Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

[Un gato maúlla]

Todo el mundo sueña con un futuro brillante, un futuro de energía renovable.

Un futuro en el que toda nuestra energía se derive de fuentes ilimitadas, limpias y gratuitas como el viento y el sol.

Bien, ese futuro está aquí.

Nuestro planeta absorbe tanta energía de la luz que llega a la superficie de la tierra que en menos de dos horas

aporta suficiente energía para hacer funcionar el mundo en su totalidad durante un año.

Y hay más energía limpia soplando por todo el planeta.

Una turbina eólica grande puede convertir el viento en energía, suministrando electricidad a más de 2000 hogares.

Pero, esto es caro, ¿cierto? No, esa idea está anticuada.

Durante los pasados seis años, el costo de los paneles solares se ha reducido en un 80 por ciento,

y el costo de las turbinas eólicas se ha reducido un 30 por ciento.

El costo promedio de la energía de nuevas plantas eólicas y solares suele ser más barato que la energía de las nuevas plantas de carbón y nucleares,

en ocasiones en hasta un 40 por ciento, y esto significa electricidad más económica para todos nosotros.

Pero, si no hay viento o sol, entonces no habrá electricidad,

¿cierto? No, esa manera de pensar está obsoleta.

Un mejor pronóstico del tiempo nos permite saber cuándo y dónde podemos contar con el viento y el sol,

y mientras más y más fuentes de energía renovables se agreguen a la red eléctrica,

más energía renovable existirá para redirigirla y diseminarla.

Siempre hay plantas solares y eólicas funcionando en alguna parte.

También podemos almacenar energía en baterías tradicionales

o en tecnologías novedosas y emergentes que puedan ser más baratas y almacenar más energía durante más tiempo.

De ese modo siempre podemos tenerla cuando la necesitemos.

Así que… ¡Bienvenidos al futuro!

La energía ilimitada y limpia del sol y el viento ya están aquí.

Es bueno para el planeta, para ti y para nuestro futuro.

For more infomation >> Las aventuras del gato de la energía - Duration: 2:41.


Простой декор свечи/Свеча со снежинками/Свечи своими руками/Декор свечи/Своими руками/DIY - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Простой декор свечи/Свеча со снежинками/Свечи своими руками/Декор свечи/Своими руками/DIY - Duration: 1:15.


Check Out Mind Field

For more infomation >> Check Out Mind Field


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Koenigsegg Regera Price $2 million - Duration: 1:13.

Koenigsegg Regera -- $2 million

Koenigsegg Regera -- $2 million

For more infomation >> Koenigsegg Regera Price $2 million - Duration: 1:13.


Victoria Beckham's Lastest Snap On Instagram A Dig At Her Former Band Mates! - Duration: 1:12.

Victoria Beckham's 'V' snap is doing rounds on the internet as fans claim that

she posted the picture to throw shades at her former band Spice Girls members.

Wearing a blue shirt from her AW17 collection and baggy style front pleated pants she sat

on a cream settee 'flicking the V' through her right hand fingers.

The 42 year old usually used to pose in the similar manner during her girl band days.

The snap was posted after she and Mel C, declined to reunite with the Spice Girls to celebrate

the group's 20th anniversary, with the remaining trio deciding to continue without them rebranding

as GEM - an acronym of their first names.

Do you feel Victoria should reunite with her bandmates?

Share your views by commenting below.

For more infomation >> Victoria Beckham's Lastest Snap On Instagram A Dig At Her Former Band Mates! - Duration: 1:12.


Choli Saree Blouse Designer IndusDiva Saree Blouse Designer in amazon shopping online Clothing - Duration: 0:42.

choli saree blouse designer

amazon shopping online clothing and dresses

For more infomation >> Choli Saree Blouse Designer IndusDiva Saree Blouse Designer in amazon shopping online Clothing - Duration: 0:42.


NUGGETS DE QUINOA #8 nuggets veganos - Duration: 2:03.

1 cup quinoa

300 ml water

2 1/2 tatblespoons of nutritional yeast

1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon of salt

3 tablespoons of potato starch / substitution: tapioca flour


For more infomation >> NUGGETS DE QUINOA #8 nuggets veganos - Duration: 2:03.


МУЛЬТИКИ ДЛЯ САМЫХ МАЛЕНЬКИХ🚖Мультики развивающие для детей от 3 лет до 5 лет Про машинки мультики - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> МУЛЬТИКИ ДЛЯ САМЫХ МАЛЕНЬКИХ🚖Мультики развивающие для детей от 3 лет до 5 лет Про машинки мультики - Duration: 8:09.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


►নায়িকা আচল স্পেশাল কালেকশন।ঢালিউড সিনেমার নায়িকা। - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> ►নায়িকা আচল স্পেশাল কালেকশন।ঢালিউড সিনেমার নায়িকা। - Duration: 1:06.


Best Handcuffs Ever?

For more infomation >> Best Handcuffs Ever?


Love VSauce?

For more infomation >> Love VSauce?


Sympozjum Oblicza dumy Polaków cz.I - Duration: 59:05.

For more infomation >> Sympozjum Oblicza dumy Polaków cz.I - Duration: 59:05.


Yasuhisa Toyota fortæller om akustikken i Koncertsalen - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Yasuhisa Toyota fortæller om akustikken i Koncertsalen - Duration: 5:24.


