Thursday, August 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 23 2018

 Fueron los protagonistas de la quinta edición de Masterchef. Jorge Brazález y Miri Pérez cautivaron a la audiencia con su complicidad y su química en pantalla

Lo que empezó entre fogones, cuchillos y despensa acabó por convertirse en una relación consolidada

Fuera del programa culinario, la pareja se abrió públicamente a sus seguidores  a través de un vídeo en Youtube que confirmaba el secreto a voces de su amor

De manera pública, tal y como vivieron su relación, Jorge ha querido comunicar el fin de esta

"Podría decir que es cosa nuestra, pero si habéis sido testigos de nuestra relación desde el principio, me parece honesto y necesario compartir también un momento complicado", empezó el texto el ex concursante

Podría decir que es cosa nuestra, pero si habéis sido testigos de nuestra relación desde el principio, me parece honesto y necesario compartir también un momento complicado

@mirimchef5 y yo hemos visto necesario distanciarnos un poco. Olvidaros de qué somos o qué seremos

No hacen falta etiquetas. Mi amor perdona si no te ha gustado leer esto, pero creo que es lo justo, para con todos

Momentos difíciles, se ruega respeto. Adiós Princesa. A post shared by Jorge Brazález López (@jorgemchef5) on Aug 22, 2018 at 5:37pm PDT  "Miriam y yo hemos visto necesario distanciarnos un poco

Olvidaros de qué somos o qué seremos. No hacen falta etiquetas", escribió Jorge haciendo pública la ruptura de la pareja más mediática de todas las ediciones de Masterchef

Los comentarios de sus fans no se hicieron esperar, tristes por la decisión tomada por la pareja

La fotografía, ellos dos abrazados en un sofá con Jorge mirando a la cámara con el rostro melancólico, ha dado mucho que habla entre sus seguidores

"Ohhh, lo siento mucho preciosos, espero que os recuperéis pronto", escribía uno de ellos resumiendo el sentir general de los fans de la pareja

 "Mi amor perdona si no te ha gustado leer esto, pero creo que es lo justo, para con todos

  Momentos difíciles, se ruega respeto", pidió Jorge a sus fans. Para luego, añadir una despedida a la altura de su relación

"Adiós Princesa". Por su parte, no se conocen noticias de Miri, que no ha comunicado nada a diferencia de la que ya es su ex pareja

Sus seguidores cruzan los dedos esperando que esto no sea el final definitivo.

For more infomation >> Jorge y Miri (Masterchef) rompen su romance: "Adiós, princesa" - Duration: 4:37.


最新消息习近平:走在Y字路口上的习近平(一) - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> 最新消息习近平:走在Y字路口上的习近平(一) - Duration: 15:26.


Las Negras, alojamiento Casa Olivos. Cabo de Gata. Almería - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Las Negras, alojamiento Casa Olivos. Cabo de Gata. Almería - Duration: 1:07.


Cómo de Importante es Hacer Vídeo Marketing de Contenidos - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Cómo de Importante es Hacer Vídeo Marketing de Contenidos - Duration: 1:30.


Feed the red Carp fish from the bottle in the Mong Mo Hill Theme Park Vietnam Let's play with toys - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Feed the red Carp fish from the bottle in the Mong Mo Hill Theme Park Vietnam Let's play with toys - Duration: 1:59.


Fragilisé, Johnny Depp s'automutile (photo) - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Fragilisé, Johnny Depp s'automutile (photo) - Duration: 1:26.


Angelina Jolie largue son français pour un milliardaire anglais (photo) - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie largue son français pour un milliardaire anglais (photo) - Duration: 1:19.


Caroline de Monaco et Carole Bouquet ne s'ennuient jamais ensemble - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco et Carole Bouquet ne s'ennuient jamais ensemble - Duration: 1:27.


'Sálvame': Rafa Mora llora como una 'magdalena' al contar lo más íntimo de su pasado - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 'Sálvame': Rafa Mora llora como una 'magdalena' al contar lo más íntimo de su pasado - Duration: 3:43.


Laeticia Hallyday, c'est tendu avec son père - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, c'est tendu avec son père - Duration: 1:13.


Laura Smet et David Hallyday : leur joli projet en commun pour avancer malgré la douleur - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet et David Hallyday : leur joli projet en commun pour avancer malgré la douleur - Duration: 1:51.


El yate real Dannebrog, la imponente y más peculiar residencia de la familia real danesa - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> El yate real Dannebrog, la imponente y más peculiar residencia de la familia real danesa - Duration: 5:23.


La salud de Felipe VI: los secretos de su operación y su nuevo médico en Zarzuela - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> La salud de Felipe VI: los secretos de su operación y su nuevo médico en Zarzuela - Duration: 6:26.


Como Descargar e Instalar Picasa 3.9 Visor de Imagenes 2018 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Como Descargar e Instalar Picasa 3.9 Visor de Imagenes 2018 - Duration: 3:50.


Un jihadiste présumé remis par erreur en liberté : les juges travaillent avec "un tableau et des fic - Duration: 7:49.

 Un jihadiste présumé, considéré comme dangereux, qui était en détention provisoire avant son procès prévu en novembre, a été libéré de prison en avril

Cette libération fait suite à l'erreur d'un juge d'instruction qui n'a pas renouvelé sa détention provisoire à temps

Le ministère de la Justice assure que l'homme est sous contrôle très strict. "La justice devrait être dotée des moyens, des outils, des logiciels qui seraient suffisamment performants pour éviter ce genre d'erreur", déclare sur franceinfo jeudi 23 août, Katia Dubreuil, présidente du Syndicat de la magistrature

 franceinfo : Ces erreurs sont-elles fréquentes ? Katia Dubreuil : Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'un délai de détention échappe à la vigilance du juge d'instruction et qu'on se rend compte trop tard qu'elle arrive à expiration, c'est-à-dire en dehors des délais légaux pour pouvoir convoquer la personne pour prolonger sa détention

Ce sont des choses qui se sont déjà produites par le passé et qui ont déjà donné lieu à des inspections, à des recommandations et, malheureusement, les outils donnés aux magistrats pour contrôler ces délais sont toujours aussi indigents

C'est déjà arrivé avec des individus qui étaient impliqués dans des dossiers criminels ou autres

 A quelle fréquence la détention provisoire doit-elle être renouvelée ? Cela dépend des dossiers et des faits pour lesquels les personnes doivent être mises en examen

Les faits criminels, c'est tous les six mois et en matière correctionnelle, c'est tous les quatre mois

Quand vous avez 30 ou 40 détenus [pour un juge d'instruction], cela veut dire que les délais de détentions arrivent à échéance sans arrêt

C'est donc quelque chose qui est lourd à gérer en plus de tout le reste. Surtout dans un contexte où, dans les cabinets des juges antiterroristes, il y a une masse de travail, une pression et une difficulté à gérer des dossiers très lourds qui est évidente

Les dossiers de terrorisme sont tentaculaires et les juges peuvent en avoir une vingtaine

Un juge d'instruction qui a des contentieux plus classiques peut avoir jusqu'à 120 dossiers avec 50 détenus

C'est énorme. Tout cela repose sur la vigilance d'un seul homme ? Il n'y a pas suffisamment de garde-fous

Je pense que c'est la conclusion à laquelle on arrive à chaque fois que ce genre d'incident se produit

Le discours du pouvoir exécutif qui est de dire qu'on va essayer de comprendre ce qui s'est passé, comme si c'était une grande découverte, c'est assez agaçant

