Monday, June 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 25 2018

how to know if it's time to rock the honey from the hive, find out when the honey is ripe

for pitching, the beekeeper usually claims that honey can be shaken when bees

to seal it in a frame by one third if you do this, you will fly

honey show frame where honey brought from one and the other side as

You can learn to rock it. we shake it vertically from it practically

nothing flows horizontally poured nectar

turn over to the other side spilled nectar is what it means that honey in

frame Still has a lot of water more than

21 percent means it's too early to rock it You can wait a little longer because

mature honey should have water 21 to 18 percent

Honey having 18 percent of water itself in 6 times thicker than honey having 25 percent

water so that's the way here unmistakably determine

you can download or not and you do not need to wait its completely sealing if honey

Thus, the frame does not drop out honey can be rocked because

that bees especially weak 7 may not

you can not wait to print the viscosity of honey is the main

The indicator of his maturity is that his you can swing if you pump out

immature, that is, there is a lot of water in it low viscosity

will scald you can download a little bit

unripe and dried already collected

to put a dry place in a container vented and dried excessively

moisture by shaking the frames

unmistakably determine mature honey already or not

For more infomation >> Is it possible to pump unsealed honey? How not to miss the honey. - Duration: 2:10.


The first female bodyguard has been appointed to the royal family - Duration: 3:09.

 Being a member of the royal family comes with many advantages, but also with increased security threats

As a result, royals require bodyguards, who until now have always been male. However, the Belgian royal family have made history by hiring the first female bodyguard

King Phillipe in Brussels during an official visit to the Mountain of Mercy. The bodyguard was armed with a weapon for protection, and was wearing a coat with the royal insignia placed onto it, as well as having an earpiece to be able to communicate effectively with the royals

It is thought that female bodyguards can be better at blending into the background and as a result, allow for them to be more effective when it comes to protecting

   Security guards often build up great relationships with the people they help protect, especially in the case of the royal family

Princess Stephanie of Monaco memorably married her bodyguard Daniel Ducret in 1995, and welcomed two children together

In the British royal family, Princess Charlotte was treated to a personalised birthday present by the Cambridge family's security team for her first birthday in 2016

The little girl was given a personalised "The Day You Were Born" print by artist Lucy Tapper, which featured her full name "Charlotte Elizabeth Diana" as well as the date and location of her birth, as well as her birth stone, star sign and birth flower

 Prince Charles' previous bodyguard, meanwhile, made the news earlier in the month after it was debated whether or not he achieved a 2:1 at the University of Cambridge while protecting the future King of England

According to the website Quora, the security guard lived in college accommodation at Trinity College, and since the criteria of gaining a degree a University includes 'keeping term' in the limits of Cambridge during term dates and passing the examinations, the bodyguard was eligible to take the exams as he met the criteria

The story stated that he was permitted to sit the exam and passed with a 2:1, while Charles was awarded a more modest 2:2

 However, the University of Cambridge's online magazine, Varsity, have debunked the myth, claiming that although Charles did have a bodyguard who stayed in a room at Trinity College and attended the same lectures as the Prince, he did not in fact take the exams, and so was unable to get the impressive mark

For more infomation >> The first female bodyguard has been appointed to the royal family - Duration: 3:09.


2日間も岩の隙間に挟まっていた子猫。はたして無事に救出されるのか?!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 2日間も岩の隙間に挟まっていた子猫。はたして無事に救出されるのか?!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:16.


要求快捷下午到…疑曝光奧客影片 郵局員工考績墊底 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 要求快捷下午到…疑曝光奧客影片 郵局員工考績墊底 - Duration: 4:21.


日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.


日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.


Piedi screpolati, calli e duroni: ecco come liberarsene - Italy 365 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Piedi screpolati, calli e duroni: ecco come liberarsene - Italy 365 - Duration: 3:56.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | COMAND | Camera | LED - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | COMAND | Camera | LED - Duration: 1:06.


"Ma l'avete vista? Tremenda". Meghan cambia look e viene 'asfaltata' - Duration: 4:21.

        A Chester, durante la prima visita ufficiale da sola con la regina Elisabetta, Meghan Markle era perfetta con quell'abito neutro firmato Givenchy (lo stesso brand che l'ha vestita per il royal wedding)

Tutto in regola, nessuno strappo al protocollo, come successo alla recente parata Trooping the Colour, dove molti hanno puntato il dito sulle braccia e le spalle scoperte: il vestito scelto per il primo impegno in solitaria non offuscava la sovrana, che aveva invece optato per un completo color verde lime

Pochi giorni dopo il viaggio in treno (reale) a Chester, nel weekend, riecco Meghan ma mano nella mano con il suo Harry in un contesto decisamente meno formale: il matrimonio di Clelia McCorquodale, la nipote di Lady Diana, e di George Woodhouse

Un'occasione in cui la neo duchessa del Sussex ha un po' stravolto il suo stile iniziale, caratterizzato da linee rigorose e mono o al massimo bicolore, ricorda Vanity Fair

(Continua dopo la foto) Per le nozze della cugina di Harry, Meghan ha sfoggiato un Oscar de la Renta che ha poco a che vedere con i suoi 'soliti' outfit

Si tratta di un wrap dress asimmetrico, con ruches laterali, a stampa floreale azzurra della collezione Resort 2019 abbinato a un fascinator, a una clutch rigida e a un paio di pump, tutti bianchi

Una Meghan in versione gipsy-chic. Un po' bohémien, l'hanno definita, con quel vestito ampio, fantasia, con volant e maniche abbondanti

(Continua dopo la foto) Non è la prima volta che la moglie di Harry sfoggia vestito a fiori, stampa tra l'altro adorata anche dalla regina

Chi ha buona memoria ricorderà senza meno i look degli Invictus Games e del matrimonio di amici in Jamaica

Ma è sicuramente la prima volta che la Markle sceglie un modello così over, morbido e fluttuante

Una scelta che ha sicuramente incontrato l'approvazione degli amanti della tendenza 'boho', ma che in generale non è stata apprezzata da tutti

Anzi. (Continua dopo la foto) E sono piovute critiche sulla duchessa per quell'abito floreale

Sui social network non si contano i commenti negativi per la scelta del look alle nozze di Clelia e George Woodhouse

Pochi quelli che hanno gradito il cambio di look (da abiti aderenti a quello over e fantasia), moltissimi quelli secondo cui il vestito è "troppo grande" e "non le sta bene"

Più di qualcuno, poi, ha fatto anche notare come la stampa ricordasse quella di un copriletto


For more infomation >> "Ma l'avete vista? Tremenda". Meghan cambia look e viene 'asfaltata' - Duration: 4:21.


Bodark feat. JAZZ 8 - Altcuiva soldat - (Official audio) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Bodark feat. JAZZ 8 - Altcuiva soldat - (Official audio) - Duration: 3:38.


Sondaggi politici: Salvini inarrestabile al 28%, Di Maio tiene: 29% - Duration: 5:25.

 Sondaggi politici sotto la lente d'ingrandimento in Italia. La formazione del Governo Conte è diventata la soluzione di una crisi istituzionale durata quasi tre mesi

Il contratto che ha, di fatto, creato un'alleanza tra il Movimento Cinque Stelle e la Lega sembra sortire i primi effetti negli indici di gradimento

C'era e c'è attesa per capire chi, da quest'unione tra Salvini e Di Maio, potesse beneficiarne maggiormente in termini di consenso, considerato il diverso approccio dei due agli incarichi governativi

Il leader del Carroccio [VIDEO] non ha indietreggiato di un millimetro rispetto alle sue idee espresse in campagna elettorale, mantenendo il tiro alto anche quando c'è stato da chiudere i porti alle navi Ong

 Il principale esponente del partito pentastellato, pur rimanendo fedele ai propri impegni presi, è sembrato un po' abbassare i toni e apparire quasi oscurato dall'esuberanza del Ministro dell'Interno Il suo parlare "asciutto", per alcuni "fin troppo diretto", sembra essere la strategia politica che gli italiani preferiscono, confidando che presto possa tramutarsi in concreto pragmatismo

I primi risultati derivanti dai sondaggi  I sondaggi politici, per il momento, raccontano che il Governo Conte ha il gradimento della maggior parte degli italiani

Per qualcuno si tratta di una conseguenza inevitabile, considerato che si tratta di un Esecutivo che è espressione dei due maggiori partiti italiani

Secondo, infatti, quanto rivela l'indagine effettuata dall'Istituto Demopolis il nuovo Consiglio dei Ministri ha il gradimento di sei cittadini su dieci

