Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

For more infomation >> Hago Mierda A Todos En Pot PvP Viper y Todos Hackusean Como Putas Niñas.. - Duration: 4:28.


Cómo prepara riquisima tarta de chocolate crudivegana libre de gluten - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Cómo prepara riquisima tarta de chocolate crudivegana libre de gluten - Duration: 5:39.



Hey everybody! My name is Yulia

and during the past year I talked a lot to foreigners

who are studying Russian.

If you have ever talked to foreigners,

you know how to speak slow and clear,

and you probably wondered

why those people are studying Russian.

It's rather the most popular

nor the most useful language to study

and by far not the easiest

So, why are they studying Russian?

I asked this question my foreign friends

and made a video out of it.

The first question is, why are you studying ?

why did you start studying Russian?

My friends recommended it, because there were good teachers.

It's the future's language, so why not?

Hmm.. incidentally.

I simply wanted to study a new language,

but not French or Spanish. I don't like German,


and Russian was totally different.

A new language, a new alphabet

Yes, I like it a lot.

I'm very happy that I decided to study Russian.

Why I'm studying Russian?

I decided it when I enrolled at the faculty for translation and interpreting,

many years ago.

Previously I got to knew the people, Russians,

and I liked the sound of the Russian language.

Yes, it was the sound.

I think the Russian culture is very interesting.

I study political sciences and

Russia is extremely important in politics.

Therefore, I think it's good that I know Russian.

Russian was very exotic for me.

Russia always attracted me

After I finished school, I decided to study Russian,

that I want to get to know a new reality besides the Italian one.

I simply like Russian.

Just for this reason.

I always knew, that I want to study French

and I had to pick a second language

and I decided that Russian is a nice and lovely language.

Actually, because I like the Russian women a lot.

Ok, and that's it?

Yes, at least at the beginning.

Then I fell in love with Russian literature, history and the people.

Therefore, I'm very happy that I decided to study Russian

Nowadays not only for the women, but at the beginning, indeed.

My father is Russian

I wanted to improve my knowledge.

Потому что я люблю русскую культуру, эту страну и людей.

Thanks for everyone watching

you can comment, like or dislike,

share it with your friends or not.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> ПОЧЕМУ ИНОСТРАНЦЫ УЧАТ РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 3:55.


Reggaeton Mix 2017 🔥 Lo Mejor Del Año | The Best Maluma, Ozuna, Daddy Yankee ,Wisin, Shakira - Duration: 1:00:14.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Reggaeton Mix 2017 🔥 Lo Mejor Del Año | The Best Maluma, Ozuna, Daddy Yankee ,Wisin, Shakira - Duration: 1:00:14.


Con Kanso, su hijo puede escuchar la pregunta en el salón de clases - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Con Kanso, su hijo puede escuchar la pregunta en el salón de clases - Duration: 0:43.


Politic Rewind Eventos 2016 - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> Politic Rewind Eventos 2016 - Duration: 8:22.


Renacimiento para la Misión : División de América del Norte "Igualdades que Contrastan" - Duration: 28:33.

According to the census bureau, New York state has a population of nearly twenty million,

two thirds of which reside in the metropolitan New York city area,

making New York the most populated city in the United States.

Shungnak, Alaska is a village with two-hundred fifty-six, spread through fifty-six

households and fifty-one families.

The state of New York people covers fifty-four thousand, five hundred fifty-five square miles,

making it the 27th largest state in the United States.

The village of Shungnak has a total area of 9.6 square miles, 8.4 square miles are land and

1.3 square miles are made up of water.

Some say New York City is known as the world's most economically powerful city in the world.

It is a cultural capital as well as an important hub for international diplomacy.

Shungnak's name is associated with the Eskimo term issing-yak, meaning Jade,

a stone abundantly found in the area.

Two places contrasting in every detail, two locations that are totally different.

What if I told you these places are very similar – how can such dis-similar locations be the


We're here in incredible Alaska, it's one of the last frontiers, it's the largest state in the

United States and yet it has the smallest percentage of

population per square mile.

Shungnak is part of the

Northwest artic region, a very remote area completely

disconnected from any roads to neighboring villages.

Meet Anthony Sherman, his wife Irene and their son Hezekiah – Tony moved to Shungnak to take a

mission position that the Alaskan conference had been looking to fill.

My wife and I came to Shungnak because this is where God was

calling us to, we

had been doing vacation bible

school here for some time and we

believe that it was time for

someone to move here and it was on our hearts to do so.

When the Sherman family moved to Shungnak, they did not have any running water and only a wood

stove to heat their home.

For the first three weeks they lived in the small church and then moved into the parsonage

right next to the church.

Well the challenge is being out in the middle of nowhere.

When you don't know anybody, I mean you know the people out here but when you don't have

friends and when you just can't get out whenever you want to, or when I want to see my family in

the Philippines I can't really do that because it costs so much money to travel.

Some of the challenges that we deal with are the logistics, the climate,

the different struggles that are present in the village.

But, I have my husband, my son and I have God with me, so.

It has been a positive experience for us as well because we are in the center of

God's will and to be in the center of God's will is a

no other place to be.

Tony works at the local clinic as a healthcare provider, along with his colleagues he is the

first to address all the health problems and concerns of the locals in the village.

Tony and his team respond to emergencies that range from suicides to snowmobile


If any emergency is beyond what the local clinic can manage, he uses a medivac plane to

transport patients 160 miles to Kotzebue, through his position, Tony is able to gain the

communities trust and respect and he does not waste any opportunities to connect with


Well besides our work at the clinic, besides what I do for my profession here,

we spend a fair amount of time with kids as well as – mostly elders.

During the week on Mondays, we have a youth group that we do for kids that are 8 years and

older and they come to our house.

On Tuesday's and Wednesday evenings, we try to get out to people's houses,

Wednesday night we have bible studies with the family, Thursday nights,

usually on that particular night we'll take our musical instruments and we'll go and do

some singing, usually elderly people that are in our village.

What are other things that we do?

Sabbath we'll have Saturday school, Sabbath school for kids, we will try to hold adult


Saturday night we'll make a trip out to another elders house, you know.

We try to be in people's homes as much as possible.

The church and parsonage were built in the 1970s but have not had an active mission post since

the late 1980s.

For a few years, the building has been used for vacation bible school,

by the Delta Junction Adventist Church.

Tony and Irene have been holding bible studies in their house since the church is not suitable

for any fellowship during the winter months.

Our dream for this church is that someday there will be people in it.

Right now it's not really fit for services in the winter, really or the summer.

It needs a lot of work and right now we have no membership, we have no attendance.

But our dream and hope and confidence is that God will provide us with a fellowship


This is a major concern for the couple since they have become well received by the community,

the need to congregate somewhere has grown.

Villagers have told them that if the church was up and running people would come.

We're refurbishing the church and fixing it up and putting lots of time and effort and

money into it because we believe that God will supply the souls - that God will bring people and

He will open up doors and the time will come that we will have a fellowship here;

we will have a church family.

The work needs to be done patiently and prayers for opportunities are made every


Although God is guiding the Sherman's mission work, the cold weather,

difficult circumstances and distance from loved one's are discouraging.

Sometimes my wife and I are discouraged when we are here alone.

You know, we sometimes feel that we're just kind of out here by ourselves and we are tempted to

feel like we are not making the impact and no one is really with us,

and no one is really supporting us; and there's been times that we felt like it would be nice to

maybe move and join a different type of mission field where there's people who are working

together more as a team.

I'm kind of like seeing like what are my weaknesses, you know,

and it kind of helps me to know at the same time that God is kind of helping me to work with


I'm very impatient, I want things to happen, if I want it to happen - I want it to happen

but living out here, I've learned that things doesn't happen when you want it to


One thing that has always given us hope is knowing that we're doing what God has asked us to

do and we've had comfort in that.

To be a missionary is like leaving what you have behind and go somewhere different and

getting out of your comfort zone.

You know the coldness of the water, the coldness of the icebergs,

kind of reminds me of the coldness that can come in the heart when you feel lonely,

separated from God and yet the warmth of God's love and of His people can bring into your life

a wonderful connection that will help you not to feel alone.

The things that inspire Irene and I are, there's a few different things,

but God will often times provide opportunities, He will open doors,

He will actually cause things to happen that give us glimpses of what He's doing,

you know.

We'll start a new study or someone will say something to us that will give us encouragement,

we'll see some fruit of the relationships we're building with kids as well as with people

in the community.

You know, God will do something to help us see that His work is being accomplished through us

and that our faithfulness is pleasing to Him.

The courage and faithfulness Tony and Irene have is contagious.

Their determination to fulfil the mission is inspiring.

God and His angels comfort them, and motivate them to move ahead despite challenges,

the faces, the sounds, the people, the landscapes.

Besides being so small and completely isolated, Shungnak is still a huge priority for


The Sherman's example is a beautiful testimony of selflessness to revive the


They might be alone but they are never by themselves.

Jesus is everything.

I mean, Jesus is the reason why I'm here.

If I don't, I mean, if not for Him I won't be able to make it.

I won't be able to live here for 4 years.

Jesus, for me, He is Everything.

He's my friend, He is my encouragement, He is my strength,

He is the one I go to when I'm hurt, when I maybe can't talk to my own family,

He is the one I can speak to about every single problem I have and He is the One who is

changing me from the inside out.

