Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 23 2018


For more infomation >> Unlimited Time-Attack! - Class & Finals - (CSCS Grind House) - Duration: 13:25.


Cómo Solucionar Cualquier Problema? - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Cómo Solucionar Cualquier Problema? - Duration: 3:18.


'Honestidad' Asia Argento niega 'categóricamente' las acusaciones de abuso del actor Jimmy Bennett - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Asia Argento niega 'categóricamente' las acusaciones de abuso del actor Jimmy Bennett - Duration: 4:58.


Estados Unidos estudia nuevas sanciones económicas contra el régimen de Irán - Duration: 4:37.

John Bolton, asesor de seguridad de EEUU John Bolton, que se encuentra de visita oficial en Israel, señaló este miércoles en una rueda de prensa en Jerusalén que Estados Unidos estudia posibles nuevas sanciones económicas contra el régimen de Irán

El asesor de seguridad norteamericano señaló que la cuestión de la amenaza iraní ha sido el tema predominante en los encuentros que ha tenido con autoridades y altos cargos de seguridad en los últimos días en Israel, donde se ha encontrado, entre otros, con el primer ministro, Benjamín Netanyahu, y con el presidente, Reuvén Rivlin

 Reivindicó, además, el éxito de las sanciones que EEUU ha reimpuesto a Teherán. "Las consecuencias de la reducción de recursos que puede utilizar el régimen creemos que ya se están manifestando de algún modo en restricciones a la Fuerza Al Quds en Siria y en Irak y, quizás, también en su asistencia a los hutis en Yemen

Esto es muy importante", manifestó el diplomático. Advirtió, en tanto, que el gobierno norteamericano "no va a parar ahí" y está hablando de "sanciones económicas adicionales que podrían imponerse para alcanzar el objetivo del presidente (Donald Trump) de máxima presión" al régimen iraní

John Bolton se reunió con Benjamin Netanyahu (Reuters) Estados Unidos va a "hacer otras cosas para poner presión a Irán más allá de las sanciones económicas", agregó

La implementación de las sanciones, advirtió, también será más dura que durante la administración de Barack Obama, y destacó que por el momento solo se han concedido dos exenciones, ambas muy limitadas

Bolton criticó la firma del pacto nuclear y aseguró que este "mitigó los efectos de la mala gestión del régimen iraní e incrementó la beligerancia iraní en la región"

Reimponer las sanciones, subrayó, "ha mostrado un gran efecto negativo en Irán" y ha hecho que salgan a las calles manifestantes a gritar "Muerte al Régimen, en vez de Muerte a América"

El asesor de seguridad de Trump también resaltó ante la prensa la decisión del presidente de extraditar a Alemania a un guardia de un campo de concentración nazi, y el reciente arresto de dos iraníes que vigilaban objetivos israelíes y judíos en Estados Unidos

EEUU aseguró que puede haber nuevas sanciones contra Irán (AFP) "Estos hechos destacan la amenaza que supone Irán en Europa y en EEUU y subrayan la importancia de que Irán nunca consiga armas nucleares", declaró

Bolton habló también sobre sus conversaciones con el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin y dijo que este le aseguró que los intereses iraníes en Siria no son iguales a los intereses rusos y que "le alegraría ver las tropas iraníes ser enviadas de vuelta a Irán" pero que reconoció que es algo que "no puede hacer solo"

"Hablamos sobre si fuerzas conjuntas rusas y estadounidenses podrían ser suficientes" para expulsar a las iraníes de Siria, un tema que volverá a tratar mañana con su homólogo ruso en Ginebra

Sobre la propuesta de plan de paz que EEUU. prepara para presentar próximamente a israelíes y palestinos, aseguró que no hay aún fecha prevista y dijo que su país no va a tratar de imponer un acuerdo a nadie, sino que serán las partes las que deban aceptarlo

Hassan Rohani y Donald Trump El funcionario norteamericano defendió la decisión de Trump de reconocer Jerusalén como capital de Israel, y dijo que los palestinos deberían considerar "bien, no hemos conseguido ese punto, ahora queremos conseguir otra cosa"

También destacó que la oposición de los países de la región al dominio iraní ha creado una posibilidad de "realineación entre Israel y sus vecinos árabes que nadie habría previsto antes", lo que a su entender puede ayudar a lograr un acuerdo de paz con los palestinos

Respecto a Siria, también advirtió que si el régimen de Bashar al Assad "usa armas químicas", EEUU responderá "con mucha fuerza"

Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Israel menospreció el nuevo avión de guerra iraní: es una copia del obsoleto Northrop F-5 estadounidense La advertencia de un alto clérigo persa: "Si EEUU daña a Irán, atacaremos a Israel" Facebook y Twitter eliminaron casi 1000 cuentas vinculadas a Irán y empeñadas en una "campaña sucia" contra EEUU e Israel

For more infomation >> Estados Unidos estudia nuevas sanciones económicas contra el régimen de Irán - Duration: 4:37.


Fragilisé, Johnny Depp s'automutile -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Fragilisé, Johnny Depp s'automutile -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:16.


Sufres de una VIDA PASADA Trastorno de estrés traumático FIT FORNES - Duration: 11:08.

Are You Suffering from PAST LIFE Traumatic Stress Disorder?

August 22nd, 2018

By Nanice Ellis

Most of us know that unhealed emotional trauma can result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

(PTSD) and many of us have even experienced it.

But, did you know that we can also carry unhealed emotional trauma from past lives?

In fact, there's a direct link between past life trauma and present day fears, phobias

and panic attacks.

If you're experiencing any of these conditions, you could be suffering from Past Life Traumatic

Stress Disorder!

Maybe you're wondering, how can you carry unhealed emotional trauma from one life to

the next?

Although you may live many lives and incarnate as very different characters, your soul remains

with you from life to life, and even though you may not remember a thing, your soul maintains

the memories from all lifetimes and keeps track of "unfinished business."

So, each time you reincarnate, you take it all with you, and this means that if you die

with unhealed emotional wounds in one lifetime, you're born with the same unhealed emotional

wounds in another.

Past Life Trauma – Current Day Issues!

Most of us have no memories of traumatic events that occurred in other lifetimes.

Nonetheless, when we carry unhealed past life trauma into our present life, it often manifests

as some type of distressing issue that is somehow related to the original event.

When past life trauma surfaces through current life issues, it often triggers Past Life Traumatic

Stress Disorder, and, as a result, we might experience irrational fears, anxiety, phobias

or panic attacks.

Here are some examples of how Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder shows up:

If you were ever severely punished for not following the rules in a past life, you may

have an irrational fear of authority.

If you were ever rejected or abandoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear

of being different or not fitting in.

If you were ever enslaved or imprisoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear

of losing freedom.

If you were ever excommunicated for voicing your beliefs or taking a stand in a past life,

you could have a fear of being seen or heard (by the way, this is often the cause of public

speaking phobias).

Furthermore, when the same type of trauma is experienced in more than one lifetime,

past life scars often become amplified, and, subsequently, with each repetitive experience,

the symptoms of Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder intensify.

Also, keep in mind that irrational fears and phobias can include basically anything associated

with trauma – even as simple as the fear of pencils or shoelaces.

Unfortunately, until we understand the cause of our irrational reactions, we have no control

over the triggers.

Traumatic Death Oftentimes, Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder

is the result of a traumatic death.

For instance, one of my friends had panic attacks whenever someone touched his neck

or he had to wear a necktie.

Not surprisingly, he often had "flashbacks" of being strangled to death in a past life.

Here are some more examples of how a traumatic death can result in present day fear:

If you ever died by drowning, you could have an irrational fear of water.

If you ever fell to your death, you could have an irrational fear of heights.

If you ever perished in a burning building, you could have an irrational fear of fire.

If you were ever fatally trapped, you could have an irrational fear of being confined


If you were ever killed by a ferocious animal or deadly insect, you could have an irrational

fear of certain animals or insects.

If you were ever accused of being a witch or burned at the stake for possessing psychic

powers, you could have an irrational fear of sharing your gifts.

Frozen to Death

For most of my life, I had an irrational fear of being cold, and, needless to say, this

made long, winter months quite unbearable.

Honestly, whenever I was cold, I would instantly go into mild shock, and while I couldn't

think clearly, I felt like I was going to die.

Then, one brisk autumn evening, I got terribly lost while hiking through the wilderness alone.

As the sun began to set and I was beginning to feel very cold, that familiar panic started

to takeover.

But this time, something different happened.

Suddenly, I experienced myself as a tribal warrior who lived in another era.

Evidently, I just lost a major battle, and while I was fatally injured and all alone,

I was left to die in the frozen wilderness.

After remembering this slow and brutal death, I finally understood my irrational fear of

the cold — and why I associated it with death.

Believe it or not, after I recalled this memory, the fear of being cold completely disappeared,

and, in fact, winter became my favorite season!

The Purpose of Re-enacting Past Life Wounds Let's be clear; whenever past life trauma

manifests as current day issues, it is never due to punishment nor karma.

Instead, past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to support our human

survival and spiritual evolution.

You see, in response to past life wounds, we develop survival mechanisms, such as specific

fears, anxieties and phobias, and due to these protective mechanisms, we automatically stay

away from potential risks that could result in similar traumas.

Additionally, when emotional wounds are healed during a human incarnation, we master certain

virtues that our souls intended to attain – and this is why we experience emotional

wounds in the first place.

In a nutshell, while past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to protect us from

similar threats, it also gives us the opportunity to reap intended virtues as we heal.

Repeat, Repeat…


While past life fears keep us from partaking in risky behaviors and also provide opportunities

to attain virtues, they also prevent us from living our lives, fulfilling our dreams, and

reaching our full potential.

Furthermore, even though details may change from life to life, until we heal our emotional

wounds, we could repeat the same type of issues over and over again.

Although free will allows us to ignore our wounds indefinitely, if we don't properly

address the cause, these issues inevitably escalate in frequency and intensity, and,

at some point, and in some lifetime, they likely result in a personal crisis that cannot

be ignored.

Eventually, when emotional pain reaches a personal breaking point and familiar coping

strategies no longer provide relief, we inevitably seek healing.

However, keep in mind that you don't need to reach a breaking point in order to heal

and you don't need to repeat the same issues lifetime after lifetime.

Simultaneous Lifetimes Before we continue, I'd like to acknowledge

that the term "past life" could be very misleading.

