Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 23 2018

that same Nevada event.

>> Repeal and replace Obamacare.

It was done until early in the

morning a man walked in and he

said, thumbs down, thumbs down.

That was not good, and nobody

knew he was going to do that.

He campaigned on repeal and


He campaigned for years, repeal

and replace, repeal and replace.

Nobody talked to him.

Nobody needed to.

It was a done deal.

And then he walked in, thumbs


It's all right.

Because we've essentially gutted

For more infomation >> Trump Celebrates 4 Million Americans Losing Their Health Insurance - Duration: 0:42.


Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.

For more infomation >> Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.


Al Bano elogia mamma Loredana e lei risponde: è tornata la quiete a Cellino? - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Al Bano elogia mamma Loredana e lei risponde: è tornata la quiete a Cellino? - Duration: 4:49.





Se eu aumentar a pressão dos pneus, o carro fica mais econômico? - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Se eu aumentar a pressão dos pneus, o carro fica mais econômico? - Duration: 1:00.


Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.

For more infomation >> Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.


✅ Geraldo Luis comenta estado de saúde e aparece seguindo recomendação dos médicos - Duration: 3:08.

 Geraldo Luis revelou que está com pneumonia. Ele descobriu a doença esta semana, que vinha tratando como uma simples gripe, antes de piorar e ser hospitalizado

 E neste sábado, o apresentador da Record apareceu na varanda de sua casa tomando um pouco de sol

"Vitamina D. Respeitando o repouso, hoje acordei um pouco melhor graças a Deus. Xô pneumonia!" escreveu ele

 Mais cedo, também na rede social, ele revelou que fez uma grande matéria em 'homenagem' ao cantor Leandro, irmão de Leonardo, que morreu há 20 anos

 + Anitta atinge o ápice da carreira após ser barrada no Brasil; entenda  "Fui a Goiânia gravar um Especial 20 anos sem Leandro, e trago a vocês um material nunca antes mostrado na televisão

Vídeos, fotos, depoimento dos irmãos, dos amigos que conviveram os últimos momentos

Filhos! Uma linda homenagem que ficará no coração de todos. Como vive o filho mais novo que conviveu apenas três meses com o Pai ? E a entrevista exclusiva de Tiago que tinha a dupla com Pedro

Vejam neste Domingo, a partir das 13h00" escreveu Geraldo.  Thiago, filho de Leandro, explicará com exclusividade porque deixou os palcos para virar um fazendeiro

Ele revelará imagens guardadas pela família. Outro assunto será a exibição de uma das primeiras entrevistas de Leandro e Leonardo, inédita

O Domingo Show irá ao ar a partir das 13h.    Geraldo Luís, apresentador da Record responsável por comandar o Domingo Show, sucesso nas tardes de domingo da emissora, acabou dando um susto em sua equipe de trabalho durante gravação para o programa dele nesta última quarta-feira (20)

 Na internet, ele acabou revelando que passou mal durante uma gravação do programa em Goiânia

O contratado do bispo Edir Macedo publicou no Instagram fotos em que aparece deitado, sendo medicado por uma enfermeira

"Coisas da vida. Obrigado a Andreia e a querida Rafaela pelo socorro durante a gravação de ontem em Goiânia

Baixa imunidade, mais bronquite, mais gripe, aí lascou. Obrigado, Dr Roitiner Costa pelo socorro", contou ele

 Depois, ele descobriu que sofria de pneumonia.

For more infomation >> ✅ Geraldo Luis comenta estado de saúde e aparece seguindo recomendação dos médicos - Duration: 3:08.


DIY Dog Bed (for small dogs!) made from a fruit box - Duration: 4:00.

Hello! welcome to the handmade channel

in today's video we are going to show you a step by step for those who like dogs

For this project we will need a crate and a half fair

4 plastic caps to make the feet

hammer tools. drill. hacksaw. screws. sandpapers and nails

and paints and then the pillow to make our little animal's walk

and of course we'll need a puppy

desperately needing a little house or a new walk

we start by dismantling the crate that is in worse condition and already almost in half

because we can use this slat to better close the other crate

the main box. we'll just take that first slat from above

to leave more space for opening to the entrance of the road

that is the paste and nail the wood

To prepare wood for painting we fuck inside and out

we decided to cut the rounded edges so that the star does not hurt

we use spray paint cap for to be able to do the little feet

but could be up to a soda cap

Then I just painted with latex

We hope you enjoyed it!

who shares this video with their friends

If you are new here. sign up now!

thanks for watching and until the next video

For more infomation >> DIY Dog Bed (for small dogs!) made from a fruit box - Duration: 4:00.


Antibiotic Ear Drops - When and How to Use - Duration: 3:01.

Not uncommonly, antibiotic ear drops may be prescribed to resolve an ear infection.

The ear infection may be a mild swimmer's ear that afflicts the skin of the ear canal,

or the middle ear which would involve the eardrum and the space behind it.

Step 1: Lean the head over such that the affected ear is pointed straight up.

Step 2: Pull the ear gently towards the top and back part of the head.

This straightens the ear canal which is normally curved so the drops can fall as deeply into

the ear canal as possible.

Step 3: Squeeze the correct number of drops into the ear after the bottle has been shaken

and warmed to body temperature.

Step 4: During and after drop placement, pump the tragal cartilage in order to force the

drops as deeply down into the ear canal as possible.

Otherwise, due to water surface tension, it tends to float near the entrance where it

does no good.

Here's an internal view of an ear model demonstrating why tragal pumping is important.

Notice that the ear drops colored with blue does not go very far down into the ear canal

until tragal pumping has been performed.

Here's another view of tragal pumping.

Step 5: Keep the head tilted for 2-5 minutes to allow gravity to disperse the ear drops

as thoroughly as possible.

Only if there is a lot of ear drainage present, prior to placing drops into the ear, try to

wick as much of the drainage out of the ear as possible by inserting a rolled up corner

of a tissue or paper towel into the ear canal.

This step will allow the antibiotic ear drops to penetrate more easily deep into the ear.

Keep in mind that ear drops used to treat middle ear infections will only work if a

hole or tube is present in the eardrum.


With a middle ear infection, infected pus accumulates behind the eardrum.

This would be an enclosed space that ear drops would not be able to reach due to an intact


However, a hole or tube in the eardrum can allow pus to escape through the tube and out

the ear canal.

But what allows pus to come out can also allow ear drops to go in.

But because the opening of the tube is so small, it is important to pump the tragal

cartilage to gently push the drops through the tube and into the space where the ear

infection is located.

To reiterate, don't forget to pump the tragal cartilage of placing ear drops!

For more infomation >> Antibiotic Ear Drops - When and How to Use - Duration: 3:01.


Ma davvero? Chiabotto, foto senza pietà: il lato B non è più quello che ricordate - Duration: 4:09.

        Cristina Chiabotto è di nuovo 'in love'. Finita la lunga relazione con l'attore Fabio Fulco, l'ex Miss ha un nuovo fidanzato

È il manager torinese Marco Roscio, con cui la bella Cristina fa coppia fissa da aprile scorso ma, a giudicare dai nuovi scatti pubblicati in esclusiva sul settimanale Oggi, sembrano già affiatatissimi

Che passione in quel di Portofino, dove i paparazzi hanno pizzicato i due piccioncini! Passione alle stelle tra un bagno (di sole e nell'acqua) e una cenetta a lume di candela

A due mesi abbondanti dai primi baci pubblici, Cristina e Marco tagliano un altro traguardo importante: la prima mini-vacanza insieme

Come meta, per andar sul sicuro e non allontanarsi troppo da casa (Torino), hanno scelto Portofino, che poi è anche il luogo in cui vennero beccati per la prima volta insieme

Portofino è una destinazione chic, sottolinea il settimanale, ma non i mezzi per perlustrarla: autobus per loro

A cena, però, scelgono uno dei migliori ristoranti, che ha anche una vista mozzafiato: I Gemelli, aggiunge Oggi

(Continua dopo la foto) Le foto pubblicate dalla rivista ci svelano due verità

Tra Cristina e Marco, che a guardare gli scatti non smettono mai di ridere, scherzare e baciarsi (le tre cose, racconta chi L'ha fotografata, "venivano fatte spesso in simultanea"), c'è un feeling incredibile

Stanno insieme da poco, ma pare che lui l'abbia conquistata definitivamente

E poi c'è un altro particolare che emerge dalle foto. Abbiamo detto mare, spiaggia, sole

Quindi costume da bagno. Ecco: sempre dagli scatti esclusivi di Oggi, si nota che il lato B della Chiabotto è più morbido, non proprio perfetto come un tempo

(Continua dopo la foto) Guardare le foto per credere. Ma ci mancherebbe: Cristina, 31 anni, ha un fisico che fa comunque invidia

Sarà colpa di (troppa) focaccia ligure, azzarda il settimanale che ha immortalato il didietro della ex reginetta di bellezza al mare? Di sicuro c'è che Cristina ha ritrovato il sorriso accanto a Marco e si è lasciata alle spalle la lunga storia con Fulco che, per la cronaca, ha una nuova compagna con cui dice di essere 'rinato'

Si tratta di bellissima ragazza romana, imprenditrice nel campo della ristorazione

(Continua dopo la foto) L'addio tra Cristina e Fabio, arrivato dopo 12 anni d'amore, non è stato una passeggiata

Fulco ha spiegato il suo dolore: lui voleva una famiglia, lei no e questo ha reso inconciliabili le loro rispettive prospettive di vita

È stata Cristina a lasciarlo, ma non lo ha fatto a cuor leggero

"Fabio è stato l'inizio in tutto. Ci siamo messi insieme che avevo 19 anni ed ero piccola

Oggi sono ancora giovane ma è successa in me una trasformazione come donna, un'evoluzione"


For more infomation >> Ma davvero? Chiabotto, foto senza pietà: il lato B non è più quello che ricordate - Duration: 4:09.


let's help mom. clean. kids. toy vacuum cleaner, family fun, RIWORLD - Duration: 3:56.


I got headache


Help me

What sound it is?

Let's go quickly

I think mom have sick


wake up mommy

We need thermometer

Let's clean the house for mom

Of course


First, washing the dishes

Second, vacuum cleaning

could you clean my room too?

3rd, mopping

mission complete



I have cleaned our house for you


Thank you so much

RIWON is awesome

For more infomation >> let's help mom. clean. kids. toy vacuum cleaner, family fun, RIWORLD - Duration: 3:56.


48세라는 나이가 무색할 정도로 동안인데다 서울대 출신의 치과의사이자 싱글맘이라는 점에서 눈길을 끈다. 종교 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 48세라는 나이가 무색할 정도로 동안인데다 서울대 출신의 치과의사이자 싱글맘이라는 점에서 눈길을 끈다. 종교 - Duration: 1:54.


Vinicius e as cidades-satélites - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Vinicius e as cidades-satélites - Duration: 1:16.


Delrio: "Salvini tolga a me la scorta e la lasci a Saviano" - Duration: 5:57.

