Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 3 2017

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to another quick video lesson with Liberty Park Music!

My name is Ze and today we'll be looking at a simple yet powerful idea called

"Anchor Fingers".

And it's great for beginners.

It helps you with your chord changes.


Throughout the video if you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section down

below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

So I bet you're wondering what is an anchor finger?

So basically it's a finger that stays on the same strings throughout two or more chords.

So, basically, you'll keep that finger on the same string and it gives you a sense of

space, a sense of physical space and it also anchors your hand on to the fretboard.

It's great for beginners because a lot of times when beginners wanna do their chord

changes they lift all their fingers off and then they try to put it back down.

And you find that, you tend to miss a lot because there's not sense of physical space.

So with anchor fingers, it will remove that problem and you will always have an idea of

where all the strings are.

So, in order to use your anchor fingers effectively, you do have to do some planning beforehand

because some of the fingers for certain chords will have to change.

In the following example, we will use the chords A major, E Major and D Major.

So when we use the example of A Major, E Major and D Major, we will switch the fingerings

for A Major around.

So normally, you will play your A Major with your index finger on the second fret of the

fourth string.

Your middle finder on the second fret of the third string.

And then your ring finger on the second fret of the second string.

But this gives you a problem when you want to switch from A Major to D Major.

SORRY NOT D Major, I mean E Major.

So what you wanna do instead is you wanna switch your middle finger and your index finger around.

So now, you have your middle finger on the second fret of the fourth string.

And your index finger on the second fret of the third string.

So, what this gives you...

Is it gives you an anchor finger which is your index finger, between all three chords.

So now, your index finger stays on the third string from A to D and to E as well.


So in order to use your anchor fingers effectively, you wanna think about these three steps.

So, we'll use the example of switching from A Major to E Major.

So once you've done playing the A Major chord, what you wanna do is remove the two fingers

that are NON-anchor fingers which is the middle finger and the ring finger.

And at the same time, you wanna release the pressure of the string from your index finger.

But don't lose contact with the string because once you lose contact with the string, that's

when you lose your sense of physical space.

So that's the first step.

The second step is you wanna slide your anchor finger down to where it should go for the next chord.

And finally, the third step is placing the other two NON-anchor fingers down to form the chord.

So once again, it is: 1, 2, 3.

You wanna start slow and then build up speed using a metronome or you can just rely on

your own sense of timing.

So there will be certain chord progressions where it's impossible to place and plan anchor

fingers ahead, but as much as possible, you always wanna try to adjust your fingerings

so that you will always have an anchor finger.

So here is an example of where I may have some anchor fingers between some chords and not on others.

So the chord progression I'll use is G Major

To D Major

to C Major

And A Minor.

And back to my G.

So as you can see, from the G Major to my D Major, I do have an anchor finger on my

ring finger.

So when I do this switch, I rely on my anchor finger as much as possible.

But once I get to my D and I want to switch to my C, I don't have an anchor finger between

these two chords.

So this is a chord change that I would work on a lot more than the others.

But once I get to my C Major, it's easy to switch to my A Minor again because I have

to anchor fingers instead of one, for C Major to A Minor.

And the two anchor fingers are my middle finger and index finger.

And then when I go back to my G Major, once again, there are no anchor fingers.

So, again, you will have to practice this chord change a lot more than the ones with anchor fingers.

And that's all we have for today, remember if you have any questions or comments, leave them down below.

And if you enjoyed this video lesson, please like, share and subscribe!


For more infomation >> A, D, E chords - Switch Chords With Anchor Fingers - Duration: 5:55.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-DRS (Airco/BlueTooth/LED) RIJKL - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-DRS (Airco/BlueTooth/LED) RIJKL - Duration: 1:16.


Fou d'amour (disponível com legenda PT/FR) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Fou d'amour (disponível com legenda PT/FR) - Duration: 4:01.


Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam_03 de enero de 2017. - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam_03 de enero de 2017. - Duration: 1:57.


Lagu India 2017 Mere Rashke Qamar Junaid - Starring Hrithik Roshan and Sonam Kapoor - Beautiful Song - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Lagu India 2017 Mere Rashke Qamar Junaid - Starring Hrithik Roshan and Sonam Kapoor - Beautiful Song - Duration: 3:53.


NOS NATAL - NOS 4 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> NOS NATAL - NOS 4 - Duration: 0:31.


Solved Example-5 on Wave Motion (GA_WAV04X5) - Duration: 2:42.

