Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

So here's an interesting question.

Why do celebrities keep dying?

And is it ever going to stop?

The answer to the second question I think is no, in fact I think these deaths are going

to accelerate but the reason why is kind of interesting.

Over the past week we've seen Carrie Fisher, George Michael and Debbie Reynolds die.

I'm not sure who Debbie Reynolds was, but she means a lot to my camera man apparently.

When these things happen, it's disturbing and one of the reasons that we're all so much

more aware of it is social media.

It gets thrown in our face very quickly.

But it's not just that.

It's not just the fact that this news is served up to us as quickly as possible by a news

cycle that is desperate for red meat.

More of these folks really are dying.

That's because we actually care about more people.

There are more celebrities for us to worry about, and there are more celebrities to die.

If you're my age, some of the most significant people to die this year were popular music

artists like George Michael, Prince, and David Bowie.

These folks got famous, or got more famous through MTV.

Music Television, a channel that used to play music videos.

This gets to the broader reason why we have so many more celebrities today.

The main reason, I think, is cable television.

30-35 years ago there were only three broadcast networks in the United States.

So that meant that everybody watched like three television channels.

That's where we got all our famous people.

There were just that many famous people.

You had TV, you had some movies, people used to know a lot more about politicians and world

figures back then.

There just weren't that many celebrities.

There weren't that many people to care about.

So starting in the 1980s we got this incredible ballooning of cable television.

We know pop music artists a lot better.

We've got figures like Bob Ross.

Do you remember the guy who used to paint the little trees?

That's definitely one of the celebrity deaths that has effected me the most.

And that's a cable television star.

This all happened about 30 years ago.

And the people that became famous through that have now started to die.

This process is only going to speed up.

And this incredible explosion in celebrities, in people to pay attention to and care about,

didn't stop with cable TV.

The internet has actually made that weird galaxy of stuff grow exponentially.

So if you find your day derailed by news like this, if you find yourself getting depressed

about the deaths of celebrities... people that might have had some impact on your life

in some way...

It's about to get much much worse.

Five or ten years from now, we might have a somewhat significant celebrity death every

day of the week.

There's just a lot more celebrities.

I think this means that we all need to get a lot tougher.

I think it's not just celebrities.

I think that the current news cycle really loves serving up disaster.

And if we take it personally every time they serve up a disaster like this we're just going

to run out of emotions.

Or we're all going to go insane.

Neither of those sound like a good thing.

So the next time a celebrity dies, why don't you take it as an opportunity to step back

and be grateful?

Be grateful for the contributions of this person.

Be grateful that we live in a world that has so many different avenues for entertainment.

Be grateful that we live in a world that gives more and more people the opportunity to have

their 15 minutes of fame.

But don't let it get to you.

Don't let it dwell in your mind.

Don't let it ruin your day, because coming up pretty soon, if you let it ruin your day,

every single one of your days will be ruined.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you'd like to help me make more videos like this one, please

click on the Patreon link here to find out how.


For more infomation >> Why Are So Many Celebrities Dying? - Duration: 4:53.


Peugeot Partner TEPEE XR 1.6 16V 120 PK PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner TEPEE XR 1.6 16V 120 PK PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:44.


Skm破音@音樂男神【三國戀】字幕 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Skm破音@音樂男神【三國戀】字幕 - Duration: 5:00.


Peugeot 2008 ALLURE 1.2VTI 82 PK ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 ALLURE 1.2VTI 82 PK ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:41.


3D Origami star kusudama Modular origami paper - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> 3D Origami star kusudama Modular origami paper - Duration: 4:38.


Top Motivational Speaker

For more infomation >> Top Motivational Speaker


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


I can't hear you - Duration: 0:05.

I can't hear you.

Aye aye captain!

OOOOOO [big smoke]

For more infomation >> I can't hear you - Duration: 0:05.


イギリスのプチプラコスメ購入品紹介【メイクアップレボリューションI♡Makeup/I Heart Sinなどなど】 - Duration: 6:50.

I got a cardboard box.

Not only a cardboard, it's some goods for me!

I show you what I got.


Can you see it?

I bought few English drugstore cosmetics on internet.

This name is "Makeup Revolution".

I bought some stuff from this brand.

I'm so glad because I wanted an eye shadow pallet whole time.

If you watched my make-up video what I uploaded last year, you know I don't have many eye shadows.