On sait très bien qu'un tableau de détenus avec des fiches en carton et la vigilance du juge d'instruction, ce n'est pas quelque chose de satisfaisant pour que le service public de la justice fonctionne correctement

 La garde des Sceaux, Nicole Belloubet, a demandé qu'une enquête soit menée pour comprendre ce qui s'est passé

Selon vous, elle le sait ? Bien sûr. C'est un grave dysfonctionnement parce que la justice devrait être dotée des moyens, des outils, des logiciels qui seraient suffisamment performants pour éviter ce genre d'erreur

Les logiciels dont disposent les juges d'instruction pour travailler ne sont pas fiables, ils ne sont pas adaptés à l'instruction

Les juges d'instructions ne peuvent pas travailler avec ces logiciels qui sont bourrés d'erreurs et c'est pour ça qu'ils recourent au seul moyen dont ils disposent, un tableau affiché dans le bureau, avec des fiches en carton qui sont déplacées au fur et à mesure des délais

Il suffit qu'une fiche se retrouve dans la mauvaise case à la suite d'une erreur humaine et il peut y avoir ce genre de difficulté

 Comprenez-vous que le juge d'instruction n'ait pas quitté son poste ? Oui, il n'a pas à quitter son poste

On est dans un Etat de droit et l'indépendance de la justice est une garantie et, notamment  l'inamovibilité du juge

Il ne peut pas être sommé de quitter sa place sans aucune procédure ou garantie. Donc, si un magistrat a commis une faute disciplinaire, il y a une enquête pour le montrer, et il peut y avoir une sanction disciplinaire et il peut être obligé de quitter ses fonctions ; si on n'a pas toute cette procédure et une faute de prouvée, le magistrat n'a pas à être déplacé

 Selon le porte-parole du gouvernement, Benjamin Griveaux, on ne sait pas où se trouve la personne libérée

Est-ce le cas ? C'est assez effrayant de voir que la communication du gouvernement est faite dans un tel amateurisme ! La personne a été placée sous contrôle judiciaire, elle doit pointer tous les jours au commissariat, il y a un grand nombre d'obligations qui lui sont données

Si l'une d'elles n'est pas respectée, même une fois, le contrôle judiciaire peut être révoqué et la personne retournera en détention provisoire

Entendre que le porte-parole du gouvernement pense que soit on est en détention provisoire, soit on est en cavale, c'est assez effrayant

Cet individu est surveillé de près. Sujets associésFaits-diversTerrorismeSociétéJustice

For more infomation >> Un jihadiste présumé remis par erreur en liberté : les juges travaillent avec "un tableau et des fic - Duration: 7:49.


Gwiazda TVN-u urodziła! Pierwsze zdjęcia jej dziecka to najsłodsza rzecz, jaką dzisiaj zobaczycie - Duration: 0:53.

 Wielkie szczęście w rodzinie gwiazdy TVN! Anna Skura, uczestniczka programu "Agent - Gwiazdy 3", przywitała na świecie swoje pierwsze dziecko

Dumna mama pochwaliła się na Instagramie swoim szczęściem. Anna Skura, prowadząca profil "What Anna Wears", opublikowała zdjęcia swojej małej pociechy

Celebrytka zdradziła także płeć maleństwa. Musimy przyznać, że ten widok wyjątkowo nas rozczulił! Zobaczcie naszą galerię i dowiedzcie się więcej!  POLECAMY: Anna Skura promienieje w ciąży! Zobaczcie przepiękne zdjęcia!  >>> NASTĘPNA STRONA >>>

For more infomation >> Gwiazda TVN-u urodziła! Pierwsze zdjęcia jej dziecka to najsłodsza rzecz, jaką dzisiaj zobaczycie - Duration: 0:53.


Volkswagen up! Beats 1.0 60PK | Airco | Cruise Control | Achteruitrijcamera | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! Beats 1.0 60PK | Airco | Cruise Control | Achteruitrijcamera | - Duration: 1:08.


World novelty !!! Acrylic casting with Alex Cell- Creator! Regulate cells - Duration: 19:46.

Hello everybody

I would like to introduce you to something completely new today

it's a world premiere, so to speak is brand new in the market

Alex Cell Creator

This can be super cell Above all, they make really big cells

and then there is one more bubble booster as well as from alex bubbel booster

and you can do that here

regulate the cells

So you can also make the cells a little smaller make if you want

It has never really been that you can regulate the cells

really cool and I want that now let's test together with you


first with this

Alex Cell- Creator

ich teile mir das auf. ich habe mir Farbe angemischt

namely yellow, turquoise, blue and white

I'll do that now


because I

make two pictures for you today

first one with the Alex Cell Creator and then another one

with the boost

I have to take care. With the bubble booster

then you will see the difference

I hope so

I leave white. I do not give in silicone


I just put the three colors away

The stretcher is 30 to 24 centimeters, so I have a measure of it

what I will do now, of this

Cell-Creator make 6 drops each

5-6! But I only do it in yellow and

5 and 6

6, sooo

as I said 6 drops

from this cell creator

stir something


Take me a cup

I think it's good to do a FlipCup





and another shot in white

which is actually okay then we do a flip cup

do a bit of white on the outside

and take another cup

make the rest a Dirty Pouring

make the rest a Dirty Pouring


now let's solve the mystery! WoW do you see the cells?



I go for a short time with the hot air gun over it and get the bubbles out


So who likes or loves big cells!

is that the right product


is that the right product

mixed normally with my vinyl adhesive white

Do you know what the cool is?

at the edges of these silicone holes

at the edges of these silicone holes


I hope I do not break the yellow cells again?

should now be synonymous only for the test that you see that


I'll help you a bit

so that we have color everywhere

I'll let it in again


Madness! So who likes big cells

should that be

necessarily grow!

I will put down the link below in the description where you can buy it


Cool! I'll leave it a little bit longer

so you can see how it still changes

so now I am doing the second picture. I have set it down right

the first picture with the Cell Creator

I'll let that run alongside you so you see the change

and how it spreads. Now I put the colors away.

except the white


basically the same colors yellow cobold blue and turquoise

and of course white

I can put the cup away too

so now I will do one

I grab a small cup

take this cell creator

I have to be careful with counting. I have 3 cups a 6 drops

I will clean 18 drops

18 drops

only that we have a comparison. You can vary how much you want to do

in principle, two thirds of this Cell Creator

and then a third of

this bubble booster

there is synonymous on it! Oops I drip

it just wanted to show you

multiplies and reduces cells

so two thirds? That means I make 6 drops in.

six drops

There you can vary, experiment and play as you like

I'll just try it that way.

stir well LOL

Of course, not so much in it


do it here too

so much pure. I also hope six drops


yes measured exactly, will not get out


das ganze auch noch mal kurz stir

I am now looking forward to the change

what happens then

as I said

whether it was the right mix or not

there you can play around or experiment

but I think the fantastic thing is that you just

the cells themselves may vary slightly

as you would like

I'm doing a FlipCup again

exactly the same picture actually

that you might also see the difference

in order to do it right, also some white pure

and again





So also the same stretcher. Also 30 to 24 centimeters

little white outside

and do a Dirty Pouring too

with the rest of the colors

also knows a tick

So I pour in more or less the rest of the colors


t ???

are already big cells. Go over it with the hot air gun

I'm curious if there are more cells coming?