You see, according to quantum physics, all moments of time occur simultaneously, and,

if this is true, it means that we are actually living parallel lives.

Although we are only aware of this "current" life, who knows what we experience when we're

asleep or when we're blinking in and out of reality countless times a minute.

Nonetheless, this concept doesn't change a thing, and, in fact, when it comes to healing,

there's no time like the present!

So, how do we heal past life trauma?

Well, some people choose to heal past life trauma through past life regressions, and

this means that under hypnosis they "go back" and remember one or more past lives

where they experienced a particular trauma.

Although this may sound somewhat "woo woo," I personally guided past life regressions

for many years and the results were often astounding.

Sometimes, just remembering past life trauma is enough to heal it, (for example, my fear

of the cold), but, more often than not, healing is a process that must be actively embraced.

Therefore, if you want to heal past life trauma through a past life regression, remembering

your past lives is just the beginning.

This is why it's important to find a reputable past life regression therapist who knows how

to work through multiple life traumas.

Present Life Healing Even though it might be interesting to remember

who you were or what you experienced in one or more past lives, there's actually no

need to do so.

In fact, you don't need to remember past life trauma in order to heal past life wounds.

Since the same issues repeat from one life to the next, and

all lifetimes are interconnected through your soul, when an emotional wound is healed in

any lifetime that same emotional wound is simultaneously healed in all incarnations.

Therefore, by healing emotional wounds as they surface in your current reality, you

inevitably heal those same wounds in all lifetimes!

So, exactly how do we heal emotional wounds?

Well, before we can heal an emotional wound, not only must we identify it, we must also

address the real cause.

Although we tend to confuse emotional wounds with precipitating traumatic events, emotional

wounds are not caused by traumatic experiences!

Regardless of details or timelines, emotional wounds are caused by emotional reactions (how

we react to trauma).

For instance, if we react to trauma by adopting disempowering beliefs or abandoning ourselves,

we self-inflict emotional wounds.

Although few can argue that emotional wounds appear incredibly real, if it were not for

emotional pain, it would be easy to see that all emotional wounds are based on disempowering

beliefs and/or self-abandonment.

For more infomation >> Sufres de una VIDA PASADA Trastorno de estrés traumático FIT FORNES - Duration: 11:08.





Fonseca Mix Solo Exitos - 30 Sus Mejores Canciones Fonseca 2018 - Duration: 1:00:38.

For more infomation >> Fonseca Mix Solo Exitos - 30 Sus Mejores Canciones Fonseca 2018 - Duration: 1:00:38.


David Hallyday, « au calme en famille avant la tempête » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday, « au calme en famille avant la tempête » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:53.


Laeticia Hallyday, c'est tendu avec son père -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, c'est tendu avec son père -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:05.


Caroline et Albert de Monaco embêtés par une terribl.e action en justic.e - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Caroline et Albert de Monaco embêtés par une terribl.e action en justic.e - Duration: 2:13.


Fam. Trejo habla por primera vez a un mes de la muerte de su hija - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Fam. Trejo habla por primera vez a un mes de la muerte de su hija - Duration: 2:56.


Chronic cardiopulmonary disease - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> Chronic cardiopulmonary disease - Duration: 11:51.


Marshmallow Dreams

For more infomation >> Marshmallow Dreams


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX - Duration: 10:03.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX - Duration: 10:03.


How old is Violet Parr Incredibles? 😱😂 How old is memes - Duration: 0:23.

[How old is Violet Parr Incredibles? - How old is memes]

For more infomation >> How old is Violet Parr Incredibles? 😱😂 How old is memes - Duration: 0:23.


Royal Attitude Status | Attitude word Status Quotes - Duration: 0:34.

Attitude Whatsapp Status

For more infomation >> Royal Attitude Status | Attitude word Status Quotes - Duration: 0:34.


B&K Project ft. Nina Romanowska - Amare (live) - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> B&K Project ft. Nina Romanowska - Amare (live) - Duration: 5:42.


10 Scariest Creatures Captured On Camera Reaction - Duration: 14:09.

What's up, guys you little crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be rappin to

10 scariest creatures captured on camera by topics extract

So I am not prepared for this

There is no way that I'm gonna sleep tonight

Even though it's not even late at night so I might be good for tonight

So other than that, let's just get this video over with and hopefully it won't scare me too much or too


So other than that, let's start in 3 2 1 let's go play

All right, I'm not prepared but let's see

Let's see if I will get scared or nom

Alright he's like in the middle of nowhere ever it seems like what

What is that thing

The world is full of which

hundreds of many strange unexplainable and plain scary sightings of rare indescribable creatures

But only recently have we been up catch these sightings with video cameras for ourselves

And even though the quality might be low or some of these sightings may be fake. There are still many modest us the internet that

Unexplainable capable of sending chills up and down your body here retain of the scariest unknown creatures caught on

camera border

While exploring on the ground these two men lose a friend in their endeavor as they turn back to try to find him they expect

to see him hunched over just our breath, but what they find instead is the complete opposite while turning around

And they see it biggest and Annette in a terrifying fashion. And as anyone would in this situation they began running away

I know I would be to

That that's crazy crap

But he's freaking us out Oh


What is that thing


What the hell it's nice a fulfilling than in the comfort of your own home

But there's no worse feeling than when your face of safety is being invaded this man walks outside after hearing a startling noise

But so is far out the source was from a humanoid creature when there is the creature climbs onto the roof and disappears

It's unknown if the creature ever returned

What is that thing

Oh my god

This one is definitely

unexplainable and

indescribable our first glimpses

It seems like a normal sighting of a large insect which might scare a few of you already but as the video progresses

and the insect is controversially killed by the cameraman a

Gauzy worm-like creature slithers his way out of the insect

I have no idea what the creature is, but it seems like it borrowed into the insect and potentially killed it from the inside. Ah

What no no that's gross

Imagine kinda no, right. There's just two of you in the middle of an empty roads

It's been a while since you've stopped. So you park cups will stretch your legs

But as you're about to return you seen alien-like creature walking across the road not expect them to be seen by anyone for miles

That's exactly what happened in this situation

As the creature turns look in their direction, the guy runs towards the carcass and speeds up in the other direction

Little is known about what happened. I don't blame you

Like what is that thing like it just came out nowhere?

And it's just appeared there

Fucking go did you fucking see that me looking at the front just out. Were you looking at the phone?

Oh hell no exploring abandoned buildings has become a trend over the last you know

Terrifying experience most of the time nothing cut the ordinary happens, but sometimes the explorers get no

Is a perfect example of that?

While exploring what looks like an empty abandoned school one mad where the camera captures a wild humanoid creature lurking behind a door

The creature slowly falls. Oh my God

Thank God you better run oh

No, I don't want to see it again

I almost got scared because through that door. I thought it was


Because I'll ever get this shit on video I get the shit


No, no, no, no, no, no. No if that thing just got up and just ran

Towards me. I will I would I would scream and freak out

You really had to do that

I could just see it perfectly

cemeteries can fool people with different emotions when thinking about

Cemeteries you even feel sad or frightened and after watching this clip

You might feel the latter this camera man is seen recording around an empty Cemetery

The reason for this is unknown, but one thing that is very clear

Is that something strange is about to happen while panning the camera around the atmosphere?

Everything seems completely normal, which is why nikeyra math continues like normal

But after closer inspection an alien, like creature can be seen peering behind one of the drains

Wait a minute

Wait a minute

Didn't see it here is no I don't think so

Wait, I think I probably saw it before

Yeah, yeah wait, all right they're

Angry grandpa, sometimes you're required to carry around the camera the most I missed I'm an

Angry grandpa will be forever in our prayers whoa forever in our hearts

Whenever video was uploaded many commenters noted that something appeared behind the object in the back

So it suddenly disappears and if you fit the videos fake

Just remember that the original video wasn't meant to be anything special

And to this day only has a small amount of views to begin with so if this was a hoax then it was very out

Of the ordinary because it didn't gain any views and they didn't really gain a lot out of it to begin with


my god

What is that thing no looks like um, like a human head oh

God no

Driving at night can be a very scary experience

especially when you're driving like

near the forest and stuff and then if you see that thing if

you see that thing coming towards you like running towards you I'm willing like

The creature only grows angrier and seems to grow in speed

Crawls and speed that's oh my god

We're not gonna do


Tsunamis are natural disasters caused by earthquakes were dropped in the sea the four huge waves water land which floods the whole area

Tsunamis are known to be very dangerous, but perhaps for the first time during 2014

One of the ways mysterious events recorded took place during a tsunami

While looking over the footage the cameraman was shocked to find the misty right object-- which her first glimpses looked like a wave

Emerge from the water this day people are unsure of what this sighting is

Well, is there like a ghost or something like um, just soul


Child's imagination is a magical thing children a capable of maintaining a relationship with something that doesn't even exist

But this situation was the complete opposite

This kid was walking out of his house with a camera after seeing something moved in the area near his house

What he captures is something a lot creepier than he could imagine that you

Shouldn't be going out there

Alone, but I mean it's in the daytime so he thought so, I guess that's all okay

Well, well

That's scary stuff

Click the screen for a video. I did in my second channel. Thanks for watching

alright, so

To be honest, this was an actually

Scary video actually, I got I got pretty scared

especially where the one like the ghost girl had crawled towards them and I think they were that she was

Probably gonna get up or she was just continuing to quote. That part was scary. I almost

Just like jump down on my seat. Just

when I saw that that was

Scary as hell


Or just scary ass shrimp

Yeah, so

I'm actually so lucky in my opinion that I'm not watching this late at night like about midnight or

2:00 or 3:00 in the morning

So thank God for that

So other than that guys I hope you guys enjoyed the video please make sure to slap that like button

Comment down below with your thoughts about today's video and also subscribe to the channel

Almost two more on to 300 Wow. Thank you guys so much

So comment down below your video suggestions of videos you guys want me to

react to next and I will do it and

Turn on posting keishon, so you stay in front of every single video. So

Follow my social medias as well. And other than that guys, I'm just gonna leave off out there

I hope you guys enjoyed think you guys so much for watching. I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone

For more infomation >> 10 Scariest Creatures Captured On Camera Reaction - Duration: 14:09.


"Senza freni!", Belen e Iannone: pace fatta. Passione bollente in barca | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> "Senza freni!", Belen e Iannone: pace fatta. Passione bollente in barca | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.


