Saturday, June 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 2 2018

19 Pride Month 2018 Memes & Tweets Because June's Just Getting Started, Y'all

Today officially kicks off Pride Month, which is celebrated each June to commemorate the

1969 New York City Stonewall riots — the unofficial beginning of the LGBTQ equality


Pride Month might just be getting started, but people are already spreading the love

with Pride Month memes and tweets to inspire activism, encourage remembrance, and promote

celebration of the LGBTQ+ community today, and everyday.

"While Pride events play a key role in raising the profile of the community and commemorating

the history of the [LGBTQ+] social movement, Pride also marks an opportunity for the community

to come together, take stock and recognize the advances and setbacks made in the past

year," GLAAD noted on its website.

"It is also a chance for the community to come together and celebrate in a festive,

affirming atmosphere."

Yeah, we've got that whole celebration thing down.

Because, PRIDE, ya'll!

More than any other month, Pride Month promotes acceptance of others and encourages you to

have pride in exactly who you are.

It's a time to take stock of everything we've accomplished, celebrate wins and each other,

and envision a future where everyone is respected and protected.


Let's all spend the month being exactly who we are, BUT LOUDER," writer and editor Chrissa

Hardy tweeted.

If you want to experience the love today, wrap yourself in these Pride Month memes and


They're guaranteed to give you all the feels.

If you're lucky, you'll find your soulmate.

If you're really, really, really lucky, that person will be your best friend and lend you

their clothes.

For more infomation >> 19 Pride Month 2018 Memes &Tweets Because June's Just Getting Started, Y'all - Duration: 2:09.


Mariano Rajoy: "Ha sido un honor ser presidente del Gobierno y dejar una España mejor que la que - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Mariano Rajoy: "Ha sido un honor ser presidente del Gobierno y dejar una España mejor que la que - Duration: 8:41.


Cinco aliados de Pedro Sánchez presentan vetos a los Presupuestos y Santamaría avisa: "Empieza la - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Cinco aliados de Pedro Sánchez presentan vetos a los Presupuestos y Santamaría avisa: "Empieza la - Duration: 5:04.


El 'padrino' Pepe Reina y sus amistades peligrosas de la Camorra - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> El 'padrino' Pepe Reina y sus amistades peligrosas de la Camorra - Duration: 11:35.


Mariano Rajoy: "Ha sido un honor ser presidente del Gobierno y dejar una España mejor que la que - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Mariano Rajoy: "Ha sido un honor ser presidente del Gobierno y dejar una España mejor que la que - Duration: 8:57.


Mundial Rusia 2018: Belgica vs Panama 18 de junio de 2018 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Mundial Rusia 2018: Belgica vs Panama 18 de junio de 2018 - Duration: 2:07.


Beautiful Idioms & Useful Expressions All about Art - Duration: 8:02.

We are in Paris! The city of lights or the city of arts and culture.

So today we're going to talk to you about some idioms and expressions that are related to art.

And culture.

That's coming up.

It is a gorgeous day out. Perfect day to see all the sights of Paris.

That is the Louvre. One of the most famous museums in the world.

Check out this view.

Right here.

We're at the Eiffel Tower.

Or kind of. It's right there.

So since we are in Paris, which is a city very well known

for its art and culture we're going to talk to you about

some expressions and idioms that that have words related to art in them.

Of course.

The first expression I want to talk to you about is to paint yourself into a corner.

And when somebody paints themselves into a corner,

that just means that they are put into a situation where there is no or there are very few good outcomes.

And they are painted into a corner.

It's not a good place to be.

So there's a famous saying that goes a picture is worth a thousand words.

And what this means is that you can have a complex idea that can be expressed in just one single picture.

Better expressed in fact than a description.

So there's so much more that a picture says than words can say.

A picture's worth a thousand words.

Another expression is to paint the town red.

And when you go out and you paint the town red

that just means that you are going out and you are partying and you are celebrating in a very lively way.

As an example, you would say "You know, let's go out tonight. Let's paint the town red."

Another expression is to see the big picture or to look at the big picture.

And this just means to see the situation as a whole.

Because sometimes it's very important to instead of like

looking in little details, to look at the situation as a whole.

And that means to look at the bigger picture or to see the bigger picture.

Or the big picture.

So we're just chilling on a bench.

As you can see behind us...oh, where did it go?

It's the other way.

I can't show you. There we go. It's the Eiffel Tower.

So we're going to...we're going to share our favorite things about Paris right now.

What is your favorite thing about Paris?

The food. Hands down.

That was going to be mine.

Everything. All the food is just like the ingredients are simple, high-quality, and just well put together.

I like the croissants or here the croissants.

Why is your nose so red?

Because we were out in the sun all day yesterday.

Somebody got sunburned.

What's your favorite site?

I like Versailles. The gardens. I thought they were really, really impressive.

Wes tell me your favorite French word?

French word?

I've been saying "Merci."

Merci. Okay.

I've been using that.

Okay, what about...

It's my only word.

Favorite French word?



Amour. I don't know how to pronounce it.

Favorite English channel.

Interactive English. Obviously.

Alright. Let's keep moving.

Another expression that I say quite often just say, "What's wrong with, this picture?"

And when you're asking somebody what's wrong with this picture, it means that

you're asking this person or a group of people to identify what is wrong with this situation.

And seeing if they can identify it.

So you're kind of asking them in a sarcastic way.

What's wrong with this picture?

So this is an expression that's also a question.