In this example we are required to show that y is equal to 8 e to power 3x minus 4t is

an equation of a simple harmonic wave, and, also we are required to find the, speed of

this wave. in this situation, as we are given that 8

e to power 3x minus 4 t, we can find del y by del t which is, the particle, motion speed,

which can be given as, minus 32 e to power 3x minus 4 t, similarly we can find the slope

of displacement curve is del y by del x which is given as 24 e to power three X minus, 4t.

once again on differentiating we get acceleration of particle can be given as del square y by

del t square, on further differentiating it partially with respect to time, we get 128,

e to power 3x minus 4 t, and if we find the curvature of displacement curve that is del

square y by del x square, this will give us 72 e to power 3x minus, 4t.

now combining these relations, we get del square y by del x square, is equal to, 72,

by, 128 del square y by del t square, which is equal to 9 by 16, del square y by, del

t square, and if we talk about linear simple harmonic wave equation, which is given as

del square y by del x square is equal to 1 by v square del square y by del t square.

on comparison of these 2 equations, on comparing, we get, we can simply compare these 2 and

we get, v square is equal to, 16 by 9, or wave speed is 4 by 3 meters per sec. which

will be answer to this problem, and as this final equation is, in the form of linear simple

harmonic wave equation we can simply write, we have just proved, that this, wave is following,

the simple harmonic wave linear equation . so it is an equation of, this e to power 3x

minus 4t is an equation of, simple harmonic wave.

For more infomation >> Solved Example-5 on Wave Motion (GA_WAV04X5) - Duration: 2:42.


[NO AUDIO] Just Dance 2016 - Copacabana gameplay - Duration: 4:34.

so, we recorded this video some time ago

and I'm finally posting it

I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to thumbs up if you liked

and to subscribe if you're new to this channel

I'd like to thank Bia, Lorena and Lucas for recording with me

this is first Lucas' video, btw

and don't forget to send me song requests from gameplays you'd like to watch

because I'll start recording "season 2017" in the following days

I'm preparing some stuff and I hope I'll be able to do everything I'm planning

so, until next time, until the next video

I hope you enjoyed and see ya :)

For more infomation >> [NO AUDIO] Just Dance 2016 - Copacabana gameplay - Duration: 4:34.


Just Dance 2016 - Copacabana gameplay - Duration: 4:34.

so, we recorded this video some time ago

and I'm finally posting it

I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to thumbs up if you liked

and to subscribe if you're new to this channel

I'd like to thank Bia, Lorena and Lucas for recording with me

this is first Lucas' video, btw

and don't forget to send me song requests from gameplays you'd like to watch

because I'll start recording "season 2017" in the following days

I'm preparing some stuff and I hope I'll be able to do everything I'm planning

so, until next time, until the next video

I hope you enjoyed and see ya :)

For more infomation >> Just Dance 2016 - Copacabana gameplay - Duration: 4:34.


13. Physics | Waves Motion | Solved Example-5 on Wave Motion | by Ashish Arora - Duration: 2:42.

In this example we are required to show that y is equal to 8 e to power 3x minus 4t is

an equation of a simple harmonic wave, and, also we are required to find the, speed of

this wave. in this situation, as we are given that 8

e to power 3x minus 4 t, we can find del y by del t which is, the particle, motion speed,

which can be given as, minus 32 e to power 3x minus 4 t, similarly we can find the slope

of displacement curve is del y by del x which is given as 24 e to power three X minus, 4t.

once again on differentiating we get acceleration of particle can be given as del square y by

del t square, on further differentiating it partially with respect to time, we get 128,

e to power 3x minus 4 t, and if we find the curvature of displacement curve that is del

square y by del x square, this will give us 72 e to power 3x minus, 4t.

now combining these relations, we get del square y by del x square, is equal to, 72,

by, 128 del square y by del t square, which is equal to 9 by 16, del square y by, del

t square, and if we talk about linear simple harmonic wave equation, which is given as

del square y by del x square is equal to 1 by v square del square y by del t square.

on comparison of these 2 equations, on comparing, we get, we can simply compare these 2 and

we get, v square is equal to, 16 by 9, or wave speed is 4 by 3 meters per sec. which

will be answer to this problem, and as this final equation is, in the form of linear simple

harmonic wave equation we can simply write, we have just proved, that this, wave is following,

the simple harmonic wave linear equation . so it is an equation of, this e to power 3x

minus 4t is an equation of, simple harmonic wave.

For more infomation >> 13. Physics | Waves Motion | Solved Example-5 on Wave Motion | by Ashish Arora - Duration: 2:42.


