The elephant squad is on its way, like always.
Now it's the 22 pound pike, we hope. - It takes line.
Oh, hey.. It's a better fish.
We're starting to get in trouble. We have a pig crisis.
Flag once more, it's a pig. - Holy cow, it's a pig.
Grab it immediately! - Yes!
It's not a small fish. - We have no pig crisis.
Hi and good morning. Together with Edvin and Philip but also Niclas Edström..
..from Team Flytwest, we will fish for two days on a big pelagic lake.
Meanwhile we're waiting for a flag from a big fish..
..we will show you how we do when fishing pelagic pike from the ice.
It's flag on the rod farthest. I like to sneak the last part.
It's around 100 feet remaining.
It takes line! - Oh, it takes line!
He's going!
This is it! - Are you ready?
Yeah, let's do it.
It weighs at least 5 pound. - It's not a big fish.
The big ones have not woken up yet. - Nope.
Small fish in the beginning.
We've now rigged all the rods except one. On that rod, I will soon show you how I.. when I rig for pelagic fishing. Although, what's interesting with..
..this lake is that it's quite big. Underneath us right now, it's around..
..20-25 meters of depth. If we get a flag, it's a good average size on the fish.
What we can expect is that it will take long time between each flag but it..
..could be a big fish.
When fishing a lake with big depths, remember that many pike are hunting.. the pelagic zone. They are swimming much and therefore, you should not put..
..your rods too close to each other. You want to cover as big area as possible.
The ice is still thin enough in order for me to make the hole with an ice axe.
With an ice axe, I can make bigger holes.
The hole is now made and I also cleaned it from ice.
I will now see how thick the ice is.
I'm putting this down and it's..
..around 9,5 cm of thick ice. There's no problem at all.
10 cm of ice is strong enough for 1000 kg. - Flag!
It's flag! - Who's rod?
Edvin's, I think. - It's mine.
Is it taking any line? - It stopped when we arrived.
It's still tension on the line. - It took a lot of line before.
Is it a better one? - No.
Why are they small? - It isn't big?
I who said it would be a good average size on the pike in this lake.
At least it weighs 7 pounds.
He's strong enough to take line. - That's fun!
That's a better fish, over one meter! - Is it a meter fish?
What are you talking about? - At first, it looked small.
Do you want me to grab it? - It's a nice fish!
It's quite thin. - Not big? It weighs 15 pounds!
Should I? - Grab it!
What a belly! - Look at it!
Nice, Edvin! - Good fish!
What a belly!
Should we guess the weight? I guess it weighs 14 pounds.
I also thinks it's a 14 pounder fish. - I think it weighs 15 pounds.
14 something? - 15lb 13oz.
It's a good start and a good average size.
Let's see how long it is.
I think it's quite long.
It is.. - 105 cm.
How hard can it be?
One meter fish! - Good start.
Let's catch an even bigger fish that's 115 cm and fat.
Then it could weigh 21 pounds.
I like to use a small hook when ice fishing.
It's an Owner ST41-bc and the reason why I like this small hook in size 4 is..
..because when the pike holds the roach, you want to pull out the hook in order.. set the hook in the pike. With a smaller hook, you don't..
..need as much force. That's the reason why I have one small hook.
As leader, I'm using titanium. On the line, I have a pearl.. protect the knot. I also have 8 grams of lead.
Furthermore, I have an anti-freeze plug. If it's subzero temperatures, you could..
..put washer fluid in there to prevent the line to freeze.
That's how my set-up looks like.
Here I have a roach. I then put the hook as loose as possible and..
..lowering the roach in the hole.
Since the pike are hunting vendace in this lake, and they are swimming..
..right underneath the ice, I will put all the baitfish 1-2 meters below the ice.
The eyes of the pike are pointed upwards, which means that the pike only will see..
..the baitfish that's above it. If a roach is below the pike, it will not see it.
It's better to have the baitfish higher up rather than deeper.
Everything is set. Let's catch an even bigger fish!
Flag! - Flag on Niclas' rod, furthest away.