And it goes "Do I have to paint you a picture?"

And it's's kind of like when you're trying to explain

something to somebody, and they just don't get it at all.

This is kind of asking like, "What else can i do to make you understand this?"

You're trying to make it more clear for them.

You're a little bit frustrated that they don't get it.

And you're just asking them "Do I have to paint you a picture?"

So you're just kind of trying to see like...

I've tried all these ways to explain It. What else can I do to make you understand this?

Another idiom is saying that something is like watching the paint dry.

This is a simile because we're comparing two things.

And you're saying that something is like watching the paint dry.

So you're talking about something that is very boring.

It's dull. It's tedious. And it takes a long time.

So therefore, it's like watching the paint dry.

So another expression is to paint a ___ picture.

And why I made that mmm sound because you can change the adjective.

So something can paint a terrible picture.

It can paint a bleak picture. It can paint a rosy picture.

And what this means is to describe something in a certain way.

And many times it's used in a negative way.

So when you... if something paints a terrible picture,

it means that things appear to be pretty bad.

Hope you guys enjoyed learning these expressions.

And getting a glimpse of our trip to Paris.

So now we want to hear from you guys.

In the comments...what are we going to?

We're going to ask you...we have a question for you that we wanted to hear the answer to.

And our question is "Have you ever been to Paris?"

And if yes, "What did you think about it?"

What was your favorite thing?

And if you haven't been, we'd like to know if you'd like to go.

Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> Beautiful Idioms & Useful Expressions All about Art - Duration: 8:02.


Otro caso Nadia, en Sevilla: gastan en bingo y ropa el dinero que recaudan para su hija enferma - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Otro caso Nadia, en Sevilla: gastan en bingo y ropa el dinero que recaudan para su hija enferma - Duration: 6:30.


Another Day in World of Tanks #44 - Duration: 11:57.

here nice

one attack

picture only the strong survive

see that coming

doesn't get any more intense than this

beautiful don't you think but did you notice that Charlie was hiding down here

well done people now go and find Charlie in this video too because looking for a

dog driving a mean tank on YouTube is not weird at all law

oh my

one a total perfect street justice five balance that was always come for

anything bro no how did that miss also you you misspelled fashion and if you

should feel ashamed to be honest wash I did coffee your message from Facebook so

you misspelled it here we go targets lots of targets

Oh a lot of damage oh hello hello Oh Jack tiger you can't

any slower president what what how did I have no Kim thank me until the platoon

shuffle donated 10 sec admin to this platoon you know what if there would

have been like an additional two zeros behind that I would have considered it

donated two thousand Challenge accep

thank you some of you oh god I'm not even sure how to react to that turkey

some donated two thousand so let me put two thousand Swedish Kroners that's so

that's one hundred and ninety five years circle you just donated 195 euros of a

freaking live stream should win writings work one game one game we are we are

your minions turkey zombie we will die for you let's watch how about the team


good enough

well that was fun that game was truly with tooth I mean

200 euros oh hello people where did you guys come from Ike really such Turkey

some just donated and told us to watch out for rocks and then you can just then

you do that hello livestream suckers

please give me some ear rape

human reaction

damn son thank you all our patreon supporters at home up until today

just a total month get access to also purse shit link eat the truth

join the dark side we have hash browns just to the heck do you think I am

Hesh is loves ashes life I got a fever and the only prescription is more

Shannon's father sold collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012 the

smell victory my friend its Baker all that tasty damage time for the do 95

cent how well thank you for watching this amazing video and if you want to

watch more of this kind of content why don't you go ahead and click this

playlist in the middle of the screen and don't forget to Like and subscribe

yes and don't forget to send your replays to our contact mail more details

in the description

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #44 - Duration: 11:57.


贾静雯对咘咘无微不至,却让波妞独自乱吃东西,好妈妈人设遭质疑 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 贾静雯对咘咘无微不至,却让波妞独自乱吃东西,好妈妈人设遭质疑 - Duration: 5:22.


[ESP SUB] 20170406 Entrevista a Zhang Bin Bin ~ #DateStar de Marie Claire - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> [ESP SUB] 20170406 Entrevista a Zhang Bin Bin ~ #DateStar de Marie Claire - Duration: 2:09.


¿Cuándo es recomendable tomar batidos de proteína caseros? - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuándo es recomendable tomar batidos de proteína caseros? - Duration: 5:28.


La sanguijuela roja gigante: un depredador insaciable que no podrás olvidar - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> La sanguijuela roja gigante: un depredador insaciable que no podrás olvidar - Duration: 4:01.


6 consejos para eliminar naturalmente los acrocordones - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> 6 consejos para eliminar naturalmente los acrocordones - Duration: 8:00.


Aspectos acerca del síndrome de Turner - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> Aspectos acerca del síndrome de Turner - Duration: 9:08.


На Украине возмутились унизительным отчетом перед послами G7 - Duration: 2:45.

