Saturday, June 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 24 2018

 Neste sábado, 23 de junho, Lyandra Costa, filha do sertanejo Leandro, que fazia dupla com o cantor Leonardo, usou suas redes sociais para homenagear o pai

 Em seu perfil oficial no Instagram, ela relembrou a morte do cantor que aconteceu há exatos 23 anos atrás

+  "Sabe que todos os dias penso em você? Mesmo. Não existe um dia na minha vida em que eu te 'esqueça' ou que a correria do dia a dia faça você perder o seu espaço nos meus pensamentos

É engraçado pq as vezes me pego pensando: imagina se meu pai estivesse aqui? O que sera que ele acharia disso ou daquilo? Sera que ele aprovaria tal pessoa ou tal reação minha frente as situações que eu passo? Quando eu te perdi eu estava prestes a completar 3 aninhos, eu vivi a maior parte da minha vida sem você", escreveu

 "Daqui a 4 dias faço 23 anos e eu vivi 20 sem você!!!! Meu Deus!!!! Quando estou passando por um 'problema' que eu penso ser grande, ele se torna pequeno quando eu penso que a maior perda da minha vida eu ja tive, você

Como eu queria ter te conhecido mais. Sério. Eu ia amar. Pelo que me falam temos muitas coisas em comum — eu também acho o café que a Nalva faz o melhor do mundo, e tambem acredito em energias e força do pensamento, sou positiva igual você

Mas apesar de ter vivido esses 20 anos sem você, você sempre viveu comigo, eu sempre conversei com você pelos meus pensamentos, pelos meus sonhos

É incrível porque eu te sinto tão perto de mim. Eu sinto o seu amor e isso é um presente de Deus pra mim

Tenho certeza que você sente o meu daqui também. Temos uma ligação divina que é eterna

Isso é incrível. Eu te amo tanto!", completou.

For more infomation >> ✅ Filha de Leandro relembra morte de pai após 20 anos e emociona com desabafo - Duration: 2:32.


Após disparar contra Galvão, Juninho Pernambucano é detonado e chamado de hipócrita - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Após disparar contra Galvão, Juninho Pernambucano é detonado e chamado de hipócrita - Duration: 4:04.


[ENG] VLOG #21What I eat in a day, cold bean soup noodles and egg salad sandwich | Honeykki 꿀키 - Duration: 7:52.

Simple kong-guksu(cold bean soup noodles) for lunch.

Today I tried a hack recipe using tofu and milk.

(I have already made a recipe video. but this one is super simplified version.)

1/2 Tofu


( I used 2cups milk. But 1cup should be enough)

salt to taste

1Tbs black sesame seeds

1Tbs sesame seeds

(You can add nuts like almonds)

Blend everything and chili in the fridge


jung-myeon(Korean noodles)

Pour cold water when the pot overflows.(repeat 3 times). This makes for chewier noodles.

Rinse noodles in cold water.

Finally, it feels like summer.

Not as good as the proper recipe but it's a nice hack.

Got mail

(She loves bubble wrap)

I broke my favorite glass. So I bought the same one.

First iced latte with the new glass.

my herb garden.


My simple dinner. Egg salad sandwich.

Boil 2 eggs, peel and mash using fork.

Add and mix 2Tbs mayo, 1/2Tbs honey mustard and pepper.

Build the sandwich on fresh bread with lettuce.

You can add sliced cucumber or fresh sandwich ham.

For more infomation >> [ENG] VLOG #21What I eat in a day, cold bean soup noodles and egg salad sandwich | Honeykki 꿀키 - Duration: 7:52.


Rafael Zulu, velho conhecido dos brasileiros pelos seus papéis marcantes em telenovelas, também é am - Duration: 3:33.

 Rafael Zulu, velho conhecido dos brasileiros pelos seus papéis marcantes em telenovelas, também é amigo do maior jogador do país, Neymar

Ele e o craque fazem parte da Diretoria, grupo que ainda conta com o cantor Thiaguinho, o apresentador Luciano Huck, o surfista Gabriel Medina e o jogador de vôlei Bruninho

 Em conversa com o site Gshow, Zulu fez uma revelação sobre Neymar: "Ele é amigo dos amigos dele

É louvável e acho que é para a gente guardar. Por isso que a gente se sente tão feliz de ser amigo de um cara tão especial aqui, no mundo, em tudo quanto é canto", contou

 Thiaguinho, por sua vez, contou como o grupo se formou: "A primeira amizade do grupo sou eu e o Bruno

Depois conheci o Ney. Eu conheci o Zulu através da Fernanda (Souza). Zulu e Bruno se conheceram em Floripa

Um dia chamei o Bruno para praia e ele trouxe o Zulu. Em Santa Catarina, conheci o Medina pelo Ney", revelou

   Quem acompanhou o primeiro jogo da Seleção Brasileira na Copa da Rússia deve ter visto o penteado de Neymar

No segundo jogo, no entanto, o visual do atacante já era completamente diferente

 Neymar recebeu uma série de criticas pelas mudanças em seu penteado e teve quem detonou o visual do jogador

O responsável pelas modificações foi o cabeleireiro paulista Narilko.  Neste sábado, 23 de junho, ele foi chamado para a concentração da seleção Uruguai para dar um trato no visual dos jogadores adversários

Ele fez questão de postar uma foto em sua rede social.  Na imagem o cabeleireiro de Neymar aparece com ao lado do craque Luis Suárez, do zagueiro Sebastián Coates, do atacante Cristhian Stuani, do goleiro Fernando Muslera, entre outros

For more infomation >> Rafael Zulu, velho conhecido dos brasileiros pelos seus papéis marcantes em telenovelas, também é am - Duration: 3:33.


Vencedora da 4ª temporada do reality A Fazenda, saiba por onde anda Joana Machado - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Vencedora da 4ª temporada do reality A Fazenda, saiba por onde anda Joana Machado - Duration: 2:45.


Utopia Pinguim (Incompleto) | Curta | Nosso Sanduba - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Utopia Pinguim (Incompleto) | Curta | Nosso Sanduba - Duration: 2:07.





Giulia De Lellis rompe il silenzio: tutta la verità sul rapporto con Andrea Damante - Duration: 2:34.

