Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 23 2018

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic

so do not leave and stay with us until the end of this video

where we will be developing this interesting topic now we go with the


cinnamon is one of the most particular spices that exist this takes

centuries being used for several purposes one of them is to give

that touch of flavor and aroma to our desserts and meals your second use not so

extended as the first one is in natural medicine in this video we want

show you the 7 benefits of cinnamon for your health something that experts do not

they want us to know before we talk a little bit about cinnamon its properties and

benefits come from its shell specifically from the oils

essentials that we find in it just to mention some we can say that the

Cinnamon contains sheen amino alcohol also known as zinc acetate to

me the other of the many benefits of cinnamon is that it acts as a powerful

Natural antimicrobial on the other hand is also a great

anti-inflammatory the same as anticoagulant apart it contains

antioxidants polyphenols and minerals such as calcium magnesium dietary fiber

and iron let's talk now in more details of the benefits for our health

improves colon function the colon is purified by cinnamon

thanks to the mixture of elements such as calcium fiber and mineral manganese these

eliminate the toxins that are found in said organ as a result

get a better functioning on the other hand the bile salts are also

eliminated by cinnamon which is very important as they produce

colon cancer the fiber that we find in this spice makes it extremely effective

to treat digestive problems like constipation diarrhea irritated bowel

and much more combat neurodegenerative diseases

its anti-inflammatory properties make cinnamon extremely effective for

prevent inflammation of certain brain tissues this in turn

prevents many neurological disorders for it diseases such as Alzheimer's

multiple sclerosis parkinson meningitis and brain tumors can be

treated with cinnamon improves brain performance

cinnamon is able to increase the alertness of our mind causing

that our nervous system activates and stimulates almost instantaneously

We can achieve this by just reading a delicious aroma.

demonstrated that this can greatly improve cognitive functions

as memory learning and care prevents cancer according

with several studies this powerful spice is able to reduce the

proliferation of cancer cells as a result cinnamon does not just combat

cancer also prevents it among the types of cancer that can be

treat are leukemia lymphomas and many more

regulates blood sugar cinnamon is highly recommended for people

with type 2 diabetes the substances that it possesses stimulate the receptors of

insulin of our body increasing the capacity of the cells at the moment of

use blood glucose many recommend its consumption either in tea or in

Coffee every morning improves blood circulation

an anticoagulant substance that we can find in cinnamon is the marine cv.

helps to improve blood circulation but we must consume it

with caution since excessive consumption could cause damage

hepatic fight many diseases

cardiovasculares as we mentioned before this spice contains substances

anti-inflammatory drugs that help protect our arteries and heart

The other side also helps us to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and

reduce inflammation of internal tissues do not let it continue to pass the

time without taking advantage of the benefits of cinnamon begins today to ingest the

in a controlled manner and you will see the changes you had idea of ​​all this share is

information with your family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

subscribe to our channel and give it like this is easy remedies' 24 we

we see in a next edition thank you very much



Taller online Snail Mail Flipbook Presentacion Correo bonito y penpal (Cartas con estilo scrapero) - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Taller online Snail Mail Flipbook Presentacion Correo bonito y penpal (Cartas con estilo scrapero) - Duration: 8:03.


Monserrat Oliver se llevó un susto con un lince que le mordió en el cuello - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Monserrat Oliver se llevó un susto con un lince que le mordió en el cuello - Duration: 4:12.


Benelli TRK 502 #211 Night route curves Ep2 - Duration: 8:01.

# 211 Night route curves Ep.2

If you notice, the car behind, both here and

in the previous chapter (# 210 minutes, 05:20 for example)

is invading the opposite lane when taking the curves

eating the continuous line constantly.

These "smarts" are the ones that give you a scare

when you face them when taking a curve.

How the people fuck me who believe

that the road is yours and you do not give a shit

the other drivers!

Here I give way to the car that comes a while behind,

and very near many times, but does not want to overtake.

It's better if I open the clear path ...

LIGHTS: Straight, fine, although it could improve.

It is also a bad time, but good.

But in curve, by the design of the headlights, flats,

it's a bit short, although I think that

putting auxiliary lights, it would be solved.

Illuminating more field of vision and road.

And in the end.. it advances eating the continuous line..

Well yes I was in a hurry yes!

If you want to see more, you'll see ...

in the next chapter !! Vsss

For more infomation >> Benelli TRK 502 #211 Night route curves Ep2 - Duration: 8:01.


Clean Pure Guardian Max Water System - Duration: 18:41.

For more infomation >> Clean Pure Guardian Max Water System - Duration: 18:41.


Neymar insultó a Thiago Silva durante el Brasil-Costa Rica - Duration: 2:05.

Brasil logró este viernes una agónica victoria ante Costa Rica para mantener intactas sus opciones de pasar a la siguiente ronda del Mundial de Rusia

La tensión del partido fue máxima y dejó algunas escenas difíciles de creer.  Tal y como ha revelado Thiago Silva, Neymar le insultó durante el transcurso del encuentro por devolver la pelota a Costa Rica

"Le tengo como un hermano menor, intento cuidar de él. Hoy me decepcionó, ya que cuando devolví la pelota me insultó mucho

Tenía razón, le habían dado mucha cera. Pero por aquel balón no íbamos a ganar", explicó el capitán en Oglobo

 Durante el duelo, Neymar exhibió sus malos modos e insultó a varios rivales. Además, incluso le llegó a decir al colegiado que no le tocara

 Sobre las lágrimas de Neymar tras el partido, Silva explicó que "tiene mucha responsabilidad, y no todos la asumen como él

Se mereció el gol, merecimos la victoria y creo que le sacamos un peso de encima a todos los brasileños"

For more infomation >> Neymar insultó a Thiago Silva durante el Brasil-Costa Rica - Duration: 2:05.


Suárez del Real comparecerá de forma voluntaria por acusaciones de trata - Duration: 2:29.

 CDMX.- José Alfonso Suárez del Real, uno de los coordinadores de campaña de la candidata de Morena, PT y PES a la jefatura de gobierno, Claudia Sheinbaum, adelantó que acudirá de forma voluntaria a comparecer ante la Procuraduría General de Justicia capitalina para enfrentar la denuncia por presunta responsabilidad del delito de trata

 A su vez, el también diputado local sostuvo que es inocente y llamó al candidato del PRI, MIkel Arriola a "que se serene, que se tranquilice y se calme", esto ante la insistencia del abanderado tricolor de que renuncie a la coordinación de campaña

 "En primer término, no es necesario renunciar a una coordinación de campaña porque no está reñido con la acción que se pretende llevar a cabo; en segundo término, yo decidí de modo propio comparecer ante la agencia especializada en delito de trata, a efecto de rendir mi declaración porque no tengo nada que ocultar", expresó Suárez del Real en un comunicado

 "Estoy seguro de que no cometí ningún delito y la víctima tiene todo mi respeto

En ese sentido, voy a honrar ese respeto acudiendo a la agencia especializada para que ella pueda tener la certeza de que hay una confusión de persona, pues no me pueden ubicar en el tiempo, modo y lugar que ella ha señalado", añadió el también ex delegado interino en Cuauhtémoc

 El morenista dijo que a través de esa comparecencia acreditará que su labor siempre se ha situado en las oficinas de la delegación, sala de cabildos o en las mesas de trabajo de la Asamblea Legislativa y foros realizados en años anteriores para tratar la problemática de las y los trabajadores sexuales

 Suárez del Real dijo a Mikel Arriola que ya se verán en las urnas el 1 de julio y en los tribunales cuando llegue el momento y cuestionó al ex director del IMSS por no tener propuestas para atender el trabajo sexual

 "No me apresure ni se apresure, si no tiene nada que comunicar a los medios, mejor serénese, mejor proponga, ¿qué propuestas tiene para resolver el tema del trabajo sexual? Sería muy interesante que nos pudiera explicar porque hasta el momento no hay ninguna propuesta suya sobre este tema", concluyó el también legislador local


For more infomation >> Suárez del Real comparecerá de forma voluntaria por acusaciones de trata - Duration: 2:29.


✅ T3r Elemento complace a sus fans con "Underground en vivo" - Duration: 1:30.

 T3r Elemento presenta y lanza una propuesta muy interesante. Se trata de su segundo álbum "Underground en vivo", a través de las plataformas digitales

  "Underground en vivo" de T3r Elemento contiene 12 temas, entre los que se encuentran los éxitos musicales "Rafa Caro", "Fire Up" y "Rolling One"

   Cabe destacar que la canción "Rolling One" a tenido grandes resultados junto a su colega Lenin Ramírez, ya que el video oficial cuenta con más de 25 millones de reproducciones en YouTube

 Su primer disco de estudio titulado "Underground" que salió a la venta el pasado mes de noviembre del 2017, logró colocarse en la posición #2 en la categoría Regional Mexican Albums y #12 en Top Latin Albums de la prestigiada revista Billboard

 T3r Elemento se encuentra presentándose cada fin de semana en diversos escenarios por la Unión Americana logrando llenos totales

For more infomation >> ✅ T3r Elemento complace a sus fans con "Underground en vivo" - Duration: 1:30.


✅ How to Prepare for a Family Visit - Duration: 0:45.

  Want full comics in your Facebook feed? Follow Noob the Loser and CHartoons on Facebook

      Want to catch up on all the Ben & Steph comics? Read the archive, or keep scrolling!  

For more infomation >> ✅ How to Prepare for a Family Visit - Duration: 0:45.


Restaurante se niega a servir la cena a la portavoz de la Casa Blanca - Duration: 3:33.

Compartir  El dueño de un restaurante de la ciudad de Lexington (Virginia, Estados Unidos) se negó el viernes por la noche a servir la cena a la portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, y a su familia, según confirmó hoy en Twitter la perjudicada

    El incidente se produjo en el restaurante The Red Hen (La Gallina roja, en español), fundado en 2008 y que se encuentra en Lexington, a unas tres horas en coche de Washington

    En Twitter, Sanders explicó hoy que el propietario del restaurante le pidió que se fuera porque trabaja para el Gobierno del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, quien en los últimos días ha recibido numerosas críticas por su política para separar a familias inmigrantes en la frontera con México

    "La pasada noche el dueño de Red Hen en Lexington, Virginia, me dijo que me fuera porque trabajaba para @POTUS -sigla de Presidente de EU; en inglés -y me fui cortésmente", explicó Sanders

    "Sus acciones dicen más sobre él que sobre mí. Siempre hago todo lo que puedo para tratar de una forma respetuosa a todo el mundo, incluyendo a aquellos con los que no estoy de acuerdo, y continuaré haciéndolo", añadió

    El incidente se convirtió anoche en un tema muy popular en las redes sociales debido a una entrada que escribió en Facebook Jaike Foley-Schultz, que dice ser uno de los camareros del restaurante

    Foley-Schultz escribió: "acabo de atender a Sarah Huckabee Sanders por un total de dos minutos, antes de que mi jefe le echara a ella y a 7 miembros de su familia"

    El comentario fue reproducido en redes sociales por diferentes organizaciones sociales, incluido el grupo ecologista Clean Virginia, y acabó desatando una batalla entre partidarios y detractores de Sanders en la página de Facebook del establecimiento y de Yelp, una web destinada a calificar a los restaurantes

    Además, Sanders recibió hoy el apoyo de algunos miembros del Ejecutivo, como la portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Heather Nauert, quien dijo en su cuenta de Twitter: "Sarah, eres una (mujer) de primera clase

Siento muchísimo que fueras tratada de esa forma".     Sanders, uno de los rostros más conocidos del Gobierno, no ha sido la única en sufrir esta semana un incidente en un restaurante

    El martes, la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional de EU; Kirstjen Nielsen, llevaba una hora cenando en el restaurante mexicano MXDC, a dos cuadras de la Casa Blanca, cuando varias personas entraron al grito de "¡qué vergüenza!" y "¡acaba con la separación familiar!"

