Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 25 2017

The KlasCement educational resources network

is the place where teachers share their teaching material.

Kurt teaches children with special needs.

I regularly share material on KlasCement, such as the weekly quiz.

And as soon as I've finished a document, I'll post it too.

I also like taking a look at other teachers' documents,

which can inspire me to create my own material.

Hundreds of teachers use Kurt's topical quiz in their classrooms.

I share material and receive feedback.

People thank me, but also point out small errors I've made.

I'm only human, so I'll make the occasional grammatical mistake

or I'll get the name of a planet wrong or something like that.

By immediately correcting them in my work,

I improve my own material so that everyone can benefit.

I think that is the strength of sharing, giving and receiving.

It makes you continuously stronger and better.

Register today at KlasCement

and become a member of the network of sharing teachers.

For more infomation >> KlasCement: User experience in special needs education - Interview with Kurt Calis - Duration: 1:21.


《夾娃娃大挑戰》我猜中了前頭,可是我猜不著這結局!!! - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 《夾娃娃大挑戰》我猜中了前頭,可是我猜不著這結局!!! - Duration: 2:19.


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death



For more infomation >> EXPLOSÃO FORTE COM CANETINHA 🎨 SUSTO - Duration: 8:23.


Entrevista com M. Carrique, I. Viana e C. Puigrefagut - Eliminatórias Sul-Americanas - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Entrevista com M. Carrique, I. Viana e C. Puigrefagut - Eliminatórias Sul-Americanas - Duration: 2:46.


Citroën DS5 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC AUTOMAAT | PANORAMADAK | CLIMATE - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS5 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC AUTOMAAT | PANORAMADAK | CLIMATE - Duration: 1:31.


Pretty Link Tutorial - Gerenciando e Personalizando Links de Afiliados - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Pretty Link Tutorial - Gerenciando e Personalizando Links de Afiliados - Duration: 8:36.


Legend Of The Blue Sea Ep 20 END Indo Eng SUb 푸른 바다의 전설 E 20 - Duration: 59:55.

Legend Of The Blue Sea EP 20

For more infomation >> Legend Of The Blue Sea Ep 20 END Indo Eng SUb 푸른 바다의 전설 E 20 - Duration: 59:55.


Validar ideia de negocio - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Validar ideia de negocio - Duration: 1:17.


DIY Easy Valentine's Day Card with Minimal Supplies #1 (2017 Miniseries) - Duration: 6:56.

- [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here.

Welcome to another card video at my YouTube

channel and blog.

Today I'm going to be creating another DIY card

with minimal supplies.

All the supplies, or most of the supplies

that you're going to need are on camera right now.

Gonna start out with some watercolor paper

and this watercolor paper is cut to four

and one quarter wide by eight and a half tall,

and then I folded it in half.

I then opened it up and put it down on my work surface

and I'm going to be applying kind of a frame

of blue tape.

This is blue painter's tape, which means it has

a little bit less stickiness to it,

so it will peel off my watercolor paper

without any problems, and I'm just putting that

all around the front of my card.

This is gonna give me a nice thick border

around the area that I'll be adding

some watercolor to.

I wanted to mention that this watercolor paper

is a very inexpensive watercolor paper.

It's the Canson XL watercolor paper.

It's available at places like Wal-Mart or even

some grocery stores carry it.

It's carried in a lot of different places now.

But if you don't have access to watercolor paper,

this could definitely be done on some thicker card stock.

I would just really recommend tying to get as thick

of card stock as possible.

So I took another strip of that blue tape

and I used a ruler and an X-acto knife to cut out

some thinner strips.

You could definitely do that with a pair of scissors

or just any way that you could get some thinner strips,

and I'm going to put this in the center of the card

in kind of like a criss-cross pattern.

It almost looks like a window.

So now I'm going to prep some watercolor paints.

These are Crayola washable watercolor paints.

They're very inexpensive.

I've been using these for quite some time,

and I've still got lots of paint left in them.

Starting out with the red shade, I'm going to tone that

with a little bit of purple just because this red

is a little bit more like an orange-y, tomato-y red,

and things are gonna kinda go in more of

a purple-bluish tint on this card,

so I'm just making it a little bit less tomato-y red.

I want it to be a little more pinkish for this first color

that I'm mixing up.

And then I'm gonna go ahead and just go right into

the painting.

I'm gonna put down quite a bit of this red watercolor.

The paint brush I'm using today is the really cheap

paint brush that comes in the watercolor set.

I'm not doing any really precise painting today,

so this paint brush will do just fine.

Adding some purple paint straight from the pallette.

Just in that bottom corner of that square.

Those colors are gonna kinda mix and fade into each other

as this dries.

So I have that purple, I'm adding some blue to it

to make a blue violet.

And I'm also going to mix another shade of purple

just on my pallette so I can pull from that easily

while I'm painting.

So I'm gonna take that purple and go straight

onto the square in the lower left corner.

Then I'll take that blue violet and bring it in

on the bottom.

So I basically just wanna make sure that I have

a couple different colors, maybe even three different colors

in each of these squares.

Adding some more blue to that blue violet.

And then I'm gonna add just a tiny bit of blue

to that purple so that I have kind of a variation

in color.

Gonna start with that first color on the top

of this square, and then I'll add that blue

at the bottom.

For the final square, up in the top corner,

I'm actually going to bring in some more of those

red tones, so I'm gonna add more red

to my pallette over here.

Tone that down with some purple.

I really wanna make more of a red violet shade

to work with in this square.

And I'll bring that over to my project and put that down

on the upper portion of that square.

Then going to take that purple and go straight

from the pallette and add it in right there.

A little more purple down here at the bottom,

just trying to get those colors to relate to each other.

If you have any areas that need a little bit more interest,

that are looking a little bit flat, you can come

back in with just a wet paint brush and kind of

move things around a little bit, that's what I ended

up doing on those two squares there,

and then after you've done that, you can go ahead

and just let it dry completely.

We want this completely dry before we remove the tape,

because if you try to remove the tape

while it's still wet, it will actually tear your paper.

So if you have a little spot of paint that's gone

onto the white area, you can definitely fix that,

especially if you're using a washable paint

like this, just get it wet with a clean brush

and then dab that with a paper towel

and it gets rid of any of that color.

So I'm gonna peel off my tape here, and this is

the most satisfying part

of doing masking like this, peeling it off

and seeing that nice, sharp, clean edge

of that color.

So I'm gonna peel up all of these tape pieces

and I'm going to be left with kind of a window

image here, I'm not really using it as a window

but it sort of looks like that.

So I'm gonna use this gold paint pen from Pilot,

it's actually a really, really awesome metallic-looking

paint pen.

I'm gonna draw a heart in this bottom right-hand corner

and because this is a paint pent that puts down

nice, opaque color, I'm going to be able to

go over the lines of my heart and really smooth things out

and it's going to give a nice, solid shape.

I'm filling that in with all of this gold paint.

If you don't want to do gold or if you wanna

just change things up, you could definitely do

a heart with a black marker or even with a white pen.

Went around the outside of the shape here

with some lines, and I just overlapped them

in the corners, and that basically finishes the card

for today.

Super simple and easy.

I think you could change this up and use green tones

and draw a shamrock for Saint Patrick's Day

or anything like that.

Hope you guys enjoyed this first video

in my DIY Valentine's mini-series.

I'm going to have two more of these DIY Valentine's Day

cards before Valentine's Day for 2017,

so I hope you'll check those out.

Thanks so much for watching, and I'll catch you guys

in the next video.

(gentle guitar music)

Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


KlasCement: User experience in special needs education - Interview with Kurt Calis - Duration: 1:21.

The KlasCement educational resources network

is the place where teachers share their teaching material.

Kurt teaches children with special needs.

I regularly share material on KlasCement, such as the weekly quiz.

And as soon as I've finished a document, I'll post it too.

I also like taking a look at other teachers' documents,

which can inspire me to create my own material.

Hundreds of teachers use Kurt's topical quiz in their classrooms.

I share material and receive feedback.

People thank me, but also point out small errors I've made.

I'm only human, so I'll make the occasional grammatical mistake

or I'll get the name of a planet wrong or something like that.

By immediately correcting them in my work,

I improve my own material so that everyone can benefit.

I think that is the strength of sharing, giving and receiving.

It makes you continuously stronger and better.

Register today at KlasCement

and become a member of the network of sharing teachers.

For more infomation >> KlasCement: User experience in special needs education - Interview with Kurt Calis - Duration: 1:21.


《夾娃娃大挑戰》我猜中了前頭,可是我猜不著這結局!!! - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 《夾娃娃大挑戰》我猜中了前頭,可是我猜不著這結局!!! - Duration: 2:19.


DRAMA AT IKEA (ft. ZUZIA) - Duration: 5:28.

I'm in a mood.

Zuzia's in a mood.

[Zuzia: I am not. I just hurt my thigh.]

I don't even know what this video is.

I don't even know what my channel is anymore.

(sigh) I- We're going to IKEA again because I need to buy

some fucking cushions for my couch.

'Cause, yes, I bought the couch.

But... it's um- the leg area is too big, so I need cushions

so that it's comfortable. Whatever. (sigh)

Also, my curtains are so fucking long, I need to buy

that thing that you- (sigh). Listen, toots,

it took me an hour to set up my fucking video to open

ten packages that I've gotten in the mail. (sigh)

And then I go to fucking do it and my battery on my

camera- my good kush- like, my- with-my-mic camera...

is not working because apparently it wasn't charged.

