Saturday, June 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 2 2018

We present an unusual work,

created by the hand of Valentine Green.

This is a mezzotint from 1781.

engraved according to the famous painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

It is worth noting that in the eighteenth century English mezzotintas

they belonged to the highest quality works and were extremely appreciated,

among others for the proficiency achieved by English artists in showing the depth of black.

Valentine Green (1739-1813), the author of the work, was an English engraving artist

and the publisher mainly of his own engraving works.

The work presents a portrait of three Waldegrave sisters,

daughters of Prince Waldegrave and Maria Walpole.

The mother of three girls was illegitimate the daughter of Edward Walpole,

the brother of the famous creator of the Gothic novel (including the "Otranto Castle"), Horace Walpole,

who nota bene ordered this work.

Presented ladies were famous beauties of its era.

For the sake of explanation, let us add that Lady Anna Horatia (on the right) embroiders,

and Lady Charlotte Maria (left)

and Lady Elizabeth Laura (in the middle)

they deal with winding silk on a skein.

Very beautiful but hardworking aristocrats must have been terribly tired.

It does not change the fact that the work itself is beautiful and technically perfect.

For the sake of the order, let's add that it was called a mezzotint

refers to works performed by gravure printing.

It belongs to the so-called dry techniques, which do not require etching.

The portrait itself is a 30 x 36.5 cm impression,

which has been framed in a cream-colored passepartout 48 x 51 cm

Please visit to the engraving department.

For more infomation >> Mezzotinta „Trzy siostry Waldgrave" z 1781 r. rytowana według znanego obrazu sir Joshui Reynolds'a - Duration: 2:13.


Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 (NAV./R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 (NAV./R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo XC60 New T5 AWD R-Design- 22" - Keyless - B&W - AUT - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 New T5 AWD R-Design- 22" - Keyless - B&W - AUT - Duration: 1:13.


Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design, schuifdak, 19" - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design, schuifdak, 19" - Duration: 1:09.


The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement - Duration: 4:00.

The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement

For more infomation >> The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement - Duration: 4:00.


Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.


205621 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 205621 - Duration: 2:51.


This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.

Journey dedicated this song about memes.

For more infomation >> This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.


🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.


李心潔彭順婚變四週年 當年小三李悅彤依家 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 李心潔彭順婚變四週年 當年小三李悅彤依家 - Duration: 2:52.


MiRae Vlog #1 A cooking video of a musician - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> MiRae Vlog #1 A cooking video of a musician - Duration: 13:06.


Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V CC/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V CC/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.


梁烈唯和陳敏之原來感情很好 兩個家庭一起去享受家庭日 - Duration: 2:45.

TVB雖然已經走了很多我們熟悉的面孔,可是如今二線的演員也是 漸上位。至於梁烈唯和陳敏之就一直處於半紅不火狀態,不過近幾年 總算上位了,梁烈唯近段時間更是打開了內地市場

原來他們2個私底下感情很好,近日就有媒體拍到他們兩個家庭一起 著各自的孩子去享受家庭日。 近日有媒體拍到穿著一套白色短袖 動套裝的陳敏之現身淺水灣一間貴族幼兒會所,很少看見她這種打扮 格

來看下另外一張照片,原來梁烈唯當時也在現場。據悉是兩家人一起 貴族幼兒會所享受家庭日。陳敏之和老公、兒子一起去的,離開時除 有司機接送,還有專職保姆抱著兒子,可以看得出她們一家也是有錢 庭

至於梁烈唯就和老婆Tina、女兒一起去的,同行就沒有其他 人。老婆Tina是自己抱著女兒,看得出她抱著女兒還是相當小心 梁烈唯和老婆在路邊和陳敏之一家揮手道別,一家三口還是挺幸 的

陳敏之的兒子上了車依然望著窗外,他似乎還沒有盡興。 至於梁 唯就一個人去停車場開車接老婆和女兒,雖然一起玩,但是離開就不 啦。那麼他們當天去的貴族幼兒會所是怎麼的?據媒體介紹該會所單 入會費就3萬8起步、每月月費接近兩千元,特別的是那裡都是5歲 下兒童才能入會,父母和工人都要靠小孩帶入場才能玩

當時兩家人加工人又吃又玩整整3個小時,還上了親子烹飪班才肯離 。那麼為什麼兩人這麼好呢? 原來梁烈唯老婆Tina以前是當 陳敏之、應采兒的助理,所以兩位女士很早就有感情

隨後梁烈唯和老婆戀愛後就融入了這個圈子,後來梁烈唯和陳敏 還成為很好的朋友,加上兩人都是TVB藝人就更多話題了。陳敏之 Tina的懷孕時間都差不多,兩人平時有很多話題

陳敏之有時候也會曬齣兒子和梁烈唯女兒的合照,並且用上「兩 無猜」來形容。可以看出兩家人感情很好,就算兩位小孩長大後沒有 情,也有友情。除了老婆介紹到朋友給梁烈唯認識外,他的爸爸和伯 同樣讓他認識了一些圈中人

父親梁家禮是動作電影的演員、至於伯父就更不用多說了。他的 父是TVB老戲骨梁家仁,看到照片後估計很多人都想起梁家仁扮演 經典角色了。 其實梁烈唯出道以來還是靠自己居多,最近《飛虎 潛行極戰》的播出,也讓很多網友見識到他的演技

這部劇集已經讓他打開了內地市場的大門,相信以後將會看到他更多 內地作品。

For more infomation >> 梁烈唯和陳敏之原來感情很好 兩個家庭一起去享受家庭日 - Duration: 2:45.


ТОП ОТ XIAOMI С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 лучшей продукции от Xiaomi с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> ТОП ОТ XIAOMI С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 лучшей продукции от Xiaomi с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 7:58.


Ford Fiesta 65pk Style 5drs Navi/Bluetooth - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 65pk Style 5drs Navi/Bluetooth - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


5 Kriminelet Me Te Rinj Ne Listen e Zez Te FBI - Duration: 5:00.

It is difficult to believe that children can become more vulnerable to criminals

world. People up to the age of 18 are able to commit horrible crimes to him

drawing the FBI's attention. As you look at these facts, you can understand that criminals are in the line

all formats. So you can not trust anybody even if it looks like I

innocent, shqipTUBE introduces in this documentary the next slogan Kriminelet Me Te

Young Do not Listen To The Black Of The FBI

In 2016, Sandy Le loaned $ 1,000 to 18-year-old Alejandro Rosales Castillo. Scenario with

The bad thing about this event is that she never took her money again but also with her

it was bad she was killed at a gas station. Her body was found in one place a week after

Alejandro promised to pay 1,000 dollars. This is also interesting by Sandy

Let's admit to meeting you at a gas station in the middle of the night. Later Alejandro was caught

from security cameras crossing the border to Mexico. Police failed to get it so

he was introduced to the list of the most dangerous children in the world on the FBI list.

Jesse James Hollywood decided to become a criminal. The news reported that he was part of

one of the world's most dangerous bomber-dealing gangs. One of the clients

his name Ben Markowitz owed him a sum of $ 1,200. While Jesse chose

the worst way to solve this problem by kidnapping his 15-year-old brother.

But even after the pressure he had made, he had not returned the debt. So Jesse was lost

patience abducting Ben after two days his dead body was found and everyone knew who

was the culprit. Jesse James Hollywood disappeared and moved to the FBI's most wanted list.

These stories are really terrible but nothing is strange that it was 17

Juan Elias Garcia made frightening things to his girlfriend and her two sons

years old. He participated in the criminal band MS-13. Both had argued with them

after being threatened by the gang where he was part. So he decided to kill him. He came to

his girlfriend and her son in the forest shooting at the head then allowed another member

to shoot the 2 year old boy. He left Nicaragua until 2014 when he was 21

years old. Finally, the FBI placed the world's most dangerous criminals list. He was

extradited to the United States of America where he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The 20-year-old Malcolm Lorenzo not only is in the list of Young Criminals in Black Listen

At the FBI, it is also worth mentioning the fact that he was faced with such difficult moments

even ridiculous because he had entered a bank on May 22, 2017 to robbed but

had forgotten the sack to get him to fill up with money so he had filled

his pockets. Incidentally at that moment was an officer off duty Lorenzo and his brother

fugitives had switched to fire by dropping $ 2,700 from $ 6,700

how robbed. Later on he was included in the most wanted list of criminals by the FBI.

