you may be the only presidential candidate since World War two that
actually had to stand up and say I am a capitalist and you did did it hurt you
probably I mean you know it's it's it's hard to know but I mean if you're in the
Iowa caucuses and 41% of Democrats are socialists or self-described socialist
and I'm asked are you a capitalist and I say yes but with appropriate regulation
and appropriate accountability you know that that probably gets lost and though
my gosh she's a couple less all right been like one sentence I mean she
actually told the truth good for Hillary she finally stumbled across something
that is true and she said it Democrats are tending toward socialism what can
you say up next Michelle Malkin exposes the sinister political groups
masquerading as nonprofits that are trying to silence conservatives and
Brent Bozell reveals the tactics that tech giants are using to censor
conservative speech online
champion of free speech particularly online where she's a pioneering
entrepreneur well tonight she's gonna shed light on the dark forces behind
organized efforts to silence conservatives Michele Malcolm welcome
back to the angle great to see you I think it's so important Michele for the
people watching Fox tonight to see and understand what this all is really all
about and I want to start with George Soros George Soros has funded left-wing
groups as you've pointed out the Center for American Progress I think we have a
graphic can we see it please the color of change people for the American Way
Media Matters Action Network connected with Media Matters there we have all
those organizations tell us Michelle which are the worst offenders and
enemies of free thought free expression well Media Matters has been at the
forefront of the speech squelches who are highly organized incredibly
disciplined and obviously deeply funded not only by George Soros but a number of
left-wing foundations and I think it's really important to note that so many of
these outfits are tax-exempt that they enjoy so much
largesse as a result of IRS laws and that under Democratic administrations
the definitions of 501 C 3 s and C 4 s have been stretched so that these
blatantly partisan political organizations have cast themselves as
somehow educational or social welfare groups so you have Media Matters that's
gone after every prominent conservative effective voice in the public square and
they'll use any pretext these people do this for full-time living and as a
result it is undeniable Laura and you and I have been fought in this arena for
so many years now in both talk radio on broadcast and yes on social media where
it has been so important for independent conservative voices to get their
messages out and we need oh that that the encroachment of these
sensors and these bullies in the public square has left a an undeniable cloud
over the First Amendment and free expression and Mishelle people say well
this is all this is all the free marketplace of ideas and you know
everyone else is you know if they want to complain about someone who said
something they do that and that's part of the democratic process too and so
each side has their own opinions and one side wants to you know you know whatever
they doing they have these corporations that just wilt though they just wilt
they get a hundred emails from some left-wing activists and they will
meanwhile millions of conservatives like are you kidding me
it makes no sense yeah and in some cases the supposed backlash that that elicits
this feckless response from corporations that just don't want any bad publicity
sometimes constitutes a couple of tweets right and so then you have the Media
Matters and color of changes of the world that exploit their social justice
status I mean they have an absolute immunity shield to go after
conservatives for expressing mainstream thought and opinion and that what people
need to know about the agenda the agenda of these left-wing character assassins
is toward an arjun alive for mainstream thought the media Research Center
released a devastating report today documenting the censorship of
conservative speech by Silicon Valley's tolerant tech giants among the findings
claims from former employees that Facebook hides conservative content from
the trending section were backed up by a detailed study Google YouTube and
Twitter partner with leftist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center I hate
conservatives and check this out of the 25 members on the panel that guides
Twitter's policies twelve are liberals and there's only one conservative I
can't believe there's one shocking bill but not surprising is it for more
details we're joined by brent bozell founder of the very important
indispensable media research center Brandt first of all it's great to have
you first it's on the show man oh yeah where have
you been tell us what you found what's a massive study done by my
colleagues Dan Gainor and Ashley Goldenberg it's 50 pages
documenting what what conservatives have been suggesting has been happening this
is Michelle's hyperbolic but Laura this is true this is the emerging the the
greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in the history of man and let
me explain this the left is on a jihad against conservative thought is
happening in academia in entertainment and business religion everywhere
everywhere where they're attacking they're suppressing conservative fuck
now they're going to the social media Giants these social media Giants have
audiences in the billions and what we've shown in this massive report is whether
it's Facebook or Twitter or Google or YouTube they're all employing different
tactics to go against conservative let's go through some of them we have a full
