Sunday, January 1, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 1 2017

An electronic pot that cooks automatically. It roasts foods only using water that comes out from vegetables.

For more infomation >> Moisture Cooker - Duration: 0:31.


Rumor: Nintendo Switch Not Getting Two AAA Games! | Give It Thought - Duration: 3:29.

Welcome back to Give It Thought.

As always, I'm Jake and let's take a look at the latest rumors about which games are

and are not coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Well it looks like the famous, or infamous to some people, Nintendo leaker, the one miss

Laura Dale has struck again.

Here she is pictured proving her legitimacy on a Reddit AMA a few days ago.

But, according to her neither the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise nor Red Dead

Redemption 2 will be hitting Nintendo's upcoming console.

Before we get too deep, I wanted to say one more time that all this information is not

confirmed, just rumors.

This may not be surprising to some people, including myself, because you just see patterns

over the years and never really expect Nintendo to embrace a developer like Rockstar.

Sure, we've seen a few games hit the Nintendo platform, like Bully's special edition on

the Wii and Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars on the DS.

But, as far as Rockstar's main titles, like your Red Dead Redemptions and your Grand Theft

Autos, you don't really see Nintendo showing them much love.

I'm not sure if it is because of technical proficiency, because we know Nintendo's

specs haven't been on-line with the current gen consoles for a while, or if it is Nintendo's

occasional negative view on violence.

I say occasional because every now and then they go against that.

But, whether it is either one of those variables, or a combination of both, rumor has it, Red

Dead Redemption 2 will not be making it over to the Switch.

It's also worth noting that Rockstar has this new-fangled deal with Sony that reportedly

has Red Dead Redemption made to play better on the PS4, but that deal could influence

their decision to downgrade their games to fit another platform, like the Switch.

As far as Mass Effect: Andromeda goes, which will be another HUGE game, maybe even bigger

than Red Dead Redemption 2, the specs of the Switch may not be able to support it, or EA

and Bioware could be looking at the series' last attempt on the Wii U and those low sales


That is what Dale thinks is the culprit behind EA's decision to ignore the Switch this

time around.

Dale did say she has sources telling her a Rabbids RPG game will be coming to the console,

which I am sure EVERYONE is excited about.

I don't know, I hesitate to say that because you might be a fan.

If you are, no hard feelings.

But she also says Nintendo will have a brand-new, unannounced IP to show off on January the

12th, which is not too long a wait from now.

She also said she suspects that the system will have up to three third-party titles to

show off, but there's no guarantee they will be good.

Again, all of this is pure conjecture and nothing is confirmed at this point.

As far as actual information on the Switch goes, we'll be waiting for that January

12th date before we get any more official information most likely.

All we have to go on now are theories and these leakers, that like them or not, exist

and are a source of information.

Whether you should trust them…

well that's up to you to decide.

But, I just wanted to catch everyone up on the possible(?) news about what is coming

and what is not coming to the Nintendo Switch.

So, what do you think about these rumors?

Will you be upset to not see Red Dead 2 in a portable version?

Or were you not counting on it in the first place?

Be sure to tell me your opinions on this down below.

And I think that's where I'm going to wrap it up.

I'm going to try and do two smaller videos today, see how that goes, and maybe try that

out for a little while.

The longer ones just don't seem information packed enough for me.

But be sure to like and subscribe and follow me on twitter @giveitthought1, links are in

the description.

Thank you so much for watching and remember: give thought to everything.

For more infomation >> Rumor: Nintendo Switch Not Getting Two AAA Games! | Give It Thought - Duration: 3:29.


We Happy Few Part 2 - HIGH ON MUSHROOMS!!!!! - Duration: 12:49.