🌟 HOW DOES HELLO NEIGHBOR END??? - Duration: 4:32.

whoa it looks a little outside then

let's see her to get out of this room

okay II we can turn the lights off to on


ok guys we want to save power so many

energy savers and keep the light off

while it's freaky and maybe i'll say i

can't even see them there anymore all

right stuff all the way out here

flash flooding here that would be

awesome but I don't think that's great

well I guess we'll just have to borrow

one from the neighbors

yep they're all right i don't think the

neighborhood mind much

whoa what time is it we like midnight

well it's probably just starting out so

neighborhood of your door that are you

having a party chamber realize that

light so blade that is over there i

don't know i just walked into the Sallis

yeah i guess since we're neighbors were

probably friendly probably from this

each other AD have a flashlight i can


whoa geez thanks to cast kicking 80 and

through so dark oh my god just like nice

alright guys we will not turn off the

lights will not be energy savers because

there's just way too dark to exit here

let me take some of my stuff inside pick

up stuff okay

alright interesting okay I like drop it

okay right foot all right okay we just

bring all this stuff and side surprised

i can carry a TV and so many boxes

oh boy that is not always how you are in

your house guys all right you see what

the neighbors up to

he seems to have closes door which is

very nice i probably spooked them

yesterday so let me give him a nice

friendly hello Marion doorbell

alright can you neighbor I'm here


oh what the don't I got time because I

run the doorbell

why that makes no sense

alright them i will try to speak

anything at all this stuff like to turn

te no way I look at them all right then

what a night for all right with this is

my room actually it's kind of cool

ok won't be able to watch from there but

at least to my room and also and there's

not really much plate so might have been

just regular anyway let's see some

hustle writer three years just the trash

or nothing in there

oh there's stuff in there with apples in

there and I actually take those happens

I don't think we know those are probably

tomatoes but now I cannot

I think Oh what that doesn't look good

alright already can throw stone itself

can actually pick these up

oh yes I can nice alright i got running

tomatoes you think my neighborhood like

that i think you would throw it out that

did not

oh it's not it's window oh gosh what are

you wearing identity

oh they are practice this what day yet

so they're not strongly that he do have


31 flavors your is crazy

all right let me try to find something

haha i will prove it

hold all I can get him back with his own


all right let me see if I can throw it

into his house

wow oh ok I broke his actual window I

did not mean that well and then again

was expecting really probably going to

be kind of mad at me or maybe not even

though the sound alright always got

another one here and pick this up

actually no I just I care

For more infomation >> 🌟 HOW DOES HELLO NEIGHBOR END??? - Duration: 4:32.


La Multi Ani 2017!!! Am Castigat!!!! - Duration: 9:48.

Happy New Year, everyone!!

And welcome to 2017

I wanted to start off this year with a vlog

A normal vlog, just chit-chat

It's the 2nd of December today

And i just got the courage to get out of bed

I honestly needed a break

The plan for today is to go shopping for a jar

I'll let you know why a little bit later


Today's greatest news

I just found out that i won a giveaway

Actually it's a 3 in 1 giveaway

Corina, Alexa and Iasmi made it all happen

Links to their channels in the description box

I can't express myself how overjoyed i feel righ now

This is the best start of a new year everrrrrr

I forgot what the giveaway was about

That's how shocked i am

I will make a separate video when i receive it

I need a minute to process...

Before i go looking for my jar

I have 2 movie recommendations for you

If you want more videos like this comment down below

I watch a lot of movies

You will find links to trailers in the description box

The next 2-3 min i am just rumbling about the movies i saw

the first one is called "Return to sender"

It's a very awkward thriller

Very different than what i expected it to be

As far as the trailer went

bla bla bla.... about the movie....

The 2nd movie is called "Lights out"

It's a horror movie

I'm not going to waste time explaining it

Check out the trailer in the description box

Just don't watch it alone ...

Less talking, more action

I just left home, trying to look for that jar!!!

A lot of commotion here and a big mess

After New Year's Eve nobody cleaned up the streets

crossing the street...

Leave a comment about how you spent your New Year's Eve

I would like to know

Finally i got my jar!!!

The deal with the jar is...

Make little notes

With every happy moment during the year

And at the end of the year

Empty the jar

So that you never forget the good days

Over the year

My first note will be winning the giveaway


I also bought some toothbrushes (TMI)

Next stop is a little shop to get some fruits

And that's about it for today!

Don't forget to Like & Subscribe!!!

Wish you an awesome 2017!!!

See you in my next video!! kisses

For more infomation >> La Multi Ani 2017!!! Am Castigat!!!! - Duration: 9:48.


Womens Bathing Suits by Montce Swim - Duration: 3:56.

Montce Swim

designed by Alexandra Grief

Montce Swim is all about creating super-sexy,

flattering swimwear in beautiful colors & prints.

They're inspired by mermaids, exotic destinations,

and their amazing customers.

Montce bikinis accentuate the booty & flatter the body :)

Their bikinis do not cut in!

Their seasonal collections are featured here on Montce.com,

at their Montce Swim Shops located in Fort Lauderdale & Hermosa Beach,

as well as select boutiques world-wide!

Please note that all Montce Swim pieces are hand-made in The USA, with love

Thank you for watching

support us

by like and share this video

For more infomation >> Womens Bathing Suits by Montce Swim - Duration: 3:56.


