Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Superman Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes Collection - Daddy Finger Song - Babies Songs - Duration: 11:07.


Check Out We Love You

For more infomation >> Check Out We Love You


What's Your Face Shape?

For more infomation >> What's Your Face Shape?


Mario SBG Vlog Gran Canaria - Duration: 3:33.

Hi Dear Friends

Armani here

Giorgio :)

We are in Sahara

As u see behind me

It is beautifully

and pleasantly

Here as u see beautiful Views behind me.

we go further

by our little car

We fly like an arrow through the mountains

Siemanko koleżkowcy

zabrałem was dzisiaj

na Piękne widoki .

Naprawdę uwielbiam tego typu rzeczy.

a zatem Popatrzcie ze mną.

One of my favorite takedown, somewhere in Gran Canaria village

Reflected in the sites my eyes I believe we can do it - keep walking! So many doubts, never less faith

Siema ! / See ya!

For more infomation >> Mario SBG Vlog Gran Canaria - Duration: 3:33.


Musica Per Meditazione Profonda Onde Alfa - Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:05:42.

For more infomation >> Musica Per Meditazione Profonda Onde Alfa - Musica Rilassante Per Meditare - Duration: 1:05:42.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V Séduction - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Séduction - Duration: 1:10.


وصفة طبيعية للخطوط البيضاء في الجسم - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> وصفة طبيعية للخطوط البيضاء في الجسم - Duration: 3:16.


Vanishing Bottle To Bag Trick Revealed - Duration: 1:54.

Hows it going everyone and today i'm going to show you how to make a Coca Cola bottle

disappear from this bag but first let me show you it is empty i'm going to put it up like

this watch i'll put the Coca Cola in there and watch 3,2,1 just like that it disappears

so for this trick all your going to need is a paper sack and a glass bottle in this case

i'm using a Coca Cola and with your paper sack your not let anybody see it but your

going to have a huge rip in the back of the thing just like that and you don't let anybody

see it so you hold it like the back just like this and you can not see it at all and what

your actually doing when you put it in your just pushing it out like this so it would

look like this you pushing it back out and when you push down all the Coca Cola is doing

is laying flat on your hand so from this angle like I just did it looks like this looks like

your just taking the sack sometimes you'll mess up you want to have then directly in

front of you not on the side or else they will see you want to put it right in as you

put it in tilt it down like this and it will go out and then you just go like this you

can go fast or you can go slow you can go don't know if that was that good but that's

how you do that trick so it doesn't really take any money to do it all's you half to

do is have a glass bottle and a paper sack you can just put it in say everyone watch

then out it and 3,2,1 just disappears then you can do some type of slight of hand or

something like drop it and say you guys can check it out if you want so that's how you

do that trick tell me in the comment section if you can learn this trick hope you liked

this trick and i'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Vanishing Bottle To Bag Trick Revealed - Duration: 1:54.


Deadly Dangers When Using Non-Stick Pans Sai Way You Need to Know - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> Deadly Dangers When Using Non-Stick Pans Sai Way You Need to Know - Duration: 14:31.


$25 FREE HACKED QRIKET app SIGN UP CODE(proof) - Duration: 2:29.



















































































RS 1,675





For more infomation >> $25 FREE HACKED QRIKET app SIGN UP CODE(proof) - Duration: 2:29.


Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 PURETECH 130 SW NAVIGATIE + CAMERA - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 PURETECH 130 SW NAVIGATIE + CAMERA - Duration: 1:53.


7 Real Ghost Stories And 1 Personal Ghost Story | #Scarystories - Duration: 6:53.

Two years ago, I was half asleep when I felt like I was being pulled off my bed by my legs.

Suddenly, I shot straight up and started violently choking!

It took me a few minutes to catch my breath, and it was so bad my mom woke up to check

on me.

HERE�S THE SCARIEST PART: The next morning, my mom said she didn�t remember my coughing

fit, but she told me she had a dream that the DEVIL WAS TRYING TO PULL ME AWAY FROM


I was home alone watching TV when I saw something moving in the master bedroom.

I strained my eyes to see a man walking out of the closet to the other side of the room.

He stopped, looked at me, put his finger to his lips, then turned around.

There was blood on his face, and the back of his head was missing.

He vanished back into the closet.

We moved when we found out that the mysterious small hole in the ceiling of our bedroom is

from a previous tenant who shot himself in that exact spot.

A few years ago, I was upstairs at my mom�s house playing on the computer when I heard

the front door open and my mom come in.

She yelled, �Amber!

I�m home,� and seemed to be struggling with some groceries.

I ran downstairs to help her� but she wasn�t there.

Her car wasn�t in the driveway, either.

I woke up one night having to pee, and I brought my phone to the bathroom.

While walking down the hall and texting, I bumped into a girl in a white dress.

I didn�t look up, said �sorry,� and kept going.

It occurred to me moments later that I was home alone and not in my bustling high school.

The next day, when my boyfriend came to pick me up for the movies, he asked why I�d been

staring at him through the upstairs window, and why I�d changed out of my white dress.

But I don�t even own a white dress.

Before I start this story I have to say that my brother and his son stayed at our house

with when this happened.

I came home from work one day and opened the door, the stairs are right next to the door

and at the angle where I am standing I can see just some bare feet standing at the top

of the stairs the rest of the body is blocked from view.

I look and the child walk slowly up the stairs and don't think much of it since my brother

and his child are in the house, I then walk to the living room and see them both there!,

and asked him who is upstairs I saw someone at the stairs I thought it was your child,he

says that no one else is home but them.

Then all of a sudden we hear someone running upstairs and a giggle.i was getting freaked

out by now me and my brother both walk slowly up the stairs and looked everywhere but there

was no one there.

I was sleeping alone in a room I shared with my six-year-old sister, but she wasn�t home.

She had a toy McDonald�s cash register with a drive-thru radio that�d play a recording

if you pressed a button.

I was dozing off when I heard, �Welcome to McDonald�s, can I take your order?�

from inside our closet.

I investigated, took it out of the toy box, and turned it off before setting it on a shelf

where it wouldn�t be disturbed.

About 20 minutes later, I�m falling asleep and heard a voice whisper, �I would like

Chicken McNuggets, please.� You bet I bolted out of there.

My mom bought me my first iPhone right before she passed away.

After we lost her, I�d sometimes randomly find Siri open with a small conversation on

the screen.

This happened a handful of times.

One day, I was scared because I was starting my new job, and left my phone on the desk

next to me.

Siri was open, and the screen said, �What you doing?� I burst into tears � �What

you doing?� was the phrase my mom and I used to greet each other on the phone.

I used to share a paper route with my brothers, and we�d deliver to a lady named Margie.

Since she was old and lived alone, one of us would take the paper inside and check on


One day I went in and she was asleep on the bed, so I put the paper on the table and left.

The next day, she was asleep again, hadn�t opened the paper from the day before.

The following day, I went in and Margie was awake.

She said she was very happy and gave me a hug.

But the next morning there were cars outside her house.

Apparently Margie had died in her bed, three or four days before � I had spoken to and

hugged her about 24 earlier, when she was already dead.

For more infomation >> 7 Real Ghost Stories And 1 Personal Ghost Story | #Scarystories - Duration: 6:53.


Balance Inspirational Video

For more infomation >> Balance Inspirational Video


'Tough Guys' Country Hit Mus...

For more infomation >> 'Tough Guys' Country Hit Mus...


They showed me something that I was searching for, and I didn't even realize it - Duration: 2:01.

I moved to Syracuse about 12 years ago, and like many people who moved here,

I had absolutely no intention of staying, and yet 12 years later I am here and this

is my home. And for many people they ask what made me stay and in many ways there's

a lot of answers to that, but the strongest and really the fullest answer is

that I fell in love with a girl named Tamar, and a man named Bim,

and another teenager named Saraswati.

And I drank tea with them, and I sat at their dinner tables. I got to share life

with them and they showed me this thing that I had been searching for and didn't

even realize. It was this understanding of humanity that is tremendously different

than one that is put in a box that a lot of the other things in my life had

kind of edged out and caused me to believe.

But when I sat with them, I realized that there was this fuller,

more beautiful understanding of what it meant to be human. And when I would sit at

their tables and hear their stories, share my own story, and we would dance together,

we would celebrate birthdays. I would go to weddings. I truly became a fuller

version of myself. And so, many people will ask me this question, why did you

start an organization? Why did you move down to the Northside? And a lot them,

they're searching for the answer that I wanted to help people because I saw there

was a need, and it is indeed true that there is a need and I do want to show up

for it because I believe in that being a thing that we ought to be for our kindred

humanity. But the honest truth is that what really brought me down here,

what really has caused my life to turn on its head, and completely change the

narrative that I'm living now is that I fell in love with the people.

For more infomation >> They showed me something that I was searching for, and I didn't even realize it - Duration: 2:01.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Linea Sol - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Linea Sol - Duration: 0:43.


We are all one family - and I long for everyone to see it this way - Duration: 2:23.

There are so many moments where I wake up in the morning and I watch what's running

on the news, where I walk the streets in my neighborhood and I see certain things

being said, or in coffee shops when I'm out and about. And I think,

"Those are my friends that you're talking about and those are people with names,

and they have stories." And, honestly, it hasn't always been that way,

right? All of us live our stories. We don't all encounter these things.

And yet over the last period of years, these are a people whose stories have

changed mine, and I truly, truly believe that their presence in our nation,

their presence in our own cities, in our own neighborhoods, and for me,

even in my own home has brought this rich and beautiful understanding that our

primary identity doesn't come from what borders we're born within.

It doesn't come from the color of our skin.

It comes from this fact that we are human together. And as a person of faith,

for me that means that we are created in the image of God. And so for everyone else

that I encounter in life that struggles to embrace that, it draws up this longing in

my heart for them, because I know that at one point, I stood somewhere else.

That at one point, I did not see what I see today. And yet, I beg that you lean

in. I beg that those who are sharing in the midst of rhetoric that's filled with a

lot of thoughts, I wonder if stories are part of it. I wonder if people are part of

it, and I wonder if you'd find, like I found, that as people are part of your

story, you can't stand on the sidelines anymore. You can't throw stones anymore,

because suddenly it's your sister, and it's your brother, and your auntie,

and they're your family, and they're your friends. And when they cry,

you'll cry, and when they laugh, you will laugh, and you are no longer your own

person, you're now us. And there is no "us" in "them," because we are all "us."

We're all people.

For more infomation >> We are all one family - and I long for everyone to see it this way - Duration: 2:23.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-CITE NAVI - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-CITE NAVI - Duration: 1:12.


BMW X1 2.0I Sdrive Executive - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I Sdrive Executive - Duration: 0:41.


Suzuki SX4 1.6i EXVLUSIVE 4X4 LPG-G3 AIRCO ECC LEDER LMV TREK - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 1.6i EXVLUSIVE 4X4 LPG-G3 AIRCO ECC LEDER LMV TREK - Duration: 1:19.


Citroën C1 1.0I 5-DRS AMBIANCE SENSODRIVE - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0I 5-DRS AMBIANCE SENSODRIVE - Duration: 1:30.


Seat Leon 1.6i "25 Edition II" met Clima / Cruise Control / - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.6i "25 Edition II" met Clima / Cruise Control / - Duration: 1:19.


Citroën C5 SDN 2.0i 16v EXCLUSIVE AUTOMAAT LEDER/NAVI/ETC.. - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën C5 SDN 2.0i 16v EXCLUSIVE AUTOMAAT LEDER/NAVI/ETC.. - Duration: 1:47.


