Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

WIZARDS 123 A 108 .







For more infomation >> La mascota de Orlando Magic provocó al Bulls Robin Lopez y tuvo que correr para salvarse - Duration: 0:23.


Cooking with my Grandma. Cocinando con mi abuela. Canelones y Flan - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Cooking with my Grandma. Cocinando con mi abuela. Canelones y Flan - Duration: 5:49.


La izquierda y el Islam: Alianza inpía. (CC) - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> La izquierda y el Islam: Alianza inpía. (CC) - Duration: 5:43.


Luis Enrique dijo que Lionel Messi evoluciona para ser… ¡un gran defensor! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Luis Enrique dijo que Lionel Messi evoluciona para ser… ¡un gran defensor! - Duration: 0:51.


El portero Marco Bizot sufrió una impactante lesión en el tobillo al sacar de volea - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> El portero Marco Bizot sufrió una impactante lesión en el tobillo al sacar de volea - Duration: 0:23.


COMIENZA CONSTRUCCIÓN MURO MÉXICO ESTADOS UNIDOS #Noticias #Mexico #UltimaHora - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> COMIENZA CONSTRUCCIÓN MURO MÉXICO ESTADOS UNIDOS #Noticias #Mexico #UltimaHora - Duration: 1:48.


EVP en estudio| NoTeCalles | IFU Studios | SUB | ESP | ENG | Full HD - Duration: 24:13.

For more infomation >> EVP en estudio| NoTeCalles | IFU Studios | SUB | ESP | ENG | Full HD - Duration: 24:13.


Cómo estar en sintonía con tus ángeles este 2017 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Cómo estar en sintonía con tus ángeles este 2017 - Duration: 5:28.


Blue Demon | Capítulo 8 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Blue Demon | Capítulo 8 - Duration: 3:56.


Irene Joliot curie; la "desconocida" hija de Marie Curie - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Irene Joliot curie; la "desconocida" hija de Marie Curie - Duration: 3:39.


[] Defqwop ft. Strix - Heart Afire (Remix Middelthon) [] - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [] Defqwop ft. Strix - Heart Afire (Remix Middelthon) [] - Duration: 4:22.


Sopa de Tortilla, el platillo típico mexicano por excelencia - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Sopa de Tortilla, el platillo típico mexicano por excelencia - Duration: 6:11.


Hay un monstruo en el armario | Creepypasta - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Hay un monstruo en el armario | Creepypasta - Duration: 1:50.


Siendo todo una D.Va mientras hablo de las Sanse 17 - Overwatch Gameplay - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Siendo todo una D.Va mientras hablo de las Sanse 17 - Overwatch Gameplay - Duration: 6:20.


Cómo Ganar Dinero En Youtube Sin Crear Videos- MODULO1 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Cómo Ganar Dinero En Youtube Sin Crear Videos- MODULO1 - Duration: 11:31.


Watch The Heinz Ketchup S...

For more infomation >> Watch The Heinz Ketchup S...


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


MY - Duration: 0:08.

my, my, my, my

milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

and they're like

it's better than yours

For more infomation >> MY - Duration: 0:08.


Humanity by iPresident of the United States - Duration: 1:13.

World War One started 100 years ago. This

introduced industrial slaughter to the

world. Mortars, machine guns, tanks, poison

gas. All used to destroy man and nature.

JRR Tolkien, author of The Lord of the

Rings fought in the trenches of the

Western Front and wrote about man's lust for


Destroy it. NO

But the hearts

are easily corrupted

There's some good in this world Mr. Frodo and

it's worth fighting for. Good-versus-evil

Ruin or redemption. The great gift of

friendship. Goodness is the deepest truth

about the human story

Join the movement and sign up today

For more infomation >> Humanity by iPresident of the United States - Duration: 1:13.


Opel Vivaro 2.5 CDTI 107KW AUTOMAAT DC LANG !! - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.5 CDTI 107KW AUTOMAAT DC LANG !! - Duration: 1:40.


Seconds of 2016 - Duration: 23:57.

- I won - 2 pairs man

Then i just get a phone in the head

Must you sit there?

"Dreams of analsex"

Hi! Hi friends

Or.. Claudia's friends

I gave them 15 minutes to pack, the friend

"You are my brother!"

Shut up, it was nice


"Go away!"

What do you think about the weather out here today Claudia?

It's nice. It's fantastic

No! - No!


She enjoys it

it has had the consequence for me that I have been forced to move.

No one has

The big animals can live without, then we can to. Don't you think?

I'm very tired and haven't slept

I'm on the verge to lie down there

It's very hard, going to school

Where we at Pernille?

In the Tower

in Christiansborg

We'd like to feel that we are something more


a simple plant, or something


Mine's bigger than yours Cornelius

We have now arrived at the open air museum, where it's said to be haunted in some of the old farms

Kiss kiss

Kiss kiss

Kiss kiss

What are you laughing at?

It's funny that you keep your teeths

above all

Hi chirps

He's turning the eyes so he can look down on you

This hive

Isn't big enough

for the both of us


Take some pictures, take some pictures!

he's laughing


I'll only laugh if i want to!

GOAT! in space?

What do it do?

Do you think we'd been here before?

It's properbly really sweet

"a choo choo train!"

"There's a small one"

Do you think we'd been here before?


I say;

Do you think we'd been here before?

We were here at Tuesday?

Mom it's the brush

There's something i have to tell you



Which color do you choose?



then you have to choose here

What do you want?





What are you using this video for Claudia?

Everything -Everything

Can you remember that?


When you were a small baby

Loved? Me?

Stop it!

you smell

Can they see you?

No, now you can

"We're still busy"

"We're still busy"




(christmas eve)

That's you honey

That's not me!

It's remarkable how much you actually remind of Mr. Bean

Shut up!

That's totally you, man

(new years eve)

For more infomation >> Seconds of 2016 - Duration: 23:57.


Mesa Rotator Cuff Chiropractor | BodyWorkz - Duration: 0:30.

Is it difficult to rotate your shoulder?

Does it feel like it would pop out or

like bone is a trap between your

muscles? You might be in need of a

rotator cuff chiropractor. At BodyWorkz

in Mesa, Arizona, our chiropractors are

skilled and trained to conduct a rotator

cuff treatment. Come in and trust the

therapists and chiropractors at

BodyWorkz to find the best solution for your pain.

Contact us at 480-245-4995 or visit our

website at to learn more!

For more infomation >> Mesa Rotator Cuff Chiropractor | BodyWorkz - Duration: 0:30.


Mesa Scoliosis Chiropractor | BodyWorkz - Duration: 0:32.

Looking for a scoliosis chiropractor in

Mesa, Arizona? Look no further than BodyWorkz.

