Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017

The monopoly of power...

is a menace to freedom...

It degrades

and victimizes every individual

And where is the individual?

Lost in terror...

Because he has been set to hate instead of love

If civilization is to survive...

We must combat power

Until the dignity and peace of man are restored...

For more infomation >> Kunde - Dialectical Groove | Underground Boombap Rap Instrumental - Duration: 3:47.


Donald Trump amenaza imponer ley marcial en Chicago, y puede estar sobre una pelea con Rahm Manuel - Duration: 3:07.

Donald Trump amenaza imponer ley marcial en Chicago, y puede estar sobre una pelea con

Rahm Manuel.

Presidente Donald Trump est� amenazando a Chicago y a su alcalde, Rahm Manuel, con

ley marcial, algo que podr�a tener implicaciones profundas para Windy City.

El martes por la ma�ana, el triunfo envi� el p�o siguiente, amenazando �env�a

en los feds� en respuesta a la violencia de Chicago

�Si Chicago no fija la �carnicer�a horrible� que se enciende, 228 tiroteos en 2017 con

42 matanzas (encima del 24% a partir de 2016), enviar� en el Feds!

� Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 25 de enero de 2017

El p�o del triunfo coincidi� con un segmento en la demostraci�n de Fox News �el O'Reilly

Factor.� Algunos minutos despu�s de 8 P.M., el programa discuti� la violencia

de Chicago y cit� las estad�sticas similares a las que el triunfo hab�a utilizado � a

saber que hab�a habido �228 tiroteos en 2017 (encima del 5,5 por ciento a partir del

a�o pasado)� y �42 homicidios en 2017 (encima del 24 por ciento a partir del a�o

pasado).� Una de las hu�spedes de la demostraci�n, Horace Cooper, incluso utiliz� el t�rmino

�carnicer�a� para describir la situaci�n.

En ese mismo d�a, sali� que hab�a habido 40 asesinatos en la ciudad en el plazo de

los primeros 22 d�as de 2017.

A pesar de la pintura apocal�ptica del triunfo del �ndice de criminalidad de Chicago, la

metr�poli est� realmente en ninguna parte cerca del top de las ciudades grandes m�s

peligrosas de Am�rica. Su per capita tarifa del homicidio en 2015 era d�cimo octava

en los residentes 16,4 de 100.000, con los puntos superiores ignominiosos perteneciendo

a New Orleans (46,9 residentes de 100.000), a Detroit (45,0 residentes de 100.000), y

a St. Louis (43,8 residentes de 100.000). Era levemente m�s alta entre tiroteos no

fatales en 2015, alineando 12mos con 88,9 de 100.000. Esto, sin embargo, todav�a fue

eclipsada por el St. Louis (659,7 residentes de 100.000), la Memphis (247,1 residentes

de 100.000), y la Oakland (232,4 residentes de 100.000).

Coincidentemente, uno de los actos principales pasados de la justicia Department de Obama

era lanzar un informe que criticaba al Departamento de Polic�a de Chicago para el perfilado

y el abuso de poder raciales desenfrenados. Parece que el triunfo est� determinado para

abordar los problemas en esa ciudad de la perspectiva que no hay bastante ley y orden

bastante que esa ley y orden ha corrido amok.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump amenaza imponer ley marcial en Chicago, y puede estar sobre una pelea con Rahm Manuel - Duration: 3:07.


Top 100 Hot Girls Football Funny 2017 - Funny Vines Football 2017 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Top 100 Hot Girls Football Funny 2017 - Funny Vines Football 2017 - Duration: 4:21.


Underground Artists - Duration: 4:16.

Subscribe to my channel

Subscribe to my channel

Subscribe to my channel

For more infomation >> Underground Artists - Duration: 4:16.


Breathing Exercises for Singing #2 - Duration: 1:27.

Welcome to your singing lessons

My name is Eilish San and today we'll see two exercises to give tone to our diaphragm

and to increase the capacity to breathe between phrase and phrase

In the first exercise we take air and make as if we wanted to silence

someone by doing "tss"

We will do this in several times as follows

First slow in five times and we will increase the speed progressively

If you put your hand under the sternum you will notice that the diaphragm

comes out with each blow of air

Be careful not to overdo these contractions and do not tighten your abdomen, let your

body work alone and do not think about it

In the second exercise we are going to put our hand in front of our mouth

as we did in the previous video

This time we're going to make gasps trying to emit the minimum sound possible so we

do not dry our cords too much

Do not do many series or for a long time as you can hyperventilate and it is very boring

I hope that you like this video, that you find it useful and I'll see you tomorrow in the next video

For more infomation >> Breathing Exercises for Singing #2 - Duration: 1:27.



we are checking out a new restaurant

today it is called the five spot cafe!

many have practice all

are you telling them what do you feel

are a big man you are you something

because we're going to tolerate me are

you can get one free water and discuss

fine-looking whoever you always use that

have actually my everything off water

slide down your hair to give you are you

thinking about

we're going to wait question your

balance of our time to get their things

like not have I wish I am going to call

white cheddar pieces

ok that's how to paint this hot get on


yes la silla good no wall away from that

game of tennis shoes on annihilated plot

bother her throughout it was searched..

your Excuse concerned when you get a

hamburger with fries haha what did you

get that real kamon with finish and and

then would you get what you get

yeah pop would you get don't want your

hamburger yeah daddy are going to that

is really beautiful actually from trans

because five big man would you get

interesting man came again and mommy got

as high chicken wrap the rest of my

razor I can tell you're 11

yes you're seeing what are you doing


how do you guys like your food and your

gates broke we don't behave like a

free-kick I don't train now

yeah about how are you dad how's your

food served time has a murder might be

the best burger ever said yeah dying

no Mike yeah love it I was lucky enough

to share bite of that and it was really

really good at my age rap with where for

the word about this place the pitch is

really good you gotta try to live in

georgia extracting guide

For more infomation >> FOODIE AT A RESTAURANT. THE 5 SPOT CAFE - Duration: 5:08.


Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.

Hey everyone, Trace with you for a DNews Short We like to think we're special, that life

only pops up once in a planet's history.

But new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says there

might have been complex life on Earth before us that eventually died off!

It might have developed in the oceans far earlier than we previously thought.

Looking for ancient life is hard because not everything gets preserved as a fossil.

In fact, according to the researchers, the probability of an organism becoming fossilized

is pretty low.

So instead of looking for direct evidence of life, they have to search for evidence

of the conditions to support life.

In this case, they looked for a form of the element selenium in sedimentary rocks over

2 billion years old.

