What Happened?
Who's it? I am speaking with the doctor
My lower back is paining.
I want to check him that whether I should take the same medicine or a stronger one
Baby he picked the called after so long and.....
Relax. Turn Around. Where is it hurting?
Be careful. Ok.
It's almost done.
Why do you have to pay the doctor for now reason?
I am telling you. I am a half doctor myself.
Baby you don't remember the medicine name?
Wait. Show me
Careful! Careful. You leave it on me.
These medicines can do nothing.
Just call the doctor ya! Wait a second. See.
Relax. It's done.
You feel better? Keep your feet on the floor now.
These medicines are waste.
We don't need them.
Doctors don't do anything. See. You'll start running now. Get up.
Give me the medicine ya!
Come fast. What happened?
What happened?
My stomach is paining a lot.
Wait! I want to go to the hospital. Call the ambulance NOW!
1 Minute. These ambulance are nothing. Get up.
You'll be fine now. Get up.
What was it? Salt and Seeds. My granny used to give me this.
Wait I'll get more.
These hospitals, doctors are nothing.
What happened? My head is paining since 2 days.
I need something strong.
Baby these hospitals and doctors.... TIGER!
TIGER! Who Tiger?
Wait. I mean Tiger Balm
Look at this.
No. I don't like it. Baby listen.... Apply it on your nose too.
Did you sleep?
Did I apply a little extra? Come sleep on the bed.
Show me what's it. Say 1 2 3
Ok 1
Did you break it? No baby these are foldable.
You wear it i'll call. Ready?
and.... 3
Baby... call the doctor.. Oh My God!
What's happening?
I have done one more FD.
That money will help you.
And please take the money from that Akshay.
What is it? It's the heart attack medicine.
Medicine of heart attack? Which one? ENO.
You we suffering from GAS.
Now sleep backside it'll get it entirely removed.
You know. That's why we should keep doctors on speed dial.
So that we know the difference between heart attack and GAS.
Baby, you want to take 2nd opinion?
For more infomation >> When You Yourself are a Half Doctor | S01E32 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
Direção de A Fazenda decide o que fará com Cátia, e Marcos Mion faz o anúncio - Duration: 2:25.
Ana Maria Braga fala sobre obrigação da mulher e recebe críticas no Mais Você - Duration: 2:05.
Luísa Sonza revela segredos sobre casamento e expõe mania de Whindersson Nunes que a tira do sério - Duration: 2:03.
Il Segreto, puntate dicembre: Alfonso, Emilia, Saul e Julieta in fuga dal paese - Duration: 11:07.
アウディeトロンGT 完成「きわめて間近」 製品化は2020年 LAショー - Duration: 14:46.
"Benvenuta Camilla", nata in un giorno speciale. Il papà (vip) è al settimo cielo - Duration: 3:10.
"Benvenuta Camilla" e tre cuoricini rossi. Così, nella didascalia che accompagna la prima foto che mostra la manina della piccola, dà il grande annuncio ai fan: è diventato papà
Fiocco rosa, dunque, per Nicola Balestri e la sua compagna Erica. Non vi dice niente il nome del neo papà? Probabile, perché lo conosciamo tutti con il nome d'arte, ovvero Ballo
Sì, Camilla è la figlia dello storico bassista dei Lunapop, la band bolognese di Cesare Cremonini
E come poteva non essere lui, il cantante del gruppo che a fine anni Novanta ha dominato le classifiche con '50 Special' a non essere tra i primi a fare gli auguri al musicista 36enne? Poco dopo il post di Ballo, che su Instagram ha dato il benvenuto alla nuova arrivata in famiglia, nata dall'amore con la sua compagna Erica, è arrivato subito il messaggio dell'amico e collega Cesare, con cui il bassista ha continuato e continua tuttora a collaborare anche dopo lo scioglimento dei Lunapop
(Continua dopo la foto) Ballo si è unito artisticamente a Cremonini nel 1999. Quest'ultimo all'epoca militava nella band Senza filtro, poi sono nati i Lunapop, un nome suggerito dal produttore Walter Mameli
Oltre a Cesare e Ballo, facevano parte del gruppo bolognese anche i chitarristi Michele "Mike" Giuliani e Gabriele Gallasso e il batterista Alessandro "Lillo" De Simone
Dopo il successo di '50 Special' sono arrivati brani come 'Un giorno migliore' e 'Qualcosa di grande' e i Lunapop sono diventati la band più amata dai giovanissimi
(Continua dopo la foto) Il gruppo si è sciolto ufficialmente nel 2002 ma, come anticipato, Nicola 'Ballo' Balestri ha continuato a collaborare con Cesare Cremonini nella sua carriera da solista e tuttora è al suo fianco sul palco
Nata Camilla, Cesare ha subito condiviso la gioia per l'amico sui social rivelando che la piccola è venuta al mondo in un giorno davvero speciale: il 28 novembre, quando è in programma la prima delle due date del concerto presso l'Unipol Arena di Casalecchio Sul Reno del cantante e della band di cui fa parte lo stesso Balestri
(Continua dopo foto e post) "Congratulazioni al talentuoso neo papà Nicola Balestri – ha scritto Cremonini mostrando un enorme fiocco rosa appeso sulla porta del camerino - La tua Camilla ha scelto di nascere il giorno del nostro primo concerto di Bologna, commuovendo tutti, e rendendoci ancora più felici di essere a casa
Questo concerto è dedicato a lei, a te e ad Erica. Un enorme augurio di felicità da tutti noi"
Inutile aggiungere che sotto il post sono piovuti like e messaggi di auguri. Dietro le quinte del potere
LA PACE DELLA MENTE - Duration: 3:36.