アンパンお茶漬け作ってみた I tried making anpan ochazuke - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> アンパンお茶漬け作ってみた I tried making anpan ochazuke - Duration: 2:03.


MY 2016 REVIEW - Harris J ? New friends ? Trips? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> MY 2016 REVIEW - Harris J ? New friends ? Trips? - Duration: 5:26.


Talking About My Nikon DSLR & Lenses - Duration: 5:10.

today I thought I would talk about my DSLR the lenses I've bought for it and some other

accessories that I've purchased for it I'm by no means an advanced DSLR user or photographer

I'm more of an intermediate I'm still learning as I go on but I thought I would show you

my equipment that I have for my camera so far here is my Nikon D5300 I've had it about

two years three months in a few days and so far I haven't had any problems with the camera

itself with it's operation or anything else and here is the back of the Nikon D5300 which

I purchased this is actually my first DSLR camera before that I just had a digital camera

now I will show you the lenses and other accessories that I purchased for the camera the first

lens I bought that came with the camera and it is a kit lens is the Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor

18 to 140 millimeter F 3.5 to 5.6 G ED VR lens and you can buy it separately for four

hundred and ninety nine ninety five U.S. dollars and it's considered a kit lens because it's

on the lower end of the Nikon 18 to 140 millimeter type lenses and it can also be purchased with

a camera body which is why they call it a kit lens and as you can see there is also

the lens hood on the left of it all of the lenses that I own have a lens hood and there

are the buttons on the side of the lens one is auto to manual focus and the other is VR

on or off this is the next lens that I bought it's the Sigma 150 to 600 millimeter F 5 to

6.3 DG contemporary there is also a sports edition of this lens which is more expensive

I believe this lens was around twelve hundred U.S. dollars I want to say I can't remember

for sure I will try to put the price somewhere on screen that is currently and as you can

see it has a lens hood that came with it I didn't have to buy it separately and also

you can see the buttons on it from the focus control which is auto manual override and

manual focus and then also the limiter the distance limiter the optical stabilization

which is Sigma's version of VR and custom settings that you need a dock for which I

haven't bought and I probably wouldn't use anyway but yeah this is my most expensive

lens and I haven't really had any issues with it it does take really good pictures there

are sometimes where every photographer can make a mistake and the pictures not in focus

or there's a little bit of blur but that isn't really the lens's fault and the last lens

is a Nikon AF-S DX micro Nikkor 40 millimeter F 2.8 G it is a macro lens but you can also

use it for other things like portraits or landscape it just limited to the 40 millimeter

focal length and it came with a lens hood as you can see to the left of it and as you

can see it has a focus button manual auto or manual and also a distance limiter and

again this is the cheapest lens that I purchased so far I believe it was about two hundred

and forty nine Canadian or possibly U.S. dollars like I said earlier the prices will be in

the video description or somewhere on screen both of the Nikon lenses that I showed you

came with very little the Sigma lens is the one that came with the most accessories like

it came with a lens strap where you can actually put a strap on your lens it came with an adjustable

collar for a tripod mount it came with lens hood and there are some other things that

it came with and also because I bought the Sigma in Canada it has a seven year warranty

now both of the Nikon lenses the kit lens did not come with a lens hood I had to buy

that separately and this macro lens that you're seeing right now came with a lens hood which

is kind of funny because it's the cheapest lens out of the two Nikon lenses and it came

with a hood and the kit lens did not come with a hood this macro lens also came with

a pouch and the kit lens did not come with a pouch what kind of camera do you use do

you have a DSLR a digital camera or maybe just your phone

subscribe or visit my YouTube channel

For more infomation >> Talking About My Nikon DSLR & Lenses - Duration: 5:10.


[MMD OSOMATSU-SAN] VALENTI (Karamatsu) - Duration: 1:15.

I can feel it truly in my heart

Catchin' my heart you're my destiny

Nothing gonna stop my love for you

So reaching your hand, hold on to me

Shakin' my heart, you're my dreamy boy

You're the heat, my fireworks

Baby kiss me softly I need you

Oh, Step In, Step In, Babe

Wanna know how we met each other?

How did we get the feelings we have?

Boy, I fall in love with you

Remember the moment

Born to love you, want to take you into paradise

Just fighting for love, never stop my body

Take your hand then steal your heart and you'll be in my arms

Keep your smile and I never let go

You are my dream

For more infomation >> [MMD OSOMATSU-SAN] VALENTI (Karamatsu) - Duration: 1:15.


Law of Attraction - Challenge Your Mind (Psychology) - Duration: 7:45.

Live Today With Passion: Mark Wahlberg "Playing a professor in college it was a

bit of a stretch but something that I

was excited about never one who really

shy away from a challenge i usually kind

of jump at the opportunity to do

something different and unexpected but

I'm also the kind of guy was going to

make sure that i'm prepared you know

really cover all the bases and and you

know I don't want to to look foolish and

I don't certainly don't want to


most of us are suffering from something

you know we're suffering some something

in a relationship somewhere some of us

are suffering physically summers are

suffering emotionally you know there's a

lot of suffering in the world and people

often ask me how do you deal with it and

i think i have maybe a unique approach i

would say after having been through a

lot of my life I've been through car

accidents and brain injuries and broken

nearly every bone it feels like this

point in my life could some of our

adventures and some more accidents that

I've had me you know my stories but you

know I've been through a lot physically

and a lot emotionally in my life from

from the brain injury that left me and

very challenged situation such a deep

concussion struggling every single day

to control my emotions to control my

motivation to try and figure out how to

you know heal properly physically from

the rest of things that happened to me

and I've also you know gone through some

emotional suffering like anyone else

from losing people

the loss of love sometimes loss of life

you know we we all go through things but

a lot of people they say that they're

suffering or they're really challenge

that really hurt they're really hair and


there's a lot to it but what's the

ultimate solution you know no matter

where r at how do we break through that

and overcome that I call it my war and

peace model you know my word these

models if you had a challenge or problem

including suffering in your life you

gotta go to war at it and you have to

have peace about it and you're running

my hand a friend recently said when you

know i'm suffering my marriage man i

said what you mean your suffering your

marriages are just you know I would

we're not clicking what I do we're not

doing well I you know I don't know

what's going on I said well okay well

tell me more about that he said what

they were doing he says well you know we

started going to counseling is a great

how's that going

so I

wyd it's not working and we go to

counseling and then we go home we just

fight some more and that's what else you

doing is what I mean he I said what else

are you doing

we're going to counseling I said no but

what else you're doing and therein lies

the problem

and therein lies a lot of folks his

problem overcoming things in their life

they try one thing to solve it

one thing and that's why they fail

because major challenges maybe your

frustrations neighbor major problems in

our lives demand multiple areas of


it's like when you go to war when you

send in the plains you send in the

ground troops you said in people from

the flank from the front

I mean you go ahead and all sides trying

to win and if you've got a major

challenge problem we're struggling up

there go all sides

this guy was like hey you know what you

need to go out start interviewing

couples have been married for a long

period of time

what were their secrets what books are

you reading what are you reading online

who are you connecting with who can

mentor you coach you through besides

just the counselor what are you doing

specifically activities real things but

how you being more present tell me what

are all the strategies you're putting

into this game to win and he was just

like what I know that's overwhelming to

people but come on are you really going

to overcome your challenges if you don't

overwhelm them right

you're so overwhelmed with are you know

the suffering and the challenge of the

frustrations us are overwhelming those

things with the number of areas you're

hitting that baby i remember when i went


I was like okay I have this dream to

write these books and become a trainer

I'm gonna try everything man i'm gonna

bust through this thing i'm going to put

every direction that i can on this thing

to move the needle financially in my

life and then when i get one that hits

boom i'm going to commit to that and

market and you know if something else

isn't working up that will add another

element another strategy and stack all

these strategies on a tippler wow I took

that thing out

you know I think that's what we have to

do we have to over whelm the very

obstacles we have in our lives in order

to obliterate them now if that sounds

way too masculine energy for you that's

okay because I said the strategy is

called war and peace

we also have to learn

to be at peace with the struggles we

have to learn to be patient with them as

well we have to allow the struggle in

our life i will say to people you don't

honor the struggle honor the suffering

honor the challenges honor that that

that that deep dark frustration of those

emotions that are negative those things

that really freaked us out honor those

things if you got struggling your life

on Earth know that that thing has been

put before you buy divine hand in order

to challenge you in order to make you a

better person in order to make more

loving in order to make you pay

attention in order to make you to honor

and find the zest in life and if you

don't believe in a divine hand or the

cosmos for anything at least look at and

say you know what maybe this thing I

could use to appreciate life even better

even if you can't ever if you can never

blitar ate that thing you can never fix

it to at least be at peace with what it

is you know it's like war and peace

you know I lost my dad too acute myeloid

leukemia in 2009 and from diagnosis to

death was just 59 days we have a lot of

time and one of things i remember from

that experience that still I'm always

amazed by was the piece that he had in

the final weeks about his life going

away you know he was he accepted it

he bought what he could believe me he

fought I mean he's a Marine

he fought but he accepted as well you

know he knew he was doing his best is

putting full play and force to overcome

that went through multiple chemos

multiple challenge I mean he went

through everything you could

but as he was going through it he was

also a peace with it there's a presence

to being a warrior right you've heard

the peaceful warrior the concept is like

you can have a presence and a piece to


why you're fighting to know that maybe

you can change the outcome but you're

going to work your best towards it and

as you're working the best towards it

you're going to be okay with yourself

your honor that the struggle is ok that

working through and being frustrated

challenges scared or overwhelmed or

freaked out as you're working through


it's ok be at peace with it look at and


this is the way it's supposed to be

right now I'm trying to make it better

but as the world is right now I'm okay

with it to accept the world as it is a

higher level of consciousness even as we

seek to change it right it doesn't mean

we have to prove it I'm not saying we

have to prove it I'm definitely not

saying we have to settle with it but to

accept as it is to to have no negative

attachment or or you know baggage to way

the world is right now it's like no no

it's cool

everything is good right now okay you

don't need anything else right now

wherever you're at and struggling

through and suffering with things I get


it's ok now what are we going to try to

improve it asking those types of

questions and finding that type of piece

as we work from every angle to improve

our lives that makes us smarter that

makes us more likely to break through

and that's the journey that I hope that

we can all take together as we do face

those inevitable struggles inedible

sufferings and challenges of like

For more infomation >> Law of Attraction - Challenge Your Mind (Psychology) - Duration: 7:45.


Giving up smoking for the new year - Duration: 2:27.

A lot of people are breaking or forgetting about their new year's resolutions by now.

But let's review one of the most popular promises made to one's self as the ball drops or the

bell rings.

Kicking the horrible habit of smoking.

Surveys show just one in five manage to deliver on their promise within a year.

Let's turn to our Lee Unshin for some tips to help you join that exclusive group.

The new year is a time for making resolutions.

But whether it's to make a new habit or kick an old one, the toughest part of any resolution

is sticking to it for the long term.

Kim Young-gi, is struggling with just that.

Kim's been using tobacco for almost 35 years... and yet he still hopes to give it up for the

year 2017.

"I go through about 10 cigarettes a day.

I tried to quit numerous times.

I tried patches and herbal remedies, but none of those worked.

But every January, I say this is going to be the year I'm really going to quit."

Kim's wish for the new year is a common one.

