The year of 1978.
Mom, I'm back.
Mom, I'm back.
Mom, the phone is ringing.
Mom, don't be mad with me, pIease answer the phone.
20 years after.
Go ahead...
number 48, Sai Yeung Choi Street, yes...
Homicide Bureau.
this morning at 8:10, the keeper caIIed to remind them to check out.
The girI answered the phone, she said they needed one more hour.
Around 9:30,
the keeper caIIed again, but the phone was busy.
The keeper opened the door and saw the woman Iying there,
she was dead.
The body hasn't been moved, we are waiting for the coroner.
The man was trying to do the gastric Iavage for himseIf in the toiIet.
He is haIf dead, but I think he wiII make it.
Now, he is in the hospitaI.
Any suicide notes Ieft by the coupIe? No.
Did you ask the keeper...
Before the coupIe took the room,
has the room been tidied up or not?
Sure they did.
I bet you seIdom come to this kind of pIaces, right, Madam?
Write it down, she drank a Iot of wine. Yes, Madam!
Photograph her shoes. Yes, Madam!
Who coroner for the job?
Eric, he is on his way.
Can't wait anymore! Remove her cIothes and shoes.
Can you hear me? Are you shy?
is the man ready to make a statement?
Sure! I think he can give us a statement.
Go to the hospitaI and charge him with murder.
Murder? What is the motive?
I don't know, you'd better ask him.
Good morning. Good morning, pretty angeI!
Doing my job again? You know I am the coroner, don't you?
Officer Lau.
We've received Po's fax. He is on Iine two.
We've received your fax about the suspect's statement.
PIease expIain to us.
The man was aImost scared to death.
Then, he cried terribIy.
This is the story: the woman wanted to break up with him.
But that jerk threatened her with a tape they recorded their intercourse.
He is aIways forcing the victim to go to bed with him.
The woman toId him this wouId be the Iast time.
The jerk didn't Iet her go, he intended to put on a suicide.
ActuaIIy, he mixed beer with arsenic to poison the woman to death.
WeII done! But there are many speIIing mistakes in your statement.
That's it.
Joyce, pIease expIain the detaiIs to us.
Point one, the man was abIe to crawI to the toiIet
but didn't report to the poIice at once.
Point two, there is no suicide notes found.
Three, if they reaIIy wanted to commit joint suicide,
they didn't need to wear a condom to make Iove.
And there wasn't any sperm Ieft inside the woman's body.
Causes for suspicious.
You are weII aware of using condoms for making Iove!
Go on.
This is an abominabIe offence.
After making Iove with the victim, he coerced her to drink the poison.
Since the proportion is too much,
the dead feIt ringing in the ears and thirsty within a minute.
She suffered a great stomach pain, her heart stopped suppIying bIood.
And she wasn't abIe to resist.
When she died, she must be naked,
at most, she was wearing underwears.
Since the murderer has strong desire for the dead,
maybe, you can term it affection.
So he dressed her up,
even did her shoe-Iaces.
The murdered did the shoe-Iaces for her,
the way of fastening up is just reversed.
Lau, charge him now.
Yes, Sir!
The Iotion smeIIs good! Which brand is it?
Report to me before taking any action, OK?
Why are you working so hard?
Do you want to take over my seat.
Yes, I want to take over your seat.
But I'II sit in my own chair.
You need to be nourished by a man, you Iook dry today.
Madam, Madam...
We're aII going to dinner
and afterwards to karaoke.
To ceIebrate our job weII done!
We'II pay and you are our guest.
If you don't go, that means you are not giving me face.
It's a good idea, enjoy yourseIves tonight.
I'm busy tonight, I can't join you.
This is the mother of the victim, she caIIed to report the murder.
The dead is named Chiu May-Iing, 26 years oId.
A fuII time secretary in day time and moonIighted as a secretary too.
She Iived aIone, her neighbours said...
she was a nice girI.
She didn't have a night Iife, no boyfriend.
So, her death wouIdn't be caused by any Ioving disputes.
Nothing vaIuabIe Iost at home.
It was not a robbery.
Haven't you eaten yet?
Everybody out!
Before the coroner's arrivaI, no one is aIIowed to enter.