Отчет генпрокурора Украины Юрия Луценко и главы Службы безопасности Василия Грицака перед послами стран «Большой семерки» о целях спецоперации с российским журналистом Аркадием Бабченко — недопустим

Такое мнение выразил депутат Верховной Рады от «Радикальной партии» Игорь Мосийчук

«Подобные отчеты, как по мне, недопустимы, ведь они унижают наше государство и демонстрируют наличие элементов внешнего управления

Считаю, что Украина должна спросить у этих иностранцев: почему их страны не соблюдают гарантий, данных нашей стране в рамках Будапештского меморандума?» — заявил Мосийчук

По его мнению, Украина имеет полное право любым способом защищаться от иностранных спецслужб и террористов, и отчитываться об этом ни перед кем не обязана

Информация об убийстве Бабченко в Киеве появилась в СМИ 29 мая, украинские правоохранительные органы подтверждали смерть журналиста — он якобы был застрелен на пороге своей квартиры

На следующий день Служба безопасности Украины (СБУ) заявила, что Бабченко жив, а его смерть была инсценировкой в рамках спецоперации по предотвращению реального преступления

Организатор «убийства» Бабченко, по версии украинского силового ведомства, — исполнительный директор ООО «Украинско-немецкое совместное предприятие (УНСП) Шмайсер» Борис Герман

Глава СБУ Василий Грицак заявил, что он готовил устранение 30 человек на Украине «по заказу российских спецслужб»

Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайся!

For more infomation >> На Украине возмутились унизительным отчетом перед послами G7 - Duration: 2:45.


谢霆锋最美好的时光不是张柏芝,更不是王菲,而是这两个男孩! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 谢霆锋最美好的时光不是张柏芝,更不是王菲,而是这两个男孩! - Duration: 1:48.


Griezmann, Dembélé y Umtiti desmoronan a Italia | Sport News 24.7 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Griezmann, Dembélé y Umtiti desmoronan a Italia | Sport News 24.7 - Duration: 2:43.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


Ultimate Custom Night Special 2 - Duration: 3:06.

Bonnie, you might not like this

Johnny, what are you doing johnny?

Is it not obvious

NO NO, What do you mean you are stuck?

I'm, s t u c k

Listen Johnny

Im getting MAD johnny

Stop being stuck Johnny

b u t i m s t a c k


Angry jibberish


I feel like the rest is pretty understandable, captions out

For more infomation >> Ultimate Custom Night Special 2 - Duration: 3:06.


Robux for Roblox hack - how to add unlimited Robux to your Roblox acc - Duration: 2:57.

Roblox hack ?Really exist?

Hello, today i will show you how to add unlimited robux $$$

Roblox hack proof 2018

Free Roblox hack 2018

Roblox gameplay tutorial robux injector

For more infomation >> Robux for Roblox hack - how to add unlimited Robux to your Roblox acc - Duration: 2:57.


6月3、4、5號大旺特旺,財運旺上加旺的4生肖,中大獎,橫財大發 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 6月3、4、5號大旺特旺,財運旺上加旺的4生肖,中大獎,橫財大發 - Duration: 3:50.


Uomini e Donne: Tutte le coppie della nuova edizione: ecco chi sta ancora insieme | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Tutte le coppie della nuova edizione: ecco chi sta ancora insieme | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:45.


Uomini e donne over, Gemma vola a Roma per un incontro speciale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne over, Gemma vola a Roma per un incontro speciale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


Uomini e Donne, Lorenzo non sta bene dopo la scelta di Sara | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Lorenzo non sta bene dopo la scelta di Sara | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.


Uomini e Donne: Nicolò Ferrari dimentica Nilufar con Marta Pasqualato? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Nicolò Ferrari dimentica Nilufar con Marta Pasqualato? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:47.


Uomini e Donne: Gemma e Giorgio, indiscrezione shock: "Si vedono senza telecamere e..." - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma e Giorgio, indiscrezione shock: "Si vedono senza telecamere e..." - Duration: 2:53.


English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 48 - Duration: 7:03.

English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 48

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 48 - Duration: 7:03.


Uomini e Donne: scoppia la pace tra la Cipollari e l'eterna rivale Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: scoppia la pace tra la Cipollari e l'eterna rivale Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:41.


English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 44 - Duration: 6:31.

English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 44

what a great afternoon I love summer hi Sarah how are you I am happy I love

summer and I love hot weather what are you doing I'm enjoying a summer

afternoon okay are you selling something oh yes I am

do you want a drink sure what is it it's lemonade it's just water and lemons only

water and lemons Oh and sugar the drink is sweet I like

sweet drinks can I have some sure so what do you think I like it can I have

some more sure do you have a dollar yes I do

your first glass is free the second glass is $1 you have a good business

here Sarah I'm learning do you like ice tea yes that's good - then come back

tomorrow do you want another glass of lemonade yes please

that's another dollar I love summer I'm back I'm glad your iced tea is great can

I have some more please sure are you getting many customers today no but

that's okay wait someone is coming really who is it hello friends how are

you today I'm great Hugh how are you I'm wonderful what are you selling I'm

selling ice tea today do you want a glass your first glass is free I like

that price one glass please here you go thank you

this is good where do you buy your tea I buy it at the store why why things in

stores can be expensive I know can I get cheap tea sure you can shop on

the Internet

this book can help you let me guess are you selling this book yes I am shop

on the Internet how about this book help Sara she can

shop for tea on the Internet this is the book for you Sara

shop on the Internet it's fun and easy so Hugh why should I

buy this book it's really useful but is it helpful for Sara Sara has a new store

she needs to buy things I don't have a store I'm just selling drinks well you

can still buy your supplies on the Internet this book will help you with

that I don't shop on the internet a lot what is good about it you can find good

deals I'm not very good at finding deals you have to search for them that's true

Simon has shops online a lot he finds good deals what's the best way to search

for them where is your computer I can show you okay let's go into the house

let's do some shopping online okay let's start look at this website

it's a shopping page what are you looking for just type in the words what

am I looking for I don't know maybe some new clothes or something for your

business okay how about some lemonade mix type lemonade mix right here

lemonade mix okay now what now you see the results of your search wow there are

so many results look for the best deal that's right look

at all the results try to find the best price here's one it's only $9.99 but

that mix only makes twenty cups of lemonade that's not a good deal

here's a mix that makes 50 cups and it's only $8.99 do you want to buy it yes

I'll buy it wait you need a credit card oh no I

don't have a credit card don't worry just cancel your order

well I can't buy anything right now sure you can how about this book

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 44 - Duration: 6:31.


