Thursday, January 24, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 24 2019

SKT Gumayusi KAYN Jungle vs AATROX | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue

For more infomation >> SKT Gumayusi KAYN Jungle vs AATROX | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 22:01.


Maroon 5 - This Love | Button Accordion Cover | INSTRUMENTAL - Duration: 2:30.

Sergii Shamrai

Button Accordion

For more infomation >> Maroon 5 - This Love | Button Accordion Cover | INSTRUMENTAL - Duration: 2:30.


GRF Tarzan RAMMUS Jungle vs GEN Peanut XIN ZHAO | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 15:31.

GRF Tarzan RAMMUS Jungle vs GEN Peanut XIN ZHAO | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue

For more infomation >> GRF Tarzan RAMMUS Jungle vs GEN Peanut XIN ZHAO | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 15:31.


German New Immigration Law Announcement 2019 - Duration: 6:48.

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For more infomation >> German New Immigration Law Announcement 2019 - Duration: 6:48.


Let's practise using the PRESENT PERFECT & PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS - Duration: 6:17.

hi are you confident using the present perfect and the present perfect

continuous this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK

Languages & TRAVEL the Worldhere to help you improve your English with

minimum effort a maximum benefit and I've realized that the present perfect

and the present perfect continuous are really difficult to use so I thought we

could practice them further together in particular with the questions so to

summarize if you want to use questions with how often how many times how much

you're interested in the result therefore you'll use the present perfect

the present perfect is interested in the result of an action so for example how

many times have you been to the gym this week I've been there three times how

often have you been on holiday this year well I've been about twice once this

winter once this summer how much have you eaten today because you look really

full up well yes I've eaten quite a bit today or how much have you drunk have

you drank too much to drive or how many drinks have you had so these are all

using the present perfect because we want to know the result of the action

instead if you ask questions with how long you obviously want to know about

the action itself and not the result so you use the present perfect continuous

for example how long have you been living in your home have you been living

there for a few years I've been living in my house since May 1998 so I've been

living there for a long time and what about you how long have you been

studying English so obviously I haven't been studying English but I've been

studying other languages I studied French for many years but I

can't say I've been studying French because I stopped studying it so you can

only ask that about something that you are continuing to do so I haven't been

studying French but I can say I studied French for about ooh

quite a long time I think 13 years but now I'm not studying it anymore

instead I've been studying Spanish for about five years on my own so again

we're talking about the length of time how long have you been playing tennis

well that's a dual question it could be well I've been playing for two hours or

I've been playing for three years I've been playing since I was a child you

have to understand from the context what kind of answer is needed so to summarise

all how long questions will always be used with the present perfect continuous

because we're interested in the action while all how many how much how often

how many times we'll be using the present perfect because we're interested

in the result of the action so to summarize how long is used to express

the action itself whilst how many times how often how much is used to express

the result of the action other examples of the result of the action could be

where have you been because I can't find you so the result

is I'm worried I don't know where you are and when you reappear

I can ask where have you been in the present perfect what have you done

something I don't know I walk into a room there's a disaster I can ask what

have you done because the result is disastrous so the present perfect always

for the result some examples of continuity of the action could be have

you been seeing anyone lately this usually refers to going out with

someone a more kind of sentimental relationship so I could say yes I've

been seeing a nice person we get along very well but yes we're only still on

friendly terms there's nothing more to it have you been doing any exercise

lately that gives you the impression again of the action and not the result

instead of course if I saw you looking really fit and maybe also having lost a

few kilos I could say Oh have you been doing any exercise lately have you been

dieting because look you've lost weight and you've put on muscle that gives you

the have you been dieting have you been doing exercise gives the impression of

the action and then the result you've lost weight and you've put on muscle

why don't you write in the comments below a few more examples of the

difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous just

right the actual example sentences and of course there can be a simple past for

example when yet well if you ask have you been to the USA you could say yes I

I went there when I was a child that's the answer with the simple past and have

you ever tried the bungee jumping yes I have I did it when I was in New Zealand

for example please put some examples in the comments below and don't forget to

subscribe see you next time bye

okay so please put some comments in them so please put some examples in the

comments below

For more infomation >> Let's practise using the PRESENT PERFECT & PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS - Duration: 6:17.


PAU VALLVÉ - Oclocràcia (Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:56.


Reality shows


Richter scale

and real estate

and blood

world war

risk premium

Schengen area


and ochlocracy

If it has already been proven

that speaking kindly to plants

makes them grow big

imagine what can happen

if we treat with respect

any of the human beings

And the 3%

and "la manada"

the Euribor

the champions (league)

and the supreme court

and you

and talk show hosts

and El Corte Inglés

and glutamate

rubber bullets

the bank

the peak oil

and the fucking beach-body plan

If it has already been proven

that speaking kindly to plants

makes them grow big

imagine what can happen

if we treat with respect

any of the human beings

A toast to people

who live constructively

and always in positive

Come on let's toast to people

who live constructively

and always in positive

Come on let's toast to people

who live constructively

and always in positive

Translator: Joana Martí Payés

For more infomation >> PAU VALLVÉ - Oclocràcia (Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:56.


LEESIN Jungle vs GRAGAS | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 39:00.

LEESIN Jungle vs GRAGAS | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue

For more infomation >> LEESIN Jungle vs GRAGAS | Patch 9.1 | LOL KR Solo Queue - Duration: 39:00.


Diciotti, il tribunale dei ministri chiede di procedere contro Salvini - Duration: 2:06.

 Si riapre il caso Diciotti. Il tribunale dei ministri di Catania ha chiesto l'autorizzazione a procedere nei confronti del ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini per la vicenda della scorsa estate

Lo si apprende da fonti del Viminale. La decisione del tribunale dei ministri arriva dopo la richiesta motivata di archiviazione avanzata dalla procura di Catania

    LEGGI ANCHE Fazio-Salvini, lite sullo sgombero del Cara: «Disumano». «Milionario, ha perso contatto con realtà» «Ci riprovano - commenta subito in diretta facebook il vicepremier - torno ad essere indagato per sequestro di persona e di minori, con una pena prevista da 3 a 15 anni

Manco fossi uno spacciatore o uno stupratore. Ora la parola passa al Senato e ai senatori che dovranno dire sì o no, libero o innocente, a processo o no

Ma lo dico fin da ora, io non cambio di un centimetro la mia posizione».   Il caso è quello della nave della Guardia costiera che rimase prima al largo di Lampedusa e poi restò ormeggiata nel porto di Catania con 177 migranti soccorsi nel canale di Sicilia, bloccata per ordine del ministro dell'Interno

I migranti a bordo furono fatti scendere dopo dieci giorni dal salvataggio in mare e per questo finirono indagati per sequestro di persona, arresto illegale e abuso d'ufficio Salvini e il capo di gabinetto del Viminale, il prefetto Matteo Piantedosi

 Era lo scorso agosto. Poi, a novembre a Salvini arrivò la notifica di archiviazione da parte della Procura di Catania: un plico che il ministro aprì in diretta facebook, festeggiando la notizia con i suoi followerm e dicendo «potevo e dovevo bloccare i migranti»

Ora il caso potrebbe riaprirsi.