So I tried another one because I have three.

All not charged. I'm like, I charged these.

Anyways, so I tried with this camera and then

it didn't look as good. (whoo)

So I'm trying to fucking relax. Also, I'm hangry.

[Oh, no!] That's what's happening. But we're going to

IKEA and it's lunch time, which means I get to get

the good kush food, right?

You going to have some, Zuzia? [I ca- my tooth!] (laugh)

[I can't eat solid food.]

You can have, like, a water or something. [(laugh)]

#whenyouvegan #when-your-wisdom-tooth-comes-in

Okay, I didn't bring my gloves and my fingers are

freezing, so I'm going to put this away, but...

you're joining us on yet another IKEA trip.

That sounds really sarcastic. [They should pay you for advertising.]

Oh my god, they should.

Remember that time we went to IKEA like two days ago

and it wasn't busy? We're literally here

and it is packed. People are looking for parking.

I mean, yes, last time, I did come at 10:00(am)

and now it is 1:00(pm). Why are there always so many-

it's Friday afternoon. It's Fri- we used to joke around

when I was a kid, "Oh, Walmart! It's like Christmas every

day! There's always so many people at Walmart!"

Now, it's IKEA. It's Christmas every day at IKEA.

It's crazy here. Whatever. At least I get good kush lunch.

I'm so excited for those balls.

When am I not excited for balls, though?

I'm kidding. Oh my god, I'm sorry, Zuzia. (laugh)

[Gayyy!] Gayyy!

Wanna show how many people there are?

[Do you know, like, you can't even see you because the

sun's behind you, so, like, you're just a black shadow.]

Thank you. I love that. I'm like Anonymous.

I'm like giving you an anonymous tip. (gibberish)

I don't know what that was, me muffling my voice.

"This is my voice one day on sun." (laugh)

[Can I have some of your fries? Will you let me?]

[Are you gonna kill me?] Wooow.

[Why do you do it from that angle?]

Zuzia has something in their teeth and- I'm out of-

not in focus- [and I had a client, too, so that was fun.]

That sounds sexual. [It wasn't. I don't... no.]

[Stop with the angles!] (laugh) You look great.

The line for food is fucking huge. But I'm starving, so-

(laughing about bad angle)

Ohhh, yeah. And, look! Zuzia can eat.

Zuzia can eat something. [I'll try.] I pray for you.

It looks good, though. [There's chunks.]

Is that a bad thing? [For my teeth, yeah.]

Put it slowly in your mouth,

for all those people with a food fetish. (laugh)

Aw, yeah.

So guess how much time we spent in the cushion aisle.

And in the curtain aisle- not very long

because Zuzia's here.

Zuzia don't give a fuck.

[Zuzia tired.] Oh, god, this is bright.

The ain't daylight lighting, though.

Zuzia's tired? [Mhm.] Zuzia wanna take a nap? [Mhm.]

We're almost done, so that's good.

[No, I don't want to nap. I want to wake up tomorrow.]


It's, um- it's a- "a curtain"- a curtain for your floor. (laugh)

[It's a rug.] A rug, that's it. That's the word I was

looking for. "A curtain for your floor." (laugh)

So, last time I was here, at the self-serve furniture thing,

I, um, was alone, and I had to have my carriage,

which was full, and a carriage... like, um, trolley, I guess?

What row- what row are you?

Checks Facebook messages while we're waiting. [Shh!]

Hey, Zuz. [No.]

I have a gum addiction. [It gives row 23?] Okay, 23 it is.

Don't text and drive at the same time, I see you. (laugh)

I know you love this view.

It it worth it, though, for $40?

I hate making decisions. I hate buying anything

for myself.

I miss vlogging, almost daily. I miss it and it sucks that

I can't do it. [That was a nightmare.] But I'm moving.

But I'm moving and I'm doing all these things and I

just don't have time. But once I'm all settled in,

ya'll get to see my ugly face every day-

almost every day. Calm down.

So I just spent a lot of fucking money again.

Thanks, Zuzia. (laugh) [On me.]

It's really cold. Really cold.

So, I'm freezing. I brought the car back

and now I'm walking home, but, like,

school just ended at the school beside my house

and now there's, like, kids everywhere, so I can't

really vlog, but- I just, like, walked by the street that the

grocery store's on. I should've went to the grocery store.

It is like -17 outside, it's very cold.

So I'm just going to go home and... do stuff.

For more infomation >> DRAMA AT IKEA (ft. ZUZIA) - Duration: 5:28.


Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS EDITION - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS EDITION - Duration: 1:35.


Trapped In Pitch Black Building With Thousands Of SNAKES!! Brian Barczyk - Duration: 8:57.

Good morning everyone!

I hope you guys are going to have an amazing day today.

Take a look at how foggy it is out here.

I'm up early it is going to be a long day cause I am traveling out to California in

just a few hours, but first I am going to hit the shop.

And I'm at the shop today just to basically give a once over before I leave.

See my animals for one last time I'm gone for six days and that's a long time and I'm

also going to check to see if any snakes are breeding.

Oh and by the way after I get to California I am probably going to head right over to

Jay's over at Prehistoric Pets so later in the vlog hopefully we will be able to see

some nice big snakes and some awesome cool stuff over at Prehistoric Pets.

Okay so a little python porn for you guys.

This is basically what it looks like when snakes are breeding you can see the blood

trails there that usually means that he is trying to hook up and that's it right in the

back you can see this is actually a Candino breed to a Super Enchi het Albino so hopefully

we can get some Enchi Candinos from this breeding.

So essentially that is what python breeding is and I am going to go ahead and mark that

it was breeding so that we know where we are at with it and keep checking other snakes.

So I actually had a bunch of really cool locked today.

I showed you guys a hand few of them...there was a whole bunch more.

Everything is looking good here.

I am just kind of give it a once over real quick and make sure everything looks in good

shape it certainly does and I am out of here for six days and I am not going to see my


Let's get out of here...get packed up and get to the airport.

Sure is foggy.

Looks like security is going to be really quick today there is hardly any one in line

which is pretty awesome, but it means that I have to wait at the gate a little longer.

I normally like to get to the airport at two hours early, but I got here an hour and a

half early and there is still an hour before we board the plane.

One of the quick travel tips that I've shared in the past with you guys is the fact that

you get one of these refillable water bottles right here because a lot of planes they don't

even serve water unless you have to pay for it and buying a water at the airport is like

5 buck.

So you bring one of these you bring it to McDonalds or Burger King.

You fill it up with ice you fill it up with water and you are all set for the flight.

But, take it from me from experience.

Make sure you always that the top open when you take off because when the cabin pressurizes

and then you open this up it always sprays like a waterfall.


Plane is boarding in ten minutes.

A little secret you may or may not know about me is that I fly a lot I think I had 40 something

flights last year and I hate flying.

It is not that I ever worry about crashing it is that I don't like turbulence and so

hopefully this will be a smooth flight.

Finger crossed.

Here we go.

I have flown hundreds of times and I gotta tell you the last thirty five minutes of that

flight was in the top 2 or 3 of the worst I have ever had for sure.

Absolutely like a roller coaster ride the last half hour.

Fantastic to be on the ground.

Welcome to sunny California.

I have been to LA a ton of times and this is the first time that it has been torrential

rain, but regardless I just landed.

I got in my car and I am going to head over to Jay at Prehistorics.

It seems like every time I hit LA one of the first things that I do is go check out Prehistoric

pets and by the way a little flight time reset here.

The really nice guy sitting next to me is actually a retired emergency care doctor he

said that he doesn't pray to often, but even he was praying on that dissent.

That is how bumpy it was.

I mean and I hate turbulence so that was one rough landing.

So literally I am pulling up into Jay's at Prehistoric Pets place and all the power is


So I don't know what is going on.

Let's go check this out.

I have no idea what is going on over here.

The whole area the power is out.

Talk about bad timing.

This torrential ...California is just not good for rain, but yeah we definitely don't

have any power whatsoever here.

Okay, guys I can give you guys a proper tour without the light out.

So alright guys I am going to give you the tour of the place in the dark.

Look at those guys down there.

There's anacondas...alligators...tortoises.

Big old burms.

Some cool Haitian boas.

So how you guys liking this tour in the dark.

I mean.

What a weird thing.

I landed in the rain drove all the way out here rather than chilling out for the night

and then the power is out, but you've got to make the best out of it.

You know what I mean I could be grumpy about it or I could just say let's just have a good


It is actually kind of cool just walking around in the dark in here and I'll keep showing

you guys some stuff.

Take a look at these guys.

Hey look at that.

Power's on.

Look at that guys...see that you just wait around long enough and the power comes on.

Okay guys, no I can give you a proper tour without the lights out.

Look at this Diamond python...there are little Gila monsters in here.

You can see it way in the back over here.

And again these are those green tree pythons I was showing you in the dark.

Here is that Albino Rattle snake I was saying ...that thing is really gorgeous.

Big water monitor that I was showing you guys.


And here's my gators.

Oh big monster Reticulated pythons....Take a look at the size of these guys.

You guys are really big.

Look at this little cutie.

Oh my gosh look at the big uro.

So guys alright so that is the overview of Prehistoric Pets.

I am definitely going to be back here before I go.

