Sunday, November 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 25 2018

Sharon Kay Penman once said -During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night,

dreams became the devil's own accomplices- … an interesting thought, but what if dreams

and nightmares arent only confined to when you fall asleep.

What if they can happen in real life?

What if nightmares are warnings of things yet to come?

Perhaps youve had an experience where a nightmare has come true - well, these people on Reddit

shared their experiences of when it happened to them - once I started reading them, I really

couldn't stop, here are the very best, my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10

Nightmares That Became Real Stories.

Starting off at number 10 we have Suffocation[a].

This one comes from Beautiful Amari who said -I work really early hours, and sometimes

when I get home I nap.

One Wednesday in December I came home and slept, and dreamt that someone I knew personally

was dying by choking to death.

That Friday I learned on the news that a friend of mine from high school was found strangled

to death in his office.

He was killed that Wednesday, around the same time I had the dream- … In the dream, his

friend was choking, that makes me think of food - but in reality they were strangled

to death.

Not quite the same but still both tragic and similar enough to raise a few eyebrows about

whether the storyteller has a gift for premenition …

Moving on to number 9 now we have Buckle Up[b].

This one comes from SubDee54 who said -I had a dream about a car crash a couple months

before it happened.

Fast forward, I'm about to get in my ex's car when a voice in my ear tells me to buckle

up, which I had almost never done up to that point because teenagers are stupid.

Anyway, I get in, buckle up, we talk, yadda yadda.

Then we end up at this spot I've never been to before.

I literally don't remember the time between leaving his house and arriving at that destination.

It's a blank.

There's a car coming and we end up t-boned on my side.

I get out and sit on a nearby curb waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

Then, there's a brief moment of clarity where I realize…

Both cars are in the exact same position as in the dream.

I'm sitting exactly in the same position (knees close to chest, holding my head, later found

out I had suffered a mild concussion) and the exact same spot as in the dream.

Even the road is the same.

Even my outfit down to my shoes is the same.

It still freaks me out- … man, that sounds like a case of deja vu except you almost die

in it … Except it wasnt dejavu - they say they really

do remember having that dream.

I also find it strange that they chose to do their seatbelt just that one time - interesting

- also, always buckle up guys.


Just do it.

Next up at number 8 we have The Seizure.

This one came from Kirtinam11 who said -In 2013 I dreamt I had a stroke and was desperately

trying to explain to my husband what was happening.

Two years later, I woke up in the middle of the night on my couch, with my husband and

roommate looking at me, concerned.

I sat up, my left side was in full paralysis, and I tried to tell my husband to call 911

because I was having a stroke.

He couldn't understand me, but thankfully he'd already called because while I was unconscious,

I had a seizure.

It turns out I had a brain aneurysm rupture and only minutes to get to a hospital and

in surgery.

The whole thing was so disturbing.- … first of all, can you imagine how terrifying that

would be?

And secondly, I hope they told their husband about the dream when it happened because maybe

it would have helped him prepare?

Maybe not actually - we can prepare for every dream or nightmare we have to come true.

Moving on to number 7 we have Missing Teeth[c].

This one comes from Reddit User Kubrick Fan.

They said -I had a dream once when I was in the woods, tripped over something and smashed

my teeth in.

I was an air cadet at the time, and there was an optional night exercise that was due

to happen in my local woods in the same week that I had the dream in.

I chose not to go.

One of the more senior cadets did go on the night exercise.

He tripped over something in the dark woods and smashed three teeth out.- … OK, compared

to some of the other stories on our list, losing 3 teeth is not exactly high stakes

- but I just love how convinced this story teller was that his dream was gonna happen.

They don't specify but it sounds like they literally didnt go on the trip just because

they had a dream about knocking their teeth out - if that was me, Id go on the trip and

just be a bit more careful to not trip over, maybe it was my brains way of reminding me

to take care, I wouldnt cancel the whole trip.

OK, lets move on, Im getting a bit too invested in the stories …

Next up at number 6 we have Yet To Come[d].

OK so this story doesnt quite meat the criteria of the title of this video but its too good

to leave out.

It comes from Reddit user I Make Milk.

They said -I have had a reoccurring dream, since I was about eight-years-old, that I

will be shot and killed in a mall when I am 37-years-old.

It is very specific, but the mall looks completely unfamiliar to any mall in the city where I

have lived my entire life.

I am now 32, with a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

I have the same dream, sometimes only once a year, sometimes multiple times a month.

I never go to any mall; I don't trust the "age" thing.

But I certainly won't visit a single mall when I am 37.

It scares the crap out of me.

Will report back in five years, if I'm not dead- … OK, that is legitimately horrifying.

Can you imagine having the same dream for almost 30 years that youre going to get shot

and killed at a specific age in a specific place?

Even if you brushed it off as not real, it would still be there in the back of your head

- and then when you dream about it again a few years later, it just gets even worse.

They posted that 3 years ago which means they are now 35 - just 2 more years left, I hope

theyre gonna be OK …

Moving on to number 5 now we have The Boy On TV[e].

This one comes from Katieg4.

She said -My sister had a dream that some boy got killed in our neighborhood.

She had never seen this boy before or knew his name.

Two days later, there was news coverage about a boy — the boy from her dream.

It was my mom's friend's son, and he was stabbed to death in real life.

So creepy- … yeah, that one is very creepy but I also found it unique because they didnt

actually recognise the person the nightmare was about until they saw their face on TV.

Some skeptics might say that she put the face to the dream when she saw the boy on the news,

even if it was just subconscious.

Others might say that youd remember a face from a dream like that, thered be no mistaking


I think if she went round telling people that this boy was going to die and then he actually

got murdered, that would make her look a bit suspicious - its a tricky one, what would

you guys do in this situation?

Next up at number 4 we have Good Friday[f].

This one came from Sierrao44 who said -My grandmother was really sick my freshman year

of high school.

The doctor and my mom warned me she probably wouldn't make it to my birthday, Valentine's

Day, and I promptly told them, 'No, she's going to die on Good Friday.'

I'm not religious at all, but she was.

And I was right — despite the fact she was extremely ill, she held on until 3 p.m. on

Good Friday, just like I said- … OK, that is a bit creepy but something seems a little

bit off here.

The storyteller almost seems a little bit smug about getting the death date of their

Grandma right?

Is it just me?

Maybe its just me …

Moving onto number 3 we have Sterile[g].

This one comes from LetsCrash who said -I had a dream about a lady I used to work with,

I'll call her Rose.

I knew Rose to the extent of I saw her at work and occasionally bought Avon products

from her.

We had no other interaction really and I knew very little about her personal life.

One night I had a dream I was talking with her, and she broke down, telling me about

all she wants in life is children and how she can't have them.

She was devastated of course in my dream.

Weird of course but I thought nothing else of it, apart from telling my SO at the time

about it when I woke up.

The next morning at work there were a group of us eating in the canteen.

Someone mentioned at the table they had seen Rose crying and wondered what was up.

Another lady who was good friends with her said not to say anything but Rose had just

discovered she was sterile.

Pretty mental, this was about three-years ago and it still makes me wonder.- … that

is strange - and very specific too, Rose actually said that she couldn't have children.

Do you think maybe the storyteller picked up on a vibe, maybe some sort of natural instinct?

I dunno, I want there to be a good explanation for this but its pretty hard to find ...

Next up at number 2 we have The Disaster.

This one came from Reddit user Oesjmr.

He said 'I've only had one premonition-type of dream and it came true within hours.

In the dream, I was standing in a field, looking up into the morning sky, watching a fireball

fall with a smoke trail behind it.

Pieces of it were breaking off here and there.

I was with a handful of other people, who I did not know, and we were all looking up

in amazement.

A radio was on and there was a man stating, "Do not touch any pieces of the space craft

that may crash to earth due to potential radiation contamination," and things of that nature.

We all stood looking into the sky for a few more moments before I woke up.

When I woke from the dream, I noticed it was still dark outside, so I looked at the clock.

It was 2:35 AM (EST).

I got up, got a drink of water, laid back in bed and thought about the dream for a while.

I was having trouble going back to sleep, so I turned on the radio and eventually drifted

back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, and to my disbelief, I was hearing the same voice from the radio

in my dream hours before on the radio now, saying similar things.

I thought, "What the hell is going on?!"

I turned on the TV, switched it over to a news channel, and saw this video on the screen.

Space Shuttle Columbia had just disintegrated during re-entry.

I get goosebumps even today thinking about it.- … what do you guys think about that?

Was it just a massive coincidence?

Does he dream about space shuttles a lot anyway?

Or did he really witness one of the worst disasters in space travel before it even happened?

And finally at number 1 we have the Chain Reaction.

Reddit user Jessicac4 said -I dreamt I was in a car crash.

In the dream, a red car went through a stoplight and hit my car so hard that I hit someone

else, who hit the guy next to him, and made him crash into a pole.

A week later, I was sitting at a red light when it turned green.

My gut told me to wait and not go.

Suddenly, a red car came zooming from the intersection, ran the red light, hit the car

next to me, and hit the car next to him, running him straight into a pole.

It was some serious Final Destination stuff and I still get chills thinking about it-

… so for that one, is was an exact copy of what happened in his dream except this

time - he learnt from it.

Thats interesting.

Out of all the ones weve looked at today, I don't think there are many examples of people

either learning from their premonition or even having the power to stop it from coming

true - what do you think the reason is for that?

Well, I dunno about you but this has given me a lot to think about - my gut tells me

that there is a separation between reality and dreams but stories like this really make

me question things - Im interested to hear your take on it - thanks for listening as

always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.



For more infomation >> MULTIPLIQUE SEU TEMPO E VIVA MELHOR QUE UM MILIONÁRIO! 😎💰🌴 - Duration: 3:18.


CM-TOKIO-フードアクション ニッポン 「食べて応援しよう」 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> CM-TOKIO-フードアクション ニッポン 「食べて応援しよう」 - Duration: 0:16.



For more infomation >> MULTIPLIQUE SEU TEMPO E VIVA MELHOR QUE UM MILIONÁRIO! 😎💰🌴 - Duration: 3:18.


IMPERATRIZ 2019 : Samba Concorrente | Bruna Araújo e cia - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> IMPERATRIZ 2019 : Samba Concorrente | Bruna Araújo e cia - Duration: 2:37.


Mobilità Articolare per le Anche - Nei Gong Esercizi Facili e Intermedi - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Mobilità Articolare per le Anche - Nei Gong Esercizi Facili e Intermedi - Duration: 5:16.


Mastro Livi School - Episode 15 - Conclusion - Duration: 4:23.

Welcome to Mastro Livi's School!

We're inside my private barbershop,

and I'm sure all of you already know it from all the videos.

This is just a brief summary

of all the things that I've taught to you in all those lessons.

Making a small recap of all those episodes of the Mastro Livi School,

first of all we've talked about the straight razor, and in particular of my Mastro Livi straight razors.

Here we can see one of them.

We can see some of them also here in my showcase.

I've taught you how to use my loom strop.

And we learned also how to use that other kind of strop made of wood, leather and with my abrasive cream, that one.

Here you can see my famous abrasive candle, really appreciated around the entire world.

Then we also talked about abrasive stones.

I told you that I use the 3000 stone

to build the bevel of my new blades.

Then there's the Belgian stone,

not here at the moment, and last but not least the Arkansas American stone.

We also discussed about my Mastro Livi scissors and how to sharpen them with the loom strop.

Very important too, we had here the famous barber Luigi Migni

that explained us how to shave and described us all the shaving products needed.