News had shocked all neighborhood residents where 24-year-old Shanika Manor was upset

with her neighbor Tamecca Perry who was nine months pregnant because of her

loud music with loud voice. In 2016, Shanika ran across the sidewalk

a few times in the air. But Shanika had not finished and the next day she went to us

her house by shooting it in the eyes of both the children and the loved ones by tossing it up

killing this real event. Also, the unborn baby died. She escaped and remained

free until the day he was added to the list of most wanted FBI criminals when he was

catches in North Carolina.

For more infomation >> 5 Kriminelet Me Te Rinj Ne Listen e Zez Te FBI - Duration: 5:00.


5 modi economici e semplici per sbiancare gli asciugamani - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 5 modi economici e semplici per sbiancare gli asciugamani - Duration: 7:05.








Usos do bicarbonato de sódio para a nossa pele e cabelo - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Usos do bicarbonato de sódio para a nossa pele e cabelo - Duration: 8:19.


Vasco x Botafogo: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Vasco x Botafogo: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:38.


Uomini e donne gossip: Gemma in lacrime per l'abbandono di Marco - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne gossip: Gemma in lacrime per l'abbandono di Marco - Duration: 3:40.


Forças navais e aéreas dos EUA vão ajudar a Geórgia - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Forças navais e aéreas dos EUA vão ajudar a Geórgia - Duration: 1:27.


Atlético-MG x Chapecoense: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Atlético-MG x Chapecoense: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:23.


Inter x Sport: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e online|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Inter x Sport: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e online|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:30.


Vasco x Botafogo: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e internet|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Vasco x Botafogo: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e internet|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:39.


러시아가 드디어 Iskander-E,S-400의 해외 수출준비를 시작했습니다. - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 러시아가 드디어 Iskander-E,S-400의 해외 수출준비를 시작했습니다. - Duration: 6:37.


🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE airco/TomTom navi /EL ramen/Centr vergr. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE airco/TomTom navi /EL ramen/Centr vergr. - Duration: 1:06.


Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDI 112PK 5D Blue L.Exec. NAVI BLUETOOTH. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDI 112PK 5D Blue L.Exec. NAVI BLUETOOTH. - Duration: 1:05.


Grande Fratello 2018, Aida Nizar fermata dalla polizia e scatta la multa - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 2018, Aida Nizar fermata dalla polizia e scatta la multa - Duration: 4:10.


GF15: Aida Nizar fa il bagno nella Fontana di Trevi e arriva la Polizia - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> GF15: Aida Nizar fa il bagno nella Fontana di Trevi e arriva la Polizia - Duration: 4:16.


La presentadora de Cuatro detona la imagen feminista de Monedero en 9 caracteres - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> La presentadora de Cuatro detona la imagen feminista de Monedero en 9 caracteres - Duration: 1:48.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PT: É PRECISO RECUPERAR A PETROBRAS PARA O BRASIL - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PT: É PRECISO RECUPERAR A PETROBRAS PARA O BRASIL - Duration: 8:28.


Instabilità emotiva: quando le giornate non sono tutte uguali - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Instabilità emotiva: quando le giornate non sono tutte uguali - Duration: 7:10.


Volvo XC90 2.0 D5 AWD R-Design GRIJS KENTEKEN Aut. Panoramadak Luchtvering Excl BTW - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.0 D5 AWD R-Design GRIJS KENTEKEN Aut. Panoramadak Luchtvering Excl BTW - Duration: 0:55.


Mezzotinta „Trzy siostry Waldgrave" z 1781 r. rytowana według znanego obrazu sir Joshui Reynolds'a - Duration: 2:13.

We present an unusual work,

created by the hand of Valentine Green.

This is a mezzotint from 1781.

engraved according to the famous painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

It is worth noting that in the eighteenth century English mezzotintas

they belonged to the highest quality works and were extremely appreciated,

among others for the proficiency achieved by English artists in showing the depth of black.

Valentine Green (1739-1813), the author of the work, was an English engraving artist

and the publisher mainly of his own engraving works.

The work presents a portrait of three Waldegrave sisters,

daughters of Prince Waldegrave and Maria Walpole.

The mother of three girls was illegitimate the daughter of Edward Walpole,

the brother of the famous creator of the Gothic novel (including the "Otranto Castle"), Horace Walpole,

who nota bene ordered this work.

Presented ladies were famous beauties of its era.

For the sake of explanation, let us add that Lady Anna Horatia (on the right) embroiders,

and Lady Charlotte Maria (left)

and Lady Elizabeth Laura (in the middle)

they deal with winding silk on a skein.

Very beautiful but hardworking aristocrats must have been terribly tired.

It does not change the fact that the work itself is beautiful and technically perfect.

For the sake of the order, let's add that it was called a mezzotint

refers to works performed by gravure printing.

It belongs to the so-called dry techniques, which do not require etching.

The portrait itself is a 30 x 36.5 cm impression,

which has been framed in a cream-colored passepartout 48 x 51 cm

Please visit to the engraving department.

For more infomation >> Mezzotinta „Trzy siostry Waldgrave" z 1781 r. rytowana według znanego obrazu sir Joshui Reynolds'a - Duration: 2:13.


Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 (NAV./R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L2H1 (NAV./R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:04.


Volvo XC60 New T5 AWD R-Design- 22" - Keyless - B&W - AUT - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 New T5 AWD R-Design- 22" - Keyless - B&W - AUT - Duration: 1:13.


Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design, schuifdak, 19" - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 T5 245PK Geartronic R-Design, schuifdak, 19" - Duration: 1:09.


The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement - Duration: 4:00.

The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement

For more infomation >> The Most Beautiful Tiny Houses Coastal Craftsman from Handcrafted Movement - Duration: 4:00.


Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.


205621 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 205621 - Duration: 2:51.


This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.

Journey dedicated this song about memes.

For more infomation >> This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.


🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 🔴 VOLUME: os "especialistas" mentiram para você - Teoria de Dow ainda é mal interpretada - Duration: 8:53.


李心潔彭順婚變四週年 當年小三李悅彤依家 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 李心潔彭順婚變四週年 當年小三李悅彤依家 - Duration: 2:52.


MiRae Vlog #1 A cooking video of a musician - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> MiRae Vlog #1 A cooking video of a musician - Duration: 13:06.


Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V CC/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 307 CC 2.0-16V CC/Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.


梁烈唯和陳敏之原來感情很好 兩個家庭一起去享受家庭日 - Duration: 2:45.

TVB雖然已經走了很多我們熟悉的面孔,可是如今二線的演員也是 漸上位。至於梁烈唯和陳敏之就一直處於半紅不火狀態,不過近幾年 總算上位了,梁烈唯近段時間更是打開了內地市場

原來他們2個私底下感情很好,近日就有媒體拍到他們兩個家庭一起 著各自的孩子去享受家庭日。 近日有媒體拍到穿著一套白色短袖 動套裝的陳敏之現身淺水灣一間貴族幼兒會所,很少看見她這種打扮 格

來看下另外一張照片,原來梁烈唯當時也在現場。據悉是兩家人一起 貴族幼兒會所享受家庭日。陳敏之和老公、兒子一起去的,離開時除 有司機接送,還有專職保姆抱著兒子,可以看得出她們一家也是有錢 庭

至於梁烈唯就和老婆Tina、女兒一起去的,同行就沒有其他 人。老婆Tina是自己抱著女兒,看得出她抱著女兒還是相當小心 梁烈唯和老婆在路邊和陳敏之一家揮手道別,一家三口還是挺幸 的

陳敏之的兒子上了車依然望著窗外,他似乎還沒有盡興。 至於梁 唯就一個人去停車場開車接老婆和女兒,雖然一起玩,但是離開就不 啦。那麼他們當天去的貴族幼兒會所是怎麼的?據媒體介紹該會所單 入會費就3萬8起步、每月月費接近兩千元,特別的是那裡都是5歲 下兒童才能入會,父母和工人都要靠小孩帶入場才能玩