For more infomation >> Diciotti, il tribunale dei ministri chiede di procedere contro Salvini - Duration: 2:06.


"Pollo Al Caffè☕"...!!! - Duration: 2:01.

the second of today is

coffee chicken

First of all I want to thank you for opening this video already from this you understand that you are a person who loves the news

and that's what I propose you today, maybe you'll be thinking but Irene is crazy .... ???

What strange combination is this chicken and coffee, and yet if you think about it, this meat tastes at that neutral fact,

It is prepared very often with much stronger flavors and it is precisely this the case in fact, the first thing that I do marinate the chicken that here sees frozen for 12 hours with coffee then,

in a pan insert the finely chopped vegetables and let them soften, the carrot will give that sweet note that this dish serves, I advise you that the final result

it is equally bitter then, you may like it, personally when I tasted this dish I twisted my nose just for this reason but,

my husband loved it so I decided to propose the recipe with the hope that you will be curious to try it, returning to the preparation my advice is to pan the chicken breasts in the flour

before cooking them, they will be softer and will form a fabulous and creamy sauce, soaking it with marinating coffee,

let cook for about ten minutes and here it is ready, a second certainly original that you will love or hate, you are ready to dare ... ???

For more infomation >> "Pollo Al Caffè☕"...!!! - Duration: 2:01.


🎮ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №2 [18+] GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> 🎮ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРОВЫЕ ПРИКОЛЫ №2 [18+] GAME COUB | Баги,фейлы - Duration: 15:11.


Корейцы Смотрят #Филиппкиркоров #Цветнасторениясиний +#Биология 한국인의 러시아뮤비 리액션 - Kенха Kyungha - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Корейцы Смотрят #Филиппкиркоров #Цветнасторениясиний +#Биология 한국인의 러시아뮤비 리액션 - Kенха Kyungha - Duration: 10:28.


Trump's budget showdown proposal upsets immigration supporters - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Trump's budget showdown proposal upsets immigration supporters - Duration: 1:41.


2019 Triumph Thruxton TFC 1200cc | Triumph Factory 1200cc Custom Limited Edition | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Triumph Thruxton TFC 1200cc | Triumph Factory 1200cc Custom Limited Edition | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Kirkelig studietur var "kæmpestor oplevelse" - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kirkelig studietur var "kæmpestor oplevelse" - Duration: 1:01.


Стрим mccd planet - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Стрим mccd planet - Duration: 2:40.


李小璐晒陪甜心滑雪照片后,贾乃亮发心情微博,两人能和好如初吗, 意想不到的答案! - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 李小璐晒陪甜心滑雪照片后,贾乃亮发心情微博,两人能和好如初吗, 意想不到的答案! - Duration: 5:27.


花粉症の苦しむが無くなる!『土用』の正しい過ごし方【運動編】 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 花粉症の苦しむが無くなる!『土用』の正しい過ごし方【運動編】 - Duration: 3:37.


O que acho sobre as MULHERES BRASILEIRAS? | Fatos Gringos - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> O que acho sobre as MULHERES BRASILEIRAS? | Fatos Gringos - Duration: 4:01.


Ford Fiesta 1.25 60pk 5DRS TREND | Airco - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.25 60pk 5DRS TREND | Airco - Duration: 1:21.


Onde começar a investir: 2 investimentos que rendem mais do que a poupança - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Onde começar a investir: 2 investimentos que rendem mais do que a poupança - Duration: 8:59.


Grupo Científico LifEscozul®

For more infomation >> Grupo Científico LifEscozul®


DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! - Duration: 11:14.

TIM: What the f*ck you just say?!

[Tim charges Kris] KRIS: F*ck! Oh sh*t!

[Tim screaming in agony]

TIM: They assign the injured man, to take something from up there!

TIM: Oh shit! There's a cockroach dude!

[Da Macam Yes Unscripted Logo~]

TIM: Tomorrow is shoot day..

TIM: And we are.. *Interrupted* CH: Today!

TIM: Today?! CH: Yeah! *laughs*

TIM: *coughs* Bro, today is shoot day and we...

TIM: Are not even ready!

TIM: Although I may not look like it.. but..

TIM: What I'm feel right now is.. Fear..

TIM: Up to here bro!

CH: Make sure you make my face thin abit ah.

CH: I want sharp! I don't want round.

CH: Top abit.. Then go down abit..

CH: Like how girls selfie.

CH: Eh, remember! Top shot!

CH: Yes.. Like that..

BRIAN: The secret to a good fight scene...

BRIAN: And I think this is universal in all fight scenes is...

BRIAN: A lot of rest!

BRIAN: The guy doing the action, he can do the stunts..

BRIAN: But if you put him in a real fight like that..

BRIAN: He won't fight like that the whole time.. Why? Because he tired..

BRIAN: That's why they take two months to shoot a fight scene!

BRIAN: So, they shoot an hour today.. and then you rest..

BRIAN: Then you shoot an hour tomorrow.. Then you rest..

BRIAN: So every cut of the shot right? His actions is like..

BRIAN: *Makes fight noises*

BRIAN: But you can't do that in real life cause you get tired!

[Everyone is beating up the talent for fun]

KLEX: Stop bullying the talent la! IAN: All of us just beat him up!

[Tim charges Kris]

KRIS: Oh F*ck! Oh sh*t!

KRIS: No! I pull my leg and he came near to the knee..

KRIS: *Feels guilty* Sh*t...

[Tim screams in agony]

BRIAN: Dah bengkak dude.. (It's swollen already dude..)

TIM: Don't shoot dude..

TIM: Don't shoot! It cannot be in the video!

KRIS: Kids, don't try this at home..

KRIS: Don't try and take down people while they are alert.

KRIS: They'll definitely defend and then you kena (get it)!

KRIS: There like that one..

TIM: What the f*ck you just say?!

BRIAN: Looks damn legit dude..

BRIAN: I almost believe that I can go to..

BRIAN: Floor 24A!

