I have feelings for you.

You would do anything for Pu Reum...

That's so hot.

You pretend to be annoyed, but do everything she wants.

You know, Pu Reum's a bit dense. If it was another girl,

she would've gotten the wrong idea.

Usually, I wouldn't have given it much thought.

But after hearing that, I began to act more cautiously.

Why would you go watch a movie late at night?

We'll be too sleepy to focus on the movie.

We also have to grab a taxi afterwards.

It's a waste of money.

I don't want to go.

You always worry about Pu Reum even when you hang out with us.

It's not like I want to.

If I don't, she'd get in trouble and bother me more.

This is what I'm talking about.

You should be careful. She might take it the wrong way.

-Shut up and heal me. I'm dying! -Heal!

Kill them all!

Ha Neul, I feel so happy right now.

It's our first time having a drink.

What if I get drunk?

I'm warning you.

-You'd better not get drunk. -Why?


What is the matter with you?

That's why...

I acted cold toward you.


you suddenly said this to me.

Hey, Ha Neul.

There's a guy that I like.

Will you be okay if Pu Reum gets a boyfriend?

What does that have to do with me?

I thought I wouldn't mind.

I mean, since you two hang out all the time...

I tried not to care. won't get to see her as often if she starts dating.

That would be even better.

-Sorry. I have to get going. -Where are you going?

-See you later. -Where are you going?

Are you going to see Pu Reum?

But once I heard that coming out of your mouth...

I said, there's a guy that I like.

I felt bugged for some reason...


and started to get curious.


Aren't you curious to know who I like?

I pretended that I didn't care,

so you wouldn't take it the wrong way.

You like Dong Seok Ma.

Not him. I mean I really have a crush on someone.


Good for you.

I knew you would be like this.

Forget it. Let's just drink beer.


while we were drinking,

I have no idea why,

but it kept bothering me, and I couldn't stand it.

So I ended up asking.

Who is it?

Tell me who it is.

I mean the guy you like.

Are you curious?

What's wrong with me?

You're dying to know, aren't you?

Too bad! I was lying!

Why are you so gullible?

I love it when you get fooled by me.

Are you having fun teasing me?

I would've asked you from the beginning...

if I knew I would feel this relieved.

That looks so pretty.

I want one.

(Finally got a load off my mind!)

(Love Playlist, Season 3)

Good night.

See you!

Hey, Pu Reum.

Can I ask you something?

Are we...

really just friends?

For more infomation >> Why You Shouldn't Drink With Your Crush | Love Playlist | Season3 - Special 3 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 5:38.


Free robux codes - free roblox codes - how to get free robux 2019 - roblox robux hack 2019 - Duration: 4:09.

Free robux codes - free roblox codes - how to get free robux 2019.

For more infomation >> Free robux codes - free roblox codes - how to get free robux 2019 - roblox robux hack 2019 - Duration: 4:09.


Tron Village - How to top up your wallet and buy a factory - Duration: 2:56.

Hi, everybody

This video will show you how to add Tron to your TronLink wallet and how to buy a factory

Go to your personal account

I already have a couple of factories on my account. I started with one Teashop, and then bought a Bakery from the Treasury funds

You can watch how income from the factories splits

And here you can see your personal stats

Next, we see the number of purchased factories, profitability of factories and their price

Let's buy a Teashop!

This is our TronLink wallet. It must first be replenished

Copy the address

I have some TRX on Binance. Let's make a transfer to our wallet

Insert the address of our wallet

Enter the withdrawal amount

Confirm the withdrawal

Enter 2FA code

Check your email and confirm your withdrawal

Waiting for the transfer of funds to the wallet. This is about 5 minutes for Binance

Tron successfully transferred. Now we can buy a factory!

To start fill up the Treasury

Confirm the transaction in TronLink

Coins purchased!

If there are not enough coins in the treasury, spare coins are also used to buy the factory

Let's buy a factory!

Confirm new transaction in TronLink

Great! We purchased a Teashop, our profit per hour increased.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Tron Village - How to top up your wallet and buy a factory - Duration: 2:56.


