Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 26 2017

Do animals have emotions?

Any child that has spent a hour with a dog will tell you that they do, but as we grow

up this certainty is pushed aside, and after all in a world that routinely uses and abuses

animals for food, clothing and entertainment, ignoring or minimising the emotional lives

of animals is rather convenient.

There is quite a bit of evidence and literature on the subject of animal emotions but for

today I want to exclusively focus on the work of neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp.

During his research on affective neuroscience, Panksepp found 7 emotional systems within

the mammalian brain.

These basic emotions do not come from the cerebral cortex, which is associated with

complex human thinking, but instead from ancient brain structures that have similar functions

across all mammalian species.

These 7 emotional systems include:SEEKING, FEAR, RAGE, PLAY, CARE, PANIC/GRIEF and LUST.

The first 3 are basic emotional and motivational processes, while the last 4 are what Panksepp

describes as social emotions.

You may also have noticed that these 7 systems are spelled in capitals to better differentiate

them from the regular use of the words that may not refer to emotional systems that are

traceable within the brain.

SEEKING is a built in system that is essential to survival.

It causes the animal to go out and look for resources such as food, water, companionship,

to explore his environment to try solving problems.

If the SEEKING system becomes under-active then the animal may become depressed.

Therefore it is essential to stimulate the SEEKING system of your domestic animal on

a daily basis.

This can be done through the use of environmental and sensory enrichment such as taking the

animal for a walk, food enrichment such as food puzzles and cognitive enrichment such

as clicker training sessions.

The FEAR system protects the animal from danger and ensures the survival of the species.

When FEAR is activated, either through external threats or conscious or unconscious fear memories,

there are a number of internal physiological effects: The arousal of the sympathetic nervous

system (the system associated with flight or fight) and associated hormones released

by the endocrine system, produce an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, the airways

dilate, the inflammatory response increases and the immune system is suppressed.

These are all involuntary responses over which the affected animal has no control over that

prepare him to escape, or - if escape is prevented - to defend himself.

It is common practice in the horse world to correct and punish behaviours that are a product

of FEAR.

If they are lucky, the trainer may reduce the unwanted behaviour by these methods, but

won't achieve full resolution of the problem, as this does not take into account what is

happening inside the animal's mind, nor change how the animal feels about whatever

triggered the FEAR.

Oxytocin, the hormone associated with the CARE system is however useful in reducing


This is why you will often notice horses engaging in mutual grooming following a stressful event.

Similarly owners may find stroking to be successful in soothing a worried horse.

The RAGE system is linking to the fight part of the flight/fight response and is most often

activated by physiological states of social isolation and hunger.

This explains why horses that are socially isolated and fed inappropriately are so prone

to aggression and that a change of management is recommended as treatment.

Hormones such as oxytocin, endorphins, progesterone and oestrogen function as antidotes to RAGE.

Mares that refuse to feed their foals and show RAGE toward them are most often victim

of chronic stress.

Chronic stress is known to disturb the normal process of pregnenolone, a building block

to many hormones including progesterone, which is s precursor to oestrogen, which is essential

for the hormone oxytocin to work.

RAGE can also be seen in animals that are unsuccessful (and therefore frustrated) in

obtaining expected reinforcement – either positive or negative reinforcement.

This can be seen when they are putting in more effort in an attempt to escape an aversive

stimulus or situation, as well as when they are trying to obtain expected positive reinforcers.

The PANIC/GRIEF system may sound similar to the FEAR system, however it is a social emotion

which circuits are linked to separation anxiety.

PANIC/GRIEF is what a young foal experiences when forcefully taken away from his mum and

later on in life when forcefully separated from herd companions.

Hormones such as oxytocin and social stimuli such as touch, can act as antidotes to PANIC.

The best way to experience the emotions felt by horses in a state of PANIC is to imagine

the feeling of being bereaved.

Often we describe a horse as being "bereft" when he behaves in PANIC for that reason.

LUST is essential to the survival of the species because it ensures that animals come together

and mate.

It is strong in both males and females.

So strong that we routinely castrate male horses to reduce testosterone, because it

is so difficult to compete with this emotional system when it comes to handling and training


When horse riders label mares as moody and difficult they often overlook the fact that

mares, unlike geldings, still have an intact LUST system and may be living permanently

sexually frustrated lives.

The CARE system is essential to the social life of animals.

It promotes appropriate parent/child relationships, social cohesion within a herd and as we have

seen before acts as an antidote to FEAR, RAGE and PANIC/GRIEF.

Relationships based on CARE can be formed with other species such as a human caregiver

if horse and human engage in affiliative behaviours such stroking, grooming and loafing together.

The PLAY system is crucial to the healthy development of young animals and strengthens

social attachments by the release of endorphins.

Social isolation, fear and separation distress act as inhibitors of play.

This is why we often see suppression of normal play behaviour in abruptly weaned animals.

To put these emotional systems into an animal training context: Conventional animal training

that primarily involves the use of negative reinforcement and positive punishment rely

on the activation of the FEAR and RAGE system.

While humane, science-based animal training which primarily involve positive reinforcement

rely on the activation of the SEEKING system and can also lead to the PLAY and CARE system

being activated.

If you enjoyed this video, check out the other episodes available in our animated series.

Do not forget to like and share this video and to subscribe to our youtube channel for


I would like to say a special thank you to Max Easey from Horse Charming for helping

with the making of the script and of course thank you to all our supporters on patreon.

You made this video possible.

If would like to join them in supporting our free educational ressources, check out the

patreon link in the description below this video.

Have a beautiful day and I see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Do animals have emotions? An introduction to Panksepp | Animated Series Episode 8 - Duration: 8:07.


‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> ‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.


Favorite Country Music Duos ...

For more infomation >> Favorite Country Music Duos ...


Elisabeth Roudinesco – Neuroses e perversões - Duration: 3:10.

Today, neurosis isn't what it was during Freud's time.

The hysterical neurosis of Freud's time,

with its spectacular aspects, was related,

deep down, to the reclusion of women

to a frustration society.

Today, we don't live anymore in a frustration society

and, therefore, we have the impression

that people are becoming increasingly more perverse.

Effectively, we have the impression that there are many more psychotics.

But I think this is completely wrong.

I think there's a change in approach occurring.

We still have neurosis, and I think

psychoanalysis is the best thing around for neurotic people.

I don't see perverts all around and I don't see psychotics everywhere.

That's a fantasy. We simply talk more about it.

I wrote a book regarding perverts

and I was amazed by the fact that for some time now

western societies are much more interested by perversions

than in the past. In other words:

they've become visible, we talk much more about them.

But that's related to the fact that today,

in democratic societies, we are interested with all disorders.

They are much less hidden. and one of the main changes

in the western world and in Europe

is that it's the subjects themselves

who want to conduct their psychic treatments.

Today, I believe

the contestation of the drug excesses

will come from the patients themselves.

Today we have "med pride",

based on the model of "gay pride",

in which groups of so-called mental patients

say they treat themselves without the help of doctors,

without the contribution of psychiatrists.

Regarding the issue of perversions, we talk about it all the time.

Before, they were much more repressed.

It's a mere impression that there are more neurotics, more perverts.

