Gacha Life Sleeves Glitch
Williamson elevates for nasty windmill jam | College Basketball - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
Garland County Officer involved shooting KNWA - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
V形UFO又被拍到「偷偷在閃電裡充電!」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
HİÇ BU KADAR GERİLMEDİM OUTLAST 2 TÜRKÇE - Duration: 20:20.-------------------------------------------
TobyMac - The Elements - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
From "Daphne Sometimes" To "Daphne Always": Trans Woman Reflects On Her Journey To Authenticity. - Duration: 7:20.My name is Daphne Overbeck.
I am from Roseland, New Jersey.
The year is 2013.
It's mid-February.
I wake up at 7:00 AM in my ex's place in Jersey City and I have to make it to a 9:30 AM logic
lecture at NYU.
So I have two and a half hours to get there.
It takes about two hours.
And I can't possibly leave without putting on my full face first.
I glue my brows down and hike them up to the hairline, get a good full contour going, overdraw
my lip.
And I draw - it was right here - a little star and I fill that in in yellow and then
I put a little happy face on it.
I threw on a car - it was a striped, a striped cardigan, a black and gray striped cardigan
that I put a corset on top of and then, like, a pair of, like, trousers and these neon color
block slingback Guess heels from DSW.
This is a very characteristic scene of that era of my life.
I was in this relationship.
I was going to school full time and NYU and I was pursuing a career in performance as
a drag queen name Daphne Sometimes.
My ex and I, we would go out after I would have a day of class and we would go and, you
know, party until whatever hours of the night.
I remember this one time we got into this horrible fight because I refused to get out
of drag.
And I just was so adamantly like, no, I don't want to stop looking like this.
We would get into these long discussions about her gender politics and ideas of how having
grown up as someone who was assigned female at birth, how she had certain disadvantages
that I, as someone who was assigned male at birth, did not have.
In fact, I had advantages in those places and because of that, I would never be able
to understand what it means to be a woman.
And that's a pretty classic tenet of trans-exclusionary feminism.
I held on to that for a long time as a reason,like, not to pursue being a woman anymore than when
I was performing as a drag queen.
So when I did finally break out of that relationship, because it was just too much for both of us
and I don't think either of us could handle it anymore, I was very lucky to fall upon
a friend who also happened to be going through a breakup, who had another friend who is also
going through a breakup.
So I found the circle of friends and I quickly moved in with them and I finished college
when I was living in that apartment with them.
You know, we'd be sitting on this couch and I'd be like, you know, one day, "Hey Jeremy,
I kinda wanna go get some makeup that isn't drag makeup and start, you know, maybe just
like wearing makeup during the day.
What do you think?"
"Yeah, girl.
Go for it.
You totally, you should.
Like, I really think you should."
Or, "So, Ragamuffin, I kind of want to go get these shoes and I know they're women's
shoes, but I just don't want to-"
Do it.
They're so cute.
You gotta do it."
These people would just like see me coming more into my own and encourage that.
One of those conversations on the couch - one of those late night after a few joints and
a few beers from the bodega.
I was nervous about this one.
I said, "Hey, Jeremy.
I think that I wanna try hormones."
And of course, he was super encouraging and he was really excited.
I think there - I'm pretty sure there was like a "about damn time" somewhere in
A few weeks after that, I went to APICHA Community Health Center and they got me started and
everything just, like, made sense.
By this time, I was still performing Daphne Sometimes.
I had finished this drag competition in Hell's Kitchen called, So You Think You Can Drag?"
And it was the All-Stars season.
They brought me back for one of my numbers.
It was legends and divas was the category.
And I just picked one of my favorite songs, Florence and the Machine, Dog Days Are Over.
My a birth name was Doug.
So it was the Doug Days are Over.
So there was a part where there is a [clapping], you know, that break down in that song.
So during that part, I went to the side of the stage and I picked up my old ID that had
my old name on it.
And I had already changed my name at this point.
I had already changed my name, my birth certificate, my social - everything had been switched over.
So I took it out on the stage during that part, it was during the clap, and I just like
cut that ID in half.
And then the song just, like, erupts into this celebration.