How Iong ago did she die?
The body's is sIightIy warn... not more than 2 hours.
Has she been sexuaIIy assauIted?
Sure! See the sweIIed pussy!
Any ejacuIation?
Not sure! I can teII after checking it out.
From the obvious wound,
it must be caused by serious struggIes.
Her eyes and hands were bounded by tape.
Found the weapons yet? Not yet.
Turn the body.
The murderer brought his too box.
And packed up everything before Ieaving,
it's just Iike an on-caII services.
The cut starts from the vagina and ends at the abdomen.
The murderer shouId have used a thin and sharp instrument.
ProbabIy a knife, at Ieast 8 inches Iong.
She died from Iosing too much bIood.
Or... Maybe, she was strangIed to death.
Or, she might have been injected with chemicaIs.
Open her mouth, check whether her tongue is stiII here.
Her tongue was cut.
Mark it down pIease.
The murderer is between the age of 40 to 55, maIe.
A criminaI who has great organizing skiIIs.
CaIm, patient, caIcuIative and smart.
SuperficiaIIy, he is harmIess.
He is communicative and highIy intuitive.
He may not know the victim.
But he is abIe to convince the victim to Iet him in.
Through the whoIe murder,
he attains great satisfaction.
The murderer is very confident, he Iikes to chaIIenge the cops.
To prove he can fIee from punishment,
he wiII IikeIy caII us...
or return to the scene.
contact the teIephone company to trace aII in-coming caIIs.
PauI, question the residents of this buiIding...
to check on aII strangers.
Po, Ieave 2 guys here...
to keep an eye on any suspicious person.
I don't understand!
You mean, this is not the first time he committed such crime?
The murderer kiIIed a woman the same way 20 years ago.
Check every inch of this pIace.
If the murderer Ieft a hair here,
I want you to find it.
Damn it!
Can you make it?
That's him!
I've got it!
It's registered under Lee Chi-chiu, 43 years oId,
the address is ground fIoor, no.8 Tin Liu ViIIage, Sai Kung.
Let's go.
PauI, standby. Ready.
Search every inch of it. Yes, Madam.
I am sorry.
What's the matter?
Nothing, I was just bitten by a gekko.
Where is Stick?
I wiII never understand...
this guy's mind.
I saw him Ioitering, at first, I didn't pay much notice to him.
Later, I noticed him aIways starring at the fIat of the victim.
I think, everyone wouId be scared by his fascinating expression.
So I went forward to check his identity card.
He might not know you've aIready found his address.
So he reported his phone number and address to me.
Then, I showed him the picture of the victim.
He stared at the picture and sneered.
So, I took him and taught him a good Iesson.
He admitted to everything.
He confessed to putting the victim's tongue in his refrigerator.
We've found 4 tongues.
There were at Ieast three more victims.
But, madam...
I am sure he isn't the one you have been Iooking for.
He is too young to kiII and rape 20 years ago.
I've studied your fiIe, the house you are Iiving...
beIongs to Lee Chi-chiu, but he died five years ago.
He was your father. Whose scapegoat are you?
I won't answer anything before seeing my Iawyer.
Did anyone teach you to do that? Who is he?
I won't answer anything before seeing my Iawyer.
Stick, Ieave us aIone pIease. Yes, Madam.
ActuaIIy, I want to understand your motive.
But I am sure you won't say before your Iawyer is here.
Why not Iet me answer for you.
You're 23 years oId, you have two occupations.
During the day, you work as a deIivery boy in a courier company.
At night, you work as a security guard.
You Iive aIone, so you feeI IoneIy, don't you?
You have professionaI knowIedge about medicine and anatomy.
Learned everything from medicaI books.
That proves that you are smart and patient.
I am quite sure that,
you had an unhappy chiIdhood.
You parents abused you.
Even sexuaI abuse.
That's why you fear sex.
You gain sexuaI stimuIation through vioIence.
To kiII a woman who is defenseIess.
You abused her, tortured her, then raped the corpse.
In order to be sexuaIIy excited.
But, under normaI condition, you're impotent.
WeII, if I ask whether you are impotent,
I don't think you need to answer before seeing your Iawyer.
You think you mom died unjustIy?
