I'm Anthony McClaran, CEO of TEQSA – the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency.
TEQSA is an Australian Government agency, responsible for regulating and assuring the
quality of Australian higher education.
Our purpose is to safeguard student interests and the reputation of Australian higher education.
Recent reports, research and media coverage have shed light on the number of young Australians
affected by sexual assault and harassment while studying.
TEQSA, the legislation we administer, and I personally, expect universities and higher
education providers to do everything they can to prevent sexual assault and harassment
from occurring, to provide a safe environment for study, build a culture of respect, work
with relevant agencies, support survivors of abuse and hold perpetrators to account.
All Australian universities and higher education providers are required to adhere to the requirements
of the Higher Education Standards Framework – known as the H.E.S Framework.
Developed by the Australian Government, and administered by TEQSA, the H.E.S Framework
has specific requirements regarding student wellbeing and safety, which call for all universities
and higher education providers to promote and foster a safe learning environment for
students of all ages and abilities – both on campus and online.
To ensure universities and higher education providers are clear on what is expected of
them by the H.E.S Framework, TEQSA has released guidance material on how the legal requirements
regarding student wellbeing can be effectively met.
The guidance material was developed in consultation with the sector, and in this case, student
and advocacy groups working with people affected by sexual assault.
While a safe learning environment must always be fostered, universities and higher education
providers must also offer support to students to ensure that anyone affected by sexual assault,
sexual harassment or indeed any type of threat to their wellbeing and safety, have access
to the help they need.
From their first days on campus, students should know where and how they can access
that help and support.
Universities and higher education providers must ensure that students are supported in
such a way that their future learning and education experience is, as far as possible,
not adversely affected.
The responsibility to ensure students' wellbeing and safety also applies to university residences
and colleges.
TEQSA and the legislation we administer expects universities and higher education providers
to use their influence and governance links to manage the particular risks associated
with these entities, and encourage the implementation of counter-measures, such as evidence-based
sexual violence prevention programs, and programs to counter the harmful effects of alcohol
and drug abuse.
If you have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed, you can speak to support services
offered by your university or higher education provider.
You may also want to support someone you know who has been assaulted by referring them to
support services.
For students studying at an Australian university, the Respect. Now. Always.
initiative run by Universities Australia lists relevant support services at your university
and how you can get in contact with them.
TEQSA will continue to work the sector, advocacy groups, our Student Expert Advisory Group
and the Australian Government to provide a safe environment for study and to tackle the
issue of sexual assault and harassment at Australian universities and higher education
Students who have questions for TEQSA regarding the issue are encouraged to email studentwellbeing@teqsa.gov.au
For more infomation >> Sexual assault and sexual harassment – TEQSA's work on the issue - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Spanish Oral Benchmark Aryan, Cyril, Parker - Duration: 5:18.
La leyenda del Dip, el "perro vampiro" - Duration: 5:50.
Resultados Gordito del Zodiaco Millonario Viernes 1 Junio 2018 Lotería Nacional Panamá Gordito Mayo - Duration: 1:16.
5 soluciones naturales para combatir las venas várices exitosamente - Duration: 8:10.
曾是最帥男歌手,因登上春晚一夜爆紅,得知梅艷芳出殯後去世! - Duration: 6:33.
Gudi Mele Ghante Hindi Dubbed Song | Vardi Wala The Iron Man | Song | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 3:51.
Treating summer acne with foliage - Duration: 5:22.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Treating summer acne with foliage
In this article, Health Network would like to introduce, how to treat summer acne, with the leaves around us, convenient, easy to find, easy to find.
In the summer, when the temperature rises, making the climate so hot, the body must produce a lot of sweat to cool down, allowing the body temperature to stay normal.
It is also caused by excessive sweating on the surface of the skin, so it pulls the debris in the body eliminated, so it makes the skin dirty again, so it is easy to attach dust and bacteria in the air, Skin becomes a favorable environment for bacteria to grow, cause itching, pimples, and so on.
In this article, Health Network would like to introduce, how to treat summer acne, with the leaves around us, convenient, easy to find, easy to find.
1. Smoking boil broke with sweet potatoes:Take 50g sweet potato leaves, 12g green beans, add a little salt, puree, wrapped in clean cloth, covered in boil pimples.
Days change.
2. Cure boils by buying her:take young leaves, put hot on the boil.
Days change.
3. Cure boil with pumpkin:Take the pumpkin stalk burned into charcoal, and then put on the boil.
Days change.
Or pick up pumpkin stems burned into charcoal, crushed with sesame oil or oil and then put in.
Days change.
4. Cure boils with lotus leaf:Use extra lotus leaf stems to get solid water, rinse where boils.
On the other hand, take the lotus leaf washed, crushed with sticky rice, then put into the boil.
Days change.
5. Cure boils from spinach to fresh:take fresh spinach, pounding on the place of boils, change 2 to 3 times.
According to the material, it is necessary to wait for the right time, ie at 8 am, pick a handful of spinach sprouts, not too young nor old, vegetables spinach, at the time the sun shines on vegetable garden, then bring in not wash, if there is dust clean dirt, and put in the mortar mashed with some salt to eat, put on the boils, very effective boils.
6. Cure jasmine with jasmine:jasmine 10g, dandelion 20g, honeysuckle 20g, licorice 16g.
Drinks 1 to 2 times divided by 3 times.
7. Cure boils with sour soil:remove the small leaves heaps, fill the area of pimples.
1 day replacement drugs.
8. Cure boils, nail poison, wound with chili leaves:Take the leaves of chili, leaf nail, dandelion leaves, micro leaves, apple leaves, each from 10 to 20g, washed, crushed with less salt. eat, then cover the wound or pimples, nail head.
Or chili leaves, cactus branches, spiny leaves, every 5 to 10g, pounding on the pimples.
1 day replacement drugs.
9. Cure alzheimers with aloe leaf, tiger's blade:Get fresh aloe leaf pounded, covered in boil pimples.
1 day replacement drugs.
10. Cure boils with high technology self-made:Take turmeric 60g, 80g root, sesame oil 80g, pine resin 40g, beeswax 40g.
Root peel shredded, for the same puree, after cooking with pine resin, sesame oil and beeswax.
Put the paper on a piece of paper, paste on the area where there are pimples.
1 day replacement drugs.
11. Cure redhead pimple with fish lettuce:Take the lettuce fish pounded, where the pimples boil at bedtime, get up in pain, very quickly.
12. Cure acne ulcer with black sesame, black sesame:Take black sesame roasted, small canopy.
Remove the pus on the acne, then take the black sesame powder has spread, only few times will recover.
13. Cure swollen pimples, with pinky pears and live plants:Take 25g to 30g of ruminant leaves and leaves, rinse thoroughly, drain, pour some water and squeeze the juice. , also covered with pimples.
Once a day, several times is off.
