Is Rugosite really this close to Earth?!
Why do we have to hand over our R/B Gyros at a time like this?!
Does it have something to do with what Mom saw in the future?
I promise we'll stop it!
And we'll save everything while at it!
My determination... no more!
Next time, on Ultraman R/B...
"Episode 23 - Crystal of Destruction!"
Color me with your power!
For more infomation >> Ultraman R/B- Episode 23 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:20. -------------------------------------------
Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46.
Can you hear the difference between the words:
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence
accurately, like this?
Today we are going to work on so-called R-blends and L-blends
R-blends and L-blends are words that begin with a consonant
followed by the /R/ or /L/ sound.
Examples of R-blends are:
Examples of L-blends are:
There are four typical errors that Vietnamese people make with
R-blends and L-blends when speaking English:
First of all, the biggest problem is that
many times Vietnamese people don't say the consonant sound before the /R/ and the /L/
or they just say them very weakly.
So they will say "rank" instead of "prank",
"lay" instead of "play", "ring" instead of "bring",
"loom" instead of "bloom", "rove" instead of "drove",
"rhyme" instead of "crime", "row" instead of "grow",
"low" instead of "glow", and so on.
The second problem is that
people often forget to vibrate their vocal chords
when they want to say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds before the /R/ and the /L/,
so they will say "try" instead of "dry", "class" instead of "glass",
"crow" instead of "grow", and "plush" instead of "blush".
The third error is when people confuse the /p/ and /f/ sounds
at the beginning of an R-blend or L-blend word.
So they confuse "fry" with "pry", and "fly" with "ply".
The fourth typical mistake is that very often
the "tr" consonants at the beginning of words (such as in "travel" or "try")
are pronounced as /tʃ/ in Vietnamese English.
This results in the confusion of "trip" with "chip" or "true" with "chew".
In this video
We will learn how to say R-blends and L-blends well
We will practice saying R-blend and L-blend words
and sentences with such words
and we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
There are two reasons why Vietnamese people don't say
R-blends and L-blends well with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds:
The first, more general reason is that in the Vietnamese language
there is always a vowel after a consonant,
but in English we have a lot of words where consonants come one after the other
without a single vowel between them
like in the word "stress", which begins with 3 consonants.
So to a Vietnamese speaker it feels strange
to say two or more consonants together,
and they simply say only one and forget the other.
The second, more specific reason is that the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds
in Vietnamese are quite weak,
but in English we put a lot of power into these sounds at the beginning of words,
and we say them with a big puff of air.
We actually put a /h/ sound after the /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds
when we begin a word with these sounds.
So we say "t(h)ea", "p(h)ie" and "k(h)ey".
We covered the /t/ and /k/ sounds in Episode 11,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce these sounds,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
The /p/ sound was discussed in Episode 10,
so make sure you watch that video as well
if you feel that your /p/ sounds are not good.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /p/, /t/ or /k/,
you have to say the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong,
with a lot of air, before you say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /p/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /k/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends starting with a strong /t/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a strong,
aspirated /t/, /k/ and /p/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you use a short /h/ sound to make the /t/, /k/ and /p/ stronger.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Be careful not to say a /tʃ/ sound instead of the /tr/.
I know that in Vietnamese dialects people pronounce the "TR" as /tʃ/,
for example in the words "trang" or "trung", but in English this is not correct.
Say the English /tr/ as /t(h)r/.
However, sometimes you can hear native English speakers
saying the /tr/ something like /tʃr/, such as /tʃraɪ/, /tʃrӕvl/ or /tʃrʌst/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, as this pronunciation is also acceptable.
But always remember that there is also an /r/ sound after the /tʃ/.
If you feel that your /p/, /t/ or /k/ sound is not strong enough,
then make the /h/ sound between the first consonant
and the /R/ and /L/ sound a little longer.
So practice saying the words like /phhress/, /phhrɑbləm/,
/phhleɪ/, /phhli:z/, /khhrӕb/, /khhrɑs/, /khhlu:/, /khhlʌb/, /thhrɑɪ/, /thhrӕvəl/,
and when you can say them like this, then reduce the /h/ to a normal length:
/phress/, /phrɑbləm/, /phleɪ/, /phli:z/, /khrӕb/, /khrɑs/, /khlu:/, /khlʌb/, /thrɑɪ/, /thrӕvəl/.
To test the power of your /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
put your hand in front of your mouth when you say the words,
and you should feel a lot of air hitting your palm.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Pause now.
The main reason why Vietnamese people don't say R-blends and L-blends
well with the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds is that,
as we mentioned it before,
a word with two or more consonants together
(without any vowel between them)
sounds strange to a Vietnamese ear,
so people usually choose to pronounce only one of the consonants.
In addition, in some Vietnamese dialects the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
are not very strongly vibrated and they sound more like /p/, /t/ and /k/.
But in English the vibration in the throat is quite powerful
when we say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
especially at the beginning of words.
The /b/ is the vibrated pair of the /p/,
the /d/ is the vibrated pair of the /t/ and the /g/ is the pair of the /k/.
So we make the /b/ the same way as the /p/,
the only difference is that we vibrate the vocal chords when we say the /b/,
while in the /p/ sound there is no vibration.
And the same is true for the /d/ - /t/ pair and the /g/ - /k/ pair.
The other important difference between voiced
and unvoiced sounds is that the voiced (vibrated)
sounds need less air than non-vibrated sounds.
You can visualize this by imagining
that the vibration replaces some of the air power,
so the /b/, /d/ and /g/ are less powerful than their /p/,
/t/ and /k/ pairs,
but the vibration in the /b/, /d/ and /g/ helps us to distinguish them.
You can test this difference in air power
by putting your hand in front of your mouth
and saying first the /p/ and then the /b/ sound.
You will feel a lot more air coming out of your mouth
with the /p/ sound. /p/ - /p/ - /b/ - /b/.
In fact, if you put too much air into the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
then you will lose some of the vibration,
because it is very hard to vibrate your throat
AND blow out a lot of air, at the same time.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend
words starting with the /b/, /d/ or /g/,
you don't have to say these sounds with so much air as with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
BUT you do have to vibrate your vocal chords in your throat quite hard.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /b/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /g/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends with a /d/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a /d/, /g/ and /b/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Sometimes you can hear native English speakers saying /dr/ something like /dʒr/,
such as /dʒraɪ/, /dʒrɑp/ or /dʒri:m/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, this is also correct,
but always remember that both the /dʒ/ and the /r/ sound have to be pronounced,
you cannot drop either of them.
If you feel that you cannot vibrate the /b/, /d/ or /g/ sounds strong enough,
then here is a useful tip:
Try saying these sounds as quietly as you can,
with only minimal air.
This way, you can reduce the air power to almost zero,
so you can focus on the vibration.
Now practice saying first the sounds, then the words, very softly,
like "b", "brother", "b", "blow",
"g", "grab", "g", "glue", "d", "dry"
And when you can say them like this, then increase the volume back to a normal level.
This is also a great test to check if you can vibrate the sounds strong enough.
Another way to test your /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
is to put your hand on your throat when you say the words,
and you should feel quite a lot of vibration.
And the vibration should be the same strength, whether you say the words loudly or softly.
Pause now.
Quite a lot of Vietnamese speakers of English have problems with the /f/ sound
and they often confuse it with the /p/ sound.
The main difference between the /f/ and the /p/ is in the lip position:
for the /f/ sound the upper teeth touch the lower lip,
while in the /p/ sound the upper lip touches the lower lip.
/f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/.
The other difference is in length:
the /f/ sound can be long: /fffff/
while the /p/ sound can only be short and explosive: /p/ - /p/ - /p/.
We learned about the /f/ sound in Episode 10,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce it,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /f/ sound,
first you have to touch your upper teeth to your lower lip
to produce the correct /f/ sound before you can say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a /f/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a soft /f/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you say the correct /f/ sound and not the /p/ sound
or a mix of the two sounds.
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are not good enough,
then start saying the words with a long /f/ sound,
adjust your upper teeth and lower lips to the correct position,
and then continue the word with the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffrom", "fffffree", "fffffly", "ffffflow"
and when you can say the words like this,
then reduce the /f/ to a normal length: "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are still not OK,
then try putting a /h/ sound between the /f/ and the /R/ and /L/ sound.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffhhrom", "fffffhhree", "fffffhhly", "fffffhhlow"
and when you can say the words like this,
take out the /h/ sound and say the words normally,
like "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
Adding a "h" sound between consonants usually helps people
connect these consonants easier.
Pause now.
Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words
is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,
so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.
Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:
1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds
strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;
2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:
In the next set of words,
listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:
In the final set of words,
listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:
saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,
and adding a puff of air after them;
vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;
distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;
and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to recognize the R-blend and L-blend words.
You will hear 4 words
and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word:
if you hear a voiced sound (so a vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the left, and
and if you hear an unvoiced sound (so a non-vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
we're going to the left
we're going to the right
we're going to the right
we're going to the left
And we are in Cleveland.
By the way, can you hear the L-blend with the /k/ sound
at the beginning of "CLeveland"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do 2 rounds with new rules:
if you hear a consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like the /k/ in "class"),
then you have to turn to the left,
and if you don't hear any consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like in "lass"),
then you have to turn to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
To finish this game, let's do 2 rounds with the /tr/ and the /tʃ/ sounds:
/tr/ is to the left and /tʃ/ is to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
In the second activity,
we will test your ability to hear the different
consonant sounds at the beginning of R-blends and L-blends.
You can see 10 numbers on the screen,
from 1 to 0, like on a phone dialing screen.
Each number is represented by a word,
so there are a total of 10 different words on the screen.
These words all end in the /u:/ vowel
but they all begin with different consonant sounds.
Number 1 is "CRew"
Number 2 is "GRew"
Number 3 is "BRew"
Number 4 is "BLue"
Number 5 is "CLue"
Number 6 is "GLue"
Number 7 is "TRue"
Number 8 is "CHew"
Number 9 is "DRew"
Number 0 is "Rue"
I'm going to dictate you a phone number using these words.
Your job is to write down the correct phone number.