In December, online sales of stop-smoking aids like nicotine patches and gum... soared

about 30-percent from the month before.

To help those who want to be tobacco-free... the government has taken several measures,

such as nearly doubling the price of cigarettes two years ago... and making tobacco companies

put graphic images on the packaging to warn people of the health risks of smoking -- those

are set to appear later this month.

But the campaign against smoking has so far not been enough to get Kim to go cold turkey.

So how can someone like Kim succeed after years of trying in vain?

Doctors suggest seeking help from experts.

"Doctors see smoking as a condition; an addiction to nicotine.

While those quit-kits, may work for light smokers, some heavy, long-time smokers, could

use additional help."

Like medication to reduce cravings for tobacco, or counseling services available for free

at health centers throughout the country.

And a moment of weakness here or there doesn't mean you've failed.

"One slip up, is not an excuse to throw away your resolution.

First try cutting back on smoking, and then aim for going cold turkey."

And, letting friends, family and coworkers know what you're working towards will help

you hold on to your determination.

After all... it might be worth giving it your best... so this resolution does NOT become

a yearly tradition.

Lee Unshin, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Giving up smoking for the new year - Duration: 2:27.


K.A.R.D 1st mini fan meeting! talk + Q&A [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:12.

SM: is this right?

fan: somin unnie this? *does heart*

SM: Oh you're good

SM: my fingers must be short that's why

SM: woah yours is even worse than mine

SM: i'm good at this

JW: try it

SM: i'm good right?

SM: ah it's hot

JW: ya i'm done

SM: oh you did well

JW: you know this right.. at fan meetings

Manager: we received questions from the fans earlier for the interview

we have a lot it's a pity we weren't able to answer more during the interview so

so how about we pick 10 more and answer them

one by one pick a question and give it to the next person

fan: Jiwoo unnie when i see you, you remind me of sticky rice cakes (aka white and squishy)

JW: thank you

fan: you're cute

i don't usually hear that i'm cute..

SM: cute

Q: the member you get along with the most? and the one you don't get along with the most?

JW: this is strong

SM: this is too much who gave this question?

JW: come on

i... the member i get along with the best

since... for a long time.. yes

we knew each other for the longest time

so the last one you met is the one you don't get along with?


why are you making it like this?

let's just say that there's no member you don't get along with

BM: yes, there's no one we all get along really well

SM: i got embarrassed oppa (because of you)

oh mine is...

what music genre do you enjoy?

i listen to a lot of R&B and hiphop

i listen to a lot of different genres more than choosing

i go back and forth between all of them and listen to everything

In K.A.R.D is there any role you want other than the king, ace and black/color joker?

it's kinda hard

what is there

j.seph: queen

JW: queen

queen king

jack there's the card jack too

ah it's not ah no no jack is right

there's also


oh hidden? all of us hidden?

My own skin care routine? *lmao*

i don't do skin care

i don't do anything

SM: i'm jealous

BM: lucky

pick one more and let's do it one more time

let's start form j.seph

music style you want to do in the future?

with Matthew the two of us as a unit

ah whyy

JW: let's do it too (to somin)

no no i mean as a unit just for one time

the two of us will do something like real hiphop

JW: we also can do real hiphop

let's do it seperately (as units)

i don't get your joke bm sorry

as an artist what is a goal that you really wanna achieve?

i want to choose and collect songs that i made by myself

and make an album

i'll treat it as my baby, something that's mine

it will be precious to you?

yes, since i worked so hard on it

what is your goal for 2017?

rather than goal i just want more chances to meet the fans closely like this

i want to make a lot of good music

and deliver them too

what season do you like the best?

i like summer the most

because working out is most comfortable in summer

also you get to wear swimwear without a top

for me i like winter the most

SM: so you won't have to take any clothes off?

one more time

j.seph oppa pick one more

pick only one more

did you pick?

no no j.seph oppa only pick one more

no, one by one pick again

ah really?

JW: somaeng~

oh sorry

i can start from here right?

the food you dislike the most?

i don't eat cucumber

i eat everything but cucumber

i'll translate it to you

SM: he's cool

JW: he's american, american!

your first impression of the members?

i'll answer shortly and briefly

Matthew oppa was really tall and big

jiwoo had rea~lly long hair

taehyung oppa was just..

just what?

just oppa

you are just a dongsaeng too

JW: good to see~

J.seph: it's not good

BM what's the difference between your life in the US and in korea?

ah this is a question for me?

yes it's a question for you

what's the difference?

*BM translating the question to korean*

at first it was a bit hard

but as i got used to it

actually because of j.seph it wasn't that hard


he taught me a lot about korea and it's culture

without j.seph it would have been a problem



you didn't answer yet

i did i picked BM's question

then jiwoo pick one more

(talking abt his ideal type from celebrities)

park si yeon subaenim

cha ye ryun sunbaenim

j.seph: done

do you want to introduce any of the members to one of your family? (make them date)

oh no

she threw it

but i have a brother

my brother.. somin is too good for him

ah really?

we're not really close

what about you somin?

oppa too answer the question

my older sister.. do i want to introduce my sister

my sister.. to you guys?


no it's the opposite oppa

if i want to introduce my sister?

oh i got it

oh you're right x2

i'm right

yes you're rightx2

i don't want to introduce her


i don't really understand the question

ooh i got it

the question everyone is curious about is ideal types so could you answer one by one

i don't have a specific ideal type he just has to be manly

yes manly

i like someone like CL

JW: hyorin subaenim, CL sunbaenim

CL sunbaenim! i'm sorry

JW: hyorin sunbaenim jessi sunbaenim

hyorin sunbaenim jessi sunbaenim i like girls with strong images

for me no one really comes to mind (celebrities)

me too i like it if he was manly

also kind and polite



that'll be difficult

a man you can't find


he'll come out someday

before we began we received fans' wishes too

there will be a wish with the fan's seat number

one by one pick two wishes and read them with the fan's number

shall we make the fans' wishes come true


SM: this is for BM oppa

J.seph: should i pick two?

jiwoo pick two too

this is for jeon somin

oppa why are you calling me so formally

can't you do it while saying sominie?

jeon somin is written here so

what should i do with this? i'm in trouble

are we doing one of the two?

both of them?

fan: Jiwoo unnie do the flower pose once~?

ah the flower pose? flower pose..

ah they're asking me to rap that right?

fan no. 7

also there's no number

i came from japan when are you coming? please do some promotions in japan

JW: ah i really wanna go to japan

right now we can't go to japan but later we'll do it for sure

no. 16

she wants to shake hands with me

she wrote please remember me

let's shake hands

(jiwoo keeps calling the fan's name she's so cute ;_;)


thank you

i'm in trouble this one

no. 12

i can't rap

what do i do

there's something you're good at



they want to take a selca with us~

dance? what is there? boygroup dance?

you can sing instead

a song? what is popular recently?

what do you like?

BM *sings blood sweat & tears*

JW: i was so nervous

SM: you did well!x2

j.seph: you did really well! you did wellx2

no.6 they're curious about members' ideal types

another question then?

j.seph pick one more

i have another one already

no no since we answered this we're picking another one

we're doing the one you have too



kiyomi song

1 2 3 4

ah wait

Hiphop version

that's even harder

that's weirder

JW: whaat (not cute enough)

SM: cute

JW: ah cute

also no.14

please dance randomly one by one

why is it one by one?


BM: horse dance?

no random dance

a funny dance

should we do it at once?

with no music?

it's just dancing randomly

should i play something for you?


are we just dancing randomly

oh jiwoo unnie are you getting ready?


Oh NaNa random dance version

this is embarrassing

JW: Random dance x2

j.seph: it is a random dance

why is he good at dancing like this?

i know right

now you have to do it i did

don't do this x2

oppa don't do that


this is all for wishes

is there someone that wants to wish something too?

fan: do i write it?

you can just say it now

i want to hug each one of the members

this is everything we prepared for now

BM: there's another wish

i want to take a selca with each one of the members

we're done with everything we prepared

one by one say anything you want to say and any ending comments


even though it's this cold you came, really thank you

be careful not to catch a cold

this is our first meeting so i looked forward to it a lot

it was really fun and i really liked it

i hope we get to meet again soon

go back home safely

really thank you for coming

like this is our first meeting

is it the first

we're meeting closely like this

i really liked it i feel really good

really thank you for coming

For more infomation >> K.A.R.D 1st mini fan meeting! talk + Q&A [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:12.


Superman Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes Collection - Daddy Finger Song - Babies Songs - Duration: 11:07.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Superman Finger Family - Nursery Rhymes Collection - Daddy Finger Song - Babies Songs - Duration: 11:07.


Benefits of Being a Bald Woman | 1 Year Reflection - Duration: 8:30.

Whats up guys, Glendaly here and todays video is going to be a little bit different from

the things I normally post up.

Most of my videos are definitely fashion related, but I do share a bit about my personal life

and one of the things I do or am open about really is the fact that I have androgenic alopecia.

I will have that video of me shaving bald a year ago annotated right over here and I

will also have a card up here if you'e watching this video via mobile.

I will also have it linked down below incase you want to watch it after you watch this


So the point of todays video is really going to be more of like a reflection of myself

and how I've kind of grown to be who I am as a woman since saving bald a year ago.

I feel like even though 2016 has been a bit of a rough year, I feel like a lot of people

I know feel that way about this year, I feel like spiritually and internally I feel like

I've just learned so much about myself this year and I've really grown a little bit

closer to the woman I've always kind of envisioned myself to be as a grown grown woman

if that makes any sense.

But I'm really grateful for everything that has happened this year because I feel like

it's definitely shaped me to become more of the person I have always imaged myself

being as an adult.

I feel like I'm talking a lot, so I'm going to take a sip of wine and just take

a break.

From here on out, I'm definitely going to start naming off the things I've found have

been benefits of being a baldie.

So the first one is definitely never having to actually spend time doing my hair when I

get ready.

The most maintenance that my head or hair needs is just shaving it off once a week which

takes me roughly like 10 minutes.

That's probably one of the easiest things about life is not having to spend a chunk

of time on my hair.

Because before when I had hair, I think, because I have terrible memory I don't remember how

long I use to do my hair or how long it would take me to do my hair, but I think it would range

between 20 to 45 minutes depending on what I was doing to my hair and I just found that

when I did have hair, I would just work extra hard on it because it was so thin and I wanted

it to be as volumized as possible.

And just not having any hair at all it just feels amazing having to just massage some

oils on my scalp and call it a day.

It's beautiful.

I think one of the things that I consider a blessing since shaving bald is the fact

that my huge insecurities of just not feeling beautiful totally vanished which is like really

insane to think about.

I feel so much more beautiful without hair then with it and I feel like that might sound

kind of strange to people who do have hair.

It's just really powerful and I'm so thankful I decided to finally commit and shave because

I can't even image life being insecure about my beauty.

I honestly just wish every girl in the world could feel beautiful because its such an amazing


I feel like I'm just so much more happier because I feel beautiful as well.

it's like I don't need validation from anyone, opposite sex or not to feel like I

am worth of anything.

Like I know I'm worthy, I know I'm beautiful.

To kind of like go along with that I feel like one thing I've also noticed or like

saw more since being a baldie is my actual facial features.

Hair can definitely drown out your facial features especially if you have long hair.

Its why I honestly love whenever I hang out with one of my friends and they end up cutting

their hair short or they have short hair already, I'm just like 'YAS GURL I CAN SEE YO FACE.

I can see them eyes.

