Augusto blackmailed me.
He said that if I tried to take anything from him,
he'd report you to the police.
He'll fall in love with me.
I'll make him forget that bland bitch known as Isabel.
Were you able to undo your restraints?
-Where are they keeping Augusto? -Why?
I'm going to beat him until he cries and begs for forgiveness.
And then... I'm going to kill him myself.
Do you have a computer?
What for?
We brought this for you.
Joselito, Augusto. and Topo got away.
-They got away? -What?
<i> I looked for the gun</i> <i> I used to kill Ramiro,</i>
<i> but I can't find it.</i>
It's his life or ours.
Don't leave me.
I know where that Augusto is and I'll bring him back.
-Go then. -I'll go with you.
Stay with them.
I don't want to put you in danger.
Finally! I knew we'd meet again!
Are you in pain?
At least you were shot in the front,
unlike me, who was shot in the back by you, you coward.
Forgive me, Ramiro.
Or like me.
You left when I needed you most.
So... did your partners abandon you?
What's that like, Dad?
You wanted me to call you that, didn't you?
Who would have thought that you were among those who killed me.
We'll wait for you, though.
I never meant to hurt you.
I loved you like a son.
Why won't anyone believe me?
What's wrong? Calm down.
I won't! Augusto!
-Hey! -Face me, ------------!
Where's Augusto? Where is he?
So it's the silent treatment, huh?
You're protecting him?
Where is that bastard? Zoraida, where is he?
I partnered up with Gavino so you could be governor.
You were my pride and joy. I wanted what was best for you.
Everyone thinks I'm a traitor, but I didn't betray you.
I'd never betray you.
I would've died for you.
I was lied to, Eliseo.
You don't know what you're saying.
Of course I do. You lied to me again.
You knew he was in the city and didn't tell me.
You're speaking nonsense.
I'm not. It's the truth. She knew Augusto was here.
It's not her fault!
She wanted to tell you when she first found out,
but she did it to protect you.
-To protect me? -Yes.
-To protect me? -Yes, to protect you.
Or to protect her, that bastard's mistress?
You knew about that too and you didn't tell me!
Marlene isn't at fault.
Augusto has been missing for a while!
She knows where he is! Where is he?
I don't know, Diego. Do you know something I don't?
Do you know where he is?
I haven't heard from him in days.
Wait up, Jose. I can't go on anymore.
We haven't had anything to eat or drink.
I can't go on either.
What are we going to do?
We have no choice but to keep going.
Feeling weak and being dead are two very different things.
We have to keep going.
Come on, Jose.
The Colombians are going to kill us.
I have to leave the country.
Where are you gonna go?
I'll talk to my Costa Rican partners.
I'll ask them to help me get out of here.
Circe and the Ibarras won't find me there.
Hey, hey. What about me, Jose?
I care about you and you know it.
This is only temporary.
If you don't go back to Sonora, who'll keep me up to speed?
Let's go.
Damn it, Jose!
Guys, I found a body!
You can go to the station where we reported him missing.
We haven't heard from him.
I know the Colombians kidnapped him.
-The Colombians? -But he got away.
-You don't know who they are? -No. Who are they?
You don't know who your man works for?
-I don't! -They're ----, just like him!
You didn't know he was ---- either?
Know where the money for this apartment came from?
Or the money to buy that dress, which I bet was pretty pricy?
-Diego! -I didn't know!
He stole it from my family! That's where he got it!
-Now you know! -It's true.
I witnessed it myself.
Male with a bullet wound to the chest.
No ID, no phone.
Is he dead?
Let the paramedics do their job.
Get your man a plot at the cemetery.
That's where that ------------ is headed.
Diego, please!
You can house your girls and merch in my warehouse.
Please say you will. I want to protect you.
Thanks, but no thanks. We're partners, not family.
I've got enough problems with my family.
Have you heard from Joselito?
We have people watching the roads to Sonora
in case he heads over there.
We're also watching the hospitals
in case they make a pit stop with Augusto.
I'll catch them. I guarantee it.
They can't mess with you. They have no way to do it.
Do you know why Gavino's in prison and Joselito was hiding?
Because they underestimated me.
I won't be like them.
I'll hire more girls and more security staff if I have to.
Those bastards will want revenge.
What matters is getting back to what we both care about.
Our biz started off on the right foot
and things got better after all the crossings.
That's right. Let's get back to that.
We've spent a lot of money and time on personal problems.
This is a business, isn't it?
Yes, but everyone manages it differently.
Stay out of it, babe.
I'll deliver the merch just like you asked,
but I won't take my eyes off the bastards
who've been ------- with me.
Ignacio, I hate to bother you, but I'm really worried.
What happened now?
I'm desperate.
I haven't heard from Diego since yesterday.
I told him everything.
That Augusto had blackmailed me by saying he'd report him
to the police, that I divorced him
without demanding the money he stole
and I'm sure you can imagine his reaction.
I thought we had agreed we weren't going to tell him.
Yes... but I had to tell him.
Diego thought I was protecting Augusto.
I had to explain everything.
Now I'm scared they'll run into each other
and what we've worked so hard to prevent will happen.
I don't know what to tell you.
I realized yesterday this is none of my business.
I don't get you.
Today, you ask for my help,
but yesterday you told me to stay out of it.
I understand.
I apologize. I never meant to be rude.
I thought you'd understand Diego and I had to speak alone.
I did.
Family matters are discussed amongst family.
Ignacio, you don't understand what's happening with Diego.
Augusto can send him to prison!
Diego... is all I have.
My son is all I really care about.
Oh... alright. Let's go look for him.
Thank you.
Come on.
Why did you turn down the Colombians' offer?
They girls don't feel safe here.
Whether we stay here or we move to the Colombians' warehouse
doesn't matter. Joselito has nothing left.
He has no men or weapons. Much less manhood.
I wouldn't be so sure.
You told me many times your cards said I'd be the boss.
Gavino's in prison, Joselito is on the run, and I'm in charge.
Circe was screwed when you turned her against me.
You made that up so she could declare war on me.
You think doing all this ---- to me would make me want you?
You're right. Your time is now.
Come with me, then. We're moving to Babel.
For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 52 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
Curso Online. Rigging y deformación de un personaje - Duration: 2:40.
Tutorial Presepe ad Uncinetto - Il Bue (sub. eng. y esp.) - Duration: 24:42.
Hello to everyone, in today's tutorial we learn how to do the ox
It is part of the Christmas creche, crocheted
if you have not seen the previous tutorials, find the link in the information box, and in the upper corner
in the previous tutorials we did:
the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and Jesus with the crib
today we learn how to do the ox
and in the next tutorial we make the donkey
this is a somewhat special amigurumi
because today we learn a pattern, in which
the head and the body are woven in one piece
but stop the chatter and let's start the tutorial!
we need:
the chosen yarn, in different colors
a little bit of cotton wool, a 2.5mm crochet hook
scissor, woolen needle
2 beads, needle and sewing thread
let's start from the snout, with the chosen color
let's make a slip knot
start from the 2nd chain from the crochet
and using in the thread that is in the back of the chains
round 1: [1d.inc (3sc in the same stitch), 1sc]x2 (8)
the first round is complete
we weave in a spiral, so I suggest you mark
the beginning of the turn with a marker or a thread
round 2: (3inc 1sc)x2 (14)
round 3: 2sc 2inc 5sc 2inc 3sc (18)
round 4: 18sc (18)
round 5: 4sc 1dec (2sc 1dec)x3 (14)
from the next round we use a different color yarn,
so we close the last stitch of the 5th round,
with the yarn of the new color
in this way
round 6: 3sc 1dec 5sc 1dec 2sc (12)
round 7: 12sc (12)
round 8: (1sc 1inc)x6 (18)
round 9: 18sc (18)
round 10: 1sc 1d.inc 1inc 6sc 1inc...