At the moment I don't have anything else to teach you, so I just want to thank you

and I really hope that you all will be able to achieve a perfect edge on your straight razors!

For more infomation >> Mastro Livi School - Episode 15 - Conclusion - Duration: 4:23.


MC Jack - "Rico" (VTC PROD.) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> MC Jack - "Rico" (VTC PROD.) - Duration: 4:04.


XIaomi Giiker Live Vem Jogar ao Cube Miner - Duration: 1:58:18.

For more infomation >> XIaomi Giiker Live Vem Jogar ao Cube Miner - Duration: 1:58:18.


Madson Dick - Bad Guy (prod. Neon Beats) - Duration: 3:23.

I fuck all it

You notice that and want to come inside my clique

You learned all our treats, learned all our tricks

I'm sick of insincere people

That's real

I'll brush it

But first, let me tell you the shit that you did

Tried to manipulate, make me call you (king, queen)

The game is over now to you

You messed up

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad Guy

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy




A.K.A: Bad guy



Don't try to apologize (A.K.A: Bad Guy)

I've been told, but need to say again

Wreck everything and change the scene makes part of my plan

Haves no money to see the friend singing his game

But pays for who foreign

I'm watching u

What the hell happened with you?

Everything I do everybody wants criticize

Appreciate what's made for yours

Fuck it of Portuguese, English

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy

- Now you've learned?

For more infomation >> Madson Dick - Bad Guy (prod. Neon Beats) - Duration: 3:23.


Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.

Sharon Kay Penman once said -During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night,

dreams became the devil's own accomplices- … an interesting thought, but what if dreams

and nightmares arent only confined to when you fall asleep.

What if they can happen in real life?

What if nightmares are warnings of things yet to come?

Perhaps youve had an experience where a nightmare has come true - well, these people on Reddit

shared their experiences of when it happened to them - once I started reading them, I really

couldn't stop, here are the very best, my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10

Nightmares That Became Real Stories.

Starting off at number 10 we have Suffocation[a].

This one comes from Beautiful Amari who said -I work really early hours, and sometimes

when I get home I nap.

One Wednesday in December I came home and slept, and dreamt that someone I knew personally

was dying by choking to death.

That Friday I learned on the news that a friend of mine from high school was found strangled

to death in his office.

He was killed that Wednesday, around the same time I had the dream- … In the dream, his

friend was choking, that makes me think of food - but in reality they were strangled

to death.

Not quite the same but still both tragic and similar enough to raise a few eyebrows about

whether the storyteller has a gift for premenition …

Moving on to number 9 now we have Buckle Up[b].

This one comes from SubDee54 who said -I had a dream about a car crash a couple months

before it happened.

Fast forward, I'm about to get in my ex's car when a voice in my ear tells me to buckle

up, which I had almost never done up to that point because teenagers are stupid.

Anyway, I get in, buckle up, we talk, yadda yadda.

Then we end up at this spot I've never been to before.

I literally don't remember the time between leaving his house and arriving at that destination.

It's a blank.

There's a car coming and we end up t-boned on my side.

I get out and sit on a nearby curb waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

Then, there's a brief moment of clarity where I realize…

Both cars are in the exact same position as in the dream.

I'm sitting exactly in the same position (knees close to chest, holding my head, later found

out I had suffered a mild concussion) and the exact same spot as in the dream.

Even the road is the same.

Even my outfit down to my shoes is the same.

It still freaks me out- … man, that sounds like a case of deja vu except you almost die

in it … Except it wasnt dejavu - they say they really

do remember having that dream.

I also find it strange that they chose to do their seatbelt just that one time - interesting

- also, always buckle up guys.


Just do it.

Next up at number 8 we have The Seizure.

This one came from Kirtinam11 who said -In 2013 I dreamt I had a stroke and was desperately

trying to explain to my husband what was happening.

Two years later, I woke up in the middle of the night on my couch, with my husband and

roommate looking at me, concerned.

I sat up, my left side was in full paralysis, and I tried to tell my husband to call 911

because I was having a stroke.

He couldn't understand me, but thankfully he'd already called because while I was unconscious,

I had a seizure.

It turns out I had a brain aneurysm rupture and only minutes to get to a hospital and

in surgery.

The whole thing was so disturbing.- … first of all, can you imagine how terrifying that

would be?

And secondly, I hope they told their husband about the dream when it happened because maybe

it would have helped him prepare?

Maybe not actually - we can prepare for every dream or nightmare we have to come true.

Moving on to number 7 we have Missing Teeth[c].

This one comes from Reddit User Kubrick Fan.

They said -I had a dream once when I was in the woods, tripped over something and smashed

my teeth in.

I was an air cadet at the time, and there was an optional night exercise that was due

to happen in my local woods in the same week that I had the dream in.

I chose not to go.

One of the more senior cadets did go on the night exercise.

He tripped over something in the dark woods and smashed three teeth out.- … OK, compared

to some of the other stories on our list, losing 3 teeth is not exactly high stakes

- but I just love how convinced this story teller was that his dream was gonna happen.

They don't specify but it sounds like they literally didnt go on the trip just because

they had a dream about knocking their teeth out - if that was me, Id go on the trip and

just be a bit more careful to not trip over, maybe it was my brains way of reminding me

to take care, I wouldnt cancel the whole trip.

OK, lets move on, Im getting a bit too invested in the stories …

Next up at number 6 we have Yet To Come[d].

OK so this story doesnt quite meat the criteria of the title of this video but its too good

to leave out.

It comes from Reddit user I Make Milk.

They said -I have had a reoccurring dream, since I was about eight-years-old, that I

will be shot and killed in a mall when I am 37-years-old.

It is very specific, but the mall looks completely unfamiliar to any mall in the city where I

have lived my entire life.

I am now 32, with a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

I have the same dream, sometimes only once a year, sometimes multiple times a month.

I never go to any mall; I don't trust the "age" thing.

But I certainly won't visit a single mall when I am 37.

It scares the crap out of me.

Will report back in five years, if I'm not dead- … OK, that is legitimately horrifying.

Can you imagine having the same dream for almost 30 years that youre going to get shot

and killed at a specific age in a specific place?

Even if you brushed it off as not real, it would still be there in the back of your head

- and then when you dream about it again a few years later, it just gets even worse.

They posted that 3 years ago which means they are now 35 - just 2 more years left, I hope

theyre gonna be OK …

Moving on to number 5 now we have The Boy On TV[e].

This one comes from Katieg4.

She said -My sister had a dream that some boy got killed in our neighborhood.

She had never seen this boy before or knew his name.

Two days later, there was news coverage about a boy — the boy from her dream.

It was my mom's friend's son, and he was stabbed to death in real life.

So creepy- … yeah, that one is very creepy but I also found it unique because they didnt

actually recognise the person the nightmare was about until they saw their face on TV.

Some skeptics might say that she put the face to the dream when she saw the boy on the news,

even if it was just subconscious.

Others might say that youd remember a face from a dream like that, thered be no mistaking


I think if she went round telling people that this boy was going to die and then he actually

got murdered, that would make her look a bit suspicious - its a tricky one, what would

you guys do in this situation?

Next up at number 4 we have Good Friday[f].

This one came from Sierrao44 who said -My grandmother was really sick my freshman year

of high school.

The doctor and my mom warned me she probably wouldn't make it to my birthday, Valentine's

Day, and I promptly told them, 'No, she's going to die on Good Friday.'

I'm not religious at all, but she was.

And I was right — despite the fact she was extremely ill, she held on until 3 p.m. on

Good Friday, just like I said- … OK, that is a bit creepy but something seems a little

bit off here.

The storyteller almost seems a little bit smug about getting the death date of their

Grandma right?

Is it just me?

Maybe its just me …

Moving onto number 3 we have Sterile[g].

This one comes from LetsCrash who said -I had a dream about a lady I used to work with,

I'll call her Rose.

I knew Rose to the extent of I saw her at work and occasionally bought Avon products

from her.

We had no other interaction really and I knew very little about her personal life.

One night I had a dream I was talking with her, and she broke down, telling me about

all she wants in life is children and how she can't have them.

She was devastated of course in my dream.

Weird of course but I thought nothing else of it, apart from telling my SO at the time

about it when I woke up.

The next morning at work there were a group of us eating in the canteen.

Someone mentioned at the table they had seen Rose crying and wondered what was up.

Another lady who was good friends with her said not to say anything but Rose had just

discovered she was sterile.

Pretty mental, this was about three-years ago and it still makes me wonder.- … that

is strange - and very specific too, Rose actually said that she couldn't have children.

Do you think maybe the storyteller picked up on a vibe, maybe some sort of natural instinct?

I dunno, I want there to be a good explanation for this but its pretty hard to find ...

Next up at number 2 we have The Disaster.

This one came from Reddit user Oesjmr.

He said 'I've only had one premonition-type of dream and it came true within hours.

In the dream, I was standing in a field, looking up into the morning sky, watching a fireball

fall with a smoke trail behind it.

Pieces of it were breaking off here and there.

I was with a handful of other people, who I did not know, and we were all looking up

in amazement.

A radio was on and there was a man stating, "Do not touch any pieces of the space craft

that may crash to earth due to potential radiation contamination," and things of that nature.

We all stood looking into the sky for a few more moments before I woke up.

When I woke from the dream, I noticed it was still dark outside, so I looked at the clock.

It was 2:35 AM (EST).

I got up, got a drink of water, laid back in bed and thought about the dream for a while.

I was having trouble going back to sleep, so I turned on the radio and eventually drifted

back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, and to my disbelief, I was hearing the same voice from the radio

in my dream hours before on the radio now, saying similar things.

I thought, "What the hell is going on?!"

I turned on the TV, switched it over to a news channel, and saw this video on the screen.

Space Shuttle Columbia had just disintegrated during re-entry.

I get goosebumps even today thinking about it.- … what do you guys think about that?

Was it just a massive coincidence?

Does he dream about space shuttles a lot anyway?

Or did he really witness one of the worst disasters in space travel before it even happened?

And finally at number 1 we have the Chain Reaction.

Reddit user Jessicac4 said -I dreamt I was in a car crash.

In the dream, a red car went through a stoplight and hit my car so hard that I hit someone

else, who hit the guy next to him, and made him crash into a pole.

A week later, I was sitting at a red light when it turned green.

My gut told me to wait and not go.

Suddenly, a red car came zooming from the intersection, ran the red light, hit the car

next to me, and hit the car next to him, running him straight into a pole.

It was some serious Final Destination stuff and I still get chills thinking about it-

… so for that one, is was an exact copy of what happened in his dream except this

time - he learnt from it.

Thats interesting.

Out of all the ones weve looked at today, I don't think there are many examples of people

either learning from their premonition or even having the power to stop it from coming

true - what do you think the reason is for that?

Well, I dunno about you but this has given me a lot to think about - my gut tells me

that there is a separation between reality and dreams but stories like this really make

me question things - Im interested to hear your take on it - thanks for listening as

always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.


Flórida - Rnt (Videoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Flórida - Rnt (Videoclipe Oficial) - Duration: 2:22.


Şahin Tepesi / Falcon Crest Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

You have kept who you are from us for years, mother! You have fooled us, deceived us!

Don't be so selfish! Do you know how I am? How am I coping with this grief?

Because you want to get even with her, we will get so much mauling here. Do you realize that?

Good morning!

Thank you.

- You feel uneasy because she is here. You are afraid that you will be drawn to her again, aren't you? - What are you talking about, man?

- For telling how we killed our uncle... - What are you saying? What's this nonsense?

