Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 23 2018

Next race, Augsburg R. This is a less stressful circuit for our car.

Let's dive in.

Augburgs is actually a pretty fun track to ride around in the Ogre, mainly because of the numbers of high speed corners.

With AN-21's grip, it is possible to take some middle corners flat-out using Circuit Mode.

The boost zone here is a good overtaking spot due to AN-21's second stage boost.

You can either take these corners with Circuit mode for consistent speed or de-accel and switch to Aero for higher torque/max speed.

Unlike the original layout, the AI will boost through the forest tunnel.

Get to the end and swiftly drift into the exit on the right.

Grip through the remaining corners.

I was caught napping. Not very good.

Okay, that was not very nice.


This is... not very good so far.

P4 now, thank goodness.

Yike! That was scary.

I got too afraid of crashing into Randoll. My bad.

Steady now.

That kinda worked.

I can't believe this. Randoll actually fought back, knocked my boost off, and now I'm dropped to P4.

And there goes the oversteer. I really need to fix this mess.

Come on, Randoll. Payback time.

...Nope. I can't even dare to get near the guy.

There's a lot of time I have a feeling everybody's Leon Earnhardt in this game.

The drifting corner will decide it... I hope.

THAT was close.

I finished third... Gudelhian dominated the race. Not a good day.

Well, that was... a plot twist.

If Gudelhian win the final race, I need a podium finish to win the WDC. (At least 42 vs. 41 points)

Next: New skill, the Ogre's final race. Stay tuned.

For more infomation >> Future GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity 2 Walkthrough Part 38: When the AIs Fight Back... - Duration: 7:58.





🔴 Jorge e Mateus SE DESENTENDEM AO VIVO no Palco e o PIOR ACONTECE - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Jorge e Mateus SE DESENTENDEM AO VIVO no Palco e o PIOR ACONTECE - Duration: 1:14.


Uomini e Donne, Valentina Dallari non ce l'ha fatta: l'ammissione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Valentina Dallari non ce l'ha fatta: l'ammissione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.


Uomini e Donne, Francesca Del Taglia shock: anni di cure dallo psicologo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Francesca Del Taglia shock: anni di cure dallo psicologo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


CN E/B RECORDED ON Windows 10 & Windows RT 8.1 @ MP223.5. - Duration: 5:56.


2439, 2409, & 5765




For more infomation >> CN E/B RECORDED ON Windows 10 & Windows RT 8.1 @ MP223.5. - Duration: 5:56.


Últimas notícia de hoje : GOVERNO TEMER JÁ ADMITE 2º TURNO ENTRE LULA E BOLSONARO - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : GOVERNO TEMER JÁ ADMITE 2º TURNO ENTRE LULA E BOLSONARO - Duration: 2:38.


Uccisa e nascosta in casa della madre, poi sepolta: "Fabrizio, ma che cavolo hai combinato?" - Duration: 8:05.

 E' stato eseguito l'esame autoptico sul corpo martoriato di Manuela Bailo: è rimasto per più di venti giorni nascosto in una vasca un tempo utilizzata per contenere liquami, coperto solo da qualche foglia e da una tettoia in lamiera

Come riporta BresciaToday, ci vorranno parecchi giorni per avere conferme definitive sulla sua morte, sul modo in cui è morta e sul modo in cui è stata uccisa

L'uomo sposato con cui aveva una relazione, il 48enne sindacalista della Uil Fabrizio Pasini, ha confessato l'omicidio: "Abbiamo litigato, ci siamo spinti, è caduta dalle scale e ha battuto la testa"

E' accusato di omicidio e di occultamento di cadavere: non è ancora stata fissata l'udienza di convalida del fermo

Omicidio Manuela Bailo: le indagini  I carabinieri lo hanno atteso al suo rientro dalle vacanze, era in Sardegna con la moglie e i figli

Anche l'auto di Manuela era già stata ritrovata il 7 agosto, e tanti altri elementi erano già chiari agli inquirenti

Con il passare delle ore emergono nuovi e inquietanti particolari sulla modalità dell'omicidio

Non è chiaro se fosse stato premeditato o meno, oppure davvero un incidente come Pasini ha già raccontato nella sua confessione

Uccisa e messa in un sacco della spazzatura, poi la vacanza con moglie e figli   Sta di fatto che Manuela sarebbe morta nella notte tra sabato 28 e domenica 29 luglio

A poche ore dalla sua scomparsa, dall'allontanamento della sua casa di Nave che condivideva con l'ex fidanzato

Ha preso la sua Opel Corsa, ha percorso la Triumplina e poi ha raggiunto Via Milano: qui avrebbe incontrato Pasini, sarebbe salita in macchina con lui in direzione Ospitaletto, il paese dove abita da una parte con moglie e figli e dall'altra dove vive la madre

La mamma di Pasini in quel momento era in vacanza con i nipoti. Hanno raggiunto quell'abitazione, dove all'interno si sarebbe consumato il litigio

A detta di Pasini tutto è successo in tarda sera: la lite, lo spintone, la caduta e il decesso

Quella notte l'uomo si sarebbe anche fatto medicare in ospedale, per una botta rimediata alle costole: forse i segni di quel litigio

Uccisa e sotterrata in giardino, trovato il cadavere di Manuela Bailo: confessa l'amante   Il cadavere di Manuela non sarebbe stato trasportato subito nelle campagne di Azzanello