... 1sc 1inc 6sc (23)
round 11: 1dec 1sc 1d.inc 1sc 1dec 16sc (23)
round 12: 1dec 1sc 1d.inc (1sc 1dec)x6 1sc (18)
round 13: 2sc 4inc 2sc 5dec (17)
round 14: 3sc 4inc 5sc 2dec 1sc (19)
round 15: 3sc (1inc 1sc)x5 2sc 2dec (22)
round 16: 20sc 2inc (24)
round 17-27: 24sc (24)
when the 27 rounds are woven, we fill with the wadding
starting from the head
giving shape to the head and the body
round 28: (2sc 1dec)x6 (18)
round 29: (1sc 1dec)x6 (12)
if necessary, add more cotton wool
round 30: 6dec (6)
completed the 30th round, cut the yarn and pull out the crochet
we remove the marker
insert the yarn into a woolen needle
and close the hole as you can see in the video
pull the thread out of one of the crochet holes
for the front legs, we start with the color of the hooves
round 1: in a magic ring we weave 8sc
round 2: 8sc
from the 3rd round we use the yarn of the main color,
so we close the last stitch of the 2nd round with the new color
and we hide the yarn tails, as we have learned
round 3: (2sc 1dec)x2 (6)
round 4-8: 6sc (6)
completed the 8 laps, we weave 1slst,
1ch and cut a long yarn
the first paw is ready
we make another one the same
for the hind legs, we weave the same pattern,
but we stop on lap 6
we weave 1 slst, ch1 and we cut a long yarn
by the horns, with the chosen color
we hold a long initial thread tail
and let's make a slip knot
ch 5
and we close them in a circle with 1slst
round 1: 1sc in each chain (5)
pass the initial thread on the front side
we weave in a spiral
round 2: 5sc
round 3: 1sc 1dec 2sc (4)
round 4: 1dec 1sc
cut a long yarn
insert the yarn into a wool needle, pass through
the outer loop of the chains, to close the hole
let's pull the thread
and we hide the thread through the horn
we make another identical one
for the ear, with the main color,
we make a slip knot, and we weave ch3
starting from the 2nd chain from the crochet hook,
and using the back wire of the chains
we weave 1sc
in the next chain: 2sc 2ch 1slst in the sc of the base 1sc
weaving around the foundation chains
1sc in the chain in which we woven the 1st sc
ch1 and cut a long yarn
the ear is ready
we do another like this
now that we have all the pieces, we have to sew them
first we fix them with pins,
to choose where to sew them
horns, ears, 2 beads for the eyes and the legs
the front legs are longer, so we place them bent
in this way
while the hind legs, we place them in this way
to see how to sew, watch the video, explain better than words
when you are finished, you take the thread out of the same hole,
from which the thread of the other paw comes out, for example,
knots and hide them inside the body
with this method we knot all the threads of the amigurumi
when you have sewed the legs,
knot and hide the threads, as before
with a piece of yarn of the main color
and put the head in the position that we prefer
bending it to one side
we will fix the head in position with this thread, look how
we pull the threads, and check if the effect is what we want
Yes, for me the position is right
pull the threads well, and before knotting,
we pass through 1 point of the belly,
because the threads do not slide
and the head is straightened
we pull the threads
and now we can knot them and hide them
we sew the ears with a couple of stitches in the preferred position
just make a stitch above and one below
with needle and sewing thread, we sew the beads for eyes
and with a little black thread, we embroider the nose
for the tail I made a small tassel
with the main thread I made the tail,
and I sewed it in place
and I knotted the thread and hidden, as we learned
the ox is ready
you advice to sew the hind legs, a bit 'distant from each other
so the ox will remain in balance
having a head very far from its center of gravity
if you sew the hind legs close, it may fall
for today the tutorial ends here
I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial
in the next tutorial we make the donkey
as always, I thank you very much for choosing to see this tutorial
I'm waiting for your comments below the video
and your photos
you can share them on my Facebook page or in Instagram
in any case, please, add
so, I can easily find all your photos
see you next week in a new tutorial
and in the meantime I send you a big hug and a kiss
Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 28 | Telemundo - Duration: 11:27.
Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events is purely coincidental.
Those bastards used Danielito's bracelet to track us down.
What happened to the signal? Where the hell did they go?
That bastard Teca Martinez took him to turn him into a narco.
Even if it's dangerous, I can bring him back.
Hot damn!
They're arriving via private plane to the Matamoros airport.
As soon as we see him, we make Swiss cheese of the bastard.
Welcome to my paradise.
To the end of the world.
Alberto and the Quintanillas are moving south.
<i> We're about five minutes away</i> <i> from the drop off point, sir.</i>
<i> Everything is going smoothly.</i>
Olvera, keep your eyes peeled and get your guns ready
in case you need to shoo any pests away.
<i> Will do, sir.</i>
How did your enemies know where your people are?
How did they find them?
You love to ask questions.
Almost there.
Are you nervous?
Of course not. Quit saying nonsense.
Alberto, we're one kilometer away from the drop off point.
-Do you copy? <i> -Yes.</i>
We have to be extremely careful.
They chose this place because it's a labyrinth.
We'll think of a strategy after we see what we're up against.
There's the Alberto I like! The one who improvises!
Do you think they know Teca's location
and are going to arrest him?
It's a small group.
They need an army to catch Acasio Martinez, Fonseca.
This is all so strange.
I think we're being followed.
By Teca's people?
I don't know, but we need to ditch them.
Alberto left the road.
What the hell are you talking about?
Alberto, where'd you go? Has there been a change of plans?
I think we're being followed, but I need to confirm it.
World's End Hotel
Come on, they don't bite. They're friendly.
I want you to meet them.
This is David.
He works as a lawyer, but surfing is his calling.
He doesn't like fitted clothing, t-shirts,
buttons-downs or clothing in general.
Oh, and he's a favorite amongst the tourists.
This is Pamela.
She's another one of our lifeguards.
She's an adrenaline junkie and... David's girlfriend.
So... what are you celebrating?
Nothing, really. Just that we're alive.
We party every day.
Vicenta, come on. Come along.
Stop. That's so you.
I'm sick of seeing David flirt with the tourists.
It's not good to be jealous.
If you don't trust him, then maybe you're not meant to be.
I've been with him for eight years!
I spent 40 years with Antonio, may he rest in peace,
and not once did we not trust each other.
Could it be that you need to renew your vows?
Vicenta, Danielito, here you are.
Lucas, don't trouble yourself.
Vicenta? Hello!
Lucas told me your name.
And you must be Spider-Man!
I'm Nancy.
We're the same size. I'll loan you a swimsuit.
Forget the swimsuit! We're not staying.
My son and I are tired. We'd much rather rest.
-I'm not tired. -We're both tired.
-But I'm not tired. -We're both tired.
So you want to put on a swimsuit?
-Yes! -No, no!
He doesn't know how to swim.
-I do too! -He doesn't?
I can teach you if you want. But only if your mom agrees.
I think your mom's a badass.
She is!
Nancy is a great lifeguard.
She's our chief lifeguard,
she's a great salsa dancer, and...
And you're head over heels for her.
No, no. Not at all.
Lucas and I... have an open relationship.
She said it.
We're at the end of the world.
There's no judgment or commitments.
I like this place!
Do you, honey?
What about you?
Is there anyone thinking about you far from here?
You need to talk to Juan Ramon. I can't do his job for him.
What do you want me to do? He's the manager.
Yes, but he listens to you.
Your parents own this joint. Use that influence.
Good day.
Good thing everyone here is happy, cool, and positive.
These pills aren't original, but they are high quality.
We'll take them.
I love this kind of deal.
Young Tablas will put them away for you.
Have a seat please.
You can take them after I weigh and count them.
Baby, you'll get a nice cut from this sale.
I sure hope so.
You always bring me to just sit and look pretty,
but I don't like that.
Don't get mad, babe.
We're going to give our mattress a lesson it won't forget.
If your grandma isn't chasing after you, of course.
Have one. Just one.
You're thin because you keep eating those weird bars.
Mecha, you know I don't like fried food.
Mecha makes sure we eat, sleep and looks after our wellbeing.
You could say she's the mother figure at the hotel.
Are you dieting too? That's all women do nowadays.
No, ma'am. I'm fine.
Don't call me ma'am.
You make me feel closer to death.
I'll have some.
Life's short and we should enjoy it.
Welcome, sweetheart!
Thank you.
Are you here on vacation? How long will you be staying?
I appreciate everything Lucas did for my son and me,
but we're not staying long. We don't want to be trouble.
Everyone who comes here says they won't stay for long,
but when they realize this is heaven on Earth...
they want to move in permanently.
Welcome! Your son is so handsome!
Thank you, ma'am.
I mean, Mecha! It's Mecha, right?
Mecha, yes.
Should I pass them?
Yes, ------- it!
We lost them.
Rooster, keep going.
I'm going to speed up.
I'd hate to lose the element of surprise to those guys.
Can I go down three sizes, Doctor?
I need you to have some blood tests done
to make sure everything is okay.
-Are you on any medication? -No.
If I have to take something, tell me.
I just want the surgery ASAP.
It'll just take a few days.
Have you suffered from any serious illness?
Is there a history of diabetes or hypertension in your family?
No. I'm very healthy.
And my family is too.
I also need to know whether you're pregnant or not.
If you are, we shouldn't go through with the surgery.
No, I'm not pregnant.
What are you doing in Felipe's room?
Nothing. Felipe took something of mine.
Please tell me you're not looking for drugs.
Well? Does it fit?
-Well... -I knew it!
I'm uncomfortable.
It's like I'm hardly wearing anything at all.
-Why do you say that? -I miss my boots.
You have a great body!
You're staring.
No, no.
Vicenta, you said you wanted to help us with the tourists.
If you're going to let me stay, I want to work.
Let's get to it, then. We need lots of help.
Come on, sweetie.
Here they come.
Rooster, they're almost there.
They're in a van.
The van is being escorted by four armed motorcyclists.
Roger that, Alberto.
Are you going to let them through?
Yes, so they can meet with their contact.
<i> Attack them then.</i>
We'll surprise them by coming up from the rear.
We'll have a little surprise ready
in case they try to escape.
Alright. We're on it.
Teca won't get his present tonight.
We'll let them through
and block their exit after they leave.
Alberto, this is your mission. You tell us what to do.
No, this is our mission, Almeida.
Each blow we deal Teca is a victory for the people.
I'll be happy if we win this one.
Get ready. They're almost here.
Here they come! Get down, get down!
NOTICIAS DE HOY - ¡Morena Rial y Facundo Ambrosioni descargaron su bronca por redes sociales! - Duration: 7:12.
La Sultana | Capítulo 20 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:29.
Where's my father?
No, no.
Okay, I'll tell you.
This is the last time.
who infected Ahmed Sultan and Prince Mustafa
with smallpox.
That's the Sultana's darkest secret...
something's been bothering me for the last couple of days.
And I can't keep hiding it from you.
It's too much.
It's such a heavy burden.
What's the matter?
What are you talking about?
Many things happened while you were gone.
And we had to keep them from you.
What things, Kosem?
Tell me.
But she has redeemed herself.
She doesn't deserve being exiled to the Palace of Tears.
I don't understand.
