Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2017

Passing kids How are you? I hope very well and if not now going to try you to be a little better,

you liked this epic entry Huh? In plan, "Ei passing kids"

a greeting for good, Hector Buenafe, Mr.jesus crakc and Roket1000 and now we go with today's video. Hell, I've hurt ...

Christmas has passed, well we're still in it, (here are even the Magi and coal)

but it happened, it happened on the day of gifts and many of you perhaps you have come a distant uncle, cousin, brother, I that, people who are missing the world

and suddenly says Hello! I'm your cousin, take your gift to you and you say!? What the fuck ?!

You know? But in this plan, which is hell? And you want to return or simply happened to you on Christmas day and say,

"Damn, this kid I have not given him anything, has been good to me but I want to give something of note ... I think I'm carrying the chair, because sometimes sounds like, well it does not matter


So I am looking online I have given many of them (That moment vibrated notes and mobile ...)

(Yes ... they're calling me xD)

Hell, they're calling me (¡¡¡!!! HACIENDA not catch)

Well I'll see if I can continue the video and not interrupt me no more, so looking online, original, rare and absurd, utterly absurd gifts, I've found many of them and today here in this video we will see.

Cone! Long time no see! It takes that for you also have an original gift HAHAHA!

¿Te has quedado sin ideas? ¿Quieres devolver el regalo con la misma mierda que te han regalado? O ¿Regalar algo original? Tranquilo, Frank va al rescate con unos maravillosos ejemplos.

Si tu pareja, especialmente el hombre, es un perro que no quiere coger la escoba y estas hasta el moño de barrer ¡Regálale unas pantuflas limpia piso!

Pero si a quien le vas a regalar le encanta el cine y sobretodo la saga de Star Wars, no te lo pienses 2 veces y aquí tienes los ¡Palillos chinos laser!

Pero dejémonos de tonterías y regalemos algo con amor, como unos guantes de corazón, hoy amada mía, bajo estas estrellas,

quiero darte este regalo para que veas que nunca nos separaremos.

¡Oh dios! Me encanta amor, pero he comido fabada y no paro de ir al aseo, aunque ahora como nunca nos separaremos, vendrás ¿Verdad? (Creo que lo nuestro... no es posible xD)

Esto… ¡Hasta luego!

Si lo tuyo es hacer regalos raros y tienes un amigo cocinero que no esta muy bien de la cabeza, como lo tengo yo,

tienes desde un guarda cuchillos para psicópatas o para los más deportistas un campo de golf llamado Potty Putter

y una pecera, aunque tengas un día de mierda y nunca mejor dicho, que nunca se pierda, el espíritu deportivo.

¿Y quien decía que para tu querido perro no hay regalo? ¡Claro que sí! Aquí tienes el Ifetch y no, no tiene nada que ver con Apple pero la pasta te la vas a dejar igual.

Este aparato hace que cuando tu perro quiera jugar a la pelota y tu solo con tus palillos laser, se tire él solito la pelota

¡Toma Spaik mete la pelota! ¡Métela tu coño! Que no metes ni miedo y segundo a ver dónde cae esa pelota ¡Friki cógeme la pelota y déjate de palillos!

Pero si creías que lo habías visto todo ¡Te equivocas! Damas y caballeros, os presento a ¡La roca mascota!

Este regalo es sin más una roca ¡Una puta roca! Una roca obediente eso sí, porque viene aprendidita de casa, si le dices siéntate, ella se sienta y si le dices ataca…

Mejor que te pongas otro calzado que las pantuflas para correr porque cuando ese tipo se levante del suelo no va a querer ser tu amigo

y lo mejor de todo es que trae una cajita para dormir por las noches y un cable USB para conectarla al pc, que hará la misma función que un pato en medio de la quinta avenida.

Bueno chicos pues esto a sido todo, espero que os haya gustado, ahora vosotros poner aquí abajo que regalos originales os han regalado o que regalos absurdos o que regalos regalaríais vosotros absurdamente,

dios que lio de palabras, bueno chicos da igual, esto a sido todo y como siempre digo, no seáis muy malos y nos vemos en la próxima. Chao.

For more infomation >> More rare, absurd and original gift gifts seen on the Internet | Frank Benayas - Duration: 3:08.


Serena Williams: "Me tomé tiempo de todo y creo que eso hizo una gran diferencia" - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Serena Williams: "Me tomé tiempo de todo y creo que eso hizo una gran diferencia" - Duration: 0:44.


¿Qué tanto derecho tiene un jefe de llamarnos en horas no laborales? - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué tanto derecho tiene un jefe de llamarnos en horas no laborales? - Duration: 5:35.


Sabrina Sabrok se realizó su cirugía plástica #51 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Sabrok se realizó su cirugía plástica #51 - Duration: 3:30.


Francisca se tomó el café especial de Karla - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Francisca se tomó el café especial de Karla - Duration: 1:04.


Más Sabe El Diablo | Capítulo 90 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:45.


Yes, sir.

I understand.


I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Guerra just received authorization from the DA.

This has officially begun.

What are you going to do now?

I've got to go with Prince.

I need to see the place so that I know what equipment

to use to record the meeting.


That's difficult. How will you do that?

I don't know. I'll think of something.

What happened, Mike?

At least tell me it's good news.

The best given the circumstances.

Guerra knows everything.

And not only that, he's helping us out.

Does he also know about Jimmy

and the information we've been giving to Prince?


The DA's in charge,

and we're officially out of the law's dark side.

I can't believe it.

Mike, this is wonderful.

And not only that,

tomorrow there will be a meeting with Prince and Iron Man...

in the place where they normally meet.

With the information you gave him,

Jimmy earned their trust.

Now he can place a surveillance camera

and record everything that will go on in that meeting tomorrow.

So it's possible this will all be over tomorrow?

Yes. That's Incredible, right?

Attention everyone...

-It's Agent Cordoba. -Yes.

Come on.

Quiet down, please.

First of all, I have some good news.

Captain Soto finally woke up from his coma.

As we know, Captain Soto is a strong and stubborn man.

He wasn't going to give up so easily.

And that goes to show you, he opened his eyes,

asked for something to drink,

and had a meeting with an internal affairs agent,

regarding the night of the of the attack.

How is that possible? When I saw him last night...

In sight of the circumstances and what the captain declares,

I'll have to get back with questioning some of you.

In the meantime, I hope you can all cooperate once again.

Detective Sanchez...

you have an urgent call from the DA's assistant.


Go ahead, Sanchez.

I'll take it in my office.

Silvana, there's a call from the DA's assistant.

What for?

I don't have the slightest idea.


Yes, sir.

Yes, I understand.

I'm going over there right now.

That was all. Thank you.

-Prince. -What?

Leon Beltran is here.

Tell him to come in.

Here, baby.

You made Prince especially happy today.

-Thanks. -Buy yourself something.

What do you want?

Iron Man wants to move up tomorrow's meeting to today.

He has some pending things at the company,

you know how it is.

Have him come today.

He also asked that we meet at his apartment.

Does he think this place is a pigsty?

No, he wants to treat you the way you deserve, is all.

He said at 7.

Can I go?

No, you're not going.

And you have to be there.

In case Iron Man tries something.

Don't worry.

Everything's still according to plan.

In fact, he seemed willing to do the favor you asked.

So are we confirmed at 7?

62 thousand, Prince.

Those fools, Ronco and Mocho, asked for more merchandise?

They said they have some debts.

So next week.

Let's see if they disappear like that idiot Pup.

That poor moron paid for that, Prince...

Iron Man killed him when he tried to run away

with his woman.

What's up?

-Hi, Uribe. -Hi, Vega.

Agent Cordoba asked us to stay here at the station

all day if possible.

Sure. I was running a personal errand.

What's going on?

Soto woke up.

Incredible, right?

I honestly didn't expect that at all after all this time.

How is he?

Apparently very well.

Right now he's talking to Internal Affairs

about what happened the night he was attacked.

I see.

Have you seen Romero around?


I did, but I don't know where he went.

He left.

He said he'd be right back.

Alright, now you know.

I told you we had to split, you idiot!

I'm not going down with you.

I'm out of here.

Detective Cardona said

he'd brought you up to speed on everything.


I'm at your disposal for whatever you may need.

Like I told Cardona,

you can be a part of this operative

as long as Detective Mejia's in charge.

As you wish. What do I do?

I want you to record the meeting between

Martin Acero and Prince tomorrow at the place Cardona knows.

I can get a team with a van to monitor the meeting.

I know an equipment expert at the station.

It needs to be equipment that can be easily hidden.

Don't worry. This guy's got everything.

The only thing is

he might need my superior's authorization.

No problem.

I spoke to the D.A. and we have the green light

to proceed as necessary.

The D.A. knows about all this?

He knows it's a special operative we're conducting.

I'll give him the details later.

I hope this is worth it for everyone.

hÑ so I can find out what he asked me for.

Prince isn't here.

Do you think he'll be long?


Can I have a beer? I'm super thirsty.

I may have one.


Do you mind if I sit for a bit?

I always pictured this place differently...

more elegant, with gold everywhere.

Prince's house is like that.

But he likes more privacy where he does business.

Makes sense.

So this is where he makes his big deals.

This is where they meet for everything.

It's safe.

That it is.


