We have 11 Ramadan today. We were invited to make an Iftar.
So go far enough.
We meet now with my mother and will go to 7 o'clock. Now it's 5 o'clock, the beginning of the sixth and we'll go to a party, where we were invited.
I do not know how it will turn out and whether it will be possible to shoot something or not. Will not the owner be against it. We will see.
So we are now out and going. Malak: The dog. Such a huge dog.
That's how our Niva car is used in Egypt. For transportation of vegetables and fruits.
Malyak walking. Malyak how are you? Malyak: It's okay. Aya, how's it going? Aya: It's okay. Dany how are you? Dany: It's fine. It's all right.
It's hard to always go somewhere especially to Ramadan at the end of the day. Dany: No. My legs are falling off straight. At me it is good at me.
We reached the Sidi Bishr area. Sidi Bishr from the sea. Here, very good cool winds are blowing. Very good.
We found an apartment. Ahmad: Assalamu aleikum. Aleykum Assalam. Mom: The kids were only in the project then, Now they've grown.
Ahmad: Sit down. Mom: Deni, say hello.
Ahmed: You can tell my mother to come here, my daddy, come here. But, to whom to leave the inheritance and so on, of course not.
Ahmad: But just calling someone Mom or Dad is okay.
Here is a balcony. High enough here is the 15th floor. But there you can see the sea. Denis
So we already arrived. We are here, on a visit. Denis: Maybe if this house is built, then the sea will not be visible.
Here Denis says that if the house is built up in height, although I think that it will not be built. This beautiful view of the sea will close.
By the way this area is called Sidi Bishr. But this is a good part, marine. Here, by the way, is the Hilton hotel.
It's side by side. And this is the entrance to the Hilton hotel. And here is a mosque called the Sidi Bishr Mosque. And here are her minarets.
Ahmad: The Russians. There was such a case. One young Russian girl. I talked with her about Islam.
Ahmad: She said it right. This is the right religion. I can not say anything. This is the religion of all prophets.
Ahmad: I agree with you on everything. But, you want to tell me that I will not smoke? I told her, I did not say anything about smoking.
Ahmad: Only accept Islam and say shahada and then see. Then she says: Do you want to tell me that I will not drink champagne with my friends?
Ahmad: Do you want to tell me that I will not live free? She said: No, I refuse. This is Russian. They understand. You can certainly deceive everyone, but Russians do not play with feelings.
Ahmad: Not like in Ukraine. I will never sell Jesus. Such an answer you will get. Do you understand the difference? Mom: Of course.
Ahmad: I will never sell Jesus. They say: We have come with respect, but do you want us to accept your religion?
Ahmad: What are you saying? Do you treat us like this? These are the Ukrainians. And so they al-Hamdullah accept Islam.
Ahmad: Now Ukrainians have started to accept Islam too. Hamdullah. And Belorussians accept Islam the most.
Ahmad: Hamdullah. They (Belarusians) are kind people.
Ahmad: Kind people, common people. Mom: Belarusians yes.
Ahmad tells of an Italian woman. Ahamad: She speaks Italian. I do not speak Italian, but I understand a little.
Ahmad: My colleague speaks Italian and he asks me. And before that was a terrible day (al-Hamdullah). Some Ukrainians began to mock, mock religion.
Ahmad: It was very bad for me. And subhanalla as cold water on a hot day. And my colleague Ahmed asks me if you have a Koran in Italian?
Ahmad: I say, I'll look for it now. I found one Koran in Italian. I'm talking here please. She saw this Koran and began to cry.
Ahmad: I cried much. Even people gathered. They began to shoot it. And she says (subhanalla): I know that you in Islam have that God is very close to his slave at the third third of the night.
Ahmad: And that's why I asked God if this is the right way, then guide me. And I came here and God gives me such a gift. And she cries.
Ahmad: She was a nun before. Mom: Ie. is she a believer? Ahmad: Yes. Mostly people who accept Islam are not atheists.
Ahmad: Atheists very rarely accept Islam, very rarely. They hate the very word religion. Hate neither Christianity nor Islam.
Ahmad: She says how can it be that God has a son. If he had a son, why did he leave it?
Ahmad: They deceive people and I'm very happy. This is the case. The second case. He is a Christian, and his wife is Muslim. This is very bad.
Ahmad: I started talking about Islam. About miracles of the Koran, about miracles of the Koran. A lot of things he told me.
Ahmad: And he does not react. And then in the end I said to him: You know, in our Koran it is written that the closest people you are (Christians).
Ahmad: And he said: Is this written in the Qur'an? I say yes. He told me to show it. Although I told him a lot about the Koran.
Ahmad: He did not react. At this point, he reacted. I showed him: Here (this is the place in the Qur'an), please. And he accepted Islam.
Ahmad: And the Maghrib prayed with us. Mom: Do you remember your lyumim was 64 verses? Mom: "Let's come to a single word .." Ahmad: Yes, "..... for you and for us."
Ahmad: Do you know why this is your favorite verse? Because one soldier in Saudi Arabia, he did not know English.
