Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 24 2018

 Minatitlán, Ver. ( Acompañado del secretario de Hacienda, José González Anaya, y del cuestionado dirigente del sindicato petrolero, Carlos Romero Deschamps, el candidato del PRI, José Antonio Meade cerró campaña en Veracruz pidiendo a los simpatizantes priístas y trabajadores de Pemex que salgan a la calle a pedir el voto a su favor

 Primero en Coatzacoalcos y luego en Minatitlán, Meade encabezó dos actos en los cuales defendió la reforma energética, prometió acabar con el robo de combustible con el apoyo del ejército e impulsando a Pemex para que siga siendo la industria más importante de Mexico y América Latina

 El titular de Hacienda, José González Anaya  acompañó de nuevo a Meade en el cierre de su campaña, antes lo hizo en el tercero y último debate realizado en Merida, Yucatán

 En Coatzacoalcos, Meade afirmó que para el día de la elección estará en juego el empleo, la seguridad y la inversión en el país y afirmó que para construir un México seguro y de oportunidades, se necesita de un gobernante con experiencia, talento y honestidad

 En ese sentido, aseguró que logrará el triunfo en las urnas, porque ha trabajado a lo largo de su trayectoria en favor de la población

 "Vamos a ganar porque hemos hecho la tarea, no solamente en la campaña, hemos hecho la tarea con más de 20 años de un servicio honesto", subrayó el aspirante presidencial ante miles de veracruzanos que fueron llevados la Expo Feria de Coatzacoalcos

 A los habitantes de Coatzacoalcos, les ofreció transformar a esta ciudad en el centro de la petroquímica, para que se convierta en el eje del desarrollo regional

Aseguró que con la Zona Económica Especial y el Transístmico, en su gobierno, este puerto también detonará crecimiento económico a todo Veracruz y Oaxaca

 Más tarde en Minatitlán, Meade encabezó el mitin en compañía del dirigente del sindicato de los petroleros, Carlos Romero Deschamps, a quien defendió asegurando que tiene una larga trayectoria en Pemex desde que empezó a trabajar en la paraestatal en 1958

 José Antonio Meade se comprometió a combatir el huachicoleo al afirmar que PEMEX contará con la presencia de las Fuerzas Armadas, del Sistema de Administración Tributaria (SAT) y de la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SCHP), para hacer frente al problema que representa el robo de combustible

 "Para que el huachicoleo se resuelva, es necesario reconocer la responsabilidad que tienen los trabajadores petroleros de salvaguardar a PEMEX y sus instalaciones", dijo en el evento realizado en el Casino Petrolero de Minatitlán

 José Antonio Meade reconoció que Petróleos Mexicanos y sus trabajadores han enfrentado retos importantes en los últimos años pero refrendó su compromiso para trabajar hasta recuperar 3 millones de barriles diarios en la plataforma petrolera

 En su cierre de campaña en tierras veracruzanas, Meade dijo que en esta entidad y en todo el país su coalición no se anda con medias tintas ni a medio llenar, sino entusiasmados y comprometidos para ganar las elecciones del 1 de julio

 "Que se oiga desde Minatitlán hasta cualquier estadio de futbol, aquí no andamos ni a media tintas ni a medio llenar, aquí andamos entusiasmados y comprometidos, y por eso ¡vamos a ganar!", manifestó el candidato presidencial

For more infomation >> Meade pide redoblar esfuerzos arropado nuevamente por Romero Deschamps y González Anaya - Duration: 4:05.


Acusan agresión de panistas y perredistas contra simpatizantes de Morena - Duration: 1:41.

Los panistas y perredistas fueron sorprendidos recolectando copias del INE de ciudadanos

 México.- Un grupo de simpatizantes de Morena fueron agredidos por perredistas y panistas, en la delegación Miguel Hidalgo

 Según un comunicado de Morena, los simpatizantes del partido de Andrés Manuel López Obrador sorprendieron a los simpatizantes del Frente recolectando copias de credenciales de elector afuera de una tienda de autoservicio

 Los de Morena intentaron grabarlos, por lo que los del PAN y el PRd los comenzaron a golpear

 Un video en redes sociales muestra las agresiones que sufrieron los de Morena.  El hecho ocurrió en la calzada México Tacuba, colonia Huichapan


For more infomation >> Acusan agresión de panistas y perredistas contra simpatizantes de Morena - Duration: 1:41.


Soneto a Cristo Crucificado - San Juan de Ávila - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Soneto a Cristo Crucificado - San Juan de Ávila - Duration: 1:11.


Juarenses piden paz ante oleada de asesinatos - Duration: 1:41.

Ante la creciente escalada de la violencia que se registra en la localidad, integrantes de las comunidades evangélicas marchan esta tarde a favor de la paz en Ciudad Juárez

Bajo una temperatura de 39 grados Centígrados y los inclementes rayos del sol, los participantes que visten de blanco partieron del Parque Borunda para caminar por la avenida 16 de Septiembre rumbo al Monumento a Benito Juárez

En el trayecto, hombres, mujeres y niños de las diferentes organizaciones religiosas marcharon cantando alabanzas detrás de dos camiones trailers con plataforma en la que transportaban bocinas

Algunos de los marchistas llevaban banderas de México y otros mantas y cartulinas en las que piden paz para la ciudad

Al evento fueron invitados candidatos y sus seguidores, así como de organizaciones civiles

For more infomation >> Juarenses piden paz ante oleada de asesinatos - Duration: 1:41.


El llanto de Heung-Min Son esconde una dramática historia que podría acabar con su exitosa carrera c - Duration: 4:21.

La figura de Corea, Son Heung-Min, llora desconsoladamente tras la derrota ante México El estadio del Rostov del Don es una fiesta

México acaba de confirmar su triunfo en el debut sobre Alemania con una victoria ante Corea del Sur

Es una de las sorpresas del Mundial y está a un paso de los octavos de final. Las amplias sonrisas aztecas no corresponden con el desolador llanto de Son Heung-Min, la figura de un equipo que quedó a un paso de la eliminación pero todavía tiene una bala para arriesgar

El atacante que está a punto de cumplir los 26 años sabe que su exitosa carrera futbolística corre riesgo de terminarse abruptamente

Es una de las estrellas del Tottenham y luce saludable, pero un motivo extra deportivo lo podría quitar de los campos

Las leyes de su Corea del Sur natal imponen que los hombres deben realizar dos años de servicio militar obligatorio antes de los 28 años sin excepciones

O tal vez sí: los futbolistas del equipo coreano que llegó a semifinales del 2002 recibió una exención especial por parte del gobierno a raíz del esfuerzo realizado para representar a su país en la Copa del Mundo que los tuvo como uno de los organizadores

La decepción de Son tras la derrota (Getty) Son tenía en su mente realizar una epopeya similar en Rusia 2018 que abra la puerta rumbo al perdón

Todavía tiene una chance: las reglas de su nación indican que los deportistas que ganen medallas en los Juegos Olímpicos o preseas de oro en los Juegos Asiáticos recibirán de manera inmediata la excepción del servicio militar, aunque deberán afrontar cuatro semanas de entrenamiento básico

Según informaron en el medio catalán Mundo Deportivo, si Son debe acudir a su formación militar de manera completa pasará entre 21 y 36 meses dependiendo la fuerza que elija: Ejercito (21 meses), Marina (23 meses), Fuerza Aérea (24 meses) y Fuerza Marina (entre 24 y 36 meses)

La desolación en el vestuario coreano (Getty) Sus lágrimas pusieron sobre la mesa el tema y los medios ingleses aseguran que el Tottenham evalúa renovar su contrato, aunque esta obligación en su futuro podría complicar la negociación ya que deberían incluir una cláusula con algún tipo de interrupción

Más allá de las fotos con el dolor del ex Hamburgo y Bayer Leverkusen de Alemania, el atacante decidió no pronunciarse al respecto durante su carrera ya que cualquier declaración podría causarle problemas en su tierra o hasta generar el rechazo de la sociedad que ve mal que los ciudadanos se salteen esta obligación

El Tottenham duda renovarle el contrato por la obligación que debe afrontar (Reuters) El próximo miércoles 27 de junio, en Kazan, deberán vencer a Alemania y esperar que México se imponga sobre Suecia para soñar con la clasificación a octavos de final

Eso sí, en caso de que esto ocurra deberán mirar de cerca la diferencia de gol. En caso de que Corea se despida de Rusia, la última oportunidad será en agosto, cuando se disputen los Juegos Asiáticos en Indonesia

Allí estará obligado a conseguir la medalla de oro o desechará el último boleto para continuar con su trayectoria como futbolista

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: "El hincha de México que tiene cuatro Fan ID: la historia más trágica y emotiva del Mundial de Rusia 2018" "La intrigante historia de un fanático mexicano que desapareció tras conocer a una mujer rusa"

For more infomation >> El llanto de Heung-Min Son esconde una dramática historia que podría acabar con su exitosa carrera c - Duration: 4:21.


AMLO pedirá a Peña que le deje hacer el presupuesto de 2019 - Duration: 1:41.

 El candidato presidencial de la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, dijo que en la reunión que solicitará al presidente Enrique Peña Nieto para el próximo 3 de julio, le planteará que le permita ser él quien distribuya el presupuesto del próximo año

 Al cerrar campaña en Tlaxcala, el tabasqueño dijo que comenzará a sentarse con los integrantes de su gabinete para que de ganar la Presidencia  definan cómo comenzar a cumplir sus promesas

  Te recomendamos: AMLO promete acabar con huachicoleo en Puebla  "Tengo que hablar con el que va a ser secretario de Hacienda, Carlos Urzúa que es un hombre muy inteligente, para que se haga todo el trabajo del nuevo presupuesto que ya nos va a tocar a nosotros presentar, se tiene que entregar el presupuesto del año próximo en noviembre y ese presupuesto lo vamos a elaborar nosotros

 "Son de las cosas que le tengo que plantear desde el día 3 que le voy a solicitar una audiencia con el presidente Peña Nieto, uno de los temas que le voy a tratar es que ya tenemos nosotros que encargarnos del presupuesto del 2019", dijo

Te recomendamos: Morena acusa a Yunes de sabotear mitin de AMLO  También prometió que sus informes de gobierno no serían como los tradicionales pues "dejarán de ser acartonados", ofreció "venir a las plazas públicas y desde aquí platicar, escucharos, ver cómo vamos y resolver"

For more infomation >> AMLO pedirá a Peña que le deje hacer el presupuesto de 2019 - Duration: 1:41.