Oh yes, there are many small cells. Ok cool!

it seems to work. That means you can

you can hire. The more you give of these boosters

even more

then there are smaller cells

but they are also beautiful

maybe I have a tick too little of this booster purely

But I will still make a video with the swipe technique

So with the wiping technique

that we also see what it looks like


but also come back quite large cells

but it is not finished yet. Now we look with the hot air gun

then I'm curious

I leave it that way

do not think it's bad

where the white is still something in the middle

but ingenious are simply these big cells. That's amazing!



yes, yes

as it looks like also many small cells high

also grow a bit

but I guess if I'm there a little bit more in, make it half past half

50% Cell Creator 50% Bubble Boost

then these little cells will come much more

So that's awesome!

People, I think it's really cool! Do I really have to say that?

I will leave it on for 10 minutes

then I'll show you from close

then we already have it

as I said: look below in the description

take a look at it

if it is something for you. But I think it's really cool

especially who loves big cells, insanity and that you can regulate them

Top and shining

to be adjustable. You see now I have many small cells that come up.

there you can really regulate and nothing is easier

as with this product

you have to say

because everything else is a matter of luck. Here you can really influence it

see you soon!

So now I show you the picture of this Alex Cell Creator

So that's madness right?

So as I said, who likes big cells

he needs

the cell creator

because it is not as easy as with this one!

Madness, look at the cells


I'll show you again if it is dried


that's me

so I'm back, now I show it to you from close

that you see the difference. You see that there have been small cells

then you can really experiment, mix and play around

what you like best

you do not need so much, in theory, three drops are enough

that fits too

Good! I can only recommend it to you

I wrote the link below in the description

take a look at it

Cell Creator. There are 50 milliliters vial

they last forever

it is not expensive

So really good product

try it out. So I think it's awesome. You saw it.

I'll show you both pictures when they're dry

I'll do that in the next video. That's what I'm doing in swipe tech- nology. how it behaves.

I then show the dried pictures at the beginning of the video

so that you see it. Maybe I also changed something

we'll see


subscribe to my channel, so you will not miss when I stop my next video

if you press the bell

then you also get a notification. Then you really do not miss it.

then it was mine

then I wish you something until next time until then bye


For more infomation >> World novelty !!! Acrylic casting with Alex Cell- Creator! Regulate cells - Duration: 19:46.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE (93pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. ramen /Parrot /Isofix /MIstl. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI DYNAMIQUE (93pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. ramen /Parrot /Isofix /MIstl. - Duration: 0:52.


Felix Snow & Teflon Sega – Boomerang (feat. TYSM) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:11.


Ain't looking at one or the other (yeah, yeah)

Always tripping when you cheer with another (okay)

Like a boomerang, I'm back every summer

In your neighborhood, still got your number now

I ain't never been so caught on a feeling

I surrender when my head's in the ceiling

No running when no one can help me

You make it hard and I know that you planned it

Can somebody, somebody, somebody tell me why now

The more I hold it in, the more and more it multiplies, it multiples now?

Can anybody, anybody, anybody see me trying?

When I say goodbye, what I really mean to say is that I'm dying

Where do I put this feel, feel, feel, feel, feeling?

Where do I put this feel, feel, feel, feel, feeling?

I've been feeling some type of way

And it really, really ain't gonna change

I need it let it go, it's impossible

Where do I put this feeling?

Where do I put this feeling?

Always calling when you making me chase it

You keep biting, I'm the hook that you baited

Like a boomerang, you're back every summer

You acting super but I'm playing it dumber

Can somebody, somebody, somebody tell me why now

The more I hold it in, the more and more it multiplies, it multiples now?

Can anybody, anybody, anybody see me trying?

When I say goodbye, what I really mean to say is that I'm dying

Where do I put this feel, feel, feel, feel, feeling?

Where do I put this feel, feel, feel, feel, feeling?

I've been feeling ysome type of way

And it really, really ain't gonna change

I need it let it go, it's impossible

Where do I put this feeling?

Where do I put this feeling?


For more infomation >> Felix Snow & Teflon Sega – Boomerang (feat. TYSM) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:11.


New GCSE grading scale explained for parents - how the new system works - Duration: 4:43.

</form> The way GCSEs in England are scored is changing as the government introduced a new number grading scale last year - and more challenging content instead of the previous A*-G marks

 The new grades were phased in in 2017, starting with three subjects last summer, with most others expected to adopt the system by 2019

 Once that happens all GCSEs taken in England will receive numerical grades, but teachers say the switch is causing unnecessary confusion and will ultimately increase pressure on pupils

 Here is everything you need to know about the new GCSE grades and how they will impact your children

What is the new grading system?  Pupils are graded from 9-1 rather than A*-G, with 9 being the top grade and 1 the lowest

 The new scoring system was first brought in for English language, English literature and Maths

 That means students taking GCSEs will receive a mixture of number and letter grades when they receive their results

Why were the grades changed?  The new grades were introduced as part of a new curriculum that was introduced in 2014 in a bid to drive up standards

 The government said new GCSE content will be more challenging and fewer grade 9s will be awarded than A*s

 Courses are designed for two years of study and are no longer be divided into different modules

 Students take all their exams in one period at the end of their course.  The idea is to create more differentiation at the top end of the scale to allow sixth forms and universities - and employers - to understand what level the young person is at

 There are actually two pass marks now as schools will be judged by the proportion of pupils that achieve a standard pass and above a grade 4 as well as being held to account for the proportion of pupils that get a 'strong' pass - grade 5 or above

Is a 9 the same as an A*? How do the new and old grading systems compare?  No, not really

The new grading system is a grade 7 is equivalent to an A, while 9 is above an A*

 A grade 4 is basically a C.  The idea is very few will get a 9 as they will be rationed

 If you get 7s and 8s that's very good.  Grades 6, 5 and 4 are comparable to a B or C, while a 3 is similar to a D

 Grades 2 and 1 are comparable to E, F or G. The new system has kept U for ungraded

What are the new grades?  The top is 9, lowest is U.  Do I have the grades needed for sixth form?  This will depend on your sixth form

Speak to the admissions officer at your preferred sixth form to check you have the grades you need

 The same applies for vocational courses. Why are the reforms being criticised?  The NASUWT union said the reforms are creating "huge uncertainty" for schools and will heap more pressure on pupils

 It also fears the new scale will close some educational opportunities for students

 The union says there is confusion over grade boundaries. When will all subjects use the new system?  Another 20 subjects have 9-1 grading now, with most others following in 2019

 Those using the new system for the first time in 2018 include biology, chemistry and physics

 The final subjects to be phased in, in 2019, include psychology, business and media studies

Are GCSE scores changing anywhere else?  No, the changes are only happening in England

 Wales and Northern Ireland are not introducing the new 9-1 grading scale as part of their changes to GCSEs

 Scotland has its own exam system.

For more infomation >> New GCSE grading scale explained for parents - how the new system works - Duration: 4:43.


Man killed in shooting adjacent to University of Chicago campus - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Man killed in shooting adjacent to University of Chicago campus - Duration: 0:46.


Send en personlig julehilsen i Magasin - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Send en personlig julehilsen i Magasin - Duration: 1:11.


КДИ 3 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> КДИ 3 - Duration: 0:16.