Le parole del Ministro dell'Interno sulla scorta di Roberto Saviano hanno suscitato le dure reazioni di buona parte dell'opposizione

Dure le reazioni, provenienti soprattutto dall'area del centrosinistra, alla frase del ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini circa la possibilità di revocare la scorta di Roberto Saviano

Lo scrittore campano, autore del best seller Gomorra, vive sotto protezione dal 2006, quando ha denunciato pubblicamente esponenti del clan camorristico dei casalesi durante una manifestazione a favore della legalità a Casal di Principe

Ospite della trasmissione televisiva di Rai 3 Agorà, Salvini parla dello scrittore, molto critico verso le scelte del ministro, e afferma che "saranno le istituzioni competenti a valutare se corra qualche rischio, perché a me sembra che passi molto tempo all'estero (…)

E' giusto valutare come gli italiani spendono i loro soldi". Le parole suscitano subito immediate critiche, tanto che Salvini stesso specifica, durante una visita a Ostia, insieme al presidente della Regione Lazio Nicola Zingaretti, che "non sono io a decidere sulle scorte, ci sono organismi preposti"

Nicola Zingaretti ha poi commentato: "Oggi a Ostia abbiamo aperto, nell'ex bisca degli Spada, un centro culturale per il quartiere

Alla Romanina stiamo restituendo ai cittadini due ville sequestrate ai Casamonica

Il mio pensiero va a chi combatte le mafie, sono vicino a Saviano". Dura la replica di Roberto Saviano verso il ministro dell'Interno: "Ho la scorta da quando ho ventisei anni, ma pensi di minacciarmi, di intimidirmi? Ho più paura a vivere così che a morire così" afferma lo scrittore in un video pubblicato su Facebook e Twitter

Il Movimento Cinque Stelle non ha rilasciato dichiarazioni ufficiali in merito alla polemica ma, nella serata del 21 giugno, Roberto Fico ha rotto il silenzio: "L'Italia è il paese che ha nel suo ventre tre fra le più grandi organizzazioni criminali internazionali- scrive il Presidente della Camera su Facebook- Tutti i cittadini, gli imprenditori e gli intellettuali che hanno avuto il coraggio di denunciare e di opporsi alla criminalità organizzata devono essere protetti dallo Stato"

Le reazioni nel PD Il Partito Democratico ha reagito severamente alla frase di Matteo Salvini, condannando con fermezza l'ipotesi che possa essere messa in discussione la scorta data a Roberto Saviano

"Salvini tolga a me la scorta, ma la lasci a Saviano" afferma Graziano Delrio, capogruppo del Pd alla Camera

Il suo predecessore, Ettore Rosato, afferma che le parole del segretario della Lega sono "minacce inaccettabili per un uomo che ha contribuito a far luce su un sistema criminale pervasivo e pericoloso

Salvini continua a interpretare il ruolo di ministro in modo arrogante e per le sue campagne personali"

Marco Minniti, ministro dell'Interno del governo Gentiloni, ha ricordato che "le scorte non si assegnano né si tolgono in tv

Questi dispositivi di sicurezza per la protezione delle persone esposte a particolari situazioni di rischio seguono delle procedure rigorose e trasparenti, che coinvolgono vari livelli istituzionali, e sono state rafforzate dopo l'omicidio Biagi (giuslavorista assassinato dalle Nuove Brigate Rosse nel 2012, ndr)"

"La scorta non è un privilegio" Oltre al Partito Democratico, si registrano severe prese di posizione da parte di altri esponenti politici; le condanne sono state espresse, nella maggior parte dei casi, tramite i social network

"Immagino che stamani i Casalesi abbiano applaudito a scena aperta dopo le parole del ministro dell'Interno– scrive Nicola Fratoianni, segretario nazionale di Sinistra Italiana- Le scorte, gentile Salvini, magari si tolgono a chi si fa i selfie con gli amici dei boss"

Anche Giuseppe (Pippo) Civati ha commentato usando Twitter: "Pessimo, violento, pericoloso: un ministro dell'Interno che gioca sporco"

Pietro Grasso, presidente di Liberi e Uguali ed ex Procuratore Nazionale Antimafia, replica: "Dobbiamo scegliere da che parte stare

Salvini vuol far capire a Saviano di stare zitto, altrimenti può intervenire per lasciarlo senza protezione contro la camorra, facendo passare l'idea che avere la scorta sia un privilegio e un costo, non una necessità che limita la libertà

Non vogliamo altri Pippo Fava, Peppino Impastato, Mario Francese". Angelo Bonelli dei Verdi ravvisa, nelle parole del segretario del Carroccio, quasi un atto intimidatorio e dichiara che "le critiche dello scrittore infastidiscono il governo e Salvini, come nei regimi autoritari, lancia gravissimi messaggi per zittirlo"

For more infomation >> Delrio: "Salvini tolga a me la scorta e la lasci a Saviano" - Duration: 5:57.


GOSSIP U&D/ Giorgio Manetti: 'Tra me e Gemma c'è qualcosa di speciale' - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> GOSSIP U&D/ Giorgio Manetti: 'Tra me e Gemma c'è qualcosa di speciale' - Duration: 5:18.


Pechino Express, Maria Teresa Ruta e Patrizia Rossetti al posto di Brigliadori e figlio - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Pechino Express, Maria Teresa Ruta e Patrizia Rossetti al posto di Brigliadori e figlio - Duration: 2:59.


I bastardi di Pizzofalcone: cast e trama episodio 1x3 - Super Guida TV - Duration: 0:21.

L'ispettore Giuseppe Lojacono, romano d'origine e siciliano di adozione, viene trasferito a Napoli e viene chiamato dalla questura a far parte della squadra del commissario Palma, uomo dai modi gentili, poliziotto integerrimo, a cui, in attesa della agognata promozione, viene affidata una squadra di agenti che non ha scelto, per di più macchiati di una qualche colpa e per questo ritenuti poliziotti scomodi dai dirigenti dei commissariati di appartenenza che non vedevano l'ora di liberarsene

For more infomation >> I bastardi di Pizzofalcone: cast e trama episodio 1x3 - Super Guida TV - Duration: 0:21.


Festival Mundus 2018: da giovedì 28 giugno la 23esima edizione della storica rassegna musicale - Duration: 20:37.

 Diciotto concerti, sessantotto musicisti provenienti da sette diversi Paesi del mondo, sei Comuni coinvolti tra Reggio Emilia e provincia, Modena e provincia

Questi i numeri della 23esima edizione della nota e apprezzata rassegna musicale Mundus organizzata da ATER – Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna in collaborazione con la Regione Emilia Romagna e tutti i Comuni partecipanti, che si svolgerà dal 28 giugno al 15 agosto a Carpi, Casalgrande, Correggio, Modena, Reggio Emilia e Scandiano

Concerti – tutti con inizio alle ore 21.30 – sia a ingresso libero che a pagamento, con biglietti dai 2 agli 8 euro

    Un viaggio musicale tra sonorità jazz, rock, world, folk, soul e popolari, con artisti notissimi della scena italiana (come tra gli altri Fabrizio Bosso, Cristina Donà, Rita Marcotulli, Peppe Servillo, Tony Esposito, Danilo Rea, Karima, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Enrico Rava) e internazionale (Uri Caine, Sarah Jane Morris, Bombino, Tony Momrelle solo per citarne alcuni) che si esibiranno in varie location come il cortile del circolo Arci Vibra all'ex Macello a Modena, il Parco del Castello di Arceto di Scandiano, il Cortile della Rocca dei Boiardo a Scandiano, le Scuderie di Villa Spalletti a San Donnino di Liguria di Casalgrande, la Reggia di Rivalta, e Piazze Fontanesi e Prampolini a Reggio Emilia, il Cortile di Palazzo dei Principi a Correggio, il Chiostro di San Rocco e Piazzale Re Astolfo a Carpi

 Si parte giovedì 28 giugno a Modena presso il cortile del circolo Arci Vibra all'ex Macello con "Canzoniere" del Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (foto), tra i più importanti e riconosciuti gruppi di world music

Un groove percussivo di tamburi a cornice che sembra arrivare dall'elettronica di una drum machine

E' Lecce che incontra New York, in una splendida fusione di stili e influenze in cui gli strumenti della tradizione salentina si prestano a un sound più moderno e contemporaneo, tra incursioni di chitarra elettrica e synth bass

Ingresso 8 euro, tessera Arci obbligatoria.  A Reggio Emilia, martedì 3 luglio nella bella cornice della Reggia di Rivalta, Fabrizio Bosso alla tromba, Luciano Biondini alla fisarmonica e l'Ensemble d'archi dell'Istituto musicale "A

Peri/C.Merulo" di Reggio Emilia diretti da Roberto Molinelli (anche arrangiatore dei brani eseguiti) sono i protagonisti del concerto a ingresso libero "Face to Face – With Strings"

 Si resta in provincia di Reggio Emilia con il terzo concerto della rassegna Mundus 2018: venerdì 6 luglio nel parco del Castello di Arceto di Scandiano sempre a ingresso libero arrivano Stefano Saletti & Banda Ikona con "Soundcity: suoni dalle città di frontiera del Mediterraneo"

Un concerto che diventa un cammino tra le strade del Mediterraneo. Saletti in questi anni ha viaggiato con la sua musica da Lampedusa a Istanbul, da Tangeri a Lisbona a Jaffa, Sarajevo e Ventotene e in questi luoghi ha registrato suoni, rumori, radio, voci, spazi sonori

Partendo da tutto questo materiale ha composto un affresco sonoro che racconta il difficile dialogo tra la sponda nord e sud, i drammi dei migranti, la ricchezza, le speranze, il dolore che attraversano le strade del Mediterraneo

 Tre gli appuntamenti di fila da martedì 10 a giovedì 12 luglio – tutti in collaborazione con il Casalgrande Jazz Festival e tutti con ingresso a 8 euro – presso le Scuderie di Villa Spalletti a San Donnino di Liguria di Casalgrande (RE)

Si parte il 10 con Danilo Rea al pianoforte la splendida voce di Oona Rea protagonisti di "Notturno", per proseguire l'11 con "Not a What", connubio tra Italia e Stati Uniti con Giovanni Guidi al pianoforte e Fabrizio Bosso alla tromba

I due incontratisi – durante la scorsa estate ad Umbria Jazz – hanno pensato bene di unire le loro forze in una idea che li potesse spingere a oltrepassare i confini della loro personale ricerca musicale, volendo che il gruppo fosse completato da tre giovani talenti indiscussi del jazz newyorchese come Aaron Burnett, sax tenore che sta bruciando le tappe a New York, Dezron Douglas affidabilissimo e propulsivo contrabbassista e Joe Dyson, tra i più richiesti giovani batteristi oggi in circolazione

Si resta in ambito musicale americano con "Calibrated Thickness", il concerto in programma il 12 che vede protagonisti nomi del calibro di Uri Caine (pianoforte), Mark Helias (contrabbasso) e Clarence Penn (batteria)

Uri Caine è parte di quell'olimpo di artisti che rappresentano la bellezza in senso universale e assoluto, il bassista e compositore Mark Helias è tra i musicisti più apprezzati dell'attuale scena newyorchese, mentre Penn non è solamente uno dei batteristi jazz più richiesti, ma è anche leader, prolifico compositore e didatta