I realized after that that I didn't want to feel like a drag queen anymore.
I didn't want to feel like a man dressing up as a woman.
I just wanted to feel like myself.
So from that point on, I was no longer Daphne Sometimes but I made the choice to switch
it over and ever since I have, been Daphne Always.
Which feels like a promise.
I'm Daphne.
I look back on that, like, confused person walking through that park.
And I don't necessarily feel pity because I think I had to go through that to get to
where I am now.
But I am just so much happier and I care so much less about what other people think.
And that's one of those things that we hear from the time we're children is, "Don't
care what other people think.
Don't - it's - other people's opinions don't matter."
But I think that a lot of our lives is re-learning the same lessons over and over.
I think learning that lesson that you live your life for you and you're not living your
life for what other people think of it.
That difference has just, like, opened up a level of, like, happiness and confidence
that I wouldn't have been able to get otherwise.
Why am I not reaching my goals? - Duration: 5:06.Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful Women in Business.
The place where we practice the art and science of Effectology,
which is all about marrying the magical with the practical so you can have more money and more time, the easy way, without all the hustle.
Right, let's talk about what the problem with goals is,
because if you've set goals in the past that you haven't achieved you know how frustrating it can be:
You set this beautiful, big, exciting goal, little bit scary maybe, you put it out there, you start doing everything you need to do to achieve it...
and as time goes on it just seems to get further and further away and that becomes really disheartening and can be quite crushing.
So, there are two problems with goals.
And they are: Number one, there's this time issue.
You're here and you set a goal for there.
And, what that means is that gives you all this time, all this opportunity, to notice that it's not here yet, to start worrying, to start second guessing, and to start doubting.
So, the time is a real issue because it gives you time to, basically, screw things up.
And the second issue with it is that there is the gap between who you are now and what you have now,
and what it is you want to achieve and who you want to be at the other end.
So, these two things combine and that means that you have all this time to notice the gap.
And the more time there is, the more likely you are to notice the gap, and the more likely that is to get your attention.
So as time goes on your focus starts moving away from the goal that you're all excited about when you set it
and you start focusing on the gap, the lack of it, the fact that it's not even here yet.
And that gets your attention more and more and it actually starts to train your vibration,
you start feeling the lack, the worry, the fear.
And so what then actually happens is that you are vibrationally a match to the lack of it rather than what you do need to do,
which is vibrationally become a match to having the goal.
So, the way that goals WILL totally work for you is if you forget about focusing on the thing
and start focusing on who you need to be to achieve that goal and actually make that your work, and make that your focus.
The goal is the end result and, yes, there's going to be things that happen along the way and if it's a dollar amount...
there'll be one dollar at a time or lots of them all at once that come into the equation,
and we tend to expect that that's a linear thing so, you know, we get half way and we go "Aw, but I'm not at the halfway dollar amount."
Well who says that you can't make the whole lot on the very final day?
We don't think like that. The more time we have, the more we start worrying, and second guessing, and doubting.
So, if you are going to set goals, forget about the amounts and the exact thing that it is you're looking to achieve,
and just worry about becoming the person who is a perfect match to having that goal.
And if you can do that, if you can make that your focus, then the thing has to happen.
The reality HAS to shift, because YOU are the creator of your life.
So, I'd love to hear from you. Have you set a goal? How do you go with goals?
Do you find that short term goals you're pretty good with, long terms goals the wheels fall off?
Do you find that the bigger goals get you all excited at the beginning, but maybe you don't hit them?
I'd love to know what your experience is and have you actually thought about approaching it simply from the standpoint of,
"If I want to have this thing, who do I need to become to have it," and make THAT your focus.
So, all of this starts by connecting to what's actually important to you.
Why it is you want that end result so that you can start becoming that version of you.
So you start resonating at that level, becoming that electromagnetic being that's putting out that vibration.
So, connecting to what it is that's actually important to you about that end result is the most powerful way to get started,
and that is why I have created a beautiful, core values, Uncover Your Core Values mini-DIY course.
You can do it at home, I'm there to guide you.