[영어공부추천영상]웰컴샘의 [오늘의 영어한마디]~I am dying to see you. 보고 싶어 죽겠어요 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> [영어공부추천영상]웰컴샘의 [오늘의 영어한마디]~I am dying to see you. 보고 싶어 죽겠어요 - Duration: 1:25.



today we're going to be talking about the road trip skin and also a load of

other skins that's coming to the game with this new update okay so on the

screen now is the road trip skin and is looking like a kind of agenty looking

character now if I'll show you the week seven loading screen you can see the

road trip like character in the background on top of the motel sign so

maybe it's coming through portals and taking away things because now if I show

you the week eight loading screen now the tomorrow head man is on top of some

Aztec kind of building and basically I'm thinking the road trip skin is come

through the pole and basically took away some things so it just looked very nice

I do like it but I think it's gonna be really overused now the there is gonna

be a new start pack as well which is on the screen now it's alright but I really

like it that much and here is the rest of skins now if I

talk through these skins the main ones I like is the samurai looking ones they

look pretty cool and also this woman with like bird wings on the back of her

it looks really sick so I'm gonna aint less like the female Raven so I really

want that one just cuz the wings will probably look nice on a lot of

characters so yeah well that's all the newest update has to offer with skins

and things and if you want any videos just go and comment them down below one

more thing before I go a new file has been found and it is a legendary impulse

grenade so I can't wait to see what this is so yeah

okay so reason we have just reached a five hundred subscribers and that is

amazing now my goal is to try and reach 2,000 so if you can help me out by

sharing this video with your friends following me on Twitter so you know when

videos are released and also clicking notifications next to

subscriber and they'll be very helpful because as soon as I can hit 1,000 I

might do a special video I don't know why it will be yet but just leave some

ideas down below video ideas whatever just leave them down below



[FREE] NBA Youngboy x PNB Rock x YFN Lucci type beat 2018 - Morning lights | Melodic trap type beat - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> [FREE] NBA Youngboy x PNB Rock x YFN Lucci type beat 2018 - Morning lights | Melodic trap type beat - Duration: 3:00.


REPAINTING DOLLS | Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash Custom Doll | Learn Makeup For Girls - Duration: 5:28.

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For more infomation >> REPAINTING DOLLS | Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash Custom Doll | Learn Makeup For Girls - Duration: 5:28.


FEELING BAD about MAKING MONEY?! - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:41.

Hey Dan here and I read a comment yesterday that I wanted to make a whole

video responding to and - no, it's not the one about how I look like Ryan Gosling,

although thank you, you must be blind but thank you! Comment said: I feel bad about

making money without contributing. Is there something wrong with this and the

answer is: absolutely not. So there are a few things that can be

wrong with how we feel about money: one, if you just feel bad getting money like

you don't deserve it you chronically under charge you give

away your services that's bad if you think money is bad from some capitalist

diamond sent down from or up from hell to ruin the world that is bad but money

ultimately most of the time there are of course exceptions and scams and this and

that but most of the time money is a reflection of the value that we

contribute to the world so if tied with that to you is you feel bad getting

money without contributing something awesome that's great I'm the same way

here's what you do find a way to contribute tons of value in a positive

way right find a way to give value make the world a better place feel good about

it and then make a buttload of money as

well and guess what you might actually enjoy making that money and at first you

might feel a little bit guilty like but I I don't know I'm making so much money

awesome because the more money you make it means you're contributing more and

you're doing better for the world it is a very win-win situation now there's

lots of different ways we can give value to earn money I've done other videos on

this I might link up to my one of my main videos on how to start working for

yourself I talked a lot about this value so I'll include a link to that

essentially though whether or not we give value is a little bit up to us but

it's really up to the world to decide there are many ways people get value for

instance you could argue that if you have a like two hundred dollar watch and

you convince everyone it's worth ten thousand dollars and then sell it at ten

thousand dollars for the kind of people who might want to buy that watch where

it's just a status symbol they don't really

care about the mechanics or you know being on time to the millisecond they

really just want to show people how fancy their watches that you're giving

them the value by charging more that actually if you charge less they

wouldn't get as much value because they don't have this status symbol and blah

blah blah so there are many ways you can give value that sometimes we don't

necessarily perceive and again check out the other video and that gets in a

little more detail the thing is for you and for me I'm the same way is you want

to give value but also in a way where you can honestly say it's making the

world a better place right I can charge this guy ten thousand dollars for a

watch to fulfill this ego and maybe if I take that money and build some orphanage

I'm making the world a better place but really you're just feeding a what I

think is often a negative part of society that's very ego status driven

way of being so someone who's a straight capitalist could argue with you for days

about how it doesn't matter how you give value if people perceive the value and

get value then who cares for me that's always been hard because I don't know

maybe I'm a little more caring than that maybe I'm a little more intelligent

maybe I'm a little stupid or whatever it is I can't get that out of my head about

actually thinking of the greater good and my own values and morality around

the world and then how my work sort of plays into that so if that is you then

just think that through find a way that gives value maybe one of the things you

can do is make a list somewhere of your values what's important to you what you

think makes the world better or contribute and then make another list of

ways you can give value so things like your skill sets your talent your

experience and then you can put these together and look for ways where you can

give value and contribute at the same time and that can be a starting place to

find something the cool thing is once you get that alignment like I said a

beginning if you're doing something that really sucks you up because you're

contributing and making the world better or whatever that is for you right that's

a very blanket statement making the world better we could argue that

destroying the world would make it better because there'd be no more people

destroying the world another conversation but once you have that

thing that you feel is contributing and you're making money from it your

motivation is just going to snowball because you're being positively

reinforced for everything you do right it's like you take action you contribute

you get more money you feel like you're contributing you're gonna just go and go

and go and have this awesome Drive so absolutely nothing wrong with feeling

bad about making money without contributing I wish more people felt

that way and would look for ways to contribute positively and in doing so I

think that's really where money is made first off where people do often build a

lot of wealth and also where the world does become a better place because

ultimately if you find a way to contribute tons of value to the world

you're going to get paid for it that's just how things work out thank you for

watching this if you are interested in working for yourself or diving deeper

into this concept of value I will include some more videos at the end here

to check out and do subscribe to the channel I publish new videos at least

once every week on topics just like this thanks for watching catch you in the

next video soon


For more infomation >> FEELING BAD about MAKING MONEY?! - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:41.


Wynonna Earp 3x06 Promo "If We Make It Through December" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Wynonna Earp 3x06 Promo "If We Make It Through December" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


Avicii-Malo_艾維奇-壞蛋(記得開CC中文字幕) - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Avicii-Malo_艾維奇-壞蛋(記得開CC中文字幕) - Duration: 4:30.


Angel Sightings Over The River Thames - Duration: 8:17.

The Thames Angel first appeared in the city of London, four hundred years ago.

Recent photographic evidence seems to indicate, that the famous river is still frequented

by the same celestial visitor.

How did this heavenly vision appear to the public in the past, and why has it now returned?

These are the angel sightings over the Thames River.

The Great Fire swept through central London in September of 1666.

The British Isles had undergone drought since the previous year, and the wooden buildings

were as dry as tinder, after the long hot summer.

The conflagration was ignited by a single commercial oven, which was unattended, inside

the bakery of Thomas Farriner, on Pudding Lane.

Because they were sleeping upstairs, the entire Farriner family was trapped, but they escaped,

by jumping onto the roof of the building next door.

The blaze went on to consume thousands of homes, dozens of parish churches, and_ Saint

Paul's Cathedral.

Incredibly, the lives of only six souls, were lost in this disaster.

The Cathedral of Saint Paul was re-built.

Over the next few weeks, when London was clearing the ruins, on the northern side of the Thames,

people reported seeing an angel in the_ air.