Cure boils with apple sour leaves:Take a handful of apple leaves, washed, crushed with a little salt, and put on the pimples are swelling.
Doctor Hoang Xuan Dai.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
✅ Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado ¡confirman separación! - Duration: 1:24.
La actriz Michelle Renaud ha confirmado junto con su esposo, el empresario Josué Alvarado, su separación tras dos años de matrimonio
Aunque el día de ayer Michelle Renaud "desmintió" los rumores de divorcio en el programa Hoy, la realidad era que la actriz había vendido la exclusiva de su separación a una conocida revista
Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado han confirmado junto su separación en la revista ¡Hola! México, donde aparecen en portada con su adorable hijo Marcelo
La protagonista del melodrama Hijas de la luna, comentó:La revista ¡Hola! señala sobre esta entrevista donde Michelle Renaud y Josué Alvarado anuncian su divorcio: "en un posado en familia, la pareja ha confesado qué fue lo que los llevó a tomar esta decisión y cómo mantienen una relación de lo más cercana, ya que los dos tienen como único propósito el bienestar de su pequeño"
¿Por qué tienes dolores durante la menstruación? - Duration: 8:12.
Florentino: "Es un día triste pero hay que asimilar esta decisión" - Duration: 4:21.
El adiós de Zinedine Zidane ha sorprendido a todo el mundo, pero el Real Madrid había trabajado para que una situación así no hiciera saltar por los aires la estabilidad del club
El Real Madrid llevaba un tiempo trabajando en el nombre del posible sustituto del técnico francés, pero la realidad dice que no esperaban que ese cambio de dueño del banquillo pudiera ser ahora mismo
En los últimos meses se ha sucedido los ofrecimientos de entrenadores de todo tipo
Agentes, intermediarios, representantes han querido vender su producto como el mejor, pero los dirigentes de la entidad madridista han mantenido la cabeza fría
Han pensado en dos o tres nombres y al resto los han ignorado. Entre todos estos nombre siempre ha habido uno muy por encima del resto, que curiosamente no se ha ofrecido
No le ha hecho falta. Ese es Mauricio Pochettino. La situación no era extraña para el argentino, al que tres semanas atrás llamó el Chelsea, pero ni se daban las circunstancias idóneas y en el fondo su deseo no era otro que dirigir al Real Madrid o al PSG
OfrecimientosPochettino estaba obligado a renovar. En su anterior contrato no había cláusula alguna que le permitiera salir sin negociar con Daniel Levy
Ahora, y sabiendo que el Real Madrid pensaba en él, decidió renovar, pero con la condición de poder salir en caso de una llamada del club blanco
Sabia que se podría producir y por eso abrió la puerta de salida, pero sólo con dirección Madrid y París
No es el único entrenador del que se ha hablado en estos últimos meses en la zona noble del Real Madrid, pero sí del que más se ha insistido
Otros como Klopp, Löw, Conte o Allegri han aparecido y desaparecido dependiendo del momento, pero todos coincidían en señalar al actual técnico del Tottenham como el favorito
Junta directivaEl Real Madrid se debe mover rápido y de la Junta directiva que se celebra en la tarde de hoy debe salir el nombre del sustituto y apunten al argentino, que mañana presentará su biografía en Barcelona
Casi nada. Florentino Pérez se mostraba resignado ante la decisión del ya exentrenador del Real Madrid
"Para mí ha sido una decisión completamente inesperada. Es un día triste para mí y para la afición
El sabe que le quise como jugador y ahora como entrenador. Cuando Zizou toma una decisión hay que asimilarla
Volverá y si necesita un descanso, se lo merece".
Florentino: "Es un día triste pero hay que asimilar esta decisión" - Duration: 4:21.
El adiós de Zinedine Zidane ha sorprendido a todo el mundo, pero el Real Madrid había trabajado para que una situación así no hiciera saltar por los aires la estabilidad del club
El Real Madrid llevaba un tiempo trabajando en el nombre del posible sustituto del técnico francés, pero la realidad dice que no esperaban que ese cambio de dueño del banquillo pudiera ser ahora mismo
En los últimos meses se ha sucedido los ofrecimientos de entrenadores de todo tipo
Agentes, intermediarios, representantes han querido vender su producto como el mejor, pero los dirigentes de la entidad madridista han mantenido la cabeza fría
Han pensado en dos o tres nombres y al resto los han ignorado. Entre todos estos nombre siempre ha habido uno muy por encima del resto, que curiosamente no se ha ofrecido
No le ha hecho falta. Ese es Mauricio Pochettino. La situación no era extraña para el argentino, al que tres semanas atrás llamó el Chelsea, pero ni se daban las circunstancias idóneas y en el fondo su deseo no era otro que dirigir al Real Madrid o al PSG
OfrecimientosPochettino estaba obligado a renovar. En su anterior contrato no había cláusula alguna que le permitiera salir sin negociar con Daniel Levy
Ahora, y sabiendo que el Real Madrid pensaba en él, decidió renovar, pero con la condición de poder salir en caso de una llamada del club blanco
Sabia que se podría producir y por eso abrió la puerta de salida, pero sólo con dirección Madrid y París
No es el único entrenador del que se ha hablado en estos últimos meses en la zona noble del Real Madrid, pero sí del que más se ha insistido
Otros como Klopp, Löw, Conte o Allegri han aparecido y desaparecido dependiendo del momento, pero todos coincidían en señalar al actual técnico del Tottenham como el favorito
Junta directivaEl Real Madrid se debe mover rápido y de la Junta directiva que se celebra en la tarde de hoy debe salir el nombre del sustituto y apunten al argentino, que mañana presentará su biografía en Barcelona
Casi nada. Florentino Pérez se mostraba resignado ante la decisión del ya exentrenador del Real Madrid
"Para mí ha sido una decisión completamente inesperada. Es un día triste para mí y para la afición
El sabe que le quise como jugador y ahora como entrenador. Cuando Zizou toma una decisión hay que asimilarla
Volverá y si necesita un descanso, se lo merece".
✅ Pregúúúúntenle lo que quieran a los candidatos en el tercer debate presidencial - Duration: 1:45.
El Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) quiere sacar mayor provecho de las redes sociales, por eso inició una dinámica en la que se recibirán preguntas de usuarios dirigidas a los candidatos presidenciales
La propuesta de conservatorio durará seis días a partir de la tarde de este jueves en los que se elegirán las preguntas que podrán ser hechas a Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Ricardo Anaya Cortez, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña y Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, durante el tercer y último debate presidencial, mismo que sucedería el próximo martes 12 de junio
Según lo explicó Lorenzo Córdova, consejero presidente del INE, cualquier ciudadano con una cuenta en redes sociales podrá formular una pregunta y elegir, tanto el formato como a qué candidato está dirigida, le arrobará a este y el mensaje será publicado a través de las plataformas
Del total de preguntas que el máximo órgano electoral reciba durante seis días, los moderadores del debate: Gabriela Warkentin, Carlos Puig y Leonardo Curzio, elegirán doce
Otras tres se usarán para análisis de la conversación virtual. Los cuestionamiento formulados por los usuarios deberán enfocarse en siete subtemas que se englobaron en los hashtags: #DebateINEEconomia, #DebateINEPobreza, #DebateINEEducación, #DebateINETecnología, #DebateINESalud, #DebateINESustentable, #DebateCambioClimático
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
How to Remove Pimple / Acne & Acne Scars at Home in Tamil - Duration: 6:41.