 Giulia De Lellis e Andrea Damante sono tornati insieme, sì o no?  E' questo il dubbio che aleggia in queste ore tra i fan della coppia che sperano in un ritorno di fiamma dopo l'avvistamento dei due a cena con i genitori della influencer romana

 "Io e Damante ci rivedremo nell'anno del mai", aveva assicurato Giulia poco dopo la rottura della relazione nata nel programma 'Uomini e Donne', certezza che è sembrata vacillare alla luce degli ultimi frequenti incontri con il dj

Andrea Damante e Giulia De Lellis ancora insieme: per amore o per denaro?   E proprio sulle voci relative al presunto ritorno di fiamma, Giulia De Lellis ha deciso di chiarire come stanno realmente le cose tra lei e Andrea Damante

   Con una diretta Instagram rivolta ai suoi 2.8 milioni di follower, qualche ora fa la ventiduenne ha spiegato il tipo di rapporto che la lega ancora all'ex fidanzato e sottolineato la sua intolleranza verso la gente che sul web la giudica

    "Quando e se dovessi mai rimettermi con Andrea ve lo dirò serenamente, ma devo dirvi tutte le volte che lo incontro per questioni lavorative? Devo dirvi tutte le volte che lo incontro perché come tutti fidanzati dopo che si lasciano ci sono momenti in cui si ricontrano, si litiga, i momenti di debolezza, la mancanza…? Non credo, ma poi che ve ne frega?", ha provocatoriamente chiesto la De Lellis nella lunga diretta che è anche stata l'occasione per puntare il dito contro chi sostiene che lei e il suo ex sfruttino la loro storia per avere un ritorno economico

    "Non ho bisogno di sfruttare la mia storia per guadagnare! Con Andrea è una situazione particolare, quando e se gli darò un ruolo specifico nella mia vita ve lo farò sapere", ha dichiarato la romana

   Chi confida nel ritorno di fiamma della coppia, dunque, ha da rassegnarsi alla certezza che, almeno al momento, i due hanno intrapreso strade diverse, benché l'ex tronista abbia affermato di amare ancora l'ex fidanzata

   Mai dire mai, insomma. Damante non si arrende: beccato a cena con Giulia De Lellis e i genitori

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis rompe il silenzio: tutta la verità sul rapporto con Andrea Damante - Duration: 2:34.


Belgio-Tunisia 5-2: doppiette di Hazard e Lukaku, Diavoli Rossi verso gli ottavi - Duration: 4:05.

MOSCA (Russia) - Con un attacco così, nulla è precluso al Belgio di Martinez. I Diavoli Rossi strapazzano la Tunisia (5-2) e vedono gli ottavi di finale del Mondiale, "aritmetici" da domani se il Panama non batte l'Inghilterra

Una doppietta di Eden Hazard e un'altra di Lukaku, capocannoniere con Ronaldo, decidono il match della Spartak Arena, prima del sigillo finale di Batshuayi

Inutile, per i tunisini, la rete del momentaneo 2-1 di Bronn e quella del definitivo 5-2 di Khazri in pieno recupero

Una vittoria, quella del Belgio, che può sembrare anche risicata vista la mole di occasioni da rete creata da Mertens e compagni

LUKAKU FORZA 4 - In difesa, però, le Aquile di Cartagine ballano tremendamente e devono ringraziare l'eccessivo altruismo di Mertens, al 19', se il Belgio non trova subito la terza rete

La nazionale di Maaloul è anche sfortunata, perché perde sia Bronn (problema al ginocchio) che Syam Ben Youssef nel giro di 18 minuti e si ritrova con una linea difensiva rivoluzionata al 50 per cento

Ne approfitta ancora Lukaku, stavolta su assist di Meunier, che realizza il 3-1 in pieno recupero (48') con un dolce tocco di destro sull'uscita bassa di Ben Mustapha

Quarta rete al Mondiale per l'attaccante del Manchester United, che raggiunge Cristiano Ronaldo in vetta alla classifica dei marcatori

HAZARD LA CHIUDE - A inizio ripresa il Belgio dilaga e chiude di fatto il match: Hazard, servito da una pregevole verticalizzazione di De Bruyne, salta Ben Mustapha e deposita a porta vuota di sinistro per il 4-1

Martinez gongola e si permette di risparmiare Lukaku, sostituito da Fellaini al 59'

La sua squadra, però, non tira i remi in barca, anzi. Fioccano le occasioni, con la difesa tunisina in bambola

Carrasco sfiora l'incrocio con un tiro a giro, mentre Batshuayi, dentro al posto di Hazard, spreca almeno tre nitide occasioni da rete, di cui una da soli 2 metri (traversa)

Al 90', però, fa centro con una gran spaccata su lancio di Tielemans, entrato al posto di Mertens all'83'

Sul 5-1 c'è gloria anche per Khazri: il numero 10 tunisino segna il secondo gol al 93' su assist di Nagguez dalla destra

Gioia effimera in una partita, per la Tunisia, da dimenticare. Per il Belgio, invece, si spalancano le porte degli ottavi

For more infomation >> Belgio-Tunisia 5-2: doppiette di Hazard e Lukaku, Diavoli Rossi verso gli ottavi - Duration: 4:05.


Francesco l'Angelus: «Rispettare la libertà e la vita». Trenta oppositori di Ortega sotto assedio de - Duration: 5:25.

Un gruppo di dimostranti dietro le barricate a Masaya: due le vittime domenica nell'assedio a una chiesa (Ansa)  Nuove violenze domenica in Nicaragua, dove sono già più di 100 i morti in sette settimane di proteste di piazza contro i tagli alle pensioni e alla sicurezza sociale

Una trentina di sostenitori dell'opposizione sono rimasti assediati domenica dentro una chiesa a Masaya, fino a quando la polizia del Nicaragua è riuscita a sottrarli alle mani delle forze antisommossa e delle milizie filo-governative fedeli al presidente Daniel Ortega: nell'assedio alla chiesa sono morte sei persone, altre due nel resto del Paese

Ma sono oltre cento le vittime rimaste uccise finora in sei settimane di violenze, divampate durante i cortei contro i tagli alle pensioni e alla sicurezza sociale

 Sulla preoccupante situazione in Nicaragua, domenica dopo l'Angelus, è intervenuto Papa Francesco che si è detto vicino ai "vescovi del Nicaragua" esprimendo "dolore per le grandi violenze con morti e feriti compiuti dai gruppi armati per reprimere le proteste sociali"

"Prego per le vittime e per i loro familiari - ha detto durante l'Angelus papa Francesco -, la Chiesa è sempre per il dialogo ma richiede l'impegno fattivo a rispettare la libertà e prima di tutto la vita

Prego perché cessi ogni violenza e si ripristinino le condizioni al più presto per il dialogo"

 E' la seconda volta che papa Bergoglio interviene sulla situazione in Nicaragua. La prima il 22 aprile, al termine del Regina Coeli, quando il Papa aveva chiesto, dopo che si erano registrate due vittime all'Università Politecnica di Managua dove le forze di sicurezza avevano fatto irruzione

Allora il pontefice aveva chiesto di evitare ogni "inutile spargimento di sangue" e che "le questioni aperte siano risolte pacificamente e con senso di responsabilità"

 Nei giorni scorsi la Conferenza episcopale nicaraguense aveva annunciato la sospensione del "dialogo nazionale" lanciato dal presidente e in cui i vescovi avevano accettato di fare da mediatori

Tutto sospeso, fino a quando, avevano scritto i vescovi in un duro comunicato, "il popolo continuerà ad essere represso ed assassinato"

 Anche nella vicenda dell'assedio di domenica agli oppositori che avevano trovato rifugio in una chiesa nella città di Masaya, è stato risolutivo l'intervento della Chiesa cattolica

"Basta con le repressioni", ha attaccato monsignor Silvio José Báez, il vescovo ausiliare di Managua, elogiando il prete di Masaya, Edwing Roman, e l'avvocato per i diritti umani, Alvaro Leiva, per i loro sforzi nel negoziare con le autorità