Six sightings were documented, one of them by Samuel Pepys [PEEPS], whose famous diaries

have been passed down to this day.

In the words of Pepys' [PEEPS], "Near a landing-place leading from the Thames, the bargemen raised

a proper cry, at the appearance of a figure above, like_ a heavenly apparition.

I saw this also, though very soon did it vanish."

The Blitz was a series of attacks against Britain, by German bombers during World War


One of the objectives of the Luftwaffe, was to completely eradicate the Royal Air Force.

Beginning in September of 1940, the unguided missiles fell like rain on the City of London...

every day and night, for the first two months.

Deep shelters provided the most protection against a direct hit.

The most important shelters, were the_ city subways.

It was not uncommon, for the London Underground stations, to accomodate one hundred and fifty

thousand people, where they would sleep at night.

But the stations were evacuated during the day, so as not to interfere with the_ train


Every morning, rather than refusing to leave, people departed the shelters when the were

asked... although many housewives, reportedly fancied their break, from keeping house.

Some people even told government surveyors, that they rather enjoyed the air raids, if

they occurred but occasionally, perhaps once a week.

An American witness wrote, "These people are brave to the bone, and will not quit."

At high noon on the 28th day of December, in a sky most blue, the Thames Angel appeared

over the northern bank.

On the very next day, a Sunday, the same area which had burned four hundred years before,

was subjected to a deluge, of explosives from the Hun, however this time, miraculously,

Saint Paul's Cathedral_ remained standing, unharmed.

The sightings resumed, in 200_6.

Since that time, there have been dozens of sightings.

A 16 year old student, from the London suburb of East Sheen, witnessed the first modern

appearance of the heavenly visitor, from the southern bank of the Thames.

She said she felt a sense of spreading calm, comforting and familiar, a tranquil relaxation

that lasted hours.

She de_scribed it, as peace of mind.

With her cell phone, she also captured the angel's image.

Britain has its own version of "America's Got Talent".

During filming for a segment of "Talent Search," in 2011, show host David Grant, is caught

on camera, claiming himself to see the angel.

This video is on a YouTube channel with less than 200 subscribers.

The video itself, has two point three million views.

Some insist the celestial vision represents divine protection of the city, no matter how

threatening_ the tragedy.

Those who experience the vision themselves, often feel serenity, a deep sense of reassurance,

and a comfort, that lasts much longer, than any normal human emotion.

For more infomation >> Angel Sightings Over The River Thames - Duration: 8:17.


Business Growth Tip ¦007¦ 3 Ways to Boost your Marketing Return - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Business Growth Tip ¦007¦ 3 Ways to Boost your Marketing Return - Duration: 4:24.


[D.O.D] R.G.P Hits Lotte World Pt. 2 - Duration: 8:15.

(We're now at outdoor portion of the theme park.)

So we...

are on line to ride "Bungie Drop" (The first ride we're gonna be on: Bungie Drop)

It's like a babby's version of Gyro Drop

They said Gyro Drop is under maintenance today, but It seems to be open...

(I was excited that Gyro Drop was closed T_T)

They said they shut it down

(Please tell me this is just a dream…)

I'm scared...

(Yeeun still spinning the pin wheel)

We're getting exhaustion from the heat.

I'm getting used to it though...

So now, I'm gonna be in charge of this camera, and start interviewing cowards amongst us.

Coward #1: Jeewon Lee!

- Huh, what are you talking about, I'm not scared. - You're so full of it!

- What? - You just said you're too scared to ride Gyro Drop!

- Touche - Alright, coward!

Since I'm not scared of any of these rides, I will get on 'em

Show them what this ride is like.

This is nothing, I can do this one just fine.


(...It didn't even take off at that point)

(Analyzing facial expressions...)

(not scared, can't even open her eyes, and excited)

It's been a while since I've done this...

- What do you think? - You guys were just screaming out loud

- I'm just gonna give up on Gyro Drop. - Nope!

That was awesome!

That was so scary.

There's no line in front of Gyro Drop?!

Why is there no line?!

(Pls, send help)

Gyro Drop is the scariest thing in the world

- This is no task for the tender-hearted. - Cowards!


- Did you scream or not? - I didn't! - Lies!

I'm requesting a video review!

(There were so many people screaming soo... let's do that later.)

Oh right, we've got video evidence right here.

(We're always open to beverage sponsors... XD)

Is it fresh and awesome like Jeewon?

(Pretend to ignore what she just heard.)

This looks pretty!

Ahh, refreshing!

What are you drinking, Jeewon? IT matches your hair.

Can't you see what this is?

I guess that's... watermelon.

Some random leopard is keep being sighted behind you though?

No... this is supposed to be Jeewon cam!

The watermelon's red, and so is your hair.

ooh, even the nail polish...

We're on the line to get on "Comet Express."

But it's so hot!

- Is this ride 2 people per row? - Seems that way.

(The loser gets to sit alone, rock scissor paper, let's go!)

- I have a gut feeling that I'd lose, should I just be it? - No way.

This is intense.

(Jiseul takes the first place!)

-Since you beat all of us, you should ride by yourself! - You said the loser gets to ride alone though?!

We all pulled paper while you pulled scissors

- You get to sit alone. - I mean, if I lost I'd happily accept the defeat.... but

but you're the only one who pulled scissors, why didn't you pull paper like the rest of us?

Byebye, Jiseul!

Once this camera turns off I'm gonna start cursing!

What the hell, guys?

It was supposed to be the loser who gets to sit alone

I don't care, I can still have fun on my own!

(Mad respect, Jiseul!)

- Are you scared? - No. I do not think it is so scary

I got on something like this before at Disney Land in Japan with you

And now, we're here!

Haunted house!

Are you getting scared now, Jiseul?

Originally, Jiseul and Haseo were not planning on joining us on the haunted house ride...

Are you okay with this, unnie?

I asked everyone if they wanted to share an ice cream, and they said no...

Let's get this over with, as the last ride!

This was really scary

Thankfully, they all survived!

We endured by singing "One For All " together, holding hands.

That was really scary!

Haseo unnie, being a cool cucumber that she is lead the whole group in the front!

She was the one who resisted initially the most.

So this is it, right? Everything is closing?

(The closing time has come so quickly T_T)

Lotte World was so fun!

- Did you have fun Jiseul? (Mental breakdown) (where am I?)(Who am I?)

She wasn't initially going to join us, but then she did it to be a good team player, what a sport!


A round of applause for Jiseul, who didn't give up mid-way through...

And we're clocking out!

Seems like most of these pics are out of focus... I'm so bummed out.

IS that supposed to be me?! (Hold on...)

Bye bye, Lotte World. We'll be back soon~~

Bye bye!

I don't feel like going home just yet...


(Where did all this energy come from all the sudden?)

(We're not scared of public attention!)

Your hair, unnie!

With great members/friends Lotte World adventure was successful!

Today was really fun!

(I had a great time with the members, I'll be back with more exciting videos soon!)

For more infomation >> [D.O.D] R.G.P Hits Lotte World Pt. 2 - Duration: 8:15.


Wayne Doty: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:51.

Wayne Doty: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Netflix Wayne Doty is a man convicted of capital murder and sentenced to the death penalty, who is featured on the Netflix docu-series "I Am A Killer.

Wayne Doty is a man convicted for capital murder who is currently on death row.

Doty is featured in the tenth and final episode of Netflix's 'I Am A Killer,' a true crime docu-series that features men on death row.