I can see them checks.

And you is just glowin'.

Like gurl, that facial structure is on point.'

and that is something I can appreciate.

I feel like another thing I definitely consider a bit of a blessing is the fact that I am

living life against whats considered normal in society.

I've always been a bit of a rebel, I still am a bit of a rebel, I have my moments.

But I feel like, especially something like beauty, being able to show the world 'no

I don't need hair to be beautiful.'

Is just super awesome.

I just really want to give thanks to the internet for making this possible because if it wasn't

for the internet I feel like people who aren't considered normal in society, we wouldn't

be able to flaunt our beauty.

my daughter has really crazy curly hair and a few years back, and I remember when I was

in middle school, all the girls who has hair like that would constantly perm their hair

or straighten their hair to make sure it wasn't so crazy and curly.

That's not considered beautiful, you know.

So being able to see that's whats considered beautiful nowadays through social media and

the internet, it's really insane to think about.

So I just want to give a huge thank you to the internet for being able to give me a platform

and a voice to express this and share this.

I recently did a project with The Baldie Movement, what would I consider it? more like a support

blog for women who are bald for medical reason or by choice.

I basically did a project with the woman who found the baldie movement, her name is Nell.

I will have both her social media and The Baldie Movements social medias linked down

below so you can go & check them out swell.

But I just love the fact that the internet has given so many people the opportunity to

like connect and just mingle together and really create a powerful and impactful movement

such as the Baldie Movement.

I'm super blessed to be able to become a part of that because I live here in NY.

And I'm just excited to see that campaign grow, they're almost at 10k followers on

Instagram which is like super excited so kudos Nell for really working hard & getting there.

Because you really do work super hard & that does not got unnoticed.

But, just things like that.

The fact that we live in an age where we are able to speak up and like change the world

and change society in a way that has never really happened before.

So just living against the norm and making an impactful change in the world is super

dope and it's definitely another blessing I would consider.

Or another benefit that I have gained since being bald.

I would say that the last benefit I have gained so far being a baldie is really showing my

daughter that beauty definitely lies skin deep.

The new thing that my daughter is saying now is 'Kaelynn has long hair.

Daddy has long hair.

& Mommy has forehead.'

which when I first heard that, I died.

But watching her react to the fact that I have no hair has been really interesting and

fun and I'm just really exciting for her to continue growing.

She even tells me all the time that I'm beautiful.

We definitely exchange that.

That's something that I'm really big on.

Especially as a woman.

Giving my daughter that confidence that she deserves and it's just been really great

and a blessing to see her be happy with who she is even though she's only two years

old you can definitely tell that she knows she's beautiful and she knows she's special

and that's something I lacked as a kid and I feel like having alopecia did not help with

that at all.

That's basically all the benefits Ive had so far since being a baldie.

I've only been a baldie for a year but nonetheless I am super excited to keep on living life

as a baldie.

I hope you guys liked this video like I said I know this ones a little bit different compared

to what I have been uploading a lot, as of late on my YouTube.

I just want to give a huge thanks to the Universe and you guys too, I get so much love on my

Instagram and I really want to say thank you for that because you guys definitely give

me a reason to keep going and I want to put more effort & energy into my channel, which

is why I do plan on uploading every other week in the new coming year.

I'm pretty confident I can stay on it if it's every other week.

Don't forget to give this video a big ol' thumbs up if you liked it & if you're new

to my channel and you've actually watched this entire thing, hi, how are you?

My name is Glendaly please feel free to hit that subscription button down below, we could

be friends, hang out, chit chat.

Whatever you want to do really.

And you'll basically be notified whenever I upload a new video.

It's going to be a fun time, I promise.

And if you are not new to my channel, and you're just kind of sticking around with

me then thank you for always just being so supportive and by my side.

The love is real, the love runs deep.

And I promise you guys, you will be seeing more of me soon.

And with that being said, there is an airplane flying by if you can hear it…I really do

sometimes wish I didn't live in New York City.

There are just moments like this when trains pass by, there are sirens happening and people

are just yelling I'm just like why?

And with that being said, I'll definitely catch you in my next video.

Don't forget to stay smiling, forever and always sending all of my love your way.

Peace out guys.


For more infomation >> Benefits of Being a Bald Woman | 1 Year Reflection - Duration: 8:30.


Eating Nando's w/ Man United's Fosu-Mensah & City's Dilrosun - Duration: 23:36.

We arrived at the mall

We're going to cut out hair

I'm in a Barbershop in Sheffield

Gonna cut my hair

You want get girls right?

ofcourse mate

I'm gonna score some birds tonight

because i'm single

I'm in a different country

Shoutout to this expensive barber

Massage you know

I look young now!

Unique Barbers, come here when you're in Sheffield

I'm in the trap

I'm in Sheffield and I'm going to get a kebab at Shaz's

Let's see what they got to offer

My editor is already eating

We're going out and the pre-gaming starts now.

Wait for the fireworks tonight, be ready

Is it good there?

Lotta white girls there.

I've already been

You shouldn't stay there the whole night

We arrived at the Vip Room

Viper Room

It's not Rotterdam

Beautiful ladies here

We're going in

Gonna have to pay the damages again.

Shout out to viper

Amsterdam straight to L..


I like Sheffield

On our way to Manchester

A lot of Hills

Last night was a wild one

but we survived it

On our way to Manchester

Look at those high hills

The UK is just Hills

This guy is sleeping

My editor needs his rest

He's gonna be OK

It's Effie Go Go gadget on your display

and we arrived in Manchester

I'm gonne tell you guys what effie did last night

I'm gonna tell them

leave that for part two

Effie though he was going hard

He found a spot straight away, with his handicap card

He can park where ever he wants

If only we had that in The Netherlands

where ever I want

He's got his audition in a minute

we're gonna support him

Look at the view

They gave me a disabled proof, room

Because I wanted a room straight away

Fresh-boy, needs to shower

Yesterday was a bit to turned


Some guys where to turned,

I don't want to name any names though

They're still in the shower,

and I can hear them shouting

No Idea why

Gonna have a quick look and see if they're finally done

You see me, I'm in the shower

I'm a disabled room

because I really had to shower

a friend of ours has to go to Brittain Got's Talent

Effie in the disabled shower

I can sit down if I want to

Hell naawh

Nice tall building here in Manchester

We're already on our way

with EBY

We're working

We're not on a holiday

We're working

Usually the artist go one writers camp

This is video camp

Arrived at Brittain's Got Talent

Effie Is today at Brittain's Got Talent

His Talent Is that he can vlog

That is effie's talent

No, You're gonna perform on stage

Look, Brittain's Got Talant Dance Crew

Where are we going?

We shot some nice clips for you guys

Inside the Britain's Got Talent Auditions

Until Head of security caught us

He really went looking for us

They caught us huh?

Effie is sad

We had some good footage

Head of security had to come

We're in the cab

I'm still with the Editor

and Cerrezo

We're en route with this taxi driver

I'm back, straight away to Nando's

So this guys has been living

For how long, in Manchester?

10 years

for 10 years already

Let's see if he still can conversate with me

So, what we doing tonight?

just one sentence

It's Effie Go and Im still in Manchester

I got some company

Come closer

He is doing good things

only on positive things

he got a nice trim in Sheffield

5 pounds

was supposed to be a ''big boy'' fade

Check Effie, He is doing his thing

Had to come see these guys in Manchester

He'll be rapping soon

he's got some bars on trap music

Spit some bars for them


No, I'm Not a Rapper I'm just a football player

He always does this

This is Effie speciality, getting girls

He's got two, look!

This guy plays for Manchester United

And even he doesn't get the amount of girls effie gets


what is he doing

He is working well huh?

He's not even a football player

He knows how to talk

He's a star in Holland

That's his line right!

with flash?

we can't even walk in peace with them

They dont get you Eff

He came all the way from 'dam

We're in Trafford centre

and it looks really nice

shout out to effie go hard

That name is not for nothing

He really DOES go hard

I see him on snapchat, going hard

Effie goes physical

keep watching Effie, he is doing his thing

subscribe like, and everything

He's doing good things

I like that

everyone who's doing something positive

love from us

Take over

Views need to go up, subscribe and like

be safe


keep doing your thing

I'll text you guys

Still in Manchester

and now we're going to get some drinks

For more infomation >> Eating Nando's w/ Man United's Fosu-Mensah & City's Dilrosun - Duration: 23:36.


【オリジナル】 Prayer「Silver Forest」【Vietsub】 - Duration: 1:26.

English translation by Releska

I was caught in your eyes, filled with light

And love, sleeping deep in my heart, awakened.

My invisible power was spun from memories

Of countless deaths and rebirths. Now, it marks the passing of time.

Resound! My feelings ride upon my passionate heartbeats

Like life, born upon the sea of miracles.

Arrive! Eternal light illuminates the two of us.

In this polluted planet,

We continue to pray.

For more infomation >> 【オリジナル】 Prayer「Silver Forest」【Vietsub】 - Duration: 1:26.


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


VLOG: New Years Eve in Netherlands - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> VLOG: New Years Eve in Netherlands - Duration: 5:27.


K.A.R.D 1st mini fan meeting! talk + Q&A [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:12.

SM: is this right?

fan: somin unnie this? *does heart*

SM: Oh you're good

SM: my fingers must be short that's why

SM: woah yours is even worse than mine

SM: i'm good at this

JW: try it

SM: i'm good right?

SM: ah it's hot

JW: ya i'm done

SM: oh you did well

JW: you know this right.. at fan meetings

Manager: we received questions from the fans earlier for the interview

we have a lot it's a pity we weren't able to answer more during the interview so

so how about we pick 10 more and answer them

one by one pick a question and give it to the next person

fan: Jiwoo unnie when i see you, you remind me of sticky rice cakes (aka white and squishy)

JW: thank you

fan: you're cute

i don't usually hear that i'm cute..

SM: cute

Q: the member you get along with the most? and the one you don't get along with the most?

JW: this is strong

SM: this is too much who gave this question?

JW: come on

i... the member i get along with the best

since... for a long time.. yes

we knew each other for the longest time

so the last one you met is the one you don't get along with?


why are you making it like this?

let's just say that there's no member you don't get along with

BM: yes, there's no one we all get along really well

SM: i got embarrassed oppa (because of you)

oh mine is...

what music genre do you enjoy?

i listen to a lot of R&B and hiphop

i listen to a lot of different genres more than choosing

i go back and forth between all of them and listen to everything

In K.A.R.D is there any role you want other than the king, ace and black/color joker?

it's kinda hard

what is there

j.seph: queen

JW: queen

queen king

jack there's the card jack too

ah it's not ah no no jack is right

there's also


oh hidden? all of us hidden?

My own skin care routine? *lmao*

i don't do skin care

i don't do anything

SM: i'm jealous

BM: lucky

pick one more and let's do it one more time

let's start form j.seph

music style you want to do in the future?

with Matthew the two of us as a unit

ah whyy

JW: let's do it too (to somin)

no no i mean as a unit just for one time

the two of us will do something like real hiphop

JW: we also can do real hiphop

let's do it seperately (as units)

i don't get your joke bm sorry

as an artist what is a goal that you really wanna achieve?

i want to choose and collect songs that i made by myself

and make an album

i'll treat it as my baby, something that's mine

it will be precious to you?

yes, since i worked so hard on it

what is your goal for 2017?

rather than goal i just want more chances to meet the fans closely like this

i want to make a lot of good music

and deliver them too

what season do you like the best?

i like summer the most

because working out is most comfortable in summer

also you get to wear swimwear without a top

for me i like winter the most

SM: so you won't have to take any clothes off?

one more time

j.seph oppa pick one more

pick only one more

did you pick?

no no j.seph oppa only pick one more

no, one by one pick again

ah really?