Lo stesso vescovo ha poi esortato nuovamente il presidente Ortega a porre fine alla repressione delle proteste contro il suo governo

 Lo scorso 30 maggio, "festa della mamma", erano scese in piazza le donne con le foto dei giovani assassinati – circa un centinaio – nei precedenti giorni di protesta

Il maxi-corteo, che si è snodato per quasi quattro chilometri, è risultato essere uno dei più imponenti degli ultimi quarant'anni nel centro di Managua

Una manifestazione pacifica, in memoria delle vittime al grido: «Non erano terroristi, erano studenti»

  Il corteo delle madri delle vitime che ha attraversato la capitale Managua lo scorso 30 maggio (Lapresse) Scoppiata ad aprile, in opposizione a una riforma della sicurezza sociale che Ortega ha voluto imporre unilateralmente, la protesta è stata fin da subito brutalmente repressa dalle forze dell'ordine e da gruppi di militanti sandinisti

Un pugno duro vissuto dalla popolazione come un vero e proprio tradimento da parte del 72enne Ortega, che negli anni '70 guidò la rivoluzione sandinista che travolse il regime dittatoriale di Anastasio Somoza

Ora, lo accusa la piazza, è diventato lui stesso un dittatore come quello che aveva abbattuto

For more infomation >> Francesco l'Angelus: «Rispettare la libertà e la vita». Trenta oppositori di Ortega sotto assedio de - Duration: 5:25.


Flavio Insinna, grandi cambiamenti: torna con L'Eredità e si fidanza (sembra) con Adriana - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Flavio Insinna, grandi cambiamenti: torna con L'Eredità e si fidanza (sembra) con Adriana - Duration: 4:00.


Gossip/ Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino: smentito dal ballerino il ritorno di fiamma - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Gossip/ Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino: smentito dal ballerino il ritorno di fiamma - Duration: 3:47.


GOSSIP/ Stefano De Martino alle nozze di amici con Gilda Ambrosio e l'ex moglie - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> GOSSIP/ Stefano De Martino alle nozze di amici con Gilda Ambrosio e l'ex moglie - Duration: 4:52.


La famiglia statunitense è uscita allo scoperto e valuta le prossime mosse. L'alternativa sarebbe il - Duration: 5:09.

MILANO - Un orizzonte proiettato sui prossimi 10-15 anni. E' questo il riferimento temporale del progetto Milan della famiglia Ricketts che ieri è uscita allo scoperto dichiarando pubblicamente l'interesse per il club rossonero

La missione è affidata a Tom Ricketts, ma tutta la famiglia è coinvolta. La prima manifestazione di intenti ha sottolineato la volontà di effettuare investimenti a lungo termine, senza strappi, ma con un programma duraturo

Per dare l'idea concreta, la famiglia di Chicago sta già ragionando sui prossimi 10-15 anni per definire le linee necessarie a riportare in alto il Milan

  IL NODO DEL PREZZO - Si continua a trattare, ma i Ricketts stanno valutando bene le loro mosse

Un nodo centrale è rappresentato dal prezzo di acquisto. L'attuale proprietà rossonera avrebbe fissato il valore del Milan a 500 milioni di euro per il 75%

Questo significherebbe che il totale vale circa 670 milioni, una cifra alla quale aggiungere debiti per circa 200 milioni

Questo significherebbe acquistare di fatto il Milan a una cifra notevolmente più alta rispetto al valore di mercato fissato da Forbes a 531 milioni di euro

E Forbes non può passare inosservato oltre Atlante. Senza dimenticare un particolare: Yonghohg Li è già risultato due volte inadempiente nel versamento dei 32 milioni di aumento di capitale

Quindi è in una posizione negoziale di particolare debolezza. Ma proprio questa situazione potrebbe suggerire qualche colpo di coda nei prossimi 10 giorni, gli ultimi prima del subentro di Elliott nella proprietà del club

  VANTAGGIO CON LI - Il vantaggio, che alcune ricostruzioni attribuiscono al secondo imprenditore americano in corsa ancora coperto da segreto (assistito da Goldman Sachs), sarebbe questo: la disponibilità a trattare con Yonghong Li a certe cifre senza attendere l'ingresso di Elliott e garantendo al proprietario cinese di restare con una quota di minoranza

Evidente che questa soluzione potrebbe assicurare maggiore continuità all'attuale dirigenza del Milan

Non a caso, certi settori spingono per questo esito con un compratore però non ancora uscito allo scoperto

La famiglia Ricketts invece valuta bene il prezzo di acquisto perché sa che sarebbero necessari 2-3 anni di iniezione massiccia di liquidità per raddrizzare l'attuale situazione finanziaria del club tra debiti e deficit di bilancio (sarebbe la prima fase dei 10-15 anni di progetto di rilancio milanista)

Tra dieci giorni, quando potrebbe iniziare la procedura di escussione del pegno da parte di Elliott in caso di mancato rimborso di Li, il Milan per forza di cose costerà molto meno rispetto a 500 milioni per il 75% (prendendo in considerazione solo la componente di equity)

La partita si gioca anche su queste due tempistiche parallele. NELLE ULTIME ORE SPUNTA ANCHE COMMISSO -  Secojdo indiscrezioni delle ultime ore, ci sarebbe anche Rocco Commisso, il magnate della media company statunitense Mediacom, di origini calabresi, per acquistare il Milan attraverso un'offerta proposta a Li Yonghong dalla banca d'affari Goldman Sachs

Commisso è accreditato da Forbes di un patrimonio di 4.5 miliardi di dollari, nel 2017 ha acquistato la squadra di calcio dei New York Cosmos

Nato nel 1949 a Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, nel Reggino, Commisso si è trasferito dalla Calabria negli Usa all'età di 12 anni

Ha fatto fortuna nel settore della tv via cavo, la sua Cablevision Industry è stata rilevata nel 1995 da Time Warner e nello stesso anno ha fondato Mediacom, società con base a New York, di cui è ceo

For more infomation >> La famiglia statunitense è uscita allo scoperto e valuta le prossime mosse. L'alternativa sarebbe il - Duration: 5:09.


O jornalista Leo Dias, após passar um período afastado do Instagram, voltou para a rede social, na m - Duration: 1:41.