No, I believe there's all of this, but in a different manner.

We don't perceive it the same way anymore.

And that's how, this way,

I believe, reestablishing this vocabulary,

instead of the vocabulary of chemistry, we can fight

the excesses of a totally biologic psychiatry.

For more infomation >> Elisabeth Roudinesco – Neuroses e perversões - Duration: 3:10.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC Leer / Navigatie - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC Leer / Navigatie - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI AMBITION AVANTGARDE Automaat LED Navi Crui - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI AMBITION AVANTGARDE Automaat LED Navi Crui - Duration: 1:41.


HUMAN ARCHERY ROULETTE | Challenge Pete - Duration: 4:56.

Hi, I'm Pete and last week you guys voted for Archery Attack

so today, I've go these bow and arrows

which are gonna be hitting me in the face

the nuts and everywhere in between.

That was so close!

Remember to vote on what you want to see me do next time by

clicking the button that's popping up at the top of the screen

right now.

So first up I want to see how much these bows

actually hurt, so

I thought it'd be fun to get shot in the face.

You're actually meant to wear a paintball style mask

when you play with these bows and arrows but

hey, I'm a professional.

Oh that hurt, ok

they do hurt, I can see why people wear masks.

Ok, so now it's time for a game of roulette

we have 12 arrows here and

6 of them have an egg strapped to the end of them

the other 6 have nothing on them

and I'm gonna be blindfolded

pick one of the arrows at random

which Simon is then gonna fire at me

if it's an egg I get splatted

if it's not an egg, well, I still get hit by an arrow

it'll still hurt so

I lose either way but this should be a bit of fun.

Messy fun.

This is gonna be very cold.

That wasn't even an egg.

It looks a bit like a paintball welt.

I can see why you should wear these masks

Why are you hitting my nipples?

So now I've got symmetrical bruises

PETE: What happened there?

PETE: Did it fall off? SIMON: It's a bit too powerful.

PETE: Too powerful? SIMON: It broke the egg in mid air.

PETE: It broke the egg in mid air! SIMON: It looked pretty sick.

Ok, because that was meant to be the 3rd and final shot and I was meant to get an egg

but the arrow was too powerful so it

broke the egg in mid air

I've decided I'll take an egg for you guys anyway.

That winded me.

That took the air out of my lungs.

That was bad, let's hope that looked cool in slow motion.

It made me bleed

how'd it make me bleed?

Ok now, it's already made me bleed

but Like I said at the start of the video

let's do some archery nut shots

I don;t think I'm ever gonna have kids.

That was so, it squished me

It's just getting worse.

Is it still there?

Hi, so it turns out, after taking an arrow

nut shot, it made me forget to record an outro for the video, so

I guess I'll do it now

thank you for watching, if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up

and remember to vote on what you want to see me do next time

subscribe for new videos like this every Thursday, goodbye.

For more infomation >> HUMAN ARCHERY ROULETTE | Challenge Pete - Duration: 4:56.


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS - PACK PRESTIGE - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS - PACK PRESTIGE - Duration: 1:54.


Tipos de aparelhos ortodônticos - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Tipos de aparelhos ortodônticos - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> SNIPER GHOST WARRIOR 3 - TÁTICA BASE PARA SER SNIPER com Tradução - Duration: 3:32.


‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> ‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.


50 facts about Les Misérables - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> 50 facts about Les Misérables - Duration: 8:21.


Renault 200 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Renault 200 - Duration: 1:03.


This is why you should never throw away the orange peels - Duration: 5:06.

That's why you should never throw away orange peels

The orange

It is good for the health we all already know. Orange is rich in vitamin C, contains calcium,

magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, fibers and more. But usually we throw the shells

out. But when we do that, we lose some benefits it has.

The shells have more phytonutrients and flavonoids than the inner pulp.

So learn to make use of orange peel for the benefit of your health.

1. Improves skin tone The marks of the skin and dark spots can

decrease with orange peels. They act as a natural whitener.

Also vitamin C, maintaining the skin supple and healthy glow. And still protects the

sunlight (UV) harmful.

Make a paste by mixing two tablespoons of orange peel tea powder with yogurt

natural and a tablespoon of honey.

1. Pass on the face and neck movements circular.

2. Let stand for 20 min, then rinse. 3. Pass this facial mask 2 or 3 times

in the week.

To prepare the powder shells, let the shells dry in the sun for three days.

2. Fight signs of aging The strong antioxidants in the bark,

fight free radicals. Are the radicals free that damage healthy cells

skin, which causes aging, wrinkles, fine lines and sagging.

For its astringent properties, they act as a toning the skin.

1. Mix a spoon shell powder soup Orange with a tablespoon of flour

oats and enough honey to form a paste. 2. Pass the face and neck. 3. Wait 30

me and then rinse. 4. Use this folder anti-aging, once a week.

3. White Teeth Orange peels can take the yellow of

teeth. Just rub the inside of a shell orange on teeth 2 to 3 minutes

then rinse with warm water. Do this twice a day, until

the desired goal.

4. Weight Loss Many nutrients are contained in the peel

orange, especially vitamin C. This antioxidant helps in burning fat.

Drink tea orange peel instead of consume coffee and soft drinks.

1. Dry orange peels in a cool place and dry.

2. Place 1 tablespoon peel soup in a cup of hot water.

3. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. 4. Remove the peel and add a little


5. Reduce Cholesterol Orange peel may help diminish

bad cholesterol, which is responsible for increase the risk of heart attacks and diseases

cardiovascular. The pectin, soluble fiber natural found in the bark, helps reduce

cholesterol and control pressure. You can drink orange peel tea,

twice a day.

6. Regulates bowel movements The orange peels increase digestion.

The high presence of dietary fiber helps the control bowel movements,

combat constipation.

Also help treat digestive disorders, as indigestion, gas, bowel syndrome

Irritable, bloating and heartburn. After making a meal, drink a cup

orange peel tea to increase digestion.

Enjoy this video? If you liked the video, short, join the channel and share

with your friends.

For more infomation >> This is why you should never throw away the orange peels - Duration: 5:06.


Recipe for a "happy and powerful breakfast" - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Recipe for a "happy and powerful breakfast" - Duration: 4:33.


A nova seintegra! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> A nova seintegra! - Duration: 3:01.


Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam_22 de diciembre de 2016. - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam_22 de diciembre de 2016. - Duration: 1:38.


Faze Comice cu Cheloo Compilatie 2017 - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Faze Comice cu Cheloo Compilatie 2017 - Duration: 10:12.


Mass Effect PT 1080p 60 FPS #3 Recruiting Liara T'Soni - Duration: 1:57:28.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Mass Effect PT 1080p 60 FPS #3 Recruiting Liara T'Soni - Duration: 1:57:28.


Opel Agila 1.2-16V Elegance - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.2-16V Elegance - Duration: 1:01.


Extensso Café Funciona - Aprovado - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Extensso Café Funciona - Aprovado - Duration: 1:56.


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


Volvo XC90 T8 15% R-Design Bowers & Wilkins Luxury Scan - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 T8 15% R-Design Bowers & Wilkins Luxury Scan - Duration: 0:41.