Don't do this! Don't!

- Could this be a secret between us? - A secret?

For more infomation >> Şahin Tepesi / Falcon Crest Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


#EwangeliarzOP | 26 Nov 2018 | (Luke 21, 1-4) - Duration: 1:45.


My hunger is infinite and cannot be satisfied by you, the other.

Even if you love me, as much as you can, you will always give only a part of yourself;

And my heart there's a need to get it all.

The hunger of totality in our hearts can't be fully satisfied,

and the sooner we realize it, the better.

Today we read about putting money spared into the treasury.

That's true about our relations, we often give others what can be spared.

And human heart is a treasury that is a great, great abyss.

Only Jesus is the one who gives all of himself, who gives everything.

And all He gives you and me is given as a whole and can satisfy our hunger.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 26 Nov 2018 | (Luke 21, 1-4) - Duration: 1:45.


Últimas notícia de hoje : KOTSCHO: ESCOLA SEM PARTIDO VERSUS COLÉGIO SANTA CRUZ - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : KOTSCHO: ESCOLA SEM PARTIDO VERSUS COLÉGIO SANTA CRUZ - Duration: 2:06.


Copy files over 4Gb in USB Memory or SD Card | Differences Fat32 NTFS exFat - Duration: 5:49.

Good morning everyone.

A problem that sometimes we can find is that when copying files

to a USB memory, it is not possible to do so if the file occupies more than 4Gb.

This is something that can also happen to us with an SD card, or even with a disc

external hard, but in all cases the solution it's the same.

For example, I'm going to copy this extra file of 4Gb that I have here, in this unit, the

H, which corresponds to a USB memory that I connected to the PC, and as we see it tells me that

I can not copy it because the file is too much great for the destination file system.

However, if we look in the unit we see that the problem is not the free space of

the USB memory since in my case it indicates that there are 28Gb free, and if I copy files from

less than 4Gb in it, for example this other, I have no problem, and it is copied correctly.

The reason why this happens is the system file in which they are formatted

USB memories, which is Fat32, if you click right in the unit and you enter the option

Properties, you will see that in the window that It opens like this indicates.

Fat32 file system.

This system, Fat32, is a file system old, which began to be used with Windows

95, so the advantage is that it offers a greater compatibility when using it in

almost any device, and not just in a PC

Although the problem is that this system of files has a very important limitation,

since you can only work with files less than 4GB, something that 20 years ago

It was a great inconvenience, but today in day is insufficient if we work with files

Large size.

So to solve this problem what what we have to do is format the memory

USB so we can give you another system of files, and for that we first make sure

of not having anything in the USB stick that all files will be deleted, as well

Remember to make a backup beforehand.

Once the memory is ready, we click right on the unit, and we give the option

Format, so that a window opens How is it going.

Remember that it is very important to make sure that you have chosen the correct unit, and

you are not going to format another unit of your PC

For example in my case the USB memory appears in unit H and indeed in this window

that letter also appears.

Now what we do is select which system of files we want to give to the unit, and as

You see, apart from Fat32 it also lets us select NTFS, and exFat.

If we select NTFS we would solve the problem, and in fact this file system

is that they use internal hard drives from our PC, to the point that it is that

used to for example install a system operative

However, in this case, as it is a USB memory is more recommended to select

the exFat system, which for a lot is perhaps something more unknown, but for you to do

an idea is about a kind of version updated version of Fat32, which corrects

limitations when copying files of more than 4Gb, but at the same time it follows

offering a high compatibility, to be able use the USB memory in different devices,

and not only on the PC.

So we select exFat, and where it says Volume Label, you can give it the name

that you want to drive, or just leave it blank since this is optional.

In my case that you see it better, I'm going to give it name for example AirXan, and then

we just have to click on the button Start, so that the unit is formatted in

the new format.

In doing so we will get this notice that all the files of the unit, (in my case the

H) will be deleted, so if you are sure you do not have anything in the unit

that you want to keep, and you have done the corresponding backup in another

disk, we only have to click on the OK button.

And as you can see I get this message Format Complete, and if I now right click on

Properties of the USB memory, you will see that it appears to me that its file format is exFat,

so everything is correct.

Now to check it I will try to save in the USB memory the file of more than 4Gb

that I could not copy before, and indeed I no longer get any notice, and the file

It can be copied normally.

So far the video, I hope you have found useful if you had this problem at the time

to copy large files in memory USB, or on an SD card, if so, can you

give Like, or if you have any questions leave it in the comments, and do not forget


See you later.

For more infomation >> Copy files over 4Gb in USB Memory or SD Card | Differences Fat32 NTFS exFat - Duration: 5:49.


Splinter Cell: Conviction - Realistic Walkthrough/Detonado #09-2 - Michigan Ave. Reservoir - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> Splinter Cell: Conviction - Realistic Walkthrough/Detonado #09-2 - Michigan Ave. Reservoir - Duration: 14:44.


Feira de comida Indiana - Indian Food Fair Ahare Bangla - HD_2018 [English CC] - Duration: 4:49.

We came today to Ahare Bangla, which is a fair with lots of Bengali food


This is the fourth edition of this Festival, promoted by the West Bengal Government

To spread the local food and food industry

It happens annually and each year is becoming more popular

In 2018 there are 125 stalls

Ahare Bangla is a way to promote the unconventional meat consumption

for India of course

like turkey, duck, pork, emu, quail

besides new varieties of fish and seafood

Also it's possible to find the classic Indian risotto

A dish with rice, meat, egg and potato

Full of spices

Shown here in different ways, such as inside the coconut

and inside the bamboo

It's very good

Kachori with aloo something, aloo is potato

Very tasty, it's cooked here


How do you eat it?

Take one piece, break the potato, take the sauce and.... mouth

With your hands?

Besides the food to eat here, the fair has local producers

Selling raw products

The fever of organic products is also beginning here

We could also check the local handicraft

Which showed kitchen utensils. made of wood, clay, stone...

This little pot here for example, is made of coconut

just as this salt shaker

It's very common in these fairs find bagged water for free

This part of India is well known for their sweets

So, one section of the fair is reserved only for it

There are more than 30 stalls dedicated to them

One of the stalls caught our attention

A traditional sweet from this region,

being made since the beginning

Since the rice becoming flour, the dough preparation

Until the rolling of Patisapta

Which comes filled with a coconut paste and brown suggar

We also tried another variety of it

This is the Nolen Baked Patisapta, something like that

We think this is it

It seems to be a "panqueca" with "ambrosia" (Brazilian dishes)

It's an "Ambrosia" and also has a "rapadura" cream (also brazilian sweet")

"Rapadura" made of milk jam


It's very tasty, it's sweet and also has something sour like cheese

Very good

One ingredient in the Bengali sweets very common is cheese

The majority of them are made of milk

I don't know if this one has it, but it's delicious

The fair was well organized

And the prices accessible

But one negative point is that the majority of food are not cooked in this place

Then it's not possible to know how long it's being here

And if you want to see it personally, in 2019 there is more...

"Beijos de Nozes" and see you in the next "Pingos"

For more infomation >> Feira de comida Indiana - Indian Food Fair Ahare Bangla - HD_2018 [English CC] - Duration: 4:49.


Projeto Fit 60 Dias Funciona ? | Projeto Fit 60 Dias Cardapio Completo - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Projeto Fit 60 Dias Funciona ? | Projeto Fit 60 Dias Cardapio Completo - Duration: 2:35.





carmen lana del rey-tradução - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> carmen lana del rey-tradução - Duration: 4:20.


Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.

Sharon Kay Penman once said -During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night,

dreams became the devil's own accomplices- … an interesting thought, but what if dreams

and nightmares arent only confined to when you fall asleep.

What if they can happen in real life?

What if nightmares are warnings of things yet to come?

Perhaps youve had an experience where a nightmare has come true - well, these people on Reddit

shared their experiences of when it happened to them - once I started reading them, I really

couldn't stop, here are the very best, my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10

Nightmares That Became Real Stories.

Starting off at number 10 we have Suffocation[a].

This one comes from Beautiful Amari who said -I work really early hours, and sometimes

when I get home I nap.

One Wednesday in December I came home and slept, and dreamt that someone I knew personally

was dying by choking to death.

That Friday I learned on the news that a friend of mine from high school was found strangled

to death in his office.

He was killed that Wednesday, around the same time I had the dream- … In the dream, his

friend was choking, that makes me think of food - but in reality they were strangled

to death.

Not quite the same but still both tragic and similar enough to raise a few eyebrows about

whether the storyteller has a gift for premenition …

Moving on to number 9 now we have Buckle Up[b].

This one comes from SubDee54 who said -I had a dream about a car crash a couple months

before it happened.

Fast forward, I'm about to get in my ex's car when a voice in my ear tells me to buckle

up, which I had almost never done up to that point because teenagers are stupid.

Anyway, I get in, buckle up, we talk, yadda yadda.

Then we end up at this spot I've never been to before.

I literally don't remember the time between leaving his house and arriving at that destination.

It's a blank.

There's a car coming and we end up t-boned on my side.

I get out and sit on a nearby curb waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

Then, there's a brief moment of clarity where I realize…

Both cars are in the exact same position as in the dream.

I'm sitting exactly in the same position (knees close to chest, holding my head, later found

out I had suffered a mild concussion) and the exact same spot as in the dream.

Even the road is the same.

Even my outfit down to my shoes is the same.

It still freaks me out- … man, that sounds like a case of deja vu except you almost die

in it … Except it wasnt dejavu - they say they really

do remember having that dream.

I also find it strange that they chose to do their seatbelt just that one time - interesting

- also, always buckle up guys.


Just do it.

Next up at number 8 we have The Seizure.

This one came from Kirtinam11 who said -In 2013 I dreamt I had a stroke and was desperately

trying to explain to my husband what was happening.

Two years later, I woke up in the middle of the night on my couch, with my husband and

roommate looking at me, concerned.

I sat up, my left side was in full paralysis, and I tried to tell my husband to call 911

because I was having a stroke.

He couldn't understand me, but thankfully he'd already called because while I was unconscious,

I had a seizure.

It turns out I had a brain aneurysm rupture and only minutes to get to a hospital and

in surgery.

The whole thing was so disturbing.- … first of all, can you imagine how terrifying that

would be?

And secondly, I hope they told their husband about the dream when it happened because maybe

it would have helped him prepare?

Maybe not actually - we can prepare for every dream or nightmare we have to come true.

Moving on to number 7 we have Missing Teeth[c].

This one comes from Reddit User Kubrick Fan.

They said -I had a dream once when I was in the woods, tripped over something and smashed

my teeth in.

I was an air cadet at the time, and there was an optional night exercise that was due

to happen in my local woods in the same week that I had the dream in.

I chose not to go.

One of the more senior cadets did go on the night exercise.

He tripped over something in the dark woods and smashed three teeth out.- … OK, compared

to some of the other stories on our list, losing 3 teeth is not exactly high stakes

- but I just love how convinced this story teller was that his dream was gonna happen.

They don't specify but it sounds like they literally didnt go on the trip just because

they had a dream about knocking their teeth out - if that was me, Id go on the trip and

just be a bit more careful to not trip over, maybe it was my brains way of reminding me

to take care, I wouldnt cancel the whole trip.

OK, lets move on, Im getting a bit too invested in the stories …

Next up at number 6 we have Yet To Come[d].

OK so this story doesnt quite meat the criteria of the title of this video but its too good

to leave out.

It comes from Reddit user I Make Milk.

