Monday, January 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

We're back and ready for the next case of the day.

We'll introduce it with this quote

from French writer, Francois Mauriac, which reads,

"It's so easy to build castles in the air,

but how dearly we pay when they're destroyed!"

Bring out the litigants.

Leaving one prison to go to another is like crushing

our son's dream.

He can't measure the extent of the consequences

because of his immaturity and his obsession.

Good afternoon and welcome.

-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.

Juan, you're suing your wife Carolina, right?

Yes, that's right.

Tell me why you're suing her

and what you demand in order to settle this case.

I'm suing my wife because I need her to allow me

to travel to Venezuela with my son.

I need to renew his passport and his ID card.

If she won't authorize me to do this,

then I'd like you to grant me full custody of my son.

I'd have to grant you the divorce as well.

Well, if that's the only way.

I'll explain.

Go ahead.

My son's been playing soccer since he was 5.

He's incredibly talented.

My son's been seen

by coaches from the Milan club four different times,

twice in the US and twice in Venezuela

and all four times they've asked us to allow him

to join the club's youth academy in Italy.


My son's passport expires in December

and the training he must attend is in January.

In Italy?


If he doesn't renew his passport,

he can't leave the United States,

because my son doesn't have an ID card.

He can only get one in Venezuela.

You can't get one in the Venezuelan consulate here.

Alright, what's your migratory status here in the US?

We're political refugees.

Do you have asylum? Has it been granted?

No, not yet, it hasn't been granted.

That's what I say.

What if the asylum isn't granted?

We'll have to go back to Venezuela

and the child doesn't have an ID card.

We're not 100% safe in Italy either.

How so?

It's a sure bet he'll be accepted in Italy.

Ma'am, they've asked four times!

Four times!

Do you have it in writing?

Yes, I have the evidence here.

Let me take a look, please.


So you're convinced your son has a future...

Well, this is his passport.

It's about to expire. It expires in December.

Naturally, you can only renew it in Venezuela, right?

Yes, only in Venezuela.

Alright, and this is the letter in Italian and in Spanish.

"Technical Staff, Inter Youth Sector,

F.C. Internazionale Milano."

He's got a good chance.

"I'm happy to inform you

that we've been following Ronaldo's case

in Venezuela and then in the US.

After much consideration from our coaching staff

and our talent scouts, we've determined

that your son has great potential to be a part

of this institution starting in its Youth Sector

so he can become a part of our team."


He's very good.


Would these people help you find a job and everything?


Once the child is selected, we'll get Italian residency

as soon as we get there.

The only way the child can play in Italy is if he has residency.

Furthermore, they've guaranteed jobs for my wife and me.

You're just obsessed with soccer.

Then what's the downside?

You must've analyzed the pros and cons

of going ahead with this.

Tell me something that would put a damper on these plans.

Ma'am, the only downside would be

that once we leave the US, we'd lose the political asylum.

But I don't care about that right now.

I'm just interested in making my son's dream

of being a professional player come true.

We can make it happen if he can play in Italy.

You'd end up living in Italy as well.

Yes, we'd get a residency and we'd even get jobs.

How old is the child?

He's 11.

11, so he's young.

Alright, and you're even willing to get a divorce?

Ma'am, I love my wife and my family, but...

I understand, but is this your only son?

No, ma'am, we have three kids.

He forgot about them. He only thinks about one.

No, I've always cared for my children and for you.

How do you respond?

I don't agree with this.

We left our country and asked for political asylum.

We're political refugees.

His brother was murdered.

I brought a copy of the article reporting his brother's death

after he was kidnapped.

Let me see.

I also brought our asylum documents.

Here you go.

Alright, it's on screen.

"Following long search, Rafael Hernandez, who was kidnapped

on Wednesday, May 6th, found dead."

This was in 2014.


Your brother was murdered.

He knows that we came here

because we're political refugees.

I'm not going back to Venezuela.

I'm afraid that he and my son might be in danger

when they get there.

We'd still have to go back if we're not granted asylum.

Well, you must have an idea

of whether you'll be granted asylum or not.

Your lawyer must've told you what your chances were.

He can't guarantee it, but he should be telling you

whether the case looks like it's going well or...

Yes, but my son will not have the same opportunities here.

Alright, so your first concern is that if you leave,

you'll lose the asylum and then you'll be back in Venezuela,

where you've been persecuted

and where his brother was killed.

What else?

What's worse is that we applied for asylum as a family,

but he's the priority.

If he leaves the US, the rest of us lose the asylum.

I don't want to do this

because I want my children to have a future.

I don't have just one child. I have three.

My son is an excellent soccer player and I believe in him.

He's playing here in the US

and he has chances here too.

He doesn't necessarily need to leave

everything we've built these past two years to go to Milan.

The best schools are over there.

I don't agree with this

and I won't authorize him to go to Venezuela.

I won't. My life is in danger as well.

Alright, what are the risks... let's say I grant...

why is the child's passport expired?

Would that affect his chances to get political asylum here?


The thing is that when we left Venezuela two years ago,

he was already nine years old, so he should've had an ID card.

We went on three separate occasions,

but given the current state of the country, we couldn't do it.

The days went by and we eventually had to leave.

We couldn't get him the ID card.

At that point we had no idea

that we couldn't renew his passport without the ID card.

Now we have this problem.

We went to the consulate

thinking that we could fix the issue over here, but we can't.

What's worse is that my son won't have a passport.

Which means he won't be able to leave the US in the future.

We're leaving one prison and moving to another one.

What would happen if you went to Venezuela to get his ID?

Would you have a problem leaving Venezuela?

It's not just leaving. It's also getting there.

I don't want to go there.

I'm scared of what might happen.

We left because we're persecuted.

Yes, I understand that part, but let's say you get there

and no one notices.

Would you have a problem leaving?

-No, not at all. -No, we wouldn't.

However, he'd move to Italy

and we'd have to start all over again.

I'd have to move with my other kids

and we'd have to adapt to another country.

Another environment and in another language

and you don't want that.

Yes, but the kids are still small.

They can adapt. We'll get a lot, even a job.

What are the ages of the other kids?

One's 3 and the other's 7.

So they're 11, 7 and 3, right?


Alright, who has witnesses?

We both do.


Ma'am, I'd like to add that she's being selfish.

We don't have any guarantees that we'll get asylum here.

It's not a certainty.

The offer in Italy is certain.

I'm not selfish. He's crazy...

Hasn't your lawyer told you

if you have a good chance of the asylum being granted?

The thing is that we've only been here for two years

and we're still waiting.

The waiting period takes about three to four years.

They're giving us everything over there, but not here.

But his obsession is madness.

He'll pick up our son from school with a ball in hand.

He won't let him rest.

He'll make him practice in the middle of the night.

That's what the greats do.

He's always telling him to play and he's even put him on diet.