English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 45 - Duration: 8:58.

English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 45

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 45 - Duration: 8:58.


Overview of the intercity train Nikolaev-Kiev. # Intercity - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Overview of the intercity train Nikolaev-Kiev. # Intercity - Duration: 3:01.


Man Utd transfer news: Fred deal done date 'revealed' as Brazil star nears move - Duration: 2:41.

Man Utd transfer news: Fred deal done date 'revealed' as Brazil star nears move

The Shakhtar midfielder has been touted to leave Ukraine for Manchester this transfer window after endless reports.

Manchester City were also interested in signing the 25-year-old but have backed out of a deal and will pursue other targets.

Napoli star Jorginho is Pep Guardiola priority this summer now, as Jose Mourinho closes in on his Michael Carrick replacement.

The former Tottenham star will move into coaching, leaving a place in Uniteds midfield.

And a £52m offer, including add-ons, has been agreed with the Donbass Arena outfit - but the deal has hit a snag.

Mourinho made it abundantly clear to the United board that he wanted the transfer wrapped up before he jetted off for the World Cup.

The Portuguese manager is working as a pundit for Russia Today but The Sun have now revealed he will have to wait until next week for everything to be confirmed.

Fred is currently with the Brazil squad as he bids to help his country win a sixth World Cup.

He has left transfer matters to his agent as he concentrates on this summers competition in Russia.

"I am focused solely on the World Cup" Man Utd target Fred Fred said: I am focused solely on the World Cup.

My agents are taking care of this.

Its an honour to be on the radar of great European coaches.

I have a versatility on the pitch and Im a multi-skilled player able to play in both midfield positions.

I believe some coaches need that with their teams..

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Fred deal done date 'revealed' as Brazil star nears move - Duration: 2:41.


रोजाना की सब्ज़ी से हटकर कुछ करना हैं तो करिए ये सब्ज़ी||Veg Black Green Grape||Malai Angoor🍇 - Duration: 3:52.

Please watch full video to understand full recipe

सबस्क्राइब करें और घंटी के आइकॉन पर क्लिक करें ताकि आप नए रेसिपी विडियो अपलोड की जानकारी बिना मिस किए सबसे पहले पाइए

See below for full description

BLOG : ब्लॉग हिंदी में रेसिपी विडियो के साथ जरूर पढ़े( लिंक के लिए नीचे देखिए )

See below for full description


BLOG : ब्लॉग हिंदी में रेसिपी विडियो के साथ जरूर पढ़े( लिंक के लिए नीचे देखिए )

Follow us on links given below in description box

Thank you for watching/Take care/See you in next video

For more infomation >> रोजाना की सब्ज़ी से हटकर कुछ करना हैं तो करिए ये सब्ज़ी||Veg Black Green Grape||Malai Angoor🍇 - Duration: 3:52.


is pyar se meri taraf na dekho - Duration: 0:31.

subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> is pyar se meri taraf na dekho - Duration: 0:31.


美 전략폭격기, 중국 턱밑 이어 코앞까지 출격 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 美 전략폭격기, 중국 턱밑 이어 코앞까지 출격 - Duration: 5:17.


Oto prawda o ślubnym zdjęciu Harry'ego i Meghan. Nie było miejsca na przypadki - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Oto prawda o ślubnym zdjęciu Harry'ego i Meghan. Nie było miejsca na przypadki - Duration: 5:44.


MY SOLO PROJECT - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> MY SOLO PROJECT - Duration: 7:24.


WHY I USE FRONT ROCKER - Роккеринг переднего колеса. RUS CC - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> WHY I USE FRONT ROCKER - Роккеринг переднего колеса. RUS CC - Duration: 9:16.


Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:36.


Aggiungi un cucchiaio di zucchero allo shampoo e goditi i benefici - Italy 365 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Aggiungi un cucchiaio di zucchero allo shampoo e goditi i benefici - Italy 365 - Duration: 2:42.


BMW 3 Serie 2.0 318 I TOURING 105KW AUT Executive Corporate Lease Edition - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 2.0 318 I TOURING 105KW AUT Executive Corporate Lease Edition - Duration: 1:13.


✅ "Non riesco a smettere di piangere", Chiara Ferragni commuove i suoi fan - Duration: 1:24.

Una Chiara Ferragni decisamente sensibile e in preda ad una crisi di pianto ha deciso di mandare un messaggio importante ai propri follower

Su Instagram Stories, la fashion blogger si è mostrata decisamente commossa. «Eccomi qua, accanto a me c'è anche Leo

Anche Fede sta facendo delle stories, è un momento molto sensibile. Se sto piangendo saranno anche gli ormoni, ma è tutto merito vostro» – ha dichiarato in un videomessaggio la bionda compagna di Fedez – «Questo è uno di quei momenti in cui mi sento ancora più felice del solito, perché sono orgogliosa di potervi dare l'ispirazione per fare qualcosa di positivo

Questo è il fine di tutto quello che faccio e vi ringrazio tantissimo. Tutti voi mi date un'energia che non potete neanche immaginare, se sono riuscita a fare quello che ho fatto è grazie a voi

Vi voglio bene»

For more infomation >> ✅ "Non riesco a smettere di piangere", Chiara Ferragni commuove i suoi fan - Duration: 1:24.