 Após desativar a sua conta no Instagram, depois da polêmica que se envolveu com a apresentadora Mara Maravilha, o jornalista Leo Dias voltou para a rede social, e mostrou que estava gravando em pleno sábado pela manhã o programa "Fofocalizando", que possivelmente será exibido na próxima quarta (27), quando na ocasião, estará acontecendo a partida entre Brasil e Sérvia, pela Copa do Mundo 2018

 Ele ainda acabou revelando que o programa no qual ele e Fabíola Reipert vão fazer na TV, é o "Programa Silvio Santos", que inclusive também foi gravado hoje e ele mostrou os bastidores da gravação

Veja tudo no vídeo a seguir!    Em seu feed, Leo ainda publicou um click, onde aparece ao lado de Silvio Santos e Fabíola Reipert

Na legenda ele escreveu: "Voltei pro Instagram da melhor maneira". Confira abaixo!   Bronca de Luciana Gimenez  Recentemente, o jornalista Leo Dias publicou em seu site, uma notícia sobre o encontro indesejável entre a apresentadora Luciana Gimenez, e a socialite Simone Abdelnur, no elevador de um shopping, em São Paulo

 Pois bem, em seguida, no mesmo veículo de comunicação, o jornalista, disse que através do whatsapp, Gimenez, lhe deu uma bronca, por ter divulgado o encontro entre as duas…Leia mais! Propostas  Recentemente Leo, acabou levando uma nova punição do SBT, e foi afastado do programa "Fofocalizando"

Após a nova suspensão, o jornalista acabou revelando ter propostas de outras emissoras…Saiba mais! Confira também:

For more infomation >> O jornalista Leo Dias, após passar um período afastado do Instagram, voltou para a rede social, na m - Duration: 1:41.


Da Homs a Torino, storia della famiglia Makawi: "Scappati dalla guerra, gestiamo il primo ristorante - Duration: 2:13.

 Sono arrivati in Italia nel 2016 dalla Siria grazie ai corridoi umanitari e oggi gestiscono il primo ristorante siriano di Torino

È la storia della famiglia Makawi, padre madre e cinque figli, scappata dal regime di Assad e arrivata in Italia: "In Siria facevo il meccanico e avevo un buon stipendio – racconta il titolare del ristorante Jamal Makawi, 54 anni, – ma ad un certo punto il regime ha iniziato a perseguitarci: sono stato in carcere 5 volte, mi hanno torturato, seguivano la mia famiglia"

L'ultima volta è stato dietro le sbarre per cento giorni e quando è tornato a casa ha trovato il suo magazzino distrutto: "Non avevo più nulla così abbiamo deciso di scappare in Libano"

La vita nei campi profughi libanesi non è facile racconta Talal, uno dei figli che dopo la scuola dà una mano tra i tavoli del ristorante: "Non ci piaceva essere rifugiati, ma non avevamo scelta"

L'obiettivo è arrivare in Europa, ma i rischi di prendere la barca e di sfidare il Mediterraneo sono molto alti: "Ogni giorno leggevo di persone morte in mare mentre cercavano di arrivare in Europa"

Così nel 2016, quando gli viene presentata la possibilità di accedere ai corridoi umanitari, non hanno nessun dubbio

Grazie al progetto della Sant'Egidio e della Diaconia Valdese, la famiglia Makawi riesce ad arrivare in Italia e ad aprire "Zenobia", il primo ristorante siriano della città di Torino

For more infomation >> Da Homs a Torino, storia della famiglia Makawi: "Scappati dalla guerra, gestiamo il primo ristorante - Duration: 2:13.


Petkovic, politica stia fuori da sport - News - Duration: 1:25.

 "E' chiaro che nel momento del gol un calciatore sente emozioni particolari. Però credo che tutti noi dobbiamo lasciare fuori la politica dal calcio"

Così, nel dopopartita di Serbia-Svizzera, il ct elvetico Vladimir Petkovic, bosniaco di origini croate naturalizzato svizzero, risponde alla domanda sui gesti di esultanza di Xhaka e Shaqiri, e il loro gesto dell'aquila

In passato Petkovic ha fatto anche il volontario alla Caritas, ma ora si dedica al 100% al calcio e dice che "bisogna concentrarsi sul football, una cosa, e una passione, che unisce le persone

Ed è importante mostrare rispetto".    Così invece, sullo stesso argomento, il ct della Serbia Mladen Krstajic: "non ho commenti da fare, io sono un uomo di sport e non faccio caso a certe cose

Sono sempre stato così, e continuerò ad esserlo".   

For more infomation >> Petkovic, politica stia fuori da sport - News - Duration: 1:25.


Jesolo, sesso sul pontile in pieno giorno: il video finisce su Facebook e diventa virale - Duration: 3:33.

JESOLO - Almeno per una volta non è stato usato come trampolino per i tuffi in mare

Fanno sesso sulla spiaggia, sospesi in uno dei tanti pennelli a mare, al tramonto

La coppia di amanti - ripresa da una turista di Conegliano - si è lasciata andare ad effusioni sempre più spinte, in uno dei pontili dell'arenile di piazza Mazzini

Sesso sul pontile di Jesolo in pieno giorno: la coppia di esibizionisti beccata in un video su Facebook Lui moro, lei un'avvenente bionda, età presunta circa 40 anni

Per le loro evoluzioni si sono anche appoggiati, a turno, al palo sul quale è collocato il cartello che vieta di tuffarsi

Incuranti della presenza di altre persone, soprattutto sulla riva, si sono lasciati andare a tenere effusioni per poi proseguire in posizioni che non hanno lasciato spazio alla fantasia

La scena non è sfuggita ad alcuni turisti, che da un vicino pontile hanno ripreso l'amplesso, non senza un certo sconcerto

Il risultato sono stati due video diventati a dir poco virali, tanto da essere diffusi, via WhatsApp, in tutta la provincia

Senza dimenticare i social, visto che uno dei due video è stato caricato anche nella pagina Facebook Occhio Jesolano

Anche in questo caso suscitando una lunga serie di commenti sconcertati. Non è la prima volta che una coppia viene sorpresa a fare sesso sulla spiaggia

La scorsa estate era comparso in rete un altro filmato con una coppia impegnata in un momento di sesso orale, tutto in riva al mare e in pieno giorno

Inizialmente era stato ipotizzato si trattasse di Jesolo, poi era emerso che la scena era avvenuta a Porto Santa Margherita

For more infomation >> Jesolo, sesso sul pontile in pieno giorno: il video finisce su Facebook e diventa virale - Duration: 3:33.


Who is DoctorZed? - Duration: 1:28.

Not too long ago, I would take the 12 kilometer journey from my house in the

foothills of Adelaide to the Women's and Children's hospital to treat sick kids.

As a pediatrician, I also worked in London in Sydney. And whilst I was good at my

job, and helped a lot of sick kids and their families, I wasn't happy. My real

passion, and what I really wanted to do for my career, was to be a writer. But the

idea of swapping the stethoscope for the pen was a scary thought. I could lose

everything I had worked hard for, but I wanted a better more fulfilled happier

life. So I did it! I took the leap. And what I

learned is what I share with others. I teach people my simple three-step

prescription for bringing about change and ushering in the life they want.

I'm Dr. Scott Zarcinas, also known as DoctorZed.

I'm an author and mentor. Contact me for the prescription for your best life.

For more infomation >> Who is DoctorZed? - Duration: 1:28.


A Small Tiny House In Panama City Beach, Florida | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> A Small Tiny House In Panama City Beach, Florida | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:14.


AT T DECT 6.0 Corded/Cordless Phone System w/4 Handsets - Duration: 15:07.

For more infomation >> AT T DECT 6.0 Corded/Cordless Phone System w/4 Handsets - Duration: 15:07.