Актёры, которые играли, несмотря на глубокую депрессию - Duration: 4:40.
Nepali Top 16 Outstanding Old & New Pop Audio Jukebox |Nepali Emotional Pop Songs Collection 2019 HD - Duration: 1:12:36.
@ Don't Forget To "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "COMMENT" For More Jukebox ^_^
L'osteria volante: conosci questo libro? - Duration: 4:40.
Reynaldo Gianecchini reencontra Taís Araújo após 14 anos do maior casal das 19h na Globo - Duration: 2:04.
Intérpretes do maior casal da história das novelas das sete do século XXI na Globo, Reynaldo Gianecchini e Taís Araújo tiveram um reencontro marcante nesta quarta-feira, 28, em São Paulo
Eles fizeram os inesquecíveis Paco e Preta em Da Cor do Pecado, que é lembrada até hoje
Os dois treinaram na mesma academia, com o personal Rodrigo Sangion, que os uniu em uma foto histórica
A imagem está fazendo o maior sucesso nas redes sociais, quatorze anos depois da novela de João Emanuel Carneiro, que bateu recorde com a melhor audiência do horário desde os anos 2000
"Treino para suar a camisa hoje com os queridos Reynaldo Gianecchini e Taís Araújo", escreveu o personal na legenda da sua foto, que foi tirada na academia Les Cing
Atualmente, os dois atores continuam trabalhando na Globo e Taís apresenta o Popstar nas tardes de domingo da emissora
Já Reynaldo está longe das tramas desde A Lei do Amor, mas já está escalado para um novo trabalho, a minissérie Aracy – O Anjo de Hamburgo
ชุดตุ๊กตาง่ายๆสไตล์แอดมี่: Sleeveless dress for Blythe part 2: Doll dress tutorials - Duration: 5:02.
Fold the hem of the skirt
you can use craft glue
fold it at 0.5 cm
or press it with iron
sew the gathering stitches
pull the threads to make gather
attach the bodice to the skirt
sew it at 0.5 cm from the edged
pull the thread out of the skirt
fold the seam allowance toward the bodice
sew the top stitch
you can decorate it in this step
Kumamoto es nombrado como uno de los 100 líderes gubernamentales más importantes del mundo - Duration: 5:02.