We'll shoot a bunch of stuff with Jay for now I am just kind of gonna cause its getting

late tonight.

jay wants to go home.

I don't blame him.

I've been up for a long long time.

So I am going to go out grab a real quick bite to eat ...head to the hotel and call

it a night.

But, we will definitely be back here this week and I will so you a bunch of big lizards,

a bunch of big snakes , a bunch of really cool stuff...this is a really cool place.

Alright, guys it has been an absolutely incredible long day, but it has been a really cool day.

We got a chance to see some stuff some breeding a the shop, then travel all the way to LA

and then go visit Jay at Prehistorics with a little bit of a black out and then the lights

came on.

This is where my humble staying will be for the next five or six days here in LA.

We've got some great adventures amazing stuff plan.

Tomorrow is a little bit of a weird one because I don't have a lot going on so I am just kind

of bum around a little bit, but the rest of the week is slammed back with great stuff.

I can't wait to share with you guys.

Regardless thank you so much for joining me.

I hope you have an amazing day and have enjoyed this vlog and if you have hit that like button.

Also hit, that notification if you don't mind.

I promise I am going to see you guys tomorrow and remember to be kind to somebody.

For more infomation >> Trapped In Pitch Black Building With Thousands Of SNAKES!! Brian Barczyk - Duration: 8:57.


DIY Easy Valentine's Day Card with Minimal Supplies #1 (2017 Miniseries) - Duration: 6:56.

- [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here.

Welcome to another card video at my YouTube

channel and blog.

Today I'm going to be creating another DIY card

with minimal supplies.

All the supplies, or most of the supplies

that you're going to need are on camera right now.

Gonna start out with some watercolor paper

and this watercolor paper is cut to four

and one quarter wide by eight and a half tall,

and then I folded it in half.

I then opened it up and put it down on my work surface

and I'm going to be applying kind of a frame

of blue tape.

This is blue painter's tape, which means it has

a little bit less stickiness to it,

so it will peel off my watercolor paper

without any problems, and I'm just putting that

all around the front of my card.

This is gonna give me a nice thick border

around the area that I'll be adding

some watercolor to.

I wanted to mention that this watercolor paper

is a very inexpensive watercolor paper.

It's the Canson XL watercolor paper.

It's available at places like Wal-Mart or even

some grocery stores carry it.

It's carried in a lot of different places now.

But if you don't have access to watercolor paper,

this could definitely be done on some thicker card stock.

I would just really recommend tying to get as thick

of card stock as possible.

So I took another strip of that blue tape

and I used a ruler and an X-acto knife to cut out

some thinner strips.

You could definitely do that with a pair of scissors

or just any way that you could get some thinner strips,

and I'm going to put this in the center of the card

in kind of like a criss-cross pattern.

It almost looks like a window.

So now I'm going to prep some watercolor paints.

These are Crayola washable watercolor paints.

They're very inexpensive.

I've been using these for quite some time,

and I've still got lots of paint left in them.

Starting out with the red shade, I'm going to tone that

with a little bit of purple just because this red

is a little bit more like an orange-y, tomato-y red,

and things are gonna kinda go in more of

a purple-bluish tint on this card,

so I'm just making it a little bit less tomato-y red.

I want it to be a little more pinkish for this first color

that I'm mixing up.

And then I'm gonna go ahead and just go right into

the painting.

I'm gonna put down quite a bit of this red watercolor.

The paint brush I'm using today is the really cheap

paint brush that comes in the watercolor set.

I'm not doing any really precise painting today,

so this paint brush will do just fine.

Adding some purple paint straight from the pallette.

Just in that bottom corner of that square.

Those colors are gonna kinda mix and fade into each other

as this dries.

So I have that purple, I'm adding some blue to it

to make a blue violet.

And I'm also going to mix another shade of purple

just on my pallette so I can pull from that easily

while I'm painting.

So I'm gonna take that purple and go straight

onto the square in the lower left corner.

Then I'll take that blue violet and bring it in

on the bottom.

So I basically just wanna make sure that I have

a couple different colors, maybe even three different colors

in each of these squares.

Adding some more blue to that blue violet.

And then I'm gonna add just a tiny bit of blue

to that purple so that I have kind of a variation

in color.

Gonna start with that first color on the top

of this square, and then I'll add that blue

at the bottom.

For the final square, up in the top corner,

I'm actually going to bring in some more of those

red tones, so I'm gonna add more red

to my pallette over here.

Tone that down with some purple.

I really wanna make more of a red violet shade

to work with in this square.

And I'll bring that over to my project and put that down

on the upper portion of that square.

Then going to take that purple and go straight

from the pallette and add it in right there.

A little more purple down here at the bottom,

just trying to get those colors to relate to each other.

If you have any areas that need a little bit more interest,

that are looking a little bit flat, you can come

back in with just a wet paint brush and kind of

move things around a little bit, that's what I ended

up doing on those two squares there,

and then after you've done that, you can go ahead

and just let it dry completely.

We want this completely dry before we remove the tape,

because if you try to remove the tape

while it's still wet, it will actually tear your paper.

So if you have a little spot of paint that's gone

onto the white area, you can definitely fix that,

especially if you're using a washable paint

like this, just get it wet with a clean brush

and then dab that with a paper towel

and it gets rid of any of that color.

So I'm gonna peel off my tape here, and this is

the most satisfying part

of doing masking like this, peeling it off

and seeing that nice, sharp, clean edge

of that color.

So I'm gonna peel up all of these tape pieces

and I'm going to be left with kind of a window

image here, I'm not really using it as a window

but it sort of looks like that.

So I'm gonna use this gold paint pen from Pilot,

it's actually a really, really awesome metallic-looking

paint pen.

I'm gonna draw a heart in this bottom right-hand corner

and because this is a paint pent that puts down

nice, opaque color, I'm going to be able to

go over the lines of my heart and really smooth things out

and it's going to give a nice, solid shape.

I'm filling that in with all of this gold paint.

If you don't want to do gold or if you wanna

just change things up, you could definitely do

a heart with a black marker or even with a white pen.

Went around the outside of the shape here

with some lines, and I just overlapped them

in the corners, and that basically finishes the card

for today.

Super simple and easy.

I think you could change this up and use green tones

and draw a shamrock for Saint Patrick's Day

or anything like that.

Hope you guys enjoyed this first video

in my DIY Valentine's mini-series.

I'm going to have two more of these DIY Valentine's Day

cards before Valentine's Day for 2017,

so I hope you'll check those out.

Thanks so much for watching, and I'll catch you guys

in the next video.

(gentle guitar music)

For more infomation >> DIY Easy Valentine's Day Card with Minimal Supplies #1 (2017 Miniseries) - Duration: 6:56.


Monsta X-Ray Episode 3 Teaser - Duration: 0:39.

Hei, DJ Dog!

Hei, turun mengalahkan! Ayo!

[Mari kita membuat beberapa kimchi.]

[# membuat kimchi # Melepaskan # Tarian dorongan].


[Ibu Shownu meledak di tarian].

Ibu Shownu akan turun!

[The daughters-in-law yang sibuk dengan pekerjaan]. Bergegaslah.

[Mereka mengupas secara mendalam, potong, rebus, dan musim].

[Mari kita memiliki rasa] Bagaimana?

[Apa ini?!]

Kau melakukan ini pada akhirnya ...

[Diam dan mencampur ...].

Oh, punggungku! Oh, punggungku!

[The MONSTA X kimchi-making festival]. Ini adalah kerja keras!

[Kamis, 19 Januari sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB]. [mereka yang kimchi-making show variety].

For more infomation >> Monsta X-Ray Episode 3 Teaser - Duration: 0:39.


DRAMA AT IKEA (ft. ZUZIA) - Duration: 5:28.

I'm in a mood.

Zuzia's in a mood.

[Zuzia: I am not. I just hurt my thigh.]

I don't even know what this video is.

I don't even know what my channel is anymore.

(sigh) I- We're going to IKEA again because I need to buy

some fucking cushions for my couch.

'Cause, yes, I bought the couch.

But... it's um- the leg area is too big, so I need cushions

so that it's comfortable. Whatever. (sigh)

Also, my curtains are so fucking long, I need to buy

that thing that you- (sigh). Listen, toots,

it took me an hour to set up my fucking video to open

ten packages that I've gotten in the mail. (sigh)

And then I go to fucking do it and my battery on my

camera- my good kush- like, my- with-my-mic camera...

is not working because apparently it wasn't charged.

So I tried another one because I have three.

All not charged. I'm like, I charged these.

Anyways, so I tried with this camera and then

it didn't look as good. (whoo)

So I'm trying to fucking relax. Also, I'm hangry.

[Oh, no!] That's what's happening. But we're going to

IKEA and it's lunch time, which means I get to get

the good kush food, right?

You going to have some, Zuzia? [I ca- my tooth!] (laugh)

[I can't eat solid food.]

You can have, like, a water or something. [(laugh)]

#whenyouvegan #when-your-wisdom-tooth-comes-in

Okay, I didn't bring my gloves and my fingers are

freezing, so I'm going to put this away, but...

you're joining us on yet another IKEA trip.

That sounds really sarcastic. [They should pay you for advertising.]

Oh my god, they should.

Remember that time we went to IKEA like two days ago

and it wasn't busy? We're literally here

and it is packed. People are looking for parking.

