Thursday, November 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 30 2018

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus

Straight Razor Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave and this is the

Post Shave Routine alright now we've had a good shave first thing I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna put Alum everywhere yep now this is wonderful because it is

astringent and antiseptic at the same time so it's good for the skin

yeah tightens up those pores does a fine job and there we go now I'm just going

to take this and dry that off

now for the aftershave kind of thing we are going fires and this is the lavender

just marvelous this was one of my favorite scents from them we're going to

put that on as a aftershave again good for the skin yeah wonderful and I put

that everywhere I don't think you can go wrong with that it's just so good for

the skin next because this was a kind of sandalwood meets bay rum thing we are

going to go with her acyl red and this is the sandalwood yeah and that is going

to be nice and this is a aftershave lotion and I basically am using it as a

cologne I am whether it is or not that matter it's all good

yep and we're gonna finish this shave off with men's style

and this is Spice Island so this is a babe round kind of spicy sweet made

round I'm gonna go ahead and get a squirt of that on there and this is a

bomb now I know most people can take bombs if you can't then you know that's

okay you don't have to but you know if you can go for it because it's so good

for the skin you know you can repair that skin with

this kind of a routine with them with chains alone everything just very nice

all right there you go the first thing I do is I will get that

razor and we're gonna make sure that it's nice and dry now if you've got the

whole thing with then you know probably hit this with like a hairdryer or

something that would be brilliant now again I only get mine wet from here down

so the hinge pins never been wet on this one now I'm going to go ahead and flip

that over like that we're gonna put that down for a minute now I make razor watts

so I'm gonna just get a little bit of that on my finger like that that's all I

need close that up and then I'm going to take

that and put it right on that blade like this okay and then I'm going to peach it

off pull off the edge away from me okay you don't want to actually hit that edge

because that would not be a good day for you all right so now I'm go ahead and

got the blade now we're gonna get the tank get this tail okay we've got the

end we got in here and now we're gonna leave that open overnight

and let it dry okay so right now we're just going to put it down there yeah I'm

going to cover that because the next thing we're going to do is we're going

to go ahead and clean this brush so what I do is I swirl that around on the

bottom of the bowl here like that and then we can empty that and as it empties

I will go ahead and swallow that first around the edge and that's going to

clean out that sink now I'm going to get after that I'm going to get most of that

water out of there all right and then I take a towel okay and I'm

going to get the excess water out of this brush just by rubbing it on your

towel now I'm not smashing it into the towel okay I'm just rubbing the tips one

the towel that's all I'm doing and then we are going to be in good

shape and I just keep moving it around until I get that in pretty good shape

now I'm going to take this towel and dry off the handle as well just like that

and we're good to go now what I'm going to do is I'm going

southern on the handle and let it dry like that overnight mm-hmm and by the

morning this will be dry ready to go again so we'll put that aside now as far

as the suit goes okay you could wash that out if you want what I normally

would do is I will actually take it and just wash the outside that's all I do

with this okay I washed the outside of the tub and I'm just gonna leave the

inside there to dry overnight again and in the morning I will go ahead and put

the lid on there I do straight razor edge Friday specials on the first and

third Friday of every month you can click on this card

to see a full straight razor shave the hat pass revealed and reloaded yes now I

get my ideas for these straight razor inch Friday specials from you so down in

the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming street razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for you and if you're new around here give me a

hashtag nude down in the comments let us know you're here if you have any

comments or questions go ahead and add that in as well

and it's good to see you alright and it's good to see you if you've been

around awhile too so thank you so much for watching now I also have a ton of

links in the description for straight razor shaving and honing videos in

playlists so you check that out as well click over here to see my latest video

click down here on the video especially picked out for you click over here on me

subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave in

a good day and I will see you next time Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave this is the Post Shave Routine and Cleanup - Duration: 8:30.


Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with Adventures In

Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus Straight Razor

Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and

Reloaded! Let's do this alright so basically the half pass is

just going to be my jawline in my neck all right now the reason why I do this

is I don't need to do my cheeks and it for me just would be more irritation

which I don't need and now you will need to figure out if that's an issue for you

if you need a full 3 passes you're gonna have to do it yeah but if you don't then

you need to find out what works for you and how far can you go now there are

several kinds of shapes all right everybody's chasing the BBS the Baby But

Smooth now I'm telling you right here right now don't chase it

it does happen all right but you don't have to chase it all right now what I

would suggest is to start with a Socially Acceptable Shave (SAS) something

that looks like you shaved all right yeah and for most places that would be

good enough so give that a try now if you find you really do need that three

pass shave and maybe even some pickups then you know you have to do what you

have to do but I would say suggest do the least amount that you have to do

because every time you run that blade over your face you're going to have you

know more irritation and that just not gonna be good for anybody all right so

now this is the half pass so this is basically going to be against the grain

crossed here on my jaw this is going to be against the grain

here this is against the grain like this this will be against the grain like this

so here we're going to be doing more of a probably across the grain because we

already went against the grain there and I think it's fine

so now what I'm going to do though is I'm going to stretch and I'm shaving

from my ear to my chin alright from here to here on both sides because that's

just the way my hair grows all right now you will have to figure this out for

yourself and this is what once for me it has worked for others in the past as

well so it may be something you can look at but let me just tell you okay this is

got a point so one thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to

take a glass jar and you're going to just want to rub that point on there so

it is no longer sharp especially if you're doing the half past the way I do

it alright so now I would just reach around grab that ear and we're going to

go ahead and get going so I do like that and kind of clear off that jaw back

there and then from there

yeah that's completely against the grain and then I'm gonna go here all right and

now that's why you want that point muted one glass all right because you don't

want to be cutting yourself up there for no good reason

all right so now this is going to be with the grain this way now I'm going to

try to go across the grain bone now kind of doing the windshield wiper thing

again be careful with that though

and that is brilliant that is so nice now again we're going to wash that off

like that and just the blade got wet I didn't get the hinge pin wet or anything

there so we're good to go on that now I'm switching hands I'm going to grab

that ear and I I now I've got this cleaned off so now I'm going to grab

there I'm also blowing out my cheek and all of that so do whatever you need to

do okay

oh nice that's really good now this is going to be against the

grain ready here and here and then right through here that is going to be across

big smile that way I'm stretching everything else

there we go nice there clean that blade off again just like that

yeah well finish this off all right and that looks like there was not a bump

harmed in the filming of the shave video excellent all right so now we're going

to finish clean off that blade like that and we're gonna leave it there now let's

get that washed off and see how we did oh nice Oh brilliant now if you had if

you had pickups now would be the time so you know if you had to pick up somewhere

I'm actually really good right wearing him but if you had pick up somewhere go

ahead and just real a the real a there and hit that that one spot or those two

spots or however many okay and trying to hit them against the grain because

that'll not come down the best now if you can't do that though just go with

the grain all right it I guarantee it it's still going to be

a better shave than normal all right I do string these orange Friday specials

on the first and third Friday of every month you can click on this card for a

full straight razor shave pass to I think it could be helpful I do now I get

my ideas for these straight razor edge Friday specials from you so down in the

comments go ahead and leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming straight razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for them and if you're new around here

give me a hashtag new down in the calm and let me not have any questions or

comments that way we can answer those for you and we can welcome you at the

same time all right and by the way down in the description

I've got a ton of links there for straight razor shaving and homing videos

and playlists which could be very interesting click over here to see my

latest video click down here on a video especially picked out for you click over

here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a

great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet


For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.


为什么对范冰冰处以行政处罚而没追刑责看完你们都不用退公司了 - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> 为什么对范冰冰处以行政处罚而没追刑责看完你们都不用退公司了 - Duration: 6:39.


Vieni da me, l'ex di Ayrton Senna e la frase agghiacciante del pilota sulla sua morte: choc da Cater - Duration: 1:18.

 A Vieni da me di Caterina Balivo su Rai 1, l'ex compagna del campione di F1 Ayrton Senna, Cristina Pensa, ha svelato un retroscena da brividi sul passato del pilota brasiliano

Qualche anno prima del tragico incidente a Imola nel 1994, la Pensa ricorda di uno strano colloquio avuto con il suo compagno nel 1990, proprio quando erano su quello stesso circuito: "Si è lasciando andare con me a Imola, nel febbraio 1990 alle prova con la McLaren

Mi ha detto: 'Ho bisogno di parlarti, ho un brutto presentimento, sento che non vivrò a lungo'"

 Il ricordo della Pensa diventa sempre più cupo quando emergono alcuni dettagli: "Sul divanetto della nostra camera - ha aggiunto - c'era un libro con la storia di Gilles Villeneuve, io ho chiesto spiegazioni a Senna e lui mi ha risposto: 'Era un grande pilota, ma penso che questa sarà anche la mia fine'

L'ho lasciato, a 22 anni non me la sentivo di fare quella vita".

For more infomation >> Vieni da me, l'ex di Ayrton Senna e la frase agghiacciante del pilota sulla sua morte: choc da Cater - Duration: 1:18.


【日本S】美人妻キャディーとタッグを組むY・E・ヤンが首位快走 石川遼4位と健闘 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> 【日本S】美人妻キャディーとタッグを組むY・E・ヤンが首位快走 石川遼4位と健闘 - Duration: 1:58.


Jóvenes Sin Futuro👭💊🎉 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:13.

For more infomation >> Jóvenes Sin Futuro👭💊🎉 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:13.


Camperplaats Passantenhaven de Kalkovens, Gorredijk, Friesland, Nederland (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:55.

Camperstop port 'de Kalkovens' Gorredijk, Friesland, Netherlands

Free stop over. Use of sanitairy block: €0.50 per visit. Shower €0.50. Electricity €1.00/24h. Water €1.00/100l

In short: follow the rules or you will be doomed!

Space for up to four motorhomes on the specified pitches. Be aware that these rules are strictly enforced!

Sanitary block open during the boating season (May-Sept)

Electricity and drinking water at the waterside. Bring an extension cord for your power cable.

Pit for your chemical toilet at the bridge on the beginning of the street. No possibility to flush, or dump gray water.

The path on the other side of the canal leads straight into Gorredijk center.

For more infomation >> Camperplaats Passantenhaven de Kalkovens, Gorredijk, Friesland, Nederland (English subtitled) - Duration: 1:55.


Replica L'Allieva 2, l'ultima puntata in streaming online su RaiPlay - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Replica L'Allieva 2, l'ultima puntata in streaming online su RaiPlay - Duration: 10:00.


Scherzi a Parte, Matteo Renzi ridotto a fare lo zimbello in tv: ridicolizzato da Paolo Bonolis - Duration: 1:50.