Selenium reacts when it's exposed to oxygen, so the researchers were trying to find evidence

of this oxidation.

This would be clear sign that there had been oxygen in the air at that time.

And they found it!

Based on the selenium traces they analyzed, the researchers were able to reasonably conclude

that oxygen was present in the Earth's atmosphere between 2 and 2.4 billion years ago, which

is much earlier than our oldest recorded fossils of complex life; those are only about 1.75

billion years old.

Their research says that oxygen levels were possibly high enough to have an impact on

the planet's ecology!

After this time period though, the oxygen levels crashed, and the life, if it had evolved,

likely died off.

So the next question is, what caused global oxygen levels to drop so dramatically?

There's work to be done, but in the meantime, this type of research might help us look for

ancient life in extreme environments, like distant planets and moons!

And speaking of, what if life didn't start on Earth but actually came from space?

We talk about that idea in this video.

What else would you like to know about fossils and the history of the planet?

Let us know down in the comments, make sure you subscribe so you get more DNews and thanks

for watching.

For more infomation >> Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.


Windy with wet snow - Duration: 2:44.

showers. Rain mix. Light

accumulation of around 1" or

less through evening.

High: 36 Thursday night: Breezy

with Scattered

snow showers. Around 1 inch or

2. Heavier in snowbelt.

. Low: 26

Friday: Mostly cloudy and

breezy. Scattered snow showers.

High: 30 Low: 26 Saturday:

Mostly cloudy. Chance snow


High: 29 Low: 22 Sunday: Mostly

cloudy. Scattered

snow showers.

High: 28 Low: 20 Monday: Mostly

cloudy. Chance for

snow showers.

High: 26 Low: 15 Tuesday: Mostly

cloudy. Chance for

snow showers.

High: 36 Low: 19 Wednesday:

Mostly cloudy. Chance for

snow showers.

High: 33 Low: 26 Thursday:

Mostly cloudy. Isolated snow


High: 33 Low: 22 [C3]20170125


A YSU Penguin is having some

good practices at the Senior

Bowl, and catching the

eyes of NFL Scouts.

For more infomation >> Windy with wet snow - Duration: 2:44.


How Deaf And Hearing YouTubers Collaborate - Duration: 8:00.

(marker scratching)

(electronic game sound)

So during my years on YouTube

I've done collaborations with a few people.

I've done collaborations with Nic Foti, James Rath,

Molly Burke, Tommy Edison, who has been the most

recent person I've done a collab with.

So I've done a few, and there's a pattern here, right?

They're all hearing.

And whenever I do a collaboration with a hearing YouTuber,

I see a flood of comments,

a lot of them with different reactions,

but all have the same sort of question,

depending on which reaction you're looking at.

So here's a few different reactions.

Wait a second, so how is she understanding

everything that Molly is saying?

What is happening over here, oh my god,

is she actually reading her lips, wait what?

Which is a normal reaction, although I will say,

in those videos that Molly and I have done together

we've already established in the video

exactly how that happened.

But that's okay, but that's okay.

However, there are also some reactions like this,

which mostly occurred in Tommy's video.

"Fake! She's not really deaf. What the?!

"She can understand everything that Tommy is saying,

she's talking, oh my gosh, she has some hearing left.

She's not deaf. Fake! Fake! Fake!

Mom, she's fake!"

Some of that was exaggerated for comedic effect,

not that some of y'all understood that

in the Shit Hearing People Say video, but anyway.

But that reaction brought up

some great "conversation" there.

And, no, thanks honey, but a couple weeks later,

a couple months later, still deaf over here.

Still deaf over here with residual hearing,

like many other deaf people.

But that's okay, what we're gonna do

is we're going to answer the question.

So I'm going to in this video tell you

exactly how it goes, how planning

with another YouTuber, who is hearing goes,

because there is some planning that gets into this.

First of all, if you haven't watched the video

that I did with Tommy, a lot of that, a lot of this

was already covered in that video,

so you could just use those for this.

But, every time I've contacted another YouTuber

or they contact me and we discuss doing our collaboration,

we come up with a plan, we come up with what the idea is,

you know, what we're gonna talk about and all of that.

So I get an idea of what is possibly

gonna come out of their mouths,

and what I can say, that kind of thing.

I have made a video called Bluffing.

Something about bluffing, it was a video about bluffing,

which means that if a deaf or hard-of-hearing person

is near a hearing person, communicating with them,

they'll often act like they know what they're saying,

but they don't really, but they just go with it

with the uh-huh, oh yeah, mm-hm, really, yeah, okay.

That kind of thing, that is what mostly happens

when I'm doing a collaboration with someone.

So whenever people are like, wait a second,

but she understood everything Molly was saying

or she understood everything that James was saying

or Tommy, or da da da,

at least half the time I don't understand

what's going on or what exactly is being said

until the captions come on when the video goes live.

So there is that.

Another thing is script, half of the collaborations I did

were 100%, or at least mostly scripted.

The video I did with Nicola,

which was a sketch video, that was scripted.

The video that I did with Tommy

on how deaf and blind people communicate,

that was 100% scripted.

That was 100% scripted.

So I already know what they're saying

because it's on a piece of paper

that's actually right in front of us on the table.

Now my lip reading skills are still practically nonexistent.

But if I have the script in front of me,

I already know what the words are gonna be,

I can read them pretty well from the person's mouth

if we don't have an interpreter present.

If we don't have an interpreter present.

Because it's already there.

Now this is a very, very rare occasion, but interpreters.

Now the only time there was ever an interpreter present

was when I did videos with Tommy

and Andrea acted as interpreter.

Now no, she isn't certified,

but this was not an official business thing.

If this was official business,

like if I was doing a collaboration with,

I don't know, let's say Google for example,

I don't know, then we would have a certified interpreter.

But in this case it was a little fun gig between friends,

so whatever.

So for the video that I did with Tommy,

that wasn't scripted, the one that was on my channel,

When People Mix Up Deaf and Blind.

You had Amanda... Amanda?! You had Andrea in the corner interpreting.

So you'll notice that I'm often looking towards this way

whereas Tommy is looking over here.

Tommy is not looking over here,

I'm looking over at Tommy, and she is over there.

So it kind of just works out.

So if we don't have a script, for example,

while I did a collaboration with James and Molly,

James was the most difficult to understand out of all

of them, out of all the collaborations that I did.

So when the Dating and Disabled video went up,

I actually didn't really know all of what he said.

I got a portion of it, but most of it I didn't

until that video went live and I watched it,

and I went, oh, that's what he said, a lot of the time.