They said -I have had a reoccurring dream, since I was about eight-years-old, that I

will be shot and killed in a mall when I am 37-years-old.

It is very specific, but the mall looks completely unfamiliar to any mall in the city where I

have lived my entire life.

I am now 32, with a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

I have the same dream, sometimes only once a year, sometimes multiple times a month.

I never go to any mall; I don't trust the "age" thing.

But I certainly won't visit a single mall when I am 37.

It scares the crap out of me.

Will report back in five years, if I'm not dead- … OK, that is legitimately horrifying.

Can you imagine having the same dream for almost 30 years that youre going to get shot

and killed at a specific age in a specific place?

Even if you brushed it off as not real, it would still be there in the back of your head

- and then when you dream about it again a few years later, it just gets even worse.

They posted that 3 years ago which means they are now 35 - just 2 more years left, I hope

theyre gonna be OK …

Moving on to number 5 now we have The Boy On TV[e].

This one comes from Katieg4.

She said -My sister had a dream that some boy got killed in our neighborhood.

She had never seen this boy before or knew his name.

Two days later, there was news coverage about a boy — the boy from her dream.

It was my mom's friend's son, and he was stabbed to death in real life.

So creepy- … yeah, that one is very creepy but I also found it unique because they didnt

actually recognise the person the nightmare was about until they saw their face on TV.

Some skeptics might say that she put the face to the dream when she saw the boy on the news,

even if it was just subconscious.

Others might say that youd remember a face from a dream like that, thered be no mistaking


I think if she went round telling people that this boy was going to die and then he actually

got murdered, that would make her look a bit suspicious - its a tricky one, what would

you guys do in this situation?

Next up at number 4 we have Good Friday[f].

This one came from Sierrao44 who said -My grandmother was really sick my freshman year

of high school.

The doctor and my mom warned me she probably wouldn't make it to my birthday, Valentine's

Day, and I promptly told them, 'No, she's going to die on Good Friday.'

I'm not religious at all, but she was.

And I was right — despite the fact she was extremely ill, she held on until 3 p.m. on

Good Friday, just like I said- … OK, that is a bit creepy but something seems a little

bit off here.

The storyteller almost seems a little bit smug about getting the death date of their

Grandma right?

Is it just me?

Maybe its just me …

Moving onto number 3 we have Sterile[g].

This one comes from LetsCrash who said -I had a dream about a lady I used to work with,

I'll call her Rose.

I knew Rose to the extent of I saw her at work and occasionally bought Avon products

from her.

We had no other interaction really and I knew very little about her personal life.

One night I had a dream I was talking with her, and she broke down, telling me about

all she wants in life is children and how she can't have them.

She was devastated of course in my dream.

Weird of course but I thought nothing else of it, apart from telling my SO at the time

about it when I woke up.

The next morning at work there were a group of us eating in the canteen.

Someone mentioned at the table they had seen Rose crying and wondered what was up.

Another lady who was good friends with her said not to say anything but Rose had just

discovered she was sterile.

Pretty mental, this was about three-years ago and it still makes me wonder.- … that

is strange - and very specific too, Rose actually said that she couldn't have children.

Do you think maybe the storyteller picked up on a vibe, maybe some sort of natural instinct?

I dunno, I want there to be a good explanation for this but its pretty hard to find ...

Next up at number 2 we have The Disaster.

This one came from Reddit user Oesjmr.

He said 'I've only had one premonition-type of dream and it came true within hours.

In the dream, I was standing in a field, looking up into the morning sky, watching a fireball

fall with a smoke trail behind it.

Pieces of it were breaking off here and there.

I was with a handful of other people, who I did not know, and we were all looking up

in amazement.

A radio was on and there was a man stating, "Do not touch any pieces of the space craft

that may crash to earth due to potential radiation contamination," and things of that nature.

We all stood looking into the sky for a few more moments before I woke up.

When I woke from the dream, I noticed it was still dark outside, so I looked at the clock.

It was 2:35 AM (EST).

I got up, got a drink of water, laid back in bed and thought about the dream for a while.

I was having trouble going back to sleep, so I turned on the radio and eventually drifted

back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, and to my disbelief, I was hearing the same voice from the radio

in my dream hours before on the radio now, saying similar things.

I thought, "What the hell is going on?!"

I turned on the TV, switched it over to a news channel, and saw this video on the screen.

Space Shuttle Columbia had just disintegrated during re-entry.

I get goosebumps even today thinking about it.- … what do you guys think about that?

Was it just a massive coincidence?

Does he dream about space shuttles a lot anyway?

Or did he really witness one of the worst disasters in space travel before it even happened?

And finally at number 1 we have the Chain Reaction.

Reddit user Jessicac4 said -I dreamt I was in a car crash.

In the dream, a red car went through a stoplight and hit my car so hard that I hit someone

else, who hit the guy next to him, and made him crash into a pole.

A week later, I was sitting at a red light when it turned green.

My gut told me to wait and not go.

Suddenly, a red car came zooming from the intersection, ran the red light, hit the car

next to me, and hit the car next to him, running him straight into a pole.

It was some serious Final Destination stuff and I still get chills thinking about it-

… so for that one, is was an exact copy of what happened in his dream except this

time - he learnt from it.

Thats interesting.

Out of all the ones weve looked at today, I don't think there are many examples of people

either learning from their premonition or even having the power to stop it from coming

true - what do you think the reason is for that?

Well, I dunno about you but this has given me a lot to think about - my gut tells me

that there is a separation between reality and dreams but stories like this really make

me question things - Im interested to hear your take on it - thanks for listening as

always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.



For more infomation >> MULTIPLIQUE SEU TEMPO E VIVA MELHOR QUE UM MILIONÁRIO! 😎💰🌴 - Duration: 3:18.


CM-TOKIO-フードアクション ニッポン 「食べて応援しよう」 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> CM-TOKIO-フードアクション ニッポン 「食べて応援しよう」 - Duration: 0:16.


Students Learn To Treat Gunshot Wounds Because Politicians Ignore Gun Control - Duration: 3:35.

Students in the United States are beginning to learn how to stop bleeding from gunshot


This is part of a program called stop the bleed that was actually started back in 2015.

Um, basically what it was was a public education program by surgeons and doctors to teach people

how to stop bleeding, which could save lives in the event of a mass shooting or any other

kind of traumatic experience.

95 percent of people in these mass shootings that we have seen typically die from loss

of blood.

So if we're able to stop the bleed, we might be able to save more lives.

But again, here's the thing, the, the Stop, the bleed program is starting to go to high


And some high schools, particularly in the state of Maryland, have actually mandated

that students and staff go through this training so that they're prepared to act and help save

lives in the event of a mass shooting.

So I want to word that a different way here.

We're now at the point where we're having to teach high school kids how to save their

friends and fellow classmates if they get shot at school because our government is so

inept and inadequate and indebted to the NRA that we can't possibly get any kind of meaningful

gun control legislation in this country, so instead in the absence of federal action on

the real problem, which has all the guns we're having to teach kids who are also learning

how to drive, studying for the sats, cramming for a big midterm now, they also have to have

the added stress of learning how to stop a bullet wound from bleeding out and letting

their friends or teachers or whoever it is die in the classroom.

I'm not trying to knock this program at all.


The bleed is very important and it is something that apparently we have to have in this country.

The problem is that we shouldn't have to have this discussion.

The stop.

The bleed program shouldn't even have to exist and yet it does and the reason it does is

because our politicians, our elected officials are doing nothing to protect us.

They're doing nothing to protect our children or our churches or anywhere else.

Our shopping centers are grocery stores.

All of these areas are nightclubs, have experienced mass shootings within the last 12 months and

instead of taking action, they continue to do nothing.

They continue to tell us it's not the time to talk about it.

Even though we've only averaged eight days this year without a mass shooting, so if we

can't talk about it immediately after one happens, given the fact that one is happening

pretty much every single day, there will never be a time to talk about it according to Republicans.

So instead we have to have these doctors and nurses and surgeons come out, teach our children

how to create a tourniquet to stop bleeding because the government won't do a damn thing

to stop them from getting shot while they're trying to learn.

That is absolutely pathetic.

The lawmaker stopping action on gun control are pathetic and the NRA is an absolutely

corrupt criminal, pathetic organization for allowing this to happen.

For more infomation >> Students Learn To Treat Gunshot Wounds Because Politicians Ignore Gun Control - Duration: 3:35.


B E E F「Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee! ⬅🦊 Ep4」 - Duration: 1:23:59.

For more infomation >> B E E F「Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee! ⬅🦊 Ep4」 - Duration: 1:23:59.


Madson Dick - Bad Guy (prod. Neon Beats) - Duration: 3:23.

I fuck all it

You notice that and want to come inside my clique

You learned all our treats, learned all our tricks

I'm sick of insincere people

That's real

I'll brush it

But first, let me tell you the shit that you did

Tried to manipulate, make me call you (king, queen)

The game is over now to you

You messed up

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad Guy

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy




A.K.A: Bad guy



Don't try to apologize (A.K.A: Bad Guy)

I've been told, but need to say again

Wreck everything and change the scene makes part of my plan

Haves no money to see the friend singing his game

But pays for who foreign

I'm watching u

What the hell happened with you?

Everything I do everybody wants criticize

Appreciate what's made for yours

Fuck it of Portuguese, English

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy

A.K.A: Asshole

Don't treat me good, just broke my heart

And make me feel low

You thought I'm silly

Want to take control

Tried to cheat mind

I wasted my time

A.K.A: Bad guy

- Now you've learned?

For more infomation >> Madson Dick - Bad Guy (prod. Neon Beats) - Duration: 3:23.


My first ASMR video in Ukrainian (розслаблення, асмр Українська, a few triggers) - Duration: 13:53.


Hello everyone.

Today, I'll try to make a video where I repeat a few simple sentences in Ukrainian.

First, let me say thank you to Anastasia, to both of you cause...

Two people named Anastacia helped for the audio files and translations for this video.

Thanks a lot!

OK, so let's start to whisper in Ukrainian!

For more infomation >> My first ASMR video in Ukrainian (розслаблення, асмр Українська, a few triggers) - Duration: 13:53.


Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.

Sharon Kay Penman once said -During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night,

dreams became the devil's own accomplices- … an interesting thought, but what if dreams

and nightmares arent only confined to when you fall asleep.

What if they can happen in real life?

What if nightmares are warnings of things yet to come?

Perhaps youve had an experience where a nightmare has come true - well, these people on Reddit

shared their experiences of when it happened to them - once I started reading them, I really

couldn't stop, here are the very best, my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10

Nightmares That Became Real Stories.

Starting off at number 10 we have Suffocation[a].

This one comes from Beautiful Amari who said -I work really early hours, and sometimes

when I get home I nap.

One Wednesday in December I came home and slept, and dreamt that someone I knew personally

was dying by choking to death.

That Friday I learned on the news that a friend of mine from high school was found strangled

to death in his office.

He was killed that Wednesday, around the same time I had the dream- … In the dream, his

friend was choking, that makes me think of food - but in reality they were strangled

to death.

Not quite the same but still both tragic and similar enough to raise a few eyebrows about

whether the storyteller has a gift for premenition …

Moving on to number 9 now we have Buckle Up[b].

This one comes from SubDee54 who said -I had a dream about a car crash a couple months

before it happened.

Fast forward, I'm about to get in my ex's car when a voice in my ear tells me to buckle

up, which I had almost never done up to that point because teenagers are stupid.

Anyway, I get in, buckle up, we talk, yadda yadda.

Then we end up at this spot I've never been to before.