Do animals have emotions? An introduction to Panksepp | Animated Series Episode 8 - Duration: 8:07.

Do animals have emotions?

Any child that has spent a hour with a dog will tell you that they do, but as we grow

up this certainty is pushed aside, and after all in a world that routinely uses and abuses

animals for food, clothing and entertainment, ignoring or minimising the emotional lives

of animals is rather convenient.

There is quite a bit of evidence and literature on the subject of animal emotions but for

today I want to exclusively focus on the work of neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp.

During his research on affective neuroscience, Panksepp found 7 emotional systems within

the mammalian brain.

These basic emotions do not come from the cerebral cortex, which is associated with

complex human thinking, but instead from ancient brain structures that have similar functions

across all mammalian species.

These 7 emotional systems include:SEEKING, FEAR, RAGE, PLAY, CARE, PANIC/GRIEF and LUST.

The first 3 are basic emotional and motivational processes, while the last 4 are what Panksepp

describes as social emotions.

You may also have noticed that these 7 systems are spelled in capitals to better differentiate

them from the regular use of the words that may not refer to emotional systems that are

traceable within the brain.

SEEKING is a built in system that is essential to survival.

It causes the animal to go out and look for resources such as food, water, companionship,

to explore his environment to try solving problems.

If the SEEKING system becomes under-active then the animal may become depressed.

Therefore it is essential to stimulate the SEEKING system of your domestic animal on

a daily basis.

This can be done through the use of environmental and sensory enrichment such as taking the

animal for a walk, food enrichment such as food puzzles and cognitive enrichment such

as clicker training sessions.

The FEAR system protects the animal from danger and ensures the survival of the species.

When FEAR is activated, either through external threats or conscious or unconscious fear memories,

there are a number of internal physiological effects: The arousal of the sympathetic nervous

system (the system associated with flight or fight) and associated hormones released

by the endocrine system, produce an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, the airways

dilate, the inflammatory response increases and the immune system is suppressed.

These are all involuntary responses over which the affected animal has no control over that

prepare him to escape, or - if escape is prevented - to defend himself.

It is common practice in the horse world to correct and punish behaviours that are a product

of FEAR.

If they are lucky, the trainer may reduce the unwanted behaviour by these methods, but

won't achieve full resolution of the problem, as this does not take into account what is

happening inside the animal's mind, nor change how the animal feels about whatever

triggered the FEAR.

Oxytocin, the hormone associated with the CARE system is however useful in reducing


This is why you will often notice horses engaging in mutual grooming following a stressful event.

Similarly owners may find stroking to be successful in soothing a worried horse.

The RAGE system is linking to the fight part of the flight/fight response and is most often

activated by physiological states of social isolation and hunger.

This explains why horses that are socially isolated and fed inappropriately are so prone

to aggression and that a change of management is recommended as treatment.

Hormones such as oxytocin, endorphins, progesterone and oestrogen function as antidotes to RAGE.

Mares that refuse to feed their foals and show RAGE toward them are most often victim

of chronic stress.

Chronic stress is known to disturb the normal process of pregnenolone, a building block

to many hormones including progesterone, which is s precursor to oestrogen, which is essential

for the hormone oxytocin to work.

RAGE can also be seen in animals that are unsuccessful (and therefore frustrated) in

obtaining expected reinforcement – either positive or negative reinforcement.

This can be seen when they are putting in more effort in an attempt to escape an aversive

stimulus or situation, as well as when they are trying to obtain expected positive reinforcers.

The PANIC/GRIEF system may sound similar to the FEAR system, however it is a social emotion

which circuits are linked to separation anxiety.

PANIC/GRIEF is what a young foal experiences when forcefully taken away from his mum and

later on in life when forcefully separated from herd companions.

Hormones such as oxytocin and social stimuli such as touch, can act as antidotes to PANIC.

The best way to experience the emotions felt by horses in a state of PANIC is to imagine

the feeling of being bereaved.

Often we describe a horse as being "bereft" when he behaves in PANIC for that reason.

LUST is essential to the survival of the species because it ensures that animals come together

and mate.

It is strong in both males and females.

So strong that we routinely castrate male horses to reduce testosterone, because it

is so difficult to compete with this emotional system when it comes to handling and training


When horse riders label mares as moody and difficult they often overlook the fact that

mares, unlike geldings, still have an intact LUST system and may be living permanently

sexually frustrated lives.

The CARE system is essential to the social life of animals.

It promotes appropriate parent/child relationships, social cohesion within a herd and as we have

seen before acts as an antidote to FEAR, RAGE and PANIC/GRIEF.

Relationships based on CARE can be formed with other species such as a human caregiver

if horse and human engage in affiliative behaviours such stroking, grooming and loafing together.

The PLAY system is crucial to the healthy development of young animals and strengthens

social attachments by the release of endorphins.

Social isolation, fear and separation distress act as inhibitors of play.

This is why we often see suppression of normal play behaviour in abruptly weaned animals.

To put these emotional systems into an animal training context: Conventional animal training

that primarily involves the use of negative reinforcement and positive punishment rely

on the activation of the FEAR and RAGE system.

While humane, science-based animal training which primarily involve positive reinforcement

rely on the activation of the SEEKING system and can also lead to the PLAY and CARE system

being activated.

If you enjoyed this video, check out the other episodes available in our animated series.

Do not forget to like and share this video and to subscribe to our youtube channel for


I would like to say a special thank you to Max Easey from Horse Charming for helping

with the making of the script and of course thank you to all our supporters on patreon.

You made this video possible.

If would like to join them in supporting our free educational ressources, check out the

patreon link in the description below this video.

Have a beautiful day and I see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Do animals have emotions? An introduction to Panksepp | Animated Series Episode 8 - Duration: 8:07.


‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> ‹ Euro Truck 2 | G7 1600 LD| Itapemirim - Belo Horizonte/Vitória - Logitech G27 › - Duration: 20:53.


Searching For Sci-Fi?

For more infomation >> Searching For Sci-Fi?


The Light Between Oceans

For more infomation >> The Light Between Oceans



Is he always like this?

I told you. He's on recharge mode.

Can't you just nudge him or something?

Yeah, I can nudge him!

But he's going to be awake in like...



Brace yourself.



I feel better already!

What are we doing here, runt?

We're in therapy.


Barbarians crush!

We do not do therapy!

Except for that hot stone massage thing, if you know what I mean...

While you were sleeping, your son was telling me about some issues you've been having?

Which son?

The one right next to you.

Oh, Crusher!

No, that's not me.

Thunder Face!

Still no...

Pain Explosion!

He's dead! There's no bringing him back!

Oh, then it's definitely Boulder Brain.

It's not even close.


Jeff is not one of your kids.

OK, it's Barbarian!

Barbarian, the one out of your ten thousand kids who you actually named after the job you want me to do.


I mean, you are all kind of the same.

I mean, so sue me if I ran out of ideas, OK?

If I gave every "maiden" the attention she wanted

I mean, how would I have any time for conquering?

Oh, calling me a maiden.

Rich. Real rich, dad!


You slept through all the important moments in my life.

I was not sleeping, I was power drunk!

Call it what you will!

You missed me getting caught on fire for the first time.

You missed my first raid.