當時兩家人加工人又吃又玩整整3個小時,還上了親子烹飪班才肯離 。那麼為什麼兩人這麼好呢? 原來梁烈唯老婆Tina以前是當 陳敏之、應采兒的助理,所以兩位女士很早就有感情

隨後梁烈唯和老婆戀愛後就融入了這個圈子,後來梁烈唯和陳敏 還成為很好的朋友,加上兩人都是TVB藝人就更多話題了。陳敏之 Tina的懷孕時間都差不多,兩人平時有很多話題

陳敏之有時候也會曬齣兒子和梁烈唯女兒的合照,並且用上「兩 無猜」來形容。可以看出兩家人感情很好,就算兩位小孩長大後沒有 情,也有友情。除了老婆介紹到朋友給梁烈唯認識外,他的爸爸和伯 同樣讓他認識了一些圈中人

父親梁家禮是動作電影的演員、至於伯父就更不用多說了。他的 父是TVB老戲骨梁家仁,看到照片後估計很多人都想起梁家仁扮演 經典角色了。 其實梁烈唯出道以來還是靠自己居多,最近《飛虎 潛行極戰》的播出,也讓很多網友見識到他的演技

這部劇集已經讓他打開了內地市場的大門,相信以後將會看到他更多 內地作品。

For more infomation >> 梁烈唯和陳敏之原來感情很好 兩個家庭一起去享受家庭日 - Duration: 2:45.


ТОП ОТ XIAOMI С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 лучшей продукции от Xiaomi с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> ТОП ОТ XIAOMI С АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 лучшей продукции от Xiaomi с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 7:58.


Ford Fiesta 65pk Style 5drs Navi/Bluetooth - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 65pk Style 5drs Navi/Bluetooth - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.


DC Superhero Girls™

For more infomation >> DC Superhero Girls™


[Audio] NCT U (TEN x TAEYONG) - Baby Don't Stop (Special Thai Version) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> [Audio] NCT U (TEN x TAEYONG) - Baby Don't Stop (Special Thai Version) - Duration: 3:04.


Said The Sky - Over Getting Over You (ft. Matthew Koma) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:42.

♪ You had too much to drink ♪

♪ And now you're saying things I wish you didn't mean ♪

♪ As I lay there asleep pretending ♪

♪ How we are is better than we seem ♪

♪ It hit me like a ten-ton truck ♪

♪ Yeah I'm thunderstruck, can't brush under the rug ♪

♪ How you don't even care about us, checking out on us ♪

♪ I won't be hurting 'cause ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm sick of getting sick over you ♪

♪ So sweet dreams, I don't need you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm sick of getting sick over you ♪

♪ And you'll see, I don't bleed you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ (Sweet dream, sweet, sweet dream, sweet dream) ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ (So sweet dreams, for me, you) ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ You wore me on your necklace ♪

♪ Now you wear me with the exes on your sleeve ♪

♪ 'Cause you're better at reckless ♪

♪ And I see it now in all your histories ♪

♪ It hit me like a ten-ton truck ♪

♪ No this isn't love, maybe it never was ♪

♪ How you don't even care about us, checking out on us ♪

♪ I won't be hurting 'cause ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm sick of getting sick over you ♪

♪ So sweet dreams, I don't need you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ I'm sick of getting sick over you ♪

♪ And you'll see, I don't bleed you ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ (Sweet dream, sweet, sweet dream, sweet dream) ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ (So sweet dreams, for me, you) ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

♪ You had too much to drink ♪

♪ And now you're saying things I wish you didn't mean ♪

♪ I'm over getting over you ♪

For more infomation >> Said The Sky - Over Getting Over You (ft. Matthew Koma) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:42.


This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.

Journey dedicated this song about memes.

For more infomation >> This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.


Russ T. Nailz - An Evening at the Improv - Duration: 7:57.




(audience applauds)

Thank you, good night.

Whoops, sorry about that.

Hey, what do you say I kick things off properly,

by buying you all a cocktail?

(audience cheers) Yeah.



And when it comes around I want you take a little sip

so we all get some of that thing,

cause I, you know?

Yeah, thanks.

Well here I am.

Up the, you know I live in San Diego.

Love it down there, just bought a new house.

(audience members cheer) Alright, thank you, from

San Diego?

Great, big deal, anyway.

(audience laughs)

Just bought a new house down there.

It's a fixer upper.

It needs a lot of work.

The fraternity's gotta go, first of all.

(audience laughs)

These guys are making me mad.

They, well they're ruining the furniture right off the bat.

I've been buying this new stuff.

The assemble at home furniture, you know?

You put it together yourself,

you save about $4, $500 bucks.

But ah, six months to put a sofa together.

Kind of ridiculous, but ah.

That wicker sucks, you know?

(audience laughs)

Not really happy with this straw furniture at all.

So I got the new house.

I'm really jumping into the 90's both feet.

Boy, I tell ya, I got a new house.

I got the new baby.

Just had a baby recently.

(audience applauds)

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's my pleasure, but ah.

I guess that was for my wife.

She's the one who suffered through the whole thing.

Well, you know, here I am, see you in nine months, honey.

But we have,

and that's the actual noise, thank you.

And we went through Lamaze, the Lamaze Method,

and she was in labor 48 hours.

Yeah, Lamaze doesn't work for 48 hours, I'm sorry.

They finally had to give her the C-section too.

Which is fine with me.

Cause the baby looks really good when he pops out there.

Oh yeah, if he has to squeeze through the a,

well, you know, the, the birth canal.

It's, it was a tight fit for him, I guess.

But when he pops out the belly, he looks great.

Looks pretty normal, in fact the doctor said,

as soon as he popped out, "looks like his dad."

I'm thinking,

(audience laughs)

"Oh man.

"I need a shower then, hah?"

(audience laughs)

Am I covered in cheese jello too, cause that's.

Enjoy your meal, thank you.

(audience laughs)

(laughs) Oh yeah, and a healthy kid, too.

He's breast feeding which is very good for him.

He caught me playing with his dinner

before I left the house, but.

Hey, I tried to explain there's a table for two here son.

(audience laughs)

It's good for him, a little breast feeding.

And the doctor warned my wife that it would hurt, you know?

"It's gonna hurt a little bit,

"when the little kid latches on."

So he said rough'em up before the, yeah.

Rough'em up.

I'm thinking, "great, let me help here, bring them in here."


Not what he had in mind, either.

He said that he wanted her to drag a wash cloth over the,

and I do it out here cause that's where

the end is by this point in the pregnancy.

(audience laughs)


And they're real too.

It's not like some of these fake ones you see.

Is that a, is that a nipple or a valve stem?

Ah, no it's actual size right here.

And he said drag a wash cloth over it two weeks before

the child enters the world.

A week before, she had to use

one of those things for the barbecue.

What's that wire brush called, anybody know?

(audience laughs)

(scratches) Yeah, even the guys are doing this now,

I don't know you why guys, that can actually hurt.

But it's a beautiful thing being a father.

It really is.

I saw the baby come out and I thought oh my gosh.

I wanna buy this child everything.

You know, a swing I want to get him right off the bat.

But I couldn't afford it.

So I got a really nice harness for the ceiling fan.

(audience laughs) Like, yeah.

You know, keep him cool, put him sleep.

Teach him to break dance all of once.

(audience laughs)

You can't go wrong with that.

I love being a father too.

And now I also bought a new car recently.

And I find out, you know there's something about cars

they seem to say a lot about a person.

A friend of mine, he's a pyromaniac and he drives a Blazer.

Now, yeah, my proctologist drives a Probe.


(audience laughs)


And so I bought a white Celebrity.

So, you know, I'm thinking.

(audience laughs)

You might, you might get lucky.

It's a great car, too.

It's got the AM, FM, CB, CD, cruise control,

horn, lights, everything, it's loaded.

Yeah, everything,

On the turn indicator, all this stuff is by the way.