Are you a coach?

I played soccer and I've trained kids in little league.

He won't let him play with other kids

so he doesn't injure himself.

It's madness.

Now if he's not willing to budge and see reason,

then I'll countersue and ask for a divorce as well.

I want full custody of my son.

Alright, let's bring out the plaintiff's witness.

I understand everything you're saying, but I also understand

the changes you're continuously facing.

Yes, but it's the opportunity of a lifetime.

Now, this letter doesn't say...

I wish I could talk to the Italians.

What if the child goes and things don't work out?

What if he doesn't do well and he's released?

What would happen to your jobs and your residency?

He'll do well.

I'm sorry.

He's a star!

Juan, I'm very optimistic,

but I'm not a magician nor clairvoyant.

I can't see the future.

I don't know what's going to happen and neither do you.

I'm sorry.

Yes, ma'am, but I have faith...

-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.

Your name?

My name's Francis Hernandez and I am Juan's mother.

I'm here on his behalf to ask you to please intervene

so you can convince my daughter-in-law to authorize

my grandson to go to Venezuela.

We don't want to crush his dreams.

I'm honestly telling you he's an excellent player.

No matter where we take him, everyone always admires him.


Let's bring out the defendant's witness.

-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.

Your name?

My name is Yenny Gonzalez.

You're here on behalf of the defendant.

Yes, I'm her sister.

Oh, okay, what have you come to testify?

I'm here to testify how my sister has worked hard

ever since she came to this country that opened its doors

when we had to leave Venezuela.

We're political refugees.

We've had to start over. She's sacrificed a lot.

They both have. Then there's the three kids.

Now my brother-in-law wants to leave everything again

to go to Milan.

But that's not the only thing...

Yenny, it's not just that...

Wait! Let Yenny talk.

It's the risk of going back to Venezuela.

You're a lot more worried about the little trip to Venezuela

than the move to Italy, right?

I think there are two elements.

There's the risk of going back to Venezuela

when you're a political refugee.

Then there's the element of starting over again

in something that's only 80% certain.

There's only an 80% chance

that they'll get the residency in Italy.

He's got a good chance.

He was chosen from thousands of kids.

Wait a second!

What were you going to say about the residency in Italy?

It's not absolutely certain. He can excel here in the US.

He doesn't have the same possibilities here.

Why not?

Because it's not the same school.

Besides, they're giving me the residency in Italy.

Here, they haven't told me to leave my kid here

and they'll give me the residency.

I was offered that in Italy.

You've got stability here.

What stability?

What will we do if we're denied asylum?

There's no stability.

We're in the midst of the process, Yenny.

That's right.

If we're denied asylum, we're returned to Venezuela.

Well, the child would get residency, right?

If we're denied asylum, we're returned to Venezuela.

Again with the same thing.

-Yes. -Yes.

Do I have your permission to meet him?



Alright, let's bring out the child.

What his name?


Oh! He has a soccer player's name.

Hi, Ronaldo. How's it going?

I'm well.

-Yeah? -Yes.

Well, you know that this case is all about you, right?

-Yes. -Yes?


Tell me, how long have you been interested in soccer?

Since I was 5 years old, ma'am. I love it.

You love it?


When did you start playing? When you were 5?


When did you realize you were better than most kids?

When the coaches told me that I was really good

and that they wanted me to go to Italy.

That's when I realized I have what it takes to make it

and be a professional.

Why Italy?

Why don't you want to stay in the US?

Interest in soccer has been growing exponentially

in the past few years here.

We're very serious about it.

Right now,

they're going to build a soccer stadium in Miami.

There's a lot of support.

A lot of teams are being formed.

It's very serious.

Why don't you want to stay here?

My chances are better in Italy

because the players I admire are over there.

Besides, in my opinion, the teams over there are better.

-So you'd rather go to Italy? -Yes.

Do you speak Italian?


Well, that's a problem.

He learned English so he can learn Italian.

Alright, let's bring out Dr. Lizette Sierra.

Let's analyze this situation

in terms of their immigration issues.

Let's try to find a solution.


We've got quite a problem.

Yes, that's true.

Alright, tell me.

I've been insisting that the lawyer that's representing them

in regards to their political asylum case can tell them

whether things look promising or not, right?

Yes, that's true.

A waiting period of two years is absolutely normal,

because we have way too many cases.

Has the asylum been granted?

No, not yet.

So they don't have that yet.

Yes, but I'd like to explain one more thing.

If he doesn't have an ID card, he can't get a passport.

Even if we're given asylum, he won't be able to leave the US.

We're leaving a prison to go to another one.


That's true.

So even if he were to get asylum,

the child would have to go to Venezuela to get his ID card?

Or he'd have to wait five years to become an American citizen.

Only then would he be able to travel

with an American passport.

That's right.

Now, the defendant is right.

If they get a divorce and we break the family apart,

then she'll be vulnerable.

She can argue that she was his wife

and their kids are part of the family

so they'd be at risk of persecution as well

so she'd possibly get the asylum,

but it'd be a lot harder for her.

She'd reapply and it'd also take a lot longer.

They'd all be affected.

Plus, if he leaves and things don't pan out in Italy,

he won't be able to come back here.

The entry's been denied.

Are you listening to this?

Yes, I am.

Look, I see that you're very sure of this, but...

Ma'am, other children have had the chance.

Why won't my son get it

when he's been offered this four times?

It's a risk.

Think about your other kids.

You have three kids.

Yes, Dr. Sierra?

One more thing.

Let's say that the process is abandoned

and they reapply and he goes back to Venezuela

and nothing happens to him.

That would make her case and the other kids' harder.

-Obviously, there's no danger. -Did you hear that?

That's one thing.

There's also the possibility that they go back and get hurt.

That's what I'm saying. They're in danger.

Losing the asylum doesn't worry me as much

as them getting hurt.

Alright, sweetie, come here. Let me see you play.

Let's see.

Go ahead.

You see? You need to see him play.

The people in the audience who think the child should leave,

please raise your hands.

One, two, three, four, five, six people.

Safety is a lot more important than dreams.

Certain safety is here.

Dreams, however, are up in the air.

My ruling.

I believe in dreams so much.

I know that when a human being has a dream

and he or she knows he or she can do it,

the dream doesn't happen when you want it,

it happens when God wants it to happen.

I know that because I experienced it myself.

I was very talented when I was 11.

I could do a lot of things on TV.

I could dance, sing, and this and that.

My dreams of studying drama were shattered.

My parents didn't think things over,

but my dream still came true.

If the club wants you now when you're 11,

they'll want you when you're 12, 15, 14 and 16,

but your safety and your family's

is what matters most to me.

I deny your claim.

I wish you happiness and safety.

It's final. Case closed!

Be kind, be careful, get educated,

give respect to get respect, and may God help us!

See you next time and thanks!


