Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 25 2017

It's the Sengoku Era

Warriors from all around gather to hear this beat

The time for battle is now!

Armor, armor, tie your helmet up!

Spears, lances, guns, armed and ready at your sides

Our sights lined up on the enemy outpost that we'll take

The heart of the enemy general will soon be ours!

Every one of you…

on the battlefield…

run towards it… run towards it…

Jump for it… jump for it!

Please pay no mind

put your ranks aside

Everyone lend me your hands!

"Everyone, attack!"

"Sengoku Hop"

"Sengoku Hop"

Distraction, inspiration, accumulate more virtue

Let the holy sun guide you all upon your path!

With rising morale and energy, go show me

Yell your battle cries loudly to the skies!

Yell your battle cries loudly to the skies ("Ah, So-re")

"Hah, yoi-sho!"

"Hah, yoi-sho!"

"Ah, So-re"

Even if it's hard… even if it's hard

Let's all sing

Let's all make noise

Everyone just dance

Please pay no mind

put your ranks aside

Everyone lend me your hands!

"Everyone, attack!"

"Sengoku Hop"

"Sengoku Hop"

For more infomation >> YUC'e - Sengoku HOP (c/f Athenarium) - Duration: 3:23.


Just Dance 2017 | Bailar | Community Remix video entry! - Duration: 3:46.

Guys what's going on:

I was editing this video,

And I just realized now that I forgot to record the intro.


If you liked this video,

Don't forget to click on the "like" button!

And if you're new here,


We post Just Dance videos here!

Subscribe so you won't miss a video.

This is my video entry for the Community Remix,

And if I'm not wrong, until this moment...

The contest is still on!

So if you didn't send your video yet,

Don't lose this chance and go do it now! (after this video of course).

Go, go go go.

Thank you and we'll see you soon! <3

For more infomation >> Just Dance 2017 | Bailar | Community Remix video entry! - Duration: 3:46.


Alex&Co. 3 - (#1 Nuovo Episodio.) - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> Alex&Co. 3 - (#1 Nuovo Episodio.) - Duration: 21:48.


[PT-BR] The Lover [Room 709] Parte 1C (Legendado) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> [PT-BR] The Lover [Room 709] Parte 1C (Legendado) - Duration: 2:31.



For more infomation >> MASSIVE SEPHORA HAUL SUB ITA - Duration: 12:09.


the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.


Review #53 - Coringa Joker Funko Pop Esquadrão Suicida Suicide Squad - (Português - Brasil) - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Review #53 - Coringa Joker Funko Pop Esquadrão Suicida Suicide Squad - (Português - Brasil) - Duration: 6:14.


03 Dicas de Exposições | Tadeu Ramos - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 03 Dicas de Exposições | Tadeu Ramos - Duration: 1:23.


DB Super ep.75 76 Top 10 + assistidos no Japão / Sinopse - Saint Seiya Next Dimension mangá cap.80 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> DB Super ep.75 76 Top 10 + assistidos no Japão / Sinopse - Saint Seiya Next Dimension mangá cap.80 - Duration: 2:47.


UFO Hunting Aerospace Firm Testing Secret Space Station - Duration: 3:55.

UFO-Hunting Aerospace Firm Testing Secret Space Station.

by Brett Tingley.

Bigelow Aerospace has created an agreement with NASA to continue its secretive testing

of an experimental new module aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

While the recent press releases announcing these tests have been made public, the ultimate

purpose of the module still remains a mystery.

The company has been tight-lipped about the module and its use aboard the space station,

only stating they will announce details at a later date.

The module is called the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), and is essentially

an inflatable orb-shaped space station which can dock onto the ISS.

It was flown to the space station aboard a SpaceX Dragon last year.

BEAM modules can easily attach to standard ISS ports.

BEAM modules can easily attach to standard ISS ports.

When the first BEAM/ISS tests were announced, it was stated that no ISS astronauts would

enter the module except for four pre-scheduled times throughout each year of its two-year

test period in order to ensure that all systems were working properly.