    Ese episodio fue grabado en vídeo y las imágenes se hicieron virales en las redes sociales

    TFA Compartir

For more infomation >> Restaurante se niega a servir la cena a la portavoz de la Casa Blanca - Duration: 3:33.


[SUB ESPAÑOL] '자체제작 iKON TV' EP 10 1 - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESPAÑOL] '자체제작 iKON TV' EP 10 1 - Duration: 14:11.


Назван заинтересованный в трансфере Акинфеева клуб - Duration: 2:29.

 Клуб итальянской Серии А «Наполи» заинтересован в трансфере вратаря ЦСКА и сборной России Игоря Акинфеева

Об этом сообщает Football Italia со ссылкой на газету Il Messaggero. По информации источника, 32-летний голкипер может достаться «Наполи» по сниженной цене, потому что его контракт истекает летом 2019 года

При этом руководство клуба также рассматривает варианты с переходом Альфонса Ареола из французского ПСЖ или Алекса Мерета из итальянского «Удинезе»

 Акинфеев в настоящий момент выступает на чемпионате мира в составе национальной сборной

В двух матчах на групповом этапе он пропустил один мяч, который был забит египтянином Мохамедом Салахом

Россия одержала две победы с общим счетом 8:1. Всего за сборную вратарь сыграл 107 раз

 Всю карьеру Акинфеев провел в ЦСКА. В составе армейского клуба он по шесть раз выигрывал чемпионат, Кубок и Суперкубок России

«Наполи» — двукратный чемпион Италии. В 80-е годы в составе команды играл аргентинец Диего Марадона

Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайся! 

For more infomation >> Назван заинтересованный в трансфере Акинфеева клуб - Duration: 2:29.


México le pega 2-1 a Corea del Sur y acaricia segunda ronda del mundial - Duration: 1:25.

La selección mexicana de fútbol sigue de luna de miel, al vencer este sábado en el estadio de Rostov 2-1 a Corea del Sur, y con este resultado, México está cerca de clasificar a los octavos de final

El Tri se adelantó gracias a un penal cobrado por Carlos Vela, quien disparó al centro de la portería al ver que el arquero coreano Cho

México tuvo oportunidades para ampliar el marcador, sin embargo, el tanto que le dio mayor tranquilidad llegó al minuto 66, cuando desde medio campo Hirving "El Chucky" Lozano condujo un contragolpe para descargar hacia la banda izquierda para Javier "Chicharito" Hernández, quien hizo un recorte hacia dentro del área para rematar de derecha y clavar el balón en la portería

Corea del Sur pudo encontrar consuelo hasta el minuto 93, cuando Son, atacante del Tottenham de Inglaterra, disparó desde fuera del área a segundo poste sin darle oportunidad a Guillermo Ochoa, con lo que puso el 2-1 definitivo

 Los goles del partido:      

For more infomation >> México le pega 2-1 a Corea del Sur y acaricia segunda ronda del mundial - Duration: 1:25.


✅ Emilia Clarke se despide de Daenerys Targaryen y 'Juego de Tronos' con un mensaje en Instagram - Duration: 1:49.

 El final de la exitosa superproducción de HBO está a la vuelta de la esquina. De hecho, el rodaje de los seis episodios que conformarán la octava y última temporada está a punto de concluir y los actores ya comienzan a sentir nostalgia anticipada

 Una de las primeras en pronunciarse ha sido la actriz , que ha utilizado su última publicación en para dar un primer adiós a Daenerys Targaryen, la reina de dragones a la que ha dado vida los últimos años, y a la serie que la ha catapultado a la fama

 Bajo la fotografía, en la que se la ve con una gorra tumbada junto a unas flores, la joven ha dejado un bonito mensaje a la ficción que ha sido su casa durante casi diez años

 "Salté a un bote hacia una isla para despedirme de la tierra que ha sido mi hogar lejos de casa durante casi una década

Ha sido un viaje. Gracias por la vida que nunca soñé que sería capaz de vivir y por la familia a la que no dejaré de echar de menos", escribe Clarke junto a un corazón roto y el hashtag #lastseasonitis (algo así como #últimatemporaditis)

 La publicación ha sido todo un éxito y en menos de un día ya ha alcanzado más de 1,8 millones de Me Gusta y más de 14.000 comentarios


For more infomation >> ✅ Emilia Clarke se despide de Daenerys Targaryen y 'Juego de Tronos' con un mensaje en Instagram - Duration: 1:49.


Modelos de negocio para ecommerce - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Modelos de negocio para ecommerce - Duration: 3:22.


No soy ella... Parte 1 / Bri-sey-da! - Duration: 1:41.

Suscribete aqui abajito

For more infomation >> No soy ella... Parte 1 / Bri-sey-da! - Duration: 1:41.


Biegunka u niemowlaka - jak pomóc dziecku - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Biegunka u niemowlaka - jak pomóc dziecku - Duration: 11:16.


Star Wars: The Supremacy - Ship Breakdown - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Supremacy - Ship Breakdown - Duration: 3:59.


BREAKING: Barack Obama Just Implicated For Issuing Illegal 'Standown Order' - Duration: 6:03.

BREAKING: Barack Obama Just Implicated For Issuing Illegal 'Standown Order' – Now

It Begins!

We always knew Obama's former National Security Advisor Susan Rice was pulling the strings

regarding the Russia collusion hoax starting with the unmasking she ordered of President

Trump's campaign associates.

We also knew that former President Barack Obama was pulling Rice's strings, however,

there was no smoking g*n to prove that…until now.

Former Obama administration National Security Council cybersecurity coordinator Michael

Daniel confirmed on Wednesday that a "stand down" order was given to counter Russian

cyber attacks during the 2016 election.

That stand down order came directly from Rice herself.

According to Obama's former cybersecurity "czar," who flipped on Rice, and sailed

her down the river when he told the world that Rice gave him a "stand down" order

implicating not only Rice but Obama himself.

Rice's order to Daniel was first reported in Russian Roulette, a book published in March

2018 that details Russia's meddling in the election.

In the book, authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn reported that Daniel was developing strategies

to respond to Russian cyber attacks on U.S. companies and political campaigns.

He proposed using what is known as a denial of service attacks to take down Russian propaganda

news sites and to attack Russian intelligence agencies.

Another idea proposed was to announce a bogus "cyber exercise" against a Eurasian country.

The ultimate goal was to simply put the Kremlin on notice that its own infrastructure was

not invulnerable and could easily be infiltrated by the U.S.

Daniel was asked about a specific passage in the book during a Senate Intelligence Committee

hearing by Sen. James Risch (ID-R).

The passage was about a staffer from Daniel's team, Daniel Prieto, retelling the time that

Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice told Daniel and his team to halt their

efforts and to "stand down" in countering Russia's cyber attacks.

Rice opposed the proposal according to the account given in Russian Roulette.

According to the book, Rice stated to Daniel in a meeting in August 2016 – "Don't

get ahead of us."

Daniel spoke of his own frustration and that of his staff as they were ordered to do nothing.

Prieto is quoted in Russian Roulette as stating – "I was incredulous and in disbelief.

Why the hell are we standing down?

Michael, can you help us understand?"

Daniel confirmed that the exchange did take place as depicted in the book during a round

of questions from Risch.

"That is an accurate rendering of the conversation at the staff meeting," he testified.

According to the Washington Free Beacon –

"Risch asked if Daniel's area of supervision completely ceased after the "stand down"


"No, we shifted our focus in that September and October timeframe to focus heavily on

better protecting and assisting the states in better protecting the electoral infrastructure

and ensuring that we had the greatest visibility as possible into what the Russians were doing

and developing essentially an incident response plan for election day," Daniel said.

"But as far as your cyber response, you were told to stand down.

Is that correct?"

Risch asked.

"Those actions were put on the back burner, yes.

That was not the focus of our activity during that time period," Daniel said.

In the same hearing, former Obama State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Russian President

Vladimir Putin expected deterrent measures when Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election

but didn't see them so he felt he could "keep pushing."

During eight years of the Obama administration, Russia was able to invade Ukraine, annex Crimea,

prop up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and interfere in the 2016 election.

In response to its aggressive behavior, Obama personally warned Putin to "cut it out."

As his presidency was coming to an end, Obama ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats

and the implementation of new sanctions against the country."

The Washington Post reports that Obama himself — along with three top aides — were given

direct evidence from the CIA of Russian President Vladimir Putin's cyber campaign to influence

the election.

The Obama administration reportedly knew of Russia's actions for months ahead of the

2016 election but failed to take retaliatory action until December.

Yet Obama merely approved a very modest package for retaliation combining measures that had

been drawn up to punish Russia for other issues — expulsions of 35 diplomats and the closure

of two Russian compounds, along with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those

who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic.

"It is the hardest thing about my entire time in government to defend," a former

senior Obama administration official involved in White House deliberations on Russia said

of the administration's inaction.

"I feel like we sort of choked."

WaPo further reports on the current response from the Senate just this month in the passage

of a bill that "would impose additional election- and Ukraine-related sanctions on

Moscow and limit Trump's ability to lift them.

The measure requires House approval, however, and Trump's signature.

This account of the Obama administration's response to Russia's interference is based

on interviews with more than three dozen current and former U.S. officials in senior positions

in government, including at the White House, the State, Defense and Homeland Security departments,

and U.S. intelligence services.

Most agreed to speak only on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the


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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Barack Obama Just Implicated For Issuing Illegal 'Standown Order' - Duration: 6:03.


Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75 Ambiance - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75 Ambiance - Duration: 1:04.


Taller online Snail Mail Flipbook Presentacion Correo bonito y penpal (Cartas con estilo scrapero) - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Taller online Snail Mail Flipbook Presentacion Correo bonito y penpal (Cartas con estilo scrapero) - Duration: 8:03.


Man Utd transfer news: The three players Jose Mourinho wants to sign this summer revealed - Duration: 2:43.

 Mourinho's side finished an incredible 19 points back despite being second in the Premier League

 And the Portuguese has already gone to work on his squad by signing £52m Fred and £19m Diogo Dalot

 But he wants more recruits to strengthen his side. The Manchester Evening News claims he wants a centre-back, another midfielder and a forward

 Manchester United are said to have held talks over a deal for Toby Alderweireld and Willian although they have other options

 Jerome Boateng and Clement Lenglet are being monitored while Raphael Varane would be a possibility if put up for sale

 Gareth Bale is another on Mourinho's hit lit but he is waiting to speak to Julen Lopetegui before deciding his future

 Mourinho is over in Russia working for the hosts TV channel for the World Cup. But he will fly his side out to the US the middle of next month as they prepare to challenge for the title

 Mourinho won three trophies in this first season at the club, but finished empty handed last term

 Bryan Robson has backed new boy Fred to shine at Old Trafford. "I think everybody was saying that we just needed a bit more mobility and a little bit more creativity in that midfield area," he said

 "Fred definitely gives you that. He's been very good for Shakhtar, so hopefully he can take to the Premier League and do really well for United

" And Fred sent United fans a message, saying he wants to make history at the club

 "I want to thank all of the Manchester United fans, even now, just as I am signing," he told MUTV

 "So many of them reached out to me and asked me to join the club and that really meant a lot to me

 "All I can say to you in return is that I'm going to run my hardest and work my hardest to make history for the club and the fans


For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: The three players Jose Mourinho wants to sign this summer revealed - Duration: 2:43.


Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140PK, 4X4 Edition ** Navi, Winterpakket, PDC ** - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140PK, 4X4 Edition ** Navi, Winterpakket, PDC ** - Duration: 1:11.



funny chit chat grwm

hey guys so welcome back to my channel and welcome to another video if you are

new here my name is Kevin and today I'm gonna be doing a little get ready with

me tech video I haven't done one of these yet on my channel so I just kind

of wanted to like sit down talk with you guys and have like a little chit chat

hangout type thing while I do my makeup I was not planning on filming today but

I I got really bored and I wanted to do my makeup and I saw this really cool

tutorial this is not a I tried following so-and-so tutorial type video but I did

see this tutorial by Sidney Sidney Lillian and she did this really cool

like colorful half cut crease type look and I'm gonna try to copy that I will

insert a picture right here and mine is probably not gonna come out anywhere

near as perfect as hers did I am so used to doing hey wise cuz that's all I do is

hey wise I've just been like it dabbling in two new different kind of ilex

recently and your girl is not good at makeup right now she's still she's still

doing her halo eyes on the daily basis basically but we're gonna try to do that

look I did not try it today I am wearing this like wrinkly t-shirt I pulled out

the dirty clothes hamper I popped the pimple while I was washing my face and

then I have a few more like new pimples by the way guys you know how I just

uploaded a foundation review on that hello happy soft blur foundation okay I

have been loving that foundation so much let me just get started on my makeup

so first oh is Harry

we have one of those automatic spray things that sprays out like a set every

few minutes and it always scares me alright so I'm just going to start on my

eyebrows and I'm using the real me right here and it's really dirty been using

the precisely my brow by benefit and what I do is I comb up my eyebrows just

to where like the hairs are like wherever the root is I will just go like

this basically don't take very much eyebrow

advice from me I am NOT like the best at eyebrows I'm still like learning because

I used to just pop on a brow mascara and call it a day but I've been trying to

make my eyebrows a little bit more defined so I already say like so and

then I never finished my sentence well I've been doing this a lot lately and my

eyebrows have been looking super thick so just ignore that okay so after I do

the bottom I comb my eyebrow hairs down and then I do the same thing on the top

I just follow the line and then I will just comb that all the way through there

she is first eyebrow done other eyebrow so

needs to be worked on but while I do that I'm going to charge my camera for a

little while because she's at 24% so I'll see you guys in a few minutes and

I'll show you how I do with a concealer so old okay so I am back and I did um oh

she's not looking very good you know what I am not good at eyebrows and so I

swear I'm gonna be doing that like the whole video I hope that doesn't annoy

you guys okay so basically just outlined the eyebrow that you want to have

and then you will have it they actually look kind of even today I am so

surprised and then while I'm at it while I'm doing my eyebrows I will also take

the same concealer and I will prime my eyelids because then I don't have to go

back in later and do it and then well before opening your eyes all the way

before it creases I try to maneuver my way to the white eyeshadow we're using

white today because we're going in with a lot of colors okay so first I'm going

to go into primer and like I said before I don't know what primer does I just use

it because everyone else uses it I'm gonna use the Smashbox photo-finish

color correcting adjust primer okay how much are you supposed to use of a primer

I don't even know of how to properly use a primer

I couldn't just put it on like a moisturizer like honestly if you really

see a difference when you use a primer please comment down below because I

would like to know because everyone that I talked to they don't really notice the

difference when they use a primer maybe there's some kind of conspiracy where

companies are trying to tell you that primer will make your makeup look better

and it but they just want to sell more products

and get more money so so next I'm going to move on to foundation and I don't

feel like getting up to wet my beauty blender so I'm going to take this old

cup in some water and just wet my beauty blender here cuz I'm too lazy so here's

my Beauty Blender I'm just gonna all right so I'm gonna take my dirty Beauty

Blender and I'm gonna take the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD foundation and I'm

going to be mixing together these two shades cuz this one's too dark for me

and this one's too light for me and I don't have the money to buy like the

proper shade so I'm just gonna make it in between so we're just gonna oh oh

yeah well I was trying to tell you guys earlier and it was like a long time ago

you guys probably don't remember but I was trying to tell you guys about the

hello happy soft blur foundation I really love that foundation like

honestly it was such an amazing foundation but a few days later after I

had to use it I started to get a really bad breakup and I know that SPF has like

a reputation for making people break out and I don't know if it's the SPF in the

foundation or if it's just like the ingredients in the foundation or if it's

just coincidence maybe it wasn't even the foundation at all I like really I

got a really bad break out and I'm still like suffering with look at me

yeah so no hate by haters okay so I'm not big eyes a little story time I have

suffered with acne since like my freshman year of high school I used to

have really perfect skin like not gonna lie I started breaking out really bad

and getting really bad acne I just probably hormones I thought that people

were gonna bully me people were gonna pick on me and stuff I felt so ugly so I

went on a home school and I didn't really hang out with anybody I didn't

hang out with friends and I would never leave the house without any makeup on

it's just like a really sad story I don't know I'm taking the tart shape

date and I'm just putting it on my under eyes alright so once we do that I'm

gonna take my airspun powder

this is the translucent extra coverage I forgot how messy this stuff is I usually

use this all the time so basically I just

whoo-hoo all right so after we do that you're going to take a fluffier brush

than the one I said to use so you're going to take a fluffy brush and just

all right and then once we do that we're gonna go into our contour and you know

what it is it's my favorite contour is this shade right here I am going to be

at beautycon on July 14 and 15 Thomas is going to be one of the featured creators

there and I also am getting into VidCon so if you want to see us then and

definitely go to beautycon airspun always makes me cough and I usually

don't go in with blush I'm not a really big blush person if you guys want to add

a blush and go for it you know you don't have to hit follow my rules we have a

whole last professional set up but every time I sit in front of that I feel like

I'm literally about to be on like TV or something and I have an anxiety attack

and I just lose like all my words and I don't know what to say but when I'm

sitting like right here and just like a normal setting I feel like I'm hanging

out with you guys and I could definitely be myself a lot more got to make up for

my boring personality with my interesting background so so I am going

to let my camera charge for a little while and I'll be right back to do the

eyes the highlight and the lips so see you guys in a few hey guys so I went

ahead and did one eye off-camera and I'm gonna show you guys how I got this look

okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go into the morphe 35o

palette and before you guys click away I know that this is discontinued but there

are other colorful palettes that you can use out there that have the same shades

so the first thing I'm going to dip into is this yellow shade right here and

we're just going to run that through our crease and i'm just using my morphe m4

for one brush and since I have really hooded eyes and I have no eyelid space I

am just going to take that up as high as I can while still living a little bit of

a gap between my eyebrows and the first color also if you guys know a fella

that's comparable with a 35 B please comment down below

because I am looking for a very colorful palette and I'm pretty sad they

discontinued it I don't know why they discontinued it more fear you know

that's like one of your best-selling palettes why would you just continue

that palette once we do the yellow color we're going to be dipping into this

orange shade right here and running that a little bit below the yellow shade we

are next going to dip into the pink shade right here this very bright hot

pink and we are just going to be placing that more in the crease than the orange

one is um so next I'm gonna go into this like neon purple looking shade while

we're doing the eye shadow I just want to talk about my hair for a second I was

bleaching it out so much and like changing the color so many times that

it's literally green and it's fried and it's not absorbing very much more color

this is mostly my natural color on the side so I am going to start dyeing my

hair again soon I know that a lot of you guys are here from a video where I mix

all my hair dyes together but don't worry you don't need to unsubscribe I am

going to be doing a hair video still aren't you going to take that same brush

and run the purple on my lower lash line cuz I'm just dipping into that black

shade so I am just placing on the outer corner to deep enough to deepen it a

little bit make it a little bit more darker so I'm gonna take this brush and

I'm just gonna lick it and then we're gonna pick up this shimmery blue shade

we're just gonna place that like you would a half cut crease so once we

finish that I'm going to take the NYX glitter primer

okay and then after that I'm going to go into this glam and goth blue glitter and

then using that same brush we use for the primer the glitter glue we're just

gonna pack that on there okay so next I'm going to move on to highlighter and

I am going to be using wet n wild highlighter and they shape precious

petals I'm sorry I was 13 they said that everyone eight didn't understand what it

meant but why does that Mickey for the inner corner highlight I am NOT gonna be

using an eyeshadow I'm actually using the ultra glazed donut highlighter there

are highlighters I like my favorite for the inner corner last but not least

we're gonna move on to lips and I'm gonna do my favorite nude color

combination and that is the lip pencil from Mac and the shade Deborah SH and

for the lipstick it is the shade stripped from map cosmetics

don't look at me this is my favorite part

okay so next I'm going to go into the mac lipglass it's just shimmery lip

gloss and it's in the shade under the sheets it's my good side you guys can

add lashes or mascara if you really want to but I do not have the time or the

patience for that and whenever I put lashes on at literally chest it's like

lash and then eyebrow alright I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know what

you guys think of this makeup look and let me know what you guys think of the

background if you guys want me to start filming here more hang on I'm trying to

think also

if you liked this video please make sure to give it a big thumbs up and also

subscribe to my channel if you're not already subscribe to me and my multiple

personalities I hope that you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you

guys in the next one bye





For more infomation >> HOW I PACK MY MAKEUP AND WHAT I TAKE - Duration: 14:55.


Unsettling Discovery- Zitzewitz Search CH 10 - Duration: 6:21.

today on Rat and Cat, lost person behavior applied and an unnerving discovery while

searching for missing caver Kristopher zitzewitz

it's day 2 of the 2018 search for Kristopher' zitzewitz who went missing

in 2013 in the big Lava Beds Skamania County Washington and today I just want

to cover ground as much as I can the next 4 4 hours or so I'm hoping to cover

for 6 miles in a triangle shape I want to go straight out towards the volcano

in the center of the lava bed and then east and then back here to our vehicle

and I was reading in a lost person behavior the book lost person behavior

last night how cavers are a lot like hunters and zitzewitz was looking for a

cave he wasn't actually indicated but that's what he why he was out here but

cavers will tend to be like hunters in that they'll just moving there no loss

they'll just go and go and go it's kind of a pride thing that you want to find

your way out and you're good you want to feel good about where you're going and

so you just keep going trying to look for a way until it gets dark and then

you look for shelter and in that storm epic epic storm it just it was turning

from rain heavy heavy rain to heavy heavy snow and so that would be probably

a fatal decision if you weren't prepared which I believe he didn't have shelter

proper shelter or clothing or maybe even fire to stay overnight so yeah so the

other thing is is that cavers are more like leave marks on trees build Rock

Karen's search of those little piles or rocks that you see sometimes big to mark

a path so I'm gonna keep an eye out for mark so I'm gonna take some photos with

my drone to crowdsource for you guys to look for yourself look for any signs of

anything that's unnatural and so hopefully we can see something

it's a needle-in-a-haystack scenario still trying to find somebody like this

especially after this time period because we're looking for basically

bones bicycle helmet possibly shoes so bouts head out

rotten cat viewer Cherokee Weaver commented on my previous search video

that most missing people are found out in the open and not in some hole or den

which I've been showing a lot of and I've been talking a lot about terminal

burrowing one of the final stages of hypothermia and I have to admit he's

right most people are not found in a terminal burrowing situation statistics

for lost hikers and temperate mountain areas show that 25% of hikers were found

near a linear object such as trails roads powerlines pipelines etc 14% were

found in fields 13% in structures like buildings or vehicles 12% and drainages

8% near water 7% in the woods 4% on rocks 3% in scrub

and 2% in brush with zits with those prime discover areas such as roads

structures and drainages have already been searched that leaves us with forest

rocks brush and scrub what's very unusual about this area is that there

are thousands and thousands of small rock overhangs and caves which make easy

natural shelters also zitzewitz was a caver looking for a cave and most

importantly we want to increase the p OD or probability of detection if I don't

look in every cave and hole I come across my search is less thorough and

I'm likely to find less evidence that's why you see me looking in so many caves

and crevices

so to come across an area where there's a bunch of tiny overhangs or small

overhangs that somebody could crawl into and what I've noticed is there's these

shelves in the lava bed that are like this where there's a lot more of these

shelves and then there's just open areas that are flat full of bonsais a little

bit in case you're wondering what happens to your mylar balloons

there's where they go what happened next is probably one of the most unnerving

experiences I've had yet in the big lava bed was wild


For more infomation >> Unsettling Discovery- Zitzewitz Search CH 10 - Duration: 6:21.