For more infomation >> Perder la vida por un balón | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:59.


La Doña | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:58.






That's Altagracia. She's with Miguel Preciado.

What relation does she have to that criminal?

Your daughter is dead.

His prognosis is...

he has less than a year left to live.

What are you doing here?

I told you we would deal with our problems at home.

You're so shameless.

Maybe if you didn't come home so late, we could talk.

I told you I was going to help a friend in the evening.

-With what? -What do you mean?

Help him with what?

I can't tell you.

Right, you two were probably with hookers.


I came her to see if you really did come in to work

or if you were with her.

Madam Judge, hi. I'm sorry.

What's your boss' problem?

Does she dislike me so much that she can't even say hi?

Stop beating around the bush. What's going on?

Is it my dad? Did something happen to him?

No, I just expressed myself incorrectly.

I've been looking into your father's case more in depth.

I asked the nurses to tell you

that I wanted to speak with you if they saw you... I could update you.


Hey, Doctor, do you usually get this nervous

around all your patients' daughters,

or does it only happen around Monica?

Are you serious?

What's wrong with you? Apologize to him.

Dr. Rodolfo is a serious man. That was rude of you.

I apologize if I offended you, Doctor.

Thank you.

Doctor, can I talk to you in your office for a few minutes?

I want to tell you something about my dad,

but I mostly want to ask for a favor.

I have almost all of the money for his treatment.

I want to know when my dad can start

so he can start walking again.

I'm telling you. Altagracia believed me.

As of yesterday, she believes her daughter to be dead.

Of course, thanks to Regina doing her part.

She didn't contradict what I said.

-I hope this works. -It's going to work.

Even though she'll see her at the office every day,

Altagracia will never think that Monica is her daughter.

She thinks she died as a child.

Regina could change her mind though

and tell Altagracia the truth.

I think it's best that I take Monica somewhere far away

before my illness worsens.

Sorry for coming with a cop.

He's my friend and he's helping me guard the money.

Yes, I understand.

-Safety concerns in this city. -Exactly.

I want to ask you for a huge favor, Doctor.

The truth is all this money makes me uncomfortable,

so could you tell my dad I paid for half of it

and the government the other half?

When I tell him about the money

and how hard it's been for me to get it,

it makes him anxious.

If he asks you, can you tell him that?

Monica, you need to stop. You need to talk to your dad.

You said it yourself.

Every single peso in your hand is hard-earned money.

Don't let it go to waste...

Why would it go to waste?

I mean, I'm investing in my dad's health.

I can't tell you anything

because it would be unethical of me,

but you need to talk to him.

You can't continue being lied to.

You're scaring me.

Why do I need to talk to him? What's going on?

No wonder you were so nervous out there.

You're keeping something from me.

What is it?

I know you. What are you planning now?


I was thinking...

we should get back everything Altagracia took from you

plus interest for living in poverty for so long

because of her.

No, I just want back what she took from me.

Don't be so naīve.

That witch is as miserly as she is wealthy.

You should've seen the way she looked at me

when I brought up the money she owes you.

You need lots of money so you can take Monica away from here

and give her a better future.

That's your wish.

I have no way of putting pressure on her.

I was the one who gave her my house, my company...

I signed papers over while drunk...

Of course!

Why didn't I think of this before?

What we need is the help from someone

who hates Altagracia as much as you do, if not more...

<i> someone who's going through</i> <i> exactly the same thing...</i>

<i> who's an alcoholic</i> <i> and is in total ruin</i>

<i> because of the same woman...</i>

Congressman Felipe Valenzuela.

The Cuernavaca Project and the pending permits?

-The green file. -Great.

The list of personnel for the project approved by HR?

The red file.

Thank you, Tania.

I like that you're always very efficient.

You can start gathering the contract for the new project.

-I'll go on my own. -Yes, ma'am.

There's no need for you to come in like this.

They know they have to let you in.

Is something wrong?

We're not leaving here until you tell me the truth.

Why did you go see Miguel Preciado

just before he went missing?

Madam Judge?

I'm sorry.

Please don't be upset because of what Elena said.

Did you hear what she said?

She said I was with another woman last night,

but I wasn't.

There's no other woman. Actually, it's just you.

I wanted to say that maybe you've already forgotten

about what happened between us, but I haven't.

For me, it wasn't some fling or one-night stand.

I should probably feel guilty because I'm married,


But what?

I don't love my wife.

I'm with her because of my son.

How can I feel guilt over something so wonderful though?

Nothing's more wonderful than making love to you.

Why are you asking me why I went to see Miguel Preciado?

You were in the security videos.

When I ran into you at the beach in Veracruz,

I know you were coming back from Miguel Preciado's offices.

What were you doing there and why didn't you tell me?

I love that we're in here alone.

I love it too, but don't change the subject.

When I ran in to you at that beach, you were very upset.

You even went in the water with your clothes on.

You told me about a promise you made

to a very important man in your life.

The only man I had ever loved,

but that's not the case anymore.

You know why.

Yes, because you love me. I know that.

Because no one makes you feel the way I do.


You know me too well.

I can't keep any secrets from you.

I know, but not because you told me,

because I can feel it in your body.

You may have been with other men before,

but you never made love to any of them.

I like that you know that, yet you still feel secure

because it's the truth.

I know it is, but that's not the truth I want to know.

Please answer me.

What happened with Miguel Preciado?

Why'd you go see him?

Does it have to do with that promise you made?

Is it revenge?

Why are you saying that my dad is lying to me?

What do you know that I don't?

I'm your father's doctor, but I want us to talk as friends.

Can we?

Your father is an adult,

and I know you've always been there to take care of him,

but you should let him make his own decisions right now.

Whatever decisions he makes, I'll still help him.

What better decision than to get cured and get better?

Why is that so complicated?

Look, as your friend,

I can't let you give that money to the hospital.

They don't care if the government gave it to you,

if someone gave it to you or if you earned it.

They don't care.

They just care that the file has a "PAID" stamp on it,

and that's it.

I care about you though.

Then stop trying to avoid me and help my dad.

If I wanted to avoid you,

I wouldn't have seen you the day you insulted me.


It's not like I said something horrible.

That was just me.

I know, and you were desperate for me to see your father.


I've seen many families come through my office,

daughters, who I'm sure love their father...

but I'd never seen this kind of devotion before.

He's all I have.

He raised me by himself, so...

He raised you to be a strong and tenacious woman,

but no matter how much you insist,

I can't give you any information

without patient authorization.

Talk to him.

I don't like seeing you cry, Judge.

I won't forgive myself for making you cry.

I only wanted you to know that you're very important to me.

I know we both screwed up because we're married,

but I only wanted you to know

it wasn't just some fling for me.

The proof is what I'm feeling right now.

My heart is breaking.

I don't want any more hugs.

What's this?

What is it?