Uomini e donne news: Marta Pasqualato e Nicolo' Brigante di nuovo insieme? Lui la chiama e.. - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne news: Marta Pasqualato e Nicolo' Brigante di nuovo insieme? Lui la chiama e.. - Duration: 3:55.


"Qualcosa non torna". Stefano De Martino, scoop "bomba" sulla vita privata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> "Qualcosa non torna". Stefano De Martino, scoop "bomba" sulla vita privata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:55.


ख्वाजा पिया ये तेरा करम है | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali | Yeh To Tera Karam Hai Khwaja - Duration: 9:39.


For more infomation >> ख्वाजा पिया ये तेरा करम है | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali | Yeh To Tera Karam Hai Khwaja - Duration: 9:39.


Huzoor Jaante Hain | जो हो चुका है जो होगा हुजूर जानते हैं - Duration: 10:44.

Huzoor Jaante Hain

For more infomation >> Huzoor Jaante Hain | जो हो चुका है जो होगा हुजूर जानते हैं - Duration: 10:44.


ODOT clears homeless camp along I-5 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> ODOT clears homeless camp along I-5 - Duration: 2:19.


ODOT clears homeless camp along I-5 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> ODOT clears homeless camp along I-5 - Duration: 2:20.


Cilantro Lime Rice ~ Chipotle Copycat Recipe ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:23.

Hi everyone, welcome back to the kitchen

We're gonna be making a cilantro and lime rice that's very similar to the restaurant chains that you might be familiar with

They stuff these in taco balls and they stuff it in burritos and in tacos and all sorts of things in between

This is super easy to make at home. And the flavor is out of this world. Let's go see how this all comes together

Today we're gonna be making some

cilantro and lime rice if you guys if you guys have ever eaten at

Chipotle or Mo's or any number of those Mexican kind of cafeteria style places

They always have a cilantro and lime rice available taco filling or burrito filling or bowl filling

You know this super delicious and it's really easy to make at home

We are gonna be having some chicken taco bowls for dinner tonight

So we're gonna be using this as the base for those and this is really simple

What you're gonna do is you're gonna cook up your rice like you would for a pilaf only we're not gonna be adding any pasta

Just the rice. We're gonna toast it up a little bit I have

Two cups of long grain rice here. This is just plain old-fashioned rice

I have a medium onion that I have diced. I have about five cloves of garlic here

But only three of them are gonna go in with the rice

I have two tablespoons of butter and I have two tablespoons of oil. The rest of this oil is going in the cilantro lime

Pesto that we're going to dress the rice with whole bunch of cilantro

A quarter of a cup of olive oil to go into that

Pesto along with the juice and zest of two limes now

I just went ahead and put the zest

right on in there with the juice because it's a lot easier to get out of the container that way and

Then we have four cups of vegetable stock

You can use chicken stock or water if you prefer

With our rice and then I have some salt this is gonna go in with the rice

It's gonna go in with the pesto part and then everything is gonna come together and it's gonna be really delicious

So I'm gonna go get the induction burner in the pan and we're gonna start by

Sauteing off the onions and getting the rice going

All right

And I got the butter and the oil in the pan

nice and melty and I tossed in the onion and the garlic and it took about

Three minutes to get to this stage right here

I have this over medium heat and now just like you would if you were gonna be making rice pilaf

we're gonna go ahead and get the rice in here and toast it off really well just

so it has every grain is

coated in that oil and butter and it starts to take on a little bit of a brown doneness not

like you don't want this to be like super brown and you don't want it to

Burn for sure. So just keep

stirring around in here until it has a

slightly nutty aroma and that's when you know

It'll be time to add the liquid and when that happens I'll be back and I'll show you what happens next

Okay, it is just about time to add our stock and you can see here and here the the rice is beginning to

Caramelize or brown if you will and

You don't want all of it to be completely Brown

The whole purpose here is just to prep the rice to receive the liquid kind of bring it up to temperature and it helps

This is gonna help the cooking process because it's gonna help you avoid sticky rice these these

Grains of rice are going to be fluffy and separate because they're coated with all that good oil

Okay, so we're gonna slowly and Rick you're want to look back up a little because you're gonna steam up

Add the liquid a little bit at a time just kind of prime your pan there and then you can add the remainder. So

There's four cups of vegetable stock. Like I said, you can use chicken stock. You can use water if that's what you have

No worries. I just found this great veggie stock and I wanted to use it

Now we're gonna do is bring this up to a boil and then when it's come to a boil

we're gonna put the lid on we're going to reduce this to

medium heat and then we're gonna let this cook for 20 minutes or until

the surface of the cooked rice is dimpled and the majority of the liquid has been absorbed now you can see this already is

already bubbling

I'm telling you what this induction burner is the bomb. Okay, I'm gonna put a lid on it. I'm gonna reduce my temperature

Medium and then we'll let it do its deal move back when it's ready and we'll go make the pesto

Our rice has cooked for 20 minutes and it is now gonna steam for about 15 minutes while that's happening

We're gonna make the cilantro lime pesto that we're gonna dress the rice with and that's when the magic happens

When we mix them all together and we create this delicious cilantro lime rice

So what you're gonna start off with is a small bunch of cilantro. You can even throw the stems in there

The stems are completely edible. We're gonna do use our lime juice and our lime. Zest some garlic

a little bit of water just

To get things going and because this is a high speed blender

I'm gonna put the oil in here at the same time as everything else because I can't pour it in from the top

if you have a standard high speed blender, you're gonna put these things first blend them and then

slowly drizzle in your olive oil

so that

Everything will emulsify but because I have using my smoothie blender or my drink blender

I can do I can just put everything in here all at once so I'm just gonna go ahead and put this on the base


We're gonna blend

When you feel like you have everything all

Blended up the way you want it go ahead and call it good and there you go

that's exactly what you want it to look like that's going to

Soak right on into all that rice. I'm gonna add about a teaspoon of salt

This is kosher salt

If you're going to use fine salt or table salt or canning salt, then you're gonna want to use half that amount

I'm gonna go ahead and give this a taste. Oh, that's good. Beautiful fresh crisp citrusy from the lime juice

That's gonna be wonderful on our rice

Okay, I'm gonna go get the rice and then we'll come back and we'll dress it all and we'll make our cilantro lime, right?

Okay. Our rice has steamed our cilantro lime. Pesto is ready to go

And now all that's left to do is marry the two together now. I'm going to be a little conservative

And I'm not gonna put all of it. I'd say there's about 3/4 of a cup of that pesto in there

So what I want to do is I want to mix this up together

And then I'm gonna taste it and if I feel like it can handle the rest of it

Then we're gonna go ahead and pop it in there. You can always save the rest for later

You can drizzle it over eggs, you can drizzle it over


Taco or a salad like a vinaigrette. It'll be great. I do want to taste it though

the rice tastes fabulous without the pesto on it if

I'm being honest

I think I'm gonna stop there. I can taste everything and the cilantro is not overpowering which is really important. Just perfect. Yeah

It's not too much

So you can see there's this much left

I'd say about a half a cup

Maybe maybe not there maybe like a quarter of a cup there

but you have to do this to your personal taste if you are not like

In the cheering section of cilantro

But you can you enjoy it with certain flavors?

Then you're gonna want to be the one who determines how much of that pesto you put on here. Like I said

Just toss that pesto in a little jar stick it in your fridge. It's gonna last you a couple of weeks and

It's gonna be great. You can use it as a vinaigrette drizzle it over dressing use it as a marinade for chicken

There are a lot of uses for that pesto

So, all right

They're not overpowering just right

And Ric would tell you if there was too much because he is not sitting in the cheering section of cilantro. That's for sure. So

That is how you make cilantro lime rice

This is our version of it. It's very similar to what you get


Chipotle mmm mine may be a little on the

Greener side than theirs, but that's okay

You got to do it the way you want it

Add as much or as little of that pesto as you like and go for it. I hope you enjoyed today's video

I hope that you will give me a thumbs up

If you are new to my kitchen welcome always a pleasure to have new friends

Join me, please be sure and hit the subscribe button

and if you are trying to remember the Noreen's kitchen family be sure and hit the bell notification button as

Well as setting your YouTube homepage to your subscription feed so you don't miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope you give this cilantro lime rice a try and I hope that you love it and until next time I'll see

For more infomation >> Cilantro Lime Rice ~ Chipotle Copycat Recipe ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:23.


Decoding Mime in Ballet - Duration: 3:08.

Mime is the art of using one's face and limbs and body to express emotion and dramatic action.

Because dance is predominantly a silent art form, therefore the role of storytelling,

of which mime is the core part of, is incredibly important.

Yes, it is the text and it's a very needed text to tell a story.

But I think some people confuse mime as just a series of gestures with the hands and the

arms and the body but, in actual fact, it comes from deeper than that.

You really do need to be emotionally attached to something.

And it's also connecting the dancer to the audience or the story to the audience emotionally.

When you teach mime, yes, there are the gestures there are the musical points but you can still

interpret those, you can still make those gestures your own, you can still make the

interpretation that you give to them your own.

So you need to have your music right and there are accents sometimes in the music which you

have to get right.

But it's a lot about being able to get a dancer to actually bare their soul in a sense, or

be brave enough to let themselves go.

If a dancer can immerse themselves in their work, I've always found that an audience would

react to that.

It's very, very important that the performer is able to transform and transport people.

For more infomation >> Decoding Mime in Ballet - Duration: 3:08.


→ MASHUP ← (G)I-DLE x MAMAMOO — LATATA x EGOTISTIC - Duration: 3:13.

lyrics: colorcodedlyrics

I'm your satellite, revolving around you

But that doesn't mean you're the sun

With you during this long time

How can a momentary trembling

Quietly cover your eyes?

The starting point is coming near, what's there to be scared about?

You only think about yourself As if that's so natural

I foolishly adjusted to you and it's torturing me Making me lonely till the end

I have nothing to say, go away

So we can burn it up even more

There's no tomorrow

(I love ya)

I'm singing for you, so you can fall deeper, Lata

(I love ya)

Even if I get mad, that only hurts my lips

So do whatever you want

Latata (x8)

Sing for me, so I'll never forget you, Lata

(I love ya)

(I love ya)

Every day every night latata

Now I'm just getting a bit tired

Now I need to take care of myself (I love ya)

Because I won't break down just cuz you're not here

Every day every night latata

Don't be lazy, come to me baby

Time is too short, this is still too basic

Go in deeper, swallow me up

You can get drunk, tomorrow doesn't matter (Live)

I had to adjust to you Every time, that's OK man

Every day, this is repeated

If you have authority over my kindness

There's something wrong with that

Why are you so surprised?