Have you noticed that about new cars?

Everything is right here.

It's like a Swiss Army blinker or something, yeah.

(audience laughs)

I've got a fish scaler I'm not gonna use

for a quite a few years, I don't know what that's good for.

The car alarm is handy.

Have a little car alarm on there.

On a new car you need it.

On an old car, I don't think so.

Saw a guy with a '74 Vega, and a car alarm.

(audience laughs)

I'm thinking, "yeah, your 8-track's

"safe without it, buddy."

(audience laughs)

"No one's gonna steal those macrame curtains,

"don't worry about it."

And I put a phone right there in the car, that's very handy.

Telephone right there in the front, you know.

Cause some day we're all gonna phones in our car.

Then you can call the guy in front of ya.

"Say, hey Bozo.

"Yeah, a couple of questions have come up back here.

"Yeah, how long are you gonna drive

"around with the blinker on?

(audience laughs)

"Ah-huh. Alright Bozo, did you know your seatbelt

"has been making sparks since you left the mall?"

Now be careful at night driving home,

I was recently injured in an automobile accident

that involved a drunk driver.

Well, I hit a brick wall.

(audience laughs)

But, yeah, you know,

I probably,

(laughs) I should have taken

the cardboard accordion thing out of the windshield

before I left, huh?

(audience laughs)

I thought it was the same billboard for 45 miles, you know?

(audience laughs)

Alright, if I need help, I'll call the police.

(audience applauds)


I think the nicest part about this car though,

the white Celebrity is it talks to me.

No buzzers, no bells, I hear

white Celebrity voices like Mr. Rogers going,

"it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood,

"but you left your lights on."

(audience laughs)

(laughs) What really scared me is when

I heard Jack Nicholson coming out of my glove box.

(audience laughs)

(slurps) "Hey.

"Hey how long are gonna drive

"around with that damn door open?"

(audience laughs)

(audience applauds)

Thanks a lot, if you're ever in San Diego,

come on by.

(audience applauds)

For more infomation >> Russ T. Nailz - An Evening at the Improv - Duration: 7:57.


Volvo S80 2.5T SUMMUM GRAPHITE, 1e eigenaar!! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo S80 2.5T SUMMUM GRAPHITE, 1e eigenaar!! - Duration: 1:11.


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Progression 105pk Airco (koud) APK mei 2019 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Progression 105pk Airco (koud) APK mei 2019 - Duration: 0:52.


Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends - Duration: 11:52.

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet, I am your host Rebecca

Felgate and I don't know if you know this, but I love a good train!

I really do!

I am absolutely all about a steam train!

My dream is to get the train across Canada!

I think it would be truly incredible!

Today though, we are getting freaky as we rattle down those tracks – we're talking

the Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends.

Before we roll into this video, I just want to ask you guys if you believe in urban legends

…. But also…if you like trains!

Also, while you are there, why don't you hit that thumbs up button for me!

Also, if you want to connect with me after the video, links to my social are in the description


10 - Disappearing Train in China What on earth is going on at the Bataou Station?

Legend has it that a ghost train passes up and down the tracks, picking up ghostly passengers

and moving forwards through the station.

Until March 2018, it was just a rumour, but then THIS CCTV footage was captured of a transparent,

ghostly looking train moving along the tracks, slowing to a halt as if allowing passengers

to embark and disembark, and then start up again.

The footage was uploaded to youtube by The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 and has been watched

over 2.3 million times.

Some critics say that the footage isn't legit, others say it looks like a retaping

over old cctv tapes.

Some people said it looks like reflection in a window while others are straight up going

parallel universe.

9 - The White Sari Ghost of Beg-un-kodor Station In the Indian Ayodhya hills sits Bengunkodor


The station has laid empty and defunct from 1967 to 2009 reportedly because of the fate

that met the former station master!

The station employee reported that he saw a woman in a white sari dancing in the middle

of the night.

He thought her to be a ghost of a woman killed by a train.

He told other people in the village about it, and a few days later he and his family

were found dead.

His replacement at the station also went missing just days into the job.

With word filtering around the village, people started avoiding the station, eventually leading

to its closure.

Railway officials have always denied the ghost story, and the station has been re-opened,

however trains stop running after 5pm, reportedly so that no one every comes across the sari

clad ghost!

8 - San Antonio Train Track children Legend has it that once upon a time in San

Antonio there was a horrifying crash between a train and a bus filled with children.

According to the tales in the area, a school bus stalled on train lines as the warning

lights signaling the approach of the train lit up.

The driver was unable to start the bus and drive off in time and sadly the two vehicles

collided, killing all on board the bus.

The legend, dating back to the 70s, goes that if a car halts on the same piece of track,

the ghosts of the children will push the car forward to safety.

On top of that, many have reported seeing the imprints of little children's hands

on their cars afterwards.

Freakier still, the road where the ghosts are supposed to haunt is surrounded by a set

of streets named after children, such as Cindy Sue, Laura Lee and Bobbie Allen…could these

be the bus crash victims?

Snopes said that the movement of the vehicles at the crossing is down to a slight incline

at the site, which rolls cars in neutral forwards and that the street names were of the developers

grand children.

However with so many ghostly reports, the legend of the San Antonio Train Track Children

lives on.

7 - the 100 year old missing train In 1910, a freight train went missing near

the great lakes of north America… like…vanished out of thin air.

All of its cargo and its three crew members were gone, and people presumed the train derailed

and crashed near near mink harbour in Onatrio, falling into Lake Superior.

Locals in the area reported ghost sightings along the tracks and around the harbour of

confused looking men, who were staring out over the lake.

Fast forward 106 years and the train wreckage was found at the bottom of the lake.

The pictures of the wreck are truly incredible.

Apparently the train is the only sunken locomotive in the great lakes region.

Recovery experts say the train cannot be raised as it is too damaged and would disintegrate.

Sadly, divers could not locate the body of the three men who died in the crash.

Without raising the train, the souls of the three lost crew may be trapped in the lake


6 - The Silver Train of Stockholm Ah, the silverpilen, or silver arrow of Stockholm

has been the subject of Swedish Urban Legends for Decades.

In Stockholm, the subway trains are blue, they used to be green.

One train, however is silver.

The story dates back to 1965 when people started spotting the silver train every now and then.

Sightings were so rare that the train became the stuff of legends.

There are a whole bunch of legends surrounding this train, all of them pretty spooky.

Many people say that the train has only ever been spotted in abandoned tunnels by construction

workers and subway workers.

Some say that the train goes around picking up passengers that either show up weeks later

dazed and confused, or never show up again at all.

Some people say they have only ever seen the train after midnight, going high speed through


Eye witnesses describe the carriages as empty, save for a few figures.

Are they ghosts?

The stories about the Silverpilen were at their pinnacle in the 1980s, but a lot of

people in the city still talk about the legendary silver train.

The Silverpilen urban legend sometimes feeds in to stories about Kymlinge, a metro station

on the Stockholm Metro Line 11, which gets a whole urban legend point of its very own

– and it is coming in to number 5.

There are a lot of ghost stories about Kymlinge – one says that it is haunted by the Silverpilen,

but others suspected a wider ghost conspiracy.

Kymlinge is an abandoned metro station – a ghost station if you will.

A lot of people are baffled by its existence and the reason why, even after it was built,

transport authorities never opened the building for service.

It is said that only the dead get off at Kymlinge.

4 - St Louis Light The St Louis Light urban legend refers to

mysterious lights moving up and down an abandoned old rail line in Saskatchewan.

It is said the lights vary in colour and brightness and can still be seen to this day, Now I think

good old Daniel the Spaniel Lurkington Burkinton put this one in his Canadian Urban Legends

Video… a lot of people say the lights are of a ghost train passing through the night,

and others say that the light comes from the lamp held by the ghost of a drunk headless

brakeman who was decapitated by a train passing by at speed.

He now spends eternity wandering up the track looking for his lost head!

Canada loves the unsolved mystery so much, in 2014 Canada post even issued a special

stamp depicting the St Louis Ghost Train.