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How to Propagate Lucky Bamboo - Proper Method //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:03.
welcome to my channel
this video is to show you
how to propagate a lucky bamboo
i have a mother plant here
so i'm going to cut off the stalks
i just cut the stalks with a sharp knife
cut off the tops of each one
it's a straight stalk cutting
prepare the cuttings to the propagation
remove the leaves in lower part of the stalks
just removing and get a clean area for rooting
place the all cuttings in water for a month
keep it in indoor or shady area
replace fresh water every week
after cutting the stalks from the plant
we have to seal the top
candle wax sealing is easiest way to seal the top
sealing that will prevent the top from rotting
after 20 days
new roots are developed
then i'm going to plant these cuttings in another pot
i just take the rooted stalks and tie up with a thin wire
just put some pebbles and gavels in this glass pot
then fill the water
another way to plant the lucky bamboo
in this pot
i just put a small stone on the hole
put the coco peat in the pot
the place the plant
and fill some more coco peat
use spray water to coco peat
coco peat holds enough water to the plant
so we don't need to pure much water
after planting lucky bamboo
thanks for watching and subscribe, like and share
How to Pronounce GO, GONE, GUN - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:11.
hey everybody Jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is what's the difference between the words gone and gun a student
was um telling me that when he speaks people hear the word gun not gone and I
also got this question in a comment so I decided to make a video for you so let's
start with the word go to say the word go you're going to have a very long o
sound and to do this you're going to open your mouth and then move to
puckered lips for the O sound typically the English long o is longer than O'S in
other languages so a nice tip to make you sound less accented is to be sure
that you make that oh nice and long and so you hear the word go instead of go
for the word gone you are going to make sure that you open your mouth very wide
for that oh that short o vowel open very wide for that because if you do not open
wide enough for this vowel and the tongue is not in the bottom of your
mouth it's going to sound like a short u uh
so let's look at the difference gone gun gone gun so again the difference
here is the lon is the short o oh versus the short u uh so let's try all
those words together go gone gun go gone gun go gone gun gun gone go give it a
try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
give us a like and a share subscribe so you don't miss a video
and if you have questions leave them in the comment section or visit us at
Tarle speech dot com thanks so much
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Carrot & Carrot Juice Daily │ 5 Health Benefits Of Carrot - Duration: 2:55.
Health Benefits Of Carrots.
Carrots are one of the most popular, versatile vegetables in the world!
Whether they are eaten raw, cooked or juiced, people from nearly every culture have consumed
carrots in their many forms throughout history.
While carrots are known for their signature orange color, they actually come in a variety
of colors.
They can be found in shades of purple, yellow, white and red.
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of Carrots.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Protects teeth and gums.
It�s all in the crunch!
Carrots clean your teeth and mouth.
They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.
Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out
the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria.
The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
Number 2.
Carrots For Glowing Skin.
The consumption of carrots keeps your skin healthy and vibrant as they are loaded with
Vitamin C and antioxidants.
Carrots can also be used to prepare an inexpensive and convenient face mask.
All you need to do is to mix grated carrot with some honey and apply it as a face mask
to get glowing skin.
Number 3.
Control Constipation.
Carrots contain dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, that contributes to a healthy
gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Specifically, insoluble fiber increases stool bulk and promotes movement through the GI
Rapidly increasing dietary fiber can result in GI distress and unpleasant symptoms.
To minimize havoc, increase fiber slowly while increasing water intake.
Number 4.
Take Eye Care.
Carrots are excellent for the eyes, thanks to the presence of the abundant amounts of
beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver.
This vitamin is converted in the retina to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for
night vision.
Beta-carotene improves the night vision and protects against eye problems like glaucoma,
macular degeneration and senile cataracts.
Number 5.
Blood Sugar Control.
Soluble fiber, the other form of fiber, can be thought of as a gel after absorbing water
from the GI tract.
Soluble fiber can slow sugar absorption and improve blood sugar levels.
While soluble fiber plays a role in sugar control, insoluble fiber could reduce the
development of type 2 diabetes.
Oporadi Re ( অপরাধী রে ) | Dukhi Lalon | Bangla New Song 2018 | Bulbul Audio | Official Music Video - Duration: 6:14.
আগে আমি তোরে কতো ভালোবাসিতাম
Monika Koblížková v kontroverzním modelu: Barbie strašidlo, nebostylová diva? - Duration: 1:03.
뉴스 l '이강인 선제골' 한국, 토고에 1-2 역전패 - Duration: 2:32.
Zpěvák Jakub Ondra natočil videoklip k hitu Reasons to love you - Duration: 2:41.
Walter's Mails: Metzger und Reinberg unter einem Dach - Duration: 1:25.
Gudi Mele Ghante Hindi Dubbed Song | Vardi Wala The Iron Man | Song | Cinekorn Music Company - Duration: 3:51.
유재석 강호동 등 스타 예능인 '6·13 투표하고 웃자' 홍보영상 재능기부 출연 - Duration: 5:32.
수도권 '로또아파트' 청약 열풍…하남·안양에 14만명 몰려 - Duration: 6:53.
김경화, 남편 공개 "관심 부담, 사라질 일들…내 영원한 남친♥" - Duration: 2:32.
[핫포커스]백승호-이승우-이강인, 韓 '뉴 제너레이션' 뜬다 - Duration: 5:23.
Shutdown in Seattle: Drivers brace for closure of NB I-5 in Seattle - Duration: 2:22.
AFFRONTARE I LIMITI Only Good Vibes (sub. ENG) - Duration: 2:41.
And it's friday, June the 1st, 2018
and it's more than a week that I don't drink coffee!
Ginseng yes, but not coffee!
Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities
you can't explore your possibilities
One day my coach told me:
as the tumultuous chaos of a storm brings nourishing rain,
hat allows life to flourish
even in human life, times of advancement
are preceded by moments of disorder
let trust in your life flourish again
as we often say: life is that thing that happens to us when we are engaged in other situations
we are dazzled by what surrounds us
and we see in the precipice, in this case in the bridge
a danger
and there we have to be patient
brave and motivated
to do a jump, to pass that bridge
How Kazantzakis said:
you have your colors, you have your brushes
draw a Paradise and enter in
It's not pleasant to live the present
bringing us the insecurities of the past
I mean, if crossing a limit makes you grow
improves you
do not be afraid, try to face it
it could be hard, I know
it is possible to make mistakes
but then be resilient
and learn from that mistake
..what others call error
you'll call it "experience"
in most situations there are endless possibilities
multiple ways out
be like Cinderella
make sure that anger, sadness does not win over you
Be brave, snappy and enterprising like Merida
and I could mention other Disney characters, but ...