This is pretty obvious

Even if I get mad, that only hurts my lips

So do whatever you want

I'm always all about you you you you

You're always about me me me me

You selfishly become the center (I love ya)

I'm singing for you, so you can fall deeper, Lata

(I love ya)

I'm dancing for you, so I can trap you inside me, Lata

(I love ya)

I'm ready to go on my way

I have nothing to say, go away (I love ya)

(I love ya)

Every day every night latata

I'm always all about you you you you

You're always about me me me me

You selfishly become the center

You only think about yourself

Then just be with yourself

You shouldn't just do whatever you want

In the darkness, there's a red light My eyes go left right, walking on the light (You're no fun)

Just be with yourself

The starting point is coming near, (I'm done now)

what's there to be scared about?

Just be with yourself

Even if there are regrets

Just be with yourself (I love ya)

Do whatever you want

Every day every night latata (Do whatever you want, just be with yourself)

I wanna do whatever I want

For more infomation >> → MASHUP ← (G)I-DLE x MAMAMOO — LATATA x EGOTISTIC - Duration: 3:13.


Is the 2019 BMW M2 Competition the Best New Small Performance Coupe? | First Drive | Edmunds - Duration: 6:15.


JONATHAN ELFALAN: That's a 2019 BMW M2 Competition Coupe.

And it's replacing the standard M2 for the near future.

Now the M2, it belongs to a small but ultra

competitive segment I like to call the super subcompacts.

And that includes the Audi RS3 and Mercedes CLA 45 AMG.

This new M2 Competition Coupe, it's raising the bar.

It's got a new engine making a ton more power

and a number of other go fast tweaks,

which can make it the new leader of the pack.



So let's talk about this engine for a second.

It's the high performance version of the previous engine.

They call it the S55.

And it's in both the M3 and M4.

So what are the differences between this

and the old engine?

It's got a stronger block, for one.

It's got a lightweight forge crankshaft and stronger

pistons, which allows it to handle more boost.

So it makes 405 horsepower and 406 pound feet of torque.


So that's 40 more horsepower over in the old engine

and 63 pound feet of torque more as well.

That's game-changing horsepower for me.

All it needed was a little bit more power.

I thought that it didn't quite have as much power as it could

have handled with the chassis.

BMW thought that too, because they haven't really

changed anything about the suspension here.

You've got the carbon fiber brace up

front, which significantly increases

the structural rigidity of the front.

So they had to do a little bit of tuning with the steering

and everything, but they left the rest

of the suspension the same.

And so this thing handles like a dream.

And now, it has the power to back it up,

which is incredible.

Aw, , man.

I love this car so much.

So the M2 Competition Coupe, just like the previous car,

you have two options for transmission.

So we have the six speed manual, which I'm driving here,

and you have the seven speed dual clutch automatic.

Manual doesn't feel any different

from the previous car.

In fact, I know it's a different transmission,

but if you didn't tell me that, I wouldn't have guessed.

It's got automatic rev match function, as you can hear,

which works perfectly.

So if you're one that likes to drive down in the canyons

and you're going for a downshift,

well, the engine is going to blip the throttle

and match the revs automatically.

So you don't have to know how to heel tow downshift.

Some people, the purists, have issues with that.

I don't.

You can turn off the feature if you don't like it.

But the fact of the matter is it does a perfect job

of rev matching the downshifts.

Now if you get the seven speed transmission, that's, I

would say, equally as fun.

You don't get to stir your own gears,

but you get to go quicker because you don't

have to think about shifting.

You have your gear changes at the tips of your fingers.

So I don't know what I would prefer.

The seven speed DCT is going to be the faster car because it's

going to be able to shift quicker

than you could ever hope to.

That and you have launch control.

I think they place it a couple tenths quicker with the DCT

than with the manual.

So something you have to accept if you

decide to go with the manual.

But that being said, this is a very good manual.

It's got a really light clutch throw, real easy engagement,

and the gearbox is effortless.

Now as far as road comfort goes, the M2

is a pretty good compromise.

The suspension isn't adaptive, because BMW

said that if they went that route, that they

couldn't keep the price low enough to be competitive.

That said, I don't think it needs an adaptive suspension.

If you're somebody shopping in this segment,

somebody that cares about performance and driving

and this is probably the best driver's car in the segment--

I would actually say it's definitely the best driver's

car in this segment--

then you're going to be able to put up

with a little bit more stiffness in the ride quality.

We had a pretty bumpy road on this drive.

It was punishingly bumpy.

We had an M5.

I mean, the M5 competition out on that road as well.

And both cars--

I mean, this car was no less comfortable on that road

than the M5, which says something.

You know, this doesn't, again, doesn't

have adaptive suspension, and so it's set to one setting.

But it works.

It works great on the track, as we drove on earlier.

And it works right on the street.

I could easily do hundreds of miles

in this thing in a single pass, as long as I'm not

in rush hour traffic.

So I think if you're somebody that's

planning to buy this car as your daily driver,

you could totally do it.

If you've seen the interior of an M2 before,

then you might recognize that they haven't really tried

to reinvent the wheel here.

Everything looks pretty much like the standard car.

You've got the carbon fiber trim along here, you've

got the contrast stitching all throughout the interior, which

you can get in blue or orange, I believe.

And you've also got the M striping

detail along the steering wheel as well as the seat belts.

By far, the biggest upgrade for this interior

has to be the new M sport seats.

They feel great.

They have a ton more lateral support here at the thighs

as well as at the sides.

You also have this integrated headrest, which kind of

mimics a one-piece race seat, as well as the logo here,

which illuminates.

Because who doesn't like a little bling?

All right guys, that is the 2019 M2 Competition Coupe.

I think BMW did a knockout job with it.

And you know what?

I think it's probably the one I would

go without of the super subcompact trinity.

Yeah, I think I'm in love.

But that's my thoughts.

We'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments.

And if you like this video, be sure to subscribe to Edmunds

on YouTube.

For more infomation >> Is the 2019 BMW M2 Competition the Best New Small Performance Coupe? | First Drive | Edmunds - Duration: 6:15.


I still feel eternal pain - Duration: 0:31.

It's B maybe.


Green, Green, whats your problem green? Whats your problem?! Me say alone Ramp. ME SAY ALONE RAMP!


Dont push, dont push, dont push

You wonderful human being.

1 Onsite, 1 Toxic

Bomb has been planted.

For more infomation >> I still feel eternal pain - Duration: 0:31.


Devil May Cry 2 - #02: No Story, Mean Doggies, and Great Platforming - Duration: 58:38.

Edmond_SA: Well, if you end the stream 2 chapters from the end you can always start a playthrough with Luciahahahaha fuck no, can't even say it

KalinDonn: how could you forget the infested chopper

Charlettmoon: Makes sense.

KalinDonn: that great great boss

Edmond_SA: Would you like to make your gun more gun?

LV5_Papermancer: Oh man, it's Garbage Day.

2xNegative: Just a voice in Al Bhed repeating the same phrase over and over. Constantly.

piritsgap: 2003 Baby

Edmond_SA: Drec kysa ec cred.

AzureSen: Heat just makes everything look all blurry, good to know.

2xNegative: Wait, that's a heat effect? I thought the game director just decided to smear vasoline on the camera

piritsgap: This whole level takes place in the tires of the Speeder from Star Wars

Edmond_SA: It's a new weapon

Wolfcau: Check the amulet screen?

Edmond_SA: you can use that sword instead of your usual sword

Charlettmoon: Oh, a "vigorous" battle god.

Edmond_SA: did you actually equip it?

LV5_Papermancer: Oh god, why is everything so blurry.

Charlettmoon: Welp, we're going to lose not because we're slow but because this thing's layout is shiiiiit

KalinDonn: I think the place where you got the offense gem was actually a door

Edmond_SA: There's another exit in the sword room

Edmond_SA: " The next room is the wrecked Vendetta Sword chamber. Go through it and exit out the opposite red door. You'll be in the lava room."

LV5_Papermancer: There was a door??

KalinDonn: what

Edmond_SA: This is A Good Game

LV5_Papermancer: Rude!

KalinDonn: that's impossible to see

Edmond_SA: oh god I had forgotten about that kerning

Charlettmoon: Ah yes, facerolling into the fire. Perfect strategy.

Edmond_SA: hit that floating thing down there?

Edmond_SA: ahahahah this fucking game

2xNegative: oh my god

LV5_Papermancer: This game is so rude.

Edmond_SA: I love how people know that DMC2 is garbage... but deep down they don't quite believe it's as bad as people say.

Edmond_SA: And then they play it.

2xNegative: "There's no way it's as bad as they say"

Edmond_SA: yup

2xNegative: Then they realize 'No it's worse"

Edmond_SA: Missile Launcher inside the plane

KalinDonn: rip to that

Edmond_SA: fuck no

Edmond_SA: check the shop?

2xNegative: It was only ten minutes, but it was also ten minutes.

LV5_Papermancer: Beat this as fast as you can so you can get to the good DMC game.

Edmond_SA: boooooooooooooo

Edmond_SA: If the player misses the rocket launcher in Mission 9, it can also be obtained later during Mission 14.

Meltingswatches: I remember buying this, and beating both discs in a night, and feeling really empty inside.

Edmond_SA: @Meltingswatches I liked DMC1 so much that I was super hyped for 2

Edmond_SA: it was my first big gaming disappointment

Meltingswatches: Me and my cousin were so hyped for it too @Edmond_SA

Meltingswatches: Wasn't burned on pre ordering until brutal legend

Edmond_SA: @Kaubocks do you actually have the offence thing equipped?

KalinDonn: these guys don't respawn I think

KalinDonn: so you just kill them and get the switches without any trouble

Edmond_SA: Only game I've preordered was MGS5, and that's because I got it for like 37 bucks?

Edmond_SA: I'm way too cheap to preorder games :<

Edmond_SA: I want to start getting some stuff closer to launch so I actually have people to play it with, instead of getting it for 5 bucks when the servers are dead.