Did your husband give you those bruises?

Did he abuse you again?

I need to see Altagracia immediately.

I do too, but she won't answer. I don't understand.

What is it?

She was waiting for the elevator.

She has a meeting right now.

Let's go see.

Fine, I admit it.

The woman you saw in the security video was me.

I met with Miguel Preciado in Veracruz.

Why? Why'd you go see him?

Because Margarita had mentioned his name

and it sounded familiar to me.

When I got back to the office, I looked through my files.

His shipping company turned out to be

one we had considered for exporting of our materials,

so I decided I'd meet him in person.

Why though?

Because I was curious.

I wanted to tell him I wasn't going to do business with him.

Why in person though? Why not over the phone?

Because I needed to see him. I was impulsive.

I felt a lot of anger after what Margarita told me.

She told me that sicko raped a lot of women.

Yes, I found a lot of newspaper clippings inside his house.

What? You went inside his house?

Yes, I did,

and I found lots of reports from different newspapers,

some dating 20 years back,

many, many women, some who went missing and others who died.

Margarita is the only one who managed to get away from him.

Or maybe not.

Forget about that animal.

He's revolting and he didn't care

that he ruined so many innocent lives.

Like the man who ruined your life perhaps?

That's why you have so much anger and resentment.

I think a man like Miguel Preciado

did something very horrible to you.

You can trust me.

I will love you despite anything that happened to you,

especially if you were the victim.



For more infomation >> La Doña | Capítulo 25 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:58.


Silvana Sin Lana | Capítulo 111 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:48.



Maria Jose, sweetie.

What happened? What are you doing here?

Vicente came to pick me up to go to Poncho's party,

but Dad caught us.

You're so dumb.

You should've come with us

if you didn't want Dad catching you.

But you had me ask Vicente to pick you up.

Okay, then.

Let's not make a big deal out of it.

What's the problem with your father seeing you with Vicente?

He better get used to it. You know I'm here for you.

I know, Mom.

The problem is that Dad didn't just see us leaving.

He saw us kissing.

There you go, Father.

Fresh out of the oven just how you like.

Heavenly as always, Juanito.

Say hi to Mr. Benito.

Tell him to come to church more often.

-Of course. -Do me that favor.

-Blessings, Father. -God bless.

-Thanks. -Amen.

Mr. Manuel. So glad to see you.

-How's everything? -Good.

I see you're not immune

to worldly temptations either, huh?

Who could resist such temptations?

Not only do I have to feed my soul, but this belly too.

How's everything? How's life?

You know. With its ups and downs.

Some coffee please, Juanito?

Make it two.

I see Father Sanchez getting comfortable.


Tell me, Manuel.

Judging by your face, I can tell more downs than ups.

What can I say?

At least for me, things are going terriblly.

How come? Not enough work?

No, Father. Matters of the heart.

Good God. That's even more complicated.

If you ever feel like talking,

I could ask the Lord Almighty to lend you a hand.


Ask him not to take away the woman I love.

Mrs. Chivis?

Nothing gets passed you.

How could it?

You're too transparent. Same as Mrs. Chivis.

She left the neighborhood, you know.

And her ex is back in the picture.

I'm sorry, Manuel. I really am.

If they get back together,

you're going to have to step aside for good.

Your father saw you kissing Vicente?

Yes, Mom.

You have no idea how nervous I was.

My hands were sweaty. I was shaking.

I felt like fainting.

You know, like Trini does all the time.

Sorry to tell you, but I think it's for the best.

You would've never told Dad. It's true, Mom.

It's better he caught you red-handed.

Relax, baby. You're an adult.

He can't manipulate you like he manipulates me.

Of course it wasn't for the best.

You should've seen him. He was furious.

I've never seen him like that. It was horrible.

Your dad's changed, sweetie.

We can understand him, love him, even forgive him,

but we can't let him control our lives or disrespect us.

Not on my watch.

Now, relax. Okay?

Mrs. Chivis is separated, Father.

Besides, he's a thief.

He's brought them nothing but suffering.

We really love each other, but...

She won't take the plunge.

Because of her daughters, of course.

She doesn't want that crook to know she's with somebody.

That way he'll leave them alone.

You know me, Manuel.

-You know I can be rebellious. -And how.

It's my understanding

family and marriage are very important to her.

She's still married by the church.

That marriage has no future, Father.

From what I've heard, you're right.

Mr. Benito can be such a gossip, you know how it is.

-I sure do. -I know, right?

Thank God you know everyone's lives.

People trust you.

Can I ask you something?

I'm all ears.

You know Mrs. Chivis and her family, right?

Should I keep my hopes up?

Manuel, not only would I keep my hopes up,

but I'd fight for her and her family.

I'll pray for you both.

Leave it in God's hands. God bless.


Have a good day, Father.

You have nothing better to do than eavesdrop?

I gave you your coffee. Didn't I?

-Didn't you like it? -Get lost, you gossip.


We'll look into it and give you a call.

Good. Why would we go anywhere?

We have nothing to fear. We'll be right here.

Okay. Cool.

I'll walk you out, sir.

I'd offer you some coffee, but we don't live here.

I mean, we do, but... Hold on.

-My foot hurts. -The coast is clear.

Thank you, officer. Bye.

Thank God the worst is over.

I swear I almost died when I saw Jonas out there.

I'm way too sensitive for a crime of passion.

Good thing he came to his senses and ran away.

Hello! We have to go home.

Hello! Earth to Mars!

We have to go.

Relax, Domi. This is our house.

No, please. Not another move.

Last time my back was killing me.

People say you lose a year of your life every time you move.

That's how stressful it is.

What's a year anyway? I want to live here again.

Me too.

This has always been our house.


It's not like we took everything.

It'll be fast. Stop exaggerating.

Besides, the four of us will be happy here.

-The four of us? -Yes.

Both of us, Domi and Javito.


Now, when you say the four of us...

I don't think that'll be possible.

Stella, I lost Paco Javito. He ran away again.

Don't worry. Everything will be alright.

I mean, we'll never see each other again, but...

Or will we? See each other again?

-What did we say? -Yes?


In other news, Vicente's going to call your human.

You'll be with her again.

Look here, Pedrito.

-Is this the owner's number? -Yes.

-Yes? -Yes.

-Let's call her. -Give me.

I've tried calling Dominique, Poncho and even Stella,

but they won't answer.

Okay. Let's see.

For the love of God, Stella. Forgive me.

I really loved Paco Javo.

He's my favorite son besides Poncho.

You know how much I wanted to be his father.

And not just any father. The best father.

But even the best fathers make mistakes.

-I honestly... -Shut your hole, Dominique!

Gotcha! Don't worry about him.

You know that mutt always returns home.

Love calls him home.

Blessed be! Love is beautiful!


Hey, Mrs. Trini. Feeling any better?