Just look at this grandeur, the glacier, the icebergs, the water,

the mountains.

You could feel very much alone here, maybe kind of like New York but very different.

We're here in Times Square, what a contrast between Alaska and New York.

So many colors, sparkling lights, millions of people, the glamor,

the fame, the buzz.

New York is a city drastically different from Shungnak.

At first glance, it seems that everybody has something to do, places to go,

everyone is ready to enjoy life.

It doesn't matter how busy people seem to be, how entertained people think they

are, the bottom line is that if we don't experience Jesus in our lives we have an empty void


We feel lonely, even in a crowd, that emptiness can only be filled by Christ.

In that matter, New York is exactly the same Shungnak, the outside may be busier but on the

inside we are all the same - humans in desperate need of a Savior.

That was the challenge the North American Division faced, how do we reach people so dear to

Christ's heart in a place as isolated as Shungnak and how do we reach people in a place as

busy and overflowing with action as New York City.

The whole issue of reaching the cities is an issue that now has become preeminent in the world

church, and New York City is a symbol of not only huge cities but it's also,

when you read the writings of Ellen White, it was a focus and she basically was saying that

New York should be worked and how it should be worked.

And so New York was chosen jointly by the General Conference and the North

American Division as kind of a place where the urban center evangelism around the world

would be initiated.

To realize the dream and address the challenges, NY13 was created,

a comprehensive urban evangelistic initiative designed to involve each church

administrator, department director, pastor and church member in the greater

metropolitan New York City area.

It produced more than 400 evangelistic campaigns in one year.

To achieve such synergy, the church leadership planned every detail,

discussed ideas, formed radical prayer groups, focused on intercessory prayer,

conducted training programs and also a first of it's kind, world field school of evangelism.

We are seeing pastor's excited, the lay people are excited, churches are excited and for

what is happening this is just a phenomenon situation here and I believe that God is here working

with us and working with the people.

I had the chance to participate in a number of events and saw how members filled the autorium

at Hunter College for the NY13 evangelism rally, hosted by speaker Mark Finley.

There are multiple ways you can be involved, one of the ways, of course is go with your local

pastor and say, "Pastor, we want to be sure that our church is involved in NY13."

Ernestine Finley conducted a lay training seminar called, "Light Your World for God,"

with nearly 600

lay people in attendance who are excited to learn effective principles of soul winning.

We are already on the verge of the kingdom waiting to be gathered in and we're looking

for them, we're trying to find them.

Who are they?

Lay people were deeply committed to Christ and their passion to witness made the difference in

New York City.

I want to see thousands of new disciples serving the Lord here in the city.

I want to see the Church regenerated, revived.

I want to see a new life in the Adventist community of New York.

For the first time ever, an international field school of evangelism was organized with

specialized teachers from different Adventist universities and institutions.

The initiative was held at the Luso Brazilian church in Queens and consisted of practical

classes and seminars exploring the biblical principles of comprehensive urban evangelism

in the context of the world's major cities, as well at the needed tools to launch a

comprehensive urban evangelistic approach in their respective territories.

The classes happened in the morning for several days, in the evenings most of the

participants held evangelistic series in the metropolitan, New York and New Jersey area


I had the honor of going back to where I started my ministry at the historic Manhattan

Seventh-day Adventist church to conduct a three-week evangelistic series called,

"Revelation of Hope" as part of mission to the cities NY13 series.

Mark Finley was the host of the meetings and Robert Costa translated the messages into


Seventy people were baptized as a result of the series and 7 churches were involved.

Youth from the "One Year in Mission" initiative developed a creative method of evangelism,

extending its community outreach to teach English as a second language.

The whole team put the project together because we saw the community is mostly Dominican

and they don't speak English at all.

So we came up with the idea to help them with something that they really need,

so that's why we designed ESL classes to reach the community.

The class is very good to me.

I'm so happy, [to] have class in my community - helping me a lot to speak correct English.

Most of the people are immigrants and you can actually understand the reason why most

of them are here and the challenges that they have in terms of communicating in

English with the people around them, it's a drawback.

So having to help them out with that, it's actually a blessing.

The class actually over today, it's the last one and tomorrow is starting the evangelistic

crusade downtown in 11th street.

So we actually invited all of them, officially to the evangelistic crusade saying,

basically putting it as practical English classes since the crusade will be in English

and Spanish – translated.

So we invited all of them to come to have special reserved seats,

and to basically practice English.

The North American Division Health Ministries department also held a health summit,

which provide the opportunity for church leaders to be trained on principles of health and how

to conduct various health outreach programs within the church's and communities around

New York City.

Praise God for the tremendous resources that this summit has brought to our people.

They have come from all over, they are here from as far away as California,

they are here from different states of the United States and of course our own brothers and

sisters, men and women, visitors, guests here in New York City.

The NY13 leadership decided to meet the communities needs and provide hope for common health


"Let's Move Day" was an event where churches, schools and health care institutions were

encourage to host runs, walks or other active events for kids, youth and families.

The whole point of Let's Move Day in the NY13 context was to mingle with people,

extend kindness, make friends and share a message of health, hope and wholeness.

The world is full of inconsistencies and that's not a way a person should – I don't

want to live my life with inconsistencies so I found by building a relationship with God

that I will find consistency by the way I should live my life.

The joint camp meeting at the Nassau Veteran's Memorial Coliseum was one for the record

books - close to 13,000 attended the Sabbath services.

About 135 people were baptized following the worship services.

I look into my life and there is an empty, empty space that cannot be filled with anything

and I've tried and I've tried and I cannot find that peace that keeps you – just God.

Even with nothing to eat, but you have that peace and you are happy.

And only with my God I feel that I can restore my life and become a better person,

a better mom and do a little bit more in this world and I feel happy.

According to reports from the NY13 steering committee, there have been at least 5,200

baptisms as a result of NY13.

God loves people, it doesn't matter where they are, it doesn't matter what their

situation is, they can be isolated in a far-away land, they can be isolated in a crowd.

God is interested in filling the void, bringing fulfillment and purpose to a lonely soul.

>From the heat of a big city to the cold of a seemingly forgotten village,

God is willing to provide hope and especially companionship - it doesn't matter the need.

Our task is to open our hearts to Him and surrender our lives to His service.

It can be the job of an individual or it can involve thousands of people.

God will fill in the blanks and make his message known.

We just have to be willing.

Here at the mouth of a glacier you feel the incredible power of God's presence,

it's an amazing place where nature takes it's turn in showing the fingerprints of God.

It's an amazing setting and a feeling that helps you to know that God is real,

His marvelous works are incredible.

I think of Psalm 105, the first four verses, "O give thanks unto the Lord;

call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.

Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.

Seek the Lord, and His strength: seek His face evermore." In a quiet,

solitary place like this, God's presence is felt but it doesn't matter if you're in the middle

of a big city, out in the country side or wherever you are,

you can seek God's presence and He is there.

Subtitles by the Amara.org community

For more infomation >> Renacimiento para la Misión : División de América del Norte "Igualdades que Contrastan" - Duration: 28:33.


Watch We Love You

For more infomation >> Watch We Love You


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [2/5] - Duration: 12:48.

I don't believe you

You don't?

I'll prove you wrong.

Do you have to go to this extent, Teddy?

I won't give up.

You will never stop loving me no matter what, Teddy

Come on. Let me feed you.

Take this big shrimp.

She's gone.

What did you do?

You caught me off guard, you know?

I couldn't think of anything else.

I could have hit you if you were one of my friends.

Cut me some slack.

I'm your brother.

Yeah, you are

Your lips are soft. Let me tell you.

No wonder why chicks like you.

Want more?

Come come.

Finish this and go to the uni.

Hey, you said you would give it to me.

Hurry up.

Zoom in.

I'm sure it's her


She looks like Chompoo

Here she is.

Come here, Chompoo.

Come here!

This way, please.

Move aside, Piglet.

Sit. Sit down.

What's wrong?

Do tell us.

The girl in this pic is you, right?

Yesterday, you hurried out of the class

And then this picture surfaced.


Are you crazy? How could it be me?

She doesn't look like me. Not at all.

And look at P'Teddy's bike. It's so high.

How could I climb up there given that my legs are this short?

That person is not me. Don't assume.

But she looks exactly like you.

I told you it wasn't me.

Chompink, that person is not you, really?

Look, I still think she looks like her.

Give her a break.

She said it wasn't her, didn't she?

Fine. It's not Chompoo.

Let's take a selfie



Light smile in 45-degree angle.


Hey, Piglet. Let me help you.

Listen, Piglet.

I've been so busy lately.

I'm sorry that I hardly take care of you.

Come on. What to be taken care of?

I'm a grown up lady.

Don't make it sound like I'm still a girl

Wait a minute.

No one says that you are like a 'girl.'

I haven't said that you are like a 'girl.'

Let's go eat.

I don't like a 'girl.' Does he mean I'm old?

Hey, Thanwa!

Are you saying that I'm old?

I didn't say anything.

You just did.

I didn't say I'm taking a 'girl' out to lunch.

I'm defeated even before I start.

You girls, I think N'Pascal is sad because P'Teddy is cheating on him.

I know right?

P'Teddy shouldn't do this to him.

P'Teddy is not wrong.

It's that girl who is wrong.

I'm sure that girl made a pass at P'Teddy first.

You girls, let's go support N'Pascal.