Let's do an example:
First number is "brew / brew"
-> number 3
Next number is "blue / blue"
-> number 4
Next is "glue / glue"
-> this is number 6
Next is "true / true"
-> number 7
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "glue / glue"
-> number 6
Next is "crew / crew"
-> number 1
and the last one is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
So the phone number was
346 725 2615.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice and slowly.
Are you ready?
What is the phone number?
Write it in the comments.
In the second set of words I will still say each word slowly but only once.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the third set of words,
I will say each word once but a little faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the fourth set of words
I will say each word once and even faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
This third activity will improve and test your ability to distinguish
the initial consonants in R-blends and L-blends in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen, where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1
The options are "pride" and "bride"
Number 2
The options are "try" and "dry"
Number 3
The options are "train" and "drain"
Number 4
The options are "traced" and "chased"
Number 5
The options are "trip" and "chip"
Number 6
The options are "classes" and "glasses"
Number 7
The options are "lamb" and "clam"
Which words were said?
Write them in a comment.
The fourth and final activity will improve your ability to say
the R-blends and L-blends accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences,
listen to me saying them and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now.
Number 2:
Pause now.
Number 3:
Pause now.
Number 4:
Pause now.
Number 5:
Pause now.
Number 6:
Pause now.
Number 7:
Pause now.
Number 8:
Pause now.
Number 9:
Pause now.
For more infomation >> Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46. -------------------------------------------
Most Shocking Deaths Caught On Live TV - Duration: 12:00.
Mass media has connected the world for decades and brought us all closer together.
News cycles keep us informed with near real time updates on any developing story.
All over the planet, millions of cameras bring the rest of the world into our living rooms
every day, but sometimes they capture tragedy in real time.
Welcome to today's episode of The Infographics Show, the most shocking deaths caught on live
Lee Harvey Oswald: One of the most watched live TV deaths ever was the murder of Lee
Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.
Just one day after Oswald had killed President John F. Kennedy, he was being led out of the
Dallas Police Headquarters to an armored car when from amongst the throng of press covering
the event, Jack Ruby stepped up to Oswald and shot him directly in the stomach.
With millions of Americans watching live, the event was broadcast to households across
the nation.
Though Ruby's slaying would be plagued by conspiracy theories, G. Robert Blakey, chief
counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, would later say that the most
plausible explanation for the murder was that Ruby had stalked Oswald on the behalf of organized
crime, trying to reach him at least three times in the forty eight hours before he was
This has spurred even more conspiracy theories, with some believing that the Russians had
paid the mob to kill Kennedy, and others believing that it had been the CIA.
To add fuel to the fire, Jack Ruby would die four years later from a pulmonary embolism
in the same hospital where Oswald died and President Kennedy was pronounced dead.
Daniel Jones: On the afternoon of April 30th, 1998, Daniel Jones parked his car on a southern
california freeway in Los Angeles and brandished a shotgun at passing motorists.
Cued by calls from terrified drivers, the LA police department shut down the freeway
and created roadblocks to trap Jones.
Calling 911 on his cell phone, Jones was clearly distraught and fired several rounds from his
shotgun throughout the conversation.
As the LAPD SWAT team assembled, Jones ended the call and exited the truck, unfurling a
large homemade banner that said "HMO's are in it for the money!!
Live free, love safe or die".
Then he set fire to his pickup truck and shot himself in the head with his shotgun.
Jones' dog who had also been in the truck was killed in the fire as well.
Investigators later discovered that Jones was HIV positive and had recently discovered
he had cancer.
Apparently upset over his health insurance, a disagreement with the insurer may have been
the tipping point for Jones.
After his on-air suicide, broadcasters around the nation questioned their current practices
of cutting broadcasts for live news reports of high speed chases and other criminal incidents,
as the live broadcast had interrupted children's television shows and was very graphic.
Challenger Space Shuttle: ON January 28th, 1986 at 11:38 Eastern, the Space Shuttle Challenger
successfully lifted off from the Kennedy space center for its 10th mission into space.
73 seconds later the space shuttle was destroyed live on international television, the whole
world watching in shock as the vehicle disintegrated in mid-air.
Most tragically, the shuttle included for the first time ever a non-astronaut, school
teacher Christa McAuliffe who was selected from a pool of over 11,000 applicants for
NASA's Teacher In Space Project, and would have been the first civilian sent into space.
Her job would have been to communicate with students while in orbit, answering questions
live from classrooms across the US.
Due to her presence, millions of school children had been watching the launch live and sat
in shocked horror as all seven crew members were killed on live television.
Interesting side note: I was at the Kennedy space center on that fateful day and witnessed
the entire event, in person.
It was pretty horrible.
Alison Parker and Adam Ward: In August of 2015, Alison Parker and her cameraman Adam
Ward were conducting an interview with Vicki Gardner, executive director of the Smith Mountain
Lake chamber of commerce.
Suddenly and without warning, an unseen gunman opened fire on the three, mortally wounding
Parker and Ward.
Gardner, who had also been shot would survive her injuries.
Five hours later, the attacker- Vester Lee Flanagan II- would shoot himself during a
car chase with the police and die later in the hospital.
Flanagan had been a former employee of the news station Parker and Ward worked for, and
had been fired two years earlier for "disruptive conduct".
Clearly mentally disturbed, Flanagan faxed a 23 page suicide note to the news station
2 hours after the attack.
Perhaps most chilling of all was a 60 second clip Flanagan posted to Twitter just seconds
before the killings of himself watching the live news report just out of sight and brandishing
his gun at the two.
Vijayan Mash: On October 3rd, 2007, prominent Indian writer and academic Vijayan Mash was
holding a live conference at the Thrissur press club when he suddenly suffered a massive
heart attack.
Pausing from his speech for a sip from a glass of water, Mash continued only to suddenly
stop and a moment later, fall back in his chair as his eyes rolled to the back of his
Though Mash was believed to have died on the spot, a choice to send him to a hospital on
the other side of town while ignoring one much closer sparked conspiracy theories that
somebody wanted Mash dead.
The fact that Mash died just seconds after taking a sip of water also added fuel to the
conspiracy theory fire, with many claiming that he had been fatally poisoned.
Jodon F. Romero: Jodon F. Romero was a felon who in September 27th, 2012, got into a fight
while intoxicated which led to the police being called.
Instead of arresting him, when the police arrived they told Romero to report to his
parole officer the next day for a scheduled meeting.
Sure that he was going back to prison, Romero was surprised when the following day his parole
officer- ignorant of the fight that had occurred the night before- let him go home.
Hours later, Romero got a call from his PO asking him to return.
Sure that he would be going to prison, Romero ignored the order and a warrant was issued
for his arrest.
Romero fled and hijacked a car, prompting a high speed chase that ended with him fleeing
on foot from police officers.
Running aimlessly through an empty field, Fox News covered the chase live via helicopter
and just as they pushed their camera in for a close-up, Romero pulled a gun from a pocket,
put it to his head and killed himself.
Though the live broadcast was on delay, the suddenness of the suicide took the operators
by surprise, and the world watched Romero die live on TV.
Tommy Cooper: Famed British comedian and magician Tommy Cooper tragically met his end at the
age of 63 while performing on stage at Her Majesty's Theater in Westminster, London.
As an assistant handed him a large coat and helped him to put it on, Cooper suddenly staggered
backwards into the curtain and collapsed into a sitting position.
Suffering from a massive heart attack, Cooper struggled for air for several long moments
before then falling onto his back and slowly writhing on the ground.
For approximately 37 seconds the live audience laughed uproariously at what they thought
was one of Cooper's antics until finally the comedian died on stage.
Realizing that something was very wrong, the curtain was thrown over Cooper and he was
dragged backstage where attempts were made unsuccessfully to revive him.
As the entire incident had been broadcast live on national television, the show's producers
decided it would be best to continue the show as normal, and the live and television audience
was none the wiser to Cooper's tragic death until it made the morning news the next day.
Inejiro Asanuma: An outspoken critic of Japan-US relations and a strong supporter of the Chinese
Communist Party, Inejiro Asanuma would meet his end live on television on October 12th,
During a televised political debate for the coming House of Representatives elections,
Asanuma took to the podium and began his speech when suddenly 17 year old far-right, ultra-nationalist
Otoya Yamaguchi rushed the stage and stabbed Asanuma with a traditional samurai sword.
The stab pierced Asanuma on the left side through the ribs, killing him in moments as
people rushed the stage to restrain Yamaguchi.
Photographer Yasushi Nagao would go on to win the Pulitzer Prize for her photograph
of the incident, which shows Yamaguchi withdrawing the blade and preparing for a second stab
just split seconds before being restrained.
Ayrton Senna: Formula One is an incredibly risky sport that has for decades held one
of the highest death tolls of any professional sport.
On May 1st, 1994, Formula One icon Ayrton Senna held a .6 second lead during the San
Marino Grand Prix.
As the race cars tore across the track at well over 100 miles an hour, observers noticed
that Senna's vehicle seemed to be unstable, and moments later as the race cars exited
a turn, Senna's vehicle drove through the gravel trap and into a concrete wall at 190
mph (306 kmh).
Senna died instantly on impact and its thought that his vehicle had experienced a mechanical
failure of some sort that left him unable to steer.
Disturbingly, a day earlier another driver, Roland Ratzenberger, had died in a crash during
a qualifying round.
Shannon Stone: On July 7th2011, Texas man Shannon Stone took his son to a Rangers game.
Reaching for a foul ball, Stone leaned over the safety railing too far and fell 20 feet
to the concrete below.
Paramedics responded and found Stone conscious and inquiring about his son, asking people
to check on him because he was in the stands alone.
The game's commentators, believing Stone to be ok, chuckled after the fall, but an hour
later as he was being transported to the hospital, Stone went into full cardiac arrest and died.
The exact cause of death remains unknown.
Christine Chubbuck: TV Reporter Christine Chubbuck was battling depression and growing
ever more angry with her station manager for pushing violent and grisly news pieces.
Under the guise of a suicide awareness piece, Chubbuck contacted a sheriff's department
officer and asked him about the best way to shoot one's self, who instructed her to use
a .38 caliber revolver with wadcutter target bullets and to shoot oneself in the back of
the head rather than the temple.
On the morning of July 15th, 1974, Chubbuck opened her morning show Suncoast Digest by
reading a newscast from the anchor's desk.