No hubo grito discriminatorio en primer despeje de Corea - Duration: 3:01.

 ROSTOV -- La afición mexicana calló. Al menos en el primer despeje del portero Jo Hyeonwoo los miles de seguidores del Tri optaron por no entonar el grito "eeehhhhhh

" que la FIFA considera 'discriminatorio´ y que ha ocasionado múltiples multas hacia la Federación Mexicana de Futbol

No se trató d eun saque de meta, si no de una jugada con balón vivo, igual el grito no apareció

 Tampoco se gritó algo contra el arquero en su primer saque de meta, sólo apareció una porra a Hirving Lozano: "El Chucky Lozano", se escuchaba en Rostov

 AMENAZA DESPUÉS DEL JUEGO ANTE ALEMANIA Después del juego frente a Alemania, las autoridades del máximo organismo mundial advirtieron a la Femexfut que estaban bajo investigación debido a que en tres ocasiones la gente exclamó dicha frase al portero alemán Manuel Neuer

 Posteriormente, el órgano multó con 10 mil francos suizos a la Federación. El acuerdo posterior fue que para el juego de esta tarde en la Arena Rostov cualquier persona que expresara una acción que se considerara ofensiva de inmediato sería sacada del escenario, además de que se le quitaría su FAN ID, sin el que es imposible entrar a cualquier escenario mundialista

 Para el juego de hoy se incrementó el número de observadores de 250 a 500 para reportar cualquier tipo de incidente en las gradas

 Según la organización no gubernamental Non Violence la recomendación que hizo sobre la mesa a la FMF es que la campaña también se incluyera en inglés, ya que muchos mexicanos vienen de Estados Unidos y había temor que el plan para acabar con el grito no llegara a los mexico-americanos

 Durante la semana, los mexicanos se pusieron de acuerdo en evitar el grito, lo que al parecer resultó positivo ya que al menos en el juego ante los coreanos no se escuchó nada al unísono

 El 21 de junio se cumple un año de que también se guardó silencio en la Copa Conmfederaciones 2017

For more infomation >> No hubo grito discriminatorio en primer despeje de Corea - Duration: 3:01.


An Amazing Na Perm (For OH) !!! - Duration: 1:23.

Hi, everyone. My name is Muhammad Haris Aamir. In this video, I'm going to show

you an amazing Na Perm for One Handed solving which can be a great alternative

to the original one. I hope this algorithm will help you.

For the execution of this algorithm, you hold the cube like this in which you swap

these two edges and these two corners and after that you do this

algorithm. R U2' R' U' R U2' L' U R' U' L U2

R U2' R' U' R U2' L' U R' U' L U. So, this was

the algorithm that I want to show you today. I hope this algorithm will help

you. If you admire this algorithm, please like this video and certify that you

have subscribed to my channel and have pressed that notification bell icon

right to it so that you can get notified by all the video content that is going

to be uploaded on my channel. So, thanks for watching and see you all next time.

For more infomation >> An Amazing Na Perm (For OH) !!! - Duration: 1:23.


Gravid Fish Eggs Gravy Recipe | Pregnant Corp Fish Eggs Masala Stew | Fish Egg Spicy Fry Recipes - Duration: 7:22.









For more infomation >> Gravid Fish Eggs Gravy Recipe | Pregnant Corp Fish Eggs Masala Stew | Fish Egg Spicy Fry Recipes - Duration: 7:22.


Brazil v Costa Rica (Game 2 Prediction) FIFA 18 World Cup Russia Tournament Group E - Duration: 29:56.

For more infomation >> Brazil v Costa Rica (Game 2 Prediction) FIFA 18 World Cup Russia Tournament Group E - Duration: 29:56.


Man Utd transfer news: Luka Modric revelation made by Jamie Redknapp - Duration: 3:56.

 That's according to Jamie Redknapp, who says Sir Alex Ferguson phoned his father, Harry, personally to discuss a deal for the Croatian

 Manchester United went into the 2011 showdown against Barcelona with a central midfield of Michael Carrick and Ryan Giggs

 But they were outclassed by their Spanish opponents, who had Sergio Busquets, Xavi and Andres Iniesta at their disposal

 The midfield trio shined as Barcelona ran out 3-1 winners at Wembley, thanks to goals from Pedro, Lionel Messi and David Villa

 Redknapp says Ferguson came to a realisation about the man he needed to take his United team to Barcelona's level after the defeat

 And he's lifted the lid on the phone call the United legend made as he plotted a transfer raid on Premier League rivals Tottenham

 "The day after Manchester United lost to Barcelona in the Champions League final at Wembley in 2011, my dad received a call from Sir Alex Ferguson," Redknapp told the Daily Mail

"He wanted to sign Luka Modric. "Xavi and Iniesta had raised the bar for midfielders

The best had to be players who could take the ball off either foot, dribble and pass through the lines

 "Having seen just how impressive those two were against United, Sir Alex identified Modric as the player to take his team forward

" Redknapp believes Modric showed his enduring quality in Real Madrid's Champions League final victory last month, as well as at this summer's World Cup

 "When your team are under the cosh, there is no better player to handle the pressure," Redknapp added

 "Modric is always willing to receive the ball and will keep hold of it to take the sting out of the game

That is the mark of a brave player.  "When he first came to Tottenham, the pace and intensity of the Premier League took him by surprise but he adapted quickly

 "He is now comfortable playing in a midfield two or even as a No 10. He ran the show for Real Madrid against Liverpool in last month's Champions League final and did so again to defeat Argentina

 "While Jorge Sampaoli had a team of individuals, you could see the Croatia players all pulling together with Modric at the centre

 "How far Croatia can go in Russia remains to be seen. What is certain is that any floating voters will have been convinced that Modric is a class act

" United legend Ryan Giggs believes Jose Mourinho needs a player of Modric's calibre now, as well as another defender

 "In midfield I'd like to see - we've been saying it for a long time, we thought [Paul] Pogba would be that attacking midfielder I would like to see," Giggs said

 "They don't grow on trees unfortunately, a Modric, a [Toni] Kroos type who can keep the ball

 "And also I think a centre-half we need."

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Luka Modric revelation made by Jamie Redknapp - Duration: 3:56.


GOSSIP U&D/ Marta su Instagram: 'Con Nicolò non abbiamo scansato un fosso ma un iceberg' - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> GOSSIP U&D/ Marta su Instagram: 'Con Nicolò non abbiamo scansato un fosso ma un iceberg' - Duration: 4:19.


かわいいのに極太の上腕二頭筋 謎のマッチョ美女に有吉興奮「スゲー身体!」 - Duration: 2:29.

(画像はエースマン辰馬@マッチョ29 Twitterのスクリーンショット)   え上げたスタイルの女性が世を賑やかす昨今、23日深夜放送の『有吉反省会』(日本テ ビ系)でも「ある女性」を紹介し世間をざわつかせている

 あどけないルックスとはあまりに不釣り合いな「ビルドアップされた上腕二頭筋」に 有吉弘行(44)、バカリズム(42)らも驚嘆。しかし、その正体は驚くべき人物だっ

   ■驚きの正体は… (画像はエースマン辰馬@マッチョ29 Twitterの クリーンショット)  実はこの女性はれっきとした「男性」。筋肉エンターテイメント ループ・マッチョ29にも所属するマッチョタレント・菅原辰馬(30)の女装姿なのだ

 4月1日のエイプリルフール用のネタでSNSにアップしたところ、いいね数は11 6,000を超え好評を博したが、本来の姿を知った人からは「ガッカリ感が半端ない」 女装姿のかわいさに完全に敗北」など悲鳴があがったという

 さらに、あまりに女装が上手くいったため、菅原自身も女装がクセになったそうで、 渋谷のスクランブル交差点に女装姿で立ちたい」との夢も明かされた。    ■有吉は 興奮  菅原が紹介されたコーナーは、ネット上で「反省すべき対象」を複数人調査、ス ジオに1人だけ呼び反省を促すという「反省パトロール」

 この日は、番組で「お尻が汚い」グラドルとして名を馳せた青山ひかるに次ぐ、2代 「お尻が汚い」グラドル・あいだあい(27)が反省対象に選ばれ、スタジオに登場し番 を盛り上げた

 残念ながら菅原はスタジオには登場しなかったが、女装写真をみた有吉は「スゲー身 !」と菅原を賞賛。バカリズムら出演陣と共に「スゴイよ、いやスゴイじゃん」と身体と 装姿のギャップに興奮を隠せなかった点からも、爪痕は残せたようだ

   ■視聴者も興奮  有吉だけでなく、視聴者も謎の美女・菅原に興奮。さまざま 感想を寄せている。 なんで?女装反省することないじゃん!!!  — ちくわ ( chikuwa_disco) June 23, 2018   菅原辰馬さん! めちゃくちゃ可愛い  — みるくてぃ (@anko0411peach) June 23, 2018   この菅原辰馬さんってマッチョタレント?の方、めっちゃ魔 少女俺のコスプレしてほしい  — MEXCITING! (@mekuso520) June 23, 2018   有吉反省会に戸愚呂妹が出てるw  — まて╰ ╯かい (@matekai1102) June 23, 2018      ■ 性28.6%が「鍛えている女性がセクシー」  しらべぇ編集部で全国20代~60代 男性686名を対象に調査したところ、全体の28.6%が「身体を鍛えている女性はセ シーだと感じる」と回答した

   鍛えている女性を支持する層が一定数いることからも、菅原の女装姿にときめい 男性も少なくないのかもしれない。  ・合わせて読みたい→岡田サリオ、I字バランス 球式で炎上 「パンツ見えてイイ」、ノーブラ発覚に有吉興奮 (文/しらべぇ編集部・ バマサシ) 【調査概要】 方法:インターネットリサーチ「Qzoo」 査期間:2016年5月20日~2016年5月23日 対象:全国20代~60代の男 686名(有効回答数)

For more infomation >> かわいいのに極太の上腕二頭筋 謎のマッチョ美女に有吉興奮「スゲー身体!」 - Duration: 2:29.