I mean, yes, last time, I did come at 10:00(am)

and now it is 1:00(pm). Why are there always so many-

it's Friday afternoon. It's Fri- we used to joke around

when I was a kid, "Oh, Walmart! It's like Christmas every

day! There's always so many people at Walmart!"

Now, it's IKEA. It's Christmas every day at IKEA.

It's crazy here. Whatever. At least I get good kush lunch.

I'm so excited for those balls.

When am I not excited for balls, though?

I'm kidding. Oh my god, I'm sorry, Zuzia. (laugh)

[Gayyy!] Gayyy!

Wanna show how many people there are?

[Do you know, like, you can't even see you because the

sun's behind you, so, like, you're just a black shadow.]

Thank you. I love that. I'm like Anonymous.

I'm like giving you an anonymous tip. (gibberish)

I don't know what that was, me muffling my voice.

"This is my voice one day on sun." (laugh)

[Can I have some of your fries? Will you let me?]

[Are you gonna kill me?] Wooow.

[Why do you do it from that angle?]

Zuzia has something in their teeth and- I'm out of-

not in focus- [and I had a client, too, so that was fun.]

That sounds sexual. [It wasn't. I don't... no.]

[Stop with the angles!] (laugh) You look great.

The line for food is fucking huge. But I'm starving, so-

(laughing about bad angle)

Ohhh, yeah. And, look! Zuzia can eat.

Zuzia can eat something. [I'll try.] I pray for you.

It looks good, though. [There's chunks.]

Is that a bad thing? [For my teeth, yeah.]

Put it slowly in your mouth,

for all those people with a food fetish. (laugh)

Aw, yeah.

So guess how much time we spent in the cushion aisle.

And in the curtain aisle- not very long

because Zuzia's here.

Zuzia don't give a fuck.

[Zuzia tired.] Oh, god, this is bright.

The ain't daylight lighting, though.

Zuzia's tired? [Mhm.] Zuzia wanna take a nap? [Mhm.]

We're almost done, so that's good.

[No, I don't want to nap. I want to wake up tomorrow.]


It's, um- it's a- "a curtain"- a curtain for your floor. (laugh)

[It's a rug.] A rug, that's it. That's the word I was

looking for. "A curtain for your floor." (laugh)

So, last time I was here, at the self-serve furniture thing,

I, um, was alone, and I had to have my carriage,

which was full, and a carriage... like, um, trolley, I guess?

What row- what row are you?

Checks Facebook messages while we're waiting. [Shh!]

Hey, Zuz. [No.]

I have a gum addiction. [It gives row 23?] Okay, 23 it is.

Don't text and drive at the same time, I see you. (laugh)

I know you love this view.

It it worth it, though, for $40?

I hate making decisions. I hate buying anything

for myself.

I miss vlogging, almost daily. I miss it and it sucks that

I can't do it. [That was a nightmare.] But I'm moving.

But I'm moving and I'm doing all these things and I

just don't have time. But once I'm all settled in,

ya'll get to see my ugly face every day-

almost every day. Calm down.

So I just spent a lot of fucking money again.

Thanks, Zuzia. (laugh) [On me.]

It's really cold. Really cold.

So, I'm freezing. I brought the car back

and now I'm walking home, but, like,

school just ended at the school beside my house

and now there's, like, kids everywhere, so I can't

really vlog, but- I just, like, walked by the street that the

grocery store's on. I should've went to the grocery store.

It is like -17 outside, it's very cold.

So I'm just going to go home and... do stuff.

For more infomation >> DRAMA AT IKEA (ft. ZUZIA) - Duration: 5:28.


İçinizdeki Zalimden Kurtulun (altyazılı) - Duration: 20:35.

For more infomation >> İçinizdeki Zalimden Kurtulun (altyazılı) - Duration: 20:35.


Show Your Marketing Skills! Job Interview Videos for Freshers in India Question Answers | VLOG 119 - Duration: 1:20.

Show Your Marketing Skills Job interview videos will show you real interview questions and answers in 1 minute & give interview tips, these are interview videos for freshers in India. [Click on "View more" to expand] You may like these videos too: Tell me something about yourself Interview dresscode Part 1 Interview dresscode Part 2 MBA Marketing Vs HR All Interview, Internship, Job videos 1. If you are doing everything in politics, you won't need a job. Company will always think whether you really need a job. If not, they will not show enthusiasm in selecting you. 2. Don't say "huh?"if you didn't hear properly. Say "I'm sorry, please repeat/ pardon". 3. "How did your relative win an election" is a great question to sell your marketing skills. Take advantage & control the interview. 4. Marketing students should know difference between Advertising & Campaigning. 5. Observe the nervous fidgeting of hands. Keep them relaxed.

For more infomation >> Show Your Marketing Skills! Job Interview Videos for Freshers in India Question Answers | VLOG 119 - Duration: 1:20.


DIY Soda Pop Candles for DIY Candle Lover - Duration: 0:55.

DIY Soda Pop Candles for DIY Candle Lover

For more infomation >> DIY Soda Pop Candles for DIY Candle Lover - Duration: 0:55.


Workshop 3D in the Browser - Duration: 1:04:07.


[SOUND] Hey everybody, I'm Nick Pettit. My Twitter handle is @nickrp.

And today we're gonna be talking about 3D in the browser.

We're going to get into you know, applications for 3D in the browser.

Why you might you use it.

What it's not and a whole bunch of cool stuff.

And of course, if I don't answer all of your questions by the end of this or if

there's something that you feel like you didn't quite

understand, you can go ahead and post in the forum.

And if you're a Treehouse member, you can post in the forum.

Ask your questions and Treehouse students are wonderful

moderators as and as well as Treehouse teachers

will be happy to answer your questions, so that is a really great way to get help.

All right, so,

let's talk about the state of 3D in a web browser.

Of course, web browsers are more traditionally known for 2D graphics.

Right, especially now with the flat design kind of taking over the world.

We have the box model in CSS.

Browsers are really good at displaying things in 2D.

So, that can be somewhat expensive though, because

all of that processing is happening on the CPU.

So in most computers, you have a CPU, the central

processing unit, as well as the GPU, the graphics processing unit.

Web browsers traditionally haven't really taken advantage of the GPU.

They've only really used the CPU and

that can be computationally expensive when you are rendering anything at all.

The CPU is not optimized for rendering really anything

other than very simple 2D graphics. So having the

ability to use the GPU is really amazing. And that's what

we're gonna talk about today using using

three.js and webGL and a couple of newer technologies.


we talked about how there's kind of this separation between the CPU

and the GPU. And on the the GPU, like I said, you

traditionally could not access that through the web browser, but now you can.

And that's enabled, with the technology called WebGL.

However, WebGL is kind of kind

of complex to use in its raw form. It's a port of

OpenGL into the web browser and it doesn't have quite

one-to-one feature parity with OpenGL but it's pretty good.

Of course, OpenGL is a graphics technology that's used to render

real-time 3D games. So, any kinda game you play on a

Mac or on iOS and even on some gaming consoles now,

OpenGL is used very heavily to do real-time 3D graphics.

All that tech is now in the browser in the form of webGL.

Browser support isn't great just yet.

You can go to to check out the matrix of support for webGL

right now.

I think, actually, let's go ahead and take a look

at Can I use, to see what that looks like currently.

And look at that, in the search, they actually suggest typing in WebGL.

So, if you look here, support in Firefox is okay, support Chrome

is okay, Safari has partial support. Actually Firefox has partial

support but it's supported for a little bit longer.

Safari you have to actually go ahead and enable WebGL.

It's not enabled by default, and it's only been

recently supported in the latest version of Internet Explorer.

And it's not supported at all on mobile devices.

So, that's something right up front you gonna keep in mind.

When I am talking about 3D here, one thing I am not talking about is stereoscopic 3D.

So, we are not talking about the type of 3D that

you might see in a 3D movie or the cinema, where.

Or on like 3D televisions where there are two images and you have like a

red and a blue channel and wear 3D glasses and it is combined together to

create this image that appears to pop out of the screen.

Rather we're talking about real time 3D similar to

what you might find in a video game, where

frames are rendered at roughly 30 to 60 frames

per second and everything has to happen in real-time.

So, let's go ahead and take a look at what that actually looks like.

As I said previously, using WebGL

in its raw form is pretty tricky.

It's it's a very low level, form of

3D graphics programming, but using a framework on top

of that, of which there are a few can make it a little bit easier to work with.

So, this is a framework called three.js and

it's the framework we're going to be taking a

look at in a little bit more detail today.

We are going to create a very simple project.

If you go to, you'll see all

sorts of sample projects that are built using three.js.

So we have this race card here, this project

was a music video and there's your nan cat,

you'll find a lot of games here.

In fact, that's one of the primary

applications of WebGL currently is in gaming

there is this pretty wonderful example of a car here.

We'll take a look at that and there's this example of

a logo and I'll want to take a look at that.


this is being rendered in real time in the browser and that's pretty amazing.

This is, you know, something that was not available for a really long time.

I think this is kind of the evolution that people expected to happen maybe

ten or fifteen years ago, back when, well, maybe even longer.

I think people kind of expected the web to make this leap into more

of a virtual reality type space where you can

kind of you know, browse things in three dimensions.

Oop, somebody just took over my mouse, I think, Oop, and it's back.


I think this is the direction that people expected 3D to take

some time back and it never really did. But now it's here and, I think

the lingering question is, what to do with it.