You missed my one hundredth raid.

You missed the time I studied and took the Bar...


You hurt my feelings!



It's nothing more than...


Barbarians don't have feelings!

Maybe I don't want to be a Barbarian anymore.

Maybe I want to be a...



I wanna be a



Are you billing by the hour?

Oh, certainly yes.

I love you, father.

Aaah, the pain!

The pain!

The blood and the pain!



Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 2.0 T EXECUTIVE 220PK - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 2.0 T EXECUTIVE 220PK - Duration: 1:23.


Mass Effect PT 1080p 60 FPS #3 Recruiting Liara T'Soni - Duration: 1:57:28.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Mass Effect PT 1080p 60 FPS #3 Recruiting Liara T'Soni - Duration: 1:57:28.


Thank You for 400! 24-Hour Live Stream Announcement! - Duration: 7:09.

Hey, what's up everyone?

So, here we are again...

I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you.

Your support over these past few months have been absolutely incredible

Thank you. Just thank you.

I'm super excited about this next 24-hour live stream too.

TBH, these 24-hour streams are extremely difficult to plan.

Because of other work and personal schedules

I was planning on doing this 24 hour stream this Friday

But then I found out I wasn't going to be in town

Then I was left with 2 options: next Monday or next Friday

Obviously I opted for Monday

And there's a few reasons for that...

One of them being that I didn't want to stretch this out again.

I wanted to schedule the stream relatively close to when we hit the goal...

Also, I knew I wouldn't be working on Monday or Tuesday

So, I figured "Why not Monday?"

I know it's a weird day to schedule it with a lot of people...

in school and/or work and everything, so please forgive me!

It's just the only time that I knew would work for me for the next 2 weeks or so.

Also, if you've made it this far into the video, thank you!

And if you're watching these subtitles, welcome!

Just like the other announcement videos, please keep these subtitles a secret!

And type "I love bacon" in the comments!

Please don't tell anyone else about these subtitles...

'Cause I think it would be interesting to see how many of you actually use subtitles.

So far, no one has typed "I love bacon" in the comments :(

Are you going to be the first?

What are you waiting for??? Go do it!

Type "I love bacon" in the comments!

I refuse to speak again until you do...

Have you posted that comment yet?

Yes??? Wow, that's super awesome of you! Thanks ;)

I don't know what to say for the rest of this video.

I kinda want to freestyle...subtitle style...

Don't worry, I'm not asking you to buy my mixtape.

Just to read what I'm sayin'

(Insert photo of The Joker here) Okay, here. we. go.

In West Philadelphia born and raised...

Wait, what?

What are you talking about?

I totally didn't rip that off from a famous '90s sitcom.

I have no idea what you're talking about...Willis

But seriously though, if you haven't already...

Type "I love bacon" in the comments!

Okay, I'm just going to leave that there...

...And I may come back later.

Oh wait, before I leave...

Did y'all see that eye roll at the 0:47 mark?

I kept watching that over and over in the edit, and it just really bothers me.

I tried to find another clip, but the lighting in the other versions of that clip were unusable bc of sound and lighting

I feel so bad, and I hope no one takes that the wrong way.

I had to shoot that portion and the portion afterwards like 20+ times and I was just getting frustrated.

Also, I could see the lighting change while I was recording so I was also getting frustrated with that too.

I knew that was going to affect what I could key out, so when the lighting changed...

...So I knew that was going to make the video look pretty bad...

And there are a few clips where the lighting, to me, is still pretty bad.

I mean, as a whole, I think the lighting for this video is... improvement from the last video, but it's still not great.

But I can live with that as long as I'm seeing improvement.

Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling about the lighting.

But I hope that eye roll is not taken the wrong way.

I was just getting frustrated with recording, and I realize that I shouldn't have let that happen.

It's bugging me a lot, and I'm just really sorry.

Alright, I guess that may be it for the subtitles for this video.

I'm sorry to say it, but I may leave. I may jump back in at the end, but I'm not sure yet

If I don't see ya, have a good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

And I totally didn't steal that from a '90s movie either ;)

God, that was a good movie

I mean, like a really good movie

It's very underrated

I'm going to have to watch that again

I think it's on Netflix, so I'll have to check that

Seriously though, y'all are amazing

And I will never be able to thank you enough for your support!

Thank you, and have a good day!

For more infomation >> Thank You for 400! 24-Hour Live Stream Announcement! - Duration: 7:09.


The Bond That Ties Ep 2-Sneak Peak - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> The Bond That Ties Ep 2-Sneak Peak - Duration: 0:15.


Steve Young - Forever Young (pt. 5) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Steve Young - Forever Young (pt. 5) - Duration: 2:06.


Nick Jonas - Champagne Problems - Duration: 3:12.

Nick Jonas - Champagne Problems

Nick Jonas - Champagne Problems

For more infomation >> Nick Jonas - Champagne Problems - Duration: 3:12.


♡ 1 year with imfact ♡ - Duration: 0:37.

Hey, fly away, pew, fly away, pew pew

Towards you, pew, towards you, pew pew

You'll think it's strange

Because you'll fall in a moment

Everybody love, every everybody love

Hey you, it's started, look at me and be nervous

I'm shooting my love arrow

Into your steely heart, so it can softly melt

Oh ppanya ppanya ppanya love

For more infomation >> ♡ 1 year with imfact ♡ - Duration: 0:37.


Riverdale 1x01 Sneak Peek #3 "The River's Edge" (HD) - Duration: 1:48.

♫ (Archie plays guitar) ♫

I got a call from your coach today.

He's under the impression that you can't play Varsity football because I'm making you work for me.

Which is odd, because you made it seem like you couldn't work for me because you were

playing football.

So my first question is, who are you lying to?

Me or your coach?




I want to study music.

I want to write music.

Football takes you to college.

College takes you to business school.

Business school takes you -- Takes me back here.

To work for you in Riverdale.

Not for me.

With me.

And eventually for yourself.

Son, the company would be yours.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 1x01 Sneak Peek #3 "The River's Edge" (HD) - Duration: 1:48.


Rosie Brings Mitchie To A Crime Scene | Season 2 Ep. 13 | ROSEWOOD - Duration: 1:11.

Please tell me that's not blue thunder.

That's not blue thunder.

I'm just practicing what you tell me to do.

I don't like it. I don't.

Hey, guys.

Just so you know, I'm super pumped to be here.

And why exactly is boy wonder here?

Oh, thank you for that. Which one do I remind you of?

Dick Grayson? Tim Drake?

I'm partial to Dick.

I just thought I'd get Mitchie more experience in the field.

Doesn't it feel like old times, like the original-- you,

me, us three.

Mikey, it was one case.

I know.

It was one awesome case.

I personally remember every detail.

Don't you?

(SINGING) I'll remind you later.

I know what you're going to say,

working a crime scene is our thing,

not our thing and his thing.

I know.

It could be his thing, too, in moderation.

At first it was Adrian, now it's Mitchie.

I mean, you're getting a little loose with the invites

to our thing.

Hey, what's going on?

Nothing, just spreading the Rosie of love.

Gotta spread the love.