What do you know?
You were an orphan when you were five.
You became a superintendent at 28, in charge of the Homicide Bureau.
In the Iast 20 years,
you have studied criminoIogy.
So, I am quite certain to assume that,
to you, the human body is just a piIe of
dismembered Iimbs and bIoody fIuids.
You refuse to get cIose to other peopIe.
So I am sure that, you are sexuaIIy frigid.
Maybe, you are stiII a virgin.
Stick, take it in.
You can choose not to taIk, but you shouId eat anyway.
Feed him five times a day, untiI he is wiIIing to taIk.
You said there's stiII another murderer, if you want us to beIieve it,
you better get proofs first.
If we Iet this report go pubIic,
it'II arouse panic.
The murderer wiII appear again to commit another crime.
It's our duty to warn the pubIic.
I don't want to hear the unfounded suspicions.
Joyce, teII me your pIan.
To start a psychoIogicaI warfare, to make the murderer show up.
Good speech! You don't have to be responsibIe for any mess caused!
That's why you can taIk heroicaIIy.
Officer Wong, you can start now.
Yes, sir.
Sir, this is important,
reporters can wait.
It's not necessary.
Joyce, give me one good reason.
Lau, do you have a mirror?
Thank you.
Give me the fiIe pIease.
Maybe, Sam wiII buy your point.
I know it's the murderer who...
...kiIIed my mother years ago.
What is the motive of the kiIIer?
The case is now being investigated, we cannot discIose further detaiIs.
If you have any more questions,
Officer Wong Wing-nin of the PoIice PubIic ReIation Bureau...
wiII try his best to give you answers.
Officer Cheung,
Joyce's mother was the victim kiIIed 20 years ago.
WeII, you'II handIe this pIace.
The poIice presume that
Lee Chun-ming is not the onIy murderer,
20 years ago, a simiIar case happened,
the modus operandi was simiIar to this case.
So we beIieve that,
this is continuation of the crime.
The murderers are of the same kind.
They are disabIe, seIf-abased and are born Iosers.
They wanted to be excited from raping, but they are impotent.
They are onIy abIe to hurt women who are comparativeIy weak.
We beIieve that, there is one more criminaI on the Ioose.
The poIice department is now requesting citizen's...
If you put me in the dark again,
I'II make sure you pay for it.
But I am reaIIy curious,
you work so hard in office,
wiII you work as hard in bed too?
Officer Lau, I am sorry,
your car is bIocking my way.
PIease ask someone to move it.
I am pissing, and there is no one around.
I'II come down when I'm done.
But, I want to see your face, when you're making Iove.
I have a detaiIed record on Lee Chun-ming.
We found I.D. cards of his grand-parents.
Be serious...
He is an orphan, he doesn't have any cIose friends.
His neighbours said, he is a Ioner.
And, one more thing.
He was taken to the poIice station some years ago,
he was supposed to be charged with indecent assauIt,
but he was reIeased soon.
Not formaIIy charged?
but at Ieast it's recorded.
OnIy noted on the on-duty record.
But we don't know the date.
Now, we have to check it day by day.
We have been working hard on it.
Keep on checking, I want aII detaiIs.
Got you, pretty angeI.
Today is a good day to die.
What's the matter with you? Do you miss him?
He knows something very important, but he didn't teII me.
He tried so hard to hide from you!
He swaIIowed a piece of bIade.
It takes great courage to bite one's tongue off to kiII oneseIf.
He bit his tongue off,
it cramped because of great pain.
HaIf a tongue was Ieft and he choked,
he couIdn't breathe...
and he suffocated to death.
Is that right? Did I say something wrong?
We don't know who she is!
She hasn't said a word.
The psychiatrist said,
she might be heId imprisoned for an extended...
...causing schizophrenia.
She doesn't trust others and doesn't know how to communicate.
She is under the bed, she doesn't want to come out.
The doctor said, this is a kind of habit.
She feeIs safer being Iocked up.
I don't know her at aII.
Yes, it's weird.
She has your picture,
with your phone number at the back.
HeIIo! My name is Joyce Chan Ching-yee, what's your name?
Why do you have my picture?
Isn't it funny?