People don't quite know, you know, what 3D should really be used for.

One thing that like I said previously 3D can be used for is is for games.

Sorry looked like there's a magic mouse somewhere

that's taking over control of my, my computer here.

Okay, there we go,

but 3D has kind of struggled to find it's application in the, in the browser.

People have thought about using it for, for games and

in fact there's actually a company that is trying to build

a game engine using Web GL actually they've already done it.

They've built this really wonderful game engine.

And they're trying to kind of recreate games like StarCraft you know.

They are trying to build these real time

strategy games and they've done a pretty great job.

There they, I guess have generated

a lot of interest.

But so far, you know, we haven't seen a whole lot out of Artillery just yet.

Again this is still early days for, for 3D.

So, one of the other applications though I think is products.

So, imagine you could go ahead and take a look at, you know, a product like

a car, for example. Which is kind of a higher-priced

item and you might want to be able to

take a look at what you're getting in more detail.

And it could be good for consumer electronics as well.

Where you go ahead and look at, you know, an electronic device in 3D.

You can kind of imagine maybe doing like the next iPhone this way.

Where Apple might use this newer browser tech on their site to show off

you know, whatever new products they have on offer.

But once again 3D is so struggling to find its, its application browser.

So that's something that remains to be seen.

It's, you know, so still early days here. One other

cool application is to create some sort of

logo or 3D effect like this. This is or a blog of Steven Wittens.

And if we scroll down here, you can see

that, this is actually being rendered in full 3D here.

And we can click on this little play

button and it'll sort of play a music video.

So, it's pretty cool. You know, in the day, in the days of flat

design here, it's, it may seem a little bit out of place to see all of this nice

shading and shadowing and you know, sort of fancy effects like this.

But, I think that that aesthetic will kind of come into

its own, come back around and we will be able to use

things like this a little bit more effectively.

So anyway, those are some of the things that you can do with

with three.js and all those projects that you just saw were built in three.js.

There's a ton more stuff to check out here so be

sure to go to and look at all of the projects.

I, one thing that I have noticed is that movies are using this a little bit more.

the, let's see if I can hover over that, I

think that the new Wizard of Oz movie did some kind of 3D experience, there's that.

The Hobbit had a pretty good WebGL site.

The site for Gravity is pretty cool. I'm wondering if this is going

to load up here.

Let's see, app, special features, there's like a 3D

experience they had here,

anyway, it's there, I promise.

I'll let you check that out on your own time.

So go ahead and go ahead and check that out.

So, how is this actually working? well,

it's, it's kind of a combination of things you might've

seen before and some newer things. So I

have the Treehouse logo in 3D

here and this the project we're gonna put together real quick here.

And this is done using a canvas context.

So, let me go ahead and open up Chrome dev

tools here and we're gonna hover over and select that item.

You will see that all that's on this page

is just some JavaScript and this canvas which is

taking up the entire, the entire view of the browser.

I also have a paragraph here but that's just kind of overlaid.

So, let's let's go back here three.js will

actually embed a canvas onto the page. So,

you do all the stuff in three.js, so just, in pure JavaScript

and that will go ahead and create a canvas context on the page.

It will give you your webGL rendering engine,

so that's one reason we don't wanna demonstrate webGL.

It's just going to be way to difficult to build

your own rending engine.

So let's go ahead and dig into this code.

One thing that again I do wanna point out is browser compatibility.

You'll likely wanna do this in Google Chrome if you

can but if you're using Firefox or Safari that's okay.

It should still work just fine except the only thing you'll have to do in Safari,

is going to Preferences here. So let me open up the Preferences and

then, let's see here. You'd go to the Advanced tab.

So I'm

going to pull that back up. Advanced.

And then there should be, let's see yes, Show Develop menu in the toolbar.

And then you have to open the Develop menu and click Enable

WebGL and then WebGL should work in Safari at that point, so there we go.


I've included a couple of things here to get us started.

One thing is the actual mesh that, we're gonna be using for the actual

geometry and then the other thing is, the orbit controls.

So, that's were we can go ahead click around with

the mouse and kind of drag our model around here.

And we can zoom in and out,

to look at the model in more detail.

And that's, that's all the orbit controls do.

Let's go ahead and open those up.

This is all, kind of, complex code, you want

to avoid writing yourself. Unless you have very specific camera

controls in mind that you want to build out for a

more specific application. If you can go ahead and reuse any of the

controls that three.js provides for you, you want to go ahead and try to do that.

So let me go to three.js

here and see where this, these orbit controls,

are documented.

One of the things about three.js is that

the documentation for it is not that great yet.

Let's see, camera

controls, not finding it. Alright

that controls three.js and

my blog post on Treehouse blog

is one of

the top hits, wonderful. Living on the edge here, okay.

well, that's cool, not what we want, though.

So, well, I can't find where those orbit controls came from.

I'm pretty sure I got them on GitHub when I originally wrote this blog post.

But you can go ahead and download that code and the orbit

controls as well as the mesh will be included in the code download.

So, no worries there.

So that

should be all the JavaScript you need. The orbit controls

and the model. Now, this model, I exported from Blender.

Blender is a free 3D modeling application. You can use, I think, a couple of other

exporters that three.js has available, so let me see if

that's documented, pretty sure it is. Let's see exporters.

No. Models,

mesh, Blender.

Nope. Oops.


I think it might be.


One of the loaders or


in the Objects here.

hm, I think the documentation changed because I'm pretty

sure that the exporters were detailed here at some point.

Anyway, we'll go to Blender, pull that up and Blender 3D

exporter. There we go.

[SOUND] So, Blender, like I said,

is this 3D, is a free 3D

modeling application. You can go ahead and get that at and then there is an exporter for Blender that

you can install to export your 3D models.

So, once you install Blender, you can go ahead and create.

Here is 3D scene and then you can go to

File>Export>three.js and you can go ahead and save that out.

I have already done that for the Treehouse model.

So, tree, or treelogo.js

is the model that you, you will be able to download.

And that code download and the code will look something like this and the

way that it's formatted is well, there's a, there's a couple things here.

First, well, it's JavaScript object notation formatting, so

there's some metadata about the mesh and Then

there's all of the vertices, so right here is where all of the geometry is stored.

And, you'll find that this is pretty huge

here, because there's quite a lot of geometry, in that model.

There's what are called surface normals. There's all of the faces.

So those are all the triangles and

basically where they're located in 3D space.

And then we have a

material here which is a concept in Blender that you can go ahead

and use in three.js as well.

So, we have the ambient color and the diffuse color.

And I think that is just an rgb color here.


So you can see three values here for red, green and blue.


that's how you get models out of, out of Blender.

You can use other 3D apps as well and I believe there's

exporters for a couple of different popular ones, like Maya and 3DS Max.

And that will give you your geometry.

And then, there's three.js which is pretty epically long.

This is the entirety

of three.js. It's all compacted and minified like this

but, like I said previously, best way to navigate

three.js is to use their documentation here at

And you can go ahead and look at all of the various

concepts in three.js that will help you build up your scenes.


let's go to the index.html file

for this particular project cause this is where really everything is built out.

So, we start out this project. Let me just pull this up here.

There we go.

We start this out with a couple of variables.

There's the scene, the camera and the renderer, and then we make two function

calls to the initialize function or init and the animate function.

Now it might not seem like there's

any animation happening here, but there actually

is a, a little bit because whenever we drag

around the orbit controls we need to update the scene.

We need to update the, the frame and what we're actually looking at.

So, this is animated.

I mean you know, we have to render every one of these frames.

So, let's go back, and

let's look at these two functions.

You'll see that we're doing all of this in a fairly small amount of code.

This is the entirety of index.html for this project

and really everything's happening just between these two script tags.

So it looks like we're looking at hm, just like 80

lines of code there or so, actually less than that, about 70.

So it's not too bad, and a lot of this is comments, too, remember.

So let's look at each one of those variables scene here, makes

a call to a new three.js

scene. And then it sets a width and a height

for that scene using the window inner width and

the window in our height.

Now this is just straight up JavaScript right here.

You're making a call to the window and getting its

width and height, and then we're storing that in a variable.

So that we don't have to call the width and the

height over and over again, because that can get pretty expensive.

So we're just calling it once, and we're reusing it.

But what is this scene here?

Well, let's go ahead and dig into the documentation and let's look at scene.

I think that might be under cameras actually.

There's a scene loader. Scenes.

Ooh, that looks like what I want. Okay.

So, scenes allow you to setup what and

where is to be rendered by three.js. This is where you place objects,

lights and camera. So, in our scene here,

we are basically setting up a couple of things.

It's the object that we are gonna be using to set a couple of other things.

All right?

And it basically defines the space in which our 3D world exists.

So, next we have to pick a renderer and

three.js comes with a couple different renderers.

We of course want to use the WebGL renders.

Let's see if I can pull this up.

Here we go.

We wanna use the WebGL renderer, because it's going to creates a WebGL context in

the browser that will go ahead and use the GPU.

Whereas we can use the canvas renderer here but it's gonna be a lot slower.

At one point I think the, I think three.js had an

SVG renderer but it doesn't look like that's part of three.js anymore.

All this stuff does change pretty quickly.

But the canvas renderer gonna be a lot slower.

And it's really not it's

just gonna be orders of magnitude slower it's, it's a software renderer.

So using WebGL will allow you to access the GPU.