BRIAN: You see in Malaysia right.. It is pantang (taboo) to have 4 in the number.

BRIAN: Because it sounds like 'Die' in Cantonese.

BRIAN: 死 ah! (Die ah)

BRIAN: So instead of putting 4 right?

BRIAN: We go 1.. 2.. 3.. *gasps*

BRIAN: 3A! It's actually..

BRIAN: The extra floor that's above 3 but not 4!

BRIAN: And then right, 14 right? Is the floor that is above 14..

BRIAN: But the 'A'... *Realizes something is wrong*

BRIAN: Chia Hou! What the hell dude!

BRIAN: What's the point of '14A'?!

CH: This is called design! (Made up excuse)

[Previewing test shot footage]

CH: That.. That.. That waist one is..

BRIAN: You have to.. You need to..

BRIAN: You need to.. *leans on the wall flat*

BRIAN: Flat abit!

[CH sucks in his stomach] BRIAN: Your stomach right straight like that!

CH: Top! Top! Top!

CH: Okay! *Sucks in his stomach*

TIM: Awww sh*ttttt....

ERNEST: Oh f*ck!

ERNEST: Holy sh*t!

ERNEST: I'm fighting but he got injured!

TIM: Bastard!

BRIAN: It's just swollen la.. I think it's okay.

TIM: It's a pussy scar!

TIM: This is considered a pussy scar guys.. I cannot..

TIM: I'm more disappointed now than I was when I got hit!

TIM: What kind of scar is this?!

TIM: This is not a real scar dude!

TIM: This is not.. This is not manly enough okay?!

TIM: Get away from me!

BRIAN: Look at how scared he looks..

[Laughs at CH's misery]

BRIAN: He is genuinely terrified.

BRIAN: Things are going well I think!

BRIAN: Errr....

[Suddenly got interrupted from the background] TIM: I'm okay! I'm not gonna die!

TIM: Pain ah?! The thing pain one ah?!

TIM: Don't want.. Don't want.. Don't want..

TIM: Eh I don't want! I don't want f*cker! Get away from me first!

MEI AI: Little bit onlyyyyy..

EURI: It's like alcohol..

IAN: No, don't dude.. Dude, you have to put it Tim.

MEI AI: You want infection a not?

TIM: I want! I want infection!

TIM: I want infection..

TIM: I don't care!

TIM: I want the infection! I'm not gonna deal with Betadine okay?!

TIM: This is too much!

TIM: That why I'm a nice guy.. I'm a peaceful guy..

TIM: I don't like any kind of pain or suffering..

[Compilations of Tim]

TIM: *Cries* Sh*t.. Now that it happen to me right..

TIM: You must do like.. *processing words*

MEI AI: Like touch touch?

TIM: No! No! You cannot touch touch!

TIM: You must make sure.. That you.. your..

TIM: The one time you touch it..

TIM: You settle! You finish the job okay?! MEI AI: Okay..

TIM: You don't! You don't say..

TIM: Oh sh*t.. I have to do it again..

TIM: Sorry.. I miss the spot.. CANNOT AH?!

MEI AI: *Struggling* No.. Okay! Sure! TIM: You must..You must kena (get it)!

MEI AI: Hurry up! It's drying up! TIM: *Gives in* Okay.. okay..

CH: How? How he get the scar? [Tim screams in agony]

MEI AI: Okay, done.. TIM: Is that it??

MEI AI: That's it!

TIM: *Reassure* Is that it? Are you done?

MEI AI: Yeah! Done! EURI: You want more ah?

TIM: That didn't even hurt dude..

TIM: Now I'm even more disappointed!

TIM: That is worst than having the scar!

TIM: Tonight is just very disappointing!

TIM: Except for the shoot la..

IAN: Alright.. Fighters..

IAN: Enter the ring!

[Suddenly got announcement] ERNEST: Weighing at... 300 and..

ERNEST: I don't know.. I don't know how to say the pounds.

ERNEST: Weighing at 65 kilograms!

ERNEST: Fighting from Melaka!

ERNEST: It is.. Ernest!

ERNEST: The Bessler.. Ng!

[Self made explosion entrance and John Cena theme song]

DAN: He needs an announcement!

DAN: He needs an announcement too.

KLEX: Yeah he needs an announcement too..

KRIS: *Still clueless* For what?

TIM: Okay.. Here's Kris... (effortless announcement)

TIM: *Worried* Eh, you sure you got apply ah?

TIM: Because I don't feel anything..

EURI: Yeah. You want more ah?

TIM: First! I got hit in the head..

TIM: And then! The scar was too small..

TIM: And then! The Betadine didn't hurt!

EURI: *Angrys* You want it to hurt is it?! TIM: *Retracts* No.. I don't..

TIM: Okay okay okay...

TIM: Is that it?? EURI: Yes!

TIM: From a pinoy to another pinoy man..

TIM: Glad we're looking out for each other dude!

EURI: Alright!

CH: This one.. Here's can see me already right?

BRIAN: *Proud* Professionals working.

CH: I hope after this I'll be thin la..

KLEX: I thought you thin already?!

CH: I know! Lagi (more) thin!

CH: You see my body so slim now.

[Camera points at his tummy]

CH: Eh! Top angle!

CH: Yeah!

BRIAN: Cut.. okay, thanks guys!

BRIAN: I think we got it! NICK: It's a wrap!

BRIAN: I'm quite happy actually..

BRIAN: I mean.. I'm not happy that you got kneed in the face..

BRIAN: But other than that! I'm pretty happy!

ERNEST: So right now we are shooting..

ERNEST: *Laughs* I'm not Casey Neistat!

[Chia Hou requesting for his top shot]

NICK: Okay, come already! Come already!

KLEX: What's going on?!

TIM: Once again, they assigned the injured man..

TIM: To go and take something from up there.

TIM: See the mat?

TIM: Apparently got some stunts la!

TIM: Didn't even wanna ladder dude!

NICK: How does the ladder fit in there?

TIM: Endangering.. lives!

TIM: Sh*t.. Almost fell dude..

TIM: Alright thanks..

TIM: That's it..

TIM: Oh sh*t! There's a cockroach dude! F*ck!

NICK: What?!

TIM: Got cockroach dude!

NICK: Where?!

TIM: In the mat!

NICK: Big one ah?

TIM: Yeah, it's a black colour one!

KLEX: Can't see it bro..

TIM: Never mind.. x3

NICK: You killed it already?

NICK: Damn big right?!

TIM: Oh sh*tttttt!

[Epic punch into cockroach]

[Manliest scream ever]

[Tim quickly escapes]

TIM: I sprayed! The fella wet dude!