Molly is actually the easiest for me to understand,

which is strange, because I guess normally I understand,

I don't know, it really depends on the person.

But Molly was the easiest to understand

besides Nicola at the time.

So a lot of the time I was hearing Molly pretty well,

but that's because she was loud,

she really amped up the volume, which is what works.

Now, as you know, videos are edited,

so there were a lot of times when we had to redo something

because I didn't understand what she was saying

and then we had to - she had to repeat herself

or she had to reword what she was saying,

or we were just gonna give up and then go with it.

I was like, never mind, just move on, move on

because we don't have the time for this.

And that's what I think a lot of people seem to forget,

is that videos are always edited.

So videos made me look as if I could understand them

more than I actually do, and again, bluffing.

Now another thing that happens is pen, paper.

This is kind of like planning,

but sometimes if we're right there and then doing the video,

for example, I'll go back to when I did a video with Molly,

and I show this in one of the videos,

I think that was the one we did on my channel,

How Deaf and Blind People Communicate.

(sighs) I'm running out of breath.

We often had to stop filming and then write

what she was gonna say, or at least an idea

of what she was gonna say so I could go along with it

and help put things together.

So now, add in attempted lip reading,

because there are some things that I do understand,

and residual hearing, put those last two things together

actually, and then mix them in with all the other things,

that's pretty much how you collaborate

with a hearing person if you are deaf or hard of hearing.

It's actually pretty simple,

and it's the same thing that I do in real life,

except it's for a video.

And should any more collaborations happen,

that's what we're gonna do.

It depends on who exactly I'm working with.

Pen and paper, repeating, phones,

it's just every day, but filmed.

So hopefully that helps you out a little bit.

Now I'm glad I have this video

so now that every time somebody asks,

I'm just gonna link 'em to this video to make it easier.

If you want to follow me on all my social media,

links to that will be down below.

If you want to help support my content,

you can do so by being a patron on Patreon.

Link to that down below.

Or you can leave a one time tip on ko-fi,

link also down below.

I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated,

and I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> How Deaf And Hearing YouTubers Collaborate - Duration: 8:00.


Volvo V60 bjr 2013 2.0 D4 5-CIL 120kW/163pk 6-bak R-DESIGN C - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 2013 2.0 D4 5-CIL 120kW/163pk 6-bak R-DESIGN C - Duration: 0:44.


Peugeot 508 SW | 2010 - 2014 | Review (Dutch) - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW | 2010 - 2014 | Review (Dutch) - Duration: 5:52.



For more infomation >> CUCHILLO CALIENTE A 1000 GRADOS AL ESTILO PERUANO | OSCAR- DU - Duration: 6:02.


БАБУШКА БОДИБИЛДЕР Эрнестина Шепард 80-ЛЕТНЯЯ КУЛЬТУРИСТКА - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> БАБУШКА БОДИБИЛДЕР Эрнестина Шепард 80-ЛЕТНЯЯ КУЛЬТУРИСТКА - Duration: 2:50.



the Sun and the planets Jupiter are made

of almost exactly the same stuff

Jupiter's like a piece of the Sun so why

are they were alike

the Sun and Jupiter have a lot in common

the Sun is made almost entirely of

hydrogen and helium there's a sprinkle

of the other elements but mostly

hydrogen and helium Jupiter is made of

almost exactly the same stuff as the Sun

and yet jupiter has a higher

concentration of these heavier elements

in it

these elements are heavy they're more

massive than hydrogen or helium so you

might have expected them to fall into

the center of the solar system but no

they are stuck where you are a Jupiter

now these elements are significant

because these are the elements that make

up the earth and you and me and you know

why they're out here in Jupiter nobody

knows why that's why we're sending the

Juno mission out there

about the only person around it doesn't

have TV coverage of the men they got the

black up now and you can feel better

than getting a TV picture now epic fail

yes we are getting a


one all

bad way

For more infomation >> WHY WITH DR. NYE - IS JUPITER S A PIECE OF THE SUN - Duration: 1:50.



the juno spacecraft to encounter some of

the most intense radiation in the solar

system so how do we protect

jupiter has a very strong magnetic field

14 times stronger than the Earth's

magnetic field this is though if we cut

the planet in half we find a giant

magnet inside like this one you see here

is the magnetic field pattern created by

these little pieces of iron but Jupiter

doesn't have a magnet inside instead it

probably has a core made of hydrogen

squeeze down to such high pressure that

it acts like a metal and when it turns

and swirls it produces the super strong

magnetic field that draws particles from

the Sun and such high speeds that they

produce the radiation equivalent of 100

million x-ray now that radiation would

destroy the electronics on board the

junos face so what we do is we enclose

junos electronics in a mental vault like

this one so our electronics can survive

now the real vault on board you know

doesn't look like a cookie tin it was

more like this and it's made of titanium

like this very lightweight and strong

metal oh yeah thats titanium

about the only person around it doesn't

have TV coverage of the face and then

they got the black up now you're gonna

be getting a TV picture now they are gay

in out

that's one all





look at these delicious baked goods

they're all quite different but they're

made from the scene basic ingredients

flour eggs yeast the solar systems like

we really have just a few elements but

they're mixed together and all these

different in extraordinary ways that we

end up with all the planets in the solar

system so how does Jupiter help us learn

how this mixture came to be

this is super well it's not Jupiter is a

model of Jupiter see jupiter is huge

Sugar's big big big meech identically

enormously huge Jupiter is bigger than

all of the other planets in the solar

system combined super probably formed

first and it's got an enormous amount of

gravity and that gravity bong all the

elements of the solar system all over

the place i mean we're talking about

carbon and nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen

hydrogen and oxygen that's water all the

water got flung around the solar system

like Jupiter's grab it now this is what

we call diffusion diffusion for old

words that need to pour out you can do

some diffusion yourself here is room

temperature water in this jar and cool

water which we've dyed blue in this jar

now when something is cool its molecules

are moving more slow and they're packed

closer together so the blue water is a

little heavier than the room temperature

water and watch what happens when we

pull this slippery card nothing happens

they stay right in position but here

dyed red i have warm water molecules are

moving faster and they're pushed farther

apart so it's actually just a tiny bit

less water down here than up here

this water is denser so when I pull this

car down the warm water is going to

diffuse into the room temperature

fast it happens

gravity is driving the cruel room

temperature water down which is forcing

the warm red dyed water up diffusion is

driven here by gravity now Jupiter and

the solar system so little over four and

a half billion years old so that was

enough time for Jupiter's gravity to

diffuse all of the elements all over the

solar system all the stuff that you and

I are made-up got here on earth because

of the enormous gravity of this enormous

planet diffusing us all over the solar


a person around it doesn't have TV

coverage of the baby and a man they got

the black up now you're gonna be getting

a TV picture never fail us we are

getting a

Victor Kilian out one all


For more infomation >> WHY WITH DR. NYE - JUPITER IS LIKE A BLENDER - Duration: 3:34.