I spent the morning looking for the right equipment.

I found it.

This camera's sensitive to light.

If Iron Man and Prince don't turn on the lights,

the camera will still capture them.

The microphone is built in.

This would've been perfect.

But the D.A. doesn't want you or me

participating in the operative.

-Really? -No.

It's one of his conditions for him to support us.

Given the circumstances, we have to do it.

What matters is that the meeting get recorded,

regardless by whom.

But thanks, bro.

Do you want something to drink?

-I'm good, thanks. -You sure?


Let's sit.

This wait will be long and anguishing.

Especially since we're here and unable to do anything.

How are you?

How are Perla and Junior?

They're fine.

What about your dad?

That guy's a lowlife, a user.

All he wanted was Mrs. Concepcion's money.

Of course, she supported him for almost ten years!

Poor Topo thought he worked himself to death.

So he blackmailed Topo?

You should've seen him.

He had no second thoughts about it!

I knew it! Didn't I say it?

Since you told me he was bothering you...


-Topo's father? -Yes, Sandro.

He was always looking at her, insinuating himself...

she didn't want to tell Topo and hurt him.

But you told him.

I had no choice. He tried to force me...

-What? -Yeah!

You didn't tell me that!

I hope I don't come across that guy!

I don't know what I'd do!

What did he do to you?

He didn't get a chance to do anything

because I pushed him and he fell on the floor.

Then I locked myself up in the room with Junior

and called Topo.

That bastard!

Poor Topo.

What about the blackmail?

Maybe to another country.

Start over.


With the police after you, it's best.

Well, I guess I'll go.

So thanks for the beer.

What are you doing here?

He's here for Prince to get some information.


What kind of information?

That's between him and me.

-Do you know where he is? -No.

When my Prince gets here,

tell him Mom is sick and I had to go see her.

But I don't think he'll be back until late tonight.

After his meeting is over.


Alright, fine.

So he's in a meeting.

No wonder he didn't answer when I called.

He'll have it off.

It's a really important meeting with Iron Man.

Wasn't that set for tomorrow?

They changed it to 7pm at Iron Man's apartment.

Alright, I'm off.

Thanks for the beer.

Then he showed his true colors.

He's a bastard.

What happened? What did he do?

He blackmailed me.

He said he'd tell the police about you.

How does he know?

He overheard Perla and I talking.

We were home and I didn't think it'd be dangerous

for my own father to know.

I can't believe it.

He said he wouldn't tell the police in exchange for what?

Half of Grandma's inheritance.

-What? -You sent him to hell, right?

How can I?

This whole thing could've been ruined.

I wouldn't let that happen!


I'm so sorry, bro.

Don't be.

I'm glad I saw who he really was early on,

while I was just starting to love him.

With the documents Angel showed me,

even half of that money's a nice sum.

It's a real fortune!

But I'm going to pay it back to you.

I owe you so much.

We owe you so much.

Not just for this,

but also for finding Cristian's confession.

A big part of the reason

Angel and I are together fighting Martin is you.

You know what?

The day Angel and I get married

I want you to be our Best Man.



<font color="#ffff00"> CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK</font>

For more infomation >> Más Sabe El Diablo | Capítulo 90 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:45.


Recetas caseras para desintoxicar toda tu piel de manera natural - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Recetas caseras para desintoxicar toda tu piel de manera natural - Duration: 6:16.


Lo que nadie sabía del legendario Johan Cruyff: le gustaba más el béisbol que el fútbol - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Lo que nadie sabía del legendario Johan Cruyff: le gustaba más el béisbol que el fútbol - Duration: 1:58.


Disfrute de la emoción de la graduación con Kanso ™ - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Disfrute de la emoción de la graduación con Kanso ™ - Duration: 0:24.


Esta barbería en Nueva York es el mejor lugar para cortarse el pelo - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Esta barbería en Nueva York es el mejor lugar para cortarse el pelo - Duration: 4:14.


Earth turmeric is good for what? See 10 Benefits of Earth Saffron for Your Body - Duration: 5:47.

ground turmeric is good for what?

See 10 Benefits Earth saffron for your body

Many people use saffron in your kitchen.

The main characteristics Crocus is the smell like the pepper aroma,

the sharp flavor and golden color.

Turmeric is known to decrease swelling, killing bacteria and virus and for many other


It is also rich in nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamins C and E

and K, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Because of this, saffron is excellent for cure health problems.

Here are the main uses of saffron:


Cancer prevention Turmeric may block prostate cancer

and even kill cancer cells.

It can also prevent the growth of tumor cells, to protect the body

getting cancer in the first place.


Relieves Arthritis Saffron reduces swelling, so it is

great for use in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It also kills the germs that harm body cells.

People with rheumatoid arthritis who eat saffron usually able to alleviate pain and

swelling in the joints.


Controls diabetes Saffron can help in curing diabetes,

maintaining normal insulin levels.

It also helps control the sugar, and improves the result of the drugs used

to combat diabetes.

But if used with strong medications, turmeric may lower blood sugar levels

blood, so consult your doctor before taking turmeric capsules.


Lowers cholesterol levels The use as a spice turmeric

You can lower cholesterol levels.

Because high cholesterol can cause other health problems, it is important to care

to prevent heart disease.


Enhances immunity The turmeric help keep the immune system

body working well.

It also helps strengthen the immune system, since it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.

This prevents colds, cough and flu.

To help you feel better if you get sick, mix one teaspoon of

turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink once a day.


healing wounds Saffron naturally kills germs and

bacteria, so it can be used to cleanse wounds.

If you have a cut or burn, sprinkle a little turmeric powder on it to

help heal faster.

It can also help treat psoriasis, itching, skin-dead and other disorders



Weight control The turmeric powder can help maintain

body in a proper weight, helping to decompose the fat.

It is advisable to lose weight or treat obesity and the diseases that come with it,

eat a teaspoon of turmeric with every meal.


Prevent Alzheimer's disease The swelling of the brain is a major

reasons to contract cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Saffron can keep the brain healthy, helping the flow of oxygen.

It can also slow down or stop completely Alzheimer's disease.


Improves digestion Saffron can help in digestion, decreasing

swelling and gases.

It can also help in the treatment of disease inflammatory bowel.

But be careful, because if you suffer from a gallbladder disease should not take

saffron, it may make it worse.

Also, if you have a digestive problem, It is best to eat raw turmeric, not



Prevents liver disorders Saffron is a natural way to eliminate

liver poisons.

The liver removes blood poison, and saffron It helps to form the enzymes that keeps working.

It also helps to strengthen and improve blood flow.

All this helps keep the liver healthy.

Because of all the ways that saffron can help your health, add this plant

in your diet is a great idea.

Enjoy this video?

If you like the video, short, sign the channel and share with your friends.

For more infomation >> Earth turmeric is good for what? See 10 Benefits of Earth Saffron for Your Body - Duration: 5:47.


Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (Ultra HD) - Movie - Duration: 3:35:27.

For more infomation >> Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (Ultra HD) - Movie - Duration: 3:35:27.


[] 西野カナ - Distance (TANUKI's クリスマス Remix) [] - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> [] 西野カナ - Distance (TANUKI's クリスマス Remix) [] - Duration: 5:12.


Marcianito 100% Real (Remix Third Heaven) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Marcianito 100% Real (Remix Third Heaven) - Duration: 4:19.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Check Out We Love You

For more infomation >> Check Out We Love You


Nothing - December 15 #WithCaptions - Duration: 0:25.

Now that finals are over I am really excited to not be doing things.

Not doing things is of course my favorite thing to do.

And I'm just really glad I can get back to it.

It was necessary.


Also, I might not be able to go back to school this spring because of financial troubles.

So that's fun.

For more infomation >> Nothing - December 15 #WithCaptions - Duration: 0:25.


DIY Button Coasters | How to make Button Coasters | Ali Coultas - Duration: 3:19.

G'day guys!

Welcome to another DIY.

My first for 2017.

Well I hope you had a really fun new years eve.

And you are ready for a fantastic 2017.

Today I have got another coaster DIY for you.

So I have already done a rope coaster.

And a scrapbook covered tile coaster.

So if you would like to see those, I will leave those links down below.

But today we are doing button coasters.

So if you would like to learn how to do that then please stick around and I will show you


But before you do, hit subscribe if you are not already.

I'm going to try and do these every single week.

Alright guys!

Let's get into the video.

Supplies for button coasters.

Cling Wrap, PVA glue or a white glue that dries clear.


I'm using wooden buttons with floral patterns on them.

And a container with a flat bottom, I'm using a ramekin.

Cover the button of your ramekin with clear cling wrap.

This is just so it doesn't stick to it but you have got it on a nice flat surface in the size

that you like.

Once that is fully covered with the cling wrap.

Then begin applying glue.

Then start sticking down your buttons in whatever pattern you like.

I wanted to make sure I didn't have two of the same buttons next to each other.

If you are not subscribed to my DIY channel.

Then please hit that red subscribe button, it will just give you a notification when I upload a new

DIY video.

So you will never miss one.

Then set it aside to dry.

Repeat those same steps for however many coasters you would like to make.

Apply lots of glue on the button and then stick down the buttons.

While it's still wet it's really easy to move the buttons into the pattern that you would


So this is a perfect time to do this.