Moteur de Recherche E-Commerce Personnalisé - SENSEFUEL - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Moteur de Recherche E-Commerce Personnalisé - SENSEFUEL - Duration: 1:17.


How To Get Glowing Face In a Week - 100% Natural - Duration: 4:15.

Hai viwers Today i'm going to share

with you how to get bright glowing skin

with milk milk can be used as scrubber

cleanser and moisturizer milk as a

cleanser take some milk any container

apply it on your face as a cleanser with

a cotton ball before applying clean your

face with warm water gently rub this

milk all over your skin in circular

motion milke has a unique ability to

remove oil soluble impurities with the

help of fat soluble enzyme lipase and

protein-based impurity with the help of

protease the dead skin cells with lactic

acid milk is the best national cleanser

for normal dry senstive skin leave

it for 5 minutes on your face then wash

it off with normal water milke as a

scrubber for this we need rice flour

lemon and milk let's start the process

take one bowl

add 1 tablespoon of rice flour half

tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of

milk mix all ingredients well

make a fine paste clean your face and

apply this all over your face

leave it for 10 minutes and then massage

gently with some milk and wash it with

cold water the lactic acid will help to

dissolve in active protein and helps to

break down itself there by the protein

and fat will lubricate and softened the

skin milk as a moisturizer for this we

need rawmilk honey and alovera gel

let's start the process take a small


add aalovera gel

one tablespoon of milk

and 1 tablespoon of honey

mix all the ingredients well

after scrubbing apply this paste all

over your face and Nick with the help of

a cotton ball lactic acid in the milk

will help to reduce pigmentation it

heals dry skin milk is having

anti-inflammatory properties which helps

to soothe and sunburns it has

moisturizing and skin repairing

properties after applaying on the face

leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and wash

it off with cold water use this everyday

and it keeps your face moisturised apply

this back continuously for seven days

you can feel the visible difference

thank you for watching this video like

and subscribe for more videos





For more infomation >> How To Get Glowing Face In a Week - 100% Natural - Duration: 4:15.


Quaker® Oats Smoothie

For more infomation >> Quaker® Oats Smoothie


S.Pellegrino® Water

For more infomation >> S.Pellegrino® Water


Volvo V60 T3 R-DESIGN (NORDIC+ SPORT) AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T3 R-DESIGN (NORDIC+ SPORT) AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:07.


Volvo V60 T3 AUT R-Design,Leer,Navigatie - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T3 AUT R-Design,Leer,Navigatie - Duration: 1:23.


Volvo XC60 T5 Automaat R-DESIGN , full options - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 Automaat R-DESIGN , full options - Duration: 1:43.


Volvo S60 D2 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 D2 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:30.


Volvo V60 D5 R design Twin Engine - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D5 R design Twin Engine - Duration: 1:06.


Volvo V40 D4 R-design Business 14% bijtelling - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D4 R-design Business 14% bijtelling - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo V40 D2 KINETIC R-DESIGN SPORT PAKKET - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D2 KINETIC R-DESIGN SPORT PAKKET - Duration: 1:34.


Volvo XC60 D3 R-Design Plus Line Automaat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 D3 R-Design Plus Line Automaat - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo V50 D2 R-design, Nav, Tel, Leer - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 D2 R-design, Nav, Tel, Leer - Duration: 1:19.


Volvo XC60 D4 R-Design Scandinavian Business Aut-8 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 D4 R-Design Scandinavian Business Aut-8 - Duration: 1:54.


Volvo XC60 T5 AUT R-Design,Scandinavian-Winter-Intellisafe - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 AUT R-Design,Scandinavian-Winter-Intellisafe - Duration: 1:21.


Volvo V40 D4 R-design, Navigatie, Bluetooth, 18 Inch. - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D4 R-design, Navigatie, Bluetooth, 18 Inch. - Duration: 1:27.


Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS PACK PRO 20% - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS PACK PRO 20% - Duration: 1:51.


Volvo V60 T3 Automaat R-Design Winter Scandinavian Line - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T3 Automaat R-Design Winter Scandinavian Line - Duration: 1:18.


Volvo V60 D2 AUT, R-design, Leer, Nav, Bluetooth - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D2 AUT, R-design, Leer, Nav, Bluetooth - Duration: 1:23.


Volvo V60 D5 TWIN R-Design 15%, Hybrid, Family, Intellisafe - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 D5 TWIN R-Design 15%, Hybrid, Family, Intellisafe - Duration: 1:40.


Volvo V60 20% D3 AUT. R-Design Scandinavian, Nav, Tel - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 20% D3 AUT. R-Design Scandinavian, Nav, Tel - Duration: 1:54.


Volvo V60 2.0 D2 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D2 R-DESIGN AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:27.


Love Lele Pons?