We Happy Few

having a great day and I wish you all I

happy new year

welcome back to we happy few now in the

last episode we got stung to death by


we got some honey and we came to this

store gave its adbusters over there

pure water so i have some that I can

spare at least know I only have one and

I'm already dying

I need some help so for this episode I

have no idea what to do so let's just

check out the math real quick

this is where i had to go in the last


well at least that's what the game told

you I kind of went around so i'm going

to go back there from the other side and

see what's up

alright let's go i also need some help

so I'm going to go am I going the right


no I'm not I'm so stupid i'm going to go

over here in the outskirts because I

needed somebody's to make some here in

bham and hear myself I got here myself

to it

we're also gonna die you're not going to

have any gameplay

Oh some water okay this is good do I

have any empty canteens okay now hold on

oh now i have to let's go back and find

a dude because I feel bad for yelling at

him and everything going to give him

some water if you're still here

did we are you okay there you are now

it's not you it's not you

the holiday go what does anyone need


hi hello me some water

99 you just scared me ok here's

something you don't want any okay

the fuck is he that him now it's not he

was wearing a hat alright guess he's


I mean I wanted to get in the water but

guess he wasn't there for it

what is this this another hatch i can

get in

ok real he was no house for me it's way

better than the other one and i have

some pedals

wow that is so cool okay i think i can

make my dad even bomb right now okay

crafting menu or is it there we go

use and use ok we are doing great and I

eat something

no don't want to eat rotten potatoes and

carrots rotten apple god all i have is

rotten shit and now we need some sleep

just sleep for a little bit 90 k 9 hours

all right now we are all full and ready

to go

let's check what's in here nothing right

what's in here ok I can craft stuff in

here that's good and ok that's just a

break over there I don't need it

whoa what's over here not see this

what's this is some joy drippin requires

modeling harvester ok can I harvest joy

from this that we're pretty cool alright

i am liking my new little home that I

found over here but I am strain way too

far from my objective so let's get back

to that

come on god I just realized how dumb I

am I was looking at this side of the map

i am so sorry

so now I guess I don't know shit around

what's over here so I'm just going to go

do some exploring inset ohaus let's

break in and steal some shit

oh hello hi

alright hold on hold on just one second

don't don't hit me at give me a second

what's up

now we can talk

shit's all my god that is so violent

ok is there anyone here that wants to

fuck with me no good now let's do some


Oh another one of these that's pretty


alright we got it let's check out our

gallery check this out let's set up some

duct tape some metal bits or whatever

whoa that's a torch so far that's the

most advanced thing I've ever found in

this game so I'm pretty happy canvas

running potatoes again more deep breath

everything is either run rancid or more

than this freaking game all right I'm up

let's go and do more exploring oh what

is this

this doesn't look like the other trees

may go in no damn it

that would've been cool meeting tonight

entering the doors for your perception

have been cleansed

I don't know what that means but I am

going to try and enter and I can't okay

fuck that alright looks like you found

another bridge let's go you gotta do it

to cross over here

who the fuck is laughing shop first of

all I've got her so much builds i am

going to make a shit ton of here then

bomb i am never diet again

don't take my word for that look at 25

I've got seven here in bombs five


I am set baby let's put that over here

replace the gas masks only needed right

now what does this rubber I can hit

people with a rubber duck

oh fuck yeah dude clothes away I don't

fucking need it actually means that for

bandages but now it's gone now we are

all alright that's going to open in five

days huh what happens in five days

does it really open in five days

hold on i'm going to go sleep a little

bit and see if that fight becomes a four

because i don't actually believe that

take where's my house anyway

Dario I kept looking for you earlier

meet someone I got your buddy I got some

extra for you knew well I only gave me

some money

the fuck you think there's any use for

money in this world

damn it and here's my house get and

sleep for five days

well now i'm going to try to sleep for

one day first you have to test it up

sleep for I want can you sleep for

oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna sleep too


I'm gonna have some real sleep

yeah i know i feel hungry right to stop

for 24 hours straight

all right here we are let's see if that

has changed

whoa it actually changed i'm gonna have

to sleep for four days straight to be

able to get in here

well just go back to sleep then I'm fine

with that i really like sleep in game

and in real life i love it

that's why i'm too lazy to record all

the time I am going into hibernation bro

four days straight

I'm not coming up on all right let's

drink something and eat up before we go

to sleep

that's ok alright let's go to sleep 24

hours baby

oh my god i'm so hungry just eat the

rotten shit don't care I don't care

ok I got my hunger filled up now eat and

June drink some juice I mean and go to

sleep because you already feeling sick

again 24 hours good

oh my god i am dying of thirst

I am dying of thirst luckily there's

some water near my house

let me just check the map hurry up hurry


check the map real quick okay it is oh

my god oh my oh holy shit am I going the

right way I am NOT I'm I don't not i'm

not sure i don't think so this is the

right way okay I'm going I'm going the

right way

god dammit i'm stuck now now I'm gonna

die I'm gonna die of thirst sleeping for


before ours was not a very good idea

don't that please don't die please

please please jump god god I'm so I am

so done

where's the water i am going to order

that I can't see shit I can't see

anything come on come on come on

what is all oh yes all yes that feels


drink up bro drink well that was close

fill up your canteen can i eat anything

else or do I have to break into

someone's house and steal the food i

think i'm gonna have to break into

someone's house to eat have nothing to

eat back but workbook can eat these

mushrooms but i'm pretty sure they're

going to drug me

whoa whoa whoa what what what happened

what happened I am tripping on mushrooms

right now what stop what

what do you know what let's just go all

ended let's just beat the shit out of

every single mother fucker

well these mushrooms are that shifted i

have the plate right now i have to apply

all we gotta power cell i'm getting some

pretty good shit from these guys come on

you're the last one there we go

what do you have against some pretty

high-tech shit best now so another Power

Cell whoa where are the rest of you go

there you are just come on give me some

food or anything

run carrot that's some food oh hey

there's another house let's see if we

can steal some shit from here

ok what's in here Oh mushrooms okay

that's good

some food I the rational course I really

need that was driving them crazy what's

going on up there up we're up here okay

guess we're gonna have to go and find

out there's a lot of people in here

and I seal this oh my god you have a lot

of shit light bulbs on what what all

there on shrooms to do i feel that shit

Bob it thoughts you up just like me

what do you want all you have the

shrooms to let me just end your misery

I shouldn't be using my crowbar now

because pretty sure I'm gonna leave I'm

gonna need it after this

what do you have that is a very

compromising position

I don't want to talk about take down

boom speed the other one see me that she


ok there is boom take you down

it's nothing I'm oh ok Walt that's not

seem alright I'm back my game crashed

actually so i had to restart this and we

are where we left out

ok that's the cutscene again I'm really

sorry i can actually hear my game audio

very well so i'm not really following on

what's going on

mmm seals mushrooms okay so I mean

they're pretty cool but we go tea leaves

that's pretty nice what's this formula

ha ok let's not be completed a quest and

we got a formula

okay looks like we're done we did a

little quest now let's go back to sleep

alright we are up it is the eighth day

now we get to go back into that bridge

and see whatever there is their first of

all let's not die of thirst or hunger

okay here we are looks like it is open

and what do we need for it

fuck we need joy i think i'm gonna leave

this video here because getting joy in

this version of the game is a bitch and

i also need to get a haircut and being

college tomorrow so anyway I hope you

guys enjoyed this one and again happy

new year

next time I'm going to get the joy off


and we're going to get back here and see

what's behind this door so I'll see you

all in the next one

We Happy Few

For more infomation >> We Happy Few Part 2 - HIGH ON MUSHROOMS!!!!! - Duration: 12:49.


For more infomation >>


is this the face of the killer Reina Night club istanbul 01 01 2017? (CONFIRMED) - Duration: 0:50.

[Music of outro]

[ Music of intro ]

For more infomation >> is this the face of the killer Reina Night club istanbul 01 01 2017? (CONFIRMED) - Duration: 0:50.


Verbling Teacher - Elaine - introduction video - Duration: 0:50.