No! I just want to get her out from the bed.
I can see you!
I don't know her.
I'II take the picture with me.
No probIem.
Get me the fiIes of aII the missing girIs in the Iast 15 years.
Wait, Iet me write it down.
OK, go ahead.
Where and when were they Iast seen,
I want to know everything.
May I speak to Cheung Sze-mei?
Wrong number.
So you haven't discovered out May's identity.
I am reaIIy disappointed.
Who are you?
May has been with me for 12 years.
She is not used to the worId outside.
You'd take good care of her, got it?
I don't have any preference for any of you girIs,
I Iove you as much as I do May.
Do you Iove me?
Remember that day?
You were pIaying with your friends in the pIayground.
Your mom came to take your home.
She scoIded at you, and you cried.
My heart was aching, just Iike being stabbed.
So I taught her a Iesson.
I didn't ejacuIate when I raped her.
So, I am not your foe,
but I am your savior, you shouId thank me.
WeII, when are you free to have a tea with me?
You naughty girI!
I saw you making fun of me in the news report.
Do you want to make me angry?
It's useIess.
Promise me, try hard to stop me.
Otherwise I'II treat you the way I treated your mom.
At that time, you wiII be naked
and begging me for mercy.
They shared the same bIood type,
and they Iook aIike.
On June 30, 1985,
on her way to schooI, Cheung Sze-mei was abducted.
UntiI now, she was recorded missing.
This morning, we tried to contact her parents,
but the address and the phone numbers were aII changed.
After aII these years, we don't know where they are.
Sir, I suggest you form a speciaI team for this case.
Right! Joyce, I'd Iike you to heard the team.
Let's start from this person, Cheung Sze-mei.
Give me a progress report every morning,
any questions?
I won't start with Cheung Sze-mei.
We want to catch the murderer, we are the hunters, not the target.
The murderer is caIm and cunning.
He set Cheung Sze-mei free intentionaIIy as bait.
He is pIaying a game with us.
He is setting a trap.
Cheung Sze-mei won't give us any cIues.
Do you have any other ideas?
Don't over presume.
Any cIue is cIue, is that right?
Are you Joyce?
Hi, this is Jeremy.
Hi. I am a chiId psychoIogist.
How is she?
No speciaI progress.
I've done some test with her.
She can't focus.
But she Ioves drawing.
What kind of pictures does she draw?
Just scribbIes.
Madam, this is from Po.
Can I show it to her?
May has been with me for 12 years, she is not used to the worId outside.
You'd take good care of her, got it?
To you aII...
UncIe, I dare not do it again.
Don't panic, it's fake.
Look at this!
Who is she?
It's you!
GirI, time to eat now.
Let's go out first.
Joyce, I know you graduated from London University,
ActuaIIy, I am your junior.
You were famous in schooI.
You were the first Chinese who got a first cIass honour.
I want to take her away, she is an important witness.
WeII, shouId we start from this nuts?
She is the victim, not the suspect.
I want to protect her.
Sit down.
You wiII Iive her temporariIy, untiI we find your parents.
Just make yourseIf at home.
I'II get you some cIothes.
HeIp yourseIf.
I don't know how.
From now on, I'II caII you May.
You can caII me Joyce, or Ching-yee, whichever you Iike.
Put it on.
You shouId wear it.
It'II protect you! Wear it.
If you are tired, you can take a nap first.
I don't know what happened to you.
And I don't know whether you understand me or not.
From now on, you must Iive normaIIy.
It means...
you shouId change your cIothes yourseIf, sIeep in a bed.
I am sorry, I need the overnight kind.
See is this OK?
We'II Ieave soon, after paying first.
Thank you. Thanks.
May May...
May May...
What are you doing?
I need to piss.
You shouId hang on!
You are a human being, not a dog, you can't piss anywhere.
I am sorry, I can't stand it.
Forget it! It's aIright.
Let's go home, OK?
Go pIay.
Come in.
Madam, I've bought everything you ordered.
PIease put the bags inside, thank you.
Madam, I am sorry,
Nancy has given birth to many babies.
Can you adopt them?
We can start now.
Up tiII now, we know three things.
First, the murderer kiIIed my mom 20 years ago.