N'Pascal, hang in there.

Don't give up to that girl.

That girl is maybe just a cousin or P'Teddy's close friend.

Don't stress out

I'm sure P'Teddy will choose you no matter what.

Hang in there.

Hang in there, okie?

What are you guys up to?


Are you here to make up with N'Pascal?

Come on, you girls.

Leave them alone.

Hang in there!

What did they say to you?

There came to support me

about a girl riding your bike's pillion yesterday.

And what's wrong with you?

It's P'Piglet.

She has a boyfriend already.

It could be all in your head.

I saw them with my own eyes earlier

Really, you might just assume it.

I saw them with my own eyes. I even heard what they said to each other

Come on.

Don't be sad.

It's not a big deal.

Listen, I'll take you to a good place.

Don't feel down.

I still think you could be just assuming things

No, I saw them.

You think too much


See? P'Teddy will choose N'Pascal no matter what

I have an idea.

Hey, Chompink.

What is the good news you said you had for us?

You have been keeping us waiting to hear for hours.

I'm about to tell you guys now

Wait a minute. What are they looking at over there?

The homewrecker…get out!

That's the picture of P'Teddy and a girl.

Hey, Tangthai.


You didn't do this, right?

It wasn't me. Why would I do it?

But you are the head of this fanclub.

I am but I'm not behind this.

You are accusing me.

Cut it out. It doesn't matter if Tangthai is behind this or not.

But I think the girl in that picture will not be able to live happily now.

Do you agree, Chompink?

Yeaaaaah. I agree.

But I think we should let her go.

It's not like she commits a crime or Hey, listen.something.

Wait a minute.

You are being nice and kind all of sudden.

This is not you at all.

Well, she is a girl like us. We should have some sympathy.

Tears start to well up in my eyes now.

Why does it sound so fake?

Hey, listen.

The good news I'm about to share

Yeah, the good news.

The good news I want to share is…

The good news is…

Hurry up, we don't have all day.

Oh, your jaws.

Our project proposal has been accepted.


It got accepted?

Let's go celebrate this tonight!

What should I wear tonight?

Get fully dressed up

Tonight, everything is on me

It's free!

All right, Khun Chompink lead us the way!

You should be a bit more punctual.

Why do you stop walking?

Look over there.


Over there!

That's Piglet.

That's right.

Didn't you say she had a boyfriend?

Yes, I saw him in the afternoon.

If she has a boyfriend, her boyfriend will not let her out here alone.

She's this cute.

Maybe, she wants to come alone.

You are like this. No wonder you are still single.

All right. Come with me.

I'll ask her for you.

Leave her alone.

Don't be a pussy.

Hey, are you calling me a pussy?

Come on. Hurry up.

Hey, P'Teddy, N'Pascal

what are you doing here?

Can I join your table?

Absolutely. Be my guest

Hey, N'Pascal.

P'Teddy, Sawasdee ka.

P'Teddy is here.

Hey! Wazzup!

P'Teddy, Thank you so much.

For what?

What, you don't know?

You gave me the project money to spend here

Get it now?

We can have fun here for days.

Wait a minute.

Are you spending the project money here?

Don't act like you don't know.

I got it now

Come here, we need to talk.

Hold on.

Come here. Get up.

See you later.

Well, P'Teddy.

Don't go

He won't do anything harsh to her

Don't worry.

Gosh, he is carrying here away. Chompink!

It's going to be okay. Take it easy

we will take a shower.

After we smell nice.

Let's sleep together.

Are you crazy?


Tell me.

Tell me first.

And our main female lead this year is…


You might get the name wrong.

There are many others who are prettier than me.

The lead girl this year is not supposed to be pretty.

Teddy, you should have called if you are coming to see me.

I'm not here to see you.


For more infomation >> U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [2/5] - Duration: 12:48.


U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [4/5] - Duration: 7:41.

Put me down now.

Stop resisting and come with me.

Come on, P'Teddy.

You can let go of me now

I'm not going anywhere.

Fine, I'll let you go.

But you have to tell me first

why you deceive me to get the money.


Answer me now.

Don't ever think that you can get away with a kiss again

I won't let you get off the hook this time around.

Who wants to kiss you?

Then who kissed me first, that day.

Well, let's forget about that.

Now tell me what did you deceive me for?


I broke my friend's camera

And I don't have money to buy him a new one.

I needed the project money for that.

And there was some money left so I spent it that night.

Do you realize that the money you got

can be beneficial to many other people.

I know.

Then why did you still do it?

Technically, I just borrowed it.

When my mother gives me my allowance next month,

I'll return it.

Don't you know how tiring it is for your parents to earn money?

I know.

Good that you know.

You must accept the consequences for your wrongdoing.

I have two options for you.

Two options?

That's right.

The first choice, you must find a way to return all money to us.

You must not ask it from your parents.

You must not borrow it from your friends.

And the second choice, you must carry on with your project proposal.

Both options are hard.

That's right.

So that you will be more careful when you think of doing something from now on.

I see.

I come back for answer in the next 3 days.


And for this kiss, let's call it even

with the kiss you gave me that day.

See you in 3 days.

Come on, P'Teddy

You could have just told me if you want a kiss.

I will never ever refuse if you ask.

This is crazy.

I won't brush my teeth tonight.

I won't even wash my face.

This is great.

Pascal, let go of me.

Let go of my hand.

I won't.

I'll let go of you hand under one condition

Condition? What condition?

You must have dinner with me tonight.

No, I don't want to.

If you say no,

I won't let go and I'll grab both of your hands.

Fine, I go.

But you must let go of my hands first.

You mean it, right?

Okay. I let go now.

P'Teddy said he gave me 3 days to think.

Take it easy

How about this?

Let's gather all money from us.

We should get around 40,000 baht.

Come on, Tangmo

She said P'Teddy wouldn't let her borrow money from parents or friends

He wanted her to find a way to earn it herself.

I can't think of anything.

We've been here for a while. We don't even get to eat

Chompink, how'd it go?

I told you you didn't have to buy me back the camera this soon

How about this?

We sell the camera you bought for now.

And let's all of us help gather money for you.

We cannot do that, Thanwa.

P'Teddy didn't want us to help her.

don't stress out over this for me.

I created this mess, I must fix it myself.

But for now,

let grab something to eat.

I'm so hungry. My mind is blocked. I can't think of anything.

That's why I can't think of anything either.

I haven't had anything since yesterday.

Really, but you ate with me yesterday.

Piglet, let's eat together this evening.

We haven't gone out and eat together for a long time

I'm sorry, Thanwa.

I have a date already.

Let's eat together later.


Are you upset?

Let's do it later.


You gave me your word.


what's with this good mood?

No, nothing.

What's up?

Have you asked a girl out?



Let me go home with you today after this.

I didn't ride to here today.

Can you give me a ride home?

No, I have a date today.


You refused earlier that you didn't have a date.

You can't fool me.

Are you tricking me?

Hell yeah.

You are so…

I'm going now.

What's the rush?


Who's the girl?

I won't tell you.

Tell me now.

Chompink, may I have a word with you?

Let's cut to the chase and give it to me straight

What relationship do you have with Teddy?

Oi, my hand is really weary.

I guess you have to feed me now.

Where can I get money from?

For more infomation >> U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [4/5] - Duration: 7:41.


U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [1/5] - Duration: 12:59.

Sawasdee ka

You are here with us again in U-Report.

I'm Cholly.

And I'm Sylvia.

Today, we will closely report about this hot issue.

Oho, look at how close they are together on the pillion.

We really want to know who's the mysterious girl in this picture

People are talking about that she could be the homewrecker.

Let's go talk and get more info from some fans today.

Without further a do.

Follow me.

Woah, this is really a hot issue.

Sawasdee ka

Can we cut in and ask you something?

Let's have a talk.

Sawasdee ka, we are Caldy.


How do you get this name?

Well, if we merge Pascal and Teddy,

we get Caldy

I see..Caldy.

It's from Teddy and Pascal.

Nice. So you are their fangirls.

I believe you must know well about this issue.

I feel really disappointing.

I want her to stop doing that!

We don't let this pass easily!

We will protect P'Teddy for Pascal!

Well, Cholly?

Well, if I were this girl who is holding on to him like a baby monkey

I would be really scared of them. My life here would be in trouble

You must be careful from now on.


All right. Let me ask you this then.

Do you have something to say to this woman?

I want to tell this woman that

stop thinking of stealing P'Teddy from Pascal.

Or else…Don't say that we didn't warn you.


They are so fierce, right?

Caldy is fierce

I think if we know who this woman is

she must be really careful.

I agree

Anyhow, the two of us will follow this up and find out

what the relationship between this girl and P'Teddy is

What the truth really is.

Please stay tuned

That's right

Hey, Tongta.

Happy Birthday, my dear girl.

Thank you, P'Danai.

Sawasdee ka, Teddy.

Long time no see.


What is the thing you told me to fetch?

Here's the thing, Teddy.

I can't get hold of you

so I asked Tongta to come and get the teddy.

I really don't know that you are here today.

Well, I let you sort this out who will take it home

I have to go now

Make yourself at home.

P'Danai. P'…

So are you saying that

this teddy is the gift you wanted to give me that day?

Well, it's not yours anymore, Tongta.

It belongs to Chompink now.

Let's get going.

But I haven't eaten this yet.

We can have something else.

All right.


we are almost there.