Hello, I'm Elaine,

I'm a native Brazilian Portuguese teacher.

My background is Psychology

and I currently doing my PhD in Education Science

at the University of Porto, Portugal.

Since 2011 I'm teaching Portuguese for foreigners

and in all these years I had students from different countries

with different levels

and with specifics demands.

For each student I am committed to work hard

to achieve the expected results.

So, I invite you to have a class with me

and to find out that online classes can be



and, of course, effective!

For more infomation >> Verbling Teacher - Elaine - introduction video - Duration: 0:50.


Fraes Stts Parte#16 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Fraes Stts Parte#16 - Duration: 3:11.


50 Timeless Law of Attraction Quotes From Master Minds That Knew the Secret of Success - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> 50 Timeless Law of Attraction Quotes From Master Minds That Knew the Secret of Success - Duration: 8:29.



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hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks



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Moisture Cooker - Duration: 0:31.

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For more infomation >> Moisture Cooker - Duration: 0:31.


Rumor: Nintendo Switch Not Getting Two AAA Games! | Give It Thought - Duration: 3:29.

Welcome back to Give It Thought.

As always, I'm Jake and let's take a look at the latest rumors about which games are

and are not coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Well it looks like the famous, or infamous to some people, Nintendo leaker, the one miss

Laura Dale has struck again.

Here she is pictured proving her legitimacy on a Reddit AMA a few days ago.

But, according to her neither the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise nor Red Dead

Redemption 2 will be hitting Nintendo's upcoming console.

Before we get too deep, I wanted to say one more time that all this information is not

confirmed, just rumors.

This may not be surprising to some people, including myself, because you just see patterns

over the years and never really expect Nintendo to embrace a developer like Rockstar.

Sure, we've seen a few games hit the Nintendo platform, like Bully's special edition on

the Wii and Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars on the DS.

But, as far as Rockstar's main titles, like your Red Dead Redemptions and your Grand Theft

Autos, you don't really see Nintendo showing them much love.

I'm not sure if it is because of technical proficiency, because we know Nintendo's

specs haven't been on-line with the current gen consoles for a while, or if it is Nintendo's

occasional negative view on violence.

I say occasional because every now and then they go against that.

But, whether it is either one of those variables, or a combination of both, rumor has it, Red

Dead Redemption 2 will not be making it over to the Switch.

It's also worth noting that Rockstar has this new-fangled deal with Sony that reportedly

has Red Dead Redemption made to play better on the PS4, but that deal could influence

their decision to downgrade their games to fit another platform, like the Switch.

As far as Mass Effect: Andromeda goes, which will be another HUGE game, maybe even bigger

than Red Dead Redemption 2, the specs of the Switch may not be able to support it, or EA

and Bioware could be looking at the series' last attempt on the Wii U and those low sales


That is what Dale thinks is the culprit behind EA's decision to ignore the Switch this

time around.

Dale did say she has sources telling her a Rabbids RPG game will be coming to the console,

which I am sure EVERYONE is excited about.

I don't know, I hesitate to say that because you might be a fan.

If you are, no hard feelings.

But she also says Nintendo will have a brand-new, unannounced IP to show off on January the

12th, which is not too long a wait from now.

She also said she suspects that the system will have up to three third-party titles to

show off, but there's no guarantee they will be good.

Again, all of this is pure conjecture and nothing is confirmed at this point.

As far as actual information on the Switch goes, we'll be waiting for that January

12th date before we get any more official information most likely.

All we have to go on now are theories and these leakers, that like them or not, exist

and are a source of information.

Whether you should trust them…

well that's up to you to decide.

But, I just wanted to catch everyone up on the possible(?) news about what is coming

and what is not coming to the Nintendo Switch.

So, what do you think about these rumors?

Will you be upset to not see Red Dead 2 in a portable version?

Or were you not counting on it in the first place?

Be sure to tell me your opinions on this down below.

And I think that's where I'm going to wrap it up.

I'm going to try and do two smaller videos today, see how that goes, and maybe try that

out for a little while.

The longer ones just don't seem information packed enough for me.

But be sure to like and subscribe and follow me on twitter @giveitthought1, links are in

the description.

Thank you so much for watching and remember: give thought to everything.

For more infomation >> Rumor: Nintendo Switch Not Getting Two AAA Games! | Give It Thought - Duration: 3:29.


We Happy Few Part 2 - HIGH ON MUSHROOMS!!!!! - Duration: 12:49.