I do feel better after a half-dozen croissants.


You know what? I'm worried about you.

You look pale and gaunt.

How does he look to you after his heart attack, Margarita?

Again with the heart attack. I just got dizzy.

He doesn't look that bad. He looks... alright?

It's good to think ahead, Margarita.

Better safe than sorry.

We should have the doctor check you out again, Mr. Benito.

It's for the best. What do you think?

I can't believe you're making all this commotion

over a mere dizzy spell.

Don't be rude, Gramps.

Trini's just worried about you.


I'm not rude. I'm just tired.

Sorry for butting in,

but with all this whining and bad temper,

it's a miracle this angel is still here.

It's unbelievable.

No one has ever cared so much about you.


I, um... care for your grandpa and worry about him.

Let me tell you something. Come.

When I first met you, I couldn't stand you.

I hated you so much,

I felt sick to my stomach every time I saw you.

I felt like killing you.

I'd get hives just by listening to you.

"Hello. Get me some pastries."

I was like, "Does she ever shut up?"

Come on, Margarita. Don't exaggerate.

Hold on. But... now...

I'm not good at holding grudges.

I see the goodness in people

and I can tell you care about my grandpa.

What I want you to do is stop arguing and make up.

-What do you mean "Make up?" -What is she talking about?

-I don't know. -I don't get it.

God, you're slow.

Do I have to spell it out for you?

Are you getting together? Yes or no.

Of course.

We have to be ready for anything.

Antonio Jose can't control us.

Relax, Mom.

I known Dad's always been a controlling and manipulative,

but you're taking it a little too far.

-Stop exaggerating. -Wait, what?

She's exaggerating? Think about it.

If there's anyone who loves Dad in this house it's me,

but Mom is right.

Did you know Dad hired Esteban to spy on us?

-What? -That man's not our driver.

He's a snitch.


Antonio Jose has gone too far.

You should get away from him for some time.

I'll talk to him.

He's unbalanced, and you shouldn't be around him.

In fact, I'm not letting him near this house anymore.

No, Mom. That won't be an easy feat.

There's a little something

that'll complicate everything even more.

It's hard for me to say it, but...

What are you talking about?

The thing is...

I'm late and... I think I'm pregnant.


For more infomation >> Silvana Sin Lana | Capítulo 111 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:48.


El Chema | Capítulo 20 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:02.



I need to know where Chema lives.

I need to talk to him!


Go ask Elvira.

Don't worry. I'll find out.

Will you marry me?

You don't know me anymore!

What the f--- do you think your dad will say

when he finds out you were with me?

What's he going to think?

Tell your mom to forget about Centeno and to cool it.

The news about the meeting at Los Pinos is out, sir.

I can't show up empty-handed.

We need to hand over a big fish.

I completely agree with you.

Someone like Chema.


The guy I detained had cocaine on him.

He said he got it across the border in Sasave.

from some guy called Barbwire who drives a blue truck.

As soon as I figure out how things move in the States,

we're going to set up our own shop.


A message for Jose Maria Venegas.

That's it.

I knew that's what you wanted to do,

but I didn't think it'd be so soon.

Setting up your own shop is a good idea.

You can count on me.

Good, Bull.

Just don't tell anyone. Let's not jinx it.

Red and I are getting the ball rolling.

We'll let you know when it's time.

What's up, boys?

-Speak of the devil. -What are we up to?

-Talking about you. -Good or bad?

Always good.

I was telling him we're setting up our own shop soon.

-What do you think, Bull? -Hell yeah.

As for me, Chema, you know I'm ready when you are.

I bet he is.

It's Mr. Ricardo. I have to go.

Hold on. I have to talk to you.

What's up?

I just talked to my girl.

She says to watch out

because she gave Amanda your address.

No wonder she showed up over there.

Wendy got really mad and left the house.

If you see her, tell her I'm looking for her.


See you, Bull.

Hand me a beer, man.

What's up with Chema?

He was in such a hurry he didn't say hi.

Is he going to the track?

You and your questions, man.

He's taking care of business.

So... we drinking?

I'm going to Mexico City tonight,

and to be honest, I'm scared of flying.

These are hot.

Let's do it. Your treat, right?

You know it, a--hole.

What a miracle, you're home early.

Help me pack a bag...

and spare me your sarcasm.

May I ask where you're going?

Actually, since you prefer I be more direct,

are you going to Las Vegas with Martita again?

Here we go again.

You want to know where the f--- I'm going?

Yes, Tobias, I do.

I'm going to Mexico City with your son.


What for?

The president summoned us.

They want to tighten screws down here,

so that's why we're going,

to find out what they're planning.

Are you going to help me?


I'm really busy right now.


The party won't allow the president to do

whatever he wants.

That's why we put a stop to him.

I want to see what he does now

with everything going on at the border.

They're saying a lot of drugs are filtering through

to the States.

Yeah, we know what those gringos' statistics

and studies say.

They love statistics. It's all they think about.

Internal consumption has increased

thanks to all drugs coming into the US from Mexico

through every city in the region... etc.

That's why, my dear General, we need to be alert.

Does the president think we're not doing our jobs?

The problem is there is far too much corruption.


That's exactly why I hope you'll support me, General.

I'm going to handle this with a lot of tact.

I'll eliminate any doubts anyone may have about us.

Remember, we governors leave, but you servicemen stay.

Plus, this isn't just our problem.

That's why after tomorrow's meeting,

I'm going to set up a meeting with the Colombian ambassador.

That's where all the drugs come from.

You love to make things complicated.

What for?

Are you going to talk or do you want to die?


Give me the number, I'll call,

and you tell them that you need to talk now

because you have new information about us.

It's in Medellin.

63... 6469.

It's ringing.

That's it.

Don't f--- it up, kids.

Eleazar, talk to these guys. They're a little slow.

Those a--holes again?

I'll get it over here.


What's up, Tostado?

I have some more info.

No, this is really important.

Let's meet, though.

You know?

Why do I get the feeling they're making you call me

to set me up?

I think he knows... doesn't he?

Answer, you f---ing snitch!

Yes or no?


Are they making you call me?

Who is this?

Who would you like to speak to?

You're pretty cocky, aren't you?

This must be Tostado.

Listen, you little son of a bitch,

don't send me any more messages about protecting me

because I'll kill you, your mom, and your whole family!

Got that, mother---er?

Yes, sir.

Just let us know when you plan on coming over

and my dear mother and me will be ready

with the welcome you deserve.

Although... you may be the one pushing up daisies

from six feet under.

Have a nice day, sir.


Listen up.

This piece of s--- was talking about us.

He was snitching about every single thing we do.

So what do we have to do?

Kill him, right?

Well, no, we're not going to kill him...

because I'm a good boss and a good guy.

Instead, I'm going to eliminate his bad habit.

This is so you all learn what happens to snitches.

Boss, please...