I wanted more colorful one so I bought it.

This package is also cute!

You can buy few cosmetics by Makeup Revolution in Japan.

That chocolate package eye shadow pallet is also this brand...isn't this??


I don't know this one is also sold in Japan.

In Poland, maybe I can buy at a drugstore.

I Love Makeup...

I Heart Sin

It's name of this pallet. This brand has many valuation of color.

I'm gonna checking.

I have not used it yet.

Oh, wait. You can see my dirty room by this mirror.

I can't show you my terrible room.

I like this pallet because I can use bright color like pink, red, yellow,

and also smoky color like brown, black...

I will enjoy make up with this pallet that's why I bought it.

But I don't know how can I use these bright colors...

Today I already did make up so I don't use this pallet.

If someone wants to watch my make up video with this pallet, I...will...do...it...

Do you want to see this colors on my skins...?

I should show you? Or not...

Anyway few YouTuber used this pallet, so you can check them.

I just want to try this yellow color...

The yellow color is like this.

Aha, it's not so strong bright color.

OK, next one.

I also bought this lipstick.

What's this?

Makeup Revolution Luscious...

Luscious...Luscious...How can I pronounce? I don't know.

It's beautiful orange color.

I'm gonna put on my hand.

Oh, you will know I have a hair on my arm.

I don't shave may arm hair.

It's not so bright but so nice color.

I also bought it.

Freedom Pro Red Lipstick Red Wine no.109.

I put it now on my lips.

It's not deep red color. It includes...orange color?

Anyway it's nice color.

And I bought it. It's my first time I use this color.

Is it a matte color!?

I didn't know it.

It's totally beige color.

I didn't have some beige lipstick so I wanted.

Nothing see it?

It's really natural beige color.

It's so skin color, so when I use it I'll look like sickness.

And I also bought it.

Ingrid...I think this is Polish brand.

It's pen type.

It's easy to draw and looks strong for water.

I put this liner on my hand 20 minutes before.

But it still flesh. So it will be hard to remove.

OK. That's all.

This price of these 5 items with a postage is...

56.76PLN. It's about 1,600JPY.

It's so cheap!

This pallet is only 22.99PLN at this shop.

What a cheap one!! It's about 600JPY.

The postage is 8.99PLN.

Anyway it's so cheap even thought it's with a postage.

I like this shop so I will buy something again.

And they sent me it so fast.

I ordered this on Christmas time.

This shop was closed on Christmas time, but they sent my order on 29th.

This shop is located in Lublin, I live so far away from Lublin but I got it on 30th.

I'm surprised it's so fast!

I thank this shop♡

This is kind of Christmas present for me.

That's it.

I cleaned up my room.

I didn't want but I had to.

Anyway it's already dirty here.

Why is that?

For more infomation >> イギリスのプチプラコスメ購入品紹介【メイクアップレボリューションI♡Makeup/I Heart Sinなどなど】 - Duration: 6:50.


Nita i przyjaciele - Wieczorne granie - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Nita i przyjaciele - Wieczorne granie - Duration: 2:01.


I grew up with tragedy happening all around me - Duration: 1:55.

So, when I was in camp, I lost friends, neighbors...thank God, I'm grateful to God

that in the [inaudible 00:00:09] camp...my family, I didn't lost the siblings or one

of my parents, so I'm very grateful for... to God for that, but people died easily

because of immune system, low immune system. The food you eat doesn't give you

all the immune system that you need, so it was easier for people to die with like

small...like malaria or like another sickness they call cholera, like people

have diarrhea, and people died of... people go to a forest and they will come

back and die. It's like, "Oh, there is some leaves in the forest that if you

touch, you die." So it was scary to be in the midst of all of that, but as a

nine-years-old, I was kind of like, "Okay, how is this affecting me?" I didn't much

look at it, and it felt like...because of being misplaced...it's like, it kind of

stopped you from feelings. I feel like at some point in my life I kind of stopped

feeling, like, I just, you know, things happen, I'm just like, "Ah, let's go, life

goes on." Like I didn't allow myself to feel, because I was just like, "How am

I going to feel when there is nothing." It's like...because you feel if you want

to change something but I feel and I can't change anything, so it was a little hard

to feel some of those tragedies that were going on in the camp.

For more infomation >> I grew up with tragedy happening all around me - Duration: 1:55.


After leaving the refugee camp to study, I couldn't bear being away from my son - Duration: 3:56.