Este miércoles se presentó la lista "100 Líderes Futuros: Los jóvenes más influyentes en el mundo gubernamental" —traducción nuestra—, elaborada por la plataforma inglesa Apolitical, enfocada en política global
Para orgullo del respetable público nacional, los resultados incluyen a cuatro jóvenes mexicanos
Entre ellos, los nombres más reconocidos son el de Pedro Kumamoto, político jaliciense y Luisa María Alcalde, la futura titular de la Secretaria del Trabajo
Esta es la primera vez en la historia que se presenta esta lista. Y, de acuerdo al comunicado de prensa de la plataforma que lo publica, buscaban que reconocer el trabajo de los jóvenes en el mundo gubernamental que ya están teniendo impactos considerables en su propio país o en el ámbito internacional
Si se avientan un clavado a la lista —que pueden ver en este link—, verán a 100 personajes espectaculares
Desde un oficial en la India que construyo 100 kilómetros de carreteras sin ayuda del presupuesto, hasta los gobernadores más chamacos de Estados Unidos
Está la senadora más joven en la historia de Kenya y una política de Túnez que pasó toda su infancia huyendo de la guerra
En México, tenemos casi un miembro de cada corriente política: está una nominada para el gabinete presidencial, un diputado independiente, el líder de la juvenil de un partido político y un picudo para las plataformas de transparencia en esta administración
Conozcamos a los premiados: Con 31 años, Luisa María Alcalde será la más joven en la futura administración de López Obrador, es la propuesta para ser la titular de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social
Le entró a la política en el movimiento en contra del desafuero de AMLO y se afilió a Morena en 2o11
La licenciada en Derecho y maestra en Políticas Públicas ya fue diputada federal
El Kuma arrancó su carrera como activista, para —unos años después— convertirse en el primer candidato independiente en la historia de Jalisco
Ahí agarró fama nacional. Ha tenido propuestas reconocidas en todo el país como aquella de "Sin voto no hay dinero"
En estas elecciones intentó lanzarse al Senado en su misma plataforma sin partido pero no le alcanzaron los votos
Ha colaborado con universidades públicas, ONGs y sociedad civil. Ahora trabaja junto a su equipo en Wikipolítica
Enrique Zapata Pérez es el titular de la Unidad de Servicios Tecnológicos del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción
Específicamente, está encargado de entrarle a la Plataforma Digital Nacional. Antes de eso trabajaba en las políticas de Datos Abiertos en la oficina del presidente Enrique Peña Nieto
Ávila es el secretario general de Acción Juvenil. De acuerdo a Apolitical, está encargado de coordinar programas que unan las actividades juveniles y escolares con su partido político
Según la página oficial, tiene la misión de incrementar el impacto del PAN en las juventudes mexicanas e invitarlos a participar más activamente en la política
AAP के विधायक अमानुल्लाह खान ने सिग्नेचर ब्रिज के उदघाटन के दौरान मनोज तिवारी को धक्का दिया॥ - Duration: 0:44.
Aam Aadmi Party MLA Amanullah Khan tried to demolish the Delhi BJP MP, Manoj Tiwari during the inauguration of the Signature Bridge and dropped from the platform.
mystic - SLIGHT - Duration: 3:59.
mystic - SLIGHT
When You Yourself are a Half Doctor | S01E32 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 5:33.
What Happened?
Who's it? I am speaking with the doctor
My lower back is paining.
I want to check him that whether I should take the same medicine or a stronger one
Baby he picked the called after so long and.....
Relax. Turn Around. Where is it hurting?
Be careful. Ok.
It's almost done.
Why do you have to pay the doctor for now reason?
I am telling you. I am a half doctor myself.
Baby you don't remember the medicine name?
Wait. Show me
Careful! Careful. You leave it on me.
These medicines can do nothing.
Just call the doctor ya! Wait a second. See.
Relax. It's done.
You feel better? Keep your feet on the floor now.
These medicines are waste.
We don't need them.
Doctors don't do anything. See. You'll start running now. Get up.
Give me the medicine ya!
Come fast. What happened?
What happened?
My stomach is paining a lot.
Wait! I want to go to the hospital. Call the ambulance NOW!
1 Minute. These ambulance are nothing. Get up.
You'll be fine now. Get up.
What was it? Salt and Seeds. My granny used to give me this.
Wait I'll get more.
These hospitals, doctors are nothing.
What happened? My head is paining since 2 days.
I need something strong.
Baby these hospitals and doctors.... TIGER!
TIGER! Who Tiger?
Wait. I mean Tiger Balm
Look at this.
No. I don't like it. Baby listen.... Apply it on your nose too.
Did you sleep?
Did I apply a little extra? Come sleep on the bed.
Show me what's it. Say 1 2 3
Ok 1
Did you break it? No baby these are foldable.
You wear it i'll call. Ready?
and.... 3
Baby... call the doctor.. Oh My God!
What's happening?
I have done one more FD.
That money will help you.
And please take the money from that Akshay.
What is it? It's the heart attack medicine.
Medicine of heart attack? Which one? ENO.
You we suffering from GAS.
Now sleep backside it'll get it entirely removed.
You know. That's why we should keep doctors on speed dial.
So that we know the difference between heart attack and GAS.
Baby, you want to take 2nd opinion?
AI Powered Data Analysis and Visualization
Week 1 of Vegetation for the Chemdawg Beginner Grow Series: First Low Stress Training - Duration: 6:31.
What up GreenBox Growers and welcome back for Week 1 of vegetation for Claire's chemdawg
beginner grow series!