TIM: The fella came in like kena hujan (got under a rain) like that!

NICK: Freaking huge eh! This big eh!

TIM: I bet it's dying because it's like..

TIM: *Self made spray sound* Kena (got) spray!

TIM: *Cover up* I'm not scared of cockroaches

TIM: Normally they don't bug me at all.. but..

TIM: I was stuck there! Okay?

TIM: I was cornered! *laughs*

BRIAN: Cornered dudeeee.. *laughs*

KRIS: The cockroach and the rats are living in the harmony..

KRIS: They're always together one!

BRIAN: That's what you think la!

BRIAN: I'm pretty sure the rats eat the cockroaches!

TIM: It's probably a war to them dude.. Okay?

BRIAN: So imagine like the rats is in the drain right..

BRIAN: And then all the cockroaches come and surround him is like..

BRIAN: "That day you ate my brother!"

BRIAN: "I'm gonna get you for this!"

BRIAN: And then they.. ARGHHHHH!!!!

BRIAN: And then you look down right.. You thinking.. 'Eh harmony..'

ERNEST: Awww.. They're playing! They're playing!

BRIAN: "Ohhh they having party.."

BRIAN: Down there is like.. ARGHHHHH WARRRR!!!

BRIAN: Anddd.. Cut!

KLEX: Kris needs to cut his fingernails. BRIAN: Okay la!

BRIAN: *Sighs* Yeah.. Wrap la..

BRIAN: I'm actually not really sure if we got everything we need..

BRIAN: If you guys are watching this.. It probably means we did..

BRIAN: So, I hope we earn your..

BRIAN: Viewer-ship.. And subscription..

BRIAN: Now, it's time to go home and sleep!

BRIAN: Eh, thanks guys!

TIM: Eh, Klex can you just..

TIM: Just.. Just cut the sh*t!

TIM: You're just making this vlog longer dude!

BRIAN: Now you have to edit for like.. Days and weeks to get one vlog out!

BRIAN: That's not acceptable! These viewers are expecting quality content every week!

BRIAN: Guys! If you expect quality content every week!

BRIAN: Like, comment, subscribe, click the bell thing..

BRIAN: And type a comment below saying..

BRIAN: "We expect quality content every week!"

KLEX: *Panics* What should I do guys??

IAN: I don't know man.. Errr..

TIM: Oh I know what you can do! Come!

TIM: You start by putting the camera away and..

TIM: Help us clean up this f*cking mess!

TIM: Okay?! CUT!

[Next Week on Macam Yes Unscripted]

KLEX: Oh shittt...

KLEX: It's 2:00AM, Wednesday night.. And I'm still not done@

KLEX: Awww man.. This is wayyy too much footages to go thru!

KLEX: *Nervous* If this isn't done by tomorrow evening..

KLEX: I might get fired!

KLEX: Okay.. Okay.. Guys, here's the plan la okay..

KLEX: Like, comment, subscribe and press that notify bell button okay??

KLEX: To get notify every Thursday at 8:00PM for new content okay?

KLEX: If you guys do that.. Brian might not fire me!

KLEX: And I get to keep my job!

KLEX: Who knows I might even get a raise!

KLEX: Okay.. okay.. I should get back to work..

KLEX: Promise ah? Promise ah.. Do that for me ah! Okay??

KLEX: Don't forget ah.. promise ah!

For more infomation >> DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! - Duration: 11:14.


Dr. Pillai's Darshan: Change Your Consciousness & Receive Higher Intelligence - Duration: 2:51.

I am going to be totally silent.

Not only silent, but also vibrant.

Vibrant with a lot of energy, a lot of understanding, and ability to change not only myself but

also others by not doing, and this is called darshan.

Darshan is if you just look at me and that's it.

You don't have to look at me in the monitor, you can even look at my picture and connect

with me, and that will change your thoughts.

I am not going to do anything.

The work that you will do to understand what according to you is called a karmic thought,

what is called the non karmic thought, I will do something.

That will be useful.

But compared to my silence, compared to my non-doing, those type of analytical work,

process work that you will do will be relatively unimportant.

In darshan, there is transmission, and I don't transmit consciously.

Even that happens in a state of non doing, non thinking.

If everybody gets to that level, then everybody's life will be easy.

It's not that Eastern Philosophy is not unknown to the Christian studies, it's a

psalm in the Old Testament which says "Be still and know that you are God."

Within the Japanese Zen Tradition, "When you know, you don't know.

When you don't know, you know."

For more infomation >> Dr. Pillai's Darshan: Change Your Consciousness & Receive Higher Intelligence - Duration: 2:51.


🤣 NEW SHORT - Bubble Fun with My Talking Tom 2 - Duration: 1:46.

Don't be stinky!

Jump into the tub and use your favourite soap!

Even bathtime is total fun with My Talking Tom 2!

Download Now and Play!

For more infomation >> 🤣 NEW SHORT - Bubble Fun with My Talking Tom 2 - Duration: 1:46.


Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DCT7 DynamicLine | AUTOMAAT | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DCT7 DynamicLine | AUTOMAAT | - Duration: 1:13.


VW初のオープンSUVは業界ジンクスを破れるか!? T-ROCカブリオレ 開発車両をスクープ - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> VW初のオープンSUVは業界ジンクスを破れるか!? T-ROCカブリオレ 開発車両をスクープ - Duration: 3:12.


RV Won't Start & Sewer Solutions/Alternatives - Duration: 8:14.