 Venerdì 30 novembre, in prima serata su Canale 5, quarto e ultimo appuntamento con Scherzi a parte, condotto da Paolo Bonolis

 Tra le vittime della puntata Matteo Renzi, Andrea Iannone, Giuseppe Cruciani e Andrea Pucci

  Fa davvero impressione pensare che Renzi, ex premier, ora sia ridotto a fare lo zimbello in televisione

 Paolo Bonolis introduce le beffe con monologhi ad hoc e commenta il prima e dopo dei filmati, ospitando i personaggi protagonisti degli scherzi

 Come di consueto, il pubblico seguirà il dietro le quinte e tutte le fasi degli scherzi: ideazione, colloqui con i complici, organizzazione, sopralluoghi, inconvenienti incontrati durante il percorso e, solo alla fine, realizzazione

Ogni singolo passaggio verrà mostrato senza alcun filtro. La regia di Scherzi a Parte è affidata a Stefano Vicario

For more infomation >> Scherzi a Parte, Matteo Renzi ridotto a fare lo zimbello in tv: ridicolizzato da Paolo Bonolis - Duration: 1:50.


Our vacation to Cochem | Part 4 - Duration: 11:54.


Today we are going to that wildpark

Now the weather is good

The day before yesterday the weather was not that great

It was raining and then we went to that elf cave

And yesterday we had a relaxing day, so we didn't do anything

So now we are on our way

It's now 10.30 am

And we want to be there before 11 am

Because there will be another birdshow

And then we'll see

{He saw me filming and came our way}


{He wanted to put the bird on my head}


{The bird didn't want to go on my head, haha}

{But he did want to go on Dennis his head!}

Well we are now driving to..

Where we are supposed to start

Because you can drive through the Animals

So not really through them, but..

We were just in time for the birdshow

Because the navigation sent us the wrong way

So i don't know what he was thinking but..

Then we were a bit late

But we saw it anyway so..

We just ate a baquette

'At this place'

At this place

That's where we ate

And there they are filling boxes with animal food

Animal food that we bought

'Wild food'

Again with the 'Wildfutter'

Oh it's all on me

Here we go!

And now we are going to feed the animals, hopefully

Oh god..He's looking straight at me..

He's thinking, yeah you wait..

'Dodge Ram, we dodged him..'

'Is it the ram?'

Yeah! It's that ram!


Dennis, Dennis, he's coming!

He followed us!

If you find this camera..

Than it was that ram!

'Then that ram killed us'

He really started to run!


Ow, he scared me

'Oh my..'

'They are going to spit'

I don't think they

'Oh my, did you see that!?'

{singing}'There is a donkey on the road'

Donkeys! there are multiple!

Do you also want?

'He probably does'

Well, there's not really life in him

Do you want more?

A Lama!


Why are you looking at my feet?


What a big thing this is!

Oh was that one box?


Shall i grab the second one?


Oh god, i really don't like it if he does his head like this

Oh not that bad..But he was following us

'Do you still like it?'


'Yeah, me too'

The tour is almost over

'That's what we think'

Yes, this is the last parking place

'That's what we think'

We think..

It says so on the map

"If that is the place we are at'

Yeah..i think so

'He just drank water'

Oh, so it's a little wet?

'Yeah, very wet'

He really takes my whole hand

'You have to give him something'

Oh, how cute


Don't do that!

'Do we risk it?'

Oh, now you have them

'Yeah, you where looking at it the whole time'

You still have something in you mouth!

'Yeah, you still have something in your mouth!'

Oh, you are so cute!

Can i have food for this one, he's so cute

Oh! But he has scary teeth!

'No that doesn't hurt, this one has it too'

'Why aren't you giving something to this fluffy one?'

But this one is also sweet

He still has small horns

'Yeah, it will become a little ram'

We arrived at a vulcano

At least we think so

I forgot the name, al..


So we are now going to walk there

'It collapsed'

A bridge..

'Well it was a roof'

'The roof has collapsed'

Well the tunnel was probably the road where we had to go..

To arrive at the vulcano

Wow, it's hot..

So we are now trying to walk around it

And see if we can get there

That tunnel was collapsed so..

No idea where we are heading now

For more infomation >> Our vacation to Cochem | Part 4 - Duration: 11:54.


|| New Dua-e-Kumail 2018 || - Duration: 31:37.

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For more infomation >> || New Dua-e-Kumail 2018 || - Duration: 31:37.


Subaru XV - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV - Duration: 1:09.


Subaru XV - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV - Duration: 1:07.


жк Дарград - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> жк Дарград - Duration: 7:25.


Subaru Impreza - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Subaru Impreza - Duration: 1:13.


"不吃早餐"的人当心!胆结石找上你 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> "不吃早餐"的人当心!胆结石找上你 - Duration: 2:27.


Tony Spina y Makoke: cariñoso reencuentro tras la expulsión de GH VIP - Duration: 6:06.

 Los dados estaban echados. La competición era dura. Tony Spina se veía las caras con El Koala, un concursante que ha estado casi ininterrumpidamente nominado desde el comienzo de GH VIP

El italiano no pudo finalmente con el cantante y ha sido el expulsado de la noche

Dijo irse con "la cabeza bien alta" tras 11 semanas de concurso. En la casa, la expulsión fue una sorpresa a medias

Los grandes vencedores han sido, sin duda, Miriam Saavedra y El Koala. Entre los dos, se han impuesto a la mayoría de los expulsados de esta edición

Tony: "Sí, claro que he pensado en Makoke" #GHVIPGala12  — Gran Hermano (@ghoficial) November 30, 2018    Sin embargo, aunque parezca extraño, hay una beneficiada con la expulsión de Tony: Makoke

La ex de Kiko Matamoros y el italiano eran inseparables dentro de la casa y fuera puede que lo sean aún más

Las muestras de complicidad entre ambos fueron constantes desde el momento en que Tony entró en el plató

El presentador, Jorge Javier Vázquez, no dejó de lanzar indirectas. Lo cierto es que ambos se mostraron algo cortados en el momento del reencuentro y les costaba mirarse a los ojos sin dedicarse miradas furtivas y risas nerviosas

Muchos son los que aventuran un posible romance ahora que los dos están fuera.  Miriam, Mónica y El Koala nominados… Suso y Asraf finalistas ¡Primeros finalistas de GHVIP 6 @_SusoGH16_ y @Asrafmodel! #GHVIPGala12 pic  — Gran Hermano (@ghoficial) November 30, 2018    Con la expulsión de Tony, quedan cinco concursantes en la casa

Durante toda le edición, Miriam y El Koala fueron los más nominados. Ambos han ido sorteando todos los obstáculos, "cargándose" a los demás nominados y librándose de la temida expulsión

Su fortaleza es, sin embargo, su debilidad. Aunque están muy unidos y actúan como un bloque indivisible, eso no les libra de una nueva nominación, la última para ser más exactos

Los dos amigos se batirán por la salvación, esta vez junto a Mónica Hoyos, la gran enemiga de Saavedra

En la otra cara de la moneda se encuentran Asraf y Suso. Al librarse de la nomiación, se han convertido automáticamente en los primeros finalistas de GH VIP 6

 Los celos de Aurah Si una cara puede ser un poema, lo de Aurah esta noche es un romancero #GHVIPGala12 pic  — Gran Hermano (@ghoficial) November 29, 2018    La canaria no lleva bien estar lejos de Suso

Tanto es así que lleva días expresando su molestia por la complicidad de Suso y Asraf

Los dos concursantes llevan varias jornadas con una exaltación exacerbada de la amistad, algo que ha sorprendido a la ex de Jesé Rodríguez

Todo no pasa de una simple broma, pero la ex tronista de Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa ha mostrado su malestar e incomodidad ante los juegos de su novio con su mejor amigo

Aurah lo expresó así en el Límite 48h del pasado martes y también este jueves durante la gala de expulsión

A quien no le ha sentado nada bien estas insinuaciones ha sido a Anuar Beno, el hermano de Asraf

El joven ha mostrado su enfado por los celos de Aurah: "ves cosas donde no las hay

No voy a consentir que digas que a mi hermano le gusta Suso".

For more infomation >> Tony Spina y Makoke: cariñoso reencuentro tras la expulsión de GH VIP - Duration: 6:06.


Sai valutare il ritorno del tuo Marketing? Conosci il Lifetime Value dei tuoi clienti? - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Sai valutare il ritorno del tuo Marketing? Conosci il Lifetime Value dei tuoi clienti? - Duration: 3:25.


11/29/18 5:12 PM (7604 Donald Nelson Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 11/29/18 5:12 PM (7604 Donald Nelson Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 6:19.


Full Straight Razor Shave this is the Post Shave Routine and Cleanup - Duration: 8:30.

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus

Straight Razor Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave and this is the

Post Shave Routine alright now we've had a good shave first thing I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna put Alum everywhere yep now this is wonderful because it is

astringent and antiseptic at the same time so it's good for the skin

yeah tightens up those pores does a fine job and there we go now I'm just going

to take this and dry that off

now for the aftershave kind of thing we are going fires and this is the lavender

just marvelous this was one of my favorite scents from them we're going to

put that on as a aftershave again good for the skin yeah wonderful and I put

that everywhere I don't think you can go wrong with that it's just so good for

the skin next because this was a kind of sandalwood meets bay rum thing we are

going to go with her acyl red and this is the sandalwood yeah and that is going

to be nice and this is a aftershave lotion and I basically am using it as a

cologne I am whether it is or not that matter it's all good

yep and we're gonna finish this shave off with men's style

and this is Spice Island so this is a babe round kind of spicy sweet made

round I'm gonna go ahead and get a squirt of that on there and this is a

bomb now I know most people can take bombs if you can't then you know that's

okay you don't have to but you know if you can go for it because it's so good

for the skin you know you can repair that skin with

this kind of a routine with them with chains alone everything just very nice

all right there you go the first thing I do is I will get that

razor and we're gonna make sure that it's nice and dry now if you've got the

whole thing with then you know probably hit this with like a hairdryer or

something that would be brilliant now again I only get mine wet from here down

so the hinge pins never been wet on this one now I'm going to go ahead and flip

that over like that we're gonna put that down for a minute now I make razor watts

so I'm gonna just get a little bit of that on my finger like that that's all I

need close that up and then I'm going to take

that and put it right on that blade like this okay and then I'm going to peach it

off pull off the edge away from me okay you don't want to actually hit that edge

because that would not be a good day for you all right so now I'm go ahead and

got the blade now we're gonna get the tank get this tail okay we've got the

end we got in here and now we're gonna leave that open overnight

and let it dry okay so right now we're just going to put it down there yeah I'm

going to cover that because the next thing we're going to do is we're going

to go ahead and clean this brush so what I do is I swirl that around on the

bottom of the bowl here like that and then we can empty that and as it empties

I will go ahead and swallow that first around the edge and that's going to

clean out that sink now I'm going to get after that I'm going to get most of that

water out of there all right and then I take a towel okay and I'm

going to get the excess water out of this brush just by rubbing it on your

towel now I'm not smashing it into the towel okay I'm just rubbing the tips one

the towel that's all I'm doing and then we are going to be in good

shape and I just keep moving it around until I get that in pretty good shape

now I'm going to take this towel and dry off the handle as well just like that

and we're good to go now what I'm going to do is I'm going

southern on the handle and let it dry like that overnight mm-hmm and by the

morning this will be dry ready to go again so we'll put that aside now as far

as the suit goes okay you could wash that out if you want what I normally

would do is I will actually take it and just wash the outside that's all I do

with this okay I washed the outside of the tub and I'm just gonna leave the

inside there to dry overnight again and in the morning I will go ahead and put

the lid on there I do straight razor edge Friday specials on the first and

third Friday of every month you can click on this card

to see a full straight razor shave the hat pass revealed and reloaded yes now I

get my ideas for these straight razor inch Friday specials from you so down in

the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming street razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for you and if you're new around here give me a

hashtag nude down in the comments let us know you're here if you have any

comments or questions go ahead and add that in as well

and it's good to see you alright and it's good to see you if you've been

around awhile too so thank you so much for watching now I also have a ton of

links in the description for straight razor shaving and honing videos in

playlists so you check that out as well click over here to see my latest video

click down here on the video especially picked out for you click over here on me

subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave in

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For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave this is the Post Shave Routine and Cleanup - Duration: 8:30.


Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with Adventures In

Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus Straight Razor

Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and

Reloaded! Let's do this alright so basically the half pass is

just going to be my jawline in my neck all right now the reason why I do this

is I don't need to do my cheeks and it for me just would be more irritation

which I don't need and now you will need to figure out if that's an issue for you

if you need a full 3 passes you're gonna have to do it yeah but if you don't then

you need to find out what works for you and how far can you go now there are

several kinds of shapes all right everybody's chasing the BBS the Baby But

Smooth now I'm telling you right here right now don't chase it

it does happen all right but you don't have to chase it all right now what I

would suggest is to start with a Socially Acceptable Shave (SAS) something

that looks like you shaved all right yeah and for most places that would be

good enough so give that a try now if you find you really do need that three

pass shave and maybe even some pickups then you know you have to do what you

have to do but I would say suggest do the least amount that you have to do

because every time you run that blade over your face you're going to have you

know more irritation and that just not gonna be good for anybody all right so

now this is the half pass so this is basically going to be against the grain

crossed here on my jaw this is going to be against the grain

here this is against the grain like this this will be against the grain like this

so here we're going to be doing more of a probably across the grain because we

already went against the grain there and I think it's fine

so now what I'm going to do though is I'm going to stretch and I'm shaving

from my ear to my chin alright from here to here on both sides because that's

just the way my hair grows all right now you will have to figure this out for

yourself and this is what once for me it has worked for others in the past as

well so it may be something you can look at but let me just tell you okay this is

got a point so one thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to

take a glass jar and you're going to just want to rub that point on there so

it is no longer sharp especially if you're doing the half past the way I do

it alright so now I would just reach around grab that ear and we're going to

go ahead and get going so I do like that and kind of clear off that jaw back

there and then from there

yeah that's completely against the grain and then I'm gonna go here all right and

now that's why you want that point muted one glass all right because you don't

want to be cutting yourself up there for no good reason

all right so now this is going to be with the grain this way now I'm going to

try to go across the grain bone now kind of doing the windshield wiper thing

again be careful with that though

and that is brilliant that is so nice now again we're going to wash that off

like that and just the blade got wet I didn't get the hinge pin wet or anything

there so we're good to go on that now I'm switching hands I'm going to grab

that ear and I I now I've got this cleaned off so now I'm going to grab

there I'm also blowing out my cheek and all of that so do whatever you need to

do okay

oh nice that's really good now this is going to be against the

grain ready here and here and then right through here that is going to be across

big smile that way I'm stretching everything else

there we go nice there clean that blade off again just like that

yeah well finish this off all right and that looks like there was not a bump

harmed in the filming of the shave video excellent all right so now we're going

to finish clean off that blade like that and we're gonna leave it there now let's

get that washed off and see how we did oh nice Oh brilliant now if you had if

you had pickups now would be the time so you know if you had to pick up somewhere

I'm actually really good right wearing him but if you had pick up somewhere go

ahead and just real a the real a there and hit that that one spot or those two

spots or however many okay and trying to hit them against the grain because

that'll not come down the best now if you can't do that though just go with

the grain all right it I guarantee it it's still going to be

a better shave than normal all right I do string these orange Friday specials

on the first and third Friday of every month you can click on this card for a

full straight razor shave pass to I think it could be helpful I do now I get

my ideas for these straight razor edge Friday specials from you so down in the

comments go ahead and leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming straight razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for them and if you're new around here

give me a hashtag new down in the calm and let me not have any questions or

comments that way we can answer those for you and we can welcome you at the

same time all right and by the way down in the description

I've got a ton of links there for straight razor shaving and homing videos

and playlists which could be very interesting click over here to see my

latest video click down here on a video especially picked out for you click over

here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a

great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet


For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.


为什么对范冰冰处以行政处罚而没追刑责看完你们都不用退公司了 - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> 为什么对范冰冰处以行政处罚而没追刑责看完你们都不用退公司了 - Duration: 6:39.


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For more infomation >> Ukraine - Russie: en marche vers la guerre ? - Duration: 3:05.


Guidance du 3 au 9 décembre: puissance intérieure, libération d'énergie - Duration: 21:19.

For more infomation >> Guidance du 3 au 9 décembre: puissance intérieure, libération d'énergie - Duration: 21:19.


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Rainer liest eine Geschichte im Präteritum - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #12 - Duration: 4:49.

This video is sponsored by Lingoda.

No matter what your German level is, you can find lessons fit your needs on Lingoda.

All lessons are live lessons with qualified native speakers,

who can help you reach your German learning goals.

Click the link in the description and get started learning German with Lingoda today.

Rainer reads a story in the preterite - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim #12

Rainer: Hello, German learners.

Sometimes I write my own stories.

Today I would like to read one of these stories aloud.

This story is written in the preterite tense.

I have attempted to use as many regular verbs as possible,

as Herr Antrim will teach you the rules for regular verbs in the preterite next week.

I also used "haben" and "sein" of course, because Herr Antrim already explained to you how you can use these verbs in the preterite tense.

In order to get the most out of this video, you should try to recognize the rules on your own while you are listening.

And now let's start.

A long time ago there lived a princess,

who lived in a large castle.

She had everything that she wanted.

If she said something, her servants did exactly what she commanded

and that meant a lot of work for the servants.

She didn't work.

She played every day the entire day.

Her father, the king, believed she was vain and egotistical.

He thought she should learn, how the poor people in her kingdom lived.

He asked his advisors what he should do

and they showed him a plan.

A week later they acted and put this plan into action.

The princess saw a butterfly and she followed it here and there.

The butterfly lead her into the city.

She met a small girl there.

This girl needed help.

She was learning a new song on the guitar

when the wind suddenly blew and her sheet music flew away.

The girl put the guitar next to the well and cried.

The princess attempted to cheer up the girl.

The girl told her story.

The girl belonged to the best guitar players in the city.

She explained that she was supposed to play this song at the city's jubilee,

but she couldn't play the song without her sheet music yet.

The princess and the girl looked all over the city,

but they didn't find the sheet music.

They imagined where they could be.

They had searched on the ground.

"Maybe the sheet music is in a tree or on a roof." said the princess.

A few minutes later they arrived at the bakery.

The baker asked the princess and the girl what was wrong.

They talked for a while amongst each other.

Then the girl remembered

that the baker was also supposed to play guitar at the jubilee.

The baker got his sheet music,

put it on the table and pulled up a chair.

Now they studied the sheet music together in order to prepare for the jubilee.

The girl felt much better.

The princess went back to her castle.

There she waited until the jubilee started.

She expected that the guitar players would play very amusingly.

From this moment on

the princess was interested in the problems of her people

and she developed into a favorite of the people.

She educated herself on politics

and how she could help the people of her city.

The End.

Rainer: Did you understand everything?

Write in the comments if you have any questions.

Keep in mind that this story deals with regular verbs.

Of course, one could formulate this story better.

If you are looking online for German language lessons,

you should check out Lingoda.

Their teachers are native speakers and their lessons are fantastic.

Click the link in the description and start learning German with Lingoda today.

If you want to learn more German with Herr Antrim, you can click these links.

That is all for today. Thanks for watching. Until next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Rainer liest eine Geschichte im Präteritum - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #12 - Duration: 4:49.


This Is The Way | Kindergraten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Kids Videos by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:03:53.

This is the way, we get out of the bed!

Get out of the bed, Get out of the bed,

This is the way, we get out of the bed so early in the morning..

This is the way we brush our teeth

Brush, our teeth, Brush our teeth..

This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning..

This is the way we put all the clothes,

We put all the clothes We put all the clothes

This is the way we put all the clothes so early in the morning..

This is the way we go to school,

Go to school, Go to school...

This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.

For more infomation >> This Is The Way | Kindergraten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Kids Videos by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:03:53.


INDIA Medical Mission Part Two - Duration: 41:02.

(warm piano and strings music)

(dark, enchanting music)

- [Announcer] We have Dr. Ryan F. Osborne

and the surgeons of Osborne Head & Neck Institution.

(panelists clapping)

Dr. Ryan is a key ENT surgeon and head of surgical team

who has come all the way from USA for this camp.

- We will be doing our best to take care of anyone

and everyone who is interested in the services we provide.

Our plan was simple.

We'll go anywhere where there are people who need help.

We heard there might be some people here in India.

My name is Ryan Osborne.

I trained as a head and neck surgeon

in South Central Los Angeles, managing the most complex

cancer and trauma patients in the country.

I've operated across the globe

in first and third world countries.

My experiences have taught me the value of flexible

and innovative thinking,

but I realized that our healthcare system

doesn't always allow for that.

So I started Osborne Head & Neck Institute

and made it my mission to find the best,

most creative surgeons around

and I gave them the space to excel.

Together we create a new standard in medicine.

These are our stories.

(nostalgic orchestral music)

- If you must go on your own, let somebody know.

- As we embark upon our mission to India,

we find ourselves congregating again in the airport.

This time, we're flying from Los Angeles to Canada,

from Canada to Delhi.

It took us only, meh, a mere 28 hours.

When we arrived, the team was surprisingly

in pretty good shape.

I guess after Africa, we're pretty much ready for anything.

