Saturday, June 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 2 2018

This episode is brought to you by Dashlane; never forget another password and keep all

your credentials secure by signing up for a free account today!

Legend has it she killed over 650 people, and bathed in their blood.

Named by the Guinness book of records as the most prolific female serial killer of all

time, aristocrat Elizabeth Bathory targeted her young servant women, and tortured them

before killing them in cold blood.

She chained them up until their hands squirted blood before bathing them in stinging nettles

and forcing them to cook and eat their own body parts.

Could a woman so evil have actually existed in 16th Century Europe?

That's what we'll find out today, in this episode of The Infographics Show – The Blood

Countess – Elizabeth Bathory.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed was born to a noble family in Hungry on August 7th,


At aged 10 she was engaged to the son of Baron Ferenc Nadasdy, but as her social standing

was higher than her husband's, she refused to change her surname.

She was married at the age of 15 in a Hungarian Palace in 1575.

They moved to Nadasdy Castle and she spent much of time alone in the castle while her

husband studied in Vienna.

Her husband then went to fight in the Ottoman war leaving Elizabeth to take care of matters

in the castle.

It appears she did this successfully until on the 29th of December, 1610, soldiers made

their way into the castle and arrested Elizabeth on hundreds of charges of murder and torture.

Over 300 townspeople were questioned about the events that took place in the castle and

their reports are all on record.

Charges against her included the burning of her servants with metal sticks and rods.

She was said to have strangled a servant to death with a silk scarf (which is the Turkish

method, apparently).

She would chain her underlings at night so that their hands turned blue and squirted


She would stab and prick her servants in the mouth with needles, and cutting their hands,

lips, and noses with scissors was an everyday occurrence at the castle.

Plunging burning white rods into her female servant's most private regions was also

a popular pastime.

Stitching her servant's lips together if they complained, pleaded, or screamed was

a common method of keeping the staff in line.

Then there were the hot baths.

She forced her servants to bathe in stinging nettles, rubbing the nettles into their back

and breasts while doing so.

She was also said to have smeared a naked girl in honey, leaving her outside to be bitten

by ants, bees, wasps, and flies.

She starved her servants and allowed them to drink only their own urine.

Finally, when the hunger became critical, she would force her servants to cut off a

chunk of their own buttocks, fry it up in butter, and then watch with glee as they ate

their own flesh.

Elizabeth was also accused of casting magic spells to summon a cloud of ninety cats that

she would let loose to torment her enemies.

These and many more complaints piled against her.

After her death, the stories grew wilder.

She bathed in the virgin blood of her victims to induce beauty and longevity.

She was syphilitic and epileptic, was raped when she was young, her aunt was a lesbian

who thrust upon her an incestuous relationship.

Well, they do say 'the abused becomes the abuser' and Elizabeth had, by any standards,

led a colorful existence.

Following the trial, sentencing for her female accomplices was harsh.

The old ladies who had helped Elizabeth in her diabolical spree had their fingers removed

from their hands with iron tongs and were then thrown into open fires as the townspeople


Elizabeth was bricked up in a room in her own castle where she died five years later.

The highest estimate of Elizabeth's victims stands at 650.

A servant named Susannah claimed that she had seen the figure in one of Elizabeth's

books, indicating that she not only kept count of her victims, she also kept a written record.

The stories are verified by more than 300 witness statements from survivors and onlookers

of the period.

Along with Vlad the Impaler of Wallachia (who was the basis for the fictional character

count Dracula), Elizabeth (also known as The Blood Countess) is one of the most feared

figures in Hungarian history.

And, yes, Hungary has itself a healthy history of horror.

However, the story doesn't end here.

Years later, authors such as Laszlo Nagy and Dr. Irma Szadecky-Kardoss have postulated

that Elizabeth Bathory wasn't in fact the criminal, but the victim of an anti-aristocrat

conspiracy plot.

They argue that the proceedings against Elizabeth were politically motivated.

Due to Elizabeth's extensive wealth in the region, and her ownership of vast amounts

of real estate in Hungary and Slovakia, she was singled out as part of an elaborate plan

to seize her wealth and assets.

This theory is consistent with Hungarian history at the time, which was rife with political

and religious conflicts, especially during the wars with the Ottoman Empire.

But just why the conspiracy, if it is true, is so elaborately detailed with such horrific

accounts of abuse and torture, remains to be seen.

So, what do you think?

Was Elizabeth the cruelest woman to ever slip on a corset, or was she part of an anti-aristocrat

plot to rid her of her wealth and status?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, be sure to watch our other video called – America's Most Evil Serial Killer - Ted


Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Blood Countess - The Most Murderous Female Serial Killer In History - Duration: 5:50.


咘咘为了不被波妞抢走零食,接下来的举动太机智了,波妞好无奈 ✔ - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 咘咘为了不被波妞抢走零食,接下来的举动太机智了,波妞好无奈 ✔ - Duration: 2:16.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL 5drs - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL 5drs - Duration: 1:12.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Últimas notícia de hoje : MORO MANDA SOLTAR OPERADOR DO MDB E RÉU CONFESSO DA LAVA JATO - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MORO MANDA SOLTAR OPERADOR DO MDB E RÉU CONFESSO DA LAVA JATO - Duration: 1:57.


Ela Comeu Banana Por 7 Dias e Isso Foi o que Aconteceu Com Seu Corpo: Ela NÃO Pode Acreditar! - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Ela Comeu Banana Por 7 Dias e Isso Foi o que Aconteceu Com Seu Corpo: Ela NÃO Pode Acreditar! - Duration: 2:28.


Isso Acontece se Você Mergulhar Seus Pés no Vinagre uma Noite Por Semana! - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Isso Acontece se Você Mergulhar Seus Pés no Vinagre uma Noite Por Semana! - Duration: 4:46.


Come addestrare il nostro cervello per addormentarsi in meno di 60 secondi. Ecco la tecnica - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Come addestrare il nostro cervello per addormentarsi in meno di 60 secondi. Ecco la tecnica - Duration: 2:37.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 1:10.


Trattare il diabete con stevia e cannella - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Trattare il diabete con stevia e cannella - Duration: 7:32.


✅ Fã confunde Mayra com mãe de Arthur Aguiar e ator dá resposta na web - Duration: 2:05.

O ator Arthur Aguiar postou uma foto com sua esposa, Mayra Cardi, mas acabou recendo um "elogio" inusitado de uma fã nos comentários do Instagram do bonitão

Na ocasião, a internauta confundiu a life coach com sua mãe. "Sua mãe é linda", escreveu a internauta

Com bom humor, o global respondeu: "A minha mãe Katia Aguiar é mesmo linda!". Muitos seguidores entraram na onda e riram bastante

Vale destacar que o ator e a ex-BBB estão à espera de seu primeiro filho. Os dois se casaram em uma cerimônia surpresa que Mayra preparou par ao amado em dezembro de 2017

Conforme já revelado aqui no TV Foco, Arthur Aguiar foi pego de surpresa ao ser convidado por Mayra Cardi em sua casa, e, ao chegar lá, o que esperava ele era uma cerimônia de casamento

A notícia acabou, inclusive, virando piada entre os internautas, que não perdoam

Entretanto, de acordo com a jornalista Keila Gimenez, os dois resolveram se casar novamente – desta vez sem surpresas

Eles devem subir ao altar em meados de agosto, e contará com poucos convidados. Vale lembrar que Mayra está grávida do ator e, claro, pretende se casar exibindo o lindo barrigão numa pequena festa reservada para amigos e familiares em Fernando de Noronha

For more infomation >> ✅ Fã confunde Mayra com mãe de Arthur Aguiar e ator dá resposta na web - Duration: 2:05.


✅ 'GF 15', Aida Nizar fa il bagno nella Fontana di Trevi e poi contesta ai vigili la multa di 450€! - Duration: 2:03.