Some people thought the mystery was solved in 2009, when two local high school students

duplicated the lights using diffraction, leading them to conclude the lights came from distant


That is all well and good, but the lights have been noted long before cars sprang up

in the area.

3 - The Whitechapel Corpse Train According to London Underground folklore,

in the early days of the tube, so we're talking early 1900s, there used to be a special

train that transported corpses from the Royal London Hospital in White Chapel to morgues

in the city.

Why would they have their own train?

Well not only would It be quicker, but it also spared Victorian era Londoners exposure

to sickness and disease.

A train flying by with dead bodies?


Whitechapel itself as an area is creepy enough as it is, what with it being the old stomping

ground of Jack the Ripper.

Many people say that the White Chapel tube station is haunted, and it could be a number

of possible ghosts given the areas history.

Adding substance to the legend of the corpse train, a lot of people swear there is a bricked

up tunnel at white chapel, saying it is the old entrance to the corpse train route.

There is actually an abandoned station near by called St Mary's, on White Chapel Road.

Perhaps this has something to do with the legend.

2 - Crying Victims at Kings Cross In 1987 there was a horrifying fire at London's

Kings Cross St Pancreas station.

On November 18th A major fire broke out on the wooden Piccadilly line escalator.

The flame swept upwards and got so hot that the ticket office floor melted and collapsed.

The cause of the fire was a matched dropped down the side of the escalator and ignited

the grease underneath.

31 people died and 100 were injured, The old wooden escalator was due to be replaced with

a metal one, but sadly for those that lost their life, it hadn't yet happened.

Rumours of souls left trapped in that station that night have been rife.

In 1998 a man spotted a distressed woman crying into her hands.

When he went to ask her if she was okay, he passed straight through her.

This is just one of many sightings of the crying girl – with some saying they have

seen a woman with long brown hair screaming with her arms outstretched, and when they

go to assist her, she isn't there.

This could be the same ghost, or maybe even an entirely different one.

Who knows how many of the 31 victims could haunt the station.

Other people have reported smelling smoke in the area of the building the fire broke


Clearly the emotional trauma of that evening has left some kind of paranormal impact on

the place.

Presidential Ghost Train 1 - Abe Lincoln's Ghost Train

When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, his body went on display on a funeral train that

passed through the northern states of the USA on a final journey that was to end at

his home in Springfield Illinois.

The train left Washington DC on April the 21st 1865 and travelled for days, reaching

Columbus on April 29th, where he laid in state for 12 hours.

People lined the tracks to watch his train pass.

Legend has it that on late April evenings, a spectral train can be seen along the same

path the funeral train tool.

Some say the see a phantom train, some say they hear a whistle and others swear they

smell a puff of smoke.

People from the towns the train passed by make a big deal of trying to spot the phantom

funeral train each year.

There we have it.

That was the Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends!

How did you feel about that?

Do you think any of them are true?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Before I head out, I just want to read a few comments from one of my videos last week….

I did a video about Scary Cemetery Urban Legends and this is what you had to say.

Chyna Lawler wrote: I live in Alabama.

Plus I went to Huntsville and I saw that playground when I got on the swing I noticed one of the

swings was moving by itself then I heard something next to me laugh.

I got scared and told my mom we left after that.?

Shepard Turner was a fan of my earings…they said: Those earrings look great on you Rebecca.

NikAAlice wrote: I love the way that Danny is doing a full series of Urban Legends from

around the world while the rest of the team is backing him up with specific kinds of Urban

Legends that may not be covered in his series.

I enjoy these stories for various reasons: scary is fun, the similarities between stories

from different places show a common ground with ideas, moral focus, and fears, and when

stories that are different from anything you've heard before crop up, you can appreciate the

differences between your culture and theirs and learn something new from them.?

SO that is that really!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends - Duration: 11:52.


Škoda Superb 1.8 T COMF AUTOMAAT ! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Škoda Superb 1.8 T COMF AUTOMAAT ! - Duration: 0:52.


Festivals d'été. Lesquels sont complets et où reste-t-il des places? - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Festivals d'été. Lesquels sont complets et où reste-t-il des places? - Duration: 7:32.


Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 of the best and the worst Dark Souls Remastered changes (Port Review) - Duration: 12:42.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta BWJ 2013 1.4 T 170 PK BUSINESS EXECUTIVE CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI/D.N.A. - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta BWJ 2013 1.4 T 170 PK BUSINESS EXECUTIVE CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/NAVI/D.N.A. - Duration: 0:55.


How to Replace Income with Online Business - Duration: 3:11.

Welcome back to Creating Coins.

Where we talk about money and mindset for entrepreneurs.

Today we're talking about how to replace the income from your job.

When I worked a nine to five, I really, really, really, really, really, really did not like


I was never cut out for a cubicle life.

I felt like it just wasn't it wasn't for me and you might feel the same way, but I just

felt really, really constrained.


So my number one goal was to leave the corporate world as soon as possible and the way that

I did that is what I'm going to share with you today.

So if you'd like to leave your full time job, one of the first things that I would recommend

that you do is to write down all of your expenses.

This is exactly the step that I took.

I wrote down all of my expenses and I try to eliminate as many expenses as possible.

Then what I did was I squeeze all my expenses into just one paycheck for the month.

So that meant that one paycheck was completely free.

No obligations, nothing that I had to pay with it, and the other paycheck was all of

my expenses, so all of my rent, my car with my credit card is like all of that, and when

I tried to do that, the first time it wouldn't fit.

It wouldn't fit all on one paycheck, so what I had to do was I had to accelerate my debt

pay off, and I started paying off my car loan.

I started paying off my credit cards because I knew that once I got rid of those, I was

going to be able to fit all my expenses on that one paycheck.

Once you fit all of your expenses onto one paycheck, then you can move on to the second

step, which is saving and entire paycheck.

So this is a radical idea for most people, but if you can put away 50 percent of your

income, you'll have a nice cushion that will allow you to leave your job that much faster.

So we're not even talking about the business yet.

First we're talking about getting your own personal financial house in order.

After I saved up about six months worth of expenses, I felt like I was ready to leave

my job.

For some people that might be one year.

For some people that might be saving 18 months.

It's whatever it is for you, and once you do that, the third thing in order to replace

the income from your job is to start looking at your business like a business instead of

a hobby.

Instead of a side project, instead of a hustle, started looking at it like a business.

Start putting systems into place, figuring out where, what your business model is, where

that revenue's going to come from.

And if you need help with any of this, then you're going to want to join us inside of

the Creating Coins Community because that's exactly what we do there.

Inside of the community.

I'm helping you and all the other entrepreneurs, we're helping each other turn ideas into income.

They were talking about business models were talking about, um, what system to use and

all of those things, especially that someone who is a solopreneur needs to do.

Remember, all it takes is action to turn your ideas into income and that's Creating Coins.

I'll see guys the next one.

For more infomation >> How to Replace Income with Online Business - Duration: 3:11.


Ghost Horse Race Course - Duration: 15:59.