(tense orchestral music)

So we just traveled literally around the world.

We're in Delhi and what happens?

Of course, the luggage is not all here.

Part of the luggage is here,

but not the part that has our clothes in it.

So we've gotta keep moving,

we've got a connecting flight.

Once we arrived in Delhi,

we assembled the final members of our team.

Dr. Nazarian left his family trip early

in Morocco to meet us,

Dr. Nemanja arrived from Serbia,

and Dr. Swarn Gupta, Dr. Reena Gupta's dad,

he met us from New York.

Dr. Gupta's dad offered to escort the equipment

to make sure it actually got there

and which would allow the team

to catch a small commuter plane

from Delhi to Amritsar Airport

and cut that seven-hour drive down to one hour.

It's an ambulance.

Can you believe that?

Our luggage is going to be transported via an ambulance

from Delhi to Jalandhar.

This is only gonna happen in India.

(man speaking faintly)

- [Ryan] This is how we do it.

(frantic orchestral music)

(warm, reflective piano music)

(somber piano music)

- [Ryan] After a short one-hour flight,

we made it from Delhi to Amritsar.

There was a bus waiting outside the airport

to transport us to the city of Jalandhar,

which is roughly about a two-hour drive.

There we would set up for our mission.

- Ten. - Eleven.

- Twelve.

- We're almost there.

(birds chirping)

- [Ryan] When we arrived to Jalandhar,

I sent the majority of the team to get some rest

and a small group of us stayed awake,

waiting for the equipment to arrive with Dr. Gupta's dad.

Once it arrived in the middle of the night,

we headed to the hospital and began to unload.

We wanted to make sure we were ready first thing,

bright and early in the morning

so we could get right to work.

(powerful, dramatic orchestral music)

After a few hours' sleep,

I got everybody up bright and early in the morning.

We assembled in the lobby to go over logistics

and to strategize how we would triage the day's patients.

(enchanting, rhythmic music)

- [Announcer] We have Dr. Ryan F. Osborne

and the surgeons of Osborne Head & Neck Institution.

(panelists clapping)

Dr. Ryan is a key ENT surgeon and head of surgical team

who has come all the way from USA for this camp.

- We are a group of medical professionals

that believe that medicine is

most uniting profession in the world.

It transcends race, religion,

gender, economics, politics.

It's human, it's humanity.

I know we have a lot of cultural differences,

but just know that during the time that we are here,

we are here to show respect,

to show the quality of our medical care,

and the content of our character to you.

We are here to make friends, to help, and to build bridges.

We will be doing our best to take care of

anyone and everyone who is interested

in the services we provide.

Our plan was simple.

We'll go anywhere where there are people who need help.

We heard there might be some people here in India.

- India is a developing country

and it has developed in the last 50, 60 years

since independence.

People are so much illiterate,

our villages, city is improving.

- We had translators there, but it was still kinda difficult

performing patient examinations.

I found myself repeating myself a lot to the translator.

- There are no male nurses where we were at.

To be a male nurse in India is just unheard of.

- Every patient saw me as their own personal resource.

They were coming to me with all of their problems

because they understood that I was the one

who spoke their language and I could help them.

But I only had so much energy.

- There was about 200 patients waiting to be seen.

- It was a free-for-all.

People would just bombard you and throw you out of the way.

- Every single doctor is busy trying to screen patients

and seeing which one is surgical and which one is not.

- People still believe in the old style medicine.

They still think the allopathic medicine is not that good,

they still believe in the homeopathic, Ayurvedic tricks

and all that stuff.

- Oh, my gosh.

There were, there were some real challenges on this trip.

- Everything that we're accustomed to here in the US,

it kinda goes out the window.

(people chattering)

- [Ryan] Day one of any mission is the same.

It's long.

We have to get through tons of patients,

trying to triage and figure out who needs surgery,

who needs medical care.

Actually, who's even safe for surgery.

- It looks like in India, a lot of people had ear problems

and it was nonstop.

I never had a moment to myself.

Oh, my god.

Ear infection.

(tense, dramatic orchestral music)

- [Ryan] I'm amazed at how despite the language barriers

and the cultural differences,

my team always seems to find a way to bond with the patients

as well as the local medical staff.

(mesmerizing, nostalgic music)

- Crayons.

- I had a memorable patient that had a mass on his nose

called a rhinophyma.

It's a growth of the skin.

It's not cancer, it's not life-threatening,

but it is life-altering.

And one of the reasons this patient wanted to get this fixed

was because he wanted to just be able to present himself

normally to the world.

(dramatic orchestral music)

The surgery for him went very well

and he looked great, I saw him in clinic a few days later.

He looked amazing, he was entirely appreciative

and he felt like we were giving him his life back.

(car honking) (people chattering)

- [Ryan] India is universally known for its beauty.

However, it's also well-known

for its extreme areas of poverty.

(haunting exotic music)

The hospital staff tried to keep us safe

and within the confines of the building, but seriously?

I trained in South Central LA.

I'm no stranger to poverty or dangerous neighborhoods.

So in between cases,

I would sneak out and meet the community.

I wanted a deeper connection

with the people that I was actually here to help.

(vehicles honking)

(enchanting, exotic music)

(tender orchestral music)

- A memorable patient that I had in this day

was a older gentleman who had a lesion

of the inside of his cheek.

And this had been growing for a while.

And it was obviously cancer.

It looked like cancer, it was behaving like cancer.

The game plan for him is to have Dr. Osborne go in,

remove the tumor, and then I'll go in afterwards

and reconstruct the defect that's left.

(tense, expectant orchestral music)

His lip looked great and I think he's gonna do well.

We got the pathology.

It was cancer, but it was entirely removed.

It was great news for him.

I think we cured his cancer

and he's gonna have a longer, healthier life

from this point, so that was great.

(speaking in foreign language)

(people chattering)

(uplifting piano music)

- One of the patients that really stood out to me

was a young woman.

She was probably around 20 or 21 years old

and she had neck masses on both sides.

They had tried to take out this first one

and actually she ended up with a vocal cord paralysis,

and so they couldn't figure out what was going on.

They left most of the mass there because they recognized

that there was something more going on,

but they sort of just left it at that.

They didn't know really what to do next.

So I reviewed the case with Dr. Osborne,

we talked about what we could do for this young woman

with two tumors in her neck, a vocal cord paralysis,

no diagnosis established, and her whole life ahead of her.

- Going into the surgery, yes, I knew I could remove it,

but the real goal was to figure out what exactly is this.

- You gotta live inside that. (speaking faintly)

(swelling, emotive orchestral music)

- I am.

- So we took her to surgery

and the surgical plan was very much to be determined.

(tense, dramatic orchestral music)

- Throughout the surgery, it became very apparent

that there was definitely something strange going on here.

This wasn't a straightforward neck mass.

- I don't think I've ever seen a case like that.

It was absolutely incredible.

And within about an hour, we realized that her entire neck

was full of these little nodular growths.

- I could see the peripheral nerves,

meaning the nerves that are close to the skin,

had undergone some sort of neoplastic change

and I began to think immediately,

this is probably neurofibroma.

Because there are different types of neurofibromatosis,

the goal is to figure out which one the patient has.

- We sent tissue for diagnosis and it came back

as likely to be something called neurofibromatosis.

- Neurofibromatosis is a poorly understood disease,

but one that is not easily managed surgically.

- And I remember we were talking to her father afterwards.

And actually, this was a case I pulled my dad in for

'cause I said I really need him to understand

the full extent of this.

And we were talking, and as the father took my hand

to thank me, I noticed he had neurofibromas on his hand.

We got into this whole story about,

okay, this is a genetic condition

and this is how this might affect other family members.

And he looked up and he said,

"Yeah, my sister had this too."

And it was just one of those things

where you realize you're having an impact beyond that moment

and that one patient,

you're helping this whole family understand something

and seek treatment

that they might not have otherwise known to seek

and it will change their outcomes.

There's no cure, but there's management.

I was glad that my dad could help them understand it

and that we could help her

get on the path towards treatment.

(tranquil music)

(rhythmic, energetic music)

- [Jason] The case that stuck with me the most

was this small girl.

- She was only seven year old.

She was from Nepal, actually living in India.

More interestingly, when you listen to the child,

she was saying she wants to be a doctor

and she wants to do all these missions out

so when she grows up.

- She had fibrous dysplasia,

which is lesion involving the bone

where it starts to change the bone into sort of a cartilage

so it gets soft and deformed,

and it starts growing like a big mass.

And she unfortunately had it right here

on the front of her head

and it was so large that it was pushing her hair out

and it looked like she had just a small little mass of tumor

protruding from the front of her skull.

(melancholic music)

- I remember I was a little nervous to bring this girl

into the operating room, but we had to do it.

- [Woman] Your mommy is gonna be with you.

- And then just at the last minute,

I saw him in the corner of my eye, I said,

"Dad, just come in and just help this girl feel comfortable,

"if you don't mind."

He came in and he took her hand,

and he just soothed her until the anesthesia took effect

and she fell asleep.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- The case involved shaving and carving down that bone

so that her skull underneath looks completely normal.

At three separate times, the power went out.

(instrument rasping)

We're using a drill, we're operating on a child,

and all of a sudden, everything goes black.

I really wanted her to have a great outcome,

but at the same time, I was really worried about being safe

because we were having problems with the electricity.

And I think we did a really good job.

I feel like we made her life potentially a little better.

- After surgery, what she said is,

"I'm glad everything went well

"because I wanna be a doctor like him when I grow up."

I mean, I know how she feels.

I grew up feeling that way.

I grew up feeling like I wanna be like him when I grow up.

- So there was this lady with this large parotid tumor

and I feel very at home with that.

That's something I do absolutely every single day.

(gentle, melancholic music)

(moves into tense orchestral music)

The difference here is we're gonna do this

with no nerve monitor,

none of the typical things that we use

to keep ourselves out of trouble.

(machinery rasping)

(machinery rasping)

Despite not having our normal monitors

and safety measures and safeguards,

the reality is, the surgery went beautiful.

Tumor was removed, facial nerve was totally intact,

she had no facial nerve paralysis or even weakness,

for that matter, and she's gonna do beautiful.

And I'm really happy I had an opportunity to help her.

When we perform a mission,

we try to stay focused on spending every possible moment

just engaged in patient care.

But often, we have to spend time

in sort of ceremonious activities.

You have to acknowledge the hard work

that goes into organizing

and making the necessary preparations

for an international mission to proceed successfully.

(wistful, exotic music)

- My name is Paras, Paras Sareen.

I am from Punjab then Jalandhar.

I was seven or eight years

when I found that I have a sinus problem.

I consulted many doctors,

but didn't get any good response.