Stick your f---ing tongue out!


I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Ricardo.

Ms. Elvira has a phone call.

-I do? -Yes.

Who is it?

Excuse me.


Don't hang up on me, Elvira. It's Joaquin.

What the hell do you want?

Chema may be in trouble.

They're after him.

Please do not joke around about that.

I can't talk here.

Let's meet at my apartment.

I don't know what you're up to, but if this is a set-up,

I'm going to tell Mr. Ricardo so they can kick your ass again.

I'm serious!

Alright, fine!

Let's meet at the restaurant around the corner.

It's called Las Jacarandas. It's downtown.

Elvira... I'm not playing.

This is for my son.

Is everything alright?

Yes, everything is fine.

It's about some fabric I ordered.

It just arrived.

I'm going to go pick it up.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

-Girl... -What?

If you're doing as bad as you look,

don't even tell me how it went.

How do you think?

I was with Chema, so it was f---ing awful, as usual.


Are you going to tell your dad everything?


I couldn't care less about my mom.

Chema is sleeping with some bitch

who looks exactly like me.

Same eyes, same curls, same hair color, same hair length.

The bitch looks like she could be my sister.

And you knew?


How would I know?

Because you're always at Red's apartment, aren't you?

They live in the same building.

Admit it.

Amanda, I swear I didn't know anything about that woman.

You know how reserved Chema is.

Chema sleeps with some c--- every night

who he pretends is me.

He's a bastard.


Screw Chema!

That bastard.

Would you look at all that?


What are we celebrating?

Damn, you look good, Colonel.

This calls for another shot.

Hands off, ladies. He came to see me.

Excuse me.

See you later, Narvaez.

Don't make a scene.

Don't you think you're drinking too much?

So what?

Chema sleeps with some chick who looks exactly like me

and your f---ing cousin goes to Mexico City

and doesn't tell me anything.


Why don't you forget about everything

and let's plan a trip to Tucson?

We'll go shopping...

Didn't you want to buy stuff for the wedding?

What do I do about my fear?

For the first time, I was afraid of Chema.

What he told me, what I saw...

I don't know, girl.

He and Red are flying real high.

I don't know how all this will end.

I know he loves me.

I know it.

But he said everything would go up in smoke

and that I'd be the one suffering.

What did Red tell you? What do you know?

I've never seen Chema like this before.

Stop thinking about nonsense and listen to me.

Let's go to Tucson.

We'll go shopping for your wedding,

which is going to be amazing.

If not, forget about

having a maid of honor like this.


So what's up?

You going to come live with me in Mexico City?

I can buy you whatever you want.

Dresses, shoes, perfume...

I don't want clothes or shoes.

I don't want anything.

You're being difficult!

You're too sexy for that.

You have nothing to lose.

Plus, I really like this change.

Come with me.

Look who's there.

Maybe I will.


What's up?

Enjoying your last days of bachelorhood?

I'd be lying if I said no.

I see you're not having a bad time either.

Not at all.

Let's talk for a second, girl.

Hold on. She's with me.

Sorry, Colonel.

I don't belong to anyone.

Come on.

What's up, Mom?

Where are you off to in such a hurry?

I'm going to go see your father.



Did he convince you to get back with him?

Don't be ridiculous, Chema!

I'm just saying.

Don't let him fool you.

You're fine the way you are...

unless you're lying to me.

He wants to talk about you.

I don't know how he found out,

but he's certain you're in trouble.


For more infomation >> El Chema | Capítulo 20 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:02.


Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children - Duration: 1:26:21.

Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children

For more infomation >> Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children - Duration: 1:26:21.


Love Lele Pons?

For more infomation >> Love Lele Pons?


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Jay Leno, Raquel Welch, Ray Anderson - Duration: 43:49.

For more infomation >> The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Jay Leno, Raquel Welch, Ray Anderson - Duration: 43:49.


Miley Crus MARRIED To Liam Hemsworth? - Duration: 1:08.

Its time to celebrate as Miley Cyrus has got married to Liam Hemsworth.

Yes and Miley has admitted it on social media.

Miley shared many photos on her Instagram page, where the two are seen celebrating New

Year's Eve with their family.

In one of the pics, the couple is seen locking lips in front of a giant Happy New Year sign.

Well what sparked news about their marriage is when she posted a photo of their mothers

hugging along with a caption, "Family! #inlaws (no law)."

So what do you think guys- Is Miley already married to Liam Hemsworth?

Comment below and share with us your views.

To know more Hollywood news, subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> Miley Crus MARRIED To Liam Hemsworth? - Duration: 1:08.


PM Modi LIVE at Inauguration of 104th Session of Indian Science Congress in Andhra Pradesh - Duration: 1:19:53.

For more infomation >> PM Modi LIVE at Inauguration of 104th Session of Indian Science Congress in Andhra Pradesh - Duration: 1:19:53.



For more infomation >> FUNNY COMPILATIN 2017 BEST OF JANUARY - Duration: 6:24.


Angelina Jolie On A Ski Trip With Kids Enjoying NYE Holidays - Duration: 1:20.

Spending ample time on a luxury vacation with family is the best solution to shed all the

worries and pain of the former year.

Angelina jolie too distanced herself and her kids from all the woes caused to them due

to her divorce battle by taking a family ski trip.

The Beowolf star was spotted at her $4million home in Crested Butte, Colorado.

Three of her six kids joined her in hitting the slopes as they took ski lessons.

The actress as well as her kids were wrapped in warm clothes sheilding themselves from

the blistering chill.

She ensured saftey of her children and hence added helmet and goggles to their outfit.

The concerned mother kept a close watch on her kids as the kids struggled on the mountains

and fell ocassionally due to the steep slopes.

Well falling down and rising up is part of life.

For latest buzz on hollywood subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie On A Ski Trip With Kids Enjoying NYE Holidays - Duration: 1:20.


COUB BEST №43 / Лучшие Приколы | Vines vs Coub / #Приколы - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> COUB BEST №43 / Лучшие Приколы | Vines vs Coub / #Приколы - Duration: 6:22.


Hilarious Christmas Short

For more infomation >> Hilarious Christmas Short


Mista Cain X Young Dolph

For more infomation >> Mista Cain X Young Dolph


Minecraft PC: This Is Why I Like The Mouse!!! - Duration: 13:30.