Outlast: Comic Book Issue #2 (Readed) | "I DON'T EAT WHERE I HUNT" - Duration: 22:05.

hey welcome everybody my name is Seleniar

and this is outlets the comic book issue

2 i'm in part to everybody said we call

it the different

well part 2 let's say well the community

the part 1 i'll let you a link so you

can go in see the first part

well I want to do here i want to read it

so actually I don't want to capture the

course sake I should be good I hope

well alright so out let the microphone

accounts part to you have this to get

here look at Chris Walker he so damn


oh ok we read this before the kids

should be in every comic at first to the

second page but ok

wait alright so we operate the infection

that is remarkably aggressive if you

don't address it immediately he could

lose his vision and likely some drinks

function sure I can do you can just wait

you want to see hold on

how long would I be unconscious 24 hours

on the full sedation probably another 36

of heavy pain medication that soft top

36 hours did you say he let me check


okay i don't mind losing some brain

function if it takes memories with it as

good but first I finish my start

look look at his face look at this face

look at this I is so down up

so Michael rehabilitation center

nothing left but gristle and bone help

you enjoyed it

we were under the impression you're

going to tell us about Waylon Park how

he got to peacock when park is the main

character in outlast whistleblower right

i think so

seven peacock of course can i ask how

high your security clearance pretty high

we both of our grade

what should we use saying if I said his


ribbon ribbon excuse me

ah nevermind some peacock is that when

Empire story gets us back to mount

massive what did she wanted with Eska

more ribbon with he did I miss something

in the first part that you already know

ok so this is a a non-muslim employee

this should be wayland is Waylan there

we with we did this right just after

everything ended

or did we I don't know I right into port

security neglect at the Mount massive

charitable Hospital mouth message called

cost-cutting and profit have taken

precedence over safety in a manner which

in dangers often patients both it hard

to imagine conditions continuing in such

a state without the tension from OC h8

as both physical and digital security

measures have been stripped from the

facility's staff has been required to

dot dot dot and it ends

maybe he died by the while writing well

well he sent the message just before to

happen and I never seen private message

complaint human resources about safety

conditions in the hospital

Mary and I was sent to find any

potentially the biggest religious

Avengers dangerous or they turned out to

be false claims official Mike Rawlings

see protect any employee filling a


unofficially policy extreme pretty nice

presents then my English is not native

one so restored quickly will get breathe

you don't mean killed do not often

sherry nation usually do the trick

not often Oh what do you mean not often

Markov HR for the team and that talk

about all ch4 sha tha I don't know but

to ensure litigation I know a fieldset

where you want the filtrates are my hole

and oh ok all-star looking through the

log but whoever posted a complaint had

covered their tracks

I got curious about what Michaels was so

intent on hiding i'm going to have a

look around and ok she got scanned and

then uses her clear sky and thing 122

feet down

she's just oh yeah interesting on my

right Chris Walker you see this so it is

looking at ya at the class

the regular jenny blair executive vice

president of global puts project

development and your polling click

insurance Education Department don't

stop stop i don't remember us being

introduced you all have been doing some

interesting always I tried to stay

working for so guys you want to have

been doing some interesting work here

when we drop this guy off two months ago

he was human

yes human not so precise determines it

used to be where your partner he doesn't

have the clearance to be down here

you're going to want to make sure you

understand then how important it is

we weed weed out any employees who

aren't just relax Billy ok so

Oh Billy been so this is the chamber 122

feet down

I'm i remember true believers see

anything interesting

normal Hospital stuff that's hard i say

we start with IT thank you well and I

let you know as soon as we're done

thanks for taking the time mrs. half how

soon are you expecting

she's just gross click you never asked

it's okay i'm six months along

you had about a question about on the

email system email with sensor or not

honorbound to several and indexes 7 i'm

sure you can imagine my crafts rigors

setting digital security anybody with

access to the Deep Web deep work

alright deep web resources would have to

be from corporate who runs corporate for

mount massive I thought with the head of

biz dev development week treasure

fragment so I forgot hope how you spell


damn it hey I'm happy to help I'm a team

player I want you guys on Team Rick you

guys want coffee or some kind of fancy

walk drink against it because i'm

returning on my mother's side i'm going

to have a coffee

yeah they need to be a body and bring us

some coffee

Thank this a trigger right trigger

is this the guy who cut our fingers


human but its complaint IT saying I it

would have to come from corporate

corporate from the lighting corpus also

those of course because the corporation

is the body and any weaknesses i wanted

body that must be sponge that off this

was a really nonsense which you you said

just waste your time and change the


cauterized if necessary I couldn't agree


well you certainly look like you know

how to care of your body how to take

care of it

yep XD on topic of course let me ask you

this how anybody in my department make

money sending bugly tricking emails

about my department performing poorly

how much you cut the security budget and

nothing that is thanks to our security I

mean don't get me wrong I never metadata

I don't like my job is minimizing

expense i'm sure you can you too can

relate grow more

she said don't we resolve this guy's

face is too much just like shit but

sometimes you gotta make cuts i create

cuts nice trade sometimes he you you

gotta make cuts

Jesus great i create efficiencies that

makes us all suffer security changes

with the time is money will always be

money in this guy's 30 is hopeful shit

and and hopeful you know the game there

damn our coffee thank you dear

he's taking this well what I'm not

thinking pregnant

I'm sorry I'm oh god damn it mr. Traeger