Sarebbe rimasto un paio di giorni nella casa della madre, almeno fino alla notte tra il 30 luglio e l'1 agosto: di questo sarebbero convinti gli inquirenti, i carabinieri e i titolari delle indagini, il procuratore capo Tommaso Buonanno, il sostituto procuratore Francesco Milesi

Nel frattempo Pasini avrebbe già architettato il suo piano: i messaggi mandati ai familiari di Manuela, al suo datore di lavoro (tra l'altro erano colleghi), all'ex fidanzato

Poi la freddezza con cui ha portato a termine il "compito", l'occultamento del corpo, la vacanza con la famiglia il giorno successivo il macabro trasferimento

"Stasera non torno, vado a dormire al lago": questo il messaggio mandato da Manuela, poco dopo le 21 di sabato 28 luglio, all'ex fidanzato Matteo

Sarebbe stato l'ultimo messaggio vero: in quel momento era ancora viva. Uno degli ultimi momenti della sua vita

Dopo l'omicidio, una vita normale: "Fabrizio, ma che cavolo hai combinato?"  Nessuno, tra amici e conoscenti, si sarebbe accorto di nulla: anche dopo la morte di Manuela Bailo la vita di Fabrizio Pasini sarebbe andata avanti come se niente fosse

Sono senza parole amici e conoscenti del 48enne che ha confessato di aver ucciso la giovane Manuela Bailo

Una vita normale, senza far trapelare nulla: questo quello che avrebbe continuato a fare Pasini, anche dopo la morte di Manuela

Lui sostiene sia stata accidentale: la donna sarebbe caduta dalle scale battendo la testa dopo un litigio

A poche ore dall'omicidio, Pasini sarebbe tornato a dormire a casa, insieme alla moglie nella loro abitazione

Nel frattempo avrebbe lasciato per un paio di giorni il corpo di Manuela nella casa della madre, che era già in Sardegna con i nipoti

 Poi il macabro trasferimento, in un sacco nero poi ritrovato dai carabinieri proprio su indicazione di Pasini

L'uomo sarebbe tornato a casa e al lavoro, avrebbe incontrato gli ex compagni del rugby in una cena in cui niente sarebbe trapelato dal suo sguardo, dai suoi gesti e dai suoi modi di fare

Chi lo conosceva dice di non essersi accorto di nulla. Colpisce il messaggio lasciato da un'amica su Facebook: "Fabrizio, ma che cavolo hai combinato? Ma sei impazzito? Mi avevi detto che eri molto felice per il tuo nuovo lavoro, e andava tutto bene"

 Il luogo in cui è stato ritrovato il corpo di Manuela Bailo ad Azzanello, in provincia di Cremona, 20 agosto 2018 ANSA/ FILIPPO VENEZIA

For more infomation >> Uccisa e nascosta in casa della madre, poi sepolta: "Fabrizio, ma che cavolo hai combinato?" - Duration: 8:05.


The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan - Gameplay - Gamescom 2018 - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan - Gameplay - Gamescom 2018 - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 9:02.


Temptation Island Vip, confermati due tentatori molto famosi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island Vip, confermati due tentatori molto famosi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.


San Francesco della Vigna: La vigna nascosta - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> San Francesco della Vigna: La vigna nascosta - Duration: 3:09.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon a Time Çukurova - Teaser 3 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.

- My master and I will come to ask for your hand. - My brother would never give me in marriage to you.

- If he didn't let this, would you elope with me? - I would come with you everywhere.

- I love you so much. - Words fail to describe it.

🎵I fell in love with your eyes as soon as I saw them🎵

🎵I don't want anybody else🎵

- We only need each other. 🎵I have eyes only for you🎵

They may have money but do they have love like ours?

- Come here. 🎵Please, I beg of you🎵

🎵Don't love anybody else🎵 - You know what? You are my everything.

🎵I cannot live without you🎵

- She is not a dream after all 🎵I have only eyes for you🎵

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon a Time Çukurova - Teaser 3 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


Investitori esteri in fuga dai Btp italiani: cedono 38 miliardi di bond - Duration: 4:37.

 Gli investitori esteri continuano ad alleggerire la loro esposizione in titoli di Stato italiani in attesa del redde rationem in autunno, quando il governo dovrà scoprire le carte sulla manovra finanziaria e le agenzie di rating aggiorneranno il loro giudizio sul merito di credito dell'Italia

 Il Financial Times, citando dati della Bce, ha rilevato che il mese scorso l'ammontare di debito italiano detenuto da soggetti esteri si è ridotto di 38 miliardi di euro dopo che a maggio i titoli italiani in mano a soggetti stranieri erano diminuiti di 34 miliardi

Il dato include tutte le obbligazioni emesse in Italia, comprese quelle collocate da imprese e banche

Il grosso è comunque rappresentato da titoli di Stato: a maggio, ha rilevato la Banca d'Italia, le vendite nette di titoli di Stato da parte di investitori esteri sono state 23,5 miliardi, circa due terzi dei 34 miliardi segnalati dalla Bce

"Ci aspettavamo che le vendite nette sarebbero continuate a giugno, ma i numeri sono significativamente più alti di quanto ci aspettassimo", ha commentato Davis Owen, capo economista per l'Europa di Jefferies al quotidiano londinese