Another Day in World of Tanks #44 - Duration: 11:57.

here nice

one attack

picture only the strong survive

see that coming

doesn't get any more intense than this

beautiful don't you think but did you notice that Charlie was hiding down here

well done people now go and find Charlie in this video too because looking for a

dog driving a mean tank on YouTube is not weird at all law

oh my

one a total perfect street justice five balance that was always come for

anything bro no how did that miss also you you misspelled fashion and if you

should feel ashamed to be honest wash I did coffee your message from Facebook so

you misspelled it here we go targets lots of targets

Oh a lot of damage oh hello hello Oh Jack tiger you can't

any slower president what what how did I have no Kim thank me until the platoon

shuffle donated 10 sec admin to this platoon you know what if there would

have been like an additional two zeros behind that I would have considered it

donated two thousand Challenge accep

thank you some of you oh god I'm not even sure how to react to that turkey

some donated two thousand so let me put two thousand Swedish Kroners that's so

that's one hundred and ninety five years circle you just donated 195 euros of a

freaking live stream should win writings work one game one game we are we are

your minions turkey zombie we will die for you let's watch how about the team


good enough

well that was fun that game was truly with tooth I mean

200 euros oh hello people where did you guys come from Ike really such Turkey

some just donated and told us to watch out for rocks and then you can just then

you do that hello livestream suckers

please give me some ear rape

human reaction

damn son thank you all our patreon supporters at home up until today

just a total month get access to also purse shit link eat the truth

join the dark side we have hash browns just to the heck do you think I am

Hesh is loves ashes life I got a fever and the only prescription is more

Shannon's father sold collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012 the

smell victory my friend its Baker all that tasty damage time for the do 95

cent how well thank you for watching this amazing video and if you want to

watch more of this kind of content why don't you go ahead and click this

playlist in the middle of the screen and don't forget to Like and subscribe

yes and don't forget to send your replays to our contact mail more details

in the description

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #44 - Duration: 11:57.


Robux for Roblox hack - how to add unlimited Robux to your Roblox acc - Duration: 2:57.

Roblox hack ?Really exist?

Hello, today i will show you how to add unlimited robux $$$

Roblox hack proof 2018

Free Roblox hack 2018

Roblox gameplay tutorial robux injector

For more infomation >> Robux for Roblox hack - how to add unlimited Robux to your Roblox acc - Duration: 2:57.


Rozmodlona Doda. Procesja przed procesem - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Rozmodlona Doda. Procesja przed procesem - Duration: 2:33.


COSPLAY GERMANY: DOKOMI 2018 - Duration: 5:06.

Majora's Mask

Breath of the Wild

Original Design

Lord of the Rings



Guild Wars 2


The Last Airbender

The Lion King


Team Skull

Majora's Mask

The Witcher

Monster Hunter

The Last Airbender



Guild Wars 2

The Little Mermaid

Fate extella

Mario Tennis

Beauty and the Beast

Peter Pan


Cats the Musical

Breath of the Wild

For more infomation >> COSPLAY GERMANY: DOKOMI 2018 - Duration: 5:06.


My box for seniority warface - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> My box for seniority warface - Duration: 4:19.


真的好愛好愛你|12星座 為你「付出真愛」的樣子! - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> 真的好愛好愛你|12星座 為你「付出真愛」的樣子! - Duration: 10:31.


【倫桑翻唱】Lun Sang 什麼歌 What A Song どんな歌 —考試加油 - Duration: 3:57.

Lun Sang 什麼歌 What A Song どんな歌

Have you asked yourself what you have?

What have you sacrificed to own those things?

What a life full of chasing can bring?

What can you take away in the end?

Since when have we gotten so many things?

Unlike the past when you and I had nothing

Boring topics with the background of the clear blue sky

We can fly as long as there is wind

We used to sing Sha La La La

That song which made our hearts go Pu Tong Tong Tong

After so many years, are we still

that you, that me?

When time passes by lightly

Our hair will turn white

If there is something that remains in our heart

What would it be?

Every song is looking for a listening ear

Every lonesome heart is still lonely

Every time, you can't understand that because of what

Makes every breath painful

It seems that we have lost something after the pain

It seems that we have learned something after recovering

After many years, perhaps everything will not matter anymore

Then we will know what the most important thing is

We used to sing Sha La La La

That song which made our hearts go Pu Tong Tong Tong

After so many years, are we still

that you, that me?

When time passes by lightly

Our hair will turn white

If there is something that remains in our heart

What would it be?

We used to sing Sha La La La

That song which made our hearts go Pu Tong Tong Tong

After so many years, are we still

that you, that me?

When time passes by lightly

Our hair will turn white

If there is something that remains in our heart

What would it be?

We will finally know what the most important thing is

Until the very end

I have you, you have me

I have you, you have me

I carry you, you carry me

I carry you, you carry me

For more infomation >> 【倫桑翻唱】Lun Sang 什麼歌 What A Song どんな歌 —考試加油 - Duration: 3:57.


Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:11.