forgive me for being forward but I've

never been to this part of colorado

before and I love somebody to show me

around to saying you have dinner with me


look at that face

look at that face

I put up with that smug ass off for

three courses in a bottle of wine

oh and that he said buddy don't go to

medical school doctors on the wrong side

of litigation of course he was right

I've stood more before you find invited

me back to his place

I turned down cocaine so he offers me a

scotch is an I'll a 27 years old a gift

from the head of my cock of global human


how many fingers


you mentioned you have a wine cellar I

wouldn't mind something red

finally I bought myself a chance to


I thought he is internet password is 30

of his coke stash

oh he's the magazine and the conflict

for an abortion clinic a man is a


a shadow gebo 1153 Aldric delivers every


can I ask if you have a girlfriend 20

minutes go by and he never makes away

I'm afraid not i'm a team of one that

they say 30 minutes go by never he never

makes a move I think he was getting off

just hearing myself talk himself and

then I recognize that better under taste

son-of-a-bitch been gone out and shot

him ended will shut it you want to

finish my drink for me honey

mmm coffee no really

and in the water wind drink it or lose

your balls

I don't care moon now sleep

what is it that following the ring my

parent calling hold on I need you to

pick me up

who me holy shit are you okay I'm gonna

be after i take some cocaine

because i like it so much this is not in

the script ok I'm great and that asshole

slipping and don't worry about it in my

phone this abortion clinic password so

let's go talk to the pregnant lady and

tell you all about it in the car

ding-dong ding-dong

how do i read this thing i see i saw

that lady once hmm

you're the leak aren't you the baby's

triggers he said he'd have me fired if i

didn't get involved with get rid of it

and if I tell anybody at michaels once

what he's doing

I'm breaking my non-disclosure agreement

so I get fired

I don't have any savings i can't afford

a baby if I don't have this job I needed

some way he would get fired or

transferred I just I just and now human

resources so they are the statement i

don't know i think it's fire everybody

make make it clear but Mary always was a

cream puff

she were we worked out a severance

package from michelle in exchange for

herself system when inquired temporarily

took her position

I don't even know why I'm wearing the

headphones because I don't fucking that

sound but i just realized this after

like 15 minutes of talk of reading and

she told them everything human resources

shredded all record but I like to keep

my headphones on day at the milk they

make me feel better human

oh my god ok

thats is not looking good destroy her

security clearance she was done which

I'd count as a blessing will have her

baby lying bitches all of them

you too late Rick they know everything

you can't prove anything

you can't and he's saying go into the

scissors and you don't have proof and

this is it goes into her belly

ok and now click save her from him and

tries to kill Emma and stabbing

everybody and and the glam slam dunk

oh shit ok and we take the scissors and

here he's here goes into the shredder

and yes he's here goes by is gone three

right you got correct

I think it's good to find moments of

pledging or what

what about the baby yeah there's the rub

together stabilizing to her to a real

Hospital down the hospital she's not


never would and mouth we get to know


it was a sec world romatic pregnant and

she was not she wasn't the only one

okay so she feels like she's pregnant

but she's not one in three women the

mouth massive security was distressing

fountain centers of finance your side

effect of the experiments in the

basement of course it's obviously a huge

education with every woman this facility

would have grounds for most

million-dollar suit

we have to shut it down and not around

until let me interrupt you

SQL robot what could you excuse us

Marion Marione we have to discuss

something about your clear wife always


Jeremy players showed me the projected

profits for project waterway it was


yeah okay

phenomenal lips all female employees

were assigned to other facilities the

experiment continues I was the last

month the building there was one last

thing I had to see before i left

oh my god and now it's not my fault

don't put me and you can't you come you

can't i'm a Markov executive and one of

you please i'm not a bad god it's not my

fold their soft yet you're going to that

of course it's not your fault week

you're not evil

you're sick and we're going to make you


oh and now the world is creating itself

but it's not it's not Billy two-week

very confused

I mean I cannot compare to the game with

the the comic no well you have anything

that you can explain me better just

leave me in the comments below

you're very good at your job think

everything with me tonight

no I don't eat where I hunt

yep yep and book too

to be continued in outlast the mark of

account part3 out this operation

decision that was all right reserved

well it's 2017 now maybe 2018 maybe 20

20 20 20 20

sounds good well thank you guys for

watching and see you in the next video

don't forget to give this video a like

share it so others can the see the soy

and their don't have to read it

themselves because everyone is lazy so

that's why I'm doing it

please subscribe to my channel recommend

others and check out my other videos so

see you in the next video bar Oh

For more infomation >> Outlast: Comic Book Issue #2 (Readed) | "I DON'T EAT WHERE I HUNT" - Duration: 22:05.


I am a performer at heart - Duration: 1:36.

I guess the way that I used to cope with it before doing the hearts is just

connected to the hearts in the sense that it's a performance. And handing out a

heart is a performance, and I've always been a performer. Like, ever since I was

a small child, I've always wanted to perform, you know, perform for people,

like dance and sing and make people laugh. Like, it's very natural for me to smile in

a way of, like, getting other people to smile with me, you know. Because it's

not...sometimes I'll like smile and I'll be like, "Let's smile

together," you know, for whatever. And I used to do that as a kid a lot.

I used to, like, stuff my bras with balloons and do little dances and

make people laugh and, like, that was a big part of who I was as a kid and

who I am as an adult. Like, I love making people laugh. I love performing and

singing and rapping and, like, creating spaces of, like, shared experience.