 Sabato 21 luglio secondo degli appuntamenti di Mundus 2018 a Modena e provincia

Nella suggestiva cornice dei Chiostri di San Rocco a Carpi a ingresso libero saranno di scena – insieme in un progetto dal titolo "A Change Is Gonna Come" – la cantante inglese Sarah Jane Morris e il chitarrista italiano Antonio Forcione

L'affermazione del successo di Forcione è storia di talento, passione e d'una spasmodica ferocia nel riuscire con determinazione a ottenere dalla chitarra ogni suono o emozione possibile

Il risultato? Un mix di abbagliante virtuosismo, ritmi impetuosi, e un'ardente ambizione spirituale accoppiata ad un pizzico di umorismo innato

I suoi 17 album e i numerosi riconoscimenti, per non parlare di tutti i suoi concerti di beneficienza, lo hanno reso un artista molto amato

"Lasciate i vostri preconcetti a casa", inizia la recensione di un critico londinese sulla sensuale cantante ed autrice Sarah-Jane Morris, che si muove tra il rock, il blues ed il jazz con un'estensione di quattro ottave che fa venire la pelle d'oca e rimbomba dai tacchi delle sue scarpe su fino alla punta della sua criniera rosso fiamma

 Piazza Prampolini a Reggio Emilia sarà la cornice di un evento davvero speciale, che vede riuniti alcuni degli artisti italiani più importanti che hanno partecipato a Mundus nei suoi ventitré anni di vita

Lunedì 23 luglio a ingresso libero si terrà il concerto "Noi ci siamo perché Ero", tredici musicisti in ricordo di Ero Righi, storico creatore di Mundus e di altre rassegne musicali

Sul palco ci saranno tutti insieme Peppe Servillo, Cristina Donà e Giovanni Lindo Ferretti (voce), Ambrogio Sparagna (voce, organetti), Rita Marcotulli e Danilo Rea (pianoforte), Enrico Rava e Fabrizio Bosso (tromba), Erasmo Treglia (violino, ghironda), Enzo Pietropaoli (basso), Javier Girotto (sax), Furio di Castri (contrabbasso), Mattia Barbieri (batteria)

 La musica incontra il cinema nel nono appuntamento di Mundus 2018: martedì 24 luglio nel Cortile della Rocca dei Boiardo a Scandiano (RE) nell'ambito della rassegna cinematografica estiva e in collaborazione con 'Mov(i)e Your Sound' – ingresso 8 euro – Rita Marcotulli e Danilo Rea musicheranno dal vivo con i loro pianoforti il film muto "Metropolis" diretto dal regista tedesco Fritz Lang nel 1927

I due musicisti si pongono in un dialogo dinamico con il film, recependone le forze antagoniste e l'immaginario del regista

Danno vita a una colonna sonora dalla sorprendente potenza e ritmo, tra citazioni, brani originali, sul filo della improvvisazione colta e popolare, ampliando grazie alle note grondanti di energia la visionarietà e l'aspetto robotico-elettrico-elettronico di questo grande capolavoro del cinema

 Mercoledì 25 luglio altri importanti ospiti internazionali per Mundus numero 23: all'interno del Cortile del Palazzo dei Principi di Correggio (RE) con ingresso a 5 euro si esibiranno i polacchi Volosi – Krysztof Lasoń (violino), Zbigniew Michaleh (violino), Jan Kaczmarzyk (viola), Stanislaw Lasoń (violoncello), Robert Waszut (contrabbasso)

Volosi è uno dei più importanti ensemble della musica polacca contemporanea. Nel 2012 il loro cd ha raggiunto le vette delle classiche europee della musica world

La loro essenza è l'energia della musica antica che collide con la realtà contemporanea: incrociare confini è parte dello spettacolo, musicisti tradizionali si incontrano con musicisti classici e viaggiano insieme, raggiungendo suoni nuovi, che dalla tradizione derivano solo parte delle loro forza

Volosi è costituito da musicisti tradizionali, immersi nella tradizione ma capaci di creare qualcosa di completamente nuovo

Il concerto è realizzato con il sostegno del Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Polonia in Milano

 Si ritorna nel Cortile della Rocca dei Boiardo a Scandiano (RE) per il concerto dei russi originari della repubblica di Tuva Huun-Huur-Tu – ingresso 8 euro – in cartellone domenica 29 luglio

A partire dai loro primi tour in Occidente, gli Huun-Huur-Tu sono stati quasi gli unici a introdurre al mondo esterno la ricchezza sconfinata delle tradizioni di Tuva, in particolare grazie alle loro superiori abilità musicali

Provenienti dai pascoli dei monti Altai nel sud della Siberia centrale, sono musicisti che hanno trascorso decenni a perfezionare il canto armonico, gli approcci strumentali e le canzoni vibranti della loro madre patria

Vestito in abiti tradizionali, l'ensemble si accompagna con strumenti a corda e percussioni, i cui ritmi sembrano evocare cavalcate nella steppa siberiana

Realizzato in collaborazione con 'Mov(i)e Your Sound'.  Di nuovo Piazza Prampolini a Reggio Emilia ospiterà lunedì 30 luglio a ingresso gratuito una scatenata Festa Mediterranea dal titolo "La notte del ritmo", con Ambrogio Sparagna e Orchestra Popolare Italiana assieme a due grandi ospiti, Tony Esposito e il musicista greco Theodoro Melissinopoulos & friends

Festa Mediterranea è un grande spettacolo dedicato al grande mare e ad alcuni dei ritmi e delle melodie che lo abitano sin nel profondo

Al centro della scena Sparagna, sostenuto dalla straordinaria energia e bravura dei musicisti dell'Orchestra, dà vita ad una grande festa spettacolo che riesce ad animare la piazza, la fa saltare al ritmo vorticoso dei nostri balli popolari, tra organetti, chitarre, ciaramelle e tamburelli

Nel corso dello spettacolo il pubblico diventa 'protagonista della festa' e si lascia piano piano travolgere dalla forza della musica

 La star nigerina Bombino è il protagonista di "Deran" dal titolo del suo ultimo album, tredicesimo appuntamento – terzo tra Modena e provincia – di Mundus 2018, in programma a ingresso libero martedì 31 luglio in Piazzale Re Astolfo a Carpi

Con lui sul palco Illias Mohamed (chitarra, calabash, voce), Youba Dia (basso) e Corey Wilhelm (batteria)

Stella del desert blues, Goumar Almoctar, conosciuto come Bombino, è nato e cresciuto in Niger, ad Agadez, nel nord dell'Africa, nella tribù dei Tuareg Ifoghas, che lotta da secoli contro il colonialismo e l'imposizione dell'Islam più severo

Le sonorità di Bombino ricordano quelle dei Tinariwen, vicini suonatori del deserto, ma le sue melodie elettrizzanti, che racchiudono lo spirito della resistenza e della ribellione, trasudano un groove irresistibile

Una versione del blues densa e magmatica, a cui si aggiunge la particolarità di svincolarsi dalla classica metrica basata sul "call and response" tra cantante solista e coro (solitamente femminile) rimpiazzando quest'ultimo con le disgressioni melodiche della chitarra

Compositore e chitarrista desert-rock, Bombino si rifà alle sonorità tipiche degli anni 60-70, da Jimi Hendrix a Jimmy Page, inserendole in un contesto rock-blues di matrice americana arricchito da vocalismi in Tamasheq, la lingua Tuareg

Negli ultimi anni, Bombino è diventato un artista acclamato in tutto il mondo e ha collaborato con numerosi artisti e ammiratori, come Stevie Wonder, Keith Richards, Robert Plant, Dave Longstreth, Dan Auerbach, Jovanotti e molti altri

 Ancora una volta insieme musica e cinema (questa volta un documentario) per il quattordicesimo appuntamento di Mundus numero 23: mercoledì 1 agosto nel Cortile del Palazzo dei Principi a Correggio (RE) con ingresso a 2 euro concerto del fisarmonicista Paolo Gandolfi e proiezione del film "L'accordéoniste

Nell'armonia del tempo" di Nicola Nannavecchia protagonisti lo stesso Gandolfi e Richard Galliano, in collaborazione con Associazione Culturale Cinecomio

"L'accordéoniste. Nell'armonia del tempo" é un documentario sull'amore per la musica, che narra la storia di Paolo Gandolfi, un giovane di famiglia contadina che negli anni Cinquanta divenne Campione Mondiale di Fisamonica, e le esperienze di Richard Galliano, oggi il più famoso fisarmonicista al mondo

Viaggiando attraverso Italia, Francia, Canada e Brasile, le storie di due grandi persone, in un film che parla dell'insegnamento della musica ai giovani, della determinazione nel raggiungere gli obiettivi, dell'importanza dei rapporti umani e della solidarietà

 Con un'altra star internazionale, il cantante britannico Tony Momrelle, si ritorna a Carpi per il quarto e ultimo appuntamento di Mundus 2018 in terra modenese, a ingresso libero venerdì 3 agosto sempre in Piazzale Re Astolfo

Con lui sul palco Emiliano Pari (tastiere), Christian Mandoza (chitarre), Julian Crampton (basso), Alessio Barelli (batteria)

Definito 'lo Stevie Wonder del ventunesimo secolo' da The Guardian, Tony Momrelle è uno degli artisti più rivoluzionari ed eccitanti della scena soul britannica

Nella sua carriera musicale, che dura da più di venti anni, si è esibito con alcuni dei più grandi artisti a livello mondiale: Incognito, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Janet, Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Sade, Gary Barlow, Andrea Bocelli, Gwen Stefani, Robert Palmer e tanti altri

Nell'autunno del 2016 si è esibito con i leggendari Earth, Wind & Fire in occasione del loro Tour nel Regno Unito che ha registrato il tutto esaurito ovunque si siano esibiti

 Di nuovo nel Cortile del Palazzo dei Principi a Correggio (RE) con ingresso a 5 euro per "Naplé", con Mimmo Epifani (mandolino e voce) e Sasà Flauto (voce e chitarra) in cartellone lunedì 6 agosto

Il progetto musicale ripercorre la strada delle canzoni napoletane, dai classici fino alle composizioni più recenti, rivisitandole in maniera originale e scrivendo in alcuni casi melodie nuove e inedite

Connubio artistico tra il napoletano Sasà Flauto, artista poliedrico, che vanta collaborazioni con tanti artisti napoletani dagli anni '90 ad oggi come chitarrista, autore, compositore e arrangiatore, e il pugliese Mimmo Epifani, mandolinista eclettico e punta di diamante della musica popolare pugliese con un numero infinito di collaborazioni

Nel progetto confluisce tutta la loro esperienza e la fusione delle loro radici musicali e etniche

Lo spettacolo presenta le composizioni dell'album appena realizzato Naplé (ieri oggi e domani), con la partecipazione di musicisti ospiti

 Si intitola "Portrait" il concerto che vede protagonista Karima, in programma a Reggio Emilia in Piazza Fontanesi a ingresso libero mercoledì 8 agosto

Con lei, Alessandro Gwis (tastiere), Egidio Marchitelli (chitarre), Daniele Sorrentino (basso), Puccio Panettieri (batteria)

Karima si racconta. Nonostante la giovane età la cantante italo algerina può dire di aver fatto di tutto, dalla collaborazione con Burt Bacharach, all'aprire i concerti di Whitney Houston e di John Legend, da Umbria Jazz fino all'ultima esperienza del musical come protagonista di The Bodyguard