oh boy okay back on the road didn't start my day off great the RV wouldn't

start neither with the emergency start thankfully Charles here at the Miami

Lakes batteries plus store and I've always gone with batteries plus it was

time this was something I knew about that it was coming I've just been

putting off when I talked about putting in the kill switch for the train horn

that was because I knew the battery was dead needed all the help it could get

but to help me get this swapped out get the terminals cleaned up also put in a

battery tender component here so that I can either use solar or a little DC

charger that came with it to maintain the battery when I'm parked for long

distances was another thing I was just kind of concerned about was that you

know just parking so long and using certain accessories was draining the

battery faster it didn't even last two years but I did not save my little

receipt and I don't know which store I bought the original batteries plus from

so it was 200 and what I think to 2:39 for a new battery that has a five-year

warranty anyway that's good also you can see I got a home depot behind me one of

my viewers Nick and maybe a few others were telling me about another way to

store that sewer hose which is in a bag in my garage well since this bumper is

bent Kate right here and I can't fit anything in there I'm gonna go inside

and get some PVC piping and mount it up here on top of the bumper for now and

that's gonna store my stewar line so go check out Home Depot here and still

didn't find all right I think I got everything I need let me let me show you

real quick checks man all right we got the four inch pipe here that I still got

a cut and then I got a cap for one end that's gonna go on and then I got the

coupler which is threaded on one end so I can have a normal looking sewer cap to

unscrew to be able to access the sewer hose it's gonna store on the back of the

RV so I'm gonna do this in the Home Depot parking lot because I don't really

have anywhere else to do it basically so gonna get out my jigsaw and cut it to

length and fit it and not really sure how I'm gonna adhere it to the back

bumper yet ya might use water heater straps to that to to mount that or later

on I may remove the steel bumper that's pointless

because like I said it's completely kinked won't work but I'll get this

project done and I'll show you what it looks like when I get done okay okay all

right so for the record I'm really torn on making this permanent just yet

so for right now the pipe is sitting on top of my old bumper literally zip-tied

but it's not going anywhere for right now because I really feel like since

this is pointless the metal bumper I would either replace it later or I don't

want it it doesn't it can't be buffed out and made work to work so eventually

this bumper is gonna go anyway which is why I'm thinking next time I get settled

somewhere unbolt it recycle it and move this down on the frames but for right

now it's a functional beast and I would just unscrew this cap once the solvent

is you know dried and everything it still needs some time to cure but that's

where the new hose will be stored all right hang on time out I don't like

unfinished projects so I just went ahead went at it I unbolted the old bumper

from the mount there and as you can see when I find a better one used at a

junkyard or something I'll be able to mount it back up and have a normal sewer

storage spot but for now and it's off I'll put the new one on

here's the old bumper there's where the accident happened before I got the rd

that's why it stops it right there and the other side same thing right there so

I get the new one mounted on the way I like it and show you okay little later

in the day now had to go back and get some other supplies to finish this

project but it's done look how much cleaner everything looks oh yeah and

then we just unscrew this sewer hose goes in there oh yeah so what I used was

the water heater straps right there these have come in so many repairs on

the road just having extra water heater straps all the time I'll show you the

underneath so I just used some self-tapping screws to put it in there

and yeah I think it looks great I may paint it later if I don't find a bumper

back in Washington State the summer I mean if that's where I happened to head

back for this summer see I'm back here in Fort Lauderdale about a mile from the

airport here in town actually gonna spend the night with another fine folk

here in the overflow parking for Bass Pro Shops of Fort Lauderdale but first

looks like I got a mess to clean up Jack's man you gonna help me with that

mess oh that sound like it no okay so you don't want kibbles you're not hungry

oh so maybe you will help good deal Jack's has a lot of qualities I love but

his communication with me back and forth is it's just great it's awesome

all right well hang on I'm gonna show you something you know measure twice cut

once and all that stuff I thought I'd get all the measurements and everybody

told me that a four inch pipe would work fine no problem not quite for this

particular Rhino hose I'll show you I had to make some adjustments as you can

see it fits in there past the threads now but I had to cut off with a jigsaw

all of these four tabs that are meant for you to grab your hands and be able

to twist this on and there's still a little bit left but

yeah anyway so I had to cut those off it would not fit Pass and it still doesn't

go any farther past there but that's okay because the thread the thread

pushes that on and having a little bit of more support makes it so that this

won't twist off on the road but I'll just keep an eye on it as the week's

progress make sure how that holds up make sure my water heater straps are

holding up okay and everything I think I think this will be fine

temporarily or permanently a sewer hose with a plastic one

so like 4050 pounds there maybe I like that better

but yeah done now not not exactly as easy as I let on to at first but you can

make it happen as long as you cut off those tabs good luck I know I just gave

you a video two days ago and I may have another video in just two days again but

this this won't continue forever I mean I'm all about making some changes like I

said but anyway yeah hopefully I'll be back with you guys here in a couple days

so stay tuned guys from Florida checks and I will see you very very soon


For more infomation >> RV Won't Start & Sewer Solutions/Alternatives - Duration: 8:14.


The Lead that Broke the Case - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> The Lead that Broke the Case - Duration: 5:10.


'I Can't Do It by Myself' Shares Desperate Dad - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 'I Can't Do It by Myself' Shares Desperate Dad - Duration: 3:06.


I Fell in Love When I Was 3 - Duration: 5:45.

It all started in my hometown.

We had a pretty big house,

with about three floors all for ourselves.

My grandpa ran a school where my grandma worked as a teacher,

so between school hours

they tutored kids at home.

It was only 10 children at the very beginning,

but it quickly grew to over 150.

I was just three years old at the time,

so instead of learning like all the other older kids,

I just stared at them through the windows.

Then, one day,

I saw him.

A new student.

His name was Jonas.

We were close enough in age,

that we eventually started talking to each other.

We were just classmates at the start,

but soon we became really close.

He used to stay back even after all his friends left,

just to play with me.

He was fun, sweet,

but most of all he was really kind.

I don't remember much since I was so young,

but I remember he was my best friend.

But then, one night,

my mom sat me down and told me something that would change all of that.

We were moving to another country.

I was too small to understand why we were moving,

but I knew I was about to lose my best friend.

The good thing was,

every summer vacation

we'd be back to visit my grandparents.

So, with luck,

I'd be able to see him at least once a year too.

This was how we caught up every year until I reached fifth grade,

and our family faced some money problems, and we just

couldn't make it to visit my grandparents.

There was no way for him to know

I wouldn't be back this year,

and I became scared that he would think I abandoned him and forget about me.

But eventually, it was me who forgot about him.

It had been three years since our last vacation,

and I was distracted by the new life and people that I had found.

Finally, when I was in 8th,

we went to meet my grandparents,

and I was so happy.

I changed a lot and became a more social person,

so I easily interacted with the kids of my age.

A few minutes later, I saw a guy who looked familiar.

I asked one of my friends who he was,

and she replied, "oh that's Jonas.

Isn't he cute?

Girls in our school are head over heels for him."

Honestly, I stopped listening after she said the name "Jonas",

because all these memories suddenly came flooding back.

I was shocked.

And, I remembered that he was the one.

The one that I forgot.

And, the flash of memories turned to guilt.

After that day, I kept dreaming about him, day and night.

All I wanted for the moment was to see him.

The next year, when I came back for my vacation,

there he was.

He hadn't changed one bit except he was taller,

and this time, he had love in his eyes.

We talked for hours and hours,

sharing stories with each other about our lives apart.

Time flew by so quickly,

and with two days left before I would leave Jonas again,

I decided I would confess.