Tra i protagonisti indiscussi della 15esima edizione del Grande Fratello, indimenticabile sicuramente la spumeggiante spagnola Aida Nizar, che nelle ultime ore ne ha combinata un'altra delle sue

La donna si sta godendo le bellezze dell'Italia, specie quelle della Capitale, che la sta accogliendo anche in attesa della finale del reality a cui ha preso parte nelle scorse settimane, ma la sua esuberanza ha dovuto confrontarsi e scontrarsi con le regole romane nelle scorse ore e, come potete vedere nel video che trovate a inizio articolo, un piccolo inaspettato imprevisto le ha per un attimo tolto il sorriso

Aida, infatti, nel tentativo di emulare la grande Anita Ekberg, non si è fatta troppi problemi a fare un bagno nella Fontana Di Trevi, mentre continuava a osannare la sua vita e a ribadire quanto la ami

Purtroppo per lei, però, pochissimi istanti dopo sono giunti sul posto gli agenti di polizia, che hanno prontamente provveduto a multare  l'esuberante gieffina

La Nizar si è rifiutata di firmare la multa in questione, contestando agli agenti la sanzione di 450

00€, tentando, anzi, di far loro cambiare idea, in quanto proprio 'personaggio televisivo che adora la sua vita'

Insomma, un siparietto tutto da ridere, che però costringerà la donna a metter mano al portafoglio per pagare, così, il prezzo della sua stravaganza

Che ne pensate di quanto accaduto? E della reazione di Aida?

For more infomation >> ✅ 'GF 15', Aida Nizar fa il bagno nella Fontana di Trevi e poi contesta ai vigili la multa di 450€! - Duration: 2:03.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : FONTANA: QUEDA DE PARENTE MOSTRA ESGOTAMENTO DO MODELO NEOLIBERAL - Duration: 0:58.


10 sintomi di uno squilibrio ormonale da non sottovalutare - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> 10 sintomi di uno squilibrio ormonale da non sottovalutare - Duration: 7:06.


VIAGEM A BARCELONA - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> VIAGEM A BARCELONA - Duration: 11:56.





How Love made an Athlete unable to compete at the Olympics | Strangest Moments - Duration: 5:04.

The Olympic Games truly has everything -

high-octane action,

incredible bravery,

occasional comedy...

and love.

This is the story of Olga Fikotova and Hal Connolly.

The year was 1956,

and the Olympic Games had arrived in Melbourne.

The Cold War between the Soviet Bloc countries and the West

was gathering pace,

and it was against this chilly political backdrop

that an unlikely love would blossom.

Olga Fikotova was a trainee doctor from Prague,

in what was then the Czech Socialist Republic,

an ally of the USSR

and firmly behind the Iron Curtain.

During her studies, she had taken up athletics

and quickly developed a love for throwing the discus.

Her coaches quickly spotted

that she had talent and strength

and all that was missing was that all-important rhythm.

The solution to this rhythm issue was simple -

practise to the beautiful tones of the Blue Danube.

Olga's trick worked,

and in 1955 she was showing such promise

that Russian discus legend Nina Romaschkova,

the reigning Olympic champion and Olympic record holder,

decided she would join her coaching team

to take her to the next level.

It was a decision she would come to regret.

Both women qualified for the Games,

and when it came to the business end

of the discus competition,

it was a case of master versus the apprentice.

Romaschkova demonstrated the strength and skill

that had won her gold in Helsinki,

breaking her own record with a 52-metre throw.

It's a beauty. Over 170 feet. It's a new Olympic record.

Olga's first four throws were good but not good enough

and, as she took to the circle for the fifth and final time,

she was in second place.

She had, however, been paying attention to the master.

Olga Fikotova, hazel-eyed student from Czechoslovakia,

spins the discus 176 feet 1½ inches,

smashes the minutes-old record of Nina

and becomes the first athletic gold medallist at Melbourne.

Gold for Olga. It was a fairy tale.

But what sort of fairy tale doesn't have a Prince Charming?

Olga was about to meet hers.

Connolly was every inch the American poster boy.

He'd overcome disability to become the best hammer thrower

in the world, all while being a humble history teacher

in the Californian public school system.

His achievements came despite the notable disadvantage of his

left arm being four inches shorter than his right,

due to problems suffered during birth,

making it all the more impressive.

Heading into his final throw, Connolly had work to do

but, just like his star-crossed lover,

he was saving his best until last.

Connolly of America winds up.

His legs thrust, his body straightens,

his arms whip up and the 16lb hammer whistles away

for 207 feet 3½ inches.

Yet another Olympic record.

Yet another American on the victors' dais.

But that's enough about hammers.

Let's get back to the love.

The pair explored Melbourne together

and, despite only being able to talk in broken English

and German, they quickly fell in love.

Olympic Games are short-lived affairs, and it seemed that

theirs would be too.

The Games were over and it was time to return home.

But this was the real deal.

They soon made plans to marry.

For Olga, this wasn't straightforward.

Her government opposed the marriage

and they even suggested

she wouldn't be allowed to represent her country again.

Much to the delight of just about everyone,

the wedding went ahead

and the pair set up home back in America.

Sadly, it turned out the Czech government wasn't bluffing.

They followed through with their threat.

Olga would never represent her home country again.

There was, however, the traditional happy ending.

The Americans loved Olga

and welcomed her as one of their own.

She went on to represent the USA in the next four Games and

in 1972, she was elected by her team-mates to carry the flag

at the opening ceremony, the highest honour there is.

It was the perfect ending to the perfect love story,

all courtesy of the Olympic Games.

For more infomation >> How Love made an Athlete unable to compete at the Olympics | Strangest Moments - Duration: 5:04.





Germinar Re-constructing the environment - Duration: 3:02.

Germinar is a civil society

Our main goal is to raise awareness about environmental care and biodiversity preservation

We understand the environment as the space with which we interact

Depending on the well-being of the environment, our own well-being and the generations to come

Hi, I´m Leandro. I´m part of the Germinar N.G.O. team

We created this project in IDEAME

in order to invite you to be part of our growth

We are raising funds to get multiple tools,

so we can expand the activities that take place in our space and outside it

I´m Manu from the agroecology commission

We offer workshops of agro-ecological gardens

whose objetive is to open a space to experiment with vegetables, aromatic and fruit plants cultivation

focusing on healthy eating

Hi, I´m Leandro. I´m in charge of Germinar maintainance

Our objective is to create a model and inspirational space for all the people that come to Germinar

Cultivation terraces and centralized irrigation

are some of the projects that your contribution will help us to carry out

I´m Pancho. I´m the director of the native plants commission

We offer workshops about the indigenous ecosystems of Buenos Aires

and our main idea is to give people information related to the flora and fauna of the region,

give them specific tools so as to restore the environment

and mainly to offer the participants our full energy and experience in order to connect with nature

I´m Ana from the sustainable buildings commission

with the tools that we need, we are going to finish building the greenhouse and the workroom

with earth construction techniques

Additionally, for this year, we plan to build a dry composting toilet and a harvesting of rain water system

We will build them with the neighbors, promoting community work

And my role at Germinar is to transmit my knowledge about medicinal herbs, their identification and uses.

Aiming to empower us and taking back the control of our own health

We want you to be part of Germinar growth, with your economical contribution,

we also invite you to visit us

Wednesdays and Saturdays from 3 PM to 6 PM in our volunteer venue

We hope to see you soon!


For more infomation >> Germinar Re-constructing the environment - Duration: 3:02.


Престон Джеймс - Скрытая история невероятно злобной хазарской мафии - Duration: 55:47.

For more infomation >> Престон Джеймс - Скрытая история невероятно злобной хазарской мафии - Duration: 55:47.


FilmClubTrailer - Faltam 12 dias para Copa do Mundo da FIFA Rússia 2018 - Duration: 0:45.

Sports News

12 days left for Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup

Sports News

For more infomation >> FilmClubTrailer - Faltam 12 dias para Copa do Mundo da FIFA Rússia 2018 - Duration: 0:45.