Le corps - Symbolik (Sweetberry) - Duration: 18:31.

For more infomation >> Le corps - Symbolik (Sweetberry) - Duration: 18:31.


焚火で石焼きカニ1㎏バターステーキ! - Duration: 11:14.

Hello everyone, this is Asahi.

Hello everyone, this is Naoto.

Hello everyone,this is Seiya.

My friend Naoto came to see me to the island where I live.

Naoto likes barbecue, so let's do a barbecue with everyone.

I got 1 kg of crab from Mr. Naoto, so I will eat grilled crabs on stone.

For more infomation >> 焚火で石焼きカニ1㎏バターステーキ! - Duration: 11:14.


IKEA Shop With Us + Haul and Decorating the Apartment // Vlog 24 September - Duration: 20:47.

The Ekstrand Family

Vlog 24-25 September: Going to IKEA and decorating the apartment

Don't you want the grapes?

Yes. I've saved them for later

Did you save them?

I rested a little bit


I've eaten som many grapes

Monkeys are kind

Are they cranky?

No monkeys aren't cranky! No?

The monkeys aren't angry with me - Theo

Do you want to show where you've hidden your candy?



Do you save them there?

Nobody will take them No, nobody's gonna take them

Good morning Monday!

It's been really long since we filmed anything

We haven't done much and then there hasn't been any time to film and edit..

And we haven't had any motivation either..

But today!

Today.. Right now I'm in the car and Anders is dropping off Theo at daycare

We are actually going to IKEA today

It's going to be so much fun, because for a while now there's been kinda..

The living room was done..


But then we decided to change it up a bit

Our couch broke so we had to get a new one

So we decided to change the living room a bit

And now it's been half done for ages

So it's gonna be so much fun to buy some decor and stuff and finally get it done

I guess there'll always be little things to fix

We're gonna get rugs, side tables, curtain rod, mirrors...

Yeah, some decor

Theo's gonna get new curtains for his room and some new bedding

So we'll take you with us

And then we'll decorate the apartment too!

I think it'll be fun!

That's what we're doing today and you'll get to tag along to IKEA in Gothenburg!

Let's go!

Maybe they've got those bathroom thingys here

There? Yeah over here I think

Looking for this one

Let's see, here are som things we need

We're going to the bedding

This one

We'll get that one

And this one


Isn't it this one?

There it is!

Yeah, there it is!

Lucky we went over here then, because there aren't any curtains here though

Doesn't that one feel pretty sturdy?

Kinda small..


Let's see there is 24, 28..

It'll have to be this one then, with the handle

Oh s*** it's heavy!

This part should have been smaller and bigger at the top

But I guess it works anyway

I think so, we're getting a pot as well

Hello! No we're home from IKEA

So I thought I'd show you what we got

Let's see, where should we start?


Pens for Theo

He always forgets to put the lid on them so they dry out and then we have to through them out

So we got him some new ones

Mirrors that you attach with double sided tape

I'll put them up later

A little laundry basket

You can put it below the washer and then just pull the laundry out into this, so there's no risk it ends up on the floor

A frying pan

And a frying pot

Then we got a Gundslev white rug for the kitchen

It's going to be white for a little while but then I'll color it

No too fun to have a white kitchen rug when you've got a toddler

Then we got..

Caspian! Caspian!

I can't play with you right now

We got two of these jugs

They're really clever, because you can freeze this part because it's some sort of liquid in there

So you put that part in the freezer and it will turn to ice inside

A shelf for the shower

A double quilt

We got some new curtain rods as well and accessories for them

You'll see them when we put them up

Then we got one of these

Låddan.. It's like a storage board thingy for the bathroom

This is for Theo

He can store his toothbrush and toothpaste in here, and there's a little hour glass here

So he know how long to brush his teeth

Mirror and stuff..

It was fun colors too, Theo likes color

Self adhesive hooks for the bathroom

Right now.. but Caspian!

You are weird

Careful so you don't fall down!

Come! Come! Come! There!