Oh people

we are at the horse racecourse

where a scary thing happened

till today here should be a ghost rider

to do mischief

the lost rider

try to win his race

but he will finish it, he will never reach the end

so people tell this story around here

clarry what do you think of it ?


should we find out about it ?

i would say yes

we investigate the race course of the ghost rider

here is horror lost places we reach our new location

like you can already see behind me

here is a horse race course

and here a dramatic accident happened

yes while the race time a

jockey fall from his wagon

he did not survive it

the other horses run over him, a very sad story

but in this sport it can be dangerous

maybe the ghost is still here ? clarry ?

what do you mean ?

can be because it happened here, lets find out

clarry where did we get here ?

it still smells

what is here ?

people we found a lost place for you

this time

a ghost horse race course

a lost horse race course

mega cool

there we look around first

people look at this

clarry can you tell us something you are interested in horses

yes this was the course

that big round

and here the

jockeys with his wagons

in front the horse

make his courses

and there was the commando tower were the tell place 5 is in front


there are this...

loudspeaker are here

there was the commando central

judge were sitting there

and there was a grandstand

there on top the viewer watched the race

in this place you could place your bets

who you could say what horse will win

in past it was a very

exclusive sport for rich people

for the poor people that could stand here

and the rich had lied places

but somewhere the horses had to stand

yes somewhere

horse boxes have to be here somewhere

should we look for them ?

as we can't see any horse boxes

i believe

that here was the start

the racers stand

behind each other

and then

go in here. i think the course is not very big

when you look

normal the boxes are missing

i can only think that they came here

then we can look there further

there is more

clarry what is that ?

it smells like... like fuel ? yes like fuel

look here inside

they are all empty

look here !

clarry look here a vest

is this from jockey or what ?

with buttons ? i dont know

normal they look other

it is just lying around

horse boxes

here is another room.. with a sink

to wash themselves

washing the bridles

all that are horse interested

they are happy to watch now

look a vape liquid ! how it get here ?

look there ! it is open too

a stable ?

yes sure

oh look there is a strigil

horse cleaning utensil

everything is here

and a bank ! yes a comb

but they are small spaces

here the get ready for the race or ?

because big it dont look

very small boxes

and here it smell like horse

yes nice

clarry look here !

a torture chair

a torture chamber

definitv a torture chair

here stand something look here a little office

here a papers everywhere



homo montana

here are all the


there is a website


there stand the names

here was the registration


marvin was already here

okay here was the approach

across the road looks lost too


here where the washbox

here where many

people look here is another washbox

and full with mebel

and here is more

wooden walls

what is that ?

what is that ?

someone try to repair it, its a offen or something

here is something on


there is water running

and here are everywhere

electro cable and there is water coming out

then i better get out

here is wash room for female

it looks moldy

cable coming outside the wall

the room is not good

what did you find here

so here

wait i need light

there was a toilet

a toilet

oh no

what is then here ?

i dont know i can read this on video. then not

look here a horse calendar

what is that

Heinz höfelmann

that was a rider

race reports

how much money and so

here are papers

all race papers

regulatory decision

what did happened here

with handwritten everything


horse number

i can't read it

Protest for disability of a participant

protest was withdrawn

push biedermeier against the wheel

from horse

but did not make any advantages

and did reach the third place anyway

so the finish the race as third

it is difficult to read everything

all the


what is that ? Associatio of horse racing

oh doping


clarry look in the papers

and i look outside

from here the enter the course

here the horse boxes where

and from here they enter race

paddock stand there

there comes a car

there just came a car

lets go out here ! fast away

it is to hot this place


comes already

so here is horror lost places

sorry but we had to escape fast

here is horror lost places

we had to go out fast

there came a car and sirens and police

so we had to move

we hope we get some recordings of this place

i show you again

For more infomation >> Ghost Horse Race Course - Duration: 15:59.


Corporate CEOs Say No More Tax Cut Raises, AND Layoffs Are Coming - Duration: 3:14.

Last week at a summit in Dallas, Texas, business leaders from some of the largest companies

in the United States met.

They did a Q&A, they did a panel discussion up on stage where they gave the state of American

businesses here in the United States.

Again, we're talking about people from Coca-Cola, AT&T, some of the biggest companies operating

in the United States and some of the most profitable.

And one time during one of the panels, the moderator asked them, "What about raises?

Everybody just got those massive tax cuts, you're all hugely profitable even without

that, so why are you not giving your employees more raises?"

And the CEOs, the executives up on that stage admitted, one, they're done with raises.

Nobody's getting any raises anymore.

Those days are over, and most of the ones who got them, those were just temporary bonuses

that will not happen again.

And then they said something even worse.

They said that in most industries here in the United States, at some of the biggest

companies, layoffs are right around the corner, massive layoffs.

We're talking about thousands upon thousands of American citizens who are sitting at work

right now not realizing that the executives for the company they work for are planning

on getting rid of their job.

Now to their credit, some employees do know that their job is going to be disappearing

soon because these executives also admitted that they're telling some of their employees

that now might be a good time to go and get a Nanodegree or a certificate in another field

so you're better equipped to go get a new job.

They're advising their employees to go back to school so they can go get a better job

somewhere else because we don't need them.

Again, these are the same companies that just go, what was it, about 1.5 trillion dollars

worth of tax breaks over the next few years, and they're telling us that they're gonna

pocket all the money, they're gonna use it for stock buybacks, they're not giving employees

raises, and they're gonna start firing people.

The next time you hear a Republican, whether it's an elected official or just some idiot

wearing a MAGA hat talking about how great this economy is and how great the Republicans

and Donald Trump are doing and how great that tax cut was, you tell them this story.

You explain to them what's actually happening because the CEOs, to their credit, were honest

about it from day one.

Even before the tax cut package passed, they already publicly admitted that they weren't

gonna use the money for raises, and now they're admitting that the few people who got raises,

they're probably gonna lose their jobs in the near future anyway.

Republicans cannot be trusted on the issue of tax cuts or the issue of the economy, and

as much as Donald Trump wants to brag about how great the economy is right now, understand

that we are the little piggy who built his house out of straw.

That is what our economy is right now, and that wind, it's really starting to pick up

because those little pieces of straw are coming crumbling down any minute now.

For more infomation >> Corporate CEOs Say No More Tax Cut Raises, AND Layoffs Are Coming - Duration: 3:14.



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For more infomation >> TOP 5 LOVE MINECRAFT INTROS ANIMATION +18❤❤ - Duration: 2:37.


5 Health Tips For Men Over 40 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 5 Health Tips For Men Over 40 - Duration: 5:05.


Gorgeous Modern New South Wales Australia Tiny House by Sowelo Tiny Houses - Duration: 3:26.

Gorgeous Modern New South Wales Australia Tiny House by Sowelo Tiny Houses

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Modern New South Wales Australia Tiny House by Sowelo Tiny Houses - Duration: 3:26.





When I came across this discussion triggered by Josh Jones, a writer and musician based

in Durham, NC, from, I couldn�t help but ponder just how many people

out there feel the same way about �work� and what we do in exchange for food on the

table and a roof over our heads, among other things.

advertisement - learn more From the day we are born, we are put into

school for a couple of decades and told, not taught, how the world works, what path to

take, why to follow it, and how to fit in and become a �productive� member of society.

This basically means we have to spend a large majority of our lives striving for a degree

or a diploma in order to qualify to work long hours and subsequently earn the right to live.

There are many other roots than that as-well, much more appealing but they also require

us to put in our time.

This sentiment reminds me of a video published by The School of Life (click link to see),

which brings to light the fact that no matter how little sleep we get or what problems we

are having at home, mental blockages and other things that can arise during the human experience,

we are and always have been told that we must be at work on time, ready to go without excuses.

This doesn�t seem normal or near natural, yet it�s something we are forced into.

Mental illness is on the rise, take depression for example, an issue that�s now affecting

more than 15 million adults, and that�s just in America alone.

Could the current human experience be one that�s contributing to this rise?

Are there more miserable people now because we basically spend our lives doing what we

can to survive while ignoring what our hearts want?

Are we not giving enough time to our wants and desires beyond the material world, and

do we even have time to do so?

Josh sums it up quite well in his first paragraph:

�Why must we all work long hours to earn the right to live?

Why must only the wealthy have access to leisure, aesthetic pleasure, self-actualization�?

Everyone seems to have an answer, according to their political or theological bent.

One economic bogeyman, so-called �trickle-down� economics, or �Reaganomics,� actually

pre-dates our 40th president by a few hundred years at least.

The notion that we must better ourselves � or simply survive � by toiling to increase

the wealth and property of already wealthy men was perhaps first comprehensively articulated

in the 18th century doctrine of �improvement.� In order to justify privatizing common land

and forcing the peasantry into jobbing for them.�

My favourite part of that excerpt is the fact that he calls attention to the fact that all

of us are simply working for a small group of elite people that, through the corporations

they run, basically control almost all aspects of our lives.

Their idea of �globalisation� or a �New World Order� is one that requires our participation,

and our consent.

This type of system, one in which basically all of us are economic slaves, is one that

we�ve become accustomed to.

A great quote comes to mind here:

�Humans are so strange.

We can climb mountains, explore the deepest oceans and travel to space.