When you have got about half done, is just to move them around so that you have the buttons

where you want them.

Make sure though you have glue between each button.

Or otherwise it won't stick.

So if there are spots where you can't see much glue then just apply some more glue.

I left them overnight to dry.

And then when I came back I removed the glad wrap.

Peeled the coaster of the glad wrap and there you have it.

There is a view of the back and here is a view of the front.

Then I repeated the same step with the next coaster.

Peeling off the glad wrap and then pulling the glad wrap off the back of the coaster.

I found here there were a few spots of glad wrap still there so I just pulled them off with my hands.

Really simple not a problem, looks fantastic.

Here is a close up view of the coaster.

Thanks for watching my first DIY of 2017.

If there are any DIYs you would like to see, I love to hear your suggestions in the comments.

So write them below or just say G'day, let me know where you are from!

Alrighty I will see you next Wednesday for another DIY Wednesday.


For more infomation >> DIY Button Coasters | How to make Button Coasters | Ali Coultas - Duration: 3:19.


Best Toys for Kids Wonderball Fun Playhouse Video for Kids amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:38.

Best toys for Kids

amazon shopping online

Step 2 Wonderball Fun Playhouse

For more infomation >> Best Toys for Kids Wonderball Fun Playhouse Video for Kids amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:38.


Reinhardt goes Ham Sammich in this overwatch eliminations gameplay - Duration: 1:23:17.

Overwatch Competitive Livestream Gameplay Please Click Here to SUBSCRIBE Thank You!!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZ7... ----------------------------------------¬----------------------------------------¬------------- Socials Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinjaLooter_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ninja-... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninjalooter83/ Google+:https://plus.google.com/u/0/100916008... Tumblr: http://ninjalootergaming.tumblr.com/ ----------------------------------------¬----------------------------------------¬-------------- Blogs: Wordpress: https://ninjalooter.wordpress.com/ Blogger: http://ninjalootergaming.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/NinjaLoot... Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ninjalooter/ Website: http://www.ninjalootergaming.com/ ----------------------------------------¬----------------------------------------¬-------------- Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Overwatch puts players into two teams of six, with each player selecting one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique movement, attributes, and skills; these heroes are divided into four classes: Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map and/or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Players gain cosmetic rewards that do not affect gameplay, such as character skins and victory poses, as they continue to play in matches. The game was launched with casual play, while Blizzard added competitive ranked play about a month after launch. Blizzard states that all Overwatch updates will remain free, with the only additional cost to players being microtransactions to earn additional cosmetic rewards. Overwatch is Blizzard's fourth major franchise, and came about following the 2014 cancellation of the ambitious massively multiplayer online role-playing game Titan. A portion of the Titan team came up with the concept of Overwatch, based on success of team-based first-person shooters like Team Fortress 2 and the growing popularity of multiplayer online battle arenas, creating a hero-based shooter that emphasized teamwork. Some elements of Overwatch borrow assets and concepts from the canceled Titan project. After establishing the narrative of an optimistic near-future Earth setting after a global crisis, the developers aimed to create a diverse cast of heroes that spanned genders and ethnicities as part of this setting. Significant time was spent adjusting the balance of the characters, making sure that new players would still be able to have fun while skilled players would present each other with a challenge. Overwatch was unveiled at BlizzCon 2014 in a fully playable state, and was in a closed beta from late 2015 through early 2016. An open beta in May 2016 drew in more than 9.7 million players. The release of the game was promoted with short animated videos to introduce the game's narrative and each of the characters. Upon official release, Overwatch received universal acclaim from critics, who praised its accessibility and enjoyable gameplay. Overwatch Characters Offense characters Genji McCree Pharah Reaper Soldier: 76 Tracer Defense characters Bastion Hanzo Junkrat Mei Torbjörn Widowmaker Tank characters D.Va Reinhardt Roadhog Winston Zarya Support characters Ana Lúcio Mercy Symmetra Zenyatta Popular overwatch searches for YouTube: overwatch, livestream, competitive, blizzard, multiplayer, overwatch gameplay, overwatch sombra, overwatch update, overwatch news, overwatch eliminations, overwatch tips and tricks, overwatch animated shorts, overwatch gameplay, overwatch cinematic, live, gameplay, overwatch multiplayer gameplay, genji, reaper, stream, sombra, overwatch (video game), overwatch pc gameplay, max settings, overwatch rap, overwatch funny moments, overwatch genji, overwatch mccree, overwatch pharah,

For more infomation >> Reinhardt goes Ham Sammich in this overwatch eliminations gameplay - Duration: 1:23:17.


Sleight Trailer

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer


'Tough Guys' Country Hit Mus...

For more infomation >> 'Tough Guys' Country Hit Mus...


I will find you - Duration: 0:12.

But if you don't...

I will look for you.

I WILL find you.

And I will kill you.

next day the motherfucker was dead

For more infomation >> I will find you - Duration: 0:12.


I Don't Wear Pants Anymore - Word Vomit - Duration: 4:10.

I'm not really sure if this video has a point.

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and this is just kind of a video about some of the shit

I've got on my mind right now.

You know how on Facebook there's a little section that says on this day?

I'm kind of obsessive with checking it and I don't really know why.

And I realized that this time of year is the time of year that I have a tendency to quit


5 or 6 years ago that I just up and quit my job to absolutely nothing.

I'm out.

I'm done.


I quit.

And then I was unemployed for like 3 months so warning if you do that, be careful.

And recently I've decided that I'm not going to teach multiple places for fitness classes


Part of that was it just wasn't really a good fit and part of it is like the timing isn't

the greatest.

And it wasn't a consistent schedule anymore and I really need consistency with how much

that I do.

Part of it was, um, I was treated kinda terribly once and I don't appreciate that.

Let's check Facebook and see what happened today.

Oh god, I have so many notifications, damnit.

Ok, now here's the problem, I went to go into Facebook to get more things to talk about

about the on this day thing and now I'm stuck frikin' reading comments and reading other

shit because Facebook's like oh here, look at this thing and you're like damnit, I didn't

do what I meant to do cause there was a notification.

(groaning) on this day (more groaning) I drew Krampus on this day.

Ok so apparently on this day I had a pumpkin spice latte and felt the need to share it.

Some of this is just like laughing at yourself cause you're like really, I really felt the

need to share that?

Oh god, I've gotta stop checking Facebook!

I can't!

I can't!

It's just, you just get, you- (sigh) ok.

Social media is both awesome and terrible cause you get completely distracted and I

have no idea what I was talking about.

Let's go to Twitter, what's happening today?

Oh there's another notification.

What's going on in the world?

People are drawing fan art.

Not for me, for other people that I follow, there's people drawing faar- fan art.

Why the hell would anyone draw fan art for me?

Just sayin.'

Nobody even knows who I am.

I keep getting fucking notifications and I can't stop looking at them.

Which is also probably why it's a good thing that people don't actually know who I am because

if my phone was constantly getting notifications from different things, I would not be able

to stop.

If I had people like actually sending me messages and doing shit all the time, I don't think

I would get anything done.

Where did this video even go?

I don't even know with what I started and how I ended up here.

I don't wear pants anymore.

I decided I want to be comfortable forever and by that I mean I wear leggings instead.

Which leggings are pants, let's just be honest, you just have to wear a shirt that like covers

your butt.

I'm wearing leggings now.


They're grey and I have elves on my socks.



I just kneed myself in the chin, I don't know how I did that.

They are so soft and so comfortable, it's like I'm not wearing clothing, so why would

I put on jeans when I can wear these?

And I know that dressing the way I've been dressing recently is not as "attractive" to

some people or whatever, but I've kind of determined at this point in my life, I'm probably

gonna be single forever and that's really ok.

How the hell do I still have this thing on my hand?

Driving me up a fucking wall.

And I know they're chipped, but I managed to do my nails, look.

Focus camera, focus on them.


See, they're cute.

They're really chipped so ignore that but they've got like snowflakes on a nail and

I've got glitter on another one that's like glitter balls and then there's blue.

I don't really know why.

But I just kinda did it.

That's enough me being all over the place for today.

If you guys liked this video, click the like button and subscribe to my channel, I make

a new video every Tuesday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

All my love.

MWAH! (slow mo) ow!

That doesn't make any sense.

For more infomation >> I Don't Wear Pants Anymore - Word Vomit - Duration: 4:10.


Den gamle mannen og tranen (starik i zhuravl) Sovjetunionen 1958 NOR SUB Norsk tekst - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Den gamle mannen og tranen (starik i zhuravl) Sovjetunionen 1958 NOR SUB Norsk tekst - Duration: 9:47.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision - Duration: 1:24.


"I want people to applaud" - full movie (Eng subs) - Duration: 24:47.

Hold it!

Stretch the toes more! Get your hand off!

Hold the leg!

No hand!

Hold it!

Hold it!

Supporting knee.

Stretch your back even more.

Stretch the knee!

Gimme your hand!

Heel off the floor! Higher!

Stretch your leg more!

Hold it!

The other leg now!

Get the hurting arm away!

Calves forward more!

You should feel at ease, as if you're drinking tea in the morning.

What's happening with your face?

Look, I lack strength to lift up your leg!

- Really? -

Yes, it's hard for me.

Keep your leg raised! No hand!