Do you have an idea?
Write it. Put in on paper
elaborate it, focus it, make it your own
As I always say: don't fear the judgment of others
Go on your way
'cause it's your life
You are the authors of your life
Today we jump to the past with CLEOPATRA
A big hug to you, that follow me steadily
It's a pleasure to give you good vibrations!
The Fan Theory Song - Duration: 2:42.
Hi everyone Nancy Kepner HeartfeltHumor here with another song this one's
about fan theories and I'm actually just gonna start playing it and I'll
talk to you more after the song
you like your simple stories with your happy endings
I like watching shows with you I like disturbing stories that are mind-bending
so I make you watch those too
so when we watch shows together as we often do
we watch from two very different points of view
there's a couple of pieces that don't quite fit
a couple of lines that might have been hints
or they might have been mistakes but even so
you may just accept them but I will not let them go
I've got a fan theory yeah I see it so clearly
I've read between the lines and I've connected all the dots
to find a new meaning no I'm not dreaming
and I'll think of it as true and you can't tell me that it's not
I've got a fan theory
the main character went insane and the second act it only happened in their brain
those two shows are from the same universe
those characters are twins who were separated at birth
I got a fan theory I see it so clearly
I've read between the lines and I've connected all the dots and find a new meaning
no I'm not dreaming and I'll think of it this way and you can't tell me that it's not
I've got a fan theory
until the word of God comes down from the author
with the writing on the wall that proclaims that my fan theory's just fanfiction after all
unless the Canon comes and proves to me this theory isn't true
I'll just be watching a different show than you
I've got a fan theory
thank you all so much
for watching let me know in the comments if you have certain fan theories that
maybe your friends don't have or maybe they have fan theories that you don't
have or if you just want to talk about fan theories I think it would be a cool
discussion so so do that in the comments and don't forget to Like subscribe and
share I'll be back the Thursday after this next Thursday I'm doing it the
every other Thursday thing again alright thank you all so much bye bye bye bye
Hvordan endre - legge til tidssoner i Outlook - Duration: 2:20.
M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Iza i Marcin znów będą blisko - Duration: 3:12.
Emma Mullings - Unreconciled Mysteries - Duration: 0:54.
Hi, I'm Emma Mullings. I'm learning to be okay with what I
like to call unreconciled mysteries. My mom, a worship recording artist,
released six albums, before her death at just 37 years of age.
My parents had already buried my older sister and my younger sister is
severely brain damaged. I don't know why God hasn't healed
my sister. But I've decided to continue to believe God for her healing as long
as it takes. Like you I'm sure, there's many things that I
don't understand. And I've got questions, but I find a lot of the answers
in the Bible. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your
ways, declares the Lord. I don't have all the answers.
I have unreconciled mysteries. But here's one thing that I've learned.
I may not have all the answers, but I am so grateful to know the one who does.
♪ [music] ♪
How to Remove Pimple / Acne & Acne Scars at Home in Tamil - Duration: 6:41.
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[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS What is BTS Economic Effect & Impact? - Korean Economy News 방탄소년단 경제효과 - Duration: 3:16.
<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
Our first news starts with pleasant news.
The popular idol group BTS rewrote K-POP history by topping No.1 on American Billboard 200 chart.
With this amazing news of BTS, related beneficiary companies are also having big smiles.
The economic effect is expected to be enormous.
Jeong Jae Hoon reporter will deliver it.
This is the new song 'Fake Love' by the popular boy group, BTS.
The music video released on the 18th reached over one hundred million views in just 9 days.
At the same day, the official album with this new song greatly ranked No.1 on Billboard 200 chart.
In the past, Psy ranked No.2 on Hot 100 and was said to have set one trillion won economic effect.
For BTS, not just one song but the whole album was popular, they are said to have more economic effect than' Gangnam Style'.
Big Hit Entertainment which is waiting to be listed on the stock market soon is expected to enterprise value to more than 1 trillion won from 800 billion won.
Hana Financial Investment Co.,LTD stated on the report that Big Hit's market capitalization is expected to rise up to 1.6 trillion won.
As BTS are acknowledged for their talents and popularity, related enterprises are showing recognition.
Netmarble who purchased 200 billion won which worth 25% of Big Hit's shares.
The company is making BTS related game with their stock closed with 4% rise that day.
First of all, the game called "BTS WORLD" using BTS IP is expected to be released at the second half of this year.
The game will include BTS exclusive contents such as videos and photos,
so it will create a big amount just from the fandom already.
LG who incorporated BTS as the model for their new phone G7 ThinQ is expecting a big marketing effect.
This phone G7 ThinQ is planned to be released starting in North America in June, and BTS global popularity is thought to be helpful for sales.
Iriver, a subsidiary company of SK Telecom, has an exclusive domestic authority to release music from Big Hit Entertainment. And their stock rose more than 20%.
The largest shareholder is LB Semicon, a semiconductor design enterprise, and their stock went up rapidly.
There was a happening where Korea Exchange inquired public notification for the sudden rise.
BTS who are rewriting the history of K-POP by earning No.1 on Billboard 200 chart.
BTS is expected to continue marking an epoch in economic effect.
Korean Economy TV, it was a reporter, Jeong Jae Hoon.
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And today the kids are going to clean up the toy room.
Emma is just getting a little head start.
So she thought it would be fun to sweep the Legos all together
and I think it's a smart idea.
Right Emma?
Thumbs up from Emma.
So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And let's clean up the toy room today.
Alright guys, you all done?
Yeah. Finally. Yeah.
Alright it looks like the desk could be a little bit more picked up.
Look away.
They did pretty good.
So thank you so much for watching.
Go ahead and hit subscribe, thumbs up, check all the links down below.
And we will see you next time.
Feather Artist Club Razors and Blade Guard - Duration: 3:06.
Greetings Gents! I'm Geofatboy for ShaveNation.com I want
to show you a quick rundown of the Feather Artist Club razors and also this
nifty little case. It's a blade guard that will snap around your head cover
your razor head and protect your blade so whether you store it in a Dopp case
or wherever you may place it you won't have to worry about damaging your razor
or cutting your fingers anything like that. It comes in this box
and all you do is take it out all you need to do is push on this tab and it
opens right up, and this will work on all your Artists Club razors. The
Japanese-style razors like this. This is the wine color which is pink it also
comes in black it also comes in lime which is green. I'll show you how to use
this case. Here's the top part there's two tabs here you will just drop your
razor across those two tabs swing over the cover, snap it in place. Look how
beautiful that is! It's all locked down perfect protection. Stored it in your Dopp,
store it in your drawer, wherever. You won't cut your finger, you can leave the
blade in there. To open it just push on the tab, it pops right open. You need to use
some force to open it so don't be afraid it's very sturdy. Here's the Feather
Artist Club folding style razor. Again this will come in black and the pink
which is the wine color and also the lime which is the green color. It will
work on these as well. Place it over the two tabs, fold the cover over, it snaps in
place. The only thing is the back it may protrude a little bit but it
still does lock the razor in place perfectly. Really nice! Again snap to open
and here is the Scotch Wood razor Scotch would handle Feather Artist Club Razor.