KalinDonn: uh

Meltingswatches: I feel ya lol. Also not a fan of the extra clutter that comes with pre orders, or special editions.

Meltingswatches: also this fight rules

Meltingswatches: im going to be the guy who loves this game.

Meltingswatches: look at this arena you guys.

Meltingswatches: so good.

Meltingswatches: Dante's design is legit amazing tho

Edmond_SA: Apparently your current sword hits harder than the original sword, but it's shorter and slower.

LV5_Papermancer: Mothra, no. You're in the wrong game.

Meltingswatches: Really love those three hit combos.

Edmond_SA: Remember the Ultimate Tactic. Devil Trigger and hold the gun button

Meltingswatches: lololololol

Meltingswatches: my fiance let me play this on her ps3 and i did the same

Meltingswatches: this boss really emphasizes your guns.

Meltingswatches: lets you feel good to shoot

Kasemoch: hello, this game is still bad I see

Kasemoch: I'm not liking this music very much

Meltingswatches: and with no walls or hills theres no need for the wall jumps and movement options

2xNegative: This fight is really making me appreciate DMC4's combat system

LV5_Papermancer: I had a lot of fun with DMC 4. It's not as good as DMC 3, but it's pretty fun.

Edmond_SA: @Kaubocks you got 2 weapons in this stage (11)

2xNegative: Once I figured Nero out, I had so much fun using the demon arm

KalinDonn: there's like one boss in this entire game that focuses around melee combat

KalinDonn: it's nuts

Meltingswatches: did we get here and where do we get to the namatoki plaza?

Charlettmoon: So if the chapters are that fast, I guess you'll be done in an hour :V

Kasemoch: yeah dmc4 is pretty good but a little disappointing compared to 3

Edmond_SA: I loved 4 to be honest, and DMC4SE is amazing

Meltingswatches: dante's whole backtracking saga in 4 was maybe my biggest issue with the original release

Wolfcau: Why is the floor made of grandma's doilies?

Bloodfashion: oh oh no

2xNegative: Oh hello Chamber of Birth. When did you migrate from La Mulana to DMC2

Bloodfashion: wow thats some pattern

AzureSen: I think I saw that pattern on a couch once.

Kasemoch: looks like grandma's couch

Kasemoch: lol

Meltingswatches: ya gettin blood all ovah meh couch dante babeh

Meltingswatches: pronounce that enemy name please

2xNegative: Gbusmsira

Meltingswatches: lol

Bloodfashion: Graandma it be better that way

2xNegative: How do you pronounce that

Kasemoch: gahbosumsireah

Edmond_SA: ok, hold up

Edmond_SA: at the top of this room there should be a weapon? maybe?

Edmond_SA: Mission 11, in the large room with the platforms. Fly or jump up to the very top room to find them.

Edmond_SA: ok it's not this level

Edmond_SA: sorry, it is this level, it's not this room

Edmond_SA: Could be. Not sure anymore

Edmond_SA: Tried finding a video, it's a kid recording the screen on his cellphone from 2008

Charlettmoon: Beautiful

Edmond_SA: holy fuck that save

Edmond_SA: #based

Charlettmoon: That save was the best

Meltingswatches: I need this game to be canon in DMC5

ArashiKurobara: actual good save, followed by comedy

ArashiKurobara: the best.


Edmond_SA: Disadvantages: Do very little damage.

Meltingswatches: wait....if you just had full DT, you could skip that entire room.

Meltingswatches: also, if you cut the power off to the pc, you beat the game, so i guess it doesnt matter.

Edmond_SA: They may have written it because nobody had bothered.

Edmond_SA: Audience by monopoly, that's how I do my LPs.

Edmond_SA: you're not hurting the dogs

Edmond_SA: aim at the dude

Kasemoch: I watched an entire lp of this game and I don't remember any of these bosses so far at all

Meltingswatches: This is so much better than the Nelo Angelo fight you guys

Meltingswatches: Bolverk, The Boy.

Edmond_SA: this is better than Infested Chopper at least

Kasemoch: oof

2xNegative: Rude

Kasemoch: chopper was very amusing

Edmond_SA: The entire game

2xNegative: wow this is terrible

Edmond_SA: not sure if you don't have to kll the dogs after the dude. guide says you CAN kill them

2xNegative: It looked like you took one of the dogs out of the first fight

Kasemoch: don't worry!

KalinDonn: yeah you can kill the dogs they just have ridiculous amounts of health

Edmond_SA: oh, there's the boss health

Edmond_SA: this is arse

2xNegative: A cheap hit is not cool game

Meltingswatches: Use your dodge off set skills. oh wait.

Kasemoch: remember that boss that got stuck and didn't attack anymore after the first quarter of his health

Charlettmoon: It's almost like this game is bad or something!

Kasemoch: yeah shoot this bitch!

Edmond_SA: DT gun his ass

Kasemoch: oh shit he's fuckin blocking

Charlettmoon: I'm just thinking about all the ways Zelda 64 did fights like these better, and it came out what, 3 years before this game?

KalinDonn: I didn't even know he could block

Edmond_SA: lmao

Edmond_SA: he just swatted you out of the sky

Kasemoch: yeah fuckin desperation DT saves the day

KalinDonn: you...did it?

Meltingswatches: D for...DEXTREME

Edmond_SA: I -think- your DT form changes depending which heart you have equipped

Kasemoch: there's a critical devil trigger in this game, correct? coulda swore that's a thing

Meltingswatches: level design you guys

KalinDonn: yeah there's critical devil trigger at low health

Edmond_SA: Avoid the Sargasso and destroy the octahedrons which will cause a trap door below

Edmond_SA: shoot the d8

Meltingswatches: roll for intiative

Edmond_SA: or hit them. you do have a sword :V

Kasemoch: this is terrible design!

Edmond_SA: ahahah this is so bad

LV5_Papermancer: ... What the hell is this?

LV5_Papermancer: I go away for a bit and come back to... this monstrosity.

Edmond_SA: roll 8d8 for bad game damage

Charlettmoon: I was going to say "hey, fighting on the inside of a ball sounds a little interesting!" But then skulls and lightning and-

Edmond_SA: o no. you missed the last sword in last mission

Kasemoch: dante's movements look way clunkier than the other games

KalinDonn: vendetta is the sword that actually deals damage so that's not an entirely terrible idea

Meltingswatches: A CINEMA SCENE.

LV5_Papermancer: Oh my god, Dante spoke.

Edmond_SA: ahahahaha, oh this boss

Edmond_SA: ok so

KalinDonn: so this is the only boss in the game that takes melee damage

Edmond_SA: you can literally stay out of his range and shoot him

KalinDonn: that takes real melee damage

KalinDonn: he's pretty sturdy from guns

Edmond_SA: not in DT gun mode :V

KalinDonn: yeah that works for basically every other boss but this one

KalinDonn: it's super weird

Meltingswatches: lookin like a basass is what he's doin

Meltingswatches: *badass.

Edmond_SA: OH MY GOD


Charlettmoon: Granny is the most badass

Edmond_SA: who thought this was a good development for dante

Meltingswatches: Is this Dante from the Book based on the first game?

Edmond_SA: 13 is a single bossfight

Edmond_SA: according to The Guide

Edmond_SA: heihachi looking motherfucker

Wolfcau: Oooo, banana

Kasemoch: lol

Meltingswatches: Arcana...Banana


Kasemoch: this dialogue is worse than 1's

KalinDonn: don't bother killing any enemies because they respawn forever

Edmond_SA: Dark Soul With Light is Shakespearean compared to this

Kasemoch: this guy is very light

Edmond_SA: stop punting Hehachi

2xNegative: I love that you just launch him like an enemy in Smash

Edmond_SA: He was sitting in the counter

Edmond_SA: *on

Charlettmoon: The camera kills me every time XD

Kasemoch: hahahaha how did that guy think he would win, fighting that way

Edmond_SA: Mods change my name to ARGOSAX tia

Meltingswatches: DMC2: NO AGENCY

Kasemoch: isn't braiding your hair like that obstructing your vision

Edmond_SA: That happened.

KalinDonn: things sure did happen in that cutscene

Charlettmoon: Dundunnnnn

2xNegative: im pretty sure we could watch the ending and not understand shit

Kasemoch: I can't wait til we're through with this so kaubocks will enjoy playing more

2xNegative: Thanks for streaming

Kasemoch: thanks for the show!

KalinDonn: thanks for streaming

Wolfcau: Thanks for suffering!

Edmond_SA: o/

For more infomation >> Devil May Cry 2 - #02: No Story, Mean Doggies, and Great Platforming - Duration: 58:38.


AnimalJam Livestream! GIVEAWAYS! - Duration: 18:02.

For more infomation >> AnimalJam Livestream! GIVEAWAYS! - Duration: 18:02.


Arsenal news: Ashley Cole makes Unai Emery prediction after Chelsea Premier League defeat - Duration: 2:45.

 Arsenal boss Emery is already under pressure, with the club having lost their first two Premier League games under his tutelage

 The Spaniard oversaw their 2-0 defeat to Manchester City and also watched on as his side were beaten 3-2 by Chelsea on Sunday

 Cole has played for both Arsenal and Chelsea throughout his career, famously leaving for Stamford Bridge after Jose Mourinho turned his head

 And he thinks Emery has the nous to turn things around despite his stuttering start to life in the Premier League

 Cole told The Sun: "I used to watch the games with [Arsene Wenger] in the long jacket and you don't see that any more

 "Times change, people move on, and I think it was his time to go. "And obviously, they've brought in a new manager with new ideas and a new philosophy

 "With Arsenal, there's a new manager still, but I think the first two games they had were very, very difficult, so I think they'll start picking up points now

 "I think it might take a little bit of time, he has to gel the players together, he's got a few new players

 "To put his philosophy across and how he wants to play, I don't think it's going to happen straight away

" Cole's decision to leave Arsenal in 2006 has seen him bombarded with abuse throughout his career

 And, speaking in 2017, the England international shed some light on his Gunners exit 12 years ago

 He said: "No, I had a great time there and of course I miss the old players but I moved on and I won every trophy I could, so I wouldn't say I look back and regret it, no

 "If I'm honest, yeah, I still laugh to myself to this day. "I had a lot of history there and of course the way I left was maybe dodgy, but I think they showed me a lack of respect, too

 "I have to blame myself too. Perhaps I did things in the wrong way. "But when I look back on it now I could blame a lot of parties and it's now 10 years ago


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Ashley Cole makes Unai Emery prediction after Chelsea Premier League defeat - Duration: 2:45.


