Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 3 2017

So now, we've seen the music room worth $4,000, over four,

and the trip to Costa Rica over six.

Over $10,000 worth of prizes.

You passed on a trip to Costa Rica.

- I did.

WAYNE: But it's okay, because you got to study.

- I do got to study.

I don't have time to go on trips.

WAYNE: You don't have to do that.

One day you'll go on trips when you're successful,

and you can go on your own trip.

- When I'm the executive producer of "Let's Make a Deal."

WAYNE: Exactly.

With Jonathan's son as the host.

Austin would be a great host of the show.

JONATHAN: Yeah, he would.

WAYNE: So would Chase, so would Chase.

JONATHAN: Good, thank you for saving an argument

that would have lasted weeks in our house.

WAYNE: Yes, they're both suitable people

to host the show. JONATHAN: Yes.

WAYNE: Now, it's back to you.

(low, ominous music playing)

Either I've got money,

or by the music, something's about to go down.

I'm going to give you a check for...


Now, curtain one is for sale.

Keep your $2,000 or take curtain number one.

- I... am going to keep the money.

WAYNE: But what if this is a car?

- Uh... Well, you know, we'll see, we'll find out.

WAYNE: Okay.

Miss Coyne.


WAYNE: Please open curtain one.

TIFFANY: All righty.

JONATHAN: It was lawn furniture.

WAYNE: Congratulations.

You kept your money-- good man.

Give him a round of applause.

He's going places.

TIFFANY: You're looking good. WAYNE: You missed a spot.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - $$$ for A New Host & A New Producer? - Duration: 1:56.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


Automated Parking

For more infomation >> Automated Parking



For more infomation >> VÓ E WHINDERSSON NO FUNK | FESTA DE FAMÍLIA? - Duration: 9:16.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE * AIRCO * - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE * AIRCO * - Duration: 1:34.



For more infomation >> DE VIRADA É MAIS GOSTOSO - PALADINS GAMEPLAY BR PT - Duration: 9:16.



For more infomation >> BOYFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP CHALLENGE - Duration: 7:34.


Bose QuietComfort 35 : Goditi il silenzio - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Bose QuietComfort 35 : Goditi il silenzio - Duration: 4:29.


O Mundo me Odeia (1953) Legendado PT BR - Duration: 1:10:48.

For more infomation >> O Mundo me Odeia (1953) Legendado PT BR - Duration: 1:10:48.


The Debut - Duration: 1:28:15.

For more infomation >> The Debut - Duration: 1:28:15.


Trumps Tweets are important and have impact - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Trumps Tweets are important and have impact - Duration: 5:16.


Quaker® Oats Smoothie

For more infomation >> Quaker® Oats Smoothie


Mornings are brighter when y...

For more infomation >> Mornings are brighter when y...


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN *LEDER+NAVI* MODEL-2014 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN *LEDER+NAVI* MODEL-2014 - Duration: 1:07.


Volvo V40 bjr 2013 1.6 D2 84kW/114pk 6-bak R-DESIGN Winterli - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 bjr 2013 1.6 D2 84kW/114pk 6-bak R-DESIGN Winterli - Duration: 1:41.


Nothing exicting just cute animals and FNAF in Toys r us!! - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Nothing exicting just cute animals and FNAF in Toys r us!! - Duration: 4:05.


Let's Make A Deal - $$$ for A New Host & A New Producer? - Duration: 1:56.

So now, we've seen the music room worth $4,000, over four,

and the trip to Costa Rica over six.

Over $10,000 worth of prizes.

You passed on a trip to Costa Rica.

- I did.

WAYNE: But it's okay, because you got to study.

- I do got to study.

I don't have time to go on trips.

WAYNE: You don't have to do that.

One day you'll go on trips when you're successful,

and you can go on your own trip.

- When I'm the executive producer of "Let's Make a Deal."

WAYNE: Exactly.

With Jonathan's son as the host.

Austin would be a great host of the show.

JONATHAN: Yeah, he would.

WAYNE: So would Chase, so would Chase.

JONATHAN: Good, thank you for saving an argument

that would have lasted weeks in our house.

WAYNE: Yes, they're both suitable people

to host the show. JONATHAN: Yes.

WAYNE: Now, it's back to you.

(low, ominous music playing)

Either I've got money,

or by the music, something's about to go down.

I'm going to give you a check for...


Now, curtain one is for sale.

Keep your $2,000 or take curtain number one.