Are you tired?

I'm sure you are not.

You are piggybacked

You are heavy too, you know?

Wait here for a sec, P'Teddy.



Congrats, P'Teddy.

Piglet is not home.

Now you can get in.

You don't have to look that glad. Get out.

Come on. Let's get in my room.

Ah, I forgot that you are short.

Let's get in my room.

Here you are, the hot guy.

Where have you been?

What do you mean?

Come on. You went out with a girl from the Communication Art, did you?

Why are you back this late?

Look here, P'Teddy.

People are posting up this.

Teddy is cheating on Pascal.

He picked up a girl from the Communication Art

Who is she?

Does it have anything to do with you?

How could you say that?

We are brothers, we must share

But it's fine, if you don't.

By the way,

P'Tongta was here.

She waited here for a long time.


tell me honestly,

Have you gotten over P'Tongta yet?

I'm waiting at our usual place. Happy Birthday, Tongta. I will be waiting here until you come.

♬ Fight your feelings harder.

♬ Even though you still love her, but she doesn't.

♬ You must let her go. It's better to let her go

When we love someone, it's really hard to forget.


I don't think I go back to her.

Because ...

going back is harder than trying to get over it.

It's all right, bro.

I understand


I will let you sleep on the bed

but, keep your hands to yourself, okay?


I just told you not to

You are so fast.


Let's go to bed.

Oh, I forgot.

Come on, we must not do this.

Just go to bed. Tug yourself in the blanket too

Let me sleep like this.

You could be cold.

It's better to sleep this way.


Give me some shrimps.

I want more shrimps.

What are you doing?

You are playing like a kid.

Teddy, can I join your breakfast.

Of course. Please have a seat

Teddy, who is this young man?

Why is here in your house?

Why do you want to know?

I'm just curious.

Usually, when I came here in the past,

I have never seen anyone here in your family looking like this

Ah..I got it

It's this guy whom people ship you with.

But why does he have to be here?

I can't see any reason he cannot be here

Aren't you two just getting together to get people's attention?

You don't need to act this real, Teddy.

We are not getting together to get people's attention

We are seeing each other for real.

I don't believe you

You don't?

I'll prove you wrong.

The girl in this picture is you, right?

The homewrecker, get out!

Our project proposal has been accepted.

Let's go celebrate this tonight!

Thank you so much. You gave me the project money to spend here.

For more infomation >> U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [1/5] - Duration: 12:59.


U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [5/5] - Duration: 14:22.

Chompink, may I have a word with you?

Let's cut to the chase and give it to me straight.

What relationship do you have with Teddy?

Don't look at me dumbfounded.

What relationship do you have with Teddy?

There's nothing going on between us.

Do you think I'm that stupid?

If there's nothing between you and him,

why did you sleep over at his place?

If you already know, why do you still bother asking?


Please excuse me.


I'm not done yet.

You must think you are holding all the aces, Chompink!

It's not 3 days yet.

Do you want to get the answer now?

I just pass by.


I want to eat something.

I'm going!

Who's asking?

Well, you are waiting here.

And you are not here for the answer.

So it means you want to ask me out to eat.

However, you must pay for me.

Why should I?

Because I'm so broke.

Whatever I have, I give it all to you.

How about this?

I advance for you but put it into the debt you owe me.


You are so cruel.


My debtor is so cruel.

Let's go.

Let's go.

I'll pick what to eat.

Wait for me.

Chompink, wait up.

What's wrong with you?


I don't know what happened to me.

My hand becomes weary.




my hand is really weary.

I guess you have to feed me now.

You want me to feed you?


I mean no.

Don't assume it to yourself.

Who wants to get fed by you?

What a shame.

I want to feed you so badly.

Go ahead.


You say it.

Are you tricking me to admit it?

All right.

Come on.

You don't want it?

Didn't you say you don't want it?

Let me have it.

1, 2, 3.

Hold on.

Give the fork back to me.

Let me keep this.

It's for my fare to home.

Well then,

why don't you let me take you home?

It's okay.

My condo is right here.

I can walk there.

Well, let me…


Wait a sec. It's Pascal.

He's indeed an interrupter.

Why does he have to come between me and P'Teddy all the time?


I'm sorry. Pascal has some problem.

If you'll excuse, I have to go now.

All right.

See you later.


The intervener indeed!

Excuse me.

Can I ask something?

Are you looking for a part-time helper?

Well, here's the thing.

How is the pay?

How much do I get for day shift and night shift?

Do you pay for OT too?

Please hold on a sec.

What about the tip? All tips are shared or separate for each person?

Let's go for a separate tip, I kind of need money.

I'm sorry.

You need to contact the HR.

I see, HR?

Thank you.

All right. Thank you.


Where can I get money from?

What should we do?

I don't know.

Let's check her out.

P'Pingpong, is she going to die?

I don't think so.

She's just passed out.

Let's get out of her.

Hey, where are you going?

Who hit the ball into this pretty lady's head?

Is your name 'pretty lady'?

My name is Chompink but I'm pretty.

Tell me immediately who hit the ball.

It was me but I didn't mean to

I got it!


do you know that you must compensate me

for hitting the ball at me?

Do you have money?

I don't have it.

Fine, I'll let you go today

but tomorrow you must come and see me here.

Do you get it?

Okay krup.

You must come or else I'll report you to the police

Okay krup, I and my brothers won't bail on you.

Okay, you can go now.

You are really smart, Chompink.

Kids are kids indeed.

I need to be here a little longer

You are really good, kids.

Tell me if you need more colors.

What are primary colors?

You want to test the boys or you don't know the answer?

What's going on?

Keep drawing, kids.

Chompink, can we not do this?

Yeah, I'm with Tangmo.



you guys must do this.

You guys must take responsibility too

because you went to the pub that night using the money for the project

But I didn't go that night.

But you are the cause of the trouble.

You must help us.

Wait a minute

You can't be serious?

Chompink, I think you should think of something else.

No, let's go with this plan.

Can you make your picture a bit blurry and not focus on us?

Make these boys look pity.


Make them look like they are poor and have no money to buy food.

Do you know what I mean?

You are getting too far.

We are doing it like this.

You are so good, kids!

If P'Teddy knows, we will be in trouble.

But we have to go with this plan.

Let's get back to the teaching.

Draw some cloud too.

Keep on drawing, kids.

I want to play those things.

Sure, let's go there.

Good good. you are good at drawing, you know?

What are you doing?

They are drawing, don't you see?

We are drawing, right?

Well, this pretty woman is teaching us how to draw

That's right, a drawing class.

They are filming us too.

That's right.



What I do may be frivolous and unimportant, but you are important to me.

What do I have to sign?

It's the hiring contract.

You must work for me.

Until you pay off your 40,000 baht debt you owe me.

We are from Pass the Fruit Forward.


do you like P'Chompink?

No, I don't.

what's going on among those tree

You must prove us that you are still seeing Pascal.

why don't you kiss him on the cheek for us?

You are messing with my feelings again.

You are getting too infamous, Chompink.

What do you mean?

Hey, why do you want to see me here?

Someone stood me up last night.

Apologies for that.

Tangmo and Tangthai wanted me to help them on something.

You should have told them that you were busy.

Yeah, I should have done that.

Do you want to eat it?

Who? I don't feel anything.

But I had two of them.

I can share one with you. Do you want it?

Why are you holding it?

I want some.

Are you tricking me to kiss?

Actually, I am not.

I intend to kiss you.

Do you want it?

Don't walk away.

Give it to me now

Oh, you want it?

I got kissed for that already, give it to me now.

The sulking act does work.

For more infomation >> U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [5/5] - Duration: 14:22.


U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [3/5] - Duration: 12:12.


Hey, how come?

How come I'm in these clothes?

Did you do anything to me?


P'Teddy. P'Teddy. P'Teddy!!!

I haven't told you what I did to you.

So you actually did something to me.

This is so disappointing.

I'm really disappointed.

I'm sad.

Chompink, listen to me.

I won't.


Come here.

Tell me know why you lied to me.

About what?

You used the project money on booze.

Tell me everything now



Where are you going? Come here!


I didn't lie to you.

It's all in your head.

Tell me now

Are you going to tell me or not?

Are you going to tell me or not?

Where are you going?

Tell me. Tell me now.


What do I do now?

I'm going crazy.

I kissed him too.

How nice!

He kissed me and I kissed him.

This is good.

I can't let his trace of kiss go away.

I must keep it.

I must keep it.

"The first kiss of P'Teddy"

Where are Tangmo and Tangthai?

They are probably buying some fruit.

I'm hungry.

Let's grab something before the meeting.

Your life is pretty much revolving around food.

Coz I'm hungry.

And the weather is so hot.

What's with these costumes of yours?


You know who we are?

Who wouldn't?

Your noses are this obvious.

I told you, Tangmo.

We are wasting our time on this for nothing.

And why do you have to disguise yourselves?

I don't want P'Teddy to catch us.

That's why..

Well, Chompink.

I really want to know why you have to rip P'Teddy off

Well, I'm in need of money.

You are in need of money?

For what? Are you making this up?

I am not.

Well, I broke Thanwa's camera.

I have to buy a new one for him.


You broke his camera?

Why don't you get money other ways?

I couldn't think of anything at the time.

So I had to resort to that.

I can't believe you.

And where did P'Teddy take you that day?


to my condo.