There's a video, there's a meditation, and there's the step by step process that I actually take my clients and my students through in my paid programs.
And you can do it all by yourself at home,
and start really powerfully connecting to the version of you that has the end result and then everything else will get so much easier.
So, grab that from the link in the description,
I shall see you next time and, until then, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.
2018年全球戰力新排行曝光:俄軍進前三 印度被評為最佳軍隊 - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
房祖名的干媽、張衛健的干媽、謝霆鋒的干媽,沒有對比就沒有傷害! - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
首度公開回應!『小龍女』吳卓林高調娶同性老婆,媽媽吳綺莉竟然這樣回答…… 網友紛紛點贊! - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
心理测试:4把椅子,你会坐哪把?秒测出你哪年运势最棒!我明年 - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Atos 1.0 I-BJ 03-2003-APK 20 NOVEMBER 2019 - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
How to Raise A Happy & Successful Child - Peaceful Parent Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham, Summary 3/3 - Duration: 6:55.Almost every parent wants the same thing for their child.
To turn out happy, responsible, capable, considerate, emotionally healthy, and self-disciplined.
Well, it turns out, there is a great deal of valuable research on just how to do that
sensibly, and Dr. Laura Markham walks us through it in her book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids.
Keep watching to find out how.
And while you're at it, you see this button under this video.
If it's still red, press it!
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting
By Dr. Laura Markham
There are Three Big Ideas at the heart of this book:
Regulating Yourself Fostering Connection, and
Coaching, Not Controlling In previous videos we went over how regulating
yourself and your emotions affects your ability to connect with your child.
And the more deeply connected you are with your child, the more your child trusts you
have their best interests at hand, which in turn enables you to influence and guide your
child to happiness.
Links to those videos can be found in the description box below.
This video will cover: Coaching, Not Controlling.
When we think of ourselves as coaches, we know that all we have is influence – so
we work hard to stay respected and connected, so our child wants to "follow" us, as opposed
to when we try to control our children.
Besides connecting, most interactions with our children fall into one of three categories:
- Dealing with emotions - Teaching appropriate behaviour, and
- Teaching skills Let's explore how to approach each of these
areas of life with our child from a coaching, rather than controlling, perspective.
At the heart of dealing with emotions and teaching appropriate behaviour is empathy.
It's not just us seeing things from our child's point of view, but rather, feeling it in our
When your child acts out, has a meltdown or show's "troublesome behaviour", it's a signal
that your child has big feelings or unmet needs she has not yet learned to deal with
You can take care of these feelings before they burst out later on with special time
and games geared towards "emotion coaching – Links for videos on both topics below.
Once these feelings make an appearance though, Dr. Markham dares you not to discipline.
In fact, studies show that punishment creates more bad behaviour over time.
Children actually learn how to behave from what we model everyday.
And if a child doesn't know the appropriate behaviour, then teaching is in order, NOT
Instead of spanking, yelling, time outs, or even natural consequences you have control
over, allow expression of emotion, acknowledge your child's perspective, and show empathy
while limiting actions.
You can offer your child lots of love and support, while still holding high expectations
(See the description box for a video link on how to set empathetic limits and how to
wean yourself off of consequences).
Your child doesn't have to like it, but you can empathize with his unhappiness and work
on your connection.
Again, none of which is possible unless you regulate yourself.
And last but not least we have, how to guide our child in
Teaching Skills
Usually, when people mention success, they're referring to achievement.
Do well in school, get a prestigious job, etc.
Happiness though, doesn't come from this type of "success".
Instead, happiness depends on connecting deeply with others, and "self-actualization" – developing
our full potential by accessing our unique gifts, honing them and sharing them with the
If we can help our children do this and engage in the cycle of exploration and self-expression
– what is called mastery, we can help them achieve true success.
Children are motivated toward mastery when they experience the pleasure of pursuing an
interest and overcoming the inevitable challenges of mastering it.
You can help your child discover the joy of mastery by the following.
Unconditional love.
Allowing your child to believe she is deeply lovable just by being herself, and not for
her achievements is the foundation of your child's happiness, which mastery is not possible
We respect by appreciating our unique child wherever he is in his development.