I literally don't remember the time between leaving his house and arriving at that destination.

It's a blank.

There's a car coming and we end up t-boned on my side.

I get out and sit on a nearby curb waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

Then, there's a brief moment of clarity where I realize…

Both cars are in the exact same position as in the dream.

I'm sitting exactly in the same position (knees close to chest, holding my head, later found

out I had suffered a mild concussion) and the exact same spot as in the dream.

Even the road is the same.

Even my outfit down to my shoes is the same.

It still freaks me out- … man, that sounds like a case of deja vu except you almost die

in it … Except it wasnt dejavu - they say they really

do remember having that dream.

I also find it strange that they chose to do their seatbelt just that one time - interesting

- also, always buckle up guys.


Just do it.

Next up at number 8 we have The Seizure.

This one came from Kirtinam11 who said -In 2013 I dreamt I had a stroke and was desperately

trying to explain to my husband what was happening.

Two years later, I woke up in the middle of the night on my couch, with my husband and

roommate looking at me, concerned.

I sat up, my left side was in full paralysis, and I tried to tell my husband to call 911

because I was having a stroke.

He couldn't understand me, but thankfully he'd already called because while I was unconscious,

I had a seizure.

It turns out I had a brain aneurysm rupture and only minutes to get to a hospital and

in surgery.

The whole thing was so disturbing.- … first of all, can you imagine how terrifying that

would be?

And secondly, I hope they told their husband about the dream when it happened because maybe

it would have helped him prepare?

Maybe not actually - we can prepare for every dream or nightmare we have to come true.

Moving on to number 7 we have Missing Teeth[c].

This one comes from Reddit User Kubrick Fan.

They said -I had a dream once when I was in the woods, tripped over something and smashed

my teeth in.

I was an air cadet at the time, and there was an optional night exercise that was due

to happen in my local woods in the same week that I had the dream in.

I chose not to go.

One of the more senior cadets did go on the night exercise.

He tripped over something in the dark woods and smashed three teeth out.- … OK, compared

to some of the other stories on our list, losing 3 teeth is not exactly high stakes

- but I just love how convinced this story teller was that his dream was gonna happen.

They don't specify but it sounds like they literally didnt go on the trip just because

they had a dream about knocking their teeth out - if that was me, Id go on the trip and

just be a bit more careful to not trip over, maybe it was my brains way of reminding me

to take care, I wouldnt cancel the whole trip.

OK, lets move on, Im getting a bit too invested in the stories …

Next up at number 6 we have Yet To Come[d].

OK so this story doesnt quite meat the criteria of the title of this video but its too good

to leave out.

It comes from Reddit user I Make Milk.

They said -I have had a reoccurring dream, since I was about eight-years-old, that I

will be shot and killed in a mall when I am 37-years-old.

It is very specific, but the mall looks completely unfamiliar to any mall in the city where I

have lived my entire life.

I am now 32, with a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

I have the same dream, sometimes only once a year, sometimes multiple times a month.

I never go to any mall; I don't trust the "age" thing.

But I certainly won't visit a single mall when I am 37.

It scares the crap out of me.

Will report back in five years, if I'm not dead- … OK, that is legitimately horrifying.

Can you imagine having the same dream for almost 30 years that youre going to get shot

and killed at a specific age in a specific place?

Even if you brushed it off as not real, it would still be there in the back of your head

- and then when you dream about it again a few years later, it just gets even worse.

They posted that 3 years ago which means they are now 35 - just 2 more years left, I hope

theyre gonna be OK …

Moving on to number 5 now we have The Boy On TV[e].

This one comes from Katieg4.

She said -My sister had a dream that some boy got killed in our neighborhood.

She had never seen this boy before or knew his name.

Two days later, there was news coverage about a boy — the boy from her dream.

It was my mom's friend's son, and he was stabbed to death in real life.

So creepy- … yeah, that one is very creepy but I also found it unique because they didnt

actually recognise the person the nightmare was about until they saw their face on TV.

Some skeptics might say that she put the face to the dream when she saw the boy on the news,

even if it was just subconscious.

Others might say that youd remember a face from a dream like that, thered be no mistaking


I think if she went round telling people that this boy was going to die and then he actually

got murdered, that would make her look a bit suspicious - its a tricky one, what would

you guys do in this situation?

Next up at number 4 we have Good Friday[f].

This one came from Sierrao44 who said -My grandmother was really sick my freshman year

of high school.

The doctor and my mom warned me she probably wouldn't make it to my birthday, Valentine's

Day, and I promptly told them, 'No, she's going to die on Good Friday.'

I'm not religious at all, but she was.

And I was right — despite the fact she was extremely ill, she held on until 3 p.m. on

Good Friday, just like I said- … OK, that is a bit creepy but something seems a little

bit off here.

The storyteller almost seems a little bit smug about getting the death date of their

Grandma right?

Is it just me?

Maybe its just me …

Moving onto number 3 we have Sterile[g].

This one comes from LetsCrash who said -I had a dream about a lady I used to work with,

I'll call her Rose.

I knew Rose to the extent of I saw her at work and occasionally bought Avon products

from her.

We had no other interaction really and I knew very little about her personal life.

One night I had a dream I was talking with her, and she broke down, telling me about

all she wants in life is children and how she can't have them.

She was devastated of course in my dream.

Weird of course but I thought nothing else of it, apart from telling my SO at the time

about it when I woke up.

The next morning at work there were a group of us eating in the canteen.

Someone mentioned at the table they had seen Rose crying and wondered what was up.

Another lady who was good friends with her said not to say anything but Rose had just

discovered she was sterile.

Pretty mental, this was about three-years ago and it still makes me wonder.- … that

is strange - and very specific too, Rose actually said that she couldn't have children.

Do you think maybe the storyteller picked up on a vibe, maybe some sort of natural instinct?

I dunno, I want there to be a good explanation for this but its pretty hard to find ...

Next up at number 2 we have The Disaster.

This one came from Reddit user Oesjmr.

He said 'I've only had one premonition-type of dream and it came true within hours.

In the dream, I was standing in a field, looking up into the morning sky, watching a fireball

fall with a smoke trail behind it.

Pieces of it were breaking off here and there.

I was with a handful of other people, who I did not know, and we were all looking up

in amazement.

A radio was on and there was a man stating, "Do not touch any pieces of the space craft

that may crash to earth due to potential radiation contamination," and things of that nature.

We all stood looking into the sky for a few more moments before I woke up.

When I woke from the dream, I noticed it was still dark outside, so I looked at the clock.

It was 2:35 AM (EST).

I got up, got a drink of water, laid back in bed and thought about the dream for a while.

I was having trouble going back to sleep, so I turned on the radio and eventually drifted

back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, and to my disbelief, I was hearing the same voice from the radio

in my dream hours before on the radio now, saying similar things.

I thought, "What the hell is going on?!"

I turned on the TV, switched it over to a news channel, and saw this video on the screen.

Space Shuttle Columbia had just disintegrated during re-entry.

I get goosebumps even today thinking about it.- … what do you guys think about that?

Was it just a massive coincidence?

Does he dream about space shuttles a lot anyway?

Or did he really witness one of the worst disasters in space travel before it even happened?

And finally at number 1 we have the Chain Reaction.

Reddit user Jessicac4 said -I dreamt I was in a car crash.

In the dream, a red car went through a stoplight and hit my car so hard that I hit someone

else, who hit the guy next to him, and made him crash into a pole.

A week later, I was sitting at a red light when it turned green.

My gut told me to wait and not go.

Suddenly, a red car came zooming from the intersection, ran the red light, hit the car

next to me, and hit the car next to him, running him straight into a pole.

It was some serious Final Destination stuff and I still get chills thinking about it-

… so for that one, is was an exact copy of what happened in his dream except this

time - he learnt from it.

Thats interesting.

Out of all the ones weve looked at today, I don't think there are many examples of people

either learning from their premonition or even having the power to stop it from coming

true - what do you think the reason is for that?

Well, I dunno about you but this has given me a lot to think about - my gut tells me

that there is a separation between reality and dreams but stories like this really make

me question things - Im interested to hear your take on it - thanks for listening as

always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Nightmares That Became Real Stories - Duration: 11:44.


Symptoms of Meningitis That Every Parent Should Know About - Duration: 10:13.

symptoms of meningitis that every parent should know about when we become sick

it's easy to mistake in our symptoms with the flu

take meningitis for example it causes stiffness headaches and a high fever

these symptoms are all very similar to flu-like symptoms

so while to the average person this may seem like a cold or flu it actually

isn't due to the assumption it may not get treated with proper care

typically meningitis is triggered by a bacterial or viral fungal infection and

if left untreated can become life-threatening if the proper

antibiotics are not taken with that said if you suspect that you or someone you

know is suffering from meningitis there will be certain symptoms and signs that

will be evident before we begin this video don't forget to become a member of

the besties universe by subscribing to our channel so that you never miss one

of our new videos and make sure you share our videos with all your friends

to let them in on the amazing tips tricks and life hacks now keep watching

for signs and symptoms of meningitis that every parent should know about

number eight stiffness most people suffering from meningitis will

experience stiffness in the neck and back because the inflammation Spurs from

the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord it's the constant swelling

that causes the discomfort and if you begin to experience a sudden fever or

headache to go along with that pain you may have meningitis if you're suffering

from a cold this could develop into what's called viral meningitis this type

of meningitis is not harmful or potentially harmful to your health or

others but if you also have unexplained stiffness in your neck you should go see

a doctor just in case stiffness can occur for a number of reasons for

example you may sleep on it wrong or you may have held it in an uncomfortable

position while watching TV or laying down

if you've ruled out any possible explanations for your muscle stiffness

see if you have any of the other symptoms mentioned in this video number

seven fever similar to the flu the onset of a sudden fever will occur with

meningitis as it enters the body the immune system reacts by increasing the

body temperature if you've developed a meningitis you will experience a fever

between three to seven days unfortunately this symptom is not the

most common symptom to look out for according to the American College of

Emergency Physicians only 44 percent of patients that have this infection will

show this sign this can make self diagnosing extremely difficult so if

your fever doesn't subside just keep an eye out for the other symptoms do you

know what doctors recommend people do to prevent meningitis well keep watching

till the very end so you can find out number six

headache another telltale sign of meningitis is a severe headache that

will not go away this is due to the inflammation and swelling in the

membranes that are surrounding your neck and spinal cord headaches are considered

one of the most common symptoms of meningitis it is important to identify

what type of headache you have typically if you have meningitis the headache you

will experience is not the same as the normal headache it will not subside

unless proper meningitis medication is taken the headache will feel

all-consuming and you probably won't be able to function because of the pain if

you are prone to headaches and are not sure if the headache you're having is

caused by meningitis people look out for any other sudden changes in your health

that may signify your sick number five confusion

when your brain experiences severe swelling it can hinder your ability to

function so if you're suffering from meningitis your brain will swell and you

may experience confusion inability to focus memory loss insomnia dizziness and

difficulties waking up when you're experiencing confusion it can present

itself in many different ways for instance you may have trouble discerning

what is a dream and what is real your memory may not be clear or you may

completely forget certain milestones if you're having trouble remembering

certain things or just feel like lately your brain has been extremely foggy you

may have meningitis number four sensitivity to light meningitis can

cause severe light sensitivity which squinting blurry vision and difficulty

with vision will occur under bright lights or the Sun as a result you may

start to experience a headache because of this the reason your vision becomes

blurry when you're suffering from meningitis is because the optic nerve

begins to swell in most cases the swelling will go down and your normal

vision will be restored however in severe cases of meningitis

partial or full blindness can occur in both eyes with no chance at reversal

number three nausea if you suffer from meningitis vomiting

and nausea will occur at the early stages as the infection makes its way

through the body it will upset the stomach and cause vomiting often people

will lose their appetite as well depending on the severity of the

infection extreme weight loss can occur those who already have weakened immune

systems prior to meningitis are more susceptible to catching the infection

the symptoms they experience may also be much worse because of the body's

inability to fight off the infection

number two rash often times babies and toddlers who

experience meningitis will often develop a rash the rashes appear from the

bacteria multiplying into the bloodstream which releases poisons that

begin to damage the blood vessels resulting in a rash the best way to test

if your rash is just an irritated infection or a cause of meningitis is

the glass test take a glass and press it up against the area where the rash is if