JW: somaeng~

oh sorry

i can start from here right?

the food you dislike the most?

i don't eat cucumber

i eat everything but cucumber

i'll translate it to you

SM: he's cool

JW: he's american, american!

your first impression of the members?

i'll answer shortly and briefly

Matthew oppa was really tall and big

jiwoo had rea~lly long hair

taehyung oppa was just..

just what?

just oppa

you are just a dongsaeng too

JW: good to see~

J.seph: it's not good

BM what's the difference between your life in the US and in korea?

ah this is a question for me?

yes it's a question for you

what's the difference?

*BM translating the question to korean*

at first it was a bit hard

but as i got used to it

actually because of j.seph it wasn't that hard


he taught me a lot about korea and it's culture

without j.seph it would have been a problem



you didn't answer yet

i did i picked BM's question

then jiwoo pick one more

(talking abt his ideal type from celebrities)

park si yeon subaenim

cha ye ryun sunbaenim

j.seph: done

do you want to introduce any of the members to one of your family? (make them date)

oh no

she threw it

but i have a brother

my brother.. somin is too good for him

ah really?

we're not really close

what about you somin?

oppa too answer the question

my older sister.. do i want to introduce my sister

my sister.. to you guys?


no it's the opposite oppa

if i want to introduce my sister?

oh i got it

oh you're right x2

i'm right

yes you're rightx2

i don't want to introduce her


i don't really understand the question

ooh i got it

the question everyone is curious about is ideal types so could you answer one by one

i don't have a specific ideal type he just has to be manly

yes manly

i like someone like CL

JW: hyorin subaenim, CL sunbaenim

CL sunbaenim! i'm sorry

JW: hyorin sunbaenim jessi sunbaenim

hyorin sunbaenim jessi sunbaenim i like girls with strong images

for me no one really comes to mind (celebrities)

me too i like it if he was manly

also kind and polite



that'll be difficult

a man you can't find


he'll come out someday

before we began we received fans' wishes too

there will be a wish with the fan's seat number

one by one pick two wishes and read them with the fan's number

shall we make the fans' wishes come true


SM: this is for BM oppa

J.seph: should i pick two?

jiwoo pick two too

this is for jeon somin

oppa why are you calling me so formally

can't you do it while saying sominie?

jeon somin is written here so

what should i do with this? i'm in trouble

are we doing one of the two?

both of them?

fan: Jiwoo unnie do the flower pose once~?

ah the flower pose? flower pose..

ah they're asking me to rap that right?

fan no. 7

also there's no number

i came from japan when are you coming? please do some promotions in japan

JW: ah i really wanna go to japan

right now we can't go to japan but later we'll do it for sure

no. 16

she wants to shake hands with me

she wrote please remember me

let's shake hands

(jiwoo keeps calling the fan's name she's so cute ;_;)


thank you

i'm in trouble this one

no. 12

i can't rap

what do i do

there's something you're good at



they want to take a selca with us~

dance? what is there? boygroup dance?

you can sing instead

a song? what is popular recently?

what do you like?

BM *sings blood sweat & tears*

JW: i was so nervous

SM: you did well!x2

j.seph: you did really well! you did wellx2

no.6 they're curious about members' ideal types

another question then?

j.seph pick one more

i have another one already

no no since we answered this we're picking another one

we're doing the one you have too



kiyomi song

1 2 3 4

ah wait

Hiphop version

that's even harder

that's weirder

JW: whaat (not cute enough)

SM: cute

JW: ah cute

also no.14

please dance randomly one by one

why is it one by one?


BM: horse dance?

no random dance

a funny dance

should we do it at once?

with no music?

it's just dancing randomly

should i play something for you?


are we just dancing randomly

oh jiwoo unnie are you getting ready?


Oh NaNa random dance version

this is embarrassing

JW: Random dance x2

j.seph: it is a random dance

why is he good at dancing like this?

i know right

now you have to do it i did

don't do this x2

oppa don't do that


this is all for wishes

is there someone that wants to wish something too?

fan: do i write it?

you can just say it now

i want to hug each one of the members

this is everything we prepared for now

BM: there's another wish

i want to take a selca with each one of the members

we're done with everything we prepared

one by one say anything you want to say and any ending comments


even though it's this cold you came, really thank you

be careful not to catch a cold

this is our first meeting so i looked forward to it a lot

it was really fun and i really liked it

i hope we get to meet again soon

go back home safely

really thank you for coming

like this is our first meeting

is it the first

we're meeting closely like this

i really liked it i feel really good

really thank you for coming

For more infomation >> K.A.R.D 1st mini fan meeting! talk + Q&A [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:12.


The Journey of a Story Teller | Intro - Duration: 0:52.

When I've decided to leave Brazil to go for an opportunity at the USA...

I had no idea what would happen.

We all have dreams and I always went towards mine.

I think that what happened to me was falling in love for the way

for the journey and for the road.

For more infomation >> The Journey of a Story Teller | Intro - Duration: 0:52.


Rawhide 1951 HD 720p - Tyrone Power, Susan Hayward, Hugh Marlowe Movie - Duration: 1:26:37.

<i>[ Man Narrating ]</i> <i>Yes, sir. That's it. The Overland Mail.</i>

<i>San Francisco to St. Louis in 25 days.</i>

<i>2,700 miles in 25 days and 25 nights</i>--

<i>when the weather and Injuns behave.</i>

<i>A lot farther and longer when they didn't .</i>

<i>People said it couldn't be done.</i>

<i>They laughed, called it theJackass Mail.</i>

<i>But when mail</i> <i>and passengers and gold...</i>

<i>began coming through</i> <i>from California day in, day out...</i>

<i>the whole country sat up</i> <i>and took notice.</i>

<i>San Francisco to St. Louis:</i>

<i>the shortest, fastest, "backbreakingest" ride</i> <i>you could buy for $200 gold...</i>

<i>meals included.</i>

<i>Yes, sir. That's it.</i>

<i>TheJackass Mail.</i>

<i>This is the relay station</i> <i>at Rawhide Pass</i>--

<i>one of many strung along</i> <i>the 2,700-mile route.</i>

<i>Here, while a fresh team</i> <i>of mules was hitched to the stage...</i>

<i>the driver and passengers</i> <i>could wash, have some food...</i>

<i>and go on to the next station</i> <i>many miles away.</i>

Doggone it, Tom. It ain't been no picnic for me neither.

I'm just gettin' mule skinner wages...

and that don't include no bonus for learning you the business.

I've knowed your old man for 40 years.

<i>There weren't nothin'</i> <i>too tough for him.</i>

<i>That's why when he cracks the whip, men</i> <i>and mules just lay back their ears and take orders.</i>

Why, if any man was to talk to him the way I'm talking to you...

he'd poke both fists right in their whiskers.

Well, can't you even talk back?


The trouble with you is y-you just don't listen.

Here I've been trying for five, six months to learn you the business...

and you're--you're still shaving, taking a bath.

Well, it's no wonder them mules don't take to you kindly.

See here. What's your old man gonna think of me...

if I send you back lookin'just as much of a dude as when you first come out here?

- Well, doggone it! Can't you say something? - <i>[ Bugle ]</i>

- Yeah, Sam. Bugle's blowing. - <i>[ Continues ]</i>

That's the trouble. You get me so riled up I can't even attend to business.

Try 'em again, Billy.

Now do it like I learnt ya. Then come out and help me with them mules.

[ Discordant Notes ]

[ Whipcrack ]

Ho, ho. Ho.

[ Whistles ]

Hyah! Hyah!


<i>Get.! Hyah.!</i>

Hyah! Ho!

- Whoa! - Hello.

You still here in this center of civilization, Tom?

I won't be much longer, Mr. Scott. Ifinally got my pardon.

- So you're going back east, huh? - Yes, sir.

- When? - One week.

He hasn't half learned the business yet.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Baby Murmurs ]

<i>[ Baby Crying ]</i>

What's the baby's name, Mrs. Holt?

- Callie. - Callie? I never heard that name before.

Short for California, Sam. Born there, wasn't she?

- Placerville. - In a mining camp?

- That's right. - Poor little thing.

- <i>That's tough.</i> - It's tough to be born anywhere.

Little more coffee, Mrs. Holt?

No, thank you. And please stop calling me Mrs. Holt. I'm " Miss."

- Miss Holt? - Yes.

Have a little more coffee, Mr. Slade?

Coffee? This stuff tastes like burnt corn boiled in branch water.

Well, could be. We don't run no fancy hotel here.

You couldn't get it down with a swig of whiskey.

Back wherever you came from I'll bet you were glad to get a drink out of a sluice box.

But it didn't cost $200 in gold, it didn't .

<i>[ Scott ]</i> <i>That's the price of the stage ticket, Mr. Slade.</i>

- <i>The company throws the food in extra.</i> - <i>[ Slade ] You call this food?</i>

Mule boy here seems to like it.

Mule boy doesn't . But it's eat or starve, so I-- I eat.

Just wait till I get back to Missouri.

I'm a-gonna take it up with the fella and raise hob with him...

whoever's runnin' this here company.

Looks like trouble for old J.C.

J.C. can take care of any trouble that comes his way.

- Who's J.C.? -J.C. Owens.

It's his father, superintendent of the eastern division.

I'll give you his address in St.Joe if you'll throw in a couple of complaints from me.

- Hyah! - [ Tom ] Well, see you in St.Joe, Mr. Scott!



- You just pull in from the west? - Half hour ago.

- You didn't by any chance see four men on the road? - Nope.

- Who you looking for, Lieutenant? - Fella named Zimmerman.

Rafe Zimmerman?

- <i>[ Lieutenant ] Yeah.</i> - <i>[ Scott ] I thought they had him</i> <i>in prison over at Huntsville.</i>

He broke out-- the day before he was due to get hung.

Him and three others.

- You didn't see 'em, did you, Todd? - No. And I don't want to neither.

Figure they crossed over into Mexico?

No, they're after gold. Lots of it.

Found that out at La Mesilla, where they held upJohnny Madden's stage.

- Well,Johnny drove through here just yesterday. - <i>That's right.</i>

- Do much damage? - Plenty. Killed Johnny Madden.

-Johnny Madden killed? -Johnny?

Yeah. We're here to give you escort...

as far as La Mesilla, if you're ready to go.

I'm ready to go all right, but I got a responsibility: my passengers.

- You and little Callie will have to stay here, Miss Holt. - Why?

- Company rule. - That's right, ma'am.

Company rule, my foot. I paid my fare. It took all the money I could scrape up. I won't do it.

I'm sorry. It's a company rule not to risk the lives of children.

If you're bent on going, I can't stop you...

but you'll have to leave the baby behind.

That's one responsibility I'm not allowed to take.

Leave Callie behind? Jibber-jabber.

That's up to you, ma'am.

[ Sam ] Here, you. Take her things.

- He'll do nothing of the kind. I'm not staying here. - [ Sam ] Go on. Hurry it up.

Afraid you are, ma'am. Company rules.

- Leave these things alone! - <i>[ Callie Crying ]</i>

You leave me and my things alone!

I'm going in this stagecoach, and the baby's going with me!