So performing is the way that I cope with my depression. And the hearts are just a

simplified, distilled performance that I can do in my everyday life, in my normal

behavior. It doesn't require a stage. It doesn't require any

attendance, really. People don't need to buy a ticket to sit down and pay

attention to me, you know. I just do it interwoven in the fabric of our

everyday lives.

For more infomation >> I am a performer at heart - Duration: 1:36.


I QUIT | Mi Rezignas - Duration: 5:24.

Hello all

I'm Evildea. Your God.

And today I want to share with you

some news about my life

and after that, I want to ask for your help

and you'll see why I'm I don't feel so good now

So, first the news

Yesterday I resigned from my work place

I did that as I just can't put up with the work there

It's almost the same thing every day for two years

So, I needed to resign but it was also at the same time

really difficult for me because I really liked the location

It's five meters away from my home

I really like my colleagues

I really like my boss

In fact, he's the kindest man ever

But I needed to quit

I just couldn't take it anymore

but that also put me in a strange position

because now I don't have work

it's not that bad of a thing

because I planed it that way as my wife will soon

take vacation days and

I decided that I want to pass some time with her

because, for the last year

I haven't actually had a holiday with her

and I think that I need to pass some time with here, right?

I can't just go to Esperanto events

and see the family

I need to do other things with her

So, I'll do that and after

I'll again find work

and here's how you can help me

I usually work as a systems engineer

but I really don't like that work that much

In my heart, I'm an actor

but I can't do that full time

because there isn't that much acting work here

unless you're really lucky and you happen to be in the right circles

and then you can work full time

but I'm not in those circles

So, I need to have full time work

but perhaps you can help me

for a while I've had a Patreon page

but I haven't done that much with it

and I think now is the best opportunity

to do that

So, here's my proposal

if I can bring in 1,000 USD a month

through my Patreon page

that will mean that I can make a new film everyday

in Esperanto ...

and at the same time I can do acting work here

but perhaps from time to time I'll need to do IT work

and I want to do that firstly, because I want to be an actor

and secondly, I believe if I work full-time ... or at least almost full-time

in the film industry here

I'll be able to really infect it!

REALLY infect it!

I don't know why I just accented that word

Infect it!

But I can infect it with Esperanto

So, a lot of actors are left-leaning

but they have just never heard about Esperanto

or at least heard nothing about it in a positive way

and if I work in this industry

I could infect it a lot

I really like to say that!

... with Esperanto

and I think that would be the best investment

for the future because at least some of those actors

in 5 or 10 years would become giants in the film industry

they could then with their power ...

I want to say it ...

Infect the youth of the world with Esperanto, again!

So, that is my idea ...

So, of course there are other rewards on my Patreon page

There is a link here and in the description

and if you can donate a few dollars a month

that would help heaps

but that's my aim; 1,000 USD

and if I can reach that ...

that will mean that you can help me a lot

to become an actor and almost full time YouTuber, right?

because I could do this a lot more

I know that is a massive ask and if you can't help

I understand ... I totally understand

It's a massive ask

So, that is all!

If you've liked this blog

Like it, share it around

Sub to my channel, if you haven't already

and I'll see you all in the next video

and if you're not there

I'll run off with your wallet!

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> I QUIT | Mi Rezignas - Duration: 5:24.


Jeep Cherokee 3.7I V6 LIMITED 4x4 -Rijklaar incl APK en Grote be - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Jeep Cherokee 3.7I V6 LIMITED 4x4 -Rijklaar incl APK en Grote be - Duration: 1:32.


Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i HYBRID VERKOCHT! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i HYBRID VERKOCHT! - Duration: 1:55.


alec & jace ✗ somewhere, or there. - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> alec & jace ✗ somewhere, or there. - Duration: 2:29.


Donating Blood to Prevent Heart Disease? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Donating Blood to Prevent Heart Disease? - Duration: 3:27.


Hug Your Customers by Jack Mitchell|Noah's Thoughts|Book Review - Duration: 6:31.

Hello my name is Noah and today we are talking about "Hug your customers" by Jack Mitchell.

Now this book is Jack Mitchell's personal advice from his experience and career working

in the clothing industry.

He shares advice on how to build a customer oriented business and how to thrive in today's

industry that is competing with the online e-commerce market.

So I have three main points that I want to share with you that I took away from reading

this book.

So let's get started!

The first point that really stuck with me after reading this book was the importance

of leading by example.

Now Mitchell in the book talks about in order to achieve customer service that is of high

quality you have to treat your employees the same way.

So that's what he means by leading by example.

He talks about how he takes the time to really get to know each individual employee on a

personal level and develop quality relationships with them and learn what's important to

them in how they want to be treated in their work environment and through that, through

showing his interest in his employees the employees pick up on that and are more likely

to engage the customers in a positive way because they've been treated well themselves.

If your boss is treating you poorly you're less inclined to provide great customer service.

So that was something I really liked and noticed in this book.

The second point that I really liked in this book is the concept of long-term vs. short-term


Now, a lot of business mentalities are focused on converting the sale but don't focus on

the individual that's making that purchase.

And Mitchell talks about how a lot of times they make financial investments in their customers.

Let's say a customer comes in and spends money, they'll send a thank you note later

in that week to thank them for their business, and at times sends them flowers.

