Hey guys, Kevin Kreider with Pursue.
And I want to speak to you about intermittent fasting and how it changed my life and for
the better.
The benefits that I've gotten from intermittent fasting.
And a lot of people may disagree with me on this because there used to the religious I
have to eat breakfast, its the most important meal of the day.
You need to eat more frequently to burn calories and to lose body fat.
And I'm here to tell you it's not absolutely true at all.
And they think there going to lose muscle.
Lose strength in the gym.
And thats actually the opposite experience I've had with intermittent fasting.
So the first benefit that I've experienced with Intermittent fasting is less anxiety.
I have less anxiety about meal prepping and getting 4-6 meals in per day.
The 4-6 meals per day is an old ritual, the old ways of bodybuilding and physique competing.
Which you would eat breakfast in the morning, a snack in between, lunch, a snack in between
that, dinner, and something right before bed.
The whole belief behind that was the more meals you have in a day, the more frequent
you meals, the more thermic effect of food you'll have to burn more calories.
It will rev up your metabolism because they found that when you eat a meal, your body
uses energy to digest and to give your body information to do things with the food that
you put into your body.
But what they found out too, was that the larger meal also gave you a very large boost
of calories burning, thermic effect of food, so when you actually measure the amount of
calories you burn through the day through the smaller meals, it equals out at the end.
So there's no point in being a little more like, if I don't have enough meals, I'm going
to lose muscle.
That's not true.
Or your not going to burn enough calories.
You will burn an equal amount of calories so you don't have to worry about meal prepping.
So it gives me a lot less anxiety.
Also too, not worry about losing muscle or strength, because that's the opposite of what
I'm having.
There's a boost in growth hormone, when you fast first thing in the morning and don't
have a meal because your insulin levels are lower.
Because insulin is low, it allows your growth hormone levels to rise.
And slowly get even larger boosts of growth hormone the longer you fast.
Combine that with weight training right before you break your fast with a large meal.
There's a huge boost in growth hormone levels.
So I've actually gotten stronger.
I've never been able to hit the 120's on the incline press with the dumbbells in my whole
And I've been able to do it for 8 solid reps which is astounding when your doing intermittent
fasting and your getting leaner and losing body fat.
So that is something that has changed my life and the way I view dieting and fitness and
The other thing is, I feel more satisfied when I eat.
The diet, the way I live, isn't so rigid or restricted of food.
I feel full.
It's easier to get full off of 1200 or 1400 calorie meals, two of them, than 3 or 400
little meals throughout the day.
It's just not very satisfying, it's not going to make me feel full at any time.
So at least when I eat 1 big meal, I can, be, okay, I don't need anymore.
So when you eat little small meals, your just like, ew, your stomach is growling still,
your looking at the watch, oh god, when is two to three hours so I can have my next small
You don't have to do that which is great.
Another thing that I found that helped me with intermittent fasting is that I got to
eat a wide variety of food.
I was always just eating chicken, brown rice, eggs, and my meals weren't very diverse, at
So now it's like if I'm out, and I see a restaurant I can go to and get burgers and sweet potato
fries, french fries, I don't have to feel guilty about that because I know I have a
lot of room in my calorie budget, my macro budget for the day.
And the amount of food I can have, that doesn't blow my diet.
I can still lose body fat and have burgers and fries if I strategically plan that out,
so I can have it and not feel guilty and actually going towards my goals, not taking me away
from it.
That's another great benefit that I got from it as well.
And it's also just a lot more fun with friends and family because you don't have to worry
about, "is this going to ruin my diet" for the day if I go out with them or anything.
And I can get up in the morning, I can sleep another 10 or 15 minutes, I can take an extra
10 or 15 minutes to meditate, because I'm not worried about breakfast.
So it's really great.
The other thing that I've experienced is that I have a burst of energy.
I have a lot more energy more focus when I do intermittent fasting.
It's because your ephinephrine and norepinephrine, which are your catecholemines, from the sympathetic
nervous system, gets released the longer you fast as well, it's the fight or flight response,
if people know what that is, so it's just adrenaline that gets released the longer you
fast througout the day.
Combine that with growth hormone, of course your going to have a lot more energy.
I'm getting off pre workouts, I'm actually stopped putting that into my workout routine.
So all I'm doing is black coffee, and I'm feeling awesome, I'm feeling just as good
as if I had a pre workout.
Which is amazing because I never thought I'd be able to get off of pre workout.
So intermittent fasting has helping me with my energy levels, and my focus, that's a great
benefit that I've gotten through intermittent fasting as well.
And if you find that your hooked on pre workout as well, try it, try intermittent fasting.
It will help you get off of that because you got so much energy as well from intermittent
fasting and from your own body using it's hormone and energy instead of an external
source for energy as well.
I hope that really helped, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, like, give me some
comments, let m know what's going on in your life and if you've experienced the same benefits
with intermittent fasting.
Also too guys, take the body designer, it's free, the link is below and I'll see you next
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