So I went alone and left my son with my parents, and it was hard.

Yeah, it was very difficult to leave him behind. But again, I was determined to

change my future and his future as well. So I was like, "Okay,

I'm going to do this. It's hard for all of us. But you're with my mother,

and I love her so much. And I know who she is, so I know you'll be in good hands."

It still was hard, but I had to do it. And so I left, went to Kenya.

And I met few friends and started a life there on my own. Going to school,

because Kenya speak English, and I was in school, in high school,

we had English course, and I boycotted because I was like, "Where am I going to

go with English? I'm Congolese. We speak French and Swahili." So I really never saw

the importance of English that whole time.

But then when I found myself in Kenya, and they speak Swahili, so it was like I had

to learn. It wasn't like I had to learn English. But I was like, "Okay,

if I really have to open doors for myself, I kind of need to learn English." So I

started learning English and then it continued being harder for me,

being far from my son. And I wasn't a refugee at that time, so I was an

immigrant. I decided to go back to camp and get my son and then come back with him

to Kenya. Because I was like, "I'm not going to go back and live in that prison

anymore." But I also feel like part of me still live there. Like

I love my parents, and I would love to be with them together, but I felt like if I

had my son with me in Nairobi, I will miss my parent. It won't kind of hold me back

to achieving my goal as much as my son did.

So I left, went back to Tanzania to get my son. And then I was like,

"Okay, so this is just going to be me and my son." But I had eight siblings.

My parents had a lot of kids. And so I was like, "Okay, won't it be good for them to

also kind of get the opportunity to dream for themselves instead of leaving them

here?" And just seeing how hard life was and how difficult it was for my parents

too, it wasn't hard to raise them because they loved them so much.

They loved all of us so much. But for me, it was just like giving my sibling an

opportunity to be different, to dream, to go to school, and maybe if we're together,

we can change our parents' living. I was like, "I can do that on my own.

But if we are three, four together, it's going to be amazing."

So I convinced my parents to let me go with some of their kids to Nairobi,

which I didn't know even how and what came into me to even

suggest that because I know it was so hard for them to let me go.

And it was even harder for them for the second time to allow me to go with my son

because I was still their little girl. And so here I am this little girl asking them

to give me more responsibility, not just my son, but can I have one or two of your

kids go with me?

For more infomation >> After leaving the refugee camp to study, I couldn't bear being away from my son - Duration: 3:56.


Daithi De Nogla中文:Daniela Andrade- No One But You只有你【TCF中文翻譯】【CC字幕】 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Daithi De Nogla中文:Daniela Andrade- No One But You只有你【TCF中文翻譯】【CC字幕】 - Duration: 3:31.


[MMD OSOMATSU-SAN] News 39 / ニュース39 (Osomatsu & Jyushimatsu) - Duration: 1:29.

Good afternoon. Bringing you the 3 o'clock news!

At 10 am today, someone's cat was swept away

When it accidentally fell into a river

But a kind and homeless man

Jumped right in without a plan

And with both his hands he went and saved him

The owner of the cat, he rushed to the scene and

So thankful, he cried, and both of them smiled

As a reward the homeless man got a job

Everyone gets a happy end!

Your daily News 39

Everyone remember to keep love on your mind

Hey come and watch News 39

Putting out gloomy news is a no, hey don't you know?

Your daily News 39

Because the world isn't terrible all the time

La la la la...

Bringing you happy stories at 3pm and 9!

"The nationwide weather"

Tomorrow, pressures will be low, so watch out cause it'll be raining

Teru teru bozu, thank you and amen!

Hold tight that umbrella you'll be carrying, see

But if it shines, you have my apollo-gies!

In the night, from word of mouth, a draft'll head south (so cold!)

Either way it won't be mist if it doesn't come (boo!)

When the temperature and friends get cold

Give a small smile and you'll be wa-wa-warm!

For more infomation >> [MMD OSOMATSU-SAN] News 39 / ニュース39 (Osomatsu & Jyushimatsu) - Duration: 1:29.


重力異想世界完結篇 - 前日譚 動畫完整版 中文字幕cc - Duration: 19:51.

For more infomation >> 重力異想世界完結篇 - 前日譚 動畫完整版 中文字幕cc - Duration: 19:51.


Julekalender - 23. december - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Julekalender - 23. december - Duration: 0:39.