ANNALISE: [scoffs]

For more infomation >> Rosie Brings Mitchie To A Crime Scene | Season 2 Ep. 13 | ROSEWOOD - Duration: 1:11.


Nick Jonas - Voodoo - Duration: 3:08.

Nick Jonas - Voodoo

Nick Jonas - Voodoo

For more infomation >> Nick Jonas - Voodoo - Duration: 3:08.


6 Signs You Have Finally Found Your True Soul Mate - Duration: 5:56.

6 Signs You Have Finally Found Your True Soul Mate.

By Dylan Harper.

Your soul mate makes you feel entirely intact, like no piece is missing from the puzzle.

A life partner, on the other hand, can be a great supporter and long-time companion,

but is limited in his or her capacity to enrich your spirit.

We have a certain feeling inside of us that we are completely unable to describe and we

only have this certain kind of feeling whenever we are with them specifically.

There aren�t any words that you can say that would give the feeling any justice, it�s

just something that you have to feel for yourself.

Not everyone is able to find this kind of feeling for another person or ever sometimes

depending on who you are.

If you think you have found that amazing other person then you already know what this means

to you.

You�re probably thinking about them the more you continue reading this.

That�s how powerful this feeling is, even when you�re not trying to think about them

you just are subconsciously.

Here are 6 signs that mean you have found the one true soul mate that was meant for



You Overcome Everything Together

When you find your true soul mate, there isn�t anything that the both of you aren�t able

of overcoming together.

Sure, there are a lot of hardships or adversity that may have stuck obstacles in your way,

but you both somehow managed to pull everything back together even when you both may have

thought that there was no coming back from this.

You would never find yourself in a situation where you�d think you�d have to leave

the other person in order to satisfy a piece of their happiness that maybe you weren�t

living up too.

Despite the many challenges that have been brought before your relationship, you both

took a stand and made sure that the two of you were going to be the last ones standing.


You Can Read Each Other�s Minds

Maybe not literally reading each others minds, but you both know each other so well that

you pretty much already know what they are going to say, what they want, what they need,

what they were going to do, anything.

This is another way of knowing that you have your one true soul mate.

Even when you didn�t even ask them for anything at all, they still somehow read your mind

and bring you the thing that you were needing most in that moment in time.

It comes naturally, not even trying to be close to each other, you both just know what�s

going to happen next because it makes you both happy.


Still Yourselves

Regardless of being each other�s one true soul mate, you both have not lost yourselves

to one another.

Meaning that you�re still the same personality type that you were when you first began being


Of course, you both have probably made a lot of changes over the years, but your still

the same people that when you first fell in love.

This doesn�t happen in a lot of relationships and in fact some people lose themselves to

the other person entirely.

It�s important that you maintain this kind of bond with each other and not try to become

something that either of you are not.

Honesty is a very key element to any type of relationship.


Vivid Dreams About Them

There may even be times where you begin to dream about your true soul mate.

Your love for them is so powerful that you are literally constantly thinking about them

even when you�re asleep.

These dreams can be extremely vivid and put in just the right atmosphere.

Of course, it is your brain so you would hope that you would go to a happy place whenever

you think about your soul mate.

Who know�s you might have been dreaming about them this entire time and didn�t even

know it until just now.


You�re Both Exploring Everything

When you find your true soul mate, there is an overwhelming sense of adventure that sweeps

over the both of you.

This feeling that resonates inside you propels you both into doing things that you might

not have ever saw yourself doing before.

This is one of the signs when you know you�ve found a love so pure that you both can do

anything in the entire world and you�d still both have an undying love for one another.

You�ll probably go traveling together a lot, find new places that you�ve never seen

before, meet new friends together, and everything in between.

Your love fuels the ship and you both are the captains.


You Operate Better When They Are With You

Another huge sign that you have found your true soul mate is when they leave for a long

period of time and find yourself not being able to do as well with things as you thought

you could.

For you, being away from your true soul mate is almost like giving yourself the biggest

distraction from everything else that�s going on in your life.

It�s not like you don�t care about the things you�re doing but that you would just

be a lot better off if your soul mate came back to you once more.

Their presence has a strong impact on the things you do because while you�re doing

all of those things you�re thinking of them.

This is what true love looks like

for soul mates.

For more infomation >> 6 Signs You Have Finally Found Your True Soul Mate - Duration: 5:56.


The lies we tell pregnant women | Sofia Jawed-Wessel - Duration: 13:39.

We're going to share a lot of secrets today, you and I,

and in doing so, I hope that we can lift

some of the shame many of us feel about sex.

How many here have ever been catcalled by a stranger?

Lots of women.

For me, the time I remember best

is when that stranger was a student of mine.

He came up to me after class that night

and his words confirmed what I already knew:

"I am so sorry, professor.

If I had known it was you, I would never have said those things."


I wasn't a person to him until I was his professor.

This concept, called objectification,

is the foundation of sexism,

and we see it reinforced through every aspect of our lives.

We see it in the government

that refuses to punish men

for raping women.

We see it in advertisements.

How many of you have seen an advertisement

that uses a woman's breast to sell an entirely unrelated product?

Or movie after movie after movie

that portrays women as only love interests?

These examples might seem inconsequential and harmless,

but they're insidious,

slowly building into a culture that refuses to see women as people.

We see this in the school that sends home a 10-year-old girl

because her clothes were a distraction to boys trying to learn,

or the government that refuses to punish men for raping women

over and over,

or the woman who is killed

because she asked a man to stop grinding on her on the dance floor.

Media plays a large role in perpetuating the objectification of women.

Let's consider the classic romantic comedy.

We're typically introduced to two kinds of women in these movies,

two kinds of desirable women, anyway.

The first is the sexy bombshell.

This is the unbelievably gorgeous woman with the perfect body.

Our leading man has no trouble identifying her

and even less trouble having sex with her.

The second is our leading lady,

the beautiful but demure woman our leading man falls in love with

despite not noticing her at first

or not liking her if he did.

The first is the slut.

She is to be consumed and forgotten.

She is much too available.

The second is desirable but modest,

and therefore worthy of our leading man's future babies.

Marriage material.

We're actually told that women have two roles,

but these two roles have a difficult time existing within the same woman.

On the rare occasion that I share with a new acquaintance

that I study sex,

if they don't end the conversation right then,

they're usually pretty intrigued.

"Oh. Tell me more."

So I do.

"I'm really interested in studying the sexual behaviors

of pregnant and postpartum couples."

At this point I get a different kind of response.


"Oh. Huh.

Do pregnant people even have sex?

Have you thought about studying sexual desire

or orgasms?

That would be interesting, and sexy."

Tell me. What are the first words that come to mind

when you picture a pregnant woman?

I asked this question in a survey of over 500 adults,

and most responded with "belly" or "round"

and "cute."

This didn't surprise me too much.

What else do we label as cute?

Babies. Puppies. Kittens.

The elderly. Right?


When we label an adult as cute, though,

we take away a lot of their intelligence,

their complexity.

We reduce them to childlike qualities.

I also asked heterosexual men

to imagine a woman that they're partnered with is pregnant,

and then asked women to imagine that they are pregnant,

and then tell me the first words that come to mind

when they imagine having sex.

Most of the responses were negative.



