hey welcome everybody my name is Seleniar
and this is outlets the comic book issue
2 i'm in part to everybody said we call
it the different
well part 2 let's say well the community
the part 1 i'll let you a link so you
can go in see the first part
well I want to do here i want to read it
so actually I don't want to capture the
course sake I should be good I hope
well alright so out let the microphone
accounts part to you have this to get
here look at Chris Walker he so damn
oh ok we read this before the kids
should be in every comic at first to the
second page but ok
wait alright so we operate the infection
that is remarkably aggressive if you
don't address it immediately he could
lose his vision and likely some drinks
function sure I can do you can just wait
you want to see hold on
how long would I be unconscious 24 hours
on the full sedation probably another 36
of heavy pain medication that soft top
36 hours did you say he let me check
okay i don't mind losing some brain
function if it takes memories with it as
good but first I finish my start
look look at his face look at this face
look at this I is so down up
so Michael rehabilitation center
nothing left but gristle and bone help
you enjoyed it
we were under the impression you're
going to tell us about Waylon Park how
he got to peacock when park is the main
character in outlast whistleblower right
i think so
seven peacock of course can i ask how
high your security clearance pretty high
we both of our grade
what should we use saying if I said his
ribbon ribbon excuse me
ah nevermind some peacock is that when
Empire story gets us back to mount
massive what did she wanted with Eska
more ribbon with he did I miss something
in the first part that you already know
ok so this is a a non-muslim employee
this should be wayland is Waylan there
we with we did this right just after
everything ended
or did we I don't know I right into port
security neglect at the Mount massive
charitable Hospital mouth message called
cost-cutting and profit have taken
precedence over safety in a manner which
in dangers often patients both it hard
to imagine conditions continuing in such
a state without the tension from OC h8
as both physical and digital security
measures have been stripped from the
facility's staff has been required to
dot dot dot and it ends
maybe he died by the while writing well
well he sent the message just before to
happen and I never seen private message
complaint human resources about safety
conditions in the hospital
Mary and I was sent to find any
potentially the biggest religious
Avengers dangerous or they turned out to
be false claims official Mike Rawlings
see protect any employee filling a
unofficially policy extreme pretty nice
presents then my English is not native
one so restored quickly will get breathe
you don't mean killed do not often
sherry nation usually do the trick
not often Oh what do you mean not often
Markov HR for the team and that talk
about all ch4 sha tha I don't know but
to ensure litigation I know a fieldset
where you want the filtrates are my hole
and oh ok all-star looking through the
log but whoever posted a complaint had
covered their tracks
I got curious about what Michaels was so
intent on hiding i'm going to have a
look around and ok she got scanned and
then uses her clear sky and thing 122
feet down
she's just oh yeah interesting on my
right Chris Walker you see this so it is
looking at ya at the class
the regular jenny blair executive vice
president of global puts project
development and your polling click
insurance Education Department don't
stop stop i don't remember us being
introduced you all have been doing some
interesting always I tried to stay
working for so guys you want to have
been doing some interesting work here
when we drop this guy off two months ago
he was human
yes human not so precise determines it
used to be where your partner he doesn't
have the clearance to be down here
you're going to want to make sure you
understand then how important it is
we weed weed out any employees who
aren't just relax Billy ok so
Oh Billy been so this is the chamber 122
feet down
I'm i remember true believers see
anything interesting
normal Hospital stuff that's hard i say
we start with IT thank you well and I
let you know as soon as we're done
thanks for taking the time mrs. half how
soon are you expecting
she's just gross click you never asked
it's okay i'm six months along
you had about a question about on the
email system email with sensor or not
honorbound to several and indexes 7 i'm
sure you can imagine my crafts rigors
setting digital security anybody with
access to the Deep Web deep work
alright deep web resources would have to
be from corporate who runs corporate for
mount massive I thought with the head of
biz dev development week treasure
fragment so I forgot hope how you spell
damn it hey I'm happy to help I'm a team
player I want you guys on Team Rick you
guys want coffee or some kind of fancy
walk drink against it because i'm
returning on my mother's side i'm going
to have a coffee
yeah they need to be a body and bring us
some coffee
Thank this a trigger right trigger
is this the guy who cut our fingers
human but its complaint IT saying I it
would have to come from corporate
corporate from the lighting corpus also
those of course because the corporation
is the body and any weaknesses i wanted
body that must be sponge that off this
was a really nonsense which you you said
just waste your time and change the
cauterized if necessary I couldn't agree
well you certainly look like you know
how to care of your body how to take
care of it
yep XD on topic of course let me ask you
this how anybody in my department make
money sending bugly tricking emails
about my department performing poorly
how much you cut the security budget and
nothing that is thanks to our security I
mean don't get me wrong I never metadata
I don't like my job is minimizing
expense i'm sure you can you too can
relate grow more