So, the very next day,

I sat him down and told him,

"I know we've fallen distant, and

I don't know if you feel the same way, but…

…I love you"

and then ran away.

The next day,

I was watching tutoring sessions, when I saw Jonas.

But, he didn't even look at me.

I was heartbroken and thought

maybe I was too forward with my feelings,

maybe he had lost interest after all those years apart.

Suddenly, I heard his voice from behind,

and he told me he had been waiting for the day when he'd finally be able to say,

"I love you too",

and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

I didn't know what to do.

I skipped away, nearly falling over,

half laughing and half crying.

I could have stayed in that moment forever.

But, then I had to leave.

So, we said our goodbyes,

shared a hug that was long overdue,

and promised that we'd wait for each other.

The following year,

every day that passed felt slower and slower, as I missed him more and more.

I counted down the days until our vacation,

or really, until I could see him again.

And when the day finally came,

he came rushing to meet me.

I couldn't hold my tears when I hugged him.

When I pulled back to see his face properly for the first time in a year,

he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, and I froze.

My heart was beating so fast.

There were a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

After spending many days together,

the day came when I had to leave again.

It had been almost exactly a year since he said the words "I love you",

and although it didn't feel like we had spent any time apart,

I wasn't ready to leave him.

The night before my flight, sitting near a pond,

we talked about the next time we'd see each other,

maybe in a year, but

maybe a lot later.

My eyes swelled, and jokingly said,

"maybe you could come visit me."

And before I knew it,

he held my face in his hands, and gently pressed his lips against mine.

And that was it,

my very first kiss with my first love.

It was the happiest and saddest night of my life.

And that's what keeps me positive,

despite my family's problems and symptoms of depression,

knowing that he's there for me despite being a thousand miles away

is what helps me get through all the hard times.

I'm one of the lucky ones

whose first love has worked out,

but it doesn't have to be a boy, just having someone,

something you love to hold onto

is what's important.

For more infomation >> I Fell in Love When I Was 3 - Duration: 5:45.


Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car! - SLIME, VEGETABLES, BALLOONS and More! - Duration: 2:48.

Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car! - SLIME, VEGETABLES, BALLLOONS and More!

Thank you for watching my video!!!

Hope you enjoy it!!!

For more infomation >> Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car! - SLIME, VEGETABLES, BALLOONS and More! - Duration: 2:48.


직접만든 엽기떡볶이 ASMR 먹방 [꿀꿀선아 ]suna asmr,mukbang - Duration: 16:41.

Homemade spicy cheese rice cake

Hi everyone, it's me Suna asmr

Today I made some rice cakes

I wanted to try making spicy cheese rice cakes

I hope it's similar but I don't know

I will enjoy eating

to be honest, it is so delicious

it tasted well with deep-fried glass noodles in seaweed and soup

I ate well

it is very tasty

it isn't very similar to the actual spicy cheese rice cakes

but it was good to eat for sure

I personally think it tastes better than the original

the harmony it had with the deep fried glass noodles in seaweed was great

thank you for the food

also I tried using different types of cheese but it didn't seem very elastic

also I tried using different types of cheese but it didn't seem very elastic

when I tried warming up the cheese through microwave,

it became hardend so fast

that is the reason I tried making this video again today

I think regular way is the same without using the microwave

I just don't understand how the other restaurants can get the cheese to have great elasticity

if you have an idea, please let me know through comments

now, I will show you the failed version of this video I took yesterday to end this segment

Have a good night, sweet dreams, and have a lovely day!

For more infomation >> 직접만든 엽기떡볶이 ASMR 먹방 [꿀꿀선아 ]suna asmr,mukbang - Duration: 16:41.


NOPE Level: Australia - Duration: 13:29.

NOPE Level: Australia

For more infomation >> NOPE Level: Australia - Duration: 13:29.


Self-guided Moose & Caribou Hunting in Alaska: Episode 10 - Butchering and Packing Out a Bull Moose - Duration: 16:33.

It's day 10, morning has broken again beautifully. Lot warmer last night and it

has been and there's not been much of a breeze although it's just picked up, but

look over there, see those two white things over there? They are meat bags and

they are full, which means last night about 5:10 uncle Ian pulled it off and downed

a moose. Right up there. It is packing out day, one of Ian's favourites, so I'm hoping he

enjoys it and we're going to be burning, packing pretty much all day. Last night we

got back about 9:30, so it was a late night. We just managed to get tea down our necks before

hitting the sack. We've accomplished what we came to

accomplish, which is absolutely fantastic. Two guys self-guiding out here in the last

frontier. We best crack on and get this moose in bags and getting back here for the plane to pick it up.

I'm not saying this is the right way or the wrong way to sharpen your knife, but

this is the way I do it on a on a stone like this.

Push it five ways

on the blade going one way.

Then turn it round,

push it back the other way.

So I'm doing both sides.

Because Ian shot a lovely moose and we've got to get all that meat and skin off.

Although we've been gazing at this terrain for over a week now, we take time

to carefully plan the most advantageous route to the bull.

it's tough going and we don't want to waste any precious energy.

Once we make it to the river you know the trail is cut ready.

However, it's all uphill from here and there's plenty of roots and branches to claw at your heels.

Once at the top I load my rifle as a precaution.

We know there's a grizzly in this area and there's a chance it could already be feeding on the carcass.

But, with the stage clear Wildey straps on his blades and gets down to business.

Here's the point where I feel like a bit of a spare part.

Steve is a maestro with his knives and it really is a pleasure to watch him work.

Everyday in the field is a learning day and Steve takes time to explain the

butchery process, whilst planning the cuts he'll be loading into each pack.

There are strict rules regarding how meat should be harvested in Alaska.

All meat should be stripped from the bone and extracted, nothing is left to waste.

It's also significantly easier to pack out meat in large joints rather than

smaller cuts. This way the meat doesn't tend to shift around in the packs as you're walking.

The fabric meat bags allow the meat to breathe, but we line

our packs with heavy-duty contractor bags for the trip down the mountain.

This saves me from being covered in blood and stinking like an abattoir and becoming a

mosquito magnet for the remainder of our trip.

Strapping the load as tightly as possible is essential.

If the load shifts unexpectedly whilst on uneven ground

I could go down heavily, potentially breaking a leg baby or worse.

And now I'm on my way this is my time to shine.

while Steve also enjoys the highly rewarding feeling you get from physically carrying out an animal you've

harvested and butchered, he still thinks it's a little strange that I enjoyed this part so much.

But, it is this visceral and emotional connection with

the fallen animal that is so important to me. It's a mark of respect for our

quarry and a recognition of its sacrifice so that others may benefit from the harvest.