Ora è diventato necessario raccontarsi, dire chi è veramente Karima, dove la sua anima e la sua voce si sentono veramente in piena armonia

Per arrivare a questo scopo si affida a dei compagni di viaggio che hanno raccolto l'invito a ricercare insieme a lei il "vestito giusto", i colori,in grado di mettere in risalto ogni sfumatura della sua voce e della sua personalità

Attraverso molti brani inediti e alcune cover ne esce un ritratto sonoro inatteso, melodia, groove, contemporaneità e grande eleganza

 Si resta a Reggio Emilia in Piazza Fontanesi ma ci si tuffa virtualmente nelle atmosfere della musica brasiliana mercoledì 15 agosto per l'ultimo appuntamento di Mundus edizione 2018, con il concerto a ingresso libero "La musica di Tom Jobim e dintorni" con il trio Correnteza, ovvero Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinetto), Roberto Taufic (chitarra) e Cristina Renzetti (voce)

"Correnteza" è in portoghese la corrente del fiume ed è il titolo di un bellissimo brano di Tom Jobim

È successo per caso, che sulle note di questo brano sia avvenuto il primo incontro musicale di questi tre musicisti, amanti e profondi conoscitori dell'universo musicale brasiliano, e così sia nata l'idea di lavorare insieme sul repertorio di uno dei più grandi compositori del secolo scorso, Antonio Carlos Jobim, lasciandosi trasportare dalla grazia e dalla bellezza delle sue note

Oltre a qualche interpretazioni di alcuni classici della bossanova, per i quali Jobim è conosciuto in tutto il mondo, il trio darà ampio spazio a riarrangiamenti di brani meno noti, ma altrettanto caratteristici e intensi

    In caso di pioggia, i concerti si terranno a Reggio Emilia in luogo da definire (info sul sito eventi, a Modena presso il Vibra Club – Ex Macello in via IV Novembre 40/a, a Casalgrande sempre presso le Scuderie di Villa Spalletti di San Donnino di Liguria, a Correggio presso il Teatro Asioli in corso Cavour 9, a Scandiano presso il Teatro Boiardo in via XXV Aprile 3 (solo concerti, no proiezioni)

 Per informazioni visitare il sito internet e la pagina Facebook 'Festival Mundus', o inviare una mail a mundus@ater

For more infomation >> Festival Mundus 2018: da giovedì 28 giugno la 23esima edizione della storica rassegna musicale - Duration: 20:37.


Ballottaggi: domani voto per quasi 3 mln - Duration: 1:41.

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 GIU - Dopo gli ultimi comizi che si sono svolti ieri, è scattato oggi il "silenzio elettorale" che precede il giorno del voto

E' quindi vietato effettuare, oggi e domani, comizi, riunioni di propaganda elettorale in luoghi pubblici, nuova affissione di manifesti e diffondere trasmissioni radiotelevisive di propaganda elettorale

Domani infatti torneranno alle urne 2 milioni e 793mila elettori per il turno di ballottaggio in 75 comuni in cui il 10 giugno scorso non è stato eletto il sindaco e nel III municipio della capitale dove il centrosinistra romano - dopo la vittoria della scorsa settimana all'VIII Municipio - cerca il bis

Sono 14 sono capoluoghi di provincia interessati - Sondrio, Imperia, Massa, Siena, Pisa, Terni, Viterbo, Brindisi, Avellino, Teramo, Siracusa, Ragusa e Messina - con Ancona l'unico capoluogo di regione

Nei grandi Comuni al voto è in vantaggio il centrodestra in 29, il centrosinistra in 20, i Cinque Stelle sono al ballottaggio a Ragusa, Avellino, Imola e Terni

For more infomation >> Ballottaggi: domani voto per quasi 3 mln - Duration: 1:41.


La sfida dell'imam nel Casertano: «Io terrorista? Mi arrestino» - Duration: 8:05.

«Se sono un terrorista non merito di essere libero: devono arrestarmi». È amareggiato Nasser Hidouri, l'imam di San Marcellino, nel Casertano, attenzionato dall'intelligence per presunti rapporti con uno yemenita dedito ad attività eversive

Ieri, dopo la divulgazione della notizia, decine di rappresentanti di associazioni casertane, inclusa Libera contro le Mafie, sono andati in moschea per manifestare vicinanza all'imam, segnale che la fiducia in Hidouri è altissima e resta immutata

«Non mi hanno chiesto spiegazioni, mi hanno solo detto: siamo con te», spiega l'imam tunisino

Lei sostiene di collaborare attivamente con i Servizi e con le forze dell'ordine per prevenire e denunciare eventuali soggetti pericolosi, ma a quanto pare la stessa intelligence sta conducendo degli accertamenti sulla sua persona e sulle sue attività

Si sente ingannato? «Quello che è successo ieri mi ha fatto desiderare di tornare nel mio Paese, ma non posso farlo per i miei figli che sono nati qui e studiano in Italia

Tuttavia mi chiedo perché se sono così pericoloso non mi hanno arrestato, perché non divulgano le prove di ciò che sostengono

Ho letto che qualcuno sostiene che ultimamente mi si vede poco a San Marcellino, ma devono comprendere che io sono un imam, ma anche un padre che lavora per portare avanti la sua famiglia, che svolgo volontariato, che sono un mediatore culturale, che lavoro al servizio di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo per tutto il giorno

Soggetti che possono essere pericolosi e che proprio per questo vanno aiutati a integrarsi

Sono molto amareggiato perché le porte della moschea sono da sempre aperte a forze dell'ordine e giornalisti, in un rapporto costruito sin dal 1995 anche con Il Mattino

Un rapporto da sempre costruttivo, finalizzato a far conoscere la nostra comunità e volto all'integrazione, ma ieri abbiamo ricevuto un servizio che mai avremmo immaginato

Mi è stato chiesto dei miei viaggi in Tunisia, ebbene chi vuole può seguirmi per vedere in prima persona ciò che faccio; in questo periodo mi occupo anche dei dodici morti che sono naufragati nel tentativo di emigrare

Ho consacrato tutta la mia vita al sevizio quotidiano nella moschea, lavoro per la pace e ho imparato dagli italiani l'importanza del volontariato

Ciò che è accaduto ieri ancora una volta getta su di me l'etichetta del terrorismo e non posso accettare che i miei figli abbiano dovuto leggere tali falsità

Tutti sorvegliamo questa moschea, a volte lo sappiamo, altre volte no, dopo 27 anni di permanenza è una vergogna che qualcuno pensi che io favoreggi il terrorismo»

Nel dossier degli 007 divulgato ieri si fa riferimento a suoi contatti con un 44enne yemenita che in Italia si occupa della connessione tra le varie comunità islamiche presenti nel Paese

Dopo l'inchiesta di Venezia che portò in evidenza tali cose, ha più avuto contatti con questa persona? Perché se ne parla ancora oggi se la sua posizione fu archiviata nel 2011? «Non so neanche io non chi sia questo yemenita né mi risulta che ci siano yemeiti nell'inchiesta svolta nel Venero

Da ieri mi chiedo chi sia. Tuttavia bisogna dire che nel 2009, come adesso, il mio numero di telefono è presente sul calendario dell'orario di preghiera e tanti ragazzi del nord Italia mi chiamano in quanto la Campania è una fermata per giovani immigrati in partenza per il Settentrione in cerca di lavoro

Li aiuto con la burocrazia, non posso sapere cosa faccia ognuno di loro, se mi telefonano non vuol dire che siano miei amici o miei soci

Nel corso dell'indagine e della perquisizione che mi fu fatta furono acquisiti in casa mia 154 cd rom, centinaia di carte in arabo e in italiano, anche i miei libri di studio; tutto ciò è stato esaminato per tre anni dalla magistratura e poi la mia posizione è stata archiviata, per questo mi chiedo perché ora mi si accusa di nuovo di cose che none esistono

Accetto i rischi del mio ruolo, la vita di alcuni uomini finisce con il funerale, io voglio che vada oltre, voglio lasciare un segno positivo, lotterò per questo

Tuttavia mi chiedo se i giornali mi metteranno in prima pagina anche quando sarà chiaro a tutti che con il terrorismo non ho alcun legame e che lo ripudio da sempre»

Quando, nell'agosto 2016, arrestarono Khemiri, lei prima negò che fosse il cuoco e il custode della moschea, poi ammise che era un ragazzo problematico con un passato da tossicodipendente

Successivamente ammise di conoscerlo. Sa che l'80 per cento degli attentatori suicidi si è scoperto avessero problemi di droga

Oggi cosa pensa di Khemiri? «Sono stato frainteso: dopo la cattura di Khemiri non ho detto che non lo conoscevo, ma che non lo conoscevo come una minaccia per la società

Oggi a quanto pare lo è, poi sarà il processo a chiarire, ma a me appariva come una persona dipendente dalla droga alla quale era stato consigliato di fare anche del volontariato per sconfiggere la tossicodipendenza e che per questo si era messo al servizio della moschea per preparare da mangiare

Questa è una delle ragioni per le quali lavoriamo per il recupero dei ragazzi problematici e per l'integrazione: per prevenire ed evitare che persone disperate mettano in pericolo gli altri»

Teme che chiudano la moschea? «La mia moschea non è un pericolo e la mia gente non è terrorista

Nessuno mi ha indagato né chiesto nulla e chiaramente se mi chiedono informazioni sono pronto a fornire come ho sempre fatto: sono a completa disposizione delle autorità

Dall'arresto di Khemiri i carabinieri sono sempre qui e a noi fa piacere: ciò rende la moschea un luogo sicuro e tranquillizza anche i cittadini di san Marcellino»

For more infomation >> La sfida dell'imam nel Casertano: «Io terrorista? Mi arrestino» - Duration: 8:05.


Johnny Depp: le spese folli di un divo, 30 mila dollari al mese per il vino - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Johnny Depp: le spese folli di un divo, 30 mila dollari al mese per il vino - Duration: 4:14.


Marina nega mudança de postura para puxar votos petistas - Duration: 1:41.

 Pré-candidata à Presidência da República, a ex-ministra do Meio Ambiente Marina Silva afirmou na noite de sexta-feira (22/6) que não mudará sua postura nesta campanha para tentar conquistar os eleitores do petista Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, preso em Curitiba em decorrência da Operação Lava Jato

A declaração foi dada durante entrevista à jornalista Mariana Godoy veiculada na noite da sexta-feira (22/6) pela Rede TV

  Mais sobre o assunto Entrevista de Marina Silva no Roda Viva repercute nas redes sociais Rede lança nomes para governos estaduais como suporte a Marina Silva "Acho que as pessoas me respeitam muito mais porque eu não faço uma adaptação do discurso para tentar canibalizar os votos do PT", disse a presidenciável

"Eu tento convencer as pessoas de que eu sou uma alternativa boa para o Brasil, porque sou capaz de reunir as pessoas

Porque temos uma proposta, que temos trabalhado nela desde 2010 para mudar o Brasil de verdade, e porque não temos preconceito com nenhum dos partidos", afirmou Marina  Segundo a última pesquisa eleitoral do Datafolha, a ex-ministra sobe de 10% para 15% na intenção de voto dos brasileiros em simulações sem a presença de Lula na cédula


For more infomation >> Marina nega mudança de postura para puxar votos petistas - Duration: 1:41.