Afera po ślubie Meghan Markle. Poszły mocne oskarżenia - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Afera po ślubie Meghan Markle. Poszły mocne oskarżenia - Duration: 3:22.


最新劲爆!美方触及土方底线,双方反目!土方下逐客令,将驱逐本土美军大兵 - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> 最新劲爆!美方触及土方底线,双方反目!土方下逐客令,将驱逐本土美军大兵 - Duration: 6:38.


張文質:教師認識了自己,才能真正了解每一個學生 - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> 張文質:教師認識了自己,才能真正了解每一個學生 - Duration: 9:58.


十二星座男生誰最愛忽冷忽熱? - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> 十二星座男生誰最愛忽冷忽熱? - Duration: 7:19.



olá YouTube my name is Ricardo lino and I'm a wheel addict I'm in Monsanto Lisbon

Portugal and there's the new skatepark opening here the skatepark is supposed

to open Saturday and today's could get worse them well

Thursday today is Thursday which means that the park is only officially opening

in two days but I'm gonna give you a little preview of this point so enjoy

it was the late 17th century on the world propane

and those of you

in of each other


but maybe now you will see that much

differentiation to the cats

booyakasha - pass Karthik urchintracker and Ben grunting bus engine starting to

purge the entire Bank fish and that was it you just saw the newest park in

Lisbon called Monsanto skate park go Yana and Sam are still here if you don't

like my beard then you need to complain to that guy doing the rail right there

okay I don't know I hope you guys enjoy this Park if you ever visit Lisbon it's

lots of shade around here so it's actually a really nice place to come

there's lots of kids around there's lots of activity happening with kids around

so it's actually a really nice place to have a skate park so if you do like this

skate park if you do like this video do not forget to give me some thumbs up if

you didn't like it thumbs down but let me know what it didn't like about this

video other than that just don't forget to subscribe to the channel I'll be in

Portugal for a few more days even if you and if you're wondering why I'm not

skating well my back is not good from yesterday a few Falls while trying the

back flat from yesterday's video so if you didn't solid you might just go back

and watch that one and that's it me if you want to see what I'm doing next

subscribe to the channel and more important than anything else just don't

forget what we all para skating because it's fun cheers guys and see you soon

For more infomation >> MONSANTO SKATEPARK IN THE NEWEST SKATE SPOT IN LISBON 2018 - Duration: 3:44.


They Call Them Sparrows

For more infomation >> They Call Them Sparrows


Oto prawda o ślubnym zdjęciu Harry'ego i Meghan. Nie było miejsca na przypadki - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Oto prawda o ślubnym zdjęciu Harry'ego i Meghan. Nie było miejsca na przypadki - Duration: 5:44.


Oporadhi(অপরাধী) Cover | Ankur Mahamud Feat Arman Alif | Bangla New Song 2018 | Cover Song by Sourav - Duration: 0:58.

Oporadhi cover

For more infomation >> Oporadhi(অপরাধী) Cover | Ankur Mahamud Feat Arman Alif | Bangla New Song 2018 | Cover Song by Sourav - Duration: 0:58.


Afera po ślubie Meghan Markle. Poszły mocne oskarżenia - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Afera po ślubie Meghan Markle. Poszły mocne oskarżenia - Duration: 3:22.


Papua-Nova Guiné vai bloquear acesso da população ao Facebook por um mês - 24 Horas News - Duration: 2:42.

O governo de Papua-Nova Guiné anunciou nesta quarta-feira (30) que pretende bloquear o acesso da população em todo país ao Facebook durante um mês

A decisão, polêmica e curiosa, foi tomada com a intenção de entender o comportamento dos usuários da rede, conter a propagação das " fake news " e ajudar a educar a população com acesso à internet

Segundo o ministro da Comunicação, Sam Basil, "este período vai permitir que sejam identificadas informações e perfis falsos, e usuários que divulgam conteúdo pornográfico ou pedófilo

Todos eles serão filtrados e removidos." O ministro também esperar que "isso vai fazer com que as pessoas com identidades verdadeiras tenham mais responsabilidade em usar as redes sociais

" Ainda de acordo com Sam Basil, o crescimento constante das redes sociais sempre impediu o governo de ter tempo para "refletir sobre as vantagens e desvantagens do Facebook e para educar a população"

A declaração dá sinais de que o governo aproveitou uma relativa vulnerabilidade da rede social para aprovar a medida

O ministro chegou a citar o escândalo da Cambridge Analytica e deixou em aberto a possibilidade de "criar uma rede social própria"

Polêmica internacional A decisão de banir o Facebook está amparada pela Lei de Crimes Cibernéticos aprovada ainda em 2016 no país, mas causou polêmica internacionalmente

Há o temor de que a decisão do governo da ilha inspire novas medidas desse tipo em outros países

Vale dizer que na China, o Facebook já é bloqueado por motivo de censura. Mas enquanto a população da China ultrapassa 1 bilhão de pessoas e representa uma fatia considerável da população mundial que o Facebook não pode atingir, a Papua-Nova Guiné tem apenas oito milhões de pessoas, mas menos de 15% delas têm acesso à internet

Fonte: IG Tecnologia

For more infomation >> Papua-Nova Guiné vai bloquear acesso da população ao Facebook por um mês - 24 Horas News - Duration: 2:42.


Muharrem İnce'ye el salladım. - Duration: 6:46.

I came to Balikesir today.

I was pulling around with my mobile phone.

A cop saw me.

