I'm so tired. Last time you guys saw me go vegan for a week
This time it's gonna be a little bit different
I'm gonna quit my favorite beverage of all time
I guess it's not that hard for a person who doesn't like coffee, but me I'm almost a coffee addict
In fact, I love coffee so much that I become a barista
Yes, I'm certified. I can't actually remember every day when I didn't have coffee for like about six months, but here's the bonus part
I'm not gonna be having any tea as well or any caffeine, but chocolate is an exception
Good morning guys, if you've been following on my Instagram you will see this cinnamon tea
Which is basically cinnamon powder, cinnamon sticks and this is a cardamom. We call it Sukmel in Nepali
I'm having this instead of coffee and I'm already craving coffee because I always drink coffee first thing in the morning after water
One of the cons of having coffee is
that it worsens anxiety
you'd better avoid it because it enhances
stress hormone called cortisol that is bad for anxiety
So let me sip on this
If if you want you can add honey or
natural sweetener like stevia
The weather is pretty gloomy
I'm craving for a hot coffee and blanket that a since I can't have that I'm gonna make myself some warm hot chocolate
So here's my book, here's my hot chocolate
i won this book in a Story writing competition when I was a little kid
Not.. i guess in grade 9 or 10
This hot chocolate is so good. Don't forget to add cinnamon. It enhances the flavor and gives you all its health benefits
I'd be having coffee at this time but today I've got plain lassi which is quite good.
Not so sweet, not so sour. Just the way I like it
There's my favorite drink
Which I'll have in a few days
Good morning, guys
I'm so tired. I don't know you if guys can see this red eye
I mean i slept really well
But I don't know what happened to my eyes and I have to set up this heavy ass camera
Okay, so I'm gonna search if caffeine addiction is real. And if there's any withdrawal symptoms
it says that if you stop taking caffeine abruptly. you may have symptoms for one a day more especially if you consume 2-3 cups daily
The withdrawal symptoms are headaches fatigue anxiety irritability
Depressed mood and difficulty concentrating
Maybe that's why I've been feeling so tired
Really tired this week. It says that caffeine is not really
Addictive like in those drugs. So it may take a day or two for me
And now my eyes are burning. I don't know why
It's workout time
When I worked out at home, normally I would work out in my living room or in the balcony
since there is a lot more space than my tiny little bedrooms. We have some guests right now
Upstairs, so I'll just do my workout here
in this tiny little space
Yo guys I'm so happy because today is the last day but I'm so tired
You guys can't see that because I'm smiling right now and underneath the smile and this eyeliner
There's a sad little me who just wants a coffee
But I got a little confession to make I totally screwed up the day one
I had to do it all over again to give you all this honest reviews
so what happened was as my usual days
I woke up, drank my water
stretched out, went to the kitchen and drank a sip and suddenly
I remember that i was off of coffee
So the purpose of the video is not to bash on coffee and coffee drinkers.
You don't need to leave coffee, unless you have certain health issues like anxiety or high blood pressure
with that said i don't want to be like
Don't talk to me unless I get my coffee. I don't want to be that girl.
I'm rewarding myself with a huge ass cup of coffee
No, I'm not gonna quit my coffee
But I am will take it down.
touch me
See ya bees, which are adios
For more infomation >> I gave up COFFEE for a week (TEA as well) - Duration: 6:50.-------------------------------------------
Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Calif., a rising Democratic star and potential 2020 presidential candidate, r - Duration: 2:49.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Calif., a rising Democratic star and potential 2020 presidential candidate, raised eyebrows during an appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Thursday for one of her answers to a hypothetical question
DeGeneres asked Harris a series of lighthearted questions, ranging from whether she has any tattoos (no) to her celebrity crush (Tito Jackson)
She was then asked, "If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, (Vice President) Mike Pence or (Attorney General) Jeff Sessions, who would it be?" "Does one of us have to come out alive?" Harris asked, prompting cheers from the audience
Harris laughed hysterically at the joke and took a second to compose herself. The San Francisco Chronicle's report pointed out that "Even DeGeneres applauded the senator's wit
" Conservatives responded to the remark on social media. Fox News' Sean Hannity called the comment a "shocking new low
" Harris, California's first African-American senator, has not responded to the conservative response online
DeGeneres asked her if she is considering a 2020 run, and the senator responded, "Right now, we are in the early months of 2018, and at this very moment in time, there are people across America who have priorities around their health care, have priorities around: Can they get through the month and pay the bills? Can they pay off their student loans? Can they afford to pay for gas, housing?" Critical issues
" This is not the first time a Democrat received backlash over comments about Trump
Former Vice President Joe Biden, a possible 2020 candidate, made headlines in March when he said he would "beat the hell" out of Trump back in high school for disrespecting women
Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @EDeMarche
Jak powiedzieć SZEFOWI SADYŚCIE, że daje ZA DUŻO pracy? | Kamila Rowińska - vlog - Duration: 15:54.
日産「GT-R NISMO GT3」2018年スペック発売。価格は6000万円、信頼性と耐久性が大きく向上 - Duration: 5:30.
Смысл жизни и путь к нему Притча о смысле жизни - Duration: 1:00.
香港最落魄的影帝,欠下八千萬巨債,被《極限挑戰》剪掉所有鏡頭 - Duration: 1:57.
的確拿了影帝自然身價就會暴漲,自然就會有更多的人找他拍電影,接連演出了幾十部喜劇片,一度成為香港片酬最高的喜劇演員之一。 然而誰能夠想到,這位「戲精」級別的優秀演員,歸為影帝,卻因自組公司拍攝電影,豈料票房慘敗,虧損了1000萬
重點是,公司資金缺口竟達到了8000萬,眾多好友都紛紛離他而去。 為了早日還清債務,只能賣房賣車,身兼數職,不僅在電視劇中客串角色,更是參與幕後製作,因此大家就都稱他為落魄影帝了
用了十年時間,他才還清了債務。但是江山代有才人出,縱使他曾貴為影帝,但是現時他的影響力已經不如以前了。去年的一個小風波,相信不少人都知道。 《極限挑戰》前往香港拍攝,請了好幾個香港的影視大咖,黃宗澤更是全程參與到拍攝
而鄭則仕也是他們的特邀嘉賓,當時鄭則仕本人也發了微博,順便幫忙宣傳。 但是播出的時候卻是一個鏡頭都沒有,這也弄到很多網友相當的不滿。即使再怎麼地位不復從前,也不能夠邀請了別人卻是一個鏡頭都沒
'청량미+섹시미' 뿜뿜하는 어제자 AOA 설현 엠카 무대 - Duration: 2:30.
Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración implementará nuevo sistema para solicitar documentos - Duration: 1:48.
Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 18 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:00:09.
Islam Main Awrat Ka Muqaam by Dr Farhat Hashmi اسلام میں عورت کا مقام
Dulhan Kay Liay Rahnumai by Dr Farhat Hashmi دلہن کے لیئے رہنمائی
Khutbah e Nikah Awr Zawjain Kay Huquq by Dr Farhat Hashmi خطبہ نکاح اور زوجین کے حقوق
Shadi Say Pehlay Istikharah By Dr Farhat Hashmi شادی سے پہلے استخارہ
Mard Awr Awrat Kay Huquq o Faraiz Part 2 by Dr Farhat Hashmi مرد اور عورت کے حقوق و فرائض حصہ دوم
Khawatin Kay Huquq Hadith e Nabawi Ki Roshni Mein BY Dr Farhat Hashmi خواتین کے حقوق
Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 18/2 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:00:09.
Islam Main Awrat Ka Muqaam by Dr Farhat Hashmi اسلام میں عورت کا مقام
Dulhan Kay Liay Rahnumai by Dr Farhat Hashmi دلہن کے لیئے رہنمائی
Khutbah e Nikah Awr Zawjain Kay Huquq by Dr Farhat Hashmi خطبہ نکاح اور زوجین کے حقوق
Shadi Say Pehlay Istikharah By Dr Farhat Hashmi شادی سے پہلے استخارہ
Mard Awr Awrat Kay Huquq o Faraiz Part 2 by Dr Farhat Hashmi مرد اور عورت کے حقوق و فرائض حصہ دوم
Khawatin Kay Huquq Hadith e Nabawi Ki Roshni Mein BY Dr Farhat Hashmi خواتین کے حقوق
UMH TV - Fin de las clases e inicio de los exámenes - Duration: 0:38.
Queste comuni abitudini sono in realtà la causa dei tuoi mal di testa - Duration: 6:50.
Morning Future: intervista a Martin Laba - giovani e formazione - Duration: 5:10.
MARTIN LABA Professor of the School of Communication at the Simon Fraser University of Vancouver
1 You believe that universities are detached from the real world. Can you explain…
I think probably cranky parents said it their university aged children… students:
"Oh, enjoy university while it lasts. Soon you'll be in the real world, where things really matter".
That's a problem, because we cannot afford to have a distinction between university and the real world.
2 As a university lecturer, what is your approach to teaching then?
My particular approach is summed up in a phrase that I used in one of the publications that I wrote last year, called "Students in action".
So, the idea is that education has to be driven - in programs, in course content, in experience- have all to be driven by essence of action.
Students have to have projects and understanding in what they do, as having consequence in the real world.
For example, I designed a course that is called "Applied communication for social issues".
Students look around the society, they identify urgent and critical and complex social problems.
They spend their entire time solving those problems through the design of media and communication to bring about social change.
We have to activate students, there has to be experiential learning, it has to get out of the classroom
The classroom has to be understood as boundless, as the community, as society, as the culture.
3 What does rethinking education in the digital era mean?
One thing that education in digital age is now… is infinitely more participatory, and this is key and critical,
because older educators think in old-media terms, which is a unidirectional approach.
Even the university… the lecture itself is a medieval remnant:
this unidirectional approach for transactional relationship with students.
And what we need to understand now is that students talk back.
They should talk back, they should be talking back with a certain forcefulness and a certain frequency.
So we have got to work to bring those voices forward:
sociality, creative thinking, participatory thinking, participatory course content, course design and so on.
4 What educational advice would you give to a young person today?
Frankly, when we start talking about artificial intelligence, we talk about automation, we talk about robots.
We have the summary of all the fears and anxieties of society, of individuals in society…
and certainly students who think that there will be no jobs.
But I would argue that if we can learn all the things that robots don't do, or cannot do, or never will do:
emotional, intellectual maturity, creativity, collaboration, nuance in communicative skills
and the list goes on and on… that's what I would emphasize for students to learn.
I think it's a misnomer… we call them soft skills. Frankly, I think we should call them essential skills.
5 Scientific subjects or humanities? Which should be preferred?
In my vision should be no distinction between STEM education and humanities education:
they are inextricably connected.
Sadly, sadly around the globe, the arts and humanities are often considered as less than science
and technology and engineering and computing science and mathematics and economics and so on.
And what we have to do is bring these two together.
There is a great TED talk, the most popular TED talk ever given by Sir Ken Robinson…
is "How schools kill creativity". I think he makes a very strong and compelling advocacy…
that we need to stop to deemphasizing arts.
In fact the greater and more elaborate the digital culture becomes
- digital economies digital culture, digital social transformations…-,
the more we need arts-oriented thinking and that's the creative thinking that's needed precisely for so-called STEM curricula.
Open up to the future Discover the blog morningfuture.com
Unomattina Estate 2018 sarà condotto da Massimiliano Ossini e Valentina Bisti - Duration: 3:55.
Cientos de personas en Texas exigen al gobierno Trump suspender separación familiar en la frontera - Duration: 2:46.
Legisladores envían carta a Seguridad Nacional tras muerte de una transgénero de la caravana - Duration: 2:24.
Peugeot 308 SW 1.2 E-THP 131PK H6 BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE Navi, Panodak, Ecc, Led, Pdc V+A, Prachtig! - Duration: 0:54.
Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:20.
電気自動車 e-ゴルフに無料で乗れる…VWと自治体がコラボ - Duration: 1:45.
Congresista Joaquín Castro, contra la "política inhumana" de separar familias en la frontera - Duration: 1:17.
José Loreto e Débora Nascimento cantam com filha no colo: 'Música propaga amor' - Duration: 6:32.
Sabrina Sato, grávida e de biquíni, ganha beijo de Duda Nagle na barriga - Duration: 5:17.