【MUKBANG】 [Announcement] Lamb Jingisukan & Vegetables using Hot plate! 6kg, 11620kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:09.

Hey Yall its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! .... well before that I've got some announcements to take care of

there are 2 of them but the first one is...

I've been hinting at it for a while but.. my 'photobook' will finally be released this month

I've experienced so many new things since I started Youtube and joined the UUUM network

and I had so much fun shooting this photo album/look book and I'm so happy this will finally be released for sale

and lol, I'm so embarrassed by some of the pictures inside but

there are many scenes that you just don't ever see from watching my videos .... apparently.

apparently? I've already seen the pics I know whats in it...

some pics of me eating around Yokohama's chinatown district and some cosply-ish pics

since I'm such a homebody there's a lot showcasing what I wear @ home

everyone! it would make me so happy if you would please check it out... TYVM everyone

and the 2nd announcement truth be told I'm already wearing it...

tadaa its a new version of my Mochiko character hoodie #YukaSwag

I've also got another one... tadaa this one is also the Mochiko 2.0 version mug

it has stars on the back and says 'Yuka" on it

and on this guy there is the Mochiko character and a star here it would make me oh so happy if you all would buy this as well

the photobook will release Jan, 25th

and the #YukaSwag is already live for purchase so please check them out

I'll post links to the photobook and #YukaSwag in the description area below

K, so our meal for today is..... tadaa

I'll be eating 4kg of Lamb and I'll be cooking this chinghis khan style (over a rounded helmet like BBQ grill)

if you guys remember the pork bowl vid I did a while back I told you guys that Takahashi-さんsent me that meat

and this Lamb meat today is also from the same Takahashiさん also s/he helped me out so much with making this photobook as well TYVM

alrighty lets get grillin'

lets start by cooking off our veg I'll be using onion and green onion

season with salt and pepper

add bean sprouts this is 2 bags worth

before the veg has a chance to cook through tadaa place the Lamb on top of the veg

then lid

once lidded cook on medium for 3 minutes well... just keep an eye on the doneness

Ideally you'll be using a true chinghiskhan jhingiskhan ghenghis khan grilltop but I don't have one here so when I looked online

there were many different ways to re-create the BBQ experience but this time around I'm doing it this way

3 minutes have elapsed

oh wow its nicely cooked through わああーit looks super delish

its got that unmistakeable aroma of ghenghiskhan grilling of lamb meat

ok I've got 5 cups of rice

tadaa I couldn't fit all the sprouts and meat in at once so I'll be cooking them as I eat

I've got my rice right here itadakimasu

goona be delish the meat is chillin' over here

they say that if you overcook the meat it will turn very tough .... ~that's what the internet told me~

looks delish

the meat is tender yet has a nice chew to it its nicely marbled and very delish its so juicy

its got that unmistakeable lamb taste which is so wonderful

.... I don't really need the sauce here

the veg is cooked through nicely and is so tender



so tender this is a great way to cook this, this cooks the meat so nice and tender

guys... if I'm eating this straight from the cooktop the veg is too hot to handle so I'm goona let it chill on this rice

another round of meat I can probably get away with heaping a bunch of meat on at once

I may have misjudged the cooking time of the meat ....waiting... waiting

when you add a lot of meat it takes it longer to heat through

if you add to much meat the heat doesn't travel through as well guys, be aware of this

there is a bit too much liquid that has come from the veg so I'll try to scoop it out

I don't want this sauce to go to waste let's give it a try

hmm its pretty tasty however.... I don't think its necessary

this ghenghisKhan grill has turned into a watery hot pot so I'll try to absorb some of the excess liquid (JingisKhan Grills should be a dry cooking method)

this will prolly be the last of the meat

K, thats the last of the meat

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this JingisKhan was totes delish special thanks to Takahashiさん

I know I already announced it at the beginning but just a reminder about my photobook and #YukaSwag

if you are at all interested please click the links this ChingisKhan was so delish everyone please give it a try

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Announcement] Lamb Jingisukan & Vegetables using Hot plate! 6kg, 11620kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:09.


TF2 拜見谷狗翻譯-火焰兵(中文CC) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> TF2 拜見谷狗翻譯-火焰兵(中文CC) - Duration: 2:49.


DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper - Duration: 11:29.

DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper

we will decorate today an journal using printed rice paper

Step 1 Pentart acrylic primer

prime the journal and let dry for 24 hours

step 2 - Pentart white matte acrylic paint

paint the journal covers white and let dry

step 3 - prepare the rice paper

glue the rice paper on a normal A4 sheet with paper tape

step 4 - measure

step 5 - make the design you want on the exact size

step 6 - save as jpg

step 7 - print on the right size

step 8 - Pentart decoupage varnish and glue matte

glue the rice paper and let dry

in my case I could also use the silky decoupage glue

step 9 - finishing

sand he rice paper excess

step 10 - Pentart glossy varnish

the glossy varnish can be applied also on matte decoupage glue

step 11 - details ( I choosed some glass beads )

and some Stamperia Rub on transfers

ready for a new jurney ...

For more infomation >> DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper - Duration: 11:29.


Minions Spongebob Character Greeting for 5 hours at Universal Studio Hollywood - Duration: 4:37.

We are at Universal Studio Hollywood.

Let's start our character greeting!

First, we met Sponge Bob.

Say Cheese.

Minion Stewart.

Dance together.


Say cheese.

Minion Kevin.

I cannot stop hug him, since he is so cute.

Let's take pic.

Say cheese.

You guys have same goggles.

Evil Minion.

He scares me.

Kaho, are you OK?

He did the pose saying not to do anything.

It's OK.

Sei, are you OK?

Sei, hug?

He is scary but cute.

Say cheese.

Space between them.

Dinosaur named Zuru.

Because scary, little bit space from zuru.

Silly Transformer.


Transformer trying to make me more close to daddy.

We enjoyed Universal Studio Hollywood.

Please subscribe to support us.

For more infomation >> Minions Spongebob Character Greeting for 5 hours at Universal Studio Hollywood - Duration: 4:37.


RC Excavator & Bulldozer | Construction Truck Toys for Kids | Street Vehicles Toys | Videos for kids - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> RC Excavator & Bulldozer | Construction Truck Toys for Kids | Street Vehicles Toys | Videos for kids - Duration: 10:04.


Monkey's Fist Knot Cufflinks - Vermeil Sterling Silver Yellow Gold Plated - Fort Belvedere - Duration: 2:05.

We offer this beautiful pair of monkey fist knot cufflinks also in rose gold plating and

in sterling silver with platinum coating but this one is in Yellow Gold.

So why should you choose this one over the others?

Well it works best for people that have a natural tan because gold and brown really

work well together.

On top of that, it's a great pair of cufflinks if you have a lot of gold accessories such

as rings, tie bars, collar clips or maybe your belt buckle or the buckle on your bag.

So what makes this pair of cufflinks so special?

First of all it is inspired by an actual knot and not just the fantasy product.

The monkey fist knot is very handsome and so we used the ends and combined it with a

twisted bar which makes it extremely elegant and easy to put on.

The rope has a very intricate, fine detail which was hand carved and also hand cast.

Therefore every cufflink is unique and there is always a slight variation.

So if you get one of those you know that it was made by an individual for an individual.

No factory was involved in these pair of cufflinks.

Of course just like all Fort Belvedere products, these cufflinks are of quality and so we opted

against a classic T bar closure because we wanted a decorative element on both sides

and we wanted something without any moving parts so it lasts for years to come.

Because it's such a classic piece this could be a hand-me-down to your children and grandchildren.

We used Solid Sterling Silver for these cufflinks and therefore they are really heavy.

They are almost an ounce or 25 grams which is a lot heavier than anything else you'll


Once you have it in your hand you will really feel what I'm talking about and you will

know that this is tank of a cufflink that will never break.

For more infomation >> Monkey's Fist Knot Cufflinks - Vermeil Sterling Silver Yellow Gold Plated - Fort Belvedere - Duration: 2:05.


Fuel 10K Sponsorship - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Fuel 10K Sponsorship - Duration: 0:39.


How To Be Totally Evil On Club Penguin - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> How To Be Totally Evil On Club Penguin - Duration: 0:54.


Horse Finger Family Rhymes For Children 3D Color Horse Cartoons For Children 3D Color Horse Songs - Duration: 1:32:16.

Horse Finger Family Rhymes For Children 3D Color Horse Cartoons For Children 3D Color Horse Songs

For more infomation >> Horse Finger Family Rhymes For Children 3D Color Horse Cartoons For Children 3D Color Horse Songs - Duration: 1:32:16.