He said, "Where are you filming?"

He doubted me.

Then I understand.

CHP's presidential candidate,

Muharrem İnce Balikesir is coming.

For him the police were precautionary.

They are also right, they have to be careful.

I introduce the city.

The name of this region, in ancient times;

It is "Misya"

The meaning of this word in Lydian language; "Beech"

In the old days, it entered the Hittite sovereignty.

Then Lydia, the kingdom of Pergamum, Rome

and Byzantium.

Karesi Bey,

settled this land in 1296.

In 1360, Karesi sanjak

participated in the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

The people of Balıkesir became united and

did not bow to the enemy.

The idea of ​​fighting against the enemy first appeared in Balikesir.

After the First World War, the Greeks,

in May 1919,

invaded İzmir.

This news came to Balikesir by telegram.

The city's elite gathered in mosque.

Next day,

They form a society under the leadership,

of Vehbi Bolak.

In 1923 all sanjak became provinces.

Karesi province was established.

3 years later, Balikesir took the name.

Pasha Mosque,

It was built in 1461

by Fatih's vizier Zağnos Pasha.

Next to the mosque is the hamam,

tomb, bedesten etc.

This mosque was demolished,

in the earthquake of 1897.

The mosque and tomb that you see was built in 1908.

Governor Omer Ali Bey built it.

This is the National Forces Street.

This is the bazaar.

Here comes the Muharrem Ince.

Let's shake hands.

Yesterday our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan came.

For more infomation >> Muharrem İnce'ye el salladım. - Duration: 6:46.


Beautiful Idioms & Useful Expressions All about Art - Duration: 8:02.

We are in Paris! The city of lights or the city of arts and culture.

So today we're going to talk to you about some idioms and expressions that are related to art.

And culture.

That's coming up.

It is a gorgeous day out. Perfect day to see all the sights of Paris.

That is the Louvre. One of the most famous museums in the world.

Check out this view.

Right here.

We're at the Eiffel Tower.

Or kind of. It's right there.

So since we are in Paris, which is a city very well known

for its art and culture we're going to talk to you about

some expressions and idioms that that have words related to art in them.

Of course.

The first expression I want to talk to you about is to paint yourself into a corner.

And when somebody paints themselves into a corner,

that just means that they are put into a situation where there is no or there are very few good outcomes.

And they are painted into a corner.

It's not a good place to be.

So there's a famous saying that goes a picture is worth a thousand words.

And what this means is that you can have a complex idea that can be expressed in just one single picture.

Better expressed in fact than a description.

So there's so much more that a picture says than words can say.

A picture's worth a thousand words.

Another expression is to paint the town red.

And when you go out and you paint the town red

that just means that you are going out and you are partying and you are celebrating in a very lively way.

As an example, you would say "You know, let's go out tonight. Let's paint the town red."

Another expression is to see the big picture or to look at the big picture.

And this just means to see the situation as a whole.

Because sometimes it's very important to instead of like

looking in little details, to look at the situation as a whole.

And that means to look at the bigger picture or to see the bigger picture.

Or the big picture.

So we're just chilling on a bench.

As you can see behind us...oh, where did it go?

It's the other way.

I can't show you. There we go. It's the Eiffel Tower.

So we're going to...we're going to share our favorite things about Paris right now.

What is your favorite thing about Paris?

The food. Hands down.

That was going to be mine.

Everything. All the food is just like the ingredients are simple, high-quality, and just well put together.

I like the croissants or here the croissants.

Why is your nose so red?

Because we were out in the sun all day yesterday.

Somebody got sunburned.

What's your favorite site?

I like Versailles. The gardens. I thought they were really, really impressive.

Wes tell me your favorite French word?

French word?

I've been saying "Merci."

Merci. Okay.

I've been using that.

Okay, what about...

It's my only word.

Favorite French word?



Amour. I don't know how to pronounce it.

Favorite English channel.

Interactive English. Obviously.

Alright. Let's keep moving.

Another expression that I say quite often just say, "What's wrong with, this picture?"

And when you're asking somebody what's wrong with this picture, it means that

you're asking this person or a group of people to identify what is wrong with this situation.

And seeing if they can identify it.

So you're kind of asking them in a sarcastic way.

What's wrong with this picture?

So this is an expression that's also a question.

And it goes "Do I have to paint you a picture?"

And it's's kind of like when you're trying to explain

something to somebody, and they just don't get it at all.

This is kind of asking like, "What else can i do to make you understand this?"

You're trying to make it more clear for them.

You're a little bit frustrated that they don't get it.

And you're just asking them "Do I have to paint you a picture?"

So you're just kind of trying to see like...

I've tried all these ways to explain It. What else can I do to make you understand this?

Another idiom is saying that something is like watching the paint dry.

This is a simile because we're comparing two things.

And you're saying that something is like watching the paint dry.

So you're talking about something that is very boring.

It's dull. It's tedious. And it takes a long time.

So therefore, it's like watching the paint dry.

So another expression is to paint a ___ picture.

And why I made that mmm sound because you can change the adjective.

So something can paint a terrible picture.

It can paint a bleak picture. It can paint a rosy picture.

And what this means is to describe something in a certain way.

And many times it's used in a negative way.

So when you... if something paints a terrible picture,

it means that things appear to be pretty bad.

Hope you guys enjoyed learning these expressions.

And getting a glimpse of our trip to Paris.

So now we want to hear from you guys.

In the comments...what are we going to?