*does his lame intro again*


i bored

switching computers because i'm using

different at different times I know it's


let's do some stuff create this world

island will be showing you pc view

actually wonder if you can go to my tux

stuff i'm just going to explore the

world pc i already know different show

you guys ran himself at npc by the way

along the LOC no mouse so this is going

to be confusing

oh I'm sorry sheep see need no act like

sticking me up

ok lag or something right

it's going to happen tonight so she put

six good now I'm just seeing them stuff

very confusing when you're using a

laptop and it takes me this long just to

get just I'm just doing I trust to



ok so I was but then again I was pretty

young to to extract I got people claim

so there might be some illegal down i am

a recent schedule should be playing

multiplayer was like I'm not using my

actually this is going to be interesting

but also on this right here that's my my

world this world I playrooms judge me

actually would you judge often and about

the PE think i'm going to hold off until

because stuff happened why am I in color

okay i'll show you my go-to some

minigames I fix onto central

counterparties only because somebody

framed me for briefing use my name is

that somebody who was briefing in the RP

and they used my name as I like they

just said I was a group is a briefing

from the second time once i accidentally

broke a few blocks because my muscles

twitching get it get it that makes so

much sense but somebody friend my only

clue i'm probably in a second it now

because i am going now

that's ok i even have to use my

everything too

I want once I can win again and then

taking a lot longer than it should be no

knew that was gonna happen maybe let's

see what we actually do right now change

it up usually get darker like drugs

never sent that controls you so much

it seems

well that is some language Jeff meister

gonna I knew it was going to see don't

do caps be great for her

yeah some reason i got a lot of my view

but these guys and this microfilm or I

didn't collaborate them thereby cousin

John collaborative it on my video

because they from a small youtuber

they're like thought they'd like you

some interesting words on there too I


why would they hate on a dare you to

bigger well I'm not like this but like

really very able two buckets

yes good job sir and water buckets I

know why use the water book its roots I

so hello from me sighs I go yeah no no

no just a straw check out our bookie

i missed it would use your bucket out i

was tryna I oh I just realized the mouse

it's so confusing over new controls are

probably on my my with the mouse

ok you know where is the solar awesome

thinking of ya

actually my mother that well I'll do my

top least favorite apps movie should be

on there and i would say I know solar

Fox will be on no not so it's kinda beat

between solar for awkward with solar

it's a good in a way it's bad

Oh looks like we have a hacker

ok what I was red i was next to him Sir

rather what I was gonna say i'd rather

die but oh that's some stuff happened

how did try to kill me o.o with who

I was that the guy look like Christmas

yet the video here guys so five

For more infomation >> Minecraft PC: This Is Why I Like The Mouse!!! - Duration: 13:30.


Megaman Perfect Run Walkthrough - Bombman - Duration: 2:53.

Today I'm gonna walk you through a perfect run of Mega Man 1.

The first robot master you should choose if you're a virgin player is Bomb Man.

The stage isn't too difficult, he can be easily taken down with the mega buster, and it sets

you up with a boss order that doesn't require any backtracking.

In any case, I'll only be using the buster

to complete all of the levels without taking damage.

You don't need to jump during this part, I'm just doing it to synchronize myself with the

bullets so I know when to continue moving.

Who would ever need that weapon capsule on the bottom?

Now if you're quick you can take out two of these guys right away.

Make sure you take out all of them if you decide you want energy ball.

Just use common sense a don't be an assclown.

Speaking of assclowns, look who it is...

Sniper Joe.

Stand about this far away and keep shooting.

Jump when you see him move his shield.

If you think I'm a loser because I know what the enemy was called than you're a loser because

you haven't played enough Mega Man.

Next up we have bullet bills that have ventured off from Super Mario World.

Notice how I'm not shooting the bullets, that's because they explode and respawn.

You need to keep moving or else they'll slow you down and screw up your entire flow.

Which series do you like better anyway, Mega Man or Mario?

It doesn't matter which was way you go here I find the bottom to be safer.

Alright this toughest part of the level, so pay attention.

For those unfamiliar with the series, spikes are instant death.

I feel like the Mega Man games were built around no damage speed runs, which adds a

ton of replay value-- that's one of the reasons I started doing this.

That and the game just kicks ass in general.

That was close, just forget about the 1up Sniper Joe probably fondled it anyway.

Jump up and down to get into a rhythm with this guy.

Staying on the bottom is safer than getting up close and personal.

That's of course if you don't want to get to hit which I'd like to remind everybody

you're watching a perfect run through Mega Man 1.

Lastly, keep pushing right against the wall while your falling between screens because

you can still get nipped in the butt by the eyeballs if you don't.

Bombman can be outmaneuvered by running towards him and shooting.

You want get him to jump over you so you can catch him a loop where he keeps jumping and

you're always applying pressure.

When he throws a bomb, move towards him whenever possible.

If you can't, move forward when the bomb finishes exploding to force him into his jumping routine.

That's all for now I hope you learned something new.

Check out my other walkthroughs and reviews for the best information on video games.

For more infomation >> Megaman Perfect Run Walkthrough - Bombman - Duration: 2:53.


Hablemos Ep. 1 (Spanish Learners Video Podcast): La Música Urbana - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Hablemos Ep. 1 (Spanish Learners Video Podcast): La Música Urbana - Duration: 7:43.


Flipping the Flops: A Musical look at 13 the Musical - Duration: 16:17.

For more infomation >> Flipping the Flops: A Musical look at 13 the Musical - Duration: 16:17.


Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children - Duration: 1:26:21.

Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children

For more infomation >> Animals Sounds For Children To Learn Dinosaur Gorilla Learn Animals Sounds and Names For Children - Duration: 1:26:21.


ASMR Vampire Girlfriend - MY IMMORTAL: NEMESIS [Part 2 of 4] - Duration: 12:21.

What did they do to you?

When I find out who did this, so help me God I'll

wait, these are claw marks from a werewolf.

Jax? What are you doing here - have you seen these?! They're werewo-

Don't you tell me to calm down! My Love is in that bed, being kept alive by a machine.

And all I see are wounds made by a werewolf. Like you. Is that why you're here? To cover

it up? To let the pack in and finish the job? Well come on then, let's see how far you g-

You saved him? Of course you did. I'm sorry. Thank you, it's just, seeing him lying there,

half alive, knowing I wasn't there save him myself kills me. I'm sorry for lashing out

yeah yeah, I know you know me. You ARE my best friend. I'll be getting you back for

that roar though.

Now, tell me what you know.

So basically you're saying you don't know who did it? How is that possible? You're the

Alpha, I thought you- It's a scent you don't recognize? Again, how is that even possible?

You don't know? But ok, FINE. Just so you know, I'll be looking for this rogue wolf

myself. So if you want answers, you better hope you find them before I do.

Can you take me to where you found him?

Babe, I'll be back okay? I just gotta go check something out. Get some rest. When you're

strong enough to be awake, I'll heal you.

So this is where you found him? Do you have any idea what might've happened? It looks

like he was dragged here. From where? Ok, I'll follow the trail and see where it leads.

Thank you my old friend. I'm forever indebted. Where would I be without your help

No just, sshh ... I KNOW how Lycans feel about humans. And being the leader, you'd feel the

anger even MORE than your pack. So the fact that you saved mine AND watched over him 'til

I could be there? Just . . . thank you. Of course, I'd have done the same for you, in

a heartbeat. If I had one.