Tarta de chocolate blanco y fresas - Duration: 6:36.
Alla scoperta del maiale grass fed - Duration: 2:11.
399481 - Duration: 7:15.
Philippines 2018 - Iloilo, Panay island - VLOG_02 - Duration: 9:13.
We arrived in Iloilo!
We are at Ong-bun pension house
Yes! 12 euros a night
With airconditioning, a tv and...
a queen size bed...
the restroom is here.. better to show it.
This is the restroom
There is water
We are going to look for a rope to hang our clothes for the laundry that we haven't found...
So we are in a supermarket in Iloilo ( Robinsons mall)
I just met a counter-figure of Antonino Zichichi ;-)
We haven't found the rope in the supermarket but we found it in a hardware store
This is the hardware store in the Philippines
And this is the rope.
The underwear is quite explicative ;-)
It cost?
200 pesos = around 3 euros
A jeepney!
We should be close....( Robertos place!)
We should almost be there
Here it is, Robertos!
a long time but finally we got here...
good morning!
So Robertos is famous for the best Siopao in the area
Lami kaayo ( Taste good )
Siopao of Robertos
Good morning!
We arrived
Madge Cafe
We made it!
I had another immagination where it was...
Yeah but it is characteristic ;-)
Magandang umaga (tagalog)= Good morning !
Kumusta mam = How are you?
Ok lang= I'm fine
Salamat po! = Thank you!
We are at Madge cafe
In the middle of the market in Iloilo ( LA PAZ market)
I like it here
We are eating a bread typical of iloilo , Warm!
and with a boiling coffee
I haven't put ice cubes on the coca cola but they brought it to me WARM ;-((((
And it's 34-35 degrees C and with a 100% humidity!!!
if this is not massochism !!!
I don't know, but i like the place!
Even if it is interesting to get here ;-)
But once you get here....
Someone is crushing me with the chair behind...
Madge Cafe I recommend it!
Dili lami kaayo = The bread was not that good!
Instead of using the ice cubes for putting it on the coca cola
I used it instead to put it inside my underwear!!!!
But now it's getting too COLD!!!
But it's a good solution to cool off that i can recommend ;-))))
Molo Church
This is a Balete tree, a particular plant
typical of Iloilo
that seems to engulf everything!!!
There are birds inside
We are at Molo Church
The statues represented only women saints
Everybody is here...
I've seen St. Therese down there..
Santa Polonia
Here it is St. Therese
My grandma was named after her
Very nice
This church is a UNESCO heritage
Nindot Iglesia(simbahan) = Nice church
Pietro found a new job!
How is it?
The saddle is too hot and beyond that it must be very clean (LOL)
We are getting on the bus to go to Miag-ao
The bus terminal is close to Molo church
Naa mi sa bus padung Miag-ao = We are on the bus going to Miag-ao
Grande Fratello, la cena degli avanzi - Duration: 8:57.
I gave up COFFEE for a week (TEA as well) - Duration: 6:50.
I'm so tired. Last time you guys saw me go vegan for a week
This time it's gonna be a little bit different
I'm gonna quit my favorite beverage of all time
I guess it's not that hard for a person who doesn't like coffee, but me I'm almost a coffee addict
In fact, I love coffee so much that I become a barista
Yes, I'm certified. I can't actually remember every day when I didn't have coffee for like about six months, but here's the bonus part
I'm not gonna be having any tea as well or any caffeine, but chocolate is an exception
Good morning guys, if you've been following on my Instagram you will see this cinnamon tea
Which is basically cinnamon powder, cinnamon sticks and this is a cardamom. We call it Sukmel in Nepali
I'm having this instead of coffee and I'm already craving coffee because I always drink coffee first thing in the morning after water
One of the cons of having coffee is
that it worsens anxiety
you'd better avoid it because it enhances
stress hormone called cortisol that is bad for anxiety
So let me sip on this
If if you want you can add honey or
natural sweetener like stevia
The weather is pretty gloomy
I'm craving for a hot coffee and blanket that a since I can't have that I'm gonna make myself some warm hot chocolate
So here's my book, here's my hot chocolate
i won this book in a Story writing competition when I was a little kid
Not.. i guess in grade 9 or 10
This hot chocolate is so good. Don't forget to add cinnamon. It enhances the flavor and gives you all its health benefits
I'd be having coffee at this time but today I've got plain lassi which is quite good.
Not so sweet, not so sour. Just the way I like it
There's my favorite drink
Which I'll have in a few days
Good morning, guys
I'm so tired. I don't know you if guys can see this red eye
I mean i slept really well
But I don't know what happened to my eyes and I have to set up this heavy ass camera
Okay, so I'm gonna search if caffeine addiction is real. And if there's any withdrawal symptoms
it says that if you stop taking caffeine abruptly. you may have symptoms for one a day more especially if you consume 2-3 cups daily
The withdrawal symptoms are headaches fatigue anxiety irritability
Depressed mood and difficulty concentrating
Maybe that's why I've been feeling so tired
Really tired this week. It says that caffeine is not really
Addictive like in those drugs. So it may take a day or two for me
And now my eyes are burning. I don't know why
It's workout time
When I worked out at home, normally I would work out in my living room or in the balcony
since there is a lot more space than my tiny little bedrooms. We have some guests right now
Upstairs, so I'll just do my workout here
in this tiny little space
Yo guys I'm so happy because today is the last day but I'm so tired
You guys can't see that because I'm smiling right now and underneath the smile and this eyeliner
There's a sad little me who just wants a coffee
But I got a little confession to make I totally screwed up the day one
I had to do it all over again to give you all this honest reviews
so what happened was as my usual days
I woke up, drank my water
stretched out, went to the kitchen and drank a sip and suddenly
I remember that i was off of coffee
So the purpose of the video is not to bash on coffee and coffee drinkers.
You don't need to leave coffee, unless you have certain health issues like anxiety or high blood pressure
with that said i don't want to be like
Don't talk to me unless I get my coffee. I don't want to be that girl.