When you left to fight
the celali rebellion,
your mother...
Just tell me.
She tried to have your brother killed.
Prince Mustafa.
If it hadn't been for Safiye Sultan,
if she hadn't intervened,
your brother would be dead.
Dervis Pasha has sent a message. He wants to see you.
He must be worried.
Let's go.
I'm fighting for my life here,
while Dervis Pasha is having fun.
He's entitled to, Sultana.
He's been weighed down by the palace businesses.
Your Majesty, Sultan Ahmed Khan.
Get out of here. Out!
I did what you told me, Sultana.
I talked to His Majesty. He knows everything.
What else did you tell him?
Don't worry.
I told him you didn't deserve to be exiled.
I kept my side of the bargain.
I want my father back.
Of course you'll have him back.
But first, my grandson must tell me I can stay in the palace.
I guess you'll understand.
But that's not what you promised.
You must be tired.
You must've forgotten what I said.
I asked you to convince him not to kick me out.
And is he convinced?
We don't know yet, do we?
Not until he makes a public announcement.
We'll talk then.
Where's your father?
She wants to wait for the sultan's decision.
Once my father is free,
I'll tell everyone what she did to me and to our sultan.
What have you heard?
You sent an assassin to my brother's bedroom.
You tried to murder him.
Is it true?
Of course not.
Safiye Sultan is lying and turning you against...
It wasn't Safiye Sultan.
It was Kosem.
She told me everything.
How could you?
How could you do something like this?
I was scared.
I was so scared.
How dare you attempt against the life of a prince?
Ahmed, I was afraid they might hurt you.
Halime Sultan tried to take advantage.
Nothing can justify what you did.
I'm the Sultan.
And you acted against my will.
You disobeyed my orders.
Do you realize what you've done?
You tried to kill the prince of the Ottoman Dynasty.
Are you okay, Sultana? What happened?
She told him everything.
Hurry. Find her and bring her to me.
As you wish, Sultana.
Dervis Pasha.
I'll need the letters now.
I've fulfilled my part of the deal.
I was thinking...
I think it's best if our Sultan reads the letters.
Because a murderer and a traitor like you...
Doesn't belong in this palace.
You're right.
I am a murderer and a traitor.
But what about you, Sultana?
You think you're innocent?
Rayhan Aga came to see me.
He told me a secret.
A secret...
between Sahin and you.
I know your darkest side, Sultana.
It was you who infected
our Sultan and the Prince
with smallpox.
That's a lie.
Why are you shaking, then?
The power you had over me is over.
If I burn, we'll burn together.
You'll give me those letters,
and then we'll get married.
Now, you shouldn't worry.
Miracles do happen in marriages.
We'll be happy together, Sultana.
Dilruba, Menekse, get out of here.
my squirrel.
My sweet little brother.
I know you've been hiding things from me.
The day you had the nightmare...
something bad happened, right?
Why don't you tell me about it?
Mom said I couldn't.
Your mom said you couldn't.
Don't be afraid.
Kosem told me everything.
No one will try to hurt you again.
I promise.
Don't be afraid, Mustafa.
Now, eat your meal.
Halime Sultan.
Your Majesty...
I know what you did.
They tried to murder your son,
and you kept it from me.
I don't understand your plan.
-Your Majesty... -Look at Mustafa.
Look at your son.
He represents innocence inside this palace.
But you... you represent the opposite.
Be careful.
Now tell me what Kosem is planning.
Talk, or you know what's going to happen.
Kosem said she'd tell everything to our Sultan
once her father was safe.
She'll make sure you're exiled to the Palace of Tears.
I'm not surprised.
I knew she would.
I saw hatred in her eyes. She will speak.
She's dangerous.
She can benefit from this incident.
Handan Sultan's end is near.
Without you, no one will oppose her.
Nothing will stand in her way.
Only if we do nothing about it.
You traitor.
You snake.
You were always on Safiye Sultan's side.
You're trying to turn my son against me.
Talk now.
Why did you betray me?
I'm sorry, Sultana.
I had no choice.
You're a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Now get out of my sight.
If we had arrived later,
these old eyes would've seen
a mother sultan killing a prince.
I'm so sorry we couldn't save Dudu.
I was told she died by natural causes.
She was stabbed when she tried to save the prince.
The injure wasn't serious.
But they managed to silence her anyway.
Why did you keep it a secret?
Why didn't you tell me the truth?
How could I?
Everyone in this palace is blinded
and can't see the truth.
And you?
You pushed me away.
You don't trust me.
I've always been loyal to you.
In the name of Allah...
I was weak and trapped in this palace.
That's how...
I managed to save the prince.
I deeply respect your decisions and wisdom.
And I'll always be loyal to you.
I expect nothing in return.
You've already made a decision about my future.
But, my dear grandson...
What about your mother's?
What's going to happen to her?
The people expect their sultan to be fair.
又一對明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上了句號,孩子由女方來撫養! - Duration: 4:11.
Matices - Duration: 1:15.
AMAZING Malaysian Desserts - Duration: 11:10.
Hello from the market in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
My sweet tooth is needing to be addressed
so we've come to the market in search of some desserts, some sweet treats.
They have these carts here that you can go to that are selling all sorts of little things.
I want to get a whole bunch of them to sample and sit down and just eat them all
and show you what they are and try them together.
A banana fritter please.
Like this?
Three? -Sure.
Pieces. -Yeah, three is fine.
And one of these please.
One of these.
And one of these.
One of these.
And one of those.
One of these.
Could I have one of each?
One of each, one of each.
Could I have one of the green bean.
One of these.
I'm also gonna get one of those, all three, one of each.
Yeah and then one of those and one of those.
Ok. Please.
This little ray of sunshine is called Pisang Goreng.
'Pisang' means banana
so these are little bananas that have been sliced up
and then deep fried.
Banana fritters.
It's still warm.
I mean what's not to like about deep fried banana?
The crunch is really nice.
The bananas aren't super sweet
but it's just enough sweetness that it feels like dessert.
This is called Kuih Bom, or sesame seed ball, and the texture is really interesting.
It feels really squidgy, kind of like a little bouncy ball.
It's filled with…looks like coconut palm sugar maybe.
So inside the sesame seed ball I'm tasting peanut and sugar.
I love the consistency of this.
This is Apam Balik, a Malay pancake.
Looks suspiciously like a sweet slice of pizza as well.
Who doesn't like pancakes or pizza?
Or a pancake shaped like a pizza?
When they're making this,
they pour it into the pan
and stir it all around
and then they add peanuts and sugar.
Ah! It's so good!
It has this spongy consistency
and the peanut butter, or peanuts, are so creamy inside.
It's one of my favourites.
This is Pais Pisang.
If I open up the banana leaf,
it's steamed coconut milk with banana inside the steamed coconut milk .
Look at that.
Here goes.
Whoa, that tastes like such strong coconut flavour
and I can see the banana just peaking out the middle.
I think one more bite, I'll find the banana.
It looks like a little bit like a boiled egg.
The consistency of the steamed coconut milk, oh man.
It's so soft on your teeth, the mushiness of the banana.
This would be good if you didn't have any teeth.
No, but it's really soft and sweet.
So much coconut flavour.
Mmm that is absolutely delicious.
This is my first time trying this: one of my new favourite things.
Another sweet treat found in the banana leaf.
This one is a little thinner, a little longer.
It's called Belabat Ubi Kayu
and inside - more steamed goodness.
But this is steamed tapioca with molasses.
Oh this is sticky.
Oh, look at how sticky that is.
Wow, look at that.
It's stuck to the banana leaf but, man, does that feel satisfying
when I pull that banana leaf back.
I've absolutely no idea what this will taste like.
Let's find out.
Oh I like that!
Mmm it has that same glutinous texture.
Really dense, jelly texture.
Like flubber or something.
And the molasses makes it sweet but of course not too sweet.
If you kind of picture a really juicy, thick fruit leather
or fruit roll up or something,
this is like the better version of that.
Who knew?
This might look a bit like a barbecue-covered chicken wing
but I promise you in belongs in the dessert video.
This is called Kuih Sawalla
and it's glutinous flour cake with palm sugar.
It's very heavy, I gotta tell you.
It feels dense and bits of it are crumbling so I better…I better bite it before I ruin it.
Oh my god, the texture is so good.
What I love about this and a lot of these treats,
it's not crazy sweet.
It's not overboard but the texture is so unique.
It's that glutinous texture.
Can you see?
It's so spongy
and the way that the sugar is just kind of…
tastes like caramelized.
I need another bite.
That is filling.
Look at how big it is.
Wow, that's good.
Totally unexpected taste.
I was definitely picturing BBQ sauce with chicken inside
and I'm glad it was not chicken.
It's way better.
Clearly I should've brought my own drop cloth.
I gotta be honest you guys, I got nothin' for this one.
Basically I walked up to the dessert cart, I saw this, I pointed at it, I asked what it was,
and she said, 'It's a donut'
which…I mean I guessed it was a donut given its donut like properties.
So I don't really have any other information about this
but it was kind of an added bonus.
She said, 'Oh, no, it's not on the menu. This is a donut.'
So we're gonna call this a Malay donut.
It does feel very squidgy.
Very satisfying squidgy, I might add.
Let's find out what a Malay donut tastes like, shall we?
Oh my god, it's covered in sugar.
Do I have, like, a big ring of sugar around my mouth?
That's how it feels.
It tastes like a…a spongy but moist donut, very fresh.
I think like everything here this was most likely made today, like hours ago,
'cause it tastes super fresh.