Edvin? - What the hell!
When I was eating!
The ice is really slippery.
The elephant squad is on its way, like always.
It takes line! - I want to see!
It takes a lot of line! - Just set the hooks!
There we go!
Should I grab it? - I think it's a small one.
You never know. - I thought that too.
It's not that small. - Did you see it?
It's probably a 11 pounder pike.
Oh yeah, it's a better fish. - I don't know.
Good average size! - Indeed.
Do you grab it, Edvin? - Yes.
It's there. - It's coming.
It's a fat fish. - Decent fish.
This fish is fatter than mine. - That's true.
Look at the belly, really nice. Cool leopard pike.
Well done!
There she swims away. - Nice.
One 15 pounder and one 6 pounder pike. It's just the 22 pounder that's missing.
I have not invested as much as Tobias in the equipment.
This is how my set-up looks like. A normal ice fishing rod, a reel with..
..monofilament line and a rod holder plus a flag indicator I made 4 years ago.
Still works, doesn't need to be complicated.
Tobias has decided that the one with the smallest top fish must eat a roach.
Yes, during these two days. Everyone have agreed.
Today, it's only Philip who haven't caught a fish.
If I haven't caught a fish, I don't have any top fish.
Then it's you who must eat one. - Well, then I have to catch a big one.
I will not catch anything tomorrow.
This far, it has been a typical day on this lake.
We had many flags in the morning but now it's been a slow period.
Although, it's in the afternoon we caught the biggest fish in this lake.
Hopefully, we will soon get a flag.
We've been waiting for a long time and the sun is going down.
Could be the last flag for today. Hopefully, it'll be a big one.
It has taken a lot of line.
Let's do it. - Let's hope for a pike.
Indeed! - Yes!
Cool! - The roach disappeared.
Could have been a 22 pounder pike. - In a few years, maybe.
Hey, it's the same pike you caught in the morning.
It's the same! - Sure?
I remember that it looked exactly like this. It was as white as this one.
It's the same fish. - We must compare them!
Could be the same pike we caught in the morning.
Look at the hook marks in the mouth! - It's the same pike!
What's the odds in this type of lake? - I can catch it again, but in 10 years.
What do you think? - It was a pig!
It's fun with flag, you then run and get warm. Thinking it's a 22 pounder fish.
This far, we have got 13 flags and Philip haven't had a single one of them.
He must eat a roach tomorrow. - Probably.
He doesn't catch anything. - We said the smallest top fish.
I haven't caught anything at all.
We must stop, it has been too dark. We usually get a flag in the last light..
..but not today. Although, you never know. Some rods are still fishing.
Tomorrow, we will change lake to another pelagic lake that's similar.
We then hope for an even bigger fish.
First flag for today!
Will be exciting to see how big it is.
Oh, it takes line? - Noo..
Looked like the line was moving.
I think it's a big one.
Could be a better fish. - You think so?
Nope, it was not.
Flag behind you!
Well yes, flag again.
Eeuhm, flag once more. - Wait, I grab the fish.
I run! - The fish came loose!
Flag and it's a pig.
Smaller fish.
The same size. - Yeah!
I think mine was a little bit bigger. - Yeah, it was.
Small pelagic pike. What's this?
Small fish. - Two fish and two flag this far.
Let's rig the rods once more and wait for a pig.
It's funny that we always say that we will wait..
..for a pig and then we never catch one.
It's good.
All the rods are now fishing. This lake is a bit different from the other one.
It's not as deep but we still think there's big fish here.
We just need to wait for the next flag.
Now it's the 22 pounder pike, we hope. - Yes.
That's a better fish.
Is it better? - Yes, it's decent.
Although, it's not the 22 pounder pike.
It has a good girth.
That was fun! - Flag!
It's the rod with my big roach.
Good start. It weighs around 10 pounds and has a quite good girth.
Imagine to catch a pike in this condition that's 120 cm long.
Then it's a 22 pounder fish.
Let's see if Edvin and Philip are catching anything.
We had a flag here and it had taken quite some line but we missed it.