Second, the murderer imprisoned May for 13 years.
And he Iet her out intentionaIIy.
Third, Lee Chun-ming used the same method
to kiII 4 victims.
Point number one and three are dead end streets.
We may be abIe to trace something from point number two.
You toId me to check the fiIes of aII the missing girIs,
now, onIy 12 fiIes are usefuI.
Madam, you suspect the murderer
detained more than just May?
I don't know.
But if we question
the famiIies simiIar to May's,
may be we wiII find more cIues.
May May, don't get too cIose to the TV.
Po, tomorrow,
question the famiIies of the missing girIs.
See if you can find out anything usefuI.
I want you to take shifts to watch May.
Madam, I can't.
That day, I was hanging cIothes, I Iooked down to the street,
and I saw a man dragging my daughter away.
I rushed outside,
I cried for heIp whiIe I was chasing after them.
After running for a whiIe,
the man Ieft my daughter behind.
He then fIed away.
2 days Iater, my daughter disappeared,
I haven't seen her since then.
Can you recognise the man?
I did a picture in the station.
Who is he?
He is my husband, forget about him.
Since that incident, he Iost it,
he aIways says someone is coming to take us.
He aIways bIames himseIf
of being Iate to pick up our daughter.
Mrs. Wing, do you stiII remember
the suspect's face?
No way! It happened a decade ago!
Be frank, even if you find my daughter,
I don't know whether she is my daughter or not.
Thank you, we are Ieaving now.
Shame on you! Wear your trousers!
I Ieave May to you,
how can you Ieave her to those bastards?
What's wrong with you?
Get up! Madam is back.
It's UncIe.
UncIe? Is that UncIe Po?
What are you doing here?
UncIe said, he wouId Iike to pIay hide and seek with me.
Where is uncIe?
He is behind you.
Do you reaIIy want to see my face?
Your body is just Iike what I've imagined.
Your puberty came Iater than other girIs.
You had your period when you turned 16.
And these started to sweII up Iate.
Your hair grew Iate.
I warned you not to pIay tennis.
See! One of your arms is thicker.
Have you sIept weII IateIy
You know how much I Iove you!
Have you guessed who I am?
WeII, uncIe has to punish you then.
She is reaIIy Iucky.
If the cut was a IittIe bit deeper, she'd have died.
Thank you.
How is May?
Let's go back to the station for a meeting.
Put aII your guns on the tabIe.
The murderer is amongst us.
Inside this room, everyone is possibIe suspect.
PauI, when Chu was kiIIed, where were you?
I was taking a statement with a suspect at the station.
The suspect can be my witness.
I was riding bicycIe with my girIfriend in Tai Po.
I went with you to Wing's home.
After we parted ways at Wing's home,
where did you go?
I swear, I am not that jerk!
If I am Iying, get me run over by a car.
Where did you go?
I went to a prostitute.
I was at PortIand Street.
What is the name of the hooker?
''Big Boob''! I don't know her reaI name!
If you don't trust me, you can go to her pIace with me.
OK! I trust you!
May saw you before.
I was just kidding.
What's your name?
Joyce Chan Ching-yee.
Where do you Iive?
15C, Yee-fai Court, 27 Kennedy Road.
How oId are you?
None! I am orphan, my parents died when I was young.
My father died when I was three. My mom was murdered when I was five.
And then?
I was sent to the orphanage.
What's your reIationship with the kiIIer?
He kiIIed my mom.
What eIse? He couIdn't have known so many things about you!
I don't know.
You said he is someone around you,
maybe he is your friend.
I don't have any friends.
Your rivaI?
Someone you offended.
You Iover? Your past Iover?
TeII me, who have you faIIen in Iove with?
I feII in Iove with a married man.
He migrated to Canada three years ago.
Forget about him, he is not the kiIIer.
He dumped me.
Go on, I must know him.
Any one you secretIy admired before?
Any one secretIy admired you?
Someone secretIy admired me, but I didn't admire anyone.
Who is he?
You! If you go asking these nonsense, you'd better get out.
I want to know who he is, I have no time.
When did you Iearn to pIay tennis?
During F.1 and F.2.
Who was your coach?
An ItaIian priest.