It is covered in sugar
so when you bite in all around your mouth makes contact with little sugar granules.
But I mean what else are you looking for if you're biting into a donut, right?
Like eat…eat a carrot if you don't want that.
It's so sweet.
Unlike a lot of these other desserts, this is super sweet.
I love the squidginess though.
This feels like lifting a barbell at the gym.
This is seriously heavy, you guys.
It's making my…my wrist hurt.
I mean, ok, it's not that bad but it is really heavy.
This is called Pais Ubi Kayu.
It's steamed tapioca with sliced banana
and shredded coconut on the outside
and when I first saw this I think I was drawn to it because
one of my favourite desserts at home in Canada is a lemon square.
This kind of looks a little bit like a lemon square, right,
except shredded coconut instead of powdered sugar.
And it also reminds me a little bit of, in Australia, Lamingtons.
So, if you agree, leave a comment down below, but that's why I was drawn into this
and it's super heavy so I think I better take a bite to take the...
the weight off the 'old wrist, if you know what I mean.
Not at all what I thought it would taste like.
I thought it was gonna be really sweet but it's not.
But it has that amazing glutinous texture that I am obsessed with right now.
Shredded coconut is a nice texture.
It tastes fresh.
Can you see how dense that is?
No wonder it's so heavy.
The texture of the coconut, the shredded coconut on the outside,
is really nice in contrast with the very smooth squidgy centre of the inside.
So I like the way that those two textures kind of play off one another.
Oh, I found the banana!
Ok, for some reason I thought that the banana was just mixed in the flavour.
There actually is a slice of banana inside.
Ok this changes everything.
Hold on.
Oh yeah.
Ok it just went up 100%.
I love bananas and the banana is really sweet.
That is really good.
Can you see the banana inside?
It's like a little jelly box
to hold this precious little slice of banana.
And coconut to throw you off the scent on the outside.
It's a hard job but somebody has to try all of these Malay desserts.
I am now ready to slip into a sweet, sweet sugar coma.
I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing all of these desserts, these sweet treats,
sweet kuih in Malaysia at the market here in Kota Kinabalu.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe for lots more videos
and trying lots more different foods
and I will see you in my next video.
韓国海運再び沈没!現代商船存続危機に6兆ウォン必要! - Duration: 5:44.
Korea Shipping is sank again again! 6 trillion won required for Hyundai Mercantile Survival crisis! (Translated by google.com)
The report says Hyundai Merchant Marine, the last ocean shipping company in Korea, is in a management crisis.
According to next year, the debt falls into a complete silkworm state exceeding the assets, so to avoid it, it is said that government support of 6 trillion won is necessary by 2022.
As the Korean government, Korea's maritime shipping company has disappeared if Hyundai Merchant Ship disappears because Hanjin Shipping has failed, so we have announced the reconstruction plan.
According to the five-year plan announced in April, the content of the support was decided, but this 6 trillion won was found to be optimistic.
It is a blueprint that shipping and shipbuilding industries will survive if you put taxes and order ship to shipbuilding company and use this ship to lower fare.
However, there are many indications that Hyundai Merchant Ship, which has lost marketing ability to overseas, has no meaning only by such financial assistance.
Many experts also view that expanding vessels only makes the situation worse.
Therefore, there are opinions that it should promote high-intensity management reform including dismissal of staff.
Although it seems correct to make the bankrupt if it sees only the actual report, how far is the government to support the government in order to protect the fort of the Korean shipping company?
By the way, due to this Hyundai Mercantile Ship, the management crisis, it is now treated as a subsidiary of Korea Industrial Bank, leaving the Hyundai Group.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2KAL2h1 http://bit.ly/2KCeyCI http://bit.ly/2KyIiR3 http://bit.ly/2KB19Lp http://bit.ly/2KyIMGR http://bit.ly/2KyIXC1
Korean reaction
Who is responsible for 14 consecutive losses?
I have to remove it from the part where the deficit is the largest. Discontinue lines that are not in surplus. It will be a problem as we will not keep the basic.
Expansion of deficits due to blood taxes Is it normal to support sustainable enterprises all the time? Citizen's money is a waste?
Have you frauduled that the government ended the adjustment of the shipping fee to the citizen opponent?
If it becomes difficult to Hyundai merchant ship, it becomes China's logistic nation.
If it comes to this, you should make use of Hanjin Shipping.
It is the opposite of putting in taxes for support. Please support funds only for civil servant property and public institution revenue.
Leave it to perish like Hanjin Shipping.
We have been supporting taxes so far, but we are against objecting tax again.
Replace the management team with experts.
The dining hall without customers is doubled if it is pitiful. By tax of the people · · ·.
It's a problem because 6 trillion won (about 5 billion dollars) is enough to buy another shipping company. Do you have to take advantage of Hyundai Merchant Marine?
Even if you make it alive, you only have to live in the worst situation ever. The economy in the whole world will slow down, even though the US-China trade war alone will reduce the amount of physical distribution.
Even if a large company is trying to adjust the structure, the labor union can not resist the reduction of the staff. So we can not prepare self-rescue measures, we will rebuild our government and cultivate labor unions with taxes.
The Korean economy will revive only by utilizing Korea Shipping.
Leave the company to perish as a company fails in business. Receive the price if you can help with taxes. Why is the citizen who is error free for the wrong company owner harmed? Is that the principle of a market economy that you like so much?
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2KCrxV9 http://bit.ly/2KzUGQJ http://bit.ly/2Ky7qay http://bit.ly/2Ky9P5j http://bit.ly/2KCfSFG http://bit.ly/2KCqyEi http://bit.ly/2KCrJDI
The idea of Japanese editors
Although the Korean government seems to think that it will make use of Hyundai Merchant Marine, I think that I have no choice but to abandon anymore.
I understand the intention of leaving a Korean ocean shipping company, but it is too impossible.
Each company failed to keep up with the change of the times and mistakenly made a strategy, and the government invited the current situation without proper support.
The best scenario is to throw in a large amount of taxes and survive and achieve a spectacular resurrection.
However, looking at the current shipping industry, how about using such a small company by putting in a lot of money?
I was surprised that Park Geun Wei's government abandoned Hanjin Shipping.
Instead of casting a large amount of money into the Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean, I thought that it was not the opposite though I lived.
As a miscalculation though it thought that Hyundai Mercantile Ship inherited some of it after the bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping, that could not be done.
Ultimately, Korean shipping has not gained anything by simply losing trust, losing its competitiveness and it is now.
Neither the government nor the enterprise has arrived here without grasping the flow of the times at all, how about forcibly prolonging it?
Because the shipbuilding industry is also involved, it is impossible to cancel the plan.
Even though it should have sunk in shipbuilding in the ocean as well.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
All human beings want and need to love
but it is a mistake to wait for your significant other
that many films, among other things, have wanted to sell us
Relationships depend on what you can give
but above all, on what you have learned to expect from them
that is to say, your beliefs, because they will condition your expectations
and if you have the same expectations as those of a Disney princess
and involve meeting that soul mate who has been placed in the universe just for you and who thinks just like you
I think that you are going to be a little bit frustrated, dear darling
that if it doesn't end up as a Greek tragedy
There is no need, babe!
enjoy life
Prince Harry « retrouve » son vrai père, grosse tension avec William (photo) - Duration: 1:25.
K-DA - POP-STARS (ft Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) _ Official Music Video (+cc español) - Duration: 3:23.
Où est la véritable autorité ? Ai je du pouvoir ? - Duration: 7:55.
Laura Smet « apaisée », cette petite intention de son fiancé pour son anniversaire - Duration: 1:11.
Pescadores de medianoche, Yoshihiro Tatsumi - Duration: 4:42.
Jingle Bells | The Supremes | Christmas Song - Kids Tv - Duration: 2:32.
Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields, we go Laughing all the way (Ha ha ha)
Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight!
Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way;
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!
Skating on the ice As stars light up the sky
Isn't this just so nice Watching passers by
Hear the church bells ring Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing A snow filled song tonight!
Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way;
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way;
Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle Jingle Bells Jingle Jingle Bells
Yeah ! Yeah
Enabling printing from a smartphone (Android) - 1/2 (TS6200 series) - Duration: 3:00.
Procedure to enable printing from a smartphone
Enable printing from a smartphone in the following three steps. The operation flow is as follows.
1. Install the "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY" application on the smartphone.
2. Check the screen on the printer.
3. On "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY" you have installed, register the printer you want to use.
Let's start from Step 1.
1 Install the "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY" application on the smartphone.
The screen is an example. It may differ from the actual screen.
Search Google Play for "Canon PRINT."
Install "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY."
2 Check the screen on the printer.
If this screen is displayed, see the video "Enabling printing from a smartphone (Android) - 2/2."
If this screen is displayed, check the Network status icon.
If this icon is displayed, the printer cannot communicate over Wi-Fi.
Check the communication status, such as whether the wireless router is turned on or whether the printer is too far from the wireless router.
If the icon does not change even after checking the status or if you do not have a wireless router,
see the video "Enabling printing from a smartphone (Android) - 2/2."
If this icon is displayed, the printer is connected to a network.
If this icon is not displayed, see the video "Enabling printing from a smartphone (Android) - 2/2."
3 On "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY" you have installed, register the printer you want to use.
Enable Wi-Fi on the smartphone, then connect it to the wireless router.
Return to the Home screen, then tap "Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY" you have installed.
Read the terms, then tap [Agree].
Tap [Do not agree] or [Agree].
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Tap the printer you want to register.
The connection to the smartphone is now complete. Now you can print from the smartphone.