BodyWorkz as skilled and trained

professionals to treat your condition

with care. We can locate the source of

your pain and work to find the best

solution for you. Trust the chiropractors

and experts at BodyWorkz in East Mesa

to help you with your scoliosis

chiropractic treatment. Contact us at

480-245-4995 or visit our website at to learn more!

For more infomation >> Mesa Scoliosis Chiropractor | BodyWorkz - Duration: 0:32.


AWESOME CARS for kids. Part #2. Video for kids | Cartoon about cars | Unboxing toys - Duration: 5:07.

AWESOME CARS for kids. Part 2. Video for kids Cartoon about cars Unboxing toys

For more infomation >> AWESOME CARS for kids. Part #2. Video for kids | Cartoon about cars | Unboxing toys - Duration: 5:07.


Heinz Ketchup Smunday Video

For more infomation >> Heinz Ketchup Smunday Video



For more infomation >> Prey


I KILLED A MAN? (Drug addiction) STORYTIME - Duration: 9:04.

... I basically killed a drug addict

Hi my name is Paula Vender and today I'll tell you... I kind of difficult story

We can discuss it. I really want you to go to comment section and tell me what would you do in that situation

As you may or may not know I'm Straight Edge which means I don't smoke cigarettes..

I don't drink alcohol, I don't take drugs. I'm anti-addictions, clean life and stuff

I do everything and everything that is possible to stay healthy and to live as long as possible, because I have really bad health and...

I believe that you only live once (YOLO :D)

So you need to take care of your life because one day you're going to lose it

So I kind of feel difficult about this situation, but...

It all started with me moving to a different place. I'm in a different apartment

My neighbors were kind of noisy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So I decided to buy earplugs, these things you put in your ears to not hear your neighbors that are "noisy"

Obviously I forgot about it. I was like "I need to buy earplugs" and then I forgot about it.

And when I was about to go to sleep I reminded myself "Oh I won't be able to sleep because it's too loud"

Because I'm used to sleeping in complete silence in a private house and living in an apartment...

Surrounded by different apartments is something new to me I have never heard neighbors before doing "something"

And my mother wanted to buy some medicine, I think, so we decided to drive to pharmacy/drugstore opened 24/7

To buy those things... So we went in and there was a line of few people. Mostly old people buying medicines and stuff

But there was this young man. He was less than 30 I think.

And he looked normal. But he was... He had a weird facial expression

He looked like he was kind of scared, like he felt bad. He was nervous or anxious

But he looked normal. He was dressed in normal clothes, he didn't look like a homeless person.

It was just something weird about him that made him look like he's not ok

And so we were standing in the line and this weird guy was in front of me. So the line moves, and the guy...

And the man asked the pharmacy lady (drugstore worker) for needles

And I was like "Oh maybe he has diabetes and he needs to have injections"

The needles for injections are super cheap, very, very cheap, it's way less then a dollar

In my country at least. It's very cheap and easy to buy them you just need to tell what size you want

It's very small amount of money, but he looked at me and started to go through his pockets

And he realized he doesn't have enough money. Seriously it was just like 20 cents that he needed

But he didn't have it. That suprised me because like I said he didn't look homeless. He looked like a normal person.

So he asked me if I can give him some money so he can buy those needles

I was like "Ok, I guess?" and then he did something that he shouldn't have done...

Because if he just asked me for some money I'd be like "Whatever dude, if you need them ok. I'm gonna buy them for you"

Maybe he needs them really badly because it's for his health. I was looking at him and I realized he's shaking

So I assumed that he needs some medicine, because he was like shaky and he looked very anxious

I thought he obviously if needs something like medicine I'm gonna give him money

But then he did something that changed the situation completely, because he said...

"I'm gonna be honest with you. I need them for this..."

And he literally pulled out a bag of white substance (powder) that looked like heroin...

Cocaine, or something like that... And he discreetly, so nobody else can see it, showed it to me

And said "I need it for this. I really need it, so please buy those needles for me"

And I was like "Fcuk! You could have just pretend that you need medicine"

And now... I bought needles for a drug addict... And now I feel like I basically...

Ruined someone's life. I helped you ruin your life by buying you needles so you can inject this shit into your veins and probably die

So I came back home, went to bed and I've put those earplugs in and...

It was peaceful, quiet but I couldn't fall asleep anyway because I felt like I killed a person

I literally may have killed this man

He was literally shaking, he needed another dose of those drugs, another injection

And I gave it to him. I didn' buy him drugs, he probably didn't have any money because he spent it all on drugs

So he couldn't even afford a fucking needle

I basically helped him with his addiction and I feel so fucking bad about it

And my mother was standing right next to me but she didn't say anything. She just looked at me

We were both shocked.

I feel shitty about myself and it's been like 2 months and i still...

I don't know... I still don't feel good with it... That I did it

But at the same time if I said no... If I said "I can't buy you those needles, go away"

Then I don't know what he would do. Like I said he was very anxious so he could have hurt me, punch me in the face

If I said no... He really looked like he needed another dose of those drugs.

So I basically killed a drug addict... Probably

I feel great with my life

Tell me what you think in the comment section...

I'm really curious to know, so...

Anyways. See you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> I KILLED A MAN? (Drug addiction) STORYTIME - Duration: 9:04.


Toyota Starlet 1.3i Friend - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Starlet 1.3i Friend - Duration: 0:49.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4i-16V Elite - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4i-16V Elite - Duration: 1:08.


HAUL & WRAP UP: December 2016. - Duration: 6:12.

Hey nerds, what's up?

Today I'm going to be doing a very belated December

haul and wrap up. Let's just jump on into it.


First I want to talk about my wrap up.

I only read three books in the month of December

because I have not been reading that much lately.

But the first book that I want to talk about was

This is Where is Ends by Marieke Nijkamp.

I don't know if I'm say that right.

This is Where it Ends was such an amazing story.

I gave it a five out of five stars. I read it so quickly.

I think I read it in like two days and it is a story about

a group of kids, multiple points of view, the entire story takes place

in like 58 minutes or 56 minutes and its about a school shooting.

I loved every minute the thing, it was so tense. It made me cry.

Definitely go into it not knowing anything, which is why

I kept that synopsis nice and short.

The second book that I read in the month of December was

Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle.

It's destroying my white balance so its having a hard time seeing it.

But this is a book that has three short stories that are all interweaved

and connected by the three different authors

and they're all about this little place in the middle of the east coast I believe

during the biggest snow storm of the century.

Each story takes place focusing on different characters

that are all weaved into all three stories. It was really cute,

really adorable, just a happy go lucky little Christmas book.

I really liked it. I read it right around Christmas. I gave it a four out of five stars.

The next book that I read I actually listened to on audiobook

and it is Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken.

Yes, I'm doing better guys. I'm actually reading Alexandra Bracken.