I am totally excited to continue the nutrient and feeding schedule that we explain, and
we may be doing a low stress training when the plants get a little bit bigger.
Or I got some now that you know what we are doing in today's the video, let's get started
dating one of the week!
Hey guys, we are starting day 1 of vegetation and the plants are looking healthy and they
don't look too stressed from the transplant so we are just going to give them a light
misting and they are looking good and healthy and strong and not stressed and we will be
back here for the next update.
Hey guys we are back here for a day 3 and we are going to be giving them a misting because
they don't need to be watered yet and then we will be back in 24 hours, until then Happy
Hey guys we are back here with day four and as I can see there's new leaf growth in the
middle on both of them.
And the soil is still some what damp so we are going to give them a light misting
on the leaves.
And you don't want to get too close to them either.
And that will be good, and we will be back in 24 hours to give you an update.
Until then Happy growing.
Hey guys it is day five of the week and we are going to be doing our second plain water
since the first nutrient feeding and we are just going to be using about half of the bottle
per plant.
So we are just going to use about half of this per plant and we are just going to make
this will around the plant, and there's about half and then I will use the other half to
get around the plant and then give them some water.
Plain water.
And then we are going to give them a missing after that, so until then Happy growing!
I got it is day 6 of the week and we are going to have the seed dial at about 70%, and we
are going to start our low-stress training and this helps yield more.
So we are going to take this and have a little curve to it and then we are just going to
gently around the stock of it, slowly bring it down and just hook it onto inside one of
the holes like that.
And we are going to do that on the other one as well, and we are going to take it from
this point and just slowly gently bring it down and put it in the hole there.
And that one is that, and then we are just going to give them a misting.
And we are going to check back in in 24 hours, until then Happy growing!
Hey guys it is day 7 of Week 1 and it looks like there is a lot of growth from the last
stress training.
And there are a lot more leaves, and the light is also higher so therefore giving more light
to the plants and allowing them to have more growth.
And it looks like they are doing really well with the low stress training and we are just
going to be watering them today with plain water.
And this is the third watering of plain water since the first nutrient feeding.
So what we are going to do first as we are going to take a whole bottle of plant water
and we are just going to water the plant, and as you can see it the low stress training
allowed it to grow more branches and to have a lot more growth than it did.
And you want to try to get more close to the plant with the water.
And also the light was raised to 80% and we are just going to continue with the second
plants watering and give them a light misting and then we will be back here next week to
keep you updated.
Until then Happy growing!
Alright GreenBox Growers, so that concludes Week 1 of vegetation for Claire's Beginner
Chemdawg grow series!
Hey guys so we saw a lot of growth from the first week of low stress training, and
we are going to be seeing a lot more growth next week while starting some more low stress
And until then…
Happy Growing!
Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton's relationship: Body language expert explained - Duration: 5:29.
Five Little Monkeys | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Kids by Little Tree House - Duration: 1:02:39.
Five little Monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more Monkeys jumping on the bed.
Four little Monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more Monkeys jumping on the bed.
Three little Monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more Monkeys jumping on the bed.
Two little Monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more Monkeys jumping on the bed.
One little Monkeys jumping on the bed
He fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more Monkeys jumping on the bed.
Er MDMA farligt? - Duration: 3:25.
Ruggero vs. Matteo - Who is who / Translation - Duration: 3:39.
Hello guys, how are you? I'm Ruggero and he's Matteo from Soy Luna
I think you already know us. We're here to see what we have in common
and where we are different from each other
Let's see, how will we start?
Who's more conceited?
I wonder who that will be. Who's more conceited? I don't feel conceited
I never was conceited. I'm just a normal boy who has a normal life like all of you
I go to the cinema, I meet friends, I eat everyday with my parents
I talk to my parents, I have a brother. I'm a normal person
I don't know, I just live my dream
and if my dream could come true why shouldn't yours come true, too?
Besides no one calls me a snob
Look I'm not conceited
I just have a lot of trust in myself and my strengths
and of course people notice that
It's not that I try to be popular
Life gave me this kind of beeing. It's not difficult for me, did you understand?
Yes, yes I understood that you're the champion of the conceited people
Who eats more?
I really like eating. I love food from many parts of the world
Thanks to my dads work I lived at many places and
trying new tastes and spices fascinates me
I like many dishes my friend would never try like
very spicy dishes. Besides I like exotic fruits
That's what I love the most on earth. I love eating
Noodles, pizza, flesh, I love food
That's the truth. I recently visited my parents and the cooked everything for me
and I gained some weight
I noticed
Yeah I won
Who is more fashionable?
