Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 3 2017

Hey Yall its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! .... well before that I've got some announcements to take care of

there are 2 of them but the first one is...

I've been hinting at it for a while but.. my 'photobook' will finally be released this month

I've experienced so many new things since I started Youtube and joined the UUUM network

and I had so much fun shooting this photo album/look book and I'm so happy this will finally be released for sale

and lol, I'm so embarrassed by some of the pictures inside but

there are many scenes that you just don't ever see from watching my videos .... apparently.

apparently? I've already seen the pics I know whats in it...

some pics of me eating around Yokohama's chinatown district and some cosply-ish pics

since I'm such a homebody there's a lot showcasing what I wear @ home

everyone! it would make me so happy if you would please check it out... TYVM everyone

and the 2nd announcement truth be told I'm already wearing it...

tadaa its a new version of my Mochiko character hoodie #YukaSwag

I've also got another one... tadaa this one is also the Mochiko 2.0 version mug

it has stars on the back and says 'Yuka" on it

and on this guy there is the Mochiko character and a star here it would make me oh so happy if you all would buy this as well

the photobook will release Jan, 25th

and the #YukaSwag is already live for purchase so please check them out

I'll post links to the photobook and #YukaSwag in the description area below

K, so our meal for today is..... tadaa

I'll be eating 4kg of Lamb and I'll be cooking this chinghis khan style (over a rounded helmet like BBQ grill)

if you guys remember the pork bowl vid I did a while back I told you guys that Takahashi-さんsent me that meat

and this Lamb meat today is also from the same Takahashiさん also s/he helped me out so much with making this photobook as well TYVM

alrighty lets get grillin'

lets start by cooking off our veg I'll be using onion and green onion

season with salt and pepper

add bean sprouts this is 2 bags worth

before the veg has a chance to cook through tadaa place the Lamb on top of the veg

then lid

once lidded cook on medium for 3 minutes well... just keep an eye on the doneness

Ideally you'll be using a true chinghiskhan jhingiskhan ghenghis khan grilltop but I don't have one here so when I looked online

there were many different ways to re-create the BBQ experience but this time around I'm doing it this way

3 minutes have elapsed

oh wow its nicely cooked through わああーit looks super delish

its got that unmistakeable aroma of ghenghiskhan grilling of lamb meat

ok I've got 5 cups of rice

tadaa I couldn't fit all the sprouts and meat in at once so I'll be cooking them as I eat

I've got my rice right here itadakimasu

goona be delish the meat is chillin' over here

they say that if you overcook the meat it will turn very tough .... ~that's what the internet told me~

looks delish

the meat is tender yet has a nice chew to it its nicely marbled and very delish its so juicy

its got that unmistakeable lamb taste which is so wonderful

.... I don't really need the sauce here

the veg is cooked through nicely and is so tender



so tender this is a great way to cook this, this cooks the meat so nice and tender

guys... if I'm eating this straight from the cooktop the veg is too hot to handle so I'm goona let it chill on this rice

another round of meat I can probably get away with heaping a bunch of meat on at once

I may have misjudged the cooking time of the meat ....waiting... waiting

when you add a lot of meat it takes it longer to heat through

if you add to much meat the heat doesn't travel through as well guys, be aware of this

there is a bit too much liquid that has come from the veg so I'll try to scoop it out

I don't want this sauce to go to waste let's give it a try

hmm its pretty tasty however.... I don't think its necessary

this ghenghisKhan grill has turned into a watery hot pot so I'll try to absorb some of the excess liquid (JingisKhan Grills should be a dry cooking method)

this will prolly be the last of the meat

K, thats the last of the meat

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this JingisKhan was totes delish special thanks to Takahashiさん

I know I already announced it at the beginning but just a reminder about my photobook and #YukaSwag

if you are at all interested please click the links this ChingisKhan was so delish everyone please give it a try

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Announcement] Lamb Jingisukan & Vegetables using Hot plate! 6kg, 11620kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:09.


You will receive prizes! Send your work to the contest 🎅❄🎄 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> You will receive prizes! Send your work to the contest 🎅❄🎄 - Duration: 5:57.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC '11 Clima Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC '11 Clima Inruil Mogelijk - Duration: 0:58.