 In ambienti del Mef si riconosce che i numeri sono significativi ma così come non devono essere sottovalutati neppure vanno enfatizzati

Il trend, si ragiona, è limitato a due mesi, caratterizzati da una fase di incertezza politica e qui mercati, e non rappresenta ancora una tendenza

Occorrerà attendere i prossimi mesi, decisivi sul fronte delle scelte economiche, per capire se il deflusso si arresterà o si trasformerà in un'emorragia

 Resta un dato di fatto l'inquietudine con cui gli investitori stanno guardando all'Italia, gravata da un debito pubblico di oltre 2

300 miliardi e governata da un esecutivo il cui 'contratto' richiede decine e decine di miliardi di spesa per essere finanziato

E' di pochi giorni fa l'allarme del Wall Street Journal, che ha paventato il rischio di una "destabilizzante fuga di capitali" che potrebbe minacciare l'euro, nel caso di mancato rispetto dei vincoli di bilancio

Mentre un sondaggio di Bloomberg tra alcune grandi banche, ipotizzava uno spread btp-bund a 470 punti base in caso di sforamento del tetto del 3% tra deficit e Pil

 In attesa che il Def faccia chiarezza tra le varie posizioni che movimentano la maggioranza - dove il ministro dell'Economia, Giovanni Tria e il premier Giuseppe Conte hanno confermato l'impegno dell'Italia a proseguire nel percorso di riduzione del debito - le agenzie di rating stanno alla finestra

Due giorni fa Moody's ha sospeso fino alla fine di ottobre il riesame del giudizio sull'Italia, in attesa che il Def, il documento di programmazione economico-finanziaria, indichi quale strada intende seguire il governo gialloverde

Per analisti ed investitori resta comunque proprio il ministro dell'Economia la massima garanzia sui conti pubblici italiani

Secondo Mauro Vittorangeli, fund manager di Allianz Global Investors, citato dallo stesso Financial Times, la sua uscita dal governo sarebbe vista come "una sfida" ai mercati, mentre la decisione se acquistare o meno titoli di debito italiano dipenderebbe proprio dalla permanenza nei ranghi dell'esecutivo dell'ex professore, difeso a spada tratta anche da Forza Italia che invita il presidente della Repubblica a vigilare su di lui

For more infomation >> Investitori esteri in fuga dai Btp italiani: cedono 38 miliardi di bond - Duration: 4:37.


Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: SE BARRAREM LULA, HADDAD PODE TER DE 31% A 49% - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : DATAFOLHA: SE BARRAREM LULA, HADDAD PODE TER DE 31% A 49% - Duration: 3:34.


Splinter Cell: Conviction - Realistic Walkthrough/Detonado #08-4 - Third Echelon - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> Splinter Cell: Conviction - Realistic Walkthrough/Detonado #08-4 - Third Echelon - Duration: 17:20.


Plantando plantinha com a Sara - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Plantando plantinha com a Sara - Duration: 0:52.


Música Autoral Acústica - Morena - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Música Autoral Acústica - Morena - Duration: 3:38.


Aplaudo la desaparición de las delegaciones: Fayad +Entrevista con el gobernador de Hidalgo - Duration: 8:21.

Compartir  El 5 de septiembre rendirá su Segundo Informe, con un Congreso prácticamente pintado de guinda

El PRI solamente ganó un distrito local.  Explica la nueva realidad y la inédita correlación de fuerzas en el estado que gobierna y a nivel federal

 "México cambió el 1 de julio, y los mexicanos enviaron un mensaje muy claro, que todos debemos de entender: votaron los ciudadanos contra el sistema político y contra el sistema de partidos

Es obvio que ese par de cuestiones mediaron en el ánimo de los mexicanos para que se dieran esos resultados

 Hay que reconocer el triunfo de AMLO y no hay que escatimarle el esfuerzo, la tenacidad, los 18 años de estar recorriendo el país (me identifico con él, porque también estuve duro y dale haciendo todo para gobernar Hidalgo)

 AMLO generó las condiciones necesarias para captar la simpatía ciudadana y el descontento social, el rechazo al sistema

Con López Obrador, a todos los partidos les fue muy mal: PRI, PAN, PRD, Panal, PES y Verde, menos a Morena

Este último, más que un partido, es un movimiento y acertó en su nombre.  El tabasqueño animó la idea de que hubiera un cambio y por ello viviremos una nueva realidad, en donde la mayoría de los mexicanos le dieron la encomienda de encabezar ese cambio

 En su estado, un grupo nutrido de todavía opositores se la siguen haciendo cansada, con marchas, mítines y manifestaciones

¿No teme que cuando entregue su informe se compliquen las cosas, como toma de tribuna o le nieguen el acceso?  -La verdad es que no

Muchos ganaron al amparo de López Obrador; algunos no tenían ni 5% de conocimiento entre población

Aquí ganaron particularmente ligados a grupos políticos en específico.  Pero yo lo he dicho y lo repito para tus lectores, yo no tengo ningún problema con AMLO

Al contrario, le ofrezco la disposición de trabajar juntos. Quiero que le vaya bien a Hidalgo, quiero que le vaya bien a él, a México

 Lo vi en la reunión que convocó la Conago en donde tuve la oportunidad de intercambiar opiniones, y en los próximos días lo volveré a ver