For more infomation >> ADRIAN POLAK POBITY NA KONFERENCJI FAME MMA I DYMY - Duration: 1:40.


REARRANGING MY BOOKSHELVES | Bookish Vlog | June 11-17 - Duration: 24:00.

Hi everyonS, it's Wandy and today I'm back with another weekly bookish vlog and as

you can see from my background, I have finally finished rearranging my room and

my bookshelves are now complete. So over the weekend, I wasn't vlogging, but I was

filming me moving all my books, moving my bookshelves and then putting all my

books back on, so I'm going to insert clips from that and I hope you enjoy.

I finished putting all the books that were on the floor back on the shelf. I do

have a lot of shelf space. Right now, I'm going to take off all the books from

this shelf so that I can eventually move these shelves to this wall.

All right, so my bookshelves are now completed. There is this weird empty spot

right here but I'm just going to leave it because if I push the shelf further

in, then it's just gonna block this whole thing so I'm just gonna leave it like

that because this is going to be my filming bookshelves anyways. My bed is

finally moved but I just had a brilliant idea to do this to my bookshelves so as

you can see with this one, I'm starting to tilt it out so that it just looks

nicer and that there's not that empty blank space in between these two

bookshelves. Can we just take a moment to appreciate this because I'm loving how

it's turning out. I think it really like transforms this

area and I'm really happy with how it looks right now. Time for the big reveal

this is how my book shows currently look and I'm so happy with it. I think it

looks beautiful in its entirety. That's pretty much it. After a month I am

finally done rearranging my room. This is what my bookshelf currently looks like

and I'm so happy with it. This was quite a long process because I kept

procrastinating everything. I'm really excited to start filming in front of

these bookshelves because my window is directly in front of me

instead of like having half of my face lit so it was hard to play around with

lighting in my videos but now that my windows are directly in front of me,

lighting should be a lot better and I'm really excited about that.

Today is Monday, June 11th. I work from 10:00 to 5:00 p.m. today and right now,

it's about a 8:26 so I'm about to leave my house in like 40 minutes. Since I made a

really quick and light breakfast, I have a lot of time to chill. On my way to work,

I plan on picking up Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout.

I don't have a physical copy of the book I just checked it out from my library so

I'm going to be reading it on my Kindle. All I know is that it's a mystery/

thriller book. I just want to read something that's really fast and

entertaining and typically, that is what Jennifer L. Armentrout's books are, so I'm

excited to pick this book up and hopefully, I enjoy it. It is now about

6:35 p.m. I'm currently working on editing my BookExpo/BookCon vlog. It's

not really a vlog. It's more of a montage video. Pretty much everyone I know has

already posted their vlogs, posted their hauls, and here I am, just beginning to

edit my vlog. And I still haven't filmed my BookExpo/BookCon haul yet,

which I plan to do it sometime this weekend. It's about 8:40 p.m. right now and I'm

currently on chapter six of Till Death. That's about 16% through the book.

I am enjoying it so far. What I know about this book so far is that it follows this

girl named Sasha. When she was 19 years old, she was kidnapped. She did escape the

kidnapping but she ended up going to college far away from the town that she

was born in and now the story is taking place ten years later as she's coming

back home and dealing with everything that's going on at home. That's pretty

much all I know about the book so far so I'm going to continue reading for a bit

until I go to bed. So it's about 5:18 p.m. I got home from work about thirty

minutes ago but after I got off work I went to H&M so that I can buy some

business casual clothes because I have an internship next semester and the

dress code is business casual and I don't have a lot of business casual

clothes so I decided to start doing some shopping for that. The lighting in this

corner of my room sucks but this is basically the outfit that I bought.

Ignore the background for now. I know it's a mess. I bought three pairs of

shoes and I just tried them on. This is a shirt that I got from H&M. It's about ten

dollars. It has this floral pattern print on it. I think it's really cute and then

I bought these dress pants. They're perfect on my waist but then they're

like really baggy in like my butt area and on my thighs so I don't know, I think

I'm gonna go try to return it and try on a smaller size and see if that fits

better. So back to the shoes, I basically bought three different pairs of shoes on

Payless, mainly because the store was having an online sale where everything

was 35% off and the shoe at Payless are already pretty

inexpensive. The total for three different pairs of shoes including tax

was about forty dollars so I think that was a really great deal because usually,

one pair of shoes is like forty dollars, even more than forty dollars. I think I

got a really good deal because I don't really own any business casual shoes.

First pair of shoes that I got are these loafers and I think they're definitely

pretty business casual and I think it goes really well with this outfit. The

original price for these loafers were $35 but I got them for $12. The second

pair of shoes I got are flats but unfortunately, they are a little bit too

loose. I think they're like really plain and simple and good for pretty much

anything. So I'm going to be returning these but they were originally $25 and I

also got them for about $12 and then the last pair of shoes that I got are these

ones. I don't know, I can't decide if these shoes are cute or if they're ugly. The tag is

still on but should I return them or should I keep them? Please let me know

cuz I can't decide. I'm not really a shoe person but I just wanted to have

different pairs of business casual shoes so I bought this one on a whim and I

can't decide if I should keep them. So, right now I'm going to take off these

clothes and I'm going to shower and begin editing. It's about 7:50 p.m. now

and I'm going to finally continue reading Till Death by Jennifer L.

Armentrout. I'm actually currently 64% through the book. I'm not loving it. I

thought I was enjoying it for the first 20% but then the love interest got

introduced and I just don't like the romance at all and half of the book does

have to do with romance. I don't know, I usually really like Jennifer L.

Armentrout's romance I know that some of the romance that Jennifer L.

Armentrout writes could be problematic and I am

aware of that. I felt like the love interest is just very assertive. I

understand that these two characters did used to date prior to the main character

being kidnapped. It is now 10 years later so that's a lot of time but the love

interest, Cole, begins calling Sasha "babe," she immediately tells him not to call

her babe and then the next page, he calls her babe again. And he continues to call

her babe and things between the two of them are starting to pick up really

quickly and I don't know how I feel about the pacing of it. So right now, I am

really interested in the mystery, I just don't care about the romance at all. So

Cole just referred to Sasha as "my woman" excuse me? Instead of saying "my woman" like

she's your property. You could say something like my girlfriend, my partner,

I hate this so much. I'm currently 91% through the book. I

have about 13 minutes left and the killer was revealed and I kind of knew

it. I had a feeling that this person was the killer. I'm kind of surprised but I'm

also not at the same time. It's about 10:11 p.m. right now and I just finished

Till Death. I'm still processing everything that happened but I think I'm

going to end up giving this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

I do have work tomorrow so I'm going to try to pick a book to start next before

I go to bed because I don't want to waste time in the morning trying to

decide that. So I discovered the Libby app, which is basically an

updated version of Overdrive and I saw War Storm was available to borrow, so I

think I'm going to read that because it is the last book in Red Queen so I'm

going to borrow that. I'm also borrowing the audiobook of From Twinkle, With Love

by Sandhya Menon. I have been meaning to find a new audio book to listen to and I

was surprised that this was available so I immediately checked it out so I'm

hoping to start this book tomorrow as well. So it's now Wednesday and it's

almost 7 p.m. I got home from work about 4:30 and I actually did stop by

H&M again. I returned the pants and I exchanged them for a smaller size. I also

ended up buying this shirt I bought two shirts actually. This is just like a

striped white t-shirt but I think it looks good with the dress pants so I

exchanged the dress pants for a smaller size and also wearing these shoes again

because I really can't decide if I like them. I did end up returning the black

flats after I left H&M but I'm still keeping these shoes for now, so please

let me know if I should keep them or if I should return them. These dress pants

definitely fit better than the ones that I got yesterday. It is a little bit tight

on the waist. I also ended up buying another shirt and it's another floral

print shirt. I think this will also go well with the dress pants but it was

like 2 for 10 dollars so that's why I bought these two shirts. I wasn't

planning on buying anything but you know, the sale got me. So to give an update

about my reading. I did start War Storm earlier today. I made it about 10 percent

into the book and I'm feeling ok about the book. I'm not completely in love with

it, which I wasn't expecting because I thought the previous two books were

alright. I'm one of the few people who really enjoyed Red Queen but I think the

second third book just weren't as great and I feel like the main reason that

contributes to me not liking the second and third book as much is because I

completely like forgot everything that happened in the previous books and I

just jumped right in, which is why I didn't want to start Reaper at the Gates

right away. After reading War Storm, I think I'm going to pick up An Ember in

the Ashes but one thing I don't like about War Storm right now is that a

character point-of-view was introduced for a character that I really don't care

about. I just don't want to read from this character's point of view but I

have to. So right now, I'm going to change out of these clothes, get back into my

PJs, and maybe catch up on a few of Booktube videos before

I get back into reading.

Trinh: We're leaving for BookCon. We're all wearing denim

jackets. It's really cute. This... exhibit one, two, wait did I get Kyla? Okay.

So I'm watching my friend Trinh's BookCon vlog and I'm just reliving everything

that we did during the week of BookCon. It was so much fun meeting Trinh and Kyla

and rooming with them throughout BookCon. I had a really great time. I didn't

really do any vlogging. I did gather a bunch of random clips throughout the

week and I tried to put them all together in this montage video and I am

pretty much done editing it but I'm just not happy with how it turned out, so I

don't think I'm going to upload it, but if you're curious to see the things that

I did during BookCon, then definitely check out Trinh and Kyla's BookCon vlogs. I will

leave the link to both of thire channels and their BookCon vlog videos in the

description box below. They're really great people. I love both of them and I

wanted to give them a quick shout out and I just really enjoyed watching both

of their vlogs because I miss them so much, and since I didn't do any vlogging,

it was really great reliving all the experiences that we had.

I am going to finish watching this video and then I'm going to continue reading

War Storm. I'm now 21% into War Storm and I think I'm going to stop here and

go to bed really soon. I really don't have anything new to add with my

thoughts. Hopefully things start to pick up soon

because right now I feel like not a lot is happening. Alright let's see what time

is it. It's 7:30 p.m. It is Thursday. Let me see

where I'm at with War Storm. I was reading on my Kindle but I don't have my

Kindle with me right now so I'm just gonna check on my phone. The Kindle app

isn't updating where I'm at but I'm too lazy to go get my actual Kindle. I know

that I was at least 30% through the book. There has definitely been some

action that picked up but I still don't like the point of view that was added to

this book. Her name is Iris. She was introduced in the third book, but I find

her character to be so boring and I just don't care about her. Every time her

chapters show up, I want to skip them so bad but I just can't bring myself to do

that, so anyways I did make some progress in From Twinkle, With Love. I did start

the audiobook for it yesterday and I'm on chapter 6 so far, which let's see how

far I am in the book in the physical book. Right now I'm about 70 pages into

From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon. I do like the story but

there are a few things in here that I really don't like. First thing is the

romance. I feel like there is some sort of love square going on because Twinkle

has a crush on this guy named Neil, but Neil has this twin brother named Sahil,

who has a crush on Twinkle, but then there's also another character named

Brij, who potentially likes Twinkle as well, but Twinkle is completely oblivious

to these two crushes. Twinkle thinks Brij likes her best friend

Maddie but I feel like it's so obvious that Brij has feelings for Twinkle and

it's also so obvious that Sahil has feelings for Twinkle as well. I just

don't like this whole complicated romantic situation going on. I really

like Sahil's character. I want him and Twinkle to be together and I just

don't care about the other potential love interest and another thing I don't

like about this book is Maddie, who is Twinkle's best friend. Basically she and

Twinkle used to be best friends but then Maddie ended up joining this popular crowd

and she's still friends with Twinkle but in school, when she's with her other

group of friends, she acts as if Twinkle doesn't exist and then when she's by

herself, she and Twinkle are suddenly BFFs again and I just hate it so much.