This is the second book I've ever read by her so...

I'm loving the audiobooks. So so good. I gave it a five out of five stars.

It is just continuing on the story of The Darkest Minds which

I love. So if you haven't heard of The Darkest Minds, where have you been?

Dystopian type of book where somewhere in the history

of the US, we had some sort of genetic mutation happen to them

where everyone who was around the ages of puberty

so anywhere between ages 10 through 16.

They all developed these superpowers or they died.

So one or the other. So a bunch of kids died and those who were left

have all these superpowers. The government freaked out

and they put the kids into camps, and they're in concentration camps essentially.

So we follow some kids who their story, this is the second one. Really good.

And those are the three books that I read in the month of December.

Like I said, didn't read that much but I really had a fun time

reading the ones that I did get to.

Let's get into the haul.

So the first books that I want to show off are the ones I bought myself

because I have no self control. What's new?

I bought them in November on Black Friday and I didn't receive them until December

so that's why they're in this haul. I bought them from Book Outlet.

If you don't know what Book Outlet is it's this online website

where it has really cheap priced books because its all

of the overstocked books so their content changes dramatically

and you have to get on there and buy what you want

or else it'll be gone. Especially the popular books like these I'm about to show you.

They disappear very quickly.

The first book that I bought, they're all by Cassandra Clare,

is The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Maureen Johnson.

Oh my god, I'm so excited to finally read this. I love Magnus Bane I'm so excited.

The next five books that I bought from Book Outlet as well...

They are numbers one, three, four, five and six of the

Cassandra Clare Mortal Instruments series, and they're the paperback versions

that make the thing. Don't worry cause I had a gift card to Amazon

from Christmas so I bought the second one from there as well.

So now I have the whole complete set. I'm so excited.

The next book I want to show you was from Sierra from sierra reads

because we did a gift exchange for the Biannual Bibliothon girls

and she sent me Schizo by Nic Sheff.

If you saw my Biannual Bibliothon TBR you saw this book

but I did not get to reading it so I definitely will be picking it up soon.

Hopefully... It sounds really good. It's about a schizophrenic boy

and he's also going through the disappearance of his little brother Teddy

so he's grief-stricken and freaking out but he can't tell what's real

because he's schizophrenic so he has hallucinations and I'm really excited to read this.

The last book that I received was from my friend Catriona

over at Little Book Owl. We just spent so much time together

hanging out at Harry Potter World and Disneyland and it was so fun

and I miss her already. She surprised me, the little monster.

I did not know she was sending me anything and then all of a sudden

I got this book in the mail and I actually cried. I teared up because

I just really am excited for this book and Catriona's so nice

and just thank you very much Catriona and she sent me Gemina - Hedwig just pooped!

It really stinks.

OK, anyway, very excited. This is the second book in the Illuminae Files

series by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. Those are supposed to be the other way around oops.

I'm obsessed with Illuminae. I just recently read it over Thanksgiving break.

And so I'm really excited for the because its really good.

That's it, those are all the books that I read and received or bought

in the month of December.

I'll see you guys next time, let me know in the comments down below

what you read or bought in the month of December, or your favorite

book that you read or bought in the month of December.

Make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button down below.

And I'll see you guys next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> HAUL & WRAP UP: December 2016. - Duration: 6:12.


BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5I Cabrio - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5I Cabrio - Duration: 1:10.


Citroën Berlingo 1.4i Multispace Attraction /AIRCO/Trekhaak/CV/Elek - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.4i Multispace Attraction /AIRCO/Trekhaak/CV/Elek - Duration: 1:54.


My Life Just Got So Much Better - Duration: 11:10.

my life just got so much better

good morning

i haven't vlogged up to this point, i'm starting now

this week, if you follow me on instagram then you already know this

but it was my best friend caroline's birthday, most of you probably know her from the vlogs

unless you just subscribed. which side note, i've gotten a lot of subscribers from my 1 second a day video

which rocks. in celebration of caroline's birthday

some of our close friends have come up to her lake house

three of us drove over last night and then today

the remaining six or seven are coming

it's just going to be a good time

For more infomation >> My Life Just Got So Much Better - Duration: 11:10.



Nice try with your windwall, Yasuo

I've seen that a million times

*That combo*

Oh, I denied him!

Oh mom, get the camera!

I denied his jump

Woo, that felt good

Back me up Doublelift



Peter!!!! (Doublelift's name)

I trusted you!!

Alright, I'm gonna show you guys

A play for books

You guys gonna be like "That's actually insane"

I should have just trusted myself to dodge the hook



That's not the lady- I've been catfished!!

I was expecting some sort of sexy Soraka babe

and all I got was Doublelift...


No-no-no don't you dare....

*sad music*

*ziggs laugh*

(chat) Ziggs: Mine

I hate Ziggs

(Chat) Bless Albert

That was a good ward by Zilean

*A summoner has disconnected*

Oh my god...



I-I cant...

believe... that just...

No way...

and Gangplank oh... my name opponent got the kill

You've gotta be kidding me

For more infomation >> NO WAY THIS JUST HAPPENED! WORST DISCONNECT EVER - Boxbox - Duration: 3:04.


Holding Trump Accountable on Science - Duration: 2:50.

Hey Guys!

So I'm recording this video on Inauguration day, and OMG change has been swift.

It only 3pm on inauguration day and already all references to climate change has been

deleted from the white houses official website.

How ridiculous!

But deleting something, doesn't delete the problem.

But deleting climate change isn't all hes done, we've also seen attacks on the EPA,

we've seen a guy who used to work for Exxon Mobile become secretary of state- like what

do you think he is gonna do.

We had attacks on NIH, healthcare, on the values of science and logic and reason itself.

So what are we at ScIQ gonna do about it?

So we are in a pretty unique situation, there is no outlet out there thats 100% dedicated

to covering science and politics or policy.

No one out there talks about - like spends all their time talking about what Trump is

gonna do to attack science.

Theres other like, we hear about his attack on climate change on the mainstream press,

but the mainstream press is busy talking about other things, theres no one out there that

just talks about how science is under attack.

So thats what we are gonna be doing in 2017.

Scientist and progressives have never been better allies.

We both care about what happens in the world of facts/logic.

we think that good policy decisions can be made when we actually look at what scientist

are saying, and what facts are out there.

And so theres never been a better time for SCIQ and TYT to be united in protecting and

standing up for science.

I've just been over in LA talking to the TYT team about how we can work together more closely.

And as you guys know, TYT is fundraising hard to hire new reporters and Nomiki and Shawn-

two of the new hires will be based here in the NY Studio so we will get to work together

a lot more closely.

So ScIQ will be a big part of that team holding Trump accountable on the TYT Network.