With no NASA astronauts allowed on board, it makes you wonder: what could be going on

inside the module?

With so many UFO sightings occurring in and around the ISS, and given Bigelow�s past

UFO-related dealings, it�s not too much of a leap to assume that the UFO-obsessed

Robert Bigelow might want to search for UFOs from space.

The BEAM module can be fitted with any number of systems know, space stuff.

The BEAM module can be fitted with any number of systems for�uh, you know, space stuff.

See, Bigelow Aerospace has been accused of shadowy, or at least secretive backroom dealings

related to UFO research in the past.

Those theories were fueled in part by several policy announcements made by America�s Federal

Aviation Administration, who have instructed pilots and personnel to direct UFO reports

straight to Bigelow�s many research organizations no less than three times:

Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unexplained

phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies

(BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail:, the National UFO Reporting

Center, etc.

In 2009, Bigelow partnered with MUFON to create a rapid-response unit that could respond to

�high value UFO cases� within twenty-four hours of a sighting.

While there was much speculation that Bigelow was attempting to capture and de-engineer

a UFO, MUFON contends that these accusations were nothing but harmful conspiracy theories:

Unfortunately, dissident UFO buffs quickly came up with nonsense conspiracy theories

about the cooperative agreement and spread malcontent and disinformation about it across

the Internet.

Those speculative internet writers, when will they learn?

Until they do: could this new module be related to the numerous UFO sightings surrounding

the ISS and Bigelow�s rapid response UFO team?

As with all things Bigelow Aerospace, this one remains a mystery.

For more infomation >> UFO Hunting Aerospace Firm Testing Secret Space Station - Duration: 3:55.


GYMNASTIK CHALLENGE 💪 | Hello ItsYanic - Duration: 6:56.

Guys i have so much important news!

I woud try to do every video english subtitels!

bla bla bla

and now lets start with the video! much fun!

Hi guys! Welcome to my video! to ours... ;D

today we have a good idea...

today where gonna do the ,,GYMNASIK CHALLENGE"!!

For they, they dont know how to do that...

We serch in the internet many gymnastic pictures and try to do them...

I think thats gonna be hard... But we have some pillows...

At this picture im down right?...


Come we go a little bit back...

the ball here... and i come over you...

at the 2 we need to do... no...

the ball in the middle

you go over there... and do like this...

and now i need to go over you...

in the next part we need to have the ball in the middle...

That knows... one goes down...

now i need to go like this on the ball...



ok now where at the last challenge...

its a little bit easy...

but im gonna show you how many points we have...

its like a challenge...

we are together on the ball...

and try to do sit-ups...

ok lets try it now

and hands behind the head!




nobody can do that...

now you see here the points...

and we look now how much points each sit-up

now the video is finish!

we hope you like it!

pls give a thumb up!

thats make us happy...

can we do 20 thumbs up?!!

bla bla bla

ok bb!

For more infomation >> GYMNASTIK CHALLENGE 💪 | Hello ItsYanic - Duration: 6:56.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


John and Mary - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> John and Mary - Duration: 3:49.


1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 1/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 46:56.

For more infomation >> 1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 1/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 46:56.


1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 2/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 49:05.

For more infomation >> 1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 2/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 49:05.


1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 3/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> 1927 The Love of Jeanne Ney - (Part 3/3) - English - Castellano - Georg Wilhelm Pabst - Duration: 6:47.


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


Resident Evil 7 - walkthrough - part 2 (magyar felirattal!) - Duration: 17:23.

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 7 - walkthrough - part 2 (magyar felirattal!) - Duration: 17:23.


Sut i ddechrau/tyfu eich busnes twristiaeth - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Sut i ddechrau/tyfu eich busnes twristiaeth - Duration: 2:37.


IT'S TIME TO PRESTIGE... (Black Ops 3) - Duration: 2:00:42.

For more infomation >> IT'S TIME TO PRESTIGE... (Black Ops 3) - Duration: 2:00:42.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


Erenle Kapıştık | Zula | Bölüm 2 - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Erenle Kapıştık | Zula | Bölüm 2 - Duration: 10:31.


