Jurassic World - The Game Episode 181 Avian Ancestors Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay
the game again news is gonna be sweet
guys and this is my new format where I
let you guys run through the park with
me off last we left off we were working
on this mission here i still need to
collect 50 thousand coins from a triple
cup crown hotel which is not ready yet
so we're not going to be able to do that
right now we are at level 73 getting
close to level 74 I already collected my
off day lepak there are we're going to
try to get a new card pack here this is
avian and sisters you're only allowed to
use one terrorists or so this is going
to be really tough guys because I'm
going up against an herbivore here so
I'm wondering if it will let me use to
let's see
but I don't think it's going to it said
oh wow it did let me do to them
sweet ok that's cool that's cool
that evens it out a little bit ah first
of two that i'm going to put it into
okay hehe can't kill me in one hit
so that's bring back my yeah do you want
to list on the source because got spots
advantage i'm going to pull through and
reserve because neither these ah not he
should be able to show me
ok but i should be able to kill him no
give the gun 3awesome up the freakin
soros come on man give me your best shot
I didn't even try let's see if i could
take them down up he blocked 10 i took
him down one hit
haha that was lost them again it's
pterosaur x 1 so let's see to come amiss
ok so these are pretty evenly matched
that I just need to give myself well and
maybe any and this shouldn't be to bed
ok so again he's not going to take me
down one hit so i will pull wanted to
preserve its have 21 he's got one left
so I'm going to block 12 and reserve
come on man
mana you locally ok so I believe he's
got to laugh though i'm just going to
attack five and take challenge
okay he didn't block it must been
putting all of that into reserve so the
Gorgosaurus is going to attack pretty
he's pretty cool i like before couture
well he took me down and you but I
should be to take him sounded too
he should have two left in place that
for his lost what it down he goes
we awesome
ok so let's check out what's the third
battle so you're gonna need at least one
pterosaur for this guy
carnivore of mechanical degrees i
believe it's going to give me another
one because i don't want to transmit on
first could I face them off
well let's just go its like the chute
the source and then now we use the train
it on last
ok so that would have been all
I was actually quite so we could kill me
out put one in block he doesn't just
kill me right off that
Oh up he still can't kill me right off
the best
ok so he got it might rain it on pull
one and reserve hookup for and he got
I can't take him down and 2 i'm just
going to put forward to reserve with
this guy killed me to get killed me
ok so I'm just gonna check a block
wanted down
it sounds 947 huge oh ha okay Donna
carious and he took me down into bring
in my shooting soros sacrificed and
three and reserve with this guy take me
down okay
he attacked for so he's got two left i
should be together
yep is all it takes I've got walked one
and he's down for the count 633 ok so it
actually kicked me off da it still gave
me what was in the card pack for 1,300
loyalty points 2500 DNA 500 cash a t-rex
and 500 cash so that's awesome and then
are there was actually another this is
the boosted battle let's see what
okay so three threats sources so until
bein would be good against here sooo
let's see what are we good a friend is
sooo kit because I match brute force
let's go with I'm gonna go with line
wrap their i'm going to bring back my
miss code to Saurus helps could use
boosters so a go four hundred percent
armor confirm start sweet one in reserve
three and reserve
ok let's just attack six
block you i should take down family down
please go fine its act 5 you want me out
but he's defenseless find a raptor k3 to
take them down one and reserve
ok let me just attacked before it wipes
me out but I missed down soros will get
him easily and i don't even have to use
the hundred-percent armor
the thousand damage
yeah victory is mine haha he's like the
billing laughs okay so two herbivores
sooo right up to the sopranos titan
Dimetrodon and the rogers nigga for the
booster don't need a booster side just
pick anything and start
one in reserve so feels like my reserve
I definitely got the class advantage
here I probably didn't even need three
carnivores but might as well do it so i
put three and reserve there so he attack
to get to left so white it model not
only not good
oh I will have to text dick oh he could
have blocked too but I guess he was it
so I looks like i'm not even gonna need
my Roger nigga got my level 45 entered