the marks stay the same and you can clearly see them through the glass go

see a doctor but if the marks fade with the pressure of the glass this is just

an irritated rash number one loss of appetite because of the nausea and

constant vomiting meningitis can affect the digestive system in a big way you

may lose your appetite or even avoid eating altogether because you fear you

might vomit it all up this could lead to an unhealthy weight loss which can lead

to even more health problems as tough as it may seem you need to try to consume

food when dealing with meningitis the more nutrients you put in your body the

stronger your immune system will become so it can fight off the infection in

severe cases people will get admitted to the hospital so they can be put on an

intravenous so the patient can stay hydrated if you notice that you've lost

your appetite or just don't want to eat because you feel nauseous when you do it

it's a major warning sign that you may have meningitis if you've lost your

appetite and notice that you're starting to lose weight it may be time to go to

the doctor or the emergency room especially if you are exhibiting some

other symptoms mentioned in this video now that you know what signs to look out

for that you may have meningitis here are some ways you can avoid meningitis

by living a healthy lifestyle yet vaccinated did you know that there's

a vaccine for meningitis according to everyday health one of the

most effective ways to prevent meningitis is to get vaccinated there

are currently two vaccines for meningitis available in the United

States the sinners for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people

get vaccinated for meningitis at 11 or 12 years old they also recommend that

teens receive a booster shot for it between the ages of

sixteen and eighteen years old so whether you are afraid of needles or not

make sure you get the vaccine if you want to avoid contracting meningitis

don't share your personal items you can catch meningitis when you come in

contact with respiratory or throat secretions from someone who has

meningitis so don't share personal items with

people unless you want to risk getting sick this includes sharing personal

items or kissing so avoid sharing drinking glasses straws water bottles

lipstick cigarettes soda cans and even more wash your hands viruses and

bacteria that cause meningitis can easily get on your hands and travel from

your hands to your mouth reduce your chances of getting meningitis by washing

your hands frequently especially after being in a crowded place coughing or

blowing your nose in a bathroom and even more boost your immune system keep your

immune system strong by eating healthy foods like fruits whole grains

vegetables and lean protein make sure you get regular exercise and take good

care of your health this can all help boost your immune system and keep you

healthy preventing infections and viruses that can cause meningitis living

a healthy active lifestyle which includes a nutritious diet can do

wonders in preventing sickness and keeping your immune system healthy so

spruce up your diet and your exercise regime and reap the rewards have you

ever had meningitis what are some symptoms that weren't mentioned in this

video that someone has meningitis let us know in the comments section below

enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also

subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching


For more infomation >> Symptoms of Meningitis That Every Parent Should Know About - Duration: 10:13.


Top 5 Scary IT Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed - Duration: 4:58.

IT Chapter 1 was released in 2017, but let's face it, we're far from over the terrifying

demonic clown that is Pennywise.

IT Chapter 2 is set to be released on September 6th 2019, and has a STELLAR cast, including

the likes of, Jessica Chastain, Bill Hader, James McAvoy, and, of course, reprising his

role as Pennywise the dancing clown, Bill Skarsgard.

So, why not venture back to Chapter 1 to revisit the easter eggs we all missed, cos let's face

it, we were ALL hiding behind our hands.

Hey guys, welcome back to Top 5 Scary Videos, I'm your host Lucy McPhee, if you're a

fan of the I.T franchise be sure to give this video a big thumbs up.

Alright, let's jump into our list of the Top 5 Scary IT Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed.

5 The OG Pennywise Now this one's a classic, and for the Tim

Curry fans out there, I'm sure most of you caught this little easter egg.

During the scene where the losers enter the terrifying house on Neibolt Street, Richie

gets trapped in a room with the less scary, but still pretty unnerving, Pennywise.

The clown hops on top of a coffin before hurtling himself towards Richie in a traumatic style.

Well, as this happens we can VERY briefly catch a glimpse of some clown masks and dolls.

But one on the far left corner stands out in particular.

Take a look, Yup, that's Tim Curry's Pennywise, making

sure that we never forget who the original scary clown was.

4 Christine On a slightly more uplifting note, in the

scene right before the Losers head over to look at the Derry sewer map, we catch a straight

on glimpse of Eddie's T-shirt.

Why is this a big deal?

Well, the t-shirt has a graphic of a murderous car with giant pointy teeth, in a VERY similar

fashion to the car Stephen King wrote about in his novel Christine.

A book specifically about a murderous car, minus the teeth.

In the book Christine murders each member of a gang after they destroy her paintwork.


And two friends must take down the car before it takes down them.

A film was also made in 1983m directed by John Carpenter, everyone's favourite horror


3 The Last Losers Now this one is really cool, and KEY to knowing

what's coming next in IT Chapter 2.

At the end of the film, the losers stand in a circle holding hands, pledging that they

will all return to Derry if Pennywise is ever to return.

Now, the order in which the group leave the circle is very important.

Stan leaves first, then Eddie.

In the book this is the order in which the losers die.

Stan slits his own wrists to avoid facing the demonic entity once more, prefering to

end it all together than to risk losing his loved ones.

Then Eddie is killed during the final showdown with the creature.

It's kinda sad knowing that Chapter 2 isn't going to have a pleasant outcome for these


Hopefully things are more optimistic for Bill and Beverly, aka, the last two to leave the


2 The Deadlights Are Real So, remember the scene where Pennywise opens

his toothy mouth to reveal swirling lights inside of his gaping hole.


Well, this is a reference to another dimension called the Deadlights, aka, the place where

Pennywise resides each 27 years, because that dude aint living in the sewers, or drinking

mojitos on a beach for all that time.

Now Deadlights is only ever mentioned in the book, but the film nails it's description,

orange lights swirling inside of his body.

More interesting though, the Deadlights essentially confirm to us that Pennywise is more of conduit

of sorts, and in reality is being controlled by a magic being who resides inside of the



It almost makes you sympathize with Pennywise...well, just a tiny little bit.

Perhaps in Chapter 2 we'll get this explained, or at least get another cool reference about

the dimension.

1 Turtles Now, this one is crazy.

For those of you who never read the original novel, this will be a shock, surprise, and

perhaps even give you a laugh.

In the book, the Losers encounter a turtle named Maturin, an ancient mystical entity

that gives the losers advice on how to defeat Pennywise.

Kinda crazy, I know, but the entire film is about a demonic clown slaying children and

dragging them into other dimensions, a talking turtle isn't actually that absurd.

Now, the film pays homage to the lore of the turtle, by adding in some subtle easter eggs

for those Stephen King lovers out there.

During one scene we see Ben ducking into the lake in order to catch a turtle he spotted,

seems innocent enough, but in reality it's the turtle protecting him from upcoming onslaught.

In another scene Bill goes into Georgie's room, RIP Georgie, and he picks up a lego

turtle and drops it when he hears a noise.

They're both smart references to the novel without hitting us over the head with it.

I don't know though, maybe Maturin the talking turtle will make his big debut in Chapter


Well there we have it!

Did you guys catch these easter eggs?

Are you excited for IT Chapter 2?

I know I am.

Leave us all your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below, and while you're

down there be sure to give this video a big thumbs up, subscribe, and turn on notifications

so you never miss another scary vid.

If you want to continue on your frightening binge be sure to click on that playlist floating

above, and until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary IT Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed - Duration: 4:58.


Self Care Christmas Gift Ideas | Holiday Hacks to Unwind | POPSUGAR's Holiday Gift Guide - Duration: 2:08.

Happy Holidays!

I'm Kirbie Johnson.

And I'm Britt Stephens.

This is the POPSUGAR Holiday Gift Guide for Freeform.

Where our editors make gift-giving easy.

Alright. Admit it. The holidays are stressful!

So relax and help a special someone

unwind with these soothing gifts.

Natural remedies were huge this year thanks to trends like #selfcaresunday dominating Instagram.


Add a little spa life to someone's home

with the Vitruvi Stone Diffuser.

And you know what?

Diffusers are the new neon sign in home décor.

But why just look cool when you can chill out too?

And essential oils are essential, so add them in style.

Okay, how much space can this bad boy fill?

So, this ceramic diffuser handles up to 540 square feet.


Ah, cedar wood? Right?

Don't zone out on me, Kirbie.

The Vitruvi Stone Diffuser is $119 at

Awesome. What's next?

2018 was the year of the crystal. They seeped into almost everything.

Oh, I know. I live in LA.

Right. Well now you can infuse them into your water.


The Wellness Gem Water Bottle by VitaJuwel

will have you feeling like your best self.

The gems you choose add benefits to your hydration.

Okay. So, they're gems with benefits?


The wellness blend soothes your mind with amethyst and rose quartz.

And you can pick one up for $78 at

Beautiful. Alright. Sleep solutions were a big deal on our site this year.

Because sleep is in, but it's always in. Right?


My story on weighted blankets really took off. But they can be expensive.

So, we found this weighted sleep mask from Gravity.

Let me get this guy. So, we all need help getting a little shut-eye every now and then. Right?

Exactly. And deep touch pressure calms the nervous system and hits relaxation pressure points.

Alright. I gotta try this. I'm getting very sleepy.

Catch the best snooze for $29.99 at

Okay. Another second and using this properly, and I will be out like a light.

Keep watching Freeform's Kickoff to Christmas.

And stay up to date on our self care picks at

For more infomation >> Self Care Christmas Gift Ideas | Holiday Hacks to Unwind | POPSUGAR's Holiday Gift Guide - Duration: 2:08.


✅6 Man Bun Accessories Every Guy Needs - Man Bun Monthly Ep8 - Duration: 12:00.

- Hey guys, and welcome back to my channel.

Welcome to episode eight of the Man Bun Monthly series.

So just to catch you up, if you're brand new,

I'm Thomas, and this is my man bun series

where we share our man bun tips and tricks.

And we're pretty much just exploring the man bun

and how you can make yours look the best it can.

Now, this video today is one of the most exciting ones

that I think I could bring out for this man bun series.

What I'm going to be covering is six mandatory items

that I believe every man bun wearer

should have in their arsenal,

just because it helps tidy it up a little bit.

And I wouldn't be anywhere without the accessories

that I'm going to be talking about today.

So I think, without further ado, let's get into it.

Also, if you are joining at episode eight,

make sure you go back and watch every single other episode,

because there's been some pretty cool ones.

We've looked at different types of man buns,

fake man buns, the perfect man bun length.

Man bun whatever, you name it, we got it.

And I'm always after more suggestions,

so if you have more suggestions after watching this video,

leave them in the comments.

And remember to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it,

'cause it always helps me out.


All right, so moving on to accessory number one.

Now, this one seems the most obvious

out of all of them, right?

A hair tie.