You're still gonna see a few videos from us about diet scams, performance enhancing drugs,

is weed bad for you, and all sorts of sec and the body topics, but we will be shifting

out focus to the attacks that are going to be happening on science, keeping you updated

so that when a policy comes out on capital hill that impacts the word on science, you

guys will be the first to know about it.

But of course, you guys the viewers are a huge part of our sciq family.

we couldnt do it without you and so we want to hear from you.

Let us know in the comments, what area of science are you most worried about that you

think will come under attack?

what are you concerned about under the Trump presidency?

what do you want to see from us here on ScIQ?

Lets us know your thoughts in the comments below, and together we can stand up for science.

Thank you so much for your support.

HI everyone!

I'm Jayde Lovell, resident science nerd at the Young Turks Network.

You're watching SciQ, and we know you don't want to miss an episode, so click the subscribe

button down below.

For more infomation >> Holding Trump Accountable on Science - Duration: 2:50.


Ragnarok Online (JRO) - Funny Leveling Christmas Edition (Royal Guard) : Part 6 - Duration: 34:15.

December 23rd, 2016

Hero's trail : A cursed swordman

This place is a house of devil's sword "Tarta sauce" isn't it?

A delicious Tarta sauce!

That devil sword makes me think of dinner

ty for party~

(Requiem boots obtained)

Bios Island & Mors Cave abbreviated as Biomoru

Can be entered since lv 140+

I have only Arch Bishop that's level higher than 140

But this has nothing to do with this series, so let's get back to the Royal Guard

Instance dungeon loop (brief)

Dec 24th, Christmas Eve Bonus : 1 give away + 3 times stocking delivery

Bonus : Monkey doll

100 bloody coin can be traded for 1 closed mind box

And then 1 closed mind box gave me 1 bloody coin ...

Hmm, I heard that below lv 120 can't enter ? - Is that so ...

Wait a sec - okay then see you next time

Ice cream hoarding

I always watch your vids and have fun! Keep it up!

Wow, thank you so much

I'm so glad~

I'm sorry, it's actually my first time as a party leader and may not do things smoothly

Recruit me please~

(+5 Evil Diaboros Armor)

(+5 Imperial Guard from Hell)

Well, I think you better join as "any job", is that okay ?

I actually asked my friend, tanking maybe too hard for a person Lv117

A Valkyrian Shoes of Wonderer from sister Bradium Lingerie (increases MaxHP)

This time starts at Malang Island first

A royal guard who wants to tank

Shura - the main tanker

Things I've learned today

Any skills with effect of knocking back, when used to those tree

they will counter attack by an unexplainable painful thunder storm

That's why most experienced party leader always remind not to use any knockback skill in 3rd part of Horror Toy Factory

A royal guard who wants to tank 2

Stay back Ms Wacoal~

A royal guard who wants to tank (Warning : bad example)

No, don't hit it

Oh no.

Stop it, Ms Wacoal


I give up

I'll join the share next time

R) A cursed swordman : stand to right to get invitation

New dungeon : A cursed royal guard who can't tank

ty for party ~

(looking around for a group)

Even deeper within Pope's dream (Lv99+)

I found you Pope!

I actually failed 2 times before this

Prontera's soldier uniform + Swordfish Card grants immunity to frozen status

R) Buwaya Healer/Sorcerer/Puller

Good evening, puller lv120

Buwaya's lair : low level party 120-135

If you guys are ready, let's move

The party was defeated

I can't defeat Buwaman

Keep fighting! Mr.AB

We should wait for the reinforcement

Not yet! don't pull - Ms RG we don't even start yet

Still don't get attention

(Still don't get attention)

No, stop pulling please


Hey, Ms.RG stop moving now

Sit down!

We haven't started the leveling yet.

(I'm so sorry /swt)

Mr.Jin could you please pull at the bottom left ?

I'll go upward, Ms.RG pull from lower right and don't go anywhere else

Hit the eggs 1 time, when your mob reach the base, immediately go and pull another, do it thoroughly Ms.RG

(Still don't get attention because of stun - excuse)

Hey, hit the egg!

(Still don't get attention because of stun - excuse)

Let me stock up green potions for a sec

You better bring Asaii

Green potions are heavy

I'm sorry

Welcome back~

Ms.RG please hit the eggs

A royal guard who hasn't got an attention

Please don't ignore the eggs

Ms.Wacoal, looks like they're asking you to hit the eggs



I got it!

Finally, Ms.Wacoal has responded our expectation

Disconnected from server

Since I've changed to Peco Card, the immunity to frozen then wears off.

Green potions are used up

3 minutes left

too late...

ty for the party~

I've been waiting for this reaction

How cruel...


Merry Christmas (lol)

Army of Santa's dead ...

To be continued...

For more infomation >> Ragnarok Online (JRO) - Funny Leveling Christmas Edition (Royal Guard) : Part 6 - Duration: 34:15.


Jurassic World - The Game Episode 181 Avian Ancestors Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 22:48.

Jurassic World - The Game Episode 181 Avian Ancestors Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay

the game again news is gonna be sweet

guys and this is my new format where I

let you guys run through the park with

me off last we left off we were working

on this mission here i still need to

collect 50 thousand coins from a triple

cup crown hotel which is not ready yet

so we're not going to be able to do that

right now we are at level 73 getting

close to level 74 I already collected my

off day lepak there are we're going to

try to get a new card pack here this is

avian and sisters you're only allowed to

use one terrorists or so this is going

to be really tough guys because I'm

going up against an herbivore here so

I'm wondering if it will let me use to

let's see

but I don't think it's going to it said

oh wow it did let me do to them

sweet ok that's cool that's cool

that evens it out a little bit ah first

of two that i'm going to put it into


okay hehe can't kill me in one hit

so that's bring back my yeah do you want

to list on the source because got spots

advantage i'm going to pull through and

reserve because neither these ah not he

should be able to show me

ok but i should be able to kill him no


give the gun 3awesome up the freakin

soros come on man give me your best shot

I didn't even try let's see if i could

take them down up he blocked 10 i took

him down one hit

haha that was lost them again it's

pterosaur x 1 so let's see to come amiss

ok so these are pretty evenly matched

that I just need to give myself well and

maybe any and this shouldn't be to bed

ok so again he's not going to take me

down one hit so i will pull wanted to

preserve its have 21 he's got one left

so I'm going to block 12 and reserve

come on man

mana you locally ok so I believe he's

got to laugh though i'm just going to

attack five and take challenge

okay he didn't block it must been

putting all of that into reserve so the

Gorgosaurus is going to attack pretty


he's pretty cool i like before couture

well he took me down and you but I

should be to take him sounded too

he should have two left in place that

for his lost what it down he goes

we awesome

ok so let's check out what's the third

battle so you're gonna need at least one

pterosaur for this guy

carnivore of mechanical degrees i

believe it's going to give me another

one because i don't want to transmit on

first could I face them off

well let's just go its like the chute

the source and then now we use the train

it on last

ok so that would have been all

I was actually quite so we could kill me

out put one in block he doesn't just

kill me right off that

Oh up he still can't kill me right off

the best

ok so he got it might rain it on pull

one and reserve hookup for and he got


I can't take him down and 2 i'm just

going to put forward to reserve with

this guy killed me to get killed me

ok so I'm just gonna check a block

wanted down

it sounds 947 huge oh ha okay Donna

carious and he took me down into bring

in my shooting soros sacrificed and

three and reserve with this guy take me

down okay

he attacked for so he's got two left i

should be together

yep is all it takes I've got walked one

and he's down for the count 633 ok so it

actually kicked me off da it still gave

me what was in the card pack for 1,300

loyalty points 2500 DNA 500 cash a t-rex

and 500 cash so that's awesome and then

are there was actually another this is

the boosted battle let's see what

okay so three threats sources so until

bein would be good against here sooo

let's see what are we good a friend is

sooo kit because I match brute force

let's go with I'm gonna go with line

wrap their i'm going to bring back my

miss code to Saurus helps could use

boosters so a go four hundred percent

armor confirm start sweet one in reserve

three and reserve

ok let's just attack six

block you i should take down family down

please go fine its act 5 you want me out

but he's defenseless find a raptor k3 to

take them down one and reserve

ok let me just attacked before it wipes

me out but I missed down soros will get

him easily and i don't even have to use

the hundred-percent armor

the thousand damage

yeah victory is mine haha he's like the

billing laughs okay so two herbivores

sooo right up to the sopranos titan

Dimetrodon and the rogers nigga for the

booster don't need a booster side just

pick anything and start

one in reserve so feels like my reserve

I definitely got the class advantage

here I probably didn't even need three

carnivores but might as well do it so i

put three and reserve there so he attack

to get to left so white it model not

only not good

oh I will have to text dick oh he could

have blocked too but I guess he was it

so I looks like i'm not even gonna need

my Roger nigga got my level 45 entered


ok so he attacked three you should have

two left

oh yeah to left just get tak let's see

what happens i got enough dinos

ok he blocked one so that it quite like

the Mambo that Dimetrodon it also guys

take a look at him up take a look at

them quick he's going down daddy goes

down for the count

that's the right i only need to hit in

like got one block left in he's down we

that is battle number two should have

one more battle left and I get the five

card packs ok 50 DNA let's see it's the

American Badlands pack x 5 the week a 3

carnivores to let this go who do it

yourself i think i will start not really

the press the suit because he could take

me down too easily super so i think i'm

going to bring back my missed on to

Saurus do I need him you know I don't

need him because i do have the booster

so let's go with a

fresh sukis off the freaking Soros and

dominance rex and then i will get a+

hundred booster and we are ready to go

so i will block the first one because he

could take me down to hit it now I'm

just gonna put two in reserve

ok but he just wants me all to find

slits I should be to take them down as

36 believe step 3 get to and reserve

down he goes

ok so he's just like me out sooo the

right got my dominance and plus hundred

percent armor

what's the helmet and i will happen 7670

for health

wow ok so it was not paying attention

let's try a khaki let's attack for block

you have ok so he's down for the most

get it back me it too because i'm

blocking ok he attacked you i blocked so

this battles over that for he blocked

you and he's down those card packs are

our boys we done it

yes victory is ours 35 American Badlands

pack let's see what we've got

I've never seen these scarred facts

Oh Triceratops are you kidding me in the

world and the Triceratops is most


ok packing stuff with yours

not too great but better than

Triceratops ok Allosaurus I don't really

see those guys what you the Raptor

always do much with him

we're also go okay looks like another

Alice store it

ok in this sit for their getting pretty

close to park level 74 off I go through

actually I'm like to get there let's see

yeah i got there awesome well I don't

know 74 ball i mean i guess the next

mission done so I let's run through the

storyline here I just came up with a

plan to get out of this situation but it

may be risky but before I can put my

plan into action

I'll need a few things okay so I need

seven bonfires a mover maintenance

facility beside a discovery dig site

ok maintenance facility where is my

discovery dig site i know i had some of

them open i did not sell all of them it

would be easier first time yeah that's

the discovery

ok i did actually sell a few of these so

then we will move this guy is blocked

move the maintenance facility here and

we got that part of the mission at seven

bonfires simple just fly seven bonfires

and that was the seven-day he was a nice

easy one if i can set off the smoke

detectors the fire alarm will go off and

that should attract someone's attention

in the control room afterwards I have to

cross my fingers and hope that sense I

want to find me or I'll never get out of


I believe this spot should be a good

place to settle down for the night

where can a store these project Ares

assets so that the coalition can't find


ok bye in place to egg spinner rides

obtained up card back

oh I can't get the card pack because

already collected my VIP mystery and the

spinner ride looks like it's going to

make me buy two new ones and those

things that he take okay nine hours 19

minutes so we need to buy one more

spinner ride to go into markets pinner

ride would be building and that's

exactly where is that

expand a ride right there

ok so i have to wait nine hours 19

minutes for those two and then i need to

get a card pack so i could get in here

this is the challenge for this one I

would just have to hatch stuff but the

thing is already have sinned hatched in

here so let's go ahead and collect these

I rafter kind of useless but also good

and sukis I don't need him either but

that didn't open that up for me i'm

going to go back into events here the

challenge I'm going to drop da drop a

red Dino in there and then for this one

I'm gonna hatch my do t-rex I just got

okay so we went through there we could

go ahead and collect some influence

again I will not get as much as you can

see my coins are down because i spent

like 15,000 points to get 10 million

food on the trading ship so for me that

was a good deal because i needed food

and coins that kind of easy to get he

looks like guys that's about all we're

going to do is you can see we're at the

very edge of 73

so the next time with level off we're

going to move into 74 and then 75 sweet

okay well guys I thank you for viewing

and if you do enjoy my videos please

click like the thumbs up under video

drop me a comment i'll get back to you

as soon as possible and thanks for

reviewing and being also click the boxes

below for a lot more fun videos that if

you want to see even more go ahead and

click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> Jurassic World - The Game Episode 181 Avian Ancestors Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 22:48.


Leninland - cały film lektor PL - Duration: 51:53.

For more infomation >> Leninland - cały film lektor PL - Duration: 51:53.


Wspaniałe Stulecie (Muhteşem Yüzyıl) - promo PL - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Wspaniałe Stulecie (Muhteşem Yüzyıl) - promo PL - Duration: 1:42.


How to Make Chinese Garlic Chicken ~ Chinese Chicken Stir Fry Recipe - Duration: 4:22.