Hold it!

Supporting knee.

Hold it!

Back up!

I know it's hard, but you should overcome the difficulties.

It's hard! Bring yourself to working hard!

Stretch the knees!

Stretch your leg!

Calves go forward. Now plie.

Control your back and shoulder blades.

The arm in front of you.

Hold the thighs like this.

Raise it higher!

Do it simultaneously.

You must turn your head back at one stroke!

Look through it!

Make a clear look!

Your life depends on it!

Make a clear look!

Focus your attention right away!

The middle of you calf is above the heel! Hold your back!

Toes stay flat on the floor.

Mind the middle of your heel!

Stretch your knee Alexei! I feel you can stretch it more!

Hands on waist, jumping!

The сhildren who pass the audition never know it's hard and how hard it is.

But when they gradute they go like: 'We'll never bring our children here'.

And after 10 years they bring their children here.

They bring their children here forcibly, like it happened with themselves.

and it goes on and on with further generations.

And they go back here to work or to pay a visit.

I myself have come back, like my classmates, who kept saying they'd never return and it's all forgotten,

... we gave it up since it's too hard, we have a lot of other work to do.

Still they come back!

Only he who wants it come here. No one will keep you.

I'm getting high, so to speak.

... on the stage

I've come from Japan, because it's the best here in Russia.

What you just did was gymnastics, a PT lesson.

But what I need from you is you performing ballet at the classical dance lesson.

The dancer's life is not your imagined outlook. It's happening right at this moment!

Right at this moment you are ballet dancers! You can already perform something!

You partly are masters!

Let's keep going!

Your motions are blurred, turn back the head faster!

Look at him, he does it exactly to the point!

Follow yourself in the mirror!

And your hands feel the air!


Moving gradually from one motion to another as in cantilena music.

No rushing!


Follow yourself in the mirror!

Catch your back!

Boys, he who practices everyday wins!

It's a daily workout routine! But it must be joyful at the same time.

I think, people who decide to do ballet are not quite normal

Because it's so hard to do it.

So, it's unlikely I'd advise my child to be engaged in doing ballet.

because it's too hard.

Frankly speaking

But nevertheless, if you're already into ballet, you can no longer live without it.

So do not listen to me, go and practice ballet!

- Hello! - - Hello! -

Haven't you stretched enough yet? Still there's some room?

Stop here, 2nd line!

And finally everyone look at me!

Am I going to work here as a clown?

Your eyes are fast! Stop!

In the end of a pirouette it should feel as a steel hoop.

One more time!

Don't raise your leg too high but compensate with your back muscles!

Correct! Don't drop the head, though.


I'm staying here to watch your back!

Your back muscles don't work at all!

No, no! I've even scratched skin on your spine for you!

No, Tanya! It looks like a turtle variation.

I gave you another movement to tame your back!

Why do you look so unhappy?

Look at the accompanist!

Did you dream about it?

Dreams come true?

Was it what you dreamed of? These sufferings indeed?

Now stand up, head down, keep the line!

Use these muscles to hold the leg.

Stay still!

Be careful it's my face...

Go back

Control your back. Arm takes the 2nd position.


Well done! Is it painful?


Really, not painful?

Maybe pleasant even?

It's not about the height, my darling!

It's about doing it right. This side must be firm!

Look at your wrist, we see each finger.

Control your fingers. Don't grimace how hard it is.

Hold your side!

And stay still, stretch the foot.

Nope, don't greet me from there, just stretch!

Ok, well done! Open your arm, as you can remember!

You've gone this high which is ok,

but while moving the leg back you kind of open a parachute, and then take exactly the 5th position


Wrists are precise!

I see your heel is naughty there!

Water the floor, what are you waiting for?

What character are you going to dance now?

Is it a partisan being examined?

This part never touches the floor.

Here you are.

Now go down.


Here's my hand, step on it!

And raise it!

Fine! One more time!

Correct! Now everyone does the same with my hand!

Your feet would look like hoofs once they're well trained.

A short balancee! Sissonne!

No, darling. The very last moment you do it wrong, by turning your heels!

But we can see you in the mirror, your legs and heels are in a wrong position.

Your foot should have correct turnout.

Demi-plie! Show your leg postition there.

Well, at least...

You look faded. Maybe you haven't slept enough? Or you're feeling unwell?

Is it ok, no temperature, are you sure?

Then I'll talk to you in another manner, and demand from you as I'm supposed to if you feel ok.

You should do it at your full power, when it's hard to perform, not just pretending you're doing an exercise.

Look, you don't have any wings behind your back that support you.

You must - yourself! - turn all parts of your body clearly realizing that.

You got me? Show then!

No, Olya, I see you are not in the mood to perform that,

it looks as if you're telling me: ok, I'll do it if you ask.

Don't you want to work hard?

- I want to -

Is it you or your body wants?

...and your legs want to practice hard?

Will you do that? Maybe I'm forcing you deliberately?

You are here to study, and I'm a teacher to teach you, not to force you.

If you don't feel like working, don't do that, go and have a seat over there.

I won't reveal it to anyone, nor will I give you a bad mark.

Sometimes it really happens: a student just doesn't feel like practicing.

You don't want to exercise, do you?

- I want to -

Ok. One more time then, with the music.

Left foot in front.

And don't suffer! ...

Whenever a teacher gives you remarks, that only means she wants you to become better, she believes in you!

And if you take offence thinking you're working well,

then do as you like, I won't correct you at all. Do you need this?

-No? - -No! -

Turn your head. I know it's hard, I'll praise you after the class.

And now... one, two...

your heels are turned wrong.

Surely, you can indulge yourself to laziness even more!

Now, land exactly to the 5th position!

Legs together...

Tears in your eyes...?

I noticed yesterday you weren't in blossom. Are you tired today?...

... The most useful time to work out is when you are really tired, when it's really hard.

Certainly, on Monday you're fresh to exercise, today is Thursday, so you have to apply more efforts.

On Friday you must force yourself, and on Saturday force yourself thrice as much,

and go for a weekend with clear conscience.

I notice: you all become tired the 2nd part of the week, your souls get overwhelmed.

That's where you all must pull yourself together!

You're now aware it's difficult to do ballet, so maybe you give up?

No one promised an easy life here for you.

Further it'll be even harder. Think about it, my girl...

Maybe, in fact, it's too hard for you.

It's easy to imagine that being a ballerina looks so weghtless and light,

but as soon as you try it yourself - it gets hard.

You must keep studying and after that you should forget every trouble you had,

as if you were born with all these abilities to dance.

Let those difficulties go through you, to become better!

You must dance the same way you speak or breath.

That's why you must overcome the hardships

Feel like crying?

You're still small, but you all have challenges before you!

This is the way our profession works.

All the basics are taught and mastered in the very beginning...

...disobeying heels, everything goes wrong and you must tame all of those.

Don't you cry, my darling, you're not the first one who cries...

Any child cries so much here.

On the other hand, just imagine if I start to feel pity for you every time

Ah, Olya you can't turnout your heels? Fine! You needn't!

Oh, you can't lift your leg? That's ok, drop it, let it the way it goes.

Let's cancel the rules of classical dance and here we are!

Let's do it like we are able to!

Shall we swap the roles?

We will struggle, won't we?

But are you ready?

I am and you?!

If you do that alone, you won't make it, neither will I.

But if we're working together, then it will all work out!

Then your naughty heels will be tamed!

And you'll make it!

Everything's going to be alright!

We feel pity for her

Feel pity for her? And do you feel pity for me?

I watch your crooked heels in my dreams every night!

I'll go crazy soon.

Dear Ludmila! We congratulate you on the Teacher's Day!

Thank you very much!

I don't cancel the class today nevertheless

Like wind!

They have chosen a way.

Why do you think they're unhappy?

You desire to study here yourself.

That's true. That's good!

I love this profession and stage. I like dancing. I adore ballet.

I want to become a renowned ballet dancer, and contribute to ballet history.

I just like ballet.

Whose character are you going to dance?

-A soloist. The main role!-

What ballet?

At the Bolshoi.

Everyone knows and loves you.

I want everyone to be saying: "Here he goes! I've seen him on TV."

and everyone is envious.

Because my mom will be proud of me.

The world will know you.

If one dances well it comforts your soul when people applaud

and your posture is beatiful

I want to do ballet because everybody is slender there.

I don't want to look stout.

I want to become famous

And I want myself to be a noble ballerina!

I want to perform on stage to earn money

It's well paid there

so one can go abroad

I want to become a ballet dancer which may allow me to travel to different countries for free.

I used to dance an eared hobgoblin role at school performance.

and people told me I dance so well.

So I want to become a bellerina to dance at the Bolshoi theatre.

I like being looked at and mentioned in newspapers.

Besides that there are so many boys here

Each of them cares about you, someone even likes you.

One can find a good husband at this school, for example.

and besides that you learn to dance.

and you'll be beautiful in your life naturally.

You will always be slender.

I want to become a ballerina because they live very long.

If I don't make it, I can't do anything more.

Because ballet is my destiny.

For more infomation >> "I want people to applaud" - full movie (Eng subs) - Duration: 24:47.


Unboxing - Hatsune Miku -Hanairogoromo- 1/8 Complete Figure - Duration: 3:40.