Bí Mật Của Tôi - Lưu Vũ Ninh(Cut) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Bí Mật Của Tôi - Lưu Vũ Ninh(Cut) - Duration: 1:00.


5 Essential Tips for Introverts to Succeed in a World Full of Extroverts - Duration: 5:52.

There are so many people in this world with their unique characteristics.

One of the most heated discussions about people is whether they are introverted or extroverted


Both introversion and extroversion are just to indicate whether socialization is mentally

exhausting or not.

However, the elaboration of both characters are actually deeper than that.

It is frequently noted that introverts are not ideal character in this world.

The reason is simply because they are not engaged with other in social interaction.

Moreover, many people think that the effect is severe including isolation from society

which leads to inability to get a proper job.

If that what happens, how can introverts succeed?

One suggestion is to fake it, act as if you're an extrovert.

Faking it that you are introvert is the best thing you can do.

The reason behind this is that introversion and extroversion are only a character label

which does not truly show who you are.

Unfortunately, people including the introverted people believe the stigma of negativity of

this character.

This creates a label for introverts that they are not worthy and they somehow believe in


Take one example when we are socializing for specific purposes such as party, forum group

discussion, class activity or anything else.

We often see the extroverts play significant role through their speech and convincing gesture.

Despite of their non-sense talk, they can make things up to fix what they have expressed,

returning to be a valuable experience.

Meanwhile, introverted people stuck behind the shadow of the extroverted people.

There is one turn around against this trend though.

It is basically to just believe that people are unique in nature.

This should not limit people from just two broad classification of being introverted

or extroverted.

Eventually, one that defines the success is merely how introvert you are.

However, how much effort you put into something you are passionate about.

So, here's some tips for introverts to succeed in a world full of extroverts.

Please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until the end to know the complete


5 Essential Tips for Introverts to Succeed in a World Full of Extroverts.

#1 - Fake it.

Once in a while, an introvert need to "faked it" in times when she knew she would later

regret not having her voice heard.

While it's true that you will get the uncomfortable feeling for drawing attention to yourself

at times, you'd become better and more confident at sharing your views when it really matters.

But remember, pretend to be an extrovert only in moments that truly mattered.

#2 - The written word is your friend.

Introverts are known to feel more comfortable expressing themselves in writing than through


While extroverts tend to think out loud, you likely prefer to carefully consider an issue

before you share your thoughts with others.

Make this into your advantage by writing down your thoughts before meetings or get-togethers.

You know, bringing your note everywhere while working is actually a good idea.

#3 - Meet like-minded people online.

You don't need to be afraid to do some of your networking online, via social media or

meetup groups as this can allow you to find like-minded people who you can then choose

to meet with offline; sparing you the hours it might take to find such individuals in

real life.

#4 - Step outside your comfort zone from time to time.

While you enjoy and feel you're safest when alone, there will be times when you'll be

in a room surrounded by extroverts.

When you find yourself in these situations, it's important you don't give in to your natural

tendencies to just let everyone else do all the talking.

Forcing yourself to practice your public speaking and conversation skills can benefit you in

all areas of your life, giving you the confidence needed to step outside your comfort zone when

the need arises.

#5 - Focus on your strengths.

Living in the world full of extroverts is like a disadvantage for introverts at times,

however, all that matters is believing to your strengths.

For starter, introverts are tend to absorb information quickly (because, you know, you're

listening), be observant when it comes to group dynamics, and see things that others

may miss.

Use these skills to your advantage, whenever possible.

Be aware of the strengths that come with introversion, and focus on honing and developing these skills

and traits.

Well, those are the 5 essential tips for introverts to succeed in a world full of extroverts.

So Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Essential Tips for Introverts to Succeed in a World Full of Extroverts - Duration: 5:52.


How to get free itunes codes 2018, free itunes gift cards legit 100% - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> How to get free itunes codes 2018, free itunes gift cards legit 100% - Duration: 3:30.


斗罗大陆:唐三追击泰坦巨猿无果,刚遇人面魔蛛,又逢盖世龙蛇 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> 斗罗大陆:唐三追击泰坦巨猿无果,刚遇人面魔蛛,又逢盖世龙蛇 - Duration: 6:08.


*Amazing* Streamers Talk About New FATE Skin - New Fortnite Funny Moments #46 - Duration: 10:10.

Hamlinz TSM Talk About New FATE Skin

Tfue humiliates a noob in Trap Tower GOAT!

New Fortnite Funny Moments #46

For more infomation >> *Amazing* Streamers Talk About New FATE Skin - New Fortnite Funny Moments #46 - Duration: 10:10.


Trey Gowdy Dropped A Bombshell That Ruined Everything For This Deep State Leaker - Duration: 11:41.


Gowdy Dropped A Bombshell That Ruined Everything For This Deep State Leaker

Trey Gowdy is on a mission.

He's determined to get to the bottom of one of the biggest scandals in Washington's


And he dropped a bombshell announcement that has one deep state leaker in deep trouble.

The Hillary Clinton email scandal is the investigation that won't go away.

She skated having to face criminal charges because James Comey allowed her to walk free.

But the truth behind his shocking decision to take the law into his own hands is finally


Recent reports indicate that Comey had already made up his mind that he wasn't going to

charge Clinton months before the investigation was complete and before Clinton was even interviewed.

In response, Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News and demanded that Comey testify and explain


He also wondered why Comey testified in June that the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac

meeting is what forced him to make his announcement if he had already determined not to charge


Fox News reports:
























When Comey initially let Clinton off the hook, a then-candidate Trump tweeted that it proved

the system was rigged.

The bombshell that Comey drafted a letter clearing Clinton months before the investigation

was complete adds fuel to the fire that the investigation was nothing more than one swamp

creature looking out for another at the expense of the rule of law.

Trump reacted to this new development by tweeting out that the investigation was obviously fixed

and that Comey needs to explain why his testimony should not be considered a lie.

And with Trey Gowdy also demanding answers, Americans can be confident he will get to

the bottom of this scandal.

We will keep you updated on any new developments in this case.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Dropped A Bombshell That Ruined Everything For This Deep State Leaker - Duration: 11:41.


Gorgeous Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in 606 S Cody Rd IA, Le Claire 52753 - Duration: 4:21.

Gorgeous Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in 606 S Cody Rd IA, Le Claire 52753

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in 606 S Cody Rd IA, Le Claire 52753 - Duration: 4:21.


Russian Lawmaker Warns Local Women Not to Have Sex with Foreigners During World Cup - Duration: 2:01.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch

The 2018 World Cup in Russia is underway and while most of us will be focused on cheering

for our favorite teams, local women are being advised to keep something else in mind: don't

have sex with foreigners.

This warning comes from Russian lawmaker Tamara Pletnyova, according to RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty.

Pletnyova's fear stems from a group of single mothers raising children conceived during

the 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow during the era of the Soviet Union saying

these children suffer and have suffered, even since Soviet times, she said in comments published

by Govorit Moskva.

The World Cup will be a month-long extravaganza taking place in several cities.

FIFA has confirmed that 2.4 million tickets have already been sold, as people from all

over the world plan to attend the 64-match tournament.