Octopus vinegared dish【PON DISHES】タコの酢の物 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Octopus vinegared dish【PON DISHES】タコの酢の物 - Duration: 3:15.


MARYNA ah Marina - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> MARYNA ah Marina - Duration: 2:43.


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


Love FouseyTube?

For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


Airport Vocabulary in Portuguese - A Dica do Dia - Duration: 2:38.

Listen and Repeat the Airport Vocabulary in Portuguese.

That's it for today, guys!

Now that you know the airport vocabulary in Portuguese, what about buying tickets to visit us in Rio?

We can't wait to see you! Bye!

For more infomation >> Airport Vocabulary in Portuguese - A Dica do Dia - Duration: 2:38.


Nita i przyjaciele - Wieczorne granie - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Nita i przyjaciele - Wieczorne granie - Duration: 2:01.


【MUKBANG】 [Announcement] Lamb Jingisukan & Vegetables using Hot plate! 6kg, 11620kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:09.

Hey Yall its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! .... well before that I've got some announcements to take care of

there are 2 of them but the first one is...

I've been hinting at it for a while but.. my 'photobook' will finally be released this month

I've experienced so many new things since I started Youtube and joined the UUUM network

and I had so much fun shooting this photo album/look book and I'm so happy this will finally be released for sale

and lol, I'm so embarrassed by some of the pictures inside but

there are many scenes that you just don't ever see from watching my videos .... apparently.

apparently? I've already seen the pics I know whats in it...

some pics of me eating around Yokohama's chinatown district and some cosply-ish pics

since I'm such a homebody there's a lot showcasing what I wear @ home

everyone! it would make me so happy if you would please check it out... TYVM everyone

and the 2nd announcement truth be told I'm already wearing it...

tadaa its a new version of my Mochiko character hoodie #YukaSwag

I've also got another one... tadaa this one is also the Mochiko 2.0 version mug

it has stars on the back and says 'Yuka" on it

and on this guy there is the Mochiko character and a star here it would make me oh so happy if you all would buy this as well

the photobook will release Jan, 25th

and the #YukaSwag is already live for purchase so please check them out

I'll post links to the photobook and #YukaSwag in the description area below

K, so our meal for today is..... tadaa

I'll be eating 4kg of Lamb and I'll be cooking this chinghis khan style (over a rounded helmet like BBQ grill)

if you guys remember the pork bowl vid I did a while back I told you guys that Takahashi-さんsent me that meat

and this Lamb meat today is also from the same Takahashiさん also s/he helped me out so much with making this photobook as well TYVM

alrighty lets get grillin'

lets start by cooking off our veg I'll be using onion and green onion

season with salt and pepper

add bean sprouts this is 2 bags worth

before the veg has a chance to cook through tadaa place the Lamb on top of the veg

then lid

once lidded cook on medium for 3 minutes well... just keep an eye on the doneness

Ideally you'll be using a true chinghiskhan jhingiskhan ghenghis khan grilltop but I don't have one here so when I looked online

there were many different ways to re-create the BBQ experience but this time around I'm doing it this way

3 minutes have elapsed

oh wow its nicely cooked through わああーit looks super delish

its got that unmistakeable aroma of ghenghiskhan grilling of lamb meat

ok I've got 5 cups of rice

tadaa I couldn't fit all the sprouts and meat in at once so I'll be cooking them as I eat

I've got my rice right here itadakimasu

goona be delish the meat is chillin' over here

they say that if you overcook the meat it will turn very tough .... ~that's what the internet told me~

looks delish

the meat is tender yet has a nice chew to it its nicely marbled and very delish its so juicy

its got that unmistakeable lamb taste which is so wonderful

.... I don't really need the sauce here

the veg is cooked through nicely and is so tender



so tender this is a great way to cook this, this cooks the meat so nice and tender

guys... if I'm eating this straight from the cooktop the veg is too hot to handle so I'm goona let it chill on this rice

another round of meat I can probably get away with heaping a bunch of meat on at once

I may have misjudged the cooking time of the meat ....waiting... waiting

when you add a lot of meat it takes it longer to heat through

if you add to much meat the heat doesn't travel through as well guys, be aware of this

there is a bit too much liquid that has come from the veg so I'll try to scoop it out

I don't want this sauce to go to waste let's give it a try

hmm its pretty tasty however.... I don't think its necessary

this ghenghisKhan grill has turned into a watery hot pot so I'll try to absorb some of the excess liquid (JingisKhan Grills should be a dry cooking method)

this will prolly be the last of the meat

K, thats the last of the meat

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this JingisKhan was totes delish special thanks to Takahashiさん

I know I already announced it at the beginning but just a reminder about my photobook and #YukaSwag

if you are at all interested please click the links this ChingisKhan was so delish everyone please give it a try

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Announcement] Lamb Jingisukan & Vegetables using Hot plate! 6kg, 11620kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:09.