Tonight I am making a Chinese garlic

chicken stir-fry.

I'm Tess and I will show you how to make

this easy and healthy chinese stir-fry.

Welcome to my kitchen.

This Chinese garlic chicken stir-fry is

easy, healthy and yummy. You are going to

love this one!

Just a reminder that you can find this

recipe, the list of ingredients, and a lot

more in the show more section below.

I'm starting by marinating the chicken.

I'm using some cut bite-sized chicken

breasts but you can use chicken thighs.

Just three ingredients for the marinade...

soy sauce, rice vinegar and a little

cornstarch. Mixing it all together until

the starch is absorbed and setting it to

the side for about 15 to 20 minutes or

until I get my vegetables prepped.

This is a stir-fry and the cooking goes

really quick and you want to have

everything ready and on hand before cooking.

You can use any skillet or pan

for the stir-fry but tonight I'm using

my wok. I have my heat on high, my wok

is really hot, and I'm adding some peanut

oil and the chicken. Just leveling out

the chicken and letting it cook for a

good 20 seconds before stirring. This

will make a nice browning on the chicken

and prevent sticking. Stirring and

cooking the chicken until done and this

is going to take about five minutes.

Once done I'm removing the chicken and

setting it to the side.

Next are the veggies! I have my heat on

medium high and I'm adding some Tsang stir fry oil.

This is a high temp oil that is

infused with garlic.

It is great for stir frys and when you

want that extra garlic flavor. You can

find the products that I'm using in most

grocery stores but I will leave a link

in the show more section below where you

can purchase the products online.

I'm adding a couple teaspoons of the oil

and my onions. I have some diced onions

and some chopped whites of garden onions...

and I'll be using the greens for garnish.

Stirring and cooking for one minute.

I have a large elephant garlic bulb but

I'm using one clove. I sliced the garlic

clove into thin strips and minced the ends.

This will add different levels of

garlic flavor and texture.

This is what I had but you can use

regular garlic and add the amount that

you like. Stirring and cooking for another


Tonight I'm using some baby corn and

some mixed bell peppers but you can use

whatever vegetables that you like.

Stirring and cooking for two to three

minutes or until the veggies start to

soften. I want a lot of crunch and flavor

left in the vegetables! In goes the

chicken and all the juices. Stirring and

mixing everything together.

And we are almost done! Adding in some of

the chopped green onions for a little

pop and some Tsang's classic stir-fry sauce.

I normally make my own sauce with

some soy sauce and oyster sauce but I want

to show you how simple you can make this stir fry.

I'm not sponsored by Tsang's but it is a

good product with good flavor.

I'm not measuring I'm just adding until

I get the coating and sauce that I want.

Giving everything a good stir and cooking for one

minute and we are ready to eat!

With the garlic infused oil, the fresh

garlic that we added, and the stir-fry

sauce, this Chinese garlic chicken is a winner!

Serving tonight with some rice noodles.

Jasmine rice is also good.

This garlic chicken stir-fry is easy...

healthy and delicious. I hope you give it

a try. If you like this Chinese garlic

chicken stir-fry recipe please hit the

LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE. Remember to

click the bell next to the subscribe

button to be certain to receive my

future video recipes. Feel free to SHARE

this video with your friends and family.

You can also find me and more of what

I'm cooking on my website and at

Facebook. And until next time...

Much Love!

For more infomation >> How to Make Chinese Garlic Chicken ~ Chinese Chicken Stir Fry Recipe - Duration: 4:22.



lets get right

For more infomation >> SH*T TALKER GETS EXPOSED !!!SHOOTING 100 PERCENT ON HIS HEAD!! NBA 2K17 MY COURT 1V1 DROPOFF!! - Duration: 4:50.


Biografia Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin 26 stycznia 2017 Google Doodle| Lotnik Bessie Coleman - Duration: 6:49.

Dzisiejszy Doodle świętuje Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin

Bessie Coleman, pierwszy African American kobiet pilot, dorastał w okrutnym świecie,

ubóstwa i dyskryminacji.

Rok po urodzeniu w Atlancie, w stanie Teksas, Afroamerykanów mężczyzna był torturowany,

a następnie spalony na śmierć w najbliższej Paryżu za rzekome zgwałcenie pięciu-letnią


Ten incydent nie był niczym niezwykłym; lincze były endemicznie na całym Południu.

Afroamerykanie byli zasadniczo wykluczony z głosowania w testach czytania i pisania.

Nie mogli jeździć w wagonach z białych ludzi, lub skorzystać z szerokiej gamy urządzeń

publicznych przeznaczonych dla białych.

Gdy młody Bessie pierwszy poszedł do szkoły w wieku sześciu lat, to było do jednej sali

drewnianej budy, w odległości czterech mil od swojego domu.

Często nie było papieru do pisania lub kredki do pisania.

Gdy okazało Coleman 23 udała się do Chicago, aby żyć z dwóch jej starszych braci z nadzieją,

że coś z siebie.

Ale Windy City zaproponował trochę więcej Afroamerykanów kobiety niż zrobił Teksas.

Kiedy Coleman zdecydowała, że ​​chce nauczyć się latać, podwójne piętno swojej

rasy i płci oznacza, że ​​będzie musiała udać się do Francji, by zrealizować swoje


Było żołnierze powracający z I Wojny Światowej z dzikimi opowieści o latających exploitów,

który jako pierwszy zainteresowanych Coleman w lotnictwie.

Była również zachęcani przez jej brata, który urągałeś jej twierdzeń, że Francuzki

były lepsze afroamerykańskich kobiet, ponieważ mogą one latać.

W rzeczywistości, bardzo niewielu amerykańskich kobiet każdego wyścigu miał licencji pilota

w 1918.

Ci, którzy nie byli głównie białe i bogatych.

Każda szkoła latania, że ​​Coleman zbliżył odmówił jej przyznać, bo była

zarówno czarno kobieta.

Za radą Roberta Abbott, właściciela "Chicago Defender" i jednego z pierwszych amerykańskich

milionerów afrykańskich, Coleman postanowił nauczyć się latać we Francji.

Coleman nauczył się francuskiego w szkole Berlitz w pętli Chicago, wycofał oszczędności

miała nagromadzone z jej pracy jako manikiurzystka i kierownika salonu chili, a także z dodatkowego

wsparcia finansowego Abbott i innego amerykańskiego przedsiębiorcę, ruszyła za Paryż z Nowego

Jorku w dniu 20 listopada 1920 roku zajęło Coleman siedem miesięcy, aby nauczyć się


Jedyny nie-kaukaski uczeń w klasie, była nauczana w dwupłatowca 27 stóp, który był

znany często zawodzą, czasami w powietrzu.