Yeah, hi, and kisses

Right.. Self adhesive hooks for the bathroom

Right now we have white plastic ones that aren't very pretty

So we got these instead

A new toilet brush

Then we got some new bedding for Theo

Djungelskog. Some animals and stuff on it..

Another bed set with yellow lions on

Caspian, you're not supposed to be in the bag

Then we got an IKEA P.S Fångst for storage, I don't know if you can see

It's a storage thing that you hang, it's also for Theo's room

He's got so many stuffed animals so we thought it will be perfect to store them in this

Curtains for Theo's room

The curtain he's got is too small for his window so it doesn't look so good so he needed new curtains

These will be perfect! I'm going to change them up a bit later on though

But for now they'll look like that

New sheets for Theo. His favourite color is still pink so we got him pink sheets

We got this... well it doesn't really show what it is..

Lack side table

We didn't buy one, we bought three actually. Two black and one white.

The black ones are for the living room and the white one is for Theo's room

We're going to paint it later on

I can't really show these properly, but it is two rugs

Ådum, a round shag rug, dark grey. It's for the hallway

And then another grey shag rug

Hampen. It's a lighter grey and this is for the living room in front of the couch

Caspian what are you doing behind the couch?

Are you playing hockey Theo?


Do you want to see where that one's going to be?

Shall we put it up?

Yeah! Yeah

But then you'll have to put down the brush

Can you get that one? And we'll go to the bathroom

Not that one, that one!

The new that we've got

That one? Yeah that one!

Not that one No

Get it

That one! Yeah that one

Is it heavy?

You're so strong!

I dropped it!

There! Let's go to the bathroom!

Have you bought these?

Yeah we got you some new bedding


You can have that on your quilt

You can choose.. let's se..

I can have those too

Which one do you want Theo?

Which one of these do you want in your bed?

On this picture here you can see what they look like, see?

There are animals there! Yeah, there's animals.. do you want that one?

Next day (Tuesday)

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> IKEA Shop With Us + Haul and Decorating the Apartment // Vlog 24 September - Duration: 20:47.


Mary-Lynn...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Fashionable Curve Clothes - Duration: 1:26.

Mary-Lynn...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Fashionable Curve Clothes

For more infomation >> Mary-Lynn...Gorgeous Fashion Model...Fashionable Curve Clothes - Duration: 1:26.


Chelsea latest news: Chelsea fan has uploaded Higuain's highlights under Maurizio Sarri at Napoli - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Chelsea fan has uploaded Higuain's highlights under Maurizio Sarri at Napoli - Duration: 4:54.


Morning Jan.24 Forecast - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Morning Jan.24 Forecast - Duration: 2:46.


Coutinho was slammed by Barca fans for his mistakes just seconds before Sevilla goal - Duration: 4:20.

 Philippe Coutinho is knee-deep in criticism at Barcelona.  Gone are the days of being called Andres Iniesta's successor and in are the days of being slammed by Barcelona fans, raising serious questions about the £146 million transfer fee they paid to Liverpool

 The Brazilian flew out of the blocks with 10 goals in 22 outings last season, but his influence has waned since the summer and news of his poor performances have started to spread

 Premier League fans are now well aware of Coutinho's struggles and Liverpool fans are feeling smug about the Virgil van Dijk and Alisson Becker moves they've made in return

 And Coutinho's performances haven't improved amid all the media attention, with his recent showing during the Levante defeat attracting even more negativity

Sevilla 2-0 Barcelona  So, it should come as little surprise that Ernesto Valverde decided to leave the 26-year-old out of his starting XI for the Copa del Rey semi-final against Sevilla

 The Blaugrana instead opted for the unlikely front three of Malcom, Carles Alena and new signing Kevin-Prince Boateng who's still in disbelief about his move

 Nevertheless, with Barcelona losing 1-0, the decision was taken to introduce Coutinho and he played the final 27 minutes at the Estadio Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan

Coutinho's role in Sevilla goal  Coutinho didn't exactly inspire a dramatic comeback for Barcelona - who went on to lose 2-0 - but he managed to involve himself in a goal

