Welcome to the Nintencast! Today Typhlosion and I are going
to be talking about Nintendo switch
leaks and rumors
ok so our first of all I guess we're
going to just talk about our opinions on
the Nintendo switch so typhlosion you
want to just get started on that
sure um my opinions on the switch i
really don't like the main on CNN anchor
and explains a lot that i actually
thought the same thing when i first
heard it but I guess now that I'm more
used to hearing it
I I like it better that's I kind of
thought i would give and groaning
eventually it still has something but
maybe maybe it maybe it will change
eventually have to have a friend who's
calling it the NS okay see that's worse
I don't like it
Oh guy stopped yet you can't no just
stop but yeah other like I think it's a
cool idea like the fact that it's
playing at home and taking on the go
it's kind of cool yeah octuple yeah I'm
glad it seems like when they threw out
their third party list of all those
games and like the engines it'll support
i hope they use it unlike the wii u how
it started off like with third party and
then over time all the third party kinda
just one way was just nintendo I like
the fact that Skyrim is going to be on
it because it's really good video game
company i believe gives me some hope
yeah I feel like this time they're going
to follow through with all third-party
support to and as we saw in the trailer
they didn't have any kids I don't know
if any of you guys noticed that but they
don't have any kids in the trailer and I
think they're starting to notice the
target audiences of it it's not just
considered doesn't just consists of kids
just like yeah more aim towards people
who grew up with Nintendo and more
teenagers who enjoy nintendo games
yeah it's an ancient oh yeah yeah I gee
I wish I don't think i am going to be
bored over anyways our next topic is the
legend is all that breadth of the wild
so recently I guess there was kind of a
little type of you want to explain it
because i'm not exactly even sure so
it's like I mean there's a lot of mean
it's really hard to talk about rumors
and leaks because every day it's like
gets topple over by the of one by
another there's a lot of good versus a
lot of bad ones and there's there's no
real middle point sometimes but so
basically for a while it seemed like we
might not be getting Zelda as a launch
title like it was kind of promise in a
way for march 2017 but now like eb games
there was like they'd been printing out
promotional items saying like yeah it's
going to be 2017 spring launch which
kind of makes it sound like march which
affects other yeah just that's basically
and those smart enough to have it at
least I feel they're smart enough to
have it launched mark because I I don't
see why they wouldn't have it launched
alongside the the NX for nintendo's
which whatever I don't care anymore but
seriously I don't think they're going to
be that dumb and release it away from it
because I feel that's going to drive a
lot of the sales office and people just
forget about it yeah it's gonna come out
two months later and it would be good
a bundle with it as well yeah and a
bundle sure would be even if those 5050
but again it's actually good because
most other games are 60 hours at this
point and for it well for you soon 60
depending yeah depending on what system
you're buying it and then also as you're
seeing with the bundle thing
yeah it'd be a really good idea of on
the lacking with it I mean but the thing
is I don't want them to rush Leanne
either through I mean it's like you know
you really want to game that you want to
be good
that's that's not one of my big concerns
yeah but i think i think they've been
putting a lot of work into it they have
really good development team speed
workout single a good actor
chronicles I don't want that's what it's
called that's what I was heard around
three times
yeah like did these people know what
said you really no biggie
yeah so yeah I guess brother while it
would make sense for them to have a
launch but at the same time I guess I
really don't want to rush so we'll have
to wait and see
yeah that's all we can pretty much do
for the wild
next up the eb games League that
literally just came out that was
literally just confirmed fake a while
yes if you don't know what it is
basically I mean it was mostly it's show
like what kind of like red 3ds cases for
which the Nintendo switch games would be
enjoyed their cartridges now and which i
think is pretty cool but yeah it was
basically confirmed fake like out of
five minutes before
notice how yeah and that we could mostly
talking about Zelda being launched a lie
no we just talked about it but that
that's this is not related to it just
had in it
I'll it also had like Skyrim and then
but the big thing was Mario curry it was
like 24 new tracks upon the 48 making 72
i am if you think about it i'm surprised
that so many people actually believe I
don't look real and all but it's kind of
like the 10 new characters doesn't
really i don't know anything whatever
type of new battle mode
I don't think that's what draws on board
the mario kart well yeah well but it's
nothing is as mario kart 8 and have like
a proper that so I mean like your
average their advertising the new
features i mean i don't know it's like I
sort of shocked people believed it also
not really I mean it was kind of
surprising because the only thing that
really detailed was mario kart is baby