Are you sure?

He didn't do anything to you, right?

Are you crazy? Are you crazy?

I went back to my condo. Where else could it be?

Your voice tone is suspiciously high.

I went back to my condo.

Look, it's time for the meeting. Let's go.

Remove the mustaches too

Clean your face and set you hair.

People could get scared.

Sawasdee krup, everyone.

We call you to the meeting today

because this year

the professors from the performing art major

have agreed to let the second-year students perform our annual play this year.

Be quiet first.

So the professors asked us, your seniors to set a meeting with you.

And assign you the roles of each duty.

That's right.

The professors have actually appointed the leaders of each function.

The president of the student will let you know

the roles and the names of the person who will be responsible for.

Please welcome P'Tongta,

She got the main lead role for two consecutive years

And she's the script writer for the last year play too.

Tongta looks hotter each year.

Just like me, right?

I'm hotter every day.

You are annoying.

Hey, listen to them first.

Sawasdee ka, everyone.

My name is Tongta, the president of 4-year students.

Today, I'm going to announce who will be the leader of each team.

And in the end, we will tell you who get the leading parts of the play.

I'm sure it's me.

I think it's me.

Because I have a strong sense about it.

Hey, get real.

They don't pick homo for the lead roles.

They won't pick you either

Okay guys, be quiet.

I will announce the names now.

There will be 12 teams for this play production

The name I'm about to say is the leader of each team.

And may I ask you to put your hand up

The first person,


N'Sansang will be the leader of the sound engineer team


Padet, you will be the leader of the lighting team.

What a weird name he has.

Next, is Aekangkarn.

You will be the leader of the stage team.


You will be the leader of the costume team

Okay, costume.


You will be the leader of the stage props team.

This is so you.

Laboring task.

You are big. This suits you.

Want to pass out without knowing it?

I can do you the favor.

And the next essential parts of our play.

And the professors have picked the person to do this job.

And that person is…


Piglet, that's your name.

All right. Now comes the highlights of our play.

That's the new male and female leads.

The male lead is…



I told you he's gonna get this role.

And our main female lead this year is…


Hey, Chompink.

It's your name.

You've got the lead role.

Uh, P'Tongta, you might get the name wrong

There are many others who are prettier than me.

Though, I know I can act better than anyone.

No, we don't get it wrong.

In fact, the lead girl this year is not supposed to be pretty.

I'm kidding.

The thing is this role really suits you.

All right, guys.

Please work hard and do your best.

The rest of you can choose the team you want to be a part of.

And more importantly,

the play this year

will be directed by me.

All right. That's the wrap. You may go.

Teddy, you should have called if you are coming to see me.

I'm not here to see you.


Chompink, stop right there.


Come with me.

I don't want to.

I told you to come with me.

No. Help me, you guys

Chompink, come here

Don't go.

Let go of me.

Come with me.

Pascal. Let go of me.

You are this tiny, you can't do anything.

Come with me.

Which one should we help first?

Tell me about it. N'Pascal has picked Piglet and gone that way

And P'Teddy has picked Chompink and gone this way.

Gosh, I'm confused.

Guys, listen

P'Teddy has already picked me, this senior of yours.

If you don't know the fact, you better keep your mouth shut.

No.1 We won't keep our mouth shut.

No.2 We are actually pretty much the same age.

No.3 Since when is he your boyfriend?

Stop fantasizing.

P'Teddy belongs to N'Pascal.

You said Teddy had already picked you?

And why are you still standing here?

But the ones who didn't get picked have gone to that way and this way

You two repeated class homo!

If you don't know anything, you better shut up.


Gosh, we won't talk with you anymore. Stop.

Don't say anything. I'm sick of you, you old hag.

You go that way. I go this way.

Okay, bye!



The first choice, you must find a way to return all money to us.

The second choice, you must carry on with your project proposal.

And for this kiss, let's call it even.


Let's cut to the chase and give it to me straight.

What relationship do you have with Teddy?

For more infomation >> U-PRINCE Series | ตอน เท็ดดี้ (Teddy) | EP.2 [3/5] - Duration: 12:12.


I F*CKING LOVE YOU ITALY!! | TONY JUNIOR VLOG #42 - Duration: 15:45.

Good day, it is Friday afternoon.

Friday? Yes.

We're going to Italy.

Bryan and me.

Our flight is twenty minutes delayed, so that means we still got time for a quick snack in the lounge.

So that's fucking chill.

We're flying to Bologna.

Driving to Parma.

Playing in Taneto.

And a fun fact, a couple of months ago I met a fan who had waited outside my hotel for several hours.

Just so that he could talk to me.

And a couple of weeks ago he send me a message via Snapchat, saying that...

...whenever you're in the neighborhood, which is now, come have dinner at my place.

My parents would love that too.

So we're gonna do that.

So tonight, after we've dropped off our stuff at the hotel, we'll go see him.

For proper Italian lasagna.

And nice steak.

At this moment Bryan and I are down to our last straw.

He more than me.

Neither of us has slept enough.

We'll take a nice nap on the plane.

So when you think you can have a nice nap and chill for a bit...

...you find him next to you.

What are you doing here?

Yo dude, everything ok?

What is this?

Take it easy, I'm watching you.

They didn't want to give me a newspaper.

Because I don't look like I would read a newspaper.

They just ignore you.

They just ignore you.

Would you like..? No, he doesn't read newspapers. He probably doesn't even know how to read.

Have a good night.

You too.

Have a good night.

Don't drink too much, still watching you.

Ok, here's the story, the guys you just saw...

He's a huge fan, him and a little group some other people, so sweet.

And last time we were here in July...

...he waited four to five hours outside the hotel.

Just so he could talk to me and get my autograph.

I thought that was so sweet.

He started following me on Snapchat.

So I thought fuck it...

...let's have dinner with him and his parents.

I have never done this before and I don't know what to expect.

Hold the door.

So it's a first and he's all excited.

And so am I. I could go to a restaurant with the promoter...

...but this way I can make someone's day.

So first I'm taking a dump and then we'll go there.

So right now we're with...

So we're at the house of complete strangers and I find it hilarious.

Me too.

So much fun.

The dog wasn't too pleased though.

I have no clue what all this is, but it looks good.

So much fun.

I'm loving this.

Just randomly pop over... well it's not that random, he's a fan.

Can't we have dinner with someone else every day of the week? We would never have to cook again.

That would be fun.

These people love it, and so do I.

Enjoy you real guys.

I'm in the bathroom, secretly smoking a cigarette.

You know the drill.

But I've just experienced something that I think is the best part about being on tour.

But I wanted to make something very clear.

This is not about showing you guys how sweet and cool I am just because I'm carrying a camera with me.

I hate that, so...

Just to be clear, that is not what this is about.

But lately I just came to realize that when people look up to me or think I'm really cool...

...they can't believe I've sent them a message.

So I wanted to take that to the next level.

So when this dude waited for so long, in the cold...

...just to get an autograph, well...

...that breaks my heart.

Such a crazy feeling.

So when he asked to have dinner with his family, not thinking I would respond to that...

...I said, sure, we'll come.

That's just great.

We ended up in a super warm household, with his sister and buddies and dog.

It was so nice .

I'm very grateful.

And they loved having us over, the parents enjoyed themselves.

Everyone but the dog.

It was a great experience.


...sentimental story.

But I just loved doing this.

Besides, the food was amazing.

All local food and it was great.

Now I will take a shower, shave and get ready, because we're getting picked up in forty-five minutes.

Right now Tony is nervous.

Tony is excited.

But when I get backstage and go on stage that will all be gone.

But first, vodka.

This moment, thirty minutes before...

Half an hour before the show is when I am most nervous.

I've got my vodka.

We're backstage, everything is set.

But still.

In fifteen minutes it will probably be even worse.

But when I enter the stage it's gone.

I'm playing lots of new tracks today, so I'm curious.

Five minutes, nervous wreck.

Always good.

Ten minutes, doesn't matter.

Here's dirty Harry.

From classy to trailer trash.

Love it.

You are messing with me.

This is a magic trick nobody knows about.

It won't work.

Doesn't work, it just won't.

Show was amazing.

Shows in Italy are always great.

The booth was annoying because I couldn't get to the crowd, but it was still great.

We chilled for a bit backstage, acted crazy.

I'm pretty sober.

In six hours I get up again to fly home and celebrate Christmas.

Sleep tight.

This bed is way too hard.

Good morning.

We are going home.

Celebrating Christmas.

Bryan is a bit cranky.

Not at all.

He is slowly waking up.

I have a cold, that is something different.

Oh right, that's it.

There is something wrong with the plane.

They are working on it.

Some fuse that needed to be replaced or something.

Or a flat tire, I don't know.

We'll be up in the air soon.

So, this man, you already saw him yesterday.

Introduce yourself for the people that are watching.

Hello, I'm Joost.

And what is that you do?

I'm Oliver Helden's tourmanager.

But he has lost Oliver Heldens somewhere.

We pushed him down a ski slope.

Well that was eighteen hours in Parma.


This is the very last door....

...before we can smoke a cigarette.

Parma you were amazing.



I mean KLM.

All good.


For more infomation >> I F*CKING LOVE YOU ITALY!! | TONY JUNIOR VLOG #42 - Duration: 15:45.