I'm rewarding myself with a huge ass cup of coffee
No, I'm not gonna quit my coffee
But I am will take it down.
touch me
See ya bees, which are adios
Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Calif., a rising Democratic star and potential 2020 presidential candidate, r - Duration: 2:49.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Calif., a rising Democratic star and potential 2020 presidential candidate, raised eyebrows during an appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Thursday for one of her answers to a hypothetical question
DeGeneres asked Harris a series of lighthearted questions, ranging from whether she has any tattoos (no) to her celebrity crush (Tito Jackson)
She was then asked, "If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, (Vice President) Mike Pence or (Attorney General) Jeff Sessions, who would it be?" "Does one of us have to come out alive?" Harris asked, prompting cheers from the audience
Harris laughed hysterically at the joke and took a second to compose herself. The San Francisco Chronicle's report pointed out that "Even DeGeneres applauded the senator's wit
" Conservatives responded to the remark on social media. Fox News' Sean Hannity called the comment a "shocking new low
" Harris, California's first African-American senator, has not responded to the conservative response online
DeGeneres asked her if she is considering a 2020 run, and the senator responded, "Right now, we are in the early months of 2018, and at this very moment in time, there are people across America who have priorities around their health care, have priorities around: Can they get through the month and pay the bills? Can they pay off their student loans? Can they afford to pay for gas, housing?" Critical issues
" This is not the first time a Democrat received backlash over comments about Trump
Former Vice President Joe Biden, a possible 2020 candidate, made headlines in March when he said he would "beat the hell" out of Trump back in high school for disrespecting women
Edmund DeMarche is a news editor for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @EDeMarche
Jak powiedzieć SZEFOWI SADYŚCIE, że daje ZA DUŻO pracy? | Kamila Rowińska - vlog - Duration: 15:54.
日産「GT-R NISMO GT3」2018年スペック発売。価格は6000万円、信頼性と耐久性が大きく向上 - Duration: 5:30.
Смысл жизни и путь к нему Притча о смысле жизни - Duration: 1:00.
香港最落魄的影帝,欠下八千萬巨債,被《極限挑戰》剪掉所有鏡頭 - Duration: 1:57.
的確拿了影帝自然身價就會暴漲,自然就會有更多的人找他拍電影,接連演出了幾十部喜劇片,一度成為香港片酬最高的喜劇演員之一。 然而誰能夠想到,這位「戲精」級別的優秀演員,歸為影帝,卻因自組公司拍攝電影,豈料票房慘敗,虧損了1000萬
重點是,公司資金缺口竟達到了8000萬,眾多好友都紛紛離他而去。 為了早日還清債務,只能賣房賣車,身兼數職,不僅在電視劇中客串角色,更是參與幕後製作,因此大家就都稱他為落魄影帝了
用了十年時間,他才還清了債務。但是江山代有才人出,縱使他曾貴為影帝,但是現時他的影響力已經不如以前了。去年的一個小風波,相信不少人都知道。 《極限挑戰》前往香港拍攝,請了好幾個香港的影視大咖,黃宗澤更是全程參與到拍攝
而鄭則仕也是他們的特邀嘉賓,當時鄭則仕本人也發了微博,順便幫忙宣傳。 但是播出的時候卻是一個鏡頭都沒有,這也弄到很多網友相當的不滿。即使再怎麼地位不復從前,也不能夠邀請了別人卻是一個鏡頭都沒
'청량미+섹시미' 뿜뿜하는 어제자 AOA 설현 엠카 무대 - Duration: 2:30.
How I Make Money Online
FBI Agents Are TERRIFIED to - Duration: 14:14.
FBI Agents Are TERRIFIED to Testify Against Comey and McCabe
Sources say that disgruntled FBI agents scared to death to speak out against Comey and McCabe
and the disgraced bureau.
According to reports, agents don't trust Congress to protect them under current laws
and claim whistleblower protection is ineffective against FBI retaliation.
Sources say FBI never punishes anyone who retaliates against whistleblowers.
From Daily Caller
Even as a new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of voters believe senior law enforcement officials
broke the law to stop Donald Trump from beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, rank-and-file
FBI agents who want to testify against their superiors to Congress feel they can't due
to an ineffective whistleblower protection law.
These agents believe the sluggishness of the law exposes them to an inordinate risk of
reprisal, so they have remained in hiding and afraid to speak the truth.
This story is based on interview transcripts with two FBI agents that one former White
House official provided The Daily Caller.
A third special agent also reached out to The Daily Caller to provide information about
the current state of the Bureau.
The former White House official who maintained direct contact with at least two agents told
TheDC they are "hunkering down because they see good people being thrown to the dogs for
speaking out and speaking out does nothing to solve the problems."
He believes that "Congress and DOJ are so weak and clueless and can't be trusted to
follow through."
According to transcripts he shared with TheDC, one special agent said, "It's a question
of basic credibility — Congress, the executive, and oversight are not seen to have any gravitas
or seriousness.
The inmates have been running the asylum and they don't respect, much less fear, their
We know we'll be hung out to dry."
The agent added, "And don't get me wrong, there are still a few good people scattered
about, but main Justice and the bureaucrats are running the show, want to run out the
clock on this administration, and keep the status quo."
Another special agent, when asked about being subpoenaed, said, "This is a great opportunity
for senior or [soon to be retiring] guys, not for someone like me.
It'd be suicide.
I hate to say it, but neither the judiciary nor the executive branch is wielding any kind
of effective oversight right now, and the top managers know it."
He continued, "You still have a ton of bad people in place.
Unless that changes, and I haven't seen any degree of seriousness on the part of ranking
members nor staffers, I'm not meeting with anyone nor willing to be subpoenaed.
I'm not coming forward until they get their act together.
Right now, it'd be sacrificing a career for cheap political points."
TheDC has learned that the bureau has already warned agents that the agency will come back
viciously against all those "behind destroying their narrative, and will go after their families
and friends, too."
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley defended the Whistleblower Protection Act he spearheaded
after FBI agents insisted that only subpoenas would bring them forward to Congress.
"I've worked hard to strengthen legal protections, especially for FBI employees.
You have a right to cooperate with Congressional inquiries, just as you have a right to cooperate
with the Inspector General.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying."