Essay Film : Indie & I - Duration: 6:14.

Indie, quirky, artsy, coming-of-age, whimsy.

All these terms become lost in the parlance of describing what was once the independent artist.

Now, the independent mainstream artist.

In the 2000s, with the rise of Sofia Coppola, and Diablo Cody, Spike Jonze and Wes Anderson

and Michael Cera, "indie" entered the mainstream American consciousness.

The stories of these artists was about growing up outside the norm,

yet they did not realize that they were establishing the norm for the generation to follow.

The alternative had become the mainstream

and like Dada in the 1910s, or punk rock in the 70s, the angsty expression of misunderstood

youth had lost its merit but reached prominence.

Our Great War became the one of growing up.

Our Margaret Thatcher were our parents.

I guess I'm not talking just about Indie anymore, but Indie coming of age stories.

I remember telling my partner how I was obsessing over Juno, quite simply they told me:

"You don't like Juno, you just want to be Juno."

But maybe I'm wrong.


What even was Indie?

I think the answer to that is the same as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart on trying to describe hard-core pornography:

"I know it when I see it."

But that's the thing, that's all I could see.

Indie became my pornography and I would get defensive of it, obsessed by it.

I don't know if I was the only one.

Revisionist, ironic, and post-modern,

Indie film to me became the tenants of my style, the building blocks of my cinematic ventures.

But a rigid adherence mixed with my ADHD were a detrimental combination.

Two years of film school and I refused to learn actual basics.

Everything I did HAD to be indie, feel indie, to the point where nothing did and I would fail classes.

I faltered and I left school.

In fact, my relation to film was engendered by mental illnesses.

I was good at making films as a teen because I'd dissociate easily and

I would constantly view myself from the outside from at least 3 different camera angles.

But even that suffering didn't feel like it was enough.

My mental illness had to be indie-worthy, I felt fake.

I wanted my mental illness to sync to the ones depicted on screen or sung into my headphones.

Indie was more than just a trend for me, it was an identity I clung onto and that was nearly impossible to let go of.

My friend Caroline and I had a love/hate relationship with Silver Linings playbook.

I wanted to be those characters, but Caroline would be frustrated about how it depicted mental illness.

"Being mentally ill isn't just being a goth Jennifer Lawrence,"

Caroline would say.

But that's all it was. Dissociation.

It was not my fault.

I loved the lil' indie films I made in high school. And that's all it should've been.

By the first year after I left college, I didn't really care anymore about the obsession.

Life felt mundane and eventually I came to hate that too.

The fad with Indie had well...faded.

Just like that, I didn't disassociate anymore and I think I got better.

But that too, I came to dislike.

The angst of being counter culture was no longer there to push me forward.

I had accepted my life was no longer a movie, but I yearned for it to be.

Indie film was a spectre that was ever present.

Stranger Things, House of Cards, and blockbusters had utilized the methods of previous films that were Indie,

or that I considered it to be.

I didn't care as much and that bothered me.

I wandered the streets of New York, reminiscing about a past that was not that beautiful.

I couldn't dissociate but that meant I no longer saw life in 3 different angles.

I forced a return to what I thought made me happy when I was younger.

I forced myself to listen to music I thought I loved,

yet was terrified to watch the indie movies that I thought molded me.

I would to my friends about how I wasn't myself anymore.

I followed around a few friends, put up a nice image, even extra'd in a few music videos for some "indie" band.

I followed one band in particular. Their name was Sunflower Bean

and me and about 10 other people made up their core group of fans.

One night,

I heard them play an untitled song while I was brooding in the middle of a crowd,

and I couldn't help but cry even though I couldn't decipher the lyrics.

Then, it came back; my mind began to wander for the first time in months.

I saw bullets pierce through a pink carpet in slow-motion.

Then one day,

I decided to be in one of their videos.

Oooh, there I am with the bleached hair.

And there again to the left of the screen.

And yeah, there again.

It was hard, but the one thing I realized was that…I was actually...

Oh yeah that's me again.

Yeah...misunderstood. And yeah...I didn't care much for Indie anymore after this video.

I started caring about people.

Then one day, I saw an essay film. "Voyagers" by Penny Lane.

And when Magnetic Fields blasted over footage of rockets, I broke into tears.

I grew up within the span of 16 minutes and 28 seconds.

I didn't care about what that meant about me, I didn't care about the genre.

I cared about Penny Lane and her story. And that's all I could think about.


Anyway, that untitled song finally came out.

It's called Memoria, and the chorus goes

"the past is the past for a reason."

I guess that's oddly appropriate.

Indie is dead.

But I am not.

For more infomation >> Essay Film : Indie & I - Duration: 6:14.


✅ Jiloan Hamad: "Jag vill ut i Europa igen" - Duration: 3:50.

 Hammarby:s mittfältsstjärna Jiloan Hamad har haft en fantastisk inledning på den Allsvenska säsongen

Efter de inledande fem matcherna står Jiloan Hamad noterad för fem mål och två assist

Detta betyder att Hamad efter enbart fem matcher gjort fler mål än vad han gjorde under hela förra säsongen

   Och när en spelare, spelar så pass bra som Hamad har gjort så tar det ofta inte speciellt lång tid innan blickar från andra klubbar vänds mot spelaren i fråga

Så hur ser Jiloan Hamad på att lämna laget som just nu leder den Allsvenska tabellen till sommaren?   – Jag har det bästa livet just nu för vem vill inte vara hemma i Sverige, nära till vänner, familj och få göra det som man älskar, speciellt i en klubb som Hammarby

För det publiktrycket, jag kan inte ens uttrycka alla känslor som jag känt den här månaden med Allsvenskan

Så jag mår bra just nu men samtidigt är jag 27 år och jag har sagt sedan dag ett att jag vill komma hem, hämta ny luft sen dra utomlands igen

Sen om det blir till sommaren det vet jag inte utan det vill jag ta då, för fortsätter det så här så ska det mycket till för att jag ska vilja lämna i sommar, säger Jiloan Hamad i veckans Studio Allsvenskan

 Chefredaktör Henrik Eriksson är inte nöjd med svaret utan pressar Jiloan Hamad att berätta mer om den klausulen som finns i hans nuvarande kontrakt med Hammarby

 – Den här klausulen, folk pratar om den som om att det är värsta grejen. Jag känner bara att förra året så kanske det var en dålig grej för Hammarby och bättre för mig men i år nu när jag har utgående kontrakt så kan den klausulen tala emot mig

För det som klausulen egentligen innebär är att det finns en summa och betalar en annan klubb den så är det enbart upp till mig om jag ska lämna eller inte, säger Jiloan Hamad i Studio Allsvenskan

 Oavsett om Jiloan lämnar Hammarby till sommaren eller inte så har han fortfarande sju matcher att visa upp sig innan fönstret öppnar den 15 juli

 I studion på Nyheter24 hittar vi förutom gästen, Jiloan Hamad, den ständige programledaren Marcus Birro, chefredaktör Henrik Eriksson samt sportjournalisten Philip De Giorgio

 I spelaren ovan kan du se hela avsnittet med Jiloan Hamad.   Studio Allsvenskan finns även som podcast!  Lyssnar du hellre via Acast? Då hittar du den här!  Missa inte eftersnacket på Facebook! Ansök om att bli medlem i gruppen Studio Allsvenskan här

 Gillar du Allsvenskan? Då kanske du även är intresserad av de här artiklarna:  Jesper Jansson: "Det finns en klausul i Hamads kontrakt"  Jonas Erikssons horribla derby – har gått på myten om sig själv  Häckens sportchef Sonny Karlsson: "Blåvitt vill inte ha ett derby mot oss"  Glöm inte att ladda ner vår app för att få full koll på de senaste nyheterna

Finns på Google Play och App Store.

For more infomation >> ✅ Jiloan Hamad: "Jag vill ut i Europa igen" - Duration: 3:50.


BREAKING: Iconic ROCK LEGEND Just Found DEAD… This Is A Sad Day For America - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Iconic ROCK LEGEND Just Found DEAD… This Is A Sad Day For America - Duration: 1:58.


Tom Arnold Crosses the Line, Vows to Publicly Harrass Barron and Melania - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Crosses the Line, Vows to Publicly Harrass Barron and Melania - Duration: 3:12.


Metroid Prime: Hunters ANY% Walkthrough (SINGLE SCREEN Edition) - Octolith I - Duration: 25:32.

This game has a really good intro--it really sets the mood of the game, in my opinion.

The fact it bothers mentioning that the Tetra Galaxy is outside Federation-controlled space suggests the Federation is freaking huge!

This gives you an idea of just how far away Phaaze is: Samus is able to travel to another galaxy in just her gunship, but Phaaze was virtually unreachable without using the Leviathan's warpfield.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the most underrated Metroid game ever.

Already, this game has some very eerie vibes, and I haven't even set foot off of the ship yet.

Excellent way to start a Metroid game.

That right there is a clue for a combination that you will have to solve later, so keep that in mind.

Gosh, this is a very dead and lonely place...

Even haters gotta admit: this game captures the isolation factor better than ANY other Metroid game.

As if to drive the point of this station being a "ghost" station home...

Another way this game powerfully portrays the isolation factor...

Almost all the hostiles in this game are robots.

So, it makes you feel like you're the only living thing around even when you're not.