Watch Mind Field

For more infomation >> Watch Mind Field


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


Who says robots can't act? من قال أن الروبوتات لا تستطيع التمثيل؟ - Duration: 0:29.

[Ambient sound of a production set]

Scripty scripty script…

Come on, where's my script?

That's it!

Nope, that's a cookie.

Come on

If I don't get this right they're going to send me back to Japan.

OK, never mind, let's try anyway.


Hi, my name's Pepper.

I'm new to the UAE.

Check out my new films with Emirates NBD

coming soon. 

Nailed it.

For more infomation >> Who says robots can't act? من قال أن الروبوتات لا تستطيع التمثيل؟ - Duration: 0:29.


Why Hollywood Wants No Part Of Hulk Hogan Anymore - Duration: 6:32.

You may not recognize Terry Gene Bollea by his real name, but you may recognize him by

his wrestling name.

"Ladies and gentleman...Hulk Hogan!"

The Hulkster became a fixture of American pop culture thanks to the popularity of the

WWF, which also opened the door to his brief career in Hollywood.

Unfortunately, Hollywood isn't really calling Hogan like it did a few decades ago, thanks

to a lengthy list of controversies and complications standing between Hogan and his glory days.

Here's why Hollywood won't cast Hulk Hogan anymore.

Hogan exposed

Childhoods everywhere were ruined when Gawker broke the story of a sex tape involving Hogan

and Playboy playmate Heather Cole, the wife of Hogan's friend, Bubba "The Love Sponge"

Clem. Cole would later testify that Hogan was just one of the many men her husband pressured

her into sleeping with, although she insisted she had no idea Clem was filming the encounter.

In a now infamous twist, however, the leaked tape would prove to be the undoing of Gawker


Hogan filed a lawsuit against the news site, which was ordered to pay Hogan $31 million

in damages and subsequently forced to shut down in 2016.

"He was willing to do whatever it took to take down Gawker."

"I knew we were doing what was right, and even if we would have lost...even if we would

have lost, it would have been good because everybody would have known what Gawker was

all about."

The situation is almost bizarre enough to warrant a "based on a true story" Hollywood

movie...but even Hogan's own true story probably wouldn't cast him anymore.

"Lemme tell ya something sister brother.

You're gonna feel the tender embrace of Hulkamania!"

Racist remarks

In case you missed it, Hulk Hogan was officially fired by the WWE in 2015.

Although some said he voluntarily resigned, the WWE insisted it fired Hogan after a series

of racist comments he made were secretly recorded in yet another leaked sex tape with Heather


"I mean, I am a racist, to a point, f------ n------.

But then when it comes to nice people and s---, and whatever."

Hogan made a public apology for his statements, claiming his statements didn't represent his

personal beliefs.

In a bid to distance itself from Hogan, all mentions of him were scrubbed from the official

WWE website and online Hall of Fame.

Kind of a weird choice; it's not like everyone would suddenly forget he was a major wrestling

star for decades.

Not long after, rumors began to circulate that the WWE might be willing to bring the

wrestling legend back into the fold, scandals and all.

Not so 'Hollywood'

Hulk's work in Hollywood, despite literally calling himself "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, isn't

exactly impressive.

His first movie appearance was a cameo in Rocky III as a wrestler named "Thunderlips."

"Thunderlips is here in the flesh, babeh!"

Several years later, Hogan would make his star debut in the cult classic No Holds Barred

as a popular wrestler named Rip, which was not a dramatic stretch in any way.

No other wrestler had made quite as big a splash on the big screen as Hogan…except

for maybe Andre the Giant…and Roddy Piper.

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…

...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

Hulk still had a few more movies than most, and a TV series called Thunder In Paradise

to his credit.

That well went dry by the late '90s, with Hulk Hogan's last major role coming by way

of The Ultimate Weapon in 1998.