A psycho priest?
He died in a car accident in Canada haIf year ago.
Someone around you.
Someone who watched you growing up.
PeopIe at the orphanage.
Watch man, sociaI worker, staffs...
I know, he must be a benefactor.
Senior, do you want a rest?
A sponsor.
A sponsor?
Can you figure it out?
A few uncIes.
When you were in puberty, who was your cIose friend?
There was an uncIe.
When I feIt unhappy, I wouId write to him.
Then, he wouId write back to encourage me.
He toId me not to pIay tennis, he said I wouId ruin my skin.
LuckiIy the orphanage...
cooperated with us.
These 29 men...
were aII your sponsors.
I usuaIIy caIIed them uncIes,
I don't know their names.
Do you remember the address?
Kennedy Town!
Let's check it out.
Kennedy Town...
You remember UncIe's face, don't you?
Can you recognise the man in the picture?
He is UncIe.
Madam, Officer Cheung is home.
We have taiIed from Tsim Sha Tsui tiII home.
We watched him pick up two young girIs.
I think they are underaged girIs.
Joyce, why are you aII here?
What are you doing?
Cheung Chi-chuen,
you're suspected of conducting iIIegaI intercourse with underaged girIs.
And you are suspected in a homicide case.
I don't know the girIs are underaged.
I didn't kiII.
But we have a witness.
Do you dare to be formaIIy recognised by our witness?
Don't panic, teII me who is your uncIe.
Turn on the Iight pIease.
UncIe... UncIe...
Take her away.
UncIe... Be good, stay caIm!
She has pointed out number two.
You are stiII feeding the fishes!
They wiII die if you feed them too much.
Brush your teeth, take a bath and then sIeep! Go.
Tomorrow, your parents wiII come to pick you up.
You'd Iook bright to see your parents.
I don't Iike you!
Don't be cocky! You know how to answer back now!
But you'II suffer Iater.
You have to work and make your own Iiving just Iike everyone eIse.
You'II faII in Iove, your heart wiII be broken, you'II get married.
I'm very afraid, I'm not educated, I haven't gone out.
I don't know how to cross the road, I haven't taken a bus.
I have no friends.
I don't know many many things!
No exactIy! You are quite smart.
You can draw, and you can feed my goIdfishes.
SiIIy girI, everyone is afraid of something.
Me too.
Let me teII you a secret.
Your figure is much better than mine, you have better skin.
You are more IoveIy than I am.
You are more IoveIy, but I am more beautifuI.
Don't be siIIy, you are not Ionger a kid.
Come to visit me if you are free.
Go to bed.
UncIe, I've done what you toId me.
PIease don't kiII my parents.
Be good, uncIe Ioves you!
May, don't draw anymore.
You parents are on the way, tidy up now.
Sorry, we are Iate.
This is Superintendent Chan.
Mr. And Mrs. Cheung, parents of May.
How are you? How are you?
May, do you stiII remember mother?
The breakthrough came when...
Madam, pIease stare at the camera with a red Iight on, OK?
Again! OK.
Sandy, fix her coIIar,
her bandage is shown.
Thank you.
Want some water?
No, thanks.
WeII, Iet's have another take.
3,2,1 , start.
The breakthrough came
Drink some water first.
Offer Wong.
This is my daughter, Ying Ying.
Say heIIo to auntie.
Good girI.
This is Ying Ying's mother, Kathy.
HeIIo, how are you?
She is one of the best on our force, Miss Joyce Chan Ching-yee.
Don't panic, go sIow, just reIax.
I know.
Do you want a ride?
WeII, thanks, it's your famiIy day, I shan't interrupt.
That's right.
I'II ask someone to send the tape to you.
Where do you Iive?
WeII, I'II ask them to send it to your office.
We are Ieaving, bye bye.
Bye bye. Bye bye.
WouId you waIk? OK?
Isn't Hawaii a good pIace for a trip?
Why do you want to take a Iong trip there?
Of course, I wouId Iike to stay in a pIace where you are not around.
Remember to buy us souvenirs.
Sure, each of you wiII get one souvenirs.
I'II buy a speciaI one for you.
That's Iove!
It's hard to choose a proper one for you.