Even though Kanden is technically a living thing, he's also a laboratory experiment, hence still artificial.

Ergo, you kinda feel like you're the only true life-form aboard this decrepit station...aside from that thing.

That thing may look somewhat like a metroid, but in reality, this is the one Metroid game without a single namesake around.

So, those robots (Psychos) resemble Alimbic heads, in case you didn't know.

What I find really cool about the portal artifacts is that they aren't just three of the same artifact but three unique artifacts that give the portal a particular function.

This artifact, for instance, is the cartograph artifact, which basically tells the portal where to send whatever passes through it.

You don't say?

Either the game is training you to use your jumping mechanic, or the Alimbic really enjoyed parkour.

Suddenly, the game just got intense...

Yay, we get to shoot a green weapon in this game!

Oh, I get it...


Well, I guess I'm screwed since I can't hurt him apparently...

Or maybe the Alimbic could casually prance up these platforms.

You know, Kanden's info in the manual labels him as "dangerously unpredictable..."

But he sorta moves in a pattern, so...

So, YOU had the key, eh, Lightning Bug?

And that one allows the portal to materialize and dematerialize anything that passes through it.

So, we got the WHERE artifact and now the WHAT artifact for the portal; now, we just need the HOW artifact.

Okay, fine! Gosh!

I like how you can go inside your ship and save your game within the ship itself and not on the outside, like in all the other Metroid games.

And that was the HOW artifact.

So, in case you didn't notice, this first emblem is the Alimbic insignia.

Or at least, it's the primary insignia.

All the different insignias are probably emblems of different houses of the Alimbic order, like in heraldry or on Krypton (e.g., the House of El).

Perhaps that emblem belongs to the predominant house.

So, I was looking for a possible meaning behind the name "Cretaphid..."

And the best I could find is something like "a thick, supporting bar, peg, or wedge of clay/chalk" or "a thick, supporting crayon."

And it kinda does look a bit like a crayon of sorts.

A giant, highly technological, killer crayon, that is.

Mostly looks made of clay, though, honestly.

My gunship seems to have a mind of its own.

So, the station doesn't actually blow up, so I'm not entirely sure what the countdown is for exactly.


So, yeah, correction: there are a FEW lifeforms aboard this joint.

Like these guys...duh.

I mean, it does make sense that these guys would activate now that I've taken one of the octoliths.

For more infomation >> Metroid Prime: Hunters ANY% Walkthrough (SINGLE SCREEN Edition) - Octolith I - Duration: 25:32.


Why did i prefer to be a transsexual? - Duration: 9:24.

they do not have constitutional social and economic rights

they have to migrate to get rid of family and environment pressure

they have to pay high prices for very low-value houses

the likelihood of being kicked out from house is very high

they are not accepted to work, even if they find work they are getting mobbing

they are being pushed out of health programs, treatment by transphobic doctors is being rejected

no social security, no regular income. they are all alone when they grow old because they can not make a family

they have difficulty in protecting themselves, they are being extorted and mocked

"we put mocking habits into the hearts of guilty sinners" (Hicr-12)

"what they mocked surrounded them" (zümer-48)

"O believers, let not a community make fun of another community, perhaps it is better than them." (Hucurat-11)

they can not use public transport!

they have to go by taxi each time and pay ten times as much money

they are fined for prostitution, these people trying to survive, unfortunately have to make more prostitution unwillingly to pay these debts

There are no legal mechanisms against violence. even lawyer associations are running away from defending

almost half committed suicide or attempted before reaching the age of 20

#no to forced sex work

Why does a person want to change sex?

I will not tell you about psychosocial reasons

but forget everything you know about the subject until this day!

From our feet to our facial muscles, every organ has cellular areas in our brain.

Our organs send neural signals to these regions. For this reason, we can notice and feel.

for example, when you move your hand, the signal appears on the motor cortex

and When we see something, the visual field behind our heads goes into action

every organ of our body has a field in the brain map

and the brain can reshape its own map

mice were left in the dark in an experiment

they used hearing and smell organs more because they could not use visual information in the dark

but an interesting situation has been encountered

Visual field neuronal connections are reduced because no visual field is used

so the weight of the brain is also reduced

brain weight did not decrease!

It was observed that areas where the visual neuron connections were empty were filled by hearing and odor neurons

so the sense of hearing of the blind is better than that of the seeers.

all of our organs must be knitted like a lace in the head. within a critical time frame! otherwise they can neither be perceived nor used.

This is done by establishing connections between cells

If the critical period is missed, they can not be used because the organs are not processed in the brain. Even if they exist!

for example, if the eyes of a kitten are kept closed for a few months after birth, the visual information can not be processed in the brain.

and the visual cortex will not develop. it will not be able to see because the critical period has been missed even if its eyes are opened

Another example is that the critical period for people's language development is ending at the age of 8-9

children who grew up in the forest far from people and joined the community after the age of 15, did not learn much more than 20-30 words despite all the struggles.

because the critical period required for language development has been missed

In 2007, Ramachandran published a very astonishing theory of transsexuality based on the results of concrete research

According to this study, the penis was found missing from brain maps of transsexuals that turned from male to female. In the brain maps of transsexuals that have turned from female to male, the chest part was missing.

The reason for this is that during the critical period of development, they are not programmed into the brain map.

As a result, these organs that are not structured in brain cells are not felt by transsexuals as their own organs, they accept it as redundancy and want to get rid of them.

our sexual organs occur in the first months of pregnancy.

but the brain perceives them as gender in the second half of pregnancy. The critical period for gender perception is the second half of pregnancy

In the first period of pregnancy, the sexual organ may belong to any sex, but in the second stage of your pregnancy, the brain can, on the contrary, regulate itself to feel the opposite sex.

this is called sexual differentiation. In other words, there are masculine structures in the female brain and feminine structures in the male brain

a study supporting this was made in 1995 and published in the nature magazine

In this study, brain structures of post-mortem transsexuals were examined and gender reversed structures were encountered

What stands out at this stage is the cell communities, which are called the center of the "bed nucleus of stria terminalis" Briefly called BSTc.

this cell community is a part of the septal nucleus that stimulates intense pleasure when stimulated.

And it affects many sexual behaviors and sexual behavior areas in the brain

Normally, the number of cells in this field is twice as large in men. And the area is twice as big

but in this study, the rate of cells, in transsexuals who were converted from male to female, was determined at the same level as the woman

however, the rate of cells, in transsexuals who were converted from female to male, was determined at the same level as the man

these cell ratios are tangible findings of the sex in which the person feels himself, rather than the sex in the identity.

Well, can not these ratios have changed after the behavior in the life process? a question like that might come to mind. it has a satisfying answer

Transsexuals can not change their gender perception in adulthood, even if their hormone levels change

because the critical period for gender differentiation is the second half of your pregnancy. Its validity has been confirmed once again in this study

let's pay attention to something important here! As you noticed, this documentary is not about gay trends. But it is about the individual's own sense of belonging to another sex

Transsexuals don't become transsexual to satisfy their sexual desires. But they become in order to see themselves in the sex they feel belong to.

that is, they are not in pursuit of sex work. And they do not regret having done sex surgery. The rate of regret is % 0.4 worldwide. that is, only four of every thousand people

in the direction of the available data, they are not basically homosexual individuals. if the trans person has chosen to be a woman, then he is a woman. If the trans individual has chosen to be a man, he is a man.

these people, since their childhood, are proving clearly that their emotions belong to the opposite sex by using body language, giving importance to friendship with the opposite sex, by preferring to dress like them and by acting like them

Also transsexuals have no similarities with sodom and gomorrah. In this tribe, men are harassing men in a brutal manner

and there are no lesbian tendencies in women in that tribe! in today's transsexuals they are in the sense of belonging to another sex!

According to a report published by the american psychology association in 2009, these people's treatment attempts led to suicide outbreaks.

the report underscored that the therapies did not produce any positive results and that the 150,000 members of the project had to end therapy.

according to the report, the only thing the therapists do is to teach rejecting feelings and suppress tendencies.

As a result, transsexuality is a greater understanding problem for non-transsexuals.

For more infomation >> Why did i prefer to be a transsexual? - Duration: 9:24.


Cosmetic Co Just Stabbed Trump In Back With 'F*ck Trump' Lipstick, Guess Where 100% Of Profits Go… - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Cosmetic Co Just Stabbed Trump In Back With 'F*ck Trump' Lipstick, Guess Where 100% Of Profits Go… - Duration: 5:35.


How To Promote ClickBank Products On Youtube - Ways to sell clickbank products - Duration: 15:21.