We Happy Few

having a great day and I wish you all I

happy new year

welcome back to we happy few now in the

last episode we got stung to death by


we got some honey and we came to this

store gave its adbusters over there

pure water so i have some that I can

spare at least know I only have one and

I'm already dying

I need some help so for this episode I

have no idea what to do so let's just

check out the math real quick

this is where i had to go in the last


well at least that's what the game told

you I kind of went around so i'm going

to go back there from the other side and

see what's up

alright let's go i also need some help

so I'm going to go am I going the right


no I'm not I'm so stupid i'm going to go

over here in the outskirts because I

needed somebody's to make some here in

bham and hear myself I got here myself

to it

we're also gonna die you're not going to

have any gameplay

Oh some water okay this is good do I

have any empty canteens okay now hold on

oh now i have to let's go back and find

a dude because I feel bad for yelling at

him and everything going to give him

some water if you're still here

did we are you okay there you are now

it's not you it's not you

the holiday go what does anyone need


hi hello me some water

99 you just scared me ok here's

something you don't want any okay

the fuck is he that him now it's not he

was wearing a hat alright guess he's


I mean I wanted to get in the water but

guess he wasn't there for it

what is this this another hatch i can

get in

ok real he was no house for me it's way

better than the other one and i have

some pedals

wow that is so cool okay i think i can

make my dad even bomb right now okay

crafting menu or is it there we go

use and use ok we are doing great and I

eat something

no don't want to eat rotten potatoes and

carrots rotten apple god all i have is

rotten shit and now we need some sleep

just sleep for a little bit 90 k 9 hours

all right now we are all full and ready

to go

let's check what's in here nothing right

what's in here ok I can craft stuff in

here that's good and ok that's just a

break over there I don't need it

whoa what's over here not see this

what's this is some joy drippin requires

modeling harvester ok can I harvest joy

from this that we're pretty cool alright

i am liking my new little home that I

found over here but I am strain way too

far from my objective so let's get back

to that

come on god I just realized how dumb I

am I was looking at this side of the map

i am so sorry

so now I guess I don't know shit around

what's over here so I'm just going to go

do some exploring inset ohaus let's

break in and steal some shit

oh hello hi

alright hold on hold on just one second

don't don't hit me at give me a second

what's up

now we can talk

shit's all my god that is so violent

ok is there anyone here that wants to

fuck with me no good now let's do some


Oh another one of these that's pretty


alright we got it let's check out our

gallery check this out let's set up some

duct tape some metal bits or whatever

whoa that's a torch so far that's the

most advanced thing I've ever found in

this game so I'm pretty happy canvas

running potatoes again more deep breath

everything is either run rancid or more

than this freaking game all right I'm up

let's go and do more exploring oh what

is this

this doesn't look like the other trees

may go in no damn it

that would've been cool meeting tonight

entering the doors for your perception

have been cleansed

I don't know what that means but I am

going to try and enter and I can't okay

fuck that alright looks like you found

another bridge let's go you gotta do it

to cross over here

who the fuck is laughing shop first of

all I've got her so much builds i am

going to make a shit ton of here then

bomb i am never diet again

don't take my word for that look at 25

I've got seven here in bombs five


I am set baby let's put that over here

replace the gas masks only needed right

now what does this rubber I can hit

people with a rubber duck

oh fuck yeah dude clothes away I don't

fucking need it actually means that for

bandages but now it's gone now we are

all alright that's going to open in five

days huh what happens in five days

does it really open in five days

hold on i'm going to go sleep a little

bit and see if that fight becomes a four

because i don't actually believe that

take where's my house anyway

Dario I kept looking for you earlier

meet someone I got your buddy I got some

extra for you knew well I only gave me

some money

the fuck you think there's any use for

money in this world

damn it and here's my house get and

sleep for five days

well now i'm going to try to sleep for

one day first you have to test it up

sleep for I want can you sleep for

oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna sleep too


I'm gonna have some real sleep

yeah i know i feel hungry right to stop

for 24 hours straight

all right here we are let's see if that

has changed

whoa it actually changed i'm gonna have

to sleep for four days straight to be

able to get in here

well just go back to sleep then I'm fine

with that i really like sleep in game

and in real life i love it

that's why i'm too lazy to record all

the time I am going into hibernation bro

four days straight

I'm not coming up on all right let's

drink something and eat up before we go

to sleep

that's ok alright let's go to sleep 24

hours baby

oh my god i'm so hungry just eat the

rotten shit don't care I don't care

ok I got my hunger filled up now eat and

June drink some juice I mean and go to

sleep because you already feeling sick

again 24 hours good

oh my god i am dying of thirst

I am dying of thirst luckily there's

some water near my house

let me just check the map hurry up hurry


check the map real quick okay it is oh

my god oh my oh holy shit am I going the

right way I am NOT I'm I don't not i'm

not sure i don't think so this is the

right way okay I'm going I'm going the

right way

god dammit i'm stuck now now I'm gonna

die I'm gonna die of thirst sleeping for


before ours was not a very good idea

don't that please don't die please

please please jump god god I'm so I am

so done

where's the water i am going to order

that I can't see shit I can't see

anything come on come on come on

what is all oh yes all yes that feels


drink up bro drink well that was close

fill up your canteen can i eat anything

else or do I have to break into

someone's house and steal the food i

think i'm gonna have to break into

someone's house to eat have nothing to

eat back but workbook can eat these

mushrooms but i'm pretty sure they're

going to drug me

whoa whoa whoa what what what happened

what happened I am tripping on mushrooms

right now what stop what

what do you know what let's just go all

ended let's just beat the shit out of

every single mother fucker

well these mushrooms are that shifted i

have the plate right now i have to apply

all we gotta power cell i'm getting some

pretty good shit from these guys come on

you're the last one there we go

what do you have against some pretty

high-tech shit best now so another Power

Cell whoa where are the rest of you go

there you are just come on give me some

food or anything

run carrot that's some food oh hey

there's another house let's see if we

can steal some shit from here

ok what's in here Oh mushrooms okay

that's good

some food I the rational course I really

need that was driving them crazy what's

going on up there up we're up here okay

guess we're gonna have to go and find

out there's a lot of people in here

and I seal this oh my god you have a lot

of shit light bulbs on what what all

there on shrooms to do i feel that shit

Bob it thoughts you up just like me

what do you want all you have the

shrooms to let me just end your misery

I shouldn't be using my crowbar now

because pretty sure I'm gonna leave I'm

gonna need it after this

what do you have that is a very

compromising position

I don't want to talk about take down

boom speed the other one see me that she


ok there is boom take you down

it's nothing I'm oh ok Walt that's not

seem alright I'm back my game crashed

actually so i had to restart this and we

are where we left out

ok that's the cutscene again I'm really

sorry i can actually hear my game audio

very well so i'm not really following on

what's going on

mmm seals mushrooms okay so I mean

they're pretty cool but we go tea leaves

that's pretty nice what's this formula

ha ok let's not be completed a quest and

we got a formula

okay looks like we're done we did a

little quest now let's go back to sleep

alright we are up it is the eighth day

now we get to go back into that bridge

and see whatever there is their first of

all let's not die of thirst or hunger

okay here we are looks like it is open

and what do we need for it

fuck we need joy i think i'm gonna leave

this video here because getting joy in

this version of the game is a bitch and

i also need to get a haircut and being

college tomorrow so anyway I hope you

guys enjoyed this one and again happy

new year

next time I'm going to get the joy off


and we're going to get back here and see

what's behind this door so I'll see you

all in the next one

We Happy Few

For more infomation >> We Happy Few Part 2 - HIGH ON MUSHROOMS!!!!! - Duration: 12:49.