That level of cheesy action movie fare didn't really survive through the early 2000s, leaving

Hulk out in the cold.


A little too real

Hulk Hogan's attempts at nepotism also fell horribly flat.

First, there was the attempt to use his fame to help his daughter Brooke launch a singing


While she did have a few minor hits, Brooke made the mistake of being one too many generic

blonde pop singers during the early 2000s, and having a famous dad named Hulk Hogan still

wasn't enough to stand out.

If that weren't enough, Hogan decided to follow in the footsteps of The Osbournes, and put

his questionable family on reality TV.

Hogan Knows Best began airing in 2005.

Although the show was semi-popular with wrestling fans, the decision to put his family in the

spotlight created unnecessary strain for everyone involved.

In August 2007, Hulk's son, Nick, was involved in a horrific car accident, and his best friend

John Graziano was severely injured.

Graziano was left with permanent brain damage and will reportedly spend the rest of his

life "in a semi-conscious state."

The Graziano family sued the Hogans, and the two families settled out of court, while Nick

spent just eight months in jail.

A messy divorce

In the immediate aftermath of Nick's car crash, Hulk Hogan was left reeling when his wife,

Linda, filed for divorce.

By the time the dust of the bitter divorce settled, Linda managed to leave her marriage

with about 70 percent of Hulk Hogan's wealth.

Linda later blamed the divorce entirely on her ex, claiming she divorced him after he'd

had an affair with one of their daughter's friends.

She even went as far as to claim Hulk Hogan had an intimate relationship with wrestler

Brutus Beefcake, although she later retracted those claims.

By 2008, Hogan Knows Best was cancelled, and Hulk was devastated.

Needless to say, the wreck of his personal life has kept him fairly busy off-screen.

At least he has his Pastamania money to fall back on, right?

"I've eaten so many Hulkaroos, and Hulky-oos, I kinda feel sorry for Big Bubba, brother!"

Can Hulk return to Hollywood?

Given the negative press that Hulk Hogan has experienced in recent years, it only makes

sense that if he were welcomed back into the WWE, it would be as a bad guy.

It's certainly easier to have everyone hate a sex-taped closet racist than to realistically

turn such a guy like that into a hero.

But who knows?

A successful return to the WWE could help open a backdoor that would help Hulk Hogan

ease his way back into Hollywood.

It won't be easy, but it's not entirely impossible.

Stallone, the man who helped bring Hogan into Hollywood via that Rocky cameo, has helped

himself and other Hollywood action-movie hasbeens stay kinda relevant thanks to his Expendables


Maybe a future project could make room for Hogan?

Whatever moves Hulk Hogan makes to re-ignite his Hollywood career, he'll have to be careful.

He should know better than anyone: the cameras are always rolling.

Hopefully he can keep a lid on his racist rants — and what's in his pants.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Hollywood Wants No Part Of Hulk Hogan Anymore - Duration: 6:32.


Finns don't smile - Second semifinal - Susanna Medeiros vs Asal Bargh - Duration: 5:53.

It's time to put the Finnish myth to the test.

Are we Finns really as grumpy as we think?

We have chosen 8 representatives of Finnish expressionlessness

whose blank appearances will be tested under extreme circumstances.

Juron Jäljillä is a kind of a...well...a game

where the rules are simple:

put your best frowny face on, or go home with tail between your legs.

Two sourfaces enter, only one sourface battle another day.

Is Finland really the promised land of humourlessness...

...and who is the most Finnish of them all


the challenge of genuine Finnishness!

It's time for the second semifinal

where two super-surfaces get to challenge each other!

Fist semifinalist is Susanna.

What are your thoughts about your opponent?

I can tell you already that Asal will be a tough competition!

She rarely shows any emotions whatsoever!

...maybe it's natural for her... be completely emotionless.

...and cold hearted.

Looks like there is no love lost between these two ladies.

So the second semifinalist is our very own merrymaker Asal.

Asal, what do you think about your chances to win this competition?

Well Susanna has no chances of winning anything.

She just keeps on laughing all the time...