Now, before you roll your eyes and click away,

hair ties aren't just hair ties, oh.

People would have clicked away by now.

The type of hair tie you go for

is actually quite a necessity.

So if you get a hair tie

that doesn't have enough elasticity,

you won't get a tight enough man bun,

you won't be able to achieve the look you want.

And not only that, hair ties,

if we actually look at how much they cost to make

compared to how much they sell for,

they're actually quite expensive.

So you wanna make sure you're buying hair ties

that are gonna last you longer,

that won't pull your hair out, just a tip.

A hair tie with a metal piece on it, steer clear of those.

Because they're what actually catches onto your hair,

and then when you take it out it rips

and breaks the hair off.

You want something more smooth,

this one here is from The Longhairs.

And it's like a one centimetre width,

it's like a polyester elastic material that's very soft.

And when you pull it out of your hair,

it just slips off.

And not only that, they're novelty

and they've got different prints and stuff like that.

That's all the cool branding that they put onto them.

However, a hair tie like this, I find,

is really, really useful.

I also like just general elastic ones with no metal piece.

They seem to work the best for me

and I get most wear and tear out of them.

Inevitably, with most hair ties

you will get a little bit of give.

They all stretch at some point.

There's no hair tie, that I've found,

that doesn't stretch and give over time.

If you can find a hair tie that lasts for as long as it can

and it doesn't pull your hair out,

that's gonna be the best thing for you.

And yes, it's an accessory that every man bun wearer needs

because without one, you don't have it.

Actually, you can by without having a hair tie,

it's another piece of elastic called a bungee cord.

They're pretty cool as well.

Why haven't I got one of them?

I think Josh tried to give me one once, but anyway.

It's a necessity, it's an accessory that every guy must have

if they're gonna wear a man bun.

And now it's time to get on to the second thing.

So the second accessory on my list is bobby pins.

You guys know, if you've watched any

of my man bun tutorials before,

bobby pins are an absolute necessity.

These, particularly for me, help with tidying it up.

Actually, if you look at my hair today,

you'll notice that I've got two in the back, just here.

So those two in the back,

what they're actually doing is, when I don't have them in,

I actually have all these little hairs

that stick down the back.

There's probably some still there now.

But the idea is to just be able to tidy it up a little bit.

Now, some people really hate the look of bobby pins.

Some people don't even like

the fact that they have to wear them. (laughs)

But for me they're a saviour.

They help secure my bun.

They help me tidy up the backs.

Especially with braiding, as well,

if you're gonna wear a man bun braid

and there's any loose bits in your braid.

Without needing to take the whole braid out,

you can just use a bobby pin to disguise it

and they can be hidden really easily in braids, as well.

So bobby pins are always something

that I would recommend you guys get,

just so you have them there and you know how they work.

And they can really help your man bun last longer

and look better.

I did a messy man bun tutorial not so long ago, as well.

I think that was episode five of this series.

So you can go and see how I use hair ties

and bobby pins together to tidy up my man bun.

Or get it perfect, if you will.

The next accessory on the list is a beard trimmer.

So this is my Remington beard trimmer,

I've had it for like,


a thousand years.

I've had it for a really long time.

It's battery operated, you charge it on the wall,

it just has a plugin that goes into it

and then it charges it up.

And when it runs out, you recharge it like that.

What I use a beard trimmer for

is just tidying up the sides.

I think I also did this in episode four of this series,

where I showed you how I tidy up my sideburns.

And tidy up my werewolf pieces.

I use it to just keep the sides tidy.

A lot of you guys did say in that video, though,

that you like to keep a bit of sideburn.

And that's cool, you can actually use something like this

to style those sideburns.

But also, with the werewolf pieces,

some people also said that they enjoy having those.

I just can't see how that's possible.

I just really like a clean shaven part there.

So I beard trim it myself.

I find it a really useful tool,

not only for tidying up my man bun

but for manscaping everywhere as well.

It's just nifty, it's small, it's rechargeable,

and it's low maintenance.

So I would always recommend a beard trimmer.

I also, just on top of that,

I have a blog post that lists all of these things for you.

If you wanna go and check out any of the ones that I use,

I've left links and everything in the blog post.

That is on my website,

and that will be in the description box below.

All right, moving on to accessory number four.

So accessory number four is a wide tooth comb,

like this guy I've got here.

(electronic dance music)


It's the new in thing.

Comb glasses.

Just kidding.

The thing I like about wide tooth combs

is, opposed to a fine tooth comb,

the hair can pass through this a lot easier.

Now, if we go back to the thing with hair ties,

tugging is an issue.

I find with my hair, if I use a fine tooth comb,

it a: puts more pressure on my hair

and takes more hair out that I don't want to lose.

And it also tugs on my hair a lot, so it can snap it.

It's just not a great deal.

So I find, even opposed to a hairbrush as well,

something like a wide tooth comb.

It just easily and gently gets in between the hairs

and straightens them out,

and makes your hair more manageable

and more work-with-able.

If that's a word.

So I really, really suggest getting a fine tooth comb.

They're also really good for doing head massaging, as well.

When I jump in the shower

and I'll use my anti dandruff shampoo,

I'll always get this guy and just shuffle it along my scalp,

just to get it a little bit more deeper into the scalp.

I really, really like it,

(metal clang)


It's useful for a lot of things, really.

And I would suggest investing in one.

They come up fairly cheaply, as well.

And, the last note about these.

Apart from not tugging on your hair,

the de-tangling, for all of you who get really knotty hair,

it's a good way to get the knots out

without it being a big struggle.

I find a hairbrush, 'cause they're so wide,

especially if you have a paddle brush,

the whole thing's gotta go through the hair.

With this one, it's just one line of bristles

that go, woosh.

It just really works, I really like it.

Moving on to accessory number five.

So accessory number five is a leave-in conditioner.

So you guys know, I wish I had a fuller bottle of this.

This bottle looks so sad.

I'm down to the end of my bhave leave-in cream.

I have to go get some more.

Leave-in conditioner is essential,

well, for people who have hair types like me,

which I know a lot of you do.

I found using a leave-in conditioner

actually helps keep my hair in a healthier condition.

I don't have to put too many other things in it

to keep it healthy.

I find a leave-in conditioner actually does really well.

And I've noticed most times, when I go to the hairdresser,

they always give me a comment

on how healthy my hair actually is.

And literally the most that I do

is use my leave-in conditioner and my oil.

For a nice-looking bun, a nice shiny bun,

you're better off investing in something like that.

It can be a supermarket brand one.

I think the first one I ever used was Garnier,

and I actually thought it was pretty good.

Except, as I've moved on with my hair stuff on my channel,

I've just tried different products

and bhave's the one that I've loved ever since I tried it.

So yeah, that's my fave.

And for accessory number six,

we've got a high to medium hold product.

So a styling product.

You'll see I've got more BluMaan promotion, check it out.

So you'll see here I've got all of my BluMaan products up,

the reason I'm showing the BluMaan ones today

is because they have slowly but surely

creeped up on my favourites list as I've been playing around

with more of them over the time.

I think my three favourites that I've tried so far,

especially in terms of medium to high hold,

are the Monarch Paste,

this is great for structuring and it's got a matte finish.

The Cavalier Clay, as well,

this one has a high, high hold.

It's a little bit harder to work through your hair

than the other products,

however I still really like the effect it gives.

And the smell of it's pretty good, too.

And then the most recent one is the Fifth Sample Pomade.

I have converted to liking pomades now, after trying this.

It gives a low shine effect.

I'm not really a shiny person,

but it gives a low shine and it actually

holds the hair in place.

This one, out of all the BluMaan products,

really helped me tame my flyaways down.

So flyaways are like the pointy-outy-bits.

I have just a little bit of it now to sleek it down,

and you can see the shine in my hair.

You can see the natural shine in my hair

and the flyaways are minimal.

I've always said you can never, ever, ever

get rid of every flyaway,

because there's just too many of them.

They're born to do what they want.

But a product like this can really help you stick them down

and tidy up your man bun.

Honestly, when I didn't use it, just before this,

we'd been out in the wind at Subway getting some lunch.

And my flyaways just had had enough,

they were just stickin' out everywhere.

And then all I do is use a bit of product

to stick them back down,

and then we're good to go again.

That's why I would recommend getting

some kind of high hold product.

If you like shine go for a pomade.

But be very careful which one you pick,

if you don't like lots of shine just be careful.

They're a really tedious product to work with.

And the other two are the Monarch Matte Paste

and the Cavalier Clay.

They're my faves.

And that's my recommendation.

And that is my six accessories

that I think every man bun wearer should have.

I hope you guys found this informative.

How many out of these six

do you actually have in your arsenal?

Because I'd be really interested to know.

I feel like bobby pins are the one

where most guys don't use them.

Seriously, I think you're missing out.

Let me know what accessories you use for your man bun.

And if you have any other tips that maybe I could use,

make sure you let me know in the comment section below.

For any other suggestions on this man bun series,

please let me know.

And don't forget, we're doing no-shave November

at the moment.

And I have a donation link down below.

It's coming to the end of the month now,

and we've raised this much money.

We don't know what that number is yet. (laughs)

We've raised this much money, and my goal was $250.

Because I'm filming this before the end of the month,

I'm hoping that that is over the $250 amount.

But we'll wait and see.

If you want to know more about that,

just head to the link in the description box below

and you can learn all about it there.

It's to raise awareness for cancer,

and it's a bit of fun.

So that's all I have for you. (laughs)

Thank you so much for coming back and watching this episode

of the Man Bun Monthly series.

And I will see you next month for our next episode,

which will be episode nine.

I don't even know how many episodes

I'm going to be doing of this,

it's when I run out of ideas, you know?

That's it, see you later guys!

Have a great day!



For more infomation >> ✅6 Man Bun Accessories Every Guy Needs - Man Bun Monthly Ep8 - Duration: 12:00.


Prince Harry reveals the real reason Charles walks Meghan Markle down the aisle - Duration: 11:48.