Podczas swojego treningu Coleman świadkiem kolegą zginąć w katastrofie samolotu, który

opisała jako "szok" na jej nerwy.

Ale wypadek nie powstrzymało ją: W czerwcu 1921 roku Międzynarodowa Federacja Lotnicza

przyznał jej licencję międzynarodową pilota.

Kiedy Coleman wrócił do USA we wrześniu 1921 roku, dziesiątki reporterów okazał

się z nią spotkać.

"Usługa Air News" zauważył, że Coleman miał stać się "pełnoprawnym aviatrix,

pierwszy z jej rasy."

Ona została zaproszona jako gość honorowy uczestnictwa w all-czarny musicalu "Shuffle


Cała publiczność, w tym kilkuset białych w siedzeniach orkiestrowych, róży dać pierwszym

African American kobiet pilotowi owację na stojąco.

W ciągu następnych pięciu lat Coleman wykonywane na licznych pokazach lotniczych.

Pierwsza odbyła się w dniu 3 września 1922 roku, w Garden City, Long Island.

W "Chicago Defender" nagłośnione wydarzenie, mówiąc o "wspaniały mały kobietę" Bessie

Coleman zrobi "Heart porywający akrobacje".

Według reportera z Kansas, aż 3000 osób, w tym lokalnych dygnitarzy, uczestniczył

w tym wydarzeniu.

W kolejnych latach, Coleman użyła pozycję wyeksponowany, aby zachęcić innych afrykańskich

Amerykanów latać.

Ona również kwestię odmowy wykonać w miejscach, które nie przyznają członkowie jej rasy.

Dzisiejszy Doodle hołd do Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin

For more infomation >> Biografia Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin 26 stycznia 2017 Google Doodle| Lotnik Bessie Coleman - Duration: 6:49.


🇦🇹 Four Hills Tournament 2016/2017 #30 - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> 🇦🇹 Four Hills Tournament 2016/2017 #30 - Duration: 10:47.


Kat Von D Lock-It Concealer Creme First Impression & Demo! - Duration: 3:33.

so my friend with you today i want to

introduce you to her name's Krista so

that's my girl and her and she just got

the cutest new jacket ever so show it


ok we go where'd you get it over 24

shelf and yeah we were 24 we don't know

if we should still shop it forever 21

hey guys welcome back to my Channel

today I'm going to be doing a first

impressions of the kat von d lock-it

concealer creme i got the shade war

there was a ton of shades in the line

and i'm super excited to try this this

is point 22 of announce it was

twenty-six dollars and i swatched it on

my hand and it looks very pigmented and

thick and full coverage so I'm excited

to try this

i'm going to be using this tapered

blending brush from morphe and i love

this concealer because it has a doe foot

applicator makes it really easy to apply

i'm super dark and have a lot of blue

tones underneath my eyes so let's see if

this covers it up

so as I'm applying it I like the yellow

times that it's giving but I can all

still see the blue cue I have underneath

it so let's see if it really covers it

up or not

concealers that say they're full

coverage just don't always cover up my

dark circles there so bad it looks like

it's doing a pretty good job at it and

just blend it I almost feel like you

don't need a powder with this concealer

because it's a little bit dry it's not

super moisturizing definitely more match

but it covers a lot you look at that

that's really really good

it's definitely did a good job covering

I just feel like it's a little bit

drying and I do see some creasing going

on let me see if I can show you guys

like right here there's a lot of

creasing which I can try to rub that out

but i feel like if i put powder over it

might just do it more

it's a very dry texture

which is our products that we need to

take our look it

yeah it is a little bit it's dry so for


it does look like i do think this color

with a bit too light for me I think it

could have gone a little bit darker but

I do really like the coverage i would

like a little bit more moisture and just

because I feel like it can start to look

like you're aging if it increases and

its kind of dry underneath your eyes i

think this would be really good for

people with more of an oily skin type i

tend to get dry around my eyes so I'm

not extremely loving this product but I

do really like it so I love the

brightening effect so i hope you guys

enjoyed this video thank you all so much

for watching and all the next time

For more infomation >> Kat Von D Lock-It Concealer Creme First Impression & Demo! - Duration: 3:33.


Get Rid of Stretch Marks With this naturally - Duration: 3:10.

Thank you for watching

Dont forget to subscribe Home Cooking and Home Remedies channel

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Coffee

Stretch marks can develop on your skin if you undergo rapid weight gain, weight loss,

or especially during a pregnancy.

Many people consider these marks unsightly, and a number of home remedies as well as professionally

produced products exist to combat them.

One of the most commonly hailed home remedies for reducing the appearance of stretch marks

involves the use of ordinary coffee grounds.

Learning how to get rid of stretch marks with coffee may help you improve the appearance

of your stretch marks in only a few weeks.


Mix the coffee grounds with warm water.

This process is best performed using coffee grounds that have already been used to brew


If you use the grounds straight from your brewer, you will not have to add water.

Otherwise, wet the grounds as thoroughly as possible with warm water.


Mix the coffee grounds with aloe vera gel.

Mixing the grounds with aloe vera will yield a thick paste consistency that will help you

spread the coffee grounds onto your stretch marks.

Aloe vera also contains vitamins C and E, as well as other nutrients that can moisturize

your skin and encourage the stretch marks to fade.

Exact proportions are not important when mixing the coffee grounds and aloe vera.

Aim to use just enough aloe vera to hold the coffee grounds together in a paste.

Aloe vera gel can be purchased in the skin care section of most grocery stores.

It can also be harvested by slicing open the plant's leaves if you grow aloe vera as a



Apply the coffee and aloe vera paste to your skin.

Ideally, your skin should be cleaned before applying the mixture.

Use your fingers to spread the coffee paste onto your stretch marks, rubbing it in to

ensure adequate coverage.

Allow the mixture to remain on your skin for about 20 minutes.


Wipe the coffee paste away with a damp cloth.

After 20 minutes, you can simply wipe the paste off of your skin using a clean cloth

moistened with water.

Avoid using paper towels for this, as they can be abrasive on your skin.


Moisturize the skin where your stretch marks are located.

To help your stretch marks fade, the skin around them will need to be well moisturized.

Apply a moisturizing lotion once or twice a day during your coffee grounds treatment.

Cocoa butter is another moisturizing agent that is reputed to help combat stretch marks.


Repeat the coffee treatment daily.

Repeat the above steps once per day until you see acceptable improvement in your stretch

marks' appearance.

You should see visible improvement within 2 weeks or so.

If you like the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!

If you want more recipes and tips, subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Get Rid of Stretch Marks With this naturally - Duration: 3:10.


Searching for a Job? Use Social Media in Your Job Search Strategy - Duration: 0:42.

Hey there and happy Wednesday!