She covered three national news stories and then a shooting from the previous day at a
local restaurant before turning to the audience and saying, "In keeping with Channel 40's
policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts' and in living color, you are going
to see another first- attempted suicide."
Chubbuck then drew the revolver and shot herself in the back of the head just behind her right
The news station immediately cut the broadcast, but not before thousands of local viewers
watched the gristly scene unfold live from their homes.
Thousands of Innocents: On September 11th, 2001, millions around the world watched the
aftermath of the first terrorist attack against the World Trade Center.
Speculating that the attack had been a freak accident, news organizations showed a live
feed of the smoking and burning World Trade Center's North Tower.
Just 17 minutes later, at 9:03 AM as news anchors were giving updates on the situation,
a second plane suddenly appeared and crashed into the South Tower.
Broadcast globally, the September 11th attacks are thought to be the most widely watched
live television deaths in history, and to add to the tragedy for hours after the end
of the attacks, news broadcasts continued to accidentally pick up footage of trapped
occupants in the burning floors leaping to their deaths.
So, what's
the most shocking thing you've ever seen live on television?
Have you ever been front and center at a tragic event?
Let us know in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video Worst Days That Changed Humanity Forever.
Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> Most Shocking Deaths Caught On Live TV - Duration: 12:00. -------------------------------------------
メルセデス・ベンツ 新型 Mercedes AMG GT R PRO ロサンゼルスモーターショー2018 世界初公開 - Duration: 4:20.
For more infomation >> メルセデス・ベンツ 新型 Mercedes AMG GT R PRO ロサンゼルスモーターショー2018 世界初公開 - Duration: 4:20. -------------------------------------------
总被女主拖累的钟汉良迎来了转机,新剧女主是演技派,男二帅气! - Duration: 5:17.
For more infomation >> 总被女主拖累的钟汉良迎来了转机,新剧女主是演技派,男二帅气! - Duration: 5:17. -------------------------------------------
张翰微博官宣"恋情",网友: 她是谁? - Duration: 5:31.
For more infomation >> 张翰微博官宣"恋情",网友: 她是谁? - Duration: 5:31. -------------------------------------------
หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:48.
For more infomation >> หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:48. -------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> PALOCCI VAI PARA CASA APÓS DELATAR LULA E DILMA - Duration: 2:41. -------------------------------------------
Clanton and E-Rabs stay unbeaten with a win at Jefferson - Duration: 0:57.
For more infomation >> Clanton and E-Rabs stay unbeaten with a win at Jefferson - Duration: 0:57. -------------------------------------------
三菱 新型 ランサーエボリューション フルモデルチェンジ クロスオーバーモデル 「e-EVOLUTION CONCEPT」 2023年発売 - Duration: 11:42.
For more infomation >> 三菱 新型 ランサーエボリューション フルモデルチェンジ クロスオーバーモデル 「e-EVOLUTION CONCEPT」 2023年発売 - Duration: 11:42. -------------------------------------------
Mario Monti: "Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio vivevano in una bolla, ora è arrivato il momento-Tsipra - Duration: 2:54.
E' un attacco totale a Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio quello dell'ex premier Mario Monti: "Vivevano nell'equivalente politico di una bolla speculativa
Ora mi pare che l'impatto con la Commissione europea sia stata la prima vera occasione di scoperta della realtà, per politici che avevano in testa solo una propria versione di essa tutta costruita per demonizzare il passato", ergo il suo governo "tecnico"
Il senatore a vita, in una intervista al Corriere della Sera, spiega che ora i due vicepremier hanno di fronte "una Commissione efficace e la straordinaria unità di tutti gli Stati membri nel sostenerla, quindi hanno capito che bisogna fare qualcosa"
Tsipras, sottolinea Monti, "cambiò idea in pochi giorni, perché capiva che i greci non volevano uscire dall'euro
In Italia invece Di Maio e Salvini, specialmente il secondo, hanno cercato di eccitare gli animi in chiave anti-europea praticamente dal primo giorno, fino alla settimana scorsa
Ora stiamo arrivando al momento in cui si capisce che la realtà è diversa da come la si immaginava
E che bisogna tenerne conto". Ma l'affondo più pesante del Professore è contro il leader della Lega: "Ai miei occhi ha in sé due vene di pericolosità che i 5 Stelle non hanno: l'avversione all'Europa e una sorprendente capacità di impartire agli italiani un corso quotidiano di diseducazione civica
Non è poco". E la Commissione non è stata "troppo severa nei confronti dell'Italia ora
Né sono convinto che la Commissione o gli Stati membri vedano di buon occhio un indebolimento del Paese
Ma se il governo propone di allargare l'irrealismo e l'irresponsabilità di bilancio, ciò giustifica che si cerchi di fermarlo"
For more infomation >> Mario Monti: "Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio vivevano in una bolla, ora è arrivato il momento-Tsipra - Duration: 2:54. -------------------------------------------
🇲🇽Puerto Vallarta SHOCKED Me!!🇲🇽 (It really didn't) | **Traduccion en Español** | MEXICO TRAVEL - Duration: 10:23.
hola buenas tardes and welcome back to Mexico can you guess where I am
yeah I think it's pretty obvious Puerto Vallarta yes first I want to apologise I
have been monumentally sick for the last three weeks just to point out this is
nothing to do with Mexican food Ihave an iron stomach when it comes to tacos
now basically it was a bad fever and finally today I feel well enough to
come out and have a look around this blue sky sea gorgeous area I want to
point out a few things in this video because you might be expecting me to say
that I absolutely hate this place I'm going to talk about my opinion of this
place as we go along in this video but first let's have a look around
right I'm on the Malecon which is roughly translated to boardwalk you
might remember that word from when I was in Havana in Cuba and yeah this place
this...... I'm on the malecon which is roughly .... and I'm gonna say
something you know is Puerto Vallarta my favorite place in Mexico do I love
PUERTO VALLARTA no and no however I don't hate it I
don't dislike it one of the things that has developed in me is I have become
more accepting of tourist areas because I go to cities I go to per blow my heat
goes I go to a lot of places a tourist and it wouldn't necessarily go to you
but I'm I think more appreciative of that tourist aspect because not everyone
can do what I'm doing right now in terms of traveling full time long term I think
because of that fact I recognize that a lot more now I don't get angry and you
know yeah there's a little bit you know he's not as bad as it was I don't
particularly like tourist places my appreciate that if you're particularly an
American coming to Mexico going away for a holiday this is an
ideal location you've got alcohol you've got Mexican
food tex-mex food as well you've got beaches what more do you want right the
food along the malecon is understandably expensive okay and from my
experience does that expense translate into exceptional taste etc not really
and you know for someone that's been in Mexico for a while like me
you'll want 15 peso tacos which is exactly where we're going now right it wouldn't
be my final week in Mexico without a trip to that place pinatas tacos I'm so
hungry let's go we're eating and I gotta have my favorite thing literally in the
entire everywhere in Mexico pinatas tacos let's go
okay doesn't take me long to look at them menu I know I'm having sure it's so
15 pesos bingo can i get 2 tacos with chorizo please
no onion, coriander no problem. okay this place is really cool
over myself like somewhere in Mexico Singh we can just get cheap Taggart got
all this artwork for sale around the walls which is cool you've got all these
guns over there you've got these tequila bottles or different shapes like
guns and skulls day of the dead remember this is Jalisco
the home of tequila and beer for a dollar so if you are on the cheap I mean
and you're looking for a quick drink and some tacos
and my tacos are here with salsa of course and you're gonna be proud of me
because look what I'm doing salsa goes inside the taco not on the
top if you remember from my video in tlaquepaque where I put it on the top
there was chaos when I did that I've gotta say this food is literally my
favorite comedies for free to us in Mexico it's amazing that sure it so is
someone else it's nothing like you know what you get in a supermarket look at
these tacos
beautiful. I've gotta say, apparently cilantro is coriander and I'm amazed by the amount of
people that don't like coriander it's amazing it's one of my favorite things
this is epic
well that was immense and you notice that I'm not prattling on about food for
10 minutes I'm just eating it short and sharp bish bash Bosh chuck it down my gob
and out of there because you know I don't know anything about food let's face it
if it's got meat if it's got bread if it's got cheese and it's a bit spicy happy days
that's all i care about and let's face it that's all you want to know as well is
it good is it nice yes it was anyway I've come to this like
square now and there's a church up there I'm excited because you know how I feel
about Mexican churches and cathedrals let's go have a look right now I'm doing
that TV program Instagram superzoom Derr Derr Derr Derr Derr
you know what I mean oh the church looks pretty bricks Bell clock up the top and
the top it looks interesting wonderful cross is lovely and look spectacular
inside let's go have a look
Our Lady of Guadalupe I'm walking this way because it's the only way that
there's good lighting if you want to watch a channel that lies to the
audience and is totally fake this isn't the one for you i'm going to be totally honest that
place wasn't all that in comparison to other churches and cathedrals I've been
before this one wasn't particularly grand or exquisite maybe I'm being a
snob a church and Cathedral snob do I care no but still if you're in Mexico
for a short time you want to see what Mexican church looks like that's your
one on another notes completely unrelated subject I'm feeling a bit
bonkers at the momenand largely because I've been locked in a room for three
weeks coughing my left lung up possibly my right lung but the point is shit
happens especially when traveling believe me I know but it's not gonna be
positive about it there's no point being negative or moaning which I'm doing
right now irony but I've just come up a bit further closer to los Muertos pier
which is by the way where you got a lot of boats to different places like Yelapa
and slap me around the face and call me
Jose there's a place there the 300 pesos for a burger just to highlight the
difference in prices you can come closer to the beach and I've had an interesting
conversation with a guy about their offering to get me a Mexican boyfriend
and some crack no thanks hun if I wanted a Mexican
boyfriend I could get one myself
speaking of Mexican boyfriend's I've walked into an area where there's a lot
of old men looking at my penis this means that I'm in the gay area yes it is
very popular in terms of an area for gay men in particular they used to be one of
them so I will not be exploring that
right I've walked back to here I'm staying now near the beach and you know
what I was gonna go to Zona Romantica which I've decided about
another video now it's getting windier let's get away from the wind yes I hope
you've enjoyed having a little look around the malecon area I know you think
of Puerto Vallarta in the comments and you know I would love to hear your
opinions are they like mine do you love this place or do you hate it it's a bit
like Marmite in mind so thanks for watching and see you in next video
For more infomation >> 🇲🇽Puerto Vallarta SHOCKED Me!!🇲🇽 (It really didn't) | **Traduccion en Español** | MEXICO TRAVEL - Duration: 10:23. -------------------------------------------
Natal, presença do amor - composição, arranjo, instrumentação, orquestração de Paulo Chagas Ferreira - Duration: 4:18.