I think we have different styles but mine is more elegant
What happened? Don't you agree?
You know that italian men love fashion so yes, I love buying clothes
trying new combinations and above all I'm a fan of trousers
I have more than 15
I have threefold
Okay I really think it's over the top to have 45 trousers if you only have two legs. What do you think?
No, no that can't be. That's not true
Hey black shirt, that was obvious
Final result - Matteo
Okay guys, today you were able to get us to know a little bit better
and you could understand how different we lookalikes sometimes are
I hope you liked it. I send you a kiss. Bye
[ENGSUB] SJ RETURN SEASON 2 EPS.20 - Duration: 4:37.
Hannity 11/29/18 1AM | November 29, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 37:17.
Dinonapped | Haunted House Monster Truck | Cartoon Kids Shows | Vehicles Videos By Kids Channel - Duration: 3:33.
Dinonapped Haunted House Monster Truck
Shannon Sharpe Isn't Convinced that Ingram is LeBron's No. 2 | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:33.
Shannon Sharpe Isn't Convinced that Ingram is LeBron's No. 2 | Heavy.com
Shannon Sharpe didn't hold back on an episode of "Undisputed," where he railed against the Los Angeles Lakers for their poor showing against the Denver Nuggets last night.
The game was moderately close–at least at first–but the Nuggets blew it open in the third quarter to eventually win by 32 points.
LeBron James had an uncharacteristically slow night.
He scored 10 points in the first quarter alone but scored only 4 more points throughout the following three quarters.
Brandon Ingram ended with 14 as well, and no other Laker reached double figures besides Kyle Kuzma, who was the team's leading scorer with 21.
The devastating loss on the road begs the question: Can this Lakers team fill in the gaps if LeBron has an off night?.
Let's be fair, off nights are rare for the current greatest player in the league.
But they happen nonetheless.
And what does it say about the team at large if they can't adapt?.
Shannon Sharpe Thinks LeBron Doesn't Have a True No.
2 Player.
Up to this point, most people have pointed to Brandon Ingram as the second option to LeBron.
He's a talented young player with a length and athleticism that bodes well for his future, but he is only averaging 15.7 points and 4.4 rebounds this season.
Sharpe went off on Ingram during a segment of "Undisputed":.
"LeBron is clearly the best player on the team — I believe he's the best player in the NBA.
Right now, they haven't found a true No.
LeBron says Brandon Ingram's got next.
At what? Playground? Because today, Kyle Kuzma is the second best player on that team." — @ShannonSharpe pic.twitter.com/t8NSTlhH2l — UNDISPUTED (@undisputed) November 28, 2018 .
"LeBron is clearly the best player on the team — I believe he's the best player in the NBA," Sharpe said.
"Right now, they haven't found a true No.
LeBron says Brandon Ingram's got next.
At what? Playground? Because today, Kyle Kuzma is the second best player on that team.".
I don't think Sharpe was arguing that Kuzma is better than Ingram, or that LeBron sees him as his No.
2 even after his team-high performance last night.
Kuzma's numbers are streaky, and he too is averaging just 16.6 points per game.
It's not a negligible contribution, but somebody has to answer the call when LeBron James can't.
The Lakers currently sit at No.
7 in the conference with an 11-9 record–which isn't bad considering their rough start and the fact that teams like the Jazz and the Rockets are sitting tragically in the bottom three (what a twist).
If they're to keep that position (or improve it) and prove critics wrong by making it to the playoffs, they'll have to figure out who LeBron's No.
2 really is.
Either that, or they'll have to trade for someone new.
LUTHER Series 5 | EXCLUSIVE TRAILER - BBC - Duration: 1:41.
Edina Balczó Spanish Guitarist music tips onsongaus.com Tv - Duration: 5:59.