The journey down to the river has been tough enough, but now it's uphill all the way back to camp.

My thighs are burning and like gasps for air it's all about putting one foot in front of the other.

So, there's the first load out today. That's last night, so it was two loads

about 50 pound each. Now, today I brought out whole front quarter, that's about 80

pounds. Steve's really good with his knife work managed to get it nice and

tight off the bone. You've got to take everything from the animal down to its

knee bone. Unfortunately, shot it through the neck, so most of that meat is all

blown, but Steve's back up there doing the rest of the knife work, trying to get it

into four even packs, hopefully there'll be about 50 to 60 pounds. It's good to

get this one out the way, it's nice and heavy.

I like it on the packs get lighter as it gets later. It's taking about an hour and

45 minute roundtrip, so with a bit of loading at the top

there it's about two hours. Now, Cole's asked when he's going to come out and

pick the meat up, he wants to do it tonight before it spoils, it has been quite

bright and I said between 6:30 and 7:00. We might get it done sooner all depends

on how Wildey has been doing with his knife work. Ideally if we can both do two

more trips that will break the back of it and go back and get the rack tomorrow.

That's one of the things about moose hunting though particularly when you

shoot one right up there in the mountains you've got to think about how

much work and effort is to get it back. Now, last year when we came out there was

four of us packing and we did the job pretty quickly in less than a day. But,

obviously with just two of us and with Wildey mainly doing the knife work a lot

of the legwork you know lays with me. So, just think

about it before you go out there moose hunting. Squeezing the triggers easy part the hard work comes afterwards

Steve's made great progress by the time I arrived back, having completely

stripped the bull, split the meat into manageable loads and is busy with the final job of cleaning off the skull.

I get loaded up with another pack and get ready to head back to camp to start preparing lunch.

Steve will follow on shortly once he's finished cleaning the skull.

So, there we have it the end of day 10. Pretty epic day, it's been a bit of hard work

today, but well worth it in the end. Very rewarding. So, team awesome rides

again. Of course we got the bull down yesterday, Steve got a couple of packs out for us to

bring down rear quarter. We got up there first thing this morning Steve did

knife work while I brought out front quarter and then it's worked really well.

So, got up there we both bought a pack down, had a bit of lunch and went back up

there for the final pack. There's a great bull, not the biggest it's out there.

We've seen an even bigger one and on the footage we can see just how small this is

in comparison. He's been a bit of work getting them out. It's been hard work,

it's been rewarding work. I know you love moose hunting deep down,

deep down absolutely. I don't see another moose for at least 12 months, but I

absolutely love. All I can say thanks ever so much mate, mate it's been an

honour doing it. This country really does make you work for your animals, not only

spotting them getting, in to take shots as you saw yesterday you know it's

pretty epic stalk in there right up the way across the top of the mountain

through a ravine and through thick elders and willows and the reward is

then to get a shot on this guy and then the realization hits you, bugger all

this work to get it back down again. As soon as you saw him throw his head in the air

I thought that's the next two days of pain, yeah I know, Wildey was down

kind of with his head behind he's enjoying the sunshine. Rains coming in

now so we time this absolutely to perfection.

We think Cole's gonna come in a little bit later and he's gonna pick up the

meat and fly it out so make sure nothing's spoilt and then I'm gonna cook

dinner again. It's been a great day hopefully you've enjoyed it. Yes, been

awesome day, it's been awesome trip really. Can you believe we've done ten

days once in Alaska and not got wet? No, we have been very, very lucky with the

weather. Last year draining all the time, but weather was pretty terrible. This

time we've had it pretty much bang off, but it's been a real pleasure working

with you there's only been two of us, we've been self-guided you're not really sure

what's gonna happen when you're self-guiding, whether you're gonna be able to

make the shots or choose right routes, but appear that we've done okay.

We're not too shabby at this job mate. We've got a caribou down moose down as well. We've

done what we came to do. I best cook dinner, so thanks again mate you're welcome.

It's late in the day by the time Cole arrives to collect the Bull. He's a

workaholic with an insane schedule, ferrying hunters and their trophies across the region.

This is just one of many stops today.

But, his real success lies in getting hunters to the ideal location for their

chosen hunts, whether that be moose caribou, bear or doll sheep.

Of course you must be well prepared, but his clients healthy rate of success speaks for itself.

Whilst I'll be taking home the antlers, I donated the meat from both of my bulls

to a local family in need. Moose meat is a vital source of protein in this region

and I'm glad to be able to do my part to support those who don't have the

opportunity to hunt themselves.

The regulatory system that controls hunting and harvesting a big game here

in Alaska is the most sophisticated I've experienced anywhere in the world.

It delivers a successful sustainable management program that will ensure

thriving populations of game for generations to come.

With that our hunt is nearly at an end.

This is our last night in paradise.

For more infomation >> Self-guided Moose & Caribou Hunting in Alaska: Episode 10 - Butchering and Packing Out a Bull Moose - Duration: 16:33.


Colts' revamped offensive line stars in win over Texans - Duration: 5:11.

 Back in April, the Indianapolis Colts owned the No. 6 overall pick.  Skilled position players were available

The sexy prospect was available for selecting.  Minutes later, the Colts submitted their card -- for Notre Dame guard Quenton Nelson

Casual fans yawned. Diehards roared. Nearly nine months later, Colts GM Chris Ballard looks like a genius

 Nelson, an All-Pro selection as a rookie, has keyed a collective turnaround up front, propelling the Colts from one of the league's worst outfits to one of its best with a bright future

Need proof? Check Saturday's 21-7 playoff win over the Texans.  Marlon Mack powered a rushing effort that left two marks in Indianapolis' record book

First, Mack set the team's single-game playoff record for rushing yards with 148 on 24 carries (to go with a touchdown)

Then, the rest of the Colts joined Mack in a collective push to reach 200 yards on the ground, another team playoff record

 Ahead of them were five linemen -- Anthony Castonzo, Nelson, Ryan Kelly, Mark Glowinski, fellow rookie Braden Smith and even a cameo or two from Joe Haeg -- clearing paths for Mack to work

Instead of Houston establishing the run game and building off it, it was Indianapolis doing so, and doing it well

 "We came into this game saying we need to dominate up front," Colts coach Frank Reich said

"We need to run the football and we need to stop the run. To roll off 200 yards on that defense is incredible

That's just a real credit to the offensive line and our running backs and tight ends

I can't say enough about that."  Twitter was dotted with videos of the group blocking cohesively on zone stretches and power plays