Maddie is just a terrible friend and Twinkle is letting Maddie treat her like

shit basically. It really sucks reading about it but overall, I do like the story

and I really like that it's told through letters written to Twinkle's favorite

female directors. It's almost 11:30 p.m. and I made it through 35% into War

Storm. I'm going to go to bed soon. Tomorrow is actually a day off so I

don't have to go to work. It is the next day. It's Friday and it's about 9 a.m. I

woke up at 8, had some breakfast and now I'm going to get ready to film a video

because I am now filming my BookExpo and BookCon book haul. It's about 11:15

a.m. I pretty much just finished filming and I only filmed one video and that's

pretty much the only video I'm going to film today. Filming this book haul took

like an hour and a half. I messed up a lot when I speak and I didn't know what

a lot of the books that I got were about or I had some sort of vague idea but I

wanted to give a proper synopsis when explaining what the books were about so

that took some time reading through the synopsis and trying to form a brief

summary. My room is pretty much a mess now. So this is pretty much the situation.

All the books that I got are right here. I opened some tote

bag packages and there's just like plastic thingies around and lots of swag

as well. So I just imported all the footage into my computer I'm gonna try

to get started editing a little bit. I'm definitely not going to finish editing

today. Later today, I'm going to meet with a friend because we're going to the

movies and we're gonna see Incredibles 2. Super excited. Honestly, I don't really

remember a lot of what happened in the first movie because I haven't seen it in

probably like a decade. Wow, I kind of feel old saying that. That's pretty much

an update for now. When I see my friend, I'll try to vlog with her. It's about

6:30. I just got out of the movie. I'm with my friend, Vivian.

We watched Incredibles 2, and what did you think of it? Vivian: The movie was great.

Yeah I really loved it. It was really funny and now I really want to rewatch

the first one. The movie theater that we went to had reclined seats, which was

amazing because it was really comfy watching the movie. I have lived in

Chicago my entire life and not once have I been in this area. This is at the south

end of Grant Park and this whole area is called the Agora,

which has 106 headless and armless sculptures. Hi everyone so it's now 10:30

p.m. I got home from hanging out with my friend about an hour ago. I didn't do any

reading for War Storm but I did get through a good chunk of my audio book of

From Twinkle, With Love. I have about 4 and a half hours left of the audiobook

which is pretty much like halfway through and to be honest I'm not liking

it very much. I really don't like the way the romance is being handled throughout

the book and how Twinkle is dealing with it. That's pretty much the main reason

why I don't like it very much. I'm not going to read War Storm tonight. I do

have work tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed. Hi everyone, it is now the next day.

It's Saturday. It's almost 9 a.m. and I'm about to head out to work soon but

before I head out to work, I'm going to finally start replying to some comments

on my latest video.

it's about 5:30 p.m. I just got back from work and I have a package that I'm

going to open. There are no books in here but I did buy some things that are

related to Booktube, sort of, not really?

Alright, the first thing that I got is this thing and it's a tripod and I

bought this for my vlogging camera. So I've been vlogging without a tripod and

sometimes I just want to set my camera down and not hold it but I don't have a

tripod so trying to set it down in certain places is just very difficult so

I bought this from Amazon. It was like 10 dollars and then the last thing that I got

is this thing and it's basically two battery packs for my DSLR camera. When I

film, I try to film at least two videos but since I always mess up when I'm filming,

I always have to repeat the things that I'm saying and that takes up a lot

of time. By the time that I film my second video, my battery starts dying and

so I have to rush through filming my second video or I have to take a break

from filming so that I can recharge my battery pack. So I bought two from Amazon

so I don't have to worry about that. Hopefully these battery packs works

because they're not like associated with Canon. I pretty much bought like a

generic battery pack so hopefully these work well. That's pretty much it for the

unboxing. I hope you guys enjoyed that little snippet. My dad's vacuuming

upstairs right now so sorry if you can hear that but I'm going to take a shower

right now and then I'm going to get back into editing because I need to post a

video tomorrow and I haven't finished editing this video yet and I still have

probably like an hour of footage. So I'm going to go take a shower now. I'm going

to continue listening to From Twinkle, With Love in the shower.

I have about three and a half hours left of From Twinkle, With Love. I know I've

already said it in this video but I just don't like this book very much. I know

I've talked a lot of negative things about this book but what I do like about

it is that I do really like Sahil and Twinkle. I really like their scenes

together. I think they have really great chemistry and I just want them to be

together. I do like all the filming scenes, so seeing Twinkle in her role as

a director I really like that. I just feel like this secret admirer plot is

just very unnecessary. To talk a little bit about War Storm, I read nothing

yesterday. I have read nothing again so far today. So I'm going to try to do a

little bit of reading before I go to bed for War Storm.

It is now Sunday, which is the last day for this weekly vlog. iIt's about 11 a.m.

I have finished editing my BookExpo and BookCon haul so I'm currently uploading it

to YouTube right now. I'm going to get started and begin editing this weekly

vlog that you're currently watching because vlogs do take a lot longer to

edit just because there are so many clips that I have to watch through. It's

2:42 p.m. I feel like I've been editing all day. About a month ago I bought this

wall art of basically the world map. I bought it from Michaels and it was 70%

off and I really love how it looks. My dad is the sweetest and he helped put it

up for me on my wall. This is what it looks like. I think it looks really nice

so I'm now going to continue reading War Storm. This is a pretty big book. I just

checked on Goodreads and it's 662 pages. I just really want to be done with this

book so I can start something different because I feel like I've been reading it

forever, even though I only started this book on

Wednesday so it hasn't been that long and plus, I haven't read this book in

like two days. I did read a little bit last night but I read like three percent

and then I got tired and

*loud stomping noise from upstairs* Brother: FUCK!

Well that was my brother directly upstairs from me,

probably raging about one of his video games that he's playing right now. I'm

38% into the book and I really want to be at least 60 or 70% through. So it's

currently 10:30 p.m. and I'm going to end the vlog here but before I do that I

wanted to quickly wrap up what I read throughout this week. I'll basically talk

more of my thoughts in my June wrap-up but the first book that I finished is

Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout, which I gave a three out of five stars.

That's pretty much the only book that I finished but I made it through 75% into

War Storm by Victoria Aveyard, which is about 463 pages. I'm not loving this book

but I don't hate it as well. I think it's probably gonna end up being another

three out of five star read. And then the last book is From Twinkle, With Love by

Sandhya Menon. I am almost done with it. I have about this much left and that is

currently on page 253, so I'm on chapter 19, and unfortunately I am not enjoying

From Twinkle, With Love very much for all the reasons that I've discussed earlier

on in this video. I think it's going to end up being a 2 star read. This week of

reading hasn't been super great. Recently, I've been reading a lot of 2 star 3 star

reads. I just need to pick up a book that's like a 5 star read or even a four

star read because I'm tired of all these three stars.

Hopefully this upcoming week of reading will be much better. Thank you so much

for watching this reading vlog. I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next

time. Bye!

For more infomation >> REARRANGING MY BOOKSHELVES | Bookish Vlog | June 11-17 - Duration: 24:00.


Toyota Auris 1.6 16V VVT-I 5DR MMT Sol - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.6 16V VVT-I 5DR MMT Sol - Duration: 1:05.



what's going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another killer video for you guys pull of information where we talking

about what point bitcoin is going to bottom at what are the difference

resistance and support we're gonna be looking at some technical analysis but

guys for get started with that if you guys want to enter a chance to win some

free Bitcoin all you guys have to do is number one please subscribe to the

channel and have you notifications turn on number two give the video a thumbs up

and number three leave a comment down below saying something related to the

video you guys leave as many comments as you'd like I'll do my very best to

answer every single one but Before we jump into talking about bitcoins price

and which points going to be the lowest let's go over some news because we I do

want to keep you guys up to date with everything that's going on so the first

thing is one of the reasons we saw a sell-off and this was crypto panic

because of India's a banks they are about to stop dealing with

cryptocurrency related companies so this was actually announced by Zeb pay one of

India's largest exchanges I think it's it is India's largest exchange they

announced that in accordance with Reserve Bank of India directive issued

on April 5th banks are about to stop dealing with virtual currencies and

terminate the accounts of the crypto related companies this will cut off the

exchanges from banking services panic caused a flash crash on Indian

cryptocurrency trading platforms that triggered massive sell-off obviously

something when it affects one country as big as India actually well with the

amount of cryptocurrency that there is there with the amount of rip to currency

trading that actually goes on there that will affect the rest of the market this

was just sort of spreading more FUD a reason for people to sell obviously

asses every time now the reason the market was down was because people sold

that's 100% the reason why the markets are down but what is the reason that

people are selling this uncertainty was not helpful is this going to be a big

issue in the long run I think we're gonna see more of this I think we're

gonna see more more banks fighting against cryptocurrency seeing where it's

actually headed and seeing the competition that it is providing to

banks I don't think banks are happy to hear that we are trying to take away

their power and move it into virtual currency I don't think that's something

they're excited to hear about I don't think it's something they want to hear

about but I do think it's something that is going to continue to happen so as

much as they want to fight it I think it would make more sense to learn how to

integrate it too learn more about it instead of fighting

it just learn more about it that way everyone can benefit more in the long

run but of course nobody's gonna just roll over and accept defeat there's

going to be a bit of a push back and this I believe is not something that's

not gonna be the last time we see some fun so bear that in mind guys there's

always gonna be fun in every market even happens with the stock market now

there's still fun all the time but the fundamental thing is if the fundamental

technology the technology does not change there is no reason for and it's

not gonna go away it's like saying the Internet's gonna be destroyed now guys

think about this there are scans all the time on the internet obviously

cryptocurrency scams exist all the time but guess where those cryptocurrency

scams are committed most of the time usually on Twitter a social media

platform is Twitter going away simply because of this issue no Twitter is here

to stay for the most part Twitter doesn't look like it's going anywhere

and the same thing with the internet there are bad things going on in the

internet all the time there's the black market on the Internet

have no idea how it works haven't been on the black market but there is a black

market on the Internet and that doesn't stop the internet from existing so the

fact that yes cryptocurrencies have been used or are being used as well for some

negative things that's not going to be what ends cryptocurrency so the

technology is there it's going to be here to stay put it in perspective with

everything else in the world there's always pros and cons to everything

there's always good uses and bad uses to everything this is just cryptocurrency

is just another one of those things that people are trying to bring down by

talking about the negative aspects next piece of news I have for you guys is mal

Cox so good news mal cops looks like they're

going to stop selling off this article actually goes into talking about how

they started selling in q4 last year and coincidentally every time they sold

bitcoins price would tumble and that is because they had a lot of cryptocurrency

they had a lot of Bitcoin they were selling a lot of Bitcoin at one time and

if you guys look at the candles you would see one very big red candle pretty

much indicating them selling which then would cause fear in the market at Roma

be like oh what's this red candle they would sell to the market would continue

to fall and this happen a few times over and over again but it's

it appears like that is going to stop happening so due to bankruptcy

proceedings now being halted as part of these as part of the civil

rehabilitation Kobayashi will not sell any further bitcoins he is the man

responsible for signed a Bitcoin before on several different exchanges he will

not sell any further bitcoins with users set to receive compensation in Bitcoin

instead of fiat currency as originally intended one thing I have to ask why

didn't we do this from the start I feel like if mal Cox was a crypto currency

exchange and people were buying Bitcoin on mal Cox and so they were investing in

cryptocurrency obviously some were selling as well but why and you have

Bitcoin left over why wouldn't you give it back in Bitcoin why not and then the

people can make the decision if they want to sell or not or if they want to

keep it why would we sell it I feel like that just doesn't make a lot of sense if