 Sevilla would double their advantage through Wissam Ben Yedder in the 76th minute but it was how the home side gained possession that looked suspect on Coutinho's behalf

 First, he failed to beat Quincy Promes to a deflected pass that whizzed right past him

 Then, having regained possession, he was tackled twice in a matter of seconds while attempting to dribble past the Sevilla defence

 And finally, he kickstarted Sevilla's passing move to the goal by conceding possession with a botched skill

Check out the full passage of play below:   Oh dear, Phil.  In the space of 21 seconds, Coutinho managed to make three minor errors that snowballed into Sevilla racing down the pitch and giving Barcelona a serious mountain to climb

 It's almost like the footballing gods wanted to show mercy to Coutinho, but he just kept making a mistake as soon as he was reprieved

Barcelona fans react on Twitter  And it was at that moment that the social media reaction to the Brazilian really took a turn for the worst with angry tweets raining in

   Question marks were beginning to be raised before Ben Yedder found the net, but the pitchforks were in hand by the time Coutinho gave the ball away for a second time

 It's clear that the former Liverpool man just isn't in the right headspace and he needs to make the appropriate changes to realise his potential at the Nou Camp

 There's no doubt that Coutinho is one of the best midfielders in Europe; he could just do with reminding Barcelona fans a little more often

 Do you think Barcelona should sell Coutinho? Have your say in the comments section below

For more infomation >> Coutinho was slammed by Barca fans for his mistakes just seconds before Sevilla goal - Duration: 4:20.


FROZEN MILK (Matcha vs. Strawberry) ICE EATING ASMR MUKBANG 🍓 - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> FROZEN MILK (Matcha vs. Strawberry) ICE EATING ASMR MUKBANG 🍓 - Duration: 2:09.


The Naked Spaceman - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> The Naked Spaceman - Duration: 5:24.


S. Korean gov't to fully support next N. Korea-U.S. summit - Duration: 0:50.

South Korea's National Security Council standing committee held a meeting this afternoon...

in which they said good results came out of last Friday's high-level talks between North

Korea and the U.S.

According to the Blue House, during the meeting, chaired by President Moon's top security advisor

Chung Eui-yong, the NSC standing committee decided to actively support the second round

of the Pyeongyang-Washington summit scheduled at the end of February... so that it produces

substantial results for the complete denuclearization of the Peninsula and permanent peace.

To that end, the committee said Seoul will maintain close cooperation with Washington

and continue inter-Korean dialogue.

The standing committee members also expressed serious concern over Japan's recent threatening

low-altitude flybys of South Korean warships and decided to sternly respond to prevent

them from happening again.

For more infomation >> S. Korean gov't to fully support next N. Korea-U.S. summit - Duration: 0:50.


Camera Of Past Events - Duration: 8:14.

If all the inventors of different time cameras were to be believed, images have already been

captured of ancient Rome, and of England in the time of Shakespeare.

Real photographs have been taken of such celebrities as George Washington, and the biblical prophet Moses.

In his work, "It's About Time", researcher Robert Nelson, has chronicled the achievements

claimed by these inventors, in opening a window into our past.

More than a half century had passed since the invention of modern photography, before

the first demonstration of a "time camera" in 1897, at a portrait studio in Liverpool.

The device, called a "chronoscope", was created by William Maplebeck, based on a unique arrangement

of mirrored quartz lenses.

It was said to capture random images from the past.

Examples of exposed photographic plates were shown to the audience, as projected from a

magic lantern, including a street scene from Elizabethan times, revealing details of clothing

worn by men and women of that period... Roman soldiers, garrisoned in the township of Chester,

and pictures of prehistoric man in the Ribble Valley, hunting wild game.

Baron Ernst von Lubek, published in 1912, a report on his experiments with what he called

trans-time photography.

He used a cathode ray tube, with electrodes coated with two heavy metals, one of which

was common lead.

The other electrode was bound with dysprosium, An element that is now

employed, to absorb neutrons in nuclear reactors.