So we're gonna say WebGL renderer and we're gonna set antialiasing

to true. So let's see what that means.

We'll go to the WebGL renderer and antialiasing it says

is a Boolean which means it can be true or false.

And let's go down to

antialiasing. Well that's the only place that it

is listed.

Antialiasing basically means that it is going to smooth out the jagged edges

along the 3D model. So, if I were to turn this off.

Lets go ahead and do that.

[NOISE] So, lets say, antialiasing is false.

Do you see that? It looks a lot more pixelated.

You got kinda these jaggies along the edges of the model and

that's not really aesthetically pleasing, so we wanna keep that set true.

Here's where we set the size of the render.

We want the renderer to be the same size as the width and height of the seam.

That might seem obvious, but there may be certain contexts where you don't want

to do that. And then, we take the renderer and we

append it to the body of document and if we look at

index.html here just to kinda get a broad overview of it's structure.

We are including three.js.

We include the orbit controls.

We have this JavaScript here and then we close out with the body tag.

So, like I said, everything happening in JavaScript.

We're actually appending the canvas

element to the body here. So there's a body.

There's our canvas.

It has a width and height and that's happening

right there, on line 31. So,

next we need to create a camera, We actually can't see

anything in the scene without a camera or I could just comment this out.

Actually not sure what's gonna happen,.

Yeah, it's not gonna render anything.

That can be the frustrating thing about 3D, is

if you get something wrong, there's not great error

outputs this might be the best it's gonna do for you.

So don't get frustrated if you you don't see anything in the browser.

It probably just means that you skipped one of these steps here.

So camera is a new three.js perspective camera, as opposed to

an orthographic camera, I think.

Let's see perspec, yeah, as opposed to an OrthographicCamera.

Now, I wonder if that has exact same arguments, let's just go ahead and stick

that in to see if it will still render. [SOUND] Not quite.

What is it expecting? Left, right, top, bottom, near, far.

Okay. Yeah, that's not going to match up

quite right with a perspective camera arguments.

That's okay.

Basically this will create more of kind of

a flat look won't be rendered in perspective.

Actually I wonder if I can show this in Blender real quick.

Let's see.

My Blender fu is off today. That's okay.

Anyway we want to render this in perspective.

And the perspective camera takes a couple arguments.

You need a field of view, so we set that to 45 degrees.

Let's go back to our code here, there we go.

The aspect ratio of the camera is simply the width divided by the height.

And so once again we're using the window inner width and inner height.

And we're just pulling that once, storing it in a

variable instead of having to call that over and over again.

So, width divided by the height; there's our aspect ratio.

And then, the near and the far plane, that is basically

how far out something has to be from the camera before it'll stop rendering.

Or how close something has to be to the camera before it'll start rendering.

So, I'll

get my example back here, if I were to say

let's say, this is six units away from the model.

If this were something like 15.

I think we should. Whoop, it doesn't even render.

Ten, nope. Let's see, five, there we go.

So, here's something weird.

We're five units away from

or rather if we, if we set the near parameter to five, the camera isn't

actually gonna start rendering anything until the object is five units away.

So if I zoom out a little bit, there we go, now it's five units

away, but if I zoom in too much It's actually going to click into the geometry.

Same thing with a far plain so let's see if we can get that to click.

I set that 220.

Nope still not enough. Five.

Oh, yeah. There we go.

There's some weirdness as well. the far clip here is, you might

have seen something like this in a video game, where

if you're trying to look far of into the distance.

You'll notice that it doesn't render like distant objects, very well

or they kinda pop into the world all of the sudden.

That's basically all that's happening is the

far renderer distance is just quite far enough.

Of course, the larger that range is the more processing power

you need to render the scene.

You know, there could be a lot more

geometry that having to be rendered onto the GPU.

It's that might be something to

cut, if you have various performance considerations.

So now we're setting the position of the camera so once again, we have the camera.

Which we created as a new three.js perspective

camera and then we can go ahead and set it's properties so if we go down

here, it should be positioned somewhere.

Oh boy, doesn't quite look like it.


hm. Actually, you know what, I bet that's just

a property for all objects in three.js.

This might be [NOISE] yeah, position. Let's see

if I can search for that. [NOISE] let's do this,

[NOISE] cameras [NOISE], object 3D, there it is,

there it is, okay. So, position is what's called a Vector3.

It's three float values, which are just the

x, y, and z coordinates of a particular object.

so, you can set this for any 3D object in three.js.


camera inherits from Object3D and that's basically how

we're getting that Vector3 there. So we set that to

X, Y and Z, 0, 6, 0 and then, we add the camera to the scene.

So let me get back to my example there. There we go.

Now, here is an interesting bit of code.

What happens if we resize the browser window?

Well, a couple things have to happen.

First, we need to add an event listener to the window to listen for resizes.

So, when I resize the browser, it's

actually fairly expensive, computationally, to do that.

Because now I have to re-set width and height, right?

I also have to have an event listener to watch for any time the browser is resized.

And then I need to set the size of the render again.

Remember we did that earlier.

We need to change the aspect ratio of the camera, so camera.aspect.

And then we need to update the projection matrix

by camera. What does that mean?

Let's look.

We'll go to camera, update projection matrix

so it says this updates the camera projection matrix, very descriptive.

Must be called after a change of parameters.

So basically any time you're going to adjust something like the aspect

ratio or the field of view or really any other camera parameters.

You need to call this function updateProjectionMatrix

so that's, things like this don't happen.

You can see how I'm adjusting the aspect ratio

and it's kind of warping and stretching my view here.

So let's turn that back on.

Boom, there we go.

Now, renderer.setClearColorHex

sets the background color of the scene and it accepts two arguments here: a hex

decimal color and I think that's alpha. Let's try that.


Yeah I think that's the alpha channel.

So if I set that to like 0.5 or some other float value it'll be slightly transparent.

But that's just setting

the background color of the renderer. Pretty simple there.

If you're familiar with hex decimal colors in CSS this is the same thing.

You just have to add 0x to the front of it.

Next, we need to create lighting. So, lets go ahead and delete this light.

See what that looks like.

This is what this 3D world looks like when there is no light.

It's completely dark and it can't see any kind of color or

really anything about this model other than a shape and a background.


first, we create a light and the type of light

we are gonna create, in this case, is a point light.

And then we set the color of that light so again, let's

look at the documentation go to lights there is point light.

And pretty much just as we're doing in this example is

what they're doing here. It's takes a hex decimal color, a numeric

value, the RGB component of the color, intensity, numeric value of the lights and

strength or intensity, and then distance.

So we're just setting the color here, these other arguments are optional.

And then we're setting the position to X, Y and

Z again this is Vector3 to negative 100, 200, and 100.

And then we add light to the scene, that's it.

It's, it's pretty simple,

and that's what gives us our lighting.

So, if we were to change this to something else.

Let's see, this is probably going to look really ugly.

Trying to get color here. There we go.

Something like bright red, no green, and kind of a

medium amount of blue which is this purplish color.

It will cast that color lighting onto the model.

But I'm just going to set that back to

white, and that will give us our, our color back.

So now, we need to load our mesh into the scene.

Here we're using the JSONLoader or JavaScript object notation loader.

There's a couple of different loaders in three.js.


go to, yep, there we go, the


so you have to create the loader.

And then you have to tell the loader that you actually want to load the geometry.

So let's split out these arguments so that we can read them a little bit better.


Right, there we go.


I'm passing in two things here.

One, is the URL. So a mash in three.js

is just a URL just like you might include a CSS file or

a JavaScript file. You go ahead and say this mash is

in models its called treehouse_logo.js pretty straightforward stuff.

The next is a callback. And it

says this function will be called, with the loaded model, as an instance

of geometry, when the load is completed. And

then inside of this, I'm saying, I want to load

THREE.MeshLambertMaterial so, let's look at that.

And, basically all that's doing is just setting a color.

So, I load the material.

I say, I just wants, this basic diffuse color of 55B663.

So, that's just a hexadecimal color and that's green in this case.

I'm just saying I want this mesh to be green I don't have any other

you know, textures I want to apply.

So for example you could apply texture maps, environment

maps, reflectivity, all sorts of shaders, surface novas, etc.

We're not gonna do any of that. Then,

I say okay, that's the mesh that I wanna add.

We create the mesh and then we add it to the scene.

So, little bit complex there, but

if you look at the basic formatting there, there's actually not a whole lot going on

or just loading in the model and floating in the material.

So then we add the orbit controls and huh, I

really thought that orbit controls were part of three.js.

So I guess this is just, yeah, it's just extending

that particular name space and adding orbitControls.


it's, there we go. So the OrbitControls take

two arguments here, takes the camera then it takes the renderer.

And that will just allows us to tie basic mouse

you know, just the basic click and drag functionality.

Zooming in and out with the mouse wheel and allows to

kind of, move around our our mesh a little bit more easily.

So, all that stuff we went over is the initialization function.

It gets called right here.

Next is the animate function.

Which is here and there's three things happening.

First recalling requestAnimationFrame, animate, what is that?


Paul Irish wrote this wonderful blog

post About requestAnimationFrame and it says, in

your animation work you've used a timer

loop to make changes every few milliseconds.

Browser vendors decided hey, why don't we just give you an

API for that because we can probably optimize some things for you.

So the browsers always going to be faster then

any kind of JavaScript code that you're gonna write.