It's been a long time since I make any unbox videos.

I'm kinda rusty at this

+ having really bad lighting doesn't help either xD

I haven't bought any figure since 2015,

it have became a very expensive hobby without a steady income~

But I wanted to treat myself something nice for my Birthday

Which was in 23 November

So I looked around what figure will release in November 2016

Originally, I plan to just get myself another Super Sonico like usual.

Have always wanted to own a Hatsune Miku figure.

but there are so many of her figure out there

and I was unsure which one would truly makes me happy.

Until I found a picture of this on internet

It was so pretty~! Specially because I love everything that have Kimono / long sleeve design~

She is my first ever, Hatsune Miku in my figure collection!

Specifications :

ABS & PVC Pre-painted Complete Figure

Brand : Stronger

Sculptor: ICREA CO., LTD

Scale: 1/8 Size: Approx. H19cm up to head (H23cm including umbrella)

This product series is sold in Snow Miku Sky Town, the shop & museum of Hokkaido supporting character "Snow Miku (Miku Hatsune)".

This item is sold exclusively at AmiAmi, Snow Miku Sky Town and Synapse-mall only.

Links to AmiAmi is the description!

For more infomation >> Unboxing - Hatsune Miku -Hanairogoromo- 1/8 Complete Figure - Duration: 3:40.


[Granblue Vocal] [GRANBLUE FANTASY] New World Order (spanish & english subtitles) - Duration: 4:30.

The World now has come, and change is at hand.

Destiny's pulsing fragments awake and await commands.

My soul will rise to a new dimension.

It's burning with possibility.

Twenty-two disciples of light and dark have set the portal free.

Justice! Let the scales deal harsh equality.

Hanged man! Endure his foolish crucibles.

Death! Let love burn to its silent end.

(The World now has come, and change is at hand)

Temperance! Reign over havoc, weal, and woe. (The World now has come, and change is at hand)

The devil! Fear the vortex swallowing all. (The World now has come, and change is at hand)

The tower! Tear it down with the wicked ones. (The World now has come, and change is at hand)

The tower! Tear it down with the wicked ones.

The star! Rend dark paths to distant wars.

The moon! Turn it on its head. Reality's a lie.

The sun! Worship the mercy that outshines sick truths.

Judgment! Sound the trumpets to the empire's end.

Ah, how far away the ideal world!

Ah, how far away the eternal world!

So, Karma weaves fate into a third world.

I know the road is unforgiving.

o, Karma weaves fate into a third world.

I know the road is unforgiving.

He told me so, but I gave my word.

Ah, how far away the ideal world!

He told me so, but I gave my word.

Ah, how far away the ideal world!

For more infomation >> [Granblue Vocal] [GRANBLUE FANTASY] New World Order (spanish & english subtitles) - Duration: 4:30.


Battlefield 1: TDM Tuesday #2 with Johnny (restream.io test) - Duration: 37:26.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1: TDM Tuesday #2 with Johnny (restream.io test) - Duration: 37:26.


NAD India News:- Lok Sabha passed the RPWD Bill by G V Reddy - Duration: 2:41.

Hello to all my friends!

There is good news.

The RPWD Bill has been passed in Lok Sabha.

I want to thank all my friends for their prayers and at last

it has been answered and it has got passed.

I want to thank Mr. A. S. Narayanan from NAD and Mr. Javed Abidi for continuing their advocacy for such a long time

and their immense hard work.

Many times deaf associations from different states of India advocated and suppported. The last we got the victory.

I saw how Mr. A. S. Narayanan didn't give up in 2014. Even after the failure and distress in 2014

he continued to follow up with the political parties be it Congress, BJP or CPI-M and finally achieved it. It was made possible.

He kept advocating for the ISLRTC and then the RPWD Bill got passed. He kept trying, hoping and fighting for the victory.

Narayanan's wife and children endured for a long time as he would travel a lot for work and meetings. He even went to USA and learnt from there.

Finally we got success. I want to thank Narayanan's wife and children for their patience.

I request you all to thank Narayanan's wife and praise her.

Also I request all deaf associations to thank and praise Mr. A. S. Narayanan. Praise God for his good work and for you all.

For more infomation >> NAD India News:- Lok Sabha passed the RPWD Bill by G V Reddy - Duration: 2:41.


FIFA17 Online Seasons with Johnny (Music Playlist By Bass Rebels) - Duration: 40:56.

For more infomation >> FIFA17 Online Seasons with Johnny (Music Playlist By Bass Rebels) - Duration: 40:56.


The Traveller Cover - Duration: 3:07.

Have you seen the traveller?

He moves with the night and day.

With no items of value

he finds fortune in being free.

I remember when I used to think

that I was moving faster, yet the whole world moves under me.

Our lives were closely interwoven then

but they unravel with such urgency.

You can't help this feeling inside.

You belong to no one

as long as your heart can breathe.

You belong to nowhere

as long as you roam free.

All you need are the clothes on your back

with your health and your heart intact.

A life full of duty

is a life that's full of endless strain.

I remember when I used to think

that I was moving faster, yet the whole world moves under me.

Our lives were closely interwoven then

but they unravel with such urgency.

You can't help this feeling inside. The road


never swallow


So live your life on your own two feet.

The road will never swallow your sunrise.

Now I can see what lies ahead

and I can feel the wind in my hair

and I know the road will

never swallow me.

I'll live my life on my own two feet.

The road will never swallow

my sunrise.

For more infomation >> The Traveller Cover - Duration: 3:07.


From Melanie's Kitchen: Making M&M Yummies - Duration: 7:22.


Hi everyone!

I'm Melanie the Medium, and welcome to my kitchen!

Today I'm doing something a little different.

I'm going to be making one of my holiday traditions with you.

They are called M&M Yummies, and they're this delicious treat with pretzels and chocolate

and M&Ms on top, and they are just so delicious, beautiful, colorful, and really fun to give

away at the holidays too.

All you need are some pretzels - get the tiny ones because then the M&Ms will sit in the

holes - some semi-sweet chocolate chips, and of course, some M&Ms.

You probably need several pans.

I lined this one with tin foil, but you can line it with parchment, which is what I prefer,

but I didn't have any.

All right, now I'm going to heat up these morsels so they can melt.

Okay, the chocolate has melted.

Doesn't that look delicious?

Dip two holes into the chocolate, and then stick them on the baking sheet.

And then plop the M&Ms in the holes.

Don't they look so cute?

Once this pan is full, I'm going to stick them in the fridge because they harden much


This year turned out completely differently than I thought it would.

I remember at the end of last year making my goals for this year, things I wanted to

do in my business...really that was it [laughs].

Things I wanted to do with my business.

And life has gone in such a different direction than I was thinking it would.

And it's been really really great.

Now I've decided to go to nursing school, and that was not on my radar at the beginning

of the year.

And I was thinking, you know, you never know where life is going to take you.

You can have all these plans, but at the end of the day I have to just let go and go with

the flow and think, all right, I know whatever happens - you know, I may have my ideas, but

whatever happens, I'll be okay.

And the cool thing that has come out of this (because it did come out of nowhere and it

feels very divinely guided)...I just think...while part of my brain is freaking out, thinking,

"Oh my gosh, okay, I have all these things to figure out."

The other part is like, "Well, somehow it's going to work out because I know this is what

I'm supposed to do."

That's a really good feeling.

I think when we try to force certain things to happen, life just feels like a struggle.

When we release that and become open to where our spirit is taking us or where God is taking

us, that's when some pretty cool things happen.

That's when you just trust, "Okay, this is somehow going to work out.

I don't know how, but somehow it is."

This morning I was writing emails to people who had written to me because they were inspired

by the post I wrote about starting nursing school.

One of the people who wrote to me had been thinking about starting nursing school.

She's a single mom.

In my post about getting ready for orientation, I mentioned that my mom went to nursing school,

and she was a single mom.

And so it inspired her.

I wrote to her.

I was telling her that for my mom, that was not an easy path.

She had 2 kids to take care of and she was working full-time as a paramedic.

We didn't have a lot of family around, so it wasn't like there was a huge support network


It was really hard.

And she's told me that there were several times when it felt like it was too hard to

continue, and she really wanted to quit.

It's just so much work.

She knew she was doing this for her family to provide a better life, and she knew that

even though it was going to be really hard, it would only be two more years.

So she struggled, and she was stressed, and she hardly got any sleep....and I woke her

up all the time while she was trying to get sleep.

Not sure how I am alive [laughs] after all that.

But you know, she had this bigger purpose in mind, and that's what kept her going.

No matter what you're trying to do - whether you're trying to find that relationship that

you know you deserve, you want to build a family that you know you want in your heart,

maybe you want to have kids, you want a new career, you want to travel...whatever it is

that you want to do, you can do it.

No matter how many obstacles come into your path, no matter if you have no money, or you

think it's impossible, or that there's one roadblock after another, you can do it.

If you have this desire to do it, you can do it.

There are so many times when things have been really hard in my life, and I'm sure in your

life too -- that's just life, right?

And there were times when I thought I cannot continue.

And yet somehow, I got through it.

And so will you.

Here we go!

Here's my first pan!

I hope you enjoy making M&M yummies with your family this year or anytime.

They are so freaking good.

And join me next time on [funny voice] "Cooking with Melanie" [laughs].