For more infomation >> Natal, presença do amor - composição, arranjo, instrumentação, orquestração de Paulo Chagas Ferreira - Duration: 4:18. -------------------------------------------
Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Battery Replacement #sonyxperiaxa1ultra - Duration: 2:01.
How to replace the Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra battery
You can watch it via video.
"Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra battery replacement"
successfully done.
For more infomation >> Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Battery Replacement #sonyxperiaxa1ultra - Duration: 2:01. -------------------------------------------
Marsala | AcinoNobile - Duration: 2:41.
For more infomation >> Marsala | AcinoNobile - Duration: 2:41. -------------------------------------------
Stalked By My Doctor: Patient's Revenge - Movie - Duration: 1:26:03.
For more infomation >> Stalked By My Doctor: Patient's Revenge - Movie - Duration: 1:26:03. -------------------------------------------
挤掉周迅孙俪喜提金马奖,公开表示今后只接女主戏,网友:太骄傲 - Duration: 3:22.
For more infomation >> 挤掉周迅孙俪喜提金马奖,公开表示今后只接女主戏,网友:太骄傲 - Duration: 3:22. -------------------------------------------
Bagger Kindersendung - Traktor und Bagger im einsatz cartoons fur Kinder - Bagger Kinderfilm - Duration: 15:22.
For more infomation >> Bagger Kindersendung - Traktor und Bagger im einsatz cartoons fur Kinder - Bagger Kinderfilm - Duration: 15:22. -------------------------------------------
Brownells Retro Rifles, tre modelli: BRN-601, XBRN16E1, BRN-16A1 - Duration: 2:34.
For more infomation >> Brownells Retro Rifles, tre modelli: BRN-601, XBRN16E1, BRN-16A1 - Duration: 2:34. -------------------------------------------
Taijiquan Self Defense: stroke the lute - Duration: 1:12.
Hi everyone, thanks for watching . . .
. . . there are kids outside today, so there's going to be a bit of background noice.
Christoph and myself are going to demonstrate a possible application for stroke the lute.
Intro [music]
This is one of the applications for stroke the lute.
For more infomation >> Taijiquan Self Defense: stroke the lute - Duration: 1:12. -------------------------------------------
Pachote Wale Baba Ka Bhajan | Kalu Yadav & Party | Haryanvi Songs Haryanvi 2018 | PR Music - Duration: 9:51.
For more infomation >> Pachote Wale Baba Ka Bhajan | Kalu Yadav & Party | Haryanvi Songs Haryanvi 2018 | PR Music - Duration: 9:51. -------------------------------------------
Ultraman R/B- Episode 23 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:20.
Is Rugosite really this close to Earth?!
Why do we have to hand over our R/B Gyros at a time like this?!
Does it have something to do with what Mom saw in the future?
I promise we'll stop it!
And we'll save everything while at it!
My determination... no more!
Next time, on Ultraman R/B...
"Episode 23 - Crystal of Destruction!"
Color me with your power!
For more infomation >> Ultraman R/B- Episode 23 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:20. -------------------------------------------
Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46.
Can you hear the difference between the words:
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence
accurately, like this?
Today we are going to work on so-called R-blends and L-blends
R-blends and L-blends are words that begin with a consonant
followed by the /R/ or /L/ sound.
Examples of R-blends are:
Examples of L-blends are:
There are four typical errors that Vietnamese people make with
R-blends and L-blends when speaking English:
First of all, the biggest problem is that
many times Vietnamese people don't say the consonant sound before the /R/ and the /L/
or they just say them very weakly.
So they will say "rank" instead of "prank",
"lay" instead of "play", "ring" instead of "bring",
"loom" instead of "bloom", "rove" instead of "drove",
"rhyme" instead of "crime", "row" instead of "grow",
"low" instead of "glow", and so on.
The second problem is that
people often forget to vibrate their vocal chords
when they want to say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds before the /R/ and the /L/,
so they will say "try" instead of "dry", "class" instead of "glass",
"crow" instead of "grow", and "plush" instead of "blush".
The third error is when people confuse the /p/ and /f/ sounds
at the beginning of an R-blend or L-blend word.
So they confuse "fry" with "pry", and "fly" with "ply".
The fourth typical mistake is that very often
the "tr" consonants at the beginning of words (such as in "travel" or "try")
are pronounced as /tʃ/ in Vietnamese English.
This results in the confusion of "trip" with "chip" or "true" with "chew".
In this video
We will learn how to say R-blends and L-blends well
We will practice saying R-blend and L-blend words
and sentences with such words
and we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
There are two reasons why Vietnamese people don't say
R-blends and L-blends well with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds:
The first, more general reason is that in the Vietnamese language
there is always a vowel after a consonant,
but in English we have a lot of words where consonants come one after the other
without a single vowel between them
like in the word "stress", which begins with 3 consonants.
So to a Vietnamese speaker it feels strange
to say two or more consonants together,
and they simply say only one and forget the other.
The second, more specific reason is that the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds
in Vietnamese are quite weak,
but in English we put a lot of power into these sounds at the beginning of words,
and we say them with a big puff of air.
We actually put a /h/ sound after the /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds
when we begin a word with these sounds.
So we say "t(h)ea", "p(h)ie" and "k(h)ey".
We covered the /t/ and /k/ sounds in Episode 11,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce these sounds,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
The /p/ sound was discussed in Episode 10,
so make sure you watch that video as well
if you feel that your /p/ sounds are not good.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /p/, /t/ or /k/,
you have to say the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong,
with a lot of air, before you say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /p/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /k/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends starting with a strong /t/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a strong,
aspirated /t/, /k/ and /p/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you use a short /h/ sound to make the /t/, /k/ and /p/ stronger.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Be careful not to say a /tʃ/ sound instead of the /tr/.
I know that in Vietnamese dialects people pronounce the "TR" as /tʃ/,
for example in the words "trang" or "trung", but in English this is not correct.
Say the English /tr/ as /t(h)r/.
However, sometimes you can hear native English speakers
saying the /tr/ something like /tʃr/, such as /tʃraɪ/, /tʃrӕvl/ or /tʃrʌst/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, as this pronunciation is also acceptable.
But always remember that there is also an /r/ sound after the /tʃ/.
If you feel that your /p/, /t/ or /k/ sound is not strong enough,
then make the /h/ sound between the first consonant
and the /R/ and /L/ sound a little longer.
So practice saying the words like /phhress/, /phhrɑbləm/,
/phhleɪ/, /phhli:z/, /khhrӕb/, /khhrɑs/, /khhlu:/, /khhlʌb/, /thhrɑɪ/, /thhrӕvəl/,
and when you can say them like this, then reduce the /h/ to a normal length:
/phress/, /phrɑbləm/, /phleɪ/, /phli:z/, /khrӕb/, /khrɑs/, /khlu:/, /khlʌb/, /thrɑɪ/, /thrӕvəl/.
To test the power of your /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
put your hand in front of your mouth when you say the words,
and you should feel a lot of air hitting your palm.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Pause now.
The main reason why Vietnamese people don't say R-blends and L-blends
well with the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds is that,
as we mentioned it before,
a word with two or more consonants together
(without any vowel between them)
sounds strange to a Vietnamese ear,
so people usually choose to pronounce only one of the consonants.
In addition, in some Vietnamese dialects the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
are not very strongly vibrated and they sound more like /p/, /t/ and /k/.
But in English the vibration in the throat is quite powerful
when we say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
especially at the beginning of words.
The /b/ is the vibrated pair of the /p/,
the /d/ is the vibrated pair of the /t/ and the /g/ is the pair of the /k/.
So we make the /b/ the same way as the /p/,
the only difference is that we vibrate the vocal chords when we say the /b/,
while in the /p/ sound there is no vibration.
And the same is true for the /d/ - /t/ pair and the /g/ - /k/ pair.
The other important difference between voiced
and unvoiced sounds is that the voiced (vibrated)
sounds need less air than non-vibrated sounds.
You can visualize this by imagining
that the vibration replaces some of the air power,
so the /b/, /d/ and /g/ are less powerful than their /p/,
/t/ and /k/ pairs,
but the vibration in the /b/, /d/ and /g/ helps us to distinguish them.
You can test this difference in air power
by putting your hand in front of your mouth
and saying first the /p/ and then the /b/ sound.
You will feel a lot more air coming out of your mouth
with the /p/ sound. /p/ - /p/ - /b/ - /b/.
In fact, if you put too much air into the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
then you will lose some of the vibration,
because it is very hard to vibrate your throat
AND blow out a lot of air, at the same time.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend
words starting with the /b/, /d/ or /g/,
you don't have to say these sounds with so much air as with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
BUT you do have to vibrate your vocal chords in your throat quite hard.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /b/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /g/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends with a /d/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a /d/, /g/ and /b/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Sometimes you can hear native English speakers saying /dr/ something like /dʒr/,
such as /dʒraɪ/, /dʒrɑp/ or /dʒri:m/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, this is also correct,
but always remember that both the /dʒ/ and the /r/ sound have to be pronounced,
you cannot drop either of them.
If you feel that you cannot vibrate the /b/, /d/ or /g/ sounds strong enough,
then here is a useful tip:
Try saying these sounds as quietly as you can,
with only minimal air.
This way, you can reduce the air power to almost zero,
so you can focus on the vibration.
Now practice saying first the sounds, then the words, very softly,
like "b", "brother", "b", "blow",
"g", "grab", "g", "glue", "d", "dry"
And when you can say them like this, then increase the volume back to a normal level.
This is also a great test to check if you can vibrate the sounds strong enough.
Another way to test your /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
is to put your hand on your throat when you say the words,
and you should feel quite a lot of vibration.
And the vibration should be the same strength, whether you say the words loudly or softly.