So all it is, is a basic API for you to use with animation.

So that could be changes you make to the DOM.

So styling changes could be something on a canvas.

It could be something that's happening in WebGL.

But if we just call that there anytime something changes it

will go ahead and be a little more efficient then what

we would otherwise code.

So that's just a straight up API coded browser.

Then we go ahead and render the scene.

So, we make a call to the renderer. So, remember

that is a variable that we created outside the scope of both those functions.

And then we say render the scene and a camera.

Let's go back to the documentation here and let me see

if we can pull that up. There

we go.

So, we have the WebGLRenderer here and we make a call

to the function renderer. Let's see, if

I can find it. There we go.

And the renderer, again, we're using here is the WebGLRenderer.

And we give it a scene and a camera. So,

it created that scene and we created our camera in the scene and that

will go ahead and build it out anytime you need to animate something.

And then, we also need

to call controls update. So, that's a function call here.

Lets see.

[SOUND] Oops,

controls. Deletes, I can't find it.

It's somewhere in there, I promise.

Anyway, we update the controls and that's pretty much it.

That's kind of a basic three.js scene, and you end up

with something that looks like this. Now, there's a slight problem

with just downloading this code and viewing it in your browser.

So, if I try to this,

so I just have the code I downloaded, right?

And I just opened this file in Google Chrome.

It doesn't look like anything is happening, you know, there is absolutely

nothing being rendered here. The problem is that

you have to kind of setup your local environment to be actually

running a server.

So, in this blog post, I, I said DOMScript has a security feature

called the same origin policy and you can read all about that in Wikipedia.

Basically, all it is, is just a security feature of JavaScript.

That means you can't load externally hosted files inside your JavaScript code

and the problem with that in three.js is right here.

Where is it? There we go.

Right here.

We're doing exactly that, we're trying to

call another piece of JavaScript inside of our,

our file, right? So you can't do that, you have to have the

same origin and we don't have the same origin on a local file server.

So you need to go ahead and actually

create this yourself or start running a simple server.

I like to use a Python server, when I'm doing local development work like that.

So if you have Python installed in your computer You can just go

ahead and type python with m argument

SimpleHTTPServer and then you specify port number.

And that will go ahead and start up, just a simple HTTP

server. So you go to localhost:800

and then you can navigate to whatever folder your project is stored in.

So, it will go ahead and list out the directory here.

I can click there and it will load up my project, because now

we've circumvented that same origin issue.

This isn't really a problem when you upload to

a real server, but it can be a bit puzzling

if you're just starting out and you try to

download the project and nothing is appearing in the browser.

I think there's one more thing, I wanna look at first here and then

we can take some questions. Lets see.

I have a Chrome extension

installed. See if I can find that.

Yes, the WebGL Inspector.

I go ahead. [SOUND] And load up the page for

that. [SOUND]

So, this is just a, a debugging tool that can help you kind

of dig into WebGL scenes, so

not a great screen shot of it. But they'll also kind

of give you a hint as to whether or not there's a WebGL context being loaded up

So I'm just going to click on these little controls it gives here.

And, I can see, if any kind of textures are being, being loaded up.

Not in this case.

And you can

look at other bits of information here. Let me look at a more complex scene here,

just to show This is a bit more detailed. And lets go to

three.js and lets go back to our car example.

There we go.


oh, doesn't always work perfectly.


There we go.

And you can kind of start to see how

some of these things are broken out into various textures.

Looks like a lot of these textures are just to, to load up the, the room.

Let's see if I can refresh there.

Remove that. Well, I broke it.


Well, it looks like a good place to stop and, take some questions here.

Jason asks, any thoughts on using 3D

like this as progressive, as a progressive enhancement?

So progressive enhancement is basically where you have

kind of more of a basic look to your

site or you know, you're using more basic technologies.

And maybe, you know, more advanced

technologies aren't necessarily supported in a browser.

I'm explaining that really badly.

[LAUGH] but yeah, you can definitely use this as a form of progressive enhancement.

So, for example, If you were looking at maybe a 2D picture

of like a product and you wanted a more enhanced

version of that for browser supported 3D. You could ahead and, and certainly

do that maybe swap it out or detect whether or not WebGL is

enabled in a, in that person's browser. And if it is, go ahead and

just swap out the image and load up your 3D context.

Nick asks have you seen Epic Games is

doing with the unreal engine in the browser?

Do you think we'll see that sort of

tech applied to non-gaming web content in the future?


Let me go ahead and show you

in Firefox here. Let's see,

what am I looking for? Firefox

unreal engine. Here we go.

This is probably gonna take just a second to load up

here, cuz there's a lot of geometry and textures is to download.

Let's hear what that question was again.

Have you seen what Epic Games is doing with the unreal engine browser?

Do you think we'll see that sort of

tech applied to non-gaming content in the future?

Possibly. So, oh gosh this website is

dumped into use more than 50 megabytes of data on your computer for offline use.

Yes that's fine.

There we go. So let's, let's make this bigger.

So, this is a pretty impressive tech demo from Mozilla and

we are using the, the unreal engine.

It's, it, I think it only works in Firefox.

Actually, I tried in Google Chrome and it seemed to work okay.

But they're using all sorts of fancy effects here.

So for example if you look at, like,

this brick texture here, you see how they're applying lighting to the

the bricks and they kinda look sort of 3D-ish.

That's using an effect called normal mapping.

So they have

normal maps, bump maps, and a diffusion map to kind of

model a lot of the geometry that, you know, would

be fairly expensive to model with with triangles.

So, instead, they are just doing with with texture maps.

Whether or not, we'll see type of technology applied to non-gaming

contexts and I'm not sure, I mean that's something

that's kinda interesting about the 3D right

now is it's really Pretty open ended.

I think a lot of people wanted this technology for a long

time and now that, can I get a rid of this tutorial?

There you go.

And now what we have it's, it's kind of this alien in the browser,

I guess you could say.

It's hard to, really find a real application for this.

I mean it's certainly cool, ya know, and it will certainly, you

know look impressive on a resume. [COUGH]

But, there we go, there's a nice view of the castle.

I think this type of thing is going to be useful for products.

I, I think, you know, if you have a high priced product, like

you know a a car or a phone. Or some other consumer

electronic that may involve more of a purchasing

decision, where somebody really needs to think about that's actually

worth their money, then it totally makes

sense. Because it can be difficult to

try before you buy in some instances, so it'd be nice to kinda have, you know, a 3D

model that you can turn around in the browser and look at, and interact with.

That's important part of this is that it's, it's all interactive.

So you could you know have that model of a

car and have the car door open up, you could

go inside the car, you could look at all the

dials and gauges, kind of click on all of the buttons.

You could even take that car for a test drive in the

browser and kind of you know, drive it around this imaginary course.

There's all sorts of stuff you could do.

And I think that's really where 3D in the browser

will start to make a little bit more sense, or see more practical use.

But, like I said, people are building games with this.

So, I mean, the Unreal Engine, or at least Unreal Engine3

here has been ported over. And there's also Artillery games,

which are, let's see, so, they're a company, they're trying

to build, you know, this game engine in in the browser.

You know, they're building this real-time strategy game.


I guess they're planning to open source all these

tools or make this kind of stuff available to developers.

They are using WebGL they are not however,

using three.js, at least I don't think they are.

They're billing their own, rendering engine

which is ambitious, but kind of neat.

So last question, is there a parameter to control the camera's focus.

That's interesting.

So probably. I'm sure that you could

if you maybe wanted to do sort of a depth of field type effect.

C. Da-da-daa.

I can

find that. There we

go. yes, so setLens, you can

set the focal length and you can set

the frame size. Actually want to try that right now.

Let's see if we can [SOUND] make that hop up or make that work.

This is just a

tutorial for 35 millimeter lenses and not terribly

useful. So focal length.

This is focal length in millimeters, okay? To estimate and

set fieldOfView, 35mm.

Full frame camera is used if frame size is not specified.

This may or may not do what we want, but lets just try it out anyway.

See what happens. Oops.


Right up here where we are setting up camera parameters.

Let's say camera.

hm, what was the? Lens okay, set.

Ooh, how is that working? Perspective camera yeah.


I'm just gonna see if this, this does something.

Save that.



Wow, that's, that's definitely having some kind of effect, isn't it?


Well, I think the lesson here is that I don't really know

a whole lot about focal lines, and, I should've read that tutorial.

All right, well, that's,um, [LAUGH] that's pretty

much all we're gonna get into today.

I am Nick Pettit.

My Twitter handle is @nickrp We do these every Tuesday at 2 p.m.,

So hopefully I will see you next week.

For more infomation >> Workshop 3D in the Browser - Duration: 1:04:07.


Minecraft Speed Art / [#3] /Flasher / Revamp - Duration: 3:50.



For more infomation >> Minecraft Speed Art / [#3] /Flasher / Revamp - Duration: 3:50.


Visual social media content ideas you should be using - Duration: 5:05.

- Hey, it's Marley with Marley Baird Media.

Today we're talking about new visual content ideas

that you should be using on social media.

(upbeat music)

Putting up ordinary images and videos

on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

is just not enough to cut it these days.

According to Facebook, there are more than 1500

content pieces competing in your news feed,

and the average person can only see about 20%.

Thanks, algorithm.

This means that it doesn't matter

whether people liked your page.

Only relevant and great content

can be seen by your customers.