- I... am going to keep the money.

WAYNE: But what if this is a car?

- Uh... Well, you know, we'll see, we'll find out.

WAYNE: Okay.

Miss Coyne.


WAYNE: Please open curtain one.

TIFFANY: All righty.

JONATHAN: It was lawn furniture.

WAYNE: Congratulations.

You kept your money-- good man.

Give him a round of applause.

He's going places.

TIFFANY: You're looking good. WAYNE: You missed a spot.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - $$$ for A New Host & A New Producer? - Duration: 1:56.


Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


Love Lele Pons?

For more infomation >> Love Lele Pons?


Why Don't More States Use Mail-In Ballots? - Duration: 3:46.

Christine from Ashland Oregon

Christian, what's on your mind ?

Hello Thom welcome back. I'm glad you're healing.

I would also

like to thank you for all of your good

information your wealth of information.

I'm a first-time donator and now

a regular listener and I'd like to

comment on your solar stuff, but first of

all I'd like to ask a question about why

mail-in voting is more isn't prolific.

It's great, I'm in Oregon and we

have mail-in voting, and you get

your pamphlet about three weeks before

thevote, and you can sit down research

everything and make an intelligent

decision on who you want to vote for,

in the privacy of your own home. You don't have to

stand in line. It's wonderful . .

Yes, Louise and I lived in Oregon for

five years I've experienced it and I

agree with you Christine, the reason why

it is not more common, with the

reason why more states have adopted although

the Washington state adopted the year

before last, after watching what happened

in Oregon. But the the reason why is

not more common in the United States is

that red states bait Republicans hold

onto their power in red states by

preventing people from voting.

It's very very simple, there's

a about eight or nine principal

practices that they used to prevent

people from voting but that's how they

do it they prevent people from voting.

oOe of the main ways is knocking them

off the voting rolls. So if you're

going to mail in ballots and they as

they go out what about 5-6

weeks before the election?

Something like that?

And so you've

got plenty of time to

(a) figure out who you want to vote, for but

(b) you've got plenty of time to call up

the local voter registrar and say

"Hey Inever got my ballot". Would you

check and make sure that I'm registered

to vote and if I'm not what you sent me

would you register me and send me

another one? And the Republicans do not

want you to have

the ability to do that. They want to

surprise you when you show up at the

polling place. There's the

75,000 people who went in Wayne County

Michiga, in Detroit, in largely

black largely democratic Detroit,

who stood in line for hours and hours in

the freezing cold and finally went in

and voted. And their ballots were never

even opened. And Hillary Clinton lost

Michigan by 10,000 votes. 75,000 people

because those 75,000 people were knocked

off the voting rolls by Republicans in

Michigan. But they didn't know i,t until

they showed up the day of the vote, so

so it was way too late to do anything about it.

And that's, Republicans like that, and

so that's why you're not going to see

vote-by-mail in any red state, any day soon.

And to get it in a purple state,

a state where Republicans still

have some control and can veto

legislation, I think is it gonna be

extremely unlikely.

You may see some more blue states,

solid blue states going for it

although you've got California, Oregon

and Washington State. California is not

all mail-in voting now but it's very

common I believe. But more and

more states will be doing it there's

another state, I'm forgetting which one,

is it's doing it, but it's gonna it's

take a while Christine,

you were right.

For more infomation >> Why Don't More States Use Mail-In Ballots? - Duration: 3:46.


Renault Espace 2.0T 170PK EXPRESSION / AUTOMAAT / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0T 170PK EXPRESSION / AUTOMAAT / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:21.


Opel Vivaro L1H1 1.6CDTi 95PK EU6 2.7T Edition - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro L1H1 1.6CDTi 95PK EU6 2.7T Edition - Duration: 1:01.


Opel Vivaro L1H1 1.6CDTi 95PK EU6 2.7T Edition - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro L1H1 1.6CDTi 95PK EU6 2.7T Edition - Duration: 0:57.


Do Fat Cells Ever Really Go Away? - Duration: 2:30.

Maintaining a healthy weight is a goal for many people.

And aerobic exercise is one way to kick your metabolism into high gear, to help burn excess

fat by using the chemical energy that's stored inside it.

The fat in your body is actually a connective tissue made up of cells called adipocytes,

or fat cells.

Which raises the question: What happens to these cells when you burn up your fat stores?

Do the cells just disappear when their energy is released?