Pause now.
Quite a lot of Vietnamese speakers of English have problems with the /f/ sound
and they often confuse it with the /p/ sound.
The main difference between the /f/ and the /p/ is in the lip position:
for the /f/ sound the upper teeth touch the lower lip,
while in the /p/ sound the upper lip touches the lower lip.
/f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/.
The other difference is in length:
the /f/ sound can be long: /fffff/
while the /p/ sound can only be short and explosive: /p/ - /p/ - /p/.
We learned about the /f/ sound in Episode 10,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce it,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /f/ sound,
first you have to touch your upper teeth to your lower lip
to produce the correct /f/ sound before you can say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a /f/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a soft /f/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you say the correct /f/ sound and not the /p/ sound
or a mix of the two sounds.
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are not good enough,
then start saying the words with a long /f/ sound,
adjust your upper teeth and lower lips to the correct position,
and then continue the word with the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffrom", "fffffree", "fffffly", "ffffflow"
and when you can say the words like this,
then reduce the /f/ to a normal length: "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are still not OK,
then try putting a /h/ sound between the /f/ and the /R/ and /L/ sound.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffhhrom", "fffffhhree", "fffffhhly", "fffffhhlow"
and when you can say the words like this,
take out the /h/ sound and say the words normally,
like "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
Adding a "h" sound between consonants usually helps people
connect these consonants easier.
Pause now.
Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words
is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,
so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.
Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:
1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds
strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;
2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:
In the next set of words,
listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:
In the final set of words,
listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:
saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,
and adding a puff of air after them;
vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;
distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;
and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to recognize the R-blend and L-blend words.
You will hear 4 words
and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word:
if you hear a voiced sound (so a vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the left, and
and if you hear an unvoiced sound (so a non-vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
we're going to the left
we're going to the right
we're going to the right
we're going to the left
And we are in Cleveland.
By the way, can you hear the L-blend with the /k/ sound
at the beginning of "CLeveland"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do 2 rounds with new rules:
if you hear a consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like the /k/ in "class"),
then you have to turn to the left,
and if you don't hear any consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like in "lass"),
then you have to turn to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
To finish this game, let's do 2 rounds with the /tr/ and the /tʃ/ sounds:
/tr/ is to the left and /tʃ/ is to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
In the second activity,
we will test your ability to hear the different
consonant sounds at the beginning of R-blends and L-blends.
You can see 10 numbers on the screen,
from 1 to 0, like on a phone dialing screen.
Each number is represented by a word,
so there are a total of 10 different words on the screen.
These words all end in the /u:/ vowel
but they all begin with different consonant sounds.
Number 1 is "CRew"
Number 2 is "GRew"
Number 3 is "BRew"
Number 4 is "BLue"
Number 5 is "CLue"
Number 6 is "GLue"
Number 7 is "TRue"
Number 8 is "CHew"
Number 9 is "DRew"
Number 0 is "Rue"
I'm going to dictate you a phone number using these words.
Your job is to write down the correct phone number.
Let's do an example:
First number is "brew / brew"
-> number 3
Next number is "blue / blue"
-> number 4
Next is "glue / glue"
-> this is number 6
Next is "true / true"
-> number 7
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "glue / glue"
-> number 6
Next is "crew / crew"
-> number 1
and the last one is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
So the phone number was
346 725 2615.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice and slowly.
Are you ready?
What is the phone number?
Write it in the comments.
In the second set of words I will still say each word slowly but only once.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the third set of words,
I will say each word once but a little faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the fourth set of words
I will say each word once and even faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
This third activity will improve and test your ability to distinguish
the initial consonants in R-blends and L-blends in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen, where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1
The options are "pride" and "bride"
Number 2
The options are "try" and "dry"
Number 3
The options are "train" and "drain"
Number 4
The options are "traced" and "chased"
Number 5
The options are "trip" and "chip"
Number 6
The options are "classes" and "glasses"
Number 7
The options are "lamb" and "clam"
Which words were said?
Write them in a comment.
The fourth and final activity will improve your ability to say
the R-blends and L-blends accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences,
listen to me saying them and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now.
Number 2:
Pause now.
Number 3:
Pause now.
Number 4:
Pause now.
Number 5:
Pause now.
Number 6:
Pause now.
Number 7:
Pause now.
Number 8:
Pause now.
Number 9:
Pause now.
For more infomation >> Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46. -------------------------------------------
Most Shocking Deaths Caught On Live TV - Duration: 12:00.
Mass media has connected the world for decades and brought us all closer together.
News cycles keep us informed with near real time updates on any developing story.
All over the planet, millions of cameras bring the rest of the world into our living rooms
every day, but sometimes they capture tragedy in real time.
Welcome to today's episode of The Infographics Show, the most shocking deaths caught on live
Lee Harvey Oswald: One of the most watched live TV deaths ever was the murder of Lee
Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.
Just one day after Oswald had killed President John F. Kennedy, he was being led out of the
Dallas Police Headquarters to an armored car when from amongst the throng of press covering
the event, Jack Ruby stepped up to Oswald and shot him directly in the stomach.
With millions of Americans watching live, the event was broadcast to households across
the nation.
Though Ruby's slaying would be plagued by conspiracy theories, G. Robert Blakey, chief
counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, would later say that the most
plausible explanation for the murder was that Ruby had stalked Oswald on the behalf of organized
crime, trying to reach him at least three times in the forty eight hours before he was
This has spurred even more conspiracy theories, with some believing that the Russians had
paid the mob to kill Kennedy, and others believing that it had been the CIA.
To add fuel to the fire, Jack Ruby would die four years later from a pulmonary embolism
in the same hospital where Oswald died and President Kennedy was pronounced dead.
Daniel Jones: On the afternoon of April 30th, 1998, Daniel Jones parked his car on a southern
california freeway in Los Angeles and brandished a shotgun at passing motorists.
Cued by calls from terrified drivers, the LA police department shut down the freeway
and created roadblocks to trap Jones.
Calling 911 on his cell phone, Jones was clearly distraught and fired several rounds from his
shotgun throughout the conversation.
As the LAPD SWAT team assembled, Jones ended the call and exited the truck, unfurling a
large homemade banner that said "HMO's are in it for the money!!
Live free, love safe or die".
Then he set fire to his pickup truck and shot himself in the head with his shotgun.
Jones' dog who had also been in the truck was killed in the fire as well.
Investigators later discovered that Jones was HIV positive and had recently discovered
he had cancer.
Apparently upset over his health insurance, a disagreement with the insurer may have been
the tipping point for Jones.
After his on-air suicide, broadcasters around the nation questioned their current practices
of cutting broadcasts for live news reports of high speed chases and other criminal incidents,
as the live broadcast had interrupted children's television shows and was very graphic.
Challenger Space Shuttle: ON January 28th, 1986 at 11:38 Eastern, the Space Shuttle Challenger
successfully lifted off from the Kennedy space center for its 10th mission into space.
73 seconds later the space shuttle was destroyed live on international television, the whole
world watching in shock as the vehicle disintegrated in mid-air.
Most tragically, the shuttle included for the first time ever a non-astronaut, school
teacher Christa McAuliffe who was selected from a pool of over 11,000 applicants for
NASA's Teacher In Space Project, and would have been the first civilian sent into space.
Her job would have been to communicate with students while in orbit, answering questions
live from classrooms across the US.
Due to her presence, millions of school children had been watching the launch live and sat
in shocked horror as all seven crew members were killed on live television.
Interesting side note: I was at the Kennedy space center on that fateful day and witnessed
the entire event, in person.
It was pretty horrible.
Alison Parker and Adam Ward: In August of 2015, Alison Parker and her cameraman Adam
Ward were conducting an interview with Vicki Gardner, executive director of the Smith Mountain
Lake chamber of commerce.
Suddenly and without warning, an unseen gunman opened fire on the three, mortally wounding
Parker and Ward.
Gardner, who had also been shot would survive her injuries.
Five hours later, the attacker- Vester Lee Flanagan II- would shoot himself during a
car chase with the police and die later in the hospital.
Flanagan had been a former employee of the news station Parker and Ward worked for, and
had been fired two years earlier for "disruptive conduct".
Clearly mentally disturbed, Flanagan faxed a 23 page suicide note to the news station
2 hours after the attack.
Perhaps most chilling of all was a 60 second clip Flanagan posted to Twitter just seconds
before the killings of himself watching the live news report just out of sight and brandishing
his gun at the two.
Vijayan Mash: On October 3rd, 2007, prominent Indian writer and academic Vijayan Mash was
holding a live conference at the Thrissur press club when he suddenly suffered a massive
heart attack.
Pausing from his speech for a sip from a glass of water, Mash continued only to suddenly
stop and a moment later, fall back in his chair as his eyes rolled to the back of his
Though Mash was believed to have died on the spot, a choice to send him to a hospital on
the other side of town while ignoring one much closer sparked conspiracy theories that
somebody wanted Mash dead.
The fact that Mash died just seconds after taking a sip of water also added fuel to the
conspiracy theory fire, with many claiming that he had been fatally poisoned.
Jodon F. Romero: Jodon F. Romero was a felon who in September 27th, 2012, got into a fight
while intoxicated which led to the police being called.
Instead of arresting him, when the police arrived they told Romero to report to his
parole officer the next day for a scheduled meeting.
Sure that he was going back to prison, Romero was surprised when the following day his parole
officer- ignorant of the fight that had occurred the night before- let him go home.
Hours later, Romero got a call from his PO asking him to return.
Sure that he would be going to prison, Romero ignored the order and a warrant was issued
for his arrest.
Romero fled and hijacked a car, prompting a high speed chase that ended with him fleeing
on foot from police officers.
Running aimlessly through an empty field, Fox News covered the chase live via helicopter
and just as they pushed their camera in for a close-up, Romero pulled a gun from a pocket,
put it to his head and killed himself.
Though the live broadcast was on delay, the suddenness of the suicide took the operators
by surprise, and the world watched Romero die live on TV.
Tommy Cooper: Famed British comedian and magician Tommy Cooper tragically met his end at the
age of 63 while performing on stage at Her Majesty's Theater in Westminster, London.