Prince Harry revealed real reason Charles walked Megan Markel down the aisle before Megan Markel and Prince Harry tied the knot on May 19th

2018 there was much speculation over who would walk the royal bride down the aisle

With all the drama between the duchess of sussex and her father thomas Markel including him bailing on the wedding altogether

She was in need of someone else to take his place

Luckily Prince Charles didn't hesitate to step up and take on the job himself the moment between Markel and Charles proved

Just how sweet their relationship is, but we never knew exactly why he was the one to walk her down the aisle

But now Harry revealed the real reason his father had the honor of accompanying his bride

Charles would do whatever Megan needs in a new BBC documentary Prince son and heir Charles at 70

Harry reflected on a conversation he had with his father

I asked him to and I think he knew it was coming and he immediately said yes, of course

I'll do whatever Megan needs and I'm here to support you. He said Harry also noted for him

That's a fantastic opportunity to step up and be that support and you know, he's our father


Of course, he's going to be there for us. Camilla parker-bowles called it a lovely gesture during the wedding

Harry could be seen whispering a subtle thank-you to Charles for walking Markel down the aisle

It's safe to say Camilla parker-bowles was impressed by her husband's kind gesture and Harry's gratitude

I think that was very touching

She revealed in the documentary sitting where I was you couldn't hear what he said but afterwards watching it on the television

I think it was a very it was a lovely gesture

Charles even held hands with Markel's mother Doria Ragland during the ceremony and it didn't go unappreciated by Parker Bowles

Seeing my husband actually take the bride's mother by the hand to sign the registry. It's something that moved everybody

She said it's the things he does behind the scenes that people don't know about

I don't think people realise quite how kind he is. Harry voiced how grateful he is for his father

The media may not always been in Charl his favor, but there's no denying

He's been a good father to Prince William and Harry over the years Harry pointed out in the documentary. I've been brought up

Well, you've gotta say thank you. He added just because he's my father

That doesn't mean I can just sort of go. Okay. That's all I'll take it from here

I was very grateful for him to be able to do that

Markel partially walked herself down the aisle while Charles had the honor of walking Markel down the aisle

We can't forget that the royal bride broke boundaries by walking herself halfway down in a stunning sight to see

Markel made her way down the checkered floor in her 16 1/2 foot long silk tall veil and givenchy wedding gown all by herself

This was the first time many bride had made such a bold move in a British royal wedding after making her grand entrance

She met Charles at the choir where the royal family was seated from there Charles

Led Markel the rest of the way to meet her groom. Thank you for watching the video

What do you think about this?

please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and

Do not forget like and share the video with everyone if you feel this video is useful

Prince Charles Camilla and Megan the new Dutchess of Sussex laughs together at the Prince of Wales's birthday party

For the first time at this afternoon's garden party Megan will be addressed in a Royal Highness hrh in public

Prince Charles and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall are joined by Harry Duke of Sussex and Megan Duchess of Sussex

Megan's nerves at her first public outing were quickly offset by a

Light-hearted moment when a bumble bee flew and the Prince Harry's ear during his speech sending her into a fit of few pills

William I draw inspiration from everyday

The Duchess of Sussex was given a warm welcome into the family with Prince Harry

Explicitly referring to the garden party as a family celebration during his speech

Megan enjoyed only a brief private getaway with Harry following their wedding at Windsor Castle on Saturday

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex smiles for the cameras along with Charles and Camilla at the birthday celebration today

People will be expected to curtsy to the new duchess of sussex and color ma'am at the garden party

The Duchess asked her father-in-law to accompany a part of the aisle for the st. George's Chapel service

The garden party sees more than 6,000 people descend on the grounds of Buckingham Palace for music and speeches

Prince Harry speaks to those gathered for Charles is 70th birthday celebrations while Camilla and Megan listen

The garden party saw more than six thousand people all from the charities and military associations

most closely linked with the prince descent on the grounds of Buckingham Palace

Asked whether Megan would be insisting on royal protocol being enforced Kensington Palace declined to comment

Prince Harry speaks as Charles and mekin listen at the garden party at Buckingham Palace this afternoon

To get involved in issues we care passionately about and to do whatever we can to make a difference

in fact many of the issues

Megan the Dutchess of Sussex walks with her husband Prince Harry as they attend the garden party this afternoon

Prince Harry has offered an increasingly public insight into his relationship with his father this year

The newlyweds look delighted to be in attendance of the garden party despite sacrificing having a full honeymoon to make it

Garden parties now allow the Queen and other members of the royal family to recognize and reward public service

Once inside the garden party around

27,000 cups of tea are served

20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cakes are eaten

Prince Harry Duke of Sussex Prince Charles Prince of Wales

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall and Megan Duchess of Sussex

Megan looked elegant in a dress by gold and hat by Philip Treacy for the blocking and palace garden party

Megan's outfit today comes after she stuns royal fans with her wedding dress by British designer Clair white Keller

The former suit star swapped the handbag

She usually sports for a pale pink clutch bag and in her most surprising departure from her typical style

done two parrots low-noise sheer tights

Charles will actually turn 70 on November 14th with this the first public celebration of the milestone

The Duchess of Cornwall shares a joke with the new duchess of sussex at the Buckingham Palace garden party today

The Duchess of Sussex holds her hat at a garden party at Buckingham Palace in London this afternoon

Megan is said to have met Charles frequently in private and found they had a great deal of common ground

Megan and Charles are said to have found they have much common ground in terms of their charitable interests

Guests enjoyed music speeches and of course a customary cup of tea and cucumber sandwich

Harry and his new bride Megan worked closely with Prince Charles on the choice of music for their big day

Megan proudly shows off her rings. She holds her clutch purse at the Prince of Wales's 70th birthday celebrations

There is clearly a growing bond between 36 year old former actress Megan and her new family

Prince Charles poke with pretend the Sherpa of the Sherpa Heritage Museum project during the garden party

Megan smiles as she attends the garden party at Buckingham Palace today in her new role as Duchess of Sussex

Harry and Megan's wedding ceremony on Saturday and Windsor was hailed as reflecting the diversity of the UK

today's teas 70th birthday patronage celebration will see the royal family joined by members of the public the

Duchess of sussex is at the event celebrating charles charitable work and association with military regiments and units

Garden parties have been a fixture of Buckingham Palace since Queen Victoria's time

Prince Harry and Megan Markel returned to duty this afternoon delaying their honeymoon to honor Prince Charles

Megan Markel leaps Kensington Palace in London to head to a garden party at Buckingham Palace today

Prince Charles waved to well-wishers as he arrives for a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate a 70th birthday

Megan is at the event celebrating Charles's charitable work and association with military regiments and units

The Duchess of Sussex smiles as arrives for a golden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the 70th birthday of Charles

The Duchess of Sussex is seen leaving Kensington Palace to attend the Prince of Wales is 70th birthday celebrations today

It is likely be a strange experience for the new Duchess. Not just because she will never have seen anything like it

For more infomation >> Prince Harry reveals the real reason Charles walks Meghan Markle down the aisle - Duration: 11:48.


【Twins on drugs】-*sheet post*- -*turn on the captions-* - Duration: 0:16.

Unknown: What drugs are you using?

Pentagram: Lemonade and yaoi, you trucker.

Pentagram: want som' drugss?

Unknown: nO, are you high again on yaoi?

Pentagram: Yes daddy I am



For more infomation >> 【Twins on drugs】-*sheet post*- -*turn on the captions-* - Duration: 0:16.


Christmas Then Vs Now! - Duration: 3:34.

Hi guys, welcome back to my channel as you can tell by the title in these thumbnail, this is then first now

Christmas things have changed from when you are a kid to now I noticed

Tell me if you can relate to any of these in the comments down below

Let's jump into the video

Fuck web gotta get really good sweep of sleeps to better the more don't we are wait. Oh,

Okay, go to sleep I

Can't fall asleep. Oh my god

Dude oh yeah. Oh I should make myself into a burrito. So then I'll fall asleep. Oh

Maybe I should go downstairs

This is I think oh good natural

I'm four photos go by the Christmas tree

Now no no no

No, no



For this video. Thank you so much for watching

I hope you enjoyed if you did give it a huge thumbs up if you like me or my channel might as well subscribe

Click the red button down below and I'll see you guys in next week's video. I

For more infomation >> Christmas Then Vs Now! - Duration: 3:34.


¿Por qué Symbian murió? El sistema móvil mas usado - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué Symbian murió? El sistema móvil mas usado - Duration: 10:44.


車内で録る feat. MGM [prod. by ヱスケー] - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 車内で録る feat. MGM [prod. by ヱスケー] - Duration: 2:37.


Şahin Tepesi / Falcon Crest Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

You have kept who you are from us for years, mother! You have fooled us, deceived us!

Don't be so selfish! Do you know how I am? How am I coping with this grief?

Because you want to get even with her, we will get so much mauling here. Do you realize that?

Good morning!

Thank you.

- You feel uneasy because she is here. You are afraid that you will be drawn to her again, aren't you? - What are you talking about, man?

- For telling how we killed our uncle... - What are you saying? What's this nonsense?

Don't do this! Don't!

- Could this be a secret between us? - A secret?

For more infomation >> Şahin Tepesi / Falcon Crest Trailer - Episode 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


The Vital Report - 26/11/2018 - Duration: 3:23.

Welcome to The Vital Report.

Here we are on location in Darwin, Australia!

This is the capital of the Northern Territory, the only territory in Australia.

Darwin is the smallest and most northerly of Australia's captial cities.

Here in the Top End we've got a tropical climate, with a dry season, and particularly now, a

wet season.

Here I am, in Darwin, in the middle of the day, around the hottest time of the year,

in full-blaring sun.

I'm gonna need some help!

Nick Hose has written a story for ABC News entitled, "How do people in the tropics keep

their cool?"

It's a part of a story series they call "Curious Darwin", in which readers ask a series of

questions and they get an article to answer it.

Well people have been asking how Darwin locals cope with the heat and the humidity, particularly

around this hot'n'rainy season.

And Nick has spoken to some locals to find answers.

A senior Larrakia elder, Bill Risk, great name, says Aboriginal techniques for keeping

cool include knowing where the nearest water and shade is.

Excuse me.

Katherine Hamilton, who works at the Northern Territory Archives, says electricity was of

course a big game-changer.

It transformed people's ability to stay cool around here, and made things far more comfortable.

Rosie Curran comments "I can live without an air-conditioner, but I can't live without

my fan, I drag it around like an intravenous drip".

She runs an ironing shop.

Her advice is to "just mop your brow and keep going."

Just this week my hairdresser was telling me she sometimes just goes from wet tea towel

to wet tea towel to combat the heat.

Just wet tea towel after wet tea towel.

Good times.

Thermal physiologist Dr Matt Brearley studies the effects of heat on the body, and says

that it's not all about hydration.

When your body gets too hot, it can feel like a hangover.

You've got to lower that internal body temperature.



And hey, we're not complaining about nothing here in Darwin.

Meteorologist Pieter Claassen says Darwin "takes the cake for humidity nationwide" and

is "the stickiest place in Australia".

Particularly around now, in the build-up.

The bad news is that with global warming, things are only forecast to get hotter.

The good news?

Clearly people here have plenty of creative ways to keep their cool around here.

I hope you've enjoyed The Vital Report, sponsored by ego.

Forget eager and eagle, if you want something you can boast about, get up on your high horse

and be proud about ego.

That's it from me.

Merry Christmas and hasta la vista.


It's warm.

For more infomation >> The Vital Report - 26/11/2018 - Duration: 3:23.


Lil Xan - Good Girl (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 3:30.

Yeah, ayy

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, ayy Yeah, ayy

You seem like a good girl

You seem...

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, ayy

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, ayy

I could really use one, one

I been on this newport yeah

Always been a good sport, yeah

Never good at playing sports, yeah

At my autopsy

I hope I'm wearing gold teeth

And some new ripped jeans

(And some new ripped jeans)

At my autopsy I hope I'm wearing gold teeth and some new ripped jeans (new ripped jeans)

I'm ahead of my time

Y'all just catching my vibe

And the radio pop old

So I just left it behind

I think it's over

I don't even know the time of day

Hate when it rains, ain't no shine today

Hate when it rains, ain't no shine today

All these drugs that I do

I'ma be blind one day

All these drugs that I do

I'ma be blind one day

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, yeah

You seem like a good girl, yeah

I could really use one, one

I been on this new [?] yeah

Always been a good sport, yeah

Never good at playing sports, yeah

And some new ripped jeans

And some new ripped jeans

And some new ripped jeans

I'm ahead of my time

Y'all just catching my vibe

So I just left it behind

I just left it behind

I think it's over

I don't even know the time or day

Hate when it rains, ain't no shine today

All these drugs that I do

I'ma be blind one day

You seem like a good girl, ayy

You seem like a good girl

[?] so fucked up

You seem like a good girl

Out the booth, out the booth

Ayy, uh uh uh

For more infomation >> Lil Xan - Good Girl (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 3:30.


Cascada - Evacuate the Dancefloor (Karaoke Version) | TracksPlanet - Duration: 3:50.




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