очень Очень ОЧЕНЬ Скучный стрим 🔴 Сижу фигней страдаю - Duration: 4:02:38.

For more infomation >> очень Очень ОЧЕНЬ Скучный стрим 🔴 Сижу фигней страдаю - Duration: 4:02:38.


Trump Celebrates 4 Million Americans Losing Their Health Insurance - Duration: 0:42.

that same Nevada event.

>> Repeal and replace Obamacare.

It was done until early in the

morning a man walked in and he

said, thumbs down, thumbs down.

That was not good, and nobody

knew he was going to do that.

He campaigned on repeal and


He campaigned for years, repeal

and replace, repeal and replace.

Nobody talked to him.

Nobody needed to.

It was a done deal.

And then he walked in, thumbs


It's all right.

Because we've essentially gutted

For more infomation >> Trump Celebrates 4 Million Americans Losing Their Health Insurance - Duration: 0:42.


Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.

For more infomation >> Vídeo 03: MiltCoralle - Backing Vocals e Orquestra. (1999) - Duration: 26:27.



What's going on get people this is mike again, with another video and today i want to present to you

Monarch but before i even do this let me remind you this is a sponsored review

And i'm not a financial advisor i don't tell you what to do you, do what you, want to do so

What is monarch monarch is a?

Project that is aiming to capitalize on mass adoption. By implementing a


Application so they have an application right now, we can download it on your phone you can, try it out you can

Play, with it check it out it's actually pretty impressive in my opinion

But the key features of monarch is that most of their security tokens are, going to be backed. By silver

now every time they do a transaction or they get transaction, fees they're, gonna take, these, fees, and switch them to silver and

Most of the proceeds are going to be backed

By silver so the crypto is going to be solid, and strong because it's backed, by another

Commodity that is out there and performing very, well?

let's talk

About the features of monarch so you have a mobile app right now you can actually download it on either an iphone or an android

You can, check it out

They will have a desktop app

It will be accessible on the desktop it's a hot or cold wallet used for both

Transactions and storage of funds now listen the

Private keys are going to be inside that wallet and if you lose them there is a way to

Recover your private keys because you know, when you put your private keys somewhere and you lose them you lose all your tokens

We all understand that we've all maybe experienced them but with monarch they save your private keys

They, back your private keys for you, so if you, ever lose your private keys it's embedded in their system you can

Actually get it back and you're the only, one that can do this not anybody else

It also supports

you know payments subscriptions, let's just say you know you have a a

Car payment that you, want to make every single month you can, actually utilize monarch to

Automate that payment towards that account every single month and you can, cancel it with a

Swipe of the fingers very very user-friendly, and that's why, i like this project and the good thing about monarch

Is that's going to integrate the fiat option. And that's what makes it really valuable

Merchants plug-in you know if you have a business and you, want to integrate a crypto payment you can

Utilize monarch as a payment gateway

Kind of like, when you click pay via visa or it will have a spot, where you can

Pay, via cryptocurrency, using monarch exchange you can, buy and sell cryptocurrencies

Password vault safe storage 2fa all this stuff is already integrated check it out download the app

Portfolio, tracker so you can, use it for portfolio if you have

Your coins secured on that wallet you can actually take a look at your portfolio and evaluate, which one is you need to sell

Which one you need to hold and of course it's a proprietary

Blockchain so how is monarch different so they speak here, about four key points that i want to share with you

First of all the wall allows for a monthly recurring payments for bills car. Payments

Cell phone payments whatever it is using a

Patent-pending technology, this is important because it's unique, and when they patent it nobody else can, use it

number two is integration with a, business so businesses can, accept crypto and

Monarch internal exchange will pay them in fiat

Monarch is linked to third party exchanges so they will always trade at the best prices for exchange arbitrage


Let's just say you want to buy bitcoin and bitcoin hong kong-based is 7,000 and on?

Finance it's 8 tonnes so they, won't direct you to the highest price they will actually

Sort out the lowest price within all the exchanges that they are integrated with

number 4 you can manage everything all your bills are your monthly subscription payments from one application and

This is powerful in my opinion now

This, year, why is it important to have such an application out there you get a

Think, about, this guys it's important to have, mass adoption in cryptocurrency in general and

When a, new?

Person, goes into the blockchain

They, don't know

What to do when you download this wallet you kind of get a grasp of everything and if you notice right here

Zoom in in you notice that there's household finance entertainment

You, see all the accounts right here shopping social travel gaming

And personal so it kind of organizes everything for you so you can have an idea of how to do this without even

Worrying, about making a mistake when it comes to the blockchain and cryptocurrency in general so it's going to simplify the crypto trading

experience for all users and

Secure so the key points right here secure storage access to mana exchange sent a continuous

Recurring payments, send transactions via a user name instead of alphanumeric addresses, we talked, about this in a live

Stream that i have done how, torn this is free peer-to-peer

Transaction it's free

electronic tax

reconciled forms and crypto news, charts

And portfolio tracking so it's very nice you can get whitelisted today or merchants it's, also the same thing

where they can implement

Monarch as a form of payment

And if people want to pay via monarch and if you look right here it says credit card paypal and it will have a

Logo, like this and you can, choose which crypto to pay, your bills it's important for a lot of people they don't know. How

To, liquidate their trip to interfere and the reason you usually liquidate crypto into fear is because you

Want to make a payment you, want to pay off your car

You, want to pay off your phone and if your business implements a monarch application onto

Their website then will be very easy

And very secure for you to do so so one thing i want to talk

About here and for investors is that you get 50 percent of merchant transaction fees as

It dividends and it's distributed weekly to monarch security token holders

And also ten percent of merchant transaction, fees are, going to be flipped on top of everything else


Silverback tokens and of course the there will be an airdrop so if you hold, you know a certain, amount of?

Monarch tokens they're, going to airdrop the security token after

The ico is over the token distribution so you

Do have two aspects of monarch monarch utility token, which, we talked, about and then the security token you're

Gonna get the security airdrop one to one ratio as

Well so if you hold ten empties you're

Gonna get ten mts as a form of airdrop it's a

Beautiful thing this is their token metric right here this

Is what the monarch security tokens supply is going to be five hundred million for the utility token it's 1 billion

This, is the distribution 5% for advisers 18% for the team 50% for tokens sale and 27%. Is going to be allocated


Development this is the team right here we're gonna talk, about the team now

I gotta, tell you that the team is in charge of a marketing they come from a marketing background

Which is always positive when it comes to cryptocurrency project

Because look you can have the best project out there if nobody knows, about it it's not gonna get anywhere but

Because of these people especially the ceo, who is the co-founder of crypto sameach

which is an advertising marketing cryptocurrency company on a

Larger scale so if he's the co-founder for that company he's going to market this project. Properly

By, utilizing, any necessary, avenues let's talk, about their advisers real

Quick just to give you. A simple idea, scottsdale silver invest in protocol with. Halo bit bay

Serine labs genesis vision, these are all names that you know

These are the partners right here but, bay, bank or coin

Fest inc protocol all these partners right here so listen here's what i'm gonna do guys i'm gonna put the link for this

website down below

Go, check it out tell

me what your thoughts are download the app played with it a little bit see if it's a something that you're interested in

Remember i'm not a financial adviser just check it out, do your, own research, tell, me what you think in the comments below

Thank, you guys so much for watching and until next time stay safe

For more infomation >> MONARCH TOKEN - AN ALL IN ONE PROJECT ICO !! - Duration: 8:48.


Awful Films That Ended An Actor's Hot Streak - Duration: 6:00.

In Hollywood, you're only ever as good as your last film.

Even if you've been churning out hits for years on end, all it takes is one awful movie

to take you down a peg.

Here's a look at some awful films that put an end to an actor's hot streak.


When Jennifer Lawrence stumbled up to the podium to collect her Best Actress Oscar for

2012's Silver Linings Playbook, she was already several films into a hot streak.

She'd turned in an impressive performance in 2010's Winter's Bone and made her first

appearances in the Hunger Games and X-Men franchises after that, which collectively

brought in over half a billion dollars.

She got her third Oscar nomination for her scene-stealing role in American Hustle in

2013 and continued to make the whole blockbuster thing look easy the following year with Mockingjay:

Part 1.

"Like I said, I know exactly what I have to do." (Hopefully it's stop starring in X-Men movies)

Unfortunately, her streak ended in tame fashion in 2014 with the universally panned Serena,

which was rejected by audiences, critics, and even film distributors.

After a very limited domestic release which netted under $200,000, Serena disappeared.

Despite an Academy nod for Joy, the final Hunger Games film turned out to be the lowest-earning

of the lot, and Lawrence's pull has wavered ever since.

The Great Wall

American movie studios have known for a while that China's box office has been growing exponentially,

and some have attempted to take advantage of the Chinese market by altering their movies

to cater to overseas sensibilities.

Others have sought co-productions with Chinese studios, which is how Matt Damon's The Great

Wall came to be.

Legendary teamed up with the China Film Group for what turned out to be an epic disappointment,

grossing $45 million stateside.

Director Zhang Yimou brought plenty of his famed visual flair to the movie, but it was

critically trashed, both in the U.S. and in China.

The critical reaction wasn't good for Damon, who had been on a real hot streak with roles

in Interstellar and The Martian, as well as a producer credit on Manchester By The Sea.

Things haven't exactly been going great for Damon since.

He saw out 2017 with Suburbicon and Downsizing, two bizarre comedies that premiered to mixed

reviews at best.

The Ladykillers

Not many actors can claim to have experienced a hot streak as long as the one Tom Hanks

enjoyed for the better part of 15 years.

From the early 1990s to the midpoint of the 2000s, Hanks was a guaranteed draw at the

box office, with his movies rarely pulling in less than $100 million.

In that space of time, he starred in such critically acclaimed hits as Philadelphia,

Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan and many, many more.

"Somebody later told me it gave people hope.


Nah, I don't know anything about that."

It had to happen sometime, but when Hanks' bubble did eventually burst, it was unexpected.

Nobody saw his hot streak coming to an end with The Ladykillers.

The idea of Hanks collaborating with the Coen brothers on this 2004 remake of a British

classic seemed like a surefire recipe for success.

That wasn't the case, however: The movie barely recouped its $35 million budget in the domestic

box office and was panned by many of the industry's top critics.

The Monuments Men

He hasn't been able to hit that $100 million mark quite as often as Tom Hanks, but George

Clooney is also known to bring in the big bucks on occasion.

He generated major bank fronting Steven Soderbergh's popular and highly profitable Ocean's movies,

and his starring role in the critically-panned 1997 Batman and Robin still managed to bring

in a cool $238 million.

In the late 2000s Clooney was undeniably A-list, but in 2014 his career took a severe nosedive.

Clooney co-wrote, produced, directed and starred in World War Two caper The Monuments Men,

a story about a rag-tag platoon sent into Nazi Germany to retrieve stolen works of art.

Despite an all-star cast that included Matt Damon, Bill Murray, and John Goodman, the

movie bombed in theaters and took a licking from the critics.