Well, here's the skinny on your fat cells…

They never really go away.

But they can grow and shrink, depending on whether you're gaining or losing weight.

And that's a good thing.

You don't want your fat cells to completely go away, because that tissue plays an important

role in your anatomy.

Fat gives your body structure, cushions your organs, and keeps you insulated to help regulate

your body temperature.

But the primary function of fat cells is to store energy.

When you eat, sugars in your food are the first form of energy to be used.

But when you're /not/ eating, your body needs a way to access energy from /somewhere/

so you can still function.

So fat is actually super important.

Like any other cell in your body, your fat cells have a nucleus and organelles.

But they're specialized, so that 90% of each cell is basically just a pouch for fat


And the fat-storage unit that your body uses is called a triglyceride.

It's made up of three fatty acid chains and a molecule of glycerol -- a kind of alcohol

that serves as a backbone for the fatty acids to attach to.

The bonds in fatty acids contain a lot of chemical energy, so it's in this form that

fat sits around in your adipocytes.

When they're needed for energy, triglycerides are broken up into its component fatty acids,

with the help of a protein known as LPL.

Those fatty acids can then pass through the membrane of the fat cell, where they're

dispatched to be metabolized elsewhere, so their energy can be unleashed.

In the process, the fat cell shrinks.

But if more triglycerides get stored than get used up, that's what causes adipocytes

to grow.

And larger fat cells means more adipose tissue.

Losing weight requires expending enough energy to break down the triglyceride stores into

fatty acids that can further be used as energy, shrinking the fat cells.

But as anyone who has tried to lose weight knows...it takes a lot of work.

And even if you do lose weight, it's easy to gain back, since it requires less energy

to store excess fat than to burn it.

So, without using up any of that stored energy, fat cells will continue to sit, unused and


Thanks for asking, and thanks especially to all of our patrons on Patreon who keep these

answers coming.

If you'd like to submit questions to be answered, or get some videos a few days early,

go to patreon.com/scishow.

And don't forget to go to youtube.com/scishow and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Do Fat Cells Ever Really Go Away? - Duration: 2:30.


6 Things You Didn't Know About Joanna Gaines - Duration: 3:21.

It seems there's nothing Joanna Gaines can't do.

She has a successful design show with her adorable husband, she's a mother to four children,

and she is a serial entrepreneur.

You'd think someone with that much on her plate might be a nightmare to work with, but

it seems Gaines is just as down-to-earth as she appears to be on her hit TV show, Fixer


So grab a seat on your custom shiplap bench, and let's learn about all the things you didn't

know about Joanna Gaines...

A surprising favorite

Joanna Gaines is known for transforming drab family rooms into bright, open spaces and

tight kitchens into the heart of the home.

That's why you might be surprised to hear that Gaines' favorite room in her own home

is her laundry room.

When Today interviewed her about the places that bring her happiness, she told them:

"I love my laundry room.

I know that's a funny thing to love, but this summer I gave it a complete makeover and now

it's a place that inspires me."

She's an early bird

Showering at night and an early 5 a.m. wake up time is her only shot at getting four kids

ready for school and out the door by 8 a.m.

She told HGTV Magazine that the alarm on her beat up iPhone wakes her up every morning,

but that Chip gets up naturally.

And as if that wasn't enough, Gaines likes everybody to leave home with a hot breakfast

in their stomachs.

She somehow finds the time to cook biscuits and gravy, pancakes, or eggs with toast for

the fam, and always makes sure to grab a coffee with cream for herself.

Off the grid

Perhaps Gaines is able to get so much done because she likes to use the internet as little

as possible.

When Today asked her about how she incorporates technology into her home, her answer was actually

that she doesn't.

"Being on the farm, we don't have the best wireless connection.

But honestly, we wouldn't have it any other way.

[...] A big part of moving out to the country was to disconnect and enjoy being with our


Another way Gaines makes sure she is fully present with her family?

They don't own a television!

Yep, that's right.

The stars of a hit show revealed to HGTV that they don't actually have a way to watch it.

"We didn't buy a TV when we first got married.

[...] And we have yet to buy one."

She used to be broke

When Joanna and Chip first married, they didn't have much.

In fact, in an interview with People, Chip explained that Joanna's dad asked Chip when

he was going to get a real job for the first two years of their marriage!

"He had this wad of cash, and so if I needed to go grocery shopping, if I needed to just

go find a new shirt, it's whatever was in his pocket.