AMAZING Malaysian Desserts - Duration: 11:10.
Hello from the market in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
My sweet tooth is needing to be addressed
so we've come to the market in search of some desserts, some sweet treats.
They have these carts here that you can go to that are selling all sorts of little things.
I want to get a whole bunch of them to sample and sit down and just eat them all
and show you what they are and try them together.
A banana fritter please.
Like this?
Three? -Sure.
Pieces. -Yeah, three is fine.
And one of these please.
One of these.
And one of these.
One of these.
And one of those.
One of these.
Could I have one of each?
One of each, one of each.
Could I have one of the green bean.
One of these.
I'm also gonna get one of those, all three, one of each.
Yeah and then one of those and one of those.
Ok. Please.
This little ray of sunshine is called Pisang Goreng.
'Pisang' means banana
so these are little bananas that have been sliced up
and then deep fried.
Banana fritters.
It's still warm.
I mean what's not to like about deep fried banana?
The crunch is really nice.
The bananas aren't super sweet
but it's just enough sweetness that it feels like dessert.
This is called Kuih Bom, or sesame seed ball, and the texture is really interesting.
It feels really squidgy, kind of like a little bouncy ball.
It's filled with…looks like coconut palm sugar maybe.
So inside the sesame seed ball I'm tasting peanut and sugar.
I love the consistency of this.
This is Apam Balik, a Malay pancake.
Looks suspiciously like a sweet slice of pizza as well.
Who doesn't like pancakes or pizza?
Or a pancake shaped like a pizza?
When they're making this,
they pour it into the pan
and stir it all around
and then they add peanuts and sugar.
Ah! It's so good!
It has this spongy consistency
and the peanut butter, or peanuts, are so creamy inside.
It's one of my favourites.
This is Pais Pisang.
If I open up the banana leaf,
it's steamed coconut milk with banana inside the steamed coconut milk .
Look at that.
Here goes.
Whoa, that tastes like such strong coconut flavour
and I can see the banana just peaking out the middle.
I think one more bite, I'll find the banana.
It looks like a little bit like a boiled egg.
The consistency of the steamed coconut milk, oh man.
It's so soft on your teeth, the mushiness of the banana.
This would be good if you didn't have any teeth.
No, but it's really soft and sweet.
So much coconut flavour.
Mmm that is absolutely delicious.
This is my first time trying this: one of my new favourite things.
Another sweet treat found in the banana leaf.
This one is a little thinner, a little longer.
It's called Belabat Ubi Kayu
and inside - more steamed goodness.
But this is steamed tapioca with molasses.
Oh this is sticky.
Oh, look at how sticky that is.
Wow, look at that.
It's stuck to the banana leaf but, man, does that feel satisfying
when I pull that banana leaf back.
I've absolutely no idea what this will taste like.
Let's find out.
Oh I like that!
Mmm it has that same glutinous texture.
Really dense, jelly texture.
Like flubber or something.
And the molasses makes it sweet but of course not too sweet.
If you kind of picture a really juicy, thick fruit leather
or fruit roll up or something,
this is like the better version of that.
Who knew?
This might look a bit like a barbecue-covered chicken wing
but I promise you in belongs in the dessert video.
This is called Kuih Sawalla
and it's glutinous flour cake with palm sugar.
It's very heavy, I gotta tell you.
It feels dense and bits of it are crumbling so I better…I better bite it before I ruin it.
Oh my god, the texture is so good.
What I love about this and a lot of these treats,
it's not crazy sweet.
It's not overboard but the texture is so unique.
It's that glutinous texture.
Can you see?
It's so spongy
and the way that the sugar is just kind of…
tastes like caramelized.
I need another bite.
That is filling.
Look at how big it is.
Wow, that's good.
Totally unexpected taste.
I was definitely picturing BBQ sauce with chicken inside
and I'm glad it was not chicken.
It's way better.
Clearly I should've brought my own drop cloth.
I gotta be honest you guys, I got nothin' for this one.
Basically I walked up to the dessert cart, I saw this, I pointed at it, I asked what it was,
and she said, 'It's a donut'
which…I mean I guessed it was a donut given its donut like properties.
So I don't really have any other information about this
but it was kind of an added bonus.
She said, 'Oh, no, it's not on the menu. This is a donut.'
So we're gonna call this a Malay donut.
It does feel very squidgy.
Very satisfying squidgy, I might add.
Let's find out what a Malay donut tastes like, shall we?
Oh my god, it's covered in sugar.
Do I have, like, a big ring of sugar around my mouth?
That's how it feels.
It tastes like a…a spongy but moist donut, very fresh.
I think like everything here this was most likely made today, like hours ago,
'cause it tastes super fresh.
It is covered in sugar
so when you bite in all around your mouth makes contact with little sugar granules.
But I mean what else are you looking for if you're biting into a donut, right?
Like eat…eat a carrot if you don't want that.
It's so sweet.
Unlike a lot of these other desserts, this is super sweet.
I love the squidginess though.
This feels like lifting a barbell at the gym.
This is seriously heavy, you guys.
It's making my…my wrist hurt.
I mean, ok, it's not that bad but it is really heavy.
This is called Pais Ubi Kayu.
It's steamed tapioca with sliced banana
and shredded coconut on the outside
and when I first saw this I think I was drawn to it because
one of my favourite desserts at home in Canada is a lemon square.
This kind of looks a little bit like a lemon square, right,
except shredded coconut instead of powdered sugar.
And it also reminds me a little bit of, in Australia, Lamingtons.
So, if you agree, leave a comment down below, but that's why I was drawn into this
and it's super heavy so I think I better take a bite to take the...
the weight off the 'old wrist, if you know what I mean.
Not at all what I thought it would taste like.
I thought it was gonna be really sweet but it's not.
But it has that amazing glutinous texture that I am obsessed with right now.
Shredded coconut is a nice texture.
It tastes fresh.
Can you see how dense that is?
No wonder it's so heavy.
The texture of the coconut, the shredded coconut on the outside,
is really nice in contrast with the very smooth squidgy centre of the inside.
So I like the way that those two textures kind of play off one another.
Oh, I found the banana!
Ok, for some reason I thought that the banana was just mixed in the flavour.
There actually is a slice of banana inside.
Ok this changes everything.
Hold on.
Oh yeah.
Ok it just went up 100%.
I love bananas and the banana is really sweet.
That is really good.
Can you see the banana inside?
It's like a little jelly box
to hold this precious little slice of banana.
And coconut to throw you off the scent on the outside.
It's a hard job but somebody has to try all of these Malay desserts.
I am now ready to slip into a sweet, sweet sugar coma.
I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing all of these desserts, these sweet treats,
sweet kuih in Malaysia at the market here in Kota Kinabalu.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe for lots more videos
and trying lots more different foods
and I will see you in my next video.
USB LED Лампа с Алиэкспресс - Гибкая Светодиодная Лампа для Ноутбуков - Duration: 1:34.
Ring of Elysium Netcode Analysis & Security Concerns - Duration: 7:39.
Draw Tip Tuesday - An Urban Sketching Secret Tool - Duration: 2:31.
Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!
Here's your weekly dose of inspiration to build a creative habit.
One drawing at a time.
Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool.
Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!
Today I have a tip that I learnt from Liz Steel.
It's simple but so clever!
The sweatband!
Because when you're out on location, you can set up with all the stuff you bring and
sit down on folding chair and surround yourself with sets of brushes and a watercup, and kitchen
towel to wipe your brushes off.
But if you're like me and want to keep things simple, and sometimes do a quick drawing even
without sitting down for it - standing on the corner of the street - using watercolor
because it's so quick and easy to add color… then you want to pack light and make things
simple and fast.
All you need really is your sketchbook, a small watercolor set, a water brush - because
the handle contains all the water you need, and your sweatband.
Instead of using tissues or a piece of cloth to wipe your brush off, just simply
use the sweatband around your wrist!
Super handy and "hands free" You just throw it in the wash every now and
then if it becomes too crusty - and make sure to put it back in your sketch kit again.
The smaller you pack, the more accessible does it get to make art.
Make it easy for yourself to pull that sketchbook out of your bag and spend a bit of time making
And of course, if you want more tips, make sure to subscribe to this channel so you won't
miss out on the weekly tips!
Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i Tech Edition - Duration: 0:47.
Toyota Auris 1.8 HSD Aspiration I Navi I Cruise control I Camera l Distributieketing onderhoudsvrij - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i Tech Edition - Duration: 0:47.
K-DA - POP-STARS (ft Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) _ Official Music Video (+cc español) - Duration: 3:23.
中國拒收4000萬噸垃圾,歐美稱破壞環境,我國一句話贏得滿堂喝彩 - Duration: 4:05.
Il potere della noia (cos'è la Default Mode Network) - Duration: 6:41.
What you need to know about the recent climate change report - Duration: 2:03.
打破壟斷!中國360度全向旋轉發動機問世,中船重工再立新功 - Duration: 8:32.
Trump says of apocalyptic report on climate change that was released - Duration: 6:38.
Trump says of apocalyptic report on climate change that was released
President Donald Trump said on Monday he doesn't believe a climate report out of his administration that warns of dire economic costs in the wake of climate change.
'I don't believe it,' he told reporters at the White House before he left for campaign rallies in Mississippi. 'I've seen it, I've read some of it, and it's fine,' he added.
He also seemed to push the blame to other nations, saying the United States is 'the cleanest we've ever been.
'And here's the other thing, you're going to have to China and Japan and all of Asia and all of these other countries, you know, it addresses our country. Right now we're the cleanest we've ever been.