Those sorts of things cost money and time, but even though in the short-term that's

costing you money, that action and the energy you're putting in to fostering that relationship

with your customer, in the long-term is gonna pay off because you're building a relationship

and that individual is more likely to come back and continually support your business

in the future.

And in the long run, that 20, 30, 100 dollar investment in your customer is gonna pay off

two, three, four, five hundred percent.

So we have to get over this idea of focusing on the sale in that moment and instead direct

our focus on developing a long-term relationship with our customers.

And that's what this book is really about.

It just focuses on becoming customer-oriented.

And not only because it's something that's good in terms of making you as the business

owner feel good about what you're doing, you're making smart financial decisions

when you invest in your customers.

Especially now with e-commerce, the only way you can really compete is to provide better

quality customer service.

People are interested in the service and the experience they get when they walk into your


Are you greeting them in a friendly way, are you making them feel welcome?

Or are you just waiting for them to show up at your counter and give you the money and

then leave and that's it?

Those are two very different approaches and they will have considerably different effects

on your business.

The third and final point that I really liked in this book is the idea of raising the bar.

And essentially the idea is that what is considered a 10/10 service today, in 10, 15 years is

simply gonna be 5/10 service because the market is gonna adjust to that and that's gonna

become the new status quo and the norm.

So, it's very dangerous to remain doing the same things for long periods of time.

You should always be trying to innovate and improve what you're doing in terms of your

customer service because where you're at now if you remain there in 5 or 10 years,

everybody is gonna be there even if right now you're at the top.

So you always gotta be working towards better.

Now that I've shared with you the three main ideas that I liked in this book, I want

to go over some of the positives and negatives and who I think should be reading this book.

So let's start with the positives.

One of my favorite things in books in general is when they have summaries at the end of

each chapter that go over the key points, and that's what this book has and I really

like that.

So the fact that you get to the end of a section and it gives you a summary of what was discussed

and you can quickly go over that and not have to page through it again to find a specific

idea that you want to take note of.

Another thing I like about this book is that there's tons of examples of what they're

doing in their business.

And although not all the ideas are directly transferable, the concepts and principles

can be used in almost any business.

The ideas he's sharing with you in this book are practical and you can implement them

into your business or into your life immediately.

It's just a matter of adapting and understanding what the benefits are and then taking action.

And now to the negatives.

The only negative I could think of is that at times certain sections are slightly repetitive,

but then again I think they're repetitive because Mitchell is trying to emphasize the

importance of the point he's making.

Now, who should be reading this book?

Small business owners should definitely read this book, because it teaches you what you

can do to compete with larger companies.

Even though you might be financially not as strong as other companies, building relationships

doesn't require money.

And if you can apply the principles that Mitchell talks about and adapt them to your business

you'll definitely see an improvement in the customer satisfaction and your long-term


I think anybody who's trying to compete against e-commerce should definitely consider

reading this because it will teach you the most important ideas regarding customer service

and it will teach you what your biggest advantage is over e-commerce and that is that you have

the ability to have a one-on-one contact with your customers and it will teach you how to

improve those relationships and create long-term business that will continually come back to


I also think small business owners should read this book in order to learn how to improve

their relationships with their employees because I think that a lot of times that's something

that's overlooked.

We focus on just the customer satisfaction but overlook the employee satisfaction.

So that's it, that was my book review of "Hug your customers" by Jack Mitchell.

If you want more information on the author or you want to see what I talked about here

in a written format you can head over to my blog where I'll have all

this information and more information related to the author.

And as always if you have any book recommendations for me, please post them in the YouTube comments

or contact me over social media.

And next week I'll be back with another book review.

Until then, keep reading and keep learning.

For more infomation >> Hug Your Customers by Jack Mitchell|Noah's Thoughts|Book Review - Duration: 6:31.


Revolutionising Mobility and Transport - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Revolutionising Mobility and Transport - Duration: 1:34.


Is Creatine Good for You? - Duration: 3:04.

Hey guys Paul from Ultimate fat here, and today I'm going to answer a question

I get quite a bit on the web site and here on YouTube since I've

published my videos on creatine, and that is, is creatine good for you.

I'll have your answer in just a couple of seconds, stick around, don't go anywhere!

Alright welcome back.

Thanks for sticking around and hanging out.

So let's get back to the question, "is creatine good for you?"

So when I hear this, I actually hear two potential questions being asked, although it actually

sounds like only one.

The first one is ...

Will taking creatine cause me some sort of harm, and is it safe for me to take?

And the second one is... does creatine actually offer me any health related benefits?

Most of us are aware that creatine's ability to affect certain types of

athletic performance is not in question.

But does it offer any other health promoting benefits?

So let's answer the first question, will taking creatine cause you harm?

The good news is that as long you take a sensible dose (and by sensible dose I mean 5-10 grams

per day) of a good quality German sourced creatine monohydrate

(and you want the monohydrate because that's the one most the studies have been performed on) and you don't have any underlying

health issues related to kidney function, creatine monohydrate is

probably one of the safest sports supplements you can take.

I say this because because it's been studied extensively for periods of up to two years

and not jsut on healthy athletes, but in vulnerable populations who have

an underlying health issue as well.

Rather than get into the safety issue in detail, if you stick aroound to the end, I'm going

to link you to another video on the topic so you can find out more about creatine safety if you


Now to answer the second question, does creatine offer any heath promoting benefits, this answer

to this is a resounding yes.