✅ Klara Castanho confunde fãs sobre possível affair - Duration: 1:19.

Neste sábado (2), Klara Castanho voltou a deixar seus fãs na dúvida se ela estaria namorando ou não

Ela publicou uma foto com o ator Julio Oliveira mais uma vez, onde escreveu: "Meu amor" e legendou: "Só porque eu não gosto de boatos, feliz dia dos namorados"

Até então poderia não ter dúvida nenhuma, se não fosse uma brincadeira que os dois fizeram no dia 1° de abril, conhecido como o Dia da Mentira, onde postaram fotos românticas e depois disseram que tudo não passava de uma brincadeira

Nos comentários da rede social da atriz, muitos seguidores ficaram na dúvida se seria mais uma brincadeira da atriz ou se agora realmente era verdade

For more infomation >> ✅ Klara Castanho confunde fãs sobre possível affair - Duration: 1:19.


Ramadan Special | Sahari O Ramadan | Episode 16 | 2018 [Re-upload] - Duration: 25:03.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> Ramadan Special | Sahari O Ramadan | Episode 16 | 2018 [Re-upload] - Duration: 25:03.


✅ Stefano De Martino coinvolto in un incidente stradale: paura per il ballerino - Duration: 2:26.

Incidente in A1 per Stefano De Martino: cosa è successo al ballerino Tanta paura per Stefano De Martino nella notte tra il primo e il due giugno

Il ballerino è rimasto coinvolto in un incidente stradale in A1 nel territorio tra Anagni e Ferentino

Il sinistro si è verificato intorno alle 2, quando l'ex marito di Belen Rodriguez era a bordo di un auto insieme a un amico per raggiungere Napoli, in vista di un evento in programma

 Come riporta Frosinone Today, l'ex inviato dell'Isola dei Famosi era seduto sul lato passeggero a bordo di un'Audi TT alla cui guida c'era un suo amico

 All'improvviso, per cause che sono ancora al vaglio degli agenti della polizia stradale, la vettura si sarebbe scontrata con una Punto

Come sta Stefano De Martino dopo l'incidente in A1 A quanto pare il conducente della Punto avrebbe perso il controllo finendo al centro della carreggiata: proprio in quel momento sarebbe sopraggiunta l'auto con a bordo Stefano De Martino, che non sarebbe riuscita ad evitare l'impatto nonostante la brusca frenata

Stando alle prime ricostruzioni, il conducente della Punto sarebbe rimasto lievemente ferito

Il ballerino di Amici e il suo amico sono invece usciti illesi dall'impatto, come dimostrano anche le ultime storie su Instagram di Stefano

  Nessuna conseguenza per Stefano De Martino Nonostante l'incidente stradale, Stefano De Martino è riuscito ad arrivare in tempo all'evento fissato nella sua agenda

Il giovane è stato ospite di un negozio d'abbigliamento in provincia di Napoli, dove ha accolto numerose fan corse per un selfie insieme

For more infomation >> ✅ Stefano De Martino coinvolto in un incidente stradale: paura per il ballerino - Duration: 2:26.


DODGE MAGNUM 1:18 2006 R/T TUNING LED XENON UMBAU JA.A (VIDEO Nr.4) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> DODGE MAGNUM 1:18 2006 R/T TUNING LED XENON UMBAU JA.A (VIDEO Nr.4) - Duration: 1:30.


ダクソR 眷属作ります - Duration: 3:11:26.

For more infomation >> ダクソR 眷属作ります - Duration: 3:11:26.


Volvo V40 2.0 T5 245PK Grtr R-Design, Intellisafe, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 T5 245PK Grtr R-Design, Intellisafe, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.


The Blood Countess - The Most Murderous Female Serial Killer In History - Duration: 5:50.

This episode is brought to you by Dashlane; never forget another password and keep all

your credentials secure by signing up for a free account today!

Legend has it she killed over 650 people, and bathed in their blood.

Named by the Guinness book of records as the most prolific female serial killer of all

time, aristocrat Elizabeth Bathory targeted her young servant women, and tortured them

before killing them in cold blood.

She chained them up until their hands squirted blood before bathing them in stinging nettles

and forcing them to cook and eat their own body parts.

Could a woman so evil have actually existed in 16th Century Europe?

That's what we'll find out today, in this episode of The Infographics Show – The Blood

Countess – Elizabeth Bathory.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed was born to a noble family in Hungry on August 7th,


At aged 10 she was engaged to the son of Baron Ferenc Nadasdy, but as her social standing

was higher than her husband's, she refused to change her surname.

She was married at the age of 15 in a Hungarian Palace in 1575.

They moved to Nadasdy Castle and she spent much of time alone in the castle while her

husband studied in Vienna.

Her husband then went to fight in the Ottoman war leaving Elizabeth to take care of matters

in the castle.

It appears she did this successfully until on the 29th of December, 1610, soldiers made

their way into the castle and arrested Elizabeth on hundreds of charges of murder and torture.

Over 300 townspeople were questioned about the events that took place in the castle and

their reports are all on record.

Charges against her included the burning of her servants with metal sticks and rods.

She was said to have strangled a servant to death with a silk scarf (which is the Turkish

method, apparently).

She would chain her underlings at night so that their hands turned blue and squirted


She would stab and prick her servants in the mouth with needles, and cutting their hands,

lips, and noses with scissors was an everyday occurrence at the castle.

Plunging burning white rods into her female servant's most private regions was also

a popular pastime.

Stitching her servant's lips together if they complained, pleaded, or screamed was

a common method of keeping the staff in line.

Then there were the hot baths.

She forced her servants to bathe in stinging nettles, rubbing the nettles into their back

and breasts while doing so.

She was also said to have smeared a naked girl in honey, leaving her outside to be bitten

by ants, bees, wasps, and flies.

She starved her servants and allowed them to drink only their own urine.

Finally, when the hunger became critical, she would force her servants to cut off a

chunk of their own buttocks, fry it up in butter, and then watch with glee as they ate

their own flesh.

Elizabeth was also accused of casting magic spells to summon a cloud of ninety cats that

she would let loose to torment her enemies.

These and many more complaints piled against her.

After her death, the stories grew wilder.

She bathed in the virgin blood of her victims to induce beauty and longevity.

She was syphilitic and epileptic, was raped when she was young, her aunt was a lesbian

who thrust upon her an incestuous relationship.

Well, they do say 'the abused becomes the abuser' and Elizabeth had, by any standards,

led a colorful existence.

Following the trial, sentencing for her female accomplices was harsh.

The old ladies who had helped Elizabeth in her diabolical spree had their fingers removed

from their hands with iron tongs and were then thrown into open fires as the townspeople


Elizabeth was bricked up in a room in her own castle where she died five years later.

The highest estimate of Elizabeth's victims stands at 650.

A servant named Susannah claimed that she had seen the figure in one of Elizabeth's

books, indicating that she not only kept count of her victims, she also kept a written record.

The stories are verified by more than 300 witness statements from survivors and onlookers

of the period.

Along with Vlad the Impaler of Wallachia (who was the basis for the fictional character

count Dracula), Elizabeth (also known as The Blood Countess) is one of the most feared

figures in Hungarian history.

And, yes, Hungary has itself a healthy history of horror.

However, the story doesn't end here.

Years later, authors such as Laszlo Nagy and Dr. Irma Szadecky-Kardoss have postulated

that Elizabeth Bathory wasn't in fact the criminal, but the victim of an anti-aristocrat

conspiracy plot.

They argue that the proceedings against Elizabeth were politically motivated.

Due to Elizabeth's extensive wealth in the region, and her ownership of vast amounts

of real estate in Hungary and Slovakia, she was singled out as part of an elaborate plan

to seize her wealth and assets.

This theory is consistent with Hungarian history at the time, which was rife with political

and religious conflicts, especially during the wars with the Ottoman Empire.

But just why the conspiracy, if it is true, is so elaborately detailed with such horrific

accounts of abuse and torture, remains to be seen.