- And they basically examined his sinuses

and told him that nothing's wrong,

and they're actually right.

His primary problem is that

he has a really bad deviated septum

and he has collapse of his upper nasal vault,

and that's causing him to be obstructed.

He's unable to breathe through his nose

and that's causing a lot of pressure on the sinuses.

So in this case, we're gonna have to do something called

an open septoplasty.

- I'm quite nervous and excited.

It's my first surgery ever.

- So the game plan for the surgery is, number one,

straighten the inside of the septum

that's causing blockage of his right nasal passage.

Number two, correct the deviation on the bridge of the nose

that's causing his upper airway to be collapsed

and support it with some cartilage

that we borrow from the septoplasty

and then number three,

support the tip of this nose

so that it doesn't continue to droop

and cause him problems in the future.

Paras is asleep and under general anesthesia,

but we're still gonna anesthetize the nose

so he doesn't feel anything when the surgery is over.

The second thing we're gonna do

is work on straightening the inside portion of the septum

by repositioning the cartilage

and removing any excess that's blocking the nasal passage.

We're now gonna open up the skin envelope

that's covering up the structure of the nose.

We're gonna use some cartilage from the septum

and we'll carve that into grafts

that will support and bolster the upper part of the nose

to give him support.

Lastly, we'll close everything up

with a little bit support on the tip of the nose

so that he has a functional nose that looks normal

and will last him his whole life.

I think he's gonna have a excellent result

and this is gonna last him for his whole lifetime,

and I'm glad that we had the opportunity

to take care of him on this trip.

(gentle, nostalgic piano music)

(people chattering and laughing)

(enchanting exotic music)

(vehicle honking)

- Once we left the hotel and got to the hospital,

it was just all systems go.

(restless, dramatic music)

Two separate teams, an operative team, a clinic team.

Patients would be waiting.

They would've slept in that hospital lobby overnight,

waiting for us to arrive.

They knew we were gonna be there

and that we were gonna hit the ground running

the second we got there.

- We're always fighting against time

until ultimately, we ran out.

- One of the cases that I did

was of an older gentleman who had a growth in his larynx.

We took him to the operating room and I biopsied it

so that we could establish diagnosis.

The case went really well.

We found the mass, took a good biopsy,

and now we're just waiting for pathology

to see what the diagnosis is.

So we have to do a trach.

My dad is an incredible person.

He's pretty much,

I think the most amazing person I've ever met.

He always raised us to think of

being a doctor as a privilege,

not as something to be egotistical about.

But he would always say that you're so blessed

to be able to be educated

and the gift is given to you

so that you can help other people.

It's your privilege, it's not...

It's your calling.

- You feel so much good, you know,

when you are next to your children

and you see them doing these things.

That gives you the happiness in the heart

that whatever objectives we had in our life,

we were able to achieve those objectives

and our children are doing it.

- It's one of those things you know

you can never really achieve that.

I don't think I could ever be the doctor he is

because he does it with every fiber of his being.

It's who he is.

- Pleasure.

Standing next to your own child, you know,

and you see them, they grow up

and they are doing these operations.

Sometimes you wonder, you know,

how the children will grow up,

so it was very much giving me lot of happiness inside

to see the child doing all this.

- [James] This is Tanya.


(gentle orchestral music)

- [Ryan] One of the most impactful aspects of the mission

is when we get an opportunity

to work with the local doctors.

They come into the operating room and work with us

and gives us an opportunity to share and exchange

both knowledge and techniques.

- There was this one patient

that came on the second or third day of our clinic.

And he had a very serious ear problem.

He had something called a cholesteatoma inside his ear.

The problem was that he came a little bit too late.

He didn't come up and see us till the second day.

By that point, we had surgeries for every single day,

so the only thing I could tell him was we're totally full,

but if you really wanna have this surgery done,

we can help you, but you just have to come

and show up every morning

and see if anything gets canceled.

He came every single day

and he would wait there all day long

to see if any surgeries canceled.

And finally on the last day that we were there,

we decided to take on his case

because we had a cancellation.

- I'm gonna get out. (speaking faintly)

(tense, dramatic orchestral music)

- The surgery was very challenging

because he had a pretty big tumor,

but we were able to eradicate the growth inside his ear,

clean everything up, and actually restore his hearing.

I was very proud of that surgery.

(melancholic music)

- So this was our last case of the mission.

It was a thyroid, big goiter,

tons of opportunity for blood loss.

And to be honest with you,

I was completely wiped out, fatigued.

In fact, I actually took a nap before the surgery

while Dr. Nazarian was finishing the case before.

And I knew this was gonna be a bloody case.

This lady had hyperthyroidism.

She essentially, what we thought, had Graves disease,

which is a disease in which the thyroid

has gotten really, really large,

it's got tons of blood vessels going to it,

and the treatment really is either

to ablate the thyroid surgically by removing it,

or to use radioactive iodine,

which was not available to her.

(tense, dramatic music)

I really had no energy left in me

and I just knew I needed to pace myself

to get through this surgery.

(machinery beeping)

It was like a sigh of relief.

I mean, in a lot of ways,

we had finally completed a few things.

The mission was actually over,

this surgery was over, I could stop pretending

and I could actually allow myself to feel

as sick as I actually was.

Just a lot of things kinda, kinda came to this one point

at the same time and it was just like, (heavily exhales)

we're done.

So as our mission has come to an end,

we made so many friends.

We've been forever changed

by these once-in-a-lifetime human interactions.

We'll never forget the flavor of India.

The smiles, the spirit, and the vastness of this country.

We've worked as hard as we could to help as many as we could

and we leave knowing one thing,

that when you have a population of over 1.3 billion,

the number of people we helped,

it's a drop in the bucket compared to the number

that probably need help.

From a public health standpoint,

one might say, what's the point?

And really, all this effort, why even do it?

I would just say, ask one person who received assistance

if they feel like it was a waste of effort.

We may not be able to change the world,

but we can change someone's world.

(warm, uplifting orchestral music)

(rhythmic, dramatic music)

(gentle, swelling orchestral music)

- There is no question that this mission changed my life.

- I really feel like I'll never be the same.

- This was a great blessing for me.

- They just really cemented my desire to go into medicine

and go to be a doctor.

- All the experiences in that one week that I was there,

it made me look a lot at the bigger picture.

- I think one thing that people in America

do take for granted and kind of just expect it now

is convenience, like, convenience is a privilege

and we've kind of just expected it from everything.

- We overindulge in everything in the US.

It's so over the top compared to these places we go

where people literally have nothing.

- We have freedoms to express ourselves

and be whoever we wanna be in whatever situation.

- We have education here.

- You have the freedom to study what you wanna study.

- We have the opportunity to work.

- Have the freedom to be who you wanna be.

- We can speak up as females.

- We have the freedom to interact

with who you wanna interact.

- Cars are available, comfortable transportation,

clean water, clean food that we're able to eat

and not really even have to think about.

- We don't realize that a lot of the world is struggling

and that some of the things that we take for granted

are just not available, so it's easy to judge.

- We shouldn't take that for granted.

We should really be blessed and thankful

that we have the opportunities we have here.

- During the mission, we just hit the ground running

and everybody just did the best that they possibly could

with whatever came their way, whatever it was.

- Through all the adversity that we faced,

the crew just did wonderfully and did amicably,

and it just was an amazing feat to see and witness,

and I'm really, really happy that I was part of that.

- My mom was asking me about my experiences from the trip,

and I told her, Mom, this is honestly what I wanna do

with the rest of my life.

- It's really cool being exposed

to all these different surgeries.

It's very, very interesting.

- Helping out during the surgeries

has been absolutely life-changing experience

that I would not trade for anything in the world.

- I hoping that this is not my last mission,

that will be more missions like that all around the world.

And that I will bring something to my home,

to my people, and to my colleagues.

- I felt like I had gone home

and that I was actually able to give back to people

who made me who I am.

- So happy to notice that the whole mission was successful.

- That's a reward for a lifetime,

and I don't think I'll ever forget the people of India.

- Think bigger, think bigger than yourself,

think bigger than your state,

think bigger than your country.

Being in India just kind of opened the doors

and helped me think, I'm a nurse, but at this point,

I'm a global nurse.

I can be more and everyone can be more,

and we don't have to stay in these little boxes.

We actually can make a difference.

- This was the best thing that has ever happened to me,

meeting these people at OHNI, they really changed my life.


Just thank you.

For more infomation >> INDIA Medical Mission Part Two - Duration: 41:02.


Houston Synagogue fire 'accidental' as community helps rebuild - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Houston Synagogue fire 'accidental' as community helps rebuild - Duration: 2:16.


Little Jack Horner | Little Red Car | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:07.

Little Jack Horner...

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner | Little Red Car | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:07.


【邁亞美海灣】雙會所地標私樓 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 【邁亞美海灣】雙會所地標私樓 - Duration: 2:10.


Full Straight Razor Shave this is the Post Shave Routine and Cleanup - Duration: 8:30.

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus

Straight Razor Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave and this is the

Post Shave Routine alright now we've had a good shave first thing I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna put Alum everywhere yep now this is wonderful because it is

astringent and antiseptic at the same time so it's good for the skin

yeah tightens up those pores does a fine job and there we go now I'm just going

to take this and dry that off

now for the aftershave kind of thing we are going fires and this is the lavender

just marvelous this was one of my favorite scents from them we're going to

put that on as a aftershave again good for the skin yeah wonderful and I put

that everywhere I don't think you can go wrong with that it's just so good for

the skin next because this was a kind of sandalwood meets bay rum thing we are

going to go with her acyl red and this is the sandalwood yeah and that is going

to be nice and this is a aftershave lotion and I basically am using it as a

cologne I am whether it is or not that matter it's all good

yep and we're gonna finish this shave off with men's style

and this is Spice Island so this is a babe round kind of spicy sweet made

round I'm gonna go ahead and get a squirt of that on there and this is a

bomb now I know most people can take bombs if you can't then you know that's

okay you don't have to but you know if you can go for it because it's so good

for the skin you know you can repair that skin with

this kind of a routine with them with chains alone everything just very nice

all right there you go the first thing I do is I will get that

razor and we're gonna make sure that it's nice and dry now if you've got the

whole thing with then you know probably hit this with like a hairdryer or

something that would be brilliant now again I only get mine wet from here down

so the hinge pins never been wet on this one now I'm going to go ahead and flip

that over like that we're gonna put that down for a minute now I make razor watts

so I'm gonna just get a little bit of that on my finger like that that's all I

need close that up and then I'm going to take

that and put it right on that blade like this okay and then I'm going to peach it