 Sempre la stessa fonte racconta di un'ascesa quasi inarrestabile della Lega. Il consenso ottenuto dal partito di Salvini sarebbe addirittura cresciuto di quasi dieci punti percentuali

Sarebbe addirittura arrivata al 28%, soltanto un punto al di sotto del Movimento Cinque Stelle al 29%

La somma si tradurrebbe nell'idea che l'attuale Governo sarebbe la rappresentazione del consenso di quasi il 57% degli elettori

Staccatissimi tutti gli altri: il Pd è al 19%, Frattelli d'italia al 3,8% e LeU al 2,5%

Colpisce il calo di Forza Italia (10%) che potrebbe pagare l'escalation dell'alleato Matteo Salvini

Sondaggi politici: lo scenario sta cambiando  I sondaggi politici rappresentano lo strumento attraverso cui, ancora una volta, si sta delineando la possibilità di fare riflessioni importanti

L'ascesa di Lega e Movimento Cinque Stelle al Governo è diventato il segno tangibile del fatto [VIDEO]che il voto degli italiani ha cambiato direzione

L'idea, per molti esperti, è che si sia voluto segnare un punto di rottura con un passato che, fino al momento, aveva dato davvero poche risposte sul fronte politico

 Tuttavia, il fatto che un partito cresca di ben dieci punti percentuali in neanche tre mesi rappresenta la prova che, in questo momento, il consenso italiano sia "liquido", usando la definizione data da Demopolis

I voti si spostano con grande facilità in base al momento. L'indagine è stata condotta dal 19 al 20 giugno e ha riguardato un campione di 1500 intervistati

Questo articolo è stato verificato con: http://gds

it/2018/06/21/sondaggio-demopolis-il-governo-conte-piace-a-6-italiani-su-10_872766/ Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo

For more infomation >> Sondaggi politici: Salvini inarrestabile al 28%, Di Maio tiene: 29% - Duration: 5:25.


Investing in China - The Opportunities Ahead | Mark Yusko | Skin in the Game Real Vision - Duration: 3:53.

So four years ago, there was a problem in China.

If you wanted to see a doctor, it would take you six hours, two hours to travel, four hours

to wait for the doctor.

And they said, we could do a lot of stuff by telemedicine.


Do I actually need to see a doctor if you have a rash or your child has an ear infection?

You just get the antibiotic.

And they said we'll do telemedicine.

So they started this company.

And the genius of it was they branded it Ping On, the biggest insurance company, number

one brand in the world, Ping On Good Doctor.

And over the four years, they've hired 61,000 health care workers, part time.

This is genius too.

They hire people.

My daughter is a nurse.

She works three to four shifts a week, which means she has three to four days off.

So she could work for them part time and get paid to see patients online.


Now, she couldn't do it because she's in America.

But they do this in China with nurses and doctors in China.

So they built a business.

It went from nothing four years ago to $250 million of revenue.

350 million patients signed up to use this app in the last four years.

That just went public last week at a $5 billion market cap.


You can't get that kind of growth anywhere else in the world.

Do you still see big growth for that company?

Oh huge.


So we'll still get it now.

Think about it.

I mean, it's now, it almost doubled.

So maybe you want to wait a little bit and let it come back to Earth.

But over the long term, that company will grow like crazy.

But there are other businesses.

I mean, we had this other silly company.

It's called Fruit Day.

I like the name.

Almost a silly name.

Well, it's kind of a fun name.

And why it is called that?

It's because there's a food safety problem in China.

As people get wealthier, they say, well, I don't want to eat my food that's grown next

to the coal plant.

So they will pay extra for fruit that isn't grown in China.

So this company promises in one day, hence the name Fruit Day, to get you fresh fruit

from Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, to your house.

But they charge you a premium.

They went from nothing to $60 million in revenues in one year.

This company called Kascend, so do you know Twitch?

You have— Yeah.

An online gaming platform.


So gamers.

So e-sports, big thing now.

People say, why would anyone pay $1,000 to sit in the audience of a stadium and watch

people play games?

That's what happened at the world championships last year, Korea versus the US.

Sold out, 80,000 people, $1,000 a ticket.

Winning purse $20 million.


Team that won got $20 million.

There's this guy, Ninja, at Ninja.

He's a streamer.

Streamers are people who wear a headset.

They play video games, take a video of themselves and then stream it.

And they get paid by the video companies, video game companies, to teach people how

to play their game.

But they also get paid by the kids.

If I teach you something, you send me a token.

But that's fiat currency turned into a virtual currency.

And then I get 40% of it.

And the company keeps 60%.

So this guy's making $500,000 a month as a streamer for a company called Twitch.

Now, Twitch was bought by Amazon for a billion dollars, OK, a few years ago.

The runner up in that transaction was Google.

So Google went to China and found this company that we own a little piece of called Kascend

and just paid $300 million valuation to get in.

And we're already right there.

They have twice as many daily active users as Twitch.


And the thing is, I don't need Kascend to go public.

I don't need to wait in line for an IPO on the A share market, because I'm pretty sure

Google's just going to buy them.

And we'll probably make three, four, five, six times our money, which is a really good


And we won't get all the growth, but that's OK.

We can own it when it's public or we can hold Google stock.

For more infomation >> Investing in China - The Opportunities Ahead | Mark Yusko | Skin in the Game Real Vision - Duration: 3:53.


【MUKBANG】 [YOSHINOYA] Beef Bowl, Pork Bowl, Galbi, Beef Curry..Etc! 10 Servings! 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 5:37.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! a Yoshinoya Haul I bought 10 beef bowls

why do beef bowls like these smell so wonderful I'm #Blessed to be surrounded by all this itadakimasu

I will start off with this its beef kabli

Its flavored with some gochujang It looks so yummy

meat is the 'Bestest'

This is loaded with onion as well

meat + rice = happiness

All done next up is onion and salt chicken bowl

It also comes with its yuzu citrus pepper

The chicken looks like this It's sprinkled with pepper

The chicken is so tasty and yummy

Its flavored with salt its so very tasty

All done Next is a beef bowl

I got them to load it up with extra helpings

Everything is so yummy with an egg

It looks amazing

It's flavored so nicely and The meat is so tender and yummy

I love the added onion in here as well

all done This is a beefy black Curry

It's got beef and Curry on it

Nothing beats beef and Curry

This black Curry has such depth of flavor

All done next up is some bulgalbi curry

the kalbi comes with some gochujang sauce

It looks so yummy

the Galbi is so yummy

The meat is so juicy

next up is a pork bowl with extra helpings

The pork is so fatty and yummy

next we have a chicken sukiyaki bowl

The toothsome chicken meat is flavored with this nice and sweet tasting sukiyaki

makes me crave rice all the more

Next up is a salty pork bowl with onion

The pork is flavored nicely with salt

next up is Kalbee with salt bowl

this also comes with some yuzu citrus pepper

The meat is so Juicy and yummy

I also love the simple flavors of the salt based sauce

Last up is an eel bowl I got them too give me 2 pieces of eel

So is that why it came with 2 packets of sansho pepper?

The eel looks so yummy

the meat is so juicy and the skin is so crisp I also love the sweet tasting sauce

Last mouthful itadakimasu


I feel so blessed to be able to eat so much meat and rice today

yoshinoya is so amazing you can buy beef pork and chicken meat

and to top it all off they also offer eel as well It's so nice to be able to eat all sorts of different things

It comes in so many different flavors as well such as the standard beef bowl flavor and salt flavors

It's so nice to be able to eat this variety of food so easily

It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there's anything

You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [YOSHINOYA] Beef Bowl, Pork Bowl, Galbi, Beef Curry..Etc! 10 Servings! 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 5:37.


손 대지 않고 종이떼기 대결! 과연 오늘 벌칙의 주인공은??ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 손 대지 않고 종이떼기 대결! 과연 오늘 벌칙의 주인공은??ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 8:16.


PSD2 explained in 2 mins - Duration: 1:57.

PSD2, short from Payment Services Directive,

is a set of laws and legislations

set by the European Parliament.

The directive was approved on October 8

and passed on November 16, 2015.

It's a continuation from the original

Payment Services Directive,

which entered into force already in 2007.

PSD2 aims to secure e-payments

and expand the financial services ecosystem.

It covers most of the payment service providers

demands the use of strong authentication

and opens bank data to third parties.

PSD2 opens up the value chain for new actors.

Various roles in the value chain can be, for instance,

Account Servicing Payment Service Provider,

Payment Initiation Service Provider,

and Account Information Service Provider.

Overall, payment service providers

must follow certain requirements,

such a strong customer authentication

for all electronic remote payments.