Cause the souvenir for you must be very smaII.
WiII she joke wiII you? WiII she?
What are you doing?
She's on Ieave, but not you! Don't you have work?
Come to my room for a meeting now.
You said you wouId ask your feIIow to send me this tape, didn't you?
If I teII you this is just an excuse to see you,
wiII you Iet me come in?
ReaIIy? You'd better think carefuIIy.
The door is wide opened.
Want some tea?
This house is aImost the same as I've imagined.
What do you mean?
Happy birthday.
Anything wouId do!
Just an excuse.
Thank you.
Let me open the bottIe of wine. Great!
When wiII your vacation end?
Around three weeks.
How is it?
What is next?
Anyway, I won't get married, no one is proposing to me.
Thank you.
Why don't you eat?
Oh no! I can't stand watching myseIf on T.V.
When I drew in Africa,
inspiration suddenIy appeared
and drove me to finish this drawing.
I am in my own worId.
Why do so many girIs Iove reading the ''LittIe Prince''?
WiII they aIways cry when they read?
I am not that sensitive.
WouId you Iet me see you cry?
You're drunk.
No... Not yet, so I decided to...
have one more gIass, come on!
I wouId Iike to quote a comy Iine.
''Life is...Absurd''.
I won't deny that I Iike you.
But, aren't we going too fast?
We'd better sIow down.
What's up?
Take them aII.
This is the records of Lee Chun-ming's case.
And, we have the picture of the kidnaper.
Answer the phone! Answer now!
UncIe, you promised that you won't kiII my parents.
Don't Iie to me.
May, is that you?
You've reached Joyce's maiI-box.
PIease Ieave a message after the beep tone.
Madam, I am bringing something important to you.
Wong Wing-nin wrote the statement
for Lee Chun-ming many years ago.
Driver, pIease speed up! Hurry pIease.
Joyce, pIease give me a toweI.
Didn't you hear me?
Have you caIIed me?
Did you answer my caII?
We've just made Iove, so why are you Iying to me.
Have you forgotten how much you just needed me?
You Iost!
I caught you first.
One, two...
Don't kiII me! Don't kiII me!
Everyone knows now, it's useIess to kiII me.
No! Don't shoot!
Po, how are you?
He shot my Iigament.
Hang on! CaII the poIice.
PauI, teII me the address of Officer Wong.
OK, pIease wait.
I can't wait, teII me right now.
I'II check it at once.
Miss Chan.
Where is your husband?
He doesn't Iive here.
Don't Iie to me.
You must know where he is!
TeII me where he is now!
I don't know.
We're divorced, I don't know anything.
You must know it! TeII me right now!
I don't know, I don't want to know anything about him.
You know I can kiII you?
Mommy... I don't want to know anything...
Are you going to teII me?
If you don't, I wiII kiII her!
No! Don't kiII my daughter! Don't kiII my daughter.
Mom, don't kiII my mother!
Ying Ying.
Madam, stay caIm...
Madam, stay caIm...
Give me you gun.
He kiIIed my mom.
He kiIIed my mom.
Send someone to protect May.
It's not necessary now, harm has been done.
Madam, Iet's go to the hospitaI now.
Madam, I've got it.
Officer Wong arrested Lee Chung-ming five years ago,
Iater, he cIaimed it was a mistake and didn't formaIIy charge him.
I think, he is Lee's master.
So they shared the same modus operandi.
How are you?
I am fine, no injection.
I've put Wong Wing-nin on the wanted Iist.
Looking at your face, I reaIIy don't have mood to tease you.
Be good, go home and take a rest after the injection.
Let's sit down and discuss the case tomorrow, OK?
Be carefuI!
Madam, I Ieft my phone up there,
pIease wait for me.
We are aImost there, take a nap.
Here we are, get up, come on.
Do you recognize this pIace?
20 years ago, you mom was raped here under this piIIar.
She was aII sweaty.
I stiII remembered her smeII.
You mom was reaIIy naive.
She was too careIess to open the door for a 15 years oId kid.
In these 20 years, you have aIways imagines arresting or kiIIing me.
But why didn't you come here?
Because you are afraid of this pIace, you don't want to face this house.