And that's very important to me. But if we're clean, but every other place on Earth is dirty, that's not so good, so I want clean air, I want clean water, very important,' he said.
The president was responding to a stunning report released by his administration Friday that said climate change will cost the U.S.
economy hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century, damaging everything from human health to infrastructure and agricultural production.
The report came out on Black Friday, a holiday for most Americans and one of the busiest shopping days of the year, leading critics to charge Trump with trying to bury the findings.
The Congressionally-mandated report, written with the help of more than a dozen U.S.
government agencies and departments, outlined the projected impacts of global warming in every corner of American society, in a dire warning at odds with the Trump administration's pro-fossil fuels agenda.
'With continued growth in emissions at historic rates, annual losses in some economic sectors are projected to reach hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century - more than the current gross domestic product (GDP) of many U.S.
states,' according to the report. It said global warming would disproportionately hurt the poor, broadly undermine human health, damage infrastructure, limit the availability of water, alter coastlines, and boost costs in industries from farming to energy production.
Trump's administration - through his EPA - has rolled back or repealed nearly every climate policy former President Obama put into place, including greenhouse gas rules for power plants, cars and oil and natural gas drillers.
The president also took the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords. Trump and several members of his cabinet have also repeatedly cast doubt on the science of climate change, arguing the causes and impacts are not yet settled.
Environmental groups said the report reinforced their calls for the United States to take action on climate change. 'This report makes it clear that climate change is not some problem in the distant future.
It's happening right now in every part of the country,' said Brenda Ekwurzel, the director of climate science at the Union of Concerned Scientists and one of the report's authors.
Previous research, including from U.S. government scientists, has also concluded that climate change could have severe economic consequences, including damage to infrastructure, water supplies and agriculture.
Severe weather and other impacts also increase the risk of disease transmission, decrease air quality, and can increase mental health problems, among other effects.
Thirteen government departments and agencies, from the Agriculture Department to NASA, were part of the committee that compiled the new report.
역대 최강 달달 음색 - 윤딴딴 '니가 보고 싶은 밤' 이승환 커버 - Duration: 4:30.
Dollar Store Bean Boozled Game-Challenge-ALV TV - Duration: 9:11.
Hey Guys! Today, I'm gonna try all the Bean Boozled Beans.
I'm really scared and excited! So, let's get started!
Okay, I have Fruit Punch, and I'm gonna get one, just in case, if these taste bad.
Well, one of them.
Got it.
Okay, now, I'm gonna get the straw and put it in.
Wait! This way...Yeah!
Okay, I got it in.
Okay, careful. I'm just gonna take one sip.
That's good, I'm not gonna drink anymore because it's..... doing that. (?)
Time to taste these!
Yeah, there we go!
Okay, the whole thing is open.
It smells weird...
Nnnnkkaay.... I'm gonna trrryyyy this onnneee...
This is the good one.
I don't know if this is bad or good...
but, but it tastes good.
Tastes good!
Next one I'm gonna taste... this one.
Uuggghhh...it looks... gross.
Tastes like BROCCOLI!!!
I didn't like that!
Okay, next one i'm gonna try, the pink or red, whatever.
I'm scared to try it...
It's getting my tongue.
It's getting my tongue!
This tastes like..
the, um,
if you don't know,
It kind of tastes like cinnamon gum.
Um... from Dad's card. He has cinnamon gum.
It's getting my tongue.
I'm gonna spit it out.
That wasn't good.
I'm gonna try...
Oh! These are sticked.
Ugh, there's blue all over me.
Mommy just tasted one of the blue beans.
Okay, I'm gonna taste one. She thinks it's baby wipes.
I'm gonna try this.
Tastes good! It doesn't taste like baby wipes.
It doesn't...it tastes good.
Okay, the baby wipe one tasted good.
Okay, now..
Holy cow! That's a big bean!
I'm gonna have the big bean.
Okay! I'm gonna try the big bean.
Mmm, It tastes like Lime.
Yeeaahh... my mom said it tastes like Lime Popsicle.
Whatever, Oops!
But it tastes like lime popsicle.
What? I.. I can't even say it, but...
Tastes like it.
Tastes like lime. Yummy!
No, I... I don't want to taste that one.
I want to taasstttee...
Are these the same?
I'm just kidding.
I'll just taste this one!
Tastes like... something.. it tastes like mint grass.
It's pepper?
Mommy tasted it and It tastes like pepper for her. For me, It tastes like mint grass.
Okay, next one.
Is that licorice?
Oh, it's probably licorice or root beer, probably I don't know.
Oh, I found two.
These are the same.
Mmm, This one is good!
Mommy likes it too.
Okay, how about?
They look the same.
I'll give this one to mom. I'm gonna taste this one.
This good! Tastes like flowers.
It really tastes like fruit punch!, mommy said.
Do you know what? It does taste like Fruit Punch.
I'm not taking the blue again.
Oh my gosh! Green, oh wait..
There's something on it. Okay!
Um, let's taassttee🎶
Eewww, this one looks gross!
Let's taste this one.
Even though it looks good, we need to taste it!
This is gonna be gross! Isn't it?!
I already tasted this one!
It's gross.
Sh..She said it tastes like green beans.
It tastes like broccoli, bleh!
Well, it does taste like green beans.
Okay, I think these are... different?
And, I hope so!
Wait, is this one a darker green?
Oh wait! That has to be lime.
We never tasted the orange one! Why we can't just taste the orange one?!
Is there another orange one?
There's only one orange!
I don't know....
but, I know it's the only one.
Okay, looks like...
This one looks like...
Baby Diapies...
No, probably, one is egg.
Rotten eggg!
I don't know. I'm gonna taste this one.
That's baby wipes.
I have empty, um...
of that.
So, I'm gonna have water.
I'm gonna vomit!!
Why am I getting all the bad beeaanss?!
I'm gonna cry!
Tastes gross.
I don't want to do anymore guys.
I'm getting all the bad ones. I think I only had...
two good beans, I think.
I'll see you on my next video! BYYEE!!!
You can have one.
Tell me it that...tell me if it's the bad one or it's a good one.
It's good?
Have it! Ha...(That tastes like baby wipes)
It's probably that one.
Here! Take it.
How can you get through them?!
You got to keep, you eating the jelly beans, it's funny.
Can you go through it? (It tastes like green beans)
RDR2 2nd playthrough & chill - Part 5(end of chapter 6 & epilogue 1) - PS4 - Duration: 3:56:30.
Small Indian Closet Organisation | In Hindi with English Subtitles - Duration: 10:17.
Hello Friends welcome to Simplify your space. Today's topic is on organizing Indian closet.
A few days ago one of my friends called me and said that she is struggling to organize her closet.
She wears only Indian clothes and because she lives on the rent, she has limited space and that too only one single steel Almirah.
She has sarees and suits in which there is also occasional and regular wear, as well as some winter clothes too.
She keeps everything in one single almirah and struggling to manage it.
So she asked me if I can help her to organize this closet.
Then I thought of this as a great opportunity to fulfill one of the requested videos to organize a steel Amirah
So, I challenged myself to organize this small space and help my friend too.
Let's see how I did it.
So this is the steel almirah which I had to organize.
You can see that the clothes are kept folded and not organized
If any dress has to be removed then it is very difficult
Like if a sari has to be removed, then its matching blouse or petticoat is very difficult to find
Clothes have been simply dumped
When any garment or dress is being pulled from the bottom, all the clothes on top get ruffled.
Which is not a good way to keep your clothes.
For organizing I ordered some products like Wooden Hangar, few baskets, these s shape hangers, saree bags and lingerie box to keep under clothes.
To organize any space, you must first empty it.
With the empty cupboard you will be able to visualize it.
You will be able to think about the type of clothes where to be kept.
Once all the clothes are removed, then fold them one by one neatly.
They also have to be segregated in categories such as everyday clothes, kurtis, leggings, night cloths, casual suits, heavy party wear, scarf etc.
And it is very important that you continue purging along with it.
The clothes you do not wear or are unfit and which are out of season clothes, put them in separate piles.
You can see that I have folded all the clothes well and placed them in different piles.
My friend does not have much space, so she keeps her winter wear in this Almirah only
Have folded them as well and kept here only
I have rolled all the leggings and kept them in the basket
And placed under the clothes well in this lingerie box.
In this, we have placed hankies and socks also segregated
For those sarees which are for regular wear, we have placed them on hanger
We will keep the remaining heavy sarees in the storage.
Now you have to look at your closet well and decide which clothes will go to which section.
Now I will keep piles in their fixed place one by one and I will organize them together.
But before that, I am putting this brown paper closet on all the shelves
You can even place a newspaper if you want. This makes the cupboard look neat.
Now first of all I am putting clothes that are to be kept in hangers.
Sarees are already kept. Now I am keeping the casual suits.
Those are with scarves are kept in sets only.
Using hanging space is a good way of space utilization and good for clothing.
Now in 2nd shelf I have kept regular Kurtis
I have kept leggings in the center. Keeping the leggings rolled in the basket is easy way to access them.
Also, matching and choosing becomes simple
Next to the basket, all the bottom wares are kept like Salwars and palazzos
Blouses and Petikots with regular Sarees are kept in file system in this basket. and placed on the shelf below Sarees.
So that it is easy to access and match them while picking up the Saree.
Here on top I have kept this lingerie box.
And next to it, the Night Wear.
The specialty of this lingerie box is that it is quite large so that all the underclothes come in the same box
And the lid is given above so that it can be closed.
