(marker scratching)
(electronic game sound)
So during my years on YouTube
I've done collaborations with a few people.
I've done collaborations with Nic Foti, James Rath,
Molly Burke, Tommy Edison, who has been the most
recent person I've done a collab with.
So I've done a few, and there's a pattern here, right?
They're all hearing.
And whenever I do a collaboration with a hearing YouTuber,
I see a flood of comments,
a lot of them with different reactions,
but all have the same sort of question,
depending on which reaction you're looking at.
So here's a few different reactions.
Wait a second, so how is she understanding
everything that Molly is saying?
What is happening over here, oh my god,
is she actually reading her lips, wait what?
Which is a normal reaction, although I will say,
in those videos that Molly and I have done together
we've already established in the video
exactly how that happened.
But that's okay, but that's okay.
However, there are also some reactions like this,
which mostly occurred in Tommy's video.
"Fake! She's not really deaf. What the?!
"She can understand everything that Tommy is saying,
she's talking, oh my gosh, she has some hearing left.
She's not deaf. Fake! Fake! Fake!
Mom, she's fake!"
Some of that was exaggerated for comedic effect,
not that some of y'all understood that
in the Shit Hearing People Say video, but anyway.
But that reaction brought up
some great "conversation" there.
And, no, thanks honey, but a couple weeks later,
a couple months later, still deaf over here.
Still deaf over here with residual hearing,
like many other deaf people.
But that's okay, what we're gonna do
is we're going to answer the question.
So I'm going to in this video tell you
exactly how it goes, how planning
with another YouTuber, who is hearing goes,
because there is some planning that gets into this.
First of all, if you haven't watched the video
that I did with Tommy, a lot of that, a lot of this
was already covered in that video,
so you could just use those for this.
But, every time I've contacted another YouTuber
or they contact me and we discuss doing our collaboration,
we come up with a plan, we come up with what the idea is,
you know, what we're gonna talk about and all of that.
So I get an idea of what is possibly
gonna come out of their mouths,
and what I can say, that kind of thing.
I have made a video called Bluffing.
Something about bluffing, it was a video about bluffing,
which means that if a deaf or hard-of-hearing person
is near a hearing person, communicating with them,
they'll often act like they know what they're saying,
but they don't really, but they just go with it
with the uh-huh, oh yeah, mm-hm, really, yeah, okay.
That kind of thing, that is what mostly happens
when I'm doing a collaboration with someone.
So whenever people are like, wait a second,
but she understood everything Molly was saying
or she understood everything that James was saying
or Tommy, or da da da,
at least half the time I don't understand
what's going on or what exactly is being said
until the captions come on when the video goes live.
So there is that.
Another thing is script, half of the collaborations I did
were 100%, or at least mostly scripted.
The video I did with Nicola,
which was a sketch video, that was scripted.
The video that I did with Tommy
on how deaf and blind people communicate,
that was 100% scripted.
That was 100% scripted.
So I already know what they're saying
because it's on a piece of paper
that's actually right in front of us on the table.
Now my lip reading skills are still practically nonexistent.
But if I have the script in front of me,
I already know what the words are gonna be,
I can read them pretty well from the person's mouth
if we don't have an interpreter present.
If we don't have an interpreter present.
Because it's already there.
Now this is a very, very rare occasion, but interpreters.
Now the only time there was ever an interpreter present
was when I did videos with Tommy
and Andrea acted as interpreter.
Now no, she isn't certified,
but this was not an official business thing.
If this was official business,
like if I was doing a collaboration with,
I don't know, let's say Google for example,
I don't know, then we would have a certified interpreter.
But in this case it was a little fun gig between friends,
so whatever.
So for the video that I did with Tommy,
that wasn't scripted, the one that was on my channel,
When People Mix Up Deaf and Blind.
You had Amanda... Amanda?! You had Andrea in the corner interpreting.
So you'll notice that I'm often looking towards this way
whereas Tommy is looking over here.
Tommy is not looking over here,
I'm looking over at Tommy, and she is over there.
So it kind of just works out.
So if we don't have a script, for example,
while I did a collaboration with James and Molly,
James was the most difficult to understand out of all
of them, out of all the collaborations that I did.
So when the Dating and Disabled video went up,
I actually didn't really know all of what he said.
I got a portion of it, but most of it I didn't
until that video went live and I watched it,
and I went, oh, that's what he said, a lot of the time.
Molly is actually the easiest for me to understand,
which is strange, because I guess normally I understand,
I don't know, it really depends on the person.
But Molly was the easiest to understand
besides Nicola at the time.
So a lot of the time I was hearing Molly pretty well,
but that's because she was loud,
she really amped up the volume, which is what works.
Now, as you know, videos are edited,
so there were a lot of times when we had to redo something
because I didn't understand what she was saying
and then we had to - she had to repeat herself
or she had to reword what she was saying,
or we were just gonna give up and then go with it.
I was like, never mind, just move on, move on
because we don't have the time for this.
And that's what I think a lot of people seem to forget,
is that videos are always edited.
So videos made me look as if I could understand them
more than I actually do, and again, bluffing.
Now another thing that happens is pen, paper.
This is kind of like planning,
but sometimes if we're right there and then doing the video,
for example, I'll go back to when I did a video with Molly,
and I show this in one of the videos,
I think that was the one we did on my channel,
How Deaf and Blind People Communicate.
(sighs) I'm running out of breath.
We often had to stop filming and then write
what she was gonna say, or at least an idea
of what she was gonna say so I could go along with it
and help put things together.
So now, add in attempted lip reading,
because there are some things that I do understand,
and residual hearing, put those last two things together
actually, and then mix them in with all the other things,
that's pretty much how you collaborate
with a hearing person if you are deaf or hard of hearing.
It's actually pretty simple,
and it's the same thing that I do in real life,
except it's for a video.
And should any more collaborations happen,
that's what we're gonna do.
It depends on who exactly I'm working with.
Pen and paper, repeating, phones,
it's just every day, but filmed.
So hopefully that helps you out a little bit.
Now I'm glad I have this video
so now that every time somebody asks,
I'm just gonna link 'em to this video to make it easier.
If you want to follow me on all my social media,
links to that will be down below.
If you want to help support my content,
you can do so by being a patron on Patreon.
Link to that down below.
Or you can leave a one time tip on ko-fi,
link also down below.
I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated,
and I will see you later, bye.
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