'La La Land' Movie

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Movie


Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


10 Superhero Movie Costume FAILS That Didn't Make The Cut! - Duration: 6:04.

The role of the costume designer is not only to dress the actor but also to help define

the character the actor portrays.

They help paint each frame of the film and their work can either contribute or distract

from the art the audience is experiencing.

A successful costume must be incorporated by the story and be woven seamlessly into

the narrative and visual tapestry of the movie.

When you are adapting a superhero story into a movie I is even harder due to the expectations

of the fans.

Here is Screen Rants list of 10 Superhero Costume Designs That Could Have Ruined The


Make sure to give us a thumbs up when we talk about your favorite superhero.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Director Sam Raimi wanted to make sure his first X-Men venture was authentic to the comic

books, starting with the story line all the way down to the costumes.

His original idea for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine costume was the yellow spandex we have grown

accustomed to in the comics.

He wasn't the only one that was going to wear their outfits in the comics; the entire

team was going to look like their original designs.

Singer ultimately decided that the costumes were too cartoonish and chose to go with the

sleek black costumes we saw in the movie.

Anthony Mackie as The Falcon

Anthony Mackie flew into 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier as The Falcon

and audiences loved him immediately.

His character, Sam Wilson was an expert aviator due to his time as a military pararescue before

he joined the Avengers team so he fit well into his superhero outfit.

The outfit you see in the films look like a falcon but before the filmmakers settled

on those wings, they had another variation.

The prototype design looked more like an airliner with jet engines on either side.

Maybe they would have renamed him The Aviator.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Catwoman had numerous concepts drawn for her role in The Dark Knight Rises, in and out

of superhero costume.

From her heels to her maid outfit they all seemed to have changes but none more than

her Catwoman outfit.

The artists must have researched Tim Burton's Batman Returns because her original costume

had a much stronger resemblance to that film and didn't fit well in this Batman series.

Anne Hathaway looked great in all of her final costumes and we probably couldn't find much

reason to complain about her in any outfit.

Chris O'Donnell as Robin

Tim Burton directed the first two Batman films and was ready to helm the third installment,

Batman Forever but the studio had a different agenda.

Burton's last installment was too dark for the studio and they wanted to keep Batman

Forever family friendly.

The costume we saw Chris O'Donnell wear was not the costume Burton had in mind for his

Robin, that was prepared for Marlon Wayans.

Burton's costume had a mask that looked like the Scarlet Witches mask and check out

the hair.

Jared Leto as the Joker

It seems that you can't mention the film, Suicide Squad without someone defending it

or complaining about it.

No matter what your opinion is you can see that the concept art of Jared Leto's Joker

was originally bland.

Initially he had no tattoos on his face and no metal teeth and his costume was a simple

duster along with a dress shirt and a bow tie.

The filmmakers decided to make Leto's character crazier and took his outfit and makeup to

the next level.

Interested in Harley Quinn's costume changes?

Stick around and we'll show you.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

When you see Ryan Reynolds in 2016's Deadpool it is hard to believe that the team behind

that film was thinking of a different costume than the one we saw in the film.

His final costume was perfect, his eyes showed emotion and he wore his signature belt buckle.

The Merc with a Mouth was originally going to wear a hockey-mask instead of his signature

mask and had straps holding the costume together.

This was a mediocre concept that everyone should be glad that they decided against and

we're sure Deadpool spoke out against it too.

Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach

Rorschach is a badass.


Jackie Earle Haley performed Rorschach perfectly from his uncompromising code, ability to solve

mysteries and his love for killing bad guys.

Luckily his original costume was scrapped or we would have been too distracted to enjoy

his performance.

Concept art of his original costume featured bellbottoms.

That's right, bellbottoms on the man that makes a stop to the bathroom during a prison

escape to handle a little problem.

Stefan Kapicic as Colossus

It's hard to say who was the actor behind the character Colossus in the 2016, R-rated

superhero film, Deadpool.

It took five different actors to actually create the CGI version of this character with

Stefan Kapicic performing the voice.

Colossus was a big mutant made of organic steel but despite being made of steel and

CGI he had great expressions.

The original costume concepts for this character were hidden behind a hood.

It's a lot more fun to see his expressions during battle and when listening to Deadpool's

loving commentary.

Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man

When Sam Raimi started pre-production on 2002's Spider-Man he hired one of the greatest comic

book artists of all time to work on costume concepts, Alex Ross.

Ross's drawings were not aligned with Raimi's vision.

For starters the costume was much darker, which would have brought a bleaker tone to

the film.

Still, one of the biggest problems with his work was Spider-Man's eyes, they were dome-shaped

and extruded from the front of his costume.

This concept might have worked for a real spider but not for the heroic Peter Parker.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn

There is no denying that Margot Robbie stole the show in 2016's Suicide Squad, hence

why thousands of woman dressed as her for Halloween.

Maybe they wouldn't have if they used the original concepts for Harley Quinn's costume.

They originally wanted to have a tattoo of the Joker's face on her chest and the word,

"puddin" across her crotch.

Her entire stomach would have been shown and half her breasts too.

If the filmmakers thought they were given a hard time about sexualizing Robbie in this

film, imagine how bad it would have been if they used the concept costumes.

What do you think of our video?

Did we skip over any other costume designs that would have ruined the movie?

Sound off in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for more fun videos!

Don't forget to watch another awesome video from Screen Rant by picking one now.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Superhero Movie Costume FAILS That Didn't Make The Cut! - Duration: 6:04.


Not all opinions are valid | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 6:50.