Sen. Grassley's law does an appropriate job at protecting whistleblowers from unfair
prosecution, but it is not prosecution that prevents agents from stepping forward—it
is the possibility of going bankrupt from attorneys' fees when defending themselves
against retaliatory legal actions by their agency.
For example, an FBI agent who came forward as a government whistleblower in 2013 told
TheDC he experienced "personal humiliation, stress-related illnesses, and a huge financial
loss, requiring my wife (who had undergone two cancer surgeries) to go to work so we
could make ends meet."
However, despite the whistleblower protection law, it seems the agency's retaliation will
likely not be investigated as the process is, as one agent put it to TheDC over email,
"slow by design and at the end of the process they will never be held accountable."
That agent went on to say, "Even with the enactment of the new law, what is the deterrent
for retaliation against Whistleblowers?
The FBI executives will just stall, ignore, and run out the clock until the victim runs
out of money for legal fees or else retires."
He added, "That is why the new Whistleblowers want to be subpoenaed.
They simply don't have the resources to fight the inevitable retaliation that will
ensue, regardless of the new law."
According to a December 1, 2015 letter from then-FBI Assistant Director Stephen Kelly,
less than 2 percent of FBI retaliation claims result in punishment for the retaliators or
a remedy for the victims.
"They leave you penniless, unemployed, and unemployable.
Those who work those issues in the government who are aware of the score recognize the roadkill
they will become if they come forward," one former Department of Defense official
told TheDC.
Don't Ignore These 7 Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency! - Duration: 4:01.
Don't Ignore These 7 Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency!
One of the most critical but overlooked vitamins in the world is vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell of the body.
If left untreated, vitamin B-12 deficiency can lead to prolonged blood diseases as well
as neurological issues.
Here are seven warning signs associated with vitamin B-12 deficiency.
Dizziness Frequent bouts about dizziness and vertigo
can indicate B12 deficiency.
You may experience a feeling of wobbles when you get up too fast from a sitting position.
You may also feel dizzy when you walk up or downstairs, it could also be dangerous.
Chronic vertigo symptoms should be brought to your doctor's attention, so you can be
given the required treatment for the deficiency.
Forgetfulness You put your keys in the fridge.
Or have to think hard to remember your niece's name.
You may be worried that it's early dementia, but sometimes low B12 is to blame.
Chronic and uncharacteristic forgetfulness may indicate a B12 deficiency.
Many patients assume that they are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's, especially
in their senior years while all they lack is B12.
A simple blood test can diagnose B12 deficiency, and a supplemental regimen can help improve
your memory.
Muscle Weakness Does that grocery bag feels like a million
If they're not getting enough oxygen from red blood cells, your muscles will feel like
Lack of vitamin B12 and insufficient oxygenation to muscles can result in sluggishness and
uncharacteristic muscle weakness.
Suddenly an individual who carries big loads will not be able to manage a heavy purse or
a gym bag.
Pale Complexion Your skin looks pale.
If your rosy complexion now has a yellow cast, low B12 may be the culprit.
Those suffering from B12 deficiency are pale in complexion due to the lack of red blood
The body releases excess bilirubin, which zaps those rosy cheeks and leaves behind a
pale, yellow visage.
Pins and Needles Experiencing pins and needles throughout your
body when you haven't compressed your body could be signs of B12 deficiency.
Numbness or the feeling of electric shock waves could be a result of nerve damage in
B12 deficient patients.
Nerve issues in the body can be traced back to low oxygen levels, due to poor red blood
cell production, which the B12 vitamin largely affects.
Unexplained Fatigue Fatigue felt for days even though you regularly
get a good night's sleep may be the result of a B12 deficiency.
This is due to lack of red blood cell production, which is one of B12s responsibilities.
Lack of red blood cells means oxygen transport to your organs is lacking, which is what is
causing extreme fatigue.
Vision Issues Low B12 stores over the long term can lead
to vision changes and damage your vision.
Retinal damage can be results of the blood vessels in the eye are blocked.
As a result, you may experience light sensitivity, blurred or double vision, tracers or shadows,
which all result from damage to the optic nerve.
However, supplements can restore full vision.
Lessons from an Overwatch Marathon - Duration: 10:04.
Lại về Mitsubishi Lancer GLX 2003 | dòng xe số tự động rất bền bỉ và tiết kiệm (215tr) - Duration: 13:39.
How Spain Could Win The World Cup - Duration: 4:25.
I gave up COFFEE for a week (TEA as well) - Duration: 6:50.
I'm so tired. Last time you guys saw me go vegan for a week
This time it's gonna be a little bit different
I'm gonna quit my favorite beverage of all time
I guess it's not that hard for a person who doesn't like coffee, but me I'm almost a coffee addict
In fact, I love coffee so much that I become a barista
Yes, I'm certified. I can't actually remember every day when I didn't have coffee for like about six months, but here's the bonus part
I'm not gonna be having any tea as well or any caffeine, but chocolate is an exception
Good morning guys, if you've been following on my Instagram you will see this cinnamon tea
Which is basically cinnamon powder, cinnamon sticks and this is a cardamom. We call it Sukmel in Nepali
I'm having this instead of coffee and I'm already craving coffee because I always drink coffee first thing in the morning after water
One of the cons of having coffee is
that it worsens anxiety
you'd better avoid it because it enhances
stress hormone called cortisol that is bad for anxiety
So let me sip on this
If if you want you can add honey or
natural sweetener like stevia
The weather is pretty gloomy
I'm craving for a hot coffee and blanket that a since I can't have that I'm gonna make myself some warm hot chocolate
So here's my book, here's my hot chocolate
i won this book in a Story writing competition when I was a little kid
Not.. i guess in grade 9 or 10
This hot chocolate is so good. Don't forget to add cinnamon. It enhances the flavor and gives you all its health benefits
I'd be having coffee at this time but today I've got plain lassi which is quite good.