Ok, Now go, go back to your family. It's late, you've been gone all day and night and they'll

be missing you. I'll be fine here.

Did you forget some- . . . thats not Jax!

Run along wolf. I'll be but a few moments more in these parts. I have the blessing of

your Alpha to pass through undisturbed.

Art thou deaf? By order of your Alpha, I have permission to be here. Move along I am NOT

in the mood to be trifled with.

You would defy your Alpha?

Do not test ME Dog, For I am short of patience and quick to RAGE.

Were it not for the Accords of Old between your kind and mine, I would sooner snap thy

scruff and wear you as my coat than suffer your stench any longer than I must.


What the? Why cant I move? What? Where the hell AM I? It looks like the forest but its

edges are on fire yet not a light. How did that dog get me pinned to the tree?

Ugh, is he burning my, my arm open to take my blood? Why that no good, filthy, wretched

little -

Where am I? Chains? I'm in chains now? Did I fall and hit my head on a rock or something

coz surely this can't be real?

Jax, is that really you? Thank Goodness.

Yeah, yeah I get it. You didn't know how I'd be when I woke up so you chained me down.

Just get me outta these things. Please.

I - I don't even know what happened. Or HOW. One minute I'm walking around the scene and

the next, a werewolf has me pinned to a tree and I can't move a muscle.

He wasn't one of yours. He . . . Its like he had me trapped in this dream state, seeing

our world from the inside looking out. I could only watch as he used his claw and slowly

burned my arm open He drank from me, Jax. He took my blood by force! After that, I swear

I heard an explosion but I blacked out and woke up here.

What? You're not seri- You ARE serious?

There's nothing left of that part of the woods?! But, then how did I survive? I was at the

center of the explosion? So, you're saying I caused it? Did I did I kill anyone? Did

I at least get the wolf then? No? Damn!

No Jax, there's something wrong with that wolf. And powerful. All it took was one look

and he had me in a hold I couldn't break free from. All I could do was watch. I've never

been so helpless.

What am I gonna do? What are WE gonna do? What does it all MEAN?

You always were the cool, calm, collected one outta the two of us. You're right, as

usual. Let's get out of here and back to our loved ones. Thank you, again my old friend.

At this rate, I'm never gonna be able to pay you back, am I?

No, I'm good. Honestly, I can find my own way. Thank you for everything.

Babe, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you got hurt and that I wasn't there to protect you, and

I'm sorry you ended up here because I didn't tell you about the darkness. The creatures

that yearn here, that lie in wait for the unsuspecting. I thought, by not telling you,

that I was sparing you the worry and the fear that leads to danger. But, instead you walked

right into it and I nearly lost you. I will NEVER keep things from you again. Just promise

me you'll never do that again, ok? We'll talk in the morning. Sleep easy my love, I'll watch

over you tonight. What's wrong with my arm? It should've healed

by now -

For more infomation >> ASMR Vampire Girlfriend - MY IMMORTAL: NEMESIS [Part 2 of 4] - Duration: 12:21.


Colours Horse Children Songs Color Songs For Kindergarten Horse Colors Colour Rhymes For Children - Duration: 1:17:55.

Colours Horse Children Songs Color Songs For Kindergarten Horse Colors Colour Rhymes For Children

For more infomation >> Colours Horse Children Songs Color Songs For Kindergarten Horse Colors Colour Rhymes For Children - Duration: 1:17:55.


自作曲「 分裂人間 」(混声4部合唱) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 自作曲「 分裂人間 」(混声4部合唱) - Duration: 3:14.


Citroën C3 1.4I AARDGAS PRESTIGE AIRCO - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I AARDGAS PRESTIGE AIRCO - Duration: 1:34.


Volvo V50 2.4I MOMENTUM ECC/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 2.4I MOMENTUM ECC/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI - Duration: 1:27.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V CARACTÈRE AIRCO/CRUISE - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V CARACTÈRE AIRCO/CRUISE - Duration: 1:39.


Money according to Humorator - Duration: 4:00.

Ahh, it's been ages since last time.

Everyone gets like 13850 kronor something in cash here..

I'll take the Dog..

..and you take the Hat so you don't get a cold.

And you will have the Shoe..

Christer, will you be the bank?

Yes, I'll be the bank!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight..

And I pass Go and collect from the bank the sum of 4000 kronor, thank you!

Ok, let's see.. 1000, 2000, 3000.. and a total of 3900 kronor!

But.. wait a minute.. it should be 4000, right?

It is 4000.. but in this case it's a cash payment from an manned office and we'll take a withdrawal fee of 100 kronor.


But.. I will buy "Folkunga-street" for 2000!

The deed, please?

You want to pay in cash, right?


Well, that's in fact 2100 kronor.

Oh, well..

Hey Peter, I see you have a lot of cash at hand..

.. the bank can place them for you in some Market Index Target-Term Securities if you want.

Market Index Target-Term Securities? What's that?

It's a very secure way to get some substantial revenue on you savings.

Ok.. how much?


Go, for it.. you got lots of money!

What the hell.. I'll do it.


Norrmalms-square! ..8000 kronor!


I want to redeem this.. Market Index Target-Term Securities now!

What? Now? Prematurely?

Yes.. now.

The value is very low right now but when the spanish house bubble recovers I'm sure it will get some of it's value back

I'll just roll the dice in the mean time..

..6,7.. and I pass Go and get from the bank.. 6000!

But hey.. wait a minute.. it should be 4000!

Yes ..and 2000 in bonus.

Uh.. bonus?


When the bank is doing great you get a 50% bonus! else do you think we could keep up our competence?

Oh.. this was peculiar..

Read it out loud..

Ok.. a 21 year old stock trader has incurred debts for the bank at the amount of 50 billion crowns.

All participants must therefor leave all their money and properties to the bank

Otherwise the bank will crash and that's not good for our financial system..

Oh shit!

This is ridculous!

This is really not the time for whining and stuff.. we must have everyone stand in solidarity for each other.


I'll have your properties.. and your money.. thank you!

Give me all of it!

But.. you just take all the money..?

Yes. It's the bonus..

Well, in bad times we also get 50% in bonus.. else do you think we could keep up our competence?

This can't be right..?!

The card say it here.. listen..

This card gives the bank the full right to literally ass fuck every participant in the game..

Do we play by the rules or not?


For more infomation >> Money according to Humorator - Duration: 4:00.


Jovenshire on Gamer's Guide...

For more infomation >> Jovenshire on Gamer's Guide...


Love FouseyTube?

For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


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Mannargudi gang has got resignation letter from O.Pannerselvam

For more infomation >> பன்னீரின் ராஜினாமா கடிதம் பெறப்பட்டது? Got resignation letter from O.Pannerselvam - Duration: 1:54.


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