Quaker® Oats Smoothie

For more infomation >> Quaker® Oats Smoothie


S.Pellegrino® Water

For more infomation >> S.Pellegrino® Water


How To Be The Tails Doll On Club Penguin - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Tails Doll On Club Penguin - Duration: 1:01.


Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


'La La Land' Movie

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Movie


How To Be The Girl Everyone Wants To Be Pre Teens - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Girl Everyone Wants To Be Pre Teens - Duration: 2:46.


How To Be The Man And Attract Lots Of Women - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Man And Attract Lots Of Women - Duration: 3:22.


How To Be The Friend You Wish You Had - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Friend You Wish You Had - Duration: 1:49.


How To Be The Girl Everyone Admires - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Girl Everyone Admires - Duration: 2:08.


How To Be The Most Popular Girl In Midde School Extremely Fast - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Most Popular Girl In Midde School Extremely Fast - Duration: 0:29.


How To Be The Purrfect Cat Owner - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Purrfect Cat Owner - Duration: 0:57.


How To Be The Perfect Girl - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Perfect Girl - Duration: 2:42.


How To Be The New Kid On The Block - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> How To Be The New Kid On The Block - Duration: 0:54.


GOT7 Jackson Make up | SSIN - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> GOT7 Jackson Make up | SSIN - Duration: 6:19.


How To Be The Girl Everyone Wants To Be - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Girl Everyone Wants To Be - Duration: 4:21.


How To Be The One That Got Away - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> How To Be The One That Got Away - Duration: 2:18.


【プレゼント企画あり!】2017年 WEGOの福袋を開封!(全部着たよ!)- 【Giveaway!】 Opening 2017 WEGO's Lucky Bag! (Try on Haul) - Duration: 10:31.

today I am going to be showing you guys what was inside WEGO's lucky bag

this was 10000 yen

as the tile says, there will be a giveaway

it is 3 items from the lucky bag

I've already explained why in the Vega video but

those items are not ugly or bad

but it is something that I wouldn't use and there's no reason keeping it if I'm not going to use it

so if there's someone that likes those products than me, then those products will be happier? as well

that's why I am doing the giveaway

I am going to be showing those three first

firts, it's these globes

the thing that kept these two together was already off from the start so I'm sorry about that!

but this rainbow globes...

I think it's really cute when the right person uses it

but I don't know how to use it

so this is going to the giveaway

next is this hair band

i've seen people wear this on the streets but

I don't know if it's because I don't have bangs but

I just look like I'm about to wash my face

so this is also going to the giveaway

this didn't have a tag on it from the start

last item that's going to the giveaway is

it's this pink skirt

this is really cute but

it's a little bit too long for me

if it's a little longer than

it could be upto the knee

it's not that short to be a short skirt

it doesn't fit my body right so

for me at least'

this is going to the giveaway

so these three will be going to one winner

I will be telling you guys how to enter at the end of this video!

first of all, it's this jumper that I already knew it was going to be in it

I am so happy with it

because I love these kinds of jumper

so I already own 4 of these

and one of them is from WEGO

I like it because there are a lot of ways to wear it

but I never owned this kind of coloured one like soft colors

i think it's great for the spring

but I think it will be too cold for the winter because it's not that thick

so it will probably be too cold

but I think I can wear a lot inside as well

there are two types of these jumpers and one is really tight one and the other is loose

this is the loose type

I think I can wear long sleeves inside as well

i really like it!

next is this black turtle neck. I don'f know the fancy name for it

it's really simple so

there are a lot of ways to wear it

it goes well with skirts

with shorts

with denims

I think it will be really cute to wear a big neckless as well

you can dress it up or down

I can't wait to wear them!

it's also the right thickness as well

i think i can wear it for all seasons

actually not summer

spring, autumn and winter

another top is

it's this

it's a really soft jumper

and it's thin so i think it will be great for the summer

I think it goes really well with the pink jumper

it's really simple but the graphic show a litlle bit of uniqueness so I love it!

next is this lacy shirt that says Because We've Been Together

the size is just right

I want these kind of shirts to be a little bit bigger

I want wear like shorts underneath this and be like "what you want?" lol

so i love how it's a little bit long!

next is this red shirt

I think it will be cute to tight it up

or just wear it as it is

you really can't go wrong with this

i love it!

I love this folded part as well!