Not so sweet, not so sour. Just the way I like it
There's my favorite drink
Which I'll have in a few days
Good morning, guys
I'm so tired. I don't know you if guys can see this red eye
I mean i slept really well
But I don't know what happened to my eyes and I have to set up this heavy ass camera
Okay, so I'm gonna search if caffeine addiction is real. And if there's any withdrawal symptoms
it says that if you stop taking caffeine abruptly. you may have symptoms for one a day more especially if you consume 2-3 cups daily
The withdrawal symptoms are headaches fatigue anxiety irritability
Depressed mood and difficulty concentrating
Maybe that's why I've been feeling so tired
Really tired this week. It says that caffeine is not really
Addictive like in those drugs. So it may take a day or two for me
And now my eyes are burning. I don't know why
It's workout time
When I worked out at home, normally I would work out in my living room or in the balcony
since there is a lot more space than my tiny little bedrooms. We have some guests right now
Upstairs, so I'll just do my workout here
in this tiny little space
Yo guys I'm so happy because today is the last day but I'm so tired
You guys can't see that because I'm smiling right now and underneath the smile and this eyeliner
There's a sad little me who just wants a coffee
But I got a little confession to make I totally screwed up the day one
I had to do it all over again to give you all this honest reviews
so what happened was as my usual days
I woke up, drank my water
stretched out, went to the kitchen and drank a sip and suddenly
I remember that i was off of coffee
So the purpose of the video is not to bash on coffee and coffee drinkers.
You don't need to leave coffee, unless you have certain health issues like anxiety or high blood pressure
with that said i don't want to be like
Don't talk to me unless I get my coffee. I don't want to be that girl.
I'm rewarding myself with a huge ass cup of coffee
No, I'm not gonna quit my coffee
But I am will take it down.
touch me
See ya bees, which are adios
5 Days on a Remote Brasilian Island! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 175 - Duration: 32:45.
Ants Go Marching | Nursery Rhymes and Videos for Babies - Duration: 1:00:24.
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah 四只蚂蚁前进着,万岁,万岁 8 00:00:33,640 --> 00:00:38,080 The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six,
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching nine by nine,
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten,
The little one stops to shout "The End",
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain.
HOW To Make Handmade Papaya Soap - DIY Natural Beauty Soap - Duration: 3:11.
homemade papaya Soap for soft and glowing skin not only papaya is a sweet tropical
treat it contains vitamins a b c potassium lycopene and antioxidants that
are all good for your skin adding papaya essential oil or puri to
homemade soap is an easy way to nourish your skin and boost the health effects
of the soap to prepare this self we need papaya essential oil sugar glycerine
lemon and transparent soap bar firstly take a fully ripe papaya and cut it into
pieces by peeling the skin depending on how juicy the fruit is you may need to
add small amount of water to eliminate large lumps finally squeeze the puree
through cheesecloth or a small mesh kitchen strainer
now add few drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of sugar to it and mix well
sugar acts as a scrub and natural cleanser now add 2 tablespoons of vodka
and two tablespoons of glycerin to it adding glycerin to the cell makes it
milder and better for your skin now add half a lemon
mix well the natural acids in the lemon are well known to remove dead skin cells
as well as even out skin tone but it is also a natural way to diminish oil
freckles and even blackheads cut slices of transparent cell and melt them using
double boiler process and pour the solution into papaya mixture and mix
well finally pour the solution into a container or any special soap molds line
a small cardboard box or candy tin or other similar containers with waxed
paper let the soap sit for 24 hours before removing it from the mold and
slicing it as necessary for any queries and suggestions feel free to comment in
the below comment box thank you for watching the video for more videos like
this please Like us and subscribe to get latest updates and notifications please
click on the bell icon
Dub Nation Delighted as Finals Ticket Prices Drop - Duration: 2:09.
Ayesha Curry, Steph's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:48.
Ayesha Curry, Steph's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Steph Curry celebrates the 2017 NBA Championship with wife Ayesha Curry.
Steph Curry's wife, Ayesha Curry, balances a number of responsibilities including wife, mother, entrepreneur and chef.
Ayesha may have many different roles, but she does not like being referred to as an "NBA wife.".
"Obviously mom and wife first," Ayesha explained to ABC.
"Those are the two most important titles.
I don't think I'll ever call myself that.
I mean, I don't think my husband would call himself 'chef's wife.'".
Ayesha has tried to balance her life as a mother and wife with her entrepreneurial aspirations.
Ayesha has used her passion for food to be part of a number of business ventures including her ever-expanding restaurant franchise, International Smoke.
Ayesha hosted a cooking show on Food Network, and released her own cookbook in 2016 called The Seasoned Life.
"One thing that my mom always told me was to never lose yourself inside of your marriage," Ayesha told ABC.
"I'm happy that I've been able to find that so-called balance and be able to pursue my passions and take care of my family.".
Steph and Ayesha have two daughters, Riley and Ryan, and have a third child on the way in Summer 2018.
The couple want the gender of their third child to be a surprise.
Learn more about Steph's wife, Ayesha.
Ayesha Is Pregnant With the Couple's 3rd Child.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! Enjoying family time and remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Broken Rainbow | MeBears | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 3:06.
Me Bears
Unboxing 12V Tonka Mighty Dump Truck Ride On Family Fun Video For Kids - Duration: 10:00.
Dynacraft Tonka Mighty Dump Truck Unboxing
Family Fun Suprise Toys Videos For Kids
A Wise Old Owl | Little Red Car | Songs For Kids - Duration: 59:30.
A Wise Old Owl - Little Red Car
9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Duration: 7:12.
9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin (1).
It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as
the proper functioning of your nervous system.
Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy.
However, it can also be found in products fortified with B12, such as some varieties
of bread and plant-based milk.
Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly.
You're at risk of deficiency if you don't get enough from your diet or aren't able
to absorb enough from the food you eat.
AUTHORITY NUTRITION 9 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin (1).
It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as
the proper functioning of your nervous system.
Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy.
However, it can also be found in products fortified with B12, such as some varieties
of bread and plant-based milk.
Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly.
You're at risk of deficiency if you don't get enough from your diet or aren't able
to absorb enough from the food you eat.
People at risk of a B12 deficiency include (2):
-The elderly.
-Those who've had surgery that removes the part of the bowel that absorbs B12.
-People on the drug metformin for diabetes.
-People following a strict vegan diet.
-Those taking long-term antacid drugs for heartburn.
Unfortunately, symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency can take years to show up, and diagnosing
it can be complex.
A B12 deficiency can sometimes be mistaken for a folate deficiency.