Ahmad: And this soldier saw an American general. I showed him this verse. The general accepted Islam. Just showed him, read it and he converted to Islam. Hamdullah
Ahmad: We in Sharm El Sheikh tell many tourists 400-500 people every day. In different mosques. But of course there are problems always and everywhere. But al-Hamdullah.
Now the time of azan is approaching. Soon all will begin to drink and eat. The sun is almost settled, now I will show.
Already the sun has practically sat over the sea. It sits not there, but there it is.
like this
We were given a drink. How is this drink called? Mom: Kampot. Campot? It's balah (dates).
Ahmad: This is the sunnah of the prophet is a date during the time of breaking. It is a sunnah to have breakfast with a balah (date).
Ahmad to Aya: How do you not like? What is it? This is Ahmad's daughter. Ahmad you pray every prayer in the mosque? Ahmad: Taban (Arab, of course)
There is also a grandmother here. Sheikh Ahmad has four children, a wife and a grandmother. Grandmother is the mother of the wife.
Ismik ee (Arab What's your name?) Rukaya. Andik kem sana? (Arabic how old are you?) Arbaa Sinin (Arab 4 years)
Ua Enta esmik ee? (Arabic: And what is your name?) Abdurrahman. Andek kem sana? (Arabic how old are you?)
Sabaa (Arab seven). Sana'a ula or tania? (Arabic, first or second grade?) Abdurrahman: Taniya ie. second grade. Well done
And this is Aisha. Abdurrahman: She can not speak. Only says water, water.
And this is our youngest. This is Aisha, yes? She's a little afraid. Cute such turned out.
The table has already been laid. I see rice, meat, some salads. But while men do not come to the table does not sit down and nobody touches food.
A very specific policy for foreigners is very interesting. Those. a certain etiquette of communication with foreigners.
And its internal Egyptian part is its internal part. And it's very cool that it does not mix.
Those. a certain system of behavior with foreigners and the Egyptians have their own.
Mom: Malyak speaks Russian. Do you?
The fact that they cooked. Ahmad: Yalla, yallah (Arabic, let's, let's). Yalla, yalla, that's good.
Here such here yummy. Ahmed: Come here (in Arabic). Or are you here? Mom: Come on in.
Is this called capsa? Ahmad: Caps. This is Egyptian food. Ahmad: This is Saudi. Delicious. Mom: There are nuts, right?
Ahmad: Nuts, yes. By the way the question as to the sheikh about zakat. Ask your moms. How do Muslims pay zakat and how is it regulated.
Is it officially in Egypt? We do not talk about the whole world. In Egypt, Muslims formally pay zakat?
Ahmad: Of course. And how? Yes? Ahmad: Pay out of course. Officially? Mom: Is there an organization that controls this?
Ahmad: No, it's through the mosques. Only. Not officially. Officially, through the state there is certainly no such thing.
Who wants to pay, who wants to not pay. Ahmad: According to religion, everyone must pay. Yes. This is one of the pillars of Islam.
Ahmad: Well, does the state test the prayers? Does the state test those who pray and those who do not pray? Of course not.
Ahmad: Who else is given to the poor. Mom: Travelers. Ahmad: There are no travelers. It's hard to find travelers. Mom: And to buy prisoners?
Ahmad: People from Zakat give people who have big debts too. This in Islam stands out from money from zakat.
Ahmad: Good atheists even happen. True? They say no is not right. I'm talking okay good. If I deny Jesus as a prophet where will I go?
Ahmad: They are silent. I say well, let's do it differently. If the Jews deny Jesus where they will go? They will say: To hell.
Ahmad: I'm saying well, the same thing. If I renounce Jesus as a prophet where will I go? They say toHell.
Ahmad: You are the same. If you deny Mohammed.
This is Egyptian coffee. It is brewed. It's interesting. Those. You need to wait until the foam comes down, right?
that's it
Well, we all finished, we already left. We thank, thanks to Sheikh Ahmad and his whole family for such a delicious Iftar and for such a reception. Thank you very much.
Very touched by this family. The children are wonderful, my mother, my wife. And we all really, really liked it.
We are already on the street and will now take a taxi. I wanted to show you how beautifully decorated the Sidi Bishr mosque.
It is near the sea. There apparently is already a prayer tarawih or one of the next prayers.
That's how people pray in the mosque. Praying. There are a lot of people.
Women too are in a hurry to pray. All send. Mom: What a big mosque.
Yes, the mosque is very large and it stands opposite the sea. And the sound goes very strong. It is because of the location of the mosque
Well, here it is. Now we will take a taxi and go home. Very well traveled I really liked.
Today is the 11th day of Ramadan and today we went to Sheikh Ahmad. And finally I would like to say that
Thank Ahmad and his family for such a warm welcome. It was actually nice to meet in many years.
And to see everyone. The last time we saw his family when Ahmad had one child, and the wife was pregnant with the second.
And now there are four of them. It was nice to meet everyone. And we even found the mother of Ahmad's wife.
An old woman already. It was very nice and very sincere and good. Thank you so much
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