There are people living today, in 2016, who honestly believe that the Earth is flat.

Now the thing is, those people are allowed to have that opinion.

You're allowed to have whatever opinion you want.

But that doesn't mean that that opinion is valid or that it should be a part of our modern discourse.

Because I think we can all accept -- or at least most of us -- that the Earth is not

flat, the Earth is round, we live in a solar system, we orbit around the sun.

And these are just basic facts that we have to accept because know them to be true because

there's a lot of scientific evidence.

But like with most things, it's a theory.

It's a very well-accepted theory, but it's a theory nonetheless, like the theory of gravity,

which I think we all pretty much accept as fact at this point, but it's still a theory.

But flat earthers have their own theory, and they have their own ways of explaining away

our scientific evidence to suit their agenda.

The reason I bring this up is because I think it's a really obvious example that we can

all think about and conceptualize.

Like, we all know that the Earth is round, and we can all laugh about how ridiculous

it is that there's still a group of people that believe the Earth is flat.

So I think we would also agree that it would be very ridiculous to have a debate in today's

day and age with a round-earther and a flat-earther and to have them present their evidence and

like make an argument for it and make a big spectacle out of it.

That would be false balance.

That would be pretending that these two sides have equal weight and we have to talk about

both if we're gonna talk about one.

And I think there are a lot of people who, in totally different situations, will say

that there should always be a compromise, that you can always be in the center of something

and find common ground between people.

But there's no common ground between people who believe the Earth is round and people

who believe the Earth is flat.

There's no compromise where the Earth is like a puffy pancake that's like in between being round and flat.

You can't have these two people come together and argue and try to reach some sort of compromise

where they can agree that both of them have valid points, because one of them has valid

points and scientific evidence, and the other does not, they just made it up.

And this applies, surprise surprise, to a lot of other stuff going on in our world, socially and politically.

Let's take climate change for example.

There is a ton of scientific evidence for climate change, and yet, there are still people

who deny it, and we're supposed to treat them like they have a valid argument, but they

don't, because the science is in and we know that climate change is happening

and that it's caused by humans.

So if someone says that climate change is not happening and humans are definitely not

causing it, they don't have a valid opinion.

They're just wrong.

There's no compromise between it is and isn't happening.

It's just -- it's happening!

And we have to do something about it, and it's a very damaging opinion to just deny

facts and deny that climate change is real.

There's also vaccinations, like, vaccinations are a very good thing that do not cause autism

and that help people stay healthy.

Anti-vaxxers do not get a say here because they are wrong.

They make claims that are based on false evidence.

There's no like, "Oh maybe we should kinda look into vaccines."


They're just wrong.

They do not cause autism, there are not problems with them, they make us healthier, they save

a lot of people -- vaccines are good, end of story.

And of course there are always going to be topics where both sides have good points and

where we do need to find compromise, but there's a lot of situations where that's not happening,

and we pretend like it's happening.

And I feel like that especially happens in politics.

Like, people who consider themselves politically in the center feel like they're right just

because they're in the center.

They see themselves as the compromise of the left and the right.

They see themselves as taking the good from the left and the good from the right, and

rejecting the bad from the left and the bad from the right, and they are the perfect compromise.

But that's just not how it works.

Like being in the middle of two arbitrary points doesn't automatically make you right.

Compromise is not always a good thing.

On one side we have people saying that LGBT+ people deserve respect, should be treated

equally under the law, and should be protect from discrimination.

And on the other side we have people saying that LGBT+ should be denied their basic human

rights and not be treated equally under the law.

These are not equal stances.

We do not get to find compromise between those.

When we're talking about our humanity and our rights, we have a right to fight for those

-- in their entirety, not in pieces as we compromise.

There is no compromising on our basic human rights.

And I know we're always talking about how divided we've become as a country and how

partisan, but I don't think the answer is reaching across the aisle and shaking hands with a Nazi.

Because that's exactly what this new administration is being filled with.

Trump's cabinet is already full of White Nationalists.

These are people who are openly misogynistic and anti-semitic, and they use the term "alt-right"

to make them sound like some sort of kooky, quirky, new-age right-wing group.

There's a reason the KKK is in the streets parading and celebrating Trump's victory.

It's because his ideology lines up with the ideology of the KKK.

The "alt-right" people he surrounds himself with are modern day Neo-Nazis.

So I don't think that's a thing we should compromise with.

I don't think we should compromise with White Nationalists and Nazis.

But I've already made a whole video about how we shouldn't normalize Trump's White Nationalism,

so let's go back to talking about other things.

I just... can't get my mind off the election and all of that, you know.

So there's a lot of other areas where we could talk about false balance and compromise and

stuff, but I've been running into this a lot lately with my own channel.

Because people tweet me or comment on my videos or something saying, "Ah, you won't debate

this idea, it's because you're afraid you're gonna lose."

That's not how that works.

It's just not.

That's not a logical conclusion to come to when someone doesn't wanna debate you.

There's like a million and a half reasons someone might not wanna debate you, but one

of those might be, you just don't have a valid viewpoint, and you're not worthy of being debated.

You are the flat-earther of whatever your topic is.

Like there are people to this day who don't believe that homosexuality is real, they just

don't think you can be gay.

And I don't think we should give those people a debate.

There's soooo many resources out there, that debate has been had, we recognize that being

gay is a real thing -- I'm not gonna waste my time debating someone like that.

And the same thing goes for transgender issues.

Like if someone just doesn't believe that being trans is a real thing... there's probably

nothing I could say at this point to convince them.

And a debate would just be pointless.

You know, like there's not point in having a debate with someone who's rejected all logic and reason.

There's no reason for me to debate a flat-earther because I'm never going to convince them -- no

matter what evidence I have, I won't convince them that I'm right and they're wrong.

And it's the same thing with people who don't believe that being transgender is real.

No matter what I say, no matter what evidence I present, they're going to be in their opinion,

they just want someone to yell about it to.