At least two out of these three factors

are required for the strong customer authentication:

Something you know,

something you have,

and something you are.

What's more, the authentication must be

dynamically linked to a specific amount

and a specific payee.

Also, ASPSPs, such as financial institutions,

must allow third-party payment service providers

access to their customer's account information,

when the customer has given an explicit

consent to do so.

Payment service providers are also responsible for

finding evidence against fraud,

and securing the confidentiality

of users' security credentials.

Inside Secure Strong Authentication solution

perfectly meets the PSD2 SCA requirements.

For more information, visit

For more infomation >> PSD2 explained in 2 mins - Duration: 1:57.


Cosplay di Dottor Strange - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Cosplay di Dottor Strange - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> KAPALAK KIZINI ARADIM AÇTI BAŞIM BELADA (Kapalak Kızı) - Duration: 4:41.


A ciência da defesa dos direitos dos animais, Nick Cooney na IARC 2013 Luxemburgo - Duration: 49:10.

For more infomation >> A ciência da defesa dos direitos dos animais, Nick Cooney na IARC 2013 Luxemburgo - Duration: 49:10.


3 VEGAN Accessories for this Summer | Kia-Charlotta - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 3 VEGAN Accessories for this Summer | Kia-Charlotta - Duration: 5:40.


Interview sur le projet de protection des abeilles « BeeAware! » - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Interview sur le projet de protection des abeilles « BeeAware! » - Duration: 5:34.


【Information】 KAWAII ♡ We are looking for theme song & BGM of PATEEN! - Duration: 1:31.

Hello, all of a sudden, Kasankasuisosui is here

The reason why I appeared all of a sudden is,

Kawaii Pateen is auditioning for a song

What is needed is BGM used in the video

Different genre BGM is wanted

The other is ending theme song

is what we are waiting

Not my theme

Kawaii Pateen is looking for original BGM and ending theme

Please see the details on the description

It's better explained than me

To apply, you have to be subscribed to Kawaii Pateen

The deadline is 31st of July

until 23:59


we are waiting

Subscribe to the channel, subscribe!

That is not good! No no no!

No no no!

Subscribe to the channel, by the way

That's all. Thank you!

For more infomation >> 【Information】 KAWAII ♡ We are looking for theme song & BGM of PATEEN! - Duration: 1:31.


✅ Elezioni comunali Cinisello Balsamo 2018, Giovanni Ghilardi eletto sindaco al ballottaggio LISTE-C - Duration: 2:22.

 CINISELLO BALSAMO – Giovanni Ghilardi del centrodestra ha vinto al secondo turno (ballottaggio) delle elezioni comunali 2018 a Avellino

Giovanni Ghilardi [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,-Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] con il 56,25% ha battuto la candidata del centrosinistra Nello Pizza (43,75%)

Comune di CINISELLO BALSAMO (Prec. elez.: 26/05/2013) Sezioni sindaco: 65 / 65 (Tutte) Candidati Sindaco e Liste Voti II turno % Voti I turno % Seggi GHILARDI GIACOMO GIOVANNI ELETTO SINDACO 13

649 56,25 12.117 45,94 LEGA 6.125 24,22 9 LISTA CIVICA – LA TUA CITTA' 1.993 7,88 3 FORZA ITALIA 1

726 6,82 2 NOI CON L'ITALIA 755 2,98 1 LISTA CIVICA – CITTADINI INSIEME 618 2,44 – FRATELLI D'ITALIA CON GIORGIA MELONI 409 1,61 – Totale liste 11

626 45,98 15 TREZZI SIRIA 10.614 43,75 10.823 41,03 PARTITO DEMOCRATICO 7.356 29,09 5 LISTA CIVICA – CINISELLO BALSAMO CIVICA 2

156 8,52 1 SINISTRA – LA CITTA' GIUSTA 831 3,28 – Totale liste 10.343 40,90 6 ZINESI MAURIZIO 2

725 10,33 MOVIMENTO 5 STELLE 2.649 10,47 1 MARSIGLIA LUIGINO DETTO LUIGI 709 2,68 LISTA CIVICA – ALTERNATIVA CIVICA 430 1,70 – LISTA CIVICA – ARIA PULITA 121 0,47 – LISTA CIVICA – #LA SVOLTA 115 0,45 – Totale liste 666 2,63 – TOTALE Candidati 24

263 100,00 26.374 100,00 22 Liste 25.284  CANDIDATI A SINDACO ELETTI CONSIGLIERI TREZZI SIRIA, ZINESI MAURIZIO Elettori: 54

787 | Votanti: 24.583 (44,87%) Schede non valide: 305 ( di cui bianche: 74 ) Schede contestate: 15 | Dato aggiornato al 25/06/2018 – 01:12

For more infomation >> ✅ Elezioni comunali Cinisello Balsamo 2018, Giovanni Ghilardi eletto sindaco al ballottaggio LISTE-C - Duration: 2:22.


✅ Elezioni comunali Ancona 2018, Valeria Mancinelli sindaco al ballottaggio LISTE-CONSIGLIERI ELETTI - Duration: 2:26.

 ANCONA – Il centrosinistra vince ad Ancona al secondo turno (ballottaggio) delle elezioni comunali 2018

Valeria Mancinelli [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,-Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] con il 62,78% ha battuto il candidato del centrodestra Stefano Tombolini (37,22%)

Comune di ANCONA (Prec. elez.: 26/05/2013) Sezioni sindaco: 100 / 100 (Tutte) Candidati Sindaco e Liste Voti II turno % Voti I turno % Seggi MANCINELLI VALERIA ELETTO SINDACO 21

152 62,78 20.738 47,92 PARTITO DEMOCRATICO 12.317 30,33 14 LISTA CIVICA – ANCORA PER ANCONA 3


750 4,30 1 CENTRISTI 296 0,72 – Totale liste 19.497 48,01 20 TOMBOLINI STEFANO 12

541 37,22 12.308 28,44 LEGA 5.047 12,42 3 LISTA CIVICA – 60100 ANCONA 2.347 5,77 1 FRATELLI D'ITALIA CON GIORGIA MELONI 1

795 4,42 1 FORZA ITALIA 1.756 4,32 1 SERVIRE ANCONA-MOV. ANIMALISTA 430 1,05 – UNIONE DI CENTRO 318 0,78 – Totale liste 11


830 6,53 LISTA CIVICA – ALTRA IDEA DI CITTA' 2.732 6,72 – TOTALE Candidati 33


551 | Votanti: 34.379 (42,67%) Schede non valide: 682 ( di cui bianche: 244 ) Schede contestate: 4 | Dato aggiornato al 25/06/2018 – 00:51

For more infomation >> ✅ Elezioni comunali Ancona 2018, Valeria Mancinelli sindaco al ballottaggio LISTE-CONSIGLIERI ELETTI - Duration: 2:26.


Eon LigaBattle 20 Siad BadClause Vs FNX Tamer - Duration: 19:33.

For more infomation >> Eon LigaBattle 20 Siad BadClause Vs FNX Tamer - Duration: 19:33.


Porte Blindate Elettroniche: Prezzi e Caratteristiche (2018) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Porte Blindate Elettroniche: Prezzi e Caratteristiche (2018) - Duration: 3:55.


Você Ficará Chocado em Saber o que as FOLHAS DE GOIABA Podem Fazer Pela Sua Saúde! - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Você Ficará Chocado em Saber o que as FOLHAS DE GOIABA Podem Fazer Pela Sua Saúde! - Duration: 5:48.


Volvo XC40 T5 AWD R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC40 T5 AWD R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:09.


Is it possible to pump unsealed honey? How not to miss the honey. - Duration: 2:10.

how to know if it's time to rock the honey from the hive, find out when the honey is ripe

for pitching, the beekeeper usually claims that honey can be shaken when bees

to seal it in a frame by one third if you do this, you will fly

honey show frame where honey brought from one and the other side as

You can learn to rock it. we shake it vertically from it practically

nothing flows horizontally poured nectar

turn over to the other side spilled nectar is what it means that honey in

frame Still has a lot of water more than

21 percent means it's too early to rock it You can wait a little longer because

mature honey should have water 21 to 18 percent

Honey having 18 percent of water itself in 6 times thicker than honey having 25 percent

water so that's the way here unmistakably determine

you can download or not and you do not need to wait its completely sealing if honey

Thus, the frame does not drop out honey can be rocked because

that bees especially weak 7 may not

you can not wait to print the viscosity of honey is the main

The indicator of his maturity is that his you can swing if you pump out

immature, that is, there is a lot of water in it low viscosity

will scald you can download a little bit

unripe and dried already collected

to put a dry place in a container vented and dried excessively

moisture by shaking the frames

unmistakably determine mature honey already or not

For more infomation >> Is it possible to pump unsealed honey? How not to miss the honey. - Duration: 2:10.