there's been a storm raging on the

planet Jupiter for over 300 years with

extraordinary wins and waiting and

nobody knows why or even how big it is

really it's you

the Great Red Spot the Great Red Spot

has been on the surface of Jupiter for

at least 300 years it was first observed

by Gian dominical Athena three centuries

ago and he noticed that it seemed to be

a big storm on the surface it's three

earth diameters why it hasn't moved it

hasn't gone north or south in all that

time but we really don't know how deep

it goes

is it thin feature like a piece of paper

or is it a great big Angry wedge of

store penetrates deep into Jupiter all

the way to its core

whatever inside we don't know but this

we do know the Great Red Spot is caught

between two currents or bands that are

moving in opposite direction

it's like a ball bearing between two

surfaces as the band's move the great

red ball stays still course we really

call it the great red ball we we call it

the Great Red Spot you gotta figure the

more we learn about the Great Red Spot

the more will know about storms on

Jupiter and storms on earth you you

weren't supposed to see that

about the only person on it doesn't have

TV coverage of the things and then they

got the black up now you're gonna feel

better in the morning TV picture now

they'll yes we are getting

baby pictures chillin out one all


For more infomation >> WHY WITH DR. NYE - JUPITER'S SUPER STORM - Duration: 2:30.



essentials humans have found their way

on the tracklist oceans using patterns

of stars in the sky

well how would you know find its way to

Jupiter in the trackless space of space

in order to get the juno spacecraft in

orbit around Jupiter we have to navigate

it precisely in deep space so let's say

this little model represents the juno

spacecraft and this laser pointer and

these two straws represent junos star

tracker navigations cameras onboard you

know look for a pattern of holiday

lights in a black card

I'm Emmy a pattern of stars in deep

space and when it recognizes the pattern

that's been programmed into it by

navigators here on earth

it causes the Piney rocket motors to

steer juno precisely on course now

juno doesn't want to aim right for

Jupiter itself you want to get in orbit

around you notice even the slightest

disturbance in deep space will cause you

know to miss will miss Jupiter or miss

its orbit and it will miss it by that

much now that much doesn't seem like

much here but in deep space that much

becomes hundreds of thousands of

kilometers or miles are millions of

leagues the journal be gone forever lost

in space

history about the only person around it

doesn't have TV coverage of the things

and that man got the black up now and

you can start getting a TV picture sale

yes we are getting a

picture1 all


For more infomation >> WHY WITH DR. NYE - HOW NOT TO GET LOST IN SPACE - Duration: 2:33.


Hair Tips in Urdu | Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil | Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne - Duration: 3:37.

Hair Tips in Urdu

Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil

Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne

For more infomation >> Hair Tips in Urdu | Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil | Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne - Duration: 3:37.


YOU NEED THIS: Best Review 2017 Ford Fusion Sport - Duration: 2:53.

when we conducted our first test of 42

new for 2017 fusion sport with it's 325

horsepower to dot seven liter

turbocharged power house we expected to

take delivery of this muscular family

sedan on the modules available summer

tires that didn't happen instead it

arrived wearing goodyear eagle f1

asymmetric all-season rubber he's

performed admirably certainly an

acceleration text garnering 5dr one

second zero to 60 miles per hour times

and it ran the quarter mountain 13.7

seconds at 101 miles per hour that at

least a half second leader in either

measure then the quickest to be six

powered competitive so there's no doubt

which family hauler is hauling estate on

the market riding on the all season tire

as its standard operating procedure for

family sedans the all-wheel-drive fusion

sport delivered 0.84 grams of lateral

acceleration on the skidpad putting it

near the sharp end of the segment and

stopped from 70 miles per alan 178 feet

near the bottom of its competitive set

but what are the constant benefits of

replacing the standard rubber with

summer tires of the identical 235 / 40

or 19

sighs the cost is fairly easy to figure

4-2 offers instead of continental

contisportcontact five tires for a

piddling 195 dollars that consumers in

the cold and snowy states will need to

buy instead of winter tires upset outlay

considerably winter tires in the

original equipment science cost between

850 dollars in 1100 dollars not

including mounting and balancing or a

spare set of wheel we advise that even

owners of all season equipped vehicles

all-wheel drive or not

should switch to winter tire that they

drive in any area that get significant

snowfall but if you basking a year-round

warm and sunny climates 195 dollars is a


For more infomation >> YOU NEED THIS: Best Review 2017 Ford Fusion Sport - Duration: 2:53.


YOU NEED THIS: BEST INFO 2017 Lincoln Continental - Duration: 6:28.

brand named after beloved American

president and which one supplied cars to

president is now looking to china for

salvation following the Jewish proven

path that you can see the Middle Kingdom

and it's swelling ranks of status

obsession with riches as the ladder on

which it plans to climb back to market

relevance in china lincoln still is

associated with Kennedy and Eisenhower

and American glamorous there they can

carry is no negative baggage from

decades of neglect in China the new

lincoln continental hopes to make it

pardon the Lincoln fuck mark in the

united states where drivers are perhaps

a bit more discerning the continental

log the ball and chain of Lincoln's more

recent history and we'll have to prove

itself against some very formidable

competition in that context the car

turns out to be like Lincoln himself a

work-in-progress the thoroughly fuss

over design with exclusively beveled

edges and lovely LED light bars in fact

that give a theme with neon look makes

an imposing statement from many angles

and the interior takes linking to

Heights that were and imagine when the

brand sold nothing but bacon-wrapped

form but the car despite its sales

having begun already is not yet fully

finished a few rough edges indicate that

Lincoln is not quite ready to be like to

support a German luxury triumvirate and

it even has its hands full with the

hard-charging genesis of branded hyundai

whether you get the base front-wheel

drive 40 5485 dollars premier or the

loaded all-wheel-drive 60 5840 dollars

black label this is a big machine

slightly longer both in wheel gates 117

point nine inches and between the

license place 201 point four inches than

the standard wield a lexus LS itself a

rather grandma

unlike the biggest lexus or the biggest

audi BMW or Mercedes bent there is only

one continental wheelbase at this point

so you can have any size you want as

long as its XL decides that they can

give you a choice of three transversely

mounted v6 engine the Chinese get a

fourth engine a to da 20 litre turbo and

a choice of front or all-wheel drive

unless you pick the most powerful to

inter bo3 dot 0 leader which comes only

with all-wheel drive the other six

cylinders are naturally aspirated three

dots seven leader in the twin turbo 2

dot seven leaders for our first shot

they can made available only 23 dr.