For more infomation >> Love Lele Pons?


'La La Land' Trailer

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Trailer


Opel Meriva 1.4T 120PK Blitz Leder/ Navi/ PDC V+A/ 16" LM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4T 120PK Blitz Leder/ Navi/ PDC V+A/ 16" LM - Duration: 0:59.


Incheon Int'l Airport handled record amount of cargo in 2016 - Duration: 0:48.

Although Korea's exports and imports fell last year, Incheon International Airport saw

a record amount of cargo.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the nation's main gateway processed

a little over 2-point-7-1 million tons of cargo in 2016, an increase of 4-point-6 percent

from the year before.

The ministry attributed the rise to more outbound shipments to America and Europe, which bought

more electronics, and emerging markets in Asia, which took in more consumer goods.

This despite an overall dip in exports of 5-point-9 percent.

Incheon airport handles a huge portion of Korea's trade -- over 99 percent of all international

air cargo, and more than a quarter of the country's overall imports and exports.

For more infomation >> Incheon Int'l Airport handled record amount of cargo in 2016 - Duration: 0:48.


Most people wanted to leave the refugee camp - but they didn't have anywhere to go - Duration: 1:31.

People do talk about things. People in the camp, they'd talk about a lot of things.

Girls would get married because a guy came from South Africa and said,

"Oh, I'm in South Africa." He'll marry three girls if he wants to.

And then they will all find themselves in the camp and the guy will leave some of

them pregnant, some nothing. So people wanted to leave but you have to be

determined, just leaving wasn't enough. You had to want it. You had to need it.

You had to desire. You had to know why you want to leave. So I felt that although

people wanted to leave, but they didn't know where, and they didn't also have the

resources to leave because you're like five, seven hours away in a car from

any town, and so you need to kind of have money to leave from camp to that town and

then from that town to another place to kind of settle down. The people didn't

have all the resources they needed to move. And also, it's like, when you found

yourself in a place with no hope, many people kind of felt like,

"Okay, I'm just going to be here," and kind of satisfied in a way. Because they

were like, "Okay, even if we try, there is nothing we can do." So I felt kind of

people gave up on trying.

For more infomation >> Most people wanted to leave the refugee camp - but they didn't have anywhere to go - Duration: 1:31.


The WonderTrips - Pay At-text-ion - English - Duration: 2:56.

The WonderTrips...The WonderTrips

Teddy, Timmy and Tommy are their names.

They are the WonderTrips


Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.


What are you talking about?

Good idea isn't a flavor.


Okay then I'll have one of


Just a second.


I'm confused.

You said just a second about ten minutes ago.


That's hilarious.



What flavor of ice cream do you want Tommy?


That sounds great.

Give me the egg kind.



You need to put your phone down

and tell the man what flavor of ice cream you want.


I want the


Hold on.


I'm sorry.

He doesn't have time to tell us


so he just won't have any.

Are you sure?

We are having a sale on





I just love Egg-Ocentric.


Please subscribe to Egg-Ocentric channel


He won't even realize we have ice cream.


We would like a double cone please.


Sounds good.

That will be $3.00




My battery's dead

What are you guys eating?

I'm glad your phone is off.

Me too.


you need to establish some manners with your phone.


with my phone?

You're crazy!

I'm not crazy.

You're crazy with your phone.

I agree with Teddy.

You're crazy with your phone.

You need to balance your time with your phone

and the people around you.

Well I'm sorry.

Can I have some of your ice cream?

Welcome back to the conversation.

Order a single for your hand that isn't

filled with a phone now.

For more infomation >> The WonderTrips - Pay At-text-ion - English - Duration: 2:56.


Emmitt Smith - The Emmitt Zone (pt. 2) - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> Emmitt Smith - The Emmitt Zone (pt. 2) - Duration: 15:08.


Soulja Boy and Chris Brown Beef Over Karrueche - Duration: 2:43.

Soulja Boy and Chris Brown beef over Karrueche

I run I don't mention that belong in

jail time for DUI he is making getting

out at the whole makes water girls

Hey, Chris Brown you B****

when I see your beat the f*** out you n****

think you hard because you hit Rihanna

because you beat Rihanna up n****. Do

that s*** to me. You gon call my phone on

facetime talking about some oh why you like

Karrueche pictures on Instagram and

why you liked Karrueche pictures on

Instagram when i see you Imma catch the

fade I'm gonna knock you out..

N**** this is fruit time Piru you ain't

even good in the hood n**** we from the

same hood and block...

I see you catching the fade I'm gonna

knock your b**** ass out

let's get the party started in life my

another hour. Shout out to young money. About to shut the

stage down if you in atlanta you did you

watching us why you're not here you know

Don't be watching if you in Atlanta

Get off the computer.