Pletnyova concedes that if Russian women simply can't control themselves, they should at

least have sex with visitors of the same um... race.

"If it's another race, then it's even worse.

We should give birth to our own children.

I'm not a nationalist, but nonetheless.

I know that the children suffer as well, and then they are abandoned and stay here with

the mother."

She warns that even if these women plan on marrying their foreign baby daddy, their child

could end up stuck in another country with no means of getting back to Russia.

"Then they come to me at the committee and cry that the child was taken away, removed,

and so forth, I would like people to get married based on love in our country, regardless of

which ethnicity, [to] Russian citizens who would build a good family, live in harmony,

have children, and raise them."

Unsurprisingly this lawmaker has made similarly prudish comments before, once criticizing

the crop top of a local journalist.

"I would like to say that these girl journalists should look more decent, put clothes on themselves

when entering a state building, instead of having their belly buttons naked,"

And ya'll thought the US had the market corner on racists assholes.That's all for now, for

everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube for Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Russian Lawmaker Warns Local Women Not to Have Sex with Foreigners During World Cup - Duration: 2:01.


(Ep 3) Lets play Agony Gameplay Ft Trixz2007 - Duration: 2:20:11.

For more infomation >> (Ep 3) Lets play Agony Gameplay Ft Trixz2007 - Duration: 2:20:11.


吴亦凡与粉丝花式互动显"逗趣",与白发奶奶共走T台显气场 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 吴亦凡与粉丝花式互动显"逗趣",与白发奶奶共走T台显气场 - Duration: 3:01.


陳喬恩這衣服太緊吧?輪廓看的好清楚,網友:好想幫她把腋毛刮了! - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 陳喬恩這衣服太緊吧?輪廓看的好清楚,網友:好想幫她把腋毛刮了! - Duration: 4:03.


Little Things About Me (read description) - Duration: 0:42.

Let's have a talk


Sooooo, hows your day going?

Mine was great!

I hope yours was too :)

I'm outside right now with my two little dogo's

One is named Pitufo and the other is named people (I don't know how to spell his name just so you know)

Now time to learn about me :)

What is my favorite color? The three of my favorite colors is blue purple and black

What's my favorite sport? My favorite sport is basketball

Yeah, so there's not that much really to know about me, but I will make more videos I guess...ugh

I hope you like this video. Bye

For more infomation >> Little Things About Me (read description) - Duration: 0:42.


Don Trump Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle kiss after speech - 247 news - Duration: 4:47.

Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle continued to flaunt their new romance as they shared a kiss at the Montana Republican Party's annual convention

The Fox host supported her new beau as he delivered a speech in Billings, Montana, on Friday, where he announced he was going to take Guilfoyle fishing and shooting

All eyes were on the new couple as they embraced after Trump Jr's speech with a kiss and a warm hug - the first time the couple have locked lips in public

In his speech the 40-year-old thanked his girlfriend, 49, for joining him. 'Just as everyone else thanks their significant others I got to thank Kimberly for coming out here

We're going to take her fishing tomorrow then shooting,''This is a miniature test to see if she really likes it or if she's going to pretend to like it, but either way we're going to have a good time or at least I will,' he joked

  After the speech the couple were caught in a warm embrace and sharing a kiss in a video Trump Jr posted on Instagram Live

 'Good time last night in Billings, Montana for @mattformontana for US Senate with my friends @stevedaines @gianforteformontana

 Always great to be back in the state especially if I get to go fishing afterwards

The #maga movement is strong here and we plan on making it stronger by getting Matt Rosendale, someone who will actually help @realdonaldtrump, into office,' Don Jr posted on Instagram Saturday evening

 At the Montana Republican Party's annual convention in Billings, Don Jr was joined onstage by GOP senate nominee Matt Rosendale

He urged Montana Republicans to rally against US Senator Jon Tester in the fall election

He says the two-term Democrat has fallen out of step with the state's voters. Share this article Share TrumpJr also warned that Democrats opposed to the Trump agenda are highly motivated leading into the election in November

Tester came into the crosshairs of President Donald Trump after releasing allegations in the spring that derailed the White House's Veterans Affairs nominee, Ronny Jackson

The Montana kiss marks the PDA-packed beginning of Trump Jr and Kimberly's public relationship

 The duo confirmed their relationship exclusively to just last Thursday and have been since flaunted their new relationship on social media

Sources added that the Fox News host has even received the seal of approval from the president and the first family

  On Thursday night the two enjoyed a concert date night in Long Island, New York at a Poison gig where Don Jr couldn't help but wrap his arms around the Fox host while backstage

 He's also been spotted writing sappy comments on her pictures and fending off other men vying for his girlfriend's attention

A source close to the president's son told last week the two are 'crazy about each other' and have never tried to hide their romance

'They're really into each other, it's obvious from the way they are together, and they haven't tried to hide it

But they haven't felt compelled to make any kind of pronouncement that they're romantically involved,' the source said

  The source added the pair have been open about their relationship and are given to PDAs and holding hands when they are together

  Don Jr and Kim began dating in late March, around the time Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa, 40, announced their decision to split after 12 years of marriage

  News of the divorce first became public on March 15th.The two released a joint statement saying: 'We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families

We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time

'On Thursday, Vanessa revealed on Twitter that they have actually been separated for 'over nine months' and commented on her estranged husband's relationship with Kim

'The lengths people will go to attack a woman simply because she's dating Don. We've been separated for over 9 months and respect each other's decisions & privacy

We'll focus on raising our great kids. Would be nice if the press did the same rather than obsess over our pvt lives,' she tweeted

The soon-to-be exes appear to be on good terms and Don Jr seems to have no hesitance showing off his new relationship in the public eye


For more infomation >> Don Trump Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle kiss after speech - 247 news - Duration: 4:47.


Doug Addison ➤ "A Transfer Of Wealth Is Coming" - Duration: 9:44.

And Doug Addison here, it's October 26 2017

and you know

I release a lot of prophetic words with my daily prophetic the monthly the yearly words and

The downside of that is that sometimes important things

can get overlooked or lost or fall through the cracks and so

Because of that I want to just kind of recap something

I released in my prophetic work for the month of October. It was the word is what you need to

What you need to do to to stop this angry whirlwind and I was talking about shifting the negative spiritual

Atmosphere that's that's all over the place right now, and we can do this by by stopping from complaining

Grumbling judging others now I've had some people ask me what that means I've and I've unpacked it in different ways

I'm not talking about not complaining at all. But really he's going out and and beginning to

Do things in a positive?