"Not sexy." "Odd."




"Not worth the trouble." "Not worth the risk."

That last one really stuck with me.

We might think that because we divorce pregnant women and moms from sexuality,

we are removing the constraints of sexual objectification.

They experience less sexism. Right?

Not exactly.

What happens instead is a different kind of objectification.

In my efforts to explain this to others,

one conversation led to the Venus of Willendorf,

a Paleolithic figurine scholars assumed was a goddess of love and beauty,

hence the name Venus.

This theory was later revised, though,

when scholars noted the sculptor's obvious focus

on the figurine's reproductive features:

large breasts, considered ideal for nursing;

a round, possibly pregnant belly;

the remnants of red dye, alluding to menstruation or birth.

They also assumed that she was meant to be held or placed lying down

because her tiny feet don't allow her to be freestanding.

She also had no face.

For this reason, it was assumed that she was a representation of fertility

and not a portrait of a person.

She was an object.

In the history of her interpretation,

she went from object of ideal beauty and love

to object of reproduction.

I think this transition speaks more

about the scholars who have interpreted her purpose

than the actual purpose of the figurine herself.

When a woman becomes pregnant,

she leaves the realm of men's sexual desire

and slides into her reproductive and child-rearing role.

In doing so, she also becomes

the property of the community,

considered very important but only because she's pregnant. Right?

I've taken to calling this the Willendorf effect,

and once again we see it reinforced in many aspects of her life.

Has anyone here ever been visibly pregnant?


Yeah. Lots of you, right?

So how many of you ever had a stranger touch your belly during pregnancy,

maybe without even asking your permission first?

Or told what you can and cannot eat

by somebody who is not your doctor, your medical care provider?

Or asked private questions about your birth plan?

And then told why those choices are all wrong?

Yeah, me too.

Or had a server refuse to bring you a glass of wine?

This one might give you pause, I know, but stay with me.

This is a huge secret.

It is actually safe to drink in moderation during pregnancy.

Many of us don't know this

because doctors don't trust pregnant women with this secret --


especially if she's less educated or a woman of color.

What this tells us is,

this Willendorf effect, it's also classist and racist.

It's present when the government reminds women

with every new anti-choice bill

that the contents of her uterus are not her own,

or when an ob-gyn says,

"While it's safe to have sex during pregnancy,

sometimes you never know.

Better safe than sorry, right?"

She's denied basic privacy and bodily autonomy

under the guise of "be a good mother."

We don't trust her to make her own decisions.

She's cute, remember?

When we tell women

that sexual pleasure -- excuse me.

When we tell women that sex isn't worth the risk during pregnancy,

what we're telling her is that her sexual pleasure doesn't matter.

So what we are telling her is that she in fact doesn't matter,

even though the needs of her fetus are not at odds with her own needs.

So medical providers,

such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

have the opportunity to educate about the safety of sex during pregnancy.

So what do the experts say?

ACOG actually has no public official statement

about the safety of sex during pregnancy.

Guidance from the Mayo Clinic is generally positive

but presented with a caveat:

"Although most women can safely have sex throughout pregnancy,

sometimes it's best to be cautious."

Some women don't want to have sex during pregnancy,

and that's OK.

Some women do want to have sex during pregnancy,

and that's OK, too.

What needs to stop is society telling women

what they can and cannot do with their bodies.


Pregnant women are not faceless, identity-less vessels of reproduction

who can't stand on their own two feet.

But the truth is, the real secret is,

we tell all women that their sexual pleasure doesn't matter.

We refuse to even acknowledge that women who have sex with women

or women who don't want children even exist.

"Oh, it's just a phase ...

she just needs the right man to come along."

Every time a woman has sex

simply because it feels good,

it is revolutionary.

She is revolutionary.

She is pushing back against society's insistence

that she exist simply for men's pleasure

or for reproduction.

A woman who prioritizes her sexual needs is scary,

because a woman who prioritizes her sexual needs prioritizes herself.


That is a woman demanding that she be treated as an equal.

That is a woman who insists

that you make room for her at the table of power,

and that is the most terrifying of all

because we can't make room for her

without some of us giving up the extra space we hold.


I have one last secret for you.

I am the mother of two boys

and we could use your help.

Even though my boys hear me say regularly

that it's important for men to recognize women as equals

and they see their father modeling this,

we need what happens in the world to reinforce what happens in our home.

This is not a men's problem or a women's problem.

This is everyone's problem,

and we all play a role in dismantling systems of inequality.

For starters, we have got to stop telling women

what they can and cannot do with their bodies.


This includes not treating pregnant women like community property.

If you don't know her, don't even ask to touch her belly.

You wouldn't anybody else.

Don't tell her what she can and cannot eat.

Don't ask her private details about her medical decisions.

This also includes understanding

that even if you are personally against abortion,

you can still fight for a woman's right to choose.

When it comes to women's equality, the two need not oppose one another.

If you're somebody who has sex with women,

prioritize her pleasure.

If you don't know how, ask.

If you have children --


have conversations about sex as early as possible,

because kids don't look up s-e-x in the dictionary anymore.

They look it up on the internet.

And when you're having those conversations about sex,

don't center them on reproduction only.

People have sex for many reasons,

some because they want a baby,

but most of us have sex because it feels good.

Admit it.

And regardless of whether you have children or not,

support comprehensive sex education that doesn't shame our teenagers.


Nothing positive comes from shaming teens

for their sexual desires, behaviors,

other than positive STD and pregnancy tests.

Every single day, we are all given the opportunity

to disrupt patterns of inequality.

I think we can all agree that it's worth the trouble to do so.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> The lies we tell pregnant women | Sofia Jawed-Wessel - Duration: 13:39.


Elixir of Eros Review - Exclusive Look Inside The Members Area - Duration: 3:07.

hi this is bill and welcome to my elixir

of eros review now you can see we're

inside the members area we'll go ahead

and click on the core program and you

can see you have the bonuses here to the

right and the core program the left so

it's going to jump in the bonuses real

quick you can see there's what four five

six seven eight nine, nine different

bonuses so those are all pretty cool but

we really are forward-looking inside the

elixir of eros so I am going to begin the

course gotta click this button i reckon

you can see there's what 12 chapters

which is going to introduction and take

a quick peek in there

ok this is going to be basically

listening to the introduction from Mike

hi I'm Mike right and welcome to the

Elixir or Eros - although i don't know you

personally I do know a few things about

you I know that you're not satisfied

with your dating life you want more you

want an easier less stressful way to

make women want you

you want that girl you like to think of

you sexually not just as a friend and

you don't want to wait around for months

or years for results you want. If you

apply what you learn in this course it's

gonna change every conversation ever had

with a woman, until the day you die.

Throughout the rest of these lessons i'm

going to hand you the keys to what I

believe is the most potent erotic power

known to man

when you master it you have the power to

make almost any woman that you choose

desperately want to be with you.

So what is this erotic power to survive

force this because well i call it the

The Elixir of Eros and I picked in the name elixir

because for centuries...

OK so that's enough just hearing the

introduction you can see there's twelve

chapters each chapter is got a ton of

content the videos are sometimes I think

up to an hour long so there's there's so

much content in this that you're really

going to be able to eat it up and let's

go ahead and jump into the e-book. Okay

so here's the book it's the elixir of

eros a man's guide to making a woman

chase him.