Y'all heard what he said?

trending topics and all of that.

can I have two million followers?

that's all I want let me just get two million followers

you feel me?

Follow us, y'all. It's a movement, y'all. Follow me

People hitting me on Twitter like "oh you're a rapper now?"

Chris Brown album leaked, you know what i'm saying.

real fans please make sure you still cop it.

She want the Gucci boots.

I know you got that Louis bag.

The new one? The monogram green and black?

I meet like seven people with the same bag

i'm walking to the club I'm thinking I'm fresh like YEAH

For more infomation >> Soulja Boy and Chris Brown Beef Over Karrueche - Duration: 2:43.


DIY Sports Fan Decoupage Wine Bottle (HD) - Duration: 9:21.

Welcome Back to DIY No Need To Cry With Ivelisse

DIY Sports Fan Decoupage Wine Bottle

All the materials I used for this DIY are listed in the description box below

Using white acrylic paint and a pouncer brush..

I painted the whole bottle twice.

Letting it dry between each coat.

Once it's fully dried, using a paint brush and acrylic paint in the color Thicket..

I painted a stripe around the bottom of the bottle.

Try to keep the thickness consistent, around the whole bottle as much as you can but don't

worry if it isn't perfect as you will see me overlap it to make it even, using the next


Once your done, set that aside to dry.

Using the color School Bus Yellow, I started the second strip.

What I'm creating is the strip pattern on the team jerseys.

With this color I can go over any spots of the green that was to thick and make the strip


Once you are done continue up the bottle until you have achieved this pattern.

I went over it several times and touched up an spots until I was stratified.

I then touched up the final yellow strip using white acrylic paint and a pouncer brush.

You can use a brush if you like.

Then let that dry.

While that dried I prepared the piece of fabric that I was going to decoupage onto the bottle.

I cut up a pair of mens athletic mesh shorts.

Using a pouncer brush and that same green paint I used for the strips..

I painted the fabric on both sides.

Remember that the paint will bleed through the fabric, so make sure to put something

under the fabric before painting and your hand will get paint all over them so you might

want to wear a pair of plastic gloves for this part as well.

Using binder clips..

I clipped the wet fabric onto a hanger and hung it up to dry.

Once it was dry, I measure the piece I wanted and cut it out.

Now it was time to decoupage the fabric onto the bottle.

Using a clean brush and Mod Podge glue, I placed glue on the bottle and placed the fabric

on top.

going around the whole bottle until the whole piece was glued down.

I then gave it a top layer of Mod Podge.

Let that dry.

Using a pouncer brush and the same green acrylic paint, I painted the top of the bottle until

I reached the neck.

Be careful and try not to get any paint on the fabric.

It's the same color but it will still be noticeable if you do and set that aside to dry.

Then I created the same patten to the neck as I did the bottom of the bottle.

Except I painted the very rim of it with the green.

While that dried, I prepared the napkin I was going to decoupage onto the front.

I cut out the design I wanted, separated the plies of paper but with this bottle I kept

both pieces.

You will need both pieces because I needed to add a white base before decoupaging the

napkin.. so I decoupaged the plan white one onto the bottle first... to then use it as

a guide... to know where to paint white.

Using Mod Podge and a brush I decoupaged the white piece onto the bottle.

Let that dry.

I then painted over that with white acrylic paint and a sponge brush.

Making sure to stay within the line but getting as close as I could.

Let that dry.

Now taking the printed piece of napkin, lining it up as best as I could, I decoupaged it

on top of that.

When that was all dry I placed the name using sticker letters and the number on the the

back of the bottle.

This bottle was request by my father for my brother. He is a big

green bay packers fan.

he also played sports and his player number was 4

Once I had arranged them the way I liked..

I sealed them with a coat of Mod Podge.

Let that dry.

I then coated the whole bottle in Mod Podge and let that dry.

I then took the NFL official sticker off the napkin packaging and glued it the the neck of the

bottle on the back.

Finally I sprayed the whole bottle with a coat of Rust-Oleum Triple Thick Glaze.

Let that dry.

and now you have a piece that any sports fan will love

I love how this bottle came out!

This was a tricky one to figure out but I worked it out and now all you have to do is

follow my steps.

Remember you can do this with any team you like.

This would make a great center piece for a super bowl party or a gift for that family

member who is a die hard fan.

It would also make a great piece for a home bar and lets not forget how amazing this would

look in a man cave!

Thanks for watching!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the comment section below and

if this is your first time watching, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on

future video's and remember.. do it yourself, there's no need to cry!

If you want to see how I made the wine stopper for this bottle.. the link to that video is

in the description box below.

For more infomation >> DIY Sports Fan Decoupage Wine Bottle (HD) - Duration: 9:21.


Relocating wasn't just a choice, it was an opportunity - Duration: 1:32.