We probably catch it later. This was the third flag on this rod.
Philip is desperate since he's not catching anything.
He's now changing place on a rod to a small fish spot.
He hopes to catch something. I still think he will not catch anything
He must eat the roach. - Yes.
He still has not felt anything during these days.
Guys, the fish takes line.
Catch a big one!
Yes! - Is it a better fish?
A little bit. - Nice!
Well, here it comes. It isn't big.
The roach is still there. - The pike has a good girth
It's must be a 11 pound fish. - Yeah.
Nice, pelagic pike. - Yes.
Took the roach in the afternoon. - Good pike!
Lively fish!
The next fish will be a 22 pounder.
We're starting to get in trouble. We have a pig crisis.
In the morning, we got some flags but it was just smaller ones.
Now we're waiting for a big one. It's around 2 hours remaining and the only..
..thing to do is to hope for the best.
We have flag and the fish takes line!
Could be the last flag for today. I hope it's a pig to end the pig crisis.
I think it's the biggest fish for today.
The reason why I like to have a short rod is that I like to be close to the hole.
Well, it wasn't that big.
It's a fat one!
Now in the evening, it's getting colder. Therefore, it's important that the eyes..
..of the pike is in the water.
We unhook it and then you could just release it.
Although, I want to pose with it one last time.
This is maybe how the last pike looks like. I think it's around 90 cm long.
Let's release it.
Grow big!
We're back at the same hole I caught the last pike from.
I've put on a new roach but the thing is, it's getting colder now in the evening.
Therefore, I will add a couple drops of washer fluid in the anti-freeze plug.
We will fish until it gets dark.
Flag! - I will add a couple of drops and..
..then we run!
Let's go!
Flag once more and it's a big one!
It has taken almost all the line.
Seriously, it's a better fish.
It looks heavy! - It's big!
It's better! - Have you seen it?
It doesn't need to be that big. - It's a good rod bend.
Oh, big one! - It's a pig!
Grab it immediately! - Philip, what are you doing!
Take it easy and let it tired itself.
Philip, grab it! - It's not tired yet.
Let it fight. - Good, Tobbe.
Grab it!
Yes! - Nice!
Well done! - It's big!
What a fish! - It's a 20 pound fish.
We didn't have a pig crisis. - Not any longer.
That's a good fish.
They have brought the release-bag from the camp and we will now measure and weigh it.
First, we will put some water in the bag.
We don't want to damage the mucus layer.
You can add quite much water. - Ok.
Wasn't that hard.
Hi, buddy. - Hug it, then.
It's not a small fish. - No, it's a good fish.
It has something in its belly. - Yes, it has.
Let's weigh it with the weigh sack. - It has a good cucumber back!
It's almost a 20 pounder. - It's almost a 22 pounder.
21lb 8oz. - You put much water in the sack..
..but it's a 21 pounder. - Yes and let's measure it.
113 cm. - Is it really? Yes it is.
113 cm and it's insane. We don't have pig crisis anymore.
Both days we've been fishing until it got darker.
In the dawn the second day we caught this good fish.
It pays off to stay long.
It's time to release this big fish. - Nice, Tobbe!
It's a pig! - It's quite nice.
Quite nice! - Fun when these efforts pays off.
For a time it looked dark but not any longer.
Now we have a good fish.
I can't feel my fingers but it was totally worth it!
It was really nice. - It was a pig!
It's soon time to go home but since Philip has the smallest top fish..
..he must eat a roach. - He still has 5 minutes to go.
Yeah, otherwise he must eat a roach. Could taste good.
During these days I've caught the smallest top fish so I must then eat a roach.
The most disgusting thing I've seen. - That's really disgusting.
Did it taste anything? - Yes, fish.
It's getting too dark and we must soon go home.
I also want to remind you that the 4-5th February it's the "Fiskekryssningen"..
..and the whole Team Galant will be on that cruise.
If you want to join us, press the upper right corner for more information.
The finale of Perch Pro will also be there. You don't want to miss that!
Don't forget so subscribe, follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Bye!
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