Or at least, prelimiary studies indicate this is the case.

For example, did you know that creatine may reduce the risk of heart disease, improve

brain performance, help battle depression and have anti-cancer


Those are just a few of the benefits I outline in another one of my videos, 10 Mind Blowing Benefits of Creatine,

which I'm also going to link to for you to check out.

At the end of the day, with the exception of those people who have kidney issues, the

answer to "is creatine good for you?"

appears to be "yes."

Alright guys, thanks for watching, really appreciate it.

If you have taken creatine and would like to share your experiences or have any questions,

please do leave a comment below, we'd love to hear from


If you liked this video it would be really awesome if you could give us a thumbs up,

and I if you haven't subscribed yet...


- why haven't you joined us?

Be awesome to have you aboard.

YouTube will send you note whenever we post new content so you never miss anything.

How cool is that? Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you really soon.

For more infomation >> Is Creatine Good for You? - Duration: 3:04.


Morning Exercise & Fasting Until Evening? - Duration: 8:17.

Hey, what's up, John Sonmez from

Today I have a fitness question for you.

That's right.

Do some fitness questions on this channel.

This question is about morning training and fasting until evening and this is from Krzysztof.

He says it's Polish Chris.

I probably could have figured that one out.

Question: "I'm wondering if the big gap in time between morning training and first

meal isn't bad for building muscles?

In most articles I've read about IF," that's intermittent fasting.

"Training is placed in the eating window or just before it/after it.

In our case it looks like it's not "clean IF."

Also, the most supplements – creatine, proteins, fat burnerns often needs to be taken many

times a day after meals.

How to solve this equation: Morning training, supplements and one meal a day at evening?

What about the "golden hour" after training?"

What he's talking about with the golden hour is that essentially after training—after

lifting you've got this window of opportunity to consume some protein and some carbs and

increase your protein synthesis, muscle growth.

There are a couple of things here Krzysztof.

I'll say first of all I'm not doing morning training anymore.

Maybe I did—I did this video—if you're wondering what I do do I have a video on how

I fast until 5 everyday.

I basically eat one meal a day.

I still do.

I've been doing that for 2-1/2 years now.


I've had a few breaks from that, but mostly been consistent for 2-1/2 years.

Now, I was doing AM training, training in the morning.

Now I train from 3 to 5 everyday.

Everyday—like today at 3:00 I'm going to go and run for 10 miles.

Tomorrow at 3:00 I'm going to go and lift for 2 hours.

That's how I roll.

The reason why I did that is partially because of what you're saying in your question here

is that I wanted to optimize that golden hour and I wanted to make sure that I was getting

the maximum benefit.

I had problems training in the morning, I said, well, okay, I can take some BCAAS, some

people say to do that or I can take some HMB or something and maybe that will make it so

that I don't have muscle loss in between the time that I eat and that whole span.

If I train early in the morning and I'm not going to eat until 5, okay, you can see

how that could be a problem in that case.

Or I would take a protein shake afterwards and then fast the rest of the day.

I just felt like I wasn't doing the optimal thing.

What I'm doing now is what I feel is optimal which is I'm doing the fasting until 5:00

but I'm doing my workout from 3 to 5 and so I'm eating right after.

For running I don't think it matters as much, but for lifting it does.

The reason why it matters for lifting and sort of the strategy behind what I'm doing

here is that what I want to do is I want the fasting to make me insulin sensitive.

I want to—I'm not going to actually enter a ketogenic spot, but I'm basically going

to deplete a lot of muscle glycogen when I'm doing my long cardio, my 10-mile runs and

when I'm lifting all in this fasted state and then the idea is that I'm going to replenish

that right after the lift eating some carbs and some protein and I'm going to be—my

body is going to preferentially use the carbohydrates that are coming in for replenishing glucose

and building muscle.

At least that's the idea and so far it has worked pretty well for me.

That's kind of my idea behind that.

Now, if you have to do AM workouts there are a couple of options for you.

One of them is—well, I'll give you 3 options.

One of them is to take HMB or BCAAS.

I used to do BCAAS but I found that HMB has a little bit more science behind it to prove

that it's good for preserving muscle.

You can take that about half an hour before your AM workout and that's probably going

to help you.

I take HMB before my workouts even in the evening because I think that it's beneficial

for decreasing protein breakdown.

If you gain muscle it happens because your protein synthesis is greater than your protein


You can either increase protein synthesis or you can decrease protein breakdown or you

could do both which is what I try to do.

That's one option is you could do that and then you do your fast and 5:00 you eat and

you're not going to get that golden hour benefit, but you should still get the benefits

of the fasting.

The second option would be to just use that golden hour and just have a protein shake

with some carbohydrates.

I usually put some Gatorade in there right after the AM workout and that's probably

going to give you that benefit.

You're just not going to have as long of a fasting window because you could do that

in the AM and then you could fast until 5:00 and still "eat one meal a day" and you're

probably going to benefit mostly from the calorie deficit there but not the extended

fasting, so you're not probably going to see the increased levels of HDH that you do

in extended fast.

The third option if you want to keep that morning workout is to eat your one meal a

day in the morning after your workout.

Now this is going to be pretty inconvenient.

I've tried this.

It's harder to go to sleep at night hungry than it is to get through the day hungry,

in my opinion, but I'm sure you can adapt to it.

It's a little bit harder socially to not be able to eat dinner and to only be able

to eat breakfast.