For those who do not have drawers in their closet, this is the best option.
In this cupboard there is a drawer in which bath and hand towels are kept.
All the regular wearing cloths have been arranged except Dupttas which we will keep later.
Now we keep occasional and seasonal wear.
For Sarees, I had ordered these sari bags. In this we will now arrange all the sarees one by one.
Always keep in mind that for silk sarees either, keep them separately or keep them in a white cloth or bag.
By doing this, Zari of silk sarees will not spoil.
After placing all, I have kept blouses on the top.
In the second sari bag we keep all the heavy suits and dresses
We have a seperate video on how to fold and store heavy occasional wear suits and sarees.
The link is given in the description box of this video.
Now these two bags are for occasional wears which we will put in the bottom shelf of the cupboard.
And along with that, winter wears will be kept on the side.
Because winter has already started, I have folded and kept them here.
When the winter is over, you can put them in a separate sari bag to protect them from dust and moth.
Keep your daily wear and office clothes in easy to access place
And those you wear occasionally, say 1-2 times in a year, like heavy clothes and seasonal wears, keep them in bottom shelf or in different cupboard and bedbox
Now let's organize Dupattas.
We are putting those heavy and occasional wear scarfs in this S-shaped hangers
In this hanger you can put 5 cloths together so that the space is saved.
I will put the rest of the scarf on the door here. This option is available on this door.
If there is no hangar on the door of your wardrobe then you can get this type of over the door hook
But please note that their edges should be flat enough so that there is no problem in closing the doors.
Otherwise You can also use a Command hook in this way
In this cupboard, there is a hanger on which we have placed all the regular dupattas
There was no option in the right door so here's the hook that has been used to hang handbags.
All the clothes have been arranged well in this cupboard except 3-4 garments which have not been used
And we have purged and taken them out
Rest all the clothes have been accommodated neatly
You can see that there is still plenty of space left behind in all the shelves, which can be used to store extra cloths.
There is also a locker which I have left empty so that my friend can keep some of her precious jewelry and make-up in it.
Now you can see that with the just little efforts and organizers, an unmanageable and messy Almirah has been transformed into beautiful, organized Almirah.
Now there will be no problem in finding any clothes because everything has been managed very well.
The wardrobe is not only looking organized but beautiful too.
If your place is organised and beautiful then it is unlikely that you will spoil it.
And for some reasons if it does get spoiled, you will make all the endeavors to rearrange it fast
But you will never get the motivation to clean and organize a place which perpetually stays in an ugly state.
Therefore always keep your places simplified and beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed this video
Please share and give a thumbs up if you liked the video
Do Subscribe for more such organizing videos.
Will see you next week. Till then Happy Organizing from Simplify Your Space. Bye Bye!
IDALION - Cyclones (Official Video) - Duration: 4:35.
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want to
Do what you want to
What do you want?
Do what you want
Would you!
Silently unfolds before my eyes
Cloning matters thought by narrow minds
Forcing me to wear my widest smile
or else I'll have to face my final trial
Hours turn unknowingly to weeks
Feeling like the wolf amongst the sheep
Hanging round with all the other creeps
Who constantly keep feeding the machine
Who would have thought the world
Revolves around our loneliness
Is that a figment of my mind?
I'm lying to you...
I'm crying for you...
When I tell you we've been
Promises keep track of all the lies
Spiralling into a fair disguise
Preventing me from reaching for the knife
That cuts right through the cyclone's narrow eye
Who would have thought the world
Revolves around our loneliness
Is tha a figment of my MIND?
I'm lying to you..
I'm crying for you...
When I tell you we've been
Left behind tonight
OPEN SANJOU! 2 - Unboxing and Fan Mail - Duration: 12:11.
So a funny thing happened while I was editing the unboxing video another one
showed up from sound board you sent me two of these you sent me two packages
full of goodies. Uhh-- what?
Hey what's up everybody I'm Squall Charlson we are doing another unboxing
video because sound board sent me another one-- Hi Mags hey hey you wanna
come in the frame? So we're doing another one of these because he sent me not one but
two boxes of goodies and you know this is this gonna be the second video let's
let's give this one an open I don't know what to expect to find in here
oh dude yours your coolest this is this is the super fun because it's layered
it's kind of like toy lasagna like you don't know what you're gonna find as
you're digging in here let's see what you let's see what you sent! what am I
looking at what is this oh it's a it's like an inflatable like sword thing from
(Kamen Rider) Ghost oh that's super cool whoa I don't think Maggie likes this-- no Maggie it's okay just
we'll put that over here you're scared of than that we'll put that over there okay
Oh what else do we got in here oh I see the Shinkenger logo is this a wallet?
is this that's super cool I think I don't hold like business cards or
something in this doesn't hold any cash or charge but who is cool I like this
what it was this it says a Nintendo at the bottom not sure what I'm looking at
oh but then there's (Kamen Rider) Black on the backside exactly
floppy disk is this like an episode of this show or what is this well I bought
a disc and we could copy this okay we could play it on my brother's computer
okay no problem
Did I hear you right?
Did I hear you saying, that'd you're gonna make a copy of the game without paying?
Come on guuuuysss
I thought you knew better, don't copy that floppy!
Oooo look at this, we have the hammer
dial fighter ooh and we got some more some more oh how does this go on here I
I have no idea how this goes on here huh you gonna have to look up a video on how
to to play with that one... Are these band-aids? Yeah! Oh my gosh,
are ToQger band-aids this is super random but like I love like really
random stuff like this what the heck and speaking of ressha looks like we have a
few, these go with what I got last time
so I got green and red now oh and I see a den-o one oh yes the den liner
hi hodo hi say hi to everybody say hi
He doesn't like that.
Welcome back to the show welcome back and what
do we got here these four oh maybe this will go to that momotaros wizard ring
thing we got yesterday and then this just doesn't even barely fit on my pinky
Oh we got another oh it's a zeronos one
two zeronos ring yeah super fancy what am I looking at here?
Oh it's a Billy communicator watch look at that it's got a lenticular face on it to change
looks like three images I have to put it on like the little lowest knotch Maggie
Maggie, your butt's gonna be all over YouTube come on-- focus...
well we got some gaia memories who we have masked rider deno yeah oh we got
another one we have a new deno
oh yeah battle we got another red one okay cool
can't have too many Reds am i right and we have a little Noid here oh my gosh
if you guys watch Oney Plays he he's going off about the noids and Freddy
Freaker recently there is there is...
Look, there he is.
We have the Dark Crystal full color trading
cards I think I've only seen this movie once like every movie every TV show had
trading cards and like the 80s and 90s it was a a great time to be alive I'm
sorry kids born 2000's and on
all right let's keep going
what-- what in the world oh my goddddddddddd
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaa
it is a zeronos action figure set I'm
not sure what the exact kind this is but I need to open it to open this this is
this is happening oh my gosh it has like an entire compartment just for his cape
get out of here come to me Did they make a zeronos SH FiguArt
don't I don't know I know I want to get one of those and like a grease SH
FiguArt some point because they look really good on on a shelf like metallic
this feels like actual legit armor on him like the rest of the toys plastic
but like that chest piece is metal ah super freaking cool if you guys don't
know zero knows is my favorite Kamen Rider and oh my gosh he's my favorite
look at him oh my gosh I'm gonna have to to fully look at that and play with that
note on camera I could literally do that for in like an entire video so we're
just gonna we're just gonna put him over there but oh my gosh the cape the cape
dude thank you so much zeronos my favorite and I like the only thing of
zeronos I think I have is his belt that's the only thing just because I
often can't condone buying or getting toys because it's like what am I gonna
do is they just put it on the shelf like I don't know it's the thing that I'm
just like at all I don't want it for that reason whoa
what do we have here are these mini posters-- Go-Onger what are these these
magnets yeah these are magnets whoa we've got pretty much all of the
team, minus hant 'm gonna put those on my fridge
as soon as we're done filming here this this a sticker just set the sticker set
that you can put your name on things with a kamen rider character
Heisei generations final so on this side all their their henshined forms and then I
have the the regular forms here yeah I'm gonna hang this up I'm gonna hang that
up definitely I can get this back in the deep that's that's the end of this box
that was a lot of really cool stuff oh my gosh sound board thank you so much
for sending me this stuff you didn't have to and Jesus there's so much I have
so many toys now like I'm literally figuring out how to move and pack up now
and I have all this extra fun toys to play with but like again thank you so
much for sending me this I think I'm gonna go play with this after we're done
cool but anyway thanks as always for watching thanks again soundboard for
sending me all this stuff I better go before I piss off the dogs too much they
did not like the sound effects but thank you it's always for watching leave a
comment down below what you liked what was your favorite part of this unboxing
and I'll see you guys next time thanks for watching bye
for years sports fans have had all kinds of leagues and we figured it was about
our time we had one too!
"Meet #Insurance and #Insurtech Innovators, Investors and Thought Leaders at #ITC" Samara Jaffe - Duration: 3:52.
前任太难忘!抽张塔罗牌测试一下:前任对我有怎样的看法? - Duration: 6:56.
又一對明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上了句號,孩子由女方來撫養! - Duration: 4:11.
Cantor Leonardo é flagrado de sunguinha durante atividade inusitada - Duration: 1:26.
Daniela Albuquerque é massacrada na web por conta de "magreza excessiva" - Duration: 1:51.
Colors are uneven or printing is faint (TS8200 series) - Duration: 3:09.
Printing the nozzle check pattern
If colors are uneven or printing is faint, try print head cleaning.
Print head cleaning unclogs the nozzles and improves uneven colors and faint printing.