off pull off the edge away from me okay you don't want to actually hit that edge

because that would not be a good day for you all right so now I'm go ahead and

got the blade now we're gonna get the tank get this tail okay we've got the

end we got in here and now we're gonna leave that open overnight

and let it dry okay so right now we're just going to put it down there yeah I'm

going to cover that because the next thing we're going to do is we're going

to go ahead and clean this brush so what I do is I swirl that around on the

bottom of the bowl here like that and then we can empty that and as it empties

I will go ahead and swallow that first around the edge and that's going to

clean out that sink now I'm going to get after that I'm going to get most of that

water out of there all right and then I take a towel okay and I'm

going to get the excess water out of this brush just by rubbing it on your

towel now I'm not smashing it into the towel okay I'm just rubbing the tips one

the towel that's all I'm doing and then we are going to be in good

shape and I just keep moving it around until I get that in pretty good shape

now I'm going to take this towel and dry off the handle as well just like that

and we're good to go now what I'm going to do is I'm going

southern on the handle and let it dry like that overnight mm-hmm and by the

morning this will be dry ready to go again so we'll put that aside now as far

as the suit goes okay you could wash that out if you want what I normally

would do is I will actually take it and just wash the outside that's all I do

with this okay I washed the outside of the tub and I'm just gonna leave the

inside there to dry overnight again and in the morning I will go ahead and put

the lid on there I do straight razor edge Friday specials on the first and

third Friday of every month you can click on this card

to see a full straight razor shave the hat pass revealed and reloaded yes now I

get my ideas for these straight razor inch Friday specials from you so down in

the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming street razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for you and if you're new around here give me a

hashtag nude down in the comments let us know you're here if you have any

comments or questions go ahead and add that in as well

and it's good to see you alright and it's good to see you if you've been

around awhile too so thank you so much for watching now I also have a ton of

links in the description for straight razor shaving and honing videos in

playlists so you check that out as well click over here to see my latest video

click down here on the video especially picked out for you click over here on me

subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a great shave in

a good day and I will see you next time Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave this is the Post Shave Routine and Cleanup - Duration: 8:30.


蔡徐坤同学录合影被扒,女生疯狂向他挤,没早恋真是神奇了 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 蔡徐坤同学录合影被扒,女生疯狂向他挤,没早恋真是神奇了 - Duration: 4:25.


How to download robot 2.0 full movie in hindi HD | Robot 2 full movie - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> How to download robot 2.0 full movie in hindi HD | Robot 2 full movie - Duration: 12:45.


Vegetable Song | Luke And Lily Rhymes | Learning Videos For Babies by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 30:41.

Oh! We love to eat vegetables

Don't We?


We love you...

Like a bees love honey

We love you...

We like to eat Candies and Ice-creams too

But, when we are eating vegetables

We are happy so ...


We love you...

Like the mouse loves cheese

We love you...

We like to eat jam and strawberries too...

But, when we are eating vegetables

We are happy so ...


We love you...

Like the Fish love water

We love you...

We like to eat Bananas and Chocolate too...

But, when we are eating vegetables

We are happy so ...


We love you...

Like the birds love the sky...

We love you...

We like to eat Burgers and French-fries too

But, when we are eating vegetables

We are happy so ...

For more infomation >> Vegetable Song | Luke And Lily Rhymes | Learning Videos For Babies by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 30:41.


Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.

Welcome to Your Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with Adventures In

Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you in this Bonus Straight Razor

Edge Friday Special a Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and

Reloaded! Let's do this alright so basically the half pass is

just going to be my jawline in my neck all right now the reason why I do this

is I don't need to do my cheeks and it for me just would be more irritation

which I don't need and now you will need to figure out if that's an issue for you

if you need a full 3 passes you're gonna have to do it yeah but if you don't then

you need to find out what works for you and how far can you go now there are

several kinds of shapes all right everybody's chasing the BBS the Baby But

Smooth now I'm telling you right here right now don't chase it

it does happen all right but you don't have to chase it all right now what I

would suggest is to start with a Socially Acceptable Shave (SAS) something

that looks like you shaved all right yeah and for most places that would be

good enough so give that a try now if you find you really do need that three

pass shave and maybe even some pickups then you know you have to do what you

have to do but I would say suggest do the least amount that you have to do

because every time you run that blade over your face you're going to have you

know more irritation and that just not gonna be good for anybody all right so

now this is the half pass so this is basically going to be against the grain

crossed here on my jaw this is going to be against the grain

here this is against the grain like this this will be against the grain like this

so here we're going to be doing more of a probably across the grain because we

already went against the grain there and I think it's fine

so now what I'm going to do though is I'm going to stretch and I'm shaving

from my ear to my chin alright from here to here on both sides because that's

just the way my hair grows all right now you will have to figure this out for

yourself and this is what once for me it has worked for others in the past as

well so it may be something you can look at but let me just tell you okay this is

got a point so one thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to

take a glass jar and you're going to just want to rub that point on there so

it is no longer sharp especially if you're doing the half past the way I do

it alright so now I would just reach around grab that ear and we're going to

go ahead and get going so I do like that and kind of clear off that jaw back

there and then from there

yeah that's completely against the grain and then I'm gonna go here all right and

now that's why you want that point muted one glass all right because you don't

want to be cutting yourself up there for no good reason

all right so now this is going to be with the grain this way now I'm going to

try to go across the grain bone now kind of doing the windshield wiper thing

again be careful with that though

and that is brilliant that is so nice now again we're going to wash that off

like that and just the blade got wet I didn't get the hinge pin wet or anything

there so we're good to go on that now I'm switching hands I'm going to grab

that ear and I I now I've got this cleaned off so now I'm going to grab

there I'm also blowing out my cheek and all of that so do whatever you need to

do okay

oh nice that's really good now this is going to be against the

grain ready here and here and then right through here that is going to be across

big smile that way I'm stretching everything else

there we go nice there clean that blade off again just like that

yeah well finish this off all right and that looks like there was not a bump

harmed in the filming of the shave video excellent all right so now we're going

to finish clean off that blade like that and we're gonna leave it there now let's

get that washed off and see how we did oh nice Oh brilliant now if you had if

you had pickups now would be the time so you know if you had to pick up somewhere

I'm actually really good right wearing him but if you had pick up somewhere go

ahead and just real a the real a there and hit that that one spot or those two

spots or however many okay and trying to hit them against the grain because

that'll not come down the best now if you can't do that though just go with

the grain all right it I guarantee it it's still going to be

a better shave than normal all right I do string these orange Friday specials

on the first and third Friday of every month you can click on this card for a

full straight razor shave pass to I think it could be helpful I do now I get

my ideas for these straight razor edge Friday specials from you so down in the

comments go ahead and leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming straight razor edge Friday special and we will get that

going for them and if you're new around here

give me a hashtag new down in the calm and let me not have any questions or

comments that way we can answer those for you and we can welcome you at the

same time all right and by the way down in the description

I've got a ton of links there for straight razor shaving and homing videos

and playlists which could be very interesting click over here to see my

latest video click down here on a video especially picked out for you click over

here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a

great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet


For more infomation >> Full Straight Razor Shave the Half Pass Revealed and Reloaded - Duration: 9:23.


Dangdut Koplo Terbaru 2019 - Siti Badriah,Nella Kharisma ,Ghea Youbi,Vita Alvia Full Album - Duration: 1:13:56.

For more infomation >> Dangdut Koplo Terbaru 2019 - Siti Badriah,Nella Kharisma ,Ghea Youbi,Vita Alvia Full Album - Duration: 1:13:56.


Alpha Squad 5: RPG & PvP Online Battle Arena (by Kongregate) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:29.

Alpha Squad 5: RPG & PvP Online Battle Arena (by Kongregate) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Alpha Squad 5: RPG & PvP Online Battle Arena (by Kongregate) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:29.


Bản RAP đang gây sốt 2018 | NEFFEX - One Shot [Copyright Free] - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Bản RAP đang gây sốt 2018 | NEFFEX - One Shot [Copyright Free] - Duration: 2:56.


Another Mom Bites The Dust || Episode 14 ||The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + - Duration: 53:15.

Hello everybody, my name is Hudinio

Oh and welcome back to the binding of issac afterbirth plus in this episode 14

And today we are going to play as Magdalene

We unlocked her in the last episode and I am super happy that we did she starts with extra health her speed

It's a little lower and her damage some

Remains the same so really just a speed down with stealing from angling

But she starts with a young heart which is basically a red heart

replenishing tool

Since we assuming we can avoid all damage here we won't wait to use it

So yes, okay

The punish is one full red hearts worth of damage when you you need it and it recharges every floor room

It's quite a good little item. It's pretty handy

Okay, so these tears are actually faster than we are. I'm not a good thing

that here

Little butt get out of here, but

Thank you

This is the beam. Why do I think I don't want to be reusable knock-back

Okay, it just makes me carts there's the young mom you keep the yellow

And the other difference between Magdalene and Isaac is she does not start with any bombs which kind of makes it a little tricky

especially for those starter

tinted rocks

You mother all right, it's nothing no more no more damage like that

All right now I want to try to bake these guys to walk as a fire, that would be the best thing I think

Okay one let's walk into that fire, thank you

Come back oh

It's smart not smart enough. You almost looked like he was gonna go around it and then he decided not to

All right, so back up to full health

It's not too big of a deal and get these first few hits out of the way that where our devil beale chance

this book

Not a big deal at all

Okay, interesting room just some spikes a

Little bit of a tricky room, I think like that that can happen

All right now there is a champion right above here and you can be very careful

All is a big boy

We will do a full heart of damage if you makes contact

If you do not so I have the range on these - yes, I do

Plenty of money still no bombs, but I haven't seen any tinted rocks and fortunately there are some items

I can't get to because of that spiky ball stupefy is hello, sir

All right, so what are we hoping for from do the Flies

Oh, no, I don't really need the HP up so

I'm not worried about that. I guess since I just a top grade will be nice

Speed would really help any damage is always good

Anything that could give

Immunity from red heart damage. I don't think he drops but

Definitely don't want an HPL probably the first thing

She flies into me now

Do not be a nice

Just because here a Duke applies I care about you think so, okay. All right

All right back into a corner and escapes very narrowly there but skin of our teeth that's still saying people say that

Oh, we did take a little bit of damage on the dude not a big deal we have to go apart. There we go


Bandages was that do HPL said I did not want an HP up

That's okay. All right, so that's a full clear on this floor

There's a key. We can't get to an item. I don't want

Chest-to-chest, I can't get to ya. Alright, let's head down to the next floor

All right, so I would like some bombs bombs would be great so I can get the any tinted rocks we come across Oh

Get out of here

You are not cool not cool at all man

Thanks for the lock up torch initely

Not what I needed at the moment. I need it to not get hit. That's what I really need it

Oh, okay. All right. Look at mad just a game, right?