The first female bodyguard has been appointed to the royal family - Duration: 3:09.

 Being a member of the royal family comes with many advantages, but also with increased security threats

As a result, royals require bodyguards, who until now have always been male. However, the Belgian royal family have made history by hiring the first female bodyguard

King Phillipe in Brussels during an official visit to the Mountain of Mercy. The bodyguard was armed with a weapon for protection, and was wearing a coat with the royal insignia placed onto it, as well as having an earpiece to be able to communicate effectively with the royals

It is thought that female bodyguards can be better at blending into the background and as a result, allow for them to be more effective when it comes to protecting

   Security guards often build up great relationships with the people they help protect, especially in the case of the royal family

Princess Stephanie of Monaco memorably married her bodyguard Daniel Ducret in 1995, and welcomed two children together

In the British royal family, Princess Charlotte was treated to a personalised birthday present by the Cambridge family's security team for her first birthday in 2016

The little girl was given a personalised "The Day You Were Born" print by artist Lucy Tapper, which featured her full name "Charlotte Elizabeth Diana" as well as the date and location of her birth, as well as her birth stone, star sign and birth flower

 Prince Charles' previous bodyguard, meanwhile, made the news earlier in the month after it was debated whether or not he achieved a 2:1 at the University of Cambridge while protecting the future King of England

According to the website Quora, the security guard lived in college accommodation at Trinity College, and since the criteria of gaining a degree a University includes 'keeping term' in the limits of Cambridge during term dates and passing the examinations, the bodyguard was eligible to take the exams as he met the criteria

The story stated that he was permitted to sit the exam and passed with a 2:1, while Charles was awarded a more modest 2:2

 However, the University of Cambridge's online magazine, Varsity, have debunked the myth, claiming that although Charles did have a bodyguard who stayed in a room at Trinity College and attended the same lectures as the Prince, he did not in fact take the exams, and so was unable to get the impressive mark

For more infomation >> The first female bodyguard has been appointed to the royal family - Duration: 3:09.


2日間も岩の隙間に挟まっていた子猫。はたして無事に救出されるのか?!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 2日間も岩の隙間に挟まっていた子猫。はたして無事に救出されるのか?!【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:16.


要求快捷下午到…疑曝光奧客影片 郵局員工考績墊底 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 要求快捷下午到…疑曝光奧客影片 郵局員工考績墊底 - Duration: 4:21.


PlayWay motywuje prezesa Ultimate Games. Akcje za każdy milion zysku - Duration: 3:49.

 PlayWay postanowiło zmotywować prezesa spółki zależnej. Da mu akcje, jeśli uda się wypracować odpowiedni zysk

  PlayWay oraz prezes Mateusz Zawadzki, czyli akcjonariusze Ultimate Games zawarli umowę

W zamian za zyski prezes będzie miał możliwości odkupu części akcji spółki po określonej w umowie akcjonariuszy cenie

Są jednak warunki.  Prezes będzie uprawniony do odkupu od PlayWay do 5 proc. akcji Ultimate Games, jeśli zysk tej drugiej za 2018 rok będzie odpowiedni

Zysk musi być jeszcze potwierdzony przez audytora i zatwierdzony przez zwyczajne walne zgromadzenie

 Zobacz też: Historyczna gra strategiczna od polskiego studia    W przypadku osiągnięcia przez spółkę zysku netto na poziomie min

1 mln zł - prezesowi zarządu będzie przysługiwać uprawnienie do odkupu 1 proc. akcji w kapitale zakładowym spółki od PlayWay

Maksymalna ilość akcji do odkupu przez prezesa zarządu wynosi 5 proc. w kapitale zakładowym spółki - przy zysku netto spółki na poziomie 5 mln zł za 2018 r

 Ultimate Games prowadzi działalność na rynku gier wideo, specjalizując się w zakresie produkcji i dystrybucji gier na urządzenia mobilne

 PlayWay jako inwestora udało się pozyskać w 2016 r. i obecnie ta ma 48 proc. akcji w Ultimate Games

Prawie 16 proc. należy do Mateusza Zawadzkiego, który w przypadku sukcesu dojdzie do 21 proc

, a udział PlayWay zejdzie do 43 proc.  Ultimate Games specjalizuje się w grach komputerowych

Pochwalić się może na razie głównie symulatorem wędkarskim, czyli grą Ultimate Fishing Simulator, która w dniu premiery na platformach PC jako gra we wczesnym dostępie znajdowała się na liście 10 najlepszych bestsellerów na platformy dystrybucyjnej Steam (7 pozycja)

Masz newsa, zdjęcie lub filmik? Prześlij nam przez Polub na Facebook: technologie, playway, plw, ultimate games, ulg giełda

For more infomation >> PlayWay motywuje prezesa Ultimate Games. Akcje za każdy milion zysku - Duration: 3:49.


日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.


日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 日本兩度落後塞內加爾 本田圭佑替補上陣追平 - Duration: 5:00.


Don't Worry, I'm a Ghost | 걱정마세요, 귀신입니다 [2012 Drama Special / ENG / 2012.07.15] - Duration: 1:09:54.

Hey, turn right.ㄴ

You're just going straight?

Be quiet, I'll get there.

Too much for a beginner like you.

I bet I can drive better.

Then, you drive!

Oh my God!

My God.

Call 911!

How many?



How old are you?

Where are you now?

At a hospital.

Where do you live?

- What's this? / - A bed.

- This? / - A blanket.

What's your name?

I'm here for identification.

Just a minute.

You have amnesia.

You won't have problems in life, but

will have problems with memories of yourself.

We'll have to see how it goes.

Lee Mungi.

Age 32, no family,

and lives at Guui-dong 821-3.

Mr. Lee Mungi.

That's you.


Your name is Lee Mungi.

Lee Mungi...

Lee Mungi?

Yes, Mr. Lee Mungi.

You're 32 years old with no family.

Lives at Guui-dong 821-3.

Guui-dong 821-3?

You remember?

Where's the person that was beside me?

There was someone with you?

I mean a girl was...

What I'm saying is...

She was sitting here, and...

- How? / - I mean, oh my God.

She was sitting here with big eyes, and...

- She was talking to me. / - Who?

I was sitting here, and listening to her...

Don't worry. I'm a ghost

I used to live here?

Is this a dream?


A ghost.

It is a dream.

Our Father who art in heaven...

Hey, you're not dreaming.

I'm having a nightmare.

It's a nightmare.

This is how all single men live?

It's too vacant.

You should wash this again. It stinks.


Who are you?

Try to remember.

Haven't you seen me before?

No, I haven't...

That's you.

Where are you going?

I said, where're you going?


Go away.

You must be feeling anxiety and stress.



You have amnesia.

So, try to live a normal life

and rely on family and friends.

I think I may have a more serious problem.

Such as?

I see things.

- Hey. / - It's just a temporary thing.

- Hey. / - She'll go away.

No, I won't. I'll stay right with you.

Hold on to the handle.

The bus makes a sudden left turn soon.

I don't hear anything.

You'll regret it.

Ignore it.

This bus is always like this.

I told you to hang on.

- Who is she? / - "Who is she?"

Is she really a ghost?

Follow me if you want to find out.

Stop the bus!

I wonder why funeral homes

have spicy beef soup.

Aren't you hungry? I am.

What's your name?

Kim Yeonhwa.

- How old are you? / - 25.

Why did you come to me?

Look who's here.

Thank you for coming.


It got cold now. I'll get you a new one.

She used to work with me.

What happened to her?

She was stabbed with a knife.

It's horrible.

I heard there was a robbery.

That's why you came to me?

You want justice? Want me to find the killer?

Or you want me to get revenge?

If you can, that will be great.

If not, why did you come to me?

I have my reasons.

There's a good reason

when the dead visits the living.

So, tell me... please.

Why do I have to tell you?

Find out for yourself

as you regain your memories.

Why would I do as you say?

Or you're stuck with me forever.

Phone will tell who your friends were

and what you're all about.

All information is inside the phone.

Never mind.

You never mind.

I'll be right beside you for a while.

The phone damage is severe,

so we can't restore information.

Your phone lost its memory as well.

You can use the new phone right away, and

after the first payment, additional services

can be changed at your will.

Plus, you're able to

change the type of payment.

Lee Mungi, what's going on?

Why did you turn off your phone?

Bike courier is a joke to you?

One is on vacation,

and another is absent without notice.