Nelson got his own quick-fire ESPN compilation of excellent blocks executed against Houston (including a dominant handling of Jadeveon Clowney that some untrained eyes incorrectly saw as holding)

 Sure, Nelson committed a false start immediately after his highlight reel rolled, but who cares? This Colts team is playing as well as it has since its turnaround began, which coincided with the return of Castonzo and the shuffling of its line to its current form

And quarterback Andrew Luck -- a leading MVP candidate in a year that didn't include the rise of Patrick Mahomes -- has his men up front to thank for their playoff win

 Luck completed 19 of 32 passes for 222 yards and two touchdowns (one interception), fitting passes into tight windows and benefitting from some excellent grabs made by his receivers

All the while, he had plenty of time to throw. Houston's vaunted edge-rushing duo of Clowney and J

J. Watt -- the third-best duo in the NFL, per Next Gen Stats -- caused few issues outside of a couple tipped passes

As a team, Houston logged just eight QB pressures. Remarkably (and a true indicator of how good Indianapolis' line truly is), their pressure rate of 25 percent was higher than the Colts' surrendered season average of 22

2 percent.  This is a huge reason why Indianapolis is in the postseason and just won a playoff game

Its balanced, versatile offense is tough to stop because it has a moving steel wall in front of it

And when it runs the ball well, good luck slowing it down.  "Just a belief in our offensive line," Reich said of what propelled the Colts to a road playoff win

"There was just a real strong conviction this week for us as a team that this is what it's going to take to make some noise in the playoffs

 "We know we have an elite quarterback and we can throw it for 400 and win when we have to

But what we talked about is the margin for error in playoff football when you try to do it that way is very thin, it's very thin margin of error

But when you can win like this, when you can win running the football and stopping it, that's just everything

"  It sure is everything. Just ask how that went for the Texans.

For more infomation >> Colts' revamped offensive line stars in win over Texans - Duration: 5:11.


Eye On Cyber: Tax Scams - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Eye On Cyber: Tax Scams - Duration: 1:09.


No Necco Sweethearts This Valentine's Day - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> No Necco Sweethearts This Valentine's Day - Duration: 0:46.


Celine Dion's All 13 Siblings - Duration: 4:29.

Perhaps, there wouldn't be even one person who never heard of an iconic international

singer Celine Dion.

A future worldwide-known pop-star was born in Canada and was the youngest among 14 kids

in a family.

A young starlet grew up in a family filled with love to children and music and so, no

wonder Celine began singing as early as 7.

At 12, her brother sent one of the songs to Rene Angelil due to whom, Dion started rising

to fame, releasing albums and receiving dozens of awards in the musical industry.

She was already one of the most popular singers in the world, however the hit My Heart Will

Go On let her stay on top of the charts for another long period of time.

Celine's father Adhemar-Charles worked as a butcher.

Having such kind of a job, meant that the family could hardly make the ends meet.

However, according to the star, they have always been very happy even though they struggled


Adhemar was married to Therese for several decades until his death in 2003, at the age

of 80.

The mother Therese was a housewife, who raised 14 children.

She is very proud of daughter's achievements and always helped her in the beginning of

a career.

When Dion became famous, Therese established a line of food products.

Additionally, she cooperates with different charities, helping unprivileged kids.

The celebrity has 13 siblings, 4 brothers and 9 sisters.

The first child in a family is a daughter Denise who was delivered in 1946.

She is happily married and together with a spouse raised six children.

One more sister is Clement and she was born a year after Denise.

She is an owner of a golf course and a mother to four kids.

There is no information, whether she is married or not.

The third sister Claudette joined the family in 1948 and is a singer.

She is not that famous as Celine, yet is known in Canada, as she often performs there.

She is married and raised four children.

Finally, she is also a grandmother to six grandchildren.

The fourth sister is Liette.

She is married to Guy Poirier and together they had a daughter Karine who died at the

age of 16 from cystic fibrosis.

Later, the husband was diagnosed with cancer but is fully recovered now.

Michel is that same brother who sent Dion's song to Angelil.

By doing so, he didn't only make his sister professionally successful but also found her

a spouse.

Michel himself used to sing in a band.

He is not married and doesn't have kids.

Louise became a great addition in 1953.

Nothing much is known about her, as she prefers to live a calm life far from the limelight.

But we do know that she is married and a mother to 3 children.

A brother Jacques is a singer like a famous sister.

Both siblings are very close and sometimes even help each other with music ideas.

He is a father to a son.

One more brother is Daniel who was born in 1956.

He is currently the only sibling who passed away.

It happened in 2016 from cancer, just several days before Celine's spouse died from the

same illness.

He was a singer and had his own show.

Additionally, he was married and had three kids.

Ghislaine was delivered in 1958 and she worked as a back-up singer for Celine for some period

of time.

She has a spouse and one daughter.

A year later, Linda came into this world.

She is married but doesn't have children on her own because of health problems.

Whenever, Celine is on tour, she gladly takes care of her kids.

One more older sister is named Manon and she works as Celine's personal assistant, so

both siblings are very close.

She has a long-term partner but no children.

Paul was born in 1962 and he helps mom with her charity activities and foundation.

He is a father to three daughters and a spouse to Lucie Hebert.

Pauline is another Dion's sister who actively manages Celine's fan club and various events.

She is a mother to six children with a spouse Marc Martel.

For more infomation >> Celine Dion's All 13 Siblings - Duration: 4:29.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Distinctive - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Distinctive - Duration: 1:23.


Gorgeous Hygge Hytte Tiny House on a Trailer For Sale in Brunswick , Maine 04011 - Duration: 2:47.

Gorgeous Hygge Hytte Tiny House on a Trailer For Sale in Brunswick , Maine 04011

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Hygge Hytte Tiny House on a Trailer For Sale in Brunswick , Maine 04011 - Duration: 2:47.


S. Korean gov't to fully support next N. Korea-U.S. summit - Duration: 0:50.

South Korea's National Security Council standing committee held a meeting this afternoon.

During the session, they said good results came out of last Friday's Pyeongyang-Washington

high-level talks.

According to the top office, during the meeting, chaired by President Moon's top security advisor

Chung Eui-yong, the NSC standing committee decided to actively support the second Kim-Trump

summit scheduled for late February... so that it produces substantial results for the complete

denuclearization of the Peninsula and permanent peace.

To that end, the committee said Seoul will maintain close cooperation with the U.S. and

continue inter-Korean dialogue.

Expressing serious concerns over Japan's recent threatening low-altitude fly-bys of South

Korean warships, the standing committee members decided to sternly respond to prevent a repeat

of such provocations.

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