The decision of coming to United States wasn't really made by me because when

you're in a camp or when you're a refugee, you want resettlement.

You're tired of being a refugee. You want to kind of find a home where you can start

over. And the fear of like, "Okay, I might move from here to another place," go away.

So you just go and ask UN if they can settle you, like in another nation,

in another country. And then the decisions of which country come from them.

They can decide to take you to Europe. They can decide to take you to America.

Once they make that decision, then they tell you, "So from talking to you,

we think it's going to be good for you to go to United States." So the first thing

comes to mind, it's excitement because you're like, "Great! America.

Okay, amazing." I'm going to go to this place that people have told you all these

things about the nation, that you're going to have a different life,

you're going to have a home, you're going to have everything provided for, not as

handed to you, but if you work hard, you're going to get it. You're going to

have a meal. You don't have to eat once or twice a day unless you want to.

The first time they tell you that you're going to go, you're going to be settled in

another country, you just get excited. And then you start going through the process.

For more infomation >> Relocating wasn't just a choice, it was an opportunity - Duration: 1:32.


Smog alert issued in 61 Chinese cities - Duration: 2:02.

Despite China's claims of making efforts to reduce its air pollution levels, heavy smog

alerts have been issued for the northern regions.

The air was so toxic in some places, it even pushed area residents to spend their New Year's

holidays someplace far from home.

Lee Ji-won has the full story.

With the smog in the northern parts of China getting worse by the day,... a smog alert

has been issued in over 60 cities... and a huge number of residents spent their New Year's

away from the area.

According to China's environmental protection ministry, red alerts have been issued for

24 cities.

That's the highest level in China's four-tier pollution warning system and at that level,

factories, schools and construction sites are closed.

On top of that, the next alert levels of orange and yellow have been issued for 37 cities,...

including the capital of Beijing.

"Nobody likes smog.

Smog has negative effects on people's emotions and we're all feeling very bad about this."

"I feel so depressed.

I have a child, but I can only keep him at home and he can't even go out to get any sunshine.

This really worries me."

Reports say the bad smog can be attributed to an increase in violators of a five-year

plan aimed at reducing air pollution.

The ministry said the cold weather was also a factor, as more coal is burned for heating,

in addition to the already poor atmospheric circulation in the winter.

As a result,... some 120-million residents of places in northern China spent their three-day

New Year's holiday in the southern parts of the country, including Sanya, which saw a

7-point-7 percent increase in tourists on the first day of the new year,... compared

to same time last year.

The Chinese government is currently working to alleviate the pollution by dispatching

inspection teams to factories, but the ministry says current air pollution levels are expected

to last until Thursday.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Smog alert issued in 61 Chinese cities - Duration: 2:02.


DIY Football Wine Stopper HD - Duration: 7:35.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse

DIY Football Wine Stopper

All the materials I used for this DIY are listed in the description box below.

I first unscrewed the chrome ball from the wine stopper post and measure where I wanted

to make the hole.

This was a kids toy football and I didn't want the smily face to show.

That's why I didn't use the side that already had the laces.

I took my X-Acto knife and poked a hole.

I then started drilling into the ball until it was about the size of the wine stopper


Once that was done I made slits in the ball in a cross shape, starting from the hole I

just made.

Follow the pattern shown.

Screw the chrome stopper ball back on.

While making the slits, keep checking to see when the chrome ball will fit.

This way you don't make the slits to big.

After that's done, taking a pair of scissors, I cut the little ends off of the predrilled


As shown in the pattern, in red dots.

If your's doesn't have excess ends than you can skip this part.

Using a large eyed needle and white gimp (also known as plastic lace) I created the football


Make two pinholes to mark where you want it.

Taking a pair of pliers I pulled the needle out through the hole.

Take the needle off at this point and tie a double knot.

Do the same for the other side.

When knotting the other side.. squish the ball down or use the pliers to slide the knot


Using the same technique, do for more lines but do them smaller and vertically.

Taking some cotton stuffing, I stuffed the ball until it only had enough room for the

chrome ball part of the stopper to fit.

Take a hot glue gun and fill the hole without it

over flowing but make sure to put enough.

Then push the wine stopper in and hold it down tight until it dries and your done!

Thanks for watching!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the comment section below and

if this is your first time watching, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on

future video's and remember... do it yourself there's no need to cry!

For more infomation >> DIY Football Wine Stopper HD - Duration: 7:35.


English Slang words to describe a Coward person - Learn English with Niharika - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> English Slang words to describe a Coward person - Learn English with Niharika - Duration: 11:14.


Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron with Carrying Case - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron with Carrying Case - Duration: 5:34.


Fou d'amour (disponível com legenda PT/FR) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Fou d'amour (disponível com legenda PT/FR) - Duration: 4:01.


[ACE - Top Trending] 14 awesome iOS 10 tips and hidden features you weren't aware of - Duration: 9:10.