Cardi B & Offset Snuggle With Baby Kulture In New Pic, Giving Fans 1st Glimpse Of Her Face - Daily N - Duration: 3:07.

Finally! Cardi B has given us our first peek of her and Offset's adorable baby, Kulture, in an Instagram post on Aug

22. See the pic, here!    The day is here! Cardi B, 25, showed off her daughter, Kulture, to the world…even if it was just the corner of the tiny baby's head

In the family photo that Cardi posted to Instagram on Aug. 22 — featuring her radical new pixie cut! — Cardi looks adoringly over Offset's shoulder as he cradles Kulture

And it looks like the newborn's staring right back at her dad in the tiniest beanie hat we've ever seen! It appears the picture was taken after the 2018 MTV VMAs on Aug

20. Kardi is wearing the same ruffly black dress she wore to accept her "Best Collaboration" award with Jennifer Lopez, 49, and DJ Khalid, 42

   The "I Like It" singer gave birth to Kulture, her first child and Offset's fourth, on July 10

Throughout her pregnancy, Cardi didn't shy away from posting pictures of her baby bump, which was most famously plastered on the cover of Rolling Stone's July issue

But after giving birth, Cardi's kept her newborn off social media…until now! She did try to trip everyone out at the VMAs, however

As Cardi opened the show, she cradled a suspicious bundle of blankets onstage. Everyone thought it would be a live broadcast debut of Kulture, but in true Cardi style, she was just holding up a swaddled MTV Moonman statue

Argh!  This picture debunks rumors that Cardi B "may be gone for good," which MTO News reported on Aug

19. Cardi and Offset were even pictured hitting up McDonalds for a post-VMAs snack! And as you can tell below, the two looked closer than ever as they obsessed over their adorable baby

You can even expect a larger family photo in the future! "[Cardi's] totally devoted to their daughter, and she is completely in tune with the baby's needs

 Cardi has already started talking about how she wants another baby soon and she would really love to have a little boy too," a source close to Offset shared EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife on Aug

15. "Offset is happy to go along with what ever she wants. He is a big believer in the saying 'happy wife, happy life' and basically, anything Cardi wants Cardi gets

" Courtesy of Instagram  As for when we'll get to see Kulture's full face, it probably won't happen on a stage! "Why Set said i was sooo mad, when i saw you on stage with that blanket," Cardi tweeted — with laughing emojis —  on Aug

20. "I thought you was going to show Kulture."

For more infomation >> Cardi B & Offset Snuggle With Baby Kulture In New Pic, Giving Fans 1st Glimpse Of Her Face - Daily N - Duration: 3:07.


The Strange History of the Jersey Devil - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> The Strange History of the Jersey Devil - Duration: 13:00.


10 Scariest Creatures Captured On Camera Reaction - Duration: 14:09.

What's up, guys you little crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be rappin to

10 scariest creatures captured on camera by topics extract

So I am not prepared for this

There is no way that I'm gonna sleep tonight

Even though it's not even late at night so I might be good for tonight

So other than that, let's just get this video over with and hopefully it won't scare me too much or too


So other than that, let's start in 3 2 1 let's go play

All right, I'm not prepared but let's see

Let's see if I will get scared or nom

Alright he's like in the middle of nowhere ever it seems like what

What is that thing

The world is full of which

hundreds of many strange unexplainable and plain scary sightings of rare indescribable creatures

But only recently have we been up catch these sightings with video cameras for ourselves

And even though the quality might be low or some of these sightings may be fake. There are still many modest us the internet that

Unexplainable capable of sending chills up and down your body here retain of the scariest unknown creatures caught on

camera border

While exploring on the ground these two men lose a friend in their endeavor as they turn back to try to find him they expect

to see him hunched over just our breath, but what they find instead is the complete opposite while turning around

And they see it biggest and Annette in a terrifying fashion. And as anyone would in this situation they began running away

I know I would be to

That that's crazy crap

But he's freaking us out Oh


What is that thing


What the hell it's nice a fulfilling than in the comfort of your own home

But there's no worse feeling than when your face of safety is being invaded this man walks outside after hearing a startling noise

But so is far out the source was from a humanoid creature when there is the creature climbs onto the roof and disappears

It's unknown if the creature ever returned

What is that thing

Oh my god

This one is definitely

unexplainable and

indescribable our first glimpses

It seems like a normal sighting of a large insect which might scare a few of you already but as the video progresses

and the insect is controversially killed by the cameraman a

Gauzy worm-like creature slithers his way out of the insect

I have no idea what the creature is, but it seems like it borrowed into the insect and potentially killed it from the inside. Ah

What no no that's gross

Imagine kinda no, right. There's just two of you in the middle of an empty roads

It's been a while since you've stopped. So you park cups will stretch your legs

But as you're about to return you seen alien-like creature walking across the road not expect them to be seen by anyone for miles

That's exactly what happened in this situation

As the creature turns look in their direction, the guy runs towards the carcass and speeds up in the other direction

Little is known about what happened. I don't blame you

Like what is that thing like it just came out nowhere?

And it's just appeared there

Fucking go did you fucking see that me looking at the front just out. Were you looking at the phone?

Oh hell no exploring abandoned buildings has become a trend over the last you know

Terrifying experience most of the time nothing cut the ordinary happens, but sometimes the explorers get no

Is a perfect example of that?

While exploring what looks like an empty abandoned school one mad where the camera captures a wild humanoid creature lurking behind a door

The creature slowly falls. Oh my God

Thank God you better run oh

No, I don't want to see it again

I almost got scared because through that door. I thought it was


Because I'll ever get this shit on video I get the shit


No, no, no, no, no, no. No if that thing just got up and just ran

Towards me. I will I would I would scream and freak out

You really had to do that

I could just see it perfectly

cemeteries can fool people with different emotions when thinking about

Cemeteries you even feel sad or frightened and after watching this clip

You might feel the latter this camera man is seen recording around an empty Cemetery

The reason for this is unknown, but one thing that is very clear

Is that something strange is about to happen while panning the camera around the atmosphere?

Everything seems completely normal, which is why nikeyra math continues like normal

But after closer inspection an alien, like creature can be seen peering behind one of the drains

Wait a minute

Wait a minute

Didn't see it here is no I don't think so

Wait, I think I probably saw it before

Yeah, yeah wait, all right they're

Angry grandpa, sometimes you're required to carry around the camera the most I missed I'm an

Angry grandpa will be forever in our prayers whoa forever in our hearts

Whenever video was uploaded many commenters noted that something appeared behind the object in the back

So it suddenly disappears and if you fit the videos fake

Just remember that the original video wasn't meant to be anything special

And to this day only has a small amount of views to begin with so if this was a hoax then it was very out

Of the ordinary because it didn't gain any views and they didn't really gain a lot out of it to begin with


my god

What is that thing no looks like um, like a human head oh

God no

Driving at night can be a very scary experience

especially when you're driving like

near the forest and stuff and then if you see that thing if

you see that thing coming towards you like running towards you I'm willing like

The creature only grows angrier and seems to grow in speed

Crawls and speed that's oh my god

We're not gonna do


Tsunamis are natural disasters caused by earthquakes were dropped in the sea the four huge waves water land which floods the whole area

Tsunamis are known to be very dangerous, but perhaps for the first time during 2014

One of the ways mysterious events recorded took place during a tsunami

While looking over the footage the cameraman was shocked to find the misty right object-- which her first glimpses looked like a wave

Emerge from the water this day people are unsure of what this sighting is

Well, is there like a ghost or something like um, just soul


Child's imagination is a magical thing children a capable of maintaining a relationship with something that doesn't even exist

But this situation was the complete opposite

This kid was walking out of his house with a camera after seeing something moved in the area near his house

What he captures is something a lot creepier than he could imagine that you

Shouldn't be going out there

Alone, but I mean it's in the daytime so he thought so, I guess that's all okay

Well, well

That's scary stuff

Click the screen for a video. I did in my second channel. Thanks for watching

alright, so

To be honest, this was an actually

Scary video actually, I got I got pretty scared

especially where the one like the ghost girl had crawled towards them and I think they were that she was

Probably gonna get up or she was just continuing to quote. That part was scary. I almost

Just like jump down on my seat. Just

when I saw that that was

Scary as hell


Or just scary ass shrimp

Yeah, so

I'm actually so lucky in my opinion that I'm not watching this late at night like about midnight or

2:00 or 3:00 in the morning

So thank God for that

So other than that guys I hope you guys enjoyed the video please make sure to slap that like button

Comment down below with your thoughts about today's video and also subscribe to the channel

Almost two more on to 300 Wow. Thank you guys so much

So comment down below your video suggestions of videos you guys want me to

react to next and I will do it and

Turn on posting keishon, so you stay in front of every single video. So

Follow my social medias as well. And other than that guys, I'm just gonna leave off out there

I hope you guys enjoyed think you guys so much for watching. I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone

For more infomation >> 10 Scariest Creatures Captured On Camera Reaction - Duration: 14:09.


Arsenal news: Transfer business questioned - 'Gunners need FOUR OR FIVE signings' - Duration: 3:48.