Join me next time for TrueYou TV.


For more infomation >> From Melanie's Kitchen: Making M&M Yummies - Duration: 7:22.


Room Tour 12/12/16 - Duration: 5:34.

And it's dark...

Hi everybody!

My name is Amy.

And my hair is a mess

Hey! Well, this is my room.

And this is [are] some books that I used to read when I was younger.

Hey, my Santa hat!

It's almost Christmas time!

Yeah, this video might go out in January.

This is my DVD player,

This here, is a black case

full of CDs

some of them are my childhood games

Spy Fox, Freddi Fish,

Backyard Baseball.

Ooh I wonder if it still work.

Just a moment!

Okay, here we go.

What other stuff do I have?

Oh! Here's the Junior Field Trips that I liked!

And... You probably don't want to know all that do you?

All righty then!

That's my drums

And that's my suitcase

And that's my tripod.

Oh hey! That is a part of a selfie stick

that I have

and it's also...

It's also a stand!

it's kind of tilted kind of way

Hands-free! Yeah! Whoo!

I have been wanting to have that for so long because

I don't have a digital video camera anymore.

Here is my bookshelf.

Other things - extras.

This is the history shelf

Crafts/puzzles shelf

I have some DVDs here

There are more DVDs in the living room.

And these two shelves are extras [they don't go with anywhere else]

There's my desk.

My breakfast that I should have...haven't eaten yet...

My computer screen.

What's behind the computer screen? [I probably meant what's in the computer screen...]

I have a YouTube video on the screen and I'm not sure if I should show that on a video...

because I dunno...

That's a computer.

Well, really, that's a monitor and this is a computer...

An here, is my unmade bed!

Ah! That's a little better!

that's my headboard

I should show you the other parts of this shelf [or bookcase...]

I called this the "Mystery shelf" until

I made little changes in these two shelves

That's a play phone!

I instead made the two shelves be my video props stuff.


Yeah this is a pretend phone, not a real phone.

This is my Santa hats. This video is filmed in December.

That is a hat a friend of mine got me.

I don't do French...

All I know are bonjour and merci!

I was making a video and then my phone died.

I may have not said this is a French hat. This is a French hat!

That is a key

I got it from Pier 1 Imports

A friend of mine gave me a gift card

I got the key because of that!

And, this is my hats

I like hats.

My notebooks.

My other mysteries.

And that's about it for my room!

I should really eat that...

I haven't eaten yet and it's 9:26...

Thank you for watching my room tour!

Until next time, everybody!

For more infomation >> Room Tour 12/12/16 - Duration: 5:34.


Nintendo Switch Rumors | Nintencast #1 - Duration: 12:54.