there's a better reason for this and I'm just completely missing out on leave it

in the comments guys I would love to know what you guys think but I feel like

they should have just given them giving people their Bitcoin back or given back

the addition of compensated people in whatever they had which is Bitcoin

instead of trying to mass sell and cause a lot of problems in the market which

they knew was gonna happen I don't believe that they were surprised when

this happened when they sold that much and there was a huge red candlestick and

then people started half here I don't believe they sat there like wow we sold

and there was a big red candlestick that doesn't sound right don't think that

happens so I'm very confused as to why they didn't do this for the start but oh

well at least now we shouldn't be seeing any more sell offs from from algaas

which is a very good thing I know a lot of us are very happy about that next up

we have Neumann some news about V chain so I didn't want to come into too much

news about specific crypto currencies but I know a lot of you guys do like B

chain so I didn't want to talk about it getting ready to log to launch its bit

of this V chain Thor blockchain so V chain Thor blockchain announced is

increasing in attraction and over the last two weeks the chain foundation has

announced a collaboration with a world-renowned universe

city in London Oxford University and sure you guys have heard about it one of

the top schools in the UK so it will assist in detect in the technical

development of the V chain Thor platform the foundation also announced a

partnership with global giant in the automobile industry BMW so tons of

partnerships going on for V chain tons of good news surrounding V chain Thor

actually I'm very excited for the B chain Thor blockchain thing this could

be very very cool and I've seen a lot more hype grow around it and I think

that's only going to continue now look at the overall market guys one last

thing before we go look at the Bitcoin technical analysis let's take a look at

the overall market first so if I give this a refresh we are at at 254 we

actually just lost 2 billion there so 254 billion dollar market cap with 41.1%

Bitcoin dominance take a look at this guy's looks absolutely terrible that was

the massive sell-off due to a lot of fun going on nothing fundamentally changed

I'm gonna keep emphasizing that nothing fundamentally changed so this huge thing

was simply because of fear it was fear uncertainty and doubt that is what

caused the crash now I'm gonna say it again this provides a perfect

opportunity for everyone looking to buy more Bitcoin or cryptocurrency to pick

up cryptocurrency at a very cheap price and to continue to dollar cost average

on the way down if it does continue to fall we're gonna be talking about the

resistance supports in just a little bit now obviously I'm gonna emphasize this

as well is don't invest more than you are willing to lose so if you're maxed

out if you've invested everything you could invest into cryptocurrency then

guess what now is the time you don't have anything to worry about

it's you've invested everything you have to invest now all you have to do is wait

keep me obviously keep yourself informed with all the news that's going on so

make sure you guys do have the bell icon so you guys get notifications every time

I post video so you guys can keep up to date with all the cryptocurrency news

but guys now if you don't have any more money to invest then that's it you know

just relax now go do something else enjoy your time by the pool wherever you

are and just wait for the market to recover but if you do have money still

to invest pick a point out or find the projects that you are most interested in

and then start investing in those and I talk about a ton of them on the channel

the ones that I'm interested in now obviously I'm not a fine

by this I'm not telling you what to invest in but do your own research

figure out which ones you like and on the way down

let's keep buying in 24 hour change we see actually Doka demmick up 14% I know

there's a lot of hype around this cryptocurrency I know very little about

it don't know too much about it but I do know that it was kind of hyped up so I

am staying away I'm not gonna get involved with a dragon chain one I do

life though in basic attention token another one I like then obviously we

have smaller movers like Manero - risk polymath those polymath up no apply

Matt's actually down but yeah all those crypto currencies doing fairly well but

as we can tell there is a lot more red in the market than there is green so

down 37% guys I told you yesterday game look like a massive pump and dump just

by looking at the chart here not even opening up a more technical chart just

from the chart here you can tell that was a pump and dump and so it is coming

straight back down zilla's down ontology is down to ontology is down to four

dollars and ninety four cents I was taking a huge sell-off as well some

great opportunities though to pick up these if you guys are still interested

in them now moving on back sheet look at that though it does look like we have

found a little bit of support which we're gonna talk about right now when we

look at the technical analysis so as you guys can tell I drew a few more

triangles of zoom in here let's go I drew the descending triangle that we are

in right now now keep in mind the descending triangle is a bearish pattern

this is not a bullish pattern it's a bearish pattern but it is one that we

have seen before so what happened was we saw this back when bitcoins price was

around $400 we saw there was a descending triangle we managed to break

up above that though so past previous trends have shown that usually we do

break up above the distilling of above the descending triangle which is what

I'm hoping is going to happen obviously we don't know for sure one of the key

one of the key supports we are at right now though is and this this descending

triangle some people have had up for a very long time and this support at the

six thousand dollar mark is a huge one because breaking below that does mean

that we might see a five thousand or even a four thousand dollar Bitcoin now

does that mean the end for quit no like I mentioned before the

comparison with the internet bitcoins not going anywhere it's a protocol it's

here to stay it's you can't wipe it off the face of the earth it's just not how

it works now like I said it could keep falling

down we could see a five thousand or a four thousand dollar Bitcoin I actually

found an article where someone said it may fall to two thousand five hundred

but I will keep in mind when you guys hear an article like this make sure you

do read it over make sure you do see the wording since he said obviously Bitcoin

may fall to two thousand five hundred he didn't say Bitcoin will fall or Bick or

he thinks Bitcoin will fall he said it may fall and if you guys do read the

article he said oh it can go down to four thousand five hundred could be the

bottom but nothing's preventing it from going to two thousand five hundred

that's true nothing is preventing it it may go to two thousand five hundred it

may go to two thousand it may go to one dollar right but it also may go to a

hundred thousand very easy to split the word may in a sentence and make

headlines so I'm not gonna go around doing that just by looking at the

support though about time you guys watch this video we might have broken up or

down but I wouldn't be betting too much right now on I wouldn't personally be

shorting Bitcoin right now simply because we are at the support right now

of the six thousand which is shown previously to be a very very strong

support I think once we hit 6,000 if we do hit 6,000 even just a little below I

think we're gonna see a lot of buy orders fill a lot of people set orders

at 6,000 obviously I know a lot of people set or is that five thousand at

four thousand as well they already have that preset I know several people doing

this so that when it hits that point they're gonna keep accumulating keep

dollar cost averaging picking up growing their portfolio and waiting for the

reversal that's how a lot of people are handling this but I wouldn't be looking

at shorting Bitcoin right now and I wouldn't be so confident when I say I

think this is going to fall down pass this cuz like I said this is a strong

support now will may it fall down yes we're gonna use the word make it may

fall down and it may fall down to 5,000 and it may fall down to 4,000 like I

said not gonna put too much money on it what looks more likely if we want to

keep in this descending triangle would be us go back up and go up to the $8,000

the 8500 would be a possibility depending on how

we go up obviously you guys see the huge red candlestick we saw yesterday sucked

but always full of opportunity but guys hopefully you guys did enjoy this video

if you did don't forget to leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below

to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin also make sure you guys are

subscribed and you have the bell icon you can you click the bell icon to turn

on notifications because YouTube it's been very weird when it comes to

actually delivering my video in front of you guys so make sure you do have the

notifications on so you guys are notified every time I release a new

video guys thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for

another video



Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE JOY *Airco* - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE JOY *Airco* - Duration: 1:10.


Scott Pruitt's Aides Say Handling His Personal Life Is Their Primary Job - Duration: 3:52.

Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is currently under at least

12 different investigations, and according to a recent report in the New York Times,

aides, the people who work for Scott Pruitt at the EPA, have said that basically, running

Scott Pruitt's personal life is just part of their everyday job now, and since we now

the EPA's not doing anything to actually protect the environment, you could make the case that

this entire agency at this point is only working on Scott Pruitt's personal life.

Let's get one thing straight here: it is absolutely against the rules of these offices, the one

that Scott Pruitt holds, to use your staff, who are being paid by the US taxpayers, to

do your personal bidding.

Not one person at the EPA is in charge, or technically even allowed, to do anything related

to Scott Pruitt's personal life, and yet we know that he's had them drive him around to

different Ritz-Carlton hotels looking for a special hand lotion, we know that they've

looked into buying a used mattress from Trump Hotel, we know that they tried to land his

wife a job at Chic-Fil-A, and we know, we know, we know, we know all of these things

that have happened, and now, according to this New York Times report that actually spoke

to people that are working for Scott Pruitt, this is just part of their daily life.

Breaking the rules of the federal government, being funded by the taxpayers, getting their

salaries from the taxpayers and instead of using that to protect the environment, they're

using it to get Scott Pruitt lotion.

They're using it to go look for a house for him, to make personal phone calls, to reach

out to donors, to get his daughter into a better college at one point was something

they had to do.

This is insanity.

I mean, I have been covering American politics for close to 15 years now, and I have to say,

I don't think I have ever seen the level of corruption and downright stupidity that we

have seen out of Scott Pruitt.

This is utterly amazing, how many rules this man can break, how flagrantly he can just

flaunt the fact that he's breaking the rules, and never ever, ever face any consequences

for doing it.

And do you know why that is?

Well, Trump said it best last week, when he said, "Scott Pruitt is doing a really, really

good job at the EPA."

And that sentence tells you everything you need to know about what this administration

thinks him, about what the Republicans think of him.

They will never do anything to remove Scott Pruitt from office.

As long as he continues to deliver for their donors, as long as he takes away pesticide

regulations, which he is, as long as he lowers air pollution standards, meaning they can

spew more stuff into our atmosphere, they're gonna let him stay, which he's currently doing.

As long as he lets them dump more poisons in our rivers, lakes and streams and aquifers,

they're gonna let him stay, and he's also currently doing that.

Corporations love Scott Pruitt.

Corporations give lots of money to Republicans.

It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

Scott Pruitt can break all the laws he wants because as long as he delivers for these corporations,

Republicans will never touch him.

For more infomation >> Scott Pruitt's Aides Say Handling His Personal Life Is Their Primary Job - Duration: 3:52.


Gareth Southgate calls for a media truce after team leak debate divides opinion - Duration: 4:35.

 Of course after Southgate's press conference ahead of the Panama game, the cheap shot would be to ask Gary Neville, Stan Collymore and their legion of social media supporters – and probably Danny Murphy on Match of the Day – to eat a huge slice of humble pie for picking the wrong battle on the team's behalf

 "I'm totally relaxed," the ngland manager said. "I understand some of the guys have had a bashing on social media, for which I apologise, but nothing that happens or is released changes the way we want to work with the media

 "We're open because we feel it's a better experience for everybody. The players are getting their messages to the supporters, and the environment has been really positive

" But both sides would do well to listen to the lecture Southgate gave about how foolish it is to argue over something as trivial as the long lens photograph of Steve Holland's notepad

 He even likened it to a family row- well, he started it! In fairness Southgate admitted as much with his comment that "the media either want to help us or not"

  "I made quite a balanced observation yesterday which, I'm told, has gathered quite a bit of momentum," he began when asked about the row

 Former ngland internationals weighed in against the media; reporters, including myself, responded – social media instantly jumped on many of our backs

 "I should explain," Southgate continued. "My view is I totally understand the media have a role to report the news

 "From our point of view, I don't expect the media to be supporters of us in terms of the way they work

They're here to work. "I know they want us to do well. That's been clear through the tournament

I'm really relaxed. Last week the team came out three days before the game, and I said nothing

It's not something we can control, and I understand it's something that happens and is part of being a big team

 "veryone is away from weeks. For all of us, players, staff, journalists, that's a difficult environment to be in

The guys have to find stories and produce content. We have to produce results. It's like we are all away with our families and, after a while, you're sick of some people and happier with others

" Truth is, mainly the core of the media troupe following ngland do get on with the manager and, to a lesser extent some of the players

 Southgate takes the credit though for being the glue that ensures the whole trip works

So if he does have one minor quibble, we all owe it to him to listen. "My only observation is that it's definitely an advantage for us or the opposition if you know the tactics of the other team," he said

"That was the only question I was asking.RUTRS "If the opposition have your team in any sport, that's a competitive advantage, but it's not the job of the media to protect that

 "And the picture the other day wasn't even the team, so even less of a team. The front sheet is always the runners and riders in training, and behind that all the changes we'll make in the session

 "The other day was a list of 23 players and people have taken something from it which probably isn't correct

But no drama." Certainly not – and none intended. Nor any crisis either, for that matter, as Southgate manages serenely on

 Come on, ngland!