leader boasting 400 horsepower and 400

pounds to sort of torque in the top two

trim levels wearing nearly every option

a 70 4705 dollars reserved in eighty

thousand two hundred sixty dollars Black

Label decides the full load of features

and trim upgrade the ladder comes with

experiential extras including concierge

service will pick up and delivering an

extended maintenance plan they both had

a full suite of luxury and safety

options including the much-heralded 13

way power seat rear seat climate control

self cinching doors twin sunroof and

blind spot and lane departure warning

systems among the failings of electronic

taken gadgets unlatches door via the

high amount of handle and the interior

is easily accessible through big portal

both front and rear once ensconced

behind the wheel you notice immediately

the soft embrace of the broader

husband's front throne

reminiscent of those found in the

industry's current and longtime pockets


volvo receipts many adjustments include

two critical ones found on few cars in

Independence upper thorax components

that articulates the upper half of the

seat back and has read suggestions that

looks soft cushion exactly where you

want it

unlike many modern feet which curve away

from your upper shoulders and neck and

Nathan dangling and dead space's part of

a chief town mechanical anti-whiplash

scheme the Lincoln's can be configured

after a few moments of familiar ization

to achieve perfect spinal alignment we

only wish the back seat where is


there's tons of living room and back but

the rear bench doesn't welcome or 240

nearly as opulently as the front and the

head of this five foot eleven to

reporter was almost touching the roof

don't care

in love

For more infomation >> YOU NEED THIS: BEST INFO 2017 Lincoln Continental - Duration: 6:28.


E mail adresse Der Schlüssel zum Interessenten - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> E mail adresse Der Schlüssel zum Interessenten - Duration: 2:30.


iLL Camille "Almost There" fe...

For more infomation >> iLL Camille "Almost There" fe...


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


Nivelle's Spring Offensive - Royal Conspiracy In Greece I THE GREAT WAR Week 131 - Duration: 10:23.

Germany had a new plan that they were soon to implement, and it may well bring neutral

nations into the war as enemies.

One of those nations was the United States, but Germany wasn't worried about them, and

this week they tell you why.

I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to the Great War.

Last week there was scattered action on the Western Front and the Italians front, an Allied

declaration from Rome promised to strive for the national rights of the many peoples of

the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the German Foreign Minister offered German support of

Mexico if Mexico went to war with the US.

That was done to deflect American energy in case the US went to war against Germany.

Though that was not planned at the moment, and on January 22nd US President Woodrow Wilson

said that while the US would not have a voice in determining what terms of peace for the

World War should be, they would have a voice in seeing whether those terms would be lasting

as guaranteed.

Things the US would join in guaranteeing were: a) it must be a peace without victory, that

negotiations would be conducted between equals, b) nations, whether great or small, must have

equality of rights, c) government must be based on the consent of the governed, for

example, there must be a united, independent, autonomous Poland, d) the paths of the sea

must be free, which is "the most immediately and intensely practical question connected

with the future fortunes of nations and of mankind".

But those paths of the sea were not going to be free for very long, Germany was planning

to re-introduce unrestricted submarine warfare, where all ships, neutral or otherwise, within

the war zone were subject to being sunk on sight without warning.

Now, everybody knew that this was going to be a big problem for the United States and

the drowning of American sailors and civilians might bring the US into the war, but was Germany

really worried about that possibility?

Well, on January 23rd, Count Bernstorff, German ambassador in Washington, asked Berlin for

$50,000 dollars to influence members of Congress to remain neutral.

That's over a million dollars in today's money, but here's what the German High Command

thought: Admiral Eduard von Capelle, the German Secretary of State for the Navy, told the

budgetary committee of the Reichstag, "They (the Americans) will not even come because

our submarines will sink them.

Thus America from a military point of view means nothing, and again nothing, and for

a third time nothing."

And, in terms of the American army, he kind of had a point.

The American army at this time numbered 107,641 men; it was only the 17th largest army in

the world (Keegan).

The Allies on just the Western Front had 40 times that- four million men, and the Germans

on the Western Front fielded two and a half million men, 25 times the size of the entire

American army.

And those guys had experience of modern war.

The US army had no experience of large-scale operations since the American Civil War 50

years ago.

The reserves, the National Guard, were larger- a whopping 132,000 men, but that was a part

time militia that was poorly trained.

The US did have one top-notch force, the Marines, but there were only 15,000 of them and they

were scattered around America's overseas possessions and interests, so really, the

Germans wondered, why should we even worry about them at all?

They had another neutral nation to worry about that seemed more important at the time.


Now, the Greek government formally apologized this week to the Allies for Greek actions

back on December 1st.

This is very interesting and I'll tell you why.

King Constantine, in spite of his familial connections to the Kaiser, always publicly

affirmed his friendship with the Allies, but it seems he was playing a double game.

Later this year in Athens will be discovered telegrams between Constantine and Queen Sophia

on one hand and the Kaiser, her brother, on the other.

These illustrate a series of anti-Entente plots that have been going on for the past

couple of months.

On December 1st, a Greek force had attacked an Allied force in Athens, and this was why

Greece was being forced to apologize.

Sophia wrote to her brother about the splendid victory the Greeks had achieved.

In this telegram she demands a strong German and Austrian offensive that would relieve

Greece from foreign occupation.

The Kaiser wrote back urging Constantine to declare war on the allies and actively fight

the occupying Allied forces.

They weren't in a position to do this though.

Here's one telegram from Sophia to Wilhelm, from January 10th, courtesy of "The Story

of the Great War", "...the shortage of ammunition and many other things compel us

unfortunately to abstain from such offensive action.

You can realize my position.

How I suffer.

Thanks you warmly for your welcome words.

May the infamous swine receive the punishment they deserve.

I embrace you heartily.

Your exiled and unhappy sister, who hopes for better times.


Constantine had written to the Kaiser a few days earlier, " is probable that a

declaration of war might come before a mobilization might be affected.

Probably the Entente desire to involve Greece in immediate war so as to destroy her before

the German occupation could begin.

Already Greece is faced with a fresh Entente note demanding her complete disarmament.

The transport of the whole artillery and war materiel to the Peloponnesus is being maintained

by the pressure of the blockade.

The government and people are resisting with constancy, enduring all sorts of privations,

but the situation is growing worse from day to day."