Regarding the Baron's invention, no other information has survived.

In 1934 the editor of Liberation Magazine, William Pelley, published an account

describing another time viewer.

He called it "Ultra-Vision", and he claimed to have constructed it, by collaborating with

Thomas Edison.

When Pelley was arrested for political crimes, the apparatus was confiscated by the


It was never seen again.

The underlying physics of the time camera, may have been best explained by documentary

filmmaker, Andrew Legge.

He describes the Keppel Wave, an elusive form of radiation, whose properties are similar

to those of light, with one important difference.

The speed of light is very fast... so fast that according to Einstein, nothing can exceed

its velocity.

The Keppel Wave travels exceedingly slow.

At the rate of one foot per year, a device constructed to see these waves, could capture

the image of a scene more than a thousand years past, if the photograph was taken, from

the distance of a quarter mile.

Baird T. Spalding was an American mining engineer, who said he formed an alliance with Charles

Steinmetz, the electronics "Wizard of Schenectady", and that together, they invented, "the camera

of past events".

Their first photo capture, was the inaugural address of the first president of the United

States, George Washington.

The address was given in New York City at the city hall, which today is known as Federal


Washington can be seen pacing on the platform, where he was joined by numerous government

dignitaries, who also can be clearly identified.

Previously, for a view of this event, researchers have had to rely on period paintings.

In one of Spalding's lectures, he confesses that he tried for eight years, to get a photograph

of Jesus of Nazareth, during the time of his ministry.

Finally he did succeed, in securing an image of the crucifixion.

Compared to the criminals amidst whom the Nazarene was executed, he appeared to have

been a very tall man, perhaps six foot two.

His eyes were closed, and a crude wooden sign was hung from his neck, as an insult by his

Roman persecutors.

In Latin it said, "This is Yeshua the King."

Incredibly, there is another "time photograph" of the crucifixion, procured through use of

the Chronovisor, invented by Benedictine Father Marcello Ernetti.

Both the photo and the camera, are rumored to be stored in the archives of the Vatican.

The established scientific community, can be forgiven for taking word of these inventions,

with a grain of salt.

But what if just one of them is real?

CHILD: That part, we can throw on the ground. See that?

SCARY: What, what? Sorry, I was looking at all your stuff.

SCARY: Let's see what happens. And now it is on the floor, hey!

CHILD: You want to do another one? SCARY: You want to do it again?

SCARY: How about first, we pick up what is on the floor and bring it back up to the table?

CHILD: Okay. SCARY: Cool, very cool. I will help you.

[SCARY coughs]

CHILD: Want to see what happens? SCARY: I think I know what happens... Yeah, there it goes!

SCARY: Don't! No! No, thank you. [CHILD screams shrilly]

SCARY: Which brings us to today's lesson. Say, kids...

SCARY: You should not hurt your buddy!

SCARY: Scary would prefer a different game to play!

[Music] This stuff is the future.

[Music, instrumental]

For more infomation >> Camera Of Past Events - Duration: 8:14.


Interviewing Santa Claus | Super Cute - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Interviewing Santa Claus | Super Cute - Duration: 1:17.


Kenshi Yonezu (米津玄師) - Lemon | Maya Putri Cover - Duration: 4:17.

how glad i would be if this was all dream

i still can see you in my dreams

it's like going home to take what i forgot to bring

i put the dust off my old memories

there's happiness that wont go back

that is what you taught me last

the dark past i couldn't tell anyone

would be forever dark without you

i know there's nothing

more hurt than this

that day's misery

that day's pain

i could love it all if it's with you

staying in my chest it wont go

the smell of a bitter lemon

i won't go home until the rain stop

you're still my light

tracing your back in darkness

i still remember the rhytm clearly

whenever i meet things i cannot accept

what keeps falling are only tears

what did you do? what did you saw?

with that side of face i don't know?

if you're somewhere there, feeling the same

drown in tears, inside loneliness

please just forget about me

i even thought of that from my heart

you're still my light

more than what i thought

i loved you

from that time i can't

breath as much as i did

even though we were always together

it's like all of them are lies

i couldn't forget

that is for sure

that day's misery

that day's pain

i could love it all if it's with you

staying in my chest it wont go

the smell of a bitter lemon

i won't go home until the rain stop

like a part of a fruit cut in half

you're still my light

For more infomation >> Kenshi Yonezu (米津玄師) - Lemon | Maya Putri Cover - Duration: 4:17.