I have no idea what's so funny, but it's a good thing she's having a laugh.

I don't know what my tactic is because she is so hard to read!

Maybe I'll try to distract her.

No need to distract her now when the member of jury is...


...well...he is doing something.

This scientist guy was jiggling kinda strangely.

It was difficult to understand what he really wanted us to do.

I couldn't figure out that myself either...

Thankfully I'm such a smartypants I eventually got it!

Oh that's good. Please share that info!

I thought that MUST be a joke.

Not even a muscle moved in my face the whole day!

Nope, nothing moved.

Susanna, how did Asal do?

It wasn't a very natural dance for her.

Maybe if we had to dance face-to-face with our front parts touching...maybe that would have suited her better...

Oh, I get it!

Asal, was Susanna like Miley Cyrus?

Well Susanna looked like an overweight girl...

...who is very confident!

A girl who is twerking away and thinks she looks good..

...even though in reality she looks awful.

Face all red and wearing a costume like that and...

I think that sounds like fun!

But obviously you didn't laugh. At all.

All righty then, let's move along! The costume sure looks comfortable!

Now that we got to wear our OWN clothes, I was feeling way more comfortable

I almost didn't recognise you there without your bunny costumes!

I've once worn a Playboy bunny outfit...

...but nothing like that realistic bunny outfit we wore...

...nothing that covers every inch of my body.

I sure could wear that and go to a night club...or something! the bunny-dance!

It could get mighty hot doing that

Let's see how the girls perform the Finnish National Anthem with their helium-voices!

It wasn't funny whatsoever!

I mean come on...wearing your home clothes...

...letting the little fish ticket your feet...

...and then sing something.

Oh it wasn't funny was it? LIAR!

The helium doesn't really effect my voice at all

I think I'm immune to it!

Asal doesn't seem to be immune to it!

When Susanna started singing...

I couldn't stop laughing because she sounded so funny and...

Alright, calm down ladies, this is a very serious experiment.

So stop fooling around!

Next on the and Asal had some dinner.

Asal, stop playing with your food!

Asal sure had no dinnertable manners at all!

I don't know if she eats like that at home?!

But I sure as hell am not having dinner with her ever again!

That might be a good idea!

But if for some reason you happen to change your mind...

...please let us know when to be there, it looked HILARIOUS!

Susanna was laughing around the entire time!

And she was having fun and everything was funny and...

Asal, come on, stop acting up!

One thing I will never forget is that they served water!

It tasted strange. I'm not used to drinking water!

So that was the reason it isn't go so well Susanna?

And that's the way the cookie crumbles...Asal won. Again.

What was your tactic?

When I was a model we always had to smile in the photos...

...and when you're representing you always have to smile...

So I am quite bored with it.

I've loved not having to smile after that!

I think that was my strength!

I have no energy to smile or laugh or even look happy!

Maybe she just got lucky!

OR maybe she laughed less than you!

I was WAY better!

Yeah, right.

I think the jury might have been biased!

Might be..or then not.

Anywho, the lady who is going to the final is Asal

and there she will compete against the happiest man in Finland, Harri Olli!

Don't forget to watch...this is...


For more infomation >> Finns don't smile - Second semifinal - Susanna Medeiros vs Asal Bargh - Duration: 5:53.


Real Motivational Video! - Zero to One / Personal Development 2017 - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Real Motivational Video! - Zero to One / Personal Development 2017 - Duration: 7:01.


5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people - Duration: 1:09.

5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people

For more infomation >> 5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people - Duration: 1:09.


Aroma Grillet 6qt Multicooker - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Aroma Grillet 6qt Multicooker - Duration: 5:39.


Invest Your Money or Tax Return 2017 | The Best 5 Ways - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Invest Your Money or Tax Return 2017 | The Best 5 Ways - Duration: 5:37.