But, you know what, breakfast is pretty fuckin' great.

I like breakfast.

Especially, you know, you could go workout and you could eat some doughnuts afterwards

or some waffles or pancakes.

That's pretty cool.

There's a benefit there.

It depends on your lifestyle and what you can do and how serious you are about this.

I am putting out a program.

I know I say this a lot, but I am working on a program.

I'm still working on some aspects of it and I've still got a lot of things in my

queue for work to get done, but I will be putting out—I know a lot of you are asking.

You're like, "John, can you give me just a spreadsheet with what your lifts are, what

your workout is, what your diet regimen is."

I'm giogn to put it all into a program.

I'm going to have a video, I'm going to have everything and I'm going to sell it.

It's not going to be too expensive though.

I'll cover all that stuff and all the science behind this.

I get into a little bit of the detail here, but there's a huge amount of science to

what I'm doing, what supplements I'm taking and why I'm doing this to sort of optimize


My results have been pretty phenomenal.

I mean some of you have been watching my videos over time and I've done some experiments

where obviously I'm carrying a little bit more weight right now or a little bit more

fat because I was doing an experiment again and I'm still doing one now.

I'm always kind of perfecting this, but essentially what I'm doing now is fasting

until 5 everyday and I'm doing what would be—some people call it carb back loading

or carb cycling and that so far has been the most effective thing that I've done.

Great question Krzysztof, I think that this is a struggle for a lot of people that try

to do intermittent fasting with the AM workouts.

My preference is just to push it, to do it.

Again, I'll give one more option here.

This is what I would say for most people that work a 9 to 5 job is just after work go hit

the gym and go do your workout and then eat at 7:00 at night and that's going to get

you the biggest benefit in my opinion.

Although the only downside is that you might be tired after work.

That's why I say don't drive home, drive straight to the gym because then you can't

be too lazy then you have to go.

If you like this video, if you want more videos on fitness, programming, philosophy, career,

life, all that stuff, click the subscribe button below.

If you have a question for me about any of those topics you can email me at

and I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Morning Exercise & Fasting Until Evening? - Duration: 8:17.


Bell Let's Talk - Duration: 0:46.

I'm Patty Hajdu, your Minister

of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.

On Bell's Let's Talk Day, I want to talk to you

about mental health at work.

We spend roughly a third of our lives at work.

And yet, many Canadians living with

mental health challenges still struggle to cope,

and to feel safe and supported in their workplaces.

On any given week, more than half a million of us

are unable to go to work due to mental health problems

or illnesses.

And many people suffer in silence.

So have a conversation about mental health at work.

Make your environment a place that's safe to talk.

It's up to all of us.

Today, and every day, let's talk about mental health.

For more infomation >> Bell Let's Talk - Duration: 0:46.


Survivor Finds Beauty Of Life Despite Blindness - Duration: 3:16.






















































Reporter: WE USES THE










Reporter: AND YOU CAN


















For more infomation >> Survivor Finds Beauty Of Life Despite Blindness - Duration: 3:16.


USTAD MEHDI HASAN KHAN on Phone Call - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> USTAD MEHDI HASAN KHAN on Phone Call - Duration: 7:05.


Alex&Co. 3 - (#1 Nuovo Episodio.) - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> Alex&Co. 3 - (#1 Nuovo Episodio.) - Duration: 21:48.


New smart technologies changing our everyday activities - Duration: 4:39.

What would you think of doing your grocery shopping without carrying any of the items?

Or cleaning the streets using a remote device?

New smart technologies are changing the way traditional everyday activities are done,

and although there are concerns about what it could mean for jobs and society, they're

helping people and workers to spend time more efficiently, comfortably and safely.

Kwon Jang-ho brings us today's News Features.

The Fourth Industrial's the term that refers to a new age of technologies

that's changing the world at a faster rate than ever before.

Artificial intelligence, the internet of things and big data are just some examples, realized

in the form of self-driving cars, smart assistants and robots.

But while the promise of these inventions has been touted, it's not yet being felt in

most people's lives.

"Technological advances can seem like science fiction at times but it's when they start

to affect everyday activities like shopping that people start to feel the impact."

This department store in Bundang has introduced a new way to shop.

With its smart shopper system, customers pick up a small scanner and tag the items they

want to buy.

It eliminates the hassle of having to carry heavy items in a shopping basket, not to mention

the hassle of having to get them home.

After you pay for the items at an automated kiosk, the goods are delivered right to your


- "Before, I had to wait in long lines at the

checkout, but now I can use the smart shopper system to pay.

It's really quite convenient."

Aside from the convenience to shoppers, the system also helps stores gather data about

their customers' shopping habits.

- SK "The scanner can track the shoppers' movement

and see what they're interested in... and that information can be very useful.

They can see which items in which section attracted a lot of interest and how people

are spending their money."

Automated checkout systems have been on the rise in Europe, and U.S. online retail giant

Amazon recently announced plans to launch completely cashier-free convenience stores

this year.

But this has once again raised one of the biggest concerns about the Fourth Industrial

Revolution -- the loss of jobs.

A study released this year by a Korean institute said that seven out of 10 jobs are at risk

of being taken over by machines by 2025.

Of course, it's unclear whether that risk will become a reality, but as new technologies

make everyday life more convenient and efficient, the growth of related sectors is not expected

to slow.