For more infomation >> Gareth Southgate calls for a media truce after team leak debate divides opinion - Duration: 4:35.


How to say "THIS IS AMERICA" in 25 Different Languages (ASMR Whispers+soft spoken) - Duration: 5:24.

Hello everyone!

So today, let's see how to say "This is America" in a bunch of languages.

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> How to say "THIS IS AMERICA" in 25 Different Languages (ASMR Whispers+soft spoken) - Duration: 5:24.


Man Utd news: Superstar signing Fred scores stunning strike in Brazil training– WATCH - Duration: 1:58.

 United completed the capture of 25-year-old Fred from Shakhtar Donetsk following defender Diogo Dalot through the doors at Old Trafford

 Fred is currently in Russia representing Brazil in the World Cup and while an ankle injury has prevented him from making an appearance, he didn't show any signs of the problem in training on Saturday

 In a video posted to social media by the official Brazil football team twitter account, Fred can be seen beating his marker before unleashing a stunning curling effort from the edge of the box

 The goalkeeper had no chance of keeping out the impressive shot. And Manchester United fans were quick to take to Twitter after seeing the impressive strike

 "Best midfielder in the world and we've just signed him," one fan wrote. Another said: "Any doubt should b put to bed

" While a third simply wrote: "What a curve."  After sealing his move to Old Trafford, Fred said: "This is the biggest club in the world and I am delighted to be a part of this amazing team

 "To work with Jose Mourinho, who has won so many trophies in his time as a coach, is an opportunity not to be missed

 "I cannot wait to get started and to meet my new team-mates. I would like to thank everyone at Shakhtar Donetsk for everything they have done for me over the past five years

 "This is a very exciting time for me with my focus now fully on the World Cup with Brazil


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Superstar signing Fred scores stunning strike in Brazil training– WATCH - Duration: 1:58.


Man Utd transfer news: The three players Jose Mourinho wants to sign this summer revealed - Duration: 2:43.

 Mourinho's side finished an incredible 19 points back despite being second in the Premier League

 And the Portuguese has already gone to work on his squad by signing £52m Fred and £19m Diogo Dalot

 But he wants more recruits to strengthen his side. The Manchester Evening News claims he wants a centre-back, another midfielder and a forward

 Manchester United are said to have held talks over a deal for Toby Alderweireld and Willian although they have other options

 Jerome Boateng and Clement Lenglet are being monitored while Raphael Varane would be a possibility if put up for sale

 Gareth Bale is another on Mourinho's hit lit but he is waiting to speak to Julen Lopetegui before deciding his future

 Mourinho is over in Russia working for the hosts TV channel for the World Cup. But he will fly his side out to the US the middle of next month as they prepare to challenge for the title

 Mourinho won three trophies in this first season at the club, but finished empty handed last term

 Bryan Robson has backed new boy Fred to shine at Old Trafford. "I think everybody was saying that we just needed a bit more mobility and a little bit more creativity in that midfield area," he said

 "Fred definitely gives you that. He's been very good for Shakhtar, so hopefully he can take to the Premier League and do really well for United

" And Fred sent United fans a message, saying he wants to make history at the club

 "I want to thank all of the Manchester United fans, even now, just as I am signing," he told MUTV

 "So many of them reached out to me and asked me to join the club and that really meant a lot to me

 "All I can say to you in return is that I'm going to run my hardest and work my hardest to make history for the club and the fans


For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: The three players Jose Mourinho wants to sign this summer revealed - Duration: 2:43.


A Vampirina Clip in a Nutshell - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> A Vampirina Clip in a Nutshell - Duration: 0:13.


Safer سافر | by Ridhwan Jamal - Duration: 2:33.

What comes to your mind when you hear this word:

Sri Lanka

The home driver who drinks 10 cups of tea everyday?

Or the house maid who puts more chili than the actual food?

Or the grocery shopkeeper who have fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Let me tell you somthing

You won't understand a culture just by hearing about it

if you travel to Sri Lanka

you will discover a paradise with the most beautiful tea farms

an island smaller than Riyadh province

has shores brighter than Hawai and mountins greener than the Alps


and you will discover a Nation

with illiteracy level below 2% only!

and with Love level of 100%


and you will laugh over the chili you were eating

and you will drink tea more than water


and wash an elephent

let him wash you

discover a place

ride a wave

bath in river

play cricket

fish for dinner


Because life is shorter than to be spent in one place


travel and hear a story

read a page

have a taste

win a friend and lose a habit

go far



because nothing compares to a good experience

and most of all


to learn more about others..

and to learn even more about..


For more infomation >> Safer سافر | by Ridhwan Jamal - Duration: 2:33.


Pres Trump Crushes Nancy Pelosi's Dreams After Exposing Her Sinister Plot - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Pres Trump Crushes Nancy Pelosi's Dreams After Exposing Her Sinister Plot - Duration: 2:34.


The games that were missing on the E3 floor and a new Shenmue I & II trailer! - Duration: 3:58.

hello there guys and girls my name is grifter and welcome to retro productions

today I'll show you some things of games that we did not see on the E3

Not going to talk about the fact that 'Hey did you check out these games is the goode

but the games that we're well kind of hope to be seeing but we did not see it

and maybe one thriller of Shenmue 1 and 2 I had a short piece I'll show that

right after the intro but first yeah let's roll the intro

So we have to e3

it's behind this it's done it's also bit been like been there done that but

anyways it was not a bad show well the show maybe wasn't that good

But we had good games but some games didn't show up and this short

movie we're gonna point a few games that we would love to have seen the first

there was also a new trailer from for for that was a new trailer for Shenmue

yeah Shenmue 1 and 2 of course 3 was absent absent which is a tad

sad yeah at least that is in my opinion which doesn't mean my opinion is valid

at any point, but hey, it is what I think, so let's get it on let's run that

trailer from Shenmue 1 until it's short so enjoy

and that was it I told you that was short I'm betting it would be a safe bet

to say that Final Fantasy seven was one of the biggest games that went missing

on the floor there was another developer who even apologized for not being there

that being said it was Rocksteady while they're busy it's not officially but

they're making Superman hi I'm betting no I'm not betting my life on it but

anyways there's a big chance they're making Superman and they have apologized

them they've been hard at work at a new game there's one who brought us Batman

Arkham and those games and well we'll be looking kind of forward if it would be

Superman another game that was absent was left alive

yeah from veteran developer to sue FEMA nabeshima the guy he's one who made

Armored Core of all series almost the new adventure game from Marvel and

Square Enix we didn't see that Dragon Age 4 we didn't see that one

many people were almost certain that we would have seen a new Splinter Cell nope

Metroid Prime 4 as well didn't appear really kind of sad we didn't see Shenmue 3

I would have loved to see that one other games that crossed my mind are

Bayonetta 3, Dead Island 2, Which Fire The new Yoshi game, the last night

deep down why because that game is never coming out so that was it I kept it

short kept it under 4 minutes I would like to thank you for stopping by please

do give a like if you did like it and just like it if you did not like it but

you do need to subscribe I command you my thing will be eternal

grifter signing off

For more infomation >> The games that were missing on the E3 floor and a new Shenmue I & II trailer! - Duration: 3:58.


After Rally Protester Holds Up Criminal's Photo, Trump Throws Him Out - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> After Rally Protester Holds Up Criminal's Photo, Trump Throws Him Out - Duration: 2:48.


Proszę o Pomoc w tym Problemie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Proszę o Pomoc w tym Problemie - Duration: 1:02.


• This Really Has to Stop | Battlefield V Pre-Order Bonuses - Battlefield V - Duration: 5:03.

So with the announcement of Battlefield 5, EA and DICE revealed a few pre-order bonuses

that players can gain access to in Battlefield 1.

Of course I'm talking about the 5 unique WWII weapons players can only use if they

pre-order Battlefield 5.

At first I thought players would have the ability to earn these guns through progression

later down the line but unfortunately it looks like there won't be any other way to use

them unless you've purchased the next game.

For a lot of people this might be a great incentive, especially if you were going to

pre-order the next title anyway but those who either wait for reviews or additional

gameplay, those are the same people who might be missing out.

I don't necessarily condone pre-ordering, especially when it's a game you know you're

going to play for years down the line.

For me, Battlefield has always been that game I know I will enjoy, especially when there

hasn't been a single game in the series I haven't spent countless hours on, but

I still don't agree with locking players out just to get more people to purchase your

next game.

A lot of you might be okay with this idea and that's fine.

You might even consider that there are better guns out there and I agree, but these 5 weapons

offered aren't necessarily terrible, in fact some of them are actually pretty good.

Now the reason you aren't seeing gameplay of them in the background now is because I

don't want to showcase these weapons where people feel persuaded to purchase the game

just because they want to gain access to all the guns featured in Battlefield 1.

Furthermore if you want to gain access to the game 3 days early, well you better pre-order

the digital deluxe or else you're going to fall behind.

It's just another money making scheme to incentivise even those who want to wait for

the official release, to purchase the game earlier.

Again if you know you're going to play it, there's no harm in purchasing it now, but

are they not confident in what they are creating that they have to put stupid pre-order bonuses

to persuade even the most loyal of fan to purchase the game early?

Do they not think the game can win over their core player base by gameplay alone?

People should feel persuaded to buy something through its own merit and not through additional

bonuses you can get through pre-ordering.

Now I've noticed there haven't been a lot of people talking about this particular


Perhaps I'm blowing things way out of proportion but if it were any other game, players would

be furious.

Red Dead Redemption is currently receiving huge backlash from the community due to there

being multiple in game pre-order bonuses, Call of Duty is doing the same thing.

Why should Battlefield get away with this even though it might be on a much smaller


Sure the games I just mentioned are taking it to the absolute limit but if we allow for

a franchise like this to start with something small, well then in a few years' time we're

going to get the same thing.

A while ago games were criticized for having cosmetic pre-order bonuses, I say again, cosmetic.

Now for a lot of us, that's all we can really hope for.

Has the industry really become that bad that we are hoping for a less than ideal situation?

For me, this is a very difficult topic to discuss because as someone who is extremely

passionate about Battlefield, I love getting all the extras but as someone who is looking

out for a player's best interest, game developers really need to stop this.

You probably find a lot of this isn't even the developers fault.

Perhaps publishers are putting pressure on developers to meet certain requirements; in

that case I can see why DICE would implement such a shitty system.

EA is known to shut down studios so if I were is DICE's position, I'd be horrified to

lose my job, especially when there's probably thousands of people relying on this game to

do well, just so developers can go home knowing they still have a job the next day.

That's not saying that all game developers are innocent.

You probably find a good chunk of them just do it for the money and it that case, you

get games that are clearly there to steal from you, a few games come to mind.

Anyway I understand this video was slightly more negative than what you might be used

to but honestly I'm extremely passionate about this particular topic and I personally

believe that games should win over a player's heart through their own merit, not through

pre-order incentives.

If you don't agree with me, that's fine but let me know how you feel about this in

the comments below.

For now I hope you enjoyed the video, smash that like button if you did and hopefully

I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> • This Really Has to Stop | Battlefield V Pre-Order Bonuses - Battlefield V - Duration: 5:03.