As an assistant handed him a large coat and helped him to put it on, Cooper suddenly staggered
backwards into the curtain and collapsed into a sitting position.
Suffering from a massive heart attack, Cooper struggled for air for several long moments
before then falling onto his back and slowly writhing on the ground.
For approximately 37 seconds the live audience laughed uproariously at what they thought
was one of Cooper's antics until finally the comedian died on stage.
Realizing that something was very wrong, the curtain was thrown over Cooper and he was
dragged backstage where attempts were made unsuccessfully to revive him.
As the entire incident had been broadcast live on national television, the show's producers
decided it would be best to continue the show as normal, and the live and television audience
was none the wiser to Cooper's tragic death until it made the morning news the next day.
Inejiro Asanuma: An outspoken critic of Japan-US relations and a strong supporter of the Chinese
Communist Party, Inejiro Asanuma would meet his end live on television on October 12th,
During a televised political debate for the coming House of Representatives elections,
Asanuma took to the podium and began his speech when suddenly 17 year old far-right, ultra-nationalist
Otoya Yamaguchi rushed the stage and stabbed Asanuma with a traditional samurai sword.
The stab pierced Asanuma on the left side through the ribs, killing him in moments as
people rushed the stage to restrain Yamaguchi.
Photographer Yasushi Nagao would go on to win the Pulitzer Prize for her photograph
of the incident, which shows Yamaguchi withdrawing the blade and preparing for a second stab
just split seconds before being restrained.
Ayrton Senna: Formula One is an incredibly risky sport that has for decades held one
of the highest death tolls of any professional sport.
On May 1st, 1994, Formula One icon Ayrton Senna held a .6 second lead during the San
Marino Grand Prix.
As the race cars tore across the track at well over 100 miles an hour, observers noticed
that Senna's vehicle seemed to be unstable, and moments later as the race cars exited
a turn, Senna's vehicle drove through the gravel trap and into a concrete wall at 190
mph (306 kmh).
Senna died instantly on impact and its thought that his vehicle had experienced a mechanical
failure of some sort that left him unable to steer.
Disturbingly, a day earlier another driver, Roland Ratzenberger, had died in a crash during
a qualifying round.
Shannon Stone: On July 7th2011, Texas man Shannon Stone took his son to a Rangers game.
Reaching for a foul ball, Stone leaned over the safety railing too far and fell 20 feet
to the concrete below.
Paramedics responded and found Stone conscious and inquiring about his son, asking people
to check on him because he was in the stands alone.
The game's commentators, believing Stone to be ok, chuckled after the fall, but an hour
later as he was being transported to the hospital, Stone went into full cardiac arrest and died.
The exact cause of death remains unknown.
Christine Chubbuck: TV Reporter Christine Chubbuck was battling depression and growing
ever more angry with her station manager for pushing violent and grisly news pieces.
Under the guise of a suicide awareness piece, Chubbuck contacted a sheriff's department
officer and asked him about the best way to shoot one's self, who instructed her to use
a .38 caliber revolver with wadcutter target bullets and to shoot oneself in the back of
the head rather than the temple.
On the morning of July 15th, 1974, Chubbuck opened her morning show Suncoast Digest by
reading a newscast from the anchor's desk.
She covered three national news stories and then a shooting from the previous day at a
local restaurant before turning to the audience and saying, "In keeping with Channel 40's
policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts' and in living color, you are going
to see another first- attempted suicide."
Chubbuck then drew the revolver and shot herself in the back of the head just behind her right
The news station immediately cut the broadcast, but not before thousands of local viewers
watched the gristly scene unfold live from their homes.
Thousands of Innocents: On September 11th, 2001, millions around the world watched the
aftermath of the first terrorist attack against the World Trade Center.
Speculating that the attack had been a freak accident, news organizations showed a live
feed of the smoking and burning World Trade Center's North Tower.
Just 17 minutes later, at 9:03 AM as news anchors were giving updates on the situation,
a second plane suddenly appeared and crashed into the South Tower.
Broadcast globally, the September 11th attacks are thought to be the most widely watched
live television deaths in history, and to add to the tragedy for hours after the end
of the attacks, news broadcasts continued to accidentally pick up footage of trapped
occupants in the burning floors leaping to their deaths.
So, what's
the most shocking thing you've ever seen live on television?
Have you ever been front and center at a tragic event?
Let us know in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video Worst Days That Changed Humanity Forever.
Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> Most Shocking Deaths Caught On Live TV - Duration: 12:00. -------------------------------------------
メルセデス・ベンツ 新型 Mercedes AMG GT R PRO ロサンゼルスモーターショー2018 世界初公開 - Duration: 4:20.
For more infomation >> メルセデス・ベンツ 新型 Mercedes AMG GT R PRO ロサンゼルスモーターショー2018 世界初公開 - Duration: 4:20. -------------------------------------------
总被女主拖累的钟汉良迎来了转机,新剧女主是演技派,男二帅气! - Duration: 5:17.
For more infomation >> 总被女主拖累的钟汉良迎来了转机,新剧女主是演技派,男二帅气! - Duration: 5:17. -------------------------------------------
张翰微博官宣"恋情",网友: 她是谁? - Duration: 5:31.
For more infomation >> 张翰微博官宣"恋情",网友: 她是谁? - Duration: 5:31. -------------------------------------------
หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:48.
For more infomation >> หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:48. ------------------------------------------- = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)
For more infomation >> = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)-------------------------------------------
Success Story - Don't Hesitate, Starting is most important step of business process. - Duration: 7:17.
SAM My name is Sam.I am the designated partner
for graby ecom LLP and this video is about my journey with AMZ blast and how AMZ blast
supported me this 2018.
I joined AMZ blast in Jan 1st 2018 and it took me around two and a half months for the
registration process and then it took me around one month to select the products.
And selecting the product is not an easy job you know that is a crucial point to be noted
but AMZ blast i have to say like hatsoff to you because 40 handpicked products in that
you know... i need to select one product.
Then this product tracker that help me a lot to undersatand how the product is selling
in online and how many numbers how many units are selling in online.
So those things...
It is not an easy thing to plan with and you know you need to know about the tickets in
a once because like when people use to go in online when they select online will have
plenty of doubts.How we can able to process,whether we can able to succeed in that.
So, even before i start i was like thinking whether to go with it or shall i go with some
other else something some sort of different business.But you know, everyday
i used to send a ticket to AMZ blast stating that i have got this doubt and that this and
they handled me in a very good way, they taken care of all my questions and everyday
they used to answer and sometimes i used to call them and ask them.
Before i launched my first product it was like very crucial and i was in a very bad
state of understanding the concept but the videos AMZ blast's it will support you by???
giving you the videos.
You might think by seeing the first video you will have a thought in mind whether with
all things we know on what big deal by seeing that video.
Friends that is not the case, even it has been one year now even now i use to watch that video
what is that videos...are very supportive videos.
You will understand the concept, See... buying a product and selling it online is not a big
thing.You can buy it anywhere and sell it, But selling you need to sell.. you need to
sell you know 10 to 20 products everyday that is notr an easy job without guidelines.
So guidance AMZ blast... they will provide you excellent service.
They are in this field for past so many years.
See.... i am telling you.You can get my number from AMZ blast and you can contact me also.I
can tell you like how AMZ blast support you.
Supporting means not just giving you...
ok do this and do that.
They will give you do's and dont's that is important.
You know...One example i can tell you one product i do not want to mention the product,
XYZ product.
I send a mail to AMZ blast stating that i am planning to sell this product and give
your review about it.
Immediately span of two hours i received a mail setting that because i have some two
products actually.
They have said one product is good another product they have said do not take it because
AMZ blast members also selling that product so which shows
they do not want you know... competition and put as in a very backstate by not selling
a product because they need to support each and every member.
so one member is selling the product, they will not allow you to take that product beacause
they want to support in a professional way.
So this is what i want.
A proper professional guidance to sell products.
If you are thinking whether to go or whether to now start, do not hesitate first because
i hesitated for 6 months.
2017 i believe June July something like that or August some i started seeing AMZ blast
videos in youtube.
i was about to go for it, I called Vikash.... i know some 4 5 times but i did not you know...
stepped in to start the process.
It took me 6 months i wasted 6 months i started searching here and and there..
and then i ????AMZ blast enough.Happily i am selling it.
My first product was around around ??everyday was around i mean..15 products everyday i
am selling the first product.The second product just launched for the Diwali and it is selling
5 to 6 everyday.
I am following the guidelines of AMZ blast.Once i reached 20 sales then i will go for the
third product because their guidelines are very important to make sure you succeed in
your goal.
Now.... i can say i am proud member of AMZ blast.Guys do not hesitate.First and foremost
very important point to be noted Do not hesitate just go for it.See...when you say sweets it
won't give you the taste, you have to eat it you need to taste it then you will understand
what is the taste of this sweet.
So first enter, enter inside, go for it then you will understand what is the concept is
all about and do not think like when you gets entered you gonna reap ..The plenty of millions
of money is not infact??.
80% will give you support from AMZblast 20% you need to put your hard need to
plan it.
you need to all the work what AMZ blast is telling you, you know...the sponser listing
work and you know.... what are the keywords.They can't ??you
They cannot spoonfeed you, they will tell you how to catch the need to catch
So guys go for it ...All the best and if you want to personally contact me also you can.
I can give you my experience, I will share the experience also that is not the problem
for me.Come let us make something better.
ok Thank you Bye
For more infomation >> Success Story - Don't Hesitate, Starting is most important step of business process. - Duration: 7:17. -------------------------------------------
The Federal Reserve won't consistently raise rates in 2019: Ray Dalio - Duration: 6:48.