DeMarcus Cousins' Warriors experiment will be bizarre and incredibly important - Duration: 6:30.

DeMarcus Cousins will make his 2018-19 NBA season debut on Friday as the Golden State Warriors visit the LA Clippers (10:30 p

m. ET, ESPN). Cousins tore his Achilles tendon just under a year ago amid another all-star season

Boogie was well on his way to his third All-NBA honor and, more importantly to him, could taste the first playoff berth of his career

The New Orleans Pelicans did ultimately make the playoffs, burying the Portland Trail Blazers in the first round before falling to (guess who?) the Warriors in five

Cousins, of course, couldn't make his playoff debut because of the injury. Once the Pelicans made a contract offer that Cousins considered an insult, it appears that playoff debut became a priority, because Boogie signed for a pittance with the one team that could absolutely be guaranteed a playoff nod in the loaded West: Golden State

Now the experiment is beginning, not just for the Warriors — adding a fifth star-caliber player to the starting lineup — but for Boogie, whose career could depend an awful lot on how this goes

There's really so much in play here from every angle. Let's run through it. Related Will Boogie Cousins help the Warriors stay hot and cover 6-points at the Clippers? 23 thoughts on DeMarcus Cousins' shocking Warriors move The many losers and few winners of DeMarcus Cousins to the Warriors How Boogie fits in an offense with too many options already The Warriors can get good shots every trip down when Stephen Curry and/or Kevin Durant are on the floor with one of Klay Thompson and Draymond Green (or each other)

Cousins is a gravity monster that makes magic out of dust and pulls attention in the post and at the top of the key when he has the ball

He's a really bombastic passer off the dribble and from standstill. But where do his shots come from? This was a question when Durant arrived in 2016, and the answer was that the shots came from everywhere

Boogie needs some too, which impacts Curry, Thompson, and Green again. Is Draymond Green going to shoot more than 10 shots in any game the rest of the season? Isn't it a good thing if he doesn't, so long as his playmaking and defense stay excellent? From a basketball perspective, this is a fascinating problem

How much talent is too much? Is it possible to have too much when the talent is so malleable as Curry, Green, and Durant are, and as deferential as Thompson is? Related I miss the old Steph Curry Explain One Play: How will DeMarcus Cousins fit in Steve Kerr's offense? How Boogie defends Defense has always been an issue with Cousins

In his Sacramento days, it was hard to discern what was the fault of general team-wide malaise or poor coaching, and what was the fault of Cousins' own skill and effort

Boogie had a decent defensive campaign before the injury last season, and one presumes he will want to keep up with Green, Andre Iguodala, and Durant in Golden State

His defensive hands have always been really good, and he's historically one of the best charge-drawers in the league

But in a faster league, coming off a long injury, will he keep up? Or, will there be lots of 5-vs-4 possessions for fleet-of-foot opponents? How hard will Steve Kerr press on Boogie to run? How gassed will Cousins get? Will Kerr have to pull Cousins in critical stretches now or in the playoffs because of defense? If so, how will Boogie take that? The potential melodrama Cousins has lasting friendships with Curry and Thompson, and has struck up a camaraderie with Green

He's a huge personality who has a few locker room conflagrations in his past. The Warriors obviously had one huge conflagration this season between Green and Durant

This is a fascinating little chemistry experiment: the Warriors are pouring a highly reactive agent into what would appear to be a somewhat unstable compound

What could go wrong? The free agency issue About me: 2x NBA champion, 2x Finals MVP, 2nd best basketball player in the world

IM ME, I DO ME, AND I CHILL. Seeking: Flexibility; Max compensation; Championship contender; Big market