We pretended like we were rich so that my dad would be real proud but...we were broke."

She's self taught

Surprisingly, Gaines had no background in design or real estate.

She admitted to Glamour that she was actually a communications major in college.

"I had always had a dream to open up a boutique of some sort.

I didn't know what kind of boutique, but we found this little fixer upper building and

tackled that project together in the first year of marriage, and that's when Magnolia

opened, our retail location.

I sold a bunch of products that would go in the home."

Get ready to swoon

It's clear from watching Fixer Upper that Chip and Joanna have undeniable chemistry.

Their secret?

Lots of time together.

In an interview with Today about how they make their marriage work, Joanna explained

her "aha" moment.

"One pretty amazing thing we learned early on was that the more time we spent together,

the better our relationship was.

[...] I think a lot of couples feel the need to get away from each other now and then,

to take little breaks, and they come back after a girls' weekend or a guys' fishing

trip or something all refreshed and happy to reconnect because they missed each other."

But that's just not the case for the two of them.

"We were just the opposite and still are.

We seem to give each other energy."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Didn't Know About Joanna Gaines - Duration: 3:21.


Can I Appeal a Georgia Workers' Comp Claim Without an Attorney? - Duration: 2:14.

If you are denied workers' compensation, there are several ways that can happen: one, there

can be a controvert filed by the insurance company, and what that is, is a form that

they file with the state board that basically says, we don't think you're injured or we

don't think we're responsible for your injury for whatever reason.

The other way that you can be denied workers' comp is if you take it to a hearing and you


Now if it's a controvert, that's usually a great time to think about hiring a lawyer,

because you still haven't gotten to that position where a judge is going to tell you you're

not entitled to workers' comp.

And you have the right to file a hearing and to go in front of a judge, you don't get a

jury in workers' comp, but you do get a knowledgeable judge.

The other time that they can controvert is at the end of a hearing, and say you lose,

it's not necessarily a controvert, but it is the end of your claim.

You do have an appeal process, where you can appeal up to the appellate division of the

state board of workers' compensation.

Again that's a time you'll probably need an attorney unless you feel comfortable doing

what's called an oral argument.

It's a five-minute oral argument on the law of your case in front of a panel of three

judges in Atlanta.

A lot of times, people wait until they have gone through the process to try and hire an

attorney after they've already lost and that makes it very difficult for an attorney,

and a lot of attorneys won't get involved at that point because you're really, your

sort of back peddling.

You can only use what was presented in the hearing for evidence at the appellate division.

So if the individual whose injured doesn't know enough about the law to provide the right

information, then the lawyer is sort of at loose ends to try and provide what they need

to the appellate Division, because you can't introduce new information.

So it's really more important if you start to question whether you're going to go to

court, if you start to think something's a little off, they're either controverting

or I don't think this is right or even, I'm confused and my employer won't stop calling


That's usually when you need to talk to somebody and make sure that they're going to walk you

through what you need to do.

To speak with a workers' compensation attorney about your claim, you can call 1-888-WE-FIGHT

(1-888-933-4448) or you can visit on the web at www.McArthurLawFirm.com.

For more infomation >> Can I Appeal a Georgia Workers' Comp Claim Without an Attorney? - Duration: 2:14.


Chris Brown and Soulja Boy BEEF: Fight over Karrueche Tran on Social Media: Instagram Video - Duration: 1:51.

"Chris brown think he hard cuz he hit a woman.

And jumped a fan at his house party on New Years lmao u can't fight Bitch do that s--t

to me."

New Year.

New Feud.

Chris Brown and Soulja Boy are fighting over Karrueche Tran on social media.

It all started when Soulja Boy liked one of Tran's Instagram pics.

Soulja Boy alleges that Brown lashed out at him on the phone over it.

He threw fuel on the fire by accusing Brown of drug use.

Breezy responded on Instagram by challenging to him a fight on Instagram stories.

"IBoy stop it.

I'ma whoop your ass.

Adrien Broner, set up the gym, bro.

Set the gym up.

Stop calling me nigga."

Tran responded, "You know what makes me feel poppin?

Getting up and going to set.. walking in my apartment and seeing my Emmy with my name

on it.. giving away shoes and feeding the less fortunate..being able to provide for

my family with my own $$..that's what makes me feel good about myself."

Who would you be rooting for in the boxing match between Soulja Boy and Chris brown over

Karrueche Tran?

Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Chris Brown and Soulja Boy BEEF: Fight over Karrueche Tran on Social Media: Instagram Video - Duration: 1:51.


The Urban Monk – The Case Against Sugar with Guest Gary Taubes - Duration: 50:29.

For more infomation >> The Urban Monk – The Case Against Sugar with Guest Gary Taubes - Duration: 50:29.


GIRLFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP CHALLENGE | Jake and Áurea - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> GIRLFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP CHALLENGE | Jake and Áurea - Duration: 4:53.


Can Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Result in Changed Hospital Policies? - Duration: 1:51.

Medical malpractice cases really change medicine and how it's practiced, particularly when

it happens, something bad happens to a young person.

So we've had several cases involving young women who had cervical cancer, young women

he had breast cancer, who didn't get biopsies done because people presumed because they

were young that they didn't have cancer.

But it turned out they did and they, when a person gets cancer at a young age the prognosis

usually is worse because it's usually very aggressive, so in the cases that we've had

involving young women who got breast cancer or cervical cancer, in every case they've


Medicine in this area has changed, in that doctors routinely biopsy lesions on the cervix

of a young woman who comes in and has a problem, and most times it's not cancer, but it's worth

it for the time that it is cancer.

So medical malpractice cases improve the quality of medicine for everybody, it makes it clear

to doctors what they should be doing, and it just improves the standard of care and

it improves health care by demonstrating what should've been done and what can happen if

you don't do it.

And it gets the word out.

Because a lot of times when medical errors occur, no one ever knows.

So there is a lot of good that comes from medical malpractice cases and most of the

time, that good is what the family is seeking.

At the McArthur Law Firm our job is to fight for you, to make sure you get justice and

reasonable compensation for your injuries.

To get in touch with us call 1-888-WE-FIGHT (1-888-933-4448) or go to our website McArthurLawFirm.com.

For more infomation >> Can Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Result in Changed Hospital Policies? - Duration: 1:51.


The Bold and The Beautiful - Unwanted Thoughts - Duration: 0:37.

>> Katie: I can see how committed Eric is to you, and I

can see how committed you are to him.


For more infomation >> The Bold and The Beautiful - Unwanted Thoughts - Duration: 0:37.


Volkswagen Eos 2.0-16V FSI - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Eos 2.0-16V FSI - Duration: 1:49.


DACR4U - Cloudy Day (Dakr4 and DoubleD) - Duration: 1:40.

DACR4U - Cloudy Day (DAKR4 & DoubleD)


(Verse 1)


Take the light away, I want a Cloudy Day.

I need to find a way, To ask you to stay.

Te lo diré hoy, Y tu sabes que voy,

Esperar tu respuesta No me importa donde estoy.

I'm Gonna try to tell you everything in one song.

No matter how weak I am, with you I feel strong.

Tell me whenever you feel I might go wrong, And I'll try to be that place where you feel

like you belong.

I am, A really weird guy,

Don't know why.

But you caught my eye, I felt it dry.

On the fly, Sparks in the sky.

Todo lo que haces, Para mi es guay.

Y chicas como tu, Yo se que ya no hay.

You changed me, Made my day long and warm.

So bring me that Cloudy Day.

To chase away the storm.



It's a Cloudy Day, Y yo aquí,

Queriendo tus abrazos y Esperando por ti.

Es una ambición, Tenerte cerca de mi corazón.

But in this Cloudy Day, Escucha mi canción.


For more infomation >> DACR4U - Cloudy Day (Dakr4 and DoubleD) - Duration: 1:40.


Fox 4 - Cedar Fever Allergy - Dallas ENT - Duration: 2:13.

Newscaster: This time of year we're usually bracing for a flu outbreak,

but right now, something else is making people sick.

Allergies that can bring on an infection, fever,

and symptoms that feel as bad as a cold.

It's a blustery day in North Texas

as warmer air moves in from the south.

Christie: and we keep getting sick. That's what I don't like.

Newscaster: Taking Christie Fried's health for a ride.

Christie: One minute I'm okay,

and then soon as the weather change, I'm like

"Oh my God, I'm feeling sick again."

She's guarding against the flu and colds as best as she can,

but it's possible what's making lots of people sick

is simply blowing in the wind.

Dr. Rajiv Pandit: What we ask patients is,

"Have you had these symptoms for more than a week?"

"Have you had these symptoms recur on a regular basis?"