Here's what you need to know.

Doty Grew Up With a Tumultuous Childhood & Left Home at 16.

In 1997, Doty was arrested and convicted of murder by a Florida jury.

Doty explains that his father was an abusive alcoholic throughout his childhood, and that he was "desperate to try to get out of that environment.".

Doty moved out when he was 16 years old.

After moving around for several years, Doty got a job at a factory in Florida.

"I started drinking more and becoming more agitated," Doty explained, adding that he developed a meth habit with his foreman.

The Night of the Murder, Doty Claims He Didn't Have Any Intention to Commit the Crime.

Doty went over to his foreman's house one night to do meth with him, citing that he did have a gun but was only planning to use it "for a trade out for drugs.

Doty noted that he and the foreman had both been up for "about a week straight on crystal meth.

They became involved in an altercation, and Doty shot him with a revolver.

"I didn't know whether he was dead or not…so I unloaded the gun five times in his face.".

"Did he deserve to die?" Doty asks.

"Probably not…but I can't bring him back.".

Doty Was Initially Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Possibility of Parole.

Initially, Doty was given a life sentence, not a death sentence.

However, fourteen years later, Doty was selling tobacco to inmates when he made a "calculated" decision to kill another inmate.

Doty has since claimed that he sees no point "in fabricating a fantasy that I'm not guilty, when I am.

" He pled guilty to the murder and was sentenced to death in 2013.

Doty Found Out His Mother Was Still Alive When He Was 14 Years Old.

Doty's father had allegedly told him that his mother, Mary Cole, was dead, even though she wasn't and had simply lost custody.

When Doty found out about his mother, he contacted her.

"We flew him out to Colorado," Cole said, "[and] when he was here, he probably felt out of place.

He got a job, he bought himself a car.".

Doty was only in Colorado for a few months when he left abruptly and returned to Florida.

Doty Has Asked for the Electric Chair, & 'Knows' That He's Guilty.

"What's the point of capital punishment if it's not going to be used in a proper manner?" Doty asks in the first few moments of his Netflix episode.

"He's motivated by a moral code that's strong and unique to him even if it would be totally foreign and unacceptable to the rest of us," prosecutor Bill Cervone said of Doty.

"He's extraordinarily frightening in that he will tell you with no emotion that he has killed before, that he might kill again if he thought circumstances made it appropriate.".

Doty was sentenced to death in 2013.

He has repeatedly called for help from the media in expediting his death sentence, arguing that the delay only causes suffering all around, including for the relatives of the victims.

For more infomation >> Wayne Doty: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:51.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort Plus Org.NL|Climate|Bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort Plus Org.NL|Climate|Bluetooth - Duration: 1:08.


[Cover] 弾き語りで I Love You を歌ってみた - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> [Cover] 弾き語りで I Love You を歌ってみた - Duration: 5:43.


[기초영어어회화 추천영상]웰컴샘의 [영어한마디]~I am tied up now - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> [기초영어어회화 추천영상]웰컴샘의 [영어한마디]~I am tied up now - Duration: 1:28.


Honda Accord 2.0i Sport Climate BJ 2003 !!!! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord 2.0i Sport Climate BJ 2003 !!!! - Duration: 1:11.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT | Airco | Bluetooth | Lichtmetalen velgen 15'' - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT | Airco | Bluetooth | Lichtmetalen velgen 15'' - Duration: 1:05.


Niesamowity Świat Gumballa s05e23 Oceny cz.1 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Niesamowity Świat Gumballa s05e23 Oceny cz.1 - Duration: 3:33.


Errori da evitare con i neonati: 8 malsane abitudini - Duration: 9:25.

 Quando una donna resta incinta, riceve una grande quantità di consigli da parte di altre madri con più esperienza, e anche da parte delle nonne

Tuttavia, questo non vuol dire che abbiano tutte ragione. Ecco perché è importante conoscere gli errori da evitare con i neonati

    È vero che essere madri per la prima volta è un compito difficile, ma non impossibile

Con le dovute informazioni, sostegno e pratica, potrete assicurare ai vostri figli uno sviluppo adeguato

A seguire vi presentiamo gli errori da evitare con i neonati.   Errori da evitare con i neonati 1

Lasciarli piangere a lungo  Vi capiteranno momenti in cui sarete molto indaffarate, ma ricordate che i piccoli hanno bisogno della vostra attenzione costante e se fanno di tutto per comunicare con voi, è perché hanno bisogno che prestiate loro attenzione

Solo attraverso il pianto possono esprimere i propri bisogni.  Lasciarli piangere a lungo può essere pericoloso

Il neonato si sentirà angosciato e ciò potrebbe aumentare il suo livello di stress, causando dipendenza, insicurezza e possibili danni al suo sviluppo emotivo e intellettuale

   Dando ascolto e comunicando sempre con i vostri bambini li renderete più sicuri

Eviterete l'insorgere di problemi di autostima consentendo loro di adattarsi efficientemente alla società

2. Metterli a pancia in giù per farli addormentare  In passato si credeva che mettere a letto i neonati a pancia in giù sarebbe stato utile per indurli a espellere i gas intestinali ed evitare i rischi di asfissia per colpa dei rigurgiti

Mentre oggi si sa che è proprio questa abitudine ad aumentare il rischio di morte a causa di asfissia

Metterli a nanna a pancia in su è il miglior modo per evitare rischi inutili. 3

Lasciarli soli senza prestare attenzione  Tra i gravi errori da evitare con i neonati vi è l'idea che non si muoveranno se lasciati soli

I neonati sviluppano presto la capacità di rigirarsi e possono farsi male.  Quando i genitori lasciano il piccolo da solo nella culla o nel letto, è facile che questi cada

Se si trova senza protezione e a un'altezza notevole, può rigirarsi e cadere procurandosi gravi lesioni

4. Scuoterli  È possibile che i genitori, per gioco, cercando di calmare il bimbo che piange lo scuotano

E a volte funziona. Ma è importante sapere che può provocare danni irreversibili

 Scuotere i neonati può provocare la Sindrome del bambino scosso, un trauma in cui il cervello si muove avanti e indietro nel cranio

Può causare danni quali: Contusione ed emorragia Cecità Perdita dell'udito e disturbi del linguaggio Danni al collo Danni cerebrali permanenti Morte 5

Punizioni fisiche  Se pensate che i vostri bambini si stiano comportando male, non dovrete dare loro uno schiaffo sulle natiche o sulla mano

Dovrete guardarli negli occhi e parlare con voce ferma. Punirli fisicamente potrebbe renderli aggressivi e con scarsa autostima

 Altrettanto importante, il piccolo potrebbe non sentirsi a proprio agio in presenza dei propri genitori, con conseguenze come basso rendimento intellettivo e scarsa motivazione ad apprendere cose nuove

6. Non insistere per far espellere i gas intestinali  È importante insistere perché il neonato faccia il ruttino per espellere i gas intestinali che si generano dopo mangiato

Non facendolo, il bebè potrebbe soffrire di coliche per colpa dell'aria e farà fatica ad addormentarsi o, se sta dormendo, potrebbe svegliarsi per il dolore

7. Alimentarli con cibi vari    Tra gli errori da evitare con i neonati vi è quello di nutrirli con cibi diversi dal latte materno o dalle formule prescritte dal medico

L'apparato digerente del neonato non si è ancora sviluppato, quindi dargli altro da mangiare potrebbe causare allergie e intolleranze

8. Permettere che stiano a contatto con batteri e virus  Non bisogna mai prendere o toccare un neonato quando si hanno le mani sporche

È importante lavare le mani varie volte al giorno per evitare il contagio di malattie trasmesse batteriche o virali

 È altrettanto importante evitare che entri in contatto con persone che manifestino sintomi leggeri di influenza o raffreddore

In caso di contagio, potrebbero manifestarsi gravi conseguenze come polmonite, bronchiolite e altri problemi respiratori severi

Raccomandazioni  È raccomandabile chiedere consiglio direttamente al pediatra ogni volta che si hanno dubbi riguardo agli errori da evitare con i neonati

In questo modo potrete fare chiarezza tra le informazioni discordanti.  Se vi sentite preoccupate per il tipo di accudimento che devono ricevere i vostri bambini, non abbiate timore di chiedere aiuto a chi ha più esperienza

Ma ricordate che quello che conta è donare loro quanto più amore possibile e far sentire ai vostri piccoli che sarete sempre presenti per loro

For more infomation >> Errori da evitare con i neonati: 8 malsane abitudini - Duration: 9:25.