screen on this censorship of conservative speech here's some examples
Google search aids Democrats and study found that 2016 campaign searches were
biased in favor of Hillary Hillary Clinton YouTube shutting down
conservative channels by mistake by removing videos that promote right-wing
political views and tech companies Facebook and Google are relying on anti
conservative fact checkers like Snopes and Wikipedia
now why is Wikipedia for our viewers out there why is that a left-wing well if
you if you look at so many things Wikipedia does it puts a liberal spin
against conservatives on a regular basis we always have to edit my page it just
insert insert inside nasty stuff about you know they have been they've actually
they've been partnering YouTube has been partnering with them to unmask
conservatives and to go against conservative content and to uncover
these awful conservatives and what they're doing you say that war is being
declared and the conservative movement and conservatives are losing badly if
the right is silenced billions of people will be cut off from conservative ideals
it goes on but we'll just stop it there that's really true isn't it because even
though the Soviets suppress speech China suppresses speech we're talking about in
effect a global effort to suppress or silenced conservatives I mean you've
seen well you know the nonsense that's happened to shows like mine they try to
do it with Rush and others this is what they do
they don't want to debate because they're losing on the substance are they
not they want to silence but with the power of high tech Brent what can we the
consumers of information and and others watching what can they do well the first
thing you have to do is recognize what is going on right now you know Jack
Dorsey is a CEO of Twitter he put these seasoned industry perspective just
recently he was promoted he promoted an article that called for the destruction
of the conservative movement promoted and he related so it's not it's not just
happening it's it's all over the world that the left is militant conservatives
have to recognize this and conservatives have to start looking for new homes our
own platforms I think that hold them accountable but mark sorry on yours of
conservative leads if they could if they leave the business model for these
social media Giants come use your power with businesses high-tech everybody
resolutions that your audience is up 20% ever since they went after you well you
know we there's always a glass half full here on the in on the Ingraham angle
Brent thank you we're gonna we're gonna link this up on my Facebook page
everybody needs to read it and support the efforts that you're doing I don't
know what would do with it without media Research Center frankly thank you so
much still to come the tactics universities across the country used to
suppress free speech and the plight of professors caught in the PC machine
well when he did it we what what is your take on the the lack of just basic
understanding of whether it's the Constitution or just basic recent
American history it is a constant demonization of Trump or the propaganda
machine on college campuses for like 50 grand a year a lot of these place yeah
well that's the real tragic part is these are students who are going to
school allegedly to get an education become well-rounded and instead they're
not learning critical thinking skills they're not learning how to defend their
ideas they're just being fed this pablum of leftist ideology and so what you see
here is these students who don't know why they may support or oppose this
policy all they know is if Trump supports that it must be bad whereas if
you had asked it the other way around if Obama had supported it you know they'd
say it was the greatest thing since sliced bread yes so that was at UC Santa
Barbara and so well you didn't show in this video is before they didn't know
that Obama said the troops to the border so they kind of like had to back into
that oh well when he did it it was necessary it's just it's classic this is
classic uninformed god bless them uninformed college students who learn it
for the first time from some radical professor radical history professor then
at GW University right nearby where we are the Democrats some of the College
Democrats are not participating in some type of bipartisan discussion summit
last week they don't want to be bipartisan well it looks like basically
the leftists are showing their true colors and that is they don't want a
dialogue they don't want the free and open exchange of ideas because they know
when that happens the best ideas rise to the top and the flawed ideas the
left-side ia's will fall off and so what you see here is basically their goal is
to allow a situation only where leftist ideas are heard because they know in
conservative policies and solutions are offered those are going to define right
they don't have a side of a debate I've never seen anything like it they are the
most the pusillanimous they're petrified and they by the way they said some
members of the current executive board have hesitations about participating in
events with conservative orgs they're scared petrified by Bach that's all I'll
say Spencer great to see you thanks for the update conservative speech is under
assault and one of the starkest examples is at Marquette University it's a
private Catholic school in Milwaukee political science professor John McAdams
was suspended and has since 2014 when he chastised a graduate
instructor named Cheryl Abbate why she apparently told a student that she would
not tolerate dissent on the topic of same-sex marriage during her class on
ethics Marquette says it has the legal right to suspend McAdams because he