Nuestros encuentros serán muy frecuentes. A ver, tenemos que trabajar juntos, más allá de nuestros partidos e ideologías

 Pero atención, muchos en la emoción del triunfo en Hidalgo y con el desconocimiento de temas públicos creen que ganaron para gobernar

Ya se irán dando cuenta, cuando lean la Constitución, de sus funciones y atribuciones

Y yo estaré con la mano extendida, con los brazos abiertos para trabajar en conjunto

No tengo temor ni miedo; al contrario, tomaremos acuerdos, en estricto apego a nuestras responsabilidades

 Así como ganaron López Obrador y Morena hoy, así ganó Omar Fayad en su momento, con la votación más amplia en la historia de los gobernadores en Hidalgo

 ¿Le preocupa el gran desconocimiento de algunos legisladores que rendirán protesta y hagan lo que les dicten desde Palacio Nacional?  -No, no tengo ningún temor

A ver, todo lo que sea para el bien de los hidalguenses, bienvenido. Cuando yo vea que algo puede dañar al estado, a las instituciones, habré de apuntarlo

Y, claro, tendré la oportunidad de decírselo al Presidente de la República.  Y también tenemos la Cámara de Senadores para que tome sus decisiones en su momento

Y están, claro, como contrapesos, las figuras jurídicas como las controversias constitucionales en los tribunales

También existe el veto si las normas no cumplen ciertas características. Es decir, tendremos que hacer un gran ejercicio de política en serio, para ponernos de acuerdo en todos los temas

 Nadie se levantará con la idea de perjudicar al estado de Hidalgo. Quizá es una desventaja que no tenga la mayoría en el aparato legislativo, pero ya el actual Congreso no me era cómodo

Yo no tengo mayoría en el actual.  ¿Qué opinión le merece el "vicegobernador", coordinador de desarrollo o superdelegado, o de plano el ya candidato de Morena a la gubernatura, Abraham Mendoza Centeno?  -Se ha dicho mucho sobre un tema que aún no conocemos; cuando tengamos en la mano la iniciativa y la lea, ya sea de reforma a la ley orgánica de la Administración Pública Federal o la modificación reglamentaria que le dé vida a los coordinadores estatales, ahí podré dar una opinión seria y certera

No opino sobre libros que no he leído, ni películas que no he visto. El Presidente tiene todas las facultades legales para producir los cambios en el Gobierno, que él considere pertinentes

Es más, yo aplaudo que desaparezca todas las delegaciones federales. Ojalá lo haga

Que no tenga miedo. Tiene su costo político, pero así adelgazará a la burocracia

 @GustavoRenteria Compartir

For more infomation >> Aplaudo la desaparición de las delegaciones: Fayad +Entrevista con el gobernador de Hidalgo - Duration: 8:21.


8月22日仮想通貨最新情報!ビットコイン・リップル一時的暴騰!BTCXRP爆上げ要因と今後の予想とは?テザー砲も!暴落か高騰か?チャート分析と最新ニュース!2018年最前線仮想通貨協会暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 8月22日仮想通貨最新情報!ビットコイン・リップル一時的暴騰!BTCXRP爆上げ要因と今後の予想とは?テザー砲も!暴落か高騰か?チャート分析と最新ニュース!2018年最前線仮想通貨協会暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:44.


Future GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity 2 Walkthrough Part 38: When the AIs Fight Back... - Duration: 7:58.

Next race, Augsburg R. This is a less stressful circuit for our car.

Let's dive in.

Augburgs is actually a pretty fun track to ride around in the Ogre, mainly because of the numbers of high speed corners.

With AN-21's grip, it is possible to take some middle corners flat-out using Circuit Mode.

The boost zone here is a good overtaking spot due to AN-21's second stage boost.

You can either take these corners with Circuit mode for consistent speed or de-accel and switch to Aero for higher torque/max speed.

Unlike the original layout, the AI will boost through the forest tunnel.

Get to the end and swiftly drift into the exit on the right.

Grip through the remaining corners.

I was caught napping. Not very good.

Okay, that was not very nice.


This is... not very good so far.

P4 now, thank goodness.

Yike! That was scary.

I got too afraid of crashing into Randoll. My bad.

Steady now.

That kinda worked.

I can't believe this. Randoll actually fought back, knocked my boost off, and now I'm dropped to P4.

And there goes the oversteer. I really need to fix this mess.

Come on, Randoll. Payback time.

...Nope. I can't even dare to get near the guy.

There's a lot of time I have a feeling everybody's Leon Earnhardt in this game.

The drifting corner will decide it... I hope.

THAT was close.

I finished third... Gudelhian dominated the race. Not a good day.

Well, that was... a plot twist.

If Gudelhian win the final race, I need a podium finish to win the WDC. (At least 42 vs. 41 points)

Next: New skill, the Ogre's final race. Stay tuned.

For more infomation >> Future GPX Cyber Formula: Road to the Infinity 2 Walkthrough Part 38: When the AIs Fight Back... - Duration: 7:58.






For more infomation >> 800 DOLLAR SUPREME T SHIRT SURPRISE - Duration: 13:29.


💋🛌🏻 NoFap - Masturbation & Porn Addiction - Dr. Sam Reveals The REAL Truth - Duration: 10:47.

Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,

Over the past few months, I've received lots of questions about NoFap - which in all

honesty, I had no idea what it was.

So, I decided to do some research.

Basically, NoFap is a website and community forum that serves as a support group for those

who wish to avoid pornography and masturbation.

Its name comes from the Internet slang term fap, which originated in manga comics representing

the sound of masturbation

If you go to the NoFap website, you'll see that it basically about helping

people QUIT porn through education and support.

Thus, it's NOT about stopping masturbation, which many people claim NoFap is about.

Simply stated, it's about the potential ADDICTION to porn.

It's not a "movement", or some kind of religious or anti-masturbation website.

They don't want to restrict porn or control it.

It's not just for men, because women can also be addicted to porn.

It's for people who want to free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviors, which many

times revolves around porn.

NoFap helps their users overcome their sexual addictions so they can heal from porn-induced

sexual dysfunctions, improve their relationships, and ultimately live more fulfilling lives.

Why Do This

So I was curious as to why people wanted to follow the NoFap recommendations and suggestions?...

Why did so many guys keep asking my opinion about it?

Well, one reason or belief of NoFap is that after abstaining from porn and masturbation

for a period of time, some of NoFap's users claim to experience "dramatic increases in

social confidence, energy, concentration, mental acuity, motivation, self-esteem, emotional

stability, happiness, sexual prowess, and attractiveness to the opposite sex".

Some NoFap users say their brains were warped by porn, at the expense of real relationships.


So people who promote NoFap - and not the website specifically, but just all

the various blogs, youtube videos, etc., etc… say that porn causes dopamine levels to constantly

go up and stay high and thus, causing an addiction.

… JUST like cocaine, amphetamines, heroine and so forth.

Yes, true… but so what.

So does playing video games.

So does getting a text.

Getting "likes" on Facebook, Swiping left and right on dating sites, so does drinking

coffee or anything with caffeine, so does having sex, and gambling and hundreds of thousands

of other activities that stimulate dopamine receptors.

But these people say that there is no limit with porn as to the potential dopamine damage,

but their is with other things I've mentioned - again, total lies.

Your body has limits with everything - it will ALWAYS balance itself out.

And it does so after you orgasim by decreasing dopamine, increasing serotonin (another neurotramitter)

and increasing Prolactin levels (a "female" hormone).

Something that other dopamine-inducing activities can NOT do (drugs, gambling, etc.).

I'm not going to get into the science, it gets complicated and boring -- needless to

say, please don't think that by stopping porn and masturbation, you'll somehow magically

fix your need for dopamine.

You'll simply go get a dopamine high from somewhere else because of genetic issues…

which I'll get to in a minute.

Then there's the theory that if you don't masturbate, you'll also improve your dopamine

levels, feel more confident, happier and so forth.

However, some of these same people are okay with you having sex -- so what's the difference?

Listen, if you don't get "it" out, and have an orgasm, your body (especially in men

due to their higher sex drive, testosterone and massive sperm production) will get it

out in the middle of the night through a nocturnal emission - better known as a "wet" dream.

It's how the body gets rid of old sperm, to make room for new, healthier sperm.

Thus, NOT having an orgasim for 30 or 90 days and so forth, as some of these NoFap advocates

recommend, is BAD for your body.

It's also bad for your hormones.

It increases stress hormones such as cortisol.

Some will say that not masturbating increases testosterone.


Masturbating increases testosterone and after you orgasim, it comes back down and then it

goes back up.

Trust me - there are far more benefits to having an orgasim (through intercourse or

masturbation), then NOT.

The problem is when you're addicted to masturbation and more specifically, porn….

And it's getting in the way of you living a better life and achieving your goals.

What Is Addiction?

So, the first real question is what is defined as an addiction or more specifically about

today's subject -- PORN addiction?...

Well, there are lots of definitions and part of addiction is first and foremost, a genetic


Whether it's to porn, drugs, food or something else - some people just have addictive personalities.

I've seen this over and over again in the past few decades.

Usually one or both parents have an addictive history as well (alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Now, with that aside, there's the general definition that an addiction is "something

you do in the face of adverse and negative consequences.

If it's hurting or harming someone else or yourself."

For example, you get a DUI and yet, you keep drinking and driving.

You get lung cancer, yet you continue to smoke.

In case of porn addiction, a better definition might be "if it inhibits partner-oriented

behavior, or it's done in public or gets in the way of day to day living"

Obviously, if you're masturbating in public … you've got a problem that needs to be


If porn addiction is getting in the way of work, your daily responsibilities or you spending

time with family, friends and having a social life - you've got a problem.

More importantly, if it's preventing you from having a relationship - then yes, you

need to get this situation under control.

For example, if your girlfriend wants to have sex, but instead you're rather go watch

some porn and masturbate, that's not good.

There's nothing wrong with masturbating, as long as it's not replacing intimacy with

someone else.

Now, some people have a very high sex drive and maybe their partner only wants to have

sex 2x a week, while they want to do it daily.

Well, in this situation - have sex with your partner as much as they can and want to, and

the rest of the time go masturbate.

We all have different sex drives.

I'd rather you go masturbate, instead of cheating on your partner - right?...

I mention all of this because I have some guys asking me if it's wrong that they masturbate


This usually comes from younger guys and I tell them to enjoy it, because later on in

life when they're older, they are NOT going to be as horny.