The summer of 2019 is shaping up to be a big one for some of the league's best, so SB Nation's Kristian Winfield decided to play matchmaker

Here's a weird twist to all of this: Cousins is the only top free agent guaranteed to switch teams this summer

Kyrie Irving said he's staying with the Celtics, Kawhi Leonard and Kevin Durant are questionable but noncommittal, and Jimmy Butler is a total mystery

But Cousins cannot stay with the Warriors and get the salary he surely desires and will likely earn

The Warriors have admitted this publicly. If this goes well, and perhaps even if it doesn't, he will get a maximum value contract from someone

Who? Who knows? Perhaps he'll strike up a fruitful relationship with Durant and they'll jet off together (though the Knicks, seen as KD's most likely landing spot, don't need a center)

Perhaps Boogie's mutual appreciation society with LeBron will send Cousins to LA

Maybe he'll buy what Steve Ballmer and Doc Rivers are selling. Maybe Dallas will finally land a big free agent

Maybe Pat Riley will make money moves to get Boogie in Miami. (Hey, you know who will have tons of cap space and potentially a need at center? The Sacramento Kings

) If Cousins looks anything like the Cousins of old, he becomes one of the three most interesting free agents of the summer based primarily on the completely wide-open race to land him

This whole thing is such an open potential narrative with so many moving parts. Even if the Warriors are overwhelming favorites to win the title, it's going to be fascinating to see how all of this plays out and how it changes the future for Golden State

Hegemony can be boring, but Boogie never is.

For more infomation >> DeMarcus Cousins' Warriors experiment will be bizarre and incredibly important - Duration: 6:30.


Tom Brady's fall, Patrick Mahomes' rise previewed in AFC championship game - Duration: 5:14.

 Tom Brady, the Patriots and their legion of fans may not believe it, and there's less proof of it than logic would dictate, but some day, Brady's career will end

Despite all evidence to the contrary, he can't play forever, any more than Peyton Manning or Brett Favre could

 Someone will knock him off his throne, take away the reins, handle the torch when the New England QB passes it off

That someone is Patrick Mahomes, and it's truly not his fault that the exchange did not happen Sunday night

 MORE: Time for new overtime rules in NFL  The signs were there all season, and even as they showed themselves, it was too hard to acknowledge them

Not this soon and, honestly, not this one. The AFC championship game was Mahomes' 19th NFL start, 18th this season

In his sixth start this season, at New England, he took Kansas City to the go-ahead score the last time he had the ball

 On Sunday at Arrowhead Stadium, the last time he had the ball, he took the Chiefs to the game-tying score

He got the ball with 39 seconds left and his team down by three, and 31 seconds after that, he had them on the way to overtime, their fate at the whim of the coin toss and of their defense

 It all had to look familiar to the other sideline.  Both games were won by the team that had the ball last

Brady and the Patriots had the ball last each time. There was nothing Mahomes could do about that

Blame the NFL's overtime rules, blame that defense, but twice against the best QB ever, Mahomes played like the prodigy he is and like the MVP he is expected to be (as of about two weeks from now, when the vote is announced)

 IYER: Brady, Belichick come full circle  There really are not any more growing pains or learning curves for Mahomes

At 23, he faced the 41-year-old who pushed himself through this week's preparation by manufacturing an underdog narrative that hardly anyone outside his locker room was buying

Mahomes did not become a casualty of his youth, and he did not cave to the pressure of the moment or the enormity of the gap in experience

 Shut out in the first half and down by 10 going into the fourth, the Chiefs took the lead twice in the final period of regulation and tied it once, answering the Patriots over and over

Mahomes was Brady's equal in every tangible and intangible way.  He just didn't have the ball last

 Thus, he is not on his way to the Super Bowl — and Brady is not facing an avalanche of questions about the approaching twilight of his career and about who replaces him as the QB the rest of the sport is chasing

   All that will come eventually. It's both harder to figure out when, thanks to what he managed again this season, and easier, because time is still undefeated

 Brady did not give in to that Sunday. But, according to ESPN, he did give his valiant foe his due afterward