ok so he attacked three you should have
two left
oh yeah to left just get tak let's see
what happens i got enough dinos
ok he blocked one so that it quite like
the Mambo that Dimetrodon it also guys
take a look at him up take a look at
them quick he's going down daddy goes
down for the count
that's the right i only need to hit in
like got one block left in he's down we
that is battle number two should have
one more battle left and I get the five
card packs ok 50 DNA let's see it's the
American Badlands pack x 5 the week a 3
carnivores to let this go who do it
yourself i think i will start not really
the press the suit because he could take
me down too easily super so i think i'm
going to bring back my missed on to
Saurus do I need him you know I don't
need him because i do have the booster
so let's go with a
fresh sukis off the freaking Soros and
dominance rex and then i will get a+
hundred booster and we are ready to go
so i will block the first one because he
could take me down to hit it now I'm
just gonna put two in reserve
ok but he just wants me all to find
slits I should be to take them down as
36 believe step 3 get to and reserve
down he goes
ok so he's just like me out sooo the
right got my dominance and plus hundred
percent armor
what's the helmet and i will happen 7670
for health
wow ok so it was not paying attention
let's try a khaki let's attack for block
you have ok so he's down for the most
get it back me it too because i'm
blocking ok he attacked you i blocked so
this battles over that for he blocked
you and he's down those card packs are
our boys we done it
yes victory is ours 35 American Badlands
pack let's see what we've got
I've never seen these scarred facts
Oh Triceratops are you kidding me in the
world and the Triceratops is most
ok packing stuff with yours
not too great but better than
Triceratops ok Allosaurus I don't really
see those guys what you the Raptor
always do much with him
we're also go okay looks like another
Alice store it
ok in this sit for their getting pretty
close to park level 74 off I go through
actually I'm like to get there let's see
yeah i got there awesome well I don't
know 74 ball i mean i guess the next
mission done so I let's run through the
storyline here I just came up with a
plan to get out of this situation but it
may be risky but before I can put my
plan into action
I'll need a few things okay so I need
seven bonfires a mover maintenance
facility beside a discovery dig site
ok maintenance facility where is my
discovery dig site i know i had some of
them open i did not sell all of them it
would be easier first time yeah that's
the discovery
ok i did actually sell a few of these so
then we will move this guy is blocked
move the maintenance facility here and
we got that part of the mission at seven
bonfires simple just fly seven bonfires
and that was the seven-day he was a nice
easy one if i can set off the smoke
detectors the fire alarm will go off and
that should attract someone's attention
in the control room afterwards I have to
cross my fingers and hope that sense I
want to find me or I'll never get out of
I believe this spot should be a good
place to settle down for the night
where can a store these project Ares
assets so that the coalition can't find
ok bye in place to egg spinner rides
obtained up card back
oh I can't get the card pack because
already collected my VIP mystery and the
spinner ride looks like it's going to
make me buy two new ones and those
things that he take okay nine hours 19
minutes so we need to buy one more
spinner ride to go into markets pinner
ride would be building and that's
exactly where is that
expand a ride right there
ok so i have to wait nine hours 19
minutes for those two and then i need to
get a card pack so i could get in here
this is the challenge for this one I
would just have to hatch stuff but the
thing is already have sinned hatched in
here so let's go ahead and collect these
I rafter kind of useless but also good
and sukis I don't need him either but
that didn't open that up for me i'm
going to go back into events here the
challenge I'm going to drop da drop a
red Dino in there and then for this one
I'm gonna hatch my do t-rex I just got
okay so we went through there we could
go ahead and collect some influence
again I will not get as much as you can
see my coins are down because i spent
like 15,000 points to get 10 million
food on the trading ship so for me that
was a good deal because i needed food
and coins that kind of easy to get he
looks like guys that's about all we're
going to do is you can see we're at the
very edge of 73
so the next time with level off we're
going to move into 74 and then 75 sweet
okay well guys I thank you for viewing
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