And I don't have to be that platform for ignorant people to yell their ignorant things.

Of course, I think it's important to educate people, and if I feel like someone is genuinely

asking questions and genuinely wants to know something, I don't have a problem like talking

and explaining things.

But when it's someone who clearly has an agenda and all they wanna do is yell about how you're

wrong, and they're not actually going to listen to you, then there's no point in having a debate.

And again there's no compromise between people who think that being transgender is real and

people who don't.

It's not like we can be kind of real -- we just are.

And yes, those people need to be educated, but if they refuse to be educated... there's

nothing you can do about that.

And a debate is pointless, and you're not going to find compromise.

So, I don't know, this video kinda jumped all over the place.

But there was a lot of points in there and I hope you took notes.

I just had a lot of feeling about this recently because it applies to so many things in life.

So I just needed to talk about it.

I hope this can be helpful to you in some way.

I hope you don't feel like you have to debate every single ignorant person in the world.

Have you guys ever felt this way?

Have you ever experienced something similar?

Let me know down in the comments what other situations this might apply to.

So that's the whole video.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Not all opinions are valid | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 6:50.


6,000mAh Vehicle Jump Starter Portable Device Charger - Duration: 15:40.

For more infomation >> 6,000mAh Vehicle Jump Starter Portable Device Charger - Duration: 15:40.


Ultraman FER - MISSION POINT 077~084 ~ 1080P HD ~【English Sub & 中文字幕】 - Duration: 5:39.

077.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Just attack 078.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Charge attack 079.Charge attack hits over 5 times 080.Ultraman Cosmos change to Corona Mode 081.Combo attack hits over 5 times 082.Don't get hit by Waroga's specials 083.Win Waroga without guarding 084.???

077.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Just attack

078.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Charge attack

079.Charge attack hits over 5 times

080.Ultraman Cosmos change to Corona Mode

081.Combo attack hits over 5 times

082.Don't get hit by Waroga's specials 083.Win Waroga without guarding

077.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Just attack 078.Ultraman Cosmos hits with Charge attack 079.Charge attack hits over 5 times 080.Ultraman Cosmos change to Corona Mode 081.Combo attack hits over 5 times 082.Don't get hit by Waroga's specials 083.Win Waroga without guarding 084.Win Waroga in Luna Mode (don't change mode)

084.Win Waroga in Luna Mode (don't change mode)

For more infomation >> Ultraman FER - MISSION POINT 077~084 ~ 1080P HD ~【English Sub & 中文字幕】 - Duration: 5:39.


C309 - Hammer On (Livesession) - Duration: 6:02.

Hammer on, hammer on, oppression up on this door,

to the day, to the day all your friends will move and soar,

see those worlds collide, see those worlds collide

Better say, better speak, better pray, better weigh your words,

all your views, all your thoughts, your ideas are insane and blurred.

This will end in a battle that you thought you'd win,

and the sickness in your mind's a breeding ground for lunatics sin,

and then you're on the ground the most dispicable thing there's ever been.

Hammer on, hammer on, corruption up on this door,

to the day, to the day there will be right and law no more

See this world break down, see this world break down.

Carry on, Carry on, carry on and you will See,

they are not, they are not what you thought, you're just the key

This will end in a battle that hardly will die,

they will shove you and use you and tell you extracts oft their lies,

and when you're on the ground we won't believe in your alibies.

Oh see this wolrd break down, down, down.

Oh see this wolrd break down, oh see this wolrd break down,

break down,

break down.

This will end in a battle that hardly will die,

they will shove you and use you and tell you extracts oft their lies,

and when you're on the ground we won't believe in your alibies.

For more infomation >> C309 - Hammer On (Livesession) - Duration: 6:02.


is this the face of the killer Reina Night club istanbul 01 01 2017? (CONFIRMED) - Duration: 0:50.

[Music of outro]

[ Music of intro ]

For more infomation >> is this the face of the killer Reina Night club istanbul 01 01 2017? (CONFIRMED) - Duration: 0:50.


Obama Saved Their Jobs, But They Still Hate Him - Duration: 11:20.


































































































































DOWN TO 27%.










For more infomation >> Obama Saved Their Jobs, But They Still Hate Him - Duration: 11:20.


"Dreams" (Fleetwood Mac cover feat. Shonalika) - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> "Dreams" (Fleetwood Mac cover feat. Shonalika) - Duration: 4:35.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - [PV] "Clover♣Club" (English Subs/Sub. Español) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd - [PV] "Clover♣Club" (English Subs/Sub. Español) - Duration: 3:08.



- What just happened? - The green edition! This is too obvious.

When did we take this photo?

We did take this photo.

This iKON full length album...

will be a jackpot!

Cute, cute...

Welcome, Yunhyeong!

Come on in, Chanwoo!

Right now, that's kind of like 'uncle photo'

Okay, stop there, and what are you asdswkrjfehg

- Why is your Korean so bad, Santa? - Where are you from?

- I'm American! - So you're American Santa Claus!

What is your nationality?

- You... - Okay.

I want you to dance, Bobby hyung.

- I've already done that. - Then sing for me.

Be quiet!

- Entertainer! - Don't call me an entertainer!

- I'm a singer. - Entertainer!

You little...

- But I think that this isn't funny. - That's true. Just give it to us.

Oh, a booger?

Are you Mooreup-Bob Santa?

- I have a wish. - Talk politely. - Sorry.


Mr. Santa!

What is it?

- Red edition alone is not enough.

- Is that so? - Yes.

Thank you. (in a weird voice)

Mooreup-Bob, Mooreup-Bob Bob (theme song for the TV show, The Knee-Drop Guru)

- Mooreup-Bob! - You look so desperate.

- It's not funny at all, just sit down, quickly.

He granted my wish!

- Bobby ah~ - Where is Bobby?

- Where are you, Bobby? - Please stop this, it's so lame!