hello welcome to this week at on some international my name is Sir Ian and I
am your host this week we are back home on on song in the trenches and for
today's episode we are going to talk about the wonderful guitarist and
songwriter Adina by Scott Adina Bosco is a uk-based guitarist has been playing
for over 18 years she hosts a very own YouTube channel called the Spanish
guitar hub that has received millions of views and has over 45,000 subscribers
not only has Adina got a very successful YouTube channel she has branched out and
is also a self-published author of a very old guitar teaching book called
Spanish guitar strumming techniques and she's also endorsed by guitar player
software Adina is a forms part of guitar duo called
to the flavour and has released and recorded two very successful albums that
has led her to tour all around Europe performing and appearing in some of the
major such as Glastonbury Meadows in the
mountain and VegFest and she has also performed in special
events for Google Greenpeace and Commonwealth national ceremonies amongst
others now we all pretty much aware how much that music industry has changed
throughout the time we kind of just simply wait for someone to come to knock
at door and say hey there I've heard you before you're pretty awesome this sign
is contract that's a record deal off you go and tour the world that simply does
not happen it's about individual moving and doing it for yourself it is also
very hard to make living and be successful by just one project alone
Anna Dena has some very valuable and solid advice to share with everyone out
there who would like to become a professional musician hi guys my name is
Adina and I just would like to tell you please don't give up to become a full
time professional musician because with hard work and dedication and
diversification it is possible to become one of us I know so many people who are
doing this and if you diversify and if you do so many different projects you
just check which one is working for the best so you put your effort on that one
then you can become a musician sometimes you work toward something that you
really want to achieve but your place in the music industry to live somewhere
else so you need to see what you are doing the best are you good at teaching
are you good at composing music you can become a movie composer are you good at
performing and drawing people to your gigs even band management so you need to
be a little bit with open with your options and try a lot of different
things also musician is like an entrepreneur you don't have a boss so we
tell you what to do so you need to do everything for yourself so you really
to learn how to run a business how to be productive how to make your own website
I highly recommend advert to do a morning routine and also a to-do list
you need to set up for yourself goals and deadlines because otherwise you
won't be so productive and there are so many ways to raise your profile and to
learn more about your music about your business or about what you want to
achieve so please educate yourself please
diversify yourself and also work towards your goal and practice your instrument
or they are singing because it is possible to become a full time musician
so there you go diversify that's the dmoz tip for you
there you go focus be open-minded collaborate Edina works
in three different projects at once she performs in two function bodies and then
she also concentrate on her own little she teaches guitar techniques at a
one-to-one basis she provides Skype attorneys she produces our merch as we
leave a t-shirt she sells her tabs for her own
originally she has a patreon and she has won two successful Kickstarter campaign
Idina also advises to spend half of your time practicing and the other half
building survey go vote that was the dynasty with a little bit of persistence
and hard work it can happen to you be open-minded diversify find out what
works for you and build on it so that's all folks we
hope you found the dinner tip useful feel free to browse over to our YouTube
channel and have a look at the amazing content she's got there I'm pretty sure
you get inspired by what you find also please let us know if you diversify and
you collaborate to write a comment over here or send us an email to info at one
song cause third comment also don't forget to subscribe to awesome
international on YouTube follow also International on Twitter and on
Instagram and like on some international on Facebook until the next time
diversify ladies and gentlemen of
Pyramid of Results with Carsten Lützen - Duration: 3:54.
Hello and welcome. My name is Carsten Lützen. I'm an Agile Coach and Scrum Master
If you like these videos please subscribe. That would be awesome
Today I'm going to talk a bit about team culture.
How can we make good teams even better
And I'm going to base it a bit on one of the models from this book
"Change the culture, change the game"
And in that book we have this model: The Pyramid of Results and it really resonates with me
So, Results, are the top of the pyramid. They are soo easy to communicate, they are so easy to share
But they are so darn difficult to actually reproduce
Because, underneath these results we have the actions that lead to these results
But we can't just copy the results and the actions from another team into our own team because
"Methodologies are someone else's solution to someone else's problem at some other time"
And what is worth to notice is underneath these actions what determines if we make these actions are the actual culture in the team
And the funny thing about culture is that it is not something I have paid so much attention to
until recently. Maybe for half a year
Or a year
That is where I have been trying to work with how can I make an even better culture in the team
And I have learned some valuable lessons, so for instance this old saying with
if you don't manage the culture, the culture will manage you
That is definitely true at least from my account
And also if I try to write down what is our culture in the team
Then I just fail instantly
Because then political players will take the document and read it
and do exactly what I wrote down or the team wrote down
But they will not really live it. They'll just see what they "need" to do and that's it
That is symbolised with this little guy. Political players will always stay afloat
So what I really started to work on is these beliefs and experiences
So starting with what are the beliefs in the team right now
Because the beliefs and the experiences are major players in our culture
If I have some beliefs I want to change, I need to figure out how can I give them other experiences
How can I give them the beliefs I want
How can I give them the experience I want
I always try to create situations that will foster these experiences
For instance, if it is transparency I will make sure we are super transparent in the backlog process,
in the Scrum Master Process
In the demos, everything needs to be transparent so they get these experiences that transparency helps
Because that will give them the beliefs that transparency can help us forward
The same with if we have a bad feedback culture
they have grown to think that feedback that only hits us when we have done something wrong
Then I need to give them the experience that feedback can be a valuable tool
Making sure they get positive, constructive feedback
Because, that will over time change their beliefs
And with the changes beliefs that will impact our culture
and from there we can begin with new actions and new results
I can really recommend you to look into this model. It is super super nice and it just gets your head
starting to work in a different way. At least it did for me and I hope you get the same experience
That was it for me
Have a nice day and please let me know if you have comments, feedback or questions.