- "These technologies are not necessarily trying

to replace people, but they have been developed in order to make people's lives better and


Of course, there are negative effects that come out of this as well, and efforts need

to be made to minimize them...for example by providing support for people to find new

jobs or by creating new jobs in these new fields."

The goal of much technology is to help people.

I found one such example of this in Gwangju.

"Smart technology is being integrated in all sorts of fields to upgrade machines and make

life more efficient -- like this robotic road cleaner."

It may look like other road sweepers, but it has some unique smart features.

When the vacuum hose is being used, the device automatically follows the user,... thanks

to a special radar.

The device can also be operated via remote control, so that users can avoid dangers on

busy roads.

It also has sensors that automatically stop the device when a person or object gets too


- Dream C&G "The user operates the device himself, so

it's not autonomous, nor is it designed to replace workers,... but it is about helping

man and machine work together to increase safety and efficiency.

Although various parts of the technology itself are not groundbreaking, its use and combination

in the device makes it the first of its kind.

There have already been bulk orders from the Singaporean government and it is currently

being tested in four other countries as well.

"Before this, we had to sweep with brushes, collect the trash in bags and transport the

bags for disposal.

But now it's easier and quicker, and we can cover more ground."

Although the impact of new technologies on society needs to be considered, these new

devices ultimately come from the demand for more efficiency and comfort.

And with new smarter technologies being developed faster than ever, we can expect to see more

and more changes in our everyday lives.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New smart technologies changing our everyday activities - Duration: 4:39.


Woman claims Obamacare helped save her life - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Woman claims Obamacare helped save her life - Duration: 2:47.


Ristrutturazione di una casa anni '60: il foro finestra - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Ristrutturazione di una casa anni '60: il foro finestra - Duration: 3:02.


Best Handcuffs Ever?

For more infomation >> Best Handcuffs Ever?


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


Otwarcie - o. dr Tadeusz Rydzyk CSsR - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Otwarcie - o. dr Tadeusz Rydzyk CSsR - Duration: 12:52.


As aventuras do Gato da Energia - Duration: 2:49.

[Gato miando]

Todo mundo sonha com um futuro brilhante — um futuro de energia renovável.

Um futuro em que obtemos toda a nossa energia de recursos ilimitados, não poluentes e gratuitos como o vento e o Sol.

Pois bem, esse futuro é agora.

Nosso planeta absorve tanta energia potencial que a luz solar que atinge a superfície da Terra em menos de duas horas

fornece energia suficiente para alimentar o mundo inteiro por um ano.

E há mais energia limpa cruzando o nosso planeta.

Uma grande turbina eólica consegue converter o vento em energia, alimentando mais de 2 mil residências.

Mas custa caro, certo? Não, essa é uma ideia ultrapassada.

Nos últimos seis anos, o custo dos painéis solares caiu cerca de 80%,

e o custo das turbinas eólicas caiu cerca de 30%.

O custo global da energia proveniente de parques eólicos e solares é muitas vezes mais barato do que a energia proveniente de usinas de carvão e nucleares,

às vezes em até 40%. E isso representa eletricidade mais barata para todos nós.

Mas se não houver nem vento nem Sol, então não há eletricidade, certo? Não, essa é a maneira antiga de se pensar.

A previsão meteorológica melhorada nos permite saber quando e onde podemos contar com o vento e o Sol,

e à medida que cada vez mais recursos de energia renovável são acrescentados à rede de energia,

então há mais energia renovável disponível para redirecionar e distribuir em todos os lugares.

Os parques solares e eólicos estão sempre funcionando em algum lugar.

Podemos também armazenar energia em baterias tradicionais

ou em tecnologias empolgantes e emergentes que podem ser mais baratas e conseguem armazenar mais energia por mais tempo.

Dessa maneira, sempre teremos energia quando precisarmos.

Portanto, bem-vindo ao futuro!

A energia ilimitada e limpa do Sol e do vento está aqui hoje.

É boa para o planeta, para você e para o nosso futuro.

For more infomation >> As aventuras do Gato da Energia - Duration: 2:49.


X Men Evolution Episode 9: Survival of the Fittest - Duration: 21:21.

For more infomation >> X Men Evolution Episode 9: Survival of the Fittest - Duration: 21:21.


A Ilusão da Performance Absoluta - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> A Ilusão da Performance Absoluta - Duration: 4:19.


COMEÇAMOS COM TUDO!! | Modo Carreira | FIFA 17 | PS4 | #01 - Duration: 20:03.

For more infomation >> COMEÇAMOS COM TUDO!! | Modo Carreira | FIFA 17 | PS4 | #01 - Duration: 20:03.


‪BREAKING: President Donald J. Trump tweets that he will be asking for a "major investigation into v - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> ‪BREAKING: President Donald J. Trump tweets that he will be asking for a "major investigation into v - Duration: 1:02.


Review #53 - Coringa Joker Funko Pop Esquadrão Suicida Suicide Squad - (Português - Brasil) - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Review #53 - Coringa Joker Funko Pop Esquadrão Suicida Suicide Squad - (Português - Brasil) - Duration: 6:14.


...AND DIED! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ...AND DIED! - Duration: 3:16.


NUGGETS DE QUINOA #8 nuggets veganos - Duration: 2:03.

1 cup quinoa

300 ml water

2 1/2 tatblespoons of nutritional yeast

1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon of salt

3 tablespoons of potato starch / substitution: tapioca flour


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