They will NOT want to masturbate daily.

But again, I go back to the main problem -- if porn is preventing you from having real relationships,

especially intimate ones, then yes - you're probably addicted to it.

If you can't control it and/or limit it, so you can ALSO have a real, intimate relationship,

then like a drug you need to just stop.

Put some kind of program on your computer or phone to BLOCK all porn sites, so you can't

access them.

See how you feel after a few weeks or a month or two.

You can still masturbate without porn, but again - don't let it replace human interactions

and intimacy with another person.

The bottom line is that in today's modern society, we are overstimulated because of

stress and especially, electronics.

We have access to thousands of TV shows, books, articles, videos, pictures, so on and so forth.

NEVER has our brains and bodies been so over stimulated.

Thus, you'll need to replenish these energy stores, dopamine and serotonin levels, normalize

cortisol and other stress hormones.

THIS Is why so many people have anxiety, depression, feel panic and stress all day long and feel

uncomfortable in social settings.

If you want really help normalize your dopamine, serotonin and cortisol levels, make sure you

click the link below, in the description area and watch the next video … It's a solution

that hundreds of thousands of people have used for almost 20 years to help improve their

mood, feel happy and confident.

Listen, I have no problem if you want to stop porn, go for it.

See how you feel.

You want to stop masturbating too, go ahead - but that's NOT natural.

It's NOT sustainable.

But the bottom line is just don't let porn and masturbation take over your life, your

thoughts and certainly NOT your relationships.

That's it.

Subscribe, share this video with others and in the comments below, let me know what you

liked and learned about today's video.

And make sure you watch the next video and get the proven formula for improving your

neurotransmitters and hormones - so you can feel happier, more confident and reduce stress

and worry.

Click the link the description area below and let me know how it works for you.

Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day.

For more infomation >> 💋🛌🏻 NoFap - Masturbation & Porn Addiction - Dr. Sam Reveals The REAL Truth - Duration: 10:47.


President Donald Trump, The Great Endorser? | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump, The Great Endorser? | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 2:58.


See how tall Barron Trump got in just a year! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> See how tall Barron Trump got in just a year! - Duration: 1:11.


Omax Stress Remedy & Jessica Sutta :: Former Pussycat Dolls - Duration: 3:11.

Hey everyone

I am here with the incredible Jessica Sutta former Pussycat Doll, actress model and

Newest addition to the Omax family. We are here in

Is this the Hollywood Hills? Is this what we call the valley?

Okay, so I'm so excited to have this conversation with you. We figured since we're talking about stress and

de-stressing what better place to film this than in a pool!

Amazing this is the best interview I think I've ever had. We want to talk a little bit about the product

but before we do that, I kind of just want our viewers to to get a little bit of background on you. Give us the

35,000 foot you who are you? Well, my name is Jessica. I am a Taurus. I've been dancing since I was three I

Grew up in Miami Florida...then I moved to Los Angeles. My first job was with Smokey the Bear

luckily, they cut it out and it wasn't gonna make the commercial...but I actually met Robin Antin the creator of the Pussycat Dolls and

She's like I have this group, you know, the there called the Pussycat Dolls, and she's like cut your bangs... I want you to be part of it

Okay, so I had no idea what I was getting into but man did it change my life

Well speaking of speaking of being here in Los Angeles and pursuing your dream

don't live here, but I do come here frequently, and I've noticed that

Being here just landing at LAX elevates stress to like the...10x thing

You've got all these dreams. You've got all these aspirations, you know, you're in this really cutthroat city, you know, it's it's hyper stressful

We put you on Omax Stress Remedy ( which is a really cool combination of CBD

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, There's going to be a test on this later people and L-theanine.

So it sounds like you've had some pretty positive response with it

I really have you know

my overall stress has really gone down and I've had a lot of join pain since I've been dancing since I was three and

honestly that pain has gone down like tremendously

I feel better sleeping is incredible and like I'm calmer which is amazing

Let's chat a little bit more about your experiences with Omax Stress Remedy. Sure. So sleeping is obviously a big one

Yeah, my sleeping has changed. I'm actually sleeping through the night, which is very rare for me

Since I started taking it like I'm calmer

Things are not stressing me out as much there's a stressful being a solo artist and making money and the Hollywood, you know

So what are your biggest stresses then? Let's chat a little bit about those

I'd have to say you know, the Hollywood grind is one of the biggest stresses

You know of just auditioning is my least favorite thing in the world

And I'm acting now so I'm doing a lot of like auditions doing that

Acting is so vulnerable

Being in the business is vulnerable and you just have to make magic happen with nothing in front of you and

Create this whole world

This whole imaginary world as an actor, you know and ...make them believe you. I would just say take Omax. It's incredible

I'm literally I'm telling everyone about this product because it really works and I saw it in just days

It's a great product and I really believe in it. I wouldn't I wouldn't attach my name to something I didn't believe in.

Well, thank you so much for your time. This was awesome hanging out in a pool with you. It was incredible!

For more infomation >> Omax Stress Remedy & Jessica Sutta :: Former Pussycat Dolls - Duration: 3:11.


Absolutely Stunning Lil Lake House Cutie for sale in PLANO, Texas - Duration: 2:15.

Absolutely Stunning Lil Lake House Cutie for sale in PLANO, Texas

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Lil Lake House Cutie for sale in PLANO, Texas - Duration: 2:15.