Let's go ahead and jump in there is a

disclaimer table of contents so you can

see there's ten chapters about 250 pages

really has just an absolute ton of

content. I know mike who wrote this and

then he's really proud of everything

he's written in here and he wrote it

himself. It isn't some cheap guide you're

going to have someone else write for you

this is from someone who really knows

what he's doing. People that have bought

this have given it rave reviews I know

other people that have had gotten it and

heard back from the customers that uh, excuse me, I've known

people that have promoted it to maybe

their email list and customers have

bought it and actually replied to that

the the person that emailed the

recommendation to them maybe the

affiliate and said thank you for

recommending this. It's really you know

an amazing program you know thanks for

promoting it instead of maybe they feel

like they were getting something they

didn't want they actually were very

thankful so you want to check out the

elixir of eros for yourself.

Go ahead and click this link here there

should be a link in the middle upper

right. There's a link in the description.

Subscribe to my channel and maybe watch

this other video, thanks.

For more infomation >> Elixir of Eros Review - Exclusive Look Inside The Members Area - Duration: 3:07.


Democrats Have Already Softened Their Opposition To Trump - Duration: 5:25.

A lot of progressives were upset earlier this week when Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown

and Elizabeth Warren voted in favor of Ben Carson becoming the Secretary of the Department

of Housing and Urban Development.

Now, according to Senator Brown's office, he had a private meeting with Ben Carson where

they realized that they're actually on the same page on a lot of issues including LGBT

issues, which Brown's office says that Carson wants to make sure there's no discrimination

in the housing process towards LGBT community.

However, keep in mind this is also a guy that says going to prison makes you gay, so I wouldn't

trust a single thing that this man says about LGBTQ issues.

Here's the problem, Democrats.

We have James Carville out there right now saying, "Look, the Democrats have to pick

their battles.

They can't just be against everything, because they're gonna to have to get Republicans to

work with them to oppose this guy."

First of all, that's not going to happen.


The Republicans are not going to work with the Democrats because they control the House,

they control the Senate, they control the White House, they control the Supreme Court.

What possible benefit does the Republican Party get from going with the minority Democrats?


Not going to happen.

Bad strategy, Carville.

Aren't you the one that just kind of lost Hillary's campaign for her?

Look, I have tremendous respect for James Carville.

I have tremendous respect for a couple Democrats, but it's over.

The days of just kind of being these lightweight pushovers who want to compromise on everything,

and "Oh, gee, we can't be seen as too obstructive.

[inaudible 00:01:55]" It's done.

Republicans obstructed President Obama and the entire Democratic Party for eight years.

Do you think the public was pissed off at them?

Do you?

Because they won the 2012 House races.

They won the 2014 mid-terms, and they won the 2016 election, House, Senate, everything,

by campaigning on that obstruction and telling their base, "We didn't let the people that

you don't agree with run this country into a hole."

That was their talking point, even though it's not anywhere based in reality.

President Obama was not going to run the country in a hole.

The Democrats were not going to do that.

That's what they used, and that's how they won.

You people are so stupid to sit there and think that the Democrats can't pull off the

same thing.

How detached from reality have you become?

Democratic advisors, Democratic strategists, and even progressive heroes like Sherrod Brown

and Elizabeth Warren, you're dead wrong on this issue and history proves it.

History proves it.

Look at the last three elections and you will see that you are wrong.

Republicans used images of other Republicans with President Obama shaking his hand.

They used that in primaries against their opponents and won.

Is that what strong progressive Democrats need to do with these other Democrats with

Donald Trump?

If we see you talking to him, should we take a picture and use it against you in a primary

campaign to get you out of office?

It worked for the Republicans.

It should work for the Democrats.

Maybe that's what we have to do to get you people to wake up.

Very few people in this country support Donald Trump's agenda.

That includes people who voted for Donald Trump.

They've already come out and said that they don't support this.

For you to come out on national TV, people like Carville, and David Brock who wants to

take over the Democratic Party, for you to come out and say that, "Oh, Democrats are

playing it safe.

They're playing it cool.

They're gonna go with 'em on this.

They're gonna go against 'em on this."

That is bull crap.

You can go against him on every issue and you're not going to be punished.

I promise you.

Because once the public sees exactly what this man is doing, they don't like it.

His poll numbers are still dropping, but you're supporting him.

You're going with him by letting some things fly.


I mean, maybe it's not a horrible, horrible, thing.

Maybe it's only horrible.

It's not going to cut it anymore.

The Democratic Party is full of idiots at this point.

They learned nothing from 2016.

They learned nothing from 2014.

They learned nothing from 2012.

They learned nothing from the Republican playbook for the last eight years.

They learned nothing during the George W. Bush Administration.

The Democratic Party is dead.

For more infomation >> Democrats Have Already Softened Their Opposition To Trump - Duration: 5:25.


The Abortion Rate Is At An All-Time Low, Why? - Duration: 4:36.

Abortion is an extremely contentious issue for many people in the U.S. and around the

world, many of whom want to see a world with few abortions.

Luckily, science is on the case.

Hey there countrywomen and countrymen, Trace here for DNews.

Near the end of January, President Trump signed an Executive Order reinstating something called

the "Mexico City Policy," or "Global Gag Rule," blocking U.S. foreign aid to

any organization performing, advising on, or endorsing abortion as a method of family


It was first signed by former President Reagan.

Depending on the administration, the rule comes and goes.

Dispassionate data exists to try to understand how to the decrease abortion rates, and restricting

access to abortion, counseling, and advisory services doesn't decrease the number of

abortions performed, but does the opposite!

A study by the World Health Organization, looked at over 260-thousand women in 20 countries

from 1994 to 2008, and found once the Mexico City Policy was reinstated the last time,

in 2001, the abortion rate more than doubled.

They even created an algorithm to compare those with and without exposure to abortion

advice, endorsement or services, and those without access had more abortions.

And this isn't just worldwide, it's also in the United States.

A study published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health examined abortions

in the United States, and found from 2011 to 2014, the rate dropped by 12 percent.

Their study wanted to find out what caused this huge drop.

They looked at access to abortions and contraception and also the closing of abortion clinics.

They didn't find a strong correlation between closing clinics and decreasing rates.

But, did think a decrease in unintended pregnancies and increase in contraceptive use contributed

to the decline in abortions.

The U.S. currently has the lowest abortion rate since it became legal in 1973, and yet

people are still denying sexual health education works.

This study postulates that both contraception and education are at play.

Though they say more research is obviously needed.

Many believe unintended pregnancies are a result of contraception failure, but according

to a report by the Guttmacher Institute, a sexual health research nonprofit… that would

only account for 5 percent of all unintended pregnancies.

Of the remaining 95 percent: most was from non-use of contraception, and a bit less than

half was incorrect or inconsistent use.

This means a big chunk of our unintended pregnancy problem is likely a lack of education!

A study in Plos ONE echos this sentiment: with findings so strong they put them in the

subtitle, saying "Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S."

Though, access and education don't work if people don't accept them as options to

countering unintended pregnancies.