Bad Baby bloody tooth Tooth Fairy Prank Shasha And Shiloh Onyx Kids Creator Funny - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby bloody tooth Tooth Fairy Prank Shasha And Shiloh Onyx Kids Creator Funny - Duration: 9:23.


Peugeot 2008 BLUE LION 1.2 PURETECH 110 PK - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 BLUE LION 1.2 PURETECH 110 PK - Duration: 0:43.


Как настроить микрофон в #Windows 7 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Как настроить микрофон в #Windows 7 - Duration: 2:21.


One of the Best Places To Visit In Thimphu Bhutan Changangkha Temple Large Prayer Wheels 2 - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> One of the Best Places To Visit In Thimphu Bhutan Changangkha Temple Large Prayer Wheels 2 - Duration: 0:22.


[HOT REVIEW] 2017 Toyota 86 BEST REVIEW - Duration: 12:44.

we'd love to tell you that the

incremental upgrades bestowed upon

toyota's rear-wheel drive coupe as it

made its transition from science FRS to

toyota 86 have transformed into a

perfect sports car if only a few more

horsepower shorter rear-end gearing and

tiny arrow updates were enough to quell

all the complaints that enthusiasts have

leveled at the machine since the

platform first hit the road in 2012 this

review would have been so much more

satisfying to write sadly that's not the


don't get us wrong the 86 is still

extremely fun to toss around a twisty


the chassis is impressively balance the

steering is direct in the shifter is


sorry to impart upon you this well-worn

trope but the old adage that it's more

fun to drive a slow car faster than it

is to drive a fast car slow is in this

case completely accurate the 2017 toyota

86 is nothing if not entertaining

but it's not completely it hasn't been

transformed it is in the end the same as

it ever was

it will take about three minutes of your

time to watch the videos below in which

we cover pretty much everything that's

new for the 2017 toyota 86 toyota 86 is

equipped with manual transmission data

50 knee boots to 205 horsepower and 156

pound-feet of torque automatic model

soldier forth the carryover to God 0

liter four-cylinder that puts out 200

horsepower and 151 pounds to put

apparently more than half of scientists

for inspires chose the automatic that's

unfortunate as it drains of the deal of

the fun out of the 86 experience choose

the manual and you'll be rewarded with

an easy question to rewarding short

throw shifter and as we said five more

ponies courtesy of intake and exhaust

weeks and the polishing of some internal

engine components the only upside to the

automatic is improved fuel economy of 24

miles per gallon in the city and 32 on

the highway manual 86 is our epa-rated

at 2128 along with the small bump in

power the 2017-18 six gets a 4.32 one

round here ratio and will yield 4.12 one

unit that ought to translate into a

small improvement and acceleration that

really only matters on paper in the real

world on actual roads

the difference is negligible to eat the

most out of the 86 you have to

constantly work the shifter and keep the

engine north of five thousand

revolutions per minute

it's still not particularly quick but

it's definitely fun

there's plenty of noise inside the 86

from the wind the road in the engine

considering its purpose as a low-cost

sports car the 86 interior done isn't

the end of the world the 86 gets revised

spring rates and damping all-around into

thicker anti-roll bar at the rear

it's not a night-and-day difference from

the old suspension setup but the rear of

the car feels a bit more planted on

rough roads and widths keep steering

angle its low weight of 2758 pounds

keeps the 86 feeling nimble and light on

its 215 / 45 r17 michelin primacy tires

ok so the 2017 toyota 86 feels about the

same as the 2016 sign FRS stood from

behind the wheel

it doesn't look very different either

there's a mild base with a bunch of

Toyota and eighty six matches and signed

out and LED lighting elements front and

rear toyota engineers insisted the tiny

vortex generators at the top of

offenders have some beneficial effects

on aerodynamics but it's got to be


same with the little strikes on either

side of the front fashion which sort of

remind us of Nikki's test rossik and not

in a good way

toyota did away with the red stitching

inside the FRS choosing a silver in

shade instead for the 86 there's a

suede-like textile atop the door panels

in the passenger side of the dash that

looks and feels better than the plastic

of previous models the fabric also cuts

down on interior glare the steering

wheel is three millimeters smaller in

diameter than before but Toyota still

found room to add button for the audio

system as before that audio system is

controlled through a 7-inch touchscreen

LCD that suffers from irritating glaring

uneven lighting and washes out in direct


toyota has no plans to offer apple

carplay or Android auto in the

eighty-six it's definitely worth noting

that every single one of the beneficial

updates we've covered in this review can

also be found inside the 2017 subaru brz

from the five pony increase signified on

both the toyota and subaru by a red and

take manifold to the rear differential

gearing the 86 remains a carbon copy of

the BRZ except that the BRZ gets an

optional performance package with

Grandma breaks and sack CF campers that

toyota's TRD accessories catalog can't

match as a cohesive package that

prioritizes driving enjoyment beyond all

else the 2017 toyota 86 shines it rides

and handles very well and it's starting

price of 20 7120 dollars sounds

reasonable but it's still under powered

especially when compared to something

like the ford mustang ecoboost which

costs about the same but offers a lot

more motive force and if you want the

best that you cheer okay has to offer

you might want to look at the BRZ and

it's available performance package for

less than thirty thousand dollars we

really do like the 2017 toyota 86 still

we can't help but feel that it's a

missed opportunity horse power isn't

everything but it's also not nothing if

the 2016 sign FRS was a turbocharger

were an extra half liter of displacement

short of perfection then so is the 2017

toyota 86



For more infomation >> [HOT REVIEW] 2017 Toyota 86 BEST REVIEW - Duration: 12:44.


[HOT REVIEW] 2016 Callaway Camaro SC630 REVIEW - Duration: 10:34.