hi guys Manuel here from empowerment

and today we're gonna be talking about how to promote Clickbank products I'll

show you how to sell Clickbank products also take you into Clickbank I'll tell

you how to pick some good products and you know that the best way to sell him

I'm going to show you how to sell him using YouTube but you can you can apply

it to loads of other things loads of other platforms but I'm going to be

focusing on YouTube and showing you how to promote using YouTube alright just

before we get into the content if you are new to the channel firstly I just

want to say hi I want to say welcome thanks for being here if you have if

you're not already a subscriber make sure you hit the subscribe button and

tick on the bell icon beside it because then you'll get informed every time I

put a video out and I'm constantly putting videos every week I'm trying to

put a video out that will help you that was trying to empower you to get your

own sells online and to make you better markers so that's my goal for you to

system make sure you don't miss out on the videos just hit the subscribe button

and you'll be notified when I put some videos on like that being said we're

going to get into the content now and to do that we're gonna have to shoot over

to the video shoot over to the computer so let's go hi there guys so here we are

over on the computer and here we are at Clickbank so for those of you don't know

Clickbank is just like a portal where you can you can sell other people's

products people upload their products and you can sell them most products are

digital on here and I would say 95% of the products on here digital and that's How To Promote ClickBank Products

good for you you don't have to store any stuff you can just sell other people's

products so what you do then you'd come to Clickbank go to the

affiliate marketplace in here you have a long list of all practically any niche

that you're in they'll have a product for it you can see all the niches here

Britain system business investing there's loads of them here you can just

have a look have a little play around when you do get here to login to

Clickbank is free to get an account is free so you know you could just go to

clickbank comm and create your account but I looked at this one here business

and investing and the way I like to organize them I like to organize them by

gravity so here gravity high to low gravity is a

bit complicated to explain but basically it just means that other people are

selling it so if other people are selling other affiliates or selling

these products the higher the gravity the more people are selling it so it

means it's being sold that's a good indicator for you to pick one of the

products so let's see what we've got here we've got free crypto now that's

the top this is the one with the top gravity this gravity is was that thirty

eight point six eight so um you know is it's not bad gravity but the average

cell the initial cell you're gonna make is twenty two dollars if you're gonna be

putting up videos and doing all the work all the effort to do that then I would

hope try and make a bit more money I like to make on the initial say I'd like

to make at least a hundred dollars like this second one here one hundred and

seven dollars you'd make that on the initial cell either I like to make a

high amount on the initial cell or the rebill so that if somebody's getting

rebuild every month then it might be worth going after it because you're not

you're gonna keep making a recurring income this one doesn't have a rebill

but it does have a high initial cell let's have a look at some of the others

see which one's got any rebuilds so this one here let's just make this a little

larger so you can see yeah this one here it's got the average Reaper 120 does the

initial cells only 24 dollars but it's gonna be rebuild

you're gonna potentially make an average 120 dollars every month the average

number of percentage of people that rebuild 75% so this would be a decent

one to go after so I'd either go after this one for Forex trendy or this one

here the fiber quantum so let's look at this one here the fiber quantum so what

I do first things first I would have a look at these site itself and see what I

thought because if you don't like the site then you know maybe probably other

people so and you want to come here to learn about the product is work you're

gonna market it so I would come here out look at the video and I'd have a little

reader the site I'd understand what it's about something to do it like sharing

people how to money would Forex you know so have a

look I'd have a little play about in the site there another good thing I like is

when they have a an affiliate page like with this one let's have a look at the

affiliate page because because on their affiliate page if they help you out they

sometimes give you articles they give you things that you can use images like

this image here this affiliate page is not great let's have a look at another

one so that I can show you exactly what I'm trying I'm trying to illustrate one

one when you get a really really good one let's look at this one with profits

yeah look at this affiliate page really good affiliate pages show you everything

you need to know the Commission's that you can make thirty seven dollars front

end and what you can make back-end the proof of their conversions the banners

if you've got a website you know and I'll show you I'll tell you a bit later

about how you can get a free website so if you've got a website you'd put your

banner on here images you can use you could use these images on if you use

Instagram or if you use Facebook anything like that you can use these

images you can borrow their images so they've done all the hard work for you

here this would be the keyword you'd probably make videos about start

woodworking business woodworking business plans so you couldn't that they

give they've done all the keyword research for you articles here you can

download some articles again you can put that on a website if you have a website

or you can put it on a Facebook page you know an email template so if you have a

name if you have an email list and you want to send emails they've done all the

hard work for you so that would be a nice affiliate page but like we said

we're going to look at this this one the five or quantum so we've looked at the

page which we like now we're gonna we have to go now

and think about what we're going to make the videos about this we're going to

promote it using videos so I would then go and have a look at a search for five

or quantum yeah I'll use keyword tool now the most popular

keyword tool is the Google AdWords tool Google Adwords

now it's a good tool I quite like it it shows it shows like how many people are

searching for that term fiber quantum but one thing it's missing it doesn't

show how easy it is to rank for that so that's why I use another tool called

jacksie again I'll give you free access to this you could you got 33 searches

using this tool called jacksie so I would go to this tool and I'd put fiber

quantum in quantum and let's do a search

so here a fiber quantum average search is 420 this is the amount a bridge

amount of traffic you would get if you ranked number one so 72 views but this

is what I love about this tool here when you says get Q SR I just make it bigger

it says here great so that means when it's great it means

it's easy to rank for it's not that difficult to rank for this is the beauty

of this tool you know if I wouldn't go after any terms are really difficult to

rank for because you know if you're a beginner and you don't have a lot of

authority on your site or your your YouTube channel then go for the easy

easy fruit first here's another keyword fiber quantum

review let's see how easy that one is

getting great so you get great that's a good indicator that you can go after it

and also now how do you find out all the keywords you shouldn't make videos about

I would go to YouTube I bought into YouTube by putting fiber quantum in

search and just just click the space after you put fiber quantum and here's

ten keywords that that YouTube are showing you that people are searching

for these keywords here's the fiber quantum review fiber quantum indicate

hair fiber quantum download so what I'd want you to do is take these ten

keywords here and put them down in a notepad or something for now because

you're going to be using them again when we talk about the YouTube video and in

the descriptions and stuff and also you can use them in the jacksie tool so I'll

take each one of these I'd go to Jack C I'd put them in here and see how hard

they are to rank we've already got two here

so that's two videos you would make you'd wait what about five or quantum

you'd make another one about five or quantum review yeah so then you'd get to

work making this video very very easy to make nowadays just use your phone you

know if you if you if you're not a top marketer or something like that just use

your phone you know you don't need nowadays the phones are so good there's

just as good as some of these top top cameras so use your phone you use your

your iPhone or whatever phone you've got use it film it and then you'd get it

you'd upload it to YouTube so get gets get get some video made

watched it like said watch this page get some ideas what it's all about get your

phone out film a video then upload it to YouTube and then once you've done that

once you've uploaded it yeah so this here you'd put upload you click on that

little bit there in the top corner and once you've uploaded it now you want to

fill out your titles your tags and everything so once you've uploaded it

you then would pull out the title the title should contain your keyword in

this case it's five or quantum so make sure it says five or quantum and then

maybe four I will come to review and then put a little bit more you know so

five or quantum what the Forex list Forest Products is about or something

you know just a little bit extra in the description you're then going to put

your everything that the products about so I'd write a 300 word description and

you should put your tag of your link in there to get your link so we're going to

go back to the product here to get your link if you want to promote this you'd

click on this here promote then you would put your Clickbank nickname in

there whichever nickname you you want it you put in there and there there would

be your link now that link is a bit ugly so I would copy that

it's a copy I've done they've copied it then I would go into Google and I would

put something called a keyword I'm sorry link shortener just go for the first one

here the Google one here and then you'd click that you put that long link in

there and you shorten it now look at the difference this is this would be your

link here that tiny little thing you just copy that and then that's where

that would go you'd stick that right there in the description and then I

would write a description about that products say about 200 to 300 words long

yeah and in the description I would put a few of my keywords so a few of these

keywords we I told you to write down you might just talk about a few of these

five or quantum fiber quantum review but they should be in the description about

200 words long I would put it in then you want to put tags these are the tags

what YouTube tells YouTube what the video is about again those tags should

be these ten should be up these ten hero take every one of those and I'll put it

in the tags you know you'd write it quantum review then enter and then

quantum quantum move indicator and to put ten of them in here yeah I'd put all

of them in there any anything you think about that you think somebody might

search for to find that your video should go in there and there you have it

now you've got a piece of content up on YouTube that people can find you watch

your video and then click on your link I'll give you an example down here so I

put quantum fiber quantum in and the first video was this one so you know

this would be you potentially underneath we've got here that sees link now if I

was to click on that that would take me to this but it'll be there via his link

now so if I was to buy this he would make that Commission of a hundred and

something dollars that they're paying for this so listen I hope that makes

sense so that's how you can now start promoting you can Clickbank products and

making money using Clickbank now I'm showing you how to promote using

YouTube but you can use anything you could use a blog you could use a blog

site you could use Instagram you could use Facebook but it's just a case of

just promoting it getting it out there again out there with that link the link

now I showed you how you get get it out there when people click on that link and

they watch and they go to the main page and they watch that video in the fiber

quantum if they like it and they buy it you will then make some money so if

you're interested in getting access to that jacksie tool also gain access to

two free websites where you can actually start putting your videos on your

website putting some of those images on there putting some articles on there you

know some of them right well you can get free articles so if you're interested in

sticking up some blog some blogs a blog site and also you know putting your

videos on on on that platform I'm gonna give you access to something I believe

is really really great for newbies especially people trying to learn how to

market because it comes with a free course comes with a course that shows

you what you need to do to get started to get traffic to start making sales

online and giving you all these free tools to help you get started as well if

it's something that might be of interest to you I'm gonna leave links below this

video you can just click on that link and you get completely free access to

this if nothing else it's definitely worth having a lot so I hope you got

some value from this guy's if you did please take the time to like it and

share it with anyone else you believe will get some value from it as well if

you're not already a subscriber to the channel make sure you don't miss out on

my upcoming videos and click on the subscribe button below until next time

guys take care and I'll speak to you soon How To Promote ClickBank Products

all the best

For more infomation >> How To Promote ClickBank Products On Youtube - Ways to sell clickbank products - Duration: 15:21.


How To Make Rose Water at Home|| Homemade Rose Water ||Skin Care Tips By Rani G in Urdu / Hindi - Duration: 4:46.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> How To Make Rose Water at Home|| Homemade Rose Water ||Skin Care Tips By Rani G in Urdu / Hindi - Duration: 4:46.


An Amazing Na Perm (For OH) !!! - Duration: 1:23.

Hi, everyone. My name is Muhammad Haris Aamir. In this video, I'm going to show

you an amazing Na Perm for One Handed solving which can be a great alternative

to the original one. I hope this algorithm will help you.

For the execution of this algorithm, you hold the cube like this in which you swap

these two edges and these two corners and after that you do this

algorithm. R U2' R' U' R U2' L' U R' U' L U2

R U2' R' U' R U2' L' U R' U' L U. So, this was

the algorithm that I want to show you today. I hope this algorithm will help

you. If you admire this algorithm, please like this video and certify that you

have subscribed to my channel and have pressed that notification bell icon

right to it so that you can get notified by all the video content that is going

to be uploaded on my channel. So, thanks for watching and see you all next time.