can really detailed much of Skyrim
because everyone know was it but why was
mario kart it like such detail but then
it was also really bag like it was no
new characters not even King boo
we saw the challenge I don't know it
also did to me I'm surprised people
believe it because it didn't look like
Nintendo boxart it doesn't seem like
they were advertising battle mode and
all the new features on the front that
seems like something for the back cover
all your i I really don't know i mean it
really is like I can see like yeah yeah
it's I guess I see you say but I mean
but what speaking of those new features
though it's like it there would be a
cool that was the type of stuff like
that it had you know like more character
and obviously soon at least have one new
character and hopefully more tracks but
in a battle we need to get him back for
a boy I was out pink gold piece
yes let's help
it's really are also not hopefully we
can get some new features in there for
mario kart anyways last topic here is
mother 3 2nd Corps 2017 a rumor I kind
of find this hard to believe because
Nintendo's this is kind of been intended
joke almost because i know i mean ii III
it said they had a little joke thing and
there's like a truffle and it's like
come on Reggie give us mother through
and he said how about this and through a
fireball obviously and robot chicken
think yeah I mean it's hard to believe
because it seems like it's always
something hands real it seems like it's
always been a rumor that like it's a
rumor we've been getting all these
rumors and mother 3
come on I mean that that's got to be a
joke right at this point I mean yes well
first it is a joke
it really is a joke on second and I
really always felt like I here as I have
mixed feelings about it i really hope
it's real because i think it would get a
lot of people into it if they have all
three of them release fire in the US
related point of this yeah I can I don't
want to play them because it's like okay
well now you surely can't play the first
one third one and but then like I also
don't think its richest it's been joked
about so much it's like something like
you can't see it coming I mean got yeah
it's one of those things that once again
nintendo joked with it so much and this
even they understand that it's a joke
and they take advantage of it
I don't think they're going to release
it and they might would be good but I'm
just saying I don't I think that gets in
a half and I think nintendo has been
listening to their people more having I
mean I mean where we're making if it's
if it happens we're making progress i
mean after this i think if we start
early singles people want like let's say
if they could start re-releasing the
firemen games here I think that's the
thing people want to then next step
would be to go easy on the fan games
like stop taking them down i guess
caitlyn tendo's going is I guess
starting to understand their fans more
and religious yeah i know this is a
little off topic from Italy there is
also another room where a while ago
about gamecube virtual console that
would make sense
honestly yeah yeah but I'm saying like
if it's like let's say is it pronounced
Amelia mainly Allen County full saiful i
was called mainly it's not male HD by
kind of it's like it's like more I don't
know how to describe it it will look
probably better but it's not HD really
the people cannot want but i think it's
a step in the right direction if they
listen and they don't don't change the
ok just we just wanted a new system
yeah okay just leave it as it is
actually did that and if they did
bagging it would kind of make sense you
know mother three mutants like you're
listening to your people and I think
it's possible he attends really i guess
just overall listening more as we saw in
tents which trailer they're starting to
understand yeah i think they're really
taking the time to understand what they
need to do instead of just throwing
things out their new projects all my god
let's try this let's try this let's try
this kind of like YouTube a lot of
people are just like oh ok I'm just
going to throw one has something about
this new thing and hope it works I'm
gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna heat up this
nice actually analyze what works then
they're gonna actually have success and
I think they're understanding Gail I
mean especially so it combines like okay
I'm a sports team fan i don't i don't
really like too much for its not
watching all my really like playing
anything for watching too much of it but
like I don't like sports games and I
really liked sports games but I saw in
the trailer they have sports teams you
know that we're gonna oh yeah yeah yeah
I got on overall internal switch weeks
there's somewhat believable some of them
it's just there's just so many of them
that at this point it's kind of hard to
believe them
I guess yeah i mean some unbelievable
some are believable so I guess this is
gonna wrap up this episode of the new 10
cast i hope you guys enjoyed it
uh not sure when we're going to upload
these when these are going to be there
just going to be a regular kind of thing
on my channel for now yeah anyways and
we'll see how good this is all so much
for watching this check out for
employees to put a link in description
of schedule link in the endcard
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10 confessed and as usual
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