But for some reason we can�t move past this idea that we need political overlords who

tell us what we can and can�t do with our own lives.� �Unknown

While we blindly continue to follow others, the world has experienced something it has

never really experienced before.

A massive paradigm shift is happening, a shift in the way we view, feel, and perceive our

world and the current human experience.

Not everybody is happy, and how could they be?

When living on a planet where you die if you cannot pay for your life, our passions and

heart�s desires slowly drift out of sight, unless we do something about it.

While we�ve remained complacent, and simply accepted the human experience for what it

is, those that created our current economic model continue to destroy our planet and have

absolutely no regard for preserving the integrity of the planet and all life on it.

At the same time, large amounts of information are kept from us, all we know of our world

is what�s given to us by the same people who designed this life for us: the corporate

mainstream media.

Information alone is a threat to so many corporate interests.

This shift has come as a result of new information that�s now hitting the eyes and minds of

millions, if not billions.

This became evident when alternative media sites that cover global corporate corruption,

as well as new discoveries in various fields that are ignored by the mainstream, like new

energy, started to receive up to a billion views per year.

Furthermore, whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and organizations like Wikileaks have also

helped out hugely.

That all stopped when some of these sites, like CE, were labelled as �fake news.�

An ironic title from mainstream media, isn�t it?

They even appointed who they felt just to determine what�s real and what isn�t,

as well as started a massive campaign to censor information that does not come from mainstream

media news networks.

There is a lot more to the world than what we are presented with.

Being so busy with our 9-5 and trying to survive, many people still can�t be bothered about


When presented with information that�s outside the box, it�s common for cognitive dissonance

to sink in.

What�s most frustrating about the current human experience is that it doesn�t have

to be this way.

This is where Buckminister Fuller comes in.

Fuller, one of the most creative and interesting minds in modern history once said that �One

in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the


The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a wage.�

This is something we at CE are well aware of.

We�ve personally come across technologies that can revolutionize the planet.

Although it depends what consciousness is operating behind that technology, it exists.

Our entire planet could be, in a modern way, completely off the grid.

There are so many wonderful creations and ideas out there that make a utopian society

possible, it�s so simple that most people have a hard time believing it.

The idea that we don�t really have to work to live on this planet and live a good live

is still impossible to imagine for most, and that�s because we�ve been indoctrinated

to believe that the current world economic model and globalization are the only way for

humanity to move forward, when it�s doing the exact opposite.

In my opinion, food, clothing, shelter and more should not require little pieces of paper

along with a bits of our soul to receive it, a human experience that utilizes all of our

developments instead of concealing them, one in which our leaders look out for humanity

and the best interests of our planet instead of following the orders of their financial

masters is desperately needed.

Michael Jackson�s famous line, �they don�t really care about us,� rings true, but it�s

not true for everyone.

Along with this consciousness shift, this realization that the wool has been pulled

over our eyes, is the fact that consciousness interacts with our physical material world

in ways that are not yet understood, and that is an encouraging thought given humanity�s

change in thinking with regard to concepts that might not have fit the frame approximately

a decade ago.

I won�t go into any specific examples.

I�ll let you ponder how a utopian society would work, or how all of our needs could

easily be provided for.

Scarcity is something that doesn�t have to exist, neither does supply and demand.

These were all creations by what�s known today as �the 1 percent.� The system was

designed to benefit them, not us.

Something new needs to be created, a new way of life that requires the complete shut down

and change of our current economic model.

Just as Fuller said:

�You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.�

Fuller did not believe that we need to have wage earning jobs to live, and that if we

do, we are not able to pursue our passions and interests unless they are for monetary


That�s an interesting thought, since when we grow up there are several �careers�

to choose from.

Is this simply the illusion of free will?

We already have set paths chosen, there are only so many options, and our entire purpose

of being �educated� or, as I like to call it, indoctrinated, is to make money.

Do we really love what we do?

Or do we just tell ourselves that?

Can we even determine or identify our passions, wants, and needs in this world?

Or are all of our wants, needs, desires, and passions given to us from the corporate world

in the form of mass media, advertising, and marketing?

Why is it that so many of us are all into the same material things, acquiring the same

material things, yet never questioning the human experience?

Have we become too comfortable?

Change is never easy, and always greeted by ridicule.

This is exactly what the human race is going through: we are recognizing the need to change

currently on that path.

In a New York Times column on Russell�s 1932 essay �In Praise of Idleness,� Gary

Gutting writes, �For most of us, a paying job is still utterly essential � as masses

of unemployed people know all too well.

But in our economic system, most of us inevitably see our work as a means to something else:

it makes a living, but it doesn�t make a life.� Bertrand Russell, a prominent British

philosopher, mathematician, historian, writer and political activist agreed, stating that

�Immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous.�

Jones puts it well:

�In far too many cases in fact, the work we must do to survive robs us of the ability

to live by ruining our health, consuming all our previous time, and degrading our environment.

In his essay, Russell argues that �there is far too much work done in the world, that

immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous, and that what needs to be

preached in modern industrial countries is quite different from what has always been


I agree.

We do tend to glorify the idea of �hard work� as something to be proud of, without

ever really taking a step back and looking at this human experience through an observer�s


Russell referred to this type of an existence as a �slave state� operated by �those

who give orders.� He calls it politics, which he elaborates on as having no real �knowledge

of the subjects as to which advice is given, but only to manipulate: the art of persuasive

speaking and writing.� This reminds me of the Sophists in ancient Greece, who used their

intelligence and their ways with words to make life difficult for people.

�What is work?

Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth�s

surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so.

The first kind is unpleasant and ill paid; the second is pleasant and highly paid�in

a world where no one is compelled to work more than four hours a day, every person possessed

of scientific curiosity will be able to indulge it, and every painter will be able to paint

without starving, however excellent his pictures may be.

Young writers will not be obliged to draw attention to themselves by sensational pot-boilers,

with a view to acquiring the economic independence for monumental works, for which, when the

time at last comes, they will have lost the taste and capacity.� (source)

His stuff has been talked about for decades:

�The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the

masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government

which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely

by men we have never heard of.� � Edward Bernays (�the father of public relations�),

Propaganda, 1928

So, you see?

Our lack of questioning and/or complacency has led to an interesting experience, one

in which many are desiring change.

Can We Really Do What We Love In This Type of Human Experience?

So, is it possible to do what we love?

Well, it might be a task to even figure that out when we are given our choices and paths

in life.

Furthermore, we have to pay rent, put food in our stomachs, and provide ourselves with

the basic necessities.

Even individuals with full time jobs are struggling to do this.

These jobs take up to 8-10 hours of our lives every single day, so if you come from the

belief that you cannot pursue your passions, you are in the company of many, including

the two brilliant minds listed in this title.

To pursue something you love in this world, and are extremely passionate about it, it

won�t be for monetary gain all the time.

But we still have time to pursue the things we love as opposed to spending that time going

to bars, or partying with friends.

No matter how many excuses you have, if you love something there is always time to pursue

it, but tell that to someone who just came home from a hard day�s work and has no mental/physical


I am a big believer in the power of manifestation, meaning that one can manifest experiences

into their lives with a shift in consciousness.

Sure, the current human experience is a very hard one.

It�s not easy, and for a soul to thrive here means they are very strong, especially

if they will not quit in their pursuit to follow the call of their heart.

That being said, what happens if you let the fear go and just start doing what you love,

as much as you can?

What if you take that road, and if you do so without worry, things workout for you?

I believe if we want something badly enough, through the power of consciousness, we can

manifest our own human experience, especially if it is something that�s rooted in the

desire to do good for all.

Based on all the science, history, philosophy and most of all, my intuition, this is something

I firmly believe.

I�ve been able to be part of the CE team for several years now, and prior to it, it�s

what I dreamed about.

Being part of a team and having a platform to share information that we�ll never see

in the mainstream media and to be in a position to bring new ideas and information to the

world is all I wanted to do.

I wanted it so bad that it�s what I did during school and when I had to work another


I was always engaged in my passions, yet always heartbroken that I could not go through life

solely pursuing what my heart beats for.