Rap do CHANDLER - O Pacificador (Nanatsu No Taizai) Feat.Kloud - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Rap do CHANDLER - O Pacificador (Nanatsu No Taizai) Feat.Kloud - Duration: 3:50.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Morre o ex-governador da Bahia e ex-ministro da Defesa Waldir Pires - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Morre o ex-governador da Bahia e ex-ministro da Defesa Waldir Pires - Duration: 2:02.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Para advogados, veto a sátiras protege 'quem já está no poder' - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Para advogados, veto a sátiras protege 'quem já está no poder' - Duration: 5:33.



For more infomation >> 3 SÁNDWICHES FRÍOS PARA DISFRUTAR DEL MUNDIAL - Duration: 5:11.


¿ES POSIBLE FRENAR LA DISPERSION MENTAL? - Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:00:21.

For more infomation >> ¿ES POSIBLE FRENAR LA DISPERSION MENTAL? - Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:00:21.


MIZOX FAIDY - WACH WACH (Official Music Video) المغرب# - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> MIZOX FAIDY - WACH WACH (Official Music Video) المغرب# - Duration: 2:26.


Ora o mai più: gli ascolti premiano Amadeus - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Ora o mai più: gli ascolti premiano Amadeus - Duration: 5:14.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic

so do not leave and stay with us until the end of this video

where we will be developing this interesting topic now we go with the


cinnamon is one of the most particular spices that exist this takes

centuries being used for several purposes one of them is to give

that touch of flavor and aroma to our desserts and meals your second use not so

extended as the first one is in natural medicine in this video we want

show you the 7 benefits of cinnamon for your health something that experts do not

they want us to know before we talk a little bit about cinnamon its properties and

benefits come from its shell specifically from the oils

essentials that we find in it just to mention some we can say that the

Cinnamon contains sheen amino alcohol also known as zinc acetate to

me the other of the many benefits of cinnamon is that it acts as a powerful

Natural antimicrobial on the other hand is also a great

anti-inflammatory the same as anticoagulant apart it contains

antioxidants polyphenols and minerals such as calcium magnesium dietary fiber

and iron let's talk now in more details of the benefits for our health

improves colon function the colon is purified by cinnamon

thanks to the mixture of elements such as calcium fiber and mineral manganese these

eliminate the toxins that are found in said organ as a result

get a better functioning on the other hand the bile salts are also

eliminated by cinnamon which is very important as they produce

colon cancer the fiber that we find in this spice makes it extremely effective

to treat digestive problems like constipation diarrhea irritated bowel

and much more combat neurodegenerative diseases

its anti-inflammatory properties make cinnamon extremely effective for

prevent inflammation of certain brain tissues this in turn

prevents many neurological disorders for it diseases such as Alzheimer's

multiple sclerosis parkinson meningitis and brain tumors can be

treated with cinnamon improves brain performance

cinnamon is able to increase the alertness of our mind causing

that our nervous system activates and stimulates almost instantaneously

We can achieve this by just reading a delicious aroma.

demonstrated that this can greatly improve cognitive functions

as memory learning and care prevents cancer according

with several studies this powerful spice is able to reduce the

proliferation of cancer cells as a result cinnamon does not just combat

cancer also prevents it among the types of cancer that can be

treat are leukemia lymphomas and many more

regulates blood sugar cinnamon is highly recommended for people

with type 2 diabetes the substances that it possesses stimulate the receptors of

insulin of our body increasing the capacity of the cells at the moment of

use blood glucose many recommend its consumption either in tea or in

Coffee every morning improves blood circulation

an anticoagulant substance that we can find in cinnamon is the marine cv.

helps to improve blood circulation but we must consume it

with caution since excessive consumption could cause damage

hepatic fight many diseases

cardiovasculares as we mentioned before this spice contains substances

anti-inflammatory drugs that help protect our arteries and heart

The other side also helps us to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and

reduce inflammation of internal tissues do not let it continue to pass the

time without taking advantage of the benefits of cinnamon begins today to ingest the

in a controlled manner and you will see the changes you had idea of ​​all this share is

information with your family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

subscribe to our channel and give it like this is easy remedies' 24 we

we see in a next edition thank you very much



Proszę o Pomoc w tym Problemie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Proszę o Pomoc w tym Problemie - Duration: 1:02.


Bons tragos - PSNARIMA (Vídeoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Bons tragos - PSNARIMA (Vídeoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:47.


Homem Formiga e a Vespa • Bastidores Kevin Feige + Trailer Final (legendado) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Homem Formiga e a Vespa • Bastidores Kevin Feige + Trailer Final (legendado) - Duration: 5:44.


The Flash Season 5 Trailer (2018) 4K Ultra HD | Fan Made - Duration: 3:16.

Nora: I'm your daughter, Nora

from the future and

I think I

made a big

Big mistake. Barry: Nora shouldn't be here

You said the city was safe that there was no residual danger, but that's not true

What really happened that night? Iris: The city is safe, you saved it. You saved us all

Barry: Nora shouldn't be here

Part of your whole life. Hasn't it. Desmond Paul versus something

foster parents outlaw the world

Now it's meta-humans?

Cicada: Meta..

(Laughing sarcastically)

Come on

Detective: All that anger he has a kid followed you in adulthood now you got something to take it out on

Why'd you kill these metahumans Desmond?

Cicada: Give me a break man. I

Didn't do anything these freaks. Barry: And do what Joe just sit around and wait for him to kill somebody else


Iris, you

No, no way

Cicada: I want my lawyer

Detective: Know that kid who uncuffed you? He is a CSI, really good at his job.

Fast, too

Did all of that forensic stuff on all of your wood cutting tools. Ax's, chainsaws, mallets, you name it.

Found nothing.

Cicada: I didn't do nothing.

That's why

Detective: Well, another thing about that kid is that he's observant.

He noticed your knuckles were similar to the bruising patterns in all of the metas

He took blood to be sure so, he took a simple from your hands. As, he uncuffed you.

The blood matches the blood found on all three victims

Joe: He needs you Barry. He needs your speed again to get what he wants. We have the advantage here

Barry: All I have to do is beat him Joe that saves the multiverse this whole city all of you I

Won't let another person I love die when I can prevent it

Of course, I want to kill them Joe. I wanna do a hell of a lot more than just kill him

I want him to suffer

That's bs.

Is it?

He found some dark matter in it

Means only one thing

You're one of those freaks too

So, again. Why'd you kill them? Desmond?

Because metahumans took everything from me

And I'm not gonna stop until

I take everything

From all of them

For more infomation >> The Flash Season 5 Trailer (2018) 4K Ultra HD | Fan Made - Duration: 3:16.


Erdoğan Dünyadaki Karizmasını Ve Liderliği Anlattı! Dünya Lideri - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Erdoğan Dünyadaki Karizmasını Ve Liderliği Anlattı! Dünya Lideri - Duration: 11:16.


Fredrik Borghi muore carbonizzato a 18 anni in un incidente stradale. E' accaduto a Turate in provin - Duration: 1:41.

 COMO – Fredrik Borghi aveva 18 anni ed aveva appena preso la patente. Con la sua Fiat Punto, nel tardo pomeriggio di venerdì 22 giugno si è scontrato con un camion a Turate, in provincia di Como

Il giovane è morto carbonizzato [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] nell'incendio che si è sviluppato dopo ricoverati il passeggero accanto a lui, un ragazzo di 19 anni, e il conducente del mezzo pesante di 48

 Il più giovane, Antonio Domenico Iacopetta di Bulgarograsso, è stato trasportato in elicottero a Niguarda in codice giallo

L'altro è stato invece soccorso in codice verde.  La dinamica esatta dell'incidente ancora non è chiara

Lo scontro sarebbe avvenuto mentre l'auto era in fase di sorpasso. La Fiat potrebbe non aver visto il camion in arrivo o non aver ben calcolato senza lo spazio a disposizione per rientrare sulla sua corsia di marcia

For more infomation >> Fredrik Borghi muore carbonizzato a 18 anni in un incidente stradale. E' accaduto a Turate in provin - Duration: 1:41.


Suárez del Real comparecerá de forma voluntaria por acusaciones de trata - Duration: 2:29.

 CDMX.- José Alfonso Suárez del Real, uno de los coordinadores de campaña de la candidata de Morena, PT y PES a la jefatura de gobierno, Claudia Sheinbaum, adelantó que acudirá de forma voluntaria a comparecer ante la Procuraduría General de Justicia capitalina para enfrentar la denuncia por presunta responsabilidad del delito de trata

 A su vez, el también diputado local sostuvo que es inocente y llamó al candidato del PRI, MIkel Arriola a "que se serene, que se tranquilice y se calme", esto ante la insistencia del abanderado tricolor de que renuncie a la coordinación de campaña

 "En primer término, no es necesario renunciar a una coordinación de campaña porque no está reñido con la acción que se pretende llevar a cabo; en segundo término, yo decidí de modo propio comparecer ante la agencia especializada en delito de trata, a efecto de rendir mi declaración porque no tengo nada que ocultar", expresó Suárez del Real en un comunicado

 "Estoy seguro de que no cometí ningún delito y la víctima tiene todo mi respeto

En ese sentido, voy a honrar ese respeto acudiendo a la agencia especializada para que ella pueda tener la certeza de que hay una confusión de persona, pues no me pueden ubicar en el tiempo, modo y lugar que ella ha señalado", añadió el también ex delegado interino en Cuauhtémoc

 El morenista dijo que a través de esa comparecencia acreditará que su labor siempre se ha situado en las oficinas de la delegación, sala de cabildos o en las mesas de trabajo de la Asamblea Legislativa y foros realizados en años anteriores para tratar la problemática de las y los trabajadores sexuales

 Suárez del Real dijo a Mikel Arriola que ya se verán en las urnas el 1 de julio y en los tribunales cuando llegue el momento y cuestionó al ex director del IMSS por no tener propuestas para atender el trabajo sexual

 "No me apresure ni se apresure, si no tiene nada que comunicar a los medios, mejor serénese, mejor proponga, ¿qué propuestas tiene para resolver el tema del trabajo sexual? Sería muy interesante que nos pudiera explicar porque hasta el momento no hay ninguna propuesta suya sobre este tema", concluyó el también legislador local


For more infomation >> Suárez del Real comparecerá de forma voluntaria por acusaciones de trata - Duration: 2:29.


Pułapka. Agata Kulesza o pracy na planie serialu "To poligon" - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Pułapka. Agata Kulesza o pracy na planie serialu "To poligon" - Duration: 3:01.





✅ Miss Mundialu 2018 Karolina Emus robi furrorę w Rosji! Kibice proszą ją o ZDJĘCIA - Duration: 1:40.

 Karolina Emus została okrzyknięta Miss Mundialu 2018. Seksowna brunetka nie ukrywa, że chce powtórzyć historię Natalii Siwiec, której kariera rozpoczęła się sześć lat temu, podczas jednego z meczy Euro 2012

Wtedy właśnie Siwiec została okrzyknięta "Miss Euro". Karolina Emus przyznaje, że odpowiada jej błysk fleszy i zainteresowanie, które wzbudza swoją osobą

Przyznała, że chciałaby, aby zainteresowanie mediów trwało jak najdłużej, a ona sama ma lekkie parcie i uwielbia błyszczeć

 Miss Mundialu 2018, wybrała się do Moskwy, aby kibicować naszym piłkarzom i wzbudziła niemałe zainteresowanie fotoreporterów oraz kibiców

Miss Mundialu 2018 w Rosji Karolina Emus przed meczem Polski z Senegalem, pojawiła się na ulicach Moskwy i od razu skradła uwagę nie tylko fotoreporterów, ale także kibiców z innych państw

Fotografowie nie odstępowali jej na krok, a kibice różnych narodowości podchodzili do niej i prosili o zdjęcia. Miss Mundialu 2018 nie ukrywała zadowolenia i chętnie pozowała do fotografii

 Zobaczcie zdjęcia Karoliny Emus z Moskwy ---> Jak myślicie, czy Karolina Emus powtórzy sukces Natalii Siwiec?

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