For more infomation >> An Amazing Na Perm (For OH) !!! - Duration: 1:23.


Dyeing My Boyfriend's Hair| Before & After - Duration: 3:45.

hey folks so this is how my hair turned out it's pretty awesome thank you so

much Nancy it was a really good job I think it took what like probably four or

five hours just do it and then after it took a shower to try to like wash out

some of the dye I trimmed up the sides that's why they were fuzzier than

earlier clips whereas now they're a little bit closer shaved I usually like

doing it at uhhh I think of number one guard but yeah I'm really happy with

how it came oh I've already noticed that like unfortunately some of the

purple I think has started to fade just a tiny tiny bit but that's just because

I've been working it's been a couple of days since we've dyed it yeah so it's

been a couple days but um it's still really vibrant though and I hope it

stays like this for a really long time because I really like these colors so

I'm gonna happy with how it turned out I hope you all enjoyed watching this video

so make sure you like comment and subscribe if you haven't already bye

thanks for watching and don't forget to stay witchy bye

For more infomation >> Dyeing My Boyfriend's Hair| Before & After - Duration: 3:45.


Brazil v Costa Rica (Game 2 Prediction) FIFA 18 World Cup Russia Tournament Group E - Duration: 29:56.

For more infomation >> Brazil v Costa Rica (Game 2 Prediction) FIFA 18 World Cup Russia Tournament Group E - Duration: 29:56.


រឿងចិនល្អមើល កំពូលថ្វីដៃសេនារាជវាំង មានឈុតក្តៅសាច់ | Full HD Movie Speak Khmer - Duration: 1:23:45.

kom pol thvey dai sena reach vang

For more infomation >> រឿងចិនល្អមើល កំពូលថ្វីដៃសេនារាជវាំង មានឈុតក្តៅសាច់ | Full HD Movie Speak Khmer - Duration: 1:23:45.


Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study - Duration: 3:13:45.

Title: Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study

For more infomation >> Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study - Duration: 3:13:45.


EATING MÓN NƯỚNG HÀN QUỐC - KOREAN FOOD- Vietnamese Subtitles - Duration: 2:45.

Welcome to SVFF channel

Today, I and my friends are here in a Korean BBQ , buffet

Now I'll show you how to eat

Actually maybe many know how to do it, but, I said so for you to

know the way I speak Vietnamese... how I say when I put this or that

Ok, so now I'll start my instructions

I'll choose the largest lettuce leaf like this, and a smaller piece

pick , pick up vegetables and I'll pick some grilled meat, choose what you like. I'll choose this!

then put some more vegetables, have you recorded the vegetables?

then a bit Kimchi

We call this Kimchi

then roll it.. Have you washed your hands?

Of course!!! Please don't make fun of me in front of the camera. - Sorry!

dip it

Dip into any sauces you like ... omg, hot!!! Hot (x5)


I mean the grilled meat... it has just been hot!

This is beef rolled inside a wild betal leaf

What is it? I don't know - Beef!

beef... just consider it beef!

ok beef, but what type of beef? This is beef, from an unknown part of its body

This is... what fish ? - Yellowtail catfish

Yellowtail catfish grilled in tin foil, this is tin foil, guys!

I mean this fish wrapped in tin foiled will be grilled, it's called " Cá basa nướng giấy bạc"

Simple name

It's just a short introduction, but, if you have a chance, please come to Vietnam to enjoy it.

This restaurant may appear in many countries., but...

if you come to Vietnam, it'll be cheaper,. ok

See you in Vietnam

We must eat now. I'm too hungry!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> EATING MÓN NƯỚNG HÀN QUỐC - KOREAN FOOD- Vietnamese Subtitles - Duration: 2:45.


How to make a Garbage truck out of Cardboard - Duration: 8:06.

Thank you very much for the support, comment like and share! 😘

For more infomation >> How to make a Garbage truck out of Cardboard - Duration: 8:06.


Tom Arnold Crosses the Line, Vows to Publicly Harrass Barron and Melania - Duration: 3:13.

Tom Arnold has had an odd week, even by the standards of Tom Arnold.

Roseanne's former husband has been thrust back into the spotlight by the rather untoward

actions of his ex, and he seems determined to outdo her in the crazy department, all

without the dirty tint of racism.

First came Arnold's statement that he was going to be teaming up with Michael Cohen

to take down President Donald Trump after tweeting a picture with the Trump lawyer at

a New York hotel.

"This dude has all the tapes — this dude has everything," Arnold told NBC News, seeming

to imply Cohen would be appearing on his new show, "The Hunt for the Trump Tapes."

"I say to Michael, 'Guess what?

We're taking Trump down together, and he's so tired he's like, 'OK,' and his wife

is like, 'OK, f*** Trump.'"

Cohen's reaction was, um, slightly different.

So apparently that didn't work.

What to do next?

Quietly go back to producing this bizarre-sounding television show and forget his dalliance with

Cohen ever happened?

Or threaten to show up at Barron Trump's school to stalk him and Melania when the first

lady drops him off, all to protest Trump's immigration policy?

Given that this is Tom Arnold, I think you can guess which option he chose:

Responding to a tweet by Hollywood kinda-funnyman Judd Apatow in which the writer/director became

the latest star to glibly refer to separating children from parents who stand accused of

immigration crimes as somehow akin to Nazi Germany, Arnold said he would go to New York

City to stalk Barron and Melania.

"Way past sad & all in for these kids with @JuddApatow @FoxNews already hates me.

On a plane to NY.

Next is protesting Baron's private school as well as James & Lachlan Murdoch's kids.

This is what I can do to end the abuse of these children.

We're going to make you uncomfortable," Arnold wrote.

Stalking, by the way, is generally considered a crime and stalking members of the first

family is the kind of crime that can get you referred to the Secret Service — which,

the Media Resource Center reports, plenty of people did.

Did this prompt Arnold to stop?

Of course not.

"Dude, we can protest at The White House too," Arnold wrote.

"Also Melania takes him to school.

We want to have a word with her.

If we see babies tomorrow we're going to Kushners kids school.

Don Jr's kids are already working at Hooters so we'll protest there for lunch."

I'm not quite sure what Hooters Tom Arnold has been lunching at, but given that Don Jr.'s

oldest is 11, that's yet another reason to report him to the authorities.

In all fairness, these do not sound like the thoughts of someone in compos mentis, which

makes it hard for me to summon outrage so much as genuine concern.

Apparently, Mr. Arnold is surrounded by enablers who aren't willing to tell him that this

isn't, well, normal.

In fact, one might even call this behavior illegal, not to mention sadistic and sick.

I'm no expert, but I get the feeling Mr. Arnold could use an intervention of some sort.

He could be getting one from the Secret Service.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Crosses the Line, Vows to Publicly Harrass Barron and Melania - Duration: 3:13.


ស្រមៃកាលនៅវ័យកុមារ | Sromai Kal Vai Koma (Kuma) Khmer Song 2018 | Sdab Pleng - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> ស្រមៃកាលនៅវ័យកុមារ | Sromai Kal Vai Koma (Kuma) Khmer Song 2018 | Sdab Pleng - Duration: 4:50.


3 Traditional Indian Healthy Snacks Receipes / Peanut Chikki / Masala puffed Rice/ Fried Beans - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> 3 Traditional Indian Healthy Snacks Receipes / Peanut Chikki / Masala puffed Rice/ Fried Beans - Duration: 7:44.


Belen Rodriguez perde le staffe e strappa gli occhiali a un fotografo - Duration: 1:30.

 Un nuovo capitolo si aggiunge alla saga delle liti di Belen Rodriguez con i paparazzi

La rivista Diva e Donna, infatti, pubblica, nel numero in edicola questa settimana, le foto dell'ennesimo scontro tra la showgirl argentina ed alcuni fotografi avvenuto a margine di un evento a Milano

E stavolta si è arrivati alle mani.   Che Belen mal sopporti essere "pedinata" è cosa nota (come dimenticare le tensioni scoppiate con Michelle Hunziker, proprio a tal proposito?), ma in occasione dell'ultimo episodio i toni si sono fatti più accesi del solito

"Vi odio, è vero, siete il mio incubo. Io vado dallo psicologo, non riesco a camminare

Io vivo come dentro un film con i paparazzi che mi seguono", ha gridato

Poi è arrivata a strappare gli occhiali ai mal capitati e li ha gettati a terra

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez perde le staffe e strappa gli occhiali a un fotografo - Duration: 1:30.


✅ Amigo íntimo de Neymar, Rafael Zulu revela segredo sobre o jogador - Duration: 2:45.

 Rafael Zulu, velho conhecido dos brasileiros pelos seus papéis marcantes em telenovelas, também é amigo do maior jogador do país, Neymar

Ele e o craque fazem parte da Diretoria, grupo que ainda conta com o cantor Thiaguinho, o apresentador Luciano Huck, o surfista Gabriel Medina e o jogador de vôlei Bruninho

 Em conversa com o site Gshow, Zulu fez uma revelação sobre Neymar: "Ele é amigo dos amigos dele

É louvável e acho que é para a gente guardar. Por isso que a gente se sente tão feliz de ser amigo de um cara tão especial aqui, no mundo, em tudo quanto é canto", contou

 Thiaguinho, por sua vez, contou como o grupo se formou: "A primeira amizade do grupo sou eu e o Bruno

Depois conheci o Ney. Eu conheci o Zulu através da Fernanda (Souza). Zulu e Bruno se conheceram em Floripa

Um dia chamei o Bruno para praia e ele trouxe o Zulu. Em Santa Catarina, conheci o Medina pelo Ney", revelou

   Quem acompanhou o primeiro jogo da Seleção Brasileira na Copa da Rússia deve ter visto o penteado de Neymar

No segundo jogo, no entanto, o visual do atacante já era completamente diferente

 Neymar recebeu uma série de criticas pelas mudanças em seu penteado e teve quem detonou o visual do jogador

O responsável pelas modificações foi o cabeleireiro paulista Narilko.  Neste sábado, 23 de junho, ele foi chamado para a concentração da seleção Uruguai para dar um trato no visual dos jogadores adversários

Ele fez questão de postar uma foto em sua rede social.  Na imagem o cabeleireiro de Neymar aparece com ao lado do craque Luis Suárez, do zagueiro Sebastián Coates, do atacante Cristhian Stuani, do goleiro Fernando Muslera, entre outros

For more infomation >> ✅ Amigo íntimo de Neymar, Rafael Zulu revela segredo sobre o jogador - Duration: 2:45.