Milwaukee restaurant owners receive hate mail because of their sexuality - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Milwaukee restaurant owners receive hate mail because of their sexuality - Duration: 1:20.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon a Time Çukurova - Teaser 3 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.

- My master and I will come to ask for your hand. - My brother would never give me in marriage to you.

- If he didn't let this, would you elope with me? - I would come with you everywhere.

- I love you so much. - Words fail to describe it.

🎵I fell in love with your eyes as soon as I saw them🎵

🎵I don't want anybody else🎵

- We only need each other. 🎵I have eyes only for you🎵

They may have money but do they have love like ours?

- Come here. 🎵Please, I beg of you🎵

🎵Don't love anybody else🎵 - You know what? You are my everything.

🎵I cannot live without you🎵

- She is not a dream after all 🎵I have only eyes for you🎵

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Once Upon a Time Çukurova - Teaser 3 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


Minimizing damage from Typhoon Soulik: Safety ministry - Duration: 1:35.

South Korea's safety ministry has provided details of how to get prepared ahead of and

during Typhoon Soulik.

Yoon Jung-min reports.

Forecasters say the storm will be as strong as Typhoon Kompasu, which caused 5 deaths

in 2010.

Soulik is expected to put many lives and property in peril as it passes over the country, so

the Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the Korea Meteorological Administration are

each running a disaster safety website and a national typhoon center.

They're providing guidelines on how to prepare.

In case of torrential rain, the websites advise families to decide ahead of time on a place

to meet if they lose each other.

Also, it recommends that residents stock up on things like medication, drinking water

and emergency food supplies.

Motorists should fill up with gas, and people should make sure outdoor drainage is clear

of debris so that it doesn't flood.

When the storm makes landfall, residents are advised to lock the doors and windows for


They should refrain from using electric appliances and shut off the power.

Drivers should slow down and avoid driving across flooded roads.

The ministry warns everyone to avoid places outdoors where there could be flash flooding,

landslides... or beaches where the waves could surge far onto the shore.

Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Minimizing damage from Typhoon Soulik: Safety ministry - Duration: 1:35.


唐艺昕领证结婚还怀孕?网曝张若昀16年就求婚了 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 唐艺昕领证结婚还怀孕?网曝张若昀16年就求婚了 - Duration: 3:38.


Jay King Graduated Lapis Bead 193/4" Necklace - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Jay King Graduated Lapis Bead 193/4" Necklace - Duration: 8:38.


Ben Affleck Is Entering Rehab for the Third Time - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 3:31.

 Ben Affleck is heading back to rehab.  The actor, 46, is seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, according to TMZ

 The move to enter a treatment facility came after his ex Jennifer Garner was photographed arriving at his home on Wednesday

The two were later seen leaving the house together.  On Monday, the Justice League star was photographed receiving an alcohol delivery outside of his Brentwood, Calif

home.  Affleck was seen outside of his house wearing a dark gray T-shirt and light gray sweatpants as he picked up a Pacifico beer-branded box filled with what appeared to be Johnnie Walker Blue Label scotch whisky in a blue case and some other unidentifiable bottles

 While the actor, 46, has been in ongoing treatment and attending meetings for alcohol addiction, his new flame, Playboy's May 2018 Playmate, 22, told the magazine her go-to drink is "whiskey all day

"  "Bourbon, for sure," she added. "I like whiskey and soda, which makes people cringe, but I like it

"  Just before his 46th birthday on Aug. 15, a friend of the actor told PEOPLE that "Ben is doing well

He is in a good place mentally and has worked really hard to get there."  "He continues to focus on himself and the health of his relationships," the friend added

"He attends meetings, many meetings, and he also does meditation and yoga."  "While he still has his moments — and let's be honest, everyone struggles — he continues to work hard on himself

"  His first time in rehab was in 2001. In March 2017, Affleck announced that he had completed treatment for alcohol addiction

 "I have completed treatment for alcohol addiction; something I've dealt with in the past and will continue to confront," he wrote on Facebook

"I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be. I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step

I'm lucky to have the love of my family and friends, including my co-parent, Jen, who has supported me and cared for our kids as I've done the work I set out to do

This was the first of many steps being taken towards a positive recovery."

For more infomation >> Ben Affleck Is Entering Rehab for the Third Time - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 3:31.


White House says Trump 'did nothing wrong' after Michael Cohen's guilty plea - Duration: 1:55.

The White House has insisted that the admission by President Trump's former lawyer Michael

Cohen that he broke campaign finance laws does not mean the president is implicated.

For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Ro Aram…


some serious allegations coming out from Cohen and the White House is now attempting to distance

itself from them.

That's right Mark… on Tuesday, Cohen pleaded guilty to violating finance laws during Trump's

2016 presidential campaign by paying hush money to two of the president's alleged mistresses.

Cohen added he was instructed by Trump to commit the crimes.

This is significant because the admission has come from someone who was known to be

Trump's so-called "fix it" lawyer for more than a decade.

However, on Wednesday, the White House pushed back against those claims.

"As the president has stated on numerous occasions, he did nothing wrong.

There are no charges against him in this.

And just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal, doesn't mean that that implicates the

president on anything."

Sanders however declined to answer questions on when Trump knew about the payments to Stormy

Daniels and Karen McDougal.