With this in mind, there are three

general characteristics of shareable and viral content:

thumb-stopping power,

a compelling story,

or business goal oriented content.

Before you post anything,

there are many things you need to consider,

and you can click on my link below

to download my free ultimate content

share-worthiness checklist to understand what

great creative content is on social media.

Creating great visual content is easy

if you use this checklist as your basis for

deciding on what to create or curate.

On the other hand, here are some new

visually appealing content ideas

that you should start posting.

Ditch those flat images or long-ass videos

and aim for amazing content, like this.


These are animated digital artworks.

Think of them as flat images with motion and depth.

They're eye-catching materials

that have great engagement with the user.

I'll tell you, the first time I saw one,

I was fascinated, 'cause I was like,

whoa, how did you do that?

Many brands have started to use cinemagraphs

in lieu of just pictures and images

for their key visuals.

They're easy to develop using video editing tools

such as Adobe Premiere.

Or there are also lots of apps

that you can download on your phone.

I made this one using Flixel.

You can use existing videos and marketing materials

to develop your own.

Be creative in the use of motion and movement.

Try playing with the speed of objects or moving parts.


These are one of my favorite to use.

I use them in texts, I use them on Twitter,

I use them on Facebook.

They're so fun to use.

GIF, or graphical interchange formats,

are a bitmap image that have simple animations

from stitching images together.

Although they've been here since the dawn of the Internet,

they're making a quick comeback

with the advent of social media.

GIFs can be created by taking multiple shots

or editing videos.

There are also GIF makers available online for free.

For Facebook, you need a third party host,

such as Giphy to hold it,

and Twitter can natively hold GIFs.

Facebook Carousel, Slideshow, and Canvas.

Facebook is still king of social media.

With the continued growth of Facebook usage

over the past years, brands have been flocking

to create their presence on Facebook.

In return, Facebook has created several creative tools

to help brands capture their audiences' hearts.

These formats are fun to play with

and are excellent to tell a story

in which your customers could be a part of.

Carousel is a Facebook and Instagram tool

that allows you to showcase up to 10 images and links

to a specific area of your website.

They're great for engagement

since they use the combination of imagery,

videos, or cinemagraphs to capture your audiences' eyes.

Slideshows are stitched up flat images

together in one post.

You can create slideshows using Facebook's native API.

They're also a great way to highlight lots of images

in one post without fatigue.

You can also control how fast each image

will flash to your audience.

Facebook Canvas, on the other hand,

is an immersive mobile experience

that helps you tell stories.

Think of it as a standalone website on Facebook Mobile,

wherein you can build modules that combines videos,

carousels, buttons for sale, et cetera.

They're amazing for crafting awesome

stories for your audience

and highlighting products.

You can also place buttons for ordering

and more information.

A call to action is very high on Facebook Canvas,

due to its visual delight.

Going live.

Facebook Live, my favorite!

Social media platforms have started unraveling

live video formats in their arsenals.

With the release of Periscope and Facebook Live,

users can now launch live videos.

Use this to your advantage.

Post live videos of events, behind the scenes,

what you're doing.

Instead of just posting videos,

rehearse a live video and create materials

that can go live with you.

It's also ranked higher on the algorithm,

so more people will see it.

It's a great way for raising awareness

and encouraging engagement.

Be experimental and play with

the content that you're posting.

Don't just settle for flat images and videos.

Use these new visual content ideas

to engage your audiences.

To understand what makes great content,

you can click on the link below

to check on my free ultimate content

share-worthiness checklist.

And if you don't know where to source that great content,

you can check out my free guide

on content curation for Facebook and Instagram.

This will help you to easily look,

post, and manage curated content

that will propel your social media marketing

to new levels.

For other great tips and tricks on social media marketing,

click here to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Visual social media content ideas you should be using - Duration: 5:05.


Mirjami @ Jammin Sud Club / Atena Lucana / Italy - Duration: 3:15.

It's Very Cold Here!

it's snowing (raining)

and here is our driver..

Say HI

to the camera


ou Fuck!

For more infomation >> Mirjami @ Jammin Sud Club / Atena Lucana / Italy - Duration: 3:15.


Trump To Chicago: Fix The Carnage, Or Face The Feds - Duration: 2:03.



















































For more infomation >> Trump To Chicago: Fix The Carnage, Or Face The Feds - Duration: 2:03.


Parasites Treatment- How to Get Rid of Parasites Naturally - Duration: 4:53.

How to to Get Rid of Parasites

Parasites that cause infectious diseases in humans include helminths, ecotoparasites and protozoa.

Infestation of intestinal worms can cause symptoms such as

abdominal pain, itching in the anal or vaginal area, weight loss, fatigue, anemia,

sore muscles, and dehydration.

To get rid of this problem for good, make use of these natural techniques that work.

1. Papaya

What will you need:

1 tablespoon of papaya seeds.

1 cup of warm milk.

Preparation and Usage:

Grind papaya seeds until powdery.

Add powder to milk.

Drink this concoction before eating anything in the morning.

Repeat everyday for three days.

2. Coconut

What will you need:

1 tablespoon of crushed coconut.

1 glass of warm milk.

2 tablespoons of castor oil.

Preparation and Usage:

Eat coconut in the morning.

Combine milk and castor oil.

Drink milk mixture three hours after eating coconut.

Do this everyday until symptoms disappear.

People who have gastrointestinal problems should not use this remedy.

3. Carom Seeds

What will you need:

1 tablespoon of jaggery.

1/2 teaspoon of crush carom seeds.

1 glass of water.

Preparation and Usage:

Eat jaggery on an empty stomach.

After 15 minutes, chew on some carom seeds.

Drink water.

Repeat remedy everyday for two weeks.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

What will you need:

2 tablespoons of crushed pumpkin seeds.

3 cups of hot water.

Preparation and Usage:

Add pumpkin seeds to water.

Wait for 30 minutes before drinking.

Drink this on an empty stomach every morning for one week.

5. Pomegranate Juice

Recommended Directions:

Drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily in the morning.

Do this everyday for one to two weeks.

6. Turmeric

Recommended Directions:

Add turmeric powder and salt to water.

Mix well.

Drink concoction once a day for five days.

7. Carrots

Recommended Directions:

Grate carrot.

Add grated carrot to a glass of warm milk.

Drink mixture three times a day for three to four weeks.

For more infomation >> Parasites Treatment- How to Get Rid of Parasites Naturally - Duration: 4:53.


Learn colors - Color Cars Transportation in Spiderman Cartoon with Nyrsery Rhymes Songs for Kids ! - Duration: 9:59.

Learn colors - Color Cars Transportation in Spiderman Cartoon with Nyrsery Rhymes Songs for Kids !

For more infomation >> Learn colors - Color Cars Transportation in Spiderman Cartoon with Nyrsery Rhymes Songs for Kids ! - Duration: 9:59.


Every Single Day - Jamie McLaren, Assistant Asset Engineer for Structures Scotland - Duration: 1:48.

Hi my name is Jamie McLaren, and I am the Assistant Asset Engineer for Structures in Scotland.

On a day to day basis, I'm based out here at the Forth Bridge.

My duties include evaluating examination reports for the bridge done by contractors, specifying

work for the bridge, looking at long term strategies as well as urgent repairs, just

everything repair-wise on the bridge.

The bridge is a vital link in the UK rail network, as well as linking Edinburgh to Dundee and Glasgow,

it's also very popular with commuters to Edinburgh as well.

The Forth Bridge carries thousands of people into Edinburgh every day.

Having world heritage is something I'm very proud of, we gained world heritage just after

I started in the role, and it certainly made me feel a little more pride working here,

doing what we do.

I'm still learning about the bridge every day, there's parts of the bridge I'm finding

that I didn't know were there.

I'm also looking over examination reports for the bridge that are hundreds of pages

long, whereas on a normal, everyday bridge you'd maybe be looking at six pages worth

of detail.

Every single day, we have our contractors out, carrying out steel repairs, painting

and removing redundant assets that have been there for years but no longer get used.

We have an annual maintenance contract worth around £1 million per year.

The work never stops. it carries on, maintenance contract after maintenance contract.

For more infomation >> Every Single Day - Jamie McLaren, Assistant Asset Engineer for Structures Scotland - Duration: 1:48.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Freely Tomorrow" (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 2:47.

My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories

The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips

From far away, I was looking at your sad face

There's the same as the tears from the sky, the large raindrops started to overflow

You felt my eyes suddenly, you held your breath

My very cold hands touched you on the cheeks when you were bewildered

The things I'd forgotten being enveloped by the bustle,

Warmth and tenderness were running through my body

My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories

The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips

If we lift our face and smile, that will become a magic to recover our beaming faces

Heart Knock Knock Knock

Mystery Trick Trick Trick

We can be reborn Freely Tomorrow

My whole mind, my whole body, all of them are the illusions in my memories

The real affection started to flow out of my fingertips

If we lift our face and smile, that will become a magic to recover our beaming faces

Heart Knock Knock Knock

Mystery Trick Trick Trick

We can be reborn Freely Tomorrow

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Freely Tomorrow" (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 2:47.


Elderly Woman Lifted Out of Home in Bathtub During Tornado - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Elderly Woman Lifted Out of Home in Bathtub During Tornado - Duration: 2:55.


How to draw a Panther - Duration: 3:41.

How to draw a Panther

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