 That is the opinion of former Tottenham midfielder Danny Murphy, who says Unai Emery's side are a long way off challenging for the top four

 Arsenal experienced a summer of change with Emery replacing Arsene Wenger in the Emirates dugout following the Frenchman's decision to step down

 And they welcomed five new signings to north London in the form of Bernd Leno, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, Stephan Lichtsteiner, Matteo Guendouzi and Lucas Torreira

 Arsenal have endured a nightmare start to the new campaign though, going down 2-0 and 3-2 to Manchester City and Chelsea respectively

 Murphy has now offered a damning verdict on the transfer business conducted by Emery, Sven Mislintat and Raul Sanllehi over the summer

 And he's explained exactly where they need to strengthen in order to be in with a shout of securing Champions League qualification again

 "I thought Arsenal's transfer business was average at best and I think the fans would have every right to be disappointed," Murphy told bwin

 "Arsenal didn't make any star signings that would make them competitive again and I think the club will struggle enormously to get into the top four

 "They still look very vulnerable in defence and they have a very long way to go before they can even think about challenging for the top four again

 "Arsenal needed to have a massive transfer window and they didn't address the issues well enough

 "You could make a case that Arsenal need to improve the entire defence with four or five signings, to get the experience and leadership needed

 "Arsenal signed a new goalkeeper in Leno but I don't think goalkeeper was a position that needed to be a priority this summer

 "Arsenal could have David De Gea in goal as well as Petr Cech and they still wouldn't be able to save this defence from conceding too many goals

" Everton, by contrast to Arsenal, look to have bolstered any areas of weakness in the squad Marco Silva inherited from Sam Allardyce

 However, Murphy doesn't think the Toffees pose a threat to the Gunners' hopes of finishing in the European spots

 "I think Everton have the potential to have a very good season because they've brought in some real quality, but Arsenal won't be too worried about looking over their shoulder," Murphy added

 "Arsenal still have ridiculously good firepower and fantastic home form that should be enough to see them finish in the top six

 "It is Arsenal's defensive vulnerability against their rivals at the top of the league that push them down into the Europa League places, but you'd expect them to get the better of everyone else

" Arsenal are a lowly 17th in the Premier League following their defeats to City and Chelsea

 They will be seeking to get their first points of the season on the board when they play host to West Ham on Saturday

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Transfer business questioned - 'Gunners need FOUR OR FIVE signings' - Duration: 3:48.


Liverpool transfer news: Jurgen Klopp must change his mind on one player - Steve Nicol - Duration: 1:56.

 That is the view of Liverpool legend Steve Nicol, who works as a pundit for ESPN FC

 Origi spent last season away from Anfield at Bundesliga outfit Wolfsburg. However, he scored just six goals in 34 appearances during his loan spell

 Origi is now back at Liverpool but has not been named in either of the match day squads for their opening two Premier League fixtures

 Borussia Dortmund are reportedly keen on taking the Belgium international on loan

 But Nicol believes Origi will have a part to play for Liverpool this season after Danny Ings left the club

 Ings joined Southampton on an initial season-long loan before the move becomes permanent next summer

 "I'm going to say miss," Nicol said of Origi joining Dortmund. "Liverpool have just pretty much got rid of Danny Ings

 "That means that their depth is going to be tested. "If they want to be fighting on all fronts, then they need a squad

 "They now have a squad and that includes Origi. "So, the fact that Danny Ings has gone, I would say no

 "Had Danny Ings stayed, I would have said yes. "But guess what, this is a miss." Origi has scored 21 goals in 77 appearances for Liverpool in all competitions

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer news: Jurgen Klopp must change his mind on one player - Steve Nicol - Duration: 1:56.


When God Says No - Duration: 1:01:50.

For more infomation >> When God Says No - Duration: 1:01:50.


장윤정 스타 판듀 후보로 등장 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 장윤정 스타 판듀 후보로 등장 - Duration: 1:56.


Bad news; Dusit Zoo closed! Goodbye Dusit Zoo... - Duration: 4:15.

Bad news; Dusit Zoo closed!

Goodbye Dusit Zoo...

Bangkok residents got an unpleasant surprise early August.

The reason?

Dusit Zoo, the oldest and most popular zoo in Thailand, announced on their Facebook page

that August 31, 2018 will be their last day.

What's going to happen is that all the animals will be moved to a new 300 rai facility in

the Thanyaburi district of Phathum Thani.

The new zoo will apparently be three-times the size of what the Dusit Zoo is currently.

My wife told me that Dusit Zoo is a Bangkok institution.

Literally all Bangkok Thai have visited the zoo, and it's a popular day out for parents

to take their children.

The great thing about Dusit Zoo is that it's located in central Bangkok, so it's really

easy to visit.

The situation is somewhat confusing as construction of the new zoo has not yet begun.

In the interim, all the animals will be temporarily moved to six other zoos which are also operated

by the Zoological Park Organisation.

The six zoos are spread throughout Thailand.

They're located in; Chonburi, Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Songkhla, Ubon Ratchathani

and Khon Kaen.

A brief history of Dusit Zoo

Before Dusit Zoo was opened to the public in 1938, it was the private zoo of His Majesty

King Rama V.

Also known as King Chulalongkorn.

Dusit Zoo was actually built in 1895 and known as 'Khao Din Wana' or simply 'Khao Din'.

This name is still used by most Bangkok Thai today.

The official name though was changed to Dusit Zoo in March 1938.

In 1938, the constitutional government asked King Rama VIII's regency council to give the

land to the Bangkok City Municipality for use as a public zoo.

The King donated deer and a number of other animals from the palace for public exhibition.

The City of Bangkok operated the zoo until 1954.

Since then it has been transferred to the state Zoological Park Organization.

What's in Dusit Zoo?

Dusit Zoo currently houses around 1,600 species of domestic and international animals, including:

331 mammals 170 reptiles

and 849 birds

The animals range from monkeys, alligators, kangaroos, and zebras, to penguins, elephants,

camels, and giraffes.

The Albino barking deer and a white Bengal tiger are highlights of the zoo.

Play Land offers rides and amusement facilities to entertain children throughout the day,

while boat peddling and the sightseeing train provide different modes of exploration.

Dusit Zoo also contains an animal hospital, zoo museum, and educational center.

Bangkok Unmasked was sad to read the newspaper headline; Dusit Zoo closed.

While zoos are not really my thing, it was one of the first Bangkok attractions that

I visited.

I'll always have fond memories of the place.

Goodbye Dusit Zoo!

For more infomation >> Bad news; Dusit Zoo closed! Goodbye Dusit Zoo... - Duration: 4:15.


Attention Deficit Disorder - Duration: 5:24.

Hello, Today's blog is going to be on blood Sugar's impact on development.

This is a really big issue that a lot of people with diabetes are facing.

There's research on it, but no one really likes to talk about it. Because, when we talk

about it. It means that there's another issue that we have to face and it's hard

to look at other things that are impacting us. When a person grows up with

diabetes, if they are diagnosed at an early age,

what's going to end up happening is that extreme high or prolonged highs as well

as extreme lows are going to cause problems with their ability to remember,

recall & focus. What happens is, is that these shifts in blood sugars or these

extreme shifts cause scarring on the frontal lobe as well as reduces gray

matter, which impairs our ability to function, remember and do what we need to

do to manage our diabetes. Because, when we're managing our diabetes we really

need that focus. Unfortunately, a lot of times when we're living with attention

deficit and diabetes we remember to give our shot but a split second later we

forget I call that a slippage of memory. That occurs a lot and a lot of my

clients have that issue and have talked about it, and one of the unfortunate

things is that this issue of attention deficit disorder is comorbid with

diabetes and there's not much you can do about it. Improving blood sugars while

growing up helps, if you've already gone through your childhood and you're now an

adult there's not much you can do about it but medications do help. Even though, it's

a physical reason why you are having problems with your memory, recall and

focusing on things, the medications for attention deficit work really well.

They may not resolve all of the issues, because a lot of issues with diabetes

do loss of things really need to be talked through

and that's where therapy helps. But, it's important to take a look see how your

memory is doing and yes sometimes high blood Sugar's sometimes all the time

high blood Sugar's will cause problems in this area. That's what makes it so

difficult to figure out is it the diabetes or does it have to do with this

other issue that's co-morbid with diabetes. Ah co-morbid, I hate that

word, but it accurately describes. When you have diabetes and as I said you get

it at an early age due to the shifting blood sugars you're going to

end up with attention deficit. And, most people don't really look at it because

we're not looking at the attention deficit hyper disorder we're not looking

at a hyper piece we're looking at inattentive piece and a lot of children

don't get the attention they need or notice that there's this problem going

on. Some children end up in special education while others just struggle

through it and some excel at school because they're hyper focusing. And that's the

other issue attention deficit isn't a lack of attention or no attention it's

that attention is either full forward full force all energy going to it and

you're hyper focused and the rest of the world disappears as let's say you're

reading a book you love and the next thing you know it's 12 hours later. You

finish the book but you didn't eat and you didn't drink and you just been

sitting there reading this book. Now that's an extreme example but that is

hyper focus and that could cause a lot of problems. You may miss appointments,

you may get to work late, it causes problems in multiple areas. But the

biggest problem is the area causes in managing diabetes it reduces our ability

to manage properly because when we have a slippage of thought basically you can

remember to give your insulin but then a split second later you've already

forgotten and it's not till like a half hour that you remember. You're

just about to finish eating but then it's gone again and so li ke

it takes an hour, takes an hour or even two hours to get that insulin into you and

by then you're already on this roller coaster and that's the big problem.

Now, the medications do help reduce this. I mean everybody is forgetful to one

degree or another, but it's important to get this checked out if you're living

with diabetes. If you're struggling and you're struggling in the area of recall

remembering the slippage of mind problems focusing or if you believe

you're living with it and diabetes please feel free to reach out and give

me a call. My name is Eliot LeBow. I am a diabetes focused psychotherapist and I

hope you enjoyed my blog today. If you did please subscribe. I have lots of

great information to come and you have a great day. Bye

For more infomation >> Attention Deficit Disorder - Duration: 5:24.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX - Duration: 10:03.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Super Hero Ride Dinosaur Vs T-REX - Duration: 10:03.





Últimas notícia de hoje : IBOPE: PT É PREFERIDO POR 29% DOS BRASILEIROS E SUPERA 34 PARTIDOS JUNTOS - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : IBOPE: PT É PREFERIDO POR 29% DOS BRASILEIROS E SUPERA 34 PARTIDOS JUNTOS - Duration: 2:51.


piskel을 이용하여 상자만들기_자막o - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> piskel을 이용하여 상자만들기_자막o - Duration: 4:47.


Últimas notícia de hoje : CIRO: ESTADO BRASILEIRO VIVE BADERNA INSTITUCIONAL - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : CIRO: ESTADO BRASILEIRO VIVE BADERNA INSTITUCIONAL - Duration: 1:23.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : NUM VÍDEO EMOCIONANTE, COMEÇA A CAMPANHA LULA-HADDAD. ASSISTA - Duration: 4:02.


Forward x Towards - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda em 1 MINUTO - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Forward x Towards - Qual a Diferença - Aprenda em 1 MINUTO - Duration: 0:59.


Track-by-track "The Fall of Minotaur" ( English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:02.

Hello people, I'm Paulo Schmidt the guttural vocals of Megaira.