For more infomation >> The Federal Reserve won't consistently raise rates in 2019: Ray Dalio - Duration: 6:48. -------------------------------------------
🇲🇽Puerto Vallarta SHOCKED Me!!🇲🇽 (It really didn't) | **Traduccion en Español** | MEXICO TRAVEL - Duration: 10:23.
hola buenas tardes and welcome back to Mexico can you guess where I am
yeah I think it's pretty obvious Puerto Vallarta yes first I want to apologise I
have been monumentally sick for the last three weeks just to point out this is
nothing to do with Mexican food Ihave an iron stomach when it comes to tacos
now basically it was a bad fever and finally today I feel well enough to
come out and have a look around this blue sky sea gorgeous area I want to
point out a few things in this video because you might be expecting me to say
that I absolutely hate this place I'm going to talk about my opinion of this
place as we go along in this video but first let's have a look around
right I'm on the Malecon which is roughly translated to boardwalk you
might remember that word from when I was in Havana in Cuba and yeah this place
this...... I'm on the malecon which is roughly .... and I'm gonna say
something you know is Puerto Vallarta my favorite place in Mexico do I love
PUERTO VALLARTA no and no however I don't hate it I
don't dislike it one of the things that has developed in me is I have become
more accepting of tourist areas because I go to cities I go to per blow my heat
goes I go to a lot of places a tourist and it wouldn't necessarily go to you
but I'm I think more appreciative of that tourist aspect because not everyone
can do what I'm doing right now in terms of traveling full time long term I think
because of that fact I recognize that a lot more now I don't get angry and you
know yeah there's a little bit you know he's not as bad as it was I don't
particularly like tourist places my appreciate that if you're particularly an
American coming to Mexico going away for a holiday this is an
ideal location you've got alcohol you've got Mexican
food tex-mex food as well you've got beaches what more do you want right the
food along the malecon is understandably expensive okay and from my
experience does that expense translate into exceptional taste etc not really
and you know for someone that's been in Mexico for a while like me
you'll want 15 peso tacos which is exactly where we're going now right it wouldn't
be my final week in Mexico without a trip to that place pinatas tacos I'm so
hungry let's go we're eating and I gotta have my favorite thing literally in the
entire everywhere in Mexico pinatas tacos let's go
okay doesn't take me long to look at them menu I know I'm having sure it's so
15 pesos bingo can i get 2 tacos with chorizo please
no onion, coriander no problem. okay this place is really cool
over myself like somewhere in Mexico Singh we can just get cheap Taggart got
all this artwork for sale around the walls which is cool you've got all these
guns over there you've got these tequila bottles or different shapes like
guns and skulls day of the dead remember this is Jalisco
the home of tequila and beer for a dollar so if you are on the cheap I mean
and you're looking for a quick drink and some tacos
and my tacos are here with salsa of course and you're gonna be proud of me
because look what I'm doing salsa goes inside the taco not on the
top if you remember from my video in tlaquepaque where I put it on the top
there was chaos when I did that I've gotta say this food is literally my
favorite comedies for free to us in Mexico it's amazing that sure it so is
someone else it's nothing like you know what you get in a supermarket look at
these tacos
beautiful. I've gotta say, apparently cilantro is coriander and I'm amazed by the amount of
people that don't like coriander it's amazing it's one of my favorite things
this is epic
well that was immense and you notice that I'm not prattling on about food for
10 minutes I'm just eating it short and sharp bish bash Bosh chuck it down my gob
and out of there because you know I don't know anything about food let's face it
if it's got meat if it's got bread if it's got cheese and it's a bit spicy happy days
that's all i care about and let's face it that's all you want to know as well is
it good is it nice yes it was anyway I've come to this like
square now and there's a church up there I'm excited because you know how I feel
about Mexican churches and cathedrals let's go have a look right now I'm doing
that TV program Instagram superzoom Derr Derr Derr Derr Derr
you know what I mean oh the church looks pretty bricks Bell clock up the top and
the top it looks interesting wonderful cross is lovely and look spectacular
inside let's go have a look
Our Lady of Guadalupe I'm walking this way because it's the only way that
there's good lighting if you want to watch a channel that lies to the
audience and is totally fake this isn't the one for you i'm going to be totally honest that
place wasn't all that in comparison to other churches and cathedrals I've been
before this one wasn't particularly grand or exquisite maybe I'm being a
snob a church and Cathedral snob do I care no but still if you're in Mexico
for a short time you want to see what Mexican church looks like that's your
one on another notes completely unrelated subject I'm feeling a bit
bonkers at the momenand largely because I've been locked in a room for three
weeks coughing my left lung up possibly my right lung but the point is shit
happens especially when traveling believe me I know but it's not gonna be
positive about it there's no point being negative or moaning which I'm doing
right now irony but I've just come up a bit further closer to los Muertos pier
which is by the way where you got a lot of boats to different places like Yelapa
and slap me around the face and call me
Jose there's a place there the 300 pesos for a burger just to highlight the
difference in prices you can come closer to the beach and I've had an interesting
conversation with a guy about their offering to get me a Mexican boyfriend
and some crack no thanks hun if I wanted a Mexican
boyfriend I could get one myself
speaking of Mexican boyfriend's I've walked into an area where there's a lot
of old men looking at my penis this means that I'm in the gay area yes it is
very popular in terms of an area for gay men in particular they used to be one of
them so I will not be exploring that
right I've walked back to here I'm staying now near the beach and you know
what I was gonna go to Zona Romantica which I've decided about
another video now it's getting windier let's get away from the wind yes I hope
you've enjoyed having a little look around the malecon area I know you think
of Puerto Vallarta in the comments and you know I would love to hear your
opinions are they like mine do you love this place or do you hate it it's a bit
like Marmite in mind so thanks for watching and see you in next video
For more infomation >> 🇲🇽Puerto Vallarta SHOCKED Me!!🇲🇽 (It really didn't) | **Traduccion en Español** | MEXICO TRAVEL - Duration: 10:23. -------------------------------------------
【卓球通信】Tリーグ誕生の卓球、伝統の日本リーグでも新たな歴史 - Duration: 2:08.
For more infomation >> 【卓球通信】Tリーグ誕生の卓球、伝統の日本リーグでも新たな歴史 - Duration: 2:08. -------------------------------------------
WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 0:52.
Crap. I dragged Nakanishi down today.
Damn... That idiot Chuckie T went crazy last night, huh?
I wanted to pluck Beretta's chest hair.
But I missed my chance.
Chuckie went total Child's Play.
何がだ?俺はこの通り バッチリだぜ。
For more infomation >> WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (November 30) - Post-match Interview [2nd match] - Duration: 0:52. -------------------------------------------
"길가에 버려진 양동이 안에서 '고양이'와 눈이 딱 마주쳤습니다" - Duration: 2:35.
재활용 쓰레기 더미 옆에 버려진 양동이 안에는 살아 있는 고양이가 갇혀 있었다.
지난 29일(현지 시간) 온라인 미디어 보어드판다는 길거리에 버려진 한 플라스틱 양동이 안에서 유기된 고양이를 발견해 구조한 여성의 사연을 소개했다.
미국 뉴욕의 헤이븐 동물 보호시설에 근무하는 모이라 코넬리(Moira Connelly)라는 이름의 여성은 출근 후 평소의 일과대로 시설에서 보호 중인 강아지와 함께 산책을 나갔다.
거리로 나가 한참을 걷던 모이라는 강아지가 길거리에 버려진 플라스틱 양동이에 가까이 다가가 계속해서 냄새를 맡는 모습을 발견했다.
양동이는 재활용품을 모아두는 쓰레기장으로부터 조금 떨어진 곳에 놓여 있었고,
모이라는 그 안에 음식물 쓰레기 등이 들어 있을 것이라고 생각해 양동이를 쓰레기장으로 옮기려 했다.
하지만 양동이 안을 들여다 본 모이라는 충격을 받고 말았다.
그 안에서 자신을 바라보고 있는 고양이의 초록색 눈과 마주친 것.
깜짝 놀란 모이라는 곧장 시설로 양동이를 가지고 와 해체했고,
작은 고양이가 그 안에 웅크린 채 떨고 있는 것을 발견했다. 검사 결과 고양이는 3살 정도 되었으며 건강에 큰 이상은 없었다.
하지만 주변을 매우 경계하고 사람 곁에 가는 일을 극도로 꺼려하는 것으로 보아 주인으로부터 학대받은 뒤 유기되었을 가능성이 높아 보였다.
모이라는 이런 일이 드문 일은 아니라고 말하며 "1년에 한두 차례씩 빈 박스나 가방 등에 동물을 넣은 채 시설 근처에 유기하는 사람들이 있다"고 밝혔다.
직원들은 입양을 원하는 사람이 나타날 때까지 고양이를 시설에서 보호하기로 결정했고 고양이에게 세이지(Sage)라는 이름을 붙여주었다.
세이지는 여전히 사람을 무서워하는 것처럼 보이긴 하지만 매우 얌전하고 상냥한 성격을 지녔고 조금씩 직원들에게도 마음을 열고 있다고 전해졌다.
For more infomation >> "길가에 버려진 양동이 안에서 '고양이'와 눈이 딱 마주쳤습니다" - Duration: 2:35. -------------------------------------------
"제가 낳았어요♥"···갓 낳은 새끼 자랑하는 엄마 수달 - Duration: 2:10.
"우리 아기 진짜 예쁘죠?" 갓 태어난 아기를 붙잡고 마치 자랑이라도 하듯 손으로 들어올려 보이는 엄마 수달의 모습이 누리꾼의 마음을 녹여버렸다.
최근 온라인 미디어 나인개그(9gag)에는 귀여운 아기 수달을 손에 꼭 쥔 엄마 수달의 깜찍한 모습이 담긴 사진이 게재됐다.
공개된 사진 속에는 갓 낳은 듯한 보송보송한 아기 수달을 손에 든 엄마 수달이 초롱초롱한 눈빛으로 카메라를 바라보고 있다.
마치 "얘 방금 내가 낳았는데, 너무 귀엽지 않아요?"라며 동의를 구하는 것 같다.
아기 수달도 귀엽지만 뿌듯한 표정으로 아기를 자랑하는 엄마 수달의 표정은 누리꾼들의 마음을 녹이기에 충분했다.
설명에 따르면 수달은 새끼가 어릴 때는 입으로 옮기다가 좀 더 크면 두 팔로 번쩍 안아서 옮긴다고 한다.
이때 자기 몸만큼 아이들이 성장했음에도 여전히 아기라 여기며 두 팔로 번쩍 안아들고 뒤뚱뒤뚱 걸음을 옮기는 모습 또한 깜찍함의 극치라는 후문이다.
해당 사진을 접한 누리꾼들은 "진심 사랑스럽다", "자랑할만 하네", "아 너무 예뻐 심장 아프다", "우주 뿌셔 외칠 기세" 등의 반응을 보이며 웃음 지었다.