We don't rush in to teach or rescue.
We respect his interests, and act as our child's partner or even assistant, rather than his
boss, as he sets the course, making ourselves available as a resource.
The scaffolding we provide for our child is what allows him to build his own inner structure
to become successful at a given behaviour.
This includes providing routines and habits, expectations for behaviour, modeling and providing
a safe environment.
The best way to help a child experience mastery is to respectfully observe him, so we see
where he needs support, and then build scaffolding in those places.
Affirm the value of joy for its own sake.
Mastery is about the joy of exploration and learning, which gives the child the motivation
to keep practicing enough to master something.
If she loves swimming, let her swim.
Support her in swimming, but don't get overly invested in coaching her for the Olympics
or you'll take the joy out of it.
Follow her lead.
Affirm your child's ability to impact the world.
The more your child has opportunities to make a difference in the world, the more he will
see himself as capable.
Help her build confidence by tackling manageable challenges, with you as backup.
Just be there to watch her.
It will give her confidence.
Praise effort, not results.
You didn't give up" or "You've almost got it!"
Teach self-encouragement.
The way we talk to our child will become their inner voice.
"Practice makes perfect."
"If you don't succeed, try, try again!"
Support him in discovering his own passions.
Children are motivated when they pursue something that's important to them rather than a goal
we generate for them.
And they discover their passions through self-directed exploration, which can look a lot like wasting
time to adults.
Respect that.
If we can put all the things we learned in this video together, and gather up our patience
and courage, we might just end up as peaceful parents with happy kids!
That is my hope for you, as well as for myself!
Volvo V60 2.4 D6 AWD Pl-I Hybrid Pure Ltd Ex BTW - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
The Mummy (1999) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 5:11.The Mummy (1999) Cast | Then and Now 2018
BMW 3 Serie 325 i High Executive Leer,Navi,Xenon - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 2.4 D6 AWD Pl-I Hybrid Summum Aut Ex Btw - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
BMW X6 M 4.4 i Automaat Schuifdak #Full Options# - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Puppet Raps Heather Boyd Comics Mean Comments - Duration: 1:20.Who are these people?
Why do I see eight of ther comics daily now? Damn, she must be annoying in person
Is there a single picture of her making a different face?
That face makes me so irrationally angry
Stop making that face. If I see one more of these posts I'm unsubbing
Is this loss? I'm getting angry that I'm angry at it. This is so bad LOL
It's making my brain hurt
Is this loss? Where do we even start with this one?
They must have access to the best drugs. It has been years I still don't get it
I feel like drugs after reading this. I'm so confused
It's funnier if you read them top to bottom. I think I just had an aneurysm and I love it.
Is this loss?
Yes, but you still injested it.
Citroën C2 1.1i Séduction,C2 NAP,STR.BEKR - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
【東方】 Pizuya's Cell - Jekyll's Love Verification Test [Subbed] - Duration: 3:38.I saw my reflection in your frightened eyes
My heart is becoming distorted
How wonderful, don't show that face to anyone else
I even want to keep your fear all to myself
All I want is to love you enough
so then why is it
that the only thing growing is my unease?
Painfully, I can't breathe
No, it shouldn't be like this
My heart creaks
even though I believe in the warmth you give me
Still anxious, I have to test you
Even when chained by a collar of thorns
would you still forgive me?
I hugged you with trembling hands
I only know how to do it this way
Help me please, don't go anywhere
With your kindness, please tell me I'm your one and only
All I want is to love you enough
so then why is it
that the feelings I received from you
are opening such a hole in my heart?
No, it shouldn't be like this
I begin to cry
even though I believe in the love that you taught me
Since my anxiety won't go away, I have to test you
Even if I deprive you of everything
would you still forgive me?
All I want is to love you enough
so then why is it
that because of my feelings for you
somehow, in the end, I can't go on?
Yes, that's right, this is fine
This is my love
I trust that you'll meet my expectations someday
So in order to eliminate my anxiety, I have to test you
"You're crazy!" Yes, that's true
Even so, I have to test you
Hurting you and betraying you
Even if I do so, would you still love me?
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