I'm Paulo Melo, guitarrist of the band Megaira.

Today we will talk about "The Fall of Minotaur".

For this song I had the idea that it was a fast and heavy song that Theseus was entering the frightened labyrinth

seeing piles of skulls of dead people, feeling death near him knowing and

he would see a huge monster with 2 or 3 ft. and he would have to give

a fatal knock on Minotaur's head and this is what the music tells the story.

So I came to him and said how his songs are a little long I gave the idea of ​​doing

this music like a ear clap, fast and short, then this was the initial idea

to the music and we started working from there.

The music born before our rehearsal, he introduced me to this idea of ​​making

a shorter song, because our songs have many riffs,

so maybe something more direct was appropriate on the album.

So I had an idea from the beginning a riff and I thought it would be cool to work on it.

From this riff that came the whole composition which follows this same tempo the whole song

that is a very fast and continuous progress.

Now you will hear some of the song and if you want to hear the complete song and all the other songs

go to our website MEGAIRAOFFICIAL.COM

that she is there along with the rest of the album. Thanks!

For more infomation >> Track-by-track "The Fall of Minotaur" ( English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:02.


Trailer: Motivación "El Verdadero Guerrero" | Video de Facebook N°1 - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Trailer: Motivación "El Verdadero Guerrero" | Video de Facebook N°1 - Duration: 0:48.


Redação do iG elege os carros dos sonhos - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Redação do iG elege os carros dos sonhos - Duration: 5:35.


Mini John Cooper Works de 231 cv vira carro de polícia na Alemanha - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Mini John Cooper Works de 231 cv vira carro de polícia na Alemanha - Duration: 1:38.


Chronic cardiopulmonary disease - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> Chronic cardiopulmonary disease - Duration: 11:51.


Jejímu věku neuvěříte: Podívejte se, jak dnes vypadá Ufňukaná Uršula z Harryho Pottera! - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Jejímu věku neuvěříte: Podívejte se, jak dnes vypadá Ufňukaná Uršula z Harryho Pottera! - Duration: 2:49.


ख्वाजा पिया ये तेरा करम है | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali | Yeh To Tera Karam Hai Khwaja - Duration: 9:39.


For more infomation >> ख्वाजा पिया ये तेरा करम है | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali | Yeh To Tera Karam Hai Khwaja - Duration: 9:39.


Sufres de una VIDA PASADA Trastorno de estrés traumático FIT FORNES - Duration: 11:08.

Are You Suffering from PAST LIFE Traumatic Stress Disorder?

August 22nd, 2018

By Nanice Ellis

Most of us know that unhealed emotional trauma can result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

(PTSD) and many of us have even experienced it.

But, did you know that we can also carry unhealed emotional trauma from past lives?

In fact, there's a direct link between past life trauma and present day fears, phobias

and panic attacks.

If you're experiencing any of these conditions, you could be suffering from Past Life Traumatic

Stress Disorder!

Maybe you're wondering, how can you carry unhealed emotional trauma from one life to

the next?

Although you may live many lives and incarnate as very different characters, your soul remains

with you from life to life, and even though you may not remember a thing, your soul maintains

the memories from all lifetimes and keeps track of "unfinished business."

So, each time you reincarnate, you take it all with you, and this means that if you die

with unhealed emotional wounds in one lifetime, you're born with the same unhealed emotional

wounds in another.

Past Life Trauma – Current Day Issues!

Most of us have no memories of traumatic events that occurred in other lifetimes.

Nonetheless, when we carry unhealed past life trauma into our present life, it often manifests

as some type of distressing issue that is somehow related to the original event.

When past life trauma surfaces through current life issues, it often triggers Past Life Traumatic

Stress Disorder, and, as a result, we might experience irrational fears, anxiety, phobias

or panic attacks.

Here are some examples of how Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder shows up:

If you were ever severely punished for not following the rules in a past life, you may

have an irrational fear of authority.

If you were ever rejected or abandoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear

of being different or not fitting in.

If you were ever enslaved or imprisoned in a past life, you may have an irrational fear

of losing freedom.

If you were ever excommunicated for voicing your beliefs or taking a stand in a past life,

you could have a fear of being seen or heard (by the way, this is often the cause of public

speaking phobias).

Furthermore, when the same type of trauma is experienced in more than one lifetime,

past life scars often become amplified, and, subsequently, with each repetitive experience,

the symptoms of Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder intensify.

Also, keep in mind that irrational fears and phobias can include basically anything associated

with trauma – even as simple as the fear of pencils or shoelaces.

Unfortunately, until we understand the cause of our irrational reactions, we have no control

over the triggers.

Traumatic Death Oftentimes, Past Life Traumatic Stress Disorder

is the result of a traumatic death.

For instance, one of my friends had panic attacks whenever someone touched his neck

or he had to wear a necktie.

Not surprisingly, he often had "flashbacks" of being strangled to death in a past life.

Here are some more examples of how a traumatic death can result in present day fear:

If you ever died by drowning, you could have an irrational fear of water.

If you ever fell to your death, you could have an irrational fear of heights.

If you ever perished in a burning building, you could have an irrational fear of fire.

If you were ever fatally trapped, you could have an irrational fear of being confined


If you were ever killed by a ferocious animal or deadly insect, you could have an irrational

fear of certain animals or insects.

If you were ever accused of being a witch or burned at the stake for possessing psychic

powers, you could have an irrational fear of sharing your gifts.

Frozen to Death

For most of my life, I had an irrational fear of being cold, and, needless to say, this

made long, winter months quite unbearable.

Honestly, whenever I was cold, I would instantly go into mild shock, and while I couldn't

think clearly, I felt like I was going to die.

Then, one brisk autumn evening, I got terribly lost while hiking through the wilderness alone.

As the sun began to set and I was beginning to feel very cold, that familiar panic started

to takeover.

But this time, something different happened.

Suddenly, I experienced myself as a tribal warrior who lived in another era.

Evidently, I just lost a major battle, and while I was fatally injured and all alone,

I was left to die in the frozen wilderness.

After remembering this slow and brutal death, I finally understood my irrational fear of

the cold — and why I associated it with death.

Believe it or not, after I recalled this memory, the fear of being cold completely disappeared,

and, in fact, winter became my favorite season!

The Purpose of Re-enacting Past Life Wounds Let's be clear; whenever past life trauma

manifests as current day issues, it is never due to punishment nor karma.

Instead, past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to support our human

survival and spiritual evolution.

You see, in response to past life wounds, we develop survival mechanisms, such as specific

fears, anxieties and phobias, and due to these protective mechanisms, we automatically stay

away from potential risks that could result in similar traumas.

Additionally, when emotional wounds are healed during a human incarnation, we master certain

virtues that our souls intended to attain – and this is why we experience emotional

wounds in the first place.

In a nutshell, while past life trauma is carried from life to life in order to protect us from

similar threats, it also gives us the opportunity to reap intended virtues as we heal.

Repeat, Repeat…


While past life fears keep us from partaking in risky behaviors and also provide opportunities

to attain virtues, they also prevent us from living our lives, fulfilling our dreams, and

reaching our full potential.

Furthermore, even though details may change from life to life, until we heal our emotional

wounds, we could repeat the same type of issues over and over again.

Although free will allows us to ignore our wounds indefinitely, if we don't properly

address the cause, these issues inevitably escalate in frequency and intensity, and,

at some point, and in some lifetime, they likely result in a personal crisis that cannot

be ignored.

Eventually, when emotional pain reaches a personal breaking point and familiar coping

strategies no longer provide relief, we inevitably seek healing.

However, keep in mind that you don't need to reach a breaking point in order to heal

and you don't need to repeat the same issues lifetime after lifetime.

Simultaneous Lifetimes Before we continue, I'd like to acknowledge

that the term "past life" could be very misleading.

You see, according to quantum physics, all moments of time occur simultaneously, and,

if this is true, it means that we are actually living parallel lives.

Although we are only aware of this "current" life, who knows what we experience when we're

asleep or when we're blinking in and out of reality countless times a minute.

Nonetheless, this concept doesn't change a thing, and, in fact, when it comes to healing,

there's no time like the present!

So, how do we heal past life trauma?

Well, some people choose to heal past life trauma through past life regressions, and

this means that under hypnosis they "go back" and remember one or more past lives

where they experienced a particular trauma.

Although this may sound somewhat "woo woo," I personally guided past life regressions

for many years and the results were often astounding.

Sometimes, just remembering past life trauma is enough to heal it, (for example, my fear

of the cold), but, more often than not, healing is a process that must be actively embraced.

Therefore, if you want to heal past life trauma through a past life regression, remembering

your past lives is just the beginning.

This is why it's important to find a reputable past life regression therapist who knows how

to work through multiple life traumas.

Present Life Healing Even though it might be interesting to remember

who you were or what you experienced in one or more past lives, there's actually no

need to do so.

In fact, you don't need to remember past life trauma in order to heal past life wounds.

Since the same issues repeat from one life to the next, and

all lifetimes are interconnected through your soul, when an emotional wound is healed in

any lifetime that same emotional wound is simultaneously healed in all incarnations.

Therefore, by healing emotional wounds as they surface in your current reality, you

inevitably heal those same wounds in all lifetimes!

So, exactly how do we heal emotional wounds?

Well, before we can heal an emotional wound, not only must we identify it, we must also

address the real cause.

Although we tend to confuse emotional wounds with precipitating traumatic events, emotional

wounds are not caused by traumatic experiences!

Regardless of details or timelines, emotional wounds are caused by emotional reactions (how

we react to trauma).

For instance, if we react to trauma by adopting disempowering beliefs or abandoning ourselves,

we self-inflict emotional wounds.

Although few can argue that emotional wounds appear incredibly real, if it were not for

emotional pain, it would be easy to see that all emotional wounds are based on disempowering

beliefs and/or self-abandonment.

For more infomation >> Sufres de una VIDA PASADA Trastorno de estrés traumático FIT FORNES - Duration: 11:08.


Músicas Internacionais Antigas - Músicas Romanticas de Cantores Famosos - Duration: 1:26:01.

For more infomation >> Músicas Internacionais Antigas - Músicas Romanticas de Cantores Famosos - Duration: 1:26:01.


Huzoor Jaante Hain | जो हो चुका है जो होगा हुजूर जानते हैं - Duration: 10:44.

Huzoor Jaante Hain

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