Anitta atinge o ápice da carreira após ser barrada no Brasil; entenda - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Anitta atinge o ápice da carreira após ser barrada no Brasil; entenda - Duration: 4:05.


Wagamama MIRROR HEART - Ayaka Ohashi *FULL* Lyric - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Wagamama MIRROR HEART - Ayaka Ohashi *FULL* Lyric - Duration: 4:35.


ササゴイ - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> ササゴイ - Duration: 1:42.


Red Smoothie Detox Factor Does It Work-Smoothie Detox Recipes For Weight Loss-Red Detox Drink Recipe - Duration: 2:46.

According to Diana, Red Smoothie Detox Factor beats bloat while helping to flatten the stomach.

This liquid meal is sure to get people revved up and prepared to face the day.

It is loaded with nutriments that will have a detoxifying effect on a person�s body

and help people lead off fat burning hormones that are often stamped down due to their diets.

Click the link in the description below this video for details.

To cleanse the body people need to feed it with detox drinks that help it purge itself,

while at the same time provide it with the components of concoction and nutrients it

need to function at its best.

A newly launched health product named �Red Smoothie Detox Factor� is bursting with

good health.

It is a pleasant-tasting way to detox and one of the best red detox drinks to add to

a person�s daily routine.

According to Liz, this detox smoothie can be a person�s friend when it comes to detoxing

because of all the nutriments and ingredients it contain.

It consists of all the nutrients a person�s body needs to make up itself and to help coup

harmful toxoids from its system.

This smoothie is associated with health benefits ranging from cancer prevention to burning

excess body fat, to anti-inflammatory properties.

Liz Swann recommends people to begin their day with this liquid meal which will help

them supercharge their immune system, beat bloat while helping to flatten their stomach,

stabilize their blood sugar and elevate their body's fat-burning powers.

Red Smoothie Detox Factor increases a person�s metabolic rate and stamps out appetite.

Liz educates people about how eating well is important for all of them.

It not only helps them to feel good about themselves but also make them look their best

and hang out around a healthy weight.

This smoothie prevents people�s risk of heart diseases, cancer and other maladies.

This drink comes with effective ingredients that people can consume if they want to drop

off stubborn fat and fight against free radicals.

It also helps get rid of harmful toxicants which help people neutralize the consequences

of free radicals.

Red Smoothie Detox Factor is one liquid meal which helps people cast off weight faster,

without starvation.

Unlike those liquid meals that leave people starving, this drink does the trick without


It is loaded with metabolism-boosting properties that keep people feeling full longer.

Moreover, this drink helps throw out all the negative effects on a person�s body from

the additives in their foods, secondary smoke and pollutants.

This smoothie mainly helps drive out toxoids and cleanses the colon, as it is the organs

involved in the detoxification of chemicals and harmful toxicants from the body.

Click the link in the description below this video for details.

For more infomation >> Red Smoothie Detox Factor Does It Work-Smoothie Detox Recipes For Weight Loss-Red Detox Drink Recipe - Duration: 2:46.


移民政策引不满 民调:半数德民众希望默克尔辞职 - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> 移民政策引不满 民调:半数德民众希望默克尔辞职 - Duration: 7:53.


A atriz Mariana Ximenes está feliz da vida. É que ela deu início a um novo relacionamento recentemen - Duration: 4:21.

 A atriz Mariana Ximenes está feliz da vida. É que ela deu início a um novo relacionamento recentemente, dessa vez com o músico Felipe Fernandes

A atriz foi vista no Rock in Rio Lisboa neste sábado (23), e falou sobre o assunto em conversa com a Quem

 A atriz, no entanto, limitou-se a uma pequena frase para falar sobre esse aspecto de sua vida pessoal

Questionada pela revista se existem planos para se casar com o rapaz, ela foi direta ao afirmar que os dois ainda não planejaram matrimônio: "Nada em vista"

 Ela ainda revelou uma história curiosa com um fã português: "Tem uma pessoa, que virou minha amiga, a Andrea Neves

Ela começou a escrever cartas para mim há 10 anos. Os portugueses acolhem os brasileiros, são carinhosos, acompanham as novelas", contou

   Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, a atriz Mariana Ximenes não passou o carnaval sozinha

Durante o baile da Arara, no Rio de Janeiro, por exemplo, a beldade apareceu ao lado do novo amor, o músico Felipe Fernandes

No entanto, ela optou por não posar em nenhuma foto oficial ao lado do namorado.  O romance ainda não foi assumido publicamente, mas os dois já haviam sido fotografados juntos, no fim de janeiro, saindo do cinema de um shopping da Zona Sul da cidade

No baile, ainda foi possível ver alguns registros divulgados por profissionais, que flagraram o casal

 Vale lembrar que a artista estava solteira desde o fim do namoro com o italiano Fillipo Adorno, em julho do ano passado

   Longe das novelas desde o término de Haja Coração e das telinhas desde uma participação na série Cidade Proibida, a atriz Mariana Ximenes resolveu matar as saudades e publicou uma lembrança da minissérie A Casa das Sete Mulheres em suas redes sociais

 Na trama, exibida entre janeiro e abril de 2003 e com autoria de Maria Adelaide Amaral e Walther Negrão, Mariana interpretava uma das protagonistas, a Rosário Gonçalves da Silva Ferreira

 Fechava o elenco das sete mulheres junto com Camila Morgado, Eliane Giardini, Daniela Escobar, Samara Felippo, Nívea Maria e Bete Mendes

Mariana, vale lembrar, está escalada para Se Eu Fechar os Olhos Agora, produção que será veiculada na faixas das onze da Globo

For more infomation >> A atriz Mariana Ximenes está feliz da vida. É que ela deu início a um novo relacionamento recentemen - Duration: 4:21.


Danilo Gentili aparece com rosto ensanguentado e deixa internautas em choque - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Danilo Gentili aparece com rosto ensanguentado e deixa internautas em choque - Duration: 4:24.


Vencedora da 4ª temporada do reality A Fazenda, saiba por onde anda Joana Machado - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Vencedora da 4ª temporada do reality A Fazenda, saiba por onde anda Joana Machado - Duration: 2:45.


Robert Lewandowski udzielił wywiadu... Gerardowi Pique [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.

Gwiazdor reprezentacji Hiszpanii i FC Barcelona w ramach projektu Players' Tribune przeprowadza wywiady z najlepszymi piłkarzami świata

Tym razem przyszedł czas na Roberta Lewandowskiego. O co został zapytany kapitan reprezentacji Polski? Robert Lewandowski jest kolejną gwiazdą, z którą Gerard Pique przeprowadził wywiad

Nasz napastnik odpowiadał na pytania związane z piłką klubową, ale nie mogło też zabraknąć wątków reprezentacyjnych i tematu mundialu w Rosji

– Za każdym razem kiedy gram w kadrze czuję się inaczej, niż w klubie. Nie wiem jak to pisać, ale jest różnica

Dla kibiców mecze kadry znaczą znacznie więcej – mówił Lewandowski. Snajper Bayernu Monachium opowiedział także o wrażeniach po swoim debiucie w narodowych barwach

– Pierwszy mecz w reprezentacji? Uczucie było niesamowite. Każdy marzy o grze w kadrze

Debiutowałem z San Marino, ale klasa rywala nie miała znaczenia – przyznał Lewy, dla którego mistrzostwa świata w Rosji, to trzeci wielki turniej w karierze

Pierwszym było nieudane dla nas Euro 2012. – W Polsce oczekiwania zawsze są wielkie

Wtedy chyba były za duże. Mogliśmy zagrać zdecydowanie lepiej, ale byliśmy zespołem bardzo młodym

Nie wiem co się wtedy z nami działo. Może nie byliśmy wtedy gotowi na to, by osiągnąć sukces

Wiele się jednak nauczyliśmy – powiedział Lewandowski. – Teraz jest inaczej. Mamy wielu bardzo dobrych zawodników

Pierwszy mecz będzie dla nas najważniejszych. Wszystko może się zdarzyć – dodał Lewy

Inauguracyjne spotkanie z Senegalem nie poszło jednak po naszej myśli. Trzeba liczyć, że nasz kapitan nie zawiedzie oczekiwań i poprowadzi kadrę do sukcesu w starciu z Kolumbią

Źródło: Onet

For more infomation >> Robert Lewandowski udzielił wywiadu... Gerardowi Pique [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.


Amaia Montero rentabiliza la polémica - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Amaia Montero rentabiliza la polémica - Duration: 7:59.


K-Mets top Cards 12-2 to move to 5-0 on the year - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> K-Mets top Cards 12-2 to move to 5-0 on the year - Duration: 0:50.


Em alta aos 81 anos, Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega participará de programa de humor de canal da Globo - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Em alta aos 81 anos, Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega participará de programa de humor de canal da Globo - Duration: 3:43.


✅ Marco Ferri e Cristiano Caccamo dividono Gessica Notaro: solo amici? - Duration: 2:39.