We're going to ask you...we have a question for you that we wanted to hear the answer to.

And our question is "Have you ever been to Paris?"

And if yes, "What did you think about it?"

What was your favorite thing?

And if you haven't been, we'd like to know if you'd like to go.

Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> Beautiful Idioms & Useful Expressions All about Art - Duration: 8:02.


Rozmodlona Doda. Procesja przed procesem - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Rozmodlona Doda. Procesja przed procesem - Duration: 2:33.


Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Tadla musi pozbyć się domu - Duration: 2:11.


Uykusuzluk Hakkında Herşey: Nedenleri, Etkileri ve Tedavisi - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Uykusuzluk Hakkında Herşey: Nedenleri, Etkileri ve Tedavisi - Duration: 3:44.


UFC y MMA en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> UFC y MMA en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:16.


¿Cuándo es recomendable tomar batidos de proteína caseros? - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuándo es recomendable tomar batidos de proteína caseros? - Duration: 5:28.


Spread che cos'è e perché la politica influenza il rendimento BTP - Titoli di Stato - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> Spread che cos'è e perché la politica influenza il rendimento BTP - Titoli di Stato - Duration: 13:52.


Rodowicz o rozwodzie: Wszystko jest już na finiszu ? - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Rodowicz o rozwodzie: Wszystko jest już na finiszu ? - Duration: 3:04.


Marcos Härter diz se acha Emilly 'sem noção' e revela se participaria de outro reality show - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Marcos Härter diz se acha Emilly 'sem noção' e revela se participaria de outro reality show - Duration: 4:20.


Ex-gordinho, Leandro Hassum diz se fica incomodado com piadas sobre seu peso e transformação - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Ex-gordinho, Leandro Hassum diz se fica incomodado com piadas sobre seu peso e transformação - Duration: 5:42.


Qué son los fibromas y cómo tratarlos - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Qué son los fibromas y cómo tratarlos - Duration: 11:03.


Vigiland ‒ Take This Ride (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:25.

♪ Feels like I've lost my way ♪

♪ I hadn't slept in days ♪

♪ Another drink, another day ♪

♪ Another girl that didn't care ♪

♪ There was no heart to break ♪

♪ But she were a feeling ♪

♪ Something I never thought I had in me ♪

♪ She's surely too good for me ♪

♪ I keep telling myself ♪

♪ O-oh, don't you dare choke now ♪

♪ She's seen all your worst behavior ♪

♪ But she still don't wanna change her soul ♪

♪ So don't fuck this up now ♪

♪ Look in her eyes, cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ Cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ (Okay) ♪

♪ She hears what's in my head ♪

♪ Those thoughts I've never said ♪

♪ When everyone was scared to feel ♪

♪ Me and her, we kept it real ♪

♪ And they tell me love is dead ♪

♪ But she found a feeling ♪

♪ Something she always feel I had in me ♪

♪ She's surely too good for me ♪

♪ Saying over again ♪

♪ O-oh, don't you dare choke now ♪

♪ She's seen all your worst behavior ♪

♪ But she still don't wanna change your soul ♪

♪ So don't fuck this up now ♪

♪ Look in her eyes, cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ Cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ (Okay) ♪

♪ I can't think, where I'd be ♪

♪ What if that day she took a different street ♪

♪ Whenever we take this right ♪

♪ I know this is where my future lies ♪

♪ Cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ Cause this is where your future lies ♪

♪ (Okay) ♪

For more infomation >> Vigiland ‒ Take This Ride (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:25.


Jerzy Zięba też ucieka z YouTube. Przez cenzurę - Duration: 3:01.

Znany propagator zdrowego trybu życia, walczący z wieloma medycznymi mitami, a przez to oskarżany przez niektórych za kontrowersyjnego a czasem wręcz za „szarlatana", Jerzy Zięba, rezygnuje z aktywności na kanale YouTube

Wszystko przez cenzurę. W soim najnowszym filmie Jerzy Zięba skarży się, że portal YouTube należący do Google coraz częściej blokuje mu filmy i wysyła ostrzeżenia

Zięba usilnie prosi administratorów portalu, aby poinformowali go za co jest karany

Otrzymuje on informacje, że jego filmy są blokowane ponieważ „złamał regulamin". Czym złamał regulamin YT Zięba? Otóż na to pytanie YouTube mu nie odpowiada

Jego długie filmy są blokowane a on sam dostał ostrzeżenie, że jeżeli złamie regulamin kolejny raz to zostanie całkowicie zablokowany

Zięba wyraża dobrą wolę i chce sam wyciąć ewentualne fragmenty, które rzekomo łamią regulamin portalu, jednak musi wiedzieć co łamie ten regulamin

Oczywiście jego prośby o wskazanie przyczyny pozostają bez odpowiedzi. W związku z tym Jerzy Zięba postanowił przenieść swoją aktywność na własną stronę jerzyzieba

pl gdzie będzie zamieszczał swoje filmiki, a na portalu YT będzie publikował jedynie informację, że taki filmik ukazał się na jego stronie

Praktyka wielkich portali jest wredna i krzywdząca. Człowiek dobrej woli, który chce uniknąć ewentualnego łamania regulaminu, nie jest w stanie dowiedzieć się co jest przyczyną cenzurowania i blokad

Taką to „wolność słowa" sprzedaje nam Google i Facebook. Poniżej nagranie Jerzego Zięby z informacją na temat swojej dalszej aktywności internetowej w związku z cenzurą na YT

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