The Kaiser had been urging them to support and organize guerrilla bands in the Lake Okrida

region and even back in December, Georgios Theotokis, the Greek Minister in Berlin, had

written, " is of the greatest importance to develop as quickly as possible the question

of Caravitis's (guerrilla) bands and matters relative thereto.

Pray inform me with all speed what assistance in the way of munitions, money, and provisions

you would want.

The object of Caravitis should be to cut the railroad from Monastir to Saloniki and harass

(Allied General) Sarrail's rear.

One should not lose sight that even this unofficial action by the bands will powerfully help Greece..."

But this was a real big time for plans and preparations everywhere.

Here's something I didn't have time to mention last week.

French Commander in Chief Robert Nivelle had explained his plans for his big 1917 Offensive.

It would take place at Chemin des Dames.

It would be a multi-pronged attack on the German line west of Reims and Nivelle believed

it would decide the war in under 48 hours.

It would be a repeat tactically of what had worked so well in the final stages of the

Battle of Verdun, and the "death blow" would come from a strike force of 27 French

divisions of infantry and cavalry.

Nivelle also promised that this would not turn into another endless Verdun or Somme.

He promised that if- impossibly- it failed to succeed within two days, he would call

it off.

He had persuaded British Prime Minister Lloyd George of the plan's merits, and on January

15th Nivelle met with the British war cabinet.

He won them over as well, though there was the question of timing.

Nivelle thought they could begin in February, Sir Douglas Haig suggested May and they compromised,

setting the date for April 1st.

And here are some notes to end the week.

In German East Africa, Jan Smuts relinquished his command of the British forces there, and

was succeeded by A.R.


The British were currently advancing there and on the 24th captured a German force of

289 men at Likuju.

Forces of the Arab Revolt captured Al Wajh on the Red Sea, and on the 25th, the SS Laurentic

was sunk by German mines off the Irish Coast.

That was a White Star Ocean Liner headed for Canada with a secret cargo of gold to buy

war material.

354 of the 475 passengers lives were lost, many of them freezing to death in the lifeboats

in -13 degree weather.

And that was the week.

Wilson talking about peace plans, Nivelle making war plans, the Greeks talking about

guerrilla war plans, the Germans dismissing the Americans, and scattered action in Arabia,

Africa, and the Atlantic.

It's true, you know, that the size of the American army was nothing compared to the

mighty armies of the European powers.

The US did have a large modern navy, but that might not help much in France.

One thing the US did have that Germany may want to not ignore was an enormous modern

arms industry, entirely built over the past two years with European money to supply the

war effort.

And a huge population that could conceivably become soldiers in the millions.

But that would take time, and Germany did not plan on wasting time.

They were about to take an unbelievably nasty war and make it a lot nastier.

If you want to find out more about the situation in the US before World War 1, you can click

right here for our special episode about that.

Our Patreon supporter of the week is Philip Kunze von Bischhoffshausen - support us on

Patreon to make this show even better.

Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Nivelle's Spring Offensive - Royal Conspiracy In Greece I THE GREAT WAR Week 131 - Duration: 10:23.


Lampenschirme aus Holzfurnierstoff I DIY einfach kreativ - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Lampenschirme aus Holzfurnierstoff I DIY einfach kreativ - Duration: 4:19.


How I kept my phone and GoPro charged during my bike tour- Santa Barbara Bike Tour - Duration: 0:19.

It's getting a little bit wet

For those of you who are wondering how I charge my GoPro and my phone.


I use this.

An external battery.

It's great. You can charge up to

10 times

of one regular smartphone.

For more infomation >> How I kept my phone and GoPro charged during my bike tour- Santa Barbara Bike Tour - Duration: 0:19.


Honda CR-V 2.0i AWD LIFESTYLE ECC NAVI PDC V+A 18"LMV D.GLAS - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i AWD LIFESTYLE ECC NAVI PDC V+A 18"LMV D.GLAS - Duration: 1:53.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4I CVVT 4WD Dynamic Aut. | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4I CVVT 4WD Dynamic Aut. | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:33.


Hyundai ix20 1.6 I-Vision - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6 I-Vision - Duration: 1:27.



For more infomation >> MINI 1.6i COOPER 10-YEARS II ECC FULL-NAVI LEDER PANO-S - Duration: 0:43.


Honda CR-Z 1.5i-VTEC HYBRID SPORT ECC PDC LMV NL-AUTO 1e-EIGE - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-Z 1.5i-VTEC HYBRID SPORT ECC PDC LMV NL-AUTO 1e-EIGE - Duration: 1:53.


Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i LX - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i LX - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C1 1.0I AMBIANCE AIRCO - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0I AMBIANCE AIRCO - Duration: 1:30.


NEW Huggies Snug and Dry - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> NEW Huggies Snug and Dry - Duration: 2:36.


Bus driver in Oslo presses cyclist out of the road - Duration: 2:21.

Cyclist: "32 to Voksen skog, [reg. nr.]."

Cyclist: "What in the world is it -" Bus driver: "You are on the road."

Cyclist: "Yes, it is there I am supposed to be." Bus driver: "It is a big vehicle."

Cyclist: "What company do you drive for? Nobina?" Bus driver: "Drive."

Cyclist: "I will report you to the police."

For more infomation >> Bus driver in Oslo presses cyclist out of the road - Duration: 2:21.


In Real Life Episode 19 - Your Secret - Duration: 6:18.