How To Produce A Card From Thin Air - Duration: 1:35.

how's it going everyone and today i'm going to show you how to produce a card out of thin

air so watch 1,2,3 just like that I can do that again watch i'm just going to teach you

it because I actually did this in a performance video you just go like this 1,2,3 perform

it produce it so all your doing is holding your finger like this your hand like this

so it has it to the second knuckle 1,2 now you want to put your card right there and

pinch it just like that then it will go back like that you'll half to practice this a little

bit then as you bring it up like let go of the bottom one then grab it with your finger

and your thumb so i'll do that kind of quick so you want to do it like that go 1,2,3 you

can do that a couple times just try it a lot of times in a row here let me make sure you

can see it pretty good watch just go like this 1,2,3 and people will be amazed after

you do it so many times after you learn it and you do it to them and it's just pretty

cool to do to people so yeah learn that trick go ahead go get a deck of cards right now

if you don't already have one with you and learn this trick how to produce cards out

of thin air yeah as you guys saw I did do a performance of this trick it's I actually

did two like I want like made one out of my hand and then produced one out of my hand

you can check that out you can check that video right up there check it out thanks for

watching don't forget to subscribe subscribe and we will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Produce A Card From Thin Air - Duration: 1:35.



For more infomation >> MASSIVE SEPHORA HAUL SUB ITA - Duration: 12:09.


Morning Exercise & Fasting Until Evening? - Duration: 8:17.

Hey, what's up, John Sonmez from

Today I have a fitness question for you.

That's right.

Do some fitness questions on this channel.

This question is about morning training and fasting until evening and this is from Krzysztof.

He says it's Polish Chris.

I probably could have figured that one out.

Question: "I'm wondering if the big gap in time between morning training and first

meal isn't bad for building muscles?

In most articles I've read about IF," that's intermittent fasting.

"Training is placed in the eating window or just before it/after it.

In our case it looks like it's not "clean IF."

Also, the most supplements – creatine, proteins, fat burnerns often needs to be taken many

times a day after meals.

How to solve this equation: Morning training, supplements and one meal a day at evening?

What about the "golden hour" after training?"

What he's talking about with the golden hour is that essentially after training—after

lifting you've got this window of opportunity to consume some protein and some carbs and

increase your protein synthesis, muscle growth.

There are a couple of things here Krzysztof.

I'll say first of all I'm not doing morning training anymore.

Maybe I did—I did this video—if you're wondering what I do do I have a video on how

I fast until 5 everyday.

I basically eat one meal a day.

I still do.

I've been doing that for 2-1/2 years now.


I've had a few breaks from that, but mostly been consistent for 2-1/2 years.

Now, I was doing AM training, training in the morning.

Now I train from 3 to 5 everyday.

Everyday—like today at 3:00 I'm going to go and run for 10 miles.

Tomorrow at 3:00 I'm going to go and lift for 2 hours.

That's how I roll.

The reason why I did that is partially because of what you're saying in your question here

is that I wanted to optimize that golden hour and I wanted to make sure that I was getting

the maximum benefit.

I had problems training in the morning, I said, well, okay, I can take some BCAAS, some

people say to do that or I can take some HMB or something and maybe that will make it so

that I don't have muscle loss in between the time that I eat and that whole span.

If I train early in the morning and I'm not going to eat until 5, okay, you can see

how that could be a problem in that case.

Or I would take a protein shake afterwards and then fast the rest of the day.

I just felt like I wasn't doing the optimal thing.

What I'm doing now is what I feel is optimal which is I'm doing the fasting until 5:00

but I'm doing my workout from 3 to 5 and so I'm eating right after.

For running I don't think it matters as much, but for lifting it does.

The reason why it matters for lifting and sort of the strategy behind what I'm doing

here is that what I want to do is I want the fasting to make me insulin sensitive.

I want to—I'm not going to actually enter a ketogenic spot, but I'm basically going

to deplete a lot of muscle glycogen when I'm doing my long cardio, my 10-mile runs and

when I'm lifting all in this fasted state and then the idea is that I'm going to replenish

that right after the lift eating some carbs and some protein and I'm going to be—my

body is going to preferentially use the carbohydrates that are coming in for replenishing glucose

and building muscle.