Welcome to the Nintencast! Today Typhlosion and I are going

to be talking about Nintendo switch

leaks and rumors

ok so our first of all I guess we're

going to just talk about our opinions on

the Nintendo switch so typhlosion you

want to just get started on that

sure um my opinions on the switch i

really don't like the main on CNN anchor

and explains a lot that i actually

thought the same thing when i first

heard it but I guess now that I'm more

used to hearing it

I I like it better that's I kind of

thought i would give and groaning

eventually it still has something but

maybe maybe it maybe it will change

eventually have to have a friend who's

calling it the NS okay see that's worse

I don't like it

Oh guy stopped yet you can't no just

stop but yeah other like I think it's a

cool idea like the fact that it's

playing at home and taking on the go

it's kind of cool yeah octuple yeah I'm

glad it seems like when they threw out

their third party list of all those

games and like the engines it'll support

i hope they use it unlike the wii u how

it started off like with third party and

then over time all the third party kinda

just one way was just nintendo I like

the fact that Skyrim is going to be on

it because it's really good video game

company i believe gives me some hope

yeah I feel like this time they're going

to follow through with all third-party

support to and as we saw in the trailer

they didn't have any kids I don't know

if any of you guys noticed that but they

don't have any kids in the trailer and I

think they're starting to notice the

target audiences of it it's not just

considered doesn't just consists of kids

just like yeah more aim towards people

who grew up with Nintendo and more

teenagers who enjoy nintendo games

yeah it's an ancient oh yeah yeah I gee

I wish I don't think i am going to be

bored over anyways our next topic is the

legend is all that breadth of the wild


so recently I guess there was kind of a

little type of you want to explain it

because i'm not exactly even sure so

it's like I mean there's a lot of mean

it's really hard to talk about rumors

and leaks because every day it's like

gets topple over by the of one by

another there's a lot of good versus a

lot of bad ones and there's there's no

real middle point sometimes but so

basically for a while it seemed like we

might not be getting Zelda as a launch

title like it was kind of promise in a

way for march 2017 but now like eb games

there was like they'd been printing out

promotional items saying like yeah it's

going to be 2017 spring launch which

kind of makes it sound like march which

affects other yeah just that's basically


and those smart enough to have it at

least I feel they're smart enough to

have it launched mark because I I don't

see why they wouldn't have it launched

alongside the the NX for nintendo's

which whatever I don't care anymore but

seriously I don't think they're going to

be that dumb and release it away from it

because I feel that's going to drive a

lot of the sales office and people just

forget about it yeah it's gonna come out

two months later and it would be good


a bundle with it as well yeah and a

bundle sure would be even if those 5050

but again it's actually good because

most other games are 60 hours at this

point and for it well for you soon 60

depending yeah depending on what system

you're buying it and then also as you're

seeing with the bundle thing

yeah it'd be a really good idea of on

the lacking with it I mean but the thing

is I don't want them to rush Leanne

either through I mean it's like you know

you really want to game that you want to

be good

that's that's not one of my big concerns

yeah but i think i think they've been

putting a lot of work into it they have

really good development team speed

workout single a good actor

chronicles I don't want that's what it's

called that's what I was heard around

three times

yeah like did these people know what

said you really no biggie

yeah so yeah I guess brother while it

would make sense for them to have a

launch but at the same time I guess I

really don't want to rush so we'll have

to wait and see

yeah that's all we can pretty much do

for the wild

next up the eb games League that

literally just came out that was

literally just confirmed fake a while


yes if you don't know what it is

basically I mean it was mostly it's show

like what kind of like red 3ds cases for

which the Nintendo switch games would be

enjoyed their cartridges now and which i

think is pretty cool but yeah it was

basically confirmed fake like out of

five minutes before

notice how yeah and that we could mostly

talking about Zelda being launched a lie

no we just talked about it but that

that's this is not related to it just

had in it

I'll it also had like Skyrim and then

but the big thing was Mario curry it was

like 24 new tracks upon the 48 making 72

i am if you think about it i'm surprised

that so many people actually believe I

don't look real and all but it's kind of

like the 10 new characters doesn't

really i don't know anything whatever

type of new battle mode

I don't think that's what draws on board

the mario kart well yeah well but it's

nothing is as mario kart 8 and have like

a proper that so I mean like your

average their advertising the new

features i mean i don't know it's like I

sort of shocked people believed it also

not really I mean it was kind of

surprising because the only thing that

really detailed was mario kart is baby

can really detailed much of Skyrim

because everyone know was it but why was

mario kart it like such detail but then

it was also really bag like it was no

new characters not even King boo

we saw the challenge I don't know it

also did to me I'm surprised people

believe it because it didn't look like

Nintendo boxart it doesn't seem like

they were advertising battle mode and

all the new features on the front that

seems like something for the back cover

all your i I really don't know i mean it

really is like I can see like yeah yeah

it's I guess I see you say but I mean

but what speaking of those new features

though it's like it there would be a

cool that was the type of stuff like

that it had you know like more character

and obviously soon at least have one new

character and hopefully more tracks but

in a battle we need to get him back for

a boy I was out pink gold piece


yes let's help

it's really are also not hopefully we

can get some new features in there for

mario kart anyways last topic here is

mother 3 2nd Corps 2017 a rumor I kind

of find this hard to believe because

Nintendo's this is kind of been intended

joke almost because i know i mean ii III

it said they had a little joke thing and

there's like a truffle and it's like

come on Reggie give us mother through

and he said how about this and through a

fireball obviously and robot chicken

think yeah I mean it's hard to believe

because it seems like it's always

something hands real it seems like it's

always been a rumor that like it's a

rumor we've been getting all these

rumors and mother 3

come on I mean that that's got to be a

joke right at this point I mean yes well

first it is a joke

it really is a joke on second and I

really always felt like I here as I have

mixed feelings about it i really hope

it's real because i think it would get a

lot of people into it if they have all

three of them release fire in the US


related point of this yeah I can I don't

want to play them because it's like okay

well now you surely can't play the first

one third one and but then like I also

don't think its richest it's been joked

about so much it's like something like

you can't see it coming I mean got yeah

it's one of those things that once again

nintendo joked with it so much and this

even they understand that it's a joke

and they take advantage of it

I don't think they're going to release

it and they might would be good but I'm

just saying I don't I think that gets in

a half and I think nintendo has been

listening to their people more having I

mean I mean where we're making if it's

if it happens we're making progress i

mean after this i think if we start

early singles people want like let's say

if they could start re-releasing the

firemen games here I think that's the

thing people want to then next step

would be to go easy on the fan games

like stop taking them down i guess

caitlyn tendo's going is I guess

starting to understand their fans more

and religious yeah i know this is a

little off topic from Italy there is

also another room where a while ago

about gamecube virtual console that

would make sense

honestly yeah yeah but I'm saying like

if it's like let's say is it pronounced

Amelia mainly Allen County full saiful i

was called mainly it's not male HD by

kind of it's like it's like more I don't

know how to describe it it will look

probably better but it's not HD really

the people cannot want but i think it's

a step in the right direction if they

listen and they don't don't change the


ok just we just wanted a new system

yeah okay just leave it as it is

actually did that and if they did

bagging it would kind of make sense you

know mother three mutants like you're

listening to your people and I think

it's possible he attends really i guess

just overall listening more as we saw in

tents which trailer they're starting to

understand yeah i think they're really


taking the time to understand what they

need to do instead of just throwing

things out their new projects all my god

let's try this let's try this let's try

this kind of like YouTube a lot of

people are just like oh ok I'm just

going to throw one has something about

this new thing and hope it works I'm

gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna heat up this

nice actually analyze what works then

they're gonna actually have success and

I think they're understanding Gail I

mean especially so it combines like okay

I'm a sports team fan i don't i don't

really like too much for its not

watching all my really like playing

anything for watching too much of it but

like I don't like sports games and I

really liked sports games but I saw in

the trailer they have sports teams you

know that we're gonna oh yeah yeah yeah

I got on overall internal switch weeks

there's somewhat believable some of them

it's just there's just so many of them

that at this point it's kind of hard to

believe them

I guess yeah i mean some unbelievable

some are believable so I guess this is

gonna wrap up this episode of the new 10

cast i hope you guys enjoyed it

uh not sure when we're going to upload

these when these are going to be there

just going to be a regular kind of thing

on my channel for now yeah anyways and

we'll see how good this is all so much

for watching this check out for

employees to put a link in description

of schedule link in the endcard

subscribe for more of these and yet

there is also much for watching this new

10 confessed and as usual


For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch Rumors | Nintencast #1 - Duration: 12:54.


NAD India News:- Lok Sabha passed the RPWD Bill on 16th December 2016 by Narayanan - Duration: 2:23.

Hello, good news,

yesterday a video was circulated inviting everyone at Jantar Mantar

near Free Church at 1:30 pm on 15th December, 2016.

A lot of deaf people came there.

At 12pm in Lok Sabha a discussion was going on about RPWD Bill 2016 on 16th December 2016.

After the discussion it was passed in Lok Sabha at 2:15pm on 16th December, 2016

We are very happy.

Thanks to all the deaf people for their support, advocacy and hard work for a long time.

I would like to tell you that deaf people gathered today in the afternoon near Free church at 3pm on 16th December, 2016

and there was a huge celebration with dhol, songs and a lot of enjoyment

Nearly 500 deaf people and people from other disabilities,

in a bus went to see Minister, Social Justice and Empowerment, Mr. Thawwar Chand Ghelot at his residence.

We were warmly welcomed

Then the minister came, bouquets were presented to him.

There were people from the media.

We enjoyed a lot, clicked many photographs.

It was a very happy day. Thank you so much for all your support and congratulation to you all.

I inform you that Lok Sabha passed the RPWD Bill.

Then President of India will sign on it.

Govt. will publish the RPWD Bill on the website

You can read and learn the RPWD Bill.

In future, 2017 will be best year. Happy new year will come soon!

I am happy to see you all. I love you all.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> NAD India News:- Lok Sabha passed the RPWD Bill on 16th December 2016 by Narayanan - Duration: 2:23.


Idioms part 1 - Duration: 5:43.



Dude, are you listening?


Yeah, I'm listening

What is it?


Have you heard from Natalie lately?


Her? Again?

No...no, no, no...

It's just that...

I just...

Just wanted to know how she is doing

Just like that, out of the blue?

look, I'm just asking, alright?

Yeah, yeah...I can see that

I'm serious!

You're never gonna forget her...will you?

I have done it already!

You look pretty lost to me

I'm not lost

oh, yeah... really?

Oh, Dude...you're as lost as a nun on honeymoon

Talk is cheap, right?


How old are you?

You know how old I am

Them why don't you act your age?

She's moved on...

Why don't you do the same?

Like hell she did!

Alright, okay, okay... alright...alright

May i have the floor here?


Listen...You're much better without her

Okay? And you know what she did

No, she didn't!

Alright...She lied! Okay?

She cheated on you

No, no... I was a better man when I was with her


She was leading you astray and you caught her in the act!

(sigh) Yeah...

Listen...listen, pal

It's time to hit the road, okay?

I guess you're right

Just... just move on

Thanks, pal

I guess I needed to get it out of my system

Okay, you're welcome, alright?


Can I finish reading my book?

Thank you

Oh, Lord

For more infomation >> Idioms part 1 - Duration: 5:43.


Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (Ultra HD) - Duration: 3:35:27.

For more infomation >> Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (Ultra HD) - Duration: 3:35:27.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI * Airco * schuifdeur * 175.300 Km * - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI * Airco * schuifdeur * 175.300 Km * - Duration: 1:23.


Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Insanity Clause - Part 3 - Duration: 42:39.

Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Insanity Clause

For more infomation >> Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Insanity Clause - Part 3 - Duration: 42:39.


Best Tech UNDER $50 (V3) - Duration: 5:06.

Hey guys welcome to Brainy and today I'm gonna be giving you another Best Tech under


If you didn't know this series features some of the coolest and most useful tech and

gadgets that you can get for $50 or less.

All the tech features in this video can be found using the links provided in the description

below and they are all available on Amazon.

And with that being said let's get into the video.

First up we have the Chafon 6 in 1 Multi USB Charge Cable.

Now this cables is extremely useful if you need to charge up a few different devices

all at once but don't want to use all the ports available on your pc or laptop.

It has USB Type C, Lightning cable connections, Mini USB and also Micro USB.

In reality this really reduces the number of cables that you need to carry around when

travelling long distances or even going to places that are close to where you live.

If you want you could get two or three of these and easily have more than enough cables

to charge up as many devices as you want.

You can get one on Amazon for only $10.

Yeah, a really low price.

Next up we have the Native Union DOCK for iPhone or iPad.

Basically it's a charging dock that works with almost any device that charges via a

lightning cable.

It's Compatible with iPhone 5/5s, iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus, iPad 4, iPad

Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Apple Magic Keyboard, Apple Magic Trackpad

2 and the Apple Magic Mouse 2.

DOCK sits elegantly on your desk, nightstand, or any flat surface, providing a sleek and

stable base for charging your iPhone or iPad.

A striking slice of aircraft grade aluminum and weighted silicone base support your device,

allowing you to comfortably use it as it recharges.

You can grad on online for $50.

Next we have the Gekkopod Smartphone Mount.

Again another seriously useful gadget for you mobile phone.

Adaptable mount fits all smartphones on its universal smartphone holder, and the pod holds

on, grabs on and holds tight to almost anything with its super flexability and gripping non-slip


It's great for travelling, extreme activities, sports and everyday use and It is more versatile

than a selfie stick.

Also given it's features it can basically grad hole onto any surface that's within

it's extension capablilties.

The mounts can either be screwed on through the center of the device, or through an opening

in one of it's 5 legs.

You can also Use the 5th leg to easily fine tune your composition after you've positioned

the GekkoPod legs.

Currently this product is out of stock on Amazon but you can grab one on the official

site for anywhere from 16-26 US dollars.

Moving on we have the DOSS Touch Wireless Bluetooth V4.0 Portable Speaker.

Enjoy a High Definition stereo sound with a impressive volume wherever you go.

It's Equipped with the advanced technology,compatible with all Bluetooth compacity devices and the

Speaker automatically reconnects to the last device used.

It has a Built-in Li-Ion 2200 mAh rechargeable battery which can give up to 12 hours playtime.

At first glance, you may underestimate the quality of such a compact speaker.

The true appeal of DOSS SoundBox 12 Watt speakers lies in its ability to deliver full sound

with dramatically deeper bass.

It' s portability, long-lasting battery, and metallic design makes it the perfect audio

companion for both indoor and outdoor.

You can grab one online for only $35.

Next we have the Symphonized NRG 2.0 Wood In-ear Headphones.

With its unique acoustical properties, wood has always played a crucial role in music,

giving life to instruments and concert halls that have inspired music-lovers for centuries.

Today, Symphonized continues this legacy through handcrafted, all-natural wood headphones and

speakers, with each style offering listeners a unique experience unmatched by many of the

modern materials used today.

In addition to great sound, all Symphonized products are assembled by hand and meticulously

tested, ensuring every device is always strong, durable and ready to go.

You can grab one online for only $25.

Finally we have the CAD U37 USB Studio Condenser Recording Microphone.

The U37 USB Studio Condenser Microphone brings studio quality audio to your social media,

gaming or home studio session.

Creative control and limitless innovation await your beckon call as the result of CAD's

more than 80 years of professional audio expertise.

The U37 provides studio quality results recorded directly to your computer.

Its extended frequency response, transient response and smooth interpretation make it

excellent for singing, speech and recording instruments.

All you need to do is plug in the USB cable it comes with and you're ready to record.

You can grab one online for only $40.

Thanks for watching.

This has been best tech under $50 No.3.