You give me a headache.

Call Jinsu to cancel

his vacation and get back here.

Hello? Yes, sure.


This is Jinsu.

He's like a younger brother to you.

Kim Jinsu

Don't just stand there. Leave right now.

Speed up.

Hey, sit still.

Just drive.

Turn left at the cross road for 813-7.

Delivery here.

Here's your delivery.

You have a habit

when you're waiting for a green light.

You tick your finger.

Chuncheon Restaurant

You always eat rice set.

The convenience store

you always stop at for a break.

Is this really me? You're not playing me?

A ghost has better things to do than to lie.

Whatever you say.

Put that phone away.

I don't want people to think I'm crazy.

You used to drink this.


I may have lost my memory,

but I still have taste, you know.


You're back.

I haven't seen you for a few days.

This, right?

Don't you get bored

eating the same thing every day?

Taste, is it?

How do you know so much about me?

This is the flower shop where I used to work.

I was a regular here?


you came by once a week to make a delivery.

Don't you remember anything?

Not really.

No feeling and don't remember who I am.

You said you were the owner of the shop.

Did I do something wrong?

It's not my fault that I can't remember.

Not your fault you can't remember,

but not trying is your fault.

- I don't mean to. / - Watch out!

Where's this?

My house.

I was here.

That day was my birthday.

Why did you really come to me?

What is it that I have to find out for myself?

What was I doing here?

I think you saw me dying.


I mean...

You're the witness to my murder.

Don't be so surprised.

Literally, you just saw me dying.

Tell me specifically.

I don't know, either.

I can't remember what happened.

But I saw your face.

When I briefly gained consciousness,

I saw you.

You seemed surprised.

Are you okay?

There was someone else here.

I think he's the killer.

What are you doing there?

Let's get this straight.

You remembered and

ended up at the crime scene?

While I was making a delivery,

I saw the site of my accident,

and was led to that house.

What did you see exactly?

There was a lady on the floor...

And she was Kim Yeonhwa,

and you saw someone else?


You think he's the suspect?

Probably. I remember being chased.

Describe him.

I don't know.

Why were you at Kim Yeonhwa's house?

Well, I make deliveries.

What delivery was it?

I don't remember.

It's hard to make a statement from this.

Call me if your memories get clearer.

We'll look into it also.

If you saw the suspect,

he may pay you a visit.

Be careful.

Boss, my service record seems neglected.


Come on.

You left early that day, silly.

Left early, meaning I didn't make deliveries.

That's strange. Why was I there?

My memories aren't completely blank,

but they aren't clear, either.

It's driving me crazy.

Don't worry. You're not involved.

You're just a witness.

You know why I was at your house,

don't you?

Can't you just tell me?

You really want to know?

Then, do me a favor.

Are you kidding?

This is my favor.

I thought you wanted to remember.

- You want me to go in there? / - Yes.

Not a bad idea,

but let's look for another way.

I think this is the best idea.


I want to live.

People don't die that easily.

That's supposed to make me feel better?

You can't go in by yourself?

Okay, fine.

Stand right there.


Hey, stop!

I don't know how to swim.

You know how to swim.

How do you know?

You've fallen into water before.


Are you happy to have left me alone?

Hey, wake up.

You're embarrassed, right?

So, why do something embarrassing?

You get older for nothing?

What did the Han River do to you?

It's not a trash can.

What's wrong with people?

Are they thinking only of themselves?

They don't care about those left behind?

You owe me your life,

so don't die on your own.

Get a life!

I wondered if he was doing well,

but he was, fortunately.


I opened a flower shop across the street.

- Wish me luck. / - Good luck.

- Thank you. / - Thanks.

It's for opening my flower shop.

You don't like flowers?

Just take it.

It's for opening the flower shop.

How could you not recognize me?

I recognized you at first sight.

You're sorry now? You should be.

How could you not recognize me?

This pretty girl saved your life.


Don't you know how to smile properly?

Do as I do.

Like this.

A bigger smile.

Why always stop there?

Give me a bigger smile.

Smile as much as you like.

I liked it when you smiled like that.

You were lovely.

You wanted to know

why you were at my house, right?

I invited you.

Why me?


I liked you.

Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?

I hoped you'd remember

before telling you myself.

I hoped you'd recognize me.

I'm thirsty. I need water.

Let's have this.


Ghosts get drunk, too.

You really thought so?


Do you want to date with me?

What's wrong?

I'm not so bad myself.

Only you can see me, so I can't have an affair.

Where are you going?

Calm down.

Don't be possessed by a ghost.

It's an aftereffect of the accident.

That's right.



Oh, hi.

Is someone here?

No. Anyway, what brought you here?

I stopped by to check a few things.

Pardon me?

You didn't make a delivery that day,

but left early.

So, why were you there?

Oh, I was invited for her birthday.

Invited by Kim Yeonhwa?

You said you went there on a delivery.

I was just starting to remember things.

Were you two involved?

No, I was invited for the first time.

Mr. Lee Mungi,

do you remember anything else?

Your close relatives or friends.

Why can't you remember anyone except her?

When you two weren't

not exactly a lover or anything.

Isn't it strange?

Well, I hope your memories come back soon.

I called to order a delivery.

I'm closing the shop.

I just saw this, so busy with the funeral.

I see.

He asked for delivery for a year,

not missing one week.

He's a regular,

so please tell them it's her last work.

I always wanted to meet him.

- Hello. / - Hey.

We've been waiting for this.

- So pretty! / - I'm sorry to ask,

but who sends you the flowers?

It's you.

No, I mean who orders them.

I deliver them.

What's with the serious face?

We want to meet him, too.

Or how could we get flowers like this?

- I see. / - Go on, then.

Hey, flower shop lady is pretty, isn't she?


You like her, right?

Let me tell you about love letters.

You fall in love with the delivery guy,

not the person who writes them.

That's a real love story.

My husband confessed me that

he was the one who wrote the letters.




Lee Mungi has logged in successfully

Order history and tracking

Order history and tracking

Flower Basket A

Please make it with your favorite flowers.

Order delivered

Delivery pending

Please make it with your favorite flowers.

You know the tragedy of a flower shop girl?


They like flowers,

but don't get to receive them.

- Let's go. / - Okay.

Hurry up, or you'll be late.

I'm taking some time off.

I called the office.

Something wrong?

I just want to change who I am.

Let's go.

I like this one.

It looks like you.

Scrub it gently using your tongue,

not too rough.

Isn't this empty seat?

I have company.

I'll move it when someone comes.

Did your bag pay?

I did.

I'm fine, actually.

I'm not fine.

Why watch the movie with a bag?

Outside Source

Outside Source

How come a ghost gets so scared?

I may be dead, but still human.

He's smiling.


Fish cake.

I want coke.

I love peach.

No fruits with hair.

Because they're expensive?

Special Sale: Peaches $24

- Delicious. / - Delicious?


Seems delicious.

Stop eating.

You'll drool.

Fish is to the east?

East is left or right?

Place favorites closer.

Thank you.

Blow out the candles.

Don't pretend to be weak. Try again.

Happy birthday.

Sorry for the late celebration.

Don't be too nice to me.

You're getting my hopes up.

You just came to my birthday, right?

I wanted to know how you felt.

But I'm asking for too much

when you have no memories.

Amnesia is a scary sickness.

No memory means losing everything,

including the time and people.

I'm sorry.

You're dead...

But I don't know how sad I should be.

You can start remembering, little by little.

I'm sorry, but I want to return it

to whom it really originally belonged.

I'm doing well. I'm alive.

You saved me, but how could I forget you?

What's wrong with you?

It's me, Jinsu.


Kim Jinsu

You have the police here again?

What's the matter with you?

Why hang out with cops and why avoid me?


Aren't you on vacation?

What are you talking about?

What's wrong with you?

I don't know what's been happening

to you for the past couple of days,

but get this straight. I'm wanted for robbery.

If this adds up, I'm done.

Nothing happened that day, got it?

It's a secret between us. Understand?

Keep it quiet.

If we get over this, we can live like humans.

Understand, Mungi?

Say something!

Bear it in mind. If you do something stupid,

we're both finished.

Hope Orphanage Mungi and Jinsu

I was about to call you.

Jinsu stopped by. He seemed nervous.

He did something, right?

I heard loan sharks are after him.

I hope it's not serious.

When will he go straight?

It must be hard, but look after him.

He lives thanks to you.

Brothers don't have to share the same blood.

You're each other's only family.

Three people were here.

The victim, the witness, and the suspect.

What promise did I make to him?

What kind of life have I been living?

Nothing happened that day, got it?