- Stop her, Tom. -Just try and stop me!

- I said stop her, Tom! - How?

- Well, grab her. Doggone it. Grab her. - Let me go!

<i>Take your hands off me.!</i> <i>I've got to get to St. Louis.!</i>

- <i>Let me go.! I've got to get on that stagecoach.</i> - Come on. Hurry up.

<i>Take your hands off me.!</i> <i>Let me go.!</i>

You fool! You'll make me lose my job!

- Hurry up, Gil! Get 'em on out! - Let me go!

I hope you're happy with what you've done.

- I'm sorry I hurt your arm. - Thanks for not breaking it.

Don't blame me, ma'am. I'm only a hired hand here.

You'll only lose one day, ma'am. You can go in on the stage tomorrow.

Tom, you take her things inside, and I'll look after the mules.

<i>Take it easy.</i> <i>That's everything I own.</i>

[ Callie Whines ]

- What are you doing? - I'm taking this room.

- I'm sorry. This is mine. - Not tonight it isn't .

What are you afraid of? Coyotes?

Yeah. The kind with boots on.

Wait a minute.

Is there someplace around here I can take a bath?

- Yeah. The pitcher's full. - I said bath.

Come on.

You see that?

<i>[ Holt ]</i> <i>That what?</i>

<i>That "what" that Sam</i> <i>is pumping water into.</i>

That's a horse trough.

Well,just don't use any soap. The animals don't like it.

Is that where you take a bath?

- No. - Don't you ever take a bath?

Now and again, back in the canyon, a hot spring.

That's more like it. Mind if I borrow this?

Well, it looks as if you already have.

You sure you know how to use it?

- I've seen them around. - Well, here.

In that case, you might just as well take this too.

And you'll find my towel and my soap in my room.

Have a nice bath.

- Where's she goin' - Back in the canyon.

She's doing what you ought to do once in a while: take a bath.

Keep dry outside and wet inside. That's what a man does in this country.

<i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i>

What's that? You hear anything?

- No, I don't hear anything. - Where's your gun?

- Where do you think? She took it. - <i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i>


[ Sam ] Now, who can--who can that be?

- [ Tom ] What are you gonna do? - Keep a bead on him till you find out who it is.

[ Rifle Cocks ]

- Are you the station keeper? - No, I just work here.

Where's the boss?

Oh, he's around.

Just the two of you work here?

I guess you're wondering who I am, huh?

Well, there aren't many strangers come along.

I've been wondering about you too.

But I guess you're all right.

<i>Deputy Sheriff Miles,</i> <i>from Huntsville.</i>

Oh. [ Chuckles ] Owens is my name.

It's all right, Sam. You can come out now.

I hear they killed one of my best friends,Johnny Madden.

- That's right. - Ought to be shot down like a mad dog, that Zimmerman.

Not a doubt about it.

Trooper said he's looking for gold.

Just stand still, Todd.

<i>Get your hands up.</i>

Get over against that wall.


Face it.

Now stay that way.

<i>[ Gunshot ]</i>

- Hiya, Sheriff Zimmerman. - <i>[ Zimmerman ] Keep 'em covered.</i>

<i>[ Man ]</i> <i>Sure, Zim.</i>

- That everybody, boss? Just them two? - <i>Don't know for sure.</i>

- By golly, it worked,just like Zim said. - We could have rode straight in.

- Yancy, take a look around outside. - Sure.

- Here. Take this. - You reckon that I'll be needing firearms, boss?

- Take it. Put our horses in the corral and hide the saddles. - Sure.

Take a look around for guns.

- Gratz. - Yeah, Zim?

All right, Todd, Owens, turn around.

- Listen, Zimmerman. - I'll do the talking!

I gotta say something!

Now, I want answers, and I want 'em right.

What time's the next stage due here?

- One from the east. - What time?

- Tonight. - What time?

About sundown.

What about the next stage from the west?

- That's tomorrow. - What time?

Usually early mornin'

That right?

I ask you, is that right?

- Yeah. - Know how much gold it's carrying?

- No. - You?

None. That shipment went through today.


I don't like to be lied to.

The westbound stage is due here at 8:00 tonight.

The California stage comes through tomorrow noon...

and it's carrying close to $1 00,000 in gold bars...

consigned by the Crocker Mining Company in Sacramento...

to the government mint in Wall Street, New York.

<i>You both knew it becauseJohnny Madden</i> <i>told you so yesterday.</i>

'T ain't so, Zimmerman.

Hey, Zim! Look!

You want to take me out to a barn dance?

- Where did you get those things? - In there.

- Where is she? - Look, Zimmerman--

- <i>[ Zimmerman ] Your wife?</i> - No.

So she's yours.

Where is she? Where is she, Owens?

- Where's your wife? - I haven't got a wife.

[ Chuckles ] Look at the mules.

[ Gasping ]

[ Callie Coos ]

[ Grunting ]

He won't hand us no more lies.

Where was you, Zim?

Using my head. You ran out and left Owens.

Where is he?

You want I, uh, should take care of him too?

If you had half a brain, you'd know we need Owens.

<i>[ Callie Crying ]</i>

Sounds just like a baby crying.

- <i>[ Crying Continues ]</i> - I'm a ringtail monkey if it don't .

<i>[ Crying Continues ]</i>

Look. Look. It-It is a baby.

[ Crying Continues ]

[ Crying Continues ]

Those are the men the troopers were looking for.

- <i>Why did they lock me in here?</i> - They think you're my wife.

- Your wife? - <i>That's right.</i>

- What gave them that idea? - I don't know. I didn't say it. It was their idea.

- Did you tell 'em different? - They didn't give me a chance.

- Well, don't do it then. - <i>Why?</i>

Well, it might save your skin and your baby's .

- How? - <i>I don't know, but as long</i> <i>as they've made a mistake...</i>

<i>we might as well go along with it.</i>

- Whose skin are you trying to save? Ours or yours? - Well, mine too.

Now listen here, <i>Miss</i> Holt or Mrs. Holt or whatever your name is...

those killers are after gold--

gold that's coming through tomorrow on the stage from California.

I don't know what's in their crazy heads or what their scheme is...

but killing me right away isn't part of it, or they'd have done that by now.

What's all this got to do with your telling them I'm your wife?

I told you I didn't tell 'em. They just put two and two together.

Simple as that, huh? You're not getting me mixed up in this.

I'm going out there and tell them I'm just a passenger on this line.

They can rob all the stagecoaches they want to...

but I'll do nothing to get Callie and me killed.

Now you listen to me.

Your only chance of staying alive at least as long as I do...

is to let 'em keep on thinking that you're my wife.

They need me.

The gold they want is on the eastbound stage...

but it doesn't come through here until tomorrow.

There's a westbound stage that goes through here tonight.

Sam's dead. They've got to keep me here alive.

Now you and the baby can stay alive just as long as I do.

That's all I've gotta say, and you can do what you like.

- Where'd you get this? - Why do you think Todd was running for the stable?

That's where Zim find it, by golly.

Old sowbelly sure could have picked us off with this.

Give it to Gratz. He won't leave it lying around where Owens can get his hands on it.

Meanin' you can't count on me?

Now let's get this straight.

I didn't pick any of you for this.

You just happened to be there when I made my break.

All right. You're here. And that's my bad luck.

By golly, Zim, I don't do nothing.

<i>Aw, it's not you he's shootin' at.</i>

You, Gratz--You're nothing but a-- a big dumb coot that does anything he says.

And you, Yancy-- You're a one-horse horse thief.

It's me he's gripin' at.

The first thing to do is to get rid ofTodd's body.

Take care of it, Tevis.

- You, Yancy. Give him a hand. - Sure.

<i>[ Tevis ]</i> <i>Come on, bean belly.</i>

All right. Come out.


- You must forgive him. He's just a big dumb animal. - Yeah, by golly.

What kind of an animal are you, letting them shoot down an unarmed man?

Kill or be killed. He was heading for that rifle.

- Where's your gun? - My what?

- Your revolver. You know what I'm talking about. - Can't you see he hasn't any?

Where's your revolver?

Well, Sam had it. You took it away from him. Don't you remember?

- Where's his gun? - He sent it to Tucson to have it fixed.

What was wrong with it?

The firing pin was broken.

That's a rotten thing to do.


Put that body on a pack mule.

Tevis has no respect for the dead.

And he just loves the living.

Why don't you let us bury him?

We won't run away. We'd hate to get shot in the back.

Go ahead, if it'll make you feel any better.

Wait a minute. I'll get the baby.

She's all right where she is, Mrs. Owens.

If you want to go with your husband, go, but the baby stays here.

Go with 'em. Tell Tevis to let 'em bury him.

- Yeah, Zim. - Stay close.

Yeah, Zim.

All right. Back to the station.

Well, maybe they want to say some words.

Well, let 'em get it over with.

You take that shovel and get goin'

- Well, it ain't fit to walk away-- - I said get goin'

Well, go on. Go on. Say the words.

May the Lord grant you everlasting rest and peace.

Come on. What are you doing? Preaching a sermon?

Where's my pistol?

It must be behind the water trough.

Just a minute.

Now I want the next stage to come through and no questions asked.

- But they'll want to know where Sam is, won't they? - And you'll tell 'em.

Gone to Tucson, Fort Yuma. Make up your own story.

But make it good, so nobody gets suspicious.

Remember, Owens. You have two good reasons to be careful.

<i>[ Holt ]</i> <i>Company rules.</i>

<i>If they hadn't forced me to stay here,</i> <i>I'd be on my way to myjob...</i>

<i>and we'd be safe.</i>

Yeah, well...

looks like we've both missed being on the right stage.

Where were you bound for?

I was taking Callie to her father's folks in Independence.

- Where is her father? - He was killed in Gold Run three months ago.

<i>Her mother too.</i>

Callie isn't my baby. Her motherJeannie was my sister.


Well, what happened?

We used to sing and dance on the Mississippi riverboats.

Jeannie fell in love with a gambler.

He got the gold fever. You know, wanted to go out west.

<i>She wouldn't go without me.</i>

<i>So we went.</i> <i>From mining camp to mining camp.</i>

Jeannie was pretty. Johnny, her husband, was...

hot-tempered and jealous.

Every time a man so much as gaveJeannie a smile there'd be a brawl.

One night a drunken claim jumper took a fancy to her...

and when the shooting was over I was alone...

with Callie.

I kept on working.

Saved up enough money to get us back east.


And you end up in this mess.

- If I could get my hands on that pistol. - <i>[ Door Opens ]</i>

I was...just watching Owens like you told me to.

Keep away from her.

Oh, I-- I ain't been cured of women yet.

Ain't had your medicine, Zim.

Now let's get one thing straight.

Owens'll take orders from us just as long as he thinks...

that's the only way he'll save his wife and kid.

You start anything, and the whole thing blows up in our faces.

Where did you get that coat?

Oh, oh. Well, I got-- It's just a coat--

He took it from that fancy-pants passenger.

- He took a whole carpetbag full. - Take it off!.

- Ah, well, it's kind of pretty-- - Take it off and bury it.

- Bury it? - Yes, bury it. Get it all out of sight.

Don't you realize there's a whole stagecoach full of people coming through here soon?

- Can't you get that through your simple heads? - I'm sorry, boss.

- I-- I " misfigured" it. - Well, bury it.

[ Muttering ] Take it off. Bury it.

Dig a hole, and I'll bury--

I'll bury everything that--

What happens? A pity to take a pretty coat out and bury it.