Tom Brady just quietly approached a security guard waiting outside the Chiefs' locker room — and asked if he could see Patrick Mahomes

Brady was escorted into a room where he spoke briefly with him. A very clear display of respect from one incredible quarterback to another

— Jeff Darlington (@JeffDarlington) January 21, 2019  That's remarkable. Brady could have just congratulated Mahomes in person on the field afterward (although the post-overtime celebration was pretty chaotic) and praised him in post-game interviews and in the weeks leading up to Atlanta, and throughout the offseason

 But he made a special effort to seek him out privately and speak directly.  MORE SUPER BOWL 53:CBS' coverage plans | Odds, point spread  The Chiefs and coach Andy Reid took a real leap of faith in giving Mahomes the franchise's keys when they did

It took a leap for others to believe he was ready for them. He climbed onto the biggest stage to join Brady, and he was not the one still standing at the end for reasons beyond his control

 The main reason, of course, was Brady. But like it or not, he won't stay there forever

It's just a matter of time.  Soon enough, Mahomes will have the stage to himself

He came dangerously close to taking it Sunday.

For more infomation >> Tom Brady's fall, Patrick Mahomes' rise previewed in AFC championship game - Duration: 5:14.


Malignaggi: Khan's legs are diminished, fighting Crawford is a bad situation for him - Duration: 2:03.

Malignaggi on Terence Crawford vs. Amir Khan: "TC and AK. Good fight, great names in the fight

I think Amir, a couple years ago, was probably in a better position to deal with Crawford

I thought Amir was a nightmare for any boxer. Guys who put pressure is different

I thought Amir was a nightmare for any boxer up until like a couple years ago. "But I think at this point his legs are starting to diminish, guys like Samuel Vargas are catching up to him, which you would never see a guy like Samuel Vargas catch up to him

And I think if that's the Amir that's left now, I mean he actually can be outboxed

You couldn't outbox Amir before, you had to take it to him. Now I think he can be outboxed

So it's kind of a bad situation if you're fighting Terence Crawford." On who's the top fighter at welterweight right now: "Ummm, we haven't seen enough of Terence at welterweight

I don't think this fight's gonna give anything we don't already know about Terence

I think the top dog at welterweight is probably Errol Spence right now. We'll see how Thurman looks next week

But Errol's a natural welter, very powerful. Crawford is probably a bit more creative but at that weight — weight classes matter, especially when you're fighting a big strong guy like Errol

But let's see how Mikey Garcia looks against Errol as well."

For more infomation >> Malignaggi: Khan's legs are diminished, fighting Crawford is a bad situation for him - Duration: 2:03.


野球ニュース - マー君、イチローとの再戦心待ち「楽しみ。前回はやられていますから」 - Duration: 2:36.

自主トレでサッカーを うヤンキース・田中    ヤンキース・田 将大投手(30)が、 チロー外野手(45) の再戦を楽しみにした マリナーズとのマイナ 契約に合意した先輩に 楽しみですね

前回はやられています ら。昨年は対戦がなか たので」と話した。   ヤ軍1年目だった1 年はチームメートとし 戦った。イチローがマ リンズに在籍した15 6月16日には公式戦 対決が実現

1、2打席目に右前打 二塁内野安打と固めら 、4打数2安打1三振 った。   田中は対 後「2安打されたので 敗としか言いようがな 」と潔かった。7回2 点と粘りながら黒星( 敗目)も喫した

   イチローも「十 エースになるピッチャ ですよ。必ずゲームを くる。それは一番大事 ことだから」と後輩に 辞を送っていた。   両軍の直接対決は、今 は計7試合が組まれて る

5月6~9日にヤンキ スタジアムで4試合。 月26~28日にはシ トルのTモバイル・パ クで3試合が予定され いる。   田中はこ 日は古巣・楽天の本拠 楽天生命パーク宮城の 内練習場で2日連続で 主トレを行った

自主トレ仲間の則本昂 辛島、松井、藤平とノ クやキャッチボール、 たサッカーも行い汗を した。 

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