So, what do you think?

Was Elizabeth the cruelest woman to ever slip on a corset, or was she part of an anti-aristocrat

plot to rid her of her wealth and status?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, be sure to watch our other video called – America's Most Evil Serial Killer - Ted


Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Blood Countess - The Most Murderous Female Serial Killer In History - Duration: 5:50.


咘咘为了不被波妞抢走零食,接下来的举动太机智了,波妞好无奈 ✔ - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 咘咘为了不被波妞抢走零食,接下来的举动太机智了,波妞好无奈 ✔ - Duration: 2:16.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL 5drs - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTI SOL 5drs - Duration: 1:12.


The Last O.G. On TBS

For more infomation >> The Last O.G. On TBS


Don't Allow any of these 5 types of relationship abuse in yours | animated - Duration: 10:06.

5 types of relationship abuse You should be aware of and What can you do?

welcome to lifestyle therapy channel, stay tuned.

No.1, Physical abuse.

This is the type of abuse that many people think of, when they hear the word 'abuse.'

It can include punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, strangling, or physically restraining

a partner against their will.

It can also include driving recklessly, or invading someone's physical space, and in

any other way, making someone feel physically unsafe.

No.2, Emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse is perhaps the vaguest type of abuse, to which an individual can be exposed.

Emotional pain and hurt, are not uncommon in relationships, it is human to feel negative

emotions in response to arguments, or unpleasant events in a relationship.

While it is natural to feel emotional responses, it is not healthy or natural to feel as if

your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are regularly threatened by your loved one.

Emotional abuse, is a consistent denial of your right to express your feelings.

It is a violation or ridicule of your most important values and beliefs.

Some warning signs that you may be experiencing this type of abuse are:

Withholding of approval, or support as a form of punishment,

Criticism, belittling, name calling, and yelling, Regular threats to leave or being told to

leave, Invasions of privacy, and Elimination of support,

by preventing contact with friends and family.

No.3, Mental or Psychological abuse.

Mental or psychological abuse happens when one partner, through a series of actions or

words, wears away at the other's sense of mental wellbeing and health.

It often involves making the victim doubt their own sanity.

We've heard stories of abusers deliberately moving car keys, or a purse, dimming the lights,

and flat-out denying that certain things had taken place.

The result of this, especially over a sustained period of time, and often with the isolation

that abusers also tend to use, is that the victim depends on the abuser more and more,

because they don't trust their own judgment.

They also hesitate to tell anyone about the abuse they're experiencing, for fear they

won't be believed.

No.4, Sexual Abuse.

Sexual abuse is when someone forces you, into unwanted sexual activity, especially through

threats or coercion.

In a healthy sexual relationship, you shouldn't feel threatened, pressured, or uncomfortable

with your partner.

If you feel these negative emotions, it is likely that you are being abused.

No.5, Control.

"Abusive relationships", brings to mind physical violence.

At the same time, many forms of abuse don't leave bruises.

Attempts to control a partner's behavior, friends, finances, or activities, is often

the first sign of an abusive situation, and may be a precursor to violence.

Abusers tend to isolate their victims, and chip away at their self-esteem until he or

she, becomes the only person in the victim's world.

Control may be attempted by using threats, anger, or excessive criticism.

What can you do?

If you are experiencing characteristics of unhealthy relationships, do not be afraid

to ask for help.

Be sure to have a trusted friend, or family member on whom you can rely.

It is not weak, or embarrassing to ask for help when you need it.

And trust your instincts!

If you feel uneasy about going home, or fearful of your spouse or partner, take steps to ensure

your safety.

This could include having a friend with you upon returning home, so you are not alone,

or, in severe circumstances, going to the home of a loved one, or to a domestic violence

shelter, rather than going home.

Above all else, know you are not alone!

If you are experiencing the characteristics of abuse, there are those who can help and

support you.

While reaching out can seem like an impossible and perhaps dangerous task, know there is

help ready and waiting for you

For more infomation >> Don't Allow any of these 5 types of relationship abuse in yours | animated - Duration: 10:06.


You're Definitely an Empath If You Can Sense When People are Faking These 7 Things - Duration: 4:45.


empaths actually do not want to be empath from the very first time.

The reason is simply the responsibility to be a good empath is big.

Unfortunately, as an empath you can feel something that people don't, even if you don't realize


Empaths are very sensitive even to the slightest nuances of people behavior that others don't.

It's no surprise that empaths have this amazing ability, they are so observant and sensitive

to their environment.

If they know you for sometimes, they may notice even the slightest change of your behavior

and just know something is not usual.

They may not know how they know that, but they do.

Sometimes because of some frustration, many empaths even try to ignore their senses.

They think of something like that as over reacting or even paranoid, however, soon they

will realize how accurate the information they gather is.

So, there are actually something that you can feel when you are actually an empath.

For instance, if you're able to feel these nuances of people's behavior, you are probably

an empath.

You're Definitely an Empath If You Can Sense When People are Faking These 7 Things

#1 - Mismatch between words and body language

Our body is designed to work in sync for efficient actions.

However, there are some situations where they do not match.

It is when they are emotionally unstable because of certain problem.

Empaths can pick this mismatch and recognize what possibilities to happen.

#2 - Tone of voice

Empaths are highly sensitive people who also can pick up something that does not feel right

in tone of voice.

Typically, it is a powerful tool to detect lies.

However, it also can indicates whether the person saying the words nice, kind, or bad.

#3 - Passive aggression

Empaths not only can see mismatch between words, body language, and voice.

They also have keen sense to see subtle aggression.

There are always small clues that determine people's feeling and emotion.

Empaths just can feel that.

#4 - Fake friendliness

Empaths can learn how people in this world interact with others.

They also can detect whether what they say is true or false.

This is also the reason why empaths can detect false friendliness which is only used to show


#5 - Masked behaviors

It is creepy that as an empath, you know that there is something wrong when other people

talk to you.

You know that there is something left unsaid and they are trying to hide it.

Empaths usually pick the sign from other people's eyes.

#6 - Subtle behavior changes

As you start understand people, you also start to pick up small signs about them.

That includes the changes in their behavior.

People eventually change for the better or worse, and empaths can detect that.

#7 - Detecting energy

Empaths also can feel the aura of others, and it may emit different impression from

time to time.

Well, that's the things that you can sense when you're actually an empath.

As a short reminder, being an empath or highly sensitive person is not easy, especially if

you're denying your sense of empathy.

It can be really exhausting being able to feel these nuances of people's behavior.

However, the best things you can do is probably to trust your instincts and keep observing

on the situation, they may have a good reason for hiding something upon their sudden change

of behavior, or they may just having a bad day.

Don't curse your intuition, instead use it to make you be more calm and adapt to the

situation, this way you will learn something valuable and becoming more mature as an empath.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> You're Definitely an Empath If You Can Sense When People are Faking These 7 Things - Duration: 4:45.



For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0 T INITIALE/6 SEATS/PAN.SAK/TREKHAAK/NAVI/LEDER/CLIMA/XENON - Duration: 0:55.


Opel Insignia 1.6 T Edition Turbo Navigatie - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 1.6 T Edition Turbo Navigatie - Duration: 1:11.


7 Things You Didn't Know About Red Lobster - Duration: 6:48.

Red Lobster occupies a strange place in the landscape of American dining, and Slate says

it has something to do with their long-time link to the middle class.

They captured the market of normal American families looking for a good meal out that

wasn't going to break the bank.

"Well, look, let's get something to eat.

There's a Red Lobster nearby."

"Maybe some other time."


I thought we were going to be friends!"

Let's talk about Red Lobster and what you might not know about this iconic American


Late biscuits

Those garlicky Cheddar Bay biscuits are so firmly associated with Red Lobster that it's

surprising they're a fairly late addition to the menu.

They only showed up in the early 1990s, and we even know who to thank for creating them:

Kurt Hankins.