한편 천연기념물인 수달은 특유의 귀여운 외모로 사람들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받는 동물 중 하나이다.
안타깝게도 멸종위기종으로 지정돼 자연에서 그 모습을 찾아보기는 쉽지 않다.
하지만 최근 국내 부산과 안양 등 예기치 못한 장소에서 여러 차례 목격되고 있어 발견 장소를 '보호 지역'으로 지정해야 한다는 주장도 제기되고 있다.
For more infomation >> "제가 낳았어요♥"···갓 낳은 새끼 자랑하는 엄마 수달 - Duration: 2:10. -------------------------------------------
Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16.
Let's start at the G20 Summit in Argentina.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump have held talks on
the sidelines of the summit.
North Korea dominated most of their discussion.
Shin Se-min has our top story.
The leaders of South Korea and the United States in tune on North Korea.
Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump sat down on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in
Argentina on Friday for a frank discussion with just their translators in attendance.
They vowed to align their policies to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
remains on track.
"President Trump, while affirming his commitment to hold a second North Korea-U.S. summit early
next year,... asked that South Korea and the U.S. maintain close cooperation so the summit
will be another historic milestone in the process of denuclearizing North Korea."
President Moon's chief press secretary explained that President Trump reaffirmed his pledge
to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and noted that Kim's
planned reciprocal visit to Seoul may create new momentum in efforts to denuclearize Pyeongyang
and establish peace in the region.
Although the two did not go into details on when Kim might travel to the South,... it's
viewed that Kim's visit would help the ongoing push for peace.
The Blue House official said the question now is on whether the North Korean leader
sticks to his pledge.
On North Korea sanctions,...
Presidents Moon and Trump agreed that keeping the regime under already imposed sanctions
is necessary until the Korean Peninsula is completely denuclearized.
While the two allies share the goal of complete denuclearization,... their approach on how
to achieve it isn't in lockstep.
Seoul has been pushing to improve ties with Pyeongyang through economic engagement,...
while Washington has been pursuing a dual policy of pressure and dialogue which has
caused friction between the North and the U.S.
"The meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump was a chance to reopen the possibility of
Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul by the years' end-- in the hope that it could give the stalled
denuclearization process another push.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Buenos Aires."
For more infomation >> Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16. -------------------------------------------
UT student charged with filing a false report - Duration: 1:27.
For more infomation >> UT student charged with filing a false report - Duration: 1:27. -------------------------------------------
Remember This: Global warming - Duration: 1:38.
For more infomation >> Remember This: Global warming - Duration: 1:38. -------------------------------------------
Grandfalls-Royalty Can't Hang On To Jayton - Duration: 1:05.
For more infomation >> Grandfalls-Royalty Can't Hang On To Jayton - Duration: 1:05. -------------------------------------------
UT, OU fans trash talk each other ahead of Big 12 Championship - Duration: 1:17.
For more infomation >> UT, OU fans trash talk each other ahead of Big 12 Championship - Duration: 1:17. -------------------------------------------
Visitation Held for Woman Killed in Hit and Run - Duration: 0:39.
For more infomation >> Visitation Held for Woman Killed in Hit and Run - Duration: 0:39. -------------------------------------------
Types of Dermal Fillers - Duration: 2:17.
> When you talk about poly lactic acid and other sorts of dermal fillers are they
all basically natural fillers that working with the body it's not we're not
ingesting anything or injecting anything that that's unnatural are we? > So the
sources of these fillers are not human some of these fillers are man-made like
poly lactic acid where they're completely biocompatible which means
that they usually don't cause any allergic reaction when injected they're
completely compatible -- and all completely safe -- Correct. So they have all
been FDA approved and the ones that we're gonna be talking about today it's
because these have been FDA approved fillers in the United States, there's
lots of other fillers that have been used in Europe for many years I have not
been approved here yet. Okay. And that's a good point too because when we talk
about the types of dermal fillers out here it's very important to consider FDA
regulations because let's be very honest there have been people who have gone out
looking for fillers that are not FDA approved and they are let's use the word
dangerous if you're going to use them correct. Very, very much so. As a matter of
fact even patients that there's practitioners out there that are not
exactly accredited practitioners to perform these types of cosmetic
procedures that is very popular here in Miami and even these some of these
patients are being told they're getting some of these fda-approved fillers but
they're not getting it from the manufacturing company. So that's you even
have to be more careful with these types of practices. > And they could be coming in
from overseas locations they could they could have it let's be honestly they
could have anything in them possibly that they could use at the manufacturing
point you have no way of knowing -- yeah no control -- unless you're getting them
actually from a doctor getting FDA approved fillers. > Yeah. That's why it's so
important I emphasize to all patients if you want to see some of these for some
of these cosmetic procedures make sure that you're going to a board certified
practitioner so check credentials before you get any of these procedures perform.
For more infomation >> Types of Dermal Fillers - Duration: 2:17. -------------------------------------------
Legislators Discuss Future of Tobacco in Arkansas - Duration: 0:55.
For more infomation >> Legislators Discuss Future of Tobacco in Arkansas - Duration: 0:55. -------------------------------------------
Japanese Stroll Garden Kicks Off Evening Strolls - Duration: 1:03.
For more infomation >> Japanese Stroll Garden Kicks Off Evening Strolls - Duration: 1:03. -------------------------------------------
艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)在Vogue辦公室重演《穿著Prada的惡魔》|73個快問快答|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 8:56.
For more infomation >> 艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)在Vogue辦公室重演《穿著Prada的惡魔》|73個快問快答|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 8:56. -------------------------------------------
Did you notice this blunder in The Walking Dead season nine? - Duration: 3:50.
Did you notice this blunder in The Walking Dead season nine?
There have been a small handful of moments during The Walking Dead's nine seasons that haven't sat well with fans, visually.
One of the most memorable CGI fails was a deer during a playground scene with Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira).
But the trailer for the second half of season nine features a pretty hefty fail that could mean life or death, if it was reality.
At one point, Carol (Melissa McBride) and her allies from The Kingdom draw their bowstrings back to fire off arrows at an incoming enemy.
Related Articles The Walking Dead season 9: Is THIS what Michonne and Daryl's scars really mean? The Walking Dead leader killed off as The Whisperers claim first victim The Walking Dead boss confirms star's future after devastating exit.
But in the next scene, with her bowstring still pulled back, Carol and her pals are without their arrows.
The section which shows her getting ready to fire includes the arrows – so where did they go? A simple explanation is that post-production work on that particular scene hasn't yet been completed.
The shots of the arrows being fired are likely to be added with CGI, to avoid any accidents with stray rounds.
It seems that the second half of the season will be just as action-packed as the trailer if the mid-season finale is anything to go by.
This week's episode saw a small group of survivors cross paths with the dreaded Whisperers, who had been teased for a while already.
During a foggy fight scene, one of the villainous group pulled out a sword and stabbed Jesus (Tom Payne) in the back.
Related Articles The Walking Dead confirms MAJOR spoiler in Rick's death dream sequence? Did you notice The Walking Dead potential plot hole over Rick's exit? Did The Walking Dead drop a MAJOR hint about another secret romance?.
The rest of the group fought back and soon realised that the apparent walkers were actually very much human.
More Whisperers surrounded the protagonists and it seemed they were almost certainly doomed.
But who else will The Whisperers claim as their victims when the show returns next year? The Walking Dead season 9 resumes February 11, 2019 at 9pm on Fox UK and streams on NOW TV.
For more infomation >> Did you notice this blunder in The Walking Dead season nine? - Duration: 3:50. -------------------------------------------
Gareth Bale transfer hint from agent amid Man United links - Duration: 2:37.
Gareth Bale's agent Jonathan Barnett has hinted his client could be open to a future transfer to Italy amid speculation over his situation at Real Madrid
The Wales international has endured another difficult season at the Bernabeu, failing to make the most of Cristiano Ronaldo's departure to Juventus in the summer
MORE: Video: Gareth Bale produces composed finish to give Real Madrid the lead at Roma In truth, Bale has never really reproduced the best form that saw him become one of the most sought-after talents in world football in his time with Tottenham in the Premier League
It would be unsurprising, therefore, if Bale ended up making the move back to England, with Don Balon recently linking the 29-year-old as a target for Manchester United
The Red Devils could really do with a player of his calibre after the struggles of Alexis Sanchez since his January move from Arsenal, while youngsters Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford have also failed to really live up to expectations and perform on a consistent basis
Gareth Bale transfer to Italy not ruled out amid Manchester United links More Stories / Latest News Chelsea dealt transfer blow as Serie A target rules out Stamford Bridge switch November 30, 2018 18:51 Barcelona set for transfer battle with Real Madrid for €40m La Liga starlet November 30, 2018 18:24 Lethal former Barcelona and Spain duo set to reunite in Japan November 30, 2018 17:57 If Bale could get back to anything close to his best form for Spurs, he'd be a fine signing for United
However, his agent seems open to Bale making the move to Italy in the future, even if he didn't give too much away regarding the Welshman's situation
'Could he play in Italy? At the moment he's happy in Madrid, if I think about the future, nothing is impossible,' Barnett told Tuttosport, as translated by the English edition of Sport
For more infomation >> Gareth Bale transfer hint from agent amid Man United links - Duration: 2:37. -------------------------------------------
Christmas Special - Sangeeta´s Kreations - Duration: 2:41.
Namaste friends welcome to my channel Sangeeta´s Kreations and this is Sangeeta
Christmas is approaching and like Santa there is lot for us to do. there is
no better time to start planning for all the crafts. I wanted to do something
different I have been busy collecting gathering all the handmade gift ideas
especially for you and your kids and and if you're looking to avoid something
spending lot of money then you are on the right track I am coming up with very
beautiful easy simple DIY art projects that only requires few materials and you
will create a beautiful masterpiece
this Christmas crafts idea that will add extra festive to your home
I'll be posting five diy per week ,yes my friends 5 DIY for me isn't it great
this is really a special Christmas season for us so get the spirit with our
unique and easy Christmas crafts ideas for this subscribe my channel if you
haven't so you don't miss any of my videos and hit the bell button for
notifications give like share comment below what you want to know and what you
want to learn see you soon till then Namaste!!!