Way because what you sow is what you reap

So check it out on my website

If you want to read the full prophetic word also in that word

Was something I wanted to bring out right now and that was about the the transfer of wealth and repayment coming in

This the next revival that we have right upon us

It's going to require a lot of finances and all the tragedies that are happening right now

all over the world need resources we need money for

humanitarian for rebuilding for food for supplies

For Kingdom financial strategies. We'll also need to finance one of the largest

revivals that we've ever seen and that I've seen it already and I know it is coming very soon and

So it's not going to look these these are not like revival meetings that you're going to see in

Churches that are currently this is really outside the box

I've seen some glimpses in my heavenly encounters and interaction with the Lord and I don't know exactly what it's going to look like

But I do know this it's gonna be strange and geared towards people

Who currently aren't accepted by the status quo. So for all the more reasons we need fine

So God said that he is now answering the prayers that many Christians have been praying for years

maybe you were and that is the prayer of


13:20 - but the wealth of the wicked or the sinner is stored

Up for the righteous now. I don't usually talk about this. But the Lord said this is his time right now

He's answering this prayer in front of us and many people have been praying this prayer not

Realizing that the Lord's trying to answer. He's trying to line things up

So that this transfer of wealth can happen

I'm not sure what exactly what it means

But I do know this that he first prepares us by ridding us of anything

That's the same spirit of the world. That's what's going on

That's why we're seeing the shaking we're seeing shaking in your life your family your business churches ministries

Government, we're seeing this God's trying to get our attention right now and cause us to not focus on the negativity

That's another reason to stop complaining and start

Praying is because God is trying to get us out of what the the enemy is trying to do by bringing

division and a house divided against itself will fall and bring in the kingdom financial strategies and

There's such a great shaking happening everywhere. The shaking is not judgment. It is alignment

It's a realignment. It's birth pains of what is coming

It's the enemy trying to get you to look at the other things and the Lord is trying to get you to shake things

into his

Perspective into love into not judging so get ready to cross over this in the new year with a new perspective

God is God's gonna use you. He wants to use you

He hasn't forgotten you and I'll be talking more about this again. And this is again. Is it my prophetic word?

That's on my website. But this next week November 1st my spirit connection webs

Webcast for the month of November. I will be talking more about

The coming revival what God's showing me for the new year. Bye putting a gate over you that's needed

also, I have a new blog that just came out today and

it's it's from a heavenly encounter that I had back and I

Was just after Passover and it's called a vision of what is happening now in the spiritual realm

I had a heavenly encounter and it was in the form of a vision and

It shows where why we are in a time of waiting

but what we're waiting for and I in fact the name of the vision was the weight and if you felt like you've been

Waiting for God to open the door

I also ever tell you every time I read this part of my heavenly journal every time I talk about it. I have a weight

A weight from heaven comes on me and the Lord says there's a weight in

Waiting and that's what's happening right now many people have been waiting for God to open the door

These things are gonna start happening now. So check out that blog also my new podcast

And it's with my good friend

John Thomas the president of streams ministries. It's called three things that are being released after john paul

Jackson's passing. Now. This is really really important. And this is polly. Wow. I don't know if it's I don't know

How I would write it with other podcasts

But my goodness is so powerful and what God is doing in the next season John Thomas

I talked about how the lack of

Grieving can actually hinder our faith and the power of the seed of the harvest John Paul was a seed he was sown

into the harvest just like in acts 6

Stephen was he was martyred and he was a seed that was sown

And then what happened is in acts 9 the Lord sent the Apostle Paul and it was reaping a harvest

I believe that we're going to see this happen also in this podcast

It's the coming release of the pure spirit of the fear of the Lord John John Paul's revelation

John Thomases revelation about the voice of many

waters now John Thomas and I both

We worked and and mentored with John Paul Jackson and this man has the Spirit of the Lord

resting on him and

there is

Such a power. He's now running streams ministries and it's just a really

Great time and a conversation. So check out my podcast that just came out and share it with your friends

also, I just did a webinar called how to discover your message and get it out to the world and

We're offering the replay of that only for a few days until October 31st, and then it's gonna go away

But if you want to get the replay it's how to find and share your message

expand your ministry expand your business get a

Spirit lead approach without the worldly tactics of manipulation on how to get your your message out there to the world

once you discover

Maybe you already have it how to pull it together how to do the stuff that we do it in like connection

And we've been able to do we've grown

700 times since the Lord gave me the strategy in 2008, so

Again, check out that replay of the webinar

It's only going to be available for the next few days till the 31st

Also, I'll be speaking this weekend if you happen to live in LA and bat in Pacific Palisades

That's Los Angeles with Mary Crowley and her team and it's going to be a really good time Saturday night

you can go to my website Doug Addison comm and click on events or forward slash events and

Check out the location and what we have going on there. It's while the Lord is going to really be moving

I felt the Lord say it was a shift in the spiritual atmosphere

That's going to come during that time

And so also just just get ready to cross over get ready for the new things that God is doing

And don't be discouraged right now by all the things that we might be seeing out there in the natural

Don't be discouraged. Watch as God is moving. He's gonna shift things. He's not only gonna transfer the wealth

He's gonna transfer

Revelation. I saw the like almost a like a an explosion of

gifts and

Assignments coming now

And this is a time over the next couple months watch for a revelation to come watch for things to shift and open

So I want to open that over you lord. I pray this right now for the activation of this word

I pray for the

transfer of wealth for the weight of waiting for those have been waiting for the Joseph and Josephine anointing those who have been

Waiting for the new move of God those who have been waiting to get out of the wilderness those who have been waiting

for the release of the new the release of the new strategies the release of

The things dreams and visions and revelation

I pray right now that those things would open in the jitan in the name of Jesus. Amen

For more infomation >> Doug Addison ➤ "A Transfer Of Wealth Is Coming" - Duration: 9:44.


Eva Longoria Preps 'Big Brother' Popeye the Dog for Baby's Arrival Home - News Today - Duration: 2:17.

 Popeye is in for quite the treat!  On Friday, Eva Longoria posted a photo of her beloved pup cuddling with a hospital blanket belonging to her newborn son, Santiago Enrique

 "Big brother Popeye can't wait to meet his little brother Santiago!" she wrote on Instagram

"We keep sending Santiago's hospital blankets home for him to get used to. And Popeye has taken them to his bed! Too cute!"  Bringing blankets with the baby's scent home in the hospital for dogs to smell is a common practice recommended by veterinarians to help pups adjust to new arrivals

 Santiago, Longoria's first child with husband José "Pepe" Bastón, 50, arrived on Tuesday, June 19

The happy couple shared the first image of their baby with Hola, saying, "We are so grateful for this beautiful blessing

" Longoria, 43, also used Santiago's birth as a moment to talk about the migrant crisis happening at the U

S.-Mexico border, asking followers to donate to RAICES Texas.  The birth of her baby boy came five days after Longoria said a tough goodbye to her beloved dog Jinxy, who died in her arms on June 14 after suffering a stroke

 The 15-year-old dog — was often found by his famous mom's side, even posing on a magazine cover with her — is survived by Popeye

 "Anyone who knew me, knew Jinxy. He will be missed by many. I love you Jinxy," Longoria captioned a photo gallery of the pair, also calling the small, white pup her "baby before this baby in my belly came along

" Tags Celeb Pets Dogs Eva Longoria News

For more infomation >> Eva Longoria Preps 'Big Brother' Popeye the Dog for Baby's Arrival Home - News Today - Duration: 2:17.


Reinhard Bonnke ➤ "Jesus Saves Sinners To Save Sinners" - Duration: 22:01.