"Did you have it last December and the December before?"

Newscaster: Dr. Rajiv Pandit, an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist,

blames high pollen counts in North Texas.

A sample in Plano taken Friday

shows high counts of Mountain Cedar.

It's really blooming in the hill country and

catching a ride up north on warm air

that's been behind some of our mild winter days,

and it may be what's irritating your throat,

making you congested and tired

with a low grade fever.

Dr. Pandit: That's generally what Cedar Fever is,

and with the counts that we have in Dallas,

it is very possible for a person to

experience Cedar Fever.

Michelle: It's worse than a cold I think, you know.

I'd rather have a cold than allergies [laughing].

Newscaster: Michelle Schumacher recognizes the symptoms,

and she's looking for relief,

along with a lot of other folks

during this Texas winter.

Michelle: So, I came from CVS just a few minutes ago, and actually,

there were people sneezing at the counter paying for their stuff,

and they were buying stuff for allergies.

Newscaster: If you think you're suffering from allergies,

Dr. Pandit says an air purifier at home helps.

So do saline sprays and nasal washes.

He says if that doesn't work,

start taking over-the-counter allergy medicines,

and if you feel really bad, or course,

see your doctor to make sure it's not a virus or an infection.

For more infomation >> Fox 4 - Cedar Fever Allergy - Dallas ENT - Duration: 2:13.


5 Benefits That Changed My Life With Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 6:05.

Hey guys, Kevin Kreider with Pursue.

And I want to speak to you about intermittent fasting and how it changed my life and for

the better.

The benefits that I've gotten from intermittent fasting.

And a lot of people may disagree with me on this because there used to the religious I

have to eat breakfast, its the most important meal of the day.

You need to eat more frequently to burn calories and to lose body fat.

And I'm here to tell you it's not absolutely true at all.

And they think there going to lose muscle.

Lose strength in the gym.

And thats actually the opposite experience I've had with intermittent fasting.

So the first benefit that I've experienced with Intermittent fasting is less anxiety.

I have less anxiety about meal prepping and getting 4-6 meals in per day.

The 4-6 meals per day is an old ritual, the old ways of bodybuilding and physique competing.

Which you would eat breakfast in the morning, a snack in between, lunch, a snack in between

that, dinner, and something right before bed.

The whole belief behind that was the more meals you have in a day, the more frequent

you meals, the more thermic effect of food you'll have to burn more calories.

It will rev up your metabolism because they found that when you eat a meal, your body

uses energy to digest and to give your body information to do things with the food that

you put into your body.

But what they found out too, was that the larger meal also gave you a very large boost

of calories burning, thermic effect of food, so when you actually measure the amount of

calories you burn through the day through the smaller meals, it equals out at the end.

So there's no point in being a little more like, if I don't have enough meals, I'm going

to lose muscle.

That's not true.

Or your not going to burn enough calories.

You will burn an equal amount of calories so you don't have to worry about meal prepping.

So it gives me a lot less anxiety.

Also too, not worry about losing muscle or strength, because that's the opposite of what

I'm having.

There's a boost in growth hormone, when you fast first thing in the morning and don't

have a meal because your insulin levels are lower.

Because insulin is low, it allows your growth hormone levels to rise.

And slowly get even larger boosts of growth hormone the longer you fast.

Combine that with weight training right before you break your fast with a large meal.

There's a huge boost in growth hormone levels.

So I've actually gotten stronger.

I've never been able to hit the 120's on the incline press with the dumbbells in my whole


And I've been able to do it for 8 solid reps which is astounding when your doing intermittent

fasting and your getting leaner and losing body fat.

So that is something that has changed my life and the way I view dieting and fitness and


The other thing is, I feel more satisfied when I eat.

The diet, the way I live, isn't so rigid or restricted of food.

I feel full.

It's easier to get full off of 1200 or 1400 calorie meals, two of them, than 3 or 400

little meals throughout the day.

It's just not very satisfying, it's not going to make me feel full at any time.

So at least when I eat 1 big meal, I can, be, okay, I don't need anymore.


So when you eat little small meals, your just like, ew, your stomach is growling still,

your looking at the watch, oh god, when is two to three hours so I can have my next small


You don't have to do that which is great.

Another thing that I found that helped me with intermittent fasting is that I got to

eat a wide variety of food.