14 awesome iOS 10 tips and hidden features you weren't aware of

iOS 10 has been out for a few days now and already appears to be a significant success

Just 24 hours in, an estimated 15% of Apple enormous user base had already upgraded

48 hours after iOS 10's releas impressive 20% of iOS users worldwide had upgraded.

Now ff you've already become acquainted with some of the cooler new features and

usability tips baked into iOS 10, we're back with yet another installment

of cool and clever iOS 10 features that might have escaped your attention.

Here are 14 more of our favorites.

Thanks to a new accessibility feature called Magnifier, iOS 10 users can use

their iPhone camera to really zoom in on text or an object at a distance.

To enable this feature, head on over to Settings >

General > Accessibility > Magnifier. Once enabled

you can activate the Magnifier by triple clicking on the home button. If

you're wondering why you can't just use the built-in Camera app to zoom in

note that the zoom feature is a lot more powerful with Magnifier.

For more infomation >> [ACE - Top Trending] 14 awesome iOS 10 tips and hidden features you weren't aware of - Duration: 9:10.


Herbert the Sad Skeleton (SPOOP part 1) - Duration: 3:46.

[This Is Gospel plays]

No Herbert* don't do it.

I'm gonna do it

You have so much to live for

Mission failed we'll get em next time

[I Will Remember You plays]

Someone don broked his leg

He done broke

Wait is that the bell?



He go [voice crack] fast

[Jolly morning music plays]

Time to take a dip!


I am sweeming

[Sad music plays]


Wheres my head?


I'm done swimming

Does anyone have a towel?




I missed

I misses an creek

Oh no

I want to go swimming



I want to go swimming one more time


I look like a fish

An hot tub


Look at how bubbly it is


Oh! Oh no


I want to go


swan dive!

"I'm going diving"


"I'm going diving"



"I'm going diving"

"Im going under the water"

See! Look it

I am on olympic diving team

See! See!

Watch! Watch!


Oh sheet

"Who can say where the road go.."

This is what I call the



"Where the day flows"

Only ti..."


It seems..

I don't know how to di..


"And who can say if ya..."

I'm sorry Herbert

You didn't make the diving team.

Maybe try next year?

I'll show you a dive

[Breaking Free plays]

"Hello ladies"

For more infomation >> Herbert the Sad Skeleton (SPOOP part 1) - Duration: 3:46.


Sexiest Short Hairstyles at Home - Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017 - Duration: 1:31.

Sexiest Short Hairstyles at Home Sexiest Short Hairstyles at Home

Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017 Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017

Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017 Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017

For more infomation >> Sexiest Short Hairstyles at Home - Hairstyles at Home for Short Hair 2017 - Duration: 1:31.


GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup [100% Gold Medal Walkthrough] - Duration: 16:22.

GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup

GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup

GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup

For more infomation >> GTA 5 - Mission # 49 - Paleto Score Setup [100% Gold Medal Walkthrough] - Duration: 16:22.


CONGRESS IS PI$$ED! Look What They Just Did to the UN After Screwing Israel - Duration: 1:59.

CONGRESS IS PI$$ED! Look What They Just Did to the UN After Screwing Israel.

By Danny Gold.

Over the weekend the Obama Administration proved it literally gives less $hits about

Israel than it does terrorist countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Luckily for us, Obama

is NOT America, and now Congress is striking back with a vengeance!

**Today the Republican Congress announced that they will not let Israel get screwed

by Obama and the UN by threatening to defund the UN and all the countries who voted to

hurt our friend Israel.

It�s a shame we can�t defund Obama, too. His cheating ass will make off like a Bandit

after he leaves office.

insult to injury, the Free Beacon revealed that Senior members of Obama�s admin had

been working behind the scene to make sure everyone voted in favor of Palestine!

Not only is the UN making houses in the West Bank illegal, they are also telling Israel

they can no longer build in Jerusalem even though Jerusalem is the TRUE capital of Israel.

This is sick. Why is the USA in a love-affair with Radical Islam. The Obamas, the Clintons,

the Bushes. All they have ever done is overthrow secular governments and promote radicalization.

Israel is the last stronghold left!

We need to show our support of Israel by standing together strong, sharing this out, and telling

the world WE STAND BY ISRAEL!!

The video link for the video is in the article below in our description.

For more infomation >> CONGRESS IS PI$$ED! Look What They Just Did to the UN After Screwing Israel - Duration: 1:59.


Short Hairstyles Braids: Braids Hairstyles For Short Hair Easy - Duration: 1:31.

Short Hairstyles Braids Braids Hairstyles For Short Hair Easy

braids hairstyles for short hair, short box braids hairstyles,

braids hairstyles tutorial for short hair, hairstyles for short braids,

short hairstyles with braids

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