AS 1001 NOITES: Inauguração da exposição de desenhos de Tiago Manuel - Duration: 50:14.

For more infomation >> AS 1001 NOITES: Inauguração da exposição de desenhos de Tiago Manuel - Duration: 50:14.


Love Images - Scena warsztatowa - Wajda School and Studio - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Love Images - Scena warsztatowa - Wajda School and Studio - Duration: 4:33.


DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper - Duration: 11:29.

DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper

we will decorate today an journal using printed rice paper

Step 1 Pentart acrylic primer

prime the journal and let dry for 24 hours

step 2 - Pentart white matte acrylic paint

paint the journal covers white and let dry

step 3 - prepare the rice paper

glue the rice paper on a normal A4 sheet with paper tape

step 4 - measure

step 5 - make the design you want on the exact size

step 6 - save as jpg

step 7 - print on the right size

step 8 - Pentart decoupage varnish and glue matte

glue the rice paper and let dry

in my case I could also use the silky decoupage glue

step 9 - finishing

sand he rice paper excess

step 10 - Pentart glossy varnish

the glossy varnish can be applied also on matte decoupage glue

step 11 - details ( I choosed some glass beads )

and some Stamperia Rub on transfers

ready for a new jurney ...

For more infomation >> DIY customized notebook decoupage tutorial spiritual notebook with personalized rice paper - Duration: 11:29.


Chevrolet Corvette BWJ 1980 T top Targa - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Corvette BWJ 1980 T top Targa - Duration: 0:51.


Dinosaur Gorilla Baby Flying With Helicopter Godzilla King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Movies For Children - Duration: 1:14:02.

Dinosaur Gorilla Baby Flying With Helicopter Godzilla King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Movies For Children

For more infomation >> Dinosaur Gorilla Baby Flying With Helicopter Godzilla King Kong Vs Dinosaurs Movies For Children - Duration: 1:14:02.


كيف تحصلين علي شعر كثيف و طويل, وتوقفين سقوط شعرك حتي ينمو أسرع في أسبوعين فقط - Duration: 3:32.

HI guys Welcome to my channel Simple Beauty Secrets

Today I will tell you the remedy of a very common Issue

which is Hair Fall

There are many causes of Hair Fall but because of

our Stress full lifestyle this issue is commonly faced.

I also faced the same issue and one of my friend helped me and told me this remedy.

This Remedy is their Family tradition .

after trying the remedy i have seen visible difference

because of which I don't have any hair fall issue

so lets start

For that we need one onion .

Peel it off and cut it from both sides

Then you guys have to grate the onions

grate the onion to take out onion juice

You have to grate is carefully

after grating i will stain it with the help of the stainer

to make sure that we take all the water out press it with the spoon

Now we will add 1 table spoon olive oil in onion water

Now mix these both ingredients very properly

and now our mixture is completely ready to apply

You will apply this mixture on your scalp using your fingers.

Massage it gently on your scalp to get the best results

Keep this mixture on your scalp for at least 30 minutes

and then wash it with tap water

You have to apply this remedy for two to three weeks

to get the best results

And this remedy is good for both hair fall

and also the growth of your hair

so guys do try this remedy if you face the problem of hair fall

and dont forget to thank my friend because of which we got such a good remedy

Thank you for watching this video. If you like my video please subscribe to my channel

and like and share the video

so bye bye and take care

For more infomation >> كيف تحصلين علي شعر كثيف و طويل, وتوقفين سقوط شعرك حتي ينمو أسرع في أسبوعين فقط - Duration: 3:32.


Aproveite Bem As Oportunidades - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Aproveite Bem As Oportunidades - Duration: 5:56.


3D Origami star kusudama Modular origami paper - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> 3D Origami star kusudama Modular origami paper - Duration: 4:38.


How To Make Money 10 Dollars In A Hour Daily 2017 Fast And Easy - Duration: 8:28.

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