Worse, because Clooney was so involved in the movie's production, there were few other

people to blame besides the former Batman.

Free State of Jones

Matthew McConaughey's career is a tale told in two acts.

After years of depending on his looks and charm to pay the bills with rom-com after

forgettable rom-com, he decided to start acting again, and Hollywood welcomed him back with

open arms.

Dubbed the "McConaissance" at the time, McConaughey's turnaround can be traced back to 2011's The

Lincoln Lawyer, which scored highly with critics.

Between his 2014 Best Actor win for Dallas Buyers Club and his scene-stealing performances

in The Wolf of Wall Street and Interstellar, McConaughey seemed unstoppable.

Unfortunately, you can't keep making good choices forever, and McConaughey's 2016 Free

State of Jones was definitely not a good one.

The Civil War drama only managed to claw back half of its $50 million budget, and the majority

of critics were unimpressed.

Worse, his starring turn in 2017's The Dark Tower was similarly disliked, spelling the

end of McConaughey's box office domination.

"No matter who crosses the finish line first, the universe will die out eventually.

Death always wins." (Except when it comes to bad movie adaptations of great books.)

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

In 2002, Charlie Hunnam starred as Nicholas Nickleby in a critically acclaimed adaptation

of the classic Dickens novel and then showed his darker side in 2005's Green Street Hooligans.

Later appearances in Children of Men, Sons of Anarchy, and Pacific Rim built Hunnam into

a star to watch.

Hunnam followed up the Guillermo del Toro blockbuster with another del Toro movie, Crimson

Peak, and later, the critically lauded Lost City of Z.

Unfortunately, his luck was about to run out.

With Hunnam as the face and director Guy Ritchie at the helm, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

was supposed to be the start of new franchise based on the legendary character.

Those plans were hastily scrapped after the box office numbers spelled disaster.

Warner Bros. signed off on a $175 million budget, but the film made less than $40 million


It looks like in this case, Hunnam wasn't quite worthy to take the sword from the stone.

"Anyone can pull it once it's been pulled."

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> Awful Films That Ended An Actor's Hot Streak - Duration: 6:00.


🔴 Alien: isolation (hard) | livestream - Part 5 - Duration: 4:57:05.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Alien: isolation (hard) | livestream - Part 5 - Duration: 4:57:05.


Tales of Masamune Swords | Famous Weapons of Japan - Duration: 5:49.

Two men stand next to a rushing stream, an apprentice and a master.

The apprentice is Muramasa Sengo, and his master Goro Nyudo Masamune.

Muramasa begins.

He ties his newly-forged sword to a branch, letting it hang vertically over the river,

its blade edge cutting the current.

They watch.

A branch hits the blade and is cut cleanly in half.

A leaf hits the blade and is cut into two.

Then a fish hits the blade, and it too is cut.

The blade slices through everything it touches: branches, leaves, fish, even the very air.

Pleased, Muramasa unties his sword.

It is Masamune's turn.

The master fastens his sword the same way, and again they watch.

A branch hits the blade, and is cut.

A leaf hits the blade, and is cut.

Then a fish hits the blade, but is not cut.

It bounces harmlessly off the blade and continues on its way.

Muramasa cheers.

"I am the better swordsmith!" he says.

"My blade can cut anything.

Branches, leaves, fish, even the very air!"

Okay, that's not that impressive, my finger can cut air, but everything else is fine.

Smiling, Masamune retrieves his sword in silence.

As it happens, a monk was passing by and watched their competition.

He comes over and declares Masamune the winner, not Muramasa.

The monk explains that although Muramasa's sword IS sharp, it kills indiscriminately.

It is bloodthirsty.

Masamune's sword is better because it spares anything undeserving of death, like the innocent


This is a famous story about the two swordsmiths.

It's only a story though, the two men lived in different time periods, but it depicts

very well their personalities and people's beliefs about their swords.

Muramasa was mad, unpredictable, and violent.

I have a video about him here.

He was like the Joker.

His swords were said to be cursed and bloodthirsty.

Masamune was the opposite.

Patient, calm, and wise.

He was like Alfred, I guess.

Masamune swords were revered for their sharpness and quality.

Many swordsmiths at the time created swords with cheaper metal for use in combat, they

were practical.

Masamune swords were beautiful, he used high quality steel and treated his creations like

works of art.

People thought his swords absorbed his benevolent and honorable personality.

It only cut what the owner wanted to cut, and not anything undeserving or innocent.

The most famous Masamune sword was the Honjo Masamune.

Sadly, the sword was lost after World War II, its owner forced to give it up under extraordinary


The Honjo Masamune was likely named after Honjo Shigenaga, a famous general of the Uesugi


The story goes… an enemy attacked Honjo Shigenaga during battle.

The enemy's sword cut his helmet cleanly in half, but left his head whole.

It was like the sword spared him.

So he killed the bastard and took the sword for his own.

Later on, Shigenaga wasn't doing so well financially and had to sell the sword to the

Toyotomi clan.

The sword eventually came into the hands of Tokugawa Ieyasu and remained within the Tokugawa

family, passed down through the generations.

After World War II, when Japan was under US occupation, swords were banned and confiscated.

Many swords were destroyed or given to American soldiers, including sacred heirlooms and swords

more than a hundred years old.

Imagine giving away a priceless artifact that has been in your family for generations.

It was a period of great shame and anger for the Japanese.

That must have been how Tokugawa Iemasa felt when he gave up the Honjo Masamune.

In December of 1945, Tokugawa Iemasa entered a police station and handed over his family's

sword collection.

Among them was the Honjo Masamune, a sword that had graced the hands of so many legendary

figures in Japanese history.

The police gave the swords to someone named Sergeant Coldy Bimore to dispose of.

Unfortunately, they later found no record of such a name.

It is thought that someone wrote down a bad phonetic spelling of the real name, and because

of that idiot no one knows where the sword is now.

I'd hate to think that the sword was melted down like it was nothing, as happened with

many others, but it's possible.

Masamune swords became status symbols for the warrior class.

There's a story that's representative of this, although we don't know if it's


It is the story of Date Masamune and the fake sword.

The famous daimyo Date Masamune, no relation to our swordsmith Masamune, was called the

One-Eyed Dragon.

He only had a left eye.

With a nickname like that, you know he was a badass, and badasses have to keep up their


In the story, Date Masamune is talking to someone who says to him, "Lord Date, being

such a badass, you must own a Masamune, surely."

Lord Date replies, "Of course!

Oh shoot, I left the tuna casserole in the oven, I gotta get home!

We'll continue this conversation tomorrow!


The truth is, he does have a Masamune katana, but his wakizashi is NOT.

He rushes home and tells his blacksmith to get him a Masamune wakizashi from the family

collection, stat!

Unfortunately, they don't have one, they only have a Masamune katana, which was longer

than a wakizashi.

He says, "Well then shorten it and make it into a wakizashi, and do it by tomorrow!"

See how valuable these swords were?

There are currently nine Masamune blades designated as National Treasures of Japan.

Hey guys, guess what I have that no one asked for.


Link in the description.

You can buy shirts, mugs, posters, and a bunch of other stuff.

If you want!

I only have a few designs up right now, but will add more.

You can also suggest a design if you like.

For more infomation >> Tales of Masamune Swords | Famous Weapons of Japan - Duration: 5:49.


Harry Kane: Kyle Walker makes huge Sergio Aguero claim about England striker - Duration: 4:45.

 But the England defender insists he has an international colleague in a similar category

That, of course, is Harry Kane. Walker, 28, faces both players in training and is much happier on a match day, whether it is with City or England, when the master marksmen are on his side

 The former Spurs right-back goes into today's World Cup match against Panama stating: "I've played with H since he was 15

I remember he used to come up to Tottenham for first-team training sometimes, then you wouldn't see him for a couple of weeks

 "But he's always been a finisher. Have I played with anyone like him? Probably Kun Aguero comes close

 "Harry is very good. You put him in the box and he's deadly, as he has proved season in and season out for the last three years now

" But Walker disagrees with the view that England are too reliant on Kane, that if he doesn't score – or suffers an injury – who will? His response to that question is: "No! I don't know what you guys feel, from the outside looking in

 "But I remember reading something when I signed for City, that Raheem Sterling didn't score enough goals

 "Well, he answered back with 20-plus goals last season. I feel there are goals in every area – Jamie Vardy, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard, who played exceptionally well for Manchester United in the season which has just ended

 "There's more than enough goals in the team and I think we are also a good danger at set plays with the height we have got in the team

 "That led to the first goal against Tunisia in our first match and also Harry's winner

" Walker revealed that set pieces are a major element of England's World Cup strategy and preparation

 He said: "I think it is about taking ownership. We have a lot of meetings about getting your mate out of trouble and he gets you out of trouble, too

 "When the ball is up in the air you need to be decisive and go and meet it with your head

 "And that is in both boxes. That also wins you games in tournaments." Walker is being used as a central defender in a back three by England, rather than his preferred right-back role and has no complaints about that

He expected it and confirmed that City boss Pep Guardiola is keeping in touch with his progress

 Walker joked: "He phoned me before the Tunisia game. He hasn't called back again yet, so maybe I've not done too well!  "He also said he was going to beat me at golf but I don't think he's got it in him to do that! We have a good relationship, me and the gaffer, even if it's just talking about golf or something like that, which is key to the relationship

The gaffer here – Gareth Southgate – is the same. You can go and have a chat with him and he wants to know your opinion

" Southgate likes Walker in the role he is using him in now because of his blistering pace

And Walker revealed: "When I was Year 7, I was 11 or 12. I ran 12.52 seconds for the 100 metres

Then I stopped growing but I used to run for the City of Sheffield, "But I'd still back myself over 100 metres

These wingers fade off! But at 800 metres, no chance. "Dele Alli is the best I have seen at that distance

Just one pace and he just keeps going." So Walker reckons this England squad has got it all

Pace, stamina and goals – particularly from Kane, a finisher in the class of Aguero

For more infomation >> Harry Kane: Kyle Walker makes huge Sergio Aguero claim about England striker - Duration: 4:45.


tips for summer productivity~ - Duration: 2:22.

hello there!

it's seo from tbhstudying and i'm here to give you some tips on how to stay focused, concentrated, and productive during the summer

this is more academically focused on my last summer video, which was just a list of stuff to do

i'll link that in the description in case that's what you're looking for

first, declutter and clean out your room and workspace. this will give you a cleaner and clearer mindset and workplace

i recycle all of my old homework assignments and handouts from classes that i would never use anymore

i did keep the notes in case i'd need it for future classes though. next, figure out what you have to do

you might have summer assignments to do or you might want to preview the class material ahead of time

whatever it is, make a list of them and figure out when you have to do them by

figure out what weeks and dates are busy from things like vacations and figure out what weeks and dates are free

slot your assignments and study time in your free days and free hours

this way, you're scheduling out your time for fun and your time for work. if you find yourself with little time, take advantage of time

in the mornings by waking up early. sure, you don't have to wake up at like 5 or 6 a.m

like you did for school, but you might want to wake up a little bit earlier around 7 or 8 a.m

instead of sleeping until noon

this is when we all pretend that 1.

it's actually morning when i'm filming this and 2. that i'm actually

waking up in bed and not just filming this for the sake of filming this

ah, isn't it wonderful? okay, time to get up and film the rest

remove all temptations and distractions from your work space. sure,

it's summer and you want to run around and do fun things, but you already scheduled out your fun time hours

and this is the time to get work done. if you don't get it done

you'll have a mountain of work to do on the day before school starts

there is no magic trick to getting work done other than to just get it done. if you're feeling the procrastination

i'll link my tips for procrastination video in the description too

don't wait for the perfect moment because the only perfect moment to start is now. if you plan to start at 10 a.m

and it's 10:01 now, don't wait until 11 a.m. star asap and get that work done

so you'll have more time to yourself later on. and finally, remember that it's summer break and you're allowed to have fun and relax

don't stress yourself out too much and know what your max limits are

hope this helped and thanks for watching! subscribe and click the bell for notifications

if you haven't already~

let me know in the comments what you're planning to do this summer (or winter for the folks down in the southern hemisphere). bye! :")

For more infomation >> tips for summer productivity~ - Duration: 2:22.