Here's a good look at it. It works on this as well. Just drop it across the tabs,
snap it around, Voila! Protection... There you go. And to
open it again, just push on the tab, it pops right open, and last but not least here's
the Feather DX model this is the Pearl Handle model, again just lay it across
the tabs, snap it in place. There you go
instant protection. So this will keep you from cutting your digits, your fingers
when you place your razor in your Dopp kit or wherever you may store your razor.
And no hassle as far as dropping the blade out and having a store it
somewhere and then put it back in when you want to shave next time. You can
leave it in here. I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to pick up any of
these razors or this blade guard just go to ShaveNation.com and search the
Feather Shavette Razors. Feather Artist Club razors and it will pop up, or
click underneath the video where it says Show More and you can grab one there.
Thanks very much for watching. Visit ShaveNation.com for all your shaving
supplies. I'm Geofatboy Have A Great Shave, Have A Great Day
ASMR Pork Ear Pickled , ASIAN EXOTIC FOOD (CRUNCHY eating sounds) | LINH-ASMR - Duration: 13:46.
Under cabinet kitchen lighting project - Duration: 24:25.
I've been mentioning for a while how we've been collecting parts for a
kitchen under cabinet lighting project and today's the day so here's the old
lights which are halogens they get crazy hot under there as halogens do and this
one keeps coming out of its of its mount when somebody stacking stuff in the
dishes up in the cupboard up above the switch is kind of going intermittent and
they just draw a ton of power and create a bunch of heat so time for an upgrade
so in order to do this project we will of course need some LEDs my wife has
already chosen warm white from the assortment that I've shown that will
need some power here 12 volts two lamps that'll do
and then we'll need a switch to turn them on and off that one and some
connectors and a box to put it in and I think that's everything we're gonna need
so let's let's get at her these not that much electronics to do in this one it's
mostly mechanical there's a little bit of soldering but I'll just flow through
this I'm gonna put the switch in the lid of these of this box I'll just find the
middle oh my putting the day you know just score them just ease in the back of
the knife just because it makes a nice spot don't drill that out then on here
I'm gonna need power coming in from the adapter which is this guy and power
going out which I'm going to use these are all removable screw terminal plugs
they're easier when they're not attached these are designed for going on to a
circuit board but I'm not going to bother using one and of course I only
need two circuit so I'm just going to use two of these
three and leave the third one for nothing in particular so I'm going to
need to draw out roughly where these go and that one needs to be high enough up
that it doesn't catch on the bottom just
I'm not going to approximately these are going to be hidden under the cupboard so
if it's not beautiful it's not a big hairy deal then mark starting point
there and yeah what else oh yeah so this these lids don't screw on there just a
snap fit but they're gonna be being used for so hopefully at least 20 years as
long as those halogens were so I'm gonna screw the old the lid on which means I
have to identify where that is let's find it is convenient mark looks
like it's about four millimeters from there so I'll just make some drilling
marks on here as well the entrance corner and I'll repeat that all the way
all right well but clean up ubers and stuff around poles yeah switch it
through there nicely that shoots him there now I just have to open that hole
up you can't see that you have to open up that hole turn it into a rectangle Oh
try put the excess from the middle and then start applying some files to it
which is gonna be like slightly time consumed
there we go I'll just clean up the rough bits on the edge a little bit and I'm a
doll on the inside you oh yeah that leave a mess of a pristine work surface
that's okay clean it up pretty quickly hey here's a thing also crud built up in
there normally in the real world you'd use what thing called a file card I'm
just using a little brass wire brush it's nuts most of this crud out it's not
getting any metal filings there in there I'd need a more stiff brush but this is
handy and it does the job all right now we can start mounting stuff start with
the switch just because it's easy to flip that one around that little tab is
for walking into a hole if you want to put a hole in there to keep it from
spinning I don't care that much and I don't think I need the extra washer on
the back as a spacer I'll just lock it down here and then you notice the
scratches are visible on there for money and when I was marking it not entirely
concerned this is going to be underneath the cabinet where nobody they're gonna
see it unless you're literally lying down on the counter and if you're in
that condition I'm going to assume you two don't take care hey that's that
now this guy doesn't really have an orientation I'm gonna put it that way to
make it easier to sort of the wires on
but it really doesn't matter electrically just for my convenience
this would be better if I had a wrench or something handy put them to easy to
walk the ten feet and go get one okay
soldering time I'm gonna use some of this wire
mostly because I have it take a piece but that long this wire is the three
layer stuff that I bought to use with servos and sensors and things but it's
just convenient and handy as a source of stranded wire while I'm stripping that
down let's get this guy warming up and a little bit of water on there
again you could use a wire stripper I got in a circle of them around but
that's just as convenient you just have to hold it tight at the right spacing so
you don't Nick the conductors off now then which is Center which is positive
it's a think Center positive is normal on these things I guess I should know
yeah there it says right there can you see that
there you go Center positive okay so which one is I think the shorter one
that goes to the center but I want to check because so this is actually on the
outside yeah that's so that's the negative then it's the center pin pause
it okay so the short one needs to pause it off just be a convention I'm going to
make that the red wire it makes me happy
I probably could tune that to make it go through easier Zach that's what I shall
do you so disorder
yeah it's not a lot but it's enough and then know that it's tinned I can put a
little bend in it so it's easier to play with
get in I turn that bend into an actual hook flutter holds when I put it through
there I'm gonna do the negative first because it seems to be easier zoomed in
on this a little bit here I mean it's just soldering that's nothing that
exciting to see but it's wondering if I'd need to put a heavier tip on for
heating up these lugs that seems to have flowed basically so I don't have to
worry about it
I'd moved there no that's not hot on the tip on the fingertips at all okay so
split this guy apart the ground can go straight to there which way am I going
to put this and put it that way up and I think I will make positive this
side here I'll go ahead and strip that guy give
him a bit with tin again I keep going out a shot sorry about that
can you give him a little
Bend and just crimp him onto there or hold them mechanically so we throw some
heat at it
okay moved
when it moves while it's cooling that'll create a cold solder joint every single
time no then how long does that have to be just to put that long I could stay
with the falling through the wire but that's unnecessary I reason why I keep
sneaking back this way is because it's just easier for my old eyes to see when
it's over there unfortunately that's not the center where the camera is looking
well I am mostly doing this project for my wife I am also doing it for you guys
some what to can't find be like that Oh Tim Tim the pin put that onto there arey
Oh Nelly and that's going to go through like that and snip that in the middle