President Trump lashed out at his former lawyer on Wednesday, accusing him of making up stories

in order to get a deal from federal prosecutors.

Cohen's guilty plea came at almost the same time that Trump's ex-campaign chairman Paul

Manafort was convicted of separate financial crimes.

Although Trump is mostly immune from indictment while he is president, he is at risk of being


The whole ordeal is a result of special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into possible collusion

between the Trump campaign and Russia - which Trump again denounced as a "witch hunt" in

a tweet on Wednesday.

Cohen's lawyer has said his client is ready to tell everything he knows about Trump to

help Mueller's investigation.

For more infomation >> White House says Trump 'did nothing wrong' after Michael Cohen's guilty plea - Duration: 1:55.



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For more infomation >> DOWNLOAD APK PERMANENT GM MOBILE LEGENDS BOT! NO COOLDOWN! NEW VERSION v1.3.06.3141 Claude-No Root - Duration: 12:03.


Gekkakou - Yousei Teikoku (Lyrics & Captions) - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Gekkakou - Yousei Teikoku (Lyrics & Captions) - Duration: 4:54.


作曲家苏越逝世 曾因合同诈骗5700万被判无期 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 作曲家苏越逝世 曾因合同诈骗5700万被判无期 - Duration: 3:25.


Helena Food Share asking for fresh food donations - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Helena Food Share asking for fresh food donations - Duration: 1:08.


Huddersfield Hospital on lockdown by police - Duration: 9:25.

A private hospital was put on lockdown by police after a bloodied man was allegedly attacked with a knife in the car park then banged on the doors screaming for help

Blood was today seen spattered on the ground outside The Huddersfield Hospital, part of BMI Healthcare, and was also left smeared across the entrance doors

Police are investigating after a man suffered serious injuries following an assault in the car park of the hospital, which is set to remain shut until 7am tomorrow

  West Yorkshire Police received a number of reports at about midnight of an altercation in the grounds of the hospital and closed access to the site

While officers were en route to the scene, police were made aware that a man with various injuries had arrived at NHS hospital Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

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Failure to strike Brexit deal could cause severe shortages. Share this article Share The man, who is believed to have been stabbed with a knife, is being treated in hospital for non-life threatening hand injuries

 Police said the attack was 'targeted'.Speaking at the scene today, a man, known only as Mark, said: 'My wife was in hospital at the time

She heard a guy screaming please help. 'He was getting either stabbed or slashed

She heard some kind of noises which sounded like gunshots. Then she heard police come and shout 'armed police'

'She then said there were police everywhere. She was in a room above the foyer. She heard banging on the door but could not get out of bed because she had had an operation

' It is understood the hospital doors are locked after visiting hours and in-patients often stay overnight

 Today, two PCSOs stood guard at the entrance while a police van and more officers stood inside the grounds of the hospital, surrounded by trees and next to a cricket pitch

Patients said they had been called by staff today, telling them not to come in for appointments - and people were urged to call in with any urgent clinic queries

One patient told the Huddersfield Daily Examiner: 'They rang at about 8am saying police had closed the hospital due to something going on

  'They wouldn't say what. I was due to be in for 9am so it's all very last minute

It's not been re-arranged - they just said they'd be in touch.'One witness told the newspaper that the area around the hospital was 'crawling with police' when she went past at 7

30am today.  One local resident claimed she heard people screaming 'they've got a gun' shortly before the incident

She said: '(It) started at around 11.55pm last night.'Two cars crashed. One man got shot and (was) screaming 'they have a gun and they want to kill me'

He was screaming for help. Awful.'Meanwhile another local resident, who lives half a mile away from the hospital, had claimed to have heard 'shotgun noises' last night at about 7

15pm. He said: 'I heard shotgun noises last night. We were sat out in the garden, and there were two or three shots which were different to any fireworks I've ever seen

' However, , and officers were called shortly after the incident at around midnight

 A police spokesman said: 'Detectives in Huddersfield are investigating after a man was assaulted in the car park of a private hospital in the town

'Police received a number of reports from 12.02am this morning in relation to an altercation in the grounds of the BMI Huddersfield Hospital

 'While officers were en-route to the scene, police were made aware that a man with a number of injuries had arrived at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

'The man remains in hospital where he is being treated for non-life threatening injuries to his hand

A police scene is in place in a car park of the BMI hospital.Detective Inspector Mark Atkinson, of Kirklees District CID, said: 'Our enquiries are in their early stages but it appears that this was a targeted attack

'Neighbourhood officers will be carrying out reassurance patrols in the area. We would like to hear from anyone with information about the circumstances of what has happened or those involved

'A hospital spokesman said: 'Due to a major incident, the Huddersfield BMI Hospital will be closed until 7am on Thursday August 23

'If you have an urgent clinical query, please call our switchboard on 07824 450975

' Callers to the hospital's reception were being directed to a recorded message which says: 'Due to a major incident, the BMI Huddersfield Hospital will be closed until seven o'clock, Thursday the 23rd of August

'If you have an urgent clinical query, please phone this number to speak to our clinical on-call team - 07824 450975

'    Police said anyone with information about the incident should call Kirklees District CID via 101, quoting crime reference 13180417259, or use the 101 Live Chat facility on the West Yorkshire Police website

Anyone wishing to give information anonymously can do so by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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