If you're enjoying this series or want more be sure to leave a like down below, comment

below and subscribe for new videos every single week.

Also feel free to check out previous videos using the links provided in the description

below and also don't forget that the links to all these products are also in the description


Thanks for watching and I will be seeing you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Best Tech UNDER $50 (V3) - Duration: 5:06.


Love FouseyTube?

For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


Earth turmeric is good for what? See 10 Benefits of Earth Saffron for Your Body - Duration: 5:47.

ground turmeric is good for what?

See 10 Benefits Earth saffron for your body

Many people use saffron in your kitchen.

The main characteristics Crocus is the smell like the pepper aroma,

the sharp flavor and golden color.

Turmeric is known to decrease swelling, killing bacteria and virus and for many other


It is also rich in nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamins C and E

and K, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Because of this, saffron is excellent for cure health problems.

Here are the main uses of saffron:


Cancer prevention Turmeric may block prostate cancer

and even kill cancer cells.

It can also prevent the growth of tumor cells, to protect the body

getting cancer in the first place.


Relieves Arthritis Saffron reduces swelling, so it is

great for use in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It also kills the germs that harm body cells.

People with rheumatoid arthritis who eat saffron usually able to alleviate pain and

swelling in the joints.


Controls diabetes Saffron can help in curing diabetes,

maintaining normal insulin levels.

It also helps control the sugar, and improves the result of the drugs used

to combat diabetes.

But if used with strong medications, turmeric may lower blood sugar levels

blood, so consult your doctor before taking turmeric capsules.


Lowers cholesterol levels The use as a spice turmeric

You can lower cholesterol levels.

Because high cholesterol can cause other health problems, it is important to care

to prevent heart disease.


Enhances immunity The turmeric help keep the immune system

body working well.

It also helps strengthen the immune system, since it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.

This prevents colds, cough and flu.

To help you feel better if you get sick, mix one teaspoon of

turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink once a day.


healing wounds Saffron naturally kills germs and

bacteria, so it can be used to cleanse wounds.

If you have a cut or burn, sprinkle a little turmeric powder on it to

help heal faster.

It can also help treat psoriasis, itching, skin-dead and other disorders



Weight control The turmeric powder can help maintain

body in a proper weight, helping to decompose the fat.

It is advisable to lose weight or treat obesity and the diseases that come with it,

eat a teaspoon of turmeric with every meal.


Prevent Alzheimer's disease The swelling of the brain is a major

reasons to contract cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Saffron can keep the brain healthy, helping the flow of oxygen.

It can also slow down or stop completely Alzheimer's disease.


Improves digestion Saffron can help in digestion, decreasing

swelling and gases.

It can also help in the treatment of disease inflammatory bowel.

But be careful, because if you suffer from a gallbladder disease should not take

saffron, it may make it worse.

Also, if you have a digestive problem, It is best to eat raw turmeric, not



Prevents liver disorders Saffron is a natural way to eliminate

liver poisons.

The liver removes blood poison, and saffron It helps to form the enzymes that keeps working.

It also helps to strengthen and improve blood flow.

All this helps keep the liver healthy.

Because of all the ways that saffron can help your health, add this plant

in your diet is a great idea.

Enjoy this video?

If you like the video, short, sign the channel and share with your friends.

For more infomation >> Earth turmeric is good for what? See 10 Benefits of Earth Saffron for Your Body - Duration: 5:47.


15 Ideias para Fotos 📷 O mesmo Espaço = Fotos Diferentes ✌ - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> 15 Ideias para Fotos 📷 O mesmo Espaço = Fotos Diferentes ✌ - Duration: 5:10.


More rare, absurd and original gift gifts seen on the Internet | Frank Benayas - Duration: 3:08.

Passing kids How are you? I hope very well and if not now going to try you to be a little better,

you liked this epic entry Huh? In plan, "Ei passing kids"

a greeting for good, Hector Buenafe, Mr.jesus crakc and Roket1000 and now we go with today's video. Hell, I've hurt ...

Christmas has passed, well we're still in it, (here are even the Magi and coal)

but it happened, it happened on the day of gifts and many of you perhaps you have come a distant uncle, cousin, brother, I that, people who are missing the world

and suddenly says Hello! I'm your cousin, take your gift to you and you say!? What the fuck ?!

You know? But in this plan, which is hell? And you want to return or simply happened to you on Christmas day and say,

"Damn, this kid I have not given him anything, has been good to me but I want to give something of note ... I think I'm carrying the chair, because sometimes sounds like, well it does not matter


So I am looking online I have given many of them (That moment vibrated notes and mobile ...)

(Yes ... they're calling me xD)

Hell, they're calling me (¡¡¡!!! HACIENDA not catch)

Well I'll see if I can continue the video and not interrupt me no more, so looking online, original, rare and absurd, utterly absurd gifts, I've found many of them and today here in this video we will see.

Cone! Long time no see! It takes that for you also have an original gift HAHAHA!

¿Te has quedado sin ideas? ¿Quieres devolver el regalo con la misma mierda que te han regalado? O ¿Regalar algo original? Tranquilo, Frank va al rescate con unos maravillosos ejemplos.

Si tu pareja, especialmente el hombre, es un perro que no quiere coger la escoba y estas hasta el moño de barrer ¡Regálale unas pantuflas limpia piso!

Pero si a quien le vas a regalar le encanta el cine y sobretodo la saga de Star Wars, no te lo pienses 2 veces y aquí tienes los ¡Palillos chinos laser!

Pero dejémonos de tonterías y regalemos algo con amor, como unos guantes de corazón, hoy amada mía, bajo estas estrellas,

quiero darte este regalo para que veas que nunca nos separaremos.

¡Oh dios! Me encanta amor, pero he comido fabada y no paro de ir al aseo, aunque ahora como nunca nos separaremos, vendrás ¿Verdad? (Creo que lo nuestro... no es posible xD)

Esto… ¡Hasta luego!

Si lo tuyo es hacer regalos raros y tienes un amigo cocinero que no esta muy bien de la cabeza, como lo tengo yo,

tienes desde un guarda cuchillos para psicópatas o para los más deportistas un campo de golf llamado Potty Putter

y una pecera, aunque tengas un día de mierda y nunca mejor dicho, que nunca se pierda, el espíritu deportivo.

¿Y quien decía que para tu querido perro no hay regalo? ¡Claro que sí! Aquí tienes el Ifetch y no, no tiene nada que ver con Apple pero la pasta te la vas a dejar igual.

Este aparato hace que cuando tu perro quiera jugar a la pelota y tu solo con tus palillos laser, se tire él solito la pelota

¡Toma Spaik mete la pelota! ¡Métela tu coño! Que no metes ni miedo y segundo a ver dónde cae esa pelota ¡Friki cógeme la pelota y déjate de palillos!

Pero si creías que lo habías visto todo ¡Te equivocas! Damas y caballeros, os presento a ¡La roca mascota!

Este regalo es sin más una roca ¡Una puta roca! Una roca obediente eso sí, porque viene aprendidita de casa, si le dices siéntate, ella se sienta y si le dices ataca…

Mejor que te pongas otro calzado que las pantuflas para correr porque cuando ese tipo se levante del suelo no va a querer ser tu amigo

y lo mejor de todo es que trae una cajita para dormir por las noches y un cable USB para conectarla al pc, que hará la misma función que un pato en medio de la quinta avenida.

Bueno chicos pues esto a sido todo, espero que os haya gustado, ahora vosotros poner aquí abajo que regalos originales os han regalado o que regalos absurdos o que regalos regalaríais vosotros absurdamente,

dios que lio de palabras, bueno chicos da igual, esto a sido todo y como siempre digo, no seáis muy malos y nos vemos en la próxima. Chao.

For more infomation >> More rare, absurd and original gift gifts seen on the Internet | Frank Benayas - Duration: 3:08.



For more infomation >> OVERWATCH GAMEPLAY BR 🕶 JOGADA DA PARTIDA - JOGANDO EM 1080P 60FPS NA GTAX 1060 6GB NO ULTRA - Duration: 7:33.


Idioms part 1 - Duration: 5:43.



Dude, are you listening?


Yeah, I'm listening

What is it?


Have you heard from Natalie lately?


Her? Again?

No...no, no, no...

It's just that...

I just...

Just wanted to know how she is doing

Just like that, out of the blue?

look, I'm just asking, alright?

Yeah, yeah...I can see that

I'm serious!

You're never gonna forget her...will you?

I have done it already!

You look pretty lost to me

I'm not lost

oh, yeah... really?

Oh, Dude...you're as lost as a nun on honeymoon

Talk is cheap, right?


How old are you?

You know how old I am

Them why don't you act your age?

She's moved on...

Why don't you do the same?

Like hell she did!

Alright, okay, okay... alright...alright

May i have the floor here?


Listen...You're much better without her

Okay? And you know what she did

No, she didn't!

Alright...She lied! Okay?

She cheated on you

No, no... I was a better man when I was with her


She was leading you astray and you caught her in the act!

(sigh) Yeah...

Listen...listen, pal

It's time to hit the road, okay?

I guess you're right

Just... just move on

Thanks, pal

I guess I needed to get it out of my system

Okay, you're welcome, alright?


Can I finish reading my book?

Thank you

Oh, Lord

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