At least that's the idea and so far it has worked pretty well for me.

That's kind of my idea behind that.

Now, if you have to do AM workouts there are a couple of options for you.

One of them is—well, I'll give you 3 options.

One of them is to take HMB or BCAAS.

I used to do BCAAS but I found that HMB has a little bit more science behind it to prove

that it's good for preserving muscle.

You can take that about half an hour before your AM workout and that's probably going

to help you.

I take HMB before my workouts even in the evening because I think that it's beneficial

for decreasing protein breakdown.

If you gain muscle it happens because your protein synthesis is greater than your protein


You can either increase protein synthesis or you can decrease protein breakdown or you

could do both which is what I try to do.

That's one option is you could do that and then you do your fast and 5:00 you eat and

you're not going to get that golden hour benefit, but you should still get the benefits

of the fasting.

The second option would be to just use that golden hour and just have a protein shake

with some carbohydrates.

I usually put some Gatorade in there right after the AM workout and that's probably

going to give you that benefit.

You're just not going to have as long of a fasting window because you could do that

in the AM and then you could fast until 5:00 and still "eat one meal a day" and you're

probably going to benefit mostly from the calorie deficit there but not the extended

fasting, so you're not probably going to see the increased levels of HDH that you do

in extended fast.

The third option if you want to keep that morning workout is to eat your one meal a

day in the morning after your workout.

Now this is going to be pretty inconvenient.

I've tried this.

It's harder to go to sleep at night hungry than it is to get through the day hungry,

in my opinion, but I'm sure you can adapt to it.

It's a little bit harder socially to not be able to eat dinner and to only be able

to eat breakfast.

But, you know what, breakfast is pretty fuckin' great.

I like breakfast.

Especially, you know, you could go workout and you could eat some doughnuts afterwards

or some waffles or pancakes.

That's pretty cool.

There's a benefit there.

It depends on your lifestyle and what you can do and how serious you are about this.

I am putting out a program.

I know I say this a lot, but I am working on a program.

I'm still working on some aspects of it and I've still got a lot of things in my

queue for work to get done, but I will be putting out—I know a lot of you are asking.

You're like, "John, can you give me just a spreadsheet with what your lifts are, what

your workout is, what your diet regimen is."

I'm giogn to put it all into a program.

I'm going to have a video, I'm going to have everything and I'm going to sell it.

It's not going to be too expensive though.

I'll cover all that stuff and all the science behind this.

I get into a little bit of the detail here, but there's a huge amount of science to

what I'm doing, what supplements I'm taking and why I'm doing this to sort of optimize


My results have been pretty phenomenal.

I mean some of you have been watching my videos over time and I've done some experiments

where obviously I'm carrying a little bit more weight right now or a little bit more

fat because I was doing an experiment again and I'm still doing one now.

I'm always kind of perfecting this, but essentially what I'm doing now is fasting

until 5 everyday and I'm doing what would be—some people call it carb back loading

or carb cycling and that so far has been the most effective thing that I've done.

Great question Krzysztof, I think that this is a struggle for a lot of people that try

to do intermittent fasting with the AM workouts.

My preference is just to push it, to do it.

Again, I'll give one more option here.

This is what I would say for most people that work a 9 to 5 job is just after work go hit

the gym and go do your workout and then eat at 7:00 at night and that's going to get

you the biggest benefit in my opinion.

Although the only downside is that you might be tired after work.

That's why I say don't drive home, drive straight to the gym because then you can't

be too lazy then you have to go.

If you like this video, if you want more videos on fitness, programming, philosophy, career,

life, all that stuff, click the subscribe button below.

If you have a question for me about any of those topics you can email me at

and I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Morning Exercise & Fasting Until Evening? - Duration: 8:17.


How To Do a Synchronized Backbend | Kaya's Camera - Duration: 2:26.

BOTH: Welcome back to Kaya's Camera.

BOTH: It's Saturday morning.

ARIELLE: Saturday morning?? KAYA: Saturday...