Shameless Actress Laura Slade Wiggins Marries Stuntman Kyle Weishaar - News Today - Duration: 2:39.

 They're shamelessly in love!  Shameless actress Laura Slade Wiggins, 29, wed her longtime love Kyle Weishaar on Saturday at the Historic Smithonia Farm in Colbert, Georgia, PEOPLE confirms exclusively

 "He is my true soulmate," Wiggins told PEOPLE ahead of the wedding. "When I met him, I felt like everything was falling apart, and he taught me to see past my circumstances and ultimately learn to love myself

"  Adds Weishaar, a studio stuntman: "I met the gal that I had been looking for all my life

I needed someone to go on life's adventures with me and be there for me when times got tough

She is all of that and so much more."  The couple first met on the set of Taylor Swift's Sony TX7 commercial back in 2008 when Wiggins got her "harness fitted by the 'cute stunt guy,'" recalls the actress

"I didn't think we'd meet again, [but] about three years ago his best friend introduced us and we had an immediate connection

"  Wiggins chose a Vera Wang gown from David's Bridal for her big day and also wore Corral "bridal boots" instead of heels for her walk down the aisle

Her pup Henri served as "best dog."  At the reception, the newlyweds served their guests —who all wore "comfortable" shoes for the "boot wedding" — smoked pork and brisket by local barbecue legend Tom Little

 They shared their first dance to two songs: a choreographed swing dance to Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True" and a slow waltz to Joe Hisaishi's "A Song for Mothers and the Sea

"  "I love him for so many reasons," says Wiggins. "With Kyle, I am most excited to live a life with someone that understands me in ways that I often don't understand myself

"  Adds her husband: "I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life with her, have a family together and come what may I know we will always love each other

As the Beatles said, 'Love is all you need,' and with Laura, I've found all the love I'll ever need

" Tags Celebrity Weddings News Shameless TV Wedding Weddings

For more infomation >> Shameless Actress Laura Slade Wiggins Marries Stuntman Kyle Weishaar - News Today - Duration: 2:39.


God is Calling Us To Be a Father To The Poor - Duration: 15:16.

God is Calling Us To Be a Father To The Poor June 23, 2018

Well, my precious Heartdwellers. I want to keep up with you. And forgive me, I'm going

to have to start being a little more informal, just to let you know what's on the Lord's


And basically, what I want to say is, He's really, really been bringing to my attention

lately, the seriousness of starvation on Earth. And how He is really...

(Siri/Phone interrupts) I found something on the web...

Clare: Ahhh! Well, this is funny! 'World hunger. Poverty facts: Statistics. 2016. Hey—maybe

this is the Lord? Talk about being spontaneous here! Siri picked up on my phone, and what

I was saying here.

So! Let's click on that. Maybe that was the Lord. Statistics 2016, World hunger news.

2018—World hunger Poverty facts and statistics. The number of hungry people in the world.

Let's check that out.

Africa, Asia, Latin America...let me turn my phone on it's side so I can read this a

little better. They have a graph here. "Comparison of Prevalence of Number of Undernourished

People by Region."

"The size of the circles represents the number of undernourished people in MILLIONS." Oh,

my goodness. We're talking about 552 million people in Asia. In Africa, 191 million - oh,

and no, it goes up to 243 million people undernourished in Africa.

Ohhh, dear.

So! Interesting how Siri brought that up for us, isn't it?

So, what I want to say is, I went to the Lord for a rhema from one of my books the other

night. I have a little 'library'. It's got a nice little chair in it, with a hole in

the center? lol... And I have a library in there. And I happened to go pick up a book

that—it caught my attention. And that's usually how the Lord does it. There'll be

8 books on that little shelf and one will just stand out.

So, I grabbed it, opened it. It was by Kevin Basconi. Who's a wonderful, wonderful man

of God. I really, really think he's a very authentic Christian.

He was in a church service, they were worshipping the Lord. And all of a sudden, the Lord came

and got him. And took him out of his body into Heaven, through the umbilical cord, I

believe. 'Cause he experienced that flight that happens through the tunnel.

And when he got there, he was standing in a room and the Lord was sitting on a large,

white bed with a white canopy over it. Sitting in the middle of the bed, and He was weeping

and weeping and weeping and weeping...

And Kevin began weeping. And he said, 'Lord? What is troubling you? What is Your heart?'

And the Lord had him come closer and... Actually, he assumed His vision into his own vision,

so he was seeing what the Lord was looking at while He was weeping. And he was looking

at dying babies. Children with mothers with no milk to give their babies, and the babies

are dying in their arms, all over the world. Dying children. Children that don't make it

to 4 years old, 'cause there's not enough food to keep them alive.

And of course, a lot more that die in birth, because their mothers weren't healthy. And

it's so very, very sad. And the Lord showed him each one of these people around the world

that were just flashing through his mind at breakneck speed. But he knew who these people

were, where they were, what their story was and everything. It was like he was in Heaven

and he was able to see all these things, right?

The gist of the story is that the Lord is SO grieved, because of the death of these

poor children and these poor people around the world.

Now, He had been just dealing with me about cutting back on food. Cutting back on other

things. You know, if you've been tuning in, you know He's been very, very, very strict

with us lately about this. We had put out the word that our donations were down, and

we needed help to cover salaries. And so, money started coming in, and He go to me again

and said, "I need you to give some money away and feed people."

You know, I mean, we're living on the edge. Let me tell you! We are on a thin thread.

And for Him to say that, it must have been highly important to Him. And I told Him, 'Of

course!' You know, I'll do it. He brought up Nicaragua and we give to them pretty regularly.

So, anything you end up giving to us, as soon as our needs are met it goes out the door.

We don't have any savings account or anything. It goes to the poor.

I wanted you to know about this, because there are very serious consequences to having resources

and not sharing with the poor. There's going to be an extremely difficult moment, standing

before the Lord, when He asks you what you did with your wealth?

Because you can't take any of it to Heaven with you! Did you buy boats and cars and all

kinds of, you know, expensive toys? What have you—while people around the world are starving

to death? Those things are down on Earth, being passed on to your relatives, or being

sold or whatever. And you're in Heaven without any Fruit!

It's serious! If you're in Heaven, if you're standing before the Throne.

Tonight, someone brought up that they buy a lot of clothing, but then they—they give

their clothing away afterward. And so, they do help the poor by giving their clothing

away. But I really felt that I needed to say more about that. Just to warn... that may

not be the best way for you to be giving to the poor. I mean, I give those things away,


But knowing how the Lord is feeling right now, and how strict He has been with me about

giving money to the poor, the moment we have an extra. Which of course doesn't cover next

week! You know, I'd like to hold on to something for next week, but He doesn't want that. He

wants me to give it away the minute I get it in. After I've paid, you know, for that

week's expenses. He's really stressing this point right now.

He's told us we have time on the Rapture, but if something went wrong and something

changed...which would be wonderful! That we'd be going in the Rapture... We're gonna have

to stand before the Lord and make an accounting of what we did with our resources.

We may have worked hard to earn that money and feel like, well, we have the right to

spend that on whatever we want. But that's not the case. The Lord has GIVEN us the ability

to bring in money, and that is because He expects us as Christians to be like His Heavenly

Father. And to give and take care of others. That's what He has on His mind.

So, anyway. I shared this. I said, "The Lord weeps over the mother and babies that are

dying because they have no food or breast milk. We will be held accountable to a very

strict accounting for spending unnecessary money to look the way the world wants us to


"It is very serious....but most do not see what God goes through over our selfishness

and ignorance. I recommend you scour the Samaritan's Purse website and listen to what others are

suffering around the world. And we give to them substantially. I may change your heart

forever. When the Lord gives us money, He expects us to take care of His children with

it. It can carry very serious consequences for your eternity...if you do not.

"Remember: He also separated the sheep from the goats."

And so I quoted "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him,

he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he

will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the

goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my

Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the

world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something

to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me,

I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or

thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in,

or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit


"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these

brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into

the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave

me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and

you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and

in prison and you did not look after me.'

"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger

or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'

"He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these,

you did not do for me.'

"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Matthew


And I also quote the rich man and Lazarus:

"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury

every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing

to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side.

The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked

up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father

Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and

cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'

"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things,

while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And

besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those

who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'

"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five

brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'

"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.'

"'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they

will repent.'

"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be

convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'" Luke 16:19-31

"I say this to you, dear one, because I have been seriously corrected even today over my

selfishness. I do not want to be responsible for you or anyone else at the Judgement Throne.

So, I tell you these things. Love what Jesus loves and hate what Jesus hates."

You know, this is a very difficult topic, because we live in such affluence that our

standard for living is so far above what these people live's's outrageous.

When you go to Samaritan's Purse and you go through their website and you see what these

displaced people are going's just unbelievable.

So, we do—if we love the Lord. We do have a responsibility to deny ourselves, pick up

our cross, follow Him—and to give to the poor. The poor who cannot live without food

and water. And that's one of the reasons we give to Erik the Flutemaker is, he is putting

in water systems, latrines and building houses. And now he's putting up a new orphanage in

Nicaragua. His ministry has just grown SO large!

So, we're always giving to him. We also give to Voice of the Martyrs. And also to trafficked

children. People who are coming against traffickers and trying to rescue the young girls.

I share this with you, just by way of admonition that our style of life is not going to be

the standard in Heaven. And the Lord is really, really, really looking for someone to partner

with Him to take care of the poor. And that's why He increases our substance. Not so that

we can have more things, but so that our conscience will be stirred to give to the poor.

And the poor, really, are our gift. They're a gift to us from the Lord, because they change

our hearts. What can makes us so selfish, in interior... when we see the poor—our

hearts go out to them and softens our hearts. And we grow in Love and Self-sacrifice. That's

a tremendous gift.

If we didn't have the poor to help, then we would be very hard people indeed. And be very

careless with our money.

So, I just want to encourage you. Please, keep that in mind as you're living your lifestyle

every day. Keep in mind that there are people who don't have milk for their babies and their

children die in their arms. And it's too tragic.

And if you love the Lord and you're His Bride. If you saw Him standing there and crying,

and crying and crying over all these children that are dying. If you saw that—wouldn't

you want to comfort Him?