I will be moving on to the bottoms

first is this skirt

i was really scared at first

because everything is free size

and the back is stretchy but the front isn't

but I have a big butt so I thought it wasn't going in at first

but once it was on

i don't own these kinds of skirts

but it's something that I've always wanted

i really want to try wearing this

the next bottoms is

this loose pants

I own one that's like this

and I bought it because I thought it will be handy to just own one of them

But I surpassingly loved it and have been wearing it a lot

it's really loose but it looks formal

so I love it!

this is also a stretchy type

so I can eat a lot

i can't wait to wear it!

next is this cardigan?

you can already see it but it's this

there are no sleeves to it

this goes really well with just a white shirt and some denim shorts

with short wester boots

]this is sort of off topic but the reason why I buy lucky bags is because

there will be people who says that if you are going to pay 10000 yen for a lucky bag, they would rather but what they like for 10000 yen

but i think you an challenge yourself with it

and you can find something new that you might like! \

that's why i like lucky bags

next is some accessories

first is this scarf

I'm not going to be wearing this but people who saw my last video would know

that I want to use it for my bags

it doesn't look cheap

I think scarfs can go really wrong

but it looks expensive

I can't wait to use it on my bags!

next is this


I thought it was a blanket at first but

I realized that it was connected

I don't own anything like this

I just think that it's not something that you really need so i don't buy it

having one can't hurt

you can hide your face when it's windy so it's good!

we are moving on to socks

there were 3

first is this one

you can never go wrong with this

anyone can wear it

next is this black striped socks

i thought it was navy but it's black

I own like three of these because I love them

I think it was navy,red and black

but mine are a little bit longer so

whenever I want to wear it shorter it doesn't look right so

I can't wait to wear these

the last one are these

i think it goes well with white adidas sneakers

the last category are two bags. I just had three fingers up

first is this

i've always wanted a clutch bag

but a water bottle won''t fit in this

so i never bought it

but I've always wanted one

this is really unique own it's own so

i think simple clothes will look good just by holding these

I just have to figure out how to fit in stuff

lastly, is this backpack

I think there were a lot things that would add a lot to the outfit

I think it would look good with a simpls white shirt and denim shorts

and this would add a lot to it

it's not just a simple black backpack so

I love it!

this is bigger than it seems

you can fit a water bottle in it

that's really important to me

that is it!

i am really happy with this as well!

it's 10000 yen but

if you have a shop that you like,

then I think lucky bags are really good!

as I said before, you can find new discoveries

so I love it!

now, how you can enter for the giveaway

rule no 1 is that you have to be subscribed to my channel

and then comment down below what kind of top you would wear this pink skirt with

with that comment, write down your social media ID

i bought two lucky bags this year . it was this one and Samantha Vega

even though it costed 1000yen each, I was really happy with both of them,

I really want to buy it next year as well!

For more infomation >> 【プレゼント企画あり!】2017年 WEGOの福袋を開封!(全部着たよ!)- 【Giveaway!】 Opening 2017 WEGO's Lucky Bag! (Try on Haul) - Duration: 10:31.


How To Be The Most Popular In The Class - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Most Popular In The Class - Duration: 1:20.


How To Be The Funniest In School - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Funniest In School - Duration: 12:12.


DIY PCB Drill just in a couple of minutes (without a chuck) Step by step - Duration: 2:56.

Hi, welcome to Electrical Projects channel!

In today's video, I'll show you how to make a simple DIY PCB drill just in a couple of minutes.

So, let's start!

For building such drill we need:

an electric motor;

a stick of hot melt adhesive;

such adhesive usually used in hot glue guns.

Also, we need a Drill bit;

and a lighter

Well, let's start building…

First, let's cut a piece of hot melt adhesive,

then we need to melt it using a lighter...

and stick it to a motor,

kind of like this

now let the adhesive cool down

Now we need to do the same operation on the other side.

Be careful with melted adhesive, it may be very hot, and can burn your skin,

So, consider using gloves

Try to put the drill bit straight to the rotor of a motor.

After that let the adhesive cool down

and the drill is almost ready...

Now I am going to add a button and solder the wires.

Button is Not the necessary component, but it is much easier to use a drill with a button,

So, I highly recommend finding a button for your drill

After you soldered the wires and a button, you can connect your drill to a power supply.

It is working

let's try to drill a hole

let's drill more holes!

Well, that is all. The drill successfully works!

Thanks for watching! and subscribe to my channel.

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