Five years after they were introduced, they were given their now-famous name: Cheddar

Bay Biscuits.

As Hankins explained on Darden Digest:

"It's a fictitious name created to bring the biscuits to life, embody the seaside theme

and emphasize that these are not your typical biscuits.."

Were they a success?

They serve over 1 million biscuits every day, so yeah — we'd call that a hit.

Truly endless shrimp

Sure, they might say it's endless shrimp, but is it really?

In 2016, Business Insider headed to Red Lobster with a plan: eat so much of the Endless Shrimp

menu that they were cut off.

They weren't.

The two reporters sat at Red Lobster for almost eight hours and by the time they finished

the marathon, they'd eaten a grand total of 305 shrimp.

Red Lobster was not only cheering on their shrimp genocide, but the store's manager came

over and introduced them to some shrimp-filled options not on the main menu.

"Shrimp gumbo, pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried, there's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut


Just a fluke?

A group from The Huffington Post tried it in 2013, and one person alone downed a staggering

101 shrimp.

Endless, indeed!

When Red Lobster's infinite shrimp plot momentarily flailed in 2014, it wasn't because of the

quantity of shrimp they went through, it was because of their costs.

According to Quartz, disease swept through the world's largest shrimp-producing countries

and drove the prices through the roof.

Between 2009 and 2013, the price Red Lobster was paying for their shrimp tripled.

That's enough to break any business, especially one reliant on the product in question as

a main staple.

"Shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich… that's about it."

Crab catastrophe

While Endless Shrimp is a serious money-maker, Endless Snow Crab was a devastating mistake.

"All the hot, steamy snow crab legs you can eat, now at Red Lobster!"

According to Anchor of Gold, Red Lobster introduced their Endless Snow Crab in 2003, when the

price of crab was around $5 a pound.

They were charging $20 per customer, and you can probably already see where the math isn't

going to quite work out.

Ultimately, the promotion meant they were losing about $1.1 million a month while it

was running.

The difference is that snow crab is highly regulated, and just how much is going to hit

the market depends on what's approved by the US government.

Less crab means higher prices, but appetites of customers always stay the same.

Farm dreams

Red Lobster isn't just selling lobster, they're trying to find a way to make the lobster industry

completely self-sustainable.

According to ABC News, Darden Group started funding work in developing lobster farming

programs way back in 1998, and it took a pretty shocking 16 years before researchers were

able to raise lobsters in captivity.

The ultimate goal?

Supply Red Lobster with sustainably raised spiny lobsters.

Unfortunately, Darden and Red Lobster have since parted ways, and the project appears

to be at a stand-still.

Lobster lookalikes

In 2016, it was Red Lobster who was in hot water after Inside Edition did some serious

DNA testing.

When they took samples of the meat from the chain's lobster bisque, they found not all

of it was the sort of lobster customers tended to expect: part was langostino, a sea creature

which isn't a true lobster.

In fact, it has more in common with your average hermit crab.

That's the stuff of scandal, and Red Lobster scrambled to explain the bisque was prepared

with a variety of lobster, including Maine and langostino.

When Inside Edition wanted to know what was going on, Red Lobster called it the "luck

of the ladle".

But if you want to be completely sure you're getting your money's worth, you may want to

order something else.

"No soup for you!"

Liquor lawsuit

Any restaurant serving alcohol has a responsibility to their customers, and in 2017, one Red Lobster

customer sued after she walked out with a blood-alcohol level of .31, more than three

times the legal limit.

She didn't get far, 82-year-old Marlene Spencer fell in the parking lot, hitting her head

and breaking both her hip and her right arm.

According to the Houston Chronicle, the suit charged that it wasn't the first time that

particular Red Lobster location had over-served Spencer and some of the other residents of

her senior living center.

"This is the WRONG way to consume alcohol."

"Whoa, that's a pretty stiff cloud!"

Red Lobster responded with a statement simply clarifying they had strict guidelines in place

for serving alcohol, although Spencer's daughter claimed she'd spoken to staff and management

more than once about their alcohol policies.

Fishy innovation

What would the world be without popcorn shrimp?

A much sadder place, that's for sure, and you can apparently thank Red Lobster for inventing

it, even though it's served all over the place now.

"This isn't popcorn, you idiot, this is popcorn SHRIMP!"

"You know, I knew there was something familiar about it."

"Hold on, where are the kids?"


Joe Lee, one of the founding members of the restaurant, said popcorn shrimp was just one

of the things they invented to revolutionize the restaurant industry.

They also claim to have pioneered the very first point-of-sale system at a time when

computer technology was finally catching up to what the world wanted it for.

They wanted to be able to keep track of sales, and kick-started a system that's in pretty

much every store and restaurant today.

"One double cheeseburger, ching!

Large fries and a large soda, cha-ching!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 7 Things You Didn't Know About Red Lobster - Duration: 6:48.


''You Can't Trust Them Mofos'' ((BONUS LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 21:15.

((FRENCH)) Hello!

((FRENCH)) How are you?

((FRENCH)) I'm good also

((FRENCH)) That's good. Do you speak French?

((FRENCH)) A little bit

((FRENCH)) I'm learning French now

((FRENCH)) I'm learning French now at home

((FRENCH)) French course?

((FRENCH)) I always practice French with my friends

((FRENCH)) Do you speak any other languages also?

((FRENCH)) How long are you here for?

((FRENCH)) Really?

((FRENCH)) 4 days

((FRENCH)) Nice to meet you?

((FRENCH)) Nice to meet you too

((FRENCH)) You're from here?

((FRENCH))Yes, yes

((FRENCH)) I live here

((FRENCH)) I like learning a lot of languages so....

((FRENCH)) That's true

((FRENCH)) What's your name?

((FRENCH)) You?


((FRENCH)) Nice to meet you Moses

((FRENCH)) My name is Mark

((FRENCH)) Nice to meet you

((FRENCH)) Your brother?

((FRENCH)) Just friend

((SPANISH)) Friend

((FRENCH)) The ice

((FRENCH)) I don't drink

((FRENCH)) See you next time




((CAMBODIAN)) How are you?

((CAMBODIAN)) I'm good, I'm good

((CAMBODIAN)) You know how to speak Cambodian, eh?

((CAMBODIAN)) I want to learn Cambodian

((CAMBODIAN)) You want to learn?



((CAMBODIAN)) Really?

((CAMBODIAN))Yes, really

((CAMBODIAN)) Nah, nah

((CAMBODIAN)) You're Cambodian is really good

((CAMBODIAN)) I think you....

((CAMBODIAN)) Long time no see

((CAMBODIAN)) Long time no see!

((CAMBODIAN)) Haven't met for a while

((CAMBODIAN)) I don't have one

((CAMBODIAN)) You have one

((CAMBODIAN)) I haven't been to Cambodia before

((CAMBODIAN)) Who taught you?

((CAMBODIAN)) By myself

((CAMBODIAN)) By yourself?


((CAMBODIAN)) Learn by yourself, that's really good

((CAMBODIAN)) I learn in my home

((CAMBODIAN)) That's very good

((CAMBODIAN)) What are you doing?

((CAMBODIAN)) I'm playing poker

((CAMBODIAN)) Playing video games

((CAMBODIAN)) Playing poker

((MANDARIN)) How are you this days?

((MANDARIN)) I'm good these days

((MANDARIN)) How's business?

((MANDARIN)) Business is not bad

((MANDARIN)) Not bad, eh

((MANDARIN)) Pretty good

((MANDARIN)) I know

((MANDARIN)) How about him? How is his Mandarin?

((MANDARIN)) He hasn't been learning lately

((MANDARIN)) Hasn't been learning?!




((MANDARIN)) Not lazy?

((MANDARIN)) I told you before that he's busy doing some other things

((MANDARIN)) But later he will continue learning

((MANDARIN)) He's a lawyer. A private lawyer

((MANDARIN)) That's his do you say it...

((MANDARIN)) It's what he likes to do the most..