You know nothing, okay?

It's a secret between us.

Understand, Mungi?

Why didn't I know when I was alive?

Life is so beautiful and stunning.

Being alive itself is a thankful thing.

Now I can leave.

I think I should go.

I just wanted to stay a bit longer.

I hoped you'd remember me.

I wanted to share good memories...

But that seems selfish of me.

I'll catch the guy who did this to you.

That's what I should do.

That's the only thing I can do for you.


You've already done plenty.

It's enough.

Don't go.

Not yet.

I don't know you yet.

I just got to know you.

I don't care about other things.

But I want to remember everything about you.



I'll be right there.

Who was it?

Where were you?

I was here the whole time.

Who was it?

They want me to verify the suspect's face.

I'll be quick, so stay right here.

I want to go.

I don't want you to have any more

bad memories

I'll do it on my own.

He was a suspect in another robbery case.

We found a connection

while investigating her missing checks.

He's your colleague

and from the same orphanage.

Ringing any bells?

You still don't remember the suspect's face?

It's him. I think it's him.

Would he be okay?

He wants to catch this guy.

- It's good if he helps. / - I agree.

It's freezing in here.

Kim Jinsu's here.

Let go!

Did you tell? What were you thinking?

Who are you? why did you do it?

What's wrong with you?

Do you know what you've done?

What insane thing you did?

Let me go!

I could have been happy if it weren't for you.

We could have had a start.

Are you crazy?

You ruined everything.

Why did you have to kill her?


She was someone I liked.

What are you talking about?

You killed her. It's you who killed her!

You ruined everything!

I didn't give you up.

How dare you pin this on me?

- Lee Mungi, and Kim Jinsu. / - Let go.

You're under arrest for the murder

of Kim Yeonhwa.

You know why we conduct a spot inspection?

Ideas and speech can lie, but the body can't.

Plans for tomorrow?

Come by my place after work.

It's my birthday.

Why me?

Who knows? Maybe I like you.

Mungi, when will you take the flowers?

I'm on my way.

Okay, I'll be waiting.


You're not on vacation?

I had a few things to take care of,

so delayed a bit.

Where are you going, leaving early?

I want to live differently.

Good, I had the same idea.

But I need your help.

- Next time. / - It'll just take a minute.

Okay, next time. I have an appointment.

It won't take long.

I can't go on my own.

Please come with me.

It's the last favor I'll ask.

I won't stand in your way anymore.

Sure it just takes a minute?

Whose house is this?

Don't worry, come in.

What are you doing?

It's okay. I have to find something.

Find what?

Whose place is this?

Whose house?

Tell me!

Whose house?

A young girl who has her flower shop

just because she has nice parents.

She wouldn't even know her keys are missing.

I'm just borrowing. I'll payback later.

Seoul Seodaemun-gu Hongje-dong 203-5

Come to my place after work.


You're my lucky charm.

- Get out. / - Let go.

If you want to see me again,

leave it and get out.


You feel bad because you see her every day?

I don't like her.

She smiles too much and makes me feel small.

She won't get depressed about

losing this money, so don't worry.

Are you crazy? Did you just hit me?

Don't come near me.

I need this money. Get out of my way.


Kim Yeonhwa.

You're holding on to a student ID card?

Thank you.

Who left it? Let's go.

Why did you follow him?

You should have just come to me.

If I knew...

I wouldn't have come to you.


He still believes that he saw the deceased.

You mean a ghost, right?

It seems he liked her very much.

So much that he wanted to erase

the memory that he killed her.

But why did he try to remember again?

He couldn't erase memories of her.

So what did he actually see?

Probably an image of the memory.

Ghost or delusion, he couldn't let go of her.

Yeonhwa, are you there?

I just want to see you one last time.

You're doing well, right?

Don't worry, I'm a ghost.

Give me a bigger smile.

You look lovely when you smile like that.

See you next time...

For more infomation >> Don't Worry, I'm a Ghost | 걱정마세요, 귀신입니다 [2012 Drama Special / ENG / 2012.07.15] - Duration: 1:09:54.


T'storms tonight, drier tomorrow - Duration: 3:29.

T'storms tonight drive tomorrow Hartford

CDW FSB negative 10 p.m. update we will still have scattered showers and

thunderstorms roaming around for the next few hours lightning and heavy

downpours are still possible especially along the shore line most of this

activity shall cease around midnight and patchy fog will follow under storms then

tonight scattered showers and understorms will finish their march

through connecticut this evening band tonight thus I will thereafter turn

partly cloudy and patchy fog may form in pockets thanks to the rain and continued

high humidity toward morning much drier air will move into the state and take

dewpoint temperatures in the 60s and send them into the 40s and low 50s next

week a few showers Monday Monday will begin partly sunny much drier and

comfortably cool the afternoon however maybe occasionally unsettled but jet

stream will dig sharper over the northeastern states allowing cooler air

to drift into the sky aloft the instability will result and a few

showers will fire there may be enough instabilities that there will be a

rhythm of showers and thunderstorms over the eastern New England that might even

bring small hail them as of now eastern Connecticut might be most prone to

having an isolated shower or thunderstorm but the highest

concentration of wet weather should remain these and northeast of the state

the balance of the afternoon will actually be pretty nice highs Monday

afternoon will be in the 70s to near 80 degrees there will be a nice northerly

breeze as well as puffy progestin cumulus clouds ripped across the sky dry

Tuesday and Wednesday Tuesday will be mostly sunny dry and pleasant high shear

will build into the state from the Great Lakes

pushing away Monday's unstable there Tuesday morning will be cool with

temperatures in the lower specifics but in the afternoon will be seasonably warm

with highs around for just over 80 degrees Wednesday should be slightly

warmer with highs in the low and for abby's sunshine will mix or clouds and

showers are possible late Wednesday and Wednesday night as warmer and more humid

air surges toward New England showers Thursday scattered showers will pass

through the state Thursday a wave of low pressure crossing the Great Lakes will

introduce moisture an upward motion into the atmosphere helping to create these

showers the search of warm air pushing northeast from the southern states will

further air this system in creating showers the day will otherwise be warm

and increasingly muggy with highs in the lower 80s

heatwave possible Friday Saturday and Sunday Friday and next weekend will be

hot and humid southwesterly flow in the wake of Thursday's system will develop

it will easily draught the warm air over southern us into Connecticut supporting

each day high in the 90s 5 humidity and stuffy nights with this

level of heat and humidity present isolated thunderstorms are possible

however given the lack of forcing to send the boy and their skyward the

chance is very small meteorologist Mike Cameron

For more infomation >> T'storms tonight, drier tomorrow - Duration: 3:29.


Volvo V70 2.0T Momentum Bi-Fuel VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T Momentum Bi-Fuel VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:05.


Investing in China - The Opportunities Ahead | Mark Yusko | Skin in the Game Real Vision - Duration: 3:53.

So four years ago, there was a problem in China.

If you wanted to see a doctor, it would take you six hours, two hours to travel, four hours

to wait for the doctor.

And they said, we could do a lot of stuff by telemedicine.


Do I actually need to see a doctor if you have a rash or your child has an ear infection?

You just get the antibiotic.

And they said we'll do telemedicine.

So they started this company.

And the genius of it was they branded it Ping On, the biggest insurance company, number

one brand in the world, Ping On Good Doctor.

And over the four years, they've hired 61,000 health care workers, part time.

This is genius too.

They hire people.

My daughter is a nurse.

She works three to four shifts a week, which means she has three to four days off.

So she could work for them part time and get paid to see patients online.


Now, she couldn't do it because she's in America.

But they do this in China with nurses and doctors in China.

So they built a business.

It went from nothing four years ago to $250 million of revenue.

350 million patients signed up to use this app in the last four years.

That just went public last week at a $5 billion market cap.


You can't get that kind of growth anywhere else in the world.

Do you still see big growth for that company?

Oh huge.


So we'll still get it now.

Think about it.

I mean, it's now, it almost doubled.

So maybe you want to wait a little bit and let it come back to Earth.

But over the long term, that company will grow like crazy.

But there are other businesses.

I mean, we had this other silly company.

It's called Fruit Day.

I like the name.

Almost a silly name.

Well, it's kind of a fun name.

And why it is called that?

It's because there's a food safety problem in China.

As people get wealthier, they say, well, I don't want to eat my food that's grown next

to the coal plant.

So they will pay extra for fruit that isn't grown in China.

So this company promises in one day, hence the name Fruit Day, to get you fresh fruit

from Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, to your house.

But they charge you a premium.

They went from nothing to $60 million in revenues in one year.