and solder the switch on and then this one it's actually double pole think
single throw double pole so if I use the center pin in one of the two ends then
one Direction's going to be off one Direction's going to be on and it's not
crucial to my application because it's not labeled I can flip the switch or
flip the lid around if I decide that I want it to go the other direction in
short bits of solder always getting knotted up
I didn't work very well get in there you there okay that's not
going anywhere no then I just have to melt that in there and for that I'm
going to melt let me use a whole bunch of hot melt glue from the backside here
okay while that hot snot is taking its own sweet time to cool off and do a
couple of other things thing to do a little bit of labeling just so that I
don't lose my mind or later
to do that go thing like that there on that side die
Green for ground red for hot yes I know negative it's not really grounded
whatever go with it here and then I'll do the same thing on there and this is a
keyed thing it can only go in one out that's hard you can only go in one way
up but still at a glance there it is I know what I'm doing
these are just powered off eight an AC transformer 12 volts AC 2.9 amps well 35
VA 45 watts no wonder they got likely to need these
now for reinstallation that is where these are all silicone Clippy things are
gonna come in handy I think yes I don't always trust that adhesive and use the
adhesive obviously it's there but I'll back it up with a few of those and any
wires that I have to tie down gonna use some of those there's not gonna be many
of them but okay so underneath here I'm just going to tuck that up close to the
front so to nobody get glared in their eyes but there are these little pieces
here I think I'm just gonna wrap that around this tight as I can I can and
then carry on so I think that's one continuous strip that's the plane anyway
we'll see how it goes
hmm ah that should help the help okay that's good one of these little saddles
you know there but you can't see it the alcohol should have a bat for you by now
so now are you going to stick it so far it's taking that's good sign this is
gonna be awkward okay I've got the strip mounted most of the way around like that
sort of focus it's a little awkward going on the corners I just got the last
strap to go at the end here just
yeah sure for that oh and what's the closest cut point is back there so I'll
go to the next one which is there and trim the length and then install that
the other thing that I'm doing just from a bill to push suspenders point of view
so getting a little bit of hot glue onto those saddles so hopefully it will hold
nothing drop down to my waist baking which of course becomes my problem okay
know that the hot melt is hardened up on this guy time to install him which is
gonna be all right about there which is very close to the old switch was but
since the strip is close to the front when we look back just a little bit
snap it in and screw them down and the last step is to find a place to solder
on the power wires onto the LED strip that looks like a good place right over
since I didn't want to bring my entire shop up here I figured it'd use the USB
soldering iron plugged into a power bank let him warm up is it dampened paper
towel I think it instead of sponge luckily strip this back and it's for
those of you we're gonna tell me to get a wire stripper instead of using my
cutters I've got one
positive is that one you USB soldering iron okay that guy in the power pack to
their into the wall tie to that cable operator and
very nice makes even illumination I don't have the three hotspots that there
were with the halogens and they're not just hot anyway cuz they're nice cool
LEDs quite specifically there we go I think that's a well done project at
least by my standards anyway and I guess we'll see if it meets with approval
thanks for watching if you have anything to say comments down below I will talk
to you later
6.1日星座運勢預報:雙魚展現魅力,射手兩情相悅 - Duration: 11:23.
十二星座2018年6月1日運勢:節日快樂~ - Duration: 11:43.
Michelle Wolf Back With An - Duration: 14:14.
Michelle Wolf Back With An Even Nastier Attack On Sanders Than Before
And that wannabe comedian is at it again.
On her new show, "The Break with Michelle Wolf" on Netflix which is a cheap knock-off
of "The Daily Show," Michelle Wolf once again took another swipe at the White House
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
As previously reported, During this year's White House Correspondents Dinner Wolf came
under heavy fire for taking a jab at Sanders looks that many believed as less a joke and
more a shot at the press secretary's looks.
But on last night's premiere episode, despite previously telling Entertainment Weekly that
her new show wouldn't rehash the events of the big event, she couldn't contain herself
but address Sanders' during a monologue about the recent appointment of CIA director
Gina Haspel.
Wolf said, "After Gina was nominated, my best friend Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted,
'Any Democrat who claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but
opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite,'" Wolf said.
"Well if anyone's an expert of hypocrites, it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
And for the record, that was not a looks-based joke.
That was about her ugly personality.
She has the Mario Batali of personalities."
Wolf was apparently replying to this tweet from Sanders: For those of you who aren't
aware of the Batali saga.
He built a restaurant empire and was forced to resign as CEO after he was accused of sexual
misconduct allegations by multiple women.
The restaurant empire is now said to be crumbling.
Here is more on Batali via ABC News:
Mario Batali's three restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip will shut down amid investigations
into sexual assault allegations against the celebrity chef, his company announced Friday.
B&B Ristorante, Otto Enotea e Pizzeria and Carnevino Italian Steakhouse, all located
on a luxury complex that includes swanky casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip, will permanently
close July 27.
Batali & Bastianich (B&B) Hospitality Group, which Batali helped found, announced the closures
in a letter to employees Friday morning.
"These restaurants have continued to succeed, and they are a tribute to every one of you
who works in them and brings great dining experiences to our guests," B&B Hospitality
Group partner Joe Bastianich said in the letter, obtained by ABC affiliate KTNV.
"Unfortunately, our partner in these restaurants, Las Vegas Sands Corp., has decided to end
our relationship."
Bastianich said he will visit the three restaurants to speak with employees.
"You are all dedicated professionals who deliver night in and night out for our guests,
you are part of our family, and we will all feel your loss," he said in the letter.
"It is because of the amazing dining experiences you bring our guests that I am committed to
continuing our presence in Las Vegas.
I am beginning to explore options, but it will take some time to execute them.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that in the next 60 days."
Las Vegas Sands Corp., which owns two casino resorts, The Venetian and The Palazzo, on
the complex, but does not run the restaurants, said "there are no other plans for the space."
"We would like to thank the team members of B&B Restaurant Group for their dedication
and many contributions to The Venetian and The Palazzo.
We appreciate the hard work and energy of director of operations Zach Allen, Chef/Culinary
Director Nicole Brisson and the rest of this team.
At this time, there are no other plans for the space," the casino and resort company
said in a statement obtained by KTNV.
Batali is under criminal investigation by the New York City Police Department for two
separate instances of sexual assault allegations, one of which was reported on "60 Minutes"
last weekend.
The unidentified woman featured in a "60 Minutes" segment last Sunday claims the
57-year-old chef and former TV star drugged and assaulted her after drinking wine together
at a popular Manhattan restaurant in 2005.