I wish I'd have stayed in jail.

<i>[ Yancy Singing ]</i>

<i>[ Guitar ]</i>

[ Continues ]

[ Humming ]

<i>[ Yancy Resumes Singing ]</i>

- The clock's stopped. - Usually does if you don't wind it.

What time is it by your watch?

I could tell you if I had it.

<i>[ Yancy Humming ]</i>

- Yancy. - [ Stops ]

- Yeah, boss? - What time is it by his watch?

Well, let's see now.

Uh-- [ Chuckles ] Just, uh, 9:00. Straight up.

<i>[ Cricket Chirping ]</i>

<i>[ Yancy Resumes Singing ]</i>

Have you got any idea what's holding up that stagecoach?

- No. - Well, does it often come in so late?

Sometimes. Sometimes they don't get in at all.

Well, what do you mean by that?

-Johnny Madden's stage never got in, did it? - <i>[ Stops ]</i>

- <i>[ Callie Cooing ]</i> - <i>[ Yancy ] Boss.! Boss, look. She likes it. She's singin'.</i>

- <i>[ Cooing ]</i> - [ Vocalizes, Chuckles ]

- [ Cooing ] - <i>[ Vocalizing ]</i>

Mrs. Owens, put your baby to bed.

- <i>[ Yancy Laughs ]</i> - <i>[ Stops ]</i>

She sure sings pretty, ma'am.

- I'll call you when the stage comes. - <i>[ Yancy Singing ]</i>

- Have you thought of something? - Yes.

Here. Try to get this to the stagecoach driver.

But be careful. Don't take any chances.

They'll be watching us every minute, and they'll shoot down everyone if anything goes wrong.

I'll try to get one to him too. Keep your ear at the door.

<i>[ Singing Continues ]</i>

<i>[ Coyote Howls ]</i>

What's that?

Ah, keep your pants on, Yancy.

It's just a lucky old coyote singin' to his sweetheart.

[ Clock Ticking ]

<i>[ Bugle ]</i>

- She comin', I think. Listen. - <i>[ Bugle ]</i>

Yeah, by golly. That's it.

- That's it all right. You know what to do. - Yeah, Zim.

- Tevis-- - Don't worry about me.

- Yancy. - Sure, sure. I know, boss.

All right. Come on out. Both of you.


- What's he going to do? - He'll look after the baby.

Now go with them.

- <i>Tevis.</i> - Now wait a minute, Zimmerman.

She'll be all right,just as long as you don't make any mistakes.

- Why can't I stay here with my husband? - Because I don't want you here.

He don't trust no woman, girlie.

Go on, Mrs. Owens.

- <i>[ Bugle ]</i> - Go ahead.

<i>[ Zimmerman ]</i> <i>Gratz.</i>

<i>[ Bugle Continues ]</i>

Now remember. All Gratz and Tevis have to hear is one shot.

Now grab that lantern and look alive.

Come on.

Get your hands off that.

I thought you wanted that stagecoach to go through with no questions asked.

- Well, they won't even come in if they don't hear me blow this. - All right. Go ahead.

But they better come in.

Hyah! Hyah!


[ Crying ]


Now, kiddie, everything's all right.

- <i>Your mama's just</i>--<i>just gone for a walk.</i> - [ Wailing ]

Your Uncle Yancy'll take care of ya.

[ Crying Stops ]

Go to sleep now.

<i>That's right. Go to sleep.</i>

And when you grow up, kiddie...

never, never, never...

steal a horse.

I think that'll fit me all right.

Get it on there. We'll see.

That's the prettiest shoe I...

ever did see.

I'll make it. I'll make it stick. Confounded thing. I'll get it.

<i>[ Coyote Howls ]</i>

Uh, Gratz...

you, uh, stay back where you can see Zim's signal.

<i>[ Coyote Howls ]</i>

[ Tom ] Whoa. Whoa.

<i>[ Man ]</i> <i>Hyah.!</i>

<i>Hyah.! Hyah.! Hyah.!</i>

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

- Whoa! - Howdy, Tom.

- Hiya, Tex. Hiya, Luke. - Howdy, Tom.

Where's Sam?

- Uh, Tucson. - Tucson?

Yeah, he-- he had to go have his tooth pulled. Face swelled clear out to here.

Kind of unusual, ain't it? Old Sam leaving you here alone with them outlaws on the loose?

He's not exactly alone.

Ah. I guess I better introduce myself.

Deputy Sheriff Miles. Huntsville.

Oh. I thought it was kind of funny that old Sam would go off and leave Tom here alone.

- You know, shorthanded. - No sign of them outlaws yet?

Nope. Say, you're kind of late tonight, aren't ya?

Yeah. They made us wait up at La Mesilla till Gil Scott drove in.

Just wanted to make sure we wouldn't run into no trouble.

Want me to give you a hand with the team, Tom?

No, I'll help him.

Ah, much obliged. Say, your face looks kind of familiar, Sheriff.

It does to a lot of people.

Say, you'd better go on inside. Tom's got bacon, beans and coffee on the stove.

Oh, good. Good. Come on, Luke. Come on, folks. Let's eat.

- Good. I'm ready for it. - [ Woman ] I hope the coffee is better here...

<i>than it was that</i> <i>last place we stopped.</i>

Certainly glad to get in here.

<i>[ Man And Woman Speaking Swedish ]</i>

[ Swedish ]

All right. Go ahead.

- <i>[ Coyote Barking ]</i> - Whoa!

[ Shouts ]

All right. [ Grunts ]

Ha! Ho! Hyah. That's it.


<i>All right.</i> <i>[ Grunts ]</i>


Do you know how long it's been since I seen a pretty face, girlie?

Two years.

Two long years.

That jug they had me in up in Huntsville...

didn't have no window.

I could hear the laughing and the...

music from the dance hall across the street.

Oncet I even got a whiff of perfumey...

<i>like yours.</i>

But I couldn't see.

No, sir.

Not for two long years.

Say, Tom, I keep thinkin' it's a funny thing Sam would go off and leave you alone.

Couldn't you yank that tooth for him?

- Well, Luke-- - I told Todd I'd stick here until he got back.

I could use some more coffee, Tom.

Sort of left Tom here in your custody, huh, Sheriff?

Yeah. That's about the size of it.

Thanks, Tom.

You sure I ain't seen ya someplace before, Sheriff?

- Ever been to Huntsville? - Nope.

- Not inside. - [ Laughs ]

<i>[ Tex ]</i> <i>I hear it's a pretty tough place.</i>

<i>[ Luke ] Not tough enough to hold</i> <i>that fella Zimmerman.</i>

- You know him, Sheriff? - I was in Huntsville the same time he was-- outside.

[ All Chuckle ]

Well, I'd be glad to get some firsthand information.

Mr. Fickert's with the <i>New York Herald.</i>

Oh, yes. Horace Greeley's newspaper. I haven't seen one in a long time.

I'm making this trip to write up the Overland Mail.

I'm almost sorry we didn't meet up with that gang you're after. Make good copy.

- Please don't say such things. - Oh, don't get nervous, Mama.

- Sheriff sitting just here with us. - [ Swedish ]

This Zimmerman. Cold proposition, isn't he?

- A pretty tough huckleberry. - What's he look like?

Oh, he's about my height.

<i>Maybe a little more, a little less.</i>

<i>Smooth-shaven, straight nose...</i>

hair and eyes about my color.

I heard he came from a pretty high-tone family.

<i>Was goin' big guns in the bankin' business</i> <i>till he met that woman.</i>

- That so? - Well, it's been rumored that way.

<i>Oh, it's the truth.</i> <i>She was a Creole gal from New Orleans...</i>

<i>and a plenty good looker.</i>

<i>Her name was, uh</i>-- <i>was, uh</i>--

- What was her name? - What business you traveling for, Mr. Chickering?

Colt's . Hartford, Connecticut.

- Oh. -Just one more question.

- What crime were they going to hang Zimmerman for? - <i>[ Tex ] Murder.</i>

He killed this Creole gal 'cause she was...

double-dealing him for some other young bucko.

<i>Killed him too.</i> <i>Shot 'em both dead.</i>

That right, Sheriff?

Well, from what he told me, they had it comin' to 'em.

You almost sound as if you admired him.

Never underestimate your enemy, Mr. Fickert.

- It's a good way to keep alive. - Very interesting. Do you mind if I quote you?

No. Not at all. Just so you spell my name right.

I hear Colt's getting out some new army models.

- That's what I'm taking to California. - Uh, Sheriff Miles.

M-I-L-E-S. Ben Miles.

Slickest line of guns you ever seed, Sheriff.

- Uh, show 'em to him, Mr. Chickering. - Be glad to.


Oh, Tom. Want to have a look at a hometown newspaper? Ain't but 1 2 days old.


- What do you think? - Well, it's way ahead of anything I've ever handled.

Good balance.

<i>Yes. Nice, smooth action.</i>

You wouldn't want to sell this one, would ya?

<i>[ Chickering Chuckles ]</i> <i>I should say not. They're my samples.</i>

<i>[ Luke ]</i> <i>May I see that, Sheriff?.</i>

Oh, that's mighty slick.

- <i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i> - <i>[ Coyote Barking ]</i>

<i>[ Woman Speaking Swedish ]</i>

[ Man Speaking Swedish ]

<i>[ Whinnying Continues ]</i>

- Was it the outlaws? - No, no.

- I reckon it was just a coyote run through the corral. - Ah.

[ Luke ] Well, folks, time we got to movin' again.

Sheriff, did you have my revolver?

<i>[ Zimmerman ]</i> <i>Why, I gave it to Davis.</i>

Didn't I lay it on the table?

<i>[ Chickering ]</i> <i>Well, I</i>-- <i>I don't see it.</i>

[ Zimmerman ] Here it is, right where Mr. Davis left it.

- <i>[ Chickering Chuckles ] Thank you, Sheriff.</i> - [ Luke ] Come on, folks.

Get your gear together. We got a long ride ahead.

- Well, nice to have seen you, Sheriff. - Thanks. Same to you.

Stage is waiting, Tom.

<i>Hyah.! Hyah.!</i>

[ Whistles ]

[ Whistles ]

What kind of a fool do you think I am? Trying to swipe that salesman's gun.

I don't want to have to kill you, unless you make me do it.

Everything all right, Zim?

By golly, I want drink.

Where's my-- my wife?

- She coming with Tevis. - Tev--

- You can't leave her-- - Tevis knows better than to lay a hand on her.

Now get in there.

<i>[ Holt Screaming ]</i>

- Vinnie! - <i>[ Holt ] Tom.!</i>

Tom! Tom!


- Oh, Tom. - Take 'em inside.

- Yeah, Zim. - [ Gasps ]

- Yancy, go with 'em. - Be glad to, boss.

[ Chuckles Nervously ]

Spit cat, ain't she? [ Panting ]

Uh, I lost my gun.

Here it is.


- Want to bust my hand? - Get up.

Now look. Don't get any wrong ideas.

<i>[ Thuds ]</i>

I warned you, Tevis.

I'll-- I'll kill you for this.

Get up.

You wouldn't kick me if I-- if I had my gun.

You'd like me to reach for it, wouldn't ya?

Well, I don't know. I had it, and somehow or other it fell out.

But you still have yours, haven't you?


Yes. I better get rid of it.


Do you think they'll let us go tomorrow morning...

after the stagecoach gets here?

Not a chance. They know that we saw them kill Sam.

We'll have to get out before it comes in.