Descer na "banguela" pode danificar o sistema de freios? - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Descer na "banguela" pode danificar o sistema de freios? - Duration: 1:01.


Silvio Santos convida Nelson Rubens para o Fofocalizando e apresentador toma atitude inesperada - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Silvio Santos convida Nelson Rubens para o Fofocalizando e apresentador toma atitude inesperada - Duration: 3:29.


Dispensada do Fofocalizando, Mara Maravilha radicaliza o visual e posta declaração - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Dispensada do Fofocalizando, Mara Maravilha radicaliza o visual e posta declaração - Duration: 4:43.


Em sua defesa ao CNJ, Sérgio Moro diz que soltar Lula provocaria 'situação de risco' - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Em sua defesa ao CNJ, Sérgio Moro diz que soltar Lula provocaria 'situação de risco' - Duration: 4:19.


Tomáš Plekanec PŘIZNAL VZTAH s Lucií Šafářovou! A Lucie Vondráčková podle něj sprostě - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Tomáš Plekanec PŘIZNAL VZTAH s Lucií Šafářovou! A Lucie Vondráčková podle něj sprostě - Duration: 5:23.


Cómo de Importante es Hacer Vídeo Marketing de Contenidos - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Cómo de Importante es Hacer Vídeo Marketing de Contenidos - Duration: 1:30.


Kelly Key recebe "ameaça" de marido ciumento e é impedida de fazer novela - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Kelly Key recebe "ameaça" de marido ciumento e é impedida de fazer novela - Duration: 4:34.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta (Navi/PDC/360° Camera/DAB+) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta (Navi/PDC/360° Camera/DAB+) - Duration: 1:07.


Rezervația 12 APOSTOLI - 12 APOSTLES Nature Reserve (Calimani Mountains, Romania) - Duration: 6:27.

We are on the western edge of the Calimani volcano caldera

In this area there are several rocks with strange shapes, suggesting, according to imagination, various anthromorphic figures

They are known as the 12 Apostles, protected since 1971 in a nature reserve

We are at the end of the 12 Apostles theme trail, 11 km long,

marked with a blue point and starting from Gura Haiti

The first Apostle, and one of the most beautiful, is this, the Marshal

The Marshal, like all the other Apostles, is made up of fragments of cementated andesites

In Calimani there are the only rocks of mythical figures in Romania formed only of volcanic rocks

The image focuses on the "Mos" (Old Man, Forefather), a figure with three distinct human faces depending on the direction

We leave the Marshal behind and climb to the other Apostles

The 12 Apostoli Geological Reserve is the most famous tourist attraction in the Calimani Mountains

It covers not only the rock figures here, but also those in the area of ​​Lucaciu Peak located not far to the north

In turn, the geological reservation (200 hectares) is included in the Calimani National Park (24,000 hectares)

The reserve is accessible on various tourist trails from Gura Haitii or Poiana Negrii

I remembered the 11 km long thematic trail, starting with Gura Haitii,

but much easier is the trail shown in a previous video,

which starts from the 12 Apostles Hermitage (accessible by car), 3.6 km long and below 200m level difference

It is generally accepted that these strange forms appeared naturally, through erosion,

but there are also voices of those with mystical or paranormal inclinations that support (and) the intervention of man

We see again the Mos (Old Man), and in the background the rocks in the area of ​​Lucaciu Peak

We are headed to the peak formation, the most representative

The abundance of large and angular fragments denies the name of the pyroclastics, given sometimes to these rocks

The term pyroclastic involves hot explosion products emitted during volcanic eruptions

In the present case, these angular andesite fragments were already cold when they were deposited,

much more appropriate being the term volcanic agglomerates

We have entered in the most peculiar rock formation,

in the form of a circular Sanctuary (name given by me), bordered by the 12 Apostles (strict sense)

The 12 Apostles are the close disciples of Jesus, chosen by the Savior Himself,

with the role of spreading the Christian faith throughout the world

By the way, the most important Apostle, not mentioned in the Gospels as such, is Maria Magdalena ....

Here is a place with indisputable mystical valences that urge to silence, to meditation

We climb the northern edge of the Sanctuary and from here the Calimani skyline opens

An entire world in which imagination has no limits

Nefertiti (?) or Maria Magdalena (!)

We're return home

In the distance we can see the former sulfur quarry and snowed ridges (beginning in June)

For more infomation >> Rezervația 12 APOSTOLI - 12 APOSTLES Nature Reserve (Calimani Mountains, Romania) - Duration: 6:27.


Feed the red Carp fish from the bottle in the Mong Mo Hill Theme Park Vietnam Let's play with toys - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Feed the red Carp fish from the bottle in the Mong Mo Hill Theme Park Vietnam Let's play with toys - Duration: 1:59.


Filha mais velha de Celso Portiolli arrasa em festa luxuosa com chegada dos 18 anos - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Filha mais velha de Celso Portiolli arrasa em festa luxuosa com chegada dos 18 anos - Duration: 2:20.


✅ Rodrigo Faro ignora concorrência entre emissoras e curte festa com Celso Portiolli - Duration: 1:13.

Celso Portiolli resolveu organizar uma superfesta para celebrar o aniversário de 18 anos de sua filha mais velha, Laura, nesta terça-feira, 21

A lista de convidados do evento contou com vários nomes de peso da emissora da família brasileira, entre eles estavam: Eliana, Maisa, Larissa Manoela, Lívia Andrade, Helen Ganzarolli e Rachel Sheherazade

Contratado da RecordTV, Rodrigo Faro esteve presente na comemoração e mostrou que, apesar da concorrência pela audiência entre as emissoras, o clima entre ele e Celso não poderia ser melhor

Em seu Stories do Instagram, Portiolli compartilhou alguns momentos da festança com os seguidores e em um deles surgiu sorridente ao lado de Rodrigo

For more infomation >> ✅ Rodrigo Faro ignora concorrência entre emissoras e curte festa com Celso Portiolli - Duration: 1:13.


Reynaldo Gianechini estipula contrato para amiga gerar seu primeiro filho - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Reynaldo Gianechini estipula contrato para amiga gerar seu primeiro filho - Duration: 2:21.


Jorge y Miri (Masterchef) rompen su romance: "Adiós, princesa" - Duration: 4:37.