We are in the heat of the ramp up of the job search and recruiting season.

Here are a couple of quick tips for you.

Even if you apply online through a job portal or a company portal, I still want you to take

that position and search for it in social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and



Because I want you to start conversations with those posts.

It gets the attention of the hiring manager, recruiter and/or HR.

Here's another tip.

Anyone else who is liking, retweeting or talking about that position online is probably your


Check them up, size them up, and make sure you compete.

Happy Wednesday.

For more infomation >> Searching for a Job? Use Social Media in Your Job Search Strategy - Duration: 0:42.


Sign The Petition & Make Sm...

For more infomation >> Sign The Petition & Make Sm...


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


#OscarsSoLaLa - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:25.

This morning, the nominees were announced

for the 89th Academy Awards.

And in contrast with last year's slate

that provoked the Oscars So White hashtag,

this year features a diverse set of nominees,

including a record six black actors.

Then again... then again,

a record-tying 14 nominations also went to La La Land,

which is pretty much the whitest (bleep) movie imaginable.

-(laughter) -I haven't seen it.

I don't know.

It just doesn't seem like a movie I'm gonna see, but...

From what I hear-- I'm just piecing this together--

but I think it's about Ryan Gosling

explaining jazz to Emma Stone, and I assume

includes such songs as,

"I Brought My Own Cloth Bag to Whole Foods,"

and "Extra Mild Salsa, Please."

The only thing whiter than La La Land

would be a biopic about the invention of mayonnaise,

-which... -(laughter)

...incidentally is in the works, you guys.

Daniel Day-Lewis is gonna be amazing in this movie.

-Amazing. -(laughter)

He pretended to be mayonnaise for, like, six months

to get ready for this. Like...

So, comedians, what's an even whiter musical than La La Land?

-Kate. -The Grand Wizard of Oz.

-HARDWICK: All right, points. -(laughter)

-That'd be very white. -(applause and cheering)

-Very white. John. -Annie Get your UGGs.

-HARDWICK: Yes, points. -(laughter, applause)

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in Everything Without Really Trying.

-(laughter, applause) -HARDWICK: Points. Points.

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Biografia Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin 26 stycznia 2017 Google Doodle| Lotnik Bessie Coleman - Duration: 6:49.

Dzisiejszy Doodle świętuje Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin

Bessie Coleman, pierwszy African American kobiet pilot, dorastał w okrutnym świecie,

ubóstwa i dyskryminacji.

Rok po urodzeniu w Atlancie, w stanie Teksas, Afroamerykanów mężczyzna był torturowany,

a następnie spalony na śmierć w najbliższej Paryżu za rzekome zgwałcenie pięciu-letnią


Ten incydent nie był niczym niezwykłym; lincze były endemicznie na całym Południu.

Afroamerykanie byli zasadniczo wykluczony z głosowania w testach czytania i pisania.

Nie mogli jeździć w wagonach z białych ludzi, lub skorzystać z szerokiej gamy urządzeń

publicznych przeznaczonych dla białych.

Gdy młody Bessie pierwszy poszedł do szkoły w wieku sześciu lat, to było do jednej sali

drewnianej budy, w odległości czterech mil od swojego domu.

Często nie było papieru do pisania lub kredki do pisania.

Gdy okazało Coleman 23 udała się do Chicago, aby żyć z dwóch jej starszych braci z nadzieją,

że coś z siebie.

Ale Windy City zaproponował trochę więcej Afroamerykanów kobiety niż zrobił Teksas.

Kiedy Coleman zdecydowała, że ​​chce nauczyć się latać, podwójne piętno swojej

rasy i płci oznacza, że ​​będzie musiała udać się do Francji, by zrealizować swoje


Było żołnierze powracający z I Wojny Światowej z dzikimi opowieści o latających exploitów,

który jako pierwszy zainteresowanych Coleman w lotnictwie.

Była również zachęcani przez jej brata, który urągałeś jej twierdzeń, że Francuzki

były lepsze afroamerykańskich kobiet, ponieważ mogą one latać.

W rzeczywistości, bardzo niewielu amerykańskich kobiet każdego wyścigu miał licencji pilota

w 1918.

Ci, którzy nie byli głównie białe i bogatych.

Każda szkoła latania, że ​​Coleman zbliżył odmówił jej przyznać, bo była

zarówno czarno kobieta.

Za radą Roberta Abbott, właściciela "Chicago Defender" i jednego z pierwszych amerykańskich

milionerów afrykańskich, Coleman postanowił nauczyć się latać we Francji.

Coleman nauczył się francuskiego w szkole Berlitz w pętli Chicago, wycofał oszczędności

miała nagromadzone z jej pracy jako manikiurzystka i kierownika salonu chili, a także z dodatkowego

wsparcia finansowego Abbott i innego amerykańskiego przedsiębiorcę, ruszyła za Paryż z Nowego

Jorku w dniu 20 listopada 1920 roku zajęło Coleman siedem miesięcy, aby nauczyć się


Jedyny nie-kaukaski uczeń w klasie, była nauczana w dwupłatowca 27 stóp, który był

znany często zawodzą, czasami w powietrzu.

Podczas swojego treningu Coleman świadkiem kolegą zginąć w katastrofie samolotu, który

opisała jako "szok" na jej nerwy.

Ale wypadek nie powstrzymało ją: W czerwcu 1921 roku Międzynarodowa Federacja Lotnicza

przyznał jej licencję międzynarodową pilota.

Kiedy Coleman wrócił do USA we wrześniu 1921 roku, dziesiątki reporterów okazał

się z nią spotkać.

"Usługa Air News" zauważył, że Coleman miał stać się "pełnoprawnym aviatrix,

pierwszy z jej rasy."

Ona została zaproszona jako gość honorowy uczestnictwa w all-czarny musicalu "Shuffle


Cała publiczność, w tym kilkuset białych w siedzeniach orkiestrowych, róży dać pierwszym

African American kobiet pilotowi owację na stojąco.

W ciągu następnych pięciu lat Coleman wykonywane na licznych pokazach lotniczych.

Pierwsza odbyła się w dniu 3 września 1922 roku, w Garden City, Long Island.

W "Chicago Defender" nagłośnione wydarzenie, mówiąc o "wspaniały mały kobietę" Bessie

Coleman zrobi "Heart porywający akrobacje".

Według reportera z Kansas, aż 3000 osób, w tym lokalnych dygnitarzy, uczestniczył

w tym wydarzeniu.

W kolejnych latach, Coleman użyła pozycję wyeksponowany, aby zachęcić innych afrykańskich

Amerykanów latać.

Ona również kwestię odmowy wykonać w miejscach, które nie przyznają członkowie jej rasy.

Dzisiejszy Doodle hołd do Bessie Coleman 125 rocznica urodzin

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