Hey I'm Amanda Vernon in this episode I

share my song "Your Secret" keep

watching after the performance to hear

what my four-year-old daughter and I

have in common when it comes to

expressing love

♪ I know / Your secret ♪

♪ You tried / To keep it ♪

♪ Your actions / Have been giving you away ♪

♪ Did you think / I wouldn't notice ♪

♪ I'm not blind and / You know it ♪

♪ You love me ♪

♪ You might say you ♪

♪ Never even told me ♪

♪ It's more / Than you'll admit ♪

♪ But I know ♪

♪ Your secret ♪

♪ It's how you ♪

♪ Nudge me with your shoulder ♪

♪ When you're walking by my side ♪

♪ How you listen for days ♪

♪ As I overanalyze / It's how you ♪

♪ Always make me laugh ♪

♪ Even when I'm feeling blue ♪

♪ How you speak the words of comfort ♪

♪ When I don't know what to do ♪

♪ You love me ♪

♪ You might say you ♪

♪ Never even told me ♪

♪ It's more / Than you'll admit ♪

♪ But I know ♪

♪ Your secret ♪

♪ Your secret's safe with me ♪

♪ I'll never make you feel weak ♪

♪ 'Cause love is strong ♪

♪ It won't stay hidden ♪

♪ For too long ♪

♪ You love me ♪

♪ You might say you ♪

♪ Never even told me ♪

♪ It's more / Than you'll admit ♪

♪ But I know ♪

♪ Your secret ♪

There are many more ways to express love

than by saying the words I love you some

of those ways are touching as I wrote

about in this song other ways are really

confusing like when love and stress meet

my four-year-old daughter Chiara is like

a mirror for me sometimes reflecting my

own attitude

here's an example so when we were

getting ready to move from our home in

California to Arizona recently I knew that

Chiara was going to be really sad to miss

all of our beloved friends there

especially our neighbors next door

I tried to get her ready for this

experience by talking about our

feelings like how are you doing with

this and her answer was I'm not gonna be sad

ok so moving day arrives and I say okay

Chiara today's the day of our move we're

gonna need to say goodbye to people

it's okay to be sad and she says I'm not

sad I'm not gonna miss anyone

I'm fine it took us a few weeks for

Chiara even after we moved to admit that

she actually was sad that that's okay and

then to work toward feeling better

as I look at her attitude there I

see a lot of myself sometimes when I am

interacting with the people who I'm

closest with and I'm also stressed out

I'll take the same attitude like I don't

need you

I'm fine now sometimes I say those

words but usually it's my actions that

are portraying this either way what I

really mean deep down is I love you

seeing this attitude arising in my

four-year-old fills me with compassion

and it's a compassion that I need to

have for myself as well that same

compassion also stretches out to the people

who I know care about me and sometimes

they might send confusing signals as

well so it's comforting to remember that

sometimes all we really mean by

that is I love you this episode is made

possible by my patrons thanks to our

newest patron Caty their support empowers

me to share my gifts and to support my

family at the same time

For more infomation >> In Real Life Episode 19 - Your Secret - Duration: 6:18.


This Little Light of Mine | Baby Sunday school nursery song | Christian Baby Bounce 3D Animation - Duration: 2:21.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine, Let it shine,

Let it shine.

Hide it under a bushel?


I'm gonna let it shine Hide it under a bushel?


I'm gonna let it shine Hide it under a bushel?


I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine,

Let it shine, Let it shine.

Let it shine till Jesus come I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine till Jesus come I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine

Let it shine.

For more infomation >> This Little Light of Mine | Baby Sunday school nursery song | Christian Baby Bounce 3D Animation - Duration: 2:21.


Kunde - Dialectical Groove | Underground Boombap Rap Instrumental - Duration: 3:47.

The monopoly of power...

is a menace to freedom...

It degrades

and victimizes every individual

And where is the individual?

Lost in terror...

Because he has been set to hate instead of love

If civilization is to survive...

We must combat power

Until the dignity and peace of man are restored...

For more infomation >> Kunde - Dialectical Groove | Underground Boombap Rap Instrumental - Duration: 3:47.


Begin with WordPress | Tutorial 2017 | Everything Step by Step - Duration: 32:54.

Hey guys, welcome Again and in this video Step by Stem WordPress tutorial 2017

I am going to cover everything, step by step

you need to know before setting up your blog or website

As, i have said earlier, you need three things to setup tour blog or website

The first one is a right Domain name

Second one is a right hosting plan

and then your blogging platform

like WordPress, or Joomla or any other CMS


For more infomation >> Begin with WordPress | Tutorial 2017 | Everything Step by Step - Duration: 32:54.


Hardcore Dj Mix 2017 - 33 Oldschool Hard Techno Tracks - Duration: 56:51.

Hardcore Dj Mix 2017 - 33 Oldschool Hard Techno Tracks

For more infomation >> Hardcore Dj Mix 2017 - 33 Oldschool Hard Techno Tracks - Duration: 56:51.


On Turning 30 – My Fears (Spoken Word) | vlog #59 - Duration: 2:37.

Alright I'm going to be real with you today.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of the safety that I hide behind and I'm afraid of being closed off,

of being tired.

I'm afraid that I'm letting go, I'm afraid of good

enough, I'm afraid that I'm settling for nothing

of value, that I'm settling down.

I'm afraid of living my life for comfort and

satisfaction and I'm afraid that God will

have to work in spite of me rather that through me.

I'm afraid that I'll never be able to turn these words into actions and I'll stand here

and tell you what I want to do but stop.

I'm afraid I'll spend my entire life in theory,

that I'll lose the passion that I had when I was young.

That I'll always be searching and I'll never be who I was meant to be because I will let

fear and anxiety rule my life, trust me, that is a real, real fear.

It's not the fear, it's not the anxiety.

It's what it does to me.

It's how it cripples me from doing anything real and how it makes me worry so much about

being safe.

I'm afraid I'll be one of the mockers, that I'll let my pride hold me back.

That I'll always be self conscious of how I'm perceived that I'll shy away from anything


I'm afraid.

So help me, God.

Even if it makes me look stupid, help me take the first step.

Help me let go of my pride and love the people around me.

Help me recklessly worship.

Help me move into real life.

Help me actually live.

For more infomation >> On Turning 30 – My Fears (Spoken Word) | vlog #59 - Duration: 2:37.


5 Reasons Why He Does Not Take You Seriously - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Why He Does Not Take You Seriously - Duration: 2:05.


images from Aikatsu Stars 2 New characters And their names Part 1 By Aikatsu Series - Duration: 1:04.

not known if Tsubasa x Hime and Yozora will emerge in Aikatsu Stars 2 there are no images of them at the moment

For more infomation >> images from Aikatsu Stars 2 New characters And their names Part 1 By Aikatsu Series - Duration: 1:04.


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


NEW in Talking Tom Gold Run - Tom Celebrates in China (Gameplay) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> NEW in Talking Tom Gold Run - Tom Celebrates in China (Gameplay) - Duration: 0:43.


Paano Hanapin ang Inyong Lugar ng Botohan (Tagalog) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Paano Hanapin ang Inyong Lugar ng Botohan (Tagalog) - Duration: 0:31.


Ajudar quem ajuda - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Ajudar quem ajuda - Duration: 1:24.


Episodio #1119 El aguacate milagroso - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Episodio #1119 El aguacate milagroso - Duration: 8:17.


Aircraft Carrier - Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II Carrier Training - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Aircraft Carrier - Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II Carrier Training - Duration: 8:28.


ESPECIAL DE 2000 SUBS !! - Duration: 15:24.

(Special New Year Video, when we reached 2000 subscribers)

Speak YouTube guys, you know?

Here is who is talking about Deadpool Gamer, I'm here bringing you another video

And well, guys, I'm finally here to bring you the 2000 special!