opened a bought a up to threats by criticizing her by name the case is now
headed to Wisconsin Supreme Court joining us now to explain further is
Professor McAdams himself professor you have taught for 30 years at Marquette
and it's a Catholic institution and yet this instructor berated a student who
said basically not all of us agree on your view on same-sex marriage tell us
that's right it seemed ironic because Marquette
claims to be a Catholic institution but I think a lot of your viewers know that
a lot of institutions claim to be Catholic and fundamentally they're
secular and politically correct didn't they demand that you prostrate yourself
basically and apologize for this suppose at wrongdoing in your blog post we said
we're you know we're basically hardly a university if this is what we're like if
we don't tolerate any dissent and you refused is that right to apologize sir
that's correct they told me that they would reinstate me if I apologized and
promised to conform to Marquette's supposed guiding values promise to do
that of course I think I've I think I'm more loyal to
Marquette's guiding values than the administration of Marquette University
but of course this is Stalinist stuff I'm not going to apologize a hundred and
thirty years I have passed and if less our research is wrong that a single
professor has lost tenure 130 years but boy I guess you're a big threat
professor because you actually decided to post a blog yeah it is ironic I mean
professors have lost tenure but it had to be for something alike of stealing
money from research funds or or raping student it had to be something like that
no professor that anyone knows about has ever been fired or even suspended for a
blog post do you feel bad about I guess hurting the feelings of this
particular student instructor I guess she got a deal on her tuition well I
think it's unfortunate that she got some really nasty emails although she got no
threats marchetti's claims she got threats but she admitted and one of her
own blog post that she'd got on threats so there so that wasn't good on the
other hand anybody whose misconduct is revealed by a journalist might get some
unkind responses that's for sure professor I've been I've been the
receiving end of that we're gonna follow your case I know the arguments coming up
in just about ten days or so and thank you so much for giving us your
perspective on this fight at Marquette tonight we talked to former Syracuse
professor Stewart card who says he was fired for defending free speech on
campus card says he was fired after he privately disagreed with the school's
expulsion of students for their crude skits at a fraternity roast let's find
out exactly what happened from the professor himself Stewart card
welcome to the angle professor look my producer watched the video the
fraternity video I guess it was an internal video it wasn't posted on
social media and it was gross to me that was I don't know why people make these
videos it was gross and it's profane and so forth they say it was a satire
actually ridiculing a conservative who apparently was you know a bad person
even racist and so forth you wrote a statement an email to the administration
and you said the following I strongly believe that reinforcing the current
myth that individuals are likely to be damaged by exposure to expressions that
they find offensive and let's require pampering is a disservice to our
students in our profession I know my view on this is out of sync with current
opinion but I was toughened as a youth not just by emotional billing bullying
but by physical beatings by much older and larger students I survived
I got stir I mean that's and then you're separated
from the University for that well I have to say this isn't really about Syracuse
University I love Syracuse University and the good people there who are doing
what they assume and feel is right this is really about ideas not specific
institutions or individuals it's about the ideas of free speech and reason
versus some dangerous irrational myths that have swept the campuses around the
country I don't know whether I was really fired or I quit we might say that
the University and I reached a mutual agreement that the beliefs and values of
the university are no longer the beliefs and values you don't know if that's cute
you don't know if you quit or you are you fired I mean was there some type of
lease they made you sign did they delay no no they didn't okay well he said when
I said that email I concluded it with my if my position on this is so
objectionable as to render me disqualified from further service to our
students then put me on a list of don't use me as an educator and heed your
values or not you were fired because you wrote that email saying I'm concerned
that we're coddling students coddling them and trying to protect them from all
these offensive ideas is not going to help anyone it's not going to Vance the
cause of learning and that was the thing that they ultimately said yeah you're
right we don't want someone like you at our university you know and I know
you're protective of Syracuse that's nice but the atmosphere on college
campuses today on a scale of one to ten one being the most Pro free speech and
ten being the least Pro free speech where do you rate it I'll give it an
eight but I'm shooting from the hip because I hadn't thought about that
number before another one of these myths that I'm talking about is this myth
that's really prevalent not just on the SU campus but on other campuses that
I've been to that all educated intelligent good people think pretty
much the same on certain key issues where the correct answer is obvious and
obviously it's amiss we'll be right back with some
final thoughts
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