Actually, we just backed him up because it was his birthday.

"Support Bobby Project"

Yes, "Support Bobby Project" to let him show more on the screen.

- I mean, what about me and Bobby?

- We were the original visual members.

Show us a handsome face.

- Can you reveal your box, Chanwoo?

- My gift box is filled with three sets.

All of these are cosmetics. Between them, I think this is nail polish.

- Isn't it? Isn't this nail polish? - What are you talking about

Oh my god! What did I just say? I'm sorry. It's lip stick.

I think you just bought all of them as a set, didn't you

- No, that's not true. - I guess you don't know about your gift.

Thank you so much~

- Okay, we're done here! - And!!

- Next, Bobby! - His letter is too long.

You are biting it!

Stop it. - That's enough.

- I always get nervous when I talk about G-Dragon sunbaenim!

- Call him hyung. - Don't interrupt him.

Hyung, I remember you sweating when you called Seungri sunbaenim last time.

Didn't you?

No? No?

Why? Why are you so cute? Chanumon?

- What about the rappers? - What about us?

- Is it because we're ugly? - Our throats are important, too!

- I sometimes eat raw eggs, this is unfair! - That's right, unfair.

- My throat is very important, too! - I'm very sensitive~

- Jinhwan hyung, hug all the members as thanks. - I refuse!

- I don't need it! - I don't want to hug you!

- Merry Christmas~ - Please listen to our album~

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] iKON'S FRIENDSHIP | KONY'S MAS | BEST MOMENTS - Duration: 6:55.


Make Animated Gif Image - How to make animated gif image from any videos || easy and simple || - Duration: 6:34.

Make Animated Gif Image

For more infomation >> Make Animated Gif Image - How to make animated gif image from any videos || easy and simple || - Duration: 6:34.



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hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks

hollwood sign hollywood sign vandalized to read hollyweed hollyweed los angeles hollywood hollyweed prank funny pranks Los Angeles HOLLYWOOD SIGN VANDALIZED TO READ HOLLYWEED By PRANKSTER !! Hollywood sign vandalized to read 'Hollyweed' cnn bbc the telegraph fox news hollywood sign prank hollywood is now hollyweed us united states los angeles news usa news breaking news pranks



Health benefits of honey - Benefits of honey - How honey is good for health - Duration: 3:37.

Health Benefits of Honey.


Prevent cancer and heart disease.

Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart



Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial



Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.

"All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,"

said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University

of Waikato in New Zealand.


Increase athletic performance.

Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance.

This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining

glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.


Reduce cough and throat irritation.

Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey.

In a study of 105 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as

effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing

proper sleep.


Balance the 5 elements.

Honey has been used in ayurvedic medicine in India for at least 4000 years and is considered

to affect all three of the body's primitive material imbalances positively.

It is also said to be useful in improving eyesight, weight loss, curing impotence and

premature ejaculation, urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and



Blood sugar regulation.

Even though honey contains simple sugars, it is NOT the same as white sugar or artificial


Its exact combination of fructose and glucose actually helps the body regulate blood

sugar levels.

Some honeys have a low hypoglycemic index, so they don't jolt your blood sugar.


Heal wounds and burns.

External application of honey has been shown to be as effective as conventional treatment

with silver sulfadiazine.

It is speculated that the drying effect of the simple sugars and honey's

antibacterial nature combine to create this effect.

Studies have shown honey to be very successful in healing wounds.



Some varieties of honey possess large amounts of friendly bacteria.

This includes up to 6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria.

This may explain many of the "mysterious therapeutic

properties of honey."


Strengthen the immune system.

Honey has been found to stimulate the production of immune cells according to a study at the

School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK.

Like, comment and share this video if it was helpful to know Health Benefits of Honey.

Don't forget to subscribe my channel for health updates.

For more infomation >> Health benefits of honey - Benefits of honey - How honey is good for health - Duration: 3:37.


Black Eyed Peas - Black Eyed Peas New Years - Duration: 3:31.

How To Make Black-Eyed Peas: An Easy New Year's Recipe In The Southern Tradition

If you live anywhere near the Southern United States, you know it's lucky to have black eyed-peas for dinner on New Year's Day. Like 'em or not, it's a tradition.

"Black-eyed peas, collard green, pork chop and corn bread," Alabama resident Marcerlene Coleman told FOX 10 recently. "My grandmother did it, my mom did it, now I do it ... and my kids do it."

You can make black-eyed peas in a slowcooker, get them frozen or turn the recipe healthy. But if you're looking for a standard Southern recipe, former Food Network hosts Patrick and Gina Neely have got you covered.

The now-divorced couple used to own three Tennessee restaurants, so you'll definitely want to check out their recipe.

The Neelys' Black-Eyed Peas With Bacon And Pork 1. First, take a pound of dried black-eyed peas and cover them with four inches of water, then let soak overnight. Drain.

2. In a large pot, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil and add six ounces of pork shoulder cut into small cubes. Sear for about five minutes, then add four strips of cut-up bacon. Toss in four minced cloves of garlic and a diced onion and cook until everything is brown. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne.

3. Add four cups of chicken stock and three bay leaves. Boil and let simmer for a half hour.

4. Next, add your peas. Let that simmer for another hour and a half, using a spoon to crush some of them.

5. Season again to taste. Pour in a bit of hot-pepper vinegar (if you want), take out the bay leaves and serve your peas. Yum.

May your new year be prosperous (or, at the very least, better than the crazy year that was 2016).

For more infomation >> Black Eyed Peas - Black Eyed Peas New Years - Duration: 3:31.


Peppa Pig English Episodes ⭐️ New Compilation ⭐️ #47 ⭐️ Videos Peppa Pig New Episodes - Duration: 26:58.

Peppa Pig English Episodes ⭐️ New Compilation ⭐️ #47 ⭐️ Videos Peppa Pig New Episodes

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