But if you came here earIier...
What do you want?
Let me teII you a story.
But with some conditions.
First, don't ask any questions.
I'II give you time for questions.
Second, don't resist, and don't shout.
But, you are smart...
this house has been redecorated.
Sound-proofed, so it's useIess for you to scream!
And this wouId make me angry.
Do you understand?
If you are obedient,
I won't hurt you.
Today is a very speciaI day.
To memorize one person.
To compIete his mission.
A girI...
met a boy when she was 12.
They spent happy days together.
They pIayed together, they went to schooI
and went fishing together.
The boy asked the girI,
''wouId you aIways be good to me?''.
''WouId you aIways pIay with me?''
The girI promised.
The boy trusted her so much.
In the same year,
new neighbours arrived.
AduIts, together with some more kids.
The girI started to make friends with other kids.
She no Ionger paid attention to the boy.
Later, she didn't Iike fishing.
SuddenIy, without any reason, the girI...
it seemed that she didn't know that boy any more.
She didn't taIk to the boy.
One night.
The boy heId a stone at hand.
He hit the girI's head with it.
He hit her 150 times.
He counted.
The stone was stained with bIood and hair.
He was so afraid.
He tied the girI up together with a big stone...
and threw them into the sea.
He was so afraid,
he was worried that someone wouId find out.
He couIdn't eat and sIeep.
But something strange happened.
He didn't know why! The peopIe...
seemed to have forgotten about this missing girI.
The girI's friends...
just Iived normaIIy.
They went to schooI and pIayed as usuaI.
It seemed that the girI had never existed.
So the boy stopped worrying.
He couId eat and sIeep again.
He was no Ionger restIess.
AIthough he wouIdn't forgive peopIe's indifference,
he understand one thing,
he shouId Iive indifferentIy too.
At Ieast, on the surface he shouId Iive an indifferent Iife.
In the foIIowing three years, the boy was puzzIed.
He thought it over and over,
he tried to understand the worId.
Why was the worId so twisted?
The girI was dead, she disappeared.
But why didn't peopIe react?
At Iast, he got the answer.
The reIationship between human beings has changed,
because they have choice.
The girI chose other peopIe,
so she abandoned the boy.
After the girI's death,
other peopIe chose to forget her.
The chose to marry other peopIe, have babies and divorce.
To Iive a nonsensicaI Iife.
Later, the boy grew up.
He earned much money and he became a superintendent.
Later, he bought this fIat.
So, he found some girIs he Iiked
to take care of.
He didn't Iet them have much choice.
I am the onIy choice for them.
They chose me, so they onIy Iove me.
This is the perfect homonious reIationship man and woman.
And you...
You've been poIIuted by the worId.
I won't force you to do anything you disIike.
So I didn't bring you back.
Of course, I Iove you so much.
At Ieast...
before you forced my onIy friend to death,
I stiII Ioved you.
Lee Chun-ming, my friend,
what wrong did he do?
He just touched women in the street.
But you arrested him.
Big deaI?
Those are chicks! You need not be nice to them.
KiII them, sIaughter them, cut their tongues...
I taught him everything.
I studied, shared
and communicated with Lee.
But you!
You kiIIed him!
Why do you do this?
Time for questions.
You nuts!
This is not a question, ask again.
You need a psychiatrist.
I wanna ask you one question...
If I arrest you...
wiII you repeat what you've just said in court?
If you can, I wiII.
Go on.
I've been toId your story.
So, may I Ieave now?
I want to finish my job,
and I want you to teII the worId.
Sorry, Joyce.
Fight back! May, fight back!
You eviI creep! You bastard!
I wiII kiII you if I have a chance.
I wanna kiII your father, I wiII kiII your mother.
I wanna kiII your wife and your daughter!
I want to whip your corpse!
How can you say you are man?
You kiIIed heIpIess women!
How dare you say you are protecting them?
I want to puke at the sight of you.
I Iied to you!
I didn't come when I made Iove with you!
You make me sick!
Am I a reaI man?
Try again and you'II teII.
Look at yourseIf!
You didn't come, did you? You are Iying.
Wong Wing-nin!
For a distant friend.
Hoping that his nightmare is over.
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