This company called Kascend, so do you know Twitch?

You have— Yeah.

An online gaming platform.


So gamers.

So e-sports, big thing now.

People say, why would anyone pay $1,000 to sit in the audience of a stadium and watch

people play games?

That's what happened at the world championships last year, Korea versus the US.

Sold out, 80,000 people, $1,000 a ticket.

Winning purse $20 million.


Team that won got $20 million.

There's this guy, Ninja, at Ninja.

He's a streamer.

Streamers are people who wear a headset.

They play video games, take a video of themselves and then stream it.

And they get paid by the video companies, video game companies, to teach people how

to play their game.

But they also get paid by the kids.

If I teach you something, you send me a token.

But that's fiat currency turned into a virtual currency.

And then I get 40% of it.

And the company keeps 60%.

So this guy's making $500,000 a month as a streamer for a company called Twitch.

Now, Twitch was bought by Amazon for a billion dollars, OK, a few years ago.

The runner up in that transaction was Google.

So Google went to China and found this company that we own a little piece of called Kascend

and just paid $300 million valuation to get in.

And we're already right there.

They have twice as many daily active users as Twitch.


And the thing is, I don't need Kascend to go public.

I don't need to wait in line for an IPO on the A share market, because I'm pretty sure

Google's just going to buy them.

And we'll probably make three, four, five, six times our money, which is a really good


And we won't get all the growth, but that's OK.

We can own it when it's public or we can hold Google stock.

For more infomation >> Investing in China - The Opportunities Ahead | Mark Yusko | Skin in the Game Real Vision - Duration: 3:53.


🐔 Why Chicken Is Worthless & Bad Protein - Duration: 5:24.

Assuming you're not a vegan or vegetarian - which is think is great and I have no problem

if you don't want to eat animals.

Assuming you eat a well-balanced, plant-based diet, I think it's very healthy and good

for you.

However, for those that enjoy eating meat and love chicken, today's video is going

to reveal to you why it's one of the worst sources of animal protein, worthless in my

opinion and can actually be bad for you.

And this always comes as a shock to people when I tell them this, especially since chicken

is the most consumed source of animal protein:

The professional athletes and bodybuilders who seem to eat chicken almost every meal.

The person trying to live a healthier life, by NOT eating red meat (cow or bison) and

opting for the "healthier" chicken.

And by the way, a couple decades ago I also ate lots of chicken… until I found out what

I'm going to share with you today.

No Nutrients Chickens grow for 3 months before they're


A few decades ago it would be a year, then 6 months and now only 3 months.

They've fast-forwarded the growth phase so they can grow and sell more.

And because of this accelerated growth, there are no nutrients in the chicken - it's just


Unlike pasture raised beef or bison which can take a few years to grow and has lots

of vitamins, minerals, essential fats (CLA), creatine and other muscle-building nutrients.

I have all my athletes, especially the professionals and Olympic ones, switch out the chicken for

grass fed, pasture raised bison.

Even though they'll eat the same exact calories, they ALL gain more muscle and lose more fat.

I also have them eat wild caught salmon 3-4x weekly for the omega fats.

But not more chicken!

No Difference In Cholesterol Lots of people stop eating red meat and switch

to chicken, only to find out that they see no improvements in their cholesterol levels

or very little.

One main reason for this is because the chickens are genetically modified in a variety of ways

and one of them is to have MORE fat, which contains more cholesterol.

Full Of Bacteria You can eat most sources of protein raw (beef,

fish, eggs, milk, even pork) - but chicken is definitely one that you never want to do.

In fact, over 97% of chicken contains "bacteria that will make you sick".1

Chicken Is FAKE Meat The chicken breast is 3x bigger now than it

was a few years ago.

This is because of a few reasons.

The first it that the chicken's DNA has been modified to have much bigger breasts,

since that's the part of the chicken most people buy and eat.

Secondly, the chickens get "breast augmentation" done by going to China, getting pumped with

liquid, engorging the breast for an even larger size and then shipped back to the US for us

to eat.2 The in fact do this with shrimp as well.

Again, anything to make more money.

Cancer Causing Some of the other things chickens are filled

with, which the FDA admitted to3 -- is arsenic, a highly poisonous chemical that's 4x more

toxic than mercury.

Arsenic is given to chickens because it causes quicker weight gain and less feeding, and

it also enhances the pink coloring in raw meat.

So now you know why it only takes 3 months instead of 12+ months, to have a chicken that

has over 3x the breast size and double the weight at an even lower price.

It's fake, toxic meat!

Even the Labeling is Misleading

"Raised without hormones" is meaningless, since the USDA doesn't allow their use with


"Natural or Farm-raised" is also useless because it tells you nothing about how it

was raised, what they were fed or if they were treated with drugs or antibiotics.

"Free range" means that they can SEE the outside, even though they are fenced into

a tiny pen every day.

But if you are going to eat chicken, if possible get them from a local farmer - as rare as

that is.

Unfortunately, factory farming accounts for 99.9% of chickens raised for meat in the US.

Even if the chickens have been raised on free-range and organic farms, chickens often spend just

as much time confined to crowded spaces as those on conventional farms.

It's simply a matter of economics and money - it has nothing to do with health!

CTA Well, that's it for today.

I hope this video gave your more clarity.

If you found it helpful, please give it a "thumbs up" and "share the health"

with others, so they can benefit as well.

Don't forget to leave your comments or questions below.

Also, please do me a big favor and let me know what topics you'd like me to cover

in my videos.

I have a special link below, in the description area, that you can fill out and it'll go

directly to my private email box.

This helps me make videos that YOU want to watch about topics that YOU'RE interested


Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 🐔 Why Chicken Is Worthless & Bad Protein - Duration: 5:24.


don't watch TV too much. Funny hide and seek.. Family Fun video. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:26.



Don't watch TV too much


Where is this place?

Why am I here?

Please help me get out of here

For more infomation >> don't watch TV too much. Funny hide and seek.. Family Fun video. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:26.


How to get free xbox gift cards codes, free xbox gold live legit 100% - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> How to get free xbox gift cards codes, free xbox gold live legit 100% - Duration: 3:28.


Neon - Robert Pereña [Original] - Duration: 4:11.

She is just something else.

What she does, she never tells.

She was so young and she had ideas.

She looks up to stars by the sea.

She's shining unlike everyone else.

She speaks of smoke and I believe her.

But she tries to hide in shadows, back seat.

She was sure enough when she was eighteen.

She lights a moon inside her being.

She ignited a beat that beat inside of me.

She is fanning the flames, and I've been set on fire.

But she never will know she is make-believe.

She is lighting the hallways up while I lie.

She's the only one, but we'll never be.

She's a color I can't paint.

She's someone I can't explain.

Sometimes she peeks from back rows, eyes neat.

And I tried to wait, till one plus twenty.

She lights a moon inside her being.

She ignited a beat that beat inside of me.

She is fanning the flames, and I've been set on fire.

But she never will know she is make-believe.

She is lighting the hallways up while I lie.

She's the only one, but we'll never be.

She's bright but nobody tells her.

I can't say things, so we're stuck in silence.

She's some kind of superhero.

She's illuminated, she is neon.

For more infomation >> Neon - Robert Pereña [Original] - Duration: 4:11.


【MUKBANG】 [YOSHINOYA] Beef Bowl, Pork Bowl, Galbi, Beef Curry..Etc! 10 Servings! 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 5:37.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! a Yoshinoya Haul I bought 10 beef bowls

why do beef bowls like these smell so wonderful I'm #Blessed to be surrounded by all this itadakimasu

I will start off with this its beef kabli

Its flavored with some gochujang It looks so yummy

meat is the 'Bestest'

This is loaded with onion as well

meat + rice = happiness

All done next up is onion and salt chicken bowl

It also comes with its yuzu citrus pepper

The chicken looks like this It's sprinkled with pepper

The chicken is so tasty and yummy

Its flavored with salt its so very tasty

All done Next is a beef bowl

I got them to load it up with extra helpings

Everything is so yummy with an egg

It looks amazing

It's flavored so nicely and The meat is so tender and yummy

I love the added onion in here as well

all done This is a beefy black Curry

It's got beef and Curry on it

Nothing beats beef and Curry

This black Curry has such depth of flavor

All done next up is some bulgalbi curry

the kalbi comes with some gochujang sauce

It looks so yummy

the Galbi is so yummy

The meat is so juicy

next up is a pork bowl with extra helpings

The pork is so fatty and yummy

next we have a chicken sukiyaki bowl

The toothsome chicken meat is flavored with this nice and sweet tasting sukiyaki

makes me crave rice all the more

Next up is a salty pork bowl with onion

The pork is flavored nicely with salt

next up is Kalbee with salt bowl

this also comes with some yuzu citrus pepper

The meat is so Juicy and yummy

I also love the simple flavors of the salt based sauce

Last up is an eel bowl I got them too give me 2 pieces of eel

So is that why it came with 2 packets of sansho pepper?