Just let me know. Bye!
Trubisky's Still out, Daniel Preparing to Start Week 13 | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:00.
Trubisky's Still out, Daniel Preparing to Start Week 13 | Heavy.com
The Chicago Bears were fortunate enough to play the broken down Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving last week.
As their starting quarterback Mitchell Trubisky sat out with a shoulder injury, Chase Daniel made his first start of the season.
While Daniel didn't do a lousy job, it was still clear that the Bears offense was missing their star quarterback.
Last week, many expected Trubisky to miss the game on Thursday.
However, word around town was that if the Bears had a Sunday game, not a short week with a game on Thursday, then Trubisky had a much better chance at playing.
But it looks like Trubisky's healing process has slowed down a bit as the quarterback continues to miss practice.
On Wednesday, the Bears returned to practice after having a few days off.
Chicago's head coach Matt Nagy announced at his pre-practice press conference with the local media that Trubisky would sit out of practice once again this week, and the team will be preparing for Chase Daniel to be the starter for now.
Trubisky to Miss More Time?.
"He's improving each day, which is important.
He's a tough kid, you know and sometimes when you get in these type of situations, you need to make sure that he understands that we need to do what's best not only for him but for the team as well.
He wants to be out there, but we need to just make sure we're doing the right thing and that he's communicating to us how he feels and we're getting feedback from our training staff and that we put it all together and do the right thing with him.".
The Bears are not sure if Trubisky will be able to play this week or not.
If they were to make the call today, he would obviously be out.
But the Bears expect to move forward with having Trubisky listed as a day-to-day candidate.
He will be evaluated every day, but so far the progress is going slower than initially expected.
The Bears are set to take on the New York Giants this week.
So, they have another decent matchup for Chase Daniel if they do have to run with the backup, but the Bears are hoping that's not the case.
But if Trubisky isn't one-hundred percent, then there's a good chance that he sits out automatically for safety reasons.
At this point, it's clear that the Bears are most likely going to be a playoff team, and they need to avoid any big injuries for their franchise quarterback.
A.J. Green Fantasy: Will Driskel Affect the WR's Value? | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:41.
A.J. Green Fantasy: Will Driskel Affect the WR's Value? | Heavy.com
Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver A.J.
Green has had enough with sitting around and waiting.
The veteran wideout has missed the last three games with a toe injury.
Although sitting out for a three-game stretch was tough, Green was fortunate enough to at least avoid any long-term absences since he wasn't required to go through surgery.
Although the Bengals are beginning to sink, getting Green coming back will be positive.
Unfortunately, his fantasy value won't have the same effect on your lineups as before.
As you may know by now, the Bengals are going to be moving forward without their starting quarterback, Andy Dalton as he was placed on the Injured Reserve.
Bengals backup quarterback Jeff Driskel will take the reigns from here on out.
This week will be Driskel's first start in his NFL career so it's tough to honestly make a prediction on how well he will play, but at least he gets to take over when the Bengals number one target is back in the mix.
Hopefully, too much doesn't change for Green this week, as his production in fantasy lineups was probably missed for some time.
Green Plans to Play but Is Still Questionable.
Week after week, Green was questionable to play.
For the last two games, Green took the field hours before kickoff to test everything out with his toe, but he wasn't up for playing.
This week though, he doesn't want to sit back anymore.
On Wednesday, Green told reporters that he playing this weekend against the Denver Broncos.
Obviously, if you have A.J.
Green in fantasy and he plays, you're going to start him no matter what.
Don't let the injury or the backup quarterback throwing to him shy you away from playing him.
When Green is healthy, he's a No.
1 target.
There's no reason to keep him on the bench as long as he is playing.
قصة ديفل ماي كراي كاملة بالترتيب - الجزء الخامس || Devil May Cry 4 - Duration: 12:05.
ZTX Testo - Get Rock at The Bedroom - Duration: 3:03.
ZTX Testo: ¬- Get rock at the bedroom
What is ZTX Testo?