But look at me now � I�m doing it.

I had a tough experience waking up to facts I was once unaware of, and on top of that

was the normal human experience that just wasn�t resonating with me.

What helped me manifest my experience?

The first thing was changing my perspective of the human experience.

Instead of seeing it as a slave-like system, and labelling it as that, I chose to view

it as an experience.

I believe that this short lifetime is not our only one, and that this is my opportunity

to �play� within the human experience.

I looked at it as a challenge, and an opportunity to overcome many obstacles.

This helped my outlook on life big time, and instead of taking on a victim role where I

felt hopeless and unable to change anything, the very perception of me looking at life

as an opportunity is what helped me.

Life is too short to not put forth the effort into pursuing what your heart beats for.

Yeah, it�s not easy I know, and it�s not hard to see why so many people believe it�s

downright impossible when we have so many other duties to tend to.

Personally, I never perceived it as impossible.

I was willing to die, go homeless, or whatever.

There was no fear in me.

We even have modern day science conforming that factors associated with consciousness,

like thoughts, feelings and emotions, can actually affect our physical material world.

If you believe it�s possible, it is.

If you don�t, it isn�t.

The last thing I would say to you is that it�s not going to be easy, and will provide

your life with a number of challenges/opportunities for growth.

The joy lies within the journey itself, not within the ends.

Just Imagine Just imagine, if human beings created an experience

where all of our needs were provided for.

As mentioned above, we have more than enough potential to do so�What would we do with

our time?

It�s simple, we would explore, contemplate and discover.

After all, that�s our natural state from birth, until we are told how the world works

and what we are to do in it.

We�ve been brainwashed for so long and taken out of our natural state that it�s really

time to create a human experience that resonates with all of us, and what we and all life are

meat to do, and that�s thrive.



Pressure Of Being A YouTuber (Response To Casey Neistat and Roberto Blake) - Duration: 7:09.

(scribble sound)

(video game music)


So, today's video is actually going to be

a response video to Casey Neistat.

I believe that's how you say his name.

Deaf problems, can't really hear it.

And Roberto Blake, one of my favorite

YouTubers of all time.

But before I get into that, real quick,

I wanna mention that the No More CRAPtions shirts

are back in stock through the 21st.

So if you've been wanting to get one of these shirts,

I'll have the link down below in the description box

and in the comment that is pinned.

So there's a link.

You can get one through the 21st.

This is not the only color available.

There are a few others.

If you wanna help bring awareness to proper captions

on YouTube and the Internet, there you go.

So, Casey Neistat uploaded a video about

the pressure of being a YouTuber,

and a couple of days later, Roberto Blake made

a response video to that and

I have watched his video.

I have not watched Casey's video

because it's not captioned and he's not someone that

I can understand very much when watching his videos.

Couldn't understand him in person very well,

not in videos.

I don't know exactly what all he's saying

in that video, but a heads-up, Casey.

If you're watching this, please consider captioning

your videos to make them more accessible.

So I wanted to kind of give my own thoughts about this

because Roberto did ask in his video

what struggles a lot of us were facing,

and I wrote some down because there's

definitely some stuff, especially as somebody who's

more of a marginalized creator, in terms of

being a deaf YouTuber, granted.

I'm gonna make a disclaimer.

A little more privileged than other deaf folks,

I understand, but compared to

the hearing folks, less so.

Let's get into it.

One of the main things is ...

(laughs) This is probably the one thing that

makes me feel very (grunts) the most,

and that's the pressure to be constantly

on a hustle, on a grind.

The one YouTuber I can think of,

and I love this woman the most,

I would not have spent money on the ring

that she has if ...

I don't even know where it is, but I was gonna

wear it for this video, but I don't know where it is.

But literally, God, I respect her so much, Lilly Singh.

She is someone who is constantly hustling,

constantly grinding, and it's just, holy crap.

But eventually, when you work so much, so hard,

you get to the point where your body is

eventually going to shut down.

That is eventually what happened to her

not too long ago when she got very sick.

That made me worried for her.

At the same time, when I would watch her

and I would watch other people also, like Casey, who ...

Is he still vlogging every day now?

I thought he was and then he quit.

I don't remember now.

Uploading daily vlogs or constantly pushing out

really big content, but also doing other stuff

on the side, maybe writing or whatever else.

And really, the reality is, is that's just

not a good thing to do.

You need rest days.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't even take

my own advice sometimes.

That's probably why I got so sick.

I probably picked up something from somebody,

but another thing is that I probably got so ...

Part of me was sick because of how much

stress I put on my body during the month

of April and March.

That's kind of scary; feeling like if you don't

put out this much content or do this much work that

you're not really doing well at your job.

Another thing, of course, is something that

everybody experiences once you get to

a certain point, and that is hate comments.

These are things that can happen regularly.

I have plenty of YouTube friends who

get this on a regular basis.

Some friends get it every once in a while.

I don't get them very often on YouTube,

but on Facebook, oh, I see it. (laughs)

I've seen it after I did an interview,

or more like Tim Cook interviewed me

because I screwed up that day, (laughs)

but a lot of comments on two

Apple website videos, oh man.

And that's stressful.

That's really, really stressful

because it's like if you didn't grow up

a certain way, if you're not doing this,

if you're not doing that, and sometimes people just

plain ol' don't like you.

And they wanna make it known.

Of course there's a difference between

constructive criticism and hate comments.

We're not talking about comments like,

"Hey, you could maybe get a cleaner background

and maybe don't show the side of your bed."

That's my own comment. (laughs)

But I'm just talking about things that

may just be out of your control

and you're trying your best to do something,

and these people just aren't having it.

And then of course, there's stuff that's

even worse stuff; the kill yourself comments,

drink bleach comments, slurs, and all kinds of stuff.

You are one person against an army of people

is what it feels like.

There are so many people watching you.

It can be difficult.

You're just trying to do what you do,

mind your own business sometimes, but then there's

just so much out there and it can be

very, very overwhelming.

If you're someone with a mental illness,

like, hi, I have depression,

it can be really, really difficult.

There's also the fear of screwing up

and not being likable 24/7.

It's impossible to be likable 24/7.

Not everyone is going to like you.

You may know that; I know that.

But at the same time, in the back of your brain,

it's just like, "But I want everyone to like me,

otherwise this is bad."

It's just not gonna happen.

I don't even like everyone.

There are a couple YouTubers I'm not too fond of,

so why am I trying to tell myself

that I want everyone ...

You can want everyone to like you,

but it's not worth the stress of

not being able to please everyone.

Still, that puts a lot of pressure on YouTubers,

or anyone who makes content online, really.

And the last thing I have ...

We'll throw that out.

The whole comment of, "It's easy to be a YouTuber."

I touched on this briefly in my previous video

about being bad at YouTube.

If you're just taking a really quick iPhone video,

smartphone video, and then uploading it

straight to the Internet, you might have it in

vertical mode and whatever, and you're not

doing any editing, and you're not doing this as

part of your income, as part of your career,

or trying to push your career or whatever,

it's probably gonna be easy to be a YouTuber.

But when we're talking about YouTuber,

we're talking about people like me,

like Casey, like Roberto, the people who put in

so much work planning their videos,

making sure equipment is decent,

the lighting is decent, the writing, whatever,

and then putting it up there, making sure

everything in post looks good,

and then the promotion.

It doesn't take five minutes of time;

it takes so much longer.

You're essentially trying to be an entertainer,

an educator, or whatever, so you have to

make sure that these people are entertained,

that these people are educated.

You want them to come to you and stay there.

That's a lot of pressure

because if you don't get that done,

you feel like it's not worth continuing.

So, yeah, those are some of the things that I thought of

while I was watching Roberto's video.

I just wanted to share that with you all.

If you are a YouTuber and you're

facing some struggles, let me know what

they are in the comments below.

And before you go, if you haven't,

consider pledging on Patreon.

I have perks, so if you donate or pay this much

money a month, you get a little something.

I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> Pressure Of Being A YouTuber (Response To Casey Neistat and Roberto Blake) - Duration: 7:09.


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