when a baby last year the sixth

generation camaro broth with some fairly

sweeping changes

chief among them was the transition from

the 5th gen cars whole narka texture to

the out the platform that is shared with

the cadillac ats and CTS in terms of

performance this yield improvements in

nearly every measure due in no small

part to a weight reduction of several

hundred pounds but as good as the new

camaro SS is there will always be an

enthusiast contingent yearning for more

for those too impatient to wait 40 one

long time GM performance to norcal away

has needed to call with this the

callaway camaro SC 630 as the name

suggests Holloway's performance

treatment for the camaro SS takes the

six dot 2 leader direct-injected lt1 the

eights output from 455 horsepower in 455

pound-feet of torque to a healthy 630

horsepower in 600 10 pounds to put by

way of an Eden supercharger a cold air

intake and custom software to me the

counter-wave packages

available for any camaro SS regardless

of whether power is sent to the rear

wheels through a 6-speed manual or an

eight-speed automatic transmission and

both gearboxes remain mechanically

unchanged from stock as caller ways

engineers say there's enough Headroom

built into the stock hardware to handle

this level of output unlike with the

fifth-generation camaro at sea 572

Callaway has chosen to leave the chassis

largely untouched here and the aesthetic

tweaks are decidedly subtle as well that

also stands in contrast to Chevrolet's

own approach with the upcoming 650

horsepower camaro zl1 which is set to

land in showrooms this winter and

represents a full dynamic makeover for

the car not just handed power in

addition Holloway's supercharging

strategy difference from jeans and a few

crucial ways making the SC 630 package

and interesting alternative to the LT

for power xenon one side from the top of

the supercharged repeating out of the

hood in the few badges

there isn't much to tip off interested

parties to the SC 630 is true capability

although the volume from the quantity

exhaust is cranked up of good versus

stock SS system the SC 630 keeps a

fairly low profile from an auditory

standpoint as well and retains the

factory dual-mode setup lower wine is

virtually non-existent both at idle and

when pulling through the rev range but

from behind the wheel

it only takes one dip into the throttle

to detect colorways handiwork

originally developed for the

counterweight for Betsy 757 the gentry

supercharger system at the heart of the

SC 630 use a TPS 2300 roof style lower

its a 2 dot 3-liter unit rather than the

one dot seven leader one that GM users

with the LT for which means that

colorways blower doesn't need to spend

nearly as fast to generate similar

levels of loose and internet generates

less he doing so

GM actually used a 2 dot 3 liter

supercharger on the c6 zr1 and the word

within engineering circles is that the

LT for changed to a smaller blower to

comply with new crash safety regulations

rather than for any performance reason

he is a primary concern when

supercharging as excessive temperatures

can result in a steep drop-off of power

due to supercharger eat so for

electronic fail-safes designed for

self-preservation when internal

temperatures get critical levels along

with choosing the larger blower versus

the LT for callaway soft to address

these issues with the unique triple

element intercooler system that consists

of a primary intercooler at the top of

the supercharger in the pair of

secondary intercoolers on either side of

the rotor pack and the supercharged or

sticking out event it isn't just there

to look neat the cutout serves as a heat

extractor these efforts seem to have

paid off as power remained consistent

and engine temperature stable throughout

several extended the runs along the fast

twisting tarmac of the angeles forest

north east of Los Angeles but without

any changes to the suspension brakes or

contact patch one could rightfully

expect the SC 632 be a handful when

driven hard particularly in anything

other than a straight line sprint

fortunately the new camaro chassis is

such a solid foundation that the SC 630

puts the power down with no issues and

the newfound grunt doesn't simply equate

to incinerated tires traction control

step when wide open throttle is

requested at speeds below about 60 miles

per hour but any interventions that made

when launching this automatic a quick

test car felt relatively seamless of

course like anything without put in this

league careful throttle inputs are

required if you'd prefer to not end up

in a ditch

still when the roads get demanding the

stock chassis components start to show

their limitations it's much easier to

get this SS up to a felonious space but

once you're there the suspension seems a

step or two behind the powertrain even

with the camaro SS adjustable dampers

dialed their sportiest settings

the same goes for the brakes and tires

although the factory optional six piston

Brembo brakes in michelin pilot super

sport tires are undoubtedly capable

components on a stock camaro SS they're

less at home handling the rate of speed

that the additional 175 horsepower can

generate despite the fact that setting

lap record isn't the callaway camaro SE

630 is primary focus

it's still a Ryan to drive this thing

fast without any significant mechanical

changes outside of engine output this

package will likely appeal to those

looking to bolster their Camaros drag

racing chops rather than overall

dynamics though it's worth noting that

the stock access isn't really a slouch

in that regard to begin with and the SC

630 hardware only adds about 80 pounds

of heft to the front of the car

Holloway's decades of performance tuning

experience were also evident from the

lack of even hiccup from the SC 630

throughout our time with it

both when driven hard and when faced

with long bounce on crowded freeways

that probably explains why callaway

includes a three year 36,000 mile

warranty with each camaro itself a

five-year 60,000 mile extended

powertrain warranty is also available

and kala ways modifications do not know

if I GM zone warranty on the car the SC

630 treatment costs 16,000 995 dollars

on top of the price of the camaro SS

donor car it can be optioned onto new

vehicle purchases through collar ways

network of participating Chevrolet

dealerships are installed on customer

cars at the company's facilities in

California and Connecticut that may seem

like a big ask for what boils down to a

supercharger kit and some badging before

the addition of any optional extras like

Holloway's unique nine spoke forged

wheels but there's something to be said

for peace of mind when it comes to major

engine surgery

Holloway's assurance that customers will

be covered in case something goes awry

brings its own inherent value to the

table and the FC 630 packages effect on

straightline performance is in arguable

callaway expects to build about 350 of

these cars per year and for some

exclusivity goes a long way

well that and 630 horsepower

For more infomation >> [HOT REVIEW] 2016 Callaway Camaro SC630 REVIEW - Duration: 10:34.


New Country Hit Single Carol...

For more infomation >> New Country Hit Single Carol...


Sleight Trailer

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer


Resident Evil 7, Gravity Rush 2 e Yakuza 0 tra i giochi più attesi di Gennaio 2017 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 7, Gravity Rush 2 e Yakuza 0 tra i giochi più attesi di Gennaio 2017 - Duration: 4:14.


What do you think? SNOW and PennyBoard is it a good combination? --- CHECK IT!!! - Duration: 2:11.

What do you think? SNOW and PennyBoard is it a good combination?




For more infomation >> What do you think? SNOW and PennyBoard is it a good combination? --- CHECK IT!!! - Duration: 2:11.


Mio Tab 3.0 - "Moja TV" aktualizacja i konfiguracja - Opis w napisach - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Mio Tab 3.0 - "Moja TV" aktualizacja i konfiguracja - Opis w napisach - Duration: 4:37.


I-BOMM 観光ビクトリア編 Part2 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> I-BOMM 観光ビクトリア編 Part2 - Duration: 5:06.


What I Love - Duration: 1:21.

So, last month in the Teen Corner, I left out a box- I left out a bottle that said:

"Fill in... something that you love" after this idea that I found on YouTube.

And, a few people filled it out, so I'm gonna read out your answers.

One person named almost everybody in the Children's Room, so I just wrote the whole Children's Room.

Someone wrote cup ramen vegetable flakes.





Chicken. Henry C.


Julia, Ivan, Brittany. Brittany, again.

Chicken, again.


Bubble tea and Boom Boom Chicken!

Chicken, again.

Myself, Tiffany, Zach, Julia.


Sidney, Sam, David.

Volleyball. Tennis. And, nothing!

So, that's all I have for now. Maybe I'll try it again soon. And I hope everyone had a happy holiday, and happy new year!

For more infomation >> What I Love - Duration: 1:21.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance (prijs is rijklaar incl. metal - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance (prijs is rijklaar incl. metal - Duration: 1:09.


Lil Uzi Vert x Future Type Beat "Ranger" I Prod. BlinkinBeatz - Duration: 4:12.

lil uzi vert type beat 2016 lil uzi vert type beat free lil uzi vert type beat lil uzi vert type beat free lil uzi type beat 2016 future type beat lil uzi type beat future lil uzi vert type beat future type beat 2016 lil uzi vert lil uzi vert x future type beat lil uzi vert dbz type beat lil uzi vert type beat 2016 free lil uzi vert type beat 2016 free lil uzi vert type beats type beat instrumental blinkinbeatz blinkin beatz free lil uzi vert type beat 2016 2017

For more infomation >> Lil Uzi Vert x Future Type Beat "Ranger" I Prod. BlinkinBeatz - Duration: 4:12.


Taste Testing Slovakian Food [Kult America] - Duration: 6:17.

This evening I am in a glorious country of Slovakia

to taste test a little bit of Slovakian food.

And some fun trivia - I am taste testing at the place

that I spent my honeymoon evening.

Maybe meat?

Yeah, it can be meat.

There's a nice one pork steak with potato,

or ragout, or halushki with spinach.

Okay, bring it.

And maybe compote and two cups of tea.

She said "You eat a lot, you pay a lot".

I like that.

That's how you've got to do those taste testings.

You can try just one thing, you have to try as many things as you can.

I'm like a dream client.

The tea situation is really good here because they have given us honey,

which goes perfectly with tea.

I don't believe that this is any Slovakian tea but it looks like it's good quality.

We're off to a good start.

It's really nice.

This compote looks a lot different than the Polish compote

because it is served in a dessert dish.

Looks really nice.

It's like a Jolt Cola or something, I mean it's so much sugar in there.

Not bad.

But it's not my favourite.

These are kluski, deer goulash, cheese, and one more is coming.

But just in a moment.

I've notice that this is totally similar to Czech food,

but kind of their own take on it, for example we had fried cheese in Czech

and it looks totally different than this, but it's the same idea,

so this is fried cheese with tartar sauce and french fries.

So I guess frying is the main theme,

it looks really heavy.

The tartar sauce is the thing that really makes this awesome.

I wouldn't think to dip cheese into sauce.

But it works.

This is mushroom sauce served with pork wrapped in bacon and green coloured dough.

I'm not really sure why it's green, sorry for the lack of information,

but it makes a pretty cool taste when you put it all together.

It's creamy, it's rich, it's delicate, it's subtle.

It doesn't seem too salty.

Although I know you can be surprised at times.

And the meat is cooked in a very tender way, so this is…

It's not like jumping of my plate at me, but it's really nice and comforting to eat.

I like this one a lot, really.

So this is a deer stew,

and it's really delicate and amazing, the sauce smells spicy,

but the taste is actually rather subtle and elegant.

You deep it in sour cream, a little bit of cranberry sauce to eat with soggy bread.

Soggy is like non-flattering way to describe it,

but it's actually just combines to make

a very very delicate nice warm flavour.

Perfect for a snowy day.

This is a dough served inside of a creamy sauce with chopped green onions, or shives.

Actually I'm not sure which.

You can write me in a comment section below.

And this is a familiar dish, they had something very similar in a Czech Republic.

But this is way better.

I don't know if that's the question of the restaurant,

or the nationality preparing the dish.

Reminds a little bit of that white sauce you you'd have on spaghetti,

yeah that's kind of a good way do describe this.

It's like eating spaghetti with the cream sauce instead of the tomato sauce

and served with shives.

Alright now the bigger challenge is to eat all of the food so nothing goes to waste.

I don't think that's possible, but I'm spending good money on it.

So I'll give it a try.

So I should probably consult a cardiologist about making these taste testing videos

'cause somehow I don't think that that's healthy to eat for entrees.

The second thing is that I can say Slovakian food is very similar to Czech food,

if not exactly the same.

But maybe you know better, you can write me in a comment section below

how are Czech and Slovakian food the same or different.

Other than that subscribe to Kult America,

reach out to me on Facebook and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> Taste Testing Slovakian Food [Kult America] - Duration: 6:17.


Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.4i SE 7P. AIRCO - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.4i SE 7P. AIRCO - Duration: 1:16.


Adding Fresh Funds to MPCA on Day 53 with Dennis Hawkins - Duration: 2:38.


This is Dennis Hawkins of DennisHawkinOnline.

(a.k.a.) Dennis in Japan.

Also, known as Grandpa.

Okay, now today, 3rd January 2017, I added fresh funds, 1.5 BTC.

Now, I'll be using those fresh funds to buy more Level 2 AdPacks.

That means I'll move from 119 AdPacks today up to 170 Active AdPacks.

Let's go and do that.

Okay, I'll be buying in AdPack Plan 2.

The 0.03 level.

I've got 19 and I'll click over here on purchase.

Okay, this is going to be coming out of my Processor over here, right?

So, I want to buy 51.

And that's going to be 1.53 BTC.

So, I click on, "I agree . . ." and then come over here and click on, Pay Now.

Alright, so this message comes up saying it takes about 3 hours or so fr the AdPacks to

clear but I've never taken more than an hour.

So, I'll just click OK here.

Okay, so it wants this information.

It wants me to click over here, right?

Then, it wants me to click on Complete Checkout.