We have that supplement that will naturally boost the entire strength of the body which
becomes enough to delivers extreme power during having sex with the partner.
With the help of this supplement, anybody can raise the volume of testosterone hormones
naturally and it also boosts the intimacy of sex.
Along with this, it delivers lots of beneficial nutrients to the whole body by which most
of the sex related issues will become solved and you will get the feeling of refreshed
sexual performance.
Pros of ZTX Testo These benefits that you will achieve when
you use this supplement at the regular process: -
‐ Combats with the causes of disabilities ‐ Makeover the sexual performance
‐ Boost up the confidence level during sex ‐ Increases the volume of testosterone
‐ Increases the size of the penis ‐ Assures for a pleasurable sexual drive
‐ Also supports for better weight gain ‐ Gives permanent impacts.
Cons ofZTX Testo Whether it has many pros, it has some cons
too: - ‐ This is not good for those people who
are below 18 ‐ This supplement is available at online
stores only ‐ You have to keeps it carefully
How does it work?
When anyone has this supplement at regular process then it will aid to the body and promotes
to solve the various kinds of sexual problem.
Initially, it works to increase the volume of testosterone along with the increased blood
flow and the combination of these two things; you will get warmness and huge energy in the
For the better satisfaction of the partner, this supplement works to enlarge the penis
and gives full pleasurable for a long time.
How to use it?
‐ Take two capsules daily ‐ You can take these capsule with water
or milk ‐ Don't take the overdose
‐ Use it daily for better outcomes
Ingredients ofZTX Testo We have formed this supplement which contains
these ingredients: - ‐ L-Arginine
‐ Horny Goat Weed ‐ GinkoBiloba
‐ Other nutrients
Consumer Reviews Jamie: - I like this supplement because it
supports me to have a better physical strength.
I have tried many medication and other products but all of them got failed in their results,
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Now, I can satisfy my wife anytime and anywhere.
This is a perfect and full money-worth supplement for everyone.
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I personally felt the changes and results which this supplement offered me in the past
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the partner.
Румелийская сосна I Pinus peuce - Duration: 2:51.
Scouse music icon Gerry Marsden hangs up his microphone after 60 years - Duration: 4:14.
Sixties pop icon Gerry Marsden, famous for his football anthem 'You'll Never Walk Alone', is hanging up his guitar after almost 60 years of touring
The 76-year-old lead singer of Gerry and the Pacemakers has announced his retirement on his official website, telling fans he wants to spend more time with his family
Singer and guitarist Marsden thanked fans for their 'unconditional support' since he burst onto the scene in 1959, adding he would 'miss them all'
Marsden, a close friend of John Lennon, and his Pacemakers group were the second band signed by Beatles manager Brian Epstein, working the same Liverpool and Hamburg, Germany, music circuit as the Fab Four
Under legendary producer George Martin, the group stormed the charts, with three consecutive number one hits in the early 1960s - 'How Do You Do It', 'I Like It' and 'You'll Never Walk Alone'
Played at every home game at Liverpool's Anfield ground, Gerry turned You'll Never Walk Alone - originally from Rodgers & Hammerstein musical Carousel - into the most famous football anthem
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John Lewis Christmas ad: Revisit the magical ads from. Share this article Share 44 shares The song also symbolised the Hillsborough disaster family's campaign for justice in which the singer has played a major role
The singer also had a top ten hit with 'Ferry Cross The Mersey' in 1964, which he re-recorded with Sir Paul McCartney and Frankie Goes To Hollywood star Holly Johnson after the Hillsborough disaster
Now after nearly 60 years in the business Toxteth-born Gerry is leaving the stage for the final time
An announcement made on the Merseyside legend's website said: 'Gerry, one of the biggest stars of the 60s, has decided to retire from music and touring to spend more time with his family
'Gerry would like to say a special thank you to all his fans for the unconditional support down the years, and will sadly miss them all
'He looks forward to this new chapter in his life.'The singer penned most of the Pacemakers' hits including It's All Right, I'm the One, Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin'and Ferry Cross the Mersey-the name of a film in which they starred
The group disbanded in 1966 but reformed in 1974, with many lineup changes over the years as they toured the globe
Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall | Preschool Nursery Rhymes For Babies | Cartoons Videos by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 16:00.
Humpty Dumpty
Did you hear what happened to Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Noble Man | Saregamapa | Zee Bangla | NOBLE's Rabindra Sangit Performance | Nazmul Shourav - Duration: 3:38.
Do My Heart Need
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