Perform print head cleaning in the following two steps. The operation flow is as follows.
1. Print the nozzle check pattern.
2. Perform cleaning according to the condition of the pattern.
Let's start from Step 1.
1 Load paper.
Important: Load 1 or more sheets of A4/Letter size plain paper in the cassette.
The paper settings confirmation screen appears. Follow the instructions to complete registration.
2 Start printing the nozzle check pattern.
Tap [Setup].
Tap [Maintenance].
Tap [Print nozzle check pattern].
Tap [Yes].
The operation panel opens automatically.
The paper output tray opens automatically.
The nozzle check pattern will be printed.
3 Check the nozzle check pattern.
Check for incomplete patterns, white horizontal streaks, or faint printing.
If O, cleaning is not required.
Tap [All A] in the next screen to end the operation.
If X, cleaning is required. Follow the subsequent steps to perform print head cleaning.
4 Execute print head cleaning.
Tap [Also B].
Tap [Yes].
Print head cleaning starts. Cleaning takes about 1 to 2 minutes.
5 Check for improvement.
When the cleaning is complete, a confirmation screen appears.
Tap [Yes].
Check the printed nozzle check pattern.
If improved, cleaning is not required.
If not improved sufficiently, additional cleaning is required.
If not improved even after cleaning two more times, perform deep cleaning.
The cleaning operation is now complete. Check that the print result is improved.
Xuxa se revolta ao ser impedida de viajar por irregularidade em avião - Duration: 4:34.
Il potere della noia (cos'è la Default Mode Network) - Duration: 6:41.
Junior Lima faz tatuagem em homenagem ao filho! Saiba os significados das tattoos dos famosos - Duration: 3:40.
Curso Online. Rigging y deformación de un personaje - Duration: 2:40.
韓国海運再び沈没!現代商船存続危機に6兆ウォン必要! - Duration: 5:44.
Korea Shipping is sank again again! 6 trillion won required for Hyundai Mercantile Survival crisis! (Translated by google.com)
The report says Hyundai Merchant Marine, the last ocean shipping company in Korea, is in a management crisis.
According to next year, the debt falls into a complete silkworm state exceeding the assets, so to avoid it, it is said that government support of 6 trillion won is necessary by 2022.
As the Korean government, Korea's maritime shipping company has disappeared if Hyundai Merchant Ship disappears because Hanjin Shipping has failed, so we have announced the reconstruction plan.
According to the five-year plan announced in April, the content of the support was decided, but this 6 trillion won was found to be optimistic.
It is a blueprint that shipping and shipbuilding industries will survive if you put taxes and order ship to shipbuilding company and use this ship to lower fare.
However, there are many indications that Hyundai Merchant Ship, which has lost marketing ability to overseas, has no meaning only by such financial assistance.
Many experts also view that expanding vessels only makes the situation worse.
Therefore, there are opinions that it should promote high-intensity management reform including dismissal of staff.
Although it seems correct to make the bankrupt if it sees only the actual report, how far is the government to support the government in order to protect the fort of the Korean shipping company?
By the way, due to this Hyundai Mercantile Ship, the management crisis, it is now treated as a subsidiary of Korea Industrial Bank, leaving the Hyundai Group.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2KAL2h1 http://bit.ly/2KCeyCI http://bit.ly/2KyIiR3 http://bit.ly/2KB19Lp http://bit.ly/2KyIMGR http://bit.ly/2KyIXC1
Korean reaction
Who is responsible for 14 consecutive losses?
I have to remove it from the part where the deficit is the largest. Discontinue lines that are not in surplus. It will be a problem as we will not keep the basic.
Expansion of deficits due to blood taxes Is it normal to support sustainable enterprises all the time? Citizen's money is a waste?
Have you frauduled that the government ended the adjustment of the shipping fee to the citizen opponent?
If it becomes difficult to Hyundai merchant ship, it becomes China's logistic nation.
If it comes to this, you should make use of Hanjin Shipping.
It is the opposite of putting in taxes for support. Please support funds only for civil servant property and public institution revenue.
Leave it to perish like Hanjin Shipping.
We have been supporting taxes so far, but we are against objecting tax again.
Replace the management team with experts.
The dining hall without customers is doubled if it is pitiful. By tax of the people · · ·.
It's a problem because 6 trillion won (about 5 billion dollars) is enough to buy another shipping company. Do you have to take advantage of Hyundai Merchant Marine?
Even if you make it alive, you only have to live in the worst situation ever. The economy in the whole world will slow down, even though the US-China trade war alone will reduce the amount of physical distribution.
Even if a large company is trying to adjust the structure, the labor union can not resist the reduction of the staff. So we can not prepare self-rescue measures, we will rebuild our government and cultivate labor unions with taxes.
The Korean economy will revive only by utilizing Korea Shipping.
Leave the company to perish as a company fails in business. Receive the price if you can help with taxes. Why is the citizen who is error free for the wrong company owner harmed? Is that the principle of a market economy that you like so much?
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2KCrxV9 http://bit.ly/2KzUGQJ http://bit.ly/2Ky7qay http://bit.ly/2Ky9P5j http://bit.ly/2KCfSFG http://bit.ly/2KCqyEi http://bit.ly/2KCrJDI
The idea of Japanese editors
Although the Korean government seems to think that it will make use of Hyundai Merchant Marine, I think that I have no choice but to abandon anymore.
I understand the intention of leaving a Korean ocean shipping company, but it is too impossible.
Each company failed to keep up with the change of the times and mistakenly made a strategy, and the government invited the current situation without proper support.
The best scenario is to throw in a large amount of taxes and survive and achieve a spectacular resurrection.
However, looking at the current shipping industry, how about using such a small company by putting in a lot of money?
I was surprised that Park Geun Wei's government abandoned Hanjin Shipping.
Instead of casting a large amount of money into the Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean, I thought that it was not the opposite though I lived.
As a miscalculation though it thought that Hyundai Mercantile Ship inherited some of it after the bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping, that could not be done.
Ultimately, Korean shipping has not gained anything by simply losing trust, losing its competitiveness and it is now.
Neither the government nor the enterprise has arrived here without grasping the flow of the times at all, how about forcibly prolonging it?
Because the shipbuilding industry is also involved, it is impossible to cancel the plan.
Even though it should have sunk in shipbuilding in the ocean as well.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
Tüyler Ürperten 59 Yıllık Korkunç Gizem - Dyatlov Geçidi Vakası - Duration: 6:31.
Chickpeas/Garbanzo beans|Growing Without Soil|Hydroponic Gardening - Duration: 8:19.
Chickpeas without soil !!
Do you want to know how to grow chickpeas without soil?
Let's start
how you can also easily grow chickpeas without soil at home
Now I will show how you can grow chickpeas without soil
You will also know about things required and procedure
You will see in detail now
Take chickpeas first,
after washing properly rinse 2 – 3 times
After rinsing chickpeas get cleaned from dust and other particles
Then keep seeds immersed in water for 12 hours
After 12 hours seeds get wet and volume of seeds becomes larger
Keep wet seeds in a container
Cover with a cloth, it takes 1 – 2 days for sprouting
Within 48 hours it will sprout
Transfer seeds into hydroponic basket after sprouting
Chickpeas will grow further there in basket
I will show further process
I will show it in video
Now after 24 hours I will remove cloth
And check sprouting is started
As you may see, sprouting is started
Within few days root will also develop
Then I will transfer it to hydroponic basket
Where you can grow chickpea seeds without soil
Spray water twice in day for maintaining moisture
After spraying water cover it with cloth
After 1 – 2 days roots will develop then transfer it to hydroponic basket
I will show you how it grows in basket without soil
For growing without soil I have transferred chickpeas into basket
I have taken two baskets
one basket is with net and other is without not
There is gap between two baskets
I am showing gap, there is more than 1 inch gap between baskets
I will pour water in lower basket when roots develop
Also I will give liquid fertilizer in basket
Then chickpeas will grow further in basket
You should also do same as I have done,
take two basket for growing
For maintaining moisture keep spraying water
For growth moisture is very important
After few days leaves will also start developing
Then you can keep basket in sunlight
Where chickpeas will grow further
4 days after transferring chickpeas in basket
As you are noticing many leaves are developing
Length of seedlings has reached 3 – 4 inches
I had filled water in lower basket
Now I am going to keep basket in sunlight
Before taking in sunlight I will pour liquid fertilizer in lower basket
How to make coffee fertilizer
I had already shown that method in wheatgrass video
You can check that video in above link
I will also give that link below in description too
You can check that video by hitting in below link too
Now I will keep this basket in sunlight
Chickpeas will further grow in sunlight
Then you can use leaves of chickpeas in any recipes
For maintaining moisture spray water in between
Moisture helps in growth of sprout
I have kept chickpea basket in sunlight
Basket will be kept for a week in sunlight
Then you can yield leaves for using in recipes
By this method you can also grow chickpeas easily without soil at home
And use it as micro green vegetables
After watching this video
you can surely grow micro greens without soil
Consume it as it has good quantity of nutrition's
nutritions are beneficial for your health
After transferring chickpea in basket
It is growing very fast
As you are watching roots are developed
I have filled water in lower basket
Chickpeas have completed seven days after transferring in basket
In this soilless technique chickpea grows very fast
This is a very easy method,
you can grow chickpeas in small space
at your home with ease
And consume it in form of many recipes
It has many nutrition's and tasty too
How was the method of growing chickpeas without soil?
I hope you like this method
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I will meet you again with some other information
Till then just do gardening at your home
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