Tonight I had already made one attempt at the vlog. We went to Mountain Lake
Park and we went on a hike around this little loop trail who had never been on
before. I found this one day and I was like I want to go on that trail so we
went there. Anyways I did this is sweet little intro
then about half way around there
I'm like oh shoot I don't have the mic turned on so
always remember to check your microphone
and make sure your microphone is turned on
dinner did not agree with me tonight
we were trying to eat healthy
and trying to introduce a little bit more plant-based
I eat mostly a keto diet and by keto
I mean fats like a lot of fats like I put MCT oil in my coffee
every single day I skip breakfast and lunch I've been doing this for a year
and I feel great but whenever my system gets a dose of carbs
especially carbs with a lot of fiber in it
it's not good so but yeah I don't know don't you
love these colors like it's amazing right now
things are looking awesome
but it's kind of wanted to go in a little bit of a hike with you
i have like a little bit of a dilemma too because I want to do camera stuff on YouTube
but I also know that Facebook is a great medium for sharing my video some
of my audience is wanting to see like the b-roll and I'm trying to find either
a mixture between that and one of my thoughts was that I could actually go
through and create two videos a day but basically I create one video that's sort
of like a master reel and then I would cut into that reel and remove a lot of
the content for Facebook because Facebook tends to be more of a thing
where you're scrolling, scrolling through and on YouTube people watch the whole video
if you're lucky and I'm hoping to get that figured out let me just say that
daily vlogging especially during the week what I have to go to work it's a
bit of a struggle.. it's a bit of a struggle to record all this footage and
then I have to sequence it.
The one thing that I love is how it forces me to do a
video every single day.
I don't put it off.
If I didn't have to do a video every day, I probably wouldn't do a video
like maybe once a week.
I really appreciate you guys
for sticking with me during this learning time
and we can learn so much from each other and like that's the really neat thing about this
time that we're living in
[coughs] excuse me
I think it's time to fly a drone.
Here's my sunflowers. Check it out.
Look at this. I was in here when we got back to Saturday
Check it, check it out.
This is the one I showed you before
I'm not flying with any nd filters this time
I'm probably just going to rely on my shutter speed.
Always experiment and just see what you can figure out
[drone taking off]
maybe it makes sense to grab a little D-LOG tonight
so anyways D-LOG lets me get a little bit more dynamic range. It's fighting the
winds up there you can hear it going like zoom zoom.
So you can see right here that
I have some high wind velocity alerts going on.
Right here is my histogram
You can see that there's a lot of light in the highlights and there's some in the
shadows. The highlights is the Sun and whatnot you can see how there's that
like straight line on this side that means that there's some peaking going on
and I'm actually a little bit overexposed by 0.7
but as the Sun sets I expect this number to drop
just kind of experimenting
I am shooting at 1/320th of a second
and my ISO is all the way down to one hundred
just an experiment hopefully this goes well
so much fun guys
We've got kind of like a nice orange sunset behind me there
The camera really doesn't do it justice
Anyways check this out. This is my telephoto lens it's the only telephoto
lens I have. I actually got this thing for free cheap it was like 80 bucks it's
it's only an f4 it's not super fast but it does go out to 300 millimeters and
the funny thing about this it was so cheap I actually ordered two of these by
accident so let's see if this lens can zoom in on that drone okay Wow so it's
on a tripod right now and you can see the winds just pushing it around just a
little bit but it is actually staying there by itself without any human
intervention at all
the sky is now in the mids of course everything else is the shadows we're
down to negative 1.3 on the exposure meter. It did what I was hoping
experiment success. Oh, the dreaded low battery! All right let's bring this drone home
anyways guys I hope you enjoy this drone sunset video check this out
Alright, it was pretty sweet! What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below
Anyways if you haven't already go ahead and hit that subscribe button and
smash that Bell, so you can see all my videos
I release a video every single day
and I really would appreciate to have you on the journey with me
It's just going to keep getting better as time goes we got all kinds of stuff that
will be happening we're gonna have a beautiful fall here.
We're gonna eventually I'm gonna fly this drone over Deep Creek Lake
I'm sure we're gonna take the sailboat out on Deep Creek Lake
We've got so much planned
I just don't know when it's gonna happen but it's gonna happen
So as always I thank you for watching
and I will see you in the next one peace
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