I'm here with Danilo!

Danilo: I'm hunting something to fiddle.

I'm here with Diego ... Or is it Diogo?

Diego: Well, my legs ...

And I'm here with Diogo!

I'm here with Mel too! (She's in her box)

She does not like bottles and today's video is about bottle

Well, guys, what I just said today's video is about the bottle.

And once again this misfortune that is always in the specials

(Water weapon)

Danilo: In the next special he will not be !!

Yes, this is the last time the water gun will appear in a special

(Pretending to be sad)

And people like I told you, I'm here with these guys from the zoeira who always so special

I wanted to bring more people just that everyone else is traveling

Less people because we are poor ...

And people today the Challenge of this special will be with the bottle of water, this challenge will be formed by two teams of two people that we will be forming soon

Danilo: "A pair of three"

It is a pair of three (Laughter)

Classes are coming and all this will come back (Laughter)

What I think fuck is that the guy spends all year, asking for lessons to finish and when the vacation comes what do we do? ...

I know we're going to stay at the computer all day !!

Beauty people we will make the teams, and each team will have ...

How many chances will the teams have? 5 or 3?

Danilo: 3 ... no, 5!

3 or 5?

3 chances

Each team will have 3 chances to hit the bottle (From turning the bottle)

And the team that can turn the bottle more often, will be able to play water and hit with the slippers the team that lost

Danilo: So let's make the teams! There are no expensive teams (Laughter)



Not worth !!

Good luck guys, now let's take "zero or one" to see what the teams will be

Teams formed Dead (I) and Diego against Danilo and Diogo

Let's start with beauty, the teams, me and Diego, and the enemy team, Danilo and Diogo

Let the challenges of the bottle begin !!

(First Chance)

(I begin)

Danilo: What rubbish!

Danilo: Your lives are ending (Laughter)


(Vez do Diego)

Our commemoration of Diego is half a second

(Vez do Danilo and Diogo)

Their lives are over (Laughter)

Diogo: But now that I was the first!

And that one there?

Diogo: It was not worth I was playing that pro Danilo

So come on second chance

Your lives are over again! (Laughs)

Danilo: I'll have to hit all of us to win !!

Either tie or lose

They lost !! (Laughter)

Danilo will hit at least one


(Second chance)

(I start over)


Celebrate me face !!

(Double celebration)

(Double celebration)

(Double celebration)

Danilo: No shit that we accompany

(Vez do Danilo and Diogo)

(Danilo begins)

Just to shut your mouth I'm going to make 3 points!

"Just to shut your mouth I'm going to make 3 points!"


No longer will 3 (Laughter)

Diogo: It's only going to make a

Danilo: Come very close !!

Danilo: Fuck you.

Now you're in Diogo's hand, if Diogo equals everybody loses more you'll take two and we'll only have one

This if you draw, if you lose you take two and no people

We won !! (Laughter)

(Double celebration)

Final Score: Dead (I) and Diego: 5 Danilo and Diogo: 1

Beauty guys Danilo and Diogo lost So come on, like I said at the beginning of the video Those who lost would be shot by water

You are too bad, you have lost both chances

Filling the water gun

Diogo: Testing weapon ...

Are you recording?

Danilo: "Are you recording? Are you recording?" (Laughter)

Danilo: Wait! Wait a little fucking !!

(Diogo was hit)

Danilo: Let me have the gun ...

Diego: Calma Danilo !!

(Danilo took the water gun)


More then this is it people, this one was the special of 2000 registered, I hope you have liked

I'm sorry for the delay but I was thinking about bringing this special when we had about 2,300 subscribers but the channel grew a lot

More then that's it guys, enjoy the channel page there on facebook, follow me on twitter why there I put a lot thing related to the channel then follow me there

Also has my instagram and my SnapChat, everyone will ta here in the description

More then this is it, thanks, said and until the next video !!

Diogo: Are you recording yet?

Okay, just recording there that I'm going to wet Diego

3,2,1 ...

You could not leave without taking a shot of expensive water (Laughter)


Let's go to 3000 subscribers !! Let's try to reach this month!

For more infomation >> ESPECIAL DE 2000 SUBS !! - Duration: 15:24.


O verdadeiro Big Brother - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> O verdadeiro Big Brother - Duration: 1:54.


The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them - Duration: 2:00.

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them

For more infomation >> The Benefits of Condoms and How to Use Them - Duration: 2:00.


Breathing Exercises for Singing #2 - Duration: 1:27.

Welcome to your singing lessons

My name is Eilish San and today we'll see two exercises to give tone to our diaphragm

and to increase the capacity to breathe between phrase and phrase

In the first exercise we take air and make as if we wanted to silence

someone by doing "tss"

We will do this in several times as follows

First slow in five times and we will increase the speed progressively

If you put your hand under the sternum you will notice that the diaphragm

comes out with each blow of air

Be careful not to overdo these contractions and do not tighten your abdomen, let your

body work alone and do not think about it

In the second exercise we are going to put our hand in front of our mouth

as we did in the previous video

This time we're going to make gasps trying to emit the minimum sound possible so we

do not dry our cords too much

Do not do many series or for a long time as you can hyperventilate and it is very boring

I hope that you like this video, that you find it useful and I'll see you tomorrow in the next video

For more infomation >> Breathing Exercises for Singing #2 - Duration: 1:27.



we are checking out a new restaurant

today it is called the five spot cafe!

many have practice all

are you telling them what do you feel

are a big man you are you something

because we're going to tolerate me are

you can get one free water and discuss

fine-looking whoever you always use that

have actually my everything off water

slide down your hair to give you are you

thinking about

we're going to wait question your

balance of our time to get their things

like not have I wish I am going to call

white cheddar pieces

ok that's how to paint this hot get on


yes la silla good no wall away from that

game of tennis shoes on annihilated plot

bother her throughout it was searched..

your Excuse concerned when you get a

hamburger with fries haha what did you

get that real kamon with finish and and

then would you get what you get

yeah pop would you get don't want your

hamburger yeah daddy are going to that

is really beautiful actually from trans

because five big man would you get

interesting man came again and mommy got

as high chicken wrap the rest of my

razor I can tell you're 11

yes you're seeing what are you doing


how do you guys like your food and your

gates broke we don't behave like a

free-kick I don't train now

yeah about how are you dad how's your

food served time has a murder might be

the best burger ever said yeah dying

no Mike yeah love it I was lucky enough

to share bite of that and it was really

really good at my age rap with where for

the word about this place the pitch is

really good you gotta try to live in

georgia extracting guide

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