 Fueron los protagonistas de la quinta edición de Masterchef. Jorge Brazález y Miri Pérez cautivaron a la audiencia con su complicidad y su química en pantalla

Lo que empezó entre fogones, cuchillos y despensa acabó por convertirse en una relación consolidada

Fuera del programa culinario, la pareja se abrió públicamente a sus seguidores  a través de un vídeo en Youtube que confirmaba el secreto a voces de su amor

De manera pública, tal y como vivieron su relación, Jorge ha querido comunicar el fin de esta

"Podría decir que es cosa nuestra, pero si habéis sido testigos de nuestra relación desde el principio, me parece honesto y necesario compartir también un momento complicado", empezó el texto el ex concursante

Podría decir que es cosa nuestra, pero si habéis sido testigos de nuestra relación desde el principio, me parece honesto y necesario compartir también un momento complicado

@mirimchef5 y yo hemos visto necesario distanciarnos un poco. Olvidaros de qué somos o qué seremos

No hacen falta etiquetas. Mi amor perdona si no te ha gustado leer esto, pero creo que es lo justo, para con todos

Momentos difíciles, se ruega respeto. Adiós Princesa. A post shared by Jorge Brazález López (@jorgemchef5) on Aug 22, 2018 at 5:37pm PDT  "Miriam y yo hemos visto necesario distanciarnos un poco

Olvidaros de qué somos o qué seremos. No hacen falta etiquetas", escribió Jorge haciendo pública la ruptura de la pareja más mediática de todas las ediciones de Masterchef

Los comentarios de sus fans no se hicieron esperar, tristes por la decisión tomada por la pareja

La fotografía, ellos dos abrazados en un sofá con Jorge mirando a la cámara con el rostro melancólico, ha dado mucho que habla entre sus seguidores

"Ohhh, lo siento mucho preciosos, espero que os recuperéis pronto", escribía uno de ellos resumiendo el sentir general de los fans de la pareja

 "Mi amor perdona si no te ha gustado leer esto, pero creo que es lo justo, para con todos

  Momentos difíciles, se ruega respeto", pidió Jorge a sus fans. Para luego, añadir una despedida a la altura de su relación

"Adiós Princesa". Por su parte, no se conocen noticias de Miri, que no ha comunicado nada a diferencia de la que ya es su ex pareja

Sus seguidores cruzan los dedos esperando que esto no sea el final definitivo.

For more infomation >> Jorge y Miri (Masterchef) rompen su romance: "Adiós, princesa" - Duration: 4:37.


Errori da evitare con i neonati: 8 malsane abitudini - Duration: 9:25.

 Quando una donna resta incinta, riceve una grande quantità di consigli da parte di altre madri con più esperienza, e anche da parte delle nonne

Tuttavia, questo non vuol dire che abbiano tutte ragione. Ecco perché è importante conoscere gli errori da evitare con i neonati

    È vero che essere madri per la prima volta è un compito difficile, ma non impossibile

Con le dovute informazioni, sostegno e pratica, potrete assicurare ai vostri figli uno sviluppo adeguato

A seguire vi presentiamo gli errori da evitare con i neonati.   Errori da evitare con i neonati 1

Lasciarli piangere a lungo  Vi capiteranno momenti in cui sarete molto indaffarate, ma ricordate che i piccoli hanno bisogno della vostra attenzione costante e se fanno di tutto per comunicare con voi, è perché hanno bisogno che prestiate loro attenzione

Solo attraverso il pianto possono esprimere i propri bisogni.  Lasciarli piangere a lungo può essere pericoloso

Il neonato si sentirà angosciato e ciò potrebbe aumentare il suo livello di stress, causando dipendenza, insicurezza e possibili danni al suo sviluppo emotivo e intellettuale

   Dando ascolto e comunicando sempre con i vostri bambini li renderete più sicuri

Eviterete l'insorgere di problemi di autostima consentendo loro di adattarsi efficientemente alla società

2. Metterli a pancia in giù per farli addormentare  In passato si credeva che mettere a letto i neonati a pancia in giù sarebbe stato utile per indurli a espellere i gas intestinali ed evitare i rischi di asfissia per colpa dei rigurgiti

Mentre oggi si sa che è proprio questa abitudine ad aumentare il rischio di morte a causa di asfissia

Metterli a nanna a pancia in su è il miglior modo per evitare rischi inutili. 3

Lasciarli soli senza prestare attenzione  Tra i gravi errori da evitare con i neonati vi è l'idea che non si muoveranno se lasciati soli

I neonati sviluppano presto la capacità di rigirarsi e possono farsi male.  Quando i genitori lasciano il piccolo da solo nella culla o nel letto, è facile che questi cada

Se si trova senza protezione e a un'altezza notevole, può rigirarsi e cadere procurandosi gravi lesioni

4. Scuoterli  È possibile che i genitori, per gioco, cercando di calmare il bimbo che piange lo scuotano

E a volte funziona. Ma è importante sapere che può provocare danni irreversibili

 Scuotere i neonati può provocare la Sindrome del bambino scosso, un trauma in cui il cervello si muove avanti e indietro nel cranio

Può causare danni quali: Contusione ed emorragia Cecità Perdita dell'udito e disturbi del linguaggio Danni al collo Danni cerebrali permanenti Morte 5

Punizioni fisiche  Se pensate che i vostri bambini si stiano comportando male, non dovrete dare loro uno schiaffo sulle natiche o sulla mano

Dovrete guardarli negli occhi e parlare con voce ferma. Punirli fisicamente potrebbe renderli aggressivi e con scarsa autostima

 Altrettanto importante, il piccolo potrebbe non sentirsi a proprio agio in presenza dei propri genitori, con conseguenze come basso rendimento intellettivo e scarsa motivazione ad apprendere cose nuove

6. Non insistere per far espellere i gas intestinali  È importante insistere perché il neonato faccia il ruttino per espellere i gas intestinali che si generano dopo mangiato

Non facendolo, il bebè potrebbe soffrire di coliche per colpa dell'aria e farà fatica ad addormentarsi o, se sta dormendo, potrebbe svegliarsi per il dolore

7. Alimentarli con cibi vari    Tra gli errori da evitare con i neonati vi è quello di nutrirli con cibi diversi dal latte materno o dalle formule prescritte dal medico

L'apparato digerente del neonato non si è ancora sviluppato, quindi dargli altro da mangiare potrebbe causare allergie e intolleranze

8. Permettere che stiano a contatto con batteri e virus  Non bisogna mai prendere o toccare un neonato quando si hanno le mani sporche

È importante lavare le mani varie volte al giorno per evitare il contagio di malattie trasmesse batteriche o virali

 È altrettanto importante evitare che entri in contatto con persone che manifestino sintomi leggeri di influenza o raffreddore

In caso di contagio, potrebbero manifestarsi gravi conseguenze come polmonite, bronchiolite e altri problemi respiratori severi

Raccomandazioni  È raccomandabile chiedere consiglio direttamente al pediatra ogni volta che si hanno dubbi riguardo agli errori da evitare con i neonati

In questo modo potrete fare chiarezza tra le informazioni discordanti.  Se vi sentite preoccupate per il tipo di accudimento che devono ricevere i vostri bambini, non abbiate timore di chiedere aiuto a chi ha più esperienza

Ma ricordate che quello che conta è donare loro quanto più amore possibile e far sentire ai vostri piccoli che sarete sempre presenti per loro

For more infomation >> Errori da evitare con i neonati: 8 malsane abitudini - Duration: 9:25.


What to see in Rome in 2 days (2018) - Duration: 2:47.

Rome - July 2018

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