More than just the game is a way of life is a daily play for me

Took more damage. Alright, there is a tinted rock over in that corner. Ah

So is this curse of the unknown? This means I actually don't know how much health I have very dangerous for me

So that's into the rock to get it. I either need flight and the bomb or to bounds

I will use my um part here. I know I have at least two hearts down

Okay, so the best I can do on this floor is a 46% chance for a daredevil assuming

Samana to getting more damage and they kill a shopkeeper

Okay, I really need you to stop walking into their tears

Yep, that's Debbie ideal, right?

Hill in these walls, I will take pills maybe dad. Yeah


Crud. I will every room I clears will bring my

Gilda double stands back up to

at 36

Which is okay?


Good. Another tent is right here. This game is planning cool, but not going to be any bones


So this pill I think I'm gonna take just the chance it is diarrhea, there's not bad trip as a health down

But we do get Guppies head

Reasonable fly high. Thank you

if one key, so I will take this item Oh



A machine. I don't think I want to use it

And I use my own parts


All right. Well we did get a bad trip so we know we're down at least

At least two maybe even three hearts of the five we had

Come on bloodsucker. Go get them. What are you waiting for?

What do you do anyway

Thank you, so do you just attack randomly things to get close to make or do a Mew

Still trying to figure this out

There we go lock up any key. Yes, we can't get into our shop and with six points I think toilets

If there is a bomb in there, I will gladly take it

It's no bump there's a red hearts

Red heart do I want it? You know, I think I'm gonna try to save up and get this mystery item thing

So there are two tinted rocks that I know of that I can't get

Okay, let's dr. You are doing absolutely nothing to help me you are so useless, I don't know what you do

I don't know how to control you. I'm even think I can

You have done nothing

Yeah, so probably gonna fool clear this floor to get a whole bunch of going that's dangerous

Don't forget anything

Yeah, this room isn't too bad all these guys do its part

You could find the boss this is only two or two so I'm not too too worried about

You mother


They went poof

Damages me so much

Okay. So the most we're gonna have here is probably a 36% chance for deals devil

Don't think we're gonna get it and they haven't been using Buffy's magic

Because they often just don't think about it

One pin

Get rekt, sir. Thank you school Janus that is full health as well as a whole much soul arts

That is a good good thing. We feel cozy

No bombs again. It's the only eight coins. So I

Don't think there's anything really for us we can go into the curse room perhaps

Should we go check that out. Yeah, let's go check that out

If it's a few red shafts, we can definitely add some bombs from that

Speed up would be so nice

Cursor for the uppers trap chest Oh, what do you have Justin going be?

Alright well, we took a lot of damage there that's fine. No worries

Can I reuse

The young part to the charge and offers it's still going to be at this new parts

Okay, I still have to I'm gonna keep Guppies head and I have to remember to use this after every single room having an entire

Hive of bugs around me is going to be key to our success

All right, so that does it for this floor let's head on down

Hopefully, it's we don't get cursed again so I can see how much help you have

Well, we have times we are doing okay at home

All right

Cabe's 100% chance for deal with the devil. Assuming we don't die



Bob Sheppard, sure, why not?

Bob no, what is that things?

The trinket of sorts, I have no idea what it does hit bloodsucker. What are you doing for me pal?

Okay, all right, it was really close here really close here

Way too close

Thank you, oh come on

Okay, so my shots have a chance to bounce it seems

Alright bloodsucker now you're doing work. Thank you so much. I want to take him out cute

Anything else, you know, we'll open this chest for this pendant. We feel her love because that do

Any troll bomb could add a human mother

All right, I like this one better perhaps I don't I don't know what the trinkets do yet

I have to read up more on there

Let's like a kill

The amount of tinted rocks we were missing out on because we have zero bombs is

astronomical I counted

two perhaps three so far

Okay, explain come on

Is a tough tough room, but we did it punch games on Steam

Pipeline forgot to use you guys are moving way too fast don't like that at all

Combos like her get up get up all you jerk


Yes, finally a few bombs, okay, so no tinted rocks in here

This is definitely a good room these times are the

That time was a dime

Thirty-six. Yeah. All right. Well, you're getting Dimes out of this we have enough money right now


Was that 18 more sense and we can unlock?

Cain he's really nice pain starts with the left foot which increases the

Quality of drops we get not just how many

All right, nothing else in here we go north q bones get out of here

I've dealt with you last time. I'm not too fond of you your face

father's been

Oh you get me point about it? All right. Okay. So this pendant heals us occasionally

We'll say it heals us with

Enemy kills which is quite nice. I like it two bombs self-sacrifice room looking back

How many dude sighs super cute

I love this guy

If he wasn't trying to kill me I would say we should keep him around

But he is trying to murder me after all he must die

All right, what do we got in here

Syringe is this not the virus this might be poison touch without it is the virus which is poison touch

So that's gonna come in handy for us because we take a lot of damage all the time

Anything that touches us will basically become poisoned and will most likely die and it looks like there's a chance for it to drop

Blackhearts as well

What's this gritty bottles bobsledder

I'm going to keep mom's the lockets because I like the chance to feel

That's it to trinket to have

So these silkworms

Confused my silkworm, which I think is pretty funny. All right, what do we have here?

Mom's corn person which would be a bunch of pills, which I don't want

Donation machine which is okay, but again, not too handy

I have not been using hive mind. I got said I would blow this guy up with 10% more chance for deal with the devil

There will be four coins 11 more to unlock Cain. I think I'm gonna hold on to him for now

All right, we are finding all of the silk burns in the front

Okay, I'm not seeing any tinted rocks if we've been to the item room yes

Okay, let's see, I'm just search one more room for chance at a vintage rock I think

And also, I need to try to search for the secret room it can't be there but it could be perhaps next to this room


Good potentially be here reflection


Where else whoa, nope, that's a bomb. That's not tab

Ah could be next to the store, okay, it can uh, no against the where

No can't be there Kenny

Nope, can't be there. I honestly don't know. I don't know where it is

So we're going to ignore it and we are going to play the ball. So please Larry

Mega fatty. Oh no. Oh, it can't be Larry. This is not

The basement over mega fatty she's gonna be too too much gonna do

All right one bloodsucker kill him

Mega fatty likes to do this jumping maneuver, like he lands really really fast

And when he does that he often hits me and he does suck you in a little bit here and attempted

It's quite gross however, our bloodsucker is just going to sit the hair on top of him and destroy him it's good for us

We need to play off these troops I think damage is so low right now


No more bond be very careful here

Omega patty

Bloodsucker, can you get back to attacking him? That would be wonderful. I would really really appreciate it

You could do your job you son of a bitch

Please do your job bloodsucker. Thank you

All right, we did get our deal to demo. Excellent. What is this again? Don't know HP and look up. Alright

Okay, let's just search this really quick we have a ton of HP, so I will be possibly taking deals with the devil in here

Almost most likely I'll be taking a deal with the devil. They are too good to pass up

Looks like we have two familiars that'll follow us around so I will probably end up taking both of them

As soon as I clear out all of this demon fire

Alright so who's first

Sister magnet friends till the end. Thank you very much. And

Dark bomb he wants to take delight

so basically dark bomb will

take red hearts that are sitting on the ground and he will try to give me items for them such as

soul hearts, perhaps volumes bombs any type of consumable

Run down here real quick feed that's what I think. It's every part and a half

He will

Give us something

Yeah, okay

In the shop for us we need nine more sense in order to unlock cane

So at the very least we could have an unlocked character in this one

Pet caves - first of the loss which means I don't know we're going

That's my first day

Okay, you guys are a little bit different than before Oh

Use your

That's fine. It's more hearts

Not a big deal okay, there's another heart and there goes oh

I'm making poor choices

Or choices indeed, come on sister Maggie help me out. Here you go bomb thought I wanted

All right, so have one dead end this way let's head on down

I might go

So funds you're not doing your job, I'm not happy with them right now. Please kill


Take this room very slowly. There is a very real chance. I will get hit by spikes

right eight more coins

55 fill my cane

All right this big room here for us

Crap crap crap crap. Yep knows entirely my fault I am

However pills do heal so we are doing relatively okay in the front good to go

Looking for the item room dark bum. Thank you for the guy so hard excellence and a black heart

New keys to enter the vault that seems like a deal just go for it

Yes, all right look at that gotta remember to use hide mine every room I'm not used to having

Spacebar items what get out of here?


No big deal look in that just a game

But every reason to get mad

And plainly crap

Like that making super choices


Few bloodsuckers your job

Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. There's how how did you hit me? Come way over there? Oh

My god killing me right now literally stop

You get oh my god

Looking for our item room thankfully mom's tendon heals doing us, okay

Dark bum. I would love for you to give us more soul hearts. Please take any red hearts you find I don't need them

And I've actually taken a speeding down on this run somehow

We had now have 0.75 speeds at 0.85 very minimal change, but I do notice it

Get out of here kidding me dare you

Dare you sir?

Look at any tinted rocks in here this little single room with a would be one

Doesn't look like it's alright I am losing track of where I've been where I'm going which is stupid over there

Okay, yeah, you're gonna put a black part way down there that's fine

Look at bloodsucker. He's just he doesn't know where to go. Thank you

Diaper okay

- yes

There's any just get in the habit of music - every chance I get

This is the depression item. This will just leave a trail of grief behind us

It's like a little rain cloud anything that steps in it will get damaged

These four coins I could potentially unlock cane

And it still worked out in my favor and fortunately that point is lost

In no way for me to get that coin, so I'm not have to hope you get at least one more coin before we die

Okay, so we went up

And she don't know where we've been

And also to turn around

They go this way, yeah

Now we're in the right direction

Daddy we're not

Let's see still no change rocks, but little chance for some coins and maybe at the end of this level

the end of this room rather

If your flies take your bloodsucker you are a huge help

Let's share up a bit

Greed. Okay greed will definitely give us a

coin or two

So it looks like with greed we will wow. What just happened? How did that guy die?