Well, that's where we need to be. To comfort Him in prayer, but also to comfort Him with

the substance that He's entrusted to us.

The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. You're greatly loved.

For more infomation >> God is Calling Us To Be a Father To The Poor - Duration: 15:16.


Who is the winner of the search for Hidden Mickey? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:07.

Who is the winner of the search for Hidden Mickey? | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Who is the winner of the search for Hidden Mickey? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:07.


[🔴LIVE] Pulp vs No Pulp Splatfest #TeamPulp (Happy Splatturday!) - Duration: 3:53:45.

For more infomation >> [🔴LIVE] Pulp vs No Pulp Splatfest #TeamPulp (Happy Splatturday!) - Duration: 3:53:45.


Boulter's illness cost her but now she's reaching for the very top - Duration: 7:21.

Two years ago, Katie Boulter, by her own admission, had trouble making it through the day as she struggled with serious fatigue and took a year away from tennis

So it marks quite the turnaround that the 21-year-old will head to Wimbledon with a win over a Grand Slam champion and nearing the top 100 in the world

One of six British women to receive wild cards to the main draw at SW19, Boulter is brimming with confidence after beating 2011 US Open champion Sam Stosur at last week's Nottingham Open

'You don't start believing until you do actually win those matches,' she says. A lack of self-belief held her back on her senior Wimbledon debut last year, when she lost to America's Christina McHale in three sets in the first round

'I didn't feel I had the full belief behind me to win the match,' she says. 'I knew my game was there and my game can beat her, but there's always that one per cent which I doubted myself a little bit

'Despite her new-found confidence, it is clear that the illness that threatened to cut short her career in 2015 still leaves its mark

In her most candid interview to date, she opened up about the depths of despair she experienced when she was sidelined for almost a year, and her bold ambitions of climbing to the top of the world rankings

'Two years ago now I was out for a year, so I didn't play tennis at all,' she says

'That was because I was physically ill, I was very fatigued. It was difficult for me to get through the days

So I have to be very careful with my body and how far I push it.'She might be through the worst of it, but the risk of the illness returning means she still cannot train as intensively as her rivals

'I still don't play a full schedule. I do as much as I possibly can. I have one long session in the morning and try to do some specifics in the afternoon

'But a lot of tennis players do two full sessions in the day, they do an hour and a half or two hours in the morning and the afternoon

'Finally this year I am able to do some work off-court in the gym, which I haven't done before

'It has made a huge impact in my game and I'm feeling a lot stronger and better about myself

'Slipping under the radar in the build-up to SW19 will not be possible for the Leicester-born hopeful

Instead, her face will soon be plastered on advertising hoardings across London as part of her role as Nike's poster girl

The spotlight does not bother her, as she declares she 'feels no pressure' and this is all part of her ambition to be 'British No 1, and then world No 1'

Like millions of young people across the country — including a number of top tennis players — Boulter fills her evenings watching ITV2's reality show Love Island

But she has ruled out a romance of her own for now, insisting she just doesn't have time

'I am going to have that for a little bit of time,' she says. 'I don't really have time for it

It doesn't bother me at all.' Boulter is a rare thing in British tennis, someone who has benefited almost solely from the domestic set-up

Unlike 19-year-old Katie Swan, who has trained for a number of years in America, and 20-year-old Gabriella Taylor, who is based in Barcelona, Boulter has relied on the British system since she started in juniors

And she credits the LTA for getting her back to a position where she can hold her own against the likes of Stosur

'I feel like I am in great hands with them. There's a lot of sports science in the LTA and I wouldn't be where I am right now if it wasn't for them,' she says

s science might be one thing that will help her as she seeks to make her mark at Wimbledon in just over a week's time, but she will also be relying on motivational notes in her kit bag, just as she did last year

'You deserve this — focus,' one said, while another read: 'Trust yourself.' A third message told her to 'show how much you want it'

Having climbed more than 900 world ranking places since returning from her illness, there is no denying she wants it


For more infomation >> Boulter's illness cost her but now she's reaching for the very top - Duration: 7:21.


Billa Christe - In Bed with Impro with Katrin at L-Beach Festival 2017 - Duration: 2:18.

Ok, so we're going to


I have different hands now as you can see

Katrin is going to be my hands and I will talk to you about

what did you want (from the off: contraception!)

we have people here and we'll talk about contraception

and yes - you have to be careful, very careful

Caution is called for because over time the question always comes up

how, how is it not going to get in

yes, how does it not get in

it has to

that's the main point because once it's in there that's unfortunate

because then: pregnant

instantly big belly, bam, one never knows, in a jiffy

you always think this

and then you especially want to talk about how to contracept

For woman it's like, am I going to take, to take the pill

or am I going to take another thing that I'm inserting into my vagina

That somehow prevents

that I'm getting pregnant. I just don't know what it's called right now.

What's it called? I don't have clue about that stuff.

Diaphragm I'm getting told from behing.

I actually don't know that much about contraception.

I don't need to use contraception

because I'm a lesbian

But that means I sometimes wonder how woman

who are heterosexual deal with contraception and then there's

two things

two things are going to be mentioned

first of all


Hm, that's a dildo

in itself

There you can practice

you have the dildo in from of you

and then (Katrin: what do you want to prevent from with a dildo?)

prevent from a dildo - I don't know

as I said - I don't have a clue. Use contraception however you want

I don't need it anyway. Thank you.

Moin, I'm Katrin and today I'm In Bed with Billa Christe


You are and impro artist and actress.

We're at L-Beach

and you are teaching cool impro workshops here

Yes, it was really fun

a lot of woman were there

And what else happened last night?

For more infomation >> Billa Christe - In Bed with Impro with Katrin at L-Beach Festival 2017 - Duration: 2:18.


Rain may soak Washington on Friday and then mess with another weekend - Duration: 4:50.

Storm clouds gather over the Mall on June 20. (Robert Miller/The Washington Post) More than a foot of rain has fallen since mid-May in Washington, and we're going to keep adding to that total through the weekend

The rain won't fall all the time, but a front near the region will act as the focus for occasional showers and storms

Of the next several days, Friday will probably be the wettest one. The weekend shouldn't be a washout, and Sunday looks nicer than Saturday

Compared with some recent rainy weekends (last weekend, mercifully, we caught a break), this shouldn't be that bad

But the National Weather Service shows the potential for about an inch of rain through Sunday, with higher amounts to the west and southwest

And these amounts may be conservative. The National Weather Service rainfall forecast through Sunday night

( Let's break down the rain chances through the weekend, starting with Friday

Friday Chance of rain: 70 percent Most likely timing: On and off much of the day, tapering in the evening Possible amounts: 0

5 to 1.0 inches, locally higher Possible hazards: Pockets of flooding Temperatures: 70 to 75

Rain showers and perhaps a little embedded thunder are likely as a warm front slowly lifts north through the region

The latest models suggest the heaviest rain may fall in the morning into the early afternoon and then diminish

It's difficult to say where the heaviest rain will fall, but localized amounts of 1 to 3 inches may occur, even as amounts average around 0

75 inches. Areas of flooding are possible. The NAM model forecast radar shows rain in the region Friday morning, which could be heavy in some spots

Saturday Chance of rain: 40 to 50 percent Most likely timing: Late afternoon and evening Possible amounts: Highly variable, depending on where storms hit Possible hazards: Lightning, damaging winds, hail Temperatures: 83 to 88

We're back into the warm, sticky air on Saturday as the warm front will have pushed through

The showers, from morning through early to midafternoon, should be mostly dry. Although, a brief pop-up shower can't be ruled out

Later in the day, a cold front pushing in from the west should trigger scattered thunderstorms, and a few may be intense

The National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center has placed our region in its marginal-risk zone for severe thunderstorms, and the environment could even support an isolated tornado somewhere

The National Weather Service forecast map shows a cold front approaching Saturday evening at 8 p

m. The highest chance for severe storms may focus east and southeast of the metro region

Sunday Chance of rain: 20 to 30 percent Most likely timing: Late afternoon and evening Possible amounts: Highly variable, depending on where storms hit Possible hazards: Lightning, damaging winds, hail Temperatures: 85 to 90 The cold front pushing through Saturday isn't going to cool things down much

In fact, with more sunshine on Sunday, it's probably going to be even warmer, and some spots could make a run at 90

A follow-on cold front approach could trigger a few widely scattered storms late in the day, but many areas may end up dry

The NAM model shows highs in the upper 80s on Sunday.

For more infomation >> Rain may soak Washington on Friday and then mess with another weekend - Duration: 4:50.


Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 5:36.




For more infomation >> Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 5:36.


Trump Touts Record On Immigration - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Trump Touts Record On Immigration - Duration: 1:29.


Naked (Piano Version) - James Arthur | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 4:09.




For more infomation >> Naked (Piano Version) - James Arthur | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 4:09.


FOP: 'People Are Walking On The Grave Of Robert Wilson,' District Attorney Won't Seek Death Penalty - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> FOP: 'People Are Walking On The Grave Of Robert Wilson,' District Attorney Won't Seek Death Penalty - Duration: 2:24.


Shameless Actress Laura Slade Wiggins Marries Stuntman Kyle Weishaar - Duration: 3:06.

They're shamelessly in love! Shameless actress Laura Slade Wiggins, 29, wed her longtime love Kyle Weishaar on Saturday at the Historic Smithonia Farm in Colbert, Georgia, PEOPLE confirms exclusively

"He is my true soulmate," Wiggins told PEOPLE ahead of the wedding. "When I met him, I felt like everything was falling apart, and he taught me to see past my circumstances and ultimately learn to love myself

" Adds Weishaar, a studio stuntman: "I met the gal that I had been looking for all my life

I needed someone to go on life's adventures with me and be there for me when times got tough

She is all of that and so much more." The couple first met on the set of Taylor Swift's Sony TX7 commercial back in 2008 when Wiggins got her "harness fitted by the 'cute stunt guy,'" recalls the actress

"I didn't think we'd meet again, [but] about three years ago his best friend introduced us and we had an immediate connection

" Wiggins chose a Vera Wang gown from David's Bridal for her big day and also wore Corral "bridal boots" instead of heels for her walk down the aisle

Her pup Henri served as "best dog." At the reception, the newlyweds served their guests —who all wore "comfortable" shoes for the "boot wedding" — smoked pork and brisket by local barbecue legend Tom Little

They shared their first dance to two songs: a choreographed swing dance to Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True" and a slow waltz to Joe Hisaishi's "A Song for Mothers and the Sea

" "I love him for so many reasons," says Wiggins. "With Kyle, I am most excited to live a life with someone that understands me in ways that I often don't understand myself

" Adds her husband: "I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life with her, have a family together and come what may I know we will always love each other

As the Beatles said, 'Love is all you need,' and with Laura, I've found all the love I'll ever need

" Tags Celebrity Weddings News Shameless TV Wedding Weddings

For more infomation >> Shameless Actress Laura Slade Wiggins Marries Stuntman Kyle Weishaar - Duration: 3:06.


Chinese Villainess hypnotized lady with hypnosis - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Chinese Villainess hypnotized lady with hypnosis - Duration: 3:32.


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