B&B Hospitality Group told "60 Minutes" that it finds the allegations "deeply disturbing"
and that "our partnership with Mr. Batali is ending.
We have been actively negotiating with Mr. Batali to buy his interests in the restaurants."
Chef Mario Batali attends an awards event in New York, April 19, 2017.
The other allegation was brought to the New York City Police Department late last year,
police sources told ABC News.
A woman alleges she lost consciousness at a New York City restaurant in 2004 and found
Batali on top of her when she awoke.
Batali responded to the allegations in a statement to ABC News on May 21: "I vehemently deny
any allegations of sexual assault.
My past behavior has been deeply inappropriate and I am sincerely remorseful for my actions.
I am not attempting a professional comeback.
My only focus is finding a personal path forward where I can continue in my charitable endeavors
– helping the underprivileged and those in need."
Not really sure what an alleged sexual predator has to do with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but
It must make sense up there in the twisted little brain Wolf possesses.
Of course, our Press Secretary is way too classy to even reply or acknowledge this unfunny
wannabe who will never win any beauty titles herself.
But what's even more important here is what is going on with Netflix lately?
I am not for calling for boycotts of anything, but for some reason, it's just starting
to seem like Netflix is begging for it at this point in time.
First, they give this woman her own show and then they sign the Obama's to produce content
for them?
What do a failed Community Organizer/President and a second-rate first lady know about producing
Let's be honest, it's just one more way to further the agenda and Netflix has chosen
to be their vessel.
E3 2018 - Duration: 0:28.
You think you are slick huh turning the captions on? You expected something didn't you.
死心吧!誰都無法看穿的3個星座 - Duration: 6:52.
最新劲爆!火箭议员捐薪酬,还国债! - Duration: 1:57.
4個桃木護身符,哪個最靈?測你的黴運何時終結 - Duration: 6:01.
알고 보니 유치원부터 20년간 같이 자라온 경찰 부부 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 3:14.
Watch Beat Shazam on FOX ...
Agáta Prachařová exkluzivně o své postavě: Zhubla a chystá se na dalšípřehlídku! - Duration: 1:31.
How to Pronounce GO, GONE, GUN - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:11.
hey everybody Jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is what's the difference between the words gone and gun a student
was um telling me that when he speaks people hear the word gun not gone and I
also got this question in a comment so I decided to make a video for you so let's
start with the word go to say the word go you're going to have a very long o
sound and to do this you're going to open your mouth and then move to
puckered lips for the O sound typically the English long o is longer than O'S in
other languages so a nice tip to make you sound less accented is to be sure
that you make that oh nice and long and so you hear the word go instead of go
for the word gone you are going to make sure that you open your mouth very wide
for that oh that short o vowel open very wide for that because if you do not open
wide enough for this vowel and the tongue is not in the bottom of your
mouth it's going to sound like a short u uh
so let's look at the difference gone gun gone gun so again the difference
here is the lon is the short o oh versus the short u uh so let's try all
those words together go gone gun go gone gun go gone gun gun gone go give it a
try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
give us a like and a share subscribe so you don't miss a video
and if you have questions leave them in the comment section or visit us at
Tarle speech dot com thanks so much
Something Just Like This - Duration: 0:56.
399426 - Duration: 3:59.
Camila Queiroz apoia Marquezine após desabafo na web: 'Te entendo perfeitamente' - Duration: 4:17.
Vitaminas y minerales imprescindibles para los deportistas - Duration: 6:41.
Zpěvák Jakub Ondra natočil videoklip k hitu Reasons to love you - Duration: 2:41.
Marina Ruy Barbosa conta como se hidrata em gravação externa: 'Chá de hibisco' - Duration: 4:03.
Marília Mendonça se aventura em montanha-russa de parque: 'Quero minha mãe' - Duration: 6:03.
Juliana Paes se diverte com filhos, Antônio e Pedro, e marido em feriado no Rio - Duration: 4:57.
Michał Szpak reaguje na plotki o relacji z Martą Gałuszewską ? - Duration: 4:08.
Corinthians acerta chegada de camisa 10 - Duration: 3:43.
Pabllo Vittar fará leilão com as próprias roupas em São Paulo; saiba motivo - Duration: 3:51.
Vídeo: homem voa para fora do carro em acidente incrível|| 247 Entretenimento - Duration: 4:04.
Atacante do Corinthians pode ser vendido a clube grego - Duration: 3:36.
Saiba como é possível faturar cerca de R$ 30.000,00 em apenas uma lavagem de carro| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 3:54.
✅ Warriors ahogan ímpetu de los Cavaliers - Duration: 3:04.
Si estás leyendo esta crónica es porque no viste el juego de anoche o simplemente quieres revivirlo
En ambos casos: ¡Que partidazo! nos regalaron los eternos protagonistas de las Finales, cuyo primer juego fue para los Warriors, al derrotar 124-114 a los Cavaliers en tiempo extra
El resultado final es un mero espejismo de lo que sucedió o pudo ser, ya que los Cavaliers, abajo en el marcador 107-106, tuvieron dos tiros libres con cuatro segundos del último periodo, pero George Hill falló su segundo lanzamiento y en el rebote ofensivo JR Smith al pensar que tenían ventaja en la pizarra corrió hacia atrás
Cuando se dio cuenta de su error, fue demasiado tarde y el tablero se iluminó para dictaminar que el tiempo oficial se había agotado
La falla mental de Smith hundió al resto de sus compañeros, que acariciaron una victoria con doble valor al ser de visitante y sobre todo, cuando en las apuestas los vieron desfavorecidos por 12 puntos, cifra que casi se concreta con los cinco minutos extra
En el primer juego del Capítulo IV de la batalla Cavaliers vs Warriors, LeBron James volvió a actuar como LeBron
Terminó con 51 puntos; lo malo es que entra en la historia como el primer jugador en las Finales en sumar esta cantidad, pero ser parte del equipo que se llevó la derrota
El Rey se convirtió en el primer jugador con 50 o más puntos desde que Michael Jordan lo consiguió en 1993
Convertido en un auténtico monstruo de mil cabezas, la estrella de los Cavs consiguió su octavo encuentro con 40 o más puntos en unos mismos Playoffs, empatando a Jerry West, quien lo hizo en 1965
La derrota duele más en Cleveland de lo que se disfruta en Oakland; y es que tal vez estuvo presupuestado por Cavaliers al saber que James tiene ahora marca de 1-9 en el Juego 1
Aunque la buena noticia para él es que la única ocasión en que ganó el primer partido, perdió el campeonato
Durante la parte final del choque hubo polémica por la decisión de los árbitros en una jugada y un conato de bronca
La serie se reanuda el domingo a las 19:00 horas en casa de los Warriors.
Gabriel Oprea: Dragnea mi-a zis: «domnule Oprea, vă rog să mă ajutaţi că vreau să câştig preşedinţia - Duration: 3:17.