I have no idea what just struck him down does it mom's pendant? I think it was

Mom's pendant kind of saved us maybe a little bit

Okay, there we are so with this we should unlock pain let's check

There it is. Oh my king excellent. Now we can spend some of this money

Okay still no tinted rocks great looking for the boss

I mind go

At mine goat

Only two this time. Oh, that was so little. It's so adorable. I

Didn't care that it took my help

Okay, I stay far enough away I'll be safe and then we go fat pipelines

Looking for the boss nothing yet. There it is. There we speak way too soon boss. There's another little mini one. They're so adorable

Okay, so what's the best way to deal with these guys, um, let's go ahead and maybe I don't have any bombs to drop so

Right to here

All right, don't you okay I guess that'll just work

There we go, it's that one

All right, we got this big guy here what can we do with this

Great champions in one room. It's really tough to deal with

Okay, we can definitely do that, maybe thank you bloodsucker you are the best

Let's go you missed your chance, but

Very slowly very methodically trying to take this guy out without taking any damage. We only have a nine percent chance

We're deal with the devil. But still I don't want to take any red hard damage here. We need my hearts to the boss

Unless it's somebody super easy

There we go eternal heart that I can't get to love that in turn the heart though

Ah, so yeah, I think that's it for this more Megaman, okay

I thought Megaman in the past and I've actually done very very poorly with him. He shoots out these fire rings that are

Impossible to eat. Oh boy

There we go, that's all I need to do

I need to rely on my orbitals to block his firing shots, I think

There we go, that's how we do it shoot no more pajama guys

Olmstead we're gonna have to deal with is you these hoppers won't be too much of an issue at all

Whoo, okay now we have a roomful of hoppers good. What do we have here?


Why don't I think polydactyl good it's fine axel good

Feel like it might be


Let's see. All right. Let's head on down depths one. All right Axl. What can you do sounds really really familiar

Okay, so we are looking for a shop a shop with the one dolphin one dollar yeah wonderful for us

Winner the stars

Yes, thank you item Rovers

Friendly fly buddy in a box has appeared in the basement so friendly fly, what do you do?

Are you just an attack fly who wanders around or do you make flies friendly to me?

Hoping it's the latter


This guy apparently was hanging that's not very nice. Oh

You're the one I need to shoot

There we go


Do I even need to hit that button I don't lawyer so I want to get out of here I do oh come on

That was so dumb, all right

Hey bunch of spiders, who are

Explosive yeah close to spiders. Listen what everyone wants to see in their lives?

That's not terrifying at all

No, I might even do anything go kill him bloodsucker go get him go get him. Thank you

Bloodsucker, can you really why would you do that?

You blew him up right onto my face entirely my fault I know but still

No bombs, that's funny

That's all the way over there if you have a key so I could have gone into the shop

Being stupid and not entering the shop

Okay, oh come on it's not even fair

Thanks in Mom's pendant. We are

Saving ourselves from a lot of damage here. Well, it seems in the shop 64 cents. We can buy bucks on the things

I'm gonna buy everything in here

See what is this mask more stacks or stacks of oil Oh more sacks. What is that? Okay

Read hard, I can buy

emergency contract contact help from above

Emergency contacts, okay. I want to donate money

Don't know we haven't found the item yet though. So that's one of the things I definitely want to do

But we did find the item it was the first thing we did, um

Two bombs check for secret groom perhaps here

Thank you

Key heart coin

Oh bomb this guy

five percent chance

All right, boss - this monster - let's go buddy

Bloodsucker, please just crush him. I would really really appreciate it. You can make Moscow - not alive anymore

You'd be my best friends in the world

Oh taking stupid damage emergency contact, what do you do? Oh

Okay, it's mom's hand that will just hold monster to in place that's good to know oh

I stopped getting hit please act. Like I've never fought monster to before

This is my first rodeo game

Thank you

Hmm, all right, let's say one up or seven up

Don't swallow the prize

What is this do curse coal cursed coconut cursed I don't want any said I was cursed

Okay, so we are sitting at five red hearts. No soul hearts. Um

That's it for this floor. I guess let's head on down depths to this is mom's floor

Curse the unknown that is bad. So we have three red hearts three. We need to keep track of what we lose here

Jesus okay. There's there goes

101 red part gone immediately in the first room. Okay. We got a hanging guy - hanging guys

Jumpy guy

I'm gonna call them by the action that they do because I don't know their names jumpy guy. We have hanging guy

Gets shot guy

Another tough guy champion jumpy guy

Stampy not want to die though. Take that to my lack of damage

Wheel of fortune your wheel want you

This we have the money to spare right I'm not gonna spend all my money so I do want to save it for the shop

Which we don't know where it is yet arcade games good

All right, so this guy can give us a random item so I will give him a bunch of money as well to

Stack all

Right if you don't pay out I'm going to explode you

Thank you, would you give me to don't command no, I woke up you said

Okay, let's keep looking around here

Explode EQ bones and Q bones that hurt me every damn time

Oh, come on yeah stuck on a skull not even fair

Bloodsucker, you're not doing anything to help me

See your room, please no. Oh

I forgot you are a

Jerk, yeah, we're definitely not surviving this floor. I don't think

Well, especially if dark bomb keeps taking power

Keeps taking our red hearts. We are probably one or two hits away. However, we did find

Technology, what is this one, Luna Vigo loaded Ludovico Ludovico technique

Okay, this is very tough to deal with

Yeah, I think so

I know this is a very good item but like our marked run this I think is going to

end up causing us more grief than

Okay, luckily it has very good range so I can stay away from most things if it's

The Vigo technique

Alright, this is very hard to control. This is me controlling

Isaac going one way Ludovico going another way

Okay, natsu too bad as long as I keep moving I feel like I'm relatively okay

Okay, don't stand in corners. Wow, that was incredible

All right, what do we have in here

Really? That's it. Okay, I'll take the bomb

Take the bread parks. I can't actually use it. No interesting photos really low. I must be back up to five then

Yeah, boomerang a boomerang any good for me I

Don't know if boomerangs good so I'm just gonna re-roll this again

What does this thing do converter convert your soul

So it's not spaceball right, um

It's gonna blow up one more compass compass would be great

Yeah, we're gonna hold off on the compass if I can find four coins I'll come back for it

Okay, nothing here

Keep forgetting that my tier is separate and independent from me very very difficult to control

but we have found the item room we found the

Shop, so that is good. She's rice. How did I not take damage there? Okay


All right, that's me. That's okay. You can have it

Please just give me something

Mood of ego, I need you. Please come here or adults or just take damage uncontrollably. Oh

Okay, yep, yep, yep

Thank you for the soul heart

Thank you for the sack oh

Okay, so don't take do I want dark bum in the future I don't actually know I think I do oh

Come on my tears aren't even following me

Yeah, that was good I was good use

Good use dark mom. Okay, I will keep dark come around I think from now on

Chubb Oh No


Think is amazing

Whatever that pyre of light is and love it is one of the best things now I am relying on my

Friends here to take help these silkworms

Frankly, I can't do it

Now with this Ludovico technique, there we go. All that for a key

Soaking for the boss never mind found it

No dark, bum, I'm taking my health boy

Okay, so bloodsucker I said in the past that you were shit

Take that back. You are amazing. However, you do such little amounts of damage, right?

Go bomb. All right. Let's check here for the secret room possibly. Ah, maybe

Oh, okay

I already have one of these out. I don't need it now, but I can't blow it up and then go get the compass

We're just gonna hit both of them do you think I hope so

Yes, yes it will all that for some spiders dang it

Thirteen coins with my coins go

It's still looking for the super secret groom perhaps here


Okay, where is my other slot machine

There's the arcade

We're set the shop

That's the shop of the reroll machine

My slot machines back at the start. The arcade is back at the start

All right, we're gonna do a little detour here only because I really want the compass for the for the boom

It did not mean to drop that bomb

See should be right down here perhaps

Right, where are you anyway

Okay sack everything's

Okay, now we have enough to go get our compass

Another quick detour over to the shop


Man, so I haven't I've been looking for tinted rocks. I promise you I have I have not found any


It's very possible I'm just missing them though

All right, so we have the compass now 15 keys tons of keys its head on down

No can't head on down. Let's go ahead and fight the boss

Surprise, we fought Chubb on this floor. Isn't this normally? Oh, this is mom's floor. Okay, so yes, let's go fight mom

Ludovico technique maybe will be

Difficult, it's probably gonna be very difficult, isn't it? Yeah, I think it's gonna be the worst thing

Okay, it does stay still if it's close to me, okay good mom

Oh the red hearts, let me go where are you they work?

Yeah, Tyler my fault of course, where's Luffy go, I'm trying to keep an eye on

Okay, all right, all right, all right, I'm trying to keep an eye on

Myself here as well as the de vigo very difficult because they move quite opposite each other

Okay, we have a chance here to beat mom

I'm gonna keep ourselves very close to little ego

There we go, come on

Let me out here took Maggie

Well, not paying attention like I need to die just die faster

Yes, our MVPs for this run without a doubt have been Howard followers they have been crushing everybody

Has been read about having him around

Okay, come on

Come on please please please mom is so close dead. So close

So close as well as I most likely

Oh, come on she's got to be super close. Yes

Who managed to do it? What's the job for us HP? Ah

That's so funny. We've eaten home with Ludovico technique and I do see the tinted rock here

Unfortunately, she didn't step on it and I have no bombs to get it with. Oh

Man, okay moving on



What do we have? Okay, we have

Full red hearts and a black heart so we're actually still doing okay with health

Surprisingly, I don't fully understand how but I'm not going to complain too much about it. Hello lust I

Cannot outrun you there's two of you

Ludovico technique can not keep up

Alright loss. Alright lust you stop maybe great maybe great please stop. Oh

You son of a bitch. There we go


Oh see

All right. So these are the rocks I'm looking for here. I'm looking for one that has an X on it

That would be a tinted rock and I don't see any in this room

No, is it just me or might parable with Ludovico technique? I

Think I'm personally horrible with it

Okay, they've been doing pretty average

You know why because I feel like nudity go technique needs to go the opposite way of where my controls are

Which I think is really throwing me off like I feel like up should be down


Should be left left should be right that type of deal. So it's really throwing off my controls here

But surprisingly we're doing okay with health not too too bad

Elsewise there is a tinted rock. So this rock right here. The one I'm pressing it up against is a tinted rock

I have no bombs as

Usual in this run run. Okay, let's move on next room

Thank you

There we go, all right taking it slow and steady

Supposed to fly in an eyeball eyeballs are difficult


God get out of here. I

Taking way too much help from me. Oh

Good amigo technique, where are you? Oh

Man, I am trying so hard to focus on this it is not working out bad trip

I will not be taking you as a fool


Oh my god, can I get hit by every single one of these if I stay here I'm safe

Christ I

Need some soul hearts bad dark bum, please do me a solid buddy. Whoa

No, I died actually on this room last time

Okay, all right, so I need to get back to the other side


Got it

All that for a butt ton of keys that don't need at the moment

There is still an item room

I believe on this floor isn't there or our item rooms not going I always forget what the room I have half hearts

Yep, there it is

Well, that was a very very interesting run. I think Ludovico technique totally screwed me over there

Yeah, now that I know what it looks like I probably won't be taking that again

I might just do it to practice but I won't be doing that again now no way

All right, so that's gonna do it for this episode guys

I hope you enjoyed it comment below to chat with me if you did hit that like button

It really helps out my channel subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see all you guys in the next episode


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