((MANDARIN)) Almost like a hobby

((MANDARIN)) Like me, for example..I like to learn languages. He likes to learn law


((MANDARIN)) Law, right

((MANDARIN)) My brother

((MANDARIN)) You translate. Tell him what I just said

((MANDARIN)) Quiet, there's some white people over there

((MANDARIN)) Do you like to smoke Marijuana?

((MANDARIN)) Like me, he's self-taught

((MANDARIN)) Is that woman Cambodian as well?

((CAMBODIAN)) No, Vietnam

((MANDARIN)) Vietnam

((MANDARIN)) Vietnam, right

((MANDARIN)) Here we have Laos, Vietnamese, Cambodian, China

((MANDARIN)) Hmong

((MANDARIN)) We also have two black kids that work here as well

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea

((MANDARIN)) Oh yea?

((MANDARIN)) Do they cook or do they work at the register?

((MANDARIN)) Waiting on customers

((MANDARIN)) They are kids, 16-17 years old

((MANDARIN)) How old?

((MANDARIN)) 16,17 years old

((MANDARIN)) Oh, they are young

((MANDARIN)) Right, they are young kids

((MANDARIN)) But they are hardworking

((MANDARIN)) Very hardworking

((MANDARIN)) I don't like 2 faced people

((MANDARIN)) Being 2 faced is not good


((CAMBODIAN)) Do you speak any other languages also?

((CAMBODIAN)) Do you speak any other languages as well?

((CAMBODIAN)) Chinese

((MANDARIN)) You speak Mandarin as well?

((MANDARIN)) Mandarin and Cantonese?

((MANDARIN)) He can speak Cantonese

((MANDARIN)) You are great

((MANDARIN)) You know everything

((MANDARIN)) Because I'm an alien

((MANDARIN)) Are you both from the same hometown?


((MANDARIN)) We have different hometowns

((MANDARIN)) It's one country

((MANDARIN)) He's from the north, but I'm from the eastern part

((MANDARIN)) I see

((MANDARIN)) He's my brother

((MANDARIN)) That's his brother?

((CANTONESE)) Brother


((MANDARIN)) Thank you

((CAMBODIAN)) See you later

((MANDARIN)) See you later

For more infomation >> ''You Can't Trust Them Mofos'' ((BONUS LEVEL UP)) - Duration: 21:15.


FBI Agent Refuses to Testify About FBI - Duration: 12:21.

FBI Agent Refuses to Testify About FBI/ DOJ Crimes Out of Fear Of Devastating Retaliation

After recent reports, we are left with the information that multiple FBI agents and officials

would like to come forward to talk about the conduct of former FBI Director James Comey

and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as well as the way they ran the bureau.

Apparently, there is more to the story, and there are still individuals in the FBI displaying

some questionable behavior.

The problem is that these agents are afraid to come forward, because they fear that the

bureau will retaliate in a big way.

The Daily Caller reports that a new Rasmussen poll showed some interesting results, with

the majority of those polled believing that senior law enforcement officials illegally

tried to stop Donald Trump from winning in the 2016 presidential election.

Despite the poll results, FBI agents wanting to testify against their corrupt superiors

in front of Congress are afraid to, all because of an useless whistleblower protection laws.

They are concerned that the law puts them at a large risk of retaliation.

Because of this, they have not come forward to share the truth.

The report is base off of FBI interview transcripts that took place between two agents.

The report was brought to the Daily Caller by a former White House official.

Another special agent reached out to the news outlet in order to give them information on

what is currently going on within the FBI today.

The Daily Caller reports:

The former White House official who maintained direct contact with at least two agents told

TheDC they are "hunkering down because they see good people being thrown to the dogs for

speaking out and speaking out does nothing to solve the problems."

He believes that "Congress and DOJ are so weak and clueless and can't be trusted to

follow through."

One special agent seemed to indicate that he didn't think these people were concerned

about Congressional oversight at all.

He stated, "The inmates have been running the asylum and they don't respect, much

less fear, their overseers.

We know we'll be hung out to dry."

The agent went on, "And don't get me wrong, there are still a few good people scattered

about, but main Justice and the bureaucrats are running the show, want to run out the

clock on this administration, and keep the status quo."

Another agent who came forward explained that the senior officials who are retiring are

the ones in charge.

He explained if he were to come forward "it would be suicide."

He went on, "You still have a ton of bad people in place.

Unless that changes, and I haven't seen any degree of seriousness on the part of ranking

members nor staffers, I'm not meeting with anyone nor willing to be subpoenaed.

I'm not coming forward until they get their act together.

Right now, it'd be sacrificing a career for cheap political points."

The Daily Caller has also found out that the FBI has warned their agents ahead of time

that the agency will retaliate against anyone who is "behind destroying their narrative,

and will go after their families and friends, too."

Diamond and Silk reported that The DC wrote:

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is trying to get them to come forward, saying

that he built in protections to the Whistleblower Act.

But agents fear retaliation by the bureau.

One agent who came forward in 2013, told the Daily Caller that he experienced "personal

humiliation, stress-related illnesses, and a huge financial loss, requiring my wife (who

had undergone two cancer surgeries) to go to work so we could make ends meet."

And they also believe nothing will happen with investigating retaliation, which one

agent said was "slow by design and at the end of the process they will never be held


"They leave you penniless, unemployed, and unemployable.

Those who work those issues in the government who are aware of the score recognize the roadkill

they will become if they come forward," one former Department of Defense official

told TheDC.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends

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Thank you.

For more infomation >> FBI Agent Refuses to Testify About FBI - Duration: 12:21.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI First Fabrieksgar.tot 02-2022 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI First Fabrieksgar.tot 02-2022 - Duration: 1:07.


14+ Unique Characteristics of INFPs (Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker) - Duration: 5:06.

14+ Unique Characteristics of INFPs (Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker)

Basically all people are different.

Even though they belong to the same introversion classification, there are still things you

probably miss.

Even with specific classification of 16 personalities from MBTI, there are so many differences.

The INFP (which stand for introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception) is often described

as an "idealist" personality.

People with INFP personality type tend to be introverted, idealistic, creative and driven

by high values.

And actually, there are some secret traits about INFP that most people might not know,

even among the INFP itself.

So, despite you already knew that you or someone you know is an INFP, let's uncover these secret

traits to see whether you can relate to this or not.

In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates

in the future.

#1 - Thirst of inspiration

INFPs do not like living bland.

They want something or someone who can inspire them.

Typically, they find their inspiration from books, poetry, social movement, and people

who are in the same wavelength.

#2 - They are really attached to their value

People with INFP personality frequently doubts or questions themselves before and while doing

certain things, making them look spacing out.

This is because they think that what they are doing is based on their value they hold.

#3 - They like simplicity

You may not realize that INFPs live in very simple manner.

They want to touch with the essence of life which is not merely about something materialistic.

#4 - Creative expression

Unlike other introvert types, the INFPs cannot directly express what they feel.

That is why they transfer such expression through artistic forms such as poetry, song

lyrics, and photography captions.

#5 - Emotional healer

This type of personality is actually a good listener and wise decision maker.

They value either people's feeling, and that is why they are willing to help if you

are having problem.

#6 - Too many burdens

As the effect of listening to people's problem, the INFPs are usually soaked in people's


Though the problem is not passed, INFPs sensitivity makes them feel real.

This burdens the INFPs.

#7 - If it matters, then it matters

INFPs hold particular values that they believe are true.

When they start to do something that matters, they will do it until they achieve what they


Though they are usually lazy, something that matters them most will be done without second


#8 - If they saw a bird flying in the sky.

Other MBTI personalities might not even care about that.

However for INFPs, they actually see it as freedom, peace, and serenity.

They tend to see things with a certain meaning.

#9 - Do not like ordinary jobs

INFPs who work for companies are usually not happy.

The reason is because the companies typically seek profits above all.

Additionally, the routine works are boring for creative INFPs.