So, I'll go and do all that and then I'll add this video into the Live stream into the

Live stream Comment section when I get all done with that.

For more infomation >> Adding Fresh Funds to MPCA on Day 53 with Dennis Hawkins - Duration: 2:38.


YTP: Jimmy Takes Out The Dog (Collab Entry) - Duration: 0:55.



"Take out the dog."

"Yes mother."

"Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle"

"For a walk, Jimmy."


"Dad. I'm hungry."

"Hi hungry, i'm dad."

"Why did you name me this way?"

"You're gonna..."


"Were all gonna..."


*Facepalms almighty*

"You're gonna die."


"Are you hungry?"

"No, i'm crazy!"


*Cellphone ringing*


"Hello sir or madam, can i please have a moment of you're time?"

"I'd really like to talk to you about..."


"And now, my love life."


Go check out SpartaYoshi for the full collab. His channel is on the screen under mine.

For more infomation >> YTP: Jimmy Takes Out The Dog (Collab Entry) - Duration: 0:55.


Responsive Full Page Background Image CSS3 | XO PIXEL - Duration: 3:18.

Hey, Pixels!

In this week's tutorial, I'll be showing you how to code a responsive full page background

image in CSS3.

This responsive background image will fit the entire width and height of your web browser,

without any scrollbars.

If you've ever wanted to really impact your audience with your photography, or an image

that you really want to showcase on your website, this responsive full page background image

that you can place on your website is just the thing you need.

Be sure to visit my blog, xopixel.com, to see all the code and source files used in

this tutorial.

Now, let's start coding!

First, we're going to write some really simple code between the body tags

All we're going to do is create a div with the class "text-container"

Within the div, we're going to use the h1 tag and write some text "go big or go home"

I think this best represents this tutorial!"

That's it for the HTML, now let's head on over to our CSS file and apply some styles

First, we're going to apply the most important lines of code in this tutorial.

We're going to select the entire page by selecting the HTML tag

Then, we're going to grab our background image using the background tag

We'll be using the no-repeat center and fixed values to make sure the image doesn't

repeat, is always centered, and its position doesn't move on the page

Then we're just going declare some browser support properties and then finally, we're

going to use the background-size: cover declaration which is going to make our responsive full

page background image I wanted to add some big text to the image

to make it ever more impactful.

Let's select the text-container and set it's width to 960px.

I'm going to set it's position to absolute and then position it on the page so that it's

in the middle but also mostly to the left of the page

Lastly, I'm just going to style the h1 text.

I'm using the Google font Roboto for the heading text.

I want it to be really big so I set its font size to 156px.

I also added some shadow to the text using the text-shadow property and I used the text-transform:

uppercase declaration so that the text will always be in uppercase.

So there you have it.

You've just coded a responsive full page background image using some cool CSS3 properties.

Give this video a big thumbs up if you liked it.

Subscribe to XO PIXEL for more great coding tutorials like this one.

I'll see you in next weeks video.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Responsive Full Page Background Image CSS3 | XO PIXEL - Duration: 3:18.


PlayStation Plus: le novità di Gennaio 2017 per PS4, PS3 e Vita - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> PlayStation Plus: le novità di Gennaio 2017 per PS4, PS3 e Vita - Duration: 4:19.


Riding into SEMA - Duration: 5:41.

Oh it feels so good to be on the bike!

Uber, Uber, Uber up, Uber uber uber uber I think they Uber

Just a little bit of movement and the air flow is sooo Nice.

I'm not melting anymore!


There's Steve.

I see him.

I have found him.

There is Steve.

Oh, now I have fucking Garmina in my ear, going hey no!

Dumbass turn left back there!

What are ya doing?

Now ya gotta turn around.


We're all good.

Yes Bitch, I know, I know I gotta go over there.

Yes thank you.

You want me to turn around.

I can hear ya.


Stop telling me what to do!!

Oh, we'removing!

I can hear catfish thru SENA.

Going BLABLABLABLA hahahaha It is a mean sounding Harley.

I'm devided, I'm separated from normal traffic by the rumble strips, I'm scared.

Yeah, they feel weird, it's like a vibrator!

It's kinda nice!

I gotta admit.

Uh, my Duchess is all dirty from that trailer ride...but it was cold and it was nasty!

I'll clean ya as soon as we get to the house.....promise!

So this is lovely St. George, Utah!


Little cruise control action.

Get you ass back to the inside.

Get you back ass to the lane!

Byebye Utah....Hi Arizona!!

Veterans Memorial Highway, thank you veterans thank you very very much!

My freedom was not free and you guys paid the price and I do thank you it!

Hi mikey!

So hello Youverse, if you've been following my instagram we're going to Las Vegas

We're going down there for the 2016 SEMA show.

We're currently on the corner of Arizona heading to Nevada we did trailer the bikes down to

St. George Utah.

And then we're going to ride them in from there.

Primary reason, It's fucking the first week of November in Colorado, there's no way we

can count on the weather being nice all the way back and uh, better safe than sorry ya


Hi Buddy!

For more infomation >> Riding into SEMA - Duration: 5:41.


muralARt - Duration: 1:33.

Point your device to mural.

Mural XO =:O ;>

Mural project and realization: Agata Lankamer and Emilia Dudziec

App project and development: Mindhelix.pl

Thanks goes to: Municipal Art Gallery in Częstochowa Centre Amateur Artistic Movement in Czestochowa

We invite you to take a look at our app muralARt.


For more infomation >> muralARt - Duration: 1:33.


Advice for Older Entrepreneurs With No Patience - Duration: 4:24.

- You talked a little while ago about a 19-year-old entrepreneur

their biggest asset is patience.

- [Gary] Yes.

- What is the older entrepreneur?

What should they have as their asset?

'Cause I'm not patient.

Three years ago I started a business with some other guys

we're now 80 people turning over £10 million.

- [Gary] Amazing.

- [Frank] I am not patient.

- You want more.

- Absolutely. It's fantastic.

- [Gary] It is amazing.

- What's my biggest asset now?

- Your asset is all the cliché stuff.

It's just cliché. Everybody said it.

What I think though is do I think instead of saying

"experience" I'm going to tweak it a little bit.

Do I think a 46-year-old man has a better chance of knowing

himself than a 19-year-old man? Yes I do.

I think we've all gone through it, right?

Even think about your transition from high school to university.

You just get there.

You get more comfortable with yourself the second more

comfortable you start being more honest with yourself.

So at this point in your life and my life and your life

we should really know ourselves.

And so it's even interesting for me to hear that you started with

a couple other gentlemen.

To me, my hope for my own kind of personal picture that I'm

trying to paint here is that the three of you had some crossover

skills but you're all maintaining your core skill and

that is what's helping the business.

You're taking care of this, that person is taking care of that,

and the other person is there.

That is a very common thing for older entrepreneurs because at

that point they've shed their wants and their romance about

being the best sales guy or the best salesgirl and now they know

I'm really good at CFO, finances

I'll never let us go out of business.

I got the numbers. Don't worry guys,

you go be crazy 'cause I'm gonna make sure that we pay our bills.

You go make sure the staff loves us and now we've got this.

I was gifted that I do a lot of the principles well.

All of them.

Finance probably being my weakest, it's probably the one

that's most commoditized when your business through your dad

and your brother if they steal from you it's a good story.


I think that your biggest advantage is that you got,

it's probably the narrative to why you are succeeding.

Now the question becomes a more interesting one.

I'm going to take you in a different place that's probably

more grounded in the actual energy.

I think the big thing now at this point in your life is to

really try to figure out very quickly what you want to happen.

And the problem is you have two other people that may want

different things.

But if you're able to align that you guys want to sell the

company soon because that's a real cash out on that kind of

revenue then all of your behaviors

have to go in that direction.

You have to the figure who you can sell to you, you have to

start becoming a media company to them.

When the great misplays of a brand is if I wanted to sell

VaynerMedia tomorrow it would happen in 30 minutes

not onrevenue, on the fact that I would market to the people that

could actually by me.

I don't think Martin Sorrell knows who I am, in 20 minutes he

would want to rip his arm off the buy us.

That's what I'm good at.

What I would love to know is how aligned are you guys and

if you're aligned make all your actions go in that direction.

That's interesting to me. Right?

That's where you can be something amazing happen.

So I think that's something to really give some

serious thought to.

But I think it's self-awareness at this point.

You got so much more history in your 20, 30 years of

entrepreneurship that allows you to and you should shed whatever

pride you have left in principles that you don't bring

to the table as well as you know partners do the more you could

shed down to only focusing on what you do.

Me and AJ are so efficient 'cause we not discuss the things

that we know the other person is better at.

We don't even talk about it.

You know?


When one broaches the subject, the other gets pissed.


'Cause why would we even waste time?

You know I'm better at this than you and

we have become efficient.

Like fucking efficient, you know?

And time is the asset.

So why debate? Got it?

- Yeah, that's great. That's great.

We're on the path.

- [Gary] And the other thing I would tell you

I would highly recommend that you forcing your other two partners

to over communicate with the three of you at all times.

Force communication right now.

You're successful and you're at this age.

This is an interesting time.

Force communication.

Anything that you think is sitting in your heart that needs

to be talked about with the other two partners

I would tell you to do that tomorrow.

The quicker you get it out the better you're gonna be.

- [Frank] Yeah, thank you Gary.

- You're welcome.


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