According to a study done over 8 years published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent

Medicine, more contraception instruction, and education, correlated with lower rates

of 15 to 17 year old's getting pregnant -- what we call teen pregnancy.

And there are proven methods to purely decrease abortion rates.

A 2012 study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology followed over 9000 girls and women, and reported

teen birth rates dropped by 82 percent, and abortions dropped by approximately two-thirds...when

they did this one crazy thing... gave them free birth control access.

Unintended pregnancies aren't just something we can write off with the flourish of a pen.

A Studies in Family Planning paper, reported 40 percent of all pregnancies worldwide were

unintended in 2012; half ended in abortion, but 38 percent resulted in unplanned births.

Those unplanned births affect the lives of everyone involved forever -- mothers, children,

fathers, grandparents, social support networks, et cetera.

According to a 1988 study in Family Planning Perspectives, three-quarters of women seeking

abortions said, "having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities,"

about two-thirds "could not afford" a child, and half "did not want to be a single

parent or had relationship problems."

Some women stated they weren't mature enough to have a child, and some still said their

parents wished them to abort.

Clearly, unintended pregnancies will continue to happen if we do nothing.

And, according to dozens of studies, abortion rates decline when people have access to contraception

and the education to use it properly.

Though there are many who have politicized this issue, the data seems to indicate that

restricting access for political reasons might cause more unintended pregnancies, and thus,

actually increase the rates of abortion.

Still curious about abortions?

Do you know how they work?

There is more than one kind, and we've got each process explained, here.

How do you feel about the U.S. having the lowest abortion rate in a long time?

Let us know in the comments, please subscribe for more DNews and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> The Abortion Rate Is At An All-Time Low, Why? - Duration: 4:36.




Hello everyone

I still feel messed up

we were playing with the photobooth

before we started this video and

we were using the mirror one

and we're both just kinda tripped out

from the like half mirror one


point is

we...remember a few days ago

we shared a video when we ate at stonefire



yeah, Tal

go ahead

Well she made a video

of different people talking about Deaf and hearing

housing at University of Vermont

and having Deaf and hearing people live on the same floor

dormitory floor

so we thought

she went out of her way asking us to maybe make a video for her

about us talking about what we thought

my hearing perspective and Ryan's Deaf perspective on that topic

and we

posted that video a few days ago

and she used that in her proposal to the board of housing

yeah so we

we haven't seen it yet

okay, so here we go

look it's us

wow you look good babe

you look good too

half a year?! wow

she learned fast

wow they have so many better points than us

What'd you think of that?

I loved it


I liked it a lot

I liked how she edited it too

i think just from the perspective of editing

very direct. cut cut cut. done


yeah, it'd be a good motivator for

ASL students to learn

and really learn

What'd you think of the other Ryan? What he said?

is he? He said he's a student right?

ASL student?

a Deaf student

oh a Deaf student

yeah, a Deaf student

I noticed he signed...

he has good points

He signs ASL


He had good points

well you're very ASL sometimes

it depends on my mood or

i don't know

just depends on the situation too

yeah, I noticed when you hangout with your friends

it's kinda hard for me to understand what you're saying

because it's not english grammar

But I noticed he signed Deaf like Deaf


it's the same


the computer's moving


aww babe you seem tired

I am tired

he got a new hair cut

by the way

and it feels funny. It feels awesome

By the way the reason why it's so short is because I had

a faux hawk

faux hawk

and I tried to trim it

trim it

but I accidentally took too much off so now

I was like I'll go ahead and take it all off

because it would look bad if I left it

just take it all off

Thank you Tal for asking us to make this video for you

we were really happy to do that for you

and we hope you get approved

oh wait

wai, wai, wait

just want to let you know our plans for the future

once we reach five thousand subscribers

on YouTube

we're going to be doing a live Q and A

for you guys

so help us get to five thousand subscribers by sharing

our videos with your friends and family

so we can have our Q and A and answer some of your questions

not only up to

no five and up!

five thousand and up

come on

don't be like, "oh, they have five thousand"

"okay, I'll be shhh"

no still share with your friends and family


I think what he's trying to say is we really appreciate your support

and if you actually want to share our videos with people who are actually interested in sign

language. Then we would really appreciate it


okay, anyways

love you guys! bye!

And also don't forget to check out Tal's video

the link is going to be in the description box down bellow

For more infomation >> REACTION TO ASL AND DEAF CULTURE HOUSE VIDEO BY TAL - Duration: 7:00.


Recipe for a "happy and powerful breakfast" - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Recipe for a "happy and powerful breakfast" - Duration: 4:33.



hey everybody welcome to my channel! its mel hey everybody! welcome to my channel! my names

melissa, today were gonna be showing you guys my brothers wash day routine.

hello my names rowan. were going to be showing you guys his wash day routine.

if you guys are interested, keep on watching! for his curly hair routine he only uses one

product and that is the aussie moist conditioner.

so step one, get your hair wet.

i do two dumps of aussie straight to my hands, rub em together a little bit, loosen it up,

get the chemicals working.

ahahah put it in my hair of course get it nice and deep.

if i need more I just put it more deepget it in there, get the curls.

get the lice out.

i start at the crown, get all like the knots out.

all the way around.

and then you can pick which way you wanna go.

you can go forward, you can go back, you can go, just whatever way you want but i go forward

first . do my side, get my left side and my top done first and then.

so pretty much you go like this.

around in a circle.

yeah, around in a circle.

so its all good and then after that i usually just comb my hair straight back.

get a little jerry curl. ew he said a jerry curl! then i rinse it out a little bit, i

just put my head under maybe once, just squeeze out some conditioner, i leave alot of conditioner

in and it helps my hair. and nice curls like this, you know.

not as good as this though.

thats so funny! then he goes about his day, he just lets it air dry, he doesnt ever use

a blow dryer on his hair.

how long, how many, how long have you been growing your hair out?

weve probably both been about a year.

yeah we both been growing our hair out about a year.

for you, you do it evryday.

yeah i do, do it , everyday.

cause when i first started my vurly hair.

dont, leave your hair for four months.

yeah he hedid that.

he like like i said, he had four big ass dreadlocks.

his routine shows you that less is more.

you dont need to cake your hair with product for it to grow.

your hairs growing, its just your not retaining length.

so how long have you not shampood your hair for?

like three months.

how many hairs do you grow a day?

how many hair do you grow a day?

how many hair do you loose a day.

yeah how much do you grow a day?

theres gotta be a balance.

thats for bill nye to figure out cause i dont know.

you just have to figure out what works for you.

its going to take trial and error with this, i know I went through a lot of trial and error.

yeah and he. you see he has really really tight curls. and thats for all you natural

hair, natural, natural hair natzi's, you know.

coming for everybody.

like because a black woman has a looser curl pattern and your like she must be half white.

like, so what is he a 100% black because he has really tight curls?


i hope you guys enjoyed the video!thumbs up this video if you would like to see more of

my brother in my youtube videos.

leave a comment down below either asking questions or telling me what topic you would like to

to talk about next either with just me or with him in it.

hit that subscribe button! hit it, hit it! and we'll see you guys in the next video!

bye! peace! peace out homies!

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