Low levels of B12 cause your folate levels to drop.
However, if you have a B12 deficiency, correcting low folate levels may simply mask the deficiency
and fail to fix the underlying problem (3).
Here are 9 signs and symptoms of a true vitamin B12 deficiency.
Pale or Jaundiced Skin People with a B12 deficiency often look pale
or have a slight yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes, a condition known
as jaundice.
This happens when a lack of B12 causes problems with your body's red blood cell production
Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in the production of the DNA needed to make red blood
Without it, the instructions for building the cells are incomplete, and cells are unable
to divide (5).
This causes a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia, in which the red blood cells produced
in your bone marrow are large and fragile.
These red blood cells are too large to pass out of your bone marrow and into your circulation.
Therefore, you don't have as many red blood cells circulating around your body, and your
skin can appear pale in color.
The fragility of these cells also means that many of them break down, causing an excess
of bilirubin.
Bilirubin is a slightly red or brown-colored substance, which is produced by the liver
when it breaks down old blood cells.
Large amounts of bilirubin are what give your skin and eyes a yellow tinge (6, 7).
Weakness and Fatigue
Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.
They occur because your body doesn't have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells,
which transport oxygen throughout your body.
As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body's cells, making
you feel tired and weak.
In the elderly, this type of anemia is often caused by an autoimmune condition known as
pernicious anemia.
People with pernicious anemia don't produce enough of an important protein called intrinsic
Intrinsic factor is essential for preventing a B12 deficiency, as it binds with vitamin
B12 in your gut so that you are able to absorb it (8).
Sensations of Pins and Needles.
One of the more serious side effects of a long-term B12 deficiency is nerve damage.
This can occur over time, as vitamin B12 is an important contributor to the metabolic
pathway that produces the fatty substance myelin.
Myelin surrounds your nerves as a form of protection and insulation (9).
Without B12, myelin is produced differently, and your nervous system isn't able to function
One common sign of this happening is paresthesia, or the sensation of pins and needles, which
is similar to a prickling sensation in your hands and feet.
Interestingly, the neurological symptoms associated with B12 deficiency usually occur alongside
However, one study found that about 28% of people had neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency,
without any signs of anemia (10).
That said, sensations of pins and needles are a common symptom that can have many causes,
so this symptom alone is not usually a sign of B12 deficiency.
Changes to Mobility If untreated, the damage to your nervous system
caused by a B12 deficiency could cause changes to the way you walk and move.
It may even affect your balance and coordination, making you more prone to falling.
This symptom is often seen in undiagnosed B12 deficiency in the elderly, as people over
the age of 60 are more prone to a B12 deficiency.
However, preventing or treating deficiencies in this group may improve mobility (11, 12,
Also, this symptom may be present in young people who have a severe, untreated deficiency
Glossitis and Mouth Ulcers.
Glossitis is a term used to describe an inflamed tongue.
If you have glossitis, your tongue changes color and shape, making it painful, red and
The inflammation can also make your tongue look smooth, as all the tiny bumps on your
tongue that contain your taste buds stretch out and disappear.
As well as being painful, glossitis can change the way you eat and speak.
Studies have shown that a swollen and inflamed tongue that has long straight lesions on it
could be an early sign of vitamin B12 deficiency (15, 16).
Additionally, some people with a B12 deficiency may experience other oral symptoms, such as
mouth ulcers, feelings of pins and needles in the tongue or a burning and itching sensation
in the mouth (15, 17).
Breathlessness and Dizziness.
If you become anemic due to a B12 deficiency, you may feel short of breath and a bit dizzy,
especially when you exert yourself.
This is because your body lacks the red blood cells it needs to get enough oxygen to your
body's cells.
However, these symptoms can have many causes, so if you notice that you are unusually breathless,
you should speak to your doctor to investigate the cause.
Disturbed Vision.
One symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is blurred or disturbed vision.
This can occur when an untreated B12 deficiency results in nervous system damage to the optic
nerve that leads to your eyes (18).
The damage can disrupt the nervous signal that travels from your eye to your brain,
impairing your vision.
This condition is known as optic neuropathy.
Although alarming, it is often reversible by supplementing with B12 (19, 20).
Mood Changes.
People with B12 deficiency often report changes in mood.
In fact, low levels of B12 have been linked to mood and brain disorders like depression
and dementia (21, 22).
The "homocysteine hypothesis of depression" has been suggested as a potential explanation
for this link (23, 24, 25).
This theory suggests that high levels of homocysteine caused by low levels of B12 could cause damage
to the brain tissue and interfere with signals to and from your brain, leading to mood changes.
Some studies suggest that in certain people who are deficient in B12, supplementing with
the vitamin can reverse symptoms (26, 27, 28).
It's important to note that changes to mood and conditions like dementia and depression
can have a variety of causes.
Thus, the effects of supplementing in these conditions remain unclear (29, 30).
If you have a deficiency, taking a supplement may help improve your mood.
However, it's not a substitute for other proven medical therapies in the treatment
of depression or dementia.
High Temperature.
A very rare but occasional symptom of B12 deficiency is a high temperature.
It's not clear why this occurs, but some doctors have reported cases of fever that
has normalized after treatment with low levels of vitamin B12 (31).
However, it's important to remember that high temperatures are more commonly caused
by illness, not a B12 deficiency.
'Worried' Meghan Markle 'orders sick dad Thomas not to drive' as he recovers from heart surgery - Duration: 2:50.
Meghan Markle has reportedly ordered her sick father not to get behind the wheel of a car as he recovers from heart surgery
Thomas Markle was forced to miss the royal wedding in London after having an operation, and instead watched the ceremony on TV in a £23-a-night Airbnb
And his daughter and her new husband Prince Harry have apparently laid the law down with the retired Hollywood lighting director, ordering him to take it easy
"He's spoken to Prince Harry on many occasions and he has spoken to Harry and Meghan since the wedding
They're worried about him and have told him not to drive as he recovers from his heart operation," Lori Davis, 38 - who lives in the same gated community as Thomas - told The Sun
Speaking with Thomas' permission, the mother-of-one revealed that Harry did call to ask his permission to marry Meghan before popping the question last November
And she insists that despite being 'shy', Thomas had always planned to walk his youngest daughter down the aisle just like Princess Diana's father did for her
However, his heart issues coupled with the paparazzi pictures he was caught staging 'put paid to any hope he had of going," claims Lori, who took him fruit and jelly to eat before the televised service
"Tom watched the ceremony by himself. He thought the wedding was beautiful but I am sure forever he will regret not being there, he thought she looked amazing, he'll always be disappointed he couldn't be there," she added
Interestingly, Lori also claimed it was Meghan's idea to have Prince Charles walk her down the aisle after her dad pulled out at the final hour
At the time, Meghan and Harry took the unusual step of making a public plea for Thomas to be left alone as they tried to come up with a plan B
"This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding," a statement from Kensington Palace read
"She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr Markle in this difficult situation
Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 3:54.