she said don't we resolve this guy's
face is too much just like shit but
sometimes you gotta make cuts i create
cuts nice trade sometimes he you you
gotta make cuts
Jesus great i create efficiencies that
makes us all suffer security changes
with the time is money will always be
money in this guy's 30 is hopeful shit
and and hopeful you know the game there
damn our coffee thank you dear
he's taking this well what I'm not
thinking pregnant
I'm sorry I'm oh god damn it mr. Traeger
forgive me for being forward but I've
never been to this part of colorado
before and I love somebody to show me
around to saying you have dinner with me
look at that face
look at that face
I put up with that smug ass off for
three courses in a bottle of wine
oh and that he said buddy don't go to
medical school doctors on the wrong side
of litigation of course he was right
I've stood more before you find invited
me back to his place
I turned down cocaine so he offers me a
scotch is an I'll a 27 years old a gift
from the head of my cock of global human
how many fingers
you mentioned you have a wine cellar I
wouldn't mind something red
finally I bought myself a chance to
I thought he is internet password is 30
of his coke stash
oh he's the magazine and the conflict
for an abortion clinic a man is a
a shadow gebo 1153 Aldric delivers every
can I ask if you have a girlfriend 20
minutes go by and he never makes away
I'm afraid not i'm a team of one that
they say 30 minutes go by never he never
makes a move I think he was getting off
just hearing myself talk himself and
then I recognize that better under taste
son-of-a-bitch been gone out and shot
him ended will shut it you want to
finish my drink for me honey
mmm coffee no really
and in the water wind drink it or lose
your balls
I don't care moon now sleep
what is it that following the ring my
parent calling hold on I need you to
pick me up
who me holy shit are you okay I'm gonna
be after i take some cocaine
because i like it so much this is not in
the script ok I'm great and that asshole
slipping and don't worry about it in my
phone this abortion clinic password so
let's go talk to the pregnant lady and
tell you all about it in the car
ding-dong ding-dong
how do i read this thing i see i saw
that lady once hmm
you're the leak aren't you the baby's
triggers he said he'd have me fired if i
didn't get involved with get rid of it
and if I tell anybody at michaels once
what he's doing
I'm breaking my non-disclosure agreement
so I get fired
I don't have any savings i can't afford
a baby if I don't have this job I needed
some way he would get fired or
transferred I just I just and now human
resources so they are the statement i
don't know i think it's fire everybody
make make it clear but Mary always was a
cream puff
she were we worked out a severance
package from michelle in exchange for
herself system when inquired temporarily
took her position
I don't even know why I'm wearing the
headphones because I don't fucking that
sound but i just realized this after
like 15 minutes of talk of reading and
she told them everything human resources
shredded all record but I like to keep
my headphones on day at the milk they
make me feel better human
oh my god ok
thats is not looking good destroy her
security clearance she was done which
I'd count as a blessing will have her
baby lying bitches all of them
you too late Rick they know everything
you can't prove anything
you can't and he's saying go into the
scissors and you don't have proof and
this is it goes into her belly
ok and now click save her from him and
tries to kill Emma and stabbing
everybody and and the glam slam dunk
oh shit ok and we take the scissors and
here he's here goes into the shredder
and yes he's here goes by is gone three
right you got correct
I think it's good to find moments of
pledging or what
what about the baby yeah there's the rub
together stabilizing to her to a real
Hospital down the hospital she's not
never would and mouth we get to know
it was a sec world romatic pregnant and
she was not she wasn't the only one
okay so she feels like she's pregnant
but she's not one in three women the
mouth massive security was distressing
fountain centers of finance your side
effect of the experiments in the
basement of course it's obviously a huge
education with every woman this facility
would have grounds for most
million-dollar suit
we have to shut it down and not around
until let me interrupt you
SQL robot what could you excuse us
Marion Marione we have to discuss
something about your clear wife always
Jeremy players showed me the projected
profits for project waterway it was
yeah okay
phenomenal lips all female employees
were assigned to other facilities the
experiment continues I was the last
month the building there was one last
thing I had to see before i left
oh my god and now it's not my fault
don't put me and you can't you come you
can't i'm a Markov executive and one of
you please i'm not a bad god it's not my
fold their soft yet you're going to that
of course it's not your fault week
you're not evil
you're sick and we're going to make you
oh and now the world is creating itself
but it's not it's not Billy two-week
very confused
I mean I cannot compare to the game with
the the comic no well you have anything
that you can explain me better just
leave me in the comments below
you're very good at your job think
everything with me tonight
no I don't eat where I hunt
yep yep and book too
to be continued in outlast the mark of
account part3 out this operation
decision that was all right reserved
well it's 2017 now maybe 2018 maybe 20
20 20 20 20
sounds good well thank you guys for
watching and see you in the next video
don't forget to give this video a like
share it so others can the see the soy
and their don't have to read it
themselves because everyone is lazy so
that's why I'm doing it
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see you in the next video bar Oh
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