Fostul vicepremier Gabriel Oprea a dezvăluit, într-un interviu pentru ştiripesurse
ro, că omul care l-a convins să-l susţină pe Liviu Dragnea la şefia PSD a fost Codrin Ştefănescu, cu care Dragnea acum este la cuţite
În luna martie, Liviu Dragnea prezentase o altă variantă a ascensiunii sale şi spunea despre Gabriel Oprea că aparţine statului paralel
"Mă cunosc cu Codrin Ştefănescu, suntem prieteni buni, cu bune şi cu rele. El îmi tot zicea: «Dragnea, Dragnea, Dragnea»
Nu m-aţi auzit de multe ori vorbind despre situaţii politice. Domnul Dragnea mi-a zis: domnule Oprea, vă rog să mă ajutaţi că vreau să câştig preşedinţia PSD
În 2015, în competiţia lor internă, m-a sunat domnul Dragnea şi a venit aici, la mine acasă
El mi-a spus că vrea să fie public sprijinul meu şi mi-a zis să bem o bere în faţa jurnaliştilor", a rememorat Oprea
„Aveam şi eu rolul meu. Eram lider al UNPR, vicepremier, am şi eu foarte mulţi prieteni în PSD, cum ar fi Oprişan, dar şi alţii şi fiecare dintre prietenii mei dacă vorbeau cu alţi prieteni, asta era
Nu vreau să discut mai multe. El mi-a cerut ajutorul, eu i l-am oferit pentru că îl cunoşteam pe domnul Dragnea
Să ştiţi că domnul Dragnea este un politician foarte abil", a declarat Gabriel Oprea, într-un interviu pentru stiripesurse
ro. Preşedintele PSD Liviu Dragnea a dezvăluit, în luna martie, la Antena 3, că fostul lider al UNPR Gabriel Oprea i-a spus în 2015, după ce a discutat cu Florian Coldea la telefon în prezenţa sa, că Valeriu Zgonea trebuie să fie preşedinte al PSD după demisia lui Victor Ponta
Florentino: "Es un día triste pero hay que asimilar esta decisión" - Duration: 4:21.
El adiós de Zinedine Zidane ha sorprendido a todo el mundo, pero el Real Madrid había trabajado para que una situación así no hiciera saltar por los aires la estabilidad del club
El Real Madrid llevaba un tiempo trabajando en el nombre del posible sustituto del técnico francés, pero la realidad dice que no esperaban que ese cambio de dueño del banquillo pudiera ser ahora mismo
En los últimos meses se ha sucedido los ofrecimientos de entrenadores de todo tipo
Agentes, intermediarios, representantes han querido vender su producto como el mejor, pero los dirigentes de la entidad madridista han mantenido la cabeza fría
Han pensado en dos o tres nombres y al resto los han ignorado. Entre todos estos nombre siempre ha habido uno muy por encima del resto, que curiosamente no se ha ofrecido
No le ha hecho falta. Ese es Mauricio Pochettino. La situación no era extraña para el argentino, al que tres semanas atrás llamó el Chelsea, pero ni se daban las circunstancias idóneas y en el fondo su deseo no era otro que dirigir al Real Madrid o al PSG
OfrecimientosPochettino estaba obligado a renovar. En su anterior contrato no había cláusula alguna que le permitiera salir sin negociar con Daniel Levy
Ahora, y sabiendo que el Real Madrid pensaba en él, decidió renovar, pero con la condición de poder salir en caso de una llamada del club blanco
Sabia que se podría producir y por eso abrió la puerta de salida, pero sólo con dirección Madrid y París
No es el único entrenador del que se ha hablado en estos últimos meses en la zona noble del Real Madrid, pero sí del que más se ha insistido
Otros como Klopp, Löw, Conte o Allegri han aparecido y desaparecido dependiendo del momento, pero todos coincidían en señalar al actual técnico del Tottenham como el favorito
Junta directivaEl Real Madrid se debe mover rápido y de la Junta directiva que se celebra en la tarde de hoy debe salir el nombre del sustituto y apunten al argentino, que mañana presentará su biografía en Barcelona
Casi nada. Florentino Pérez se mostraba resignado ante la decisión del ya exentrenador del Real Madrid
"Para mí ha sido una decisión completamente inesperada. Es un día triste para mí y para la afición
El sabe que le quise como jugador y ahora como entrenador. Cuando Zizou toma una decisión hay que asimilarla
Volverá y si necesita un descanso, se lo merece".
Florentino: "Es un día triste pero hay que asimilar esta decisión" - Duration: 4:21.
El adiós de Zinedine Zidane ha sorprendido a todo el mundo, pero el Real Madrid había trabajado para que una situación así no hiciera saltar por los aires la estabilidad del club
El Real Madrid llevaba un tiempo trabajando en el nombre del posible sustituto del técnico francés, pero la realidad dice que no esperaban que ese cambio de dueño del banquillo pudiera ser ahora mismo
En los últimos meses se ha sucedido los ofrecimientos de entrenadores de todo tipo
Agentes, intermediarios, representantes han querido vender su producto como el mejor, pero los dirigentes de la entidad madridista han mantenido la cabeza fría
Han pensado en dos o tres nombres y al resto los han ignorado. Entre todos estos nombre siempre ha habido uno muy por encima del resto, que curiosamente no se ha ofrecido
No le ha hecho falta. Ese es Mauricio Pochettino. La situación no era extraña para el argentino, al que tres semanas atrás llamó el Chelsea, pero ni se daban las circunstancias idóneas y en el fondo su deseo no era otro que dirigir al Real Madrid o al PSG
OfrecimientosPochettino estaba obligado a renovar. En su anterior contrato no había cláusula alguna que le permitiera salir sin negociar con Daniel Levy
Ahora, y sabiendo que el Real Madrid pensaba en él, decidió renovar, pero con la condición de poder salir en caso de una llamada del club blanco
Sabia que se podría producir y por eso abrió la puerta de salida, pero sólo con dirección Madrid y París
No es el único entrenador del que se ha hablado en estos últimos meses en la zona noble del Real Madrid, pero sí del que más se ha insistido
Otros como Klopp, Löw, Conte o Allegri han aparecido y desaparecido dependiendo del momento, pero todos coincidían en señalar al actual técnico del Tottenham como el favorito
Junta directivaEl Real Madrid se debe mover rápido y de la Junta directiva que se celebra en la tarde de hoy debe salir el nombre del sustituto y apunten al argentino, que mañana presentará su biografía en Barcelona
Casi nada. Florentino Pérez se mostraba resignado ante la decisión del ya exentrenador del Real Madrid
"Para mí ha sido una decisión completamente inesperada. Es un día triste para mí y para la afición
El sabe que le quise como jugador y ahora como entrenador. Cuando Zizou toma una decisión hay que asimilarla
Volverá y si necesita un descanso, se lo merece".
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