黄晓明又想要生孩子了,这一次,Angelababy还会答应吗 - Duration: 2:10.
Same Day Walkthrough and House Cleaning - Duration: 6:55.
When you do your initial walkthrough is it the same day as your first cleaning, or are
those two separate days?
That is a great question and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now today's show is brought to us by HouseCleaning360.com
and that is a hub that partners homeowners
with house cleaners and home service providers.
And one of the home service providers that we have in our network
are people who run errands for you.
They go out and they do your shopping, they pick up your mail at the post office,
they pick up your dry cleaning.
If you need something at the hardware store, they bring that back to you.
And they bring it to you, so that as a small business owner or as a stay-at-home mom or
a stay-at-home dad, that you don't have to pack up all the kids and leave and go run your errands.
They do your errands for you, they bring them to your house, and lo and behold,
you just write them a check.
It's awesome.
All right, so if you have a business that does this, you can list your services on
so that friends in my network can find you.
All right, on to today's show, which is about a house cleaner who wants to know if the initial
walkthrough is on the same day as the cleaning, or if they are two separate days.
Okay, so there are two schools of thought and what it comes down to is
how are you bidding for your job?
So if you bid by the hour that's different than if you bid by the job.
There's a whole school of thought in the house cleaning industry of house cleaners who like to make
it a big production.
So they go and they do a walkthrough and they have a welcome packet.
And they like to build a lot of rapport, and tell stories and chit chat and get to know
the customer, and walk through the customer's house and find out all these amazing things
about the customer.
And then they go home and they put together a proposal and then they email the proposal
to the customer.
And they wait a couple of days and they may follow up with the customer, and the customer
may follow up with them first, and they start texting back and forth and,
"When would you like to start cleaning," and, "Was my pricing okay?"
And it's this big production.
Then there's another school of thought and it's a minimalist school of thought.
And this is one of the things that we teach in our Savvy Cleaner training, for house cleaners
starting out in the business.
When you start out in the business, we start out charging by the hour, not the job.
Because you're new, you're inexperienced, and there are a lot of things you don't know to look for.
And so I don't want to send you in to bid a job when you have no idea what you're looking for.
So, if you're just getting started in the business you know what an hour is,
it's 60 minutes' worth of time and it's worth x amount of dollars.
So for this particular example we will say it is worth $25 per hour, so you're going
to charge $25 per hour and, because you're charging by the hour, it doesn't matter how
clean or how messy the house is or how many hours it's going to take to do the job.
So we just removed all of that excess stuff that you don't even know yet
because you're new to the business.
So a customer calls you up on the phone,
what do we know about customers who call us up on the phone?
They call us because they need, ta da, house cleaning.
Yes, it's awesome.
Okay, so they call us and one of the questions that we ask, it's a qualifying question,
we ask them, "How long has it been since your home was last professionally cleaned?"
Now, if it was cleaned two weeks ago we know that they are due for another cleaning,
and if it's been six months they're still due for another cleaning.
So what we can say is this, "Listen, I charge $25 an hour and I have four hours on Thursday.
Why don't I swing by, I will take a walk through your house with you.
If we're a good fit for each other, we will start the clock right then and I can showcase
my work and see if we are a good fit for each other."
If at the end of the four hours ... And the four hours is all you have, so that's all
you're going to sell.
It doesn't mean you're going to clean the whole house and it doesn't mean you're going
to do deep cleaning on the whole house, and it may take three or four deep cleanings before
you get their house up to your standard of excellence.
But, "Let me come over for four hours, we'll see how far we can go and it will only cost you $100.
If at the end you're not satisfied with my work, I have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
I will turn around and leave and there is no charge to you whatsoever.
But if you do like my work and you see that we're a good fit for each other, we'll pull
out our calendars and we'll go ahead and we'll block you in for a regular cleaning.
How does that sound?"
And people are like, "Well, that sounds pretty good."
Now in the worst case scenario, they get their house cleaned and they're not happy
and they pay no money. Wow, see?
That's not very bad.
And in the best case scenario, they get their house cleaned and it costs them $100 and they
have a new house cleaner.
That's not very bad either.
So my suggestion is, you're going to take time out of your schedule to go over there
and do an estimate anyway, right?
But what is an estimate?
An estimate is you selling yourself to the customer.
So if you're going to sell yourself to the customer, why don't you showcase your work?
Why don't you say, "Hey, I'll bring all my cleaning supplies.
You can watch me, you can see how I do what you just recommended."
And they can either stay or they can leave or whatever,
it doesn't matter after your initial walkthrough.
But then what that gives you is the opportunity to go and make a new friend, to make a new
client, and to showcase your work in hopes of getting a new job.
It's like the audition at its ultimate form.
All right, so my suggestion would be, if you are one person and you are doing this business
and you charge by the hour, my suggestion is that you partner them together so that
you have a walkthrough followed by a cleaning at the same time.
Now, if you are a business owner and you send other people out, you're going to have a different
program and we will talk about that in another episode.
But I did want to let this particular house cleaner, who happens to be starting out,
know that there's an easy way to do the business.
Because you don't want to spend an hour, two hours of your time, driving across town, meeting
a person, doing a bid and you kind of don't even know what you're doing.
And then you come home and you hope you get the job and you may never hear from them again
but you've invested an hour or two hours of your time,
and you've taken that time from the customer.
So it's a way to partner it together so everybody gets the most use of their time and resources.
Alrighty, that's my two cents for today.
And until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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