Reinhard Bonnke ➤ Jesus Saves Sinners To Save Sinners

For more infomation >> Reinhard Bonnke ➤ "Jesus Saves Sinners To Save Sinners" - Duration: 22:01.


Hướng Dẫn Làm Bánh Đơn Giản Cực Ngon | Top Những Chiếc Bánh Ngon Nhất Thế Giới | Cake Ideas - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn Làm Bánh Đơn Giản Cực Ngon | Top Những Chiếc Bánh Ngon Nhất Thế Giới | Cake Ideas - Duration: 4:52.


World Cup Game Comes to a Halt so Spain's Gerard Piqué Can Save Bird Stuck on Field - News Today - Duration: 2:15.

 Everyone is riled up about the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, but one bird might have taken its passion for the tournament a little too far

 On Wednesday, the kick-off for the game between Iran and Spain was delayed after an animal football fan got too close to the action

Right before the match started, Spain's Gerard Piqué put a pause on the preparations so he could pick up a tiny bird he spotted stuck in the middle of the field, reports The Sun

 Piqué, who music fans might recognize as Shakira's longtime love, carefully clutched the bird until he reached a safe spot, where he let it go

 Unfortunately, the flyer didn't get the hint and flew back onto the field. At this point, Piqué's teammate Francisco "Isco" Alarcón Suárez gave animal rescue work a shot

Isco plucked up the bird and took the animal to the sidelines to be released. The second attempt did the trick: the bird flew off to find a safer perch to watch the game

   Spain went on to win the match against Iran, 1-0. Pique and Isco earned another win as well: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals announced it is sending two Hero to Animal awards to Russia for the players as a thank you for being big heroes to a little bird

 "PETA U.K. is recognizing these compassionate football players for gently coaxing this little bird out of a dangerous situation and on his or her way to safety," PETA U

K. Director Elisa Allen said in a statement. "No game is more important than someone's life, and we hope their heroic actions will encourage everyone to come to the aid of animals in need

" Tags Birds Gerard Pique News Shakira World Cup

For more infomation >> World Cup Game Comes to a Halt so Spain's Gerard Piqué Can Save Bird Stuck on Field - News Today - Duration: 2:15.


Internet Sales Tax | What Online Retailers Need to Know - Duration: 7:30.

hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in

e-commerce accounting today we're going to talk about the big news of the week

and that is that the US Supreme Court made a ruling on the South Dakota versus

Wayfair case and these this has huge ramifications for online sellers and so

I'm going to bring in my other co-founder of catching clouds Scott

Scharf my husband also and he lives and breathes sales tax and he is going to

give you the whole rundown on sales tax and what this ruling means for you

hi um as you've probably heard cuz it's bidding in the news everywhere quill is

dead so Supreme Court ruled that quill no longer applies so what does that mean

well it's now the wild wild west of sales tax and what the states are gonna

be doing this means that the states can come up with their own laws and rules on

when businesses both in their state and outside of their state can't have to

register and collect sales tax Nexus and the rules on the books in the state's

now are whether you have physical Nexus you're physically there you have

property including your inventory sales sales reps traveling there or affiliates

and now the laws that they've added that if they've set thresholds for economic

Nexus or notice and reporting laws basically say if you have more than a

certain amount of revenue or a certain number of transactions then you have

Nexus in that state and the state can expect you to register and collect sales

tax in their state for all of the sales into that state now one of the things

you want to keep an eye on is the transaction limit more than the dollar

amount you go I was nowhere near a hundred thousand dollars in that state

but if your average sale price is $25 then you only need to sell $5000 in any

of these states in a year in the previous 12 months to have exceeded the

limit and had more than 200 transactions so keep in mind that that really it's

that 200 transaction limit now 25 states have these laws on the books now the

other states that don't have them will probably pass them quite quickly and

look at getting a cut of all of these funds of those states twelve of them

have a transaction threshold and three of them have revenue threshold of

$10,000 so of per year of income okay when you see these thresholds you want

to read the details or talk to a consultant because the the laws may not

have gone into effect yet they may not apply to you

based on your products there's a lot of nuances okay

now the interesting part about this is South Dakota you basically need to be

selling 1.8 million dollars of total revenue to be able to have hit that

threshold based on the population and how few people are in South Dakota so

they're one that started all of this and it really you've got to be almost a

two million dollar business before you have enough sales volume to have more

than two hundred sales in South Dakota so it's just one of those things so

these are the new rules that you have Nexus if you're an Amazon FBA seller you

have sales tax in excess in up to 26 States wherever Amazon storing your

inventory and then there are 11 of these new threshold Nexus reporting states

that that aren't FBA States that you need to be aware of so as an Amazon FBA

seller you might have to register and collect in 37 states really close to the

total of 45 to be fully compliant plus really any business over 20 million

dollars per year in revenue you really exceed that both the threshold and

transactions and the revenue volume and almost all of the states and that'll get

you pretty close to 45 states we really are heading to a world where where we're

collecting sales tax on all transactions everywhere that's just a matter of how

crazy the compliance is gonna be so how does that impact you take a look at your

own numbers download your sales total up the number of sales per or for the last

12 months and if you exceeded this transaction level then you have to

decide if you're gonna register and collect in those states what is it going

to cost you I don't know if you've added up the sales tax that you're already

doing or you're not doing in general that's gonna cost about $200 to get

registered per state between either your time and figuring out the details or

outsourcing it roughly paying $100 per registration and then both any signup

fees and state fees and other things it's about $200 per state for a safe

budget - just to get registered then safe budgetary number which you could

realistically pay is between 50 and $100 per state per month

yes 600 to 1200 dollars per year per state that could mean between 27 and 54

thousand dollars a year if you're registered on all 54 states are v all 45

states that have sales tax sorry too many states added up too many right

there so between outsourcing tools like tax gr

tax if I dealing with a salt sales and local tax expert notices fines fees late

penalties extra state fees that they don't tell you about until your second

year and all these other things you want to be able to budget and know you know

what the compliance is and then you've got to decide if the cost of compliance

and the risk of being audited or the fines for not complying with these

states if that risk is worth it up to you versus the cost but it could be a

significant percentage of your revenue in sales in that state and all your

margin on your sales in that state if you have a low dollar volume and low

margin products going into the states so those are things you really need to

consider all right so we know this is a lot I'm sure you've seen articles on the

news and and blogs and other YouTube videos and everything else what we're

trying to do is help out what we've done is the math for you so if you click on

the link below we've generated a spreadsheet that well that calculates

out either based on transaction or revenue based on the population which

we've seen over the last seven years really does apply pretty close as a good

initial indicator of how products are gonna sell across the country unless you

know your products really only sell well well into one state or the south or

beach states or whatever else so you have to look at your own data but we've

really done the math for you so please look at the link click the link down

below and we will share that spreadsheet with you you can put your own numbers in

and see how that adapts for you and save you the time of trying to figure out how

all this comes together anyway we wish you good luck we look

forward to seeing questions down below and take care

I hope you found this video helpful if you did please like comment and share

and I'll catch you later

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