#10 - Requirement to be a partner

If you are interested to people with INFP personality, you should have something to


It should be something meaningful, motivating, and informational.

#11 - Ignoring problem

Though INFPs do not mind listening and giving solution to other people's problem, they

actually will not confront the problem.

They will sweep the conflict under the carpet until it resides.

#12 - They can be leaders

INFPs do not usually take in charge as leader because of not wanting in a spotlight.

However, with enough motivation, they will do.

#13 - New experiences are always welcome

INFPs love to learn something new for the sake of humanity.

They seek for the possibilities by building new connection, learning new things, and exploring

what they want.

#14 - INFPs believe that being in a relationship means they should be physically, mentally,

and emotionally ready.

With that belief in mind, they prefer to be in a relationship during 20s and 30s.

They want to secure their family first, then themselves.

#15 - Logical people always challenge their virtues and ideals.

Well, those are some of the traits indicating that you might belong an INFP personality


So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 14+ Unique Characteristics of INFPs (Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker) - Duration: 5:06.


next time won't you sing with me - Duration: 0:21.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Ce qui cause mon tourment ?

One for the master, And one for the dame,

Like a diamond in the sky

Now I know my A, B, C's

Next time won't you sing with me?

For more infomation >> next time won't you sing with me - Duration: 0:21.


Lindsay Lohan Claims Her Alleged "F*ck List" Was Part of AA Recovery - Duration: 1:55.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

In a dug up interview of Lindsay Lohan appearing on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen

in 2014, Lindsay talked about her infamous "F*ck List" and how it was actually a part

of her AA recovery process.

Cohen got into his Plead the Fifth segment where Lindsay was only allowed to remain silent

on one of the spicy questions he threw her way.

The questions ranged from her first lesbian relationship to who the meanest girl she ever

worked with was.

On her relationship with Samantha Ronson, Lindsay admitted that that was her first experience

with a woman.

Moving on to other girls, Cohen asked the "Mean Girls" star who the biggest mean girl

was in her history of being an actress on dozens of movie sets.

It was this question that caused Lindsey to plead the fifth saying that she refused to

talk poorly about anyone.

Since she already used her silence card on the mean girls question, when Andy asked about

her infamous "F*ck List" that featured her fantasy celeb conquest list including Justin

Timberlake, James Franco, and Zac Efron, Lindsey had to answer.

In 2014 Lindsey constructed the list with friends at the Beverly Hills Hotel but for

the first time since then she revealed that the list was actually a step in her recovery

with Alcoholics Anonymous.

"That was actually my fifth step in AA at Betty Ford," she explained, "and someone,

when I was moving during the OWN show must've taken a photo of it.

So that's a really personal thing, and it's really unfortunate — and I talk about this

on the last episode of the new show, so, to be continued."

In a new profile done on the former child star and hollywood socialite, Lindsay talks

about hating the party girl narrative that surrounded her back in the day.

QUOTE CARD-- Lindsay Lohan via Emirate Woman I get so uncomfortable with that word, 'party.'

People are still stuck in the past, of the stories I had in L.A. and I hate it.

It was all lies.

Now Lindsay owns her own club in Greece.

She also currently lives in Dubai and found her move to be a fresh start.

//// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Lindsay Lohan Claims Her Alleged "F*ck List" Was Part of AA Recovery - Duration: 1:55.


Easy Protective style | Faux hawk Updo with afro bangs on Short Natural Hair Tutorial - Duration: 10:25.

Easy Protective Style

Faux Hawk Updo On Short Natural Hair tutorial

Faux Hawk with bangs On Short Natural Hair Tutorial

For more infomation >> Easy Protective style | Faux hawk Updo with afro bangs on Short Natural Hair Tutorial - Duration: 10:25.


An Anti Trump Attack Just Backfired - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> An Anti Trump Attack Just Backfired - Duration: 12:21.


Trey Gowdy :FBI Spying on Opposition - Duration: 12:21.

Trey Gowdy :FBI Spying on Opposition Party in 2016

This guy can't leave Congress soon enough.

Trey Gowdy defended the FBI on Tuesday for spying on the opposition party during the

2016 election.

The FBI infiltrated the Trump campaign and fed information back to headquarters in 2016

and beyond.

This is likely the largest political scandal in US history.

Gowdy approves.

FOX Insider reported:

"The FBI is doing what he told them to do," he said in regard to an alleged "spy"

being placed in his campaign by the bureau.

"I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want

them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald

Trump," Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, said.

"It was Trump himself who said, 'I didn't collude with Russia but if anyone did, I want

the FBI to find that out,'" Gowdy said.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy :FBI Spying on Opposition - Duration: 12:21.


Why Michelangelo Didn't Paint the Last Supper l9Aj7W3g1qo - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Why Michelangelo Didn't Paint the Last Supper l9Aj7W3g1qo - Duration: 4:04.


Adam Schiff, Democrats, Media Play Orwellian Word Games to Deny 'Spygate' - Duration: 4:29.

Adam Schiff, Democrats, Media Play Orwellian Word Games to Deny 'Spygate'.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Democrats attempted Thursday to deny President Donald

Trump's claims of "Spygate" after they emerged from a bipartisan briefing about the

FBI's investigation into his 2016 campaign.

Following their lead, the mainstream media have labeled "Spygate" a "conspiracy

theory" — even though Obama administration officials like former Director of National

Intelligence James Clapper have admitted to the spying.

Schiff, the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, emerged

from Thursday's briefing to read a statement on behalf of the Democratic Party leadership

in Congress, attacking Trump's claims:

Today's "Gang of Eight" briefing was conducted to ensure protection of sources

and methods.

Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there's no evidence to support any

allegation that the FBI or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,

or otherwise failed to follow appropriate procedures and protocols.

That is the basis for claims like MSNBC's "Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy

theory ends with a whimper."

But a careful reading of Schiff's statement reveals that he and Democratic leaders are

attempting to fool the public.

First, it is important to note that Democrats, and the mainstream media, are disputing the

term "spy."

They admit that there was an "informant" but refuse to allow the term "spy," though

in this context it means the same thing.

Second, note that Schiff said that Democrats merely said their "view"of the evidence

has not changed.

He did not say, nor could he, that "no evidence" existed as a matter of undisputed fact — because

the evidence is already public.

Third, and most crucially, Schiff said Democrats did not believe "the FBI or any intelligence

agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign."

He did not deny that a spy, or spies, might have been recruited from within the campaign.

Note how Schiff's statement moved from language covering all possibilities ("the FBI or

any intelligence agency") to language covering only one possibility ("placed a spy").

That is an incomplete denial, and likely a deliberate one.

Update: Melissa Francis of Fox News observed Friday that another reason "nothing" Democrats

heard Thursday had changed their minds is that the Department of Justice failed to provide

the documents that Congress requested.)

Finally, Schiff and the Democrats said that the FBI and the intelligence services "follow[ed]

appropriate procedures and protocols."

That little coda is meant to suggest, as Clapper has argued, that whatever spying (or "informing")

took place was completely justified — i.e. it was an attempt to spy on the Russians from

within the campaign, not on the campaign itself.

That excuse, of course, presumes that there was collusion between the campaign and Russia.

In short, the statement Schiff delivered yesterday, and which Democrats and the media are relying

on today, is the same nonsense that he has been feeding the public for two years in an

effort to sustain the Russia conspiracy theory.

Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist summed it up perfectly Thursday in an appearanceon

Tucker Carlson Tonight:

Everyone knows that there was a spy and in fact people who were involved in the spying

are admitting there's a spy.

They're saying, though, because the government term is "human intelligence informant"

or something like that that therefore it's not a spy.

Whereas normal Americans understand when you are gathering information on someone surreptitiously,

that's the common definition of spying.

And more than that, that's just a stunning revelation that this was happening under the

previous administration that there would be this kind of surveillance, not just at least

one human intelligence informant but also wiretaps, national security letters which

are how can you secretly get a subpoena and who knows what else is going on like widespread

spying involving multiple people in the Trump campaign and we still don't really know

what's going on because they're trying to fight answering.