The eel looks so yummy

the meat is so juicy and the skin is so crisp I also love the sweet tasting sauce

Last mouthful itadakimasu


I feel so blessed to be able to eat so much meat and rice today

yoshinoya is so amazing you can buy beef pork and chicken meat

and to top it all off they also offer eel as well It's so nice to be able to eat all sorts of different things

It comes in so many different flavors as well such as the standard beef bowl flavor and salt flavors

It's so nice to be able to eat this variety of food so easily

It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there's anything

You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [YOSHINOYA] Beef Bowl, Pork Bowl, Galbi, Beef Curry..Etc! 10 Servings! 7655kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 5:37.


Charts Mix 2018 | Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2018 | Melbourne Bounce Hits By M4U Plus - Duration: 1:45:02.

For more infomation >> Charts Mix 2018 | Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2018 | Melbourne Bounce Hits By M4U Plus - Duration: 1:45:02.


5 Years from the Eyes of a Mum. - Duration: 1:45.

Keep them closed.


open them!

Happy birthday Mum!


Argh! Get back here!

Aw, look at you!

Stop it Mum...

Okay, bye.

Solid liquid and gas, write that down.

Let's go.

Thanks Mum!

Check this one out!

Do you need any help Mum?

No, it's fine.

Come on let me help you.

Seriously... ow!

It's going to be okay.

Mum... it's fine...

I'll do it.

There you go Mum. Our favourite.

For more infomation >> 5 Years from the Eyes of a Mum. - Duration: 1:45.


Bad Monster Car Stole Police Car | Car Songs & Story Vehicles for Kids - Duration: 26:20.

Bad Monster Car Stole Police Car | Car Songs & Story Vehicles for Kids

For more infomation >> Bad Monster Car Stole Police Car | Car Songs & Story Vehicles for Kids - Duration: 26:20.


What Problems do Property Investors Face in 2018? - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> What Problems do Property Investors Face in 2018? - Duration: 4:48.


Dog Makes Baby Laughing Hysterically - Funny Cute Baby and Pet - Duration: 3:37.

Hi friends! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

Please comment the things you want to see, we will always create interesting video to you enjoy.

You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.

If you like this video, please share it. Don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Dog Makes Baby Laughing Hysterically - Funny Cute Baby and Pet - Duration: 3:37.


Two Koreas discuss restoring military communication lines - Duration: 1:49.

Our top story this afternoon.

South and North Korea today held military talks at the working level... about restoring

their lines of communication.

We're still waiting to hear the results of those talks, but our Park Hee-jun is on the

line with the latest.

Hee-jun, what can you tell us about today's meeting?


The inter-Korean military talks began this morning at around 10AM, Korea time,.. and

ended rather quickly in about an hour.

They were held at the CIQ, or the Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine Office located

in Paju, Gyeonggi-do Province,... just south of the inter-Korean border.

Each delegation had five members-- the South Korean delegation led by Army Colonel Cho

Yong-geun,... and the North Korean delegation by Colonel Om Chang-nam.

As you said, we're still waiting to hear the results of the discussion,... which should

be revealed anytime now.

But the two sides are known to have discussed fully reconnecting their military communications

channels in the East Sea and West Sea districts.

The West Sea channel was severed in 2016 after the shutdown of the inter-Korean Kaesong Industrial


It was restored in January for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics,... but it's only capable

of phone communication -- that is, verbal messages only.

As for the East Sea communication lines,... they were suspended in 2011 amid military

tensions -- and later destroyed in a wildfire.

The two sides are also likely to have talked about reactivating a naval communication line,

that hasn't been used for a decade.

These lines, once restored,... will help the two Koreas avoid possible military conflict,

caused by misunderstandings.

The talks are part of ongoing efforts by the two Koreas to implement the Panmunjom Declaration

from the April 27th inter-Korean summit, which includes reducing military tension and building


The discussions have even more meaning as today marks the 68th anniversary of the start

of the Korean War.

That's all I have for now.

I'll make sure to bring you the details of the talks later.


For more infomation >> Two Koreas discuss restoring military communication lines - Duration: 1:49.


You'€ll never guess where Prince William watched the World Cup game: see the pictures - Duration: 2:58.

 Prince William began his five-day tour of the Middle East on Sunday, and had a busy first day as he touched down in Jordan

He was no doubt sorry to be missing England's World Cup clash with Panama, however – as a loyal fan of the sport and president of the Football Association – but clearly he'd had things planned out all along, since he sat down with Prince Hussein bin Abdullah of Jordan to watch a repeat of the match on Sunday evening!

Kensington Palace took to their social media platforms to share some photos from inside the Prince's incredible palace, showing William smiling with the Jordanian royal as they watched the 6-1 win

The caption read: "Prince William couldn't watch the England match live and avoided finding out the score all afternoon

He sat down with the Crown Prince of Jordan to watch a rerun after dinner at the Beit Al Urdun Palace

Congratulations England!" A second shot also showed the Crown Prince's jaw-dropping cinema room, which looks incredibly modern with open plan design, sleek furniture and laidback floor cushions

Quite different to William's traditional décor back at Kensington Palace! The huge television screen and baseball glove chair seemed to also hint that the two Princes share a love of sport

Earlier that day, William attended a reception to mark the Queen's official birthday, and spoke of how his wife the Duchess of Cambridge was sad not to be joining him on his tour

"My wife Catherine is very sorry she cannot be here with me so soon after the birth of our son Louis, but her family remembers very fondly the almost three years she spent here as a child when her father worked for British Airways in Amman," he said

 Kate's family moved to Jordan in May 1984 when she was just two years old and her sister Pippa was only eight months - her father, Michael Middleton, was a British Airways manager and had relocated to Amman for work

"Catherine's experience is not unique - the interchange between our two countries is real and deep: work, study, tourism and family links

Our historic ties and friendship are played out in the lives of thousands of people who consider both countries home,"William added

For more infomation >> You'€ll never guess where Prince William watched the World Cup game: see the pictures - Duration: 2:58.


Sarah Ferguson still considers Prince Andrew family -€" see her sweet tribute - Duration: 3:31.

 Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew proved just how close they are on Friday when they attended Royal Ascot with their daughter Princess Beatrice, and Sarah has since paid a touching tribute to them

The mother-of-two revealed that she still considers Andrew her family, taking to Instagram to share a lovely photo of the three of them sharing a joke on the day

"Great day with my family @ascotracecourse @hrhthedukeofyork#Beatrice @princesseugenie #royalascot#racing," she wrote next to the photo

Sarah's choice of words delighted her fans, who often comment that they would like her and Andrew to get back together

"Lovely to see you out together as a family," one wrote, while another said: "Get back together you two!" A third added: "Perfect shot to the world how divorced parents can and do raise happy children, congratulations on being an amazing mum

"  Other photos from the day saw Sarah adjusting her ex-husband's lapel as they happily chatted away, and Sarah and Beatrice curtsying with the Queen made her entrance in the parade ring, with the 58-year-old holding onto her eldest daughter's hand to aid her balance

Sarah looked fabulous in a navy Roland Mouret fitted dress for the occasion, which she teamed with a Philip Treacy hat and shoes by Rene Mancini

Beatrice, meanwhile, looked lovely in a dove-grey dress by The Fold, styled with Russell and Bromley heels and a pink box bag by Pop and Suki

 Princess Eugenie was not in attendance on Friday, but had attended Ascot throughout the week with the royal family, turning heads in the process with her stylish outfits

Although rarely seen out altogether, royal fans are anticipating Eugenie's wedding in October

While Andrew and Sarah sat apart at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's wedding due to royal protocol, it is thought that when it comes to their own daughter's special day, they will be united

 Sarah gave a revealing insight into her bond with Andrew in an exclusive interview with last year

"A table can't stand on three legs, really, so you have the Duke and I, and the two girls

We're a family unit and we lead by example. We support each other emotionally and we support each other health wise

At least every two weeks we sit down and communicate, the four of us." She continued: "I think the one thing I've done incredibly well – although I say it myself - is that I'm a really good mum

And I think my girls shows that."

For more infomation >> Sarah Ferguson still considers Prince Andrew family -€" see her sweet tribute - Duration: 3:31.


「Nightcore」→ Somebody - Duration: 2:23.

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