Yancy, you'll stand watch till midnight.

- Yancy. - Yeah. I heard ya. I heard ya. Sure.

- Gratz, you'll take the second watch. - Yeah, Zim.

Tevis will relieve you at 4:00.

Can I fill this?

Yeah. Go ahead.

Get your water over there.

I want drinking water.

Can't you pour it in?

Gratz, you--

-you better get some sleep. - Yeah, Zim.

<i>[ Crickets Chirping ]</i>

- [ Clicking Tongue, Kissing Noises ] - <i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i>

Make me bury my coat.

<i>[ Tapping ]</i>

<i>[ Clock Ticking ]</i>

<i>[ Mule Braying ]</i>

- <i>[ Coyote Howls ]</i> - Boss! Boss! It's following me!

- <i>Boss.!</i> - Tom!

It's after me, boss! There's a great big mountain lion out there. It's -- It's --

- Gratz, take his-- - I ain't gonna stay out there alone.

- Take his place. - Yeah, Zim.

Well, there was. There was a great big lion out there.

- Go to bed. - <i>[ Coyote Howls In Distance ]</i>

- Sure. - You better turn in too.

<i>It's your turn next.</i>

Oh, it was cold out there too, boss. It was--

- You made me bury my coat, and it was cold. - <i>[ Coyote Barks ]</i>

<i>There was a lion out there,</i> <i>too, I think.</i>

<i>I seen it, and it was</i>-- <i>it was following me right up to the house.</i>

<i>[ Coyotes Howling In Distance ]</i>

It's all right.

<i>[ Coyote Barks, Howls ]</i>

<i>[ Coyotes Barking, Howling ]</i>

<i>[ Barking, Howling Continue ]</i>

<i>[ Barking, Howling Stop ]</i>

- What's the matter? - The coyotes stopped howling. They help to cover the noise.

<i>[ Coyote Barks, Howls ]</i>

<i>[ Coyotes Barking, Howling ]</i>

- [ Snoring ] - <i>[ Barking, Howling Continue ]</i>

[ Snoring ]

<i>[ Barking, Howling Continue ]</i>

<i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i>

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

<i>[ Knocking ]</i>

I have to feed the stock.


Go with him.

Ah, no pitchfork. Use your hands.

<i>[ Horse Whinnies ]</i>

What you got?

It fell out of my pocket.

Aw, it didn't fell. What you got?

- I tell you, it fell out of my pocket. - What is it?

- Well, it's a letter from my father. - Put that down.

Back up. Move away.

By golly, pretty small letter.

- Where you go? - Gonna water the stock.

They got enough water. We go back.

[ Rattling ]

- Did you get it? - Shh, shh.

- Did you get the gun? - No.

I didn't have time.

I had one piece of luck though.

You stay here.

- Yancy. - Yeah, boss?

Get up on that water tower and watch the road.

- Boss, I-I-I just got my beans. - <i>Come on. Come on.</i>


[ Muttering ] Get up and watch. Always me.

<i>Come on.</i>

Can't even eat.

[ Grunts ]

- What is it? - It's the knife. It slipped out.


It's right in the path.

They're bound to see it if they go around that way.

<i>[ Callie Crying ]</i>

[ Wailing ]

<i>[ Knocking ]</i>

- I've gotta take the baby out. - Where?

Where do you think?

[ Cooing ]

Just out for a walk, Gratzie.

Then take one.

Hey. Hey, look what the kid found.


Busted, kid.

Wanna see me do a trick? Huh?

[ Chuckles ] I love kids.

- Hey, wanna see me do it again? - [ Cooing ]

Come on. You know what Zim say.

Come on. Come on.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

<i>[ Knife Chipping ]</i>

Tom! Tom, they must have heard it.

[ Gasps ]


You might tell your wife it's not easy to hear through that door. I tried it.

So have we.

Stagecoach will be here in less than a hour if it's on time.

Come on. Let's saddle up the horses.



Use this.

Not in front of the house. Back of the house.

Yeah, Zim.

Here. Let me.

[ Whinnies ]

You better get back to the door.

<i>[ Chipping Resumes ]</i>

No more, Gratz. You've had enough.

Now look, I wanna--

Look, I wanna go over everything for the last time.

We can't depend on Yancy. I'm gonna leave him where he is.

And the--Are you listening, Tevis?

<i>[ Shoe Tapping ]</i>

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

<i>[ Knife Snaps ]</i>


- Oh. - What is it?

The knife-- I broke the knife.

I was afraid that was gonna happen...

sooner or later.

[ Grunts ] I can't budge it.

Come on, Vinnie. See if you can squeeze through there now.

Wait a minute.

All right.

<i>Get your shoulder down</i> <i>a little bit. That's right.</i>

[ Sobs ]

Go on.

[ Sobs ]

- Huh? - I can't .


<i>[ Callie Cooing ]</i>

[ Whines ]

[ Burbles ]

<i>[ Object Clatters ]</i>

Why do you get yourself all worked up?

We've done everything we can.

Digging our hands raw like a couple of rats.

Letting him step all over us, ordering us around.

" Mrs. Owens, go along with Tevis and Gratz."

" No. The baby stays here."

" Get a move on. Put the baby to bed."

" Owens, get out the team. Follow him, Tevis."

" Gratz, keep an eye on him."

" Where are you going, Mrs. Owens?"

" Do this. Do that." And we did it.

Well, what else could we do? You can't argue with a gun.

- And where did it get us? - Well, we're still alive, aren't we?

Yes, we're still alive. And you know what's gonna happen just as well as I do.

<i>Well, sure I do. Any minute now they're</i> <i>gonna take me out there to harness that team.</i>

I'm their bait for a fine ambush-- a turkey shoot.

Sure, I know what's gonna happen. Now what do you want me to do about it?

<i>Say, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zimmerman.</i> <i>I'm not working today"?</i>

Not me. Sure, I took orders.

Sure, I let him walk all over me. Sure, I rode along.

And why? 'Cause I was scared-- scared stiff.

I'm just like you, sister. I want to live.

I want to live just as long as I can.

Well, all right.

Up to now we've been mister and missus, and she's been our kid.

<i>I figured it was a good bargain</i> <i>for both of us.</i>

<i>But from here on out</i> <i>maybe you can do better on your own.</i>

Well, what can you lose?

Maybe you better tell Zimmerman who you are.

All right, Owens.

Just a minute, Zimmerman.

I've got something I want to tell you. She and--

No, Tom. No.

It was a good bargain. It's still a good bargain.

Come on, Owens. Kiss her and get it over with.

I'll get the baby.

Tom! Tom!

<i>[ Holt ]</i> <i>Open the door.!</i>

- Get in this doorway. - <i>Open the door.!</i>

And don't leave it.

- Gratz, get up there with Yancy. - Yeah, Zim.

The stage ought to show up any minute now.

- Keep out of sight. - Yeah, Zim.

Now before you start, Owens, take a look over there.

Take a good look.

He'll watch every move you make.

And if you want to see your wife and child again...

don't make any mistakes.

Now get going.

What kind of a man are you, Zimmerman?

Anybody can see that you're educated...

that you've had a good background.

Oh, I can understand the crazy thinking of a road agent or a trigger-happy renegade...

but how a man could leave a woman and baby...

alone with an animal like that, I-- I just don't understand it.

Do as you're told and nobody will get hurt.

You expect me to believe that?

You have no choice.

Look, let 'em go now, hide out.

Then I'll play your game with you to the hilt.

You can have my word on it. I swear it.

When you get a little older and some of the green wears off of you...

you'll learn never to trust anyone with anything.

Now get going.

And don't worry too much about what kind of a man I am.

Just keep your mind on your wife and your kid.

Now come on. Let's go.

[ Shouts ]



- [ Blustering ] - Callie!

Callie, come back here!


Callie, come back here! Callie! Callie!


Open the door!

- <i>[ Banging On Door ]</i> - <i>Open the door.!</i>

Shut up in there. Shut up.

Open the door!

Shut up.

- <i>Open the door.!</i> - Shut up!

- [ Screaming ] - Shut up!

<i>[ Holt Screams ]</i>

<i>Tom.!</i> <i>[ Screams ]</i>

Shut up! Shut up!

<i>[ Holt Screams ]</i>

Shut up!


Have you gone completely loco?

Now wait a minute, Zim.

You don't know what happened. Don't shoot.

<i>She</i>--<i>She went haywire.</i> <i>I couldn't let her run out, could I?</i>

<i>Honest.</i> <i>It ain't my fault, Zim.</i>

I've been wrong. I admit it.

But from here on I'm takin' your orders.

Take her in there.

Come on.

Now lock that door.

<i>[ Gunshot ]</i>

You killed Zim! What for you kill Zim?

I'm boss now! From here on I'm runnin' this show! You hear me?

<i>[ Gunshots ]</i>

[ Grunting ]


Yancy! Keep your gun on him, Yancy!

<i>Where are you,you yellow-bellied</i> <i>horse thief?. Yancy, can you hear me?</i>

<i>[ Gunshot ]</i>

<i>[ Gunshot ]</i>

<i>[ Gunshots ]</i>

<i>[ Bullet Ricochets ]</i>


<i>[ Tevis ]</i> <i>Stick your head out.! It'll cool you off!.</i>

You ain't no shot either, Owens!

<i>Missed me a mile.!</i>

What's the matter, Owens?

You losin' your nerve or you runnin' out of ammunition?

I got enough.

I got enough to hold you there until the stage comes.

What's the matter, Tevis? You running out of brave talk?

[ Bugle ]

You hear that, Tevis?

<i>I'm satisfied to sit it out with you.</i>


- Blow that thing again. - <i>[ Bugle ]</i>

I don't think we'll have to sit it out.

Look at the gate!

- [ Crying ] - Tevis!

[ Laughs ] Thought you had me, didn't you, Owens?

- <i>[ Gunshot ]</i> - [ Crying Continues ]

- Tevis! Tevis! - [ Laughs ]

Throw down that gun! Walk towards me with your hands up!

- [ Crying Continues ] - <i>[ Gunshot ]</i>


Stand up and throw down your gun...

or my next shot won't miss her!

That sounded like shootin' to me.

Hyah! Hyah!


<i>[ Crying Continues ]</i>

You got three seconds! One! Two!

Ha! Drop that gun!

That's right! Just keep a-comin'

That's nice! That's real nice!

Just keep a-comin'

Let me see how much guts you got.

<i>Keep a-comin'.</i> <i>Keep a-comin'.</i>

Don't yellow it now!

It ain't but a short piece to where you're goin'

<i>[ Gunshot ]</i>

- Hyah! Hyah! - [ Whipcrack ]

[ Sobbing ]

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

<i>Hyah.! Hyah.! Hyah.!</i>


What's been goin' on here, Tom?

Tom, that pot walloper up there came runnin' toward us with this shoe in his hand.

<i>He says it belongs to you.</i> <i>Does it?</i>

He's an honest man,Jake. It does.

Will you tell me what in Jerusalem you've been doin' here?

Learnin' the business,Jim. Just learnin' the business.

<i>[ Narrator ]</i> <i>Yes, sir. That's it.</i>

<i>TheJackass Mail</i>--

<i>the shortest, fastest, "backbreakingest" ride</i> <i>you could buy for $200 gold...</i>

<i>meals included.</i>

<i>San Francisco to St. Louis</i> <i>in 25 days and 25 nights.</i>

<i>Yes, sir, theJackass Mail.</i>

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