Gessica Notaro vicina a Cristiano Caccamo di giorno e forte intesa con Marco Ferri la sera: sono solo amici o c'è dell'altro?  Le foto di un ballo passionale tra Marco Ferri e Gessica Notaro sono state pubblicate oggi dall'ultimo numero di Chi

I due sono solo amici o qui gatta ci cova? A sollevare questo dubbio è stato proprio il giornale di Alfonso Signorini che, a tal proposito, non ha potuto fare a meno di sottolineare una certa intesa tra i due

Intesa che, tuttavia, Gessica Notaro sembrerebbe avere anche con un altro volto noto nel mondo dello spettacolo, l'attore Cristiano Caccamo

Nella stessa pagina, infatti, sono state riportate altre immagini dove, nello specifico, veniva sottolineata una certa complicità tra l'ex concorrente di Ballando con le Stelle e Caccamo

Gessica Notaro e Marco Ferri insieme: le foto pubblicate dal settimanale Chi  "Capri: grande feeling tra Gessica Notaro e Cristiano Caccamo" è stato scritto nella rubrica Chicche di Gossip di Chi

I due "A bordo piscina chiacchierano fitto fitto e si scattano selfie" è stato poi aggiunto ma, la sera, "Gessica si scatena in balli appassionati con Marco Ferri"

L'ex concorrente di Ballando è davvero "Pronta a farsi in due" come riportato dal settimanale? Le foto di Chi, ad onor del vero, non sembrerebbero far luce su nessun triangolo amoroso

Nessun bacio, abbraccio o atteggiamento compromettente, difatti, appurerebbe la teoria secondo la quale Gessica stia frequentando (sentimentalmente) due uomini diversi

Elena Morali e Scintilla sono tornati insieme: Marco Ferri fuori dai giochi?  Restando in tema di triangoli amorosi, uno dei quali si è parlato tanto nelle scorse settimane è stato quello che ha visto coinvolti Marco Ferri, Elena Morali e Scintilla

Le notizie di gossip, infatti, individuavano in Marco la causa scatenante la rottura del fidanzamento tra l'ex pupa bionda e il comico di Colorado

Oggi, però, sembrerebbe essere tornato il sereno tra questi due. La Morali e Scintilla, infatti, pare siano tornati ufficialmente insieme

For more infomation >> ✅ Marco Ferri e Cristiano Caccamo dividono Gessica Notaro: solo amici? - Duration: 2:39.


Restaure seu Fígado e Purifique o Sangue em Apenas 1 Semana Fazendo Isto! - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Restaure seu Fígado e Purifique o Sangue em Apenas 1 Semana Fazendo Isto! - Duration: 7:26.


O awans jednak z Australią. Zajcew bohaterem Italii w meczu z Francuzami! - Duration: 5:41.

Biało-czerwoni muszą jeszcze poczekać na przypieczętowanie swojego jubileuszowego 10

występu w finale Ligi Narodów (dawnej Ligi Światowej). W sobotni wieczór Włosi udowodnili, że w walce o Final Six nie powiedzieli jeszcze ostatniego słowa, gromiąc w trzech setach Francuzów

Ważnym ogniwem w ich ekipie był Iwan Zajcew, który w najważniejszych momentach brał na siebie ciężar gry

Liczmy raczej na siebie. Gdy pokłada się nadzieję w kimś innym, to zazwyczaj dostaje się w kość – mówił nam po zakończeniu drugiego meczu Polaków w ramach V turnieju Ligi Narodów z Brazylią złoty medalista mistrzostw świata i igrzysk olimpijskich Tomasz Wójtowicz

Jego słowa niestety się sprawdziły. W sobotę w Modenie Włosi wyszli na boisko niezwykle zmobilizowani, chcąc przedłużyć swoje szanse na wyjazd do Lille, gdzie w dniach 4-8 lipca odbędzie się finał rozgrywek

W tym celu podopieczni Gianlorenzo Blenginiego musieli wygrać 3:0 lub 3:1 spotkanie z Francją

Każda porażka a nawet wygrana 3:2 pozbawiała ich jakichkolwiek złudzeń. Italia dzień wcześniej podała zespołowi prowadzonemu przez Vitala Heynena pomocną dłoń, przegrywając po walce 0:3 z Rosją

W drugim meczu nie brakowało jej determinacji, co szczególnie było widać w postawie kapitana Iwana Zajcewa, biorącego na siebie ciężar gry w decydujących momentach spotkania (zdobył aż 23 punkty z czego trzy serwisem i cztery blokiem)

Francuzi nie przypominali tej samej drużyny, która w świetnym stylu wygrała sześć ostatnich spotkań

 Popełniali sporo błędów własnych (aż 13 w pierwszym secie), a dodatkowo ich najsłabszą stroną okazało się prawe skrzydło

Słabo prezentował się nie tylko przyjmujący Earvin N'Gapeth, ale także atakujący Stephen Boyer

Trener Laurent Tillie rotował składem, który jeszcze starał się przedłużyć losy spotkania

Grę na przewagi w trzeciej partii zakończył atak i blok (w sumie 15:5 w tym elemencie) Zajcewa, dzięki któremu Italia pozostała w grze o Final Six

Tym sposobem biało-czerwoni, aby po raz 10. wystąpić w finale Ligi Narodów (wcześniej znanej pod nazwą Ligi Światowej), muszą wygrać niedzielne spotkanie z Australijczykami

Dołączą wtedy do Francuzów, Brazylijczyków, Amerykanów, Serbów i Rosjan, którzy już zapewnili sobie udział w tej części Ligi Narodów

W niej uczestnicy zostaną podzieleni na dwie trzyzespołowe grupy. W pierwszej znajdzie się gospodarz wraz z trzecią i czwartą drużyną tabeli fazy interkontynentalnej, a w drugiej zagrają ze sobą pierwsza, druga oraz piąta ekipa

Z nich po dwie najlepsze awansują do półfinałów. Przegrani par zagrają o trzecie, a wygrani o pierwsze miejsce

Włochy – Francja 3:0 (25:21, 25:22, 27:25) Włochy: Giannelli, Maruotti, Anzani 8, Zajcew 23, Randazzo 7, Mazzone 7 oraz Colaci (l), Lanza 9, Parodi, Nelli

 Trener: Blengini. Francja: Toniutti, N'Gapeth 5, Chinenyeze 8, Boyer 11, Rossard 8, Le Roux 4 oraz Grebennikov (l), Brizard 1, Patry 1, Lyneel, K

Tillie 3, Le Goff 1. Trener: L. Tillie. Sędziowali: Gradinski (Serbia) i Cacador (Brazylia)

Autor: Katarzyna Paw Źródło: Przegląd Sportowy

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Com Esta Receita, Você vai Curar o Fígado e Controlar Diabetes! - Duration: 3:26.

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Se Você Tem Unhas Frágeis e Finas, Insônia ou Perda de Cabelo, Comece a Comer Isso - Duration: 3:23.

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El llanto de Heung-Min Son esconde una dramática historia que podría acabar con su exitosa carrera c - Duration: 4:21.

La figura de Corea, Son Heung-Min, llora desconsoladamente tras la derrota ante México El estadio del Rostov del Don es una fiesta

México acaba de confirmar su triunfo en el debut sobre Alemania con una victoria ante Corea del Sur

Es una de las sorpresas del Mundial y está a un paso de los octavos de final. Las amplias sonrisas aztecas no corresponden con el desolador llanto de Son Heung-Min, la figura de un equipo que quedó a un paso de la eliminación pero todavía tiene una bala para arriesgar

El atacante que está a punto de cumplir los 26 años sabe que su exitosa carrera futbolística corre riesgo de terminarse abruptamente

Es una de las estrellas del Tottenham y luce saludable, pero un motivo extra deportivo lo podría quitar de los campos

Las leyes de su Corea del Sur natal imponen que los hombres deben realizar dos años de servicio militar obligatorio antes de los 28 años sin excepciones

O tal vez sí: los futbolistas del equipo coreano que llegó a semifinales del 2002 recibió una exención especial por parte del gobierno a raíz del esfuerzo realizado para representar a su país en la Copa del Mundo que los tuvo como uno de los organizadores

La decepción de Son tras la derrota (Getty) Son tenía en su mente realizar una epopeya similar en Rusia 2018 que abra la puerta rumbo al perdón

Todavía tiene una chance: las reglas de su nación indican que los deportistas que ganen medallas en los Juegos Olímpicos o preseas de oro en los Juegos Asiáticos recibirán de manera inmediata la excepción del servicio militar, aunque deberán afrontar cuatro semanas de entrenamiento básico

Según informaron en el medio catalán Mundo Deportivo, si Son debe acudir a su formación militar de manera completa pasará entre 21 y 36 meses dependiendo la fuerza que elija: Ejercito (21 meses), Marina (23 meses), Fuerza Aérea (24 meses) y Fuerza Marina (entre 24 y 36 meses)

La desolación en el vestuario coreano (Getty) Sus lágrimas pusieron sobre la mesa el tema y los medios ingleses aseguran que el Tottenham evalúa renovar su contrato, aunque esta obligación en su futuro podría complicar la negociación ya que deberían incluir una cláusula con algún tipo de interrupción

Más allá de las fotos con el dolor del ex Hamburgo y Bayer Leverkusen de Alemania, el atacante decidió no pronunciarse al respecto durante su carrera ya que cualquier declaración podría causarle problemas en su tierra o hasta generar el rechazo de la sociedad que ve mal que los ciudadanos se salteen esta obligación

El Tottenham duda renovarle el contrato por la obligación que debe afrontar (Reuters) El próximo miércoles 27 de junio, en Kazan, deberán vencer a Alemania y esperar que México se imponga sobre Suecia para soñar con la clasificación a octavos de final

Eso sí, en caso de que esto ocurra deberán mirar de cerca la diferencia de gol. En caso de que Corea se despida de Rusia, la última oportunidad será en agosto, cuando se disputen los Juegos Asiáticos en Indonesia

Allí estará obligado a conseguir la medalla de oro o desechará el último boleto para continuar con su trayectoria como futbolista

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: "El hincha de México que tiene cuatro Fan ID: la historia más trágica y emotiva del Mundial de Rusia 2018" "La intrigante historia de un fanático mexicano que desapareció tras conocer a una mujer rusa"

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