KAYA: Sunday!

ARIELLE: Now we're gonna do a BOTH: Synchronized Back Bends

ARIELLE: It's a goal we've had between like

beginning of the year like…

the beginning of summer. KAYA: And now we got it.

ARIELLE: And now we,

and we got our stirring back bends.

KAYA: Let's do it.

ARIELLE: Well…and then after we're gonna teach you

what it takes to get it.

Then maybe you could practice.

Ready. Set. GO!

ARIELLE: You need someone to be with you. To believe you,

to spot you, to help you. KAYA: to help you in everything.

I mean, watch this. I'm going to spot Arielle.


You put your…

If you're a beginner,

And you're the one spotting.

Put your hand right here securely and put your other hand on the back.

ARIELLE: You have to put your hands up,

look at your… look at your fingertips. KAYA: You need to reach back. And then I hold…

KAYA: And then once she gets almost to the ground you

grab right here. You let go up here and grab right here.

ARIELLE: Someone's afraid?

You have to believe in them. Do whatever helping them.

You have to believe.

KAYA: And believe in yourself. ARIELLE: And believe in your…

Yeah. Believe in yourself.

That's the number 1 key to take.

BOTH: That's it for now. Bye!

For more infomation >> How To Do a Synchronized Backbend | Kaya's Camera - Duration: 2:26.


TOKYO'S BEST LITTLE RESTAURANT (AKA The TabiEats Diner) - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> TOKYO'S BEST LITTLE RESTAURANT (AKA The TabiEats Diner) - Duration: 14:30.


Westfield police searching for missing teen - Duration: 0:31.























For more infomation >> Westfield police searching for missing teen - Duration: 0:31.


I want my ipad for bed - Duration: 0:32.

Can I have it, honey?

Can I have it?

Can I have it ?

take this one ..

I'm giving you back

Everybody say cheese

For more infomation >> I want my ipad for bed - Duration: 0:32.


the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.


Couch Coat Deluxe Set of 3 Reversible Couch Covers - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Couch Coat Deluxe Set of 3 Reversible Couch Covers - Duration: 5:14.


Fifty Shades Darker Frist Look | Jamie Dornan | Dakota Johnson | New Movie hd - Duration: 1:06.

MOVTUVE TK please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Fifty Shades Darker Frist Look | Jamie Dornan | Dakota Johnson | New Movie hd - Duration: 1:06.


Skm破音@音樂男神【就此别過】字幕 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Skm破音@音樂男神【就此别過】字幕 - Duration: 4:21.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


WordFameWednesday1.25 - Duration: 2:51.

Good day everyone, I'm Alexander and today is Word Fame Wednesday.

What word fame will you be sharing today?

What's word fame Wednesday you ask?

Word fame is a chance to say thank you, or your awesome, or you inspire me to someone

that you know.

It's also a chance to share with your friends and family something positive that you've

witnessed and would like to show as an example to others.

Word fame wednesday is a way to make this a regular habit of acknowledging others and

thanking them for being a part of our lives.

And because I'm a voice Herald, rather than typing these out, it's more fun for me to

actually get to speak about the people that I'm talking about and who I want to share


So, I'm going to make this a video series.

Today, for my first word fame Wednesday shout out, I would like to speak of Lady Melissa

di Constantino.

Lady Melissa di Constantino has done some wonderful work and service for the archery

community of the Middle Kingdom and the SCA.

She's also done some beautiful work with embroidery and I have loved watching her inkle weaving

coming alone online.

Melissa and I first made aquaintance with one another, formally, at the SCA 50 Year

Celebration and there she provided wonderful service and support to the archery community,

on and off the range.

She demonstrated compassion and humanity that I find beautifully refreshing.

In Addition, I have really enjoyed watching her needlework come along online, she's been

doing some beautiful things, as can be seen here.

And I have really, really, loved watching her work as an inkle weaver.

It's beautiful work.

Melissa, today I salute you.


***Closed Captioning by Alexander Adelbrecht von Markelingen***

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