I was always just eating chicken, brown rice, eggs, and my meals weren't very diverse, at


So now it's like if I'm out, and I see a restaurant I can go to and get burgers and sweet potato

fries, french fries, I don't have to feel guilty about that because I know I have a

lot of room in my calorie budget, my macro budget for the day.

And the amount of food I can have, that doesn't blow my diet.

I can still lose body fat and have burgers and fries if I strategically plan that out,

so I can have it and not feel guilty and actually going towards my goals, not taking me away

from it.

That's another great benefit that I got from it as well.

And it's also just a lot more fun with friends and family because you don't have to worry

about, "is this going to ruin my diet" for the day if I go out with them or anything.

And I can get up in the morning, I can sleep another 10 or 15 minutes, I can take an extra

10 or 15 minutes to meditate, because I'm not worried about breakfast.

So it's really great.

The other thing that I've experienced is that I have a burst of energy.

I have a lot more energy more focus when I do intermittent fasting.

It's because your ephinephrine and norepinephrine, which are your catecholemines, from the sympathetic

nervous system, gets released the longer you fast as well, it's the fight or flight response,

if people know what that is, so it's just adrenaline that gets released the longer you

fast througout the day.

Combine that with growth hormone, of course your going to have a lot more energy.

I'm getting off pre workouts, I'm actually stopped putting that into my workout routine.

So all I'm doing is black coffee, and I'm feeling awesome, I'm feeling just as good

as if I had a pre workout.

Which is amazing because I never thought I'd be able to get off of pre workout.

So intermittent fasting has helping me with my energy levels, and my focus, that's a great

benefit that I've gotten through intermittent fasting as well.

And if you find that your hooked on pre workout as well, try it, try intermittent fasting.

It will help you get off of that because you got so much energy as well from intermittent

fasting and from your own body using it's hormone and energy instead of an external

source for energy as well.

I hope that really helped, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, like, give me some

comments, let m know what's going on in your life and if you've experienced the same benefits

with intermittent fasting.

Also too guys, take the body designer, it's free, the link is below and I'll see you next


For more infomation >> 5 Benefits That Changed My Life With Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 6:05.


Alex Agnew Volkswagen [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 2:48.

So, what else did we got from the Adolf?

You remember?

Besides Hugo Boss and the highway?

What else did we get?

Volkswagen indeed.

A payable car in times of large crisis.

Every German could suddenly afford a car to drive on the new highway, and he made himself very popular with it.

Seemingly also a very good car cause we still use it to this day.

I myself also own a volkswagen, a volkswagen diesel.

The one from the cheating software.

Because Germans and dangerous gas emissions it stays difficult.

Thank you.

I almost thought the CEO of volkswagen would have said:

Then the circle would have been round.

And I drive with a volkswagen beetle, that sport model, very small. A bit silly, but drives fast, sharp.

Strange character traits sometimes though.

When I'm driving through a Jewish street, the wheel starts to counteract a bit

The GPS starts to yell to me:

The window wipers

I could just at the last moment dodge a Hasidic jew on a bike.

Then the door opened by itself.

Crazy car, crazy car.

But maybe, the dangerous emission of the Volkswagen Diesel was all part of Hitlers final solution.

Maybe he was planning that for years.

And so he also immediately solves the traffic jams.

It was such a visionary, Adolf.

We still miss you every day...

I thought how far can I go in this hall.

Pretty far.

For more infomation >> Alex Agnew Volkswagen [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 2:48.


Trumps Tweets are important and have impact - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Trumps Tweets are important and have impact - Duration: 5:16.


Trump says North Korean nuclear weapon 'won't happen' - Duration: 1:44.

Trump says North Korean nuclear weapon 'won't happen'


President-elect Trump on Monday said North Korea won't advance its nuclear weapon capabilities

while he is in the White House.

"North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon

capable of reaching parts of the U.S.

It won't happen!" Trump tweeted Monday evening.

In a New Year's Day speech, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his military is close to

testing its first intercontinental ballistic missile, a rocket powerful enough to reach

the U.S. while carrying nuclear weapons.

The communist country has been testing increasingly powerful nuclear weapons.

"Research and development of the cutting-edge tech weapons are actively progressing and

strengthening our defense capabilities, including last stage preparation of tests for [an] intercontinental

ballistic rocket launch, have been continuously succeeding," Kim said in the televised address.

Trump later tweeted his dismay that China isn't helping with North Korea, which he has

said is China's problem to fix.

"China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally

one-sided trade, but won't help with North Korea.


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