That is the simple truth that Schiff, the Democrats, and the media are trying — and

failing — to hide from the public.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Adam Schiff, Democrats, Media Play Orwellian Word Games to Deny 'Spygate' - Duration: 4:29.


Trains in NZ 63 - North Island main trunk 1996 - Duration: 15:11.

Pukerua Bay bank


Pukerua Bay bank


Forest Lakes

Palmerston North


Waiouru bank



Approaching North Junction

South Junction




For more infomation >> Trains in NZ 63 - North Island main trunk 1996 - Duration: 15:11.


Wednesday Triple Throw Down POTUS - Duration: 12:21.

Wednesday Triple Throw Down POTUS And Gowdy Go Beast Mode On Sessions

President Trump is up early this morning!

And the Attorney General is on his mind.

POTUS quotes Trey Gowdy who is busy walking a mile in the President's shoes, so to speak.

And Trey nails it!

Apparently, POTUS agrees with him, one hundred percent.

During a television interview, Trey was supposing if he were the President of the United States,

and what he would think of Jeff Session's recusal.

The recusal occurred in March of 2017.

It was a stunning announcement, as reports Fox News in early March, the headline of the

day was, "Sessions announces recusal from Russia-related probes, denies misleading Congress."


America was shocked at Sessions' recusal from "all things Russian."

On one hand, it was the proper thing for the leader of the DOJ to do.

On the other hand, Session's left our 45th President exposed.

It was shortly after the recusal, that Rod Rosenstein ordered the special counsel with

Robert Mueller at the helm.

And in June of 2017, Mueller hires a team of partisan democrat lawyers to go after the


"This is going to be a witch hunt," Gingrich said on "Fox News Sunday."

And thus, the witch hunt began.

This is what POTUS says just moments ago.

President Trump on the Witch Hunt in a triple-tweet:

In the series of tweets, POTUS quotes, "Rep.Trey Gowdy, "I don't think so, I think what

the President is doing is expressing frustration that Attorney General Sessions should have

shared these reasons for recusal before he took the job, not afterward.

If I were the President and I picked someone to be the country's chief law enforcement

officer, and they told me later, 'oh by the way I'm not going to be able to participate

in the most important case in the office, I would be frustrated too…and that's how

I read that – Senator Sessions, why didn't you tell me before I picked you………There

are lots of really good lawyers in the country, he could have picked somebody else!"

Then President Trump ends the Gowdy quote with "And I wish I did!"

In ending, are you with Trey and POTUS?

Do you think it's high time for Session's to step down?

Who would like to see Gowdy at the helm of the second special counsel if Sessions does


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When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

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Thank you.

For more infomation >> Wednesday Triple Throw Down POTUS - Duration: 12:21.


Smithsonian Diggin' Up Dinosaurs T-Rex / Jurassic World - Duration: 6:19.

So cool!

We have to dig out some minerals

like these, you can see

and the dinosaur bones

What is in here?

What is this?

This is so heavy!

This is probably the block

There is another block here

There is some instructions

Hi guys! This is part two of our Smithsonian video

On our previous video we did the minerals

so now we are going to do the dinosaur bones

Put on the safety goggles

I'm getting hurt. Ok, you don't want to do this anymore?

I don't

Yeah, it's dinosaur bone!

I found one!

Lara! It's white, it's white! There is a dinosaur bone!

I found something!

Yep, I'm definitely finding a dinosaur bone. I think that is maybe a dinosaur bone

This is gonna be amazing!

I just chiseled out this piece

so I'm going to be dusting off that

It's coming out!

I never saw a dinosaur bone in my whole life

oh yes

This is a foot! See the leg and feet

Oh yeah, I'm getting this thing out!

I got a leg out!


Can I have it?

Sure, you can keep the dinosaur bones

I'll keep chiseling for more

No, I want to chisel

This is maybe from a Velociraptor

Maybe. Yeah, maybe

What does that dinosaur look like that's on the picture Lara?

That could be T-Rex

I have the same bone as this

This is my dinosaur

This is probably a Velociraptor

I wonder what mine is?

This could be the skull

Yeah, this is so definitely the skull

Wow Lara

There is a lot of loose pieces here

I got the spine out!

And now it's going to be so easy to get the rest out

Oh and I got the tail. I got the spine and the tail out!

Well, I got all my dinosaur bones out!

Every single one of them!

Hello, my name is Tyrannosaurus Rex

Bye guys!

See you next time

and please like and subscribe

Please don't forget to subscribe and like

Yeah and ring the bell!

Ring the bell, ring the bell

Ring the bell


For more infomation >> Smithsonian Diggin' Up Dinosaurs T-Rex / Jurassic World - Duration: 6:19.


✅ 告示牌Heatseekers新人榜冠军、全球极具人气的新人团体"Why Don't We"即将进行首度亚洲巡演,并于8月24日访台开唱,2016年刚成立的Why Don't We靠着散发正面能量的 - Duration: 6:08.

人气: 40 【字号】 大  中  小 更新 2018-06-01 3:32 PM    标签: tags Why Don't We, 丹尼尔, 柴克, 柯本, 红发 德 打开微信扫一扫[Scan QR Code],打开网页后点击 幕右上角分享按钮 【大纪元2018年06月01日讯】告示牌He tseekers新人榜冠军、全球极具人气的新人团体"Why Do 't We"即将进行首度亚洲巡演,并于8月24日访台开唱,201 年刚成立的Why Don't We靠着散发正面能量的创作歌曲及青 有活力的外形,短短二年迅速崛起

由丹尼尔(Daniel Seavey)、柴克(Zach He ron)、柯本(Corbyn Besson)、乔纳(Jonah arais)和杰克(Jack Avery)所组成的Why Don t We成立于2016年

在Why Don't We正式成立之前,这五位大男孩已经各自有着 定的知名度。 丹尼尔是《美国偶像》第十四季的前十名,他因此经常出 在萤光幕上,而其他四位则是知名的Youtuber,在所属的You ube频道中以翻唱歌手身份活动着

在某次于洛杉矶的聚会中,他们突然觉得:"我们何不组成一个乐团呢? 于是,Why Don't We就这样诞生了。 成立后的Why D n't We马上推出单曲作品《These Girls》,去年夏季 次亮相便在iTunes的流行音乐排行榜中名列前十,但随即被他们的 单曲《Trust Fund Baby》超越并在iTunes歌曲排 榜中排名前三,更胜过知名歌手如德瑞克(Drake)、火星人布鲁诺 Bruno Mars)等歌手

这首歌曲由荣获多项葛莱美奖的巨星红发艾德(Ed Sheeran 创作且由英国热销音乐制作人——曾与红发艾德、连恩‧佩恩(Liam Payne)等合作的史帝夫‧麦克(Steve Mac)制作,媒体 Why Don't We的大碟给予盛赞:嗡嗡喂(BuzzFeed 将此称为"大成功",《滚石》则评论:"歌曲十分具有感染力且曲调充 活力"

至今累积超过2.12亿全球音乐串流、270万Instagram 踪人数、1.7亿YouTube点阅率的Why Don't We, 为流行音乐界中最惊人的暴红故事之一

在其成军周年之际又推出《Invitation》单曲,这也是乐团在 年内第四度发行的作品。 该曲一发行立即造成国际轰动,并为Why on't We累绩更多粉丝人数,包括美国在内六个国家的iTune 专辑排行榜中名列第一

随即Why Don't We也展开"The Invitation Tour"世界巡回。 他们从2018年2月开始,已经巡回北美和欧 ,今年将首次前进亚洲,唱进台湾、曼谷、新加坡、东京、首尔等地

台湾场演唱会将于8月24日在台北华山 Legacy开唱,与台湾歌 共